WRLC Consortium Loan Performance Summary
10/01/2015 through 10/31/2015

Total requests 3,021 1,266 29 329 428 2,789 3,076 3,411 22 566 715 1,928 579 18,159
Book loan requests 2,955 1,226 26 316 426 2,752 3,012 3,373 15 532 713 1,053 265 16,664
Book loan requests pulled 2,395 1,007 8 214 203 2,410 1,985 2,474      330 646 1,042      12,714
Book loan requests not filled 560 219 18 102 223 342 1,027 899 15 202 67 11 265 3,950
Percentage of book requests pulled 81% 82% 31% 68% 48% 88% 66% 73%      62% 91% 99%      76%
Average time taken to pull a book 17h 23h 102h 15h 10h 10h 16h 17h      51h 11h 15h      26h
Average time to fill book requests 29h 40h 58h 47h 42h 45h 16h 34h      82h 44h 35h      43h
Article loan requests 66 40 3 13 2 37 64 38 7 34 2 875 314 1,495
Article loan requests filled                               3 4                441      448
Article loan requests not filled 66 40 3 13 2 37 61 34 7 34 2 434 314 1,047
Percentage of article requests filled                               5% 11%                50%      30%
Average time to fill article requests                               49h 84h                20h      51h
Note: WR represents the WRLC Offsite Storage Facility; XX includes all libraries in Voyager that are not configured in CLS for lending.

Time to Pull Books: AU CU DA DC GA GM GT GW HS HU MU WR XX All Libs
less than 12 hours 936 354 1 131 147 1,713 835 980      60 454 409      6,020
     39% 35% 13% 61% 72% 71% 42% 40%      18% 70% 39%      47%
12 - 24 hours 1,115 396 1 47 40 524 929 1,186      55 131 490      4,914
     47% 39% 13% 22% 20% 22% 47% 48%      17% 20% 47%      39%
24 - 48 hours 274 149 1 29 14 127 173 189      81 41 137      1,215
     11% 15% 13% 14% 7% 5% 9% 8%      25% 6% 13%      10%
more than 48 hours 70 108 5 7 2 45 48 119      134 20 6      564
     3% 11% 63% 3%      2% 2% 5%      41% 3%           4%
undetermined                          1                                    1
Note: "Time to pull books" is the time elapsed between placing the original request on Voyager and when the item was charged to the "InTransit" patron at the lending library, indicating that the item has been pulled from the shelf and processed for pickup by the WRLC courier. Time is undetermined if an InTransit or Filling charge transaction is not found

Time to Fill Book Requests: AU CU DA DC GA GM GT GW HS HU MU WR XX All Libs
less than 12 hours 648 154 1 18 16 188 789 478      8 87 103      2,490
     27% 15% 13% 8% 8% 8% 40% 19%      2% 13% 10%      20%
12 - 24 hours 634 217 1 13 29 74 893 500      5 39 176      2,581
     26% 22% 13% 6% 14% 3% 45% 20%      2% 6% 17%      20%
24 - 48 hours 615 312 1 86 87 1,261 165 851      58 255 546      4,237
     26% 31% 13% 40% 43% 52% 8% 34%      18% 39% 52%      33%
more than 48 hours 455 310 2 72 64 766 47 568      224 239 161      2,908
     19% 31% 25% 34% 32% 32% 2% 23%      68% 37% 15%      23%
undetermined 43 14 3 25 7 121 91 77      35 26 56      498
     2% 1% 38% 12% 3% 5% 5% 3%      11% 4% 5%      4%
Note: "Time to fill book requests" is the time elapsed between placing the original request on Voyager and when the item was charged at the pickup library, indicating that the item is available to the patron. Time is undetermined if the request is still InTransit or a Filling charge transaction is not found

Time to Fill Article Requests: AU CU DA DC GA GM GT GW HS HU MU WR XX All Libs
less than 12 hours                               1                     158      159
                                   33%                     36%      35%
12 - 24 hours                                                        214      214
                                                            49%      48%
24 - 48 hours                               1 2                54      57
                                   33% 50%                12%      13%
more than 48 hours                               1 2                15      18
                                   33% 50%                3%      4%
Note: "Time to fill article requests" is the time elapsed between placing the original request in Voyager and when the request is marked as "Filled" or "InTransit" in the CLS system, indicating that the article has been posted on the Web or received at the borrowing library. Time is undetermined if Web Delivery is not used and the request has not been updated in CLS.

Time to Complete Book Requests:
Libraries Processing Request: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Total
number of requests 14,638 1,151 94 6                                              15,889
percent of total 92% 7%                                                        100%
average time 25h 49h 64h 106h                                              27h
Note: "Time to complete book requests" is the time elapsed between placing the original request on Voyager and when either the book arrives at the borrowing library (ie. is charged to the hold shelf) or the patron is notified that the book is not available. Requests with a completion time of less than one hour (ie. are determined by CLS to be unavailable and no alternative library found) are not counted.

Home Updated 11/07/2015