WRLC Consortium Loan Performance Summary
01/01/2016 through 01/31/2016

Total requests 4,368 1,904 64 692 679 2,608 4,807 4,983 28 828 1,198 1,225 559 23,943
Book loan requests 4,338 1,880 63 679 679 2,586 4,770 4,953 23 806 1,197 892 358 23,224
Book loan requests pulled 3,120 1,403 24 358 409 1,345 2,314 3,288 8 430 1,025 886      14,610
Book loan requests not filled 1,218 477 39 321 270 1,241 2,456 1,665 15 376 172 6 358 8,614
Percentage of book requests pulled 72% 75% 38% 53% 60% 52% 49% 66% 35% 53% 86% 99%      63%
Average time taken to pull a book 26h 40h 153h 34h 26h 49h 38h 23h 48h 76h 23h 27h      47h
Average time to fill book requests 48h 66h 154h 70h 65h 108h 38h 48h 109h 109h 58h 53h      77h
Article loan requests 30 24 1 13      22 37 30 5 22 1 333 201 719
Article loan requests filled                                    2                205      207
Article loan requests not filled 30 24 1 13      22 37 28 5 22 1 128 201 512
Percentage of article requests filled                                    7%                62%      29%
Average time to fill article requests                                    44h                38h      41h
Note: WR represents the WRLC Offsite Storage Facility; XX includes all libraries in Voyager that are not configured in CLS for lending.

Time to Pull Books: AU CU DA DC GA GM GT GW HS HU MU WR XX All Libs
less than 12 hours 949 265      118 122 487 296 1,087      24 414 262      4,024
     30% 19%      33% 30% 36% 13% 33%      6% 40% 30%      28%
12 - 24 hours 1,047 344 2 106 173 242 575 1,391      65 336 364      4,645
     34% 25% 8% 30% 42% 18% 25% 42%      15% 33% 41%      32%
24 - 48 hours 742 419 1 55 53 167 915 469 7 96 137 105      3,166
     24% 30% 4% 15% 13% 12% 40% 14% 88% 22% 13% 12%      22%
more than 48 hours 382 375 21 79 61 449 528 341 1 245 138 155      2,775
     12% 27% 88% 22% 15% 33% 23% 10% 13% 57% 13% 17%      19%
Note: "Time to pull books" is the time elapsed between placing the original request on Voyager and when the item was charged to the "InTransit" patron at the lending library, indicating that the item has been pulled from the shelf and processed for pickup by the WRLC courier. Time is undetermined if an InTransit or Filling charge transaction is not found

Time to Fill Book Requests: AU CU DA DC GA GM GT GW HS HU MU WR XX All Libs
less than 12 hours 548 105      12 19 42 248 546      2 72 64      1,658
     18% 7%      3% 5% 3% 11% 17%           7% 7%      11%
12 - 24 hours 449 152 2 20 30 23 480 640      8 41 106      1,951
     14% 11% 8% 6% 7% 2% 21% 19%      2% 4% 12%      13%
24 - 48 hours 777 333 1 93 128 216 780 844      26 376 326      3,900
     25% 24% 4% 26% 31% 16% 34% 26%      6% 37% 37%      27%
more than 48 hours 1,303 789 14 199 224 978 446 1,164 4 315 500 326      6,262
     42% 56% 58% 56% 55% 73% 19% 35% 50% 73% 49% 37%      43%
undetermined 43 24 7 34 8 86 360 94 4 79 36 64      839
     1% 2% 29% 9% 2% 6% 16% 3% 50% 18% 4% 7%      6%
Note: "Time to fill book requests" is the time elapsed between placing the original request on Voyager and when the item was charged at the pickup library, indicating that the item is available to the patron. Time is undetermined if the request is still InTransit or a Filling charge transaction is not found

Time to Fill Article Requests: AU CU DA DC GA GM GT GW HS HU MU WR XX All Libs
less than 12 hours                                                        42      42
                                                            20%      20%
12 - 24 hours                                                        88      88
                                                            43%      43%
24 - 48 hours                                    2                30      32
                                        100%                15%      15%
more than 48 hours                                                        45      45
                                                            22%      22%
Note: "Time to fill article requests" is the time elapsed between placing the original request in Voyager and when the request is marked as "Filled" or "InTransit" in the CLS system, indicating that the article has been posted on the Web or received at the borrowing library. Time is undetermined if Web Delivery is not used and the request has not been updated in CLS.

Time to Complete Book Requests:
Libraries Processing Request: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Total
number of requests 20,153 1,666 189 11 2                                         22,021
percent of total 92% 8%                                                        100%
average time 32h 72h 105h 204h -1h                                         36h
Note: "Time to complete book requests" is the time elapsed between placing the original request on Voyager and when either the book arrives at the borrowing library (ie. is charged to the hold shelf) or the patron is notified that the book is not available. Requests with a completion time of less than one hour (ie. are determined by CLS to be unavailable and no alternative library found) are not counted.

Home Updated 02/09/2016