WRLC Consortium Loan Performance Summary
10/01/2017 through 10/31/2017

Total requests 3,074 888 323 409 2,798 2,802 3,139 8 585 618 1,810 818 17,272
Book loan requests 3,046 864 310 409 2,769 2,776 3,105 6 578 615 1,311 302 16,091
Book loan requests pulled 2,444 532 222 205 2,355 1,763 2,167      278 520 1,295      11,781
Book loan requests not filled 602 332 88 204 414 1,013 938 6 300 95 16 302 4,310
Percentage of book requests pulled 80% 62% 72% 50% 85% 64% 70%      48% 85% 99%      73%
Average time taken to pull a book 22h 10h 11h 15h 11h 14h 16h      18h 10h 11h      14h
Average time to fill book requests 31h 40h 41h 48h 43h 14h 32h      47h 42h 28h      37h
Article loan requests 28 24 13      29 26 34 2 7 3 499 516 1,181
Article loan requests filled                          2 4                265      271
Article loan requests not filled 28 24 13      29 24 30 2 7 3 234 516 910
Percentage of article requests filled                          8% 12%                53%      23%
Average time to fill article requests                          98h 89h                13h      67h
Note: WR represents the WRLC Offsite Storage Facility; XX includes all libraries in Voyager that are not configured in CLS for lending.

Time to Pull Books: AU CU DC GA GM GT GW HS HU MU WR XX All Libs
less than 12 hours 550 354 142 132 1,496 937 953      122 409 694      5,789
     23% 67% 64% 64% 64% 53% 44%      44% 79% 54%      49%
12 - 24 hours 1,285 155 59 39 664 696 957      103 79 515      4,552
     53% 29% 27% 19% 28% 39% 44%      37% 15% 40%      39%
24 - 48 hours 472 11 19 23 139 75 165      33 16 74      1,027
     19% 2% 9% 11% 6% 4% 8%      12% 3% 6%      9%
more than 48 hours 137 12 2 11 56 55 92      20 16 11      412
     6% 2%      5% 2% 3% 4%      7% 3%           3%
undetermined                                                   1      1
Note: "Time to pull books" is the time elapsed between placing the original request on Voyager and when the item was charged to the "InTransit" patron at the lending library, indicating that the item has been pulled from the shelf and processed for pickup by the WRLC courier. Time is undetermined if an InTransit or Filling charge transaction is not found

Time to Fill Book Requests: AU CU DC GA GM GT GW HS HU MU WR XX All Libs
less than 12 hours 300 59 31 12 218 890 418      23 85 223      2,259
     12% 11% 14% 6% 9% 50% 19%      8% 16% 17%      19%
12 - 24 hours 935 34 11 23 146 667 488      22 25 333      2,684
     38% 6% 5% 11% 6% 38% 23%      8% 5% 26%      23%
24 - 48 hours 702 253 91 78 1,074 71 786      95 234 558      3,942
     29% 48% 41% 38% 46% 4% 36%      34% 45% 43%      33%
more than 48 hours 456 152 59 81 674 54 383      114 138 94      2,205
     19% 29% 27% 40% 29% 3% 18%      41% 27% 7%      19%
undetermined 51 34 30 11 243 81 92      24 38 87      691
     2% 6% 14% 5% 10% 5% 4%      9% 7% 7%      6%
Note: "Time to fill book requests" is the time elapsed between placing the original request on Voyager and when the item was charged at the pickup library, indicating that the item is available to the patron. Time is undetermined if the request is still InTransit or a Filling charge transaction is not found

Time to Fill Article Requests: AU CU DC GA GM GT GW HS HU MU WR XX All Libs
less than 12 hours                                                   154      154
                                                       58%      57%
12 - 24 hours                               2                86      88
                                   50%                32%      32%
24 - 48 hours                                                   19      19
                                                       7%      7%
more than 48 hours                          2 2                6      10
                              100% 50%                2%      4%
Note: "Time to fill article requests" is the time elapsed between placing the original request in Voyager and when the request is marked as "Filled" or "InTransit" in the CLS system, indicating that the article has been posted on the Web or received at the borrowing library. Time is undetermined if Web Delivery is not used and the request has not been updated in CLS.

Time to Complete Book Requests:
Libraries Processing Request: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Total
number of requests 14,125 903 66 3                                         15,097
percent of total 94% 6%                                                   100%
average time 22h 46h 65h 126h                                         24h
Note: "Time to complete book requests" is the time elapsed between placing the original request on Voyager and when either the book arrives at the borrowing library (ie. is charged to the hold shelf) or the patron is notified that the book is not available. Requests with a completion time of less than one hour (ie. are determined by CLS to be unavailable and no alternative library found) are not counted.

Home Updated 11/07/2017