JOURNAL TITLE ISSUE BORROW LIB LENDING LIB REQUEST DATE Journal of fluency disorders. vol. 6, 1981 DC WR 2005-10-07 11:50:48 Journal of fluency disorders. vol. 8, 1983 DC WR 2005-10-07 11:49:18 Journal of fluency disorders. vol. 5, 1980 DC WR 2005-10-07 11:47:25 Neurology. vol. 28 DC WR 2005-10-07 11:44:58 European journal of disorders of communication : the journal of the College of Speech and Language Therapists, London. vol. 31, 1996 DC GA 2005-10-07 12:00:30 Brain and language. vol. 42, 1992 DC GA 2005-10-07 12:06:33 Brain and language. vol. 6, 1978 DC GA 2005-10-07 11:54:56