Gallaudet University

List of Titles Cataloged for the Month of November, 2017

Title Sort - List Generated: Dec 1, 2017

Wessel, David.

Aimee, Rachel.

Herissone, Rebecca.

Schell, Jennifer.

Jacobson, PhD, Tamar.

Bodnar, John.

Oksman, Tahneer.

Hayes, Charlotte.

Hayes, Charlotte.

Donaldson, Rachel Clare.

Slide, Anthony.

Hume, Margaret Anne.

Grannan, Mary.

Grannan, Mary.

Cummings, AnthonyM.

Delpit, Lisa.

Wenger, J. Michael.

Birmingham, Stephen.

Burden, Michael.
    "Regina Mingotti.
    London : Taylor and Francis, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Fixico, Donald L.

Eskin, Michael.

Birmingham, Stephen.

Saltmarsh, John.

Berman, Garry.

Lash, Don.

Barrett, Faith.

Weil, J.R.

Ferdinand, Rio.

Wood, Natalie T.

Brenton, Howard.

Burnett, Peter.

Monroe, Steve.

Monroe, Steve.

O'Duffy, Martin.

Vincent, Eve.

Sakr, R.

Desmond, translatedbyKaren.

Oza, K. S.

Gilley, Christopher.

Hunter, Janet.

Murray, S.
    'Fat' Female Body.
    London : Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2008.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Clark, Paul.

K. Gill, Aisha.

Fels, Marie Hansen.

Khosravi, S.

Daniels, Jessie.

Morrison, Allan.

Sergi, Anna.

Marples, David.

Barling, Kurt.
    'R' Word.
    London : Biteback Publishing, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bowes, Alison.

Davis, Gayle.

Clarke, Charles.

Radulescu, Raluca.
    Berlin/Boston : De Gruyter, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Debiel, Tobias.

Weikersthal, Felicitas Fischer von.

Pimentel, Charise.

Baxley, Traci P.

Alexander, Jed.
    (Mostly) Wordless.
    Gainesville : Alternative Comics, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Highway, Tomson.
    (Post) Mistress.
    Vancouver : Talonbooks, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Jager, Benedikt.

Maynard, J.

Williams, James H.

Williams, James H.

Liberti, Rita.

Wu, Yan.

Edge, J.

Machon, J.

Parke, Simon.

Russell, Brian D.

Kuzmeski, Maribeth.

Wheeler, M.

Bock, Jason.

Maffetone, Philip.

Rodgers, Peter R.

Chapman, Stephen B.

Motyer, Alec.

Helm, David R.

Kroll, Woodrow.

Johnson, Andy.
    1 and 2 Thessalonians.
    Grand Rapids : William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Pay, Rick.

Marrero, David G.

Dummies, Consumer.

Lim, Kim.

Gruwell, Erin.

Thomas, Alan Ken.

Siri, Ken.

Lyons, Tony.

Runyan, W. R.

Dutton, Elizabeth.

Dutton, Elizabeth.

Cooper, Derek.

Heil, John Paul.

Olsen, Lance.
    10 : 01.
    La Vergne : Dzanc Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Rzeszut, Eric.

Murphy, Jim.

Sundem, Garth.

Cushman, D.

Hanlon, M.

Luongo, Peter A.

Bowering, George.
    10 Women.
    Vancouver : Anvil Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Ewert, Marcus.
    10,000 Dresses.
    New York : Seven Stories Press, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Redman, Matt.

Haddad, Paul.

The Writers of Wise Bread,.

Engel, Peter.

McNeill, Suzanne.

Moore, Gareth.

Lamedman, Debbie.

Lamedman, Debbie.

Tylee, Andre.

Bogosian, Eric.
    100 (monologues).
    New York : Theatre Communications Group, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Howlett, David.

Layne, Kerry.

Bottomley, Cecilia.

Kovács, Lajos.

Soltis, Andrew.

Graham, William C.

Bulbring, Edyth.

Christianson, Scott.

Trew, Steve.

Provenzo, Eugene F.

Pierangelo, Roger.

Dr Shaw, Peter.

Kerbel, Lucy.

Webb, Robert.

Maloney, James.

Hanko, Johanne.

Duff, Bob.

Horowitz, Jeffrey.

Graetz, Michael J.

Forster, Merna.

Lemay, Violet.

DeSanctis, Marcia.

Harris, Patricia.

Dembling, Sophia.

Benecke, Joanna.

Benecke, Joanna.

Hurter, Bill.

McCabe, Joseph.

Cato, Tim.

Ireland, Joanne.

Mayberry, Darnell.

Leroux, Danny.

Cook, Bridget.

Sale, Richard.

Colebrook, Kerry.

Richardson, Gary.

Clare, Bob.

Johnsen, Norman.

Hunt, Paul.

Mellett, Maggie.

Jollands, Tim.

Smith, Jonathan J.

Ward, Giles.

Halliday, Fred.

Kunjufu, Jawanza.

LLD., T.W. Rhys Davids Ph.D.

Rhys Davids Ph.D. LLD.,.

Henkin, Victor.

Charles, Victoria.

Charles, Victoria.

Badawi, Raif.

Charles, Victoria.

Pearson, Christopher E.M.

Pearson, Christopher E.M.

Charles, Victoria.

Charles, Victoria.

Charles, Victoria.

Charles, Victoria.

Manca, Joseph.

Manca, Joseph.

Rollins, Henry.

Borchert, William G.

Ratermann, Dale.

Boyce, Doug.

Yanez, Esequiel Eduardo Rodrfguez.

Tanabe, Gen.

Friedman, Leonard H., PhD, MPH, FACHE.

Rodomista, Kim.

Leighton, Roy.

Vladislavic, Ivan.
    101 Detectives.
    High Wycombe : And Other Stories Publishing, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Rooyackers, Paul.

Fowler, Simon.

Shando, Varda.

Klausmeyer, David.

Jason, Kourtney.

Fry, Ron.

Heid, Matt.

Heid, Matt.

Schad, Jerry.

Schad, Jerry.

Brewer, Claire.

Sweeney, Susan.

Badegruber, Bernie.

B., Mel.

D'Amico, Dawn.

Bedore, Bob.

Badegruber, Bernie.

Bartl, Allison.

Russell, Francis.

Irwin, Kevin W.

Green Jr., Ron.

Green, David.

Fry, Ron.

Rogers, Vanessa.

Bennett, Marisa.

Smith, Theresa.

Siri, Ken.

Lyons, Tony.

Geil, Patti B.

Lewis-Wild, Robin.

Sweeney, Susan.

Sweeney, Susan.

Sweeney, Susan.

Lansky, Vicki.

Lansky, Vicki.

Pack, Mark.

Ewin, Dabney.

Llywelyn, Morgan.

Whittock, Martyn.

Quick, Alex.

Black, Rory.

Lucy Ryder, Richardson.

Quick, Alex.

Bryceland, Jack.

Fieldman, Peter.
    1066 The Conquest.
    Claygate : Grosvenor House Publishing, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kozak, Arnie.

Macaree, Mary.

Maxey, Sarah.
    10PM Question.
    Surrey : Templar Publishing, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Wombacher, Michael.

Greenspan, Sam.

Romeo, Lia.

Lennard, Duncan.

in Molecular Biology, Horizons.

Parks, Gregory S.

Connealy, Mary.

Dever, Mark.

Wu, Zhongxian.

Bolden, Tonya.

Berger, Allen.

Getty, Paul M.

Berger, Allen.

Berger, Allen.

P., Bill.


Berger, Allen.

Northup, Solomon.
    12 Years A Slave.
    San Diego : Thunder Bay Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Northup, Solomon.


Pickren, Wade E.

Corriveau, Art.
    13 Hangmen.
    New York : Abrams, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Ahmed, Allam.

Faith, Karlene.

Kipfer, Barbara Ann.

McEvoy, Dermot.

Sheldon, Charles.
    13th Resolution.
    Cork : David C. Cook, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Dixon, Stephen.
    14 Stories.
    : Dzanc Books, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Wise, Jr, James E.

Porter, Julian.

Porter, Julian.

Frederick, K.C.
    14th Day.
    Newburyport : The Permanent Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gottlieb, Daphne.

Norberg, Ulrica.

Bowden, Jonny.

Chalmers, Karen Hanson.

Christensen, Thomas.

Cohen, Stuart Archer.
    17 Stone Angels.
    San Francisco : Four Winds Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Scott, Anne.
    18 Bookshops.
    Dingwall : Sandstone Press Ltd, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Steinbauer, Mark.

Karabashliev, Zachary.
    18% Gray.
    Rochester : Open Letter, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Chouinard, Yvon.

Bournoutian, George A.

Echenoz, Jean.
    1914 : A Novel.
    New York : The New Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Collins, Lorcan.
    Dublin : The O'Brien Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

James, Anthony.
    1917 Bloodline.
    La Vergne : Grosvenor House Publishing, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Christie, William M.


Avnery, Uri.

Beckett, Francis.

Bond, Bob.

Mayo, Jonathan.

Yamashita, Karen Tei.
    1968 : Eye Hotel.
    Minneapolis : Coffee House Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Nugent, Andrew.

Klimke, M.

Kirkpatrick, Rob.

Wintner, Robert.

Yamashita, Karen Tei.
    1970 : "I" Hotel.
    Minneapolis : Coffee House Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Yamashita, Karen Tei.

Millar, Peter.

Coval, Kevin.
    1989, The Number.
    New York, NY : Haymarket Books, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Grange, James.

Schneider Adams, Laurie.

Allen, David L.

Hughes, R. Kent.

Slavin, Robert E.

Baughen, Michael.

Small, Gary.

Corr, Tom.

Westen, Robin.

Boa, Ken.

Eldridge, Sherrie.

Murphy, Colin.

Fenwick, Christopher.
    20,000 Miles.
    La Vergne : McNidder and Grace Limited, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Suzanne, Alfred.

Richards, Gavin.
    200 Weeks.
    London : Muswell Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kennedy, Scott.

Bellanca, James A.

Kunjufu, Jawanza.

Dunlop, John B.

Lodge, J.

Kipfer, Barbara Ann.

Romanillos, Pere.

Kaa, Sri Ram.

Bank, Asian Development.

Kaa, Sri Ram.

Staff, Asian Development Bank.

Bank, Asian Development.

Bank, Asian Development.

Lamond, Ian R.

Gordon, Rob.

Denton Jr, Robert E.

Relations, Council on Foreign.
    2017 Annual Report.
    New York, NY : Council on Foreign Relations, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Campbell, Freddy.
    2035 Revelation.
    La Vergne : Grosvenor House Publishing, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Sansal, Boualem.

Strickland, Jennifer.

Scheffler, Neil M.

Ungar , Mark.

Tewari, Krishnansu S.

Anderson, E.

Laws, David.

King, Clive.
    22 Letters.
    Newburyport : Open Road Media Teen & Tween, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Simone, Rudy.

Simone, Rudy.

Lo, Amy.

Homm, Florian.

Nelson, Gary Alan.

Gache, Lisa.

King, Emma.

Orange, Carolyn.

Orange, Carolyn M.

Kalb, Elliott.

Schreier, Christian.

Mombourquette, Angela.

Lee, Philip Yungkin.

Lee, Philip Yungkin.

University of Tokyo, Kanji Text Research Group.

Brown, D.W.

Alyxander, Thomasin.

Hopwood, Sally-Ann.

Sojourner, Mary.
    Berkeley : Torrey House Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Barraales Mora, Luis Antonio.

Thorne, Jack.

Nobacon, Danbert.

Sinett, Todd.

Berry, Tim.

?tivicic , Tena.

Hopwood, Sally-Ann.

Hopwood, Sally-Ann.

Hopwood, Sally-Ann.

Hopwood, Sally-Ann.


Owen, Emily.

Owen, Emily.

Owen, Emily.

Owen, Emily.

Kalb, Elliott.

Dixon, Stephen.

Irwin, William.

Attwood, Tony.

Harling, Becky.

Harling, Becky.

Tanous, Peter.

Nygren, Viveka Blom.

Scerri, Eric.

Haskins, Mike.

Oliver, Vicky.

Hopwood, Sally-Ann.

Hopwood, Sally-Ann.

Hopwood, Sally-Ann.

Hopwood, Sally-Ann.

Hopwood, Sally-Ann.

Hopwood, Sally-Ann.

Hopwood, Sally-Ann.

Hamilton, Masha.
    31 Hours.
    : Unbridled Books, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Watterson, Rodney K.

Mandour, Sahar.
    Syracuse : Syracuse University Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Rickards, Susannah.
    33 East.
    London : Limehouse Books Limited, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Beyer, Jr., Thomas R.

Goodwin, Daisy.
    33 West.
    London : Limehouse Books Limited, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kucinich, Dennis.

Peacock, Tony.

Soltis, Andrew.

Ginsberg, Scott.

Parks, Suzan-Lori.

Snyder, John.

Happer, Richard.

Happer, Richard.

Happer, Richard.

Happer, Richard.

Happer, Richard.

Allen, Ian.

Happer, Richard.

Sweet, Lisa.

Teaching, Sparky.

Wynalda, Stephen A.

Mitchell, Damo.

Cozzi, Patrick.

Makryniotis, Thomas.

Bhatia, Sujata K.

Birtchnell, T.

Horvath, Joan.

Kirkman, Bradley L.

Chaoui, Rabih.

Kauczok, Sebastian.

Sack, Jacqueline.

Sweeney, Susan.

Das, Sanchita Basu.
    3rd ASEAN Reader.
    SG : ISEAS - Yusof Ishak Institute, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Unger, Felix.

Shmueli, Erez.

Hendel, Amy.

Murdoch, Wendy.

Shellenberger, Susie.

Idleman, Kyle.

Scaddan , Michael A.

Scaddan, Michael A.

McEwan-Adkins, Elaine K.

Albert, Marie-Theres.

Green, Phil.

Fuller, Eva Greene.

Herzog, Amy.

Johns, Beverly Holden.

Davis, Barbara.

Traina, Giusto.

Dean, Liz.

Tominey, Shauna L.

Singh Dubb, Sukhpreet.

Reynolds, John.
    46 Men Dead.
    Cork : The Collins Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Loy, Bo Nasmyth.

Spignesi, Stephen.

Venkataraman Krishnamurthy, Trichy.

Logan, Samantha.

Harrison, Kate.

Sanders, Jeff.

Adonis, Andrew.

Wilson, Rob.

Stecker, Tracy.

Alden, Michael.

Tucker, Grant.

Kemp, Edward.

Society, Twentieth Century.

Wenk, Elizabeth.

Schad, Jerry.

Witt, Greg.

Porter, Kathey.

Levenson, Ellie.

Bond, Adrian.

Allen, James.

Wheeler, J J.

Allen, James.

Contreras, Francisco.

Scheele-Kerhof, Yvonne.

Williams, Jessica.

Dobson, Sue.

Richardson, John.

Woods, Sarah.

Stone, Barry.

Woods, Sarah.

White, Steven.

Lambert, Anthony.

Stone, Barry.

Stone, Barry.

Millar, Aaron.

Begleiter, Steven H.

Begleiter, Steven H.

Schmidt, Patricia Ruggiano.

Pugh, Peter.

Read, Patricia.

Van Allen, Susan.

Borchert, William G.

Alexander, Nick.

Paulún, Fredrik.

Tanabe, Gen.

Tanabe, Gen.

Tanabe, Gen.

Gregory, Leland.

Stanley, Kathleen.

Paulún, Fredrik.

Gentry, W. Doyle.

Park, Kyubyong.

Park, Kyubyong.

Miller, Mark.

Clowes, David.

Courteney, Hazel.

Perkins, Michelle.

Perkins, Michelle.

Perkins, Michelle.

Perkins, Michelle.

Perkins, Michelle.

Perkins, Michelle.

Perkins, Michelle.

Perkins, Michelle.

Clowes, David.

Kindred, Maggie.

Hill, Gord.

Tanner, Rob.

Sha, Boutique.

Simpson, Diane.

Ballantine, Poe.

Tanabe, Gen.

Tanabe, Gen.

McGuiness, Kristen.

Christie, Jack.

Christie, Jack.

Christie, Jack.

Krieger, Lou.

Thorpe, Nick.

Nash, David.

Amster-Young, Karen.

Beattie, Melody.

Ward, Francine.

Krebs, Justin.

Harrower, David.

Nerjordet, Arne.

Press, Entrepreneur.

Press, Entrepreneur.

Allen, Sue.

Blondel, Jean-Philippe.
    New York, NY : New Vessel Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Skinner, Jeffrey.

Roddy, Laurie.

Elliott, Paul.

Sanchez, Joanie.

Taylor, Tom.

Stresing, Diane.

Stresing, Diane.

Ruff, Donna.

Balkan, Evan L.

Villaire, Ted.

Weber, Andrew.

Molloy, Johnny.

Molloy, Johnny.

York, Tammy.

York, Tammy.

Weatherall, Helen.

Lipker, Kim.

Revolinski, Kevin.

Revolinski, Kevin.

Willen, Matt.

Summers, Jordan.

Huber, Jane.

McGregor, Sheri.

McGregor, Sheri.

Brooks, Christopher.

Witt, Greg.

Lott, Nathan.

Randall, Laura.

Ausherman, Stephen.

Ausherman, Stephen.

Henry, Steve.

Kear, Sandra.

Liu, Charles.

Helms, Russell.

Randall, Laura.

Brooks, Christopher.

Gerald, Paul.

Gerald, Paul.

Molloy, Johnny.

Llewellin, Charles.

Capecci, John.

Timms, Lisa A.

Pessin, Andrew.

Japanese Center, Hiro.

Finmark, Sharon.

Farajin, Imad.

Ventura, Jesse.

Algozzine, Bob.

Algozzine, Bob.

Algozzine, Bob.

Collins, Ian.

Evans, Michael Robert.
    68 Knots : A Novel.
    Terre Haute, IN : Tanglewood Press, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bank, Asian Development.

Anthony, Michelle.

B., Mel.

Bradley, Nick.

Zeoli, Richard.

Shiver, Warren.

Panych, Morris.
    7 Stories.
    New York, NY : Talonbooks, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Buckingham, Ed.

Henriksen, Danah.

Speirs, Steve.

Stewart, Brett.

Stewart, Brett.

Stewart, Brett.

Black, Crispin.
    : Gibson Square, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Coppens, Filip.

Hoffman, Bruce.

Neary, Kevin.

Croston, Glenn.

Rodriguez, Hernan.

Sorenson, Veronica.

Maher, Michael J.

Mitchell, Joyce Slayton.

Mitchell, Joyce Slayton.

Hieronymus, Laura.

Hopkins, Theron.

Marshall, Perry.

Leblanc, Maurice.

Kipfer, Barbara Ann.

Shepherdson, Kevin.

Cain, Sarah.

Thomas, Gary.

McClanahan, Brion.

Davis, Ben.

Naiman, Arthur.

Gaffney, Mark H.

Broodryk, Marnus.

Green, Rodney.

Lucas, John.

Beers, Georgia.
    96 Hours.
    Ann Arbor : Bywater Books, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Goodwin, James.
    Toronto : Dundurn, 2007.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Paulson, Elizabeth.

Chin, Justin.
    98 Wounds.
    San Francisco : Manic D Press, Inc., 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Rhodes, Barry.

Sobel, Eliezer.

Fisher, Jay.

Statius, Publius Papinius.

Smyrna, Quintus of.

Juby, Chris.

Oakes, Steve.

Duncan, Hal.

Simone, Rudy.

Lindsay, Kenny.

Mooney, Shaun.

Gornstein, Leslie.

Bleam, Yvonne.

Aitken, Kenneth J.

Alexis, André.
    Toronto : BookThug, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Larsen, Wayne.

Garnier, Pascal.
    London : Gallic Books, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Chopra, Deepak.

Day, Christine L.
    Santa Barbara : ABC-CLIO, LLC, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book


Cowart, James.

Olson, Rosanne.

Sutton, Garrett.

McElroy, Ken.

McElroy, Ken.

Saracino, Dan.
    Dehli : Scientific International, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Boniol, Frederic.

Weill, Cynthia.


Barrio Minton, Casey A.

Kottman, Terry.

Gold, Joshua M.

Rousmaniere, Tony.

Gladding, Samuel T.

Perrone Filardi, Pasquale.

Noyes, Frank.

Montoute, Annita.

Green, Harriet Hope.

Bank, Asian Development.

Bank, Asian Development.

Bank, Asian Development.

Bank, Asian Development.

Asian Development Bank, Nepal Resident Mission Staff.

Reiff, Michael I.

Passmore, Stuart.

Berri, Hala Mohammed.

Kutscher, Martin L.

Schafer, John R.

Kar, Ashutosh.

Ryan, Francis.

Lafarre, Anne.

Idleman, Kyle.

Boden, Margaret A.

Louren‡o, Ricardo.

Fowler, Norman.

Piot, Peter.

Piot, Peter.

Frasca, T.

Crawford, Tad.

Kretzer, Manuel.


Gray, Amelia.
    New York : Featherproof Books, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Latham, Donna.

Janssens, Koen.

Drysdale, Peter.

De, Brajesh.

Wenger, Estefania.

Krieger, Larry.

Johnson, Amy.

Baldwin, Ben Sparks, Clare.

Henry, Nora.

Redfern, David.

Larby, Bryan Williams, Louise Attwood, Pauline Treuherz, Ian Fawcett, Dan Hughes, Dave.

Larby, Bryan Williams, Louise Attwood, Pauline Treuherz, Ian Fawcett, Dave.

Woodfield, Rosie Owens and Ian.

Hohl, William.

Moon, Bruce L.

Popper, Arthur N.

Shaul, Joel.

Kershaw, Penny.

Shaul, Joel.

Smith, David.


Bank, Asian Development.

Das, Sanchita Basu.

Kawai, Shinji.


Carr, Susan.

American Society of Media Photographers,.

Ciliberti, John.

Naylor, Lee.

Kurtz, Jamie.

Wojcieszyn, Filip.

Lawson, Wendy.

Tankariya, Vipul.

Baron, Joe.


Association, American Water Works.

Association, American Water Works.

Association, American Water Works.

Farjeon, Benjamin.

Platzová, Magdaléna.
    Aaron's Leap.
    New York : Bellevue Literary Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Goldstone, Patricia.

Din, Ab Khan.

Knopf, Karl.

Duras, Marguerite.

Nolan, Tina.

Bowser, Benjamin P.

Webb, Holly.
    Abandoned Puppy.
    London : Stripes Publishing, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Samer, Mohamed.

Fuller, Jack.
    : Unbridled Books, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Haynes, Annie.

Humphreys, Neil.

Brun, Katherine.

Fierro, Maribel.

Akkach, Samer.

Robinson, Chase.
    Abd al-Malik.
    London : Oneworld Publications, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Weismann, Itzchak.

Beck, Rose Marie.
    Abdilatif Abdalla.
    Oxford : Mkuki na Nyota Publishers, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hanna, Saad Sirop.

MacLean, Gerald.

Algeo, Matthew.

Unamuno, Miguel De.

Morgan, Diane.

    London : Hot Key Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Benjamin, Oliver.

Doyle, Fiona.

Hoezee, Scott.

Reader, Keith.

Kutzbach, Konstanze.

Arya, R.

Foster, SallyM.

deWitt, Patrick.
    : House of Anansi Press, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Dunham, Montrew.

Ibbotson, Eva.
    New York : Abrams, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Steele, John.

Clark, Ian.

Baumgardner, Jennifer.
    Abortion & Life.
    Brooklyn : Akashic Books, 2008.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Cook, Rebecca J.

Slack, James D.

Hitchcock, James.

Davies, Jackie.
    About Elin.
    Ceredigion : Honno Press, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Jelloun, Tahar Ben.

Stevenson, Anne.

Aldrich, Tim.

Brodsky-Chenfeld, Dan.

Easton, Don.


Warner, Meg.

Blenkinsopp, Joseph.

Graham, George.

Mitgang, Herbert.

Tremblay, Larry.

Goodman, James.

Little, Ann M.

Carrington, Margaret.

Eggert, Max.

Penn, W. S.
    Absence of Angels.
    New York : The Permanent Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Yetiv, Steve A.

Bukowski, Charles.

Weiss, Lesley.

Andersen, Lauren.

Wang, Wallace.

Kinder, R. M.

Conrad, Kevin.

Mayhem, Monica.

Reddi, Alluru S.


Gonzalez, George A.

Rombes, Nicholas.

Robinson, Derek J.S.

Carstensen, Celine.

Niemann, Christoph.
    Abstract City.
    New York : Abrams, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Dowd, Garin.

Williams, Emyr.

Feroze, Muhammad Rashid.

Kennedy, Philip.

Farrin, Raymond.

Forsythe, Clarke D.

O'Shea, Jim.

Buriánek, Jiří.

Embree, Mary.

Sorrentino, Gilbert.

Rowe, Nicholas.

Pillay, Daisy.

Nicolson, Donald J.

Okamoto, Kazumi.

Williams, Joanna.

Carvalho, E.

Swaroop, Mamta.

Vick, Julia Miller.

Connaway, Lynn Silipigni.

Rosser, Sue V.

Duncan, Joyce.

Kaiser, James.

Best, Brin.

Cotler, MD, Howard B.

Vostal, F.

Adam, Markus.

Migendt, Michael.

Kane, Gareth.

Grüll, Frederik.

Deaver, Jeffery.

Tanabe, Gen.

Tanabe, Gen.

Tanabe, Gen.

Fuller, Laurie.

Christ, Wolfgang.

Xu, Zhong.

Rees, Dylan.

Minich, Julie Avril.

Nolet, Victor.

Meagher, Sylvia.

Sebastian, Mihail.
    Emeryville : Biblioasis, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Garisch, Dawn.
    Sybrand Park : Modajaji Books, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Welfens, Paul J.J.

Gossage, Carolyn.

Delaney, Eamon.

Molenaar, Toby.

George, Nelson.

Kelley, Carol E.

Fong, Gary.

Kindred, Katherine Anne.
    Accidental Mother.
    Lakewood, CO : Unbridled Books, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kriska, Laura.

Watts, David.

Paling, Suzanne.

Kralicek, Eric.

Lavezzo, Kathy.

Mong, Ambrose.

Collins, Raymond F.

Sherrard, Valerie.
    Toronto : Dundurn, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Frederick, K.C.
    Newburyport : The Permanent Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Richardson, Neil.

Weiss, Lawrence A.

Henselmann, Klaus.

Giroux, Gary.

Goodman, Philip B.

Howard, Malcolm.

Weiss, Lawrence A.

Singal, Anurag.

Practice, Board on Population Health and Public Health.

Corbett, Steve.

Nocella II, Anthony J.

Ducker, Brittany.

Craft, Tonya.

Kaynak, Kate.

Boral, Sumanta.

Orr, Tamra B.

Taylor, Jay.

Lewis, Pamela Faith.

Disparities, Roundtable on the Promotion of Health Equity and the Elimination of Health.

Connolly, Maureen.

Ellis, Jim.

Soler Gallart, Marta.

Lackenby, Natalie.

Lange, Sarah.

Crockett, Jean B.

Richey, Cliff.

Goldberg, David J.

Mommertz, Eckard.

Kania, Ursula.

Holden, Jesse.

Holden, Jesse.

Putignano, Joe.
    Las Vegas : Central Recovery Press, LLC, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Wilson, John.

Richardson, Arleta.
    Across the Border.
    Colorado Springs, CO : David C. Cook, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Freshfield, Douglas.

Puri, Luv.

Lund, Michael.

Karl, Richard C.

Taylor, Alice.
    Across the River.
    Dublin : The O'Brien Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Fontenoy, Maud.

Henry, Daniel Lee.

Delgado, James.

Vaillant, Derek.

Markle, Jamie.

Argyle, Ray.

Wright , Alan J.

North, Mark.

Schneider, Cindy B.

Abbott, John.
    Acting Book.
    London : Nick Hern Books, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Pugatch, Jason.

Wilkinson, Joy.

Gallagher, Kelly Sims.

Piper, John.

Moore, Tracey.

Kohl, MaryAnn F.

Cariello, Sergio.

Cariello, Sergio.

Cariello, Sergio.

Garnett, Stephen.

Kemmis, Stephen.

DeVries, Catherine.

Brown, Bill.

Summerford, Cathie.

Moseley, Nick.

Majchrzak, Ann.

Dias, Gonçalo Nuno Figueiredo.

Stiftung, Bertelsmann.

Barak, Judith.

Karimi, Rasoul.

James, Abigail Norfleet.

Marcelli, Stefano.

Callery, Dymphna.

Jantzen, Roy.

Milne, Christine.
    Activist Life.
    Chicago : University of Queensland Press, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Sonnet, Helen.

Crockett, Sarah.

Stowell, Jeffrey R.

Buttner, Amy.

Gedera, Dilani S. P.

Bowden, Anni.

Hlavsa, David.

Adrian, Barbara.

Lawson, Denis.

Donnellan, Declan.

Barrish, Seth.

St. Nicholas, Michael.

St. Nicholas, Michael.

Mulcahy, Lisa.

Lloyd, Benjamin.

More, Prachi.

King, Jonathon.
    Acts of Nature.
    Newburyport : Open Road Media Mystery & Thriller, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

King, Jonathon.
    Acts of Nature.
    : Open Road Media Mystery & Thriller, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Dunn, James D. G.
    Acts of the Apostles.
    Grand Rapids : Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Taushev, Averky.

Sproul, R. C.
    Wheaton : Crossway, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Rotar, Vladimir I.

Zhu, Bing.

Buck, Charles.

Mole, Peter.

Stephenson, Clare.

Creamer, Daniel.

Hollywood, Amy.

Sherif, Hashem.

Barnes, John.

Martinac, Paula.
    Ada Decades.
    Ann Arbor : Bywater Books, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lethbridge, Lucy.

Poet, Frances.

Kennedy, G.

Fuentes, Carlos.
    Adam in Eden.
    Normal, IL : Columbia University Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Livingstone, David N.

Burt, Heather.
    Adam's Peak.
    Toronto : Dundurn, 2007.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Perdue, Gillian.
    Adam's Starling.
    Dublin : The O'Brien Press, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hearne, Vicki.

McGowan, A. T. B.

al-Hamad, Turki.
    London : Saqi, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Wolper, Carol.

Freeland, Edward.
    London : Clink Street Publishing, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Roggema, Rob.

Blin-Rolland, Armelle.
    Adapted Voices.
    London : Taylor and Francis, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Malone, Toby.

Goodman, Ann.

Trexler, Mark.

Abdul Malak, Dania.

Leadership, Center for Creative.

Smyshlyaev, Andrey.

Allan, Catherine.

Ellis, Maggie.

Johnston, Norm.

Hutchison, David.

Klapproth, Corinna.

Deuflhard, Peter.

Bank, Asian Development.

Conyers, Beverly.

Cheever, Susan.

Crozier, Lorna.

Boyd, Brady.

Redford, Matthew.

Bradley, Dr. Joseph.

Schaler, Jeffrey A.

Santora, Patricia B.
    Addiction and Art.
    Baltimore : Johns Hopkins University Press, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Nakken, Craig.

Roseman, Bruce.

Norrby, C.

Brauch, Hans Günter.

Blake, Simon.

Fong, Rowena.

Chinn, Steven.

Berube, Claude G.

Longoria, Arturo.

Coulter, Ann.

Savicevic, Olja.
    Adios, Cowboy.
    New York, NY : McSweeney's, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Barnes, Mike.

Phillips, Scott.
    New York : Counterpoint, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Liebling, A.

Carlson, Jon.
    Adlerian Psychotherapy.
    Washington DC : American Psychological Association, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Harvey, Anne.

Marinaccio, Dave.

Duggan, M.

Bank, Asian Development.

Cassatella, Antonio.

Baller, Oesten.

Dalrymple, Theodore.

Lewis, Charles Lee.

Cannadine, D.

Padova, Ted.

Drafahl, Jack.

Foelsch, Pamela A.

Rees, Gwyther.

Pudney, Warwick.

Hendrickx, Sarah.

Volkmar, Fred R.

Nebbitt, Von E.

McFerran, Katrina.

Kaminsky, Sarah.
    Adolfo Kaminsky.
    La Vergne : DoppelHouse Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Sandham, Elizabeth.

Angel, Ann.

Moore, Russell D.

Morris, Ann.

Baffour, Sally.

Conn, P.

Compton, Rebecca J.

Kay, Jackie.
    Adoption Papers.
    Tyne and Wear : Bloodaxe Books, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Cooper, Addison.

Hellings, J.

Daddario, W.

Hulatt, Owen.

Goldstein, David S.

Lester, Adrian.


Stein, Karen F.

Sedgwick, Anne Douglas.
    Adrienne Toner.
    Auckland : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Osborne, Rosanne.

Welch, Clara.

Qinhua, Zheng.

Hart, Di.

Barlow, Joy.

Koulaouzides, George A.

Lucio-Villegas, Emilio.

O'Brien, John F.

Bhargava, Santosh K.

Duckworth, Vicky.

Siebert, Al.

Siebert, Al.

Drew, Gillan.

Perry, Nancy.

Atkinson, Jacqueline M.

Joel, Lucille.

Smith, Ben.

Silva, Vladimir.

Rodrigues, Mário.

Bhaduri, Saumitra N.

Geveci, Tunc.

Buono, Pietro-Luciano.

Geveci, Tunc.

Geveci, Tunc.

Geveci, Tunc.

Geveci, Tunc.

Geveci, Tunc.

Walley, Lynne.

Francesconi, Alberto.

Wiese, Lena.

Goncalves, Marcus.

Conrad, C. A.

Goldmeier, Jordan.

Rogers, Ed.

van der Spuy, Rex.

van der Spuy, Rex.

McElroy, Ken.

Arnaud, Laurent.

King, Ross.

Di Gennaro , Davide.

Malinowska, Agnieszka B.

Cohen, Nicki S.

Hunter II, Thomas.

Brooks, Nick.

Hay, Steve.

Ciubotaru, Bogdan.

Mailund, Thomas.

Schroeder, Jordan.

Leonard, John.

Wiley, Matt.

Funk, Tom.

Smith, Constance.

Shaw, Scott.
    Advanced Taekwondo.
    North Clarendon : Tuttle Publishing, 2006.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kalicharan, Noel.

Melucci, Massimo.

Kalicharan, Noel.

Gates, Larry.

Dorr, Tracy.

Coleman, Janet Renee.

Kenedi, R.

Anastassiou, George A.

Witkowski, Andrzej.

Lowenstein, O.

Lowenstein, O.

Lowenstein, O.

Lowenstein, O.

Perner, Petra.

Jiang, Xiaoyi.

Proper, Henderik A.

Aveiro, David.

van der Aalst, Wil.

Dasgupta, Ratan.

Eyring, Leroy.

Eyring, Leroy.

Betsill, M.

Hwang, Hong-Sik.

Drugman, Thomas.

Armstrong, Doug.

Ashar, Navin G.

St. Geme, III, Joseph W.

Dasgupta, Dipankar.

Wiederhold, Brenda K.

Shorrocks, Anthony.

Arthur, P.

Disparities, Roundtable on the Promotion of Health Equity and the Elimination of Health.

Race, Richard.

Lucas, Audrey A.

Committee on Use of Economic Evidence to Inform Investments in Children, Youth, and Families.

Suruma, Ezra Sabiti.

Campbell, Jackson J.

Grey, Mary.

Partridge, Keith.

Blank, Clair.

Mohle, Robert.

Skillman, Don.

Michaud, Nicolas.

Scarfe, Adam C.

Skye, Lucy.

Gamerro, Carlos.

Mount, Graeme S.

Stewart, Hilary.

Lennard, Duncan.

Joyner, David.

Dawe, Heather.

Lawrence, Grant.

Vince, Gaia.

Howard, Tony.

Elliott, David R.

Hoyle, Karen M.

Duval, John C.

Miller, Moira.

Speyer, Erik.

Ward, Christopher.

Collins, Jonathan.

Morrison, Arthur.

Thomson-Swift, Joe.

Twain, Mark.

Twain, Mark.

Wendt, Albert.

Lange, Turner.

Lange, Turner.

Franks, Alan.

McGrath, Luke.

Delgado, James.

Byrne, Jason.

Xiaoting, Guo.

Breckman, Warren.

Bowler, Ann Martin.

Brennan, Stephen.

Brennan, Stephen.

Tidswell, Marian.

Arora, A.

White, Alex W.

Pardun, Carol J.

Landa, Robin.

Spring, D.

Binder, Sarah A.


Barnett, Laura.

Nesporova, Alena.

Tufail, John.

Quataert, Jean H.

Rosenwald, Mitchell.

Rodan, Simona.

    Aeneid 2.
    Indianapolis : Hackett Publishing Company, Incorporated, 2008.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Fox, William L.

Williams, Neil.
    Ramsbury : Crowood, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Campbell, Stuart.


    Aesop's Fables.
    Berkeley : Thunder Bay Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hagman, George.

Meyer, Birgit.

Leppert, Richard.

Metcalf, John.

Hogarth, William.

Hogarth, William.

Taliaferro, Charles.

Bleiker, R.

Kiesling, Elena.

King, Ian.
    Aesthetics of Dress.
    Cham : Springer International Publishing, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Light, Andrew.

Lissarrague, FranÃois.

Marsden, Thomas.

Philip Head, James.

Barnet, Marie-Claire.

Manotti, Dominique.
    Affairs of State.
    London : Arcadia Books Limited, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Berking, Matthias.

Horton, S. Stone.

Lynch, K.

McNamer, Sarah.

Johnston, Tim R.

Wong Yeang Chui, Jane.

Packer, J. I.

Onumajuru, Chinwe.

Haseltine, William A.

Silverman, Robert Mark.

Gentilini, Fernando.

Kowaluk, Lucia.

Apt, Alan.

White, Mike.

Beffort, Brian.

Schad, Jerry.

Money Harris, David.

Schad, Jerry.


Apt, Alan.

Schad, Jerry.

Schad, Jerry.

Young, Tom.

Bolton, Giles.

Mhango, Nkuzi.

Ayittey, G.

Olaussen, Maria.

Mehler, Andreas.

Mehler, Andreas.

Mehler, Andreas.

Akinyemi, Okoro Monday.

Abegunrin, Olayiwola.

Robart-Johnson, Sharon.

Mhango, N.

Cassam, Annar.

Abbas, Hakima.

Bisschoff, Lizelle.

Nolting, Mark W.

Nolting, Mark W.

Hofmann, Corinne.

Haan, Leo de.

Denby, Ramona.

Howard-Pitney, David.

Holder, Michelle.

Rich, Wilbur.

Totten, Gary.

Nunes, A.

Delafosse, Maurice.
    African Art.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kunjufu, Jawanza.

Locatelli, Francesca.

An-Na'im, Abdullahi Ahmed.

Dietz, Ton.

Boateng, Amanobea.

Oyewumi, Oyeronke.

Reeves, Terence.
    African Harvest.
    Claygate : Grosvenor House Publishing, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Emeagwali, Gloria.

Wesemüller, Ellen.

Zabus, Chantal.

Marks, Stephen.

Martin, G.

Nolting, Mark W.

Nolting, Mark W.

Tamale, Sylvia.

Ce, Chin.

Mawere, Munyaradzi.

Marzagora, Sara.

Baronov, David.

Garritano, Carmela.

Manji, Firoze.

Kavanagh, James.

Weatherspoon, Floyd.

Osumare, H.

McNamee, T.

Meredith, Martin.

Schultz, K.

Asante, Molefi K.
    Afrocentric Idea.
    Philadelphia : Temple University Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Basmenji, Kaveh.

Lemberger, Michal.

Vernon, Mark.

Webster, Brenda.

Ffrench, Patrick.

Bennett, Jonathan.

Compton, Wayde.

Schulman, Sarah.
    After Delores.
    Vancouver : Arsenal Pulp Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bruhn, John G.
    After Diagnosis.
    Cham : Springer International Publishing, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Anderson, Poul.
    After Doomsday.
    New York : Open Road Media Sci-Fi & Fantasy, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Berlinger, Nancy.

Yellen, Tara.

Burchardt, Marian.

Munos, Delphine.

Bazzano, M.

Leggett, W.

Halkin, Hillel.

Bender, Courtney.

Greer, John Michael.

Milling, Declan.
    After The Texans.
    La Vergne : Clink Street Publishing, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Behan, Brendan.
    After The Wake.
    Dublin : The O'Brien Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Ikenberry, G. John.

Loewenstein, Antony.

Edwards, Brian T.

McHugh, Maureen F.

Millán, Elizabeth.

Shimotakahara, Leslie.

Potter, Gary.

Rouse, Thom.

Winch, Tara June.
    After the Carnage.
    Chicago : University of Queensland Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Chomsky, Noam.

Kwarteng, Kwasi.

Fuchita, Yasuyuki.

Rattigan, Terence.

Crichton Smith, Iain.

David, Robbins.

Vattimo, Gianni.

Clark, Mary Marshall.

Gelinas, Nicole.

Gelinas, Nicole.

Robinson, Daniel.

Campey, Lucille H.

Round, Jeffrey.

Iacobucci, Edward M.

Jones, Stephen Graham.

Scribner, Charity.

Slowik, Michael.

Fasching-Varner, Kenneth.

Cable, Vince.

Dyregrov, Kari.

McNally, John.

Martinon, Jean-Paul.

Deutsch, Nancy L.

Deutsch, Nancy L.

Waterfield Duisberg, Kristin.
    Rochester : Engine Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Heinberg, Richard.

Kolewe, R.
    Toronto : BookThug, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Clark, Beverly Lyon.

Philips, Elizabeth.

O'Rawe, Richard.

Schofield, John.

Nadelson, Scott.

Brison, Susan J.

Gottlieb, Julie V.

Matas, David.

Mountain, Jules.

Cumming, Patricia.
    New York : Alice James Books, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Walden, Lois.
    London : Arcadia Books Limited, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Ollila, Jorma.

Lang, R.A.
    Against All Odds.
    London : Clink Street Publishing, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Shah, Prakash.

Zerzan, John.

Conrad, Ryan.

Stevens, Serita.
    Against Her Will.
    New York : True North Publishing, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kaizen, William.

Aronowitz, S.

Zhang, Yuehong (Helen).

al-Aqhisari, Ahmad al-Rumi.

Ackerman, A.

Cawthorne, Nigel.

Costall, Alan.

Fields, R.

Connell, Monica.

Berlin, Isaiah.

Breyer, Stephen.

Buff, Rachel Ida.

Ross, Alexander Reid.

Currid, John D.

Baker, Norman.
    Against the Grain.
    London : Biteback Publishing, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Robinson, Matt.

Tubaro, Paola.

Anderson, Brian C.

West, Cornel.

Gagnon, Madeleine.

Kadare, Ismail.

Aldridge, Mark.

Galerstein, Nina.

Davis, Oliver.

Lambelet, A.

Griffiths, Devin.

Hiro, Dilip.

Muslim, Kristine Ong.

Grubisic, Brett Josef.
    Age of Cities.
    Vancouver : Arsenal Pulp Press, 2006.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Waites, M.

White, Courtney.

Poo, Ai-jen.

Revoyr, Nina.
    Age of Dreaming.
    Brooklyn : Akashic Books, 2008.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hanson, Robin.

de Waal, Frans.

Schlereth, Eric R.

Wharton, Edith.
    Age of Innocence.
    San Diego : Thunder Bay Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Schroeder, R.

O'Reilly, Terry.

Bank, Inter-American Development.

John, Nicholas A.
    Age of Sharing.
    Chicester : Polity Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Sachs, Jeffrey D.

Heyck, Hunter.

O'Brien, Robert.

Mackinlay, Elizabeth.

Stiftung, Bertelsmann.

McNamara, Lawrence.

Lulle, Aija.

Dawkins, Fred.

Jackson, Elizabeth.

Webb, R.

Eichner, Susanne.

Staff, European Space Agency.

Chaqués Bonafont, Laura.

Muschert, Glenn.

Papakostas, Nikolaos.

Forsyth, Olivia.

Provocateur, Agent.

Provocateur, Agent.

Provocateur, Agent.

Conway, Simon.

Müller, Matthias.

Lemos, Carlos M.

Tarvid, Alexander.

David, Esther.

van der Aalst, Wil.

Müller, Jörg.

Hannon, Bill.

Hutchison, David.

Cao, Longbing.

Arthur, Robert Andrew.

Green, H. A. John.

Wyler, Neil R.

Cooke, Jamie Lynn.

Nolan, Godfrey.
    Agile Android.
    Berkeley, CA : Apress, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hazzan, Orit.

Boyer, Jérôme.

Freedman, Rick.

Cline, Alan.

Vanderjack, Brian.

Jaramillo, Santiago.

Moreira, Mario E.

Medinilla, Ángel.

Winter, Robert.

Baumeister, Hubert.

Varma, Tathagat.

Paquette, Paul.

Rossberg, Joachim.

Moran, Alan.

Tal, Liran.

Nolan, Godfrey.

Baker, Rebecca.

Meyer, Bertrand.

Cannon, Fiona.

Holliday, Robin.
    Aging : Why We Age.
    Dordrecht : Springer Netherlands, 2007.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Grob, Gerald N.

Borins Ash, Irene.

McFadden, Susan H.

Colleran, Carol.

Baars, Jan.

Mitteldorf, Joshua.

McHugh, Mary.

Satterlie, Richard.

Satterlie, Richard.
    Agnes Hahn.
    Tulsa : Medallion Media Group, 2008.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Zultanski, Steven.
    Toronto : BookThug, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Scott, James C.

Chesnevar, Carlos I.

Hella, J. P.

Mellor, John W.

Yim Bridges, Shirin.

Morris, Harry.

Jones, David.

Haskell, Dennis.
    Ahead of Us.
    North Fremantle, WA : Fremantle Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Sanyal, Usha.

García-Arenal, Mercedes.

Melchert, Christopher.
    Ahmad ibn Hanbal.
    London : Oneworld Publications, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Badiou, Alain.

Wiley, Richard.
    Ahmed's Revenge.
    New York : Dzanc Books, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Roop, Peter.

Bingham, Juliet.

Ailes, Katie.

Bank, Asian Development.

Niyiragira, Yves.

Glennie, Jonathan.

Ganz, Jennifer B.

Carothers, Thomas.

Nemeroff, Cary.

Dang, Phong Thong.
    Aikido Basics.
    North Clarendon : Tuttle Publishing, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Broinowski, Anna.

Pigott, Peter.

Beifert, Anatoli.

Muro, Guadalupe.
    Air Carnation.
    Toronto : BookThug, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Y'Blood, William T.

Phaf-Rheinberger, Ineke.

Crellin, Fred.

Takahashi, Timothy.

Takahashi, Timothy.

Tabacco, Giovanni Alberto.

Board, National Materials and Manufacturing.

Babstock, Ken.

Young, Patricia.
    Emeryville : Biblioasis, 2006.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Atchison, Jean.

Vohra, Deepak.

Wink, Andre.
    London : Oneworld Publications, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Ellison, James W.

Buslik, Gary.

Mitra, Royona.

Choldenko, Gennifer.

Seib, P.

Cooperson, Michael.
    Al Ma'mun.
    London : Oneworld Publications, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Silber, Mitchell D.

Fakhry, Majid.

Larkin, Margaret.

Ball, Simon.

Bell, Josh.
    Alamo Theory.
    Port Townsend : Copper Canyon Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bowker, Alan.

Hewitt, Paolo.

Cooper, S. Barry.

Vincent, Hannah.
    Alarm Girl.
    Brighton : Myriad Editions, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Miller, Gavin.

DeVaughn, Melissa.

Coates, Kenneth S.

Hanley, Anne.

Jettmar, Karen.

Smelcer, John.

Culley, Ron.

Lindsey, Terence.
    Victoria : CSIRO PUBLISHING, 2008.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gutiérrez, José Angel.

Lottman, Herbert R.

Margerrison, Christine.

Illy, József.

Kraftchick, Steven J.

Rud, A.

Rains, Rob.

Acuna, Ricardo.

Gale, Jon.
    : Salt Publishing Limited, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Zieroth, David.

Jonson, Ben.

Summaries, Bright.

Sinclair, Iain.

Bucklow, Spike.

Tcherne, Oleg.

Pearce, Stewart.

Connell, Evan S.

Rose, Mark E.

Lucas, Catherine.

Connery, Hilary Smith.

Carr, Annie.

Tracy, Sarah W.

Nowlan, Alden.

Mead, Joseph.

Cornelius, J. Edward.

Chornik, Katia.

Larson, Nathan D.

Cochrane, Alan.

Moses, Melissa.

Mann, Klaus.

Alekhine, Alexander.

Hamilton, Alexander.

Kanefield, Teri.

Higgins, Helen Boyd.

Kriza, Elisa.

Leibowitz, Judith.

Briant, Pierre.

Stock, Markus.

Kenawi, Mohamed.

Fabbri, Robert.

Gormezano Goren, Yitzhak.

Campbell, Alexi Kaye.

Bryant, Jr., Keith L.
    Alfalfa Bill Murray.
    Norman : University of Oklahoma Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Webb, Holly.
    Alfie All Alone.
    London : Stripes Publishing, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hindman, Neil.

Szabo, M. E.
    Algebra of Proofs.
    Saint Louis : Elsevier Science, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Dougherty, Steven T.

Niederreiter, Harald.

Muntean, Traian.

Cvetković‐Ilić, Dragana S.

Hutchison, David.

Sakata, Toshio.

Lyons, SarahGlendon.

Revelle, Rick.

Revelle, Rick.

Revelle, Rick.

Revelle, Rick.

Henrard, Marc.

Vöcking, Berthold.

Nagy, Ivan.

Hutchison, David.

Sturmfels, Bernd.

Youssef, Marcus.

Hajeski, Nancy J.

Chreiteh, Alexandra.

Mee, Bob.

Gross, Josh.

Wood, Barbara.

Alexander, Tracy.
    Dorking : Piccadilly Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Magennis, Bev.
    Alibi Creek.
    New York, NY : Torrey House Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Cooper, Alice.

Estep, Maggie.
    Alice Fantastic.
    Brooklyn : Akashic Books, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Duncan, I.

LaGrone, Kheven.

Hooper, Judith.

McCaffery, Steve.

Bush, Penelope.
    Alice in Time.
    Dorking : Piccadilly Press, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Carroll, Lewis.

Carroll, Lewis.

Carroll, Lewis.

Carroll, Lewis.

Summaries, Bright.

Carroll, Lewis.

Collard-Spratt, Rhonda.

Wade, Laura.
    London : Oberon Books Ltd, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Ansell, M. F.

Coffey, S.

Rutkowski, Chris A.

Barker, M.

Minogue, Kenneth.

Morgan, Ruth.
    Alien Rain.
    Cardiff : Firefly Press Limited, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kawasaki, Ichiro.

Held, Phoebevon.

Jaeggi, Rahel.
    New York : Columbia University Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Anthony, Leslie.

MacDonald, Alan.
    London : Stripes Publishing, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Joudah, Fady.
    Port Townsend : Copper Canyon Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Eiler, Tracy.

Ro€berger, Thomas.

Coffey, S.

Barkley, Brad.

Fosse, Jon.
    Aliss at the Fire.
    Normal, IL : Columbia University Press, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Cooke, Nick.
    Alistair Cooke.
    : Arcade Publishing, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Wallace, J. Warner.

Stoddart, Greta.
    Alive Alive O.
    Tyne and Wear : Bloodaxe Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Sutter, Robert Earl.

Nilsson, Kristian.

Manske, R. H. F.

Manske, R. H. F.

Pérez, Pedro J.

Loomis, Jim.

Branscombe, Allison.

Hibbs, Linda.

Moore, Willamarie.

Bowler, Ann Martin.

Russell, Elaine.

Bell, Ellen.

Jimenez, Gidget Roceles.

Lindgren, U.

Bernstein, Nell.

Sarroub, Loukia K.

Hlasko, Marek.

Gardner, Nuala.

Wexler, Arnie.

Hoopmann, Kathy.

Kerbel, Lucy.

Howard, Elizabeth Jane.
    All Change.
    New York : Open Road Media, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

French, Anne.

Hoopmann, Kathy.
    All Dogs Have ADHD.
    London : Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2008.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Souza Leao, Rodrigo.
    All Dogs are Blue.
    High Wycombe : And Other Stories Publishing, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Acland, Peregrine.

Bergstrom, M.

Wilkinson III, J. Harvie.

Di Prisco, Joseph.

Cioran, E. M.

Millar, Peter.

Dixon, Stephen.
    All Gone.
    : Dzanc Books, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Stanush, Claude.

Levin, Martin P.

Taylor, Esme.

McKee, Vince.

Dowell, Roseanne.
    All In The Family.
    CALGARY : Books We Love Ltd., 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Doctor, Farzana.
    All Inclusive.
    Toronto : Dundurn, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Krefting, Rebecca.

Simon, Norma.

Hopkins, Cathy.

Jensen, Robert.

NDiaye, Marie.
    All My Friends.
    : Two Lines Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Blackman, Barbara.

Toews, Miriam.

Walling, Carrie Booth.

Lamott, Anne.

Breytenbach, Breyten.
    All One Horse.
    New York : Archipelago Books, 2008.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Unwin, Stephen.

Heti, Sheila.

LaDuke, Winona.

Kesey, Roy.
    All Over.
    : Dzanc Books, 2007.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Summaries, Bright.

Miller, K.D.
    All Saints.
    Windsor : Biblioasis, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

McDavid, Doug.

Mazzotti, Angelo Alessandro.

Desjardins, Martine.

Gill, Ian.

Malcolm, Matthew R.

Kenyon, Joseph.


Smith, Anthony Neil.

Chesterton, G. K.

Bugler, Sheila.

Martin, Ann.

Trotter, Joshua.

Mohr, Joshua.

Thomas, Neil.

Kelley, M.

Voisin, Gail.

Langford, Barry.
    All Together Now.
    La Vergne : Biteback Publishing, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Taylor, Barbara J.

Grippo, Daniel.

Dougherty, Sean Thomas.

Berg, Joel.

Harrold, Debbie.

Collins, Shanni.

Sharpe, Sue.

Piñeiro, Claudia.
    All Yours.
    New York : Bitter Lemon Press, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Cohen, Julian.

Davies, Nia.
    All fours.
    La Vergne : Bloodaxe Books, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Yang, Jerry.

Huber, Mike.
    All in One Day.
    New York, NY : Redleaf Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Treneman, Ann.

FitzGerald, Warren.

Allen, Preston L.
    All or Nothing.
    New York : Akashic Books, 2007.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bourque, Bernard J.

Kraus, Jerelle.

Jones, Stephen Graham.

Kissinger, Katie.

Nova, Craig.

Broadfoot, Neil.
    All the Devils.
    Glasgow : Saraband, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Briggs, Stephen.

Davis, Stephen.

Miller, Philip.
    All the Galaxies.
    La Vergne : Freight Books, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Piafsky, Michael.

Meyer, Clemens.
    All the Lights.
    High Wycombe : And Other Stories Publishing, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Upton, Jane.

Dexter, Gary.

Hershey, Robert L.

Selwood, Clive.

Nash, Miriam.

Breckon, Ian.

Petersen, Alice.

Din, Ayub Khan.

Castner, Brian.

Simons, Stephanie.

Dowell, Roseanne.

Willoughby, Ro.

Williams, Tricia.

Schroeder, Adam Lewis.

Tarnawsky, Maxim.

Williams, Tricia.

Murphy, Paul J.

Axinn, Donald Everett.

Null, Matthew Neill.
    Allegheny Front.
    Louisville : Sarabande Books, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Makuck, Peter.

Caffin, Elizabeth.

Sofiev, Mikhail.

Welch, Michael J.

Wankel, C.

Levy, Janice.
    Alley Oops.
    Brooklyn : Flashlight Press, 2005.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Root, Hilton L.

Szanajda, Andrew.

Moore, Lisa.
    : House of Anansi Press, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Keatley, Andrew.

Kloss, Robert.

Cho, Allan.

Grace, K. D.

Grace, K. D.

Francis, Pope.

Taim, Astrid.

Warr, Tracey.

Le Tourneau, Roger.

Stewart, Chris.

Corasanti, Michelle Cohen.
    Almond Tree, The.
    Reading : Garnet Publishing (UK) Ltd, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Boyd, J. Wesley.

Nowinski, Joseph.

Thomas, Jennifer J.

Marques, Luana.

O'Neill, Tony.
    Almost Blue.
    : Galley Beggar Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Black, Ian.

Kelly, Dasha.
    Almost Crimson.
    La Vergne : Curbside Splendor Publishing, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Prince, Jefferson.

Rowell, Rosie.
    Almost Grace.
    London : Hot Key Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Carter, Matt.

James, Christina.
    Almost Love.
    Cambridge : Salt Publishing Limited, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Schouten, Ronald.

Milligan, Bryce.

Dalton, Anthony.

Bentley, Katrin.

MacArthur, Jr.

Padgett, Ron.

Aston, Felicity.

Webb, Holly.

Landers, Kirk.

Silva, Sónia.

Goldberg, Kory.

Johnson, Jason.
    Aloysius Tempo.
    Dublin : Liberties Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Beech, Martin.

Howard, Amalie.
    Alpha Goddess.
    : Sky Pony Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Crowe, Andy.

Bartholomew, Sandy.

Steen Bartholomew, Sandy.

Kaufman, Elliott.
    Alphabet Everywhere.
    New York : Abbeville Publishing Group, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Woliver, Robbie.

Parent, Lauren A.
    Alphabet Kingdom.
    Golden : Fulcrum Publishing, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Vandenberg, Katrina.

Naudé, SJ.
    Alphabet of Birds.
    High Wycombe : And Other Stories Publishing, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gates, Valerie.

Birman, Dmitri.

O'Garro, Lorraine.

Page, Kathy.
    Windsor : Biblioasis, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Rosen, Michael.

Kennedy, Katherine.

Bade, Patrick.
    Alphonse Mucha.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bade, Patrick.
    Alphonse Mucha.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bykau, Vasil.
    Alpine Ballad.
    TILBURG : Glagoslav Publications Limited, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

McDonald, Bernadette.
    Alpine Warriors.
    Victoria : RMB Rocky Mountain Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Mallett, Steve.

Whitfield, Matthew.

Patrick, Ellen.

Hainsworth, Kaleeg.

Albrecht, Eduardo Zachary.

Osto, Douglas.

Buckingham, Karin.

Schroader, Amber.

Paz, Octavio.

Nandy, Lisa.

Leiner, Martin.

Robbins-Roth, Cynthia.

Arsenault, Marc.

Clennon, O.

Publishing, OECD.

Morey, Peter.

Yalim, Yucel.

Migs, Benny.

Patel, Ashok R.

Riddle, Stewart.

Gotzner, Nicole.

Skelly, Mari.

Carruthers, Mark.

Hughes, Frieda.

Lievrouw, Leah.

Altman, Kathryn Reed.

Foster, Charles.

Masson, Jeffrey Moussaieff.

Tomson, Anastacia.

Baldwin, Barbara.
    Always Believe.
    CALGARY : Books We Love Publishing Partners, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Tawhai, Veronica.

Granger, Trudi.

Weiss, Jason.

Stead, Arnold.

Di Prisco, Joseph.

Caracciolo, Federica.

Lock, Margaret.

Davis, B.

Poirier, Judes.

Kuhn, Daniel.

Kuhn, Daniel.

de la Torre, Jack C.

Orner, Peter.

Mbubaegbu, Chine.
    Am I Beautiful?.
    Crownhill : Authentic Media, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Rollin, Betty.

Roberts, Ruth.

Ayala, Francisco J.

Zamorano, Désirée.
    Amado Women.
    TX : Cinco Puntos Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Silk, Danny.

Walker, Melanie.

Davis, Richard Harding.
    Auckland : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Klein, Edward.
    Washington DC : Regnery Publishing, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Klein, Edward.
    Washington : Regnery Publishing, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hicks, Dylan.
    New York, NY : Coffee House Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Prince, Greg W.

Mooney, Carla.

Mooney, Carla.

Gilliland, Alan.

Darling, Ian.

Van Vleet, Carmella.

Kent, Mike.

Wentworth, Patricia.
    Amazing Chance.
    New York : Open Road Media Mystery & Thriller, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bantin, John.

Benson, Jen & Sim.

Knight, Paul.

Piper, John.

Bree, Marlin.

Tekiela, Stan.

Light Brown, Cynthia.

Taylor, Robert B.

McGill, Ormond.

Bardos, Lazlo C.

Helman, Cecil.

Editors, Tuttle.

Durham, Dick.

Wade, Alex.

Allen, Nate.

Prime, Jim.

McMichael, Steve.

Logan, Bob.

Schneider, Russell.

Siemund, Peter.

Hashimoto, Naoya.
    Amazon S3 Cookbook.
    Olton Birmingham : Packt Publishing Ltd, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gookin, Dan.

Kavanagh, James.

Marcus, James.

Hornbostel, Peter.

Miles, Julia.

Miles, Julia.

Ólafsson, Bragi.
    Rochester : Open Letter, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Busby, C. J.
    Amber Crown.
    Surrey : Templar Publishing, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Collishaw, Stephan.
    Salisbury : Dean Street Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Maier, Jens.

Cai, Yang.

Akan, Ozgur.

Wilkerson, W.

Brighenti, A. Mubi.

Wawrzinek, Jennifer.

Wiman, Christian.

Marshall, Melinda.

Hüsken, Ute.

Kranson, Rachel.

Hunter, David G.

D'Souza, Dinesh.

McClennen, Sophia A.

Douglas, William Orville.
    America Challenged.
    Princeton : Princeton University Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Van Ells, Mark D.

Alexander, Andrew.

O'Toole, J.

Lyons, J.

Giroux, H.

Harker, Jaime.

Kaba, Amadu Jacky.

Frederick, Chad.

Orr, Tamra B.

Orr, Tamra B.

Swaine, Michael D.

Akbarzadeh, S.

Forbes, Bruce David.

Haddad, John R.

Wallace, Marianne D.

Wind, Herbert Warren.

Waxman, Chaim Isaac.

Crouere, Jeff.

Freeman, Chas W.

Loftus, John.

Hamilton, Richard F.

Hess, Stephen.

Wexler, Stuart.

Levin, Ted.

Moss, Marissa.

Dubbs, Chris.

Cannon, Chris.

Gelernter, David.

Jett, D.



Scully, Vincent.

Doerksen, Clifford J.

Yardley, Herbert O.

Hughes, Claretha.

Beard, Daniel Carter.

Beard, Daniel C.

Watson, Larry.
    American Boy.
    New York : Milkweed Editions, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lichtenstein, Nelson.

Carroll, Michael P.

Etheredge, Robert C.

Clapp, James A.

Gumprecht, Blake.

Kidd, Thomas S.

Lewis, A.

Sabella, Jeremy L.

Ventura, Jesse.

Ventura, Jesse.

Bigler, Ellen.

Jaskoski, Maiah.

Prince, Cathryn.

Grisham, Jack.

Association, American Diabetes.

Shane-McWhorter, Laura.

McCarren, Marie.

Franz, Marion J.

Chiang, Jane L.

Noguchi, Yone.

Adams, Clarence.

Dykes, Kristy.

Hanson, Sandra L.

Price, Bruce.

Twain, Mark.

Fattor, E.

Panitch, L.

Sharkey, Heather J.

Gilligan, Thomas W.

Slade, Giles.

Newton, Lisa.

Schuster, Jack H.

del Mar, David Peterson.

Gerston, Larry N.

Roberts, Frank E.

Wiarda, H.

Anheier, Helmut K.

Adams, Les.

Madley, Benjamin.
    American Genocide.
    New Haven : Yale University Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Guardia, Mike.

Blush, Steven.

Snook, Jennifer.

Bufe, Chaz.

Irwin, John T.

Smith, Wilson.

Pasque, P.


Association, American Historical.

Kathan, Boardman W.

McConnell, David.

Bell, Christopher E.

Gerber, D.

Reyhner, Jon.

Edmo, Se-ah-dom.

Berton, Pierre.

Mazie, Steven V.

Caplan, Lincoln.

Neff, James.

Jozsa Jr., Frank P.

Manaster, Kenneth.

Cohen, Michael A.

Blue, Steven L.

Lock, Norman.
    American Meteor.
    Yarmouth : Bellevue Literary Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Leyda, Julia.

Dickens, Charles.
    American Notes.
    Newburyport : Dover Publications, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Formisano, Ron.

Daugherty, Tracy.
    American Originals.
    College Station, TX : Texas Review Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Frazer, William D.

Morrow, Bradford.

Reppetto, Thomas A.

Jackson, John S.

Roper, Jon.

DePlato, Justin.

Bell, John.

Clarke, Thomas Curtis.

Spero, Patrick.

Corrigan, M.

Whyman, Matt.
    American Savage.
    London : Hot Key Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Yamashiro, S.

Hixson, W.

Penilla, Adan R.,

Nichols, Catherine.

Weld, Theodore Dwight.

Turner, S.

DellaGiustina, John.

Ogren, C.

Plante, David.

McComsey, Jeff.

American Theatre Magazine, Staff of.

Fisher, Lewis F.

Levy, Bernard-Henri.

de Recacoechea, Juan.
    American Visa.
    New York : Akashic Books, 2007.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kakel, C.

Bishop, Kyle William.

Wruk, Brian D.

Haney, David Paul.

London, Herbert.

Brown, D.

Day, John W.


Sharma, Sunil.
    Amir Khusraw.
    London : Oneworld Publications, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

White, Andrew.

Simanga, M.

Nolt, Steven M.

Hurst, Charles E.

Stoltzfus, Louise.
    Amish Women.
    La Vergne : Good Books, 2005.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Saldaña París, Daniel.

Glave, Thomas.

Hopkins, Lekkie.

Ligon, Samuel.

Hart-Davis, Duff.

Johnson, Luke Timothy.

Conrad, John.

Bellusci, David C.

Levy, Deborah.

Eidevall, Göran.

Gunn, Carla.
    New York : Coach House Books, 2005.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Pryce , Trevor.

    New York : Theatre Communications Group, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Rodríguez, Leonardo Jiménez.

Liking, Werewere.

Kroonen, Guus.

Marlatt, Daphne.

Howard, Alan.

Brown, Jeremy.
    Anaconda Choke.
    : Medallion Media Group, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hinton, David.
    Berkeley : Counterpoint, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

James, Aaron B.

Silbersdorff, Alexander.

Hairer, E.

Ahsen, Mehmet Eren.

Steward, F. C.

Kothari, D.P.

He, Jingrui.

Loos, Carolin.

Böttcher, Albrecht.

Chase, James.

Maechtle, Walter.

Hutchison, David.

Cunningham, Scott W.

Boobier, Tony.

Golbeck, Jennifer.

Azpiroz, Maialen Iraola.

Kinna, Ruth.

Milstein, Cindy.

Bayer, Osvaldo.

Springer, Simon.

Goodway, David.

Smolens, John.
    East Lansing : Michigan State University Press, 2018.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gordon, Uri.

Angus, Ian.

Antliff, Allan.

Hunt, Lester H.

Cioran, E. M.

Shivani, Anis.

Roebuck, Jamie.

Rosner, Lisa.

Dicharry, Jay.

Curran, Andrew S.

Sze, Gillian.

Lachouque, Henri.

Dimsdale, Joel E.
    Anatomy of Malice.
    New Haven : Yale University Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Chou, Lily.

Ramsay, Craig.

Pasley, Robert.

Blanc, Nero.

Jarsulic, Marc.

Katherine, M.A., Anne.

Little, Ashley.

Kim, Anna.
    Anatomy of a Night.
    : Frisch & Co. Electronic Books Inc., 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Nash, George.

Goldberg, Jeff.

Blochwich, Martin.

Purcell, Lisa.

Striano, Philip.

Striano, Philip.

Auman, Amy.

Rawson, Andrew.

Wendt, Albert.
    Wellington : Huia (NZ) Ltd, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Haze, Xaviant.

Xuetong, Yan.

Paine, Mike.
    Ancient Greece.
    Harpenden, Herts : Oldcastle Books, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Ault, Bradley A.

Flanagan, Laurence.

Darvill, Timothy.


Jett, Stephen C.

Nahm, David Connerley.

Galan, Christian.

Stoneman, Richard.

Prior, William J.
    Ancient Philosophy.
    New York, NY : Oneworld Publications, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Peacock, D. P. S.

Baker, Kage.
    Ancient Rockets.
    San Francisco : Tachyon Publications, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Michalos, Alex C.

Nichols, Stephen J.

Peltier, Warren.

Nowak, Piotr.

Rose, Michael E.

Lester, Julius.

Lewin, Michael Z.
    And Baby Will Fall.
    New York : Open Road Media Mystery & Thriller, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kwiatkowski, Paul.

Oved, Gil.

Young, Josh.

Tippetts, Kara.

Mowat, Farley.
    And No Birds Sang.
    Vancouver : D & M Publishers, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Nadeau, Michel.

Brandão, Ignácio de Loyola.
    And Still the Earth.
    Normal, IL : Columbia University Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Natsume, Soseki.

Roberts, Bea.

Segal, Mark.

Feurer, Paige.

Latus, Dan.

Ngcobo, Lauretta.
    And They Didn't Die.
    New York : The Feminist Press at CUNY, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

McLean, Russel D.
    And When I Die.
    Glasgow : Saraband, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Phillips, Helen.

Allin, Lou.

Shilts, Randy.

Moskowitz, Faye.


Ponsonby, Simon.

Eliot, Harper.

Shamsie, Muneeza.

Blumenthal, Michael.
    New York : BOA Editions Ltd., 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Jonas, Georgina.
    La Vergne : Crown House Publishing, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

de Recacoechea, Juan.
    Andean Express.
    Brooklyn : Akashic Books, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Biggar, John.

Jacobs, Michael.
    Washington : Counterpoint, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Rees, Eleanor.
    Andraste's Hair.
    Cambridge : Salt Publishing Limited, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Spalding, Andrea.

Smeltzer, Doris.

Boyadzhieva, Lyudmila.

Grant, Keith.

Hind, Andrew.

Spence, Richard Douglas.

Cardullo, R. J.

Gossman, J.

Kurniawan, Budi.

Burd, Barry A.

Zhang, Mu.

Jackson, Wallace.

Jackson, Wallace.

Nolan, Godfrey.

Macharla, Pradeep.

MacLean , Dave.

DiMarzio, Jerome.

Manas, Enrique Lopez.

Gookin, Dan.

Cinar, Onur.

Smith, Dave.

Smith, Dave.

Smith, Dave.

DiMarzio, Jerome.

Jackson, Wallace.

Trebilcox-Ruiz, Paul.

Gookin, Dan.

Azzola, Francesco.

Norton, Andre.
    Android at Arms.
    New York : Open Road Media Sci-Fi & Fantasy, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Berry, Wendell.

Zmuda, Bob.

Balducci, Lodovico.

Ehrenfeld, Jesse M.

Zogry, Michael J.

Naylor, Henry.

Cooper, Diana.

Harris, Helen.
    Angel Cake.
    : Halban, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Mussi, Sarah.
    Angel Dust.
    London : Hot Key Books, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Cooper, Diana.

Noyes, Deborah.
    Angel and Apostle.
    Lakewood, CO : Unbridled Books, 2006.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Wragg, Sally.

Easton, Don.

Williams, G.

de Galard, Genevieve.

Little, J.A.

Frei, David.

Leckey, Carl.

MacDonald, Alan.
    Angela Nicely.
    London : Stripes Publishing, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Schmidt Fishbaugh, Angela.

Shapiro, Rami.

Leckey, Carl.
    Guildford : Grosvenor House Publishing, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Potter, Dylan David.

Nickerson, Angela K.

O'Donnell, Ronan.

Oliver, Evelyn Dorothy.
    Angels A to Z.
    Farmington Hills : Visible Ink Press, 2008.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Thompson, Mavis.

Khadra, Yasmina.
    Angels Die.
    London : Gallic Books, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Nixon, Cornelia.

Banks, Ray.

Stewart, Laverne.

Pearce, Stewart.

Leckey, Carl.
    Angels at Mons.
    Guildford : Grosvenor House Publishing, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kushner, Tony.

Troyan, Sasha.

Pearce, Stewart.

de Gourmont, Remy.

Andrews, Marion.
    Angels of the NHS.
    La Vergne : Grosvenor House Publishing, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Ellis, Garfield.
    Angels' Share.
    New York, NY : Akashic Books, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Erskine Clement, Clara.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Blum, Paul.

Gulbenkoglu, Hrepsime.

Plummer, Deborah.

Jones, Kaylie.

Bilodeau, Lorrainne.
    Anger Workbook.
    Minneapolis : Hazelden Publishing, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Nussbaum, Martha C.

Eich, Gunter.

Lerner, Ben.
    Angle of Yaw.
    Port Townsend : Copper Canyon Press, 2006.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Fleming, Colin.

Williams, Rowan.

Avis, Paul.

Lock, Ron.

Egging Dinwiddy, Kirsten.

Bayliss, Alex.

Higham, Nicholas.
    Anglo-Saxon World.
    London : Yale University Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Peeples, Samuel A.
    Angry Land.
    London : Robert Hale, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Williams, John A.

Wilson, Colin.

Collins, Savina.
    Chicago, IL : Britannica Digital Learning, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Silver, Gail.
    Anh's Anger.
    Berkeley : Parallax Press, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Pattullo, Alice.
    Animal ABC.
    London : Pavilion Books, 2008.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

San Antonio Museum of Art,.

Allmacher, Fabian.

Allmacher, Fabian.

Byers, John.

Buffalo Horn Man, Gary.

Thomas, Natalie.

Palmer, Clare.

Caveney, Philip.
    Animal Factory.
    Edinburgh : Fledgling Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

King, Sally.

Holt, Ben.

Sharpe, Jamie.

Pschera, Alexander.

Ashby, Jack.

Nance, Susan.

Nibert, David A.

Langeveld, Joost.
    Animal Origami.
    San Diego : Thunder Bay Press, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Campbell, A. Malcolm.

Conn, P.

Rowlands, Mark.

Regan, Tom.

Falkner, Sarah.

Weill, Cynthia.

Poppele, Jonathan.

Masri, Al-Hafiz Basheer Ahmad.

Pavlides, Merope.

LePan, Don.

King, Sarah Withrow.

Keenleyside, Heather.

Peggs, K.

Steiner, Gary.

Bekoff, Marc.

Foltz, Richard.

Frohlich, Anja.

Coulter, Kendra.

Harding, Stephen.

Shepherd, Hillary.

Honess Roe, Annabelle.

Levy, David B.

Wells, P.

Cavallaro, Dani.

Camp, Brian.

McCarthy, Helen.

Drazen, Patrick.

Cavallaro, Dani.

Steiff, Josef.

Cavallaro, Dani.

Gupta, Tanika.
    Anita and Me.
    London : Oberon Books Ltd, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Robson, David.

Alma, Ann.

Loizeaux, William.

Verlag, K. Kieser.

Nunez, Elizabeth.
    Anna In-Between.
    Brooklyn : Akashic Books, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Edmundson, Helen.

Summaries, Bright.

Watkins, Daniel P.

Lucia, Anna Louise.

Annovi, Gian Maria.

Kairoff, Claudia T.

Gerber, Merrill Joan.

Gerber, Merrill Joan.

Winter, Kathleen.
    : House of Anansi Press, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Dublin, Anne.

Anne Frank House, The.

Graham, Peter.

Sexton, Anne.

Montgomery, Lucy Maud.

Montgomery, Lucy Maud.

Montgomery, Lucy Maud.

Montgomery, L. M.

Matthews, Anni.

Deegan, Mary Jo.

Brown, Rebecca.
    Annie Oakley's Girl.
    San Francisco : City Lights Publishers, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Ash, Stephanie Wilbur.

Cheng, Jim.

Jagger, Jon.

Longley, Edna.

Harmon, Joshua.

Treneman, Ann.

Braithwaite, John.

Postoaca, Andrei.

Karam, John Tofik.

Cole, Joni B.

Wharton, Ken.

Guy, Mat.

Edmonds, Frances.

Kolko, Gabriel.

Mayes, Andrew.

Cabannes, Yves.

Boyer, J. Patrick.

Dowell, Roseanne.
    Another Day.
    CALGARY : BWL Publishing Inc., 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Phillips, Barnaby.

Bainbridge, Beryl.

Barkley, Brad.

Smith, Matthew.

Meyer, Jonathan.

Heap, Michael.

Jung, Carl Gustav.

Piper, H. Beam.
    Auckland : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bower, Beverly L.

Jones, Nathaniel R.

Anderson, Julie Wofford.


Sugden, Howard F.

Muller, George.

Rosenbaum, Benjamin.

Coady, Lynn.
    : House of Anansi Press, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Siebold, Rainer.

Duffy, Kevin.
    Anthills and Stars.
    Hebden Bridge : Bluemoose Books Ltd, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Zia Ul Haq, Muhammad.

Fahy, Davene.

Knowles, Robert.

Charles, Victoria.
    Anthony van Dyck.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Parini, Jay.

Cole, Leonard A.

Altvater, Elmar.

Touval, Amitai.

Hendry, Joy.

Linger, Daniel Touro.

Menzfeld, Mira.

Webster, Joseph.

Tobias, Michael Charles.

Chiozza, Giacomo.

Fritsch, Charles Theodore.

Thörn, H.

Tormey, Simon.

Cockersell, Peter.

Phillips, Gary.

Simmons, D.

Gopal, Anand.

Connell, W.

Shellhorse, Adam Joseph.

Sullivan, Kevin.

Raphael, Frederic.

Rubin, Theodore Isaac.

Gillan, K.

Podolsky, Scott H.

McKenna, John.

Simmons, Amy.
    Leighton Buzzard : Columbia University Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bolen, Dennis E.

Lang, Clarence.

Hoffmann, Petra.

Peterson, Jesse Lee.

de la O, Marsha.

Blessing, B.

Lengyel, Edit.

Rockmore, Tom.



Ryan, Damien.
    Sydney : Currency Press, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Crusie, Jennifer.

Snyder, Mariza.

Gerber, Merrill Joan.
    Antique Man.
    : Dzanc Books, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Chaimowicz, Thomas.

Homolka, Michael.
    Louisville : Sarabande Books, 2006.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Freeman, Lisa A.

Hahn, Robert W.

Zöller, Elisabeth.

Zöller, Elisabeth.

Shafer, David A.
    Antonin Artaud.
    London : Reaktion Books, Limited, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Casariego, Nicolás.

Toseland, Simon.

Horwitz, Allan V.

Maharaja, Siva Ganesh.

Rezek, Cheryl.

Millar, Martin.

MacArthur, Jr.

Mueller, Craig.

McLean, Linda.

Allardice, Kevin.

Cox, Stan.

Shulman, Max.

Lebowitz, Rachel.

Madden, Martine.
    Dublin : The O'Brien Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Slonina, Emily.

Lindsay, Diana.

Frame, Tom.
    Anzac Day Then & Now.
    Sydney, NSW : University of New South Wales Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Landsberry, Belinda.
    Anzac Ted.
    Auckland : Exisle Publishing PTY Ltd., 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Vohra, Deepak.

Shahi, Dikshant.

Amirghodsi, Siamak.

Kočandrle, Radim.

Klaw, Richard.
    Apes of Wrath.
    San Francisco : Tachyon Publications, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Dell, Linda Louisa.

Grace, K. D.

Fielding, Hannah.
    Aphrodite's Tears.
    La Vergne : London Wall Publishing, 2018.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

de Graaf, Jacqueline.

Despentes, Virginie.
    Apocalypse Baby.
    New York : The Feminist Press at CUNY, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Tyrone, Nick.

Whitelock, Edward.

Flammarion, Camille.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Aveni, Anthony.

Rinehart, J.

Collins, John J.

Carey, Greg.

Altizer, Thomas J. J.

Baba, Shoib Ahmad.

Kielty, Martin.

Markos, Louis.

Raatzsch, Richard.

Graham, Elaine.

Campbell, Alexi Kaye.

Kaye Campbell, Alexi.

Pineda, Jon.
    Apology : A Novel.
    Minneapolis : Milkweed Editions, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Holdefer, Charles.

Smith, Jordan.

Pollock, John.

Mason, Matthew.

Gorman, Michael J.

Paul, Barbara.
    Apostrophe Thief.
    New York : Road, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hargla, Indrek.

Maskrey, Molly K.

Chazin, Daniel D.

Logue, Victoria.

Adkins, Leonard.

Kürle, Stefan.

Garg, Shankar.
    Appium Recipes.
    Berkeley, CA : Apress, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

McGrath, Simone.

Nelson, Richard.

Riches, Gary.

Woolf, Emma.

Stone, Emmett.
    La Vergne : Robert Hale, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Butler, Hubert.

Asscher, Maarten.

Brown, Andy.

Huizenga, Betty.
    Apples of Gold.
    Colorado Springs : David C. Cook, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Chen, Po-Yuan.

Battle-Fisher, Michele.

Neumann, Wilfried.

Choulli, Mourad.

Weisberg, D. Kelly.

Keenan, Michael.

Casparian, Armen S.

Berger, Arthur Asa.

Barnes, Hazel.

Moed, Henk F.

O'Brien, Thomas J.

Burney, DeAnna M.

Burney, DeAnna M.

Beilina, Larisa.

Coleman, Les.

Sakata, Toshio.

Birkfellner, Wolfgang.

Lachev, Teo.

Rogers, Andrei.

Caraballo, Tomás.

Vyas, Uchit.

Sahay, Amar.

Held, Leonhard.

Morgan, Byron J.T.

Mursaleen, M.

Moore, Dirk F.

McDowell, Teresa.

Bennett, Scott Edward.

Tyldum, G.

Improvement, Roundtable on Population Health.

Maschi, Tina.

Geren, Ronald L.

Sinson, Jane L.

Charles, Kate.

Zonderland, Maartje E.

Scott-Lennon, Frank.

Boyd, Brenda.

Tam, Josaphat C.

Pierce , Taylor.

Hui, David.

Roszler, Janis.

Safety, Forum on Public-Private Partnerships for Global Health and.

McConnell, Anne.

Huemer, M.

C. Thiselton, Anthony.

Dalai Lama, His Holiness.

Hammersley, Ben.

Garza-Hillman, Sid.

Thiselton, Anthony.

Geldhof, Joris.

Gonzalez, Jose Eduardo.

Brams, Steven.
    Approval Voting.
    New York, NY : Springer New York, 2007.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hutchison, David.

Chekroun, Mickaël D.

Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr.

Morgan, Elaine.

Buchanon, Phillip.
    Aquatic Bourne.
    Minneapolis : OCTOCANON, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Feser, Edward.

Lee, Master.

Pollack, Kenneth M.

Momani, Bessma.

Guzansky, Y.

Guthrie, Shirley.

Henry, Clement.

Ghanem, Hafez.

Ghanem, Hafez.

Yossef, Amr.

Prashad, Vijay.

Guazzone, Laura.

Lynch, Marc.

Spencer, Robert.

Guthrie, Shirley.

Khalaf, Samir.

Farah, Caesar.

Rosburg, Helen A.
    Wauconda : Medallion Media Group, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Halliday, Fred.

Basrawi, Fadia.

Naylor, Henry.

Brosh, Hezi.

Mansouri, Fethi.

Mansouri, Fethi.

Al-Ardhi, Mohammed Mahfoodh.
    Arabs Down Under.
    Yarmouth : Garnet Publishing (UK) Ltd, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Unit, Curriculum Development.

Rees, Anthony.

Nasser, Hussein.
    ArcGIS By Example.
    Olton Birmingham : Packt Publishing Ltd, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Smith, Drew Nellins.
    Arcade : A Novel.
    North Clarendon : The Unnamed Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

    Arcadia Burns.
    Surrey : Templar Publishing, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

(U.S.), Joint History Office.
    Arcadia Conference.
    Washington, D. C. : United States Government Printing Office, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

    Arcadia Falls.
    Surrey : Templar Publishing, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Goyen, William.
    : Dzanc Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Leake, Jessica.

Leake, Jessica.

Luck, Georg.

Castillo, Alicia.

Vel squez, Jorge Gamboa.

O'Donnabhain, Barra.

Bates, Lynsey A.

Flatman, Joe.

Cucina, Andrea.

Ramenofsky, Ann F.


Kealhofer, Lisa.

Casella, Eleanor.

Peacock, D P S.

Kozakavich, Stacy C.

Evans, Amanda M.

Mills, Bruce.

Edwards, Nancy.

Mazar, Amihai.

de la Rosa, A. José Farrujia.

Reed, Marguerite.
    Portland, OR : Resurrection House, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kemp, Kenny.

Roberts, Ed.
    Archer's Luck.
    La Vergne : Robert Hale, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Charles, Deborah.

Axford, Ray.

Nelson, Annabelle.

Laube, Agnès.

Anedda, Antonella.
    Tyne and Wear : Bloodaxe Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Ridyard, Simone.

Hagen Hodgson, Petra.

Nath, Shyam.

Terzian, Philip.

Borch, Christian.

Stavric, Milena.


Cook, Peter.

Phillips , Donald T.

Serpanos, Dimitrios.

Dionne, Caroline.

Grancelli, B.

Vandenburgh, Jane.

Hultzsch, Anne.

Ngo, Duy Trong.

Eichhorn, Kate.

Pratt, Lloyd.

Manyanga, Munyaradzi.

Kornher-Stace, Nicole.

De Girolami Cheney, Liana.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Harlick, R.J.

Hønneland, Geir.

Pelly, David F.

Dalton, Anthony.

Hønneland, G.

Feagan, Robert.
    Arctic Thunder.
    Toronto : Dundurn, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Corelli, Marie.

Hamilton, Laurell K.

Brossard, Nicole.
    Toronto : Coach House Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Cook, Mike.

Kurniawan, Agus.

Sunstein, Cass R.

Skidelsky, E.

Mong, Ambrose.

Heather, Jane.

Rath, Tom.

Booker, Brian.

Burman, Lisa.

Wallis, Pete.

Nixon, Rosemary.

Villani, Susan.

Pennington, Michael.

Savage, Sarah.

Evans, Brooke DiGiovanni.

Woodell, Patricia.

Huffer, Lynne.

Maidment, Pete.

Butijn, Carja.

Milton, John.

Bego, Mark.

Aharoni, Gabriela Jonas.

Williams, Jim.

(U.S.), Joint History Office.
    Argonaut Conference.
    Washington, D. C. : United States Government Printing Office, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Sheldrake, Rupert.

Jensen, Robert.

Education, PCG.

Havard, Tim M.

Espriu, Salvador.

McGuinness, Frank.
    Dublin : The O'Brien Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Morgan, Devin.

Morgan, Devin.

Saliki, Frank C.
    Arise and Shine.
    La Vergne : Grosvenor House Publishing, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Evergates, Theodore.

Platter, Charles.

Telò, Mario.

Archibald, J. David.

Guardo, Elena.

Grey, Zane.

McBride, Andrew.
    Arizona Kid.
    La Vergne : Robert Hale, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Graham, J.M.

Durrell, Gerald.
    Ark's Anniversary.
    Newburyport : Open Road Media, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Rose, C.D.

Jolliffe, David A.

Chan, Arlene.

Walsh, Enda.

Hess, Joan.

Strutt, Laura.

Temple, Mary Beth.

Willis, Jim.

Stahlberg, Rainer.

Davidson, Joel R.

Berti, Benedetta.

Duban, Elisabeth.

Babkenian, Vicken.

Hovannisian, Richard G.

Heydarov, Tale.

Panossian, Razmik.

Dadoyan, Seta B.

Farrokh, Kaveh.

Gale, Patrick.
    Armistead Maupin.
    New York : Open Road Media, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bottoms, David.

Somerset, Andrew.

Alexander, Shawn Leigh.

Liss, Sarah.

Buuck, David.
    Army of Lovers.
    San Francisco : City Lights Publishers, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Brown, Chris.
    Arnhem 1944.
    Toronto : Dundurn, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gaffney, David.
    Cambridge : Salt Publishing Limited, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Peace Rhind, Jennifer.

Millman, Elana.

Tiran, Denise.

Tisserand, Maggie.

Jackson, Timothy.

Smith, P. W. G.

Holmes, Peter.

Verne, Jules.

Bennett, Jonathan.

Harrison, Gordon.

Verne, Jules.

van der Linden, Stephanie.

Armstrong, William N.

Wallenstein, James.
    New York : Milkweed Editions, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Maskin, Eric.

Snell, Roy J.

Wilson, Thomas.

Farooqi, Abida.

Garcia, David.

Hammett, Dashiell.

Titus, Allison.

Woods, Kim W.

Barker, Emma.

Edwards, Steve.

Kinard, Lyric.

Schneider Adams, Laurie.

Guest, Jennifer.

Guest, Jennifer.

Jonas, Georgina.
    Art Attack.
    La Vergne : Crown House Publishing, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Chantry, Art.

Moustaira, Elina.

Tompkins, Arthur.

Charles, Victoria.
    Art Deco.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Charles, Victoria.
    Art Deco.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

O'Sullivan, S.

    Art Kills.
    : Stark Raving Group, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Iverson, Ann.
    Art Lessons.
    Minneapolis : Holy Cow! Press, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Johnson, Maureen.

Johnson, Maureen.

Johnson, Maureen.

Johnson, Maureen.

Johnson, Maureen.

Johnson, Maureen.

Del Nevo, Matthew.

Beauclair, Rene.

Lahor, Jean.
    Art Nouveau.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lahor, Jean.
    Art Nouveau.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lahor, Jean.
    Art Nouveau.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Coppola, R. Craig.

Zweig, Eric.

Bryce, Alan D.

Dye, Lorette.

Silverstone, Liesl.

Buchalter, Susan I.

Ambridge, Maggie.

Bridgham, Terre.

Bachalter, Susan I.

Bird, Jamie.

Slater, Nancy.

Schmanke, Libby.

Ryde, Julia.

Michaels, Debbie.

Learmonth, Malcolm.

Richmond, Wendy.

Hill, Wes.

Reid, Daniel P.

Russell, Ian Alden.

Yeomans, Richard.

Carr, Susan.

Schrowange, Claus.

Bromell, David.

Wildavsky, Aaron.

Wexler, A.

Simpère, Françoise.

Rydzewski, Pamela.

Roald, Tone.

Ort, T.

Easton, Don.

Munson, Paul.

Maritain, Jacques.
    Art and Poetry.
    Newburyport : Philosophical Library, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Jennings, Sarah.

Brown, David.

Shapiro, Shauna L.

Ziviani, Jenny.

Strosberg, Eliane.
    Art and Science.
    New York : Abbeville Publishing Group, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gasque, Laurel.

Schrank, Sarah.

Waller, Jenny.

Martin, Nicole.

Bazin, Jerome.

Alalu, Judith.

MacDonald, Scott.

Khan, Rimi.

Charles, Victoria.

Day, Lewis F.

Tsvetaeva, Marina.

Lavery, JaneElizabeth.

Curtis, Deb.

Hoffman, Karen.

Kummli, Heidi.

Toward, Gary.

Toward, Gary.

Toward, Gary.

Ravetz, Deborah.

Henley, Chris.

Cope, Andy.

Mikel, Emery Hurst.

Barry, Michael S.

Barry, Michael S.

Renaud, Georges.

Lackey, Tamara.

Self, Caroline.

Simon, Eli.
    Art of Clowning.
    New York : Palgrave Macmillan US, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Edmonston, Phil.

Feigin, Gerald.

Cocoran, Ian.

Hahn, Barbara.

Weenolsen, Patricia.

Wilson, Lauren.

Urban, Neal.

Freeman-Shor, Lee.

Pitol, Sergio.
    Art of Flight.
    Dallas : Deep Vellum Publishing, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Stanfield, R. Brian.

McDonald, Bernadette.

Roche, Nancy.
    Art of Governance.
    New York : Theatre Communications Group, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Ricard, Matthieu.

Ringma, Charles R.

Smith, Heather.

Hunter, C. Roy.

Hunter, C. Roy.

Ackland-Snow, Terry.

Smith, Vincent Arthur.
    Art of India.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Fox, James.

Graham, Philip.
    Art of Knock.
    : Dzanc Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Edgecombe, James.
    Art of Kozu.
    Dingwall : Sandstone Press Ltd, 2008.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Wolf, Notker.
    Art of Leadership.
    Collegeville, MN : Liturgical Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Wendy Beckett, Sister.

Perkins, Tom.

Leget, Carlo.

Kong, Herbert Ho Ping.

LoBrutto, Vincent.

East, Melanie.

Pilon, Juliana Geran.

Beresin, Anna.

Thomas, Joy.

Jacobs, Lou.

George, Jennifer.

Carnegie, Dale.

Weeks, Darren.

DiMaggio, Debbi.

de Lagasnerie, Geoffroy.

Quiraishi, Shazea.
    Art of Scratching.
    Tyne and Wear : Bloodaxe Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Griffiths, Karol.

McKenna, Dave.

Gorbatcheva, Valentina.
    Art of Siberia.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Faller, Stephen.

Twyman, James.

Donovan, Art.

Parini, Jay.

Murphy, Libby.

Ferrara, Guillermo.

Eastoe, Jane.

Bhuiyan, Pritha.

Gall, Simon Piers.

Marinas Sr., Amante P.

Baltussen, Han.

Franklin, Benjamin.

Knapp, Ethan.

Chappell, Paul K.

Charles, Victoria.
    Art of War.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Sharpe, Joanne.

Faurot, Walter L.

Kenemore, Scott.

Eimert, Dorothea.

Milani, Raffaele.
    Art of the City.
    Montreal : McGill-Queen's University Press, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Matheson, Christie.

Brahm, Laurence J.

Charles, Victoria.
    Art of the Eternal.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Meggs, Geoff.

Fairchild, B.H.
    Art of the Lathe.
    Farmington : Alice James Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Coughter, P.

Hajeski, Nancy.

Gussak, David E.

Sloma, Kat.

Freeman, Damien.

Yang, Meili.

Earnshaw, Rae.

Meyers, Mary Ann.

Lepenies, Philipp H.

Atkins, Robert.

Yim Bridges, Shirin.

Zeng, Qing-Ping.

Fleenor, Bradley S.

Cowley, Sue.

Ritchey, Gail.

Shmerling, Robert.

Cooper, Grant.

Edgar, David.

Hall, Eric Allen.

Sterling, Eric J.

Todd Taylor, Sarah.
    Arthur and Me.
    La Vergne : Firefly Press Limited, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Young, Frances.

    Arthur's Quest.
    La Vergne : G2 Rights Ltd, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Thompson, Helena.
    Arthur's World.
    London : Oberon Books Ltd, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kerven, Rosalind.
    Arthurian Legends.
    London : Pavilion Books Company Limited, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Johnson, Brian.

Hutchison, David.

Stubbe, Julian.

Harris, Robert J.

Jones, William.

Boyd, Stephen.

Nickerson, Billeh.
    Artificial Cherry.
    New York : Arsenal Pulp Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hutchison, David.

Whitby, Blay.

Pathak, Nishith.

Greer, James.
    Artificial Light.
    New York : Akashic Books, 2006.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bertucci, Paola.

Bill, Simon.

Batykefer, Erinn.

Johnson, Cathy.

Cameron, Julia.

Crawford, Tad.

Moss, Geoffrey.

Albornoz, Yadira.

Roschyk, Maggie.

Ferro, Deborah.

Benfey, Christopher E. G.

Rothko, Mark.

McNee, Taylor.

Triggs, Oscar Lovell.

Barnes, Hazel.

Coholic, Diana.

Christensen, Jo.

Raymond, Abigail.

Akan, Ozgur.

Naidus, Beverly.

Munsterberg, Hugo.
    Arts of China.
    North Clarendon : Tuttle Publishing, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Portal, Jane.
    Arts of Korea.
    Boston : MFA Publications, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

McNicoll, Sylvia.

Oceanak, Karla.

Giese, Frank S.

Archibald, Samuel.
    La Vergne : Biblioasis, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gagnon, Madeleine.

Simukka, Salla.

Bauer, Josef M.

Antoni, Robert.

Brouard, Sylvain.

Jacobs, Fay.

Czinkota, Michael R.

Wetzel, Donald.

Czinkota, Michael R.

Gentry Jr., Kenneth.

Rinpoche, Tulku Urgyen.
    As It Is, Volume I.
    Hong Kong : Rangjung Yeshe Publications, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Rinpoche, Tulku Urgyen.
    As It Is, Volume II.
    Hong Kong : Rangjung Yeshe Publications, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Simukka, Salla.
    As Red As Blood.
    London : Hot Key Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Simpson, Leanne Betasamosake.

Simukka, Salla.

Jackson, Michael.

Shakespeare, William.

Shepard, Judith.
    As the Crow Flies.
    New York : The Permanent Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Jensen, Derrick.

Thornton Hardy, Shawnee.

McGimpsey, David.
    Asbestos Heights.
    Toronto : Coach House Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Rhodes, Danny.
    London : Arcadia Books Limited, 2006.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hart-Davis, Duff.

Cooper, Diana.

Malfi, Ronald.

Papernick, Jonathan.

Tilman, H.W.

Tilman, H W.

Jaffar Ali, H. Abdul.

Petroff, Shani.

MacArthur, John.

Crosbie, James.

Morgan, Pat.

Shepherd, Naomi.

Feltoe, Richard.

Pattison, Eliot.

Mullin, Mike.
    Terre Haute, IN : Tanglewood Publishing, Inc., 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Adamson, Gil.
    Toronto : ECW Press, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bond, Chris.

Qasim Zaman, Muhammad.

Stiftung, Bertelsmann.

Bank, Asian Development.

Bank, Asian Development.

Bank, Asian Development.

Bank, Asian Development.

Bank, Asian Development.

Bank, Asian Development.

Bank, Asian Development.

Bank, Asian Development.

Bank, Asian Development.

Bank, Asian Development.

Bank, Asian Development.

Backman, M.

Freeman, Michael.

Song, Minseok.

Ouyang, Chun.

Shinozaki, Shigehiro.

Bank, Asian Development.

Dervis, Kemal.

Calder, Kent E.

Caballero-Anthony, Mely.

Friedman, E.

Koo, Min Gyo.

Clark, Audrey Wu.

Eitel, Don.

Thoma, Pamela.

Hopkins, Jerry.

Roll, M.

Bank, Asian Development.

Bank, Asian Development.

Bank, Asian Development.

Bank, Asian Development.

Bank, Asian Development.

Bank, Asian Development.

Bank, Asian Development.

Bank, Asian Development.

Bank, Asian Development.

Bank, Asian Development.

Bank, Asian Development.

Mirrlees, Sir James.

Bank, Asian Development.

Bank, Asian Development.

Bank, Asian Development.

Sacerdoti, Guy.

Tonami, Aki.

Oppenheim, Robert.

Wan, M.

Biswas, Rajiv.
    Asian Megatrends.
    London : Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kawai, Masahiro.

Watson, T.

Benge, Sophie.

Kavalski, Emilian.

McWeeny, Jennifer.

Wolf, Tikva.

Thornton, R. Scott.

Harder, Arlene.

ADA, American Diabetes Association.

Lewin, Michael Z.

Robinson, Roxana.

Afnan, Rudi.

D'Anieri, Paul.

Harasymiw, Bohdan.

Bredies, Ingmar.

Bredies, Ingmar.

Bredies, Ingmar.

Kuzio, Taras.

Aston, Maxine C.

Stuart-Hamilton, Ian.

Bergemann, Rosalind A.

Griffiths, Jonathan.

Stanford, Ashley.

Winter, Matt.

Hendrickx, Sarah.

Tinsley, Matthew.

Dubin, Nick.

Dubin, Nick.

Biddulph, John.

Hendrickx, Sarah.

Shepherd, Neil.

Searle, Ruth.

Riffle, Peter.

Musgrave, Francis.

Bergemann, Rosalind.

Bergemann, Rosalind A.

Bissonnette, Barbara.

James, Ioan.

Mitchell, Chris.

Henault, Isabelle.

Attwood, Tony.
    Asperger's Syndrome.
    London : Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2006.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Simone, Rudy.

Giuliano, Kristen.

O'Toole, Jennifer Cook.

O'Rowe, Mark.

Attwood, Tony.

Attwood, Tony.

Attwood, Anthony.

Attwood, Tony.

Attwood, Tony.

Attwood, Anthony.

Attwood, Tony.

Attwood, Tony.

Attwood, Anthony.

Attwood, Anthony.

Attwood, Tony.

Attwood, Anthony.

Attwood, Tony.

Attwood, Tony.

Attwood, Tony.

Attwood, Tony.

Attwood, Anthony.

Christmas, Janet.

Mares, David R.

Shepherd, Dean A.

Fetzer, James H.

Mayo, Jonathan.

Laband, John.

Smith, Brendan Powell.

Grehan, John.

Sadler, Fenton.

Roth, William.

Greenberg, Richard.
    Assembled Parties.
    New York : Theatre Communications Group, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Wientzen, Raoul.

Shayler, David J.

Rouass, Saeida.

Eggert, Max A.

Townend, A.

Sitlington, Patricia.

Selwyn, Julie.

Chung, Jae Ho.

Carothers, Thomas.

Shemmings, David.

Mislevy, Robert J.

Gogolin, Ingrid.

Rossi, Emanuele.

Mueller, Michael P.

Ross, S.

Grieco, Cecilia.

Enger, Sandra K.

Diener, Ed.

Bull, Alister W.

Silver, Kate.

Hunter, Boyd.

Smith, Ian.

Sindelar , Nancy W.

Still, Jenny.

Leão, Sylvia Carneiro.

Schuh, John H.

Pacheco Cueva, Vladimir.

De Villa, Jill Gale.

Staff, Asian Development Bank.

Staff, Asian Development Bank.

Bank, Asian Development.

Baker, Eva.

Bostenaru Dan, Maria.

Programs, Committee on NIST Technical.

Blake, Simon.

Sackmann, Sonja.

Okungbowa, Andrew.

Corlosquet-Habart, Marine.

Garven, Fiona.

Ringrose, Priscilla.

Hosty, James P.

Yuill, K.

Leitch, Duncan.

Salamon, Gayle.

Douglas, J Graham.

Erre, Mike.

Turner, Wesley B.

Cheng, John.

Thompson, Gerry.

Taim, Astrid.

Schodt, Frederik L.

Farley, Kim.

Cranford, Jerry L.

Plaxco, Kevin W.

Longstaff, Alan.


Clifford, Frank.

Munro, Rona.

Buchheim, Robert K.

Chronicle, Houston.

Bartlett, Sarah.

Lopez, Robert.
    : Dzanc Books, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Scudder, Thayer.

Bragg, Charles.
    Asylum Earth.
    North Clarendon : Tuttle Publishing, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kavan, Anna.
    Asylum Piece.
    London : Peter Owen Publishers, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Masocha, S.

Spandler, Helen.

Rice, Andy.

Bao, Jianhai.

Höpfner, Reinhard.

Price, Ben Joel.

Golakai, Hawa Jande.

Otowa, Rebecca.

Wood, Rob.

Barnhill, Anne Clinard.

Dunphy, Madeleine.

Benson, Arthur Christopher.
    At Large.
    Wellington : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Ki-ho, Lee.

Burlingame, Michael.

de Caulaincourt, Armand.

Pramuk, Christopher.

Blick, Andrew.

Rasheed, Leila.

Rasheed, Leila.

Mac Evilly, Brendan.
    At Swim.
    Cork : The Collins Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Campbell, Jim.
    At The Shore #6.
    New York, NY : Alternative Comics, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Campbell, Jim.
    At The Shore.
    Gainesville : Alternative Comics, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Pattee, Phillip G.

Williams, Samuel.

Jay, Jeff.

Bardige, Betty.

Marlitt, E.

Aamidor, Abe.

Maurer, John H.

Green, Robert L.

Bix, Daisy.

Fenn, Charles.

Lacey, Susan.

Gutkind, Lee.

Gear, Matthew Asprey.

Webster, Roger.

Roger, Webster.

Romero, Juliet Gilkes.

Lyle, Ellyn.

Raicovich, Laura.

Marshik, Celia.

Johnson, Kij.

Armbrecht, Thomas J.D.

Campbell, Jim.
    At the Shore #2.
    New York, NY : Alternative Comics, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Campbell, Jim.
    At the Shore #3.
    New York, NY : Alternative Comics, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Campbell, Jim.
    At the Shore #4.
    New York, NY : Alternative Comics, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Flanders, Laura.

Alvi, Moniza.

Steele, David Ramsay.

Mohler Jr., R. Albert.

Perry, Simon.

Onfray, Michel.

Mills, David.

Kronner, Joan.

Kneale, Matthew.

Brewster, Melanie E.
    Atheists in America.
    New York : Columbia University Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Cohn-Sherbok, Dan.

Carroll, Francis M.

Koutsakis, Pol.
    Athenian Blues.
    La Vergne : Bitter Lemon Press, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Karidis, Dimitris N.

O'Connor, Thomas H.

Stewart, Brett.

Kirschenbaum, Daniel.

Wu, Vanessa.

Gems, Gerald R.

Werd, Matthew B.

Nixon, II, Howard L.

Buckley Jr., William F.

Heldke, Lisa.

Keating, Larry.

White, Randy Wayne.
    Atlanta Extreme.
    New York : Open Road Media Mystery & Thriller, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Basmajian, Carlton Wade.

Campey, Lucille H.

Dung, Kai-cheung.

Mihye, An.

Archer, J. Clark.

Arden, Nigel.

Swanston, Alex.

Day, David.
    Atlas of Tolkien.
    San Diego : Thunder Bay Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Sanchis-Alfonso, Vicente.

Bizony, Piers.

Weigel, Jeff.

Goodsell, David S.


Heffelfinger, Katie M.

Dan, Gheorghe-Andrei.

Smith, Aaron.

Quinn, N.

Wang, Lu.

Geddes, Heather.

Marrone, Mario.

Levy, Terry M.

Stewart, John.

Cope, Ron.

P. Jones, Gareth.

Glover, Douglas.

Butchart, Pamela.

Smith, Alexander.

Jones, Gareth.

Zola, Emile.

Believer magazine, The.

Chedd, Naomi.

Perna, Laura W.

Platzová, Magdaléna.
    New York, NY : Bellevue Literary Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gomez, Jeff.

Monk, Lee-Ann.

Garforth, Sharon.

Kis, Danilo.
    Normal, IL : Columbia University Press, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Tidmarsh, Andrew.

Di Mauro, Danilo.

Ryan, M. J.

Baker, T.

Han, Xiaoying.

Galgut, Elisa.

Anantatmula, Vittal S.

O'Reilly, Kaite.

Harp, Stephen L.

Clare, Horatio.

Anderson, Scott W.

Lin, Peng.

Schöne, Stefan.

Tasini, Jonathan.

Napoli, Philip M.

White, G.

Rauch, Bill.
    Audience Revolution.
    La Vergne : Theatre Communications Group, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Massidda, S.

Rezaee, Zabihollah.

Rezaee, Zabihollah.

Rezaee, Zabihollah.

Tillman, Dish.

Karney, Robyn.

Lander, Suzanne.

Knight, Timothy.

Barranger, M.

Peterson, Roger Tory.

Audubon, John James.
    Audubon's Birds.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Birmingham, Stephen.

Wolstenholme, John.

Hutchison, David.

Peddie, Jon.

Liao, Hongen.

Cabanes, Bruno.

Letts, Tracy.

Macke, August.
    August Macke.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Barba, Andrà ©s.

Paula, Romina.
    La Vergne : The Feminist Press at CUNY, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Cherry, Kelly.

Rilke, Rainer Maria.
    Auguste Rodin.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

BeDuhn, Jason David.

Rayner, Catherine.

Morrison, Allan.

Van Dyne, Edith.

Van Dyne, Edith.

Gilbert, Mercedes.

Giordano, Mario.

Truschke, Audrey.

Nyiszli, Miklos.

Heydt-Stevenson, J.

Engel, L.

Fabricant, Michael.

Berry, Craig.

Clarke, H.

Skidelsky, Robert.

Staff, South Australian Museum.

Staff, South Australian Museum.

Penney, Barry.

Llewellyn, Marc.

Cunningham, Jack.

Paul, E.

Clark, Amanda Jane.

Steffen, Will.

McQuilton, John.

Mirtschin, Peter.

Wright, Ed.

Thakur, Ramesh.

Slattery, Deirdre.

Gray, Jeannie.

Ziembicki, Mark.

Malone, Paul.

Olsen, Jerry.

Olsen, Jerry.

Webb, Mark.

Paul, Erik.

Arklay, Tracey.

Lake, Morris.

Blair, Dale.

Saintilan, Neil.

Harley, K.

Clark, Amanda Jane.

Rhodes, R.

Thomson, Bruce.

Dickenson, J.

Keneally, Thomas.

Gieler, Peter.

Falsetto, Sharon.

Hill, Jennifer.

Wulffers, Tineke.

Garrett, Pat F.

Pallaro, Patrizia.

Petrie, Stephanie.

Uhlig, Sylka.

York, Peter.

Williams, Jay.

Embree, Mary.

Embree, Mary.

Sidiropoulou, A.

Diamond, Larry.

McLaughlin, Martin.

Cuevas-Sosa, Alejandro.

Rombout, Betty.

Hogenboom, Marga.

Grandin, Temple.

Cannell, John.

Nason, Bill.

Nason, Bill.

Booth, Janine.

Geslak, David.

Firestone, Barbara.

Bernick, Michael S.

Lara, Joanne.

Brown, Steve.

Murin, Marianna.

Smith, Pamela A.

Rosenblatt, Alan I.

Tantam, Digby.

Goodall, Emma.

Dubin, Nick.

Breakey, Christine.

Dubin, Nick.

Conte, Louis.

Werner James, Abigail Werner.

Beardon, Luke.

Kessick, Rosemary.

Bushell, Matt.

Moraine, Paula.

Kessick, Rosemary.

Chez, Michael G.

McManmon, Michael P.

Forrester-Jones, Rachel.
    Autism and Loss.
    London : Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2007.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Jones, Keith.

Mattelin, Els.

Bogdashina, Olga.

Chez, Michael.

Bogdashina, Olga.

Hamlin, Theresa.

Ripley, Kate.

Tucker, Sandra.

Jordan, Rita.

Hesmondhalgh, Matthew.

Bridge, Emma Louise.

Quinn, Barbara.

Lathe, Richard.

Graham, James.

Gammeltoft, Lone.

Limburg, Joanne.
    Autistic Alice.
    La Vergne : Bloodaxe Books, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Elder, Jennifer.
    Autistic Planet.
    London : Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2007.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Arendell, Telory Davies.

Ramey, Emilia Murry.

Franklin, Benjamin.

Queyras, Sina.

Brennan, Stephen.

Pitt-Kethley, Fiona.

Brennan, Stephen.

Brown, Stuart Gerry.

Dierbeck, Lisa.

Brennan, Stephen.

Brennan, Stephen.

Twain, Mark.

Brennan, Stephen.

Meeink, Frank.

Dirks, Nicholas B.

Rescher, Nicholas.
    Berlin/Boston : De Gruyter, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Wing, Eric.

Makris, Katina I.

Ida, Tetsuo.

Roodyn, D. B.

Oster, Marco.

Hutchison, David.

Galmiche, Didier.

Mohr, Felix.

Conlan, Chris.

Kousalya, G.

Barros, Rodrigo C.

Zhang, Jian.

Fortis, Marco.

Sabharwal, Navin.

Lai, Larissa.

Diehlmann, Jens.

Wódczak, Michał.

Frønes, Ivar.

Nath, Vishnu.

Verhoest, K.

Steintrager, James A.

Karanasios, Eleftherios.

Levé, Edouard.
    Normal, IL : Columbia University Press, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Shotwell, Gregg.

Guinness, Michele.

Jackson, Vina.
    Newburyport : Open Road Media Romance, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Griffin, John Howard.

Marr, Don.

Farace, Joe.

Curtin, A.

Hart, Melissa.
    Avenging the Owl.
    New York, NY : Sky Pony Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Fakhry, Majid.

Edwards, B.C.

Gardner, H.

Ehrenthal, Joachim.

Gunn, Peter B.

Pigott, Peter.

Sweet, Kathleen.

Abeyratne, Ruwantissa.

Riedel, Bruce.

Hosmer, L.

Otto, Michael.

Drezner, Daniel W.

Pettis, Michael.

Krouse Rosenthal, Amy.

Ellison, Koshin Paley.

Gonzalez III, Victor.

Scott, Darrell.

Marques, Joan.

Weaver, Helen.

Johnson, Allen.

O'Connor, Colm.

Lynn, Graeme.

Reading, Richard P.

Covington, Stephanie S.

Cannon, Master Charles.

Deland, Margaret.

Guevara, Ernesto Che.

Mccutcheon, Jade Rosina.

Jonke, Gert.

Raio, Kali.
    Claygate : Grosvenor House Publishing, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Burgess, Catrina.
    Darien : Full Fathom Five Digital, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kronovet, Jennifer.
    New York : BOA Editions Ltd., 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Dann, Elon.
    Awe of Mercury.
    London : Hot Key Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bean, Anita.

Adam, David.

Osmond, Jimmy.

Wexler, Stuart.

TeBordo, Christian.

Bainbridge, Beryl.

Cappello, Mary.
    Awkward : A Detour.
    New York : Bellevue Literary Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Littleson, Lindsay.

Daugherty, Tracy.
    Axeman's Jazz.
    Dallas : Dzanc Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lo, Bobo.

Shay, Shaul.

Thome, Christian.

Campos, Don Jose.

Smith, Paul.

Morris, Harry.

Durrell, Gerald.
    Aye-Aye and I.
    Newburyport : Open Road Media, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Wanna, John.

Smith, R. Angus K.

Sharna, Hari.

Sowol, Kim.

Modi, Ritesh.

O Muirithe, Diarmaid.

Wedderburn, Zander.

Auge, John.

Hanc, John.

Greenaway, R.M.

Bayle, B.J.

Geehan, Sean.


British Association for Shooting and Conservation,.

Philip, Prince.

Tomczak-Wandzel, Renata.

Wiersbe, Warren W.

Wiersbe, Warren W.

Society, British Horse.

Society, British Horse.

Society, British Horse.

Paratore, Coleen Murtagh.
    New York, NY : Little Pickle Press, Inc., 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Dasgupta, Simanti.

O'Neill, Tony.
    Hebden Bridge : Bluemoose Books Ltd, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Jeffries, Tom.
    BMX Racing.
    Ramsbury : Crowood, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Diwekar, Urmila.

Bell, John.

Read, C.

Presto, Jenny.

Dayaratnam, P.

Slade, Stuart.

Augier, Serge.

Archer, Dosh.
    Baaad Sheep.
    New York : Albert Whitman & Company, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Botha, Marco.

Hock, William Gwee Thian.

Saatchi, Charles.
    Havertown : Booth-Clibborn Editions, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Maitland, Barry.

Harrison, Anne-Marie.

Ward, Harriet.

Green, Ronald M.

Aidt, Naja Marie.
    : Two Lines Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hannan, Chris.

Butchart, Pamela.

Delgado, Melvin.

Friedman, Stewart D.

Dalton, Trinie.
    Baby Geisha.
    Granville : Two Dollar Radio, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Emerson, Laura.

Lansky, Vicki.

Fu, Sarah Christensen.

McGraw, Erin.
    Baby Tree.
    : Dzanc Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Cooper, Catherine.

Taylor, Esme.

Gallimore, Andrew.

Bakst, Dina.

Christian, Claudia.

Farrell, Joseph P.

MacFarlane, Hannah.
    Milton Keynes : Scripture Union England and Wales, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

ASF, Jerome.


Berger, Karol.

Reed, Christopher.
    Bachelor Japanists.
    La Vergne : Columbia University Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lopate, Phillip.
    La Vergne : Dzanc Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Wanis-st John, Anthony.

Bainbridge, Colin.

Hofmann, Corinne.
    Back from Africa.
    London : Arcadia Books Limited, 2008.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

He, Jiahong.

Bryant, Bonnie.
    Back in the Saddle.
    Newburyport : Open Road Media Teen & Tween, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Mayfield, Mark.

Snyder, Gary.

Wieser, Kimberly G.

Freed, Josh.

Harris, Philip.
    Sheffield : 5M Publishing Ltd, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kraus, Hans.

McMan, Ann.
    New York, NY : Bywater Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Daffern, Tony.

Klos, Ryan.

Nixon, W. Barry.

Backlund, Bob.

Lowe, Steven.

King, Tamsin.

Grubbs, Bruce.

Press, Wilderness.

Lorain, Douglas.

Lorain, Douglas.
    Backpacking Idaho.
    Birmingham : Wilderness Press, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

White, Mike.

Lorain, Douglas.

Lorain, Douglas.

Lorain, Douglas.

Light, Richard A.

Craft, Jonathan.

MacLeod, D. Peter.

McGrady, Seán.
    : Dzanc Books, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

McCormack, Judith.
    Emeryville : Biblioasis, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Jones, Susan J.

Bogar, Thomas A.

Quinn, Tom.

Roccioletti, Simona.

Latham, Donna.

Tekulsky, Mathew.

Zickefoose, Julie.

Bruton-Seal, Julie.

Plass, Adrian.

Fatima, Syeda Sograh.

Nicastro, Jessica.

Hyman, Paul.

Yanofsky, Joel.

Furnham, A.

Wade, Tom R.

Marks, Graham.
    Bad Bones.
    London : Stripes Publishing, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Foreman, Richard.

Chorao, Kay.

Banks, Arron.

Zmirak, John.

Lauden, S W.

Johnson, Joyce.

Frew, Alexander.

Flagg, Ethan.

Howard, Martin.

Beadle, Phil.

Royuela, Fernando.
    Bad End.
    Madrid : Hispabooks, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Baker, Carleigh.
    Bad Endings.
    Vancouver : Anvil Press, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Strobel, Mike.

Miller, L.
    Bad Girls of Japan.
    New York : Palgrave Macmillan US, 2005.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Road, Cristy C.

Castán, Carlos.
    Bad Light.
    Madrid : Hispabooks, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Szirtes, George.
    Bad Machine.
    Tyne and Wear : Bloodaxe Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Burnett, Jean.

Schiffrin, Anya.

Wilker, Josh.

Kaiser, Robert G.

Pumarlo, Jim.

Levine, Alan J.

Forde, Robert A.

Portnoy, Eddy.

Malone, Michael J.
    Bad Samaritan.
    Glasgow : Saraband, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Spencer, Roy W.

Stahl, Jerry.

Martin, Clancy.
    Bad Sex.
    La Vergne : Tyrant Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Tsien, Jennifer.

Bertin, Kris.

Lewis, Simon.
    Bad Traffic.
    : Sort Of Books, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Waddington, James.

Carr, James.
    New York : Three Rooms Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Henry, James.

Henry, James.

Naison, Mark.

Smith, Anthony Neil.

Bonvie, Linda.

Roffe, Jon.

James, Terry.

Edwards, John.

Durrell, Gerald.
    Bafut Beagles.
    Newburyport : Open Road Media, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Fenn, George Manville.
    Bag of Diamonds.
    Wellington : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Summaries, Bright.

Adeney, Martin.



Colla, Elliott.
    Baghdad Central.
    London : Bitter Lemon Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

al-Radi, Nuha.

Cervantes, Miguel de.

Jinghan, He.

Momen, Moojan.

Smith, Peter.

Momen, Moojan.

Abunasser, Rima.
    Bahamut 1.
    Portland, OR : Resurrection House, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Victor, Pamela.

Slade, David F.

Pitt-Kethley, Fiona.
    Baker's Dozen.
    Alicante : Arcadia Books Limited, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hawthorne, Lowell.

Hauser, Thomas.

Ingles, Elisabeth.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Leier, Mark.

Hawkins, Anne.

Karter, Karon.

Kaufman, S.

Whitney, Simon N.


Saudelli, Mary Gene.

Di Francesco, Michael.

Sparling, Kerri.


Metzger, Christa.

Dewatripont, M.

Bank, Asian Development.

Davies, Robert.

Lamothe, Serge.
    Vancouver : Talonbooks, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Booz, Patrick R.

Simmonds, Nigel.

Eiseman, Fred B.

Booz, Patrick R.

Hoffman, Linda.

Hanna, Willard A.

Inglis, Kim.

Francione, Gianni.

Editions, Periplus.

Editions, Periplus.

Julian, Davison.

Tenzer, Michael.

Johnson, Wes.

Anastasakis, Othon.

Calotychos, V.

Ison, Tara.
    Ball : Stories.
    Berkeley : Soft Skull Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lilliefors, Jim.

Chesterton, G. K.

Montague, John.

Newman, Steve.

Hodgkinson, Will.

Altman, Marsha.

Big Idea Entertainment, LLC.

Keane, Billy.

Kelly, Deirdre.

Mahoney, Peter F.

Rhodes, Jesse H.

Armacost, Michael H.

Tepper, Julian.
    Balls : A Novel.
    Los Angeles : Rare Bird Books, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Walsh, Enda.

Bock, Maxime Raymond.
    La Vergne : Coach House Books, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Felder, Björn M.

Henningsen, Bernd.

Smith, David J.

Nix, Elizabeth M.

Crenson, Matthew A.

Woods, John Dermot.

Fee, Elizabeth.

Luke, Bob.

Lippman, Laura.
    Baltimore Noir.
    New York : Akashic Books, 2006.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Seidel, Jeff.

Messimer, Dwight R.

MacKay, Bryan.

Preus, Margi.
    Bamboo Sword.
    New York : Abrams, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Torrey, Joey.

Little, Brian.
    Stroud : The History Press, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Niece Ph.D., Rick.
    Band Plays On.
    New York : Hometown Fanfare Publishing, LLC, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Goodman, A. L.

Skelton, John.

King, Richard.

Rivera, Louis Reyes.

Dabove, Juan Pablo.

Feehily, Stella.

Tamblyn, Amber.
    Bang Ditto.
    San Francisco : Manic D Press, Inc., 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Cosgrove, Stephen.
    : Heritage Builders, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kongue Tatong, Michel Deffer.

Leslie, David.

Hopkins, Jerry.

Staff, Asian Development Bank.

Bank, Asian Development.

Bank, Asian Development.

Bank, Asian Development.

Bank, Asian Development.

Collins-Donnelly, Kate.

Collins-Donnelly, Kate.

Wogan, Terry.
    Gravesend : G2 Rights Ltd, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Wernz, Johannes.

Yellen, Pamela.

Waupsh, John.

Gilmore, James Bernard.

Siikavirta, Samuli.

Skipper, Roger Alan.

Goetz, Rebecca Anne.

Stamatis, Alexis.
    Bar Flaubert.
    London : Arcadia Books Limited, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

magazine, Entrepreneur.

Porco, James.

Marable, M.

Press, Editors of Ulysses.

Kelly, Debra.

Birns, N.

Goffart, Walter.

White, Curtis.

Fink, Jonathan.

Glantz, David M.

Moss, Marissa.

Lindsay, Douglas.

Lindsay, Douglas.

Harris-Lacewell, Melissa Victoria.

Palmer, Tom.

López, Adriana V.
    Barcelona Noir.
    New York : Akashic Books, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Trollope, Anthony.
    Barchester Towers.
    New York : Dover Publications, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Volodine, Antoine.

McNamee, Joe.

Schroeppel, Tom.

Croft, Andy.

O'Neil, Sean.

Miller, Russell.

Curwood, James Oliver.

Howell, L. Daniel.

Shulman, Max.

Vowles, Jack.

Poulsen, Else.

Murnane, Gerald.
    Barley Patch.
    Normal, IL : Columbia University Press, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Jeffrey, Robert.
    Barlinnie Story.
    Edinburgh : Black & White Publishing, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Crumley, Jim.

O'Reilley, Mary Rose.

Nutter, Alice.
    Barnbow Canaries.
    London : Oberon Books Ltd, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lindsay, Douglas.

Halsted, Byron D.

Page, Wayne.

Millhauser, Steven.
    Barnum Museum.
    Normal, IL : Columbia University Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lower, Michael.

Charles, Victoria.
    Baroque Art.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Colvin, Margaret Elizabeth.

More, Anna.

Brouwer, Sigmund.

Tsiolkas, Christos.
    London : Atlantic Books Ltd, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Camarillo, Sharon.

Camarillo, Sharon.

Emery, Anne.

Emery, Anne.

Edwards, Emily D.

Bishop, Ryan.
    Edinburgh : Edinburgh University Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Griño, Silvia.

Lesert, Maryann.
    Base Ten.
    New York : The Feminist Press at CUNY, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Casado Caneque, Fernando.

Gardetti, Miguel Angel.

LLC, Fantography.

Chadwick, Lester.

Chadwick, Lester.

Chadwick, Lester.

Chadwick, Lester.

Chadwick, Lester.

Chadwick, Lester.

Bowering, George.
    Baseball Love.
    Vancouver : Talonbooks, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Shea, Stuart.

Silverman, Matthew.

Bronson, Eric.

Austin, Dan.

Kestin, Hesh.

Munro, Rona.

Cox, Daniel Allen.

Basho, Matsuo.

Schneck, Daniel J.

Weidmann, Jim.

Constantinovici, L D.

Robyn, Philip.

Holt, Maurice.

Reynolds, Tim.

(U.S.), International Trade Administration.

Katzman, Jason.

Robson, Stuart.
    Basic Indonesian.
    North Clarendon : Tuttle Publishing, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Martin, Samuel E.

Stout, Timothy G.

Patten, Mildred.

Vanä ik, Hrvoj.

Hedaya, Mohsen A.

Cranfield, Arthur "Babe".

Bank, Asian Development.

Betts, Elizabeth.

Cornelius, Kubler C.

Kubler, Cornelius C.

Aspillera, Paraluman S.

Di Lorenzo, Renato.

Bing, Zhu.

Kubler, Cornelius C.

Kubler, Cornelius C.

Cranford, Jerry L.

Uusiautti, Satu.

Sammons, John.

Okawa, Ryuho.
    Basics of Exorcism.
    Elmwood Park : IRH Press USA Inc., 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Avon, Jack.

Yoshida, Jun-ichi.

Alpay, Daniel.

Engebretson, Patrick.

Andress, Jason.

Fieller, Nick.

Härdle, Wolfgang Karl.

Daniels, James M.

B.V., Ravi.

Subramanian, Muralisrinivasan Natamai.

Thomas, Willis H.

Connell, Daniel.

Kerr, Peter.

Hoban, Phoebe.

Khudayyir, Mohammed.

Gill, Joel Christian.

Henshall, James A.

Boomer, Tim.

Turtledove, Harry.
    Bastard King.
    New York : Open Road Media Sci-Fi & Fantasy, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kurtz, Katherine.
    Bastard Prince.
    New York : Open Road Media Sci-Fi & Fantasy, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Jarratt, John.

Jennings, Patrick.
    Bat and Rat.
    New York : Abrams, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gold, Alan.

Walters, Eric.

Punshon, E.R.

Taylor-Butler, Christine.

Smend, Rudolf.

Smend, Rudolf G.

Michaud, Nicolas.

Parish, Steve.

Lacki, Michael J.

Harvey, Michael J.

Marsh, Sean.

Chevannes, Sabrina.

MacLeod, Jilly.

MacLeod, Jilly.

Osa, Nancy.

Bell, Angus.

Hare, J N.

Seeling, Caleb.

Horn, Bernd.

Bayle, B.J.

Laidlaw, Matt.

Cooper, Harris M.

Yorke, Edmund.

Ingram, Mike.

Rawson, Andrew.

McNab, Chris.

Moore, Stephen L.

Yousaf, Mohammed.

Johnson, Jennifer.

Cumming, Anthony J.

Torrance, David.

Khan, Sara.

Tucker-Jones, Anthony.

Abunimah, Ali.

Vann Woodward, C.

Vego, Milan.

Baum, Lawrence.

Bass, Justin W.

Donnell, Clayton.

Messinger, Gary S.

Cheverton, Mark.




Grehan, John.

Hildebrandt, Walter.

Townshend, Bickers, Richard.




Cutler, Thomas J.

Bastien, Frédéric.


Hone, Thomas C.


Crenshaw Jr., Russell.





Osa, Nancy.

Dimbleby, Jonathan.




Davidson, Danica.

Estienne, Marie-Hélène.

Goddard, John.


Sorbara, Greg.

Roberts, Vaughan.

Zaharna, R. S.

Baron Von Mullenheim-Rechberg, Burkard.

Steiff, Josef.

Delegard, Kirsten Marie.

Rotberg, Robert I.

Sammon, Grace M.

Raser, Timothy.

Hilton, Frank.

Kessel, John.

Abramson, Seth.

Troy, John.

Haraszti, Zoltan.

Richards, David Adams.

Black, Tony.
    Bay of Martyrs.
    La Vergne : Freight Books, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Dalton, Anthony.

Yuan, Ying.

Marin, Jean-Michel.

Christensen, Ronald.

Carlin, Bradley P.

Puza, Borek.

Nagarajan, Radhakrishnan.

Packwood, Daniel.

Sekerke, Matt.

Vallverdú, Jordi.

Tsouras, Peter G.

Thompson, Dave.

Alliance, David.

Bakshi, Rajni.

Company, The Topps.

Marzano, Robert J.

Osborne, Graham.

Berg, Michael R.

Thornton, Catherine.

Wiersbe, Warren W.

Wiersbe, Warren W.

Wiersbe, Warren W.

Wiersbe, Warren W.

Wiersbe, Warren W.

Wiersbe, Warren W.

Wiersbe, Warren W.

Calegari, Nínive.

Whittington, Amanda.

Gallups, Carl.

Rogers, Tim.


Cooper, George.

Twivy, Paul.

Emmett, Jon.

Emmett, Jon.

Silver, April R.

Hemmings, Chris.
    Be a Man.
    La Vergne : Biteback Publishing, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Eims, LeRoy.

Romig, Andrew J.

Gentry, William A.

Cree, Lucy.

Walker, Clare.

Dean, Becca.

Shishak , Lei.

Black, Kojo.

Black, Kojo.

Statler, Stephen.

Norminton, Gregory.

McNeill, Suzanne.

Bead&Button Magazine, Editors of.
    Bead Journey.
    : Kalmbach Books, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Stone, Beth.

Porter, Carol.

Van Voorhees, Karin.

Birmingham, Helen.

Ellis, Richard.

Theatre, Breach.
    London : Oberon Books Ltd, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

North American Bear Center,.

Isern, Susanna.
    Bear Wants to Fly.
    New York, NY : Cuento de Luz, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Trapani, Iza.

Bryan, Sean.
    Bear and His Boy.
    New York : Arcade Publishing, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Williams, Chrissy.
    La Vergne : Bloodaxe Books, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hendroff, Adrian.

Jones, Gareth P.

Poling, Sr., Jim.

Coats, Lucy.
    Beast Keeper.
    Dorking : Piccadilly Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Banks, Ray.

Watkins, D.

Hussey, Andrew.

Hayward, Doreen.

Bass, Guy.

Donleavy, J.P.

Crane, Jonathan K.

West-Bulford, Simon.

Fine, David.

Somerville, Rowan.

Craze, Richard.

Brown, Fleur.

Timoney, John F.

Gair, Christopher.

Russell, Jamie.
    Beat Generation.
    Harpenden : Oldcastle Books, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bockris, Victor.

Pincio , Tommaso.
    Beat Space.
    La Vergne : Open Letter, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Ozaniec, Naomi.

Calame, Don.
    Beat the Band.
    Surrey : Templar Publishing, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bate, Nicholas.

Hartman, Davida.

Platt, Geoff.

Platt, Geoffrey.

Paterson, Anna.

Lee, Thomas H.

Colb, Sherry F.

Cantopher, Tim.

McCaughey, Betsy.

Leonard, Candy.

Epstein, Brian.

Hajeski, Nancy J.

Nussbaum, Ben.
    CA : Lumina Media, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Curran, Kevin.
    Dublin : Liberties Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Roose, Barbara L.

Persian, Jayne.

Fisk-Taylor, Mary.

Ortmeyer, Fran.

Perloff, Carey.

LoveGrove, Jennifer.

Cave, Carolyn.

Powers, Heather.

Iwakiri, Emi.

Saunders, Marshall.
    Beautiful Joe.
    Auckland : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Cable, Melissa.

Fradkin, Barbara.

Delaney, James.

Eldredge, Stasi.

Gallagher, Mia.

Editions, Periplus.

Copeland, Lori.

Boyd, Andrew.

Boelte, Kyle.

Gonzalez, Ray.
    Beautiful Wall.
    La Vergne : BOA Editions Ltd., 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Dorr, Tracy.

Miech, Irina.

Morgan, Page.

Kuipers, Keetje.

Caseley, Judith.
    Beauty Day.
    Terre Haute, IN : Tanglewood Press, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Johnson Howe, Melodie.

Setouchi, Harumi.
    Beauty In Disarray.
    North Clarendon : Tuttle Publishing, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Barrick, Linda.

Hamermesh, Daniel S.

Chong, Kevin.
    Beauty Plus Pity.
    Vancouver : Arsenal Pulp Press, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Alexis, Andre.

Kirkwood, Lucy.

Harries, Richard.

Achten, Peter.

McDowell, Josh.

Bascom, John.

Cruz, Nilo.

Hall, Traci E.
    Beauty's Curse.
    Tulsa : Medallion Media Group, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Leslie, Thomas.

Vrudny, Kimberly.

Koczanowicz, Leszek.

Hirshfield, Jane.
    Tyne and Wear : Bloodaxe Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Perry, Rebecca.
    Tyne and Wear : Bloodaxe Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Walters, Evelyn.

Walters, Evelyn.

Castoro, C. C.

Kipp, Charles.

Walter, Mildred Pitts.
    Because We Are.
    New York : Open Road Media Teen & Tween, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Chomsky, Noam.
    Because We Say So.
    La Vergne : City Lights Publishers, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

North, Sherry.

Gordon, Susan J.

Lynes, Gwenyth Clare.
    Because of You.
    Claygate : Grosvenor House Publishing, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lembke, Janet.

Wendel, Gretchen Schomer.

Wendel, Gretchen Schomer.

Siess, Jürgen.

Grey, Mora.

Jaurretche, Colleen.

Brown, Llewellyn.

Feldman, Matthew.
    New York : Columbia University Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Murphy, Matthew.
    Beckoning War.
    Chicago : Baraka Books, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Beckstead, David.

Krishna Kaiser, Abhinav.

Abani, Chris.
    Becoming Abigail.
    New York : Akashic Books, 2006.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Zehr, E. Paul.

Lewis, Peter.

Tanaka, Patrice.

DeMoss, Nancy Leigh.

Vanier, Jean.
    Becoming Human.
    : House of Anansi Press, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Scrivner, L.

Laurence, Peter L.
    Becoming Jane Jacobs.
    Philadelphia : University of Pennsylvania Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Clarke, Julie.

Kidd, Debra.

Carbery, Kate.

McGinty, A. Mansson.

Eldredge, Stasi.

Eldredge, Stasi.

Cromwell, Sara Jane.

Arnold, Christopher.

Jackson, Wes.

Marino, John A.

Boggs, Richard.

Nguyen, Phuong Tran.

Kaiser, Joshua A.

Yilmaz, Hale.

Charles, James.
    Becoming Unique.
    : Clink Street Publishing, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Stein, Leslie.

Sprenger, Marilee.

Benitt, Nora.

Birkinshaw, Julian.

Hammerman, Elizabeth.

Stott, John.

Mason, Marilyn.

Naude, Johan.

Freeman, William B.

Alter, Stephen.

Reale, Michelle.

Reale, Michelle.

Young, Susan.

Young, Susan.

Anthony, Michelle.

McNair, Tia Brown.

Bluestein, Jane.

Unsworth, Thomasina.

Langton, Emma Gore.

Bianchi, Anna.

Sandler, Len.

Reis, Chen.

Purkey, William W.

Boyd, Dwight R.

Sandborn, Calvin.

Hughes, Kathleen, RSCJ.

Walsh, Enda.

Day, Peter.

Domini, John.

May, Eric Charles.
    Bedrock Faith.
    Oakland : Akashic Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book


Jenkins, Christopher Martin.
    Bedside Cricket.
    Swindon : G2 Rights Ltd, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Amar, Silvana.

Alliss, Peter.
    Bedside Golf.
    Swindon : G2 Rights Ltd, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

McLean, Jack.

Penn, Audrey.

Schultz, Frances.

Aimard, Gustave.

Azeem, Qazi Fazli.

Harper, Chap.

Institute, Bathroom Readers'.
    : Portable Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Savage, Candace.

Ellis, Peter.

Dusinberre, Edward.

Reynolds, Susan.

Garrigus, J.

Sacks, Marcy S.

Pitts, Leonard.
    Before I Forget.
    Evanston : Agate Publishing, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Steptoe, Sheila.

Halliday, Brett.
    Before I Wake.
    New York : Road, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Chandler, Katherine.

Goldrick, James.

Neugeboren, Jay.

Phillips, Kim M.

Melançon, Robert.

Rollins, Henry.
    Before The Chop.
    Los Angeles : 2.13.61, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Mankell, Henning.

Deveney, Sean.

Pendgracs, Doreen.

Rollins, Henry.

Hopler, Jay.

O'Donoghue, Mary.

Schmetzer, Mark J.

Kanazi, Remi.

Kumar, Martha Joynt.

Jennings, Matthew J.

Kenny, Adrian.

Boullosa, Carmen.
    Oxford : Deep Vellum Publishing, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Agassi, Joseph.

Geisst, Charles R.

Kaufeldt, Martha M.

Reiter, Laura.

Sandberg, Elaine.

Taylor, Paul G.

McCreery, Christopher.

Don, Lari.

Kolodny, Nancy J.

Edwards, Jeffrey A.

Mishra, Karen.

Bilous, Peter.

Gates, Larry.

Findlay, Tom.


Koenig, Aaron.

Hahn, Emily.
    Beginners Luck.
    Wellington : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Blackman, Sue.

Guay Paz, Jose Rolando.


Huddleston, Rob.

Shackelford, Adam.

Chin, Robert.

Sutherland, Bruce.

Zechner, Mario.

Calvo, Andres.

Allen, Grant.

Grant, Andrew.

Mishra, Vivek.

Vaddeman, Balaswamy.

Alber, Stephan.

Rossberg, Joachim.

McRoberts, Michael.

Norris, Donald J.

Sugrue, James.

Tomlinson, Todd.

Dunlop, Neil.

Chandrasekara, Chaminda.

Purdum, Jack.


Owsiak, Tom.

Clark, Dan.

Horton, Ivor.
    Beginning C++.
    Berkeley, CA : Apress, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Coughlan, Michael.

Prabhu, Anirudh.

Baxter, Christopher.

Mailund, Thomas.

Micallef, Joe.

George, Nigel.

Tomlinson, Todd.

Sharma, Vishal.

Sinha, Sanjib.

Pickering, Robert.

Petersen, Richard.

Petersen, Richard.

Aravinth, Anto.

Tang, Jeff.

Manderscheid, Brad.

Pfeiffer, Silvia.

Serrano Mena, Alejandro.

Ottinger, Joseph B.

Minter, Dave.

Panhale, Mahesh.

Smith, Ben.
    Beginning JSON.
    Berkeley, CA : Apress, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Sharan, Kishori.

Sharan, Kishori.

Jackson, Wallace.

Sharan, Kishori.

Goncalves, Antonio.


Janson, Robert W.

Nelli, Fabio.

Ferguson, Russ.

Panati, Manikanta.

Sinha, Sanjib.

Rahman, Mansib.

Rodger, Richard.

Kemper, Chris.
    Beginning Neo4j.
    Berkeley, CA : Apress, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Wielenga, Geertjan.

Syed, Basarat.

Gault, Doug.

Gault, Doug.

Fernandez, Ignatius.

Bales, Donald.

Gorman, Tim.

Kumar, Vinay.

Whitt, Phillip.

Whitt, Phillip.

Nandy, Abhishek.

Clark, Dan.

Clark, Dan.

Charlebois-Laprade, Nikolas.

Charlebois-Laprade, Nikolas.

Hetland, Magnus Lie.

McGugan, Will.

Vaingast, Shai.

Comee, Stephen.

Pace, Larry.

Perez, Darrin.

Perez, Darrin.

Gamble, Adam.

Fielding, Jonathan.

Lu, Wei.

Cooper, Peter.

Cooper, Peter.

Mathew, Bince.

Joshi, Bipin.

Churcher, Clare.

Beard, Bradley.

Kellenberger, Kathi.

Dewson, Robin.

Wootton, Cliff.

Layka, Vishal.
    Beginning Scala.
    Berkeley, CA : Apress, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

White, Robert.

Prasad Reddy, K. Siva.

Caliskan, Mert.
    Beginning Spring.
    New York : John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Goodwill, James.

Goodwill, James.

Kellenberger, Kathi.
    Beginning T-SQL.
    Berkeley, CA : Apress, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Haines, Nathan.

Haines, Nathan.

Newsome, Bryan.

Del Sole, Alessandro.

Indrasiri, Kasun.

Halsey, Mike.

Kumar, Vinodh.

Halsey, Mike.

Ong, Sean.

Isaacs, Scott.

Knott, Matthew.

Knott, Matthew.

Knott, Matthew.
    Beginning Xcode.
    Berkeley, CA : Apress, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Nutting, Jack.

Ooley , Nathan.

Bakir, Ahmed.

Richter, Kyle.

Mark, David.

Nutting, Jack.

Mark, David.

Maskrey, Molly.

Topley, Kim.

Joshi, Bipin.

Parkinson, Ian.

van Vugt, Sander.

Dow, Gillian.

Fenn, George Manville.

Parkes, Fanny.

Bennett, TJ.

Bennett, Tj.

Little, Linda.

Paradise, Christopher J.

Shelton, Joy Lynn E.

Adolfsson, Birgitta.

Shefrin, Hersh.

Fox, Craig.

Fox, Craig.

Luiselli, James K.

Bendor, Jonathan.

Hook, Peter.

Gay, Simon.

Durlauf, Steven.

Brown, Ron.

Oboler, S.

Gardaphé, Fred.

De Haan, Erik.

Vickery, Amanda.

Boey, Daniel.

Nykanen, Harri.
    Behind God's Back.
    Windsor : Bitter Lemon Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lythell, Jane.

Dunlop, Richard.

Verreault, Mélissa.

Peek, Lori A.

Custance, Craig.

Zemeckis, Leslie.

Morris, W. F.

Treacy, Patrick.

Beauboeuf-Lafontant, Tamara.

Fischler, Stan.

Ross, Mary.

Ross, Mary.

Perry, Gina.

Cincotta, Salvatore.

Smith, Joanna.

Pierce, Nicola.
    Behind the Walls.
    Dublin : The O'Brien Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Murphy, Kate.

Henny, Lindy.
    Behold Sarah.
    : Clink Street Publishing, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book
    La Vergne : Bible Society Resources Ltd, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Ryan, Alex.

Moreira, Mario E.

Kilbride, Daniel.

Peterson, Anna L.

Chesterman, Simon.
    Being Arcadia.
    SG : Marshall Cavendish International, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Benecke, Joanna.

Johnson, Kelly.

Greenwood, Robin.

Rzepka, Charles J.

White, Jacob.

Jule, A.

Lindsay, Douglas.

Astley, Neil.

Gyatso, Janet.

Friedlander, J.

Asakawa, Gil.

Muñoz, Luis.
    Being Luis.
    Exeter : Impress Books, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Richards, Naomi.

Ryde, Judy.

Falk, Bent.

Dawson, James.
    Being a Boy.
    London : Hot Key Books, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Stott, John.
    Being a Christian.
    Westmont, IL : InterVarsity Press, 2008.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Ross-McNairn, Jonathon.

Kessler, Eric H.

Jonson, Kathleen F.

Haour, Anne.

Kirch, Susan A.

John, Elnathan.

Sushkov, Sergei N.

Rommen, Edward.

Anderson, Eleanor.

Field, David.

Sultan, Cathy.

Humaydan, Iman.
    Beirut Noir.
    New York : Akashic Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Barton, Brian.

McKinty, Adrian.
    Belfast Noir.
    New York : Akashic Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Minton, Elizabeth A.

Wells, George Albert.

Bandyopadhyay, Prasanta S.

Dilts, Robert.

Johnson, J. J.
    New York : Peachtree Publishers, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Harris, M.J.
    Believe or Die.
    Swindon : G2 Rights Ltd, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Vida, Vendela.
    Believer, Issue 111.
    San Francisco : McSweeney's, Believer Magazine, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Julavits, Heidi.
    Believer, Issue 112.
    San Francisco : McSweeney's, Believer Magazine, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Boyle, Christopher.

Souther, J. Mark.

    Dublin : The Lilliput Press, 2005.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bukowski, Charles.

Gold, Alan.

Stirling, Kirsten.

Symes, Ruth.
    Bella Donna.
    La Vergne : Sky Pony Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

McPhail, David.

Pan, Michelle.

McKinlay, Meg.

Ross, Elizabeth.
    Belle Époque.
    London : Hot Key Books, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Dwyer, Joanne Dominique.

Tremblay, Michel.

Boyce, Gerry.

Herzog, Amy.
    New York : Theatre Communications Group, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Barnes, Heidi.

Moskowich-Spiegel, Isabel.

Dallal, Tamalyn.

Sky Pony Editors,.

Sinha, Umi.
    Brighton : Myriad Editions, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kalayil, Sheena.
    Beloved Country.
    Claygate : Grosvenor House Publishing, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Schartz, Vijaya.

Kline, Savannah.

    London : Hot Key Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Webb, Chris.

Saeed, Mahmoud.
    Ben Barka Lane.
    Northampton : Interlink Publishing, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hume, Stephen Eaton.

Hunt, Ted.

Hunt, Ted.

Wallace, Lew.

Gillis, Steven.

Marshall, Chris.


Hutchison, David.

Mooney, Sharon Fish.

Link, A.

Toft, Anthea.

Tulba, Majok.

Phelps, Michael.

Phelps, Michael.

Arbuthnott, Gill.
    Edinburgh : Floris Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kiely, Benedict.

Reinhard-DeRoo, Matthias.

Alexander, Rick.

Leong, James.

Hinton, Matthew.

Heiser, C.P.
    Bengal Lights.
    New York : The Unnamed Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Stone, Roger.

Allen, Ansgar.

Vincent, K. Steven.

Ross, Robert.

Warner, Gertrude Chandler.

Markotić, Nicole.

Drout, Michael D.C.

Lee, Sung-Il.

    New York, NY : Clydesdale Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Al-Hafyan, Abd Al-Mahmud.
    Reading : Garnet Publishing (UK) Ltd, 2007.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Grey, Robin.

Berenstain, Stan.

Niskanen, Paul V.
    Berit Olam.
    Collegeville, MN : Liturgical Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Tekin, Latife.

Johnson, Robert E.

Cunningham, Lawrence A.

Stöver, Bernd.

Turner, Barry.

Seaman, Damien.

Weiner, Joshua.

Harrison, Richard W.

Riva, Peter.

Taschen, Angelika.

Mirolla, Michael.
    : Leapfrog Press, 2008.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Shin, Michael E.

Primer, I.

Yde, M.

Clare, David.

Ullah, Jamal.

McFadden, Bernice L.

Dodson, Samuel Fisher.

Brafman, Michelle.
    Bertrand Court.
    La Vergne : Prospect Park Books, 2008.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Menuge, Adam.

Hathaway, Jane.

Sher, Antony.

Benson, Arthur Christopher.

Walton, Caroline.

Howell, William G.

Lee, Georgina.
    Bess - A Novel.
    Claygate : Grosvenor House Publishing, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Woolf, Oleg.

Katori, Makoto.

Brennan, Stephen.

Historians, Organization of American.


Historians, Organization of American.

The American Society of Magazine Editors,.

The American Society of Magazine Editors,.

The American Society of Magazine Editors,.

Holt, Sid.

Oppy, G.

Drewe, Robert.

Koval, Ramona.

Manne, Robert.

Williamson, Geordie.

Williamson, Geordie.

Goldsworthy, Anna.

Adamson, Robert.

Tranter, John.

Tranter, John.

Gorton, Lisa.

Page, Geoff.

Page, Geoff.

Holland-Batt, Sarah.

Kennedy, Cate.

Kennedy, Cate.

Hartnett, Sonya.

Scott, Kim.

Lohrey, Amanda.

Clarke, Maxine Beneba.

Haynes, Steve.

Haynes, Steve.

Mains, Johnny.

Royle, Nicholas.

Royle, Nicholas.

Royle, Nicholas.

Baines, Elizabeth.

Ashworth, Jenn.

Royle, Nicholas.

Barnett, Jay.

Starkman, Dean.

Starkman, Dean.

Wiggins, Alexis.

Stone, Randi B.

Brennan, Stephen.

Brooks, Rosie.

Shinder, Thomas W.

Snedaker, Susan.

Piltzecker, Anthony.

Sharman, Mike.

Hemon, Aleksandar.

Hemon, Aleksandar.

Hemon, Aleksandar.

Banville, John.

Jan Ar, Drago.

Haskins, Mike.

Lyons, Nick.

Wright, Samuel.
    Best Friend.
    : Galley Beggar Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Brennan, Stephen.

Ganz, Julie.

Molloy, Johnny.

Peppin, Bruce.

Goddard, Vic.

Strada, Annalisa.
    Best Magic Games.
    Barcelona : De Vecchi Ediciones, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gewertz, Bruce L.

Mwanaka, R.

Greenberg, Martin H.

Brennan, Stephen.

Winslow, Rachel Rains.

Wilkinson, Lee A.

Beddoe, Liz.

Stone, Randi.

Stone, Randi.

DiBruno, Rocco.

Stone, Randi.

Stone, Randi B.

Stone, Randi.

Stone, Randi B.

Stone, Randi.

Stone, Randi B.

Stone, Randi.

Walker, Lenore E.A.

Harris, Sandra K.

Brennan, Stephen.

Cook, Gary.

Jordan, Pat.

Jenkins, Lynn.

Dziezynski, James.

Dziezynski, James.

Lewis, Jon E.

Forster, Matt.

Revolinski, Kevin.

Loewendick, Robert.

Henry, Steve.

Molloy, Johnny.

Molloy, Johnny.

Parr, Monte.

Porter, Randy.

Molloy, Johnny.

Molloy, Johnny.

Forster, Matt.

Starmer, Catharine.

O'Reilly, James.

O'Reilly, James.

O'Reilly, James.

O'Reilly, James.

Brennan, Stephen.

Christie, Jack.

McCauley, Lucy.

Griest, Stephanie Elizondo.

Spalding, Lavinia.

Spalding, Lavinia.

Spalding, Lavinia.

Martinez, Juan.

Pitici, Mircea.

Haroon, Mohammed.

Weekes, Don.

Muir, Sally.

Muir, Sally.
    Best in Show.
    London : Pavilion Books, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Steadman, Jeffrey.

Withrow, Wendel.

Molloy, Johnny.

Henry, Steve.

Schirle, John.

Molloy, Johnny.

Molloy, Johnny.

Pyle, Jeanne Louise.

Pyle, Jeanne Louise.

Willen, Matt.

Molloy, Johnny.

Molloy, Johnny.

Soderberg, Ken.

Molloy, Johnny.

Starmer, Aaron.

Javins, Marie.

Olmon, Kirstin.

Coloma, Cindy.

Patterson, Charles.

Hurter, Bill.

Raeside, Adrian.

Roehlkepartain, Jolene L.

Lawlor, Padraig.

Gibson, Robert.
    Best of Enemies.
    Exeter : Impress Books, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hurter, Bill.

Lane, Nigel.

Levinson, Jay.

Lansdale, Joe R.

Verne, Jules.

Ashburne, John Frederick.

McKowen, Ken.

Hurter, Bill.

Hurter, Bill.

Mortn, Don.

Hurter, Bill.

Thurrott, Paul.

Wachtel, Eleanor.

Logue, Victoria.

Leigh, Spencer.

Ofri, Danielle.

Bell, Matt.

King, Emma.

Byrne, Emma.

Creative Homeowner, Creative Homeowner.

Apollinaire, Guillaume.

Vollmer, Markus.

Sanders, Greg.
    : Galley Beggar Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Nayar, Ritu.

Ali, Syed Z.

Barnett, Paul W.

Pryce-Jones, David.

Gertz, Bill.

North, Mark.

Shulman, Beth.

Nash, N.S.

Beakley, Mike "Darkside".

Benson, Simon.
    Seaforth, NSW : Pantera Press, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Francis, Clare.
    New York : Open Road Media Mystery & Thriller, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kaplan, S.

Scorer, Richard.

Dinsdale, Christopher.

Mandelstam, Michael.

Wiltshire, Wanda.
    Seaforth, NSW : Pantera Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Fisher, David James.

Chaddick, Tim.

Caldwell, Nicole.

Wakamatsu, May M.

Kenny, Peter.

Frank, Richard G.

Eveling, Stanley.

Francis, Rosemarie.

McAuliffe, John.
    Better Life.
    Oldcastle : The Gallery Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Stewart, Fenn.
    Better Nature.
    Toronto : BookThug, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Smart, Susan.

MacLeod, Andrew.

Schwabish, Jonathan.

Ovwigho, Pam.

Harrison, Glynn.

Alexander, Nick.

Porter, Robin.

Jones, Ellis.

Ferry, Georgina.

Korngold, Alice.

Polenz, Ruprecht.

Miller, Jim.

Fodor, Eben V.

O'Brien, John.
    Brooklyn : Akashic Books, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

O'Connor, Heather M.
    Betting Game.
    Victoria : Orca Book Publishers, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Claridge, Andrew.

Reardon, Betty A.

Reardon, Betty A.

Piñeiro, Claudia.
    Betty Boo.
    London : Bitter Lemon Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Wise, Tim.

Tartakoff, Paola.

Ehlers, Benjamin.

Takeda, Junko Thérèse.

Seigel, Jerrold.

Lundy, Iain.

Cannon, Dolores.

McFaul, Michael.

Rahill, Elske.

Harvey, Steve.
    Between Dreams.
    Edinburgh : Fledgling Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Charques, R. D.

Hick, J.

Barouch, Lina.

Vaduva, Sebastian.

Gillette, Howard, Jr.

Sedgwick, Eve Kosofsky.

Frame, Janet.

Bell, Steve.

Brown, Nathan J.

Murphy, Dervla.

Rodger, James.

Evans, Christine Elaine.

Ward, David.

Kane-Berman, John.

Cole, Michael J.

Sinclair, Upton.

Ellis, Reginald K.

Stebbins, Robert A.

Singleton, George.

Callahan, Gerald.

Nadelson, Scott.

Codevilla, Angelo M.

Field, Mark.

Hatcher, Greg.

MacPhail, Cathy.
    Between the Lies.
    La Vergne : Floris Books, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Honig-Parnass, Tikva.

Cable, Boyd.
    Between the Lines.
    Auckland : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Druzin, Randi.

Pickell, David.

Abdou, Angie.
    New York : Arsenal Pulp Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Stilling, Jessica.

Gache, Lisa.

Zweig, Stefan.
    Beware of Pity.
    London : Pushkin Press, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Elliot, John H.

Elliott, John H.

Elliott, John H.

Packham, Simon.
    Bex Factor.
    Dorking : Piccadilly Press, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Wind, Jerry.

Skowronski, Krzysztof Piotr.

Kissane, Dylan.

Middleton, J.

McDonald, James.

Barker, Gillian.

Grace, Daphne M.

Hoyos, Héctor.

Bowman, Paul.

Ezell, Darrell.

Lanz, Tobias.

Ritchie, Brendan.
    Beyond Carousel.
    Chicago : Fremantle Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Poynton, Scott.

Geary, Daniel.

Alsenas, Linas.

Murawski, Wendy W.

Shin, Sarah.

Vicari, Giuseppe.

Platschke, Kai.
    Beyond Digital.
    München : Haufe Lexware Verlag, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Sehlinger, Bob.
    Beyond Disney.
    New York, NY : Unofficial Guides, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

O'Shea, Mick.

Robinson-Easley, C.

Yasukawa, Keiko.

Googins, B.

Askew, Emily.

Mallea, Paula.

Smith, J. Goosby.

Rupp, George.

Kaiserfeld, Thomas.
    Beyond Innovation.
    London : Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Béndek, Peter.

McClure, Steve.

Addleson, M.

Frydman, Roman.

Hernández, Felipe.

Collins, Suzan.

Stephens, Mitchell.

Simmons, Randy.

Hurley, Andrew.

Freidenreich, David M.

Nichols, A.

Dieterich-Ward, Allen.

McClymond, Kathryn.

Maly, Michael T.

Bachner, Andrea.

Hazelton, Jacqueline L.

Biel, Joe.

Polster, Erving.

de Anca, Celia.

Cassidy, David C.

Surbrug, Robert, Jr.

Brevini, Benedetta.

Berthel, Thomas J.

Lockyer, S.

Nicholus, Ray.
    Beyond jQuery.
    Berkeley, CA : Apress, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Mapp, Karen L.

Pilgrim, Mark.

Bowers, Dave.

Arievitch, Igor M.

Barrett, Louise.

Glickman, Marshall.

Bridge, S.

Wills-Brandon, Carla.

Adelman, Rebecca A.

Logan, John R.

Lay, Jenna.

Murisa, Tendai.

Gussow, Adam.

Grebowicz, Margret.

Assandri, Friederike.

Clark, Jessica.

Mayes, Andrew.

Sarni, Will.

Bear, Greg.

Mason, Bryan.

Novick, J.

Green, James W.

Jamail, Dahr.

Ireland, Ryan.

Beresford, Matthew.
    Beyond the Ice.
    Oxford : Archaeopress Limited, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Basu, Kaushik.

Sheikhzadegan, Amir.

Sostrin, J.

McGonigal, James.

Woloshyn, Tom.

House, Steve.

Bhattacharya, Jayati.

Dale, Allan.

Pruitt, Doyle K.

Malone, Michael J.

Hipper, Anitta M.

Watts, Peter.
    Beyond the Rift.
    San Francisco : Tachyon Publications, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bilgrami, Akeel.

Nhat Hanh, Thich.

Martindale, Wayne.

Richter, Jutta.

Dever, William G.

Mallon, Florencia.

Albert, William.

Easwaran, Eknath.
    Bhagavad Gita.
    Tomales : Nilgiri Press, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gupta, Ravi M.

Maine, Sarah.
    Bhalla Strand.
    Glasgow : Freight Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Auld, Bertie.

Choden, Karma.

Bank, Asian Development.

Blackman-Sheppard, Gabrielle.

Baxter, Peter.

Venter, Al J.

Gwinn, Dylan.

Boutang, Jérôme.

Gooder, Paula.

Pickrel, Lara Blackwood.

Gossett, Tim.

Hoelscher, Sally.

Dewar, Andrew.

Powers, Tim.

Park, Keith.

Walton, John H.

Geoghegan, Jeffrey.
    Bible for Dummies.
    Newark : John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Loveday, Simon.

McCarthy, Patrick.

Pio, Elizabeth.

Lawrence, Michael.

Pigza, Jessica.

Bicknell, Martin.

Luna-Elizarrarás, M. Elena.

Tremblay, Larry.
    Bicycle Eater.
    Vancouver : Talonbooks, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Brady, Patrick.

Skinner, Elizabeth.

Skinner, Elizabeth.

Boothby, Guy Newell.

Zulys, Augustino.

Gardner, Anthony.

Brown, Daniel.

Davidi, Shi.

Horowitz, David.

Maloney, Shane.

Swale, Rudy A.

Dachel, Anne.

Rimanoczy, Isabel.

Nisker, Wes "Scoop".

Ayuk, NJ.

Piccone, Ted.

Sewell, Matt.
    Big Bird Spot.
    London : Pavilion Books, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Roberts, Johnnie L.

Kearney, Mark.

Wexler, Steve.

Joiner, Lindsey.

Maffetone, Philip.

May, Jamaal.

Weekes, Don.

Gilbert, Ian.

Rodenburg , Jacob.

Illes, Judika.

Hajeski, Nancy J.

Giuliani, George.

Shelov, Steven P.

Joiner, Lindsey.

Lubkemann, Chris.

Hilliard, Kyle.

Zangwill, Israel.
    Big Bow Mystery.
    New York : Road, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Yan, Mo.

Bignell, J.

Deane, Alex.

Hollenbeck, Cliff.

Wales, A.

Allen, Frederick Lewis.

Kilroy, Thomas.
    Big Chapel.
    Dublin : Liberties Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Sakr, Sherif.

Mohanty, Hrushikesha.

Clegg, Brian.

Chen, Min.

Zadrozny, Peter.

Guller, Mohammed.

Sawant, Nitin.

Feinleib, David.

Bunnik, Anno.

Sremack, Joe.

Mohanty, Soumendra.

Frampton, Michael.

Estrada, Raul.

Park, Patrick H.

Stackowiak, Robert.

Amirian, Pouria.


Byler, Linda.

Helmuth, Betsy.

Rosenblum, Rebecca.
    Big Dream.
    Emeryville : Biblioasis, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Barich, Bill.

Rose, David.

Fredrickson, George M.

Bell, Gabrielle.

Hartley, Ray.

Hess, Joan.

Walton, Rodney Earl.

Brown, Cynthia Stokes.

Grigg, Russell.

Leggat, David.

Hoffman, Allen.
    Big League Dreams.
    New York : Abbeville Publishing Group, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Pieri, Joe.
    Big Men.
    Glasgow : Neil Wilson Publishing, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Connaughton, Shane.
    Big Parts.
    London : Muswell Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Keating, Paul.

Harris, Brian C.

Suzuki, David.

Winston, Andrew S.

Phillips, Utah.

Damjan, Mischa.

Jeffrey, Belinda.

Eldridge, Jim.

Crowe-Carraco, Carol.
    Big Sandy.
    Lexington : University Press of Kentucky, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Boyd, Neil.

Taylor, Jr., Stuart.

Giannetto, D.

Behn, Noel.

Saxifrage, Carrie.

Cave, Peter.

Upton, Robert.
    Big Tour.
    New York : Open Road Distribution, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Slosse, Nathalie.

Ware, Bruce A.

Gidlow, Liette.

Doyle, Peter.
    Big Whatever.
    Portland : Verse Chorus Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

McDougall, Sara.

Weekes, Don.

Hayes, Stephen.

Glazar, Ed.

Bridge, Raymond.

Blue, Elly.

Mngxitama, A.

Ganesan, N.

Elsner, Daniela.

Flores, Ana L.

Ramsey, P.

Heller, Monica, Professor.

Plecas, Bob.

Paikin, Steve.

Lord, John B.

Hurter, Bill.

Goodman, Geoffrey.

Moyers, Bill.

Oddie, Bill.

Duffek, Karen.

Fensham, Elizabeth.
    Bill Rules.
    St Lucia : University of Queensland Press, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Sherk, Bill.

Thomsen, Robert.


Wennington, Bill.

Amar, Akhil Reed.

Weaver, Vickie.
    Billie Girl.
    Wellfleet : Leapfrog Press, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book


West, Darrell M.

Leope, Sbusiso.

Butlin, Ron.

Gray, John.

Donovan, Sally.

Frost, David.


Miller, Steven P.

Guyatt, Ben.

Bloom, Godfrey.

Alper, Joanne.

Wurge, B.B.

Robinson, Nick.

Gerard, Sarah.
    Binary Star.
    : Two Dollar Radio, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Harris, Amber.
    Bingo Did It!.
    North Clarendon : Redleaf Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Miller, Eric B.

Li, Yebo.

Cheshire, Ellen.

Giddings, Lesley-Ann.

Giddings, Lesley-Ann.

Sulosky Weaver, Carrie L.

Harrod, Ryan P.

Berman, Bob.

Unknown, Author.

Ash, Michael.

Meister, Alton.

Easterlin, Nancy.

Estill, Lyle.

Spicer, John.

Lefroy, Ted.

Lindenmayer, David.

Pavlovic, Mirjana.

Hayry, Matti.

Luna, Florencia.

VanDrunen, David.

Koizumi, Tatsuji.

Heads, Michael.

Tekcan, Rana.

Brown, Sally.

Byron, Kevin.

Metzler-Nolte, Nils.

McFarland, David.

Roy, Brijraj.
    Biological Control.
    Dehli : Scientific International, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Willmott, Chris.

Demets, R.

van Vollenhoven, Ronald.

Rostal, David C.

Dodds, Judy.

Weber, Andreas.

Ngangyo Heya, Maginot.

Therapies, Committee on Policy Issues in the Clinical Development and Use of Biomarkers for Molecularly Targeted.

Guest, Paul C.

Kleshnev, Valery.

Miller, Karol.

Kumar, Dhiraj.

November, Joseph A.

Hutchison, David.

Rutkove, Seward B.

Leonida, Mihaela D.

Storz, Ulrich.

Williams, Mark C.

Bhushan, Bharat.

Solaro, R. John.

Nwe, Nitar.

Waldvogel, Patricia.

Rastogi, Veer Bala.
    Dehli : Scientific International, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Vettel, Eric J.

Darvishi Harzevili, Farshad.

Crueger, Wulf.

Adebooye, Odunayo C.

Gruber, Jeremy.

Dando, Malcolm.

Gerstein, Daniel M.

Biel, Joe.

Biel, Joe.

Owen, Sarah.

Sajatovic, Martha.

Holland, Noy.
    Bird : A Novel.
    Berkeley : Counterpoint, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Wade, Sidney.

Kaplan, Gisela.

Dulemba, Elizabeth O.

Lomas, Laura.


Florence, Elinor.

Greally, Hanna.

McPherson, Conor.

Harrison, George H.

Embree, Mary.

Meguid, Ibrahim Abdel.
    Birds of Amber.
    Cairo : The American University in Cairo Press, 2005.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

McCarthy, Mary.

McCarthy, Mary.

Tekiela, Stan.

Clive, Henrietta.

Schulenberg, Thomas S.

Easton, Don.

McCrie, Niven.

Thornton, Russell.

Vallance, Jess.
    London : Hot Key Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Fink, Sharon Birkman.

Cattell, John.

Gioia, Ted.

Baines, Elizabeth.
    Birth Machine.
    Cambridge : Salt Publishing Limited, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Daniels, Jim.
    Birth Marks.
    Rochester : BOA Editions Ltd., 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Stockton, Adela.

Apfel, Alana.

Downing, Lisa.

Foucault, M.

Cohen, Michael R.

App, Urs.
    Birth of Orientalism.
    Philadelphia : University of Pennsylvania Press, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

de Kerangal, Maylis.


Schiffman, Zachary S.
    Birth of the Past.
    Baltimore : Johns Hopkins University Press, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Sillitoe, Alan.

Bainbridge, Beryl.

García Ortega, Adolfo.

Taylor, DJ.
    Birthday Party.
    : Galley Beggar Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Moore, MariJo.

Cooper, Diana.

Grassé, David.

Brunstetter, Wanda E.
    Bishop's Daughter.
    Uhrichsville : Barbour Publishing, Inc., 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kurtz, Katherine.
    Bishop's Heir.
    New York : Open Road Media Sci-Fi & Fantasy, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

MacIntyre, Linden.

Dummies, Consumer.
    Bitcoin for Dummies.
    New York : John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

    Bite Harder.
    : Blasted Heath Ltd, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hamilton, Fiona.

Metcalf, Fred.

Metcalf, Fred.

Metcalf, Fred.

Linnekin, Baylen J.

Solms, Kenny.

Wilson, John.

Sveland, Maria.

Off, Carol.

McDermott, Jim.

Doloughan, Neil.
    Bitter Lemons.
    Claygate : Grosvenor House Publishing, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Martini, Clem.
    Bitter Medicine.
    Calgary : Freehand Books, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Sloan, John.

Lawless, Jim.
    Bitter Range.
    La Vergne : Robert Hale, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Mohamed, Stefan.
    Bitter Sixteen.
    Cambridge : Salt Publishing Limited, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gese, Scott.

Moncrieff, J.

Williams, David.

Heaver, Becky.

Beckner, Mark.

Cooley, Dan.

Long, David.

Hamilton, Maurice.

Van der Berg, Wim.

Freeburg, Christopher.

Woolrich, Cornell.

Veith, George J.

Mcdougall, Harold.

Fenn, George Manville.
    Black Bar.
    Wellington : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Sewell, Anna.
    Black Beauty.
    La Vergne : Waverley Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Sewell, Anna.
    Black Beauty.
    : Thunder Bay Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kang, Grandmaster Tae Sun.

Nelson, David.

Roth, Jordan.
    Black Belt Karate.
    North Clarendon : Tuttle Publishing, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Levine, Darren.

Douglas, Kelly Brown.

Horowitz, David.

Horowitz, David.

Popov, Alek.
    Black Box.
    London : Peter Owen Publishers, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Evans, Gavin.

Teixidor, Emili.
    Black Bread.
    Windsor : Biblioasis, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Vernick, Shirley Reva.
    Black Butterfly.
    : Cinco Puntos Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Alla, Albert.
    Black Chalk.
    Reading : Garnet Publishing (UK) Ltd, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Sullivan-Gonzalez, Douglass.

Massood, Paula.

Murugan, Perumal.

Howard, Walter T.

Purdon, Eric.

Penfold, Tom.

Ondaatje, Michael L.

Walker, Rebecca.

Hadley-Pryce, Kerry.
    Black Country.
    La Vergne : Salt Publishing Limited, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lamberson, Gregory.
    Black Creek.
    New York, NY : Medallion Media Group, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Edge, Christopher.

Hodel, Steve.

Baylis, M.H.

Martin, Sean.
    Black Death.
    Harpenden : Oldcastle Books, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hoover, Paul.

Young Bear, Ray.

Harris, D.

Byrne, Liam.

Burke, Shannon.

Heard, H. F.
    Black Fox.
    Newburyport : Road, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

McGlotten, S.

Russell, Dick.

Spivey, Ben.
    Black God.
    : Dzanc Books, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Woodbine, Onaje X. O.

Cahir, Fred.

Cassidy, Sara.
    Black Gold.
    Victoria : Orca Book Publishers, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Oloya, Opiyo.

Nicol, Mike.
    Black Heart.
    London : Old Street Publishing, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Chandler, Frank.

Lusane, Clarence.

Sinister, Bucky.

Courtenay, Lucy.

Kettenbach, Hans Werner.
    Black Ice.
    London : Bitter Lemon Press, 2006.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Byars-Nichols, K.

Peters, Ellis.

Burnett, L.

Leffler, P.

Kinnell, Galway.

    Black Lotus.
    New York : Akashic Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lee, Courtney Hall.

Millar, Peter.
    Black Madonna.
    London : Arcadia Books Limited, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Elford, Charles.

Daly, Bill.
    Black Mail.
    London : Old Street Publishing, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Williams Jr., Roland Leander.

Jauss, David.
    Black Maps.
    Massachusetts : Dzanc Books, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Girmay, Aracelis.
    Black Maria.
    New York, NY : BOA Editions Ltd., 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hoston, W.

Patterson, Dayal.

Heyer, Georgette.
    Black Moth.
    New York : Dover Publications, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Brand, Max.

Jones (Amiri Baraka), LeRoi.
    Black Music.
    Brooklyn : Akashic Books, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Rashid, S.

McDowell, Nigel.
    Black North.
    London : Hot Key Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Tremblay, Michel.
    Black Notebook.
    Vancouver : Talonbooks, 2006.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Einstein, Mara.

Grant, Nick.

Gillespie, Robert M.

Walker, Persia.

Boyd, Herb.

Bell, Joyce M.

Slate, N.

Swan, Q.

Grau, Shirley Ann.

Forss, Amy Helene.

Sowell, Thomas.

Hart, W.

Jampoler, Andrew C.

Malone, Martin.
    Black Rose Days.
    Dublin : New Island Books, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bartholomeusz, James.
    Black Rose.
    Saint Charles IL : Medallion Media Group, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Marable, M.

Caunitz, William J.
    Black Sand.
    New York : Road, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Wukovitz, John K.

Pousson, Martin.

Broddle, Linda.

Lundstrom, John.

Ravindra, Nuggehalli M.

Brown, Adrienne.

Hill, Jr., Edwin C.

Lap, Ngo Tu.

Morris, Monique W.

Conterio, Martyn.
    Black Sunday.
    Yarmouth : Columbia University Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Ellams, Inua.

Brand, Max.

Fenn, George Manville.

Cañizares-Esguerra, Jorge.

Moody, Rick.

Willis, Deborah.

Lemire, Elise.

Tea, Michelle.
    Black Wave.
    La Vergne : The Feminist Press at CUNY, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

O'Connor, Niamh.

Rousseau, N.

Holliday, SJI.

Sirr, Peter.

San Antonio Museum of Art,.

Berghaus, Bob.

Williamson, Carolyn Estelle,

Snorton, C. Riley.

Millar, Sam.
    Black's Creek.
    Dublin : The O'Brien Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Jencks, Christopher.

Cassidy, Sara.
    Blackberry Juice.
    Victoria : Orca Book Publishers, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Webster, Joan W.

Duplechan, Larry.
    Vancouver : Arsenal Pulp Press, 2006.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Zahn, Timothy.
    Newburyport : Open Road Media Sci-Fi & Fantasy, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Dyer, Keith.
    Blackgang 1835.
    Gravesend : G2 Rights Ltd, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Baron, Adam.
    Brighton : Myriad Editions, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Flavin, Teresa.
    Blackhope Enigma.
    Surrey : Templar Publishing, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Moore, Jay.

Heinberg, Richard.

Styan, James-Brent.

Lamothe, Jerry.
    New York : Augustus Publishing, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Nance, John J.
    Newburyport : Open Road Media Mystery & Thriller, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Cronin, Mark.

Brodie, Allan.

Wyatt, Don J.

Dancer, Abe.
    London : Robert Hale, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Schneider, Susan.

Redmond, Sean.
    Blade Runner.
    Leighton Buzzard : Columbia University Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Beckett, Francis.

Casey, T.

Turner, Peter.
    Blair Witch Project.
    New York : Columbia University Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lee, P.

Goldsmith, Steven.

Bindloss, Harold.
    Blake's Burden.
    Wellington : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Nolan, Michael.
    : Salt Publishing Limited, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Philip, M. Nourbese.

O'Rawe, Richard.

Abrahams, Debbie.

McGuckian, Medbh.
    Blaris Moor.
    Oldcastle : The Gallery Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Ryan, David.

Richards, Jass.
    Blasphemy Tour.
    Sundridge : Magenta, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

McKinney, Rebecca.
    Blast Radius.
    Dingwall : Sandstone Press Ltd, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Frew, Alexander.
    Blaze of Fury.
    Ramsbury : Robert Hale, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Leuci, Bob.
    New York : Road, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Rinpoche, Tulku Urgyen.

Bajpai, Pratima.

Pemberton, Stephen.

Rutland, Harriet.
    Bleeding Hooks.
    La Vergne : Dean Street Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Nicholson, Geoff.
    Bleeding London.
    Chelmsford : Harbour Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Horn, Michael B.

Conlan, Chris.

Manrique, Michelangelo.

Ellsberg, Robert.

Berry, Wendell.

Accampo, Elinor.

Kidwai, Abdur Raheem.

Kidwai, Abdur Raheem.

Mór, Caiseal.

Smith, Michael.

Quinn, Anthony.
    Blind Arrows.
    Hatfield : Oldcastle Books, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Crill, Linda.

Prinsen, Sharlene.

Vrabel, Beth.

Carter, Scott.
    Blind Luck.
    Toronto : Dundurn, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Szell, Red.
    Blind Man of Hoy.
    Dingwall : Sandstone Press Ltd, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Higgins, Aidan.
    Blind Man's Bluff.
    Normal, IL : Columbia University Press, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Fenn, George Manville.
    Blind Policy.
    Wellington : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Wentworth, Patricia.
    Blind Side.
    New York : Open Road Media Mystery & Thriller, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Méndez, Alberto.
    Blind Sunflowers.
    London : Arcadia Books Limited, 2008.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Wentworth, Patricia.
    New York : Open Road Media Mystery & Thriller, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Brenton, Howard.

Lawson, Julie.
    Blinding Light.
    Toronto : Nimbus Publishing, Limited, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Malti-Douglas, Fedwa.

Fukuyama, Francis.

Whipple, Natalie.
    London : Hot Key Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hewett, Greg.
    La Vergne : Coffee House Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Myracle, Lauren.
    New York : Abrams, 2008.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Chan, Lawrence S.

Forde, Cathy.
    Blitz Next Door.
    Edinburgh : Floris Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kelly, Sloan.

Frieser, Karl-Heinz.
    Blitzkrieg Legend.
    Annapolis : Naval Institute Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gustawsson, Johana.
    Block 46.
    London : Orenda Books, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Grant, Peter S.

Bheemaiah, Kariappa.

Drescher, Daniel.

Raven, James.
    London : Robert Hale, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

magazine, Entrepreneur.

Franglen, Nora.

Rich, Jason R.

Meinel, Christoph.

Hopwood, Dave.
    Bloke's Bible.
    Crownhill : Authentic Media, 2006.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Swan, Jonathan.

Anidjar, Gil.

Morgan, Joseph Scott.

Massey, Eithne.

Nelson, Colleen.
    Blood Brothers.
    Toronto : Dundurn, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Scott, Jake.

DiLorenzo, Marjorie.

Batten, Jack.

Rosen, Fred.
    Blood Crimes.
    New York : Open Road Media, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hannabach, Cathy.

Smith, Patricia.
    Blood Dazzler.
    Minneapolis : Coffee House Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Curran, Oisà n.
    Blood Fable.
    Toronto : BookThug, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Grant, Bill.
    Blood Feud : 0.
    La Vergne : Robert Hale, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Klein, Edward.

    Blood Fever.
    La Vergne : Ian Fleming Publications, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Tregarth, Jack.
    Blood For Blood.
    La Vergne : Robert Hale, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

D'Lacey, Joseph.
    Blood Fugue.
    Cambridge : Salt Publishing Limited, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hirahara, Naomi.

Jennings, Luke.

Sinclair, Clive.
    Blood Libels.
    : Halban, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Vernick, Shirley Reva.

Lang, DD.
    Blood Money.
    London : Robert Hale, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Doloughan, Neil.
    Blood Oranges.
    La Vergne : Grosvenor House Publishing, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Derek, Edwin.

Gunn, Shorty.
    Blood Red Star.
    London : Robert Hale, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Keneally, Thomas.

Black, Will.
    Blood River : 0.
    La Vergne : Robert Hale, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Jones, Robert F.

Anthony, Evelyn.
    Blood Stones.
    New York : Open Road Media Mystery & Thriller, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Brooks, Bill.

Lindsay, Douglas.

Jones, Robert F.

Lorca, Federico.

Lejeune, Lee.

Downie, Jill.

Moss, John.

Kilcullen, David.

Carr, Matthew.

Lochhead, Liz.

Pacheco, Ferdie.

Durschmied, Erik.

Beirne, Logan.

McRae, David.

Pattison, Eliot.

Bedford, Paul.

Bainbridge, Colin.

Weinberg, Eric.

Bergman, S. Bear.

McClellan, Barr.

Scally, John.

Birch, Tony.
    St Lucia : University of Queensland Press, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Foley, Michael.

Stanton, Steve.

Stanton, Steve.

Stanton, Steve.

Kilpatrick, Nancy.
    Ontario : Mosaic Press, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Jones, Robert F.

Laidlaw, Matt.

Wheeler, Richard.

Abate, Michelle Ann.

Schrijvers, P.

Archibald, Malcolm.

Murray, Douglas.

Johns, Paxton.

Nayyar, Bobby.
    Bloody Vampires.
    London : Glasshouse Books, 2008.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kirkwood, Lucy.

Rosenbaum, S.

Simpson, Peter.

Stailey, Jay.

Luders, Michael.

Marinas Sr., Amante P.

Felshinsky, Yuri.

Litvinenko, Alexander.

Minetor, Randi.
    Blowing up.
    Santa Barbara : ABC-CLIO, LLC, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Mouly, Françoise.

Stewart, Michael.

Tucker, Spencer C.

Hoopmann, Kathy.

Bingham, Sallie.

Aguirre, Carmen.
    Blue Box.
    Vancouver : Talonbooks, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Santorum, Rick.

Jenne, Mike.

Norgate, Stephanie.
    Blue Den.
    Tyne and Wear : Bloodaxe Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Munroe, Kirk.

Sen Feng, Chang.

DeFrees, Madeline.

King, Jonathon.
    Blue Edge of Midnight.
    Newburyport : Open Road Media Mystery & Thriller, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

King, Jonathon.

O'Sullivan, Michelle.
    Blue End of Stars.
    Oldcastle : The Gallery Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Levine, Elise.
    Blue Field.
    Windsor : Biblioasis, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Foos, Laurie.
    Blue Girl.
    : Coffee House Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Ireland, Ann.
    Blue Guitar.
    Toronto : Dundurn, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Churchill, Caryl.

Righettini, Vicki.

Maroh, Julie.

Hawken, Eleanor.
    Blue Lady.
    London : Hot Key Books, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Taylor, Timothy.

Hotez, Peter J.

Morgan, Helen.

Butterworth, Michael.

Rutland, Harriet.
    Blue Murder.
    Salisbury : Dean Street Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book


Tredinnick, Mark.

Ørstavik, Hanne.
    Blue Room.
    London : Peirene Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Parsons, Patrick.

McDonald, Fleur.
    Blue Skies.
    Sydney : Allen & Unwin, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bayley, Clare.

Carnie, Jaime.

Swale, Jessica.

Ladha, Yasmin.

Mason, Mike.

Maggi, Nicole.
    Blue Woods.
    New York, NY : Medallion Media Group, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Krebs, Justin.

Herrod, Randy.

Bodnar, John.

Knight, Michael Muhammad.

Becker, Stephen.
    Blue-Eyed Shan.
    New York : Open Road Media, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Raisner Glass, Beth.

Wareham, David C.

Leavy, Patricia.
    Rotterdam : SensePublishers, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Black, Ian.

Calvin, Meggie Lee.

Witwer, Rob.

Williamson, Mark.

McNamara, Ashmarae.

Abrahams, Roger D.

Bart, Aubrey.

Eger, E.

Haataja, Keijo.

Nelson, Maggie.
    Seattle : Wave Books, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hoda, Anjum.

Schlunke, Katrina.
    Bluff Rock.
    Fremantle : Fremantle Press, 2005.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Perry, David.

King, Anthony.

Winter, Kathleen.
    Emeryville : Biblioasis, 2007.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hall, Traci.

Hall, Traci E.
    Boadicea's Legacy.
    St. Charles : Medallion Media Group, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Flanagan, David C.
    Edinburgh : Fledgling Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Cornthwaite, Dave.

Hicks, Dylan.
    Boarded Windows.
    : Coffee House Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gerrold, David.

Gamber, Wendy.

Argüden, Y.

Mazza, Carmelo.

Greene, Richard.

McQueen, Todd.

Chandler, Bob.

Porter, Carl J.

Henderson, Bob.

Huggins, Bob.

Lang, Robert.

Wolff, Bob.

Markus, Peter.

Powell, Jeff.

Reid, Steven.

Daniels, Rhiannon.

Lorigan, Catherine.

Franzmann, Vivienne.

Casanova, E.

Silverman, Gillian.

Yavetz, Ido.

West-Pavlov, Russell.

Rincón, Belinda Linn.

Reis, Elizabeth.

Kotker, Zane.
    Bodies in Motion.
    New York : Open Road Distribution, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lindman, Janet Moore.

Millet, Lydia.

Gooder, Paula.

Allerton, Catherine.

Swami, V.

Strange, Marc.

Smith, Connie Jo.
    Body Care.
    St. Paul : Redleaf Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Rosen, Fred.

Shah, Sonia.

Copp, Paul.

Sumner, Ged.

Sumner, Ged.

Lambert, David.

Borg, James.

Lau, Kimberly J.

Wilson, Glenn.

Eggert, Max A.

Eggert, Max A.

Furnham, A.

Jones, Leisel.
    Body Lengths.
    Carlton : Schwartz Publishing Pty. Ltd, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bard, Alexander.


Moreno, Jonathan D.

Lamond Simone, Maggie.

Jang, Jeonhee.

Bacon, Linda.

Selby, Christine L. B.

Stevenson, Robert Louis.
    Body Snatcher.
    New York : Road, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Melo, Patricia.
    Body Snatcher.
    London : Bitter Lemon Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Page, David W.

Saltz, Ina.

Saltz, Ina.

Maine, Ph.D., Margo.

McCruden, Kevin B.

Cuba, Nan.
    Body and Bread.
    Indianapolis : Engine Books, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Loh, H.L.L.

Cronin, Anthony.
    Body and Soul.
    Dublin : New Island Books, 2005.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Terdiman, Richard.

Westley, Hannah.

Pughe, Roberta.

Kauffman, Janet.

Harrison, Cora.
    Body in the Fog.
    Dorking : Piccadilly Press, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Mann, John.
    Body of Light.
    North Clarendon : Tuttle Publishing, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Everett, Percival.

D'Aoust, Renee.
    Body of a Dancer.
    Wilkes-Barre : Etruscan Press, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Sousa, Rogério.

Veit-Wild, Flora.

Magerstädt, S.

Karrasch, Noah.

Macken, Walter.
    Dublin 14 : New Island Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Oceanak, Karla.
    Bogus : Book 2.
    Fort Collins : Bailiwick Press, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Elborough, Travis.

Pelleport, Anne Gédéon Lafit.
    Philadelphia : University of Pennsylvania Press, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gartland, Samuel D.

David, Ojochenemi J.

Pullan, Brandon.

Harvey, Robert.

Biggar, John.
    Brussels : Primento Digital Publishing, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Joshi, Priya.

Saari, Salli.

Green, Bill.

Lapointe, S.

Dickson, Barbara.

Richardson, Peter.

Wimsatt, William Upski.

Zinn, Howard.
    : City Lights Publishers, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hill, Porter.
    Bombay Marines.
    London : Souvenir Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

    Surrey : Templar Publishing, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Reich, James.

Bloom, Mia.

Murray-Smith, Joanna.

Westcott, Anne.

Drennan, Robert E.

Rand, Caleb.
    Bonachon Blood.
    London : Robert Hale, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

McCartney, Simon.

Boyce, Neith.
    New York : Open Road Media, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hunt, June.

Choudhry, M.

Mott, Wesley T.

Dodds Pennock, Caroline.

Resnick, Ariane.

McMurchy-Barber, Gina.

Skipper, Roger Alan.

Johnson, Sara Eliza.
    Bone Map : Poems.
    Minneapolis : Milkweed Editions, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Cherry, Daniel A.

Pattison, Eliot.

Gregory, André.
    Bone Songs.
    New York : Theatre Communications Group, 2006.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bedford, Paul.
    Bone Treasure.
    La Vergne : Robert Hale, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Dickinson, Peter.
    Bone from a Dry Sea.
    New York : Open Road Media Teen & Tween, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

McMurchy-Barber, Gina.

Chesbro, George C.
    Newburyport : Road, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Heartsong, L.R.

Creighton, Kelly.
    Bones of It.
    Dublin : Liberties Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Swanwick, Michael.

Swanwick, Michael.
    Bones of the Earth.
    Newburyport : Open Road Media Sci-Fi & Fantasy, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Beachy, Stephen.
    Portland : Verse Chorus Press, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gilbert, Celia.
    New York : Alice James Books, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lovat, Terence.

Nichols, Stephen J.

Brodskaya, Nathalia.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book


Wiles, Richard.

Spiller, Robert.

Spiller, Robert.

Tucker, Diane L.
    Bonsai Love.
    La Vergne : Harbour Publishing, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

May, Jim.

O'Porter, Dawn.

Lindenmayer, David.

Summaries, Bright.

Summaries, Bright.

Summaries, Bright.

Summaries, Bright.

Summaries, Bright.

Summaries, Bright.

Summaries, Bright.

Summaries, Bright.

Summaries, Bright.

Summaries, Bright.

Summaries, Bright.

Pattano, Luigia.

Summaries, Bright.

Summaries, Bright.

Summaries, Bright.

Summaries, Bright.

Summaries, Bright.

Summaries, Bright.

Summaries, Bright.

Summaries, Bright.

Summaries, Bright.

Summaries, Bright.

Summaries, Bright.

Summaries, Bright.

Summaries, Bright.

Summaries, Bright.

Summaries, Bright.

Summaries, Bright.

Summaries, Bright.

Summaries, Bright.

Summaries, Bright.

Summaries, Bright.

Summaries, Bright.

Thompson, Alice.
    Book Collector.
    La Vergne : Salt Publishing Limited, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book


Adams, Sue.

Davis, C.

Pettegree, Andrew.

Treasure, Joe.
    Book of Air.
    La Vergne : Clink Street Publishing, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Ashworth, Liz.
    Book of Bere.
    Chicago : Birlinn Ltd, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Cook, Bridget.

Bragg, Melvyn.

Agualusa, José Eduardo.

Bertschinger, Richard.

Barfield, Raymond.

Ward, Philip.

Walker, Julian.

Stephen, Ian.

Cropsey, Marvin W.

Mathis, Cleopatra.

Dames, Mansel Longworth.

Garriga, Michael.
    Book of Duels.
    Minneapolis : Milkweed Editions, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Almino, João.
    Book of Emotions.
    Normal, IL : Columbia University Press, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Charles, R. H.

Weiss Roberts, Laura.

Saniee, Parinoush.
    Book of Fate.
    : House of Anansi Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Rutherford, Leo.

Schroeder, Joy A.
    Book of Genesis.
    Grand Rapids : Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Le FÃv̈re, Jehan.

Fraser, Donald M.

Lee, Kathy.

Weise, Jillian.
    Book of Goodbyes.
    Rochester : BOA Editions Ltd., 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

McFadden, Bernice L.
    Book of Harlan.
    New York, NY : Akashic Books, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Dearman, J. Andrew.
    Book of Hosea.
    Grand Rapids : Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

al-Kalbi, Ibn.
    Book of Idols.
    Princeton : Princeton University Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Anand, Mulk Raj.

Salomon, Julian Harris.

Bautch, Richard J.

Abernethy, Andrew.

Goyen, William.
    Book of Jesus.
    : Dzanc Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Webb, Barry G.
    Book of Judges.
    Grand Rapids : Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Rihani, Ameen.

Collins, Myfanwy.
    Book of Laney.
    Indianapolis : Engine Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lee, Kathy.
    Book of Life.
    Bucks : Scripture Union England and Wales, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Yang, Shang.

Lo, Amy.

Skousen, Royal.

Jensen, Emily W.

Cohen, Albert.
    Book of My Mother.
    New York : Archipelago Books, 2006.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lee, Li-Young.
    Book of My Nights.
    Rochester : BOA Editions Ltd., 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Witham, Clive.

Waltke, Bruce K.

Waltke, Bruce K.

deClaisse-Walford, Nancy L.
    Book of Psalms.
    Grand Rapids : Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Rabb, Jonathan.
    Book of Q.
    London : Halban, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Steinsvold, Christopher.
    Book of Ralph.
    Barrington : Medallion Media Group, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Anderson, Sandra E.

Irving, H. B.

Lee, Kathy.
    Book of Secrets.
    Milton Keynes : Scripture Union England and Wales, 2007.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Montague, Bruce.

Brocas, Jock.

Carr, Emily.
    Book of Small.
    Vancouver : D & M Publishers, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Papernick, Jonathan.

Hatfield, Ruth.
    Book of Storms.
    London : Hot Key Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hartnett, Michael.
    Book of Strays.
    Oldcastle : The Gallery Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Okakura, Kakuzo.
    Book of Tea.
    Berkeley : Stone Bridge Press, 2007.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Steger, Ales.

Gilbert, Ian.

Sharma, Anurag.

Bochy, Bruce.
    Book of Walks.
    CA : Wellstone Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

McWilliams, Brendan.

Abdallah, Amy F. Davis.
    Book of Womanhood.
    Cambridge : The Lutterworth Press, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Polo, Marco.
    Book of Wonder.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Boda, Mark J.
    Book of Zechariah.
    Grand Rapids : Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Temelkuran, Ece.
    Book of the Edge.
    Rochester : BOA Editions Ltd., 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Silverman, Al.

Straznicky, Marta.

Bridges, Jerry.

Huffman, Booker T.

Huffman, Booker T.

Batten, Jack.

Micocci, Tony.

Tharoor, Shashi.

Staggs, Matt.

Fairey, Wendy W.

Crews, Michael Lynn.

Farrer, James Anson.

Ditchfield, P. H.

Silva, AnaClaudiaSurianiDa.

Aragay, Mireia.

Ellis, Jan.

Harvey, John.

Janardhan, N.

Robin, Libby.

Lang, Robert E.

Fischer, Ed.

Amadio, Kalynn.

Farris, D. Nicole.
    Boomerang Kids.
    Cham : Springer International Publishing, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Roos, Stephen.

Masson, Richard.
    London : Hot Key Books, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kirkbride, Jasmin.

Lie, Sarah.

Brewer, Steve.
    Denver : Fulcrum Publishing, 2005.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Natarajan, Sriraam.

Publishing, OECD.

Gitterman, Daniel P.

Dawson, David M.

Oaks, Ned.
    Boot Hill Breed.
    London : Robert Hale, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Imsirovic, Ajdin.

Godfrey, L.

Gray, Erick S.
    Booty Call *69.
    New York : Augustus Publishing, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Krien, Anna.
    Booze Territory.
    Carlton : Schwartz Publishing Pty. Ltd, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Sterland, Mel.

Januska, Michael.

Ranchod, Sarita.

Miller, Todd.

Aimard, Gustave.

Dancer, Abe.
    Border Search.
    La Vergne : Robert Hale, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Manzanas, Ana M.

Wang, Esmé Weijun.

Redel, Victoria.

Arnal, Kike.

Kalitzkus, Vera.

Frank, Andrew K.

Hønneland, G.

Readman, P.

Zhurzhenko, Tatiana.

Kiser, William S.

Goff, Stan.

Balibar, Ã tienne.
    Borders of Justice.
    Philadelphia : Temple University Press, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Macklem, Gayle L.

Toswell, M.

Becker, Boris.

Harpur, Tom.

Boyce, James.

Leslie, Ian.

Kennedy, V. Lynn.

Walkowitz, Rebecca L.

Korn, Fadumo.

Homer, Trevor.

Kovic, Ron.

Kennedy, Donna.

Wedge, Peter.

Seidelmann, Sarah.

Lee, Bill.

Retsinas, Nicolas P.

Batista, Paul.
    Borzoi Killings.
    Elmwood Park : Oceanview Publishing, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Pitts Rembert, Virginia.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Pitts Rembert, Virginia.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Pitts Rembert, Virginia.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Andric, Ivo.

Sinclair, Upton.

O'Connell, Shaun.

Formisano, Ronald P.

Cotton, Mary.

    Boston Noir.
    Brooklyn : Akashic Books, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Campbell, Stuart.

Ingram, Mike.
    Bosworth 1485.
    Toronto : Dundurn, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Vize, Sue.

Robertson, Bethany.

Thurstan, Meriel.

Oxley, Valerie.

Pinhey, Sally.

Williams, Simon.

Hicks, Daphne.

Scott, Mary Ann.

Singh, Rajender.

Natsume, Soseki.
    New York : Tuttle Publishing, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Weiss, Klaus-Dieter.

Schiller, Craig.

Gerber, Merrill Joan.

Bainbridge, Beryl.

Bowman, Dana.

Mellor, William.

Evans, David C.

Zimbalist, Andrew S.

de Maio, Mauricio.

Boucher, Mark.

Bernays, Tristan.

Holland, Jane.
    Boudicca & Co..
    Cambridge : Salt Publishing Limited, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Owen, Robin.

Rozenbaum, Jennifer.

Regan, Anthony J.

Hubbard, Jr., Douglas H.

Hanelt, Christian-Peter.

Behrendt, Sven.

Knight, Jeffrey Todd.

Katherine, Anne.

Lerner, Rokelle.

Linden, Anne.

Berkowitz, Eric.

Rossi, Pietro.

Stepan, Alfred.

Nunez, Elizabeth.
    Brooklyn : Akashic Books, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Luther, Kem.

Bechtel, Greg.

Beymer, Robert.

Beymer, Robert.

Watson, Nicole.
    St Lucia : University of Queensland Press, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Derkatch, Colleen.

Winter, Kathleen.

LaDuke, Betty.

Loyal, Steven.

Christie, Evie.

McCloskey, Deirdre N.

Cooney, Mimika.

Flaubert, Gustave.

Coyote, Ivan.

Rowland, Peter.
    Victoria : CSIRO PUBLISHING, 2008.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Young, Greg.

Blaylock, Stuart R.

Egan, Sean.

Critchley, Simon.
    La Vergne : OR Books, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Marazzi, Rich.

Hulbert, Patrick.

Shklovsky, Viktor.

Whitney, Monsay.

Shields, Carol.

Snellings, Lilibet.

Sanders, Ted.

Madsen, David.
    Box of Dreams.
    Cambs : Dedalus, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gil, Carmen.
    Box of Holes.
    Madrid : Cuento de Luz, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Charles, Norma.
    Boxcar Kid.
    Toronto : Dundurn, 2008.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Vidal, Guillermo Vicente.

Becker, Jurek.
    Boxer : A Novel.
    New York, NY : Arcade Publishing, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Garnier, Pascal.
    London : Gallic Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hauser, Thomas.
    Boxing Scene.
    Philadelphia : Temple University Press, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Vidal, Guillermo Vicente.

Kent, Graeme.

Lachica, Alan.

Tyrrell, Jr., R. Emmett.

Meno, Joe.

Compestine, Ying Chang.

Freeman, Hilary.
    Boy From France.
    Dorking : Piccadilly Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Whyman, Matt.
    Boy Kills Man.
    London : Hot Key Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Daugherty, Tracy.
    Boy Orator.
    Dallas : Dzanc Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Grant, Julia.

Walsh, Brendan.

Boy Scouts of America,.

Brown, Alan.

Redford, Ali.

Swartz, Aaron.

Ivory, Rhian.

Kornreich, Joshua.

Lloyd, Roseann.

Trounstine , Jean.

Bryan, Sean.
    Boy and His Bunny.
    New York : Arcade Publishing, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Ellis, Danny.

Gammage, Bill.

Davies, Bryan.

Thompson, Alison M.

Henighan, Tom.

Fotheringham, Allan.

Scott, Kate.
    Boy in Heels.
    Dorking : Piccadilly Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lock, Norman.

Price, R J.
    Boy in Summer.
    La Vergne : Neil Wilson Publishing, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Benson-Gyles, Dick.

Johnson, Maureen.

Heatley, Michael.

Boyne, John.

Grau, Sheila.

Coggin, Linda.

Caraccioli, Jerry.

Barghouti, Omar.

Brooks, Pamela E.

Duffy, Stella.
    Boys & Girls.
    London : Limehouse Books Limited, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Jazynka, Kitson.

Jazynka, Kitson.

Easton, T. S.
    Boys Don't Knit.
    London : Hot Key Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bubnic, Melissa.

Carr, J.

Martin, Buddy.

Gold, Mark.

Sabin, Edwin L.

Smith, Ian.

Lavin, Maud.

Nichol, Bp.
    Toronto : BookThug, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Scobie, Stephen.

Vorster, Theo.

Walker, Amanda.
    Tunbridge Wells : Search Press, 2008.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Campbell, Alexi Kaye.

Harrison, Fred.

Frisch, Walter.

Kimmerer, Robin Wall.

Al-Chalabi, Ammar.

Mooney, Carla.

Bannerman, James.

Hodgson, David.

DiSalvo, David.

Zimmer, Carl.

West, Darrell M.

West, Darrell M.

Bragdon, Allen.

Medina, John.

Medina, John.

Livingstone, Ian.

Parker, Timothy E.

O'Mara, Shane.

Staley, D.

Moula, Alireza.

Darling-Kuria, Nikki.

Williams, R. Bruce.

Ronis, Diane.

Angermeyer Mangan, Margaret.

Guger, Christoph.

Guger, Christoph.

Guger, Christoph.

Guger, Christoph.

Hanson, Anne M.

Hewlett, Sylvia Ann.

Wintner, Robert.

Glasier, Ned.

Wilson, Chauncey.

Grimvall, Göran.

Bramall, Field Marshal Lord.

Durrett, Richard.

de Mesa, Alycia.

Kumar, Nirmalya.

Buckingham, I.

Buckingham, I.
    Brand Engagement.
    London : Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2007.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kucuk, S. Umit.

Leland, Karen.

Young, Antony.

Scalise, Mike.

Fancourt, Graeme.

Hollis, N.

Kusume, Y.

Fioroni, M.

Simpson, A.

Conroy, Michael E.

New York Institute of Career Development,.

Holland, DK.

Rooksby, Jacob H.

Pellegrin, Bertrand.

Langley, Q.

Gobe, Marc.

Bindloss, Harold.

Sinclair, Upton.

Webb, Holly.
    Brave Kitten.
    London : Stripes Publishing, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Todd, Tracy.

Wigdor, Daniel.

Hoffer, Peter Charles.

Lamm, Richard D.

Birmingham, John.

Garry, Angela.

McKillop, Nadine.

Kundahl, George G.

Hess, Earl J.

Brainard, Lael.

Pardue, Derek.

Paiva, Alexandre.

Holmes, Annie.
    La Vergne : Peirene Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Michell, Dee.

Lansley, Stewart.

Thomson Davis, Margaret.
    Breadmakers Saga.
    Edinburgh : Black & White Publishing, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Maso, Carole.

Coval, Kevin.

Mussi, Sarah.
    London : Hot Key Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

McCloskey, William B.
    Breakers : A Novel.
    New York, NY : Skyhorse Publishing, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Cereals, Dorset.

LeMieux, Richard.

Blake, Raymond.

Holman, Robert.

Downing, Michael.

Watson, Julia.

Koepsell, David R.

Dawis, Aimee.

Batha, Chris.

Wendt, Albert.

Rhoades, J.D.

Derisley, Jo.

Montpetit, Lucie.

Dickinson, Sara.

Kingsbury, Kathleen Burns.

Thompson, Jeremy.

Kropf, Richard W.

Brennan, Gerard.

Vandermerwe, S.

Jefferson, Michael.

Lee, Li-Young.

Richards, Darren.

Brandreth, Gyles.

Laufer, A.

Stewart, Pamela J.

Riddell-Dixon, Elizabeth.

Nelson, George D.

Goodman, Amy.

Pauly, Matthew.

Lynn, George T.

Boitano, Aldo.

Stack, Brian M.

Van de Ven, Hans.

Stibbe, Mark.

Gingrich, Newt.

Davidowitz, Stacy.

Mitchell, G.
    La Vergne : Robert Hale, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

McGee, Jon.

Cohen, Nancy L.

Greenblatt, James M.

Calkins, T.

Bell, Martin.

Priestman, Dr Terry.

Ricks, Delthia.

Pham, Phuc Van.

Smith, Gwendoline.

Kipfer, Barbara Ann.

Cokal, Susan.
    Breath and Bones.
    Lakewood, CO : Unbridled Books, 2006.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Green, Debbie.

Small, Jeffrey.

Arditti, Michael.
    Breath of Night.
    London : Arcadia Books Limited, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Brindley, Janet.

Sandstad, Jennie Helene.

Dozier, Kimberly.

Huber, Mike.

Ramsden, Lou.

Shore, Zachary.

Wheatle, Alex.
    Brenton Brown.
    London : Arcadia Books Limited, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Wolff, Lina.

Morris, W. F.

Florens, Brett.

Galef, David.

Bennet, Owen.

Stevens, Steven S.

Duffy, Sean.

Cox, Brian.

Roche, A.

Heald, Tim.

Smith, Brendan Powell.

Smith, Brendan Powell.

Smith, Brendan Powell.

Smith, Brendan Powell.

Brack, Amanda.

Sweeney, Monica.

Brack, Amanda.

Sweeney, Monica.

Sweeney, Monica.

Feinleib, David.

Brinkman, Inge.

Westbury, Chris F.

Woolley, Bryan.

Elliott, Dyan.

Williams, Jeanne.
    Bride of Thunder.
    Newburyport : Open Road Media, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bonner, Elaine.

Peterson, Tracie.

Hake, Kelly Eileen.

Hake, Cathy Marie.

Klinger, Ron.

Mollo, Victor.

Lopes, Angela.
    Bridge Retakes.
    Toronto : BookThug, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Mahmood, Zia.

Dummies, Consumer.
    Bridge for Dummies.
    Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Ward, Andrew.

Thomas, Robert.
    Rochester : BOA Editions Ltd., 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Cleaver, Thomas McKelvey.

Perkyns, Dorothy.

Ferro, Nicola.

Hogan, Ciara.

Mentis, Mandia.

Gerber, Hannah R.

Kyle, Diane W.

Bammer, Gabriele.

Bagla, Pallava.

Winkle-Wagner, Rachelle.

Langworthy, Sara E.

Seta, Tom.

Williams, Mike.

Nao, Vi Khi.

Ab Rahman, Jamalludin Bin.

Dixon, Wheeler Winston.

Obrist, Hans Ulrich.

Carlen, Joe.

Hannigan, Tim.

Duxbury, Stephen.

Rickles, Dean.

Marcom, Micheline Aharonian.

Edwards, Lee.

Attali, Jacques.

Kramer, Oliver.

Crusat, Cristian.

Kawakami, Hiromi.
    Berkeley : Counterpoint, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gottfried, Bradley M.

Bunting, Basil.
    Tyne and Wear : Bloodaxe Books, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gross, Philip.
    Bright Acoustic.
    La Vergne : Bloodaxe Books, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lopresti, Kirsten.

Limón, Ada.

Vaughan, RM.

Page, Chris.

Blackwood, Algernon.
    Bright Messenger.
    Wellington : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Adams, Michele.

Palumbo, Rocco.

Buckingham, Matt.
    Bright Stanley.
    : Little Tiger Press, 2006.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lord Gow, Bebe.

Newport, Olivia.
    Brightest and Best.
    Newburyport : Barbour Publishing, Inc., 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Ducornet, Rikki.
    New York, NY : Coffee House Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lisle, Rebecca.
    London : Hot Key Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Jarette, Peter.
    Brighton Babylon.
    London : Arcadia Books Limited, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Sheridan, Sara.

Szczepanik, Nick.
    Brighton Up.
    La Vergne : Biteback Publishing, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

McCarten, Anthony.

Schoemaker, Paul J. H.

Fagan, Terence Paul.

Doyle, Roddy.
    New York : Abrams, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Halter, Hugh.

Smith, Kate.
    Brine : A Novel.
    Minneapolis : Two Harbors Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Press, Search Institute.

Rose, Martin.

Mulford, Clarence E.
    Bring Me His Ears.
    Wellington : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Shields, Hugh C.

Stanley, Jo.
    Bring it On!.
    Melbourne : Bonnier Publishing Australia, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Reynolds, Simon.

Zaslow, Debra Gordon.

Johnsen, G.

Dickson, Graham.

Anatol, G.

Shaw, Brent.

Jones, Alistair.

Baxter, C.

Young, J.

Jarrells, A.

Everard, Mark.

Rehill, Navdeep.

Fogelman, Ken.

Richardson, Rosamond.

Shepherd, J.

Field, C.

Sharp, Margery.

Kwarteng, Kwasi.

Farr, Gareth.

Sheridan, Sara.

Owen, David.

Cowley, P.

Forshaw, B.

Pykett, Derek.

James, Toby.

Brack, Duncan.

Schmid, S.

Hudson, Geoffrey L.

Zebiri, Kate.

Jefferys, K.

Hobbs, David.

Griffiths, S.

Cohen, Stuart.

Butler, D.

Grayson, Richard S.

Grayson, Richard S.
    British Politics.
    New York, NY : Oneworld Publications, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gleed, Edward.

Dunn, Pip.

Ebrahimi, Mansoureh.

Bandiera, Laura.

Michael, Timothy.

Spector, S.

Hochscherf, Tobias.

Birt, Yahya.

Bignell, J.

Jenkins, Clive.

Maddock, Kerry.

Behrendt, Stephen C.

van Duinen, Jared.

McCann, Liam.

Wheatle, Alex.
    Brixton Rock.
    London : Arcadia Books Limited, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Pugh, Peter.

Brown, Liam.
    Chicago : Legend Times Group, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gielan, Michelle.

Publishing, OECD.

Atkey, Mel.

Taylor, Tom.
    Brock's Agent.
    La Vergne : Sandstone Press Ltd, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Brizard, Tim J.

Wells, Tom.

McMurchy-Barber, Gina.

Sillitoe, Alan.
    Broken Chariot.
    Newburyport : Open Road Media, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Moore, Margaret.

Gargiulo, Gerald J.

Belmonte, Thomas.

Dougherty, Sean Thomas.

Jones, David S.

Delaney, Edward J.
    Broken Irish.
    Chappaqua : Turtle Point Press, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gross, James.

Frost, John.

Rhoades, J.D.
    Broken Shield.
    : Polis Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Wilson, Carl.

Rollins, Henry.
    Broken Summers.
    Los Angeles : 2.13.61, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hammerschlag, Sarah.

Tarrant, Padrika.
    Broken Things.
    Cambridge : Salt Publishing Limited, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kaufman, Joan.

Geoffrion, Alan.
    Broken Trail.
    Golden : Fulcrum Publishing, 2006.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Maliangkay, Roald.

Bedney, Steve.

James, Judith.
    Broken Wing.
    Tulsa : Medallion Media Group, 2008.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Farrington, Joy.
    Broken by Beauty.
    Waynesboro : Authentic Media, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gardner, John.
    La Vergne : Ian Fleming Publications, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Shellam, Tiffany.

Nussdorfer, Laurie.

Roberts, David.

Sutherland, John.

Teale, Polly.

Rozan, S.J.
    Bronx Noir.
    New York : Akashic Books, 2007.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Janowitz, Brenda.

Brainard, William C.

Romer, David H.

Romer, David H.

Romer, David H.

Romer, David H.

Romer, David H.

Collins, Susan M.

Burtless, Gary.

Burtless, Gary.

Tunis, John R.

Block, Lawrence.

McLoughlin, Tim.

Sacharow, Anya.

Hancock, Brecken.
    Broom Broom.
    Toronto : Coach House Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Baring-Gould, Sabine.
    Auckland : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Fourest, Caroline.

Spottiswoode, Amanda.

Brand, Max.

Martin, Jack.

Raud, Rein.
    New York, NY : Open Letter, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

McCraney, Tarell Alvin.

Gorman, Sean.

Frender, Sam.

Nassar, Maha.

Emanuel, Ezekiel J.

Grimm, Jacob.

Tawil, Camille.

König, Karl.

Lejeune, Lee.

Jeens, Stewart.
    Brothers of Justice.
    Claygate : Grosvenor House Publishing, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Dunn, B. S.

Di Mambro, Ann Marie.

Buchanan, Eugene.

Holohan, Kevin.
    Brothers' Lot.
    New York : Akashic Books, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Montgomery, Bruce.

Heald, Tim.

Miller, K.D.
    Brown Dwarf.
    Emeryville : Biblioasis, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Phillips, Steve.

Speer, Wade Edward.

Jeffrey, Belinda.
    Brown Skin Blue.
    St Lucia : University of Queensland Press, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Cann, John.

Seldon, Anthony.
    Brown at 10.
    London : Biteback Publishing, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Titus, Jill.

Schilling, René L.

Burdzy, Krzysztof.

Fadia, Basrawi.

Ewing, Juliana Horatia.

Shooman, Joe.

Little, John.

Little, John.

Lee, Bruce.

Starr, Harvey.

Auxier, Randall E.

Michel, Émile.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Rodenbach, Georges.

Skilton, Sarah.
    New York : Abrams, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Coover, Robert.

Frost, Adam.

Dufranne, Michel.
    Brussels Noir.
    New York : Akashic Books, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Clement, Alexander.

Herzog, D.

Pettegrew, John.

Walter, Harriet.

Wright, David.
    Bryan Faussett.
    Oxford : Archaeopress Limited, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Prince, Bryan.

Underhill, Doug.

Mayer, Tom.

Howard, Malcolm.

Porras, E.

Reynolds, John Lawrence.

Rapp, Donald.

McCarthy, Patrick.

Aimard, Gustave.

Bindloss, Harold.
    Buccaneer Farmer.
    Wellington : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Mulford, Clarence E.

Mather, Ken.

McCloud, Carol.

Barnard, Adam.

LeBor, Adam.

Strong, John S.

Hanh, Thich Nhat.

Parachin, Victor M.

Walton, Todd.

Quesada, Donna.

Gontard, Alexander von.

Thien-An, Thich.

Conze, Edward.

Hagen, Steven.

Elverskog, Johan.

Simpkins , C. Alexander.

Klünger, Gerhard.

Strong, John S.

Lammerts, D Christian.

McCrea, Lawrence J.

Hongladarom, Soraj.

Valea, Ernest M.

Hunter, Evan.

Murtagh, Peter.

Cody, Buffalo Bill.

Tasker, Steve.

Nelson, S. D.

Pedersen, Laura.

Knowles, Mike.

Grey, Zane.

Pedersen, Laura.

Bainbridge, Colin.
    Buffalo Wolf.
    London : Robert Hale, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Rosen, R. D.

South, James B.

Williams, Scott B.

Williams, Scott B.

Donahue, Topher.

Lafler, Steve.
    Bughouse #1.
    New York, NY : Alternative Comics, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lafler, Steve.
    Bughouse #2.
    New York, NY : Alternative Comics, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lafler, Steve.
    Bughouse #3.
    New York, NY : Alternative Comics, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lafler, Steve.
    Bughouse #4.
    New York, NY : Alternative Comics, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lafler, Steve.
    Bughouse #5.
    New York, NY : Alternative Comics, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lafler, Steve.
    Bughouse #8.
    La Vergne : Alternative Comics, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lafler, Steve.
    Bughouse #9.
    La Vergne : Alternative Comics, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Janzon, Lars-Åke.

Arranga, Teri.

Hereaka, Whiti.
    Wellington : Huia (NZ) Ltd, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Jelen, Carole.

Gaskins, Tony.

Griffiths-Hamilton, Emily.

Donegan, Kelly.

Languedoc, Kevin.

Sung, Kelvin.

Glasgow, Ellen.
    Auckland : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Pereira, Caio Ribeiro.

Schittich, Christian.

Montane, Raimon Rafols.

Chatterjee, Ayan.

Seneviratne, Pradeeka.

Javed, Adeel.

Retsinas, Nicolas P.

Edwards, Jeffrey A.

Gellens, Suzanne R.

Beverland, M.

Gunelius, S.

Coffey, Miko.

Balm, Kevin.

Ragsdale, Susan.

Tai, John W.

Moore, Rita A.

Togo, K.

Leonard, Andy.

Lockwood, Thomas.

Skilton, Mark.

Ivie, Steve.

Schreider, Tari.

Schreider, Tari.

Gu, Changyi.

Ferrari, Simone.

Beugré, Constant D.

Scipes, Kim.

Pagett, Richard.

Balch, Bradley V.

Tyler, Joshua.

MacConville, Ruth.

Bennett, Richard G.

Barr, Michael S.

Oade, Aryanne.

Egges, Arjan.

Ralph, Dawn.

Larson, Scott.

Jones-Bamman, Richard.

Russell, M.

Ahmad, Haafiz Waheed-ud-din.

Cooper, C.

Ginsburg, Kenneth R.

Sawyer, Emma.

Hinderman, Bill.

Clark, Paul.

Sanders, Mavis G.

Sanders, Mavis G.

Care, Leo.

Davi, Lucas.

Cornbluth, Sue.

Bonham-Carter, David.

Publishing, OECD.

Casu, Barbara.

Warren, Kim.

Kruse, Sharon.

Wulfhorst, J.D.

Goncalves, Flavio E.

Varshney, Shekhar.

Bond, M. Aaron.

Tomioka, Taeko.
    Building Waves.
    Normal, IL : Columbia University Press, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Japikse, Philip.

Garofalo, Emanuele.

Frassani, Alessia.

Burke, Jacqui.

Ugia Gonzalez, Jose.

Tanaya, Michael.

Giles, Colum.

Wittkop, Jeremy.

Quelch, John A.

Jones, Andrew.

Staff, Asian Development Bank.

GuilleÂń, Mauro F.

Rotberg, Robert I.

Jekayinfa, Simeon O.

Simpkins, Stacy.

Pendergast, J.

Kane, Gareth.

Pant, Tanay.

Smith, I.

Smith, Ethan.

Fry, Malcom.

Brown, John N.A.

Myler, Neil.

Brensing, Christian.

de la Roche, Mazo.

Dubovsky, Peter.

Wiersma, Corien.

Skilton, Mark.

Thorne, Troy.

Serrano, Martin.

Lalli, Roberto.

Sachs, Jeffrey D.

Nevills, Pamela A.

Mulcahy, Lisa.

Tjosvold, D.

Platt, Harold L.

Caplan, Bill.

Sharples, Joseph.

Imhof, Barbara.

Morrison, Kathryn A.

Bulfinch, Thomas.

Bulfinch, Thomas.

Tejada, Matthew S.

Hall, Lindsey.

Cooper, Myra.

Lacey, J Hubert.

Stavrou, Maria.
    Bulimics on Bulimia.
    London : Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2008.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Weiss, Ivan.

Potter, E.B.

Bartlett, Mike.
    London : Nick Hern Books, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Main, Carla T.

Hurt, Avery.

Organization, World Health.

Sanderson, Bill.

Horton, Robert J.

Lines, Dennis.

Hardcastle, Gary L.

Barton, Elizabeth A.

O'Malley, Stella.

Field, Evelyn M.

Arroyo, Maria Luisa.

Martocci, Laura.

deLara, Ellen Walser.

Finlan, Stephen.

Crochick, José Leon.

Vitali, Keith.

Brouillard, Adam.

Shapiro, Janice.

McCabe, Paul.

Hewett, Katie.

Burgess, Fran.

Badino, Massimiliano.

Freed, Lynn.
    New York : William Morris Endeavor Entertainment, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

    New York : Theatre Communications Group, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Wright, Samuel.
    : Galley Beggar Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Piercy, Alisha.

Haxell, Kate.

Ryken, Leland.

Archibald, Malcolm.

Butler, Daniel Allen.

Faktorovich, Anna.


Meier, Kenneth J.

Teodoro, Manuel P.

Halperin, Morton.

Agawa, Hiroyuki.

Jones, Madison.
    Buried Land.
    Newburyport : The Permanent Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Wall, Caleb.

Hagerty, Dan.

Wiley, Ken.
    Victoria : RMB Rocky Mountain Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Joyce, E. B.

Holliday, Ian.

Elliott, Ron.
    Burn Patterns.
    North Fremantle : Fremantle Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hesse, Monica.
    London : Hot Key Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bade, Patrick.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Strevens, Summer.

Dawood, Zaynab.
    Burning Boats.
    London : Kube Publishing Ltd, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Fishburn, M.
    Burning Books.
    London : Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2008.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Shindler, Amy.

Bernstein, Nell.

Fielding, Hannah.

Elle, Dee.
    Burning Fire Within.
    La Vergne : Grosvenor House Publishing, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lisicky, Paul.

Denham, Mike.

Berners-Lee, Mike.

Clements, Marie.
    Burning Vision.
    Vancouver : Talonbooks, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Pitch, Anthony S.

Szirtes, George.

Beaumont, Jeanne Marie.

Cook, Jane Hampton.

Clayton, John A.

Clayton, John A.

Sheridan, Robert L.

Baines, Boyd.

Thompson, Alice.
    Burnt Island.
    Cambridge : Salt Publishing Limited, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Palahniuk, Chuck.
    Burnt Tongues.
    Berkeley : Medallion Media Group, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Flannery, Peter.

Nantsou, Stefo.
    Sydney : Currency Press, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Wicks, Becky.

Burford, Kate.

Sheriff, Jack.

Bonair-Agard, Roger.
    Bury My Clothes.
    Portland : Haymarket Books, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Portes, Andrea.
    Bury This.
    Berkeley : Soft Skull Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kellough, Janet.

Thorne, Jack.

Janney, Caroline E.

Furness, Nigel RB.

Hybel, A.

Hybel, Alex Roberto.

Fraser, Ian.

Prevost, G.

Smith, Ivan.

Graham, Lorraine.

Balaam, Andrew.

Baxter, Peter.

Nitobe, Inazo.

Eatherley, Dan.

Hodeghatta, Umesh R.

Laursen, Gert H. N.

Jordan, Ann.T.

Richardson, Ronny.

Mougayar, William.

Martin, Curly.

Hayes, Bob.

Snedaker, Susan.

John Rittinghouse, PhD.

Aimar, Thierry.

Frankl, Milan.

Bargiela-Chiappini, Francesca.

Bargiela-Chiappini, Francesca.

Ragas, M.

Albassami, Ali.

Schlag, Martin.

De Mente, Boye Lafayette.

Abramowicz, Witold.

Abramowicz, Witold.

Aufaure, Marie-Aude.

Zimányi, Esteban.

Boyer, John.

Nogués, Albert.

Maheshwari, Anil.

Aspin, Adam.

Kohli, Kanchi.

Umstead, Jon.

Hayes, Keith.

McGannon, J.

Agarwal, Anurag K.

Gilbert, Scott D.

Kumar, Mukesh.

Bridgeland, David M.

Shishkov, Boris.

Shishkov, Boris.

Newth, Francine.

Misner, Ivan.

Shinomiya, Sue.

Russell-Jones, Neil.

Kraten, Michael.


Press, Entrepreneur.

Falkner, R.

Van Looy, Amy.

Hutchison, David.

Appannaiah, H.R.

Turak, August.

Barabba, V.

Rezaee, Zabihollah.

Heald, Tim.

Symchych, Phil.

Thomas, Alan Ken.

Crawford, Tad.

Crawford, Tad.

Banks, John P.

Dhillon, Bob.

Broadhurst, Roderic.

Lloyd, Tom.

Stanford, Ashley.

Familiar, Bob.

Rollins, Mark.

Grant, Daniel.

Grant, Daniel.

Raven, James.
    Business of Books.
    London : Yale University Press, 2007.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Weiss, Mitch.

Wilson, Mark R.

Begg, Kathryn.

Taylor, L.

Bronchick, William.

Grant, P.

Haber, Jason.

Coffey, Michael.

Stephany, Alex.

Brennan, L.

Shropshire, Kenneth L.

Nieuwenhuis, Paul.

Lyons, Jennifer.

Wooldridge, Dave.

McIntosh, Malcolm.

Jones, Susan K.

Rizomyliotis, Ioannis.

Waters, Philip.

Newstead, Shelly.

Weinstein, Heth.

Mitcham, Samuel W.

Chester, Tim.

Staff, The University of Chicago Press Editorial.

Paul, Barbara.

Hunter, Joanna V.

Husband, Terry.

Lambourn, David J.

Holcomb, Steven.

Roberts, Randy.

Hewitt, Paolo.

Peddicord, Lou.

Manderino, John.

Bergman, S. Bear.
    Butch is a Noun.
    Vancouver : Arsenal Pulp Press, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Devanny, Jean.
    Butcher Shop.
    Auckland : Auckland University Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gunn, Neil.
    Butcher's Broom.
    London : Souvenir Press, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Billon, Nicolas.
    Toronto : Coach House Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Clayton, Nicholas.

Alishina, Juju.

Apps, Judy.

Mason, Victor.

Daniels, Jaret C.

McGavran, Fred.

Chapman, Brenda.

Brown, Patrick.

Folsom, William B.

White, Maureen.
    Butterfly Shell.
    Dublin : The O'Brien Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Sidwell, Adam Glendon.
    Buttersmiths' Gold.
    Chicago : Future House Publishing, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Das, Britta.

Mercer, Marrianne.
    Button Jewellery.
    Tunbridge Wells : Search Press, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Webb, Holly.

Chatham, Victoria.
    Buxton Chronicles.
    CALGARY : Books We Love Ltd., 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Sweany, Brian.

Medici, Elvira.

Haldeman, Joe.
    Buying Time.
    Newburyport : Open Road Media Sci-Fi & Fantasy, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Porter, Anna.

Sutton, Garrett.

Martin, Ann Smart.

Boast, Richard.

Carmichael, M.

Bainbridge, Colin.
    Buzzard Roost.
    London : Robert Hale, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Fenn, George Manville.
    By Birth a Lady.
    Wellington : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Johnson, Gary L. W.

Tannenbaum, Judith.

Valente, Anne.

Green, Michael J.

Perutz, Leo.

Avila Laurel, Juan Tomas.

Bindloss, Harold.

Rogers, David.

    By Royal Command.
    La Vergne : Ian Fleming Publications, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Cunliffe, Barry.

Schoemperlen, Diane.

Hawton, Keith.

Ó Nualláin, Fiann.

Hill, Grace Livingston.

Pascoe, Jim.

Leamy, Edmund.

Guttman, Peter.

Walsh, Ann.

Nottage, Lynn.

Despentes, Virginie.
    Bye Bye Blondie.
    New York : The Feminist Press at CUNY, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Barter, Christian.
    Bye-Bye Land.
    Rochester : BOA Editions Ltd., 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Jackson, J. S.

James, Jeremy.

Church, Kim.
    : Dzanc Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Byrne, Robert.

Byrne, Robert.

Hewitt, Ben.

Volk, Valerie.

Laskowski, Tara.
    Chicago : Santa Fe Writer's Project, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bayet, Charles.
    Byzantine Art.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Cameron, Averil.

Morgan, Giles.
    Harpenden, Herts : Oldcastle Books, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Tselikis, George S.

Olsson, Mikael.

Chavan, Shirish.

Shore, Graham.


Rahman, Mohammad.

Asad, Ali.

Olsson, Mikael.

Hartwell, Jonathan.

Olsson, Mikael.

Wills, Dean C.

Sutherland, Bruce.

McGrath, Mike.

Olsson, Mikael.

Sutherland, Bruce.

Van Weert, Peter.

Ragunathan, Vivek.

Oaklander, L. Nathan.

Sisson, C.H.

Schwartzwald, Robert.
    New York, NY : Arsenal Pulp Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Alexander, David.

Hunt, C.W.

Stewart, Michael.
    Hebden Bridge : Bluemoose Books Ltd, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Calame, Don.
    Surrey : Templar Publishing, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Torsani, Simone.

Shields, Mark.

Buckland, Helen.

Guest, Jennifer.

Attwood, Tony.

Hamill, Tim Manson, Alistair.

Manson, Tim.

Kerr, Hope.

Lynch, Siobhan Matthewson, Margaret Debbadi,Gerry.

and, Denmour Boyd, Nora Henry, Frank McCauley, Alyn G McFarland, James Napier and Roy White.

Clare, Finbar Madden, John D.

Crowley, Paul.

Pierce, Debra.

Blockmon, Raymond.

Gottschalk, Petter.

Jones, Jan.

Farinha, Carlos M.

Biel, Joe.

Biel, Joe.

Nolan, Patrick.

Intelligence Agency, Central.

Intelligence Agency, Central.

Intelligence Agency, Central.

Zepezauer, Mark.

Hart , John Limond.
    CIA's Russians.
    Annapolis : Naval Institute Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Harris, David.

Rogers, Mike.

Avis, Jo.

Janssen, André.
    CISG Methodology.
    Berlin, DE : Hamburger Edition HIS, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Miller, Lawrence C.

Chapple, Mike.

Conrad, Eric.
    CISSP Study Guide.
    Saint Louis : Elsevier Science, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Reilly, Kathleen M.

de Mooi, CJ.

Chaudhary, Mukund.

Ruble, Lisa A.

Satyanarayana, P. S.

Singh, K. P.

Drysdale, Neil.

Ahmed, Sayad Ali.

Towner, David.

Djoric, Mirjana.

Clayton, Mark.

Cohen, Elaine.

Ali, Saleem.

Collison, Simon.

Budd, Andy.
    CSS Mastery.
    Berkeley, CA : Apress, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Olsson, Mikael.

Wallwork, Adrian.

Wilson, Hap.

Seldon, Anthony.

Hylton, Bill.

Corpi, Lucha.
    Cactus Blood.
    Houston : Arte Público Press, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Vetsch, Erica.

Casey, Karen.

Boruch, Marianne.
    Cadaver, Speak.
    Port Townsend : Copper Canyon Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Parks, Douglas R.
    Caddoan Texts.
    Chicago : University of Chicago Press Journals, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Paul, Barbara.
    Cadenza for Caruso.
    New York, NY : Road, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

McKee, Alexander.

Stewart, Andrew.

Adams, Gerry.
    Cage Eleven.
    Dublin : The O'Brien Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Griffin, Matt.

Vaughn-James, Martin.
    Toronto : Coach House Books, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bond, Rebecca.

Biggs, Victoria.

McClintock, Norah.
    Victoria : Orca Book Publishers, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Oceanak, Karla.
    Cahoots : Book 3.
    Fort Collins : Bailiwick Press, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

L'Heureux, Christine.

L'Heureux, Christine.
    Caillou : Day Care.
    Montreal : Chouette Publishing, Inc., 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Rudel-Tessier, Melanie.

Johanson, Sarah Margaret.

L'Heureux, Chistine.

Mercier, Johanne.

Johanson, Sarah Margaret.

Sà ©vigny, Eric.

Sanschagrin, Joceline.

Sévigny, Eric.

Sanschagrin, Joceline.
    Caillou : The Wolf.
    Montreal : Chouette Publishing, Inc., 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Sà ©vigny, Eric.

Sà ©vigny, Eric.

Sévigny, Eric.

Brignaud, Pierre.

Thompson, Kim.

Publishing, Chouette.

Allen, John.

Lambert, Linda.
    Cairo Codex.
    Atlanta : West Hills Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Drosso, Anne-Marie.
    Cairo Stories.
    London : Saqi, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lababidi, Lesley.

    New York : Akashic Books, 2008.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Banks, Ray.

Gormally, Daniel.

Wilson, Evan M.

Taylor Wu, Karin.

Gu, Feng Long.

Keyes, Greg.
    Calculus of Angels.
    New York : Open Road Media Sci-Fi & Fantasy, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Moya, Andrés.

Chaudhuri, Amit.

Humphrey, Keith.

Davidson, Sandra Calder.

McCormac, Philip.
    Caleb Blood.
    London : Robert Hale, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Abbott, Jacob.

Chara, Kathleen A.

Kleine, Andrea.
    Calf : A Novel.
    La Vergne : Soft Skull Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Brownley, Margaret.
    Calico Spy.
    Newburyport : Barbour Publishing, Inc., 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Wintner, Robert.

Bell, Jonathan.

Wells, Ronald A.

"Mouse" Miller, Stanley.

Currier, Steve.

Froese, Brian.

Ellroy, James.

Parkman, Francis.

Allison, Lynda.

Lago, Eduardo.
    Call Me Brooklyn.
    Normal, IL : Columbia University Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Ashcroft, Michael.

Cawthorne, Nigel.

Kruse, Megan.

Ruti, Mari.

Baillie, Alexander Charles.

Teoh, Anne.

Mullen, Robert.

Brett, Nigel.

London, Jack.

London, Jack.

Feltoe, Richard.

Mayyasi, Kim.

Cox, Kenneth.

MacInnes, Hamish.

Lewin, Michael Z.
    Called by a Panther.
    New York : Open Road Media Mystery & Thriller, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Steiner, Enit Karafili.

Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, Pope Emeritus.
    Called to Holiness.
    Washington, D. C. : Catholic University of America Press, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Robinson, Anthony B.

Anderson, Jessica Lee.
    Minneapolis : Milkweed Editions, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Massoudy, Hassan.

Shishkin, Mikhail.

Blanchard, Barry.

Wakefield, Andrew J.

Singleton, George.
    Westland : Dzanc Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Jefferies, Rosie.

Watkins, Paul.

Scott, Danny.

Scott, Danny.

Scott, Danny.

Scott, Danny.

Scott, Danny.
    Calum's New Team.
    La Vergne : Floris Books, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Scott, Danny.

Horton, Michael.

Mazaheri, Professor J.H.

Phillips Casteel, Sarah.

Tait, Cam.

Zúñiga, Diego.
    Minneapolis : Coffee House Press, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Piper, John.

Kurtz, Katherine.
    Camber of Culdi.
    New York : Open Road Media Sci-Fi & Fantasy, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kurtz, Katherine.
    Camber the Heretic.
    New York : Open Road Media Sci-Fi & Fantasy, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bank, Asian Development.

De Villa, Jill Gale.

Kamm, Henry.

Reicherter, Daryn.

Carrison, Muriel Paskin.

Moore, Anne Elizabeth.

Balsari, Saumya.

Watson, Graham Brown and David.

Shorland-Ball, Rob.

Gillette, Howard, Jr.

Piereson, James.

Piereson, James.

Hood, Hugh.

Dinius, Marcy J.

Lee, S.

Ridge-Newman, A.

Murphy, Dervla.

Wolf, Elaine.
    Camp : A Novel.
    New York : Sky Pony Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Quandt, William B.

Vrabel, Beth.
    Camp Dork.
    La Vergne : Sky Pony Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Davidowitz, Stacy.

Smythe, Frank.

Wolf, Elaine.
    New York : Sky Pony Press, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Jones, Nicholas.

Franz, Michael M.

Laschinger, John.

Rangel, Carlos.

Smelser, Marshall.

Becker, Jo.

Apps, Jerry.

Philpott, Don.

Seagrave, Jayne.

Silverman, Goldie.

Seagrave, Jayne.

SanGiovanni, Mari.
    Camptown Ladies.
    Ann Arbor : Bywater Books, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book


Johnson, KC.

Germain, Lauren J.

    Campus Trilogy.
    Exeter : Impress Books, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hayden, P.

Archambault, Paul.

Cave, Peter.

Thompson, Andrew.

Carroll, Matthew.

Yarney, Susan.

Braff Brodzinsky, Anne.

Willetts, Lucy.

Welton, Jude.

Stanton, Marion.

Welton, Jude.

Dowrick, Christopher.

Edge, Julie.

Hultquist, Alan M.

Boon, Maureen.

Watson, Lucy.

Collier, Julie.

Atkinson, C. J.

Taylor, Lisa.

Lees, Helen.

Rayner, Jacqueline.

Amos, Angela.

Jassi, Amita.

Hultquist, Alan M.

Fidler, Ruth.

Dempsey, Sharon.

Cottrell, Sue.

Leicester, Mal.

Elliott, Elizabeth.

Sutherland, John.

Haar, J.

Desai, Raj M.

Hill, Richard.

Alderson, Sarah.
    Can We Live Here?.
    La Vergne : Blink Publishing, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Aaron, Henry.

Roberts, Mark D.

Feinberg, John S.

Bernal, Estela.

Morris, Rosalind.

Wilson, Richard.

Goldman, Kim.

Shoemaker, Paul.

Drew, Sharon.

McCarthy-Jones, Simon.

Rosenbaum, Richard.

Lemieux, Diane.

MacKenzie, David.

Deneault, Alain.

Rapoport, Anatol.

Levine, Norman.
    Canada Made Me.
    New York, NY : Biblioasis, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Crump, Jennifer.

Goddard, Lance.

Keery, Paul.

Pigott, Peter.

Pigott, Peter.

Crump, Jennifer.

Rayner, William.

Tidridge, Nathan.

Dodek, Adam.

Leavey, Peggy Dymond.

Warkentin, Germaine.

Benay, Alex.

Pammett, Jon H.

Pammett, Jon H.

Pammett, Jon H.

Pammett, Jon H.

Horn, Bernd.

Forster, Merna.

McCreery, Christopher.

McCreery, Christopher.

MacLeod, D. Peter.

Guay, David R.P.

Coleman, Arthur Philemon.

Podnieks, Andrew.

MacKinnon, Christopher.

Pike, Corinna.

Rutkowski, Chris A.

Duncan, Dorothy.

Duncan, Dorothy.

Foster, Charles.

Thomas, Mary.

Phelan, Tom.

Alpine, Rachele.
    Saint Charles : Medallion Media Group, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Armstrong, Liz.

Scotting, Paul.

Segal, Lauren.

Segal, Lauren.

Del Fabbro, Egidio.
    Cancer Cachexia.
    Tarporley : Springer Healthcare Ltd., 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gopinath, P.

Hanna, Magdi.
    Cancer Pain.
    London : Springer London, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lejuez, Carl.

Libov, Charlotte.

Leibson, Beth.

Geiger, Chris.

Weis, Joachim.

Straine, Gillian.
    LONDON : SPCK, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Dickens, Charles.

Vorpouni, Zareh.
    Candidate : A Novel.
    Syracuse : Syracuse University Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Fraser, George MacDonald.
    Candlemass Road.
    : Skyhorse Publishing, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hamilton, Jili.

Hartel, Richard W.

Black, Kojo.

Black, Kojo.
    Candy Cottage.
    London : Sweetmeats Press, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Black, Kojo.
    Candy Cottage.
    London : Sweetmeats Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Southern, Nile.

Roth, Matthue.

Comilla, Nick.
    La Vergne : Arsenal Pulp Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Okihiro, Gary.

Jenkins, Richard.

Bennett, Chris.

Belford, Bibi.

Boucher, Philip P.

Berry-Dee, Christopher.

Oderman, Kevin.

Dunnett, Alastair.
    Canoe Boys.
    Glasgow : Neil Wilson Publishing, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Osler, Sanford.

Welander, Suzanne.

Welander, Suzanne.

Finkelstein, Max.

Molloy, Johnny.

Sehlinger, Bob.

Kennon, Tom.

Stiegelmaier, Kevin.

Downie, Mary Alice.

Slade, Stuart.

Chaucer, Geoffrey.

Jaramillo, Susie.
    New York : Little Pickle Press, Inc., 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Nadelson, Scott.

Graham, Scott.
    Canyon Sacrifice.
    San Francisco : Torrey House Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

von Konigslow, Alexis.

Nakagami, Kenji.

Smith, Ray.

Ulin, David L.
    Cape Cod Noir.
    Brooklyn : Akashic Books, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Walker, Julian.

Bremner, Maria I.

Fern, Fanny.

Baker, H. Kent.

Goel, Sandeep.
    Capital Budgeting.
    New York : Business Expert Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Jongwanich, Juthathip.

Sinclair, Billy Wayne.

Chancellor, Edward.

Ghosh, Arvin.

Keohane, Georgia L.

Sanchez Bajo, Claudia.

Jaffe, Steven H.

Roy, Arundhati.

Plender, John.

Mander, Jerry.

Hanieh, Adam.

McGowan, Todd.

Wolff, Richard D.

Park, Hyun Ok.

Abt, Felix.

Buder, Stanley.

Stevens, J. Richard.

Williams, John A.

Leuci, Bob.
    Captain Butterfly.
    New York : Road, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Harris, Cliff.

Mallory, Enid.

Martin, Michael.

Jeffers, Regina.

Pavlov, Oleg.

Lewis, Eiluned.
    Captain's Wife.
    Ceredigion : Honno Press, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Reidy, Dave.
    Captive Audience.
    Brooklyn : Ig Publishing, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

AlLee, Jennifer.

Smith, Nat.

Golkar, Saeid.

Goldfield, Rebecca.

Cumberland, G.

Toulouse, Teresa A.

Peskin, Lawrence A.

Murphy, Neil.

Stratton, Royal B.

Noyes, Deborah.
    Lakewood, CO : Unbridled Books, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Fielding, Nick.

Gill, L.

Whitehouse, Sheldon.

Foster, James H.

Kelly, Wayne.

Curtis, David.

Landau, Nathan.

Syvanne, Ilkka.

Rorato, Laura.

Witting, Felix.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Witting, Félix.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Pigman, Ward.

Madou, Marc J.

Milling, Declan.
    Carbon Black.
    London : Clink Street Publishing, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Rawles, Kate.

Creamer, Anne Elise.

Zubelzu, Sergio.

Erşahin, Sabit.

Falls, Robert William.

Mannion, A.M.

Griffiths, Alison.

Dummies, Consumer.

Marks, Arnold.

Hugard, Jean.

Wilker, Josh.

McCardell, Mike.
    Cardboard Ocean.
    : Harbour Publishing, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Shakespeare, William.

Bennett, David H.

Sliwa, Karen.

Kireyev, Dmitriy.

Sekar, Satish.

Demarest, Jaki.
    Cardinal's Heir.
    Wauconda : Medallion Media Group, 2008.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Liu, Yi-Hwa.

Mori, Hidezo.

Gunga, Hanns-Christian.

Cardus, Neville.

Mandelstam, Michael.

Benner Carson, Verna.

Wagman, Diana.

Johnston, William H.

Greenfield, Jane.
    Care of Fine Books.
    New York, NY : Skyhorse Publishing, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

LaMothe, Ryan.

Loftus, Ian.

Kelly, Dearbhla.

Kerr, Hillary.

Lucas, Audrey A.

Shah, Sonali.

Lundine, Vicki.

Shakur, Rameen.

Wells, Zachariah.



Lawler, Mike.

Rinpoche, Tsoknyi.
    Carefree Dignity.
    Hong Kong : Rangjung Yeshe Publications, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Revenson, T.

Pohrt, Tom.

Tay, Sharon.

Lachman, Gary.

Manuel, Peter.

Mielants, Eric.

Van Haesendonck, Kristian.

Hummel, Monte.

Zeman, Wolfgang.

Pellicer, Leonard O.

Wade, Jim.

Krug, Jane.

Croft, Cindy.

Shelov, Steven P.

Emery, Joanna.

Perry, David.

Seu, Irene Bruna.

Warman, Andrea.

Smith, Einar.

Benn, Carl.

Thompson, Wendy.
    Carl Davis.
    London : Faber Music Limited, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Drieschner, Michael.

Bartosch, Ulrich.

Raiser, Konrad.

Bartosch, Ulrich.

Sherry, J.

Pernicone, Nunzio.

Willis, Margaret.

Vaccara, Stefano.

Barnes, Linda.

Perriam, Christopher.

Bindloss, Harold.

Le Fanu, J. Sheridan.

Wilson, Page.

Jackson, Kevin.

Alexander, Sam.
    Carnal Acts.
    London : Arcadia Books Limited, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Frost-Arnold, Greg.

Emry, James T.
    Carney's War.
    : Grosvenor House Publishing, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Shafer, Ronald.

Sinnett, Mark.

Glen, Alistair.

Gomez-Arcos, Agustin.
    Carnivorous Lamb.
    Vancouver : Arsenal Pulp Press, 2007.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Karpov, Anatoly.

Dunne, Patrick.

Benner, David.

Deoul, Stefani.
    La Vergne : Bywater Books, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Woloch, Cecilia.
    : BOA Editions Ltd., 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Eakes, Laurie Alice.

Alexander, Christopher.

Visoni-Alonzo, Gilmar.

Birmingham, Stephen.

Mitchell, Neil.
    New York : Columbia University Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Rough, Bonnie J.

Linde, V.C.
    Carrion Men.
    Cromer : Salt Publishing Limited, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Rossell, Christine H.

Ferguson, Gary.
    Carry Home.
    Boulder : Counterpoint, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Legault, Stephen.

Gray, Kate.
    Carry the Sky.
    OR : Forest Avenue Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Barich, Bill.

Leslie, David.

Fisher-Wirth, Ann.

Pitchford, Jessica.

Young, Frank M.

Dowding, Philippa.

Schmidt, Michael.

Drew, Jenny.

Hajny, Desiree.

Enlow, Harold.

Smith, Rex Alan.

Harvey, R. G.

Wansell, Geoffrey.

Churchill, Caryl.

Churchill, Caryl.

(U.S.), Joint History Office.
    Casablanca Conference.
    Washington, D. C. : United States Government Printing Office, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bergren, Lisa T.
    Cascade : A Novel.
    Colorado Springs, CO : David C. Cook, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Ferber, Bruce.

Martin, Michael.

Webster, James.

Ward, Keith.
    Case For Religion.
    London : Oneworld Publications, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Treadwell, Janet.

Lindsay, Douglas.

Zhu, Bing.

Giacomini, Paul S.

Hamschmidt, Jost.

Hamschmidt, Jost.

Madrick, Jeff.

Rislakki, Jukka.

Rislakki, Jukka.

Klusendorf, Scott.

Heywood-Smith, Paul.

Bell, Jeffrey.

Maass, Alan.

Aiken, Peter.

Liberge, Eric.

Rinehart, Mary Roberts.

Blechta, Rick.
    Case of You.
    Toronto : Dundurn, 2008.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Webb, Holly.

Webb, Holly.

Rieser, Alison.

Webb, Holly.

Webb, Holly.

Webb, Holly.

Shumway, Jeffrey M.

Webb, Holly.

Webb, Holly.

Spike, Jeffrey P.

Ip, David.

Hunter, Kate.
    La Vergne : Fledgling Press, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Preston, Pat.

Casey, Al.

William, Eli K. P.

Hawley, Cameron.

Outlaw, Sally.

Pinney, Samuel.
    Casino Book.
    Washington : Thunder Bay Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Roto, Robert R.

Eason, Cassandra.

Brodskaya, Nathalia.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

de Vaux, David.
    Cassowary Hill.
    Brisbane : Interactive Publications, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Pierce, Mannah.
    Cast Adrift.
    : Clink Street Publishing, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Tillman, Lynne.
    Cast in Doubt.
    New York : Cursor, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Boilard, Jon.
    Castaway Lounge.
    Westland : Dzanc Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

O'Brien, Geoffrey.

Howard, Elizabeth Jane.
    Casting Off.
    New York : Open Road Media, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

McDowall, Julie.

Krossing, Karen.
    Castle Key.
    Toronto : Dundurn, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Murgia, Jennifer.
    Castle of Sighs.
    Elmwood Park : Spencer Hill Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Noble, Robin.

Kleist, Reinhard.

Trefry, Gregory.

Chase, Julie.

Casey, Caroline.

Lindler, Cat.
    Cat Lindler Bundle.
    Wauconda : Medallion Media Group, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lindler, Cat.
    Cat Lindler Bundle.
    Wauconda : Medallion Media Group, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Brown, Milly.

Diaz, Roman.
    Cat Origami.
    San Diego : Thunder Bay Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gale, Patrick.

De Vries, Peter.

Barnes, Mike.

Renfro, Yelizaveta P.

Rabaiotti, Roberto.
    Claygate : Grosvenor House Publishing, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kincaid, S. J.
    London : Hot Key Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

    Claygate : Grosvenor House Publishing, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kharas, Homi.

Phipps, Tom.

McGuinness, Lisa.

Pitta, Terra.

Sarat, Austin.

Patel, Chandu C.

David, Steven R.

Ronane, P. G.

Hebert, Constance R.

Roddy, Dalia.
    Catch in Time.
    Tulsa : Medallion Media Group, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Fotheringham, Richard.

O'Connell, Mark.
    Catching Bullets.
    Portsmouth : Splendid Books Limited, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Nicholls, Jeff.

Engelsted, Niels.

Polan, Alex.

Upton, Graham J. G.

Borovoy, A. Alan.

Borovoy, A. Alan.

Orme, Nicholas.

Cronin, Blaise.

Flynn, Pat.

Havemeyer, Janie.

Leavelle, Tracy Neal.

Müller, Gerhard Ludwig.

Arbuckle, Gerald A.

Brighenti, Kenneth.

Nelis, Jan.

Taylor, Ali.

Searle, Adrian.

Steig, Jeanne.

Nicholson, Mike.
    Edinburgh : Floris Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Norton, Andre.
    New York : Open Road Media Sci-Fi & Fantasy, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Francis, Austin M.

Atkinson, Tiffany.
    Catulla et al.
    Tyne and Wear : Bloodaxe Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lippe, Toinette.

Holmes, Shannon.
    Caught Up.
    : Akashic Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kumaraswamy, P.R.

Wrede, Patricia C.
    Caught in Crystal.
    Newburyport : Open Road Media Sci-Fi & Fantasy, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Felthouse, Lucy.

Felthouse, Lucy.

Mesibov, Gary.

Busby, C. J.
    Cauldron Spells.
    Surrey : Templar Publishing, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Céspedes, Esteban.

Maja Melzer, Silvia.


Hughes, Peter.
    La Vergne : Carcanet, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

S. Leach, Norman.

Xiao, Xiaoda.
    Cave Man.
    New York : Two Dollar Radio, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hess, Joan.

Perenyi, Ken.

Horst, Jorn Lier.
    Dingwall : Sandstone Press Ltd, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Allison, Lynda.

Johnston, Mary.
    Cease Firing.
    New York : Open Road Media, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Freeman, Hilary.
    Celeb Next Door.
    Dorking : Piccadilly Press, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

MacPhee, Josh.

Bisson, Julie.

Baker, Peter E.

Jones, Simon.

Rodriguez, Evelyn Ibatan.

Martinez, Anna.

Moore, Faith.

Lalleman, Hetty.

Thompson, Mark D.

Strege, Dave.

Gornstein, Leslie.

Piazza, Jo.

Micozzi, Marc.

Waters, Michael.
    Celestial Joyride.
    New York, NY : BOA Editions Ltd., 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Cunliffe, Tom.

Seyda, Barbara.
    Celia, a Slave.
    New Haven : Yale University Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Arditti, Michael.
    London : Arcadia Books Limited, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Behl, Christian.

Devlin, Angela.

Campbell, A. Malcolm.
    Cell Networks.
    New York : Momentum Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Palmer, Ella.

Epstein, Brian.

Siblin, Eric.

Paradise, Christopher J.
    Cells in Tissues.
    New York : Momentum Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kari, Jarkko.

Campbell, A. Malcolm.

Campbell, A. Malcolm.

Yan, Qing.

Campbell, A. Malcolm.

Wilson, Brian.

Watkins, Bill.
    Celtic Childhood.
    New York : Mighty Media, Inc., 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

O'Connor, Ulick.

McGuirk, Brian.

Jacobs, Joseph.
    Celtic Fairy Tales.
    New York, NY : Skyhorse Publishing, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Jacobs, Joseph.

Walker, Amanda.

Mac Uistin, Liam.

Kirby, Peadar.

Matthews, Caitlin.

Diamond, Dominic.
    Celtic and Me.
    Edinburgh : Black & White Publishing, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

McDade, Gerard.

Livers, Paulette.
    Washington : Counterpoint, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lennox, Sara.

Blechta, Rick.

Phillips, Peter.
    Censored 2009.
    New York : Seven Stories Press, 2008.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Fellion, Matthew.

Ward, Yvonne M.

Petley, Julian.

Svenonius, Ian F.
    Censorship Now!!.
    New York : Akashic Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Shuger, Debora.

de la Roche, Mazo.

Alsop, Stewart.

Rom, Steve.

Vassiliev, Alexei.

Bank, Asian Development.

Bank, Asian Development.

Lukonin, Vladimir.
    Central Asian Art.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lukonin, Vladimir.
    Central Asian Art.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Cochrane, John.

Tognato, C.

Wessel, David.

Cripps, Elizabeth.

Bank, Asian Development.

Tidhar, Lavie.
    Central Station.
    New York : Tachyon Publications, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Goncalves, Marcus.

Adams, Steve.

Chung, Jae Ho.

Cuddihy, Paul.

Torgler, B.

MacEwan, Grant.

Mannion, John.
    Century of Jihad.
    Guildford : Grosvenor House Publishing, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Stern, Sol.

Smith, Ray.
    Emeryville : Biblioasis, 2008.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Miller, Freeman.

Evica, George Michael.

L'Engle, Madeleine.

Hall, Kate.
    Certainty Dream.
    Toronto : Coach House Books, 2005.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Rahalkar, Sagar Ajay.

Markelov, Andrey.

Hesthaven, Jan S.

Taylor, Drew Hayden.
    Cerulean Blue.
    Vancouver : Talonbooks, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Manrique, Jaime.
    Cervantes Street.
    Brooklyn : Akashic Books, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Smith, Lawrence G.

Brodskaya, Nathalia.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Brodskaya, Nathalia.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Towler, Solala.

Liebegott, Ali.
    San Francisco : City Lights Publishers, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Sadler, A.L.

Miller, Tekla Dennison.

Miller, Tekla Dennison.

DeSantis, JM.

Charles, Victoria.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Forrestier, Sylvie.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Rakoski, Karen.

Walilko, Vanessa.

Ripsch, Sue.

Nair, Anita.
    Chain of Custody.
    La Vergne : Bitter Lemon Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Wells, Carolyn.
    Chain of Evidence.
    New York : Road, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Dayen, David.

Cooper, James Fenimore.

Sagara West, Michelle.

Rohnfeld, Edeltraud.

Garcia, Richard.
    Rochester : BOA Editions Ltd., 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Dahl, Roald.

Carl, Klaus H.
    Chaïm Soutine.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book


Black, Kojo.

Black, Kojo.

Krieger, David.

Morphew, Christopher C.

Knackstedt, Mary V.

Vanderbilt, Arthur T.

Pattison, Stephen.

Drewe, Paul.

Robinson, M. P.

Reichert, Elisabeth.

National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.

Beddoe, Liz.

Löfström, Jonas.

Alred, Bishop Joe.

Rzayeva Oktay, Roida.

Bank, Asian Development.

Dubrow, Heather.

Aunos, Marjorie.

Kamat, Deepak M.

Daniel, Brigid.

Cullen, Francis T.

Gadzikowski, Ann.

Rose, S.

Clouston, Teena J.

Ba, I il.

Smith, Ted.

Stevens, Margaret.

Fontenoy, Maud.

Hayler, M.

Lal, Brij V.

Maitland, Barry.

Nettlefold, Charles.
    Chamberlain Legacy.
    Luton, Bedfordshire : Andrews UK, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hickling, John A. D.

Vetere, Richard.

Joy, Rob.

Janjuha-Jivraj, Shaheena.

Westcott, Rich.

Fryer, Mary Beacock.

Litalien, Raymonde.

Razzall, Tim.

Poythress, Vern S.

Mattausch, John.

Hummel, Leonard M.

Snyderman, Ralph.

Magleby, David.

Mandle, Jay R.

Roberts, Martin.

Shdaimah, Corey.

Wilding, Christine.

Agness, Lindsey.

Brown, Denise Whichello.

Shirtliffe, Leanne.

Grisanti, Jen.

Greer, Carl.

Galea, Chris.

Jacques, Geoffrey.

Swishchuk, Anatoliy.

Bammer, Gabriele.

Weil, Sharon.

Cooper, T.

Cooper, T.

Aidoo, Ama Ata.

Sõukand, Renata.

Gross, Philip.

Arwine, A.

Lewis, Sophie C.

Rosenthal, Deborah.

Stouten, Paul.


Kinley, N.

de Meyer, Bernard.

Norden, Martin F.

Bradley, Jennifer.

Laaredj-Campbell, Anne.

Culpepper, P.

Popivanov, Boris.

Parker, Robert Dale.

Korany, Bahgat.

Tholen, G.

Baim, Clark.

Babu, A. Suresh.

Cremaschi, Marco.
    Changing Places.
    Amsterdam : Techne Press, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Mcneilly, Gerry.

Benveniste, Debra H.

Publishing, OECD.

Saurette, Paul.

Foley, Pam.

Berger, Thomas.

Schultz, Daniel.

Martin, Stephen-Paul.

Prochaska, James O.

Copan, Victor.

Gao, Feifei.

Riddle, Kirsten.

Keneally, Thomas.

Chesbro, George C.
    Newburyport : Road, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Arbuthnott , Gill.

Meisel, Martin.

Cooper, Wyn.

Grosz, Elizabeth.

Downing, Michael.
    Chapel : A Novel.
    Washington : Counterpoint, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Williams, Rowan.

Collin, Margery.

Weissman, Stephen.
    Chaplin : A Life.
    New York : Arcade Publishing, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Pincher, Chapman.

Barr, Joel.

Sandler, Ronald L.

Heald, Tim.

Egan, Michael.

Lemke, Ute.

Hofmann, Hilmar.

Bastos da Silva Fanta, Alice.

Manno, Silvio.

Grehan, John.

Israel, Steve.

Moss, Chloë.

Sprinkle, Preston.

Lieberman, Robin Sol.

Wahhab, Iqbal.
    Charity Sucks.
    London : Biteback Publishing, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Carballal, Teresa.

Stanley, Peter.

Brown, Robert Eldon.

Debritto, A.

Zahniser, Marvin R.

Liss, Paul.

Norman, Andrew.

Berra, Tim M.

Frith, Clifford B.

Billen, Andrew.

Maughan, Ralph.

Wise, Leonard.

Plowright, David.

Lyons, F.S.L.

Donald, David Herbert.

Harrison, Ann Tukey.

Anthony, Evelyn.
    Charles the King.
    Newburyport : Open Road Distribution, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kennedy, Rachel.
    Charley Chambers.
    Edinburgh : Fledgling Press, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Naish, Sarah.

Naish, Sarah.

Thompson, Robert Keene.

Mathews, Aidan.

Halliday, Brett.
    Charlie Dell.
    New York : Road, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Griffin, Tren.

Cameron, Grant.

Summaries, Bright.

James, Scilla.
    Charlie's Gang.
    London : Swift Publishing, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Chambers, James.

Franklin, Sophie.

Bell, Alex.
    Charlotte Says.
    La Vergne : Stripes Publishing, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Braddon, Mary Elizabeth.

Woodson, Marion.

Cerio, Steven.

Flynn, Simon.

Kolaya, Chrissy.

Alcott, Louisa May.

Burnham, Stephanie.
    : Search Press, 2008.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Masterton, Graham.
    Charnel House.
    Newburyport : Open Road Media, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Buckley, Jack.

Reynolds, Daniel.

Bingham, Stella.

Kelley, Braden.

Noble, Tim.

Zakariya, Hafiz.

Leatherman, J.

Abrams, Lindsey.

Petersen, Kim.

Chase, Billy.

Polan, Alex.

Kitto, Mark.

Houppert, Karen.

Fenton, Simon.

Gentill, S.D.
    Chasing Odysseus.
    Seaforth, NSW : Pantera Press, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Ellemcy, Bea.

Potter, Mo.
    Chasing Shadows.
    Guildford : Grosvenor House Publishing, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Schmidt Horning, Susan.

Fowler, Corinne.

Richter, Brian.

Ervin, Anthony.

Barnett, Barbara.

Reid, Charles.

Krall, Hanna.

Fischer, Eduard.

Cohen, Marina.

Schartz, Vijaya.

Schartz, Vijaya.

Walsh, Enda.

Gerber, Merrill Joan.

Parot, Jean-François.

Markaris, Petros.

Yaffe, H.

Peiss, Kathy Lee.

James, Heidi.
    Cheap Imitation.
    : Galley Beggar Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lamberson, Gregory.

Grey, Christopher.

Brooks, Robert A.

Axelrod, Alan.

De Mente, Boye Lafayette.

Paul, Bart.

Burrell, Barrington O.

Siani, Mike.

Ortman, Dennis.

McCabe, Donald L.

Akhmadov, I.

Bonnell, Ralph.

Legon, M.

Reichl, Susanne.

Elsschot, Willem.
    London : Alma Books, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Campagna, Gino.

Kule, Ronald Joseph.

Chekhov, Anton.

Centre, Dead.

Woolf, Virginia.

Dwyer, F.

Yates, Paul.

Barone, Caterina.

Astudillo, Leslie.

Crowley, John.

Lennartson, Anders.

Lone, Shabir H.

Matz, Samuel A.

Metz, Clyde.

Mooney, Carla.

Fontani, Marco.

Parisi, Salvatore.

Owen, Roger.

Mohapatra, Ranjan Kumar.

Casparian, Armen S.

Sutton, Raul.

Pisanello, Daniele.

Carey, Peter.

Micali, Maria.

AEHLERT, Unknown.

Cash, Patrick.

Silberstorff, Master Jan.

Rosen, James.

Kang, Hildi.

Mathews, Iola.

Howard, Josiah.

Turtledove, Harry.
    Chernagor Pirates.
    New York : Open Road Media Sci-Fi & Fantasy, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Beres, Michael.
    Chernobyl Murders.
    Tulsa : Medallion Media Group, 2008.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Goldsworthy, Vesna.

Mansfield, Creina.
    Dublin : The O'Brien Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Wells, Helen.

Cain, R D.

Maruno, Jennifer.

Maruno, Jennifer.

Maruno, Jennifer.

Chekhov, Anton.
    Cherry Orchard.
    New York : Theatre Communications Group, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

McDonald, Neil McDonald.

Arnott, Jonathan.

Lasker, Edward.

McDonald, Neil McDonald.

Littlewood, Paul.
    Chess Tactics.
    : Pavilion Books Company Limited, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Chevannes, Sabrina.

Eade, James.
    Chess for Dummies.
    Newark : John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Webb, Simon.

Gerrold, David.

Penn, Audrey.

Penn, Audrey.

Coel, Michaela.

Valentini, Mario.

Gunn, M.
    Cheyenne Cowboy.
    Ramsbury : Robert Hale, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Pergament, Gregory.

Simons, Stephanie.

White, Randy Wayne.
    Chicago Assault.
    New York : Open Road Media Mystery & Thriller, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Mitchell, Fred.

Chandler, C. Ray.

Morris, Jeff.

Meno, Joe.

Pollack, Neal.
    Chicago Noir.
    Brooklyn : Akashic Books, 2005.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Czyzniejewski, Michael.

Jones, Gwen.

Youmans, Madeleine.

Lowe, Hannah.
    Tyne and Wear : Bloodaxe Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Sterry, David Henry.

Striffler, Steve.

Asti, William Henry.

Walker, Alice.

Squire, David.

Jordan, Anna.

Adams, Kristin Jarvis.

Waltner-Toews, David.

Druce, Clare.
    Chickens' Lib.
    Hebden Bridge : Bluemoose Books Ltd, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Suvorov, Viktor.

Hütter, Alexander.

Steimle, Josh.

Cody, H. A.

Harker, Ethan.

Norton-Taylor, Richard.
    London : Oberon Books Ltd, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Jones, Keith.

Daniel, Brigid.

Ryman, Geoff.

Palfrey, Judith S.

Hinds, Tanya S.
    Child Physical Abuse.
    Cham : Springer International Publishing, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Haskins, Ron.

Stafford, Anne.

Morgan, Penny.

Cleaver, Hedy.

Worsley, Howard.

Regan, Hilary D.

Heal, Angie.

Keitetsi, China.
    Child Soldier.
    London : Souvenir Press, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lieten, G.K.

Smith, Dan.

Smith, Dan.

Howard, Neil.

Barth, Richard P. J.

Morgan, Roger.


Haskett, Mary E.

Kuttner, Leora.

Gerrold, David.
    Child of Earth.
    New York : BenBella Books, Inc., 2005.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gerrold, David.

Benson, Arthur Christopher.
    Child of the Dawn.
    Wellington : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Morrison, Arthur.
    Child of the Jago.
    Auckland : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Sylwester, Robert.

Fahlberg, Vera I.

Tomlinson, Patrick.

Aldridge, Jo.

Goodyer, Annabel.

Schulman, Sarah.
    Vancouver : Arsenal Pulp Press, 2008.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Senda, Yukiko.

McAuliffe, Ann-Marie.

Boothby, Guy Newell.

Alexander, Theron.

Buckingham, D.

Kirkwood, Lucy.

Goldman, Linda.

Hoagland, Edward.

Bridger, Francis.

Pearson, Keith.

Pinter, Annamaria.

Zlotnick, Cheryl.

Goddard, Chris.

Jeyarajah-Dent, Renuka.

Nicholson, Chris.

Butler, Ian.

Goodall, Janet.
    Children and Grieving.
    Milton Keynes : Scripture Union England and Wales, 2008.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Madge, Nicola.

Rousseau, G.

Hyde, Brendan.

Bateman, Jackie.

Haggis-on-Whey, Doris.

Kalbantner-Wernicke, Karin.

Wedge, Peter.

Richards, Anne.

Cassell, Joan.

Emery, Anne.

Kanj, Jamal.

Carroll, Christine.

Nordlinger, Jay.

Nairn, Karen.

Reed, Walter W.

West, Michelle Sagara.

Djebar, Assia.

Clark, William.

Redfern, Jon.

Hewitt-Taylor, Jaqui.

Brownlee, Fiona.

Harbour, Anthony.

Kutscher, Martin L.

Cross, Melanie.

Ahsan, M. Manazir.

Ahsan, M. Manazir.

Dickson, G.

Jung, Carl Gustav.

Beeler, Karin.

Smith, Greg.

Hurter, Bill.

Hurter, Bill.

Smith, Anne B.

Kosher, Hanita.

Edwards, Rosalind.

Maybin, J.

Covell, Katherine.

Stoddart, Kevin P.

Henry, S.

Poehlmann-Tynan, Julie.

Brown, Jill.

Phippen, Andy.

McSherry, J. Patrice.

Nye, Alex.

Paitson, David.

Nye, Alex.
    Edinburgh : Floris Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lill, Wendy.
    Vancouver : Talonbooks, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Stein, Deborah.
    London : Oberon Books Ltd, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Vadde, Aarthi.

Kirkwood, Lucy.

Kirkwood, Lucy.
    : Nick Hern Books, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bradley, Darin.

Sima, William.

Garnaut, Ross.

Holland, Lorien.

Garnaut, Ross.

Garnaut, Ross.

Doran, Bryony.
    China Bird.
    London : Bookline & Thinker, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hung, Ho-fung.

Mackinnon, A.

A'Rabbitt, Shamus.

Mackinnon, A.

Florini, Ann M.

Lee, A. Robert.

Hill, Porter.
    China Flyer.
    London : Souvenir Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Backaler, Joel.

Davies, John Paton, Jr.

Leece, Sharon.
    China Living.
    North Clarendon : Tuttle Publishing, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Michel , Véronique.

Zha, Jianying.

Campbell, T. Colin.

Campbell, T. Colin.

Herzberg, Larry.

Herzberg, Larry.

Gertz, Bill.

Mexico, Zachary.

Hong, Zhao.

Chun, L.

Peyrouse, Sébastien.

Brown, Kerry.

Breslin, S.

Breslin, S.

Wilen, Tracey.

Brunt, Liam.

Hu, Angang.

Bristow, Michael.

Thorp, Robert L.

Hua, S.

Rotberg, Robert I.

Berry, Christopher J.

Li, Zhongjin.

Tilman, H.W.

deLisle, Jacques.
    China's Challenges.
    Philadelphia : University of Pennsylvania Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Song, Ligang.

Li, Cheng.

Su, Bin.

Su, Bin.

Wang, Peijie.

Worden, Minley.

Lee, Ji-Young.

Ma, Winston.

Bell, Daniel A.

Manji, Firoze.

Yip, George S.

Le Corre , Philippe.

Zheng, Bijian.

Lieberthal, Kenneth G.

Rhoads, Robert A.

Rowe, Peter G.

Glauser, Friedrich.

Song, Ligang.

Rozman, G.

Clark, Amanda C. R.

Zhang, Han.

University, CMR of Xiamen.

Bouée, Charles-Edouard.

Benedikter, Roland.

Mohanty, Manoranjan.

Chan, Sucheng.

Chan, Sucheng.

Designer, Interior.

Welch, Patricia Bjaaland.

Verstappen, Stefan H.

Verstappen, Stefan H.

Hackmack, Adolf.

Lee, Philip Yungkin.

Smith, Arthur.

Wieger, L.

Williams, Ab.

Knerr, Béatrice.

Gu, Diane Yu.

Aoki, Masahiko.

Perez-Cerezo, Julia.

Railton, B.

Nunes, Shiho S.

Lee, Philip Yungkin.

Lee, Philip Yungkin.

Lee, Philip Yungkin.

Hearn, Lafcadio.

Yu, Ying-shih.

Yu, Ying-shih.

Knapp, Ronald G.

Knapp, Ronald G.

Lai, Walton Look.

Pittman, Allen.

Nott, Stanley Charles.

Chen, Li.

Pritchard, Sarah.

Dowd, Eddie.

Liu, Tianjun.

Qiang, Xiao Mei.

De Mente, Boye Lafayette.

Brier, Sam.

Barilier, Étienne.

Li, Cheng.

Sartel, O. du.
    Chinese Porcelain.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Herzberg, Qin Xue.

Hart, Roger.

Wu, Master Zhongxian.

Chen, Hon Fai.

Rozman, G.

Williams, Charles Alfred Speed.

Al Huang, Chungliang.

De Mente, Boyé Lafayette.

Rösch, Petra.

Zhou, Qingjie.

Marks, Stephen.

Wu, Faye-Lynn.

Ren, Yi.

Benton, G.

Chan, Arlene.

Lee, Philip Yungkin.

Biran, Michal.
    Chinggis Khan.
    London : Oneworld Publications, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Chan Simpson, Jon.
    Toronto : Coach House Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Ogude, James.

Cornell, Richard D.

Rageot, Denise.

Ridings, Sam P.

Tregarth, Jack.

Saharan, Vinod.

Glendinning, Chellis.

Lang, Alison.

Dismondy, Maria.

Cadbury, Deborah.
    Chocolate Wars.
    : D & M Publishers, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Blasco, Elisabeth.

Zidek, Tony.

Bohan, Bernadette.

Schlafly, Phyllis.

Thompson-Swift, Joe.
    Choice of Evils.
    Claygate : Grosvenor House Publishing, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Simak, Clifford D.
    Choice of Gods.
    New York : Open Road Media Sci-Fi & Fantasy, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Braithwaite, E. R.

Medhurst, Rachel.
    Cromer : Salt Publishing Limited, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

McMahon, Philly.
    La Vergne : Gill Books, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Franz, Michael M.

Schaefer, Dick.

Wilks, John.

Allen, James Lane.
    Choir Invisible.
    Wellington : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Chomsky, Noam.

Friel, Howard.

Wallace, Paula.
    Choose Your Days.
    New York, NY : Cinco Puntos Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Osguthorpe, Russell T.

Fleming, Bernard.

Arbour, Claude.

Berman, Ali.

Birnbaum, Ruth.

Walker, Liz.

Tansey, Kat.

Barot, Rick.
    Louisville : Sarabande Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Barkan, Elazar.

Cvejić, Bojana.

Beker, A.

Efron, Noah J.

Rosen, Charley.

Montague et al, John.

Batura, Paul.

Storms, Sam.

Muchnick, Irvin.

Eaton, Chris.

Grey, Christopher.

Dennis, Jon M.

Williams, Jarvis J.

Dunning, Benjamin H.

Cottrell, Stephen.

Dragutinovic, Predrag.

Lloyd-Jones, Martyn.


Edgar, William.

Aguilar, Mario I.

McGrath, Alister.

Bruner, Kurt.

Biggar, Nigel.

Wood, Simon A.

Kim, Grace Ji-Sun.

Zeigler, Michael W.

Moyn, Samuel.

Stott, John.

Elwell, Ellen Banks.

Bass, Dorothy C.

McGrath, Alister E.

McGrath, Alister E.

Ryken, Philip Graham.

Meg, Lassiat.

Grafton, D.

Ward, Keith.

Norris, Frederick.

Shaw, Ian J.

Gabra, Gawdat.

Glanzer, P.

Hick, John.

Carpenter, J.

Bouchard, Michel Marc.

Dickens, Charles.

Dickens, Charles.
    Christmas Carol.
    Luton, Bedfordshire : Andrews UK, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Dickens, Charles.
    Christmas Carol.
    Newburyport : Dover Publications, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Youngs, Clare.

Mackie, Lawna.
    Christmas Gift.
    CALGARY : Books We Love Publishing Partners, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Moore, James W.

Mansfield, Elizabeth.
    Christmas Kiss.
    Newburyport : Open Road Media Romance, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Waggoner, Susan.

Green, Jonathan.

Marston, Edward.

Cuyler, Margery.

Bell, Nancy M.

Smith, Brendan Powell.

Porter, Phil.
    Christmas Truce.
    London : Oberon Books Ltd, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Shields, Amy.

Byler, Linda.


Jeffers, Regina.

Peterson, Shelley.

Guttman, Peter.

Guttman, Peter.

Gingrich, Callista.

Moss, Chloë.

Barker, Margaret.

Hudson, Gabriel S.

Ahn, Sanghee M.

Dinsdale, Christopher.

Grey, Christopher.

Grey, Christopher.

Grey, Christopher.

Grey, Christopher.

Czyz, Vincent.
    Christos Mosaic.
    Elmwood Park : Blank Slate Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Grebenstein, Sven.

Horgan, Tim.

Weisz, George.

Arroll, Dr Megan A.

Turp, Elizabeth.

Roberts, Olivia.

Mick, Gérard.

Kumar, Navin.

Kadare, Ismail.

Spector, Norman.

Cardoso, Lúcio.

Mankell, Henning.

Balfour, Kenneth.

Melling, O.R.

Melling , O.R.

Morrison, Arthur.

Bassham, Gregory.

Yuknavitch, Lidia.

Hamm, Charles Edward.

Harry, Chelsea C.

Reynolds, A.J.

Deveney, Catherine.
    London : Old Street Publishing, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hinton, David.
    Chuang Tzu.
    Berkeley : Counterpoint, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Vannatta, Seth.

Widener, Leslie Stall.

Wingrove, David.

Wingrove, David.

O'Neil, Michael D.

McGlasson, Paul C.

Rinne, Jeramie.

Catherwood, Christopher.

Nichols, Stephen J.

Patrick, Darrin.

McKinley, Mike.

Davis, Woody L.

Jones, Peyton.

Murray, Stuart.

Hildermeier, Manfred.

Leeman, Jonathan.

Kurth, Godfrey.

Charlesworth, Martin.

Orme, Nicholas.

Rice, Jesse.

Sweeney, John.

Wrigley, Robert.

Urban, Hugh B.

Radner, Ephraim.

Orme, Nicholas.

Wood, Ian S.

Singer, Barry.

Oliver, Dennis.

Catherwood, Christopher.

Buczacki, Profesor Stefan.

Smith, T.

Frith-Powell, Helena.

Hills, Margaret.
    Cider Vinegar.
    London : SPCK, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Quarrington, Paul.

Harrald, Chris.

Black, Cilla.

Morris, Jeff.

Harper, Steve.

Davis, Richard Harding.

McGowan, Maureen.

Roberts, David.
    London : Pavilion Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Tarrant, Graham.

Brown, Steven T.

McMahon, Laura.

Ascari, M.

Vande Winkel, Roel.

Benezet, Delphine.

Nestingen, Andrew.

Szaniawski, Jeremi.

Dilley, Whitney Crothers.

Kovács, András Bálint.

Furby, Jacqueline.

Sterritt, David.

Bazin, André.

Williams, Tony.

Rybin, Steven.

Cunningham, John.

Clarke, James.

Rayner, Jonathan.

Bennett, Bruce.

Luzzi, Joseph.

Goddard, Michael.

Stone, Rob.

Niemi, Robert.

Williams, Deane.

deWaard, Andrew.

Morris, Nigel.

Birkenstein, Jeff.

Prager, Brad.

Adams, Jeffrey.

Robertson, Lisa.

Falk, Quentin.

Thornley, D.

Portuges, Catherine.

Rogers, Ariel.

Gregerson, Mary Banks.

Wright, Pete.

Grant, Paul Douglas.

Rhodes, Greg.

King, Dawn.

Atwood, Margaret.

Barkley, Brad.
    Circle View.
    Dallas : Dzanc Books, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Andrew, Suzanne Alyssa.

Rosburg, Helen A.

McManus, Patrick F.

Perkins, Kevin John.
    Claygate : Grosvenor House Publishing, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Zimbalist, Andrew S.

Gallaud, Delphine.

Rodriguez Medina, Leandro.

Jaybee, Kay.

Jaybee, Kay.

Zimbalist, Andrew.

Zimbalist, Andrew.

Marston, Edward.

Stencell, A W.

Owen, Joanne.

Zechmeister, L.

Carthern, Chris.

Khan, Umer.

Liu, Dale.

Merton, Thomas.

Hunter, Stephen.
    New York : Road, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Staudt, K.

Murray, M.

Angélil, Marc.

Preston, Douglas.

Erikson, P.

Brown, Andrew.

Solera, Gianluca.

Cole, Steve.

McCarthy, Sean.

Olszewska, Daniela.
    Citizen J.
    : Curbside Splendor Publishing, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Nelson, Cletus.

Adams, Brian E.

McCarthy, Anna.

Osman, Julia.

Kennelly, J.

Kreigler, Anine.

Messinger, Paul R.

Klay, Phil.

Shurin, Aaron.
    San Francisco : City Lights Publishers, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Oliphint, Clayton.

Oliphint, Clayton.

Hromadzić, Azra.

Hsiao, Hsin-Huang Michael.

Conti, Nicolò.

Aleinikoff, T. Alexander.

Ostrander, Susan.

Murphy, Teresa Anne.

Einhorn, B.

Ben-Porath, Sigal R.

Smith, Rogers M.

Meer, N.

James, Gareth R.

Brandon, John.
    Citrus County.
    San Francisco : McSweeney's, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Clapp, James A.

Simpson, Deane.

Stiteler, Sharon.

Dinnie, K.

Paganoni, M.

Ayers, William.

Ayers, William.

Charles, Victoria.
    City Lights.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Cameron, Ken.

Lender, Stacey.
    City Mouse.
    New York : Akashic Books, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Zephaniah, Benjamin.
    City Psalms.
    Tyne and Wear : Bloodaxe Books, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kahn, Robert.

Kahn, Robert.

Heiti, Matthew.

Viau, Nancy.
    City Street Beat.
    New York : Albert Whitman & Company, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Heffron, Dorris.

Boone, Christopher G.

Ginzburg, Natalia.

LaSalle, Peter.

Yeates, Padraig.

Yeates, Pádraig.

Lee, Li-Young.

Misselwitz, Philipp.

Piercy, Marge.

Butler, David.
    City of Dis.
    Dublin : New Island Books, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Harris, Mark.

Hastings , Milo M.

Pierce, Nicola.
    City of Fate.
    Dublin : The O'Brien Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Peters, Ellis.

Johnson Howe, Melodie.

Hart, Rob.
    City of Rose.
    La Vergne : Polis Books, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hastings, Caitríona.

Ratti, Carlo.

Little, Gigi.

Landes, Daniel.

Shu-Ching, Shi.

Pinto, John A.

Marshall, Stephen H.

Miller, Wayne.
    City, Our City.
    Minneapolis : Milkweed Editions, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Stiftung, Bertelsmann.

Riley, Dylan.

Franklin, Catherine A.

Kidd, Q.

Klofstad, Casey A.

Amidon Lusted, Marcia.

Warren, D.

García-Cabrero, Benilde.

Lee, Dennis.

Head, Tom.

Paden, Catherine M.

Teelucksingh, Jerome.

Hoffman, Stefan-Ludwig.

Fischer, Sabine.

Kew, Darren.

Dunlap, Susan.

Nickels, Cameron C.
    Civil War Humor.
    Jackson : University Press of Mississippi, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Early, Steve.

Bennett, Jonathan.

Herspring, Dale R.

Stephan, M.

Schütte, Robert.

McClure, Margaret.

Freud, Sigmund.

Hoklotubbe, T. Christopher.

Yim, Natasha.

Wong, K.

O'Neill, Kelly.

Lee, Shelley Sang-Hee.

Bowers, Terrell.

Anthony, Evelyn.
    New York : Open Road Media Romance, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kelley, Theresa M.

Meldrum, Carol.

Meldrum, Carol.

Canty, Tom.
    Clapham Lights.
    London : Silvertail Books, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Ziervogel, Meike.
    Clara's Daughter.
    Cromer : Salt Publishing Limited, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Orford, Margie.

Spano, Robin.

Mooney, Catherine M.

    London : Hot Key Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Schulenberg, Stefan E.

Realities, Clash of.

Morgan, Winter.

Knee, Jonathan A.

Leavitt, Gregory C.

Fraser, D.M.
    Class Warfare.
    Vancouver : Arsenal Pulp Press, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Biressi, A.

Roberts, Ken.

Broe, D.

Powell, Aubrey.

Staudohar, Paul D.

Brontë, Emily.

Pedi, Ed.

Silverman, Jeff.

Bissinger, Buzz.
    Classic Mantle.
    New York : Abrams, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Percy, Graham.

LaFosse, Michael G.
    Classic Origami.
    North Clarendon : Tuttle Publishing, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Feinstein, John.
    Classic Palmer.
    New York : Abrams, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bellman , Richard.

Mortimer, David.

Brennan, Stephen.

Whittington-Egan, Molly.

Draeger, Anna Elizabeth.

Thunder Bay Press, Editors of.

Frieden, Ken.

Lihoreau, Tim.

Bi, Wang.

Jayyusi, Salma Khadra.

Franklin, Jerrold.

Calderone, Marina.

Calderone, Marina.

Levison, Brian.

Martin, Richard.

Jackson, R.

Evanski, Gerard A.

Miletta, Alexandra.

Dippold, Doris.

Luk, Jasmine C. M.

Pierangelo, Roger.

Wright, T.

Salter, Rob.

Eades, Jennifer M. Fox.

Salend, Spencer J.

Summaries, Bright.

Daniel, Sergei.
    Claude Lorrain.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Brodskaya, Nathalia.
    Claude Monet.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kalitina, Nina.
    Claude Monet.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Brodskaïa, Nathalia.
    Claude Monet.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Brodskaïa, Nathalia.
    Claude Monet.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Brodskaïa, Nathalia.
    Claude Monet.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Jiang, Helga.

Ismadji, Suryadi.

Browder, Catherine.

Henley, David.

Halligan, Liam.
    Clean Brexit.
    London : Biteback Publishing, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Roth, Stephan.

Ruhl, Sarah.

Sullivan, Wendy.

McCracken, Julie.

Reynard, Oscar.

Svoboda, Terese.

Connor-Kearns, Paul.
    Cleaning Up.
    London : Muswell Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hall, Admiral Sir Reginald 'Blinker'.

Lingpa, Traktung Dudjom.
    Clear Mirror.
    Hong Kong : Rangjung Yeshe Publications, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Talbot, Lauren.

Thomas, Francis-Noël.

Olshansky, Robert B.

Edmundson, Helen.

Bornschier, Simon.

Parks, Tim.

Katchanovski, Ivan.

Jago, Michael.

the Hedgehog, Clementine.

Blackman, Sam.

Fisk Pack, Mary.

Caunitz, William J.
    Cleopatra Gold.
    New York : Road, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Cat, Cleopatra J.

Boyce, James.

Wilson, George B.

Gordon, Roger.

Bowers, Brendan.

Van Onselen, Gareth.

Campbell, James Calum.

Read, Mike.

Williams, John A.

Hillman, Karl.

Boyd, Emily.

Garnett, Stephen.

Basu, Jyotish Prakash.

Walker, Rae.

Coady, David.

Krishna Rao, Pinninti.

Wilbanks, Thomas J.

Peeters, Wouter.

Hill, Margot.

Chaturvedi, Sanjay.

Zachariadis, Theodoros.

Vogler, J.


Brainard, Lael.

Wong, Kaufui Vincent.
    Climate Change.
    New York : Momentum Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Spencer, Roy W.

Hoggan, James.

Romano, Antonio A.

Harrison, N.

Orlando Zaddach, Jonathan.

Wagner, Gernot.

Chaturvedi, Sanjay.

Dyer, Gwynne.

Welzer, Harald.

Johnson, Sherry.

Manton, Michael.

Campbell, Kurt M.

Brighton, Patrick.

Parker, John.

Wilson, Graham.

Perrin, Jim.
    Climbing Essays.
    Glasgow : Neil Wilson Publishing, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Mallory, George Leigh.

Chouinard, Yvon.

Massey, Douglas S.

Galligan, Gerry.

Smythe, Frank.

Ellis, Samantha.

Feinstein, Elaine.

Gwinnutt, Matthew.
    Clinical Anaesthesia.
    Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Wick, Manfred.

Huang, MD, David T.

Armstrong, David G.

Murrell, Dédée F.

Norman, Robert A.

Norman, Robert A.

Koo, John.

Paul, Sharad P.

Love, Porcia B.

Love, Porcia B.

Brown, Jo.

Camacho, Pauline.

Funk, Rainer.

Jiwani, Bashir.

Jiwani, Bashir.

Grasso, Damion J.

Maclean, Will.

Erdt, Marius.

Hutchison, David.

Gleadle, Jonathan.

Torres, Antoni.

Kiefer, Hartmuth.

D. Kitchen, Neil.

Hankey, Graeme.

Brock-Utne, John G.

Bandello, Francesco.

Wheeler, Barbara.

Katz, Martin M.

Compton-Dickinson, Stella.

Slifer, Keith J.

Smitherman, Todd A.

Buchfuhrer, Mark J.

Sadek, Joseph.

Anagnostou, Evdokia.

Sieper, Joachim.

Kearns, Michael.
    Claygate : Grosvenor House Publishing, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Schweizer, Peter.
    Clinton Cash.
    La Vergne : Regnery Publishing, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Rosenzweig, Roy.

Kagan, Richard L.

Bonaparte, Napoleon.

Ball, Jonathan.
    New York : Coach House Books, 2006.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Brooks, Xan.

Dann, Elon.

Anderson, Kevin.

Contributors, Various.

Jablonsky, William.
    Clockwork Man.
    St. Charles : Medallion Media Group, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Naccache, Rafik.

Levine, Aaron.

Towlson, Jon.

Michalski, Jen.

Pete, Brian M.

Spangler, Rachel.
    Close to Home.
    Ann Arbor : Bywater Books, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Humphrey, John.

Smith, Bruce L.R.

Horst, Jorn Lier.
    Closed for Winter.
    Dingwall : Sandstone Press Ltd, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Barmak, Sarah.

Dorfman, Lynne R.

Swinney, Jo.

Swinney, Jo.

Swinney, Jo.

Swinney, Jo.

Swinney, Jo.

Swinney, Jo.

Swinney, Jo.

Swinney, Jo.

Swinney, Jo.

Tomine, Dylan.

Kováč, Ladislav.

Holmes, Kim R.

Buell, John.

Burtless, Gary.

Berns, Nancy.

Gilman, Greer.

Zhang, Yin.

Sabharwal, Navin.

Leung, Victor C.M.

Marinescu, Dan C.

Akan, Ozgur.

Ahmed, Riaz.

Jain, Abhinivesh.

Shearer, Alex.
    Cloud Hunters.
    London : Hot Key Books, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Shearer, Alex.
    Cloud Hunters.
    : Sky Pony Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hussein, Aamer.

Churchill, Caryl.

Di Martino, Beniamino.

Castro-Leon, Enrique.

Lipson, Mimi.

Donovan, Matt.

Keller, Catherine.

Jones, Janey Louise.

Torres-Recinos, Julio.

Olshan, Joseph.
    London : Arcadia Books Limited, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Egan, Charles.

Freedman, Lew.

Saer, Juan José.
    New York, NY : Open Letter, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

    Auckland : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Budd, Robert.
    La Vergne : Harbour Publishing, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bolland, E.

Drake, Monica.

Robb, David.

Pavón, Mar.

Pavón, Mar.
    Clucky the Hen.
    Pozuelo de Alarcon : Cuento de Luz SL, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Preus, Margi.

Reynolds, Betty.

Van Tassel, Wesley.

Whitman, Jimr.

Sharp, Margery.

Martínez-de Dios, José Ramiro.

Pathak, Rakesh.
    Singapore : Springer Singapore, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Heinzl, Felix.

von Beck, Christian.

Drexler, Clyde.

Katz, S. Montana.

Gouillart, Francis.

Akhilesh, K.B.

Chemi, Tatiana.

Kristjanson, Karen L.

Wilson, Gloria Lodato.

Bartnik, Eddie.

Suresh, Anil K.

Järveläinen, Jonna.

Fugini, Mariagrazia.

Botha, Marco.

Schroeder, Ruth Knott.

Emmett, Jon.

Kets de Vries, Manfred F.R.

Dawson, Red.

Sports, National Alliance for Youth.

magazine, Entrepreneur.

Roy, Tom.

Vass, Andy.

Kets de Vries, Manfred F.R.

Fleming, Ian.

Bach, Greg.

Arnold, Jackie.

Sellers, Luke.

Readhead, Lloyd.

Navin, Anita.

Richardson, Keith.

Bianchi, Cristina.

de Haan, Erik.

Lynch, Jerry.

Sinclair, Upton.

Shulman, Peter A.

Laws, David.

Johan Saravanamuttu, Lee Hock Guan, Mohamed Nawab Mohamed Osman,.

Benjamini, Itai.

Gleeson, John.
    Coast Growers.
    Toronto : Dundurn, 2008.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Neely, Nick.

Gogarty, Paul.

Swayne, Samuel J.

Correia Dantas, Eustogio Wanderley.

Dixon, Kingsley.

Ulm, Sean.

Kundalkar, Sachin.

Puta-Chekwe, Chisanga.

Foster, R.

Linton, Magnus.

Rheiner, Walter.

Child, Lee.

    New York : New Vessel Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Mulawka, Edward John.

Holcroft, Sam.

Hage, Rawi.
    : House of Anansi Press, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bell, William J.

McGrath, Simone.

MacLeod, Hillary.
    Cod Only Knows.
    Toronto : Acorn Press, The, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Donlay, Philip.

Harrison, Nick.

Baker, Arno.

Cheshire, Simon.

Chesbro, George C.
    Code of Blood.
    Newburyport : Road, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Cleary, Thomas.

Grey, Zane.

Kenemore, Scott.

Beattie, Melody.

Beattie, Melody.

Beckner, Mark.

Berrou, Claude.

Gambetta, Diego.

Dooley, John F.

Tobias, Michael Charles.

Bergan, Ronald.

Barlow, Charlotte.

Sapp, Jan.

Luttinger, Nina.

McHugh, Erin.

Mahfouz, Naguib.
    Cairo : The American University in Cairo Press, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Schaffert, Timothy.

Ellis, Ron.

West, John Foster.
    Cogito, Ergo Sum.
    Wellington : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Tone, Roald.

Martin, David S.

Sathi, Arvind.

Hutchison, David.

Anwyl, Michelle.

Jahoda, Andrew.

Foreman, Elaine Iljon.

Ronan, Kevin R.

James, Ian Andrew.

Wilding, Christine.

Blank, Robert H.

Verstegen, Ian.

Janda, Laura A.

Wang, Shaowei.

Liu, Yongkang.

Feng, Zhiyong.

Craske, Michelle G.

Abel, Andrew.

Rohrer, Ingo.

Peters, Ina.

Angella, Daniele.

ScottHanson, Chris.

Hugard, Jean.

Spurrier, Ralph.

Nu€mann, Dominik.

Wood, Franklyn.
    Cola Cowboys.
    Sheffield : 5M Publishing Ltd, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Di Donato, Dinapiera.

McClennen, Sophia A.

Bosetzky, Horst.

D'Avanzo, Charlene.

Cummins, Barry.

Lazarus, Eve.

Brett, Alex.

Jenkin, Lorraine.

Greenaway, R.M.

Staalesen, Gunnar.
    Cold Hearts.
    London : Arcadia Books Limited, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Snyder, Gary.

Chapman, Brenda.

Mellor, Lee.

Thorpe, Elliot.
    Cold Runs the Blood.
    Claygate : Grosvenor House Publishing, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hozy, S.P.

Aiken, Joan.
    Cold Shoulder Road.
    New York : Open Road Media Teen & Tween, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Araton, Harvey.
    Cold Type.
    : Cinco Puntos Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Dockrill, Michael L.

Thomas, Merrilyn.


MacSkimming, Roy.

Barnhisel, Greg.

Ford, Eugene.

Solovey, M.

Horne, Gerald.

Kirkpatrick, Andy.

Harlick, R.J.

Beach, Edward L.
    Cold is the Sea.
    Annopolis : Naval Institute Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Powers, Bill.

Fuchs, Marek.

Jackson, Lorna.

Gardner, John.
    New York : Ian Fleming Publications, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gould, Diana.

Williams, Paul.

Harrin, Elizabeth.

Warner, Catherine.

Brinkkemper, S.

Roznowski, Rob.

Dent, Samuel.

Abbott, Pamela.

Lank, E.

Brooks, Peter.

Donahue, John.

McDermott, Ian.

Luzet, Gael.

Allen, Dwight W.

Fisher, Ali.

Krovetz, Martin L.

Ahmed, Reaz.

Kauffman, Janet.
    La Vergne : Dzanc Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book


Banash, David.

Bernard, Mike.

Gomez, Napoleon.

Evenson, Brian.
    Collapse of Horses.
    New York, NY : Coffee House Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

O, Tara.

Oreskes, Naomi.

Mort, Valzhyna.
    Collected Body.
    Port Townsend : Copper Canyon Press, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Shaw, Irwin.

Thomas, R.S.

O'Brien, Flann.

Tessimond, A. S. J.

Clifton, Lucille.

Goodison, Lorna.
    Collected Poems.
    La Vergne : Carcanet, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Constantine, David.
    Collected Poems.
    Tyne and Wear : Bloodaxe Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Horovitz, Frances.
    Collected Poems.
    Tyne and Wear : Bloodaxe Books, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Sillitoe, Alan.
    Collected Poems.
    Newburyport : Open Road Media, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Feldman, Paula R.

Wilder, Thornton.

Wilder, Thornton.

Colwin, Laurie.

Bainbridge, Beryl.
    Collected Stories.
    Newburyport : Open Road Media, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Garrett, James Leo, Jr.

Carson, D. A.

David, Carl.

Braddock, Jeremy.

Day, Elaine.

Kletenik, D. V.

Kletenik, D. V.


Lange, Oliver.

Rivera, V.A.G.

Lucena, Cláudio.

Naylor, Henry.

Tuckerman, Henry T.

Page, Jeremy.

Goodfellow, Richard.

Scott, Victoria.
    New York : Entangled Publishing, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Griner, Paul.

Setran, D.

Delbanco, Andrew.

Ji, Xiang.

Ji, Xiang.

Ji, Xiang.

Ji, Xiang.

Jonas, Georgina.

Freeman, Melissa L.

Figure Sandlin, Eileen.

Mattanah, Jonathan F.

Mattanah, Jonathan F.

Burke, K.

Boles, Blake.

Conway, Francine.

Böhler, Andreas.

Moscow, Alvin.

Phillips, Mark N.

Barnbrook, G.

Duensing, Annette.

Palter, D. C.

King, Gareth.

Zannier, Umberto.

Kingsley, Robert.
    Colonel Sun.
    Scranton : Ian Fleming Publications, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Tripathi, Salil.

O'Grady, Myles.
    Colonfay : A Novel.
    Newburyport : The Permanent Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Fisher, Verna.

Rodriguez, Jason.

Bell, Leonard.

Fisher, Verna.

Fisher, Verna.

Fisher, Verna.
    Colonial Food.
    Vermont : Nomad Press, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Mawere, Munyaradzi.

Fisher, Verna.
    Colonial Homes.
    Vermont : Nomad Press, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Fisher, Verna.
    Colonial Jobs.
    Vermont : Nomad Press, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Sirmans, M. Eugene.

Grasse, Steven.

Fisher, Verna.
    Colonial Towns.
    Vermont : Nomad Press, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Fisher, Verna.

Kim, Grace Ji-Sun.

Mohanty, S.

Martínez-San Miguel, Yolanda.

Mikaere, Ani.

Thong, Tezenlo.

Tobin, Beth Fowkes.

Weise, Jillian.
    New York : Soft Skull Press, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Dewar, Andrew.

Cheskin, Louis.
    Color For Profit.
    Brooklyn : Ig Publishing, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Drew, John T.

Phillips, Caryl.

Gerlach, Julia.

Martin, Lori Latrice.

Lembo, Margaret Ann.

Cruz, Nilo.

Bowens, Natasha.

Tilleraas, Perry.

Robles, Barbara J.

Kwei, Eleanor.

Zhang, Ping.

Roach, Gerry.

Wise, Tim.

Robertson, Peter.
    Flossmoor : Gibson House Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lehman, Christopher P.

Piersall, Wendy.

Piersall, Wendy.

Piersall, Wendy.

Newport, Olivia.

Di Ciacco, Janis A.

Deming, Alison Hawthorne.

Richmond, Randy.

Devine, Adele.

Wills, Pauline.

Porter, Jim.

Sloan, Annie.

Blacklock, George.

Scouller, Glen.

Buether, Axel.
    München : DETAIL, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hodge, Dino.

Mattie, Erik.

Marshall, Rosalind K.

Mair, Victor H.

Carter, Steven D.

Chen, Xiaomei.

Rimer, J. Thomas.

Hsia, C. T.

Thomas, Brian.

Denton, Kirk A.

Huang, Guiyou.

Mair, Victor H.

Anderson, David L.

Sandford, Robert William.

Chang, Sung-sheng Yvonne.

Formicola, Allan.

Carson, James.
    Columbian Covenant.
    New York : Palgrave Macmillan US, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Follett, Ken,

Brand, Max.

Webb, Simon.
    Comanche Moon.
    La Vergne : Robert Hale, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Dakota, Jack.

Somerset, Andrew.
    Combat Camera.
    Emeryville : Biblioasis, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Dauphin, Marc.

Symons, Scott.

Fowler, T. Robert.

Piccard, Paul.

McCann, Kelly.

Oluyitan, Funso E.

Mitroff, Ian I.

Neutel, Joel M.

Conca, Aldo.

Fischer, Johannes.

Yeats, Karen.

Tsai, Wei-Tek.

Zamboni, Luca.

Aggarwal, Neha G.

Schirmer, Heike.

Rostami, Mohammad Ali.

Bravi, Adrián N.
    : Frisch & Co. Electronic Books Inc., 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Policoff, Stephen.
    Come Away.
    : Dzanc Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Sand, Ilse.

Schaap , Rosie.

Osborne, Linda Barrett.

Hunter, Evan.

McPherson, Conor.

Graham, Heather.
    Come the Morning.
    Newburyport : Open Road Media Romance, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Motyer, Stephen.

Goyen, William.

Jacobs, Joe.

Shakespeare, William.

Hallenbeck, Bruce G.

Punshon, E.R.

Courtenay, Lucy.
    Comet Chaos.
    : Stripes Publishing, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bociurkiw, Marusya.

De Vries, Peter.

Bruno, Holly Elissa.

Goldschmidt, Barbara.

Fitzpatrick, Elyse M.

Fitzpatrick, Elyse M.

Jeffries, Dru.

Fletcher, Angus.

Carbaugh, Samuel.

Scott , Cord A.

Chapman, Jane L.

Packham, Simon.
    Comin 2 gt u.
    Dorking : Piccadilly Press, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Macy, Joanna.

Elyot, Kevin.

Hay, Colin.
    Coming Crisis.
    Cham : Springer International Publishing, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Pettifor, A.

McCaughan, Michael.

Mead, Geoff.

Einbond, Bernard Lionel.

Cecil, Barbara.

Clifton, Jim.
    Coming Jobs War.
    Washington : Gallup Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Attwood, Tony.

LaSala, Michael C.

Bates, Tony.


Sarton, May.

Dunlap, Julie.


Boellstorff, Tom.

Cummings, Kate.

Reber, Dierdra.

Hallas, Duncan.
    Chicago : Haymarket Books, 2008.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Brown, James C.

Mortensen, William.

Parsons, Laila.

Kiser, John W.

Taaffe, Stephen R.

Ramone, Johnny.

Jaffe-Berg, Erith.

McCreery, Christopher.

Friedman, Murray.

Luther, Martin.

Daly, Aoife.

Carlos, Ann M.

Desai, Gaurav.

Rodgers, Paul.

Statistics, Committee on National.

Morrissey, Robert.

Tuck, Kirk.

Luh, Bor Shium.

Schaufeld, Jerome.

Crossman, Bob.

Parker, Alan Michael.

Publishing, OECD.

Nahavandi, Firouzeh.

Wiley, Richard.

Parkinson, Robert G.

Stern, Sol.

O'Donnell, Helen.

Outcalt, Todd.

Hern, Matt.

Banerjee, Partha.

Weitz, Edmund.

Cryer, Max.

Oakley, Seanna Sumalee.

Hanks, Richard.

Tanner, Ken.

Curry, Robert.

Paine, Thomas.

Kallis, Sharon.

Hawkins, James A.

Lindberg, Jill A.

McCarthy, Terry.

Rex, Andrew.

Van Voorst, Robert E.

Friedman, Rosemary.
    Commonplace Day.
    : Arcadia Books Limited, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Collis, Stephen.
    Vancouver : Talonbooks, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Leary, Timothy.

Lemos, John.

Mueller, Erik T.

Lawson, Alan.

Moran, Paddy-Joe.

National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.

Rackaway, Chapman.

Fearnley, Rachel.

Mehra, Payal.

Bouhafs, Fayҫal.

Civiello, Mary.

Lloyd, Mark.

Tench, Ralph.

Williams, Dale F.

Petrie, Pat.

Roebuck, Deborah Britt.

Adolphsen, Manuel.

Sievert, Holger.

France, Jenny.

Owens, Rita R.

Kaul, Chandrika.

Misteil, Sean.

Owen, John.

Marx, Karl.

Breslin, Beau.

Gvosdev, Nikolas K.

Turner, E.

Wilcox, Pamela.

Trifonas, P.

Rowell, Alexis.

Mandelstam, Michael.

Mandelstam, Michael.

Jackson, Robin.

Welshman, J.

Cantle, T.

Levin, J.

Halberstam, Joshua.

Scherer, J.

Soifer, Steven D.

Crabill, Scott L.

Perkins, Lauren.

Madsen, W.

Storr, Virgil Henry.

Lee, Seung Jong.

Rosenthal, Sarah.

Smith, Connie Jo.

Sacks, Jonathan.

Fischlin, Daniel.

Staff, Institute for Advanced Study.

Vaughan, Elizabeth Head.

Hanvey, Stephen.

Scott Fitzgerald, Francis.

Clarke, Glen E.

Montgomery, Todd.

Poulton, Nigel.

Docter, Quentin.

Blümich, Bernhard.
    Compact NMR.
    Berlin/Boston : De Gruyter, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Niemann, Philipp.

Hacking, Paul.

Bragdon, Joseph H.

Philbrick, Helen.

Vallely, Fintan.

Chapman, Honora Howell.

Markham, Ian S.

Spongberg, M.

Forty, George.

Jansohn, Christa.

Zaloga, Steven J.

Hesselholdt, Christina.
    La Vergne : Fitzcarraldo Editions, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Berman, Jeffrey.

Torinus, John.

Kubo, Hiromi.

Clulow, Adam.

Fallon, Peter.
    Company of Horses.
    Oldcastle : The Gallery Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Zagheni, Emilio.

Araki, Satoru.

Florkin, Marcel.

Florkin, Marcel.

Florkin, Marcel.

Florkin, Marcel.

Van der Meer, Frits M.

Webb, Mark Owen.

Raz, Aviad E.

Euler, U. S. Von.

Euler, U. S. Von.

Xia, Xuhua.
    Comparative Genomics.
    Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Banerjee, Mita.

Nugent, James A.

Cruz-del Rosario, Teresita.

Marston, Daniel C.

Cady, L.

Chen, Kai.

Jeong, Sung In.

Crush, Jonathan.

Scisco, Peter.

Sze, Arthur.
    Compass Rose.
    Port Townsend : Copper Canyon Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Owain Hughes, Trystan.

Latham, Caroline.
    La Vergne : SPCK, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Olson, Miles.

Humphreys, Tony.

Manning, Tara Jon.

Molnar, Carolyn.

Wood, Jane.

Green, Michael.

Lloyd-Jones, Martyn.

Hoenig, Steven L.

Thomas, Stephanie R.

Moore, Michael J.

Apostolico, David.

Preston, John.

Burke, Beverley.

Washington, Enrique.

Conrad, Sebastian.

Williams, D.

Sharma, Sanjay.

Schaper, MIchael T.

Crandall, Robert W.

Weidenbaum, Murray.

Needham, Simon.

Giachetti, C.

Anholt, Simon.

McAfee, R. Preston.

Hutchison, David.

Cohen, Albert.

Whitby, Nick.

Garding, Stefan.

Ehrenreich, Barbara.

Eckman, Peter.

Dawson, Jim.

Gilbert, Ian.

Tay, Sharon.

Shane-McWhorter, Laura.

Indante, Dan.

Selby, Anna.

Weller, Stella.

Althen, K.C.

Chen, Lydia.

Ashley, Leonard R. N.

Rich, Jason R.

Tilton, Buck.

Ashley, Leonard R. N.

Ellenwood, Everett.

Tang, C. S.

Unwin, Stephen.

Schwachter, Jamie.

Porter, Robin.

contributors, Various.

Group, Edward.

Skovoroda, Hryhory.

Cain, James M.

Hawkins, James.

Pegg, Nicholas.

Scott-Moncrieff, Christina.

Weiner, Susan.

Foreman, Gabe.

Don, Lari.

Fontaine, Jean de la.

Braby, Michael.

Theischinger, Gunther.

Brock, Paul D.

Cole, David.

Warshaw, Hope S.

Beaney, Jan.


Thomas, Richard.

Andrew, David.

Bissonnette, Barbara.

Berges, Steve.

Seely, Christopher.

Gehring, Abigail R.

Roberts, Jerry.

Sellers, Christian.

Spencer, Robert.

Spencer, Robert.

Levine, Darren.

Levine, Darren.

James, Henry.

Owen, Julian.

Patel, Ashok.

Martin, Ashley.

Woloshyn, Tom.

Klein, Zachary.

Gould, David.

Fraser, George MacDonald.
    Complete McAuslan.
    New York : Skyhorse Publishing, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Donald, Stuart.

Association, American Diabetes.

Disanto, Michael John.

Spark, Muriel.
    Complete Poems.
    Chicago : Carcanet Press Ltd., 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Shelley, Percy Bysshe.

Spencer, Bernard.

Orthofer, M. A.

Kaoverii Weber, Kristine.

Rielly, Robin L.

Merlin, Bella.

Wilson, Julian.

Akkermans , Anthonio.

Docherty, Dan.

Huang, Alfred.

Chu, Robert.

Shakespeare, William.

Watson, Burton.

Weller, Stella.

Macqueen, John.

Burton, Sarah.

Nowak, Paul.

Williams, Kate.
    Completing Your PhD.
    Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan Ltd., 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Beldman, David J. H.

Miller, John H.

Callentine, Dr. Lainna.

Kossmann, Daniel.

Bauland, Michael.

Ebbing, Johannes.

Goldstein, J.

Schneider, Thomas.

Eggert, Mathias.

Schapiro, Dina.

Toews, Miriam.

Van Horne, Janice.

Adamson, Isaac.

Boulouque, Clémence.

Strobel, Alison.

Larkin, Ralph W.

Krashen, Stephen D.

Hiro, Dilip.

Watzenig, Daniel.

Yan, Jingjing.

Marcinko, David Edward.

Frost, Elizabeth A.M.

Aldridge, David.

Sherington, G.

Hudgens, Jordan.

Lohrey, Markus.

Fernández Carbajal, Alberto.

Sassower, R.

Levin, Meyer.

Haven, Eric.
    Compulsive Comics.
    Gainesville : Alternative Comics, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Shukla, Pratyoosh.

Ganchev, Todor.

Churchland, Patricia S.

Logsdail, Andrew James.

Broniek, Przemysław.

Akiyama, Jin.

Hutchison, David.

Gurumoorthy, Sasikumar.

Pacino, Dario.

Bezerianos, Anastasios.

Gunjan, Vinit Kumar.

Dokholyan, Nikolay V.

Laube, Patrick.

Prodan, Emil.

Borisov, Victor S.

Vabishchevich, Petr N.

Beecher, Karl.

Schneider, Carsten.

Kalz, Marco.

Cazenave, Tristan.

Weber Russell, Sylvia.

Hutchison, David.

Bloomfield, Victor.

Bulatov, Vasily.

Chowdhury, Ananda S.

Uchchakule, Ashish.

Kaczmarczyk, Lisa C.

Draude, Claude.

Prince, Rosa.

Saikaku, Ihara.


O'Callaghan, John.

Wright, Crystal.

Williams, Terry.

Howard, Robert E.

Halbertal, Moshe.

Menon, Rajan.

Miron, Dr. Pierre.

Combs, Dawn.

Barnes, Liberty Walther.

Benello, Allen C.

Bercu, Bernard.

Lahiri, J.M.

Allen, Prudence.

Brown, Michael E.

Rapeli, L.

Cowling, David.

Allison, Scott T.

Tittenbrun, Jacek.

Lawson, Wendy.

Jammer, Max.

Yehezkel, Gal.

Gailing, Ludger.

Ginsburg, David.

Luther, Martin.

Kaufman, James J.
    Elmwood Park : Downstream Publishing, LLC, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hazlitt, Frances.
    Concise Bible.
    La Vergne : Regnery Publishing, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Evans, Charles.

Jones, Edward.

Bagdasar, Ovidiu.

O'Collins, Gerald, SJ.

Powers, John.

Klostermaier, Klaus K.

Newby, Gordon.

Smith, Peter.

Thiselton, Anthony C.

Panganiban, Jose Villa.

Lanning, Scott.

McHugo, John.

McHugo, John.

Johnson, Mark J.

Oliehoek, Frans A.

Noiri, Eisei.

Hong, Howard V.

Abbott, Patricia.
    Concrete Angel.
    New York : Polis Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Zacke, Susanna.

Corless, Robert.

L'Abate, Luciano.

Ó Riain, Seán.

Ionita, Iulian.

Raja Suriyah Jaya Soo Ria, Michael.

Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly.

Lord, Alexandra M.

Sheldon, Brian.

Liabo, Kristin.

O'Malley, Desmond.

Emerson, Ralph Waldo.
    Conduct of Life.
    Wellington : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Arditi, Metin.

Parascandola, Louis J.

Keneally, Thomas.

Becker, Timo.

Burgin, Richard.

Ramsland, Katherine.

Bryant, Nick.

Makine, Andreï.

King, Angelina.

King, Angelina.

King, Angelina.

Schmidt, Marcia.

Kennedy, Pagan.

Schroeder, James.

Romain, Jonathan.

DuShane, Tony.

De Quincey, Thomas.

Simon, Hermann.

    Crownhill : Authentic Media, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Cabré , Jaume.
    London : Arcadia Books Limited, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Smith, Russell.

Phillips, Lisa.

Starkman, Dean.

English, Peter.

Melville, Herman.

Vickers, Amanda.

Bennett, Cat.

Inazu, John D.

Shane, Jon.

Björner, Anders.

Imtiaz, Ali.

Stiefel, Barry J.

Cameron, Rob.

Bendell, Dan.

Muller, Al.

Kurtoglu-Hooton, Nur.

Perelman, M.

Schulman, Sarah.

Proksch, Stephan.
    Conflict Management.
    Cham : Springer International Publishing, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Carter, C.

Cardenas, Sonia.

Freddy, Haans J.

Fahed-Sreih, Josiane.

Graf, Arndt.

Cheesman, Nick.

Morgan, M.

Glazzard, Andrew.

Bronkhorst, Salome.

McNair, Christine.
    Toronto : BookThug, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Fiedler, Klaus.

Paraskeva, João M.

Goble, Andrew Edmond.

Alam, Md Sarfaraz.

Wellek, René.
    Princeton : Princeton University Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

McGrath, Kevin.

Ahmad, Eqbal.

Waller, James.

Haroon Akram-Lodhi, A.

Provost, René.

Gabor, Thomas.

Muhammad, Umair.

Gil, David G.

Logan Jr., Samuel T.

Hagen, J.

Alvi, Eskander.

Stephens, Julie.

Wallace, Catherine M.

Lynch, David.

Kneebone, Elizabeth.

Reuter, Dean.

Maloney, Sean M.

Cheverton, Mark.

Foerstel, Lenora.

Berthrong, John.

Hejlskov Elvén, Bo.

Moore, John D.

Kupecky, Regina M.

Culley, Ron.

Howard, Elizabeth Jane.
    New York : Open Road Media, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Jampoler, Andrew C.

Guevara, Ernesto Che.

Hove, Johnny Van.

Zufelt, Jon E.

Zufelt, Jon E.

Zufelt, Jon E.

Blair, P.

Sookfong Lee, Jen.

Hall, Phil.
    Toronto : BookThug, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Paz, Octavio.

Peeples, Matthew A.

Kumar, Dinesh.
    Connected Consumer.
    New York : Business Expert Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Zaleski, John.

Curthoys, Ann.

Taylor, Philip.

Darmell, Micke.

Warren, Jason W.

Omstedt, Anders.

Selly, Patty Born.


Meech, Sandra.


Murphy, Joseph F.

Rio, Robin.

Starkman, Neal.

Shouse, Deborah.

May, Joanne C.

Weston, Louise.

Wein, Jacqueline.
    Minneapolis : Two Harbors Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hussain, Dr. Mahboob Ul.

Connell, Evan S.

Lloyd, Rachel.

McPherson, Conor.

McPherson, Conor.

Nolan, Alan.

Przekop, Peter.

Byrne Crangle, Maeve.

Lancer, Darlene.

Kjaerstad, Jan.
    London : Arcadia Books Limited, 2008.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Stockwin, Julian.

Warr, Tracey.

Dye, Eva Emery.

Warr, Tracey.

DeLancey, Mark.

Rickman, Gregg.

Tratnik, Polona.

Easwaran, Eknath.

Terray, Lionel.

Peters, John G.

Hampson, R.
    Conrad's Secrets.
    London : Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hand, Richard J.

II, Ernest W. Sullivan.

Abeel, Erica.

Asbury, N.

Emmens, Ben.

Ewing, Jim PathFinder.

Barretta, Lisa.

Gray, John.

Placey, Evan.

Segal, Naomi.

Wildfell, Helen.

Saporito, Emanuela.

Hartnett, Tim.

Raine, Nina.

Keating, Thomas.

Gillis, Steven.

Ferris, Elizabeth G.

Jepson, Paul.

Norton, Boyd.

Garry, Patrick.

Gottfried, P.

Schlafly, Phyllis.

Beech, M.

Lee, S.

Forrester, D.

Withrow, Brandon G.

Populations, Board on the Health of Select.

Coates, Ken S.

Coates, Ken S.

Hardi, Choman.

Morgan, Pat.

Garry, John.

Stark, Andrew.

Martin, James.

Staalesen, Gunnar.
    Consorts of Death.
    London : Arcadia Books Limited, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Steiger, Brad.

Barnett, R.

Jones, Gareth P.

Jones, Gareth P.

Rhea, Nicholas.

Charles, Victoria.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Charles, Victoria.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Clapp, Patricia.

Ford, Gary L.

Lopresti, Kate.

Dasgupta, Sudeep.

Eaves, Les.

Lauermann, R.

Rosen, Jeffrey.

House Democratic Judiciary Committee Staff,.

Shivakumar, S.

Scott, Allen J.

Suzuki, Jeff.

Sullivan, Kathleen S.

Hazell, R.

Raphael, Ray.

Fruhstorfer, Anna.

Barbieri, William A.

Duchier, Denys.

Zhou, Neng-Fa.

Wing, S.

Rico, Trinidad.

Murphree, Daniel S.

Kane, A.

Spector, Barbara S.

Srikanth, Rajini.

Baicchi, Annalisa.

Amsterdam, Errol Van.

Amsterdam, Errol Van.

Fischer, Mathias.

Esmail, Aziz.

Domínguez, Jorge I.

Gray, J.

Beaman, Lori G.

Prouff, Emmanuel.

Gorman, Kevin.

Stabile, Chris.

Harris, Carol.

Galea, Chris.

Stacey, Wendy.

Cross, Gary.

Ablon, Lillian.

Linehan, Margaret.

Weegels, Peter.

Matsukawa, Isamu.

Kapoor, Avinash.

Schor, Juliet.


Ruch, Thierry Jean.

Horowitz, Daniel.

Besen-Cassino, Yasemin.

Eichstaedt, Peter.

Pisani, M.

Buckley, Jonathan.
    London : Sort Of Books, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bayley, Clare.

Bässler, Hans-Jürgen.

Ibn 'Arabi, Muhyiddin.

Triston, Julia.

Rosenthal, Erwin.

Jotisalikorn, Chami.

Tompkins, Sue.

Oeming, Manfred.

Goddard, L.

Copsey, N.

Angelaki, V.

Danaher, Patrick Alan.

Zhou, Min.

Gray, M.

Pant, Harsh V.

Brooks, R.

Lahiri, Soumendra.

James, Trilby.

James, Trilby.

S. Rana, Kishan.

Holt, Kim.

Rubin, Olivier.

Chandra, Akhilesh.

Bishop, Michael.

Katrak, K.

Preston, David Seth.

Besley, Timothy.

Stiglitz, Joseph E.

Osei, Kofi A.

Stiglitz, Joseph E.

Abowd, Thomas Philip.

Al-Ali, Nadje.

Shinoda, Tomohito.

French, Soraya.

James, Trilby.

James, Trilby.

Kinsey, Miriam.

McAuley, James W.

Prasad, Dr. Nitin.

Darby, J.

Shook, John R.

Shook, John R.

Aboulafia, Mitchell.

Aboulafia, Mitchell.

Aboulafia, Mitchell.

Aboulafia, Mitchel.

Shook, John R.

Shook, John R.

Nasta, Dominique.

Fay, John.

Weinberg, Darin.

Will, J.

Havar-Simonovich, Timea.

Havar-Simonovich, Timea.

Ersoy, Meltem.

Krouse, Erika.

Piper, John.

Snijders, Henk.

Chubb, Danielle L.

Gerges, Fawaz A.

Brownback, Lydia.

Turner, Sasha.

Cusco, Andrei.

Robinson, Cathy J.

Arapoglou, Vassilis P.

Fuchs, Rachel G.

Gross, Zehavit.

Barr, Juliana.

Winkler, Ulrich.

Githens, M.

Marciniak, Arkadiusz.

McKenzie, J.

Kutz, Matthew.

Brendel, Elke.

Buhite, Russell D.

Gemünden, Gerd.

Guglielmo, L.

DeJong, Matthew.

Bishop, Brian Leslie.

Board, Computer Science and Telecommunications.

King, Ross.

Galbreath, David J.

Arenz, Cathrin.

Olausson, Mathias.

Berry, Wendell.

Rossel, Sander.

Hamm, Jr., Robert E.

Muntean, Adrian.

Saho, Bala.

Donachie, David.
    Contraband Shore.
    La Vergne : Allison & Busby, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Danna, Daniela.

Bank, Asian Development.

Gingrich, Newt.

D'Agostino, Elena.

Fischer, Thomas.

Olzmann, Matthew.

Grompone von Gioi, Rafael.

Carnes, Patrick J.

Anthes, Neil.

Beck, Sigrid.

Kuhn, Michael.

Philipp, Michel.

Balzer, David.
    Montreal : ECW Press, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Balzer, David.
    Toronto : ECW Press, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Buck, Jim.

Hibbs, Angela.

Satyanarayana, P.S.

Egerstedt, Magnus.

Edwards, Martin.

Jean, Frédéric.

Żarski, Daniel.

Terhalle, Bernd.

Schmeisser, Wilhelm.

Lantos, John D.

Wilhelm, Albrecht.

Prest, J.

Caveen, Alex.

Mal, Tammy.

Haraux, Alain.

Hernández Salmerón, Macarena.

Cole, Allan Hugh, Jr.

Chamberlain, Kim.

Chamberlain, Kim.

d'Ormesson, Jean.
    New York : Arcade Publishing, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Turco, Catherine J.

Kaneko, Anne.

Carreon, Blue.

Baker, Tim.

Gleason, Ralph J.

LaFond, Jean-Daniel.

Hixon, Lex.

Dwyer, Phil.


Bogart, Anne.

Adams, Gary.

Jahanbegloo, Ramin.

Bowyer, Justin.

Croyden, Margaret.

Hadden, John.

Schmitt, Jean-Claude.

Olshan, Joseph.
    London : Arcadia Books Limited, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Whiting, Diane.

Ishizumi, Kanji.

Peypouquet, Juan.

Ballerstein, Martin.

Cohen, Stanley.

Cherubini, Umberto.

Bank, Asian Development.

Bank, Asian Development.

Conant-Park, Jessica.
    Cook the Books.
    New York : Open Road Media Mystery & Thriller, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Tsunemi, Yamashita.

Zhenyun, Liu.

Troy, Mary.
    Cookie Lily.
    Dallas : Dzanc Books, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Peace Rhind, Jennifer.

Ransley, Dr Joana.

Sharpless, Rebecca.

Nemko, PhD, Marty.

Seiler, Laurie.

Denson, Abby.

Fischer, David.

Leirpoll, Jarle.

Perrin, Ursula.
    Cool's Ridge.
    New York : The Permanent Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Doyle, Fiona.

Hanc, John.

Yun, Lisa.

Jung, Moon-Ho.

Lal, Brij V.

Moorehead, Alan.

Niv-Solomon, Anat.

Hickman, Michael.

Hickman, Michael.

Mongkhonvanit, Jomphong.

Bindenagel Šehović, Annamarie.

Pinterits, Andreas.

Bouckaert, Geert.

Hutchison, David.

Manson, G. S.

Michaëlis, Bo Tao.
    Copenhagen Noir.
    Brooklyn : Akashic Books, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Meitner, Erika.
    Rochester : BOA Editions Ltd., 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Shone, Neville.

Smith, Tom.

Oakes, Margaret.

Craggs-Hinton, Christine.

McNaughton-Cassill, Mary E.

Frydenberg, Erica.

McGregor, Jane.

Smith, Tom.

Mufson, Michael J.

Jones, Steven.

Papageorgiou, Costas.

McGregor, Jane.

Cartwright, Peter.

Eckersley, Jill.

Eckersley, Jill.

Dryden, Windy.

Crawford, Pam.

van Doorn-Harder, Nelly.

Mansell, Warren.

Hirsch, Michael.

Dryden, Windy.

Frith, Alison.

Dryden, Windy.

Greener, Mark.

Baxendale, Sallie.

Gournay, Kevin.

van Niekerk, Jan.

Gournay, Kevin.

Smith, Tom.

Souter, Keith.

Gournay, Kevin.

Crozier, W. Ray.

Greener, Mark.

Lucas, Catherine.

Cartwright-Hatton, Samantha.

Bor, Robert.

Smith, Dr Fran.

Van Voohees, Karin.

Cooper, Afua.

McShane, Larry.

Denny, Frederick M.

Gates, Geoffrey.
    Copyart Murders.
    Brisbane : Interactive Publications, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Yow, David.

Manley, Stephanie.

Brame, Charlotte M.
    Coquette's Victim.
    Auckland : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Dryansky, Gerry.

Gavin, Jamila.

Kingsmill, Suzanne F.

Biggar, John.

Kadri, Ali.

Alonso, Kassten.
    Core : A Romance.
    Portland : Hawthorne Books, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bain, Steve.

Bain, Steve.

Creek, Jennifer.

Blok, Willem.

Baird, Danette.

Baird, Danette.

Ellsworth, Abigail.

Bordoni, Sylvia.

Pacatte, Rose.

Sousa, R.

Hammett, Dashiell.

Neugeboren, Jay.

Lincoln, K.

Estes, Andrew Keller.

Hawkins, Ty.

Comerford, Aidan.

Diedrich, Maria I.

Williams, Tony.

Fernández Pintado, Mylene.

Symes, Ruth.

Ferris, Gloria.

Grego, Peter.

Noguchi, Thomas T.

Houston, R.

Han, Seunghee.

Fitz-Gibbon, Jane Hall.

Zamith Brito, Eliane Pereira.

Liu, Qiao.

Visser, Wayne.

Visser, Wayne.

De Oliveira, Jose Antonio Puppim.

Goodman, Michael B.

Lakin, Nick.

McIntosh, Malcolm.

Lockwood, Thomas.

Henisz, Witold J.

Henisz, Witold.

Pozzoli, Matteo.

Kaymaz, Önder.

Turner, Catherine.

Macey, Jonathan R.

Hanazaki, Masaharu.

Publishing, OECD.

Ricci, O.

Forbes, W.

Di Leo, Jeffrey R.

Bloch, Olga.

Schuh, Christian.

Sullivan, Rory.

Grayson, David.

Leipziger, Deborah.

Leipziger, Deborah.

Beschorner, Thomas.

Chasdi, Richard J.

Halibozek, Edward.

Chandler, David.

Shin, Kwang-Yong.

Cramer, Jacqueline.

Utting, P.

Frynas, Jedrzej George.

Demirag, Istemi.

Pompper, Donnalyn.

Mohrman, Susan Albers.

Twigg, Caroline.

Bennett, James T.

Öztürk, Maya Nanitchkova.

Roarke, Paul J.

Ferris, Gloria.

Rice, Craig.
    Corpse Steps Out.
    Newburyport : Road, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Antoon, Sinan.
    Corpse Washer.
    New Haven : Yale University Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Wilson, Andrew.

Fitzpatrick, Eileen.

Gries, Stefan Thomas.

Newman, John.

Smith, Jeff.

Rokach, Ami.

O'Flaherty, Johanna.

Armitage, Emily G.

Browning, Barbara.

Corson, Catherine A.

Kochan, N.

Standing, Guy.

Hough, D.

Chowdhury, Farzana.

Rotberg, Robert I.

Talbott, Shawn.

Talbott, Shawn.

Luengo, Eduardo.
    London : Clink Street Publishing, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gide, André.

Hilmes, Oliver.

Thambirajah, Radha.

Powell, Jonathan.

Lamberson, Gregory.
    Cosmic Forces.
    Barrington : Medallion Media Group, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Franklin, Russ.

Chappell, Paul K.


Hagan, Jackie.

Boughn, Michael.

Hack, Thomas-Paul.

Jurriens, Edwin.

Kurd, Rahat.
    New York, NY : Talonbooks, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Rumford, C.

Haggis, Jane.

Wright, Tom F.

Iñiguez de Onzoño, Santiago.

Christensen, M.

Rountree, Kathryn.

Schulman, Sarah.
    New York, NY : The Feminist Press at CUNY, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kohn, Livia.

Banks, Kathryn.

Reimann, Mathias.

Porras, E.
    Cost of Capital.
    London : Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lansley, Stewart.

McLeod, Cynthia.
    Cost of Sugar.
    London : HopeRoad, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Abbey, Duane C.

Gunatilake, Herath M.

Ras, Barbara.

Kaiser, James.

Knight, A.

Ward, Harriet.

Beecham, Jennifer.

Ross, James.
    Cottage Daze.
    Toronto : Dundurn, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Eastoe, Jane.

Bulliet, Richard W.

Fritz, C. S.

Fritz, C. S.

Fritz, C. S.

Parzybok, Benjamin.
    Northampton : Small Beer Press, 2008.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Wild, Paula.

Pavon, Mar.

Fitzgibbon, Joe.

Prunty, Wyatt.

Milner, G. W. C.

Schneider, Diana M.

Lakeland, Paul.

Coleman, William T.

Fitzpatrick, Elyse M.

Balkin, Richard S.

Kottler, Jeffrey A.

Krieger, Irwin.

Brown, Sandra L.

Sanderson, Christiane.

Fox, Mike.

Paxton, Katherine.

Evans, Tony.

Sanderson, Christiane.

Sanderson, Chrissie.

Sanderson, Christiane.

Blackwell, Dick.

Thomas, Gillian.

Thompson, Barrie.

Gregory, Karl.

Clouston, J. Storer.

Jeremiah, David.

Shevlin, Michael.

Storeygard , Judy.

Gamble, Adam.

Gamble, Adam.

Gamble, Adam.

Gamble, Adam.

Gamble, Adam.

Gamble, Adam.

Gamble, Adam.

Gamble, Adam.

Gamble, Adam.

Gamble, Adam.

Gamble, Adam.

Gamble, Adam.

Gamble, Adam.

Gamble, Adam.

Gamble, Adam.

Gamble, Adam.

Summaries, Bright.

Dumas, Alexandre.

Dumas, Alexandre.

Rae, Philippa.

Cobb, Jim.

Weldon, Curt.

Williams, Brian Glyn.

Ploetner, O.

Amad, Paula.

Ascari, Maurizio.

Grimshaw, Mike.

Harding, Scott.

Bourchtein, Andrei.

Inoue, Yasushi.

Cesareo, Ludovica.

Siegel, Frederic R.

Bigio, Jamille.

Crenshaw, Martha.
    Countering Terrorism.
    Washington : Brookings Institution Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Keene, John.
    London : Fitzcarraldo Editions, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Rabasa, Angel.

Sandler, Daniela.

Hellmuth, Dorle.

Ridley, Sandra.
    Counting House.
    Toronto : BookThug, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Midgley, Peter.

Goldberg Sloan, Holly.
    Counting by 7s.
    Dorking : Piccadilly Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Griffiths, Jay.

McGuire, Andy.
    Country Club.
    Toronto : Coach House Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Price, Deborah Evans.

Sandeman, Phyllis Elinor.

Margulies, Donald.
    Country House.
    New York : Theatre Communications Group, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Taylor, Alice.

House, Gerry.

Jay, Aye.

Hurley-Moore, Nicole.

Bryan, Liz.

Örnberg, Anna.

Berry, Wendell.

Blake, James Carlos.

Jewett, Sarah Orne.

Ireland, Robert M.

Gabb, Jacqui.

Gabb, J.

Sherman, Ed.

Germann, Janine.

Armstrong, Keith.

Pittman, Bill.

Ailes, Mary Elizabeth.

Marques, J.

Foucault, M.

Johnson, George S.

Alexander, Johnnie.

Youree, Barbara.

Thalhammer, K.

Cordell, M.

Bade, Patrick.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Vanderschmidt PhD EdM, Hannelore.

Baumslag, Gilbert.

Herman, Russell L.

Conway, John B.

Stevenson, Struan.

Sclove, Stanley L.

Society, The Osgoode.

Nutting, John R.

Iannuzzi, John Nicholas.
    Newburyport : MADCAN Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Heald, Paul.

Scott, Daniel.

Gelber, Scott M.

Pierceson, Jason.

Pfeifer, Günter.

Green, Bradley G.

Dumbrell, William J.

MacDonald, Nathan.

Gerrold, David.

Park, Abraham.

Becker, Stephen.

Uppal, Priscila.

Sterne, Gary.

Glasser, Susan B.

Coté, William.

Fujie, Futaba.

Prichard, Diana.

Lemon, David.

Rollins, Philip Ashton.

Owen, James P.

Watts, Bill.

Davis, Susan Page.

Corkin, Stanley.

McManus, James.

Gemin, G. R.
    London : Nosy Crow, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Crowley, Elaine.

Nikulin, Mikhail.

Prout, Jerry.

Spillane, Joseph F.

Bainbridge, Colin.
    Coyote Falls.
    La Vergne : Robert Hale, 2006.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lane, John.

Hayes, Joe.

Nashawaty, Chris.

Eunson, John K. V.

Barber, Edward C.

Long, Ruth Frances.

Cromie, Robert.
    Crack of Doom.
    Wellington : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Walker, James R.

Radmann, Christopher.
    London : Oneworld Publications, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

DuRey, Will.

Roberts, Joan M.

Riley-Smith, Tristram.

Zoll, Miriam.

Korpijaakko, Maria Leena.

Tamminen, T.

Polan, Alex.

Green, Caroline.
    Dorking : Piccadilly Press, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Teicher, Craig Morgan.
    Cradle Book.
    Rochester : BOA Editions Ltd., 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Malfi, Ronald.
    Cradle Lake.
    Barrington : Medallion Media Group, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Wiebe, Joe.

Gordon-Lennox, Jeltje.

Stepan, Alfred.

Guler, Sibel Deren.

Holaday, Carol.

Couch, Peg.

Greer, Betsy.

Kadubec, Philip.

Montgomery, David R.

Glennie, Bryan.

Tekiela, Stan.

Batten, Jack.

Batten, Jack.

Sumner, Ged.

Dalben, Gisele da Silva.

Dickey, Colin.
    Lakewood, CO : Unbridled Books, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Sheridan, SK.

Allen, Ian.

Sharp, Johnny.

Black, Robin.

Martenson, Chris.

Holt, Glen E.

Flowers, Sarah I.

Bangs, David.

Savitt, Scott.

Suren, Bob.

Gray, Erick S.

Manejwala, Omar.

DeYoung, Kevin.

Kingsmill, Suzanne F.
    Crazy Dead.
    Toronto : Dundurn, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Sterngass, Jon.

Wurth, Erika T.

Hawkins, James.

Uschuk, Pamela.

Solana, Teresa.

McNichols, Charles L.
    Crazy Weather.
    Seattle : Pharos Editions, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Nisker, Wes "Scoop".

Pawelko, Marisa.

MacLean, Roddy.

Weekes, Don.

DeSimone, Heather.

Nelli, Fabio.

Nelli, Fabio.

Horan, Timothy.

Smith, John.

Peacock, Desha.

Beaney, Joy.

Moore, Lorraine.

Dhillon, Vikram.

Holmes, Jo.

Barber, Vicky.

Cline, D.

McCamant, Kathryn.

Scalera, Buddy.

Mann, Janet.

Kaats, Edwin.

Allan, Robert.

Andrews, Kate.

Breen, Derek.

Le Meunier-FitzHugh, Kenneth.

Neal, J.

Follett, Michael.

Schultz, R.

Mehta, Prateek.

Appleby, Karen.

Schwartz, Kyle.

Willis, Clarissa.

Kamusella, T.

Henderson, Greig.

Golding, Kim S.

Varga, Ervin.

Egbert, Megan.

Pacé, Deborah.

Duggan, Kevin J.

Mesly, Olivier.

Davis, C.

Frantiska, Jr., Ed.D., Joseph.

Biswas, Asit K.

von Liel, Benedikt.

Kiser, Cheryl.

Rees, Alyson.

Nelson, Chris.

Schertzinger, Andreas.

Hallsmith, Gwendolyn.

Warren, Jason.

Alterman, Glenn.

Gadzikowski, Ann.

Bao, Jiemin.

Marshall, Anne E.

Spencer-Cooke, Andrea.

Hall, Pete.

Mann, David.

Stiglitz, Joseph E.

Stiglitz, Joseph E.

Neem, Johann N.

Beaudoin, Marie-Nathalie.

Campher, Henk.

Powers, James S.

Haskins, Ron.

Jackson, Jerlando F. L.

Marlowe, Bruce A.

Sloan, Annie.

Fallon, Michael.

Elford, Keith.

Brooks, Scott M.

Hedengren, Sania.

McDonough, Sean M.

Bourus, T.

Geisler, Norman L.

Cosby, Michael R.

Golomb, Claire.

Mendel, Y.

Ferretti, Marco.

Mancke, Elizabeth.

Wright, Tom.

Blancke, Stefaan.

Gargaro, Erin.

Hayes, Jill.

Butchers, Adrian.

Ng, Susanne.
    Creative Baking.
    SG : Marshall Cavendish International, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Schulz, Carolyn.

Bead&Button Magazine, Editors of.

Bead&Button Magazine, Editors of.

Bead&Button Magazine, Editors of.

Bead&Button Magazine, Editors of.

Coster, Bill.

Oberon, Peat.

Hansel, Rosanne.

Loveland, Elaina.

Hartsog, Debbie.

Heron, Michal.

Loveland, Elaina.

Greene, Gary.

Rushton, Michael.

Thomas, Bonnie.

Foster, Jane.

Welsh, D.

Draeger, Anna Elizabeth.

González, Francisco E.

Cummings, Jill B.

Thomas, Bonnie.

Ramsay, Graham Gordon.

Milner, Judith.

Hyz, Alina.

Capacchione, Lucia.

Cahn, William L.

Coster, Bill.

Kirschenbaum, Marc.

Wissink, Lilian.

Cellich, Claude.

Butté, Céline.

Starbuck, David.

Watson-Davis, Roy.

Topalian, Sue.

Marshall, Karrie.

Zandt, Fiona.

Chen, Mark.

CBE, David Bailey.

Killick, John.

Yalcintas, A.

Chang, Chung-Yuan.

Reuter, Monika E.

DeVries, Scott M.

Pick, Anat.

Lehoux, Daryn.

Leinster, Murray.

Kouzes, James M.

Simons, J David.

Zelenko, Ivan.

Tilly, Charles.
    Credit and Blame.
    Princeton : Princeton University Press, 2008.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Heaney, Seamus.

Patrick, Aaron.

Pritchard, Ray.

Teran, Boston.

Corkran, David H.

Carver, Tania.

Hammett, Dashiell.

Leslie, Mark.

Kneidel, Sally.

Fay, Patricia J.

Manuel, Peter.

Crabtree, Julie.

Maes, Nicholas.
    Crescent Star.
    Toronto : Dundurn, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Daalder, Ivo H.

Wright, Nicholas.

O'Rowe, Mark.

Graziano, Lisa M.
    Cretaceous Dawn.
    New Yok : Leapfrog Press, 2008.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Edmonds, Frances.

Powell, Padgett.

Ross, Nick.

Balsamo, William.

Wanner, Len.

Wanner, Len.

Wanner, Len.

Wanner, Len.

Tamminen, Petri.
    Crime Novel.
    : Frisch & Co. Electronic Books Inc., 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Johnson, Craig.

Schneider, Stephen.

Maloney, Michael S.

Baum, Daniel J.

Brewer, Neil.

Pryor, Riah.

Yar, M.

Haynes, Annie.

Block, Brian P.

Eca de Queiroz, Jose Maria.

Makine, Andreï.

Boorman, John.
    Crime of Passion.
    Dublin : Liberties Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Sanders, George.

Seddon, Peter.

Eatwell, Alison.

Yar, M.

Owen, Tim.

Scalia, Vincenzo.

Jones, David R.

Jones, Adam.

Engel, Howard.

Jauss, David.

Albahari, Maurizio.

Landsman, Stephan.

Platt, S.

Naughton, Michael.

Black, Sue.

Palmiotto, Michael J.

Kelly, William R.

Nunn, Rob.

Bull, Ray.

Mitsilegas, Valsamis.

Trueblood, Valerie.

Barlow, Hugh.

White, Fred M.
    Crimson Blind.
    Wellington : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

McDonald, Fleur.
    Crimson Dawn.
    Sydney : Allen & Unwin, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Moore, Susan.
    Crimson Poison.
    La Vergne : Nosy Crow, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Flavin, Teresa.
    Crimson Shard.
    Surrey : Templar Publishing, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Amend, Allison.
    Crimson Throne.
    La Vergne : Dzanc Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Levin, Tayna.

Blackmore, R. D.


Connery, David.

Elliott, Larry.

Anderson, Liam.

Stein, Barbara H.

Mandell, B.

Ayoub, Mahmoud.

Caiazza, John C.

Mitroff, I.

Analoui, Farhad.

Baxendale, Rodney.

Hoskins, Te Kawehau.

Hart, C.

Kimmel, Arthur S.

Jacoby, Alexander.

Bologna, Sandro.

Hmmerli, Bernhard.

Shields, Stuart.

Shireman, Joan F.

Carothers, Thomas.

Gaprindashvili, Paata.

Conte, Gian Biagio.

Garson, Justin.

Macrine, S.

Melrose, M.

Njogu, Kimani.

Green, Wendy.

Gill, S.

Loewenthal, D.

Stefancic, Jean.

Cole, Mike.

Cole, M.

Pratt-Clarke, M.

Miller, David.

Agassi, Joseph.

Marinescu, Valentina.


Hartlep, Nicholas D.

Hartlep, Nicholas D.

Gotsis, George.

Johnston, Lou.

el-Ojeili, C.

Howells, R.

Kaye, Sharon M.

Cooper, Harris M.

Dwight, David.

Dwight, David.

Nelson, Thorana.

Kant, I.

Sprintzen, D.

Smith, Andrew F.

Mapes, Creston.

Sampirisi, Jenny.
    Toronto : Coach House Books, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Larsen, Cony.

Griffiths, Melody.

Turner, Pauline.
    Crochet Lace.
    London : Pavilion Books Company Limited, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Montgomerie, Claire.

Editors, Interweave.

Griffiths, Melody.

Ollis, Jan.
    Crocheted Flowers.
    Tunbridge Wells : Search Press, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Brittain, Susan.
    Somerset : John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Blackmore, R. D.

Dostoyevsky, Fyodor.

Kelly, Lynne.

Mattinson, Lee.

Mitchell, G.
    Crooked Creek.
    La Vergne : Robert Hale, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Mitchell, Greg.

Chughtai, Ismat.
    Crooked Line.
    : The Feminist Press at CUNY, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Berlin, Isaiah.

Shapiro, Lamed.

Shapiro, Lamed.

MacLeary, Claire.
    Cross Purpose.
    La Vergne : Saraband, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

O'Shea, P.

Waldman, Anne.

Irvine, Christopher.

Demarest, Bruce.

Flagg, Ethan.
    Cross of Iron.
    Ramsbury : Robert Hale, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Baines, Ollie.

Jöstingmeier, Bernd.

Dubnov, Shlomo.

Antczak, Anna.

Ben-Zaken, Avner.

Conway, Trudy D.

Miller, Christopher.

Stoehr, Shelley.
    New York : Open Road Distribution, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Steger, Will.

Viljoen, Hein.

Booth, Paul.

Schulze, Peter W.

Lawless, Jim.

Gould, Elizabeth.

Pietrocola, Maurício.

Tremblay, Michel.

Hanson, Jake.

Bowen, William G.

Bragg, Melvyn.

Doster, Richard.

Willson, Judith.

Smith, Annick.

Bauer, Wolfgang.

Stainer, Pauline.

James, Christina.
    La Vergne : Salt Publishing Limited, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Fink, Jonathan.
    La Vergne : Dzanc Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lambert, Betty.
    Vancouver : Arsenal Pulp Press, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Brady, Sara.

Fabbri, Robert.

Piper, H. Beam.

Punshon, E.R.
    Crossword Mystery.
    Salisbury : Dean Street Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Mason Pieklo, Jessica.

Haynes, Annie.

Pankey, Eric.
    Crow-Work : Poems.
    Minneapolis : Milkweed Editions, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Loke, Seng W.

Portales, Marco.

Jonsson, Stefan.

Elbendary, Amina.

Bowen, Marjorie.

    Crown Of Dreams.
    Surrey : Templar Publishing, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

McLoon, Linda Snow.

McLoon, Linda Snow.
    Crown Prince.
    VT : Trafalgar Square Books, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Wright, Tom.

Saint-Mihiel, Smaragdus of.

Loreto, Paola.

Savage, Candace.

Savage, Candace.

Huxley, Aldous.

Feltoe, Richard.

Rutledge, Fleming.

Lawson, Todd.

Doyle, Julian.

Stoner, Timothy J.

Smith, Stuart H.

McNally, Robert.

Clammer, James.
    : Galley Beggar Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Letzler, David.

Jenkins, Victoria.
    Cruise Control.
    Newburyport : The Permanent Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Papathanassis, Alexis.

Klein, Ross A.

Tolley, Kemp.

Scott, Michael.

Duncan, Norman.

Blythe, Alecky.

Sim, Mandy Lee.
    Cruising Affair.
    Claygate : Grosvenor House Publishing, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

    Crumb Road.
    Tyne and Wear : Bloodaxe Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Inglis-Jones, Elisabeth.

Wylie, Philip.

Feffer, John.

Bird, Jessalynn.

Jotischky, Andrew.

MacEvitt, Christopher.

Paine, Mike.
    Harpenden, Herts : Oldcastle Books, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gotts, Kath.
    London : Nick Hern Books, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Sutton, Phoef.
    Paradeso : Prospect Park Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Musgrave, Ben.

Sasser, Charles.

Frank, Katherine.

Gilman, Greer.

Taylor, Holly.
    Cry of Sorrow.
    Tulsa : Medallion Media Group, 2008.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Savage, Sam.

Beissinger, Janet.

Cusick, Thomas W.

Ferguson, Niels.

Denis, Tom St.

Welschenbach, Michael.

Buchanan, William.
    Aalborg : River Publishers, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Robertson, Lucy J.

Haynes, Annie.

Draeger, Anna Elizabeth.

Simon, Debbi.

Jones, Shane.
    Crystal Eaters.
    New York : Two Dollar Radio, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Ducie, Joe.
    Crystal Force.
    London : Hot Key Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Permutt, Philip.

Nyima, Thuken Losang Chokyi.

Eastwood, Michael.

Leblanc, Maurice.
    Crystal Stopper.
    Auckland : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gray, Millie.
    Crystal's Song.
    Edinburgh : Black & White Publishing, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Jackson, Luke.

Maddicks, Russell.

Guerra-Vilaboy, Sergio.

Neyra, Edward J.

Bolender, K.

Hernandez-Reguant, Ariana.

Benjamin-Alvarado, Jonathan.

Miller, Tom.
    Cuba, Hot and Cold.
    Tucson : University of Arizona Press, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Carradice, Phil.

Prieto, Yolanda.

McPherson, Christian.
    Cube People.
    La Vergne : Harbour Publishing, 2005.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Apollinaire, Guillaume.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Leck, Trevor.
    Cubit Quest.
    La Vergne : Clink Street Publishing, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Walsh, Christopher.

Yellon, Al.

Copeland, Tom.

MacIvor, Daniel.
    Vancouver : Talonbooks, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Mannur, Anita.

Poulsen, David A.

Rapawy, Stephen.

Tobyn, Graeme.

Rigoglioso, M.

Stiftung, Bertelsmann.

Ostroff, Wendy L.

Casey, Karen.

Nelson, Eric.

Clippinger, David W.

Elliott, Anne.

Birney, Anna.

Billingsley, Bonnie S.

Leighton, Taigen Dan.

Sullivan, Debra Ren-Etta.

Tollefson, Kaia A.

Posmentier, Sonya.

Ziolkowski, Theodore.

Silk, Danny.

Ascher, W.

Prawer, S. S.

Miller, Toby.

Saunders, Frances Stonor.

Jongen, Crystal.

Tseng, Wen-Shing.

Newland, Paul.

Brenkman, John.

Bräuchler, Birgit.

Vaccarini, Katiuscia.

Pilch, John J.

Spiering, M.

D'haen, Theo.

Yar, M.

Bailey, J.

Nagaoka, Masanori.

Kamali, Leila.

Tobert, Natalie.

Lee, H.

Dalal, Ajit K.

Eyerman, R.

Baker, John T.

Bachmann-Medick, Doris.

Schmelz, Katrin.

Hwang, Wei-Chin.

Wolff, Katherine.

Scruton, Roger.

Bishop, Russell.

Ross, Marc Howard.

Connolly, Marie.

Stiftung, Bertelsmann.

Bruhn, John G.

Briggs, D.

Ó Ciosáin, Niall.

Allen, E. John B.

Diener, Ed.

Eagleton, Terry.

Hudson, J.

Suzuki, Tadashi.

Freshney, R. Ian.

Hargittai, Balazs.

Mumford, Lewis.

Smith, Wesley.

Kershner, R.

Kreider, Alan.

Demtriou, T.

Becket, Fiona.

Arizpe, Lourdes.

Merry, M.

Kwantes, Catherine T.

Jones, Eric L.

Olwell, Robert.

Daybell, James.

Kaplan, L.

Haiven, M.

Fitz, Karsten.

Fraser, Benjamin.

Morrison, Allan.

Turley, Richard Marggraf.
    Cunning House.
    Dingwall : Sandstone Press Ltd, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

MacDonald, Alan.
    Cupcake Wars!.
    London : Stripes Publishing, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Schuman, Emily.

Schuman, Emily.

Agu, Mary Augusta.
    Cupid Lust.
    La Vergne : Grosvenor House Publishing, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Caminer, Matthew.

Balzer, David.

Selfe, Melanie.

Sothern, Scot.

Winters, Cat.

Pipes, Sally C.

Mackey, Tara.

Bechard, Deni Ellis.
    Cures for Hunger.
    Minneapolis : Milkweed Editions, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Seidman, Yaron.

Sutherland, John.

Laroui, Fouad.

Roland, Paul.

Polisar, Barry Louis.

Pietsch, Theodore W.

Citro, Asia.

Webb, Holly.
    Curious Kitten.
    London : Stripes Publishing, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Duffett-Smith, James.

Kim, Sok-pom.

Savage, Candace.

Kovacs, Alex.
    Currency of Paper.
    Normal, IL : Columbia University Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Zolbrod, Zoe.
    : Dzanc Books, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Raskin, Barbara.
    Current Affairs.
    Newburyport : Open Road Media, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Reeve, Douglas.
    Current Affairs.
    Toronto : University of Toronto Press, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Beyn, Wolf-Jürgen.

Funari, Pedro Paulo A.

Tamvakis, K.

Gie€ing, Jürgen.

Laham, Nicholas.

Squires, David A.

Thomas, Patricia A.

Langa, Michelle A.

Franklin, B.

Smith, Kevin.

Branham, R. V.

Harmes, Marcus K.

Cheshire, Simon.

Lowder, James.

Millar, Martin.

Arellano, Robert.
    Curse the Names.
    New York : Akashic Books, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Spotts, Frederic.
    Cursed Legacy.
    London : Yale University Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Rudolph, Lee.
    New York : Alice James Books, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Tal, Eve.
    Cursing Columbus.
    El Paso : Cinco Puntos Press, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Malvern, Gladys.

Power, D.

Ponomareff, Constantin.

Ackmann, Martha.

Wellings, Annette.

Laws, Edward R., Jr.

Courage, Cara.

Gay, Warren.

Atkinson, Brandon.

Ryde, R.

Vincent, Jean-Didier.

Hinz, O.

Fader, Peter.

Illigen, Christoph.

Shaw, C.

Sathi, Arvind.

Walden, Steven.

Robinson, S.

Krishna, Aradhna.

McManus, Sean.

Thomas, Andrew R.

Kilroy, Denis.

Dalgic, Tevfik.

Sanders, Clinton.

Earle, Alice Morse.

Gray, Millie.
    Cut Above.
    La Vergne : Black & White Publishing, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Boswell, Joan.

Martin, Richard P.

Kolozova, Katerina.

Boswell, Joan.

Boswell, Joan.

Boswell, Joan.

Rosewood, Roanna.

Nair, Anita.
    Cut-Like Wound.
    New York : Bitter Lemon Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hoek, Lotte.

Cartwright, Anthony.
    La Vergne : Peirene Press, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Usatine, Richard P.

Trench, Nicki.

    Cute Grit.
    Seattle : Chin Music Press Inc., 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Trench, Nicki.

Trench, Nicki.

Trench, Nicki.

Goble, Fiona.

Smith, Carolyn.

Wells, George Albert.

Everett, Percival.
    Cutting Lisa.
    Baton Rouge : Dzanc Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Datlow, Ellen.

Semlyen, Anna.

Berman, Jeffrey.

Green, Chris.

Siri, Ken.

Siri, Ken.

Siri, Ken.

Reyes, Anthony.

Roberts, Kevin.

Mihr, Anja.

O'Leary, Mike.

Colarik, Andrew.

Copeland, Marshall.

Abolhassan, Ferri.

Cole, Eric.

Barfield, Woodrow.

Ayala, Luis.

Refsdal, Atle.

Richards, J.

Rogers, Vanessa.

Betts, Lucy R.

Kline, Ronald R.

Whitty, Monica T.

O'Keeffe, Gwenn Schurgin.

Johnson, Thomas A.

Ayala, Luis.

Ayala, Luis.

Baumard, Philippe.

Tabansky, Lior.

Dunn Cavelty, Myriam.

Kostopoulos, George.

Parker-Starbuck, J.

Bliss, Dominic.

Newman, Tom.

Gray, David.

Blue, Elly.

MacCarthy, Dan.
    Cycling Munster.
    Cork : The Collins Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Guilhamon, Charles.

Briercliffe, Harold.

Briercliffe, Harold.

Briercliffe, Harold.

Mitchell, Nicolas.

Mitchell, Nicolas.

Woo, Elaine.

Spragg, Iain.

Spragg, Iain.

Basara, Svetislav.

Ulrich, Henri.

Cava, M. P.

Negarestani, Reza.

Ortega, Ynés R.

Clark, Jerry.

Shea, Louisa.

Sanmamed, Marta.

Manne, Robert.

Assange, Julian.

Summaries, Bright.

Rostand, Edmond.

Ryan, Damien.

Evans, Jane.

Bourne, Geoffrey.

Bidgood, Lee.

Gross, Irena Grudzinska.

Jordan, Mary.

Aherne, Bobby.

Churchill, Winston.

Tillman, Barrett.

Koskimaki, George.

Pelecanos, George.

Krockel, Carl.

Rininsland, Ændrew.

Barrington, Kate.

Manger, William M.



Beulke, Dave.

Campbell, John.

Sanders, Roger.

Lawson, Susan.

Gunning, Philip K.

Sanders, Roger E.

Clark, Susan M.

Pelecanos, George.
    DC Noir.
    New York : Akashic Books, 2006.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

White, Deborah.
    Surrey : Templar Publishing, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Silberman, Marc.

Dayaratnam, P.

Witham, Francis H.

Voris, Steven J.

Hall, Shaffer.

Ramamurthy, S.

Press, Abingdon.

Weaver, H. Joseph.

Gary Chartrand,.

Keshavan, H.V.

Closs, Sissi.

Spencer, Amy.

Pereira, Gabriela.

Isaacson, John.

Denbow, Rachel.

Johnstone, Derek.

Bendoris, Matt.
    DM for Murder.
    La Vergne : Saraband, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kim, Suk-Young.

Rosenfield, Israel.

Muskhelishvili, Georgi.

Zhang, Huidong.

Glinkowska, Monika.

Shaw, C.

Sniukas, Marc.


Quill, Kathleen.

Kästner, Erich.
    London : Pushkin Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Dowling, Sarah.
    Toronto : Coach House Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gevitz, Norman.

Styven, Dorien.

Westhuizen, Jan A van der.

Smith, Paul.

Yarborough, Thomas.

Summaries, Bright.

Browne, Ian.
    Da Vinci Mole.
    Dallas : BenBella Books, Inc., 2006.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kennedy, D. James.

Dickens, Emma.

Milligan, Michael.

Sparling, Ken.

Mucklejohn, Ian.

Demetris, Alex.

Jones, Dafydd.

Forcer, Stephen.

Young, Madison.

O'Flaherty, Johanna.

Lamm, Dottie.

Lovett, Andrew.

Hunter, Lindsay.
    New York : Featherproof Books, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Stewarrt, Mae.

Gill, Roy.
    Daemon Parallel.
    Edinburgh : Floris Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gurba, Myriam.

Iredale, Simon Peter.

Hyatt, Jenny.

Hyatt, Jenny.

Hyatt, Jenny.

Hyatt, Jenny.

Grayston, John.

Hyatt, Jenny.

Hyatt, Jenny.

Hyatt, Jenny.

Hyatt, Jenny.

Hyatt, Jenny.

Hyatt, Jenny.

Hyatt, Jenny.

Allen, Alison.

Briggs, Richard.

Hyatt, Jenny.

Hyatt, Jenny.

Boshoff, Penny.

Bathgate, Andy.

Shearer, Tobin Miller.

Bostrom, Kathleen Long.
    Daily Feast.
    Louisville, KY : Presbyterian Publishing Corporation, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bostrom, Kathleen Long.
    Daily Feast.
    Louisville, KY : Presbyterian Publishing Corporation, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Matta, Nada.

Casey, Karen.

Brock, Barbara L.

Staff, Compiled by Barbour.

Staff, Compiled by Barbour.

Staff, Compiled by Barbour.

Yapp, W.W.

Twentyman, Roberta.
    Guildford : Grosvenor House Publishing, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Guru Rinpoche, Padmasambhava.
    Dakini Teachings.
    Hong Kong : Rangjung Yeshe Publications, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Schwieger, Peter.

Vinayaraj, Y.T.

Charles, Victoria.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Shanes, Eric.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Shanes, Eric.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Smith, David Hale.
    Dallas Noir.
    Brooklyn : Akashic Books, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Alter, Stephen.

An Eye Witness,.

McGuinty, Dalton.

Khalladi, Kamal.

Dezenhall, Eric.

Friedmann, Thomas.
    Damaged Goods.
    New York : The Permanent Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Nack, Adina.

Schami, Rafik.
    Damascus Nights.
    : Interlink Publishing, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Rees, Matt.

Mohr, Joshua.
    Granville : Two Dollar Radio, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Wendig, Chuck.

Beach-Ferrara, Jasmine.
    Damn Love.
    Brooklyn : Ig Publishing, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Frederic, Harold.

Summers, Anne.

Hart, D. G.

Einbinder, Nathan.

Bently, Peter.
    Damsel Disaster!.
    London : Stripes Publishing, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Holliday, SJI.

Thomas, Graham A.

Round, Jeffrey.

Round, Jeffrey.

MacNown, Matthew.
    Exeter : PublishingWorks, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Waltke, Bruce K.

Hansen, Pil.

Greaney, Aine.

Silvester, Delia.

Hensel, Kerstin.

Martin, Marianne K.

McPherson, Conor.
    Dance of Death.
    : Nick Hern Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gilman, Lisa.

Aparici, Irene.
    Dance of Time.
    Pozuelo de Alarcon : Cuento de Luz, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Robinson, Peter M.

Kreitman, Esther Singer.

Kimani, Peter.

Makridakis, Spyros.

Sinclair, Rob.

Huxley, M.

Brenton, Howard.

Duke, Orok Otu.

Beadle, Phil.

Czarnota, Lorna.

Thompson, Dave.

Holcroft, Sam.

Munz, Tania.

Hamera, J.

Sadasivan, Balaji.

Collis, Paul.
    Dancing Home.
    Chicago : University of Queensland Press, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Collis, Paul.
    Dancing Home.
    Chicago : University of Queensland Press, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Buffalo Horn Man, Gary.

Malvern, Gladys.

Shalek, Josh.

Chung, Mona.

Czarnota, Lorna.

Egan, D.

Josaphat, Fabienne.

Hrdlitschka, Shelley.

Hunt, C.W.

Hunt, C.W.

Dodds, S.

Leseho, Johanna.

Katz Rizzo, Laura.

Bryden, Christine.

Dangl, Benjamin.

Foxman, Paul.

Rubin, Michael.

Rubin, Michael.

Belgrave, Michael.

Roripaugh, Lee Ann.

Labriola, Anthony.

Marlowe, Derek.


Graves, Heather.

Snyder, Gary.

Bree, Marlin.

Priestley, JB.
    Dangerous Corner.
    London : Oberon Books Ltd, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Shildrick, M.

Mitgang, Herbert.

Baron, Scott.

Aiken, Joan.
    Dangerous Games.
    New York : Open Road Media Teen & Tween, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hill, Sean.

Staff, National Children's Bureau.

Wilkins, Kelli A.

Gehring, Abigail R.

Simon, Art.

Casas-Zamora, Kevin.

Lucia, Anna Louise.
    Dangerous Lies.
    St. Charles : Medallion Media Group, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Herman, Kathy.

Dun, James Alexander.

Laerhoven, Bob.

Kenney, Gerard.

Wassell, Elizabeth.
    Dangerous Pity.
    Dublin : Liberties Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gale, Patrick.

Cronshaw, Darren.

Smallman, Shawn.

Erickson, Jennifer.

Sellers, Christopher.

Rhoads, Loren.

Morris, Mary McGarry.

Fuentes-Vásquez, Carmen Luz.

Branson, Susan.

Mankell, Henning.
    Daniel : A Novel.
    New York : The New Press, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Arbuckle, Daniel.

Abbott, John S. C.

Campbell, Stuart.

Weir, Ian.

Tattrie, Jon.
    Daniel Paul.
    Toronto : Pottersfield Press, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Powell Smith, Brendan.

Preisler, Jerome.

Thomas, David.

Wuerffel, Danny.

Wolf, Elaine.

Wolf, Elaine.

Kay, Tristan.

Fortuna, Sara.

Holmes, Olivia.

DeLorenzo, Leonard J.

Cholmondeley, Mary.

Chandler, Frank.

Guangde, Zhang.


Miller, James.

Wang, Zhongjiang.

Moeller, Hans-Georg.

Kohn, Livia.

Kohn, Livia.

Schwair, Lieselotte.

Sanchez, L.Ac, MOM, Camilo.

Kohn, Livia.

Mitchell, Damo.

Edlund, Roni.

Jones, Stephen.

Mitchell, Damo.

Hill, Grace Livingston.
    Daphne Deane.
    New York : Barbour Publishing, Inc., 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Nadeem, Shahid.

Jeffers, Regina.

Jeffers, Regina.

Parvin, Manoucher.

Amdahl, Gary.

Condon, Bill.
    Chicago : University of Queensland Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kunce, Jeanna.

Bailey, Sam.
    Daring to Dream.
    Chichester : Blink Publishing, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Malone, Cheryl Lawton.

Greer, John Michael.

Jungstedt, Mari.
    Dark Angel.
    : Stockholm Text, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book


Frobenius, Nik.
    Dark Branches.
    Dingwall : Sandstone Press Ltd, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Li, Winnie M.
    Dark Chapter.
    Chicago : Legend Times Group, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Rossi, Imogen.

Block, Lawrence.

Smith, Richard.

Peterson, Shelley.

Alwood, Edward.

Ormand, Kate.
    Dark Days.
    New York : Sky Pony Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Francis, Clare.
    Dark Devotion.
    New York : Open Road Media Mystery & Thriller, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Morton, Timothy.

Croft Dickinson, William.

Dixon, Wheeler Winston.

Tawhai, Alice.
    Dark Jelly.
    Wellington : Huia (NZ) Ltd, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Orga, Irfan.

Cain, R. D.

Leedom-Ackerman, Joanne.

Mallory, Vincent.
    Dark Peony.
    : Grosvenor House Publishing, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Millar, Sam.

Sasser, Charles W W.
    Dark Planet.
    Wauconda : Medallion Media Group, 2005.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Green, Caroline.
    Dark Ride.
    Dorking : Piccadilly Press, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Carlisle, Anna.

Becker, Tom.
    Dark Room.
    London : Stripes Publishing, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Scott, Kathryn Leigh.

MacLeod, Anne.
    Dark Ship.
    Glasgow : Neil Wilson Publishing, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Diochon, Pauline Fatien.

Raufflet, Emmanuel.

Polyakova, Alina.

Higgins, Jack.

Wood, Les.

Stachowicz-Stanusch, Agata.

Stachowicz-Stanusch, Agata.

Pastor, Ben.

Marsh, Selina Tusitala.
    Dark Sparring.
    Auckland : Auckland University Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Tadic, Novica.
    Dark Things.
    Rochester : BOA Editions Ltd., 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Thorn, Harry Jay.

Holahan, Cate.
    Dark Turns.
    La Vergne : Crooked Lane Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Moldea, Dan E.

Goff, Chris.

Grady, Wayne.

Simone, Frances.

Poole, Nathaniel.

Thyre, Sarah.

Chejfec, Sergio.
    Rochester : Open Letter, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hogan, Linda.

Glenny, Misha.
    : House of Anansi Press, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Thomson Davis, Margaret.

Nye, Alex.
    Darker Ends.
    Edinburgh : Fledgling Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Prashad, Vijay.

Archibald, Malcolm.
    Darkest Walk.
    Edinburgh : Fledgling Press, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Chesterton, R. B.

Thompson, Kim.

Wilson, Edward.
    Darkling Spy.
    London : Arcadia Books Limited, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Williams, Scott B.

Kent, Christobel.

Fried, Golda.

Tucker, Nicholas.

Caudill, Harry M.

Long, Ruth Frances.

Ormsby, Frank.
    Darkness of Snow.
    La Vergne : Bloodaxe Books, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lewenstein, Rose.

Allen, Roger.
    Darkroom Boy.
    Gravesend : G2 Rights Ltd, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Boorman, Kate A.

Kay, Jackie.

Klavan, Andrew.
    Darling Clementine.
    Newburyport : The Permanent Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Ziegler, Edith M.

Waters, Michael.

Kopec, David.

Chaplin, Patrick.

Farrant, M.A.C.

Ridley, Hugh.

Wainwright, M.

Darwin, Charles.

Gibson, William.

Boulter, Michael.

Nordgren, Sarah Rose.
    Darwin's Mother.
    Pittsburgh : University of Pittsburgh Press, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Ullmann, Brian.
    Darwin's Race.
    Tulsa : Medallion Media Group, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book


Boulter, Carolyn J.

Frost, Adam.
    Dash of Poison.
    London : Stripes Publishing, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Daria, T. O.

Goldmeier, Jordan.

Cline, Sally.

Herron, Don.

Davies, Patrick Laurie.

Stehlik-Barry, Kenneth.

Davis, Steven.

Davis, Steven.

Davis, Steven.

Davis, Steven.

Davis, Steven.

Davis, Steven.

Guzzi, Rodolfo.
    Data Assimilation.
    Cham : Springer International Publishing, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Tang, Chunlei.

Hutchison, David.

Simanowski, Roberto.

Hoppen, Martin.

Hameurlain, Abdelkader.

Witten, Ian H.

Olson, David L.
    Data Mining Models.
    New York : Business Expert Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Boire, R.

Williams, Graham.

Han, Jiawei.

Mamayev, Robert.

Stagars, Manuel.

Rose, Doug.

Das, Sibanjan.

Gutierrez, Sebastian.

Holt, Thomas J.

Rahlf, Thomas.

Sahay, Amar.

O'Hare, William P.

Yamin-Ali, J.

Parker, Austin.

Teorey, Toby J.

Foster, Elvis C.

Foster, Elvis.

Hong, Bonghee.

Manning, Anna.

Mae, Daisy.
    Dating Daisy.
    La Vergne : Clink Street Publishing, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Li, Leslie.

Wrede, Patricia C.
    Daughter of Witches.
    Newburyport : Open Road Media Sci-Fi & Fantasy, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Williams, Jeanne.

Grimaldi, Jeremy.

Law-Yone, Wendy.

Matesis, Pavlos.
    London : Arcadia Books Limited, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Wright, Samuel.

Hoffman, Mary.
    Daughters of Time.
    Dorking : Templar Publishing, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Crawford, Christina.

Hughes, K. Wind.

Ipsen, Pernille.

Ross, Peter.

Tillman, Barrett.

Treneman, Ann.

Fortgang, Jon.

Byler, Linda.

Poulsen, David A.

Mumford, Stephen.

Ammon, Theodore G.

Dickens, Charles.

Havergal, Giles.

Curtis, David.

Miller, D. D.

Lewis, Charles Lee.

Lewis, Charles Lee.

Parusniková, Zuzana.
    David Hume, Sceptic.
    Cham : Springer International Publishing, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Maxford, Howard.
    David Lean.
    : Pavilion Books Company Limited, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Mitchison, Amanda.

Sharp, Alan.

Nadel, I.

McWilliams, David.

McWilliams, David.

Rowe, David.

Suzuki, David.

Suzuki, David.

Suzuki, David.

Ross, Jane.

Shardlow, Tom.
    David Thompson.
    Montreal : Dundurn, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Watmough, David.

Powell Smith, Brendan.

Guanci, Anne Marie.

Soltis, Andrew.

Floria, Cameron.

Kettenbach, Hans Werner.
    David's Revenge.
    London : Bitter Lemon Press, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Forsyth, Moira.
    David's Sisters.
    Dingwall : Sandstone Press Ltd, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book


Henderson, Davie.

Henderson, Davie.

Sheridan, SK.

Sheridan, SK.

Sheridan, S.K.

Sheridan, S. K.

Sheridan, S. K.

Malloch, Theodore Roosevelt.

Martin, Marianne K.

Lautner, Wendy.

Schaefer, Adrienne.

Taylor, Frank.
    Day A Team Died.
    London : Souvenir Press, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Seligman, Melissa.

Church, Steven.

Read, Sally.
    Day Hospital.
    Tyne and Wear : Bloodaxe Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gammond, Peter.

Elyot, Kevin.

Stackhouse, Ian.

Wogan, Terry.
    Day Job.
    Swindon : G2 Rights Ltd, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Al-Joundi, Darina.

Rooney-Cespedes, Aidan.
    Day Release.
    Oldcastle : The Gallery Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Peres, Richard.

Collins, Martha.

McGregor, Sheri.

Molloy, Johnny.

Randall, Laura.

Lipker, Kim.

Padegimas, Tony.

Molloy, Johnny.

Lipker, Kim.

Dodge, Kathleen.



Kenny, Mary.

Sanschagrin, Joceline.


Bird, Charlie.

Kuroi, Senji.
    Day in the Life.
    Normal, IL : Columbia University Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

O'Brien, Johnny.

O'Brien, Johnny.
    Day of Vengeance.
    Surrey : Templar Publishing, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

O'Brien, Johnny.

Shaffer, Andrew.

Pitt, Steve.

Gonzalves, Theodore S.

Alexander, T.M.

Milevsky, Moshe Arye.

Guyatt, Andrew.

Broeckhoven, Diane.

Von Denffer, Ahmad.

Dobyns, Stephen.

McNabb, Jane.

Boubekri, Mohamed.

Farrant, M.A.C.

McGilvray, Evan.

McCormac, P.
    Days of Death.
    London : Robert Hale, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Young, Walton.

Larsen, Earnie.

McCafferty, Owen.

Moon, Russell.

Collister, Rob.

Callan, Kevin.

Watt, Alison.
    Dazzle Patterns.
    Calgary : Freehand Books, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Forbes, Peter.

Rapley, M.

Speed, E.

McMenamin, Michael.

Spanagel, David I.

Rosen, Fred.

Poulsen, David A.

Squailia, Gabriel.
    Dead Boys.
    New York, NY : Talos, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Ward, Christopher.
    Dead Brilliant.
    Toronto : Dundurn, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Friedman, Hazel.

Heffernan, William.
    Dead Detective.
    Brooklyn : Akashic Books, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lindqvist, Sven.

Maffini, Mary Jane.

Easton, Don.

Foster, Allen.

Ince, Robin.
    Dead Funny.
    Cromer : Salt Publishing Limited, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Manotti, Dominique.
    Dead Horsemeat.
    London : Arcadia Books Limited, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Morrison, Allan.

Ismailov, Hamid.
    Dead Lake.
    London : Peirene Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

McFerrin, Linda Watanabe.
    Dead Love.
    Berkeley : Stone Bridge Press, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Charles, Kate.

Zola, Emile.

Bowers, Terrell.

Ruhl, Sarah.

Rutherford, Derek.
    Dead Man's Eyes.
    London : Robert Hale, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Jerrold, Ianthe.

Harnden, Toby.

Oswald, James.

Walker, George F.

Banks, Ray.
    Dead Money.
    Glasgow : Blasted Heath Ltd, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Souders, Taryn.

Rosen, Jessie.
    Dead Ringer.
    New York : Full Fathom Five Digital, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Curran, Tim.
    Dead Sea.
    Lake Orion : Elder Signs Press, 2007.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kent, Christobel.

Collins, Wilkie.

Catherine, Deveney.
    Dead Secret.
    London : Old Street Publishing, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Coen, Bob.

Gogol, Nikolai.
    Dead Souls.
    London : Alma Books, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Jones, Stephen.

Brown, Nick.
    Dead Travel Fast.
    London : Clink Street Publishing, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hewitson, Jim.
    Dead Weird.
    : Black & White Publishing, 2006.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Taylor, Drew Hayden.

Beckerman, Hannah.

Norman, Brian.

Belzer, Richard.

Berry, Ciaran.
    Dead Zoo.
    Oldcastle : The Gallery Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Cronin, Anthony.

Arellano, Eddy.

Lewis, Peter.

Greenwood, Therese.

Jungstedt, Mari.
    Dead of Summer.
    : Stockholm Text, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Seidel, Spencer.
    Dead of Wynter.
    : PublishingWorks, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Peires, Jeff.

Cole, Matt.

Prather, Richard S.
    New York : Open Road Media Mystery & Thriller, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Dowell, Roseanne.
    Deadbeat Dads.
    CALGARY : Books We Love Ltd., 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kelly, Linda.

Hawthorn, Tom.

Hess, Joan.
    Deadly Ackee.
    Newburyport : Road, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Narsimhan, Mahtab.

Thomson Davis, Margaret.
    Deadly Deception.
    Edinburgh : Black & White Publishing, 2005.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Down, Heather.

Lee, Kathy.
    Deadly Emily.
    Bucks : Scripture Union England and Wales, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Harrison, Cora.
    Deadly Fire.
    Dorking : Piccadilly Press, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Russell, David.

Levitt, Alexandra M.

Gardner, Richard.

Frewer, Ann.
    Deadly Secret.
    La Vergne : Grosvenor House Publishing, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bedford, Paul.
    Deadly Shadow.
    London : Robert Hale, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hawkins, James.

Cameron, Erica.
    Deadly Sweet Lies.
    Elmwood Park : Spencer Hill Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Parker, Fran.

Dalrymple, William.

Wright, Leif M.

White, Randy Wayne.
    Deadly in New York.
    New York : Open Road Media Mystery & Thriller, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lansdale, Joe R.
    Deadman's Crossing.
    San Francisco : Tachyon Publications, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Jones, Robert F.

Peters, Cynthia.

Devaney, Kieran.

Cerney, Janet.

Cooper, Audrey C.

Coll, Steve.

Kellogg, Craig.

O'Rourke, Beto.

Livingstone, David N.

Green, Jennifer.

de Jong, Jorrit.

Lund, Birthe.

Gagiano, Annie.

Bammer, Gabriele.

Jarrett, Gene Andrew.

Sartorius, K.

Contini, Mary.

Mbalo, Sixolile.

Webber, Christopher L.

Rogers, Damian.
    Dear Leader.
    Toronto : Coach House Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hitchcock, Karen.

Mortimer, Charlie.

Hallett, Bethany.

Brill, Alida.

Trinidad, David.

Hitchcock, Fleur.
    Dear Scarlett.
    London : Nosy Crow, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Tekin, Latife.

Factora-Borchers, Lisa.

Butler, Ashley.

Hamilton, Nathan.

wind, chris.
    Deare Sister.
    Sundridge : Magenta, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Katzir, Judith.

Piper, H. Beam.
    Auckland : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

McCune, D. J.
    Death & Co..
    London : Hot Key Books, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Sinclair, Clive.
    Death & Texas.
    London : Halban, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Fingarette, Herbert.

Koreto, R. J.

Punshon, E.R.

Nick, Paige.

Smith, Adam.

Israeli, Raphael.

Black, Will.

Punshon, E.R.

Robin, Jennifer.

Flora, Kate Clark.

Francis, Clare.
    Death Divided.
    Newburyport : Open Road Media Mystery & Thriller, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Graziano, Michael S. A.
    Death My Own Way.
    Teaticket : Leapfrog Press, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Flanagan, Richard.

Novak, A.

Liang, Bin.

Sato, Mai.

Spano, Robin.

Halliday, Brett.

Halliday, Brett.

Brooks, Aubrey.

Myre, Suzanne.
    Death Sentences.
    Ottawa : University of Ottawa Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Sheehy, Bill.

McBride, Andrew.
    Death Song.
    La Vergne : Robert Hale, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lockridge, Frances.
    Death Takes a Bow.
    New York, NY : Road, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Perly, Susan.
    Death Valley.
    Toronto : Wolsak and Wynn Publishers Ltd, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Karram, Kerry.

Sorrentino, Chris.
    Death Wish.
    New York : Soft Skull Press, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Scott, Laura Ellen.
    Death Wishing.
    Brooklyn : Ig Publishing, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Burgess, Jonathan S.

Boakye, Andrew K.

Marlowe, Stephen.

Fong, Benjamin Y.

Heald, Tim.

Heald, Tim.

Peters, Ellis.

O'Hara, James J.

Pearce, John.

Latus, Dan.

Sturma, Michael.

Tucker, Phillip Thomas.

Baylis, M.H.

Cooper, Terry.
    Death by Dior.
    London : Arcadia Books Limited, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Spreekmeester, Kevin.

Fiechter, J. J.

Vichi, Marco.

Heald, Paul.

Clift, A. Denis.

Lifton, Robert Jay.

Lafler, Steve.
    Death in Oaxaca #2.
    Gainesville : Alternative Comics, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lafler, Steve.

Vichi, Marco.

Taylor, Marsali.

Rodoreda, Mercè.
    Death in Spring.
    Rochester : Open Letter, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Morse, Garry Thomas.

Aitken, Will.

Siegel, Barry.

Forshaw, B.

Harrison, Cora.

Simak, Clifford D.

Farris, Mike.

Brode, Patrick.

Gardner, John.
    Death is Forever.
    New York : Ian Fleming Publications, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Punshon, E.R.

Senior, John.

Huergo, Elizabeth.

Weikart, Richard.

Orpaz, Yitzhak.

Cull, Trisha.

Reynolds, R.D.
    Death of WCW.
    San Francisco : ECW Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Sillitoe, Alan.

Wahlberg, Karin.

Robinson, Daniel.

Harrison, Cora.

Waters, Steve.

Mawere, Munyaradzi.

deFaoite, Seamus.
    Death of a King.
    Dublin : The Lilliput Press, 2005.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Vigil, Delfin.

Lockridge, Frances.
    Death of a Tall Man.
    New York, NY : Road, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Dickinson, Peter.

Davis, Dorothy Salisbury.

Davis, Dorothy Salisbury.
    Death of an Old Sinner.
    Newburyport : Open Road Media Mystery & Thriller, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Finch, Jennie.

Thomas, Paul.
    Death on Demand.
    London : Bitter Lemon Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Heald, Tim.

Halliday, Brett.

Lockridge, Frances.
    Death on the Aisle.
    New York, NY : Road, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bedford, Paul.

Michno, Gregory F.

Koreto, R. J.

Peters, Ellis.

Wells, Jon.

Trawick, Margaret.

Valentino, Gregg.

Cattoi, T.

Carr, John Dickson.
    Newburyport : Open Road Media Mystery & Thriller, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Carr, John Dickson.
    : Open Road Media Mystery & Thriller, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Scarre, Geoffrey.
    Montreal : MQUP, 2007.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gerrold, David.
    : BenBella Books, Inc., 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Davis, Erik W.

Kitcher, Philip.

Combs, C. Scott.

Morgan, Gwenda.

Webster, Anthony.

Publishing, OECD.

Roberts, S.

Adibe, Jideofor.

McDuie-Ra, Duncan.

Jaksic, Iván.

Morrissey, L.

Kerbel, Deborah.

Macartney, H.

Armstrong-Taylor, Paul.

Hannesson, R.

Freeman, Mary E. Wilkins.
    Debtor : A Novel.
    Auckland : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Cummins, Linda K.

Duncan, Lois.
    Debutante Hill.
    Brooklyn : Ig Publishing, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book


Rabaiotti, Roberto.
    La Vergne : Grosvenor House Publishing, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Heineman, Kristin M.

Potolsky, Matthew.

Baker, David L.

Kuhns, Richard.

Boccaccio, Giovanni.
    Auckland : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Francis, Clare.
    New York : Open Road Media Mystery & Thriller, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Black, Claudia.

MacNeil, Joanie.
    December Heat Wave.
    CALGARY : Books We Love Publishing Partners, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Malfi, Ronald.
    December Park.
    Barrington : Medallion Media Group, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book


Poschen, Peter.

Stierle-von Schütz, Ulrike.

Mitchell, C.


Cheema, G. Shabbir.

Lan, Goh Beng.

Bäckström, Per.

Fox, Fayette.
    Deception Artist.
    Brighton : Myriad Editions, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Fox, Fayette.
    Deception Artist.
    Berkeley : Roaring Forties Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Oaks, Ned.
    Deception Creek.
    London : Robert Hale, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Graves, Lucas.

Frankhauser, Pierre.

Latham, Donna.

Helbardt, Sascha.

Hodapp, Christopher.

Dignman, Roger.

Wolfer, Terry A.

Bakke, Dennis.

Rodgers, Waymond.

Green, Jeffrey L.

van der Aalst, Wil.

Wainstock, Dennis D.

Russell-Jones, Neil.

Salles, Maryse.

Baldwin, Clive.

Cory, Steve.

Ambraw, Jack.
    Decker's Dilemma.
    Elmwood Park : Blank Slate Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Smith, Thomas E.

Hutchison, David.

Thornton, Bruce S.

Greer, John Michael.

Bongiovanni, Francesco M.

Wallerstein, Immanuel.

Pakulski, Jan.

Fischer, Hervé.

White, Mark D.

Ballantine, Poe.

López-Calva, Luis Felipe.

Yeung, May T.

Morrow, Ed.

Ryan, Michael W. S.

Christensen, Matthew B.

Miller, John.

Neagu, Maria-Ionela.

Bartsch, Shadi.

Offenhuber, Dietmar.

Slabodsky, S.

Tarling, Nicholas.

Burke, Roland.

Ramnath, Maia.

Barongo-Muweke, Norah.

Abdi, Ali A.

Venegas, JoseLuis.

Turner, M.

Neumeier, Beate.

Niazi, Tariq H.

Peters, M.

Choyce, Lesley.

Choyce, Lesley.

Steffans, Karrine.

Binet, René.

MacDuffee, Melody.

Stableford, Brian.

Murdoch, Brian.

Rosenberg, Eva.

Lupacchini, Rossella.

Langensiepen, Julia.

    Deep Amber.
    Surrey : Templar Publishing, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Rattigan, Terence.

Schumm, Bruce A.

Fielding, Joy.
    Deep End.
    La Vergne : Argo-Navis, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gross, Philip.
    Deep Field.
    Tyne and Wear : Bloodaxe Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Blümlein, J.

Jennings, Sue.

Scott, Chic.

Apostolides, Marianne.

Sidhu, Ranbir Singh.

Horch, Raymund E.

Sanders, Fred.

Whitcroft, Isla.
    Deep Water.
    Dorking : Piccadilly Press, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Ducornet, Rikki.
    Deep Zoo.
    Minneapolis : Coffee House Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kober, Michael.

Jensen, Eric P.

Martinez, Monica.

Stroupe, Nibs.

Justesen, Kim Williams.
    Deepest Blue.
    Terre Haute, IN : Tanglewood Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hamilton, Lisa M.

Feldhamer, George A.

Sexsmith, Ron.
    Deer Life.
    Toronto : Dundurn, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Potter, Lewis.

So-un, Kim.

Blöser, Claudia.

Battenhausen, Leo J.

Gorka, Sebastian.

Kemp, Simon.

Riseman, Noah.

Capoccia, Giovanni.

Bowden, Mark.
    Defending Scilly.
    Swindon : Historic England, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Calkins, T.

Sproul, R. C.

Bailey, Thomas.

Sirico, Robert A.

Carp, Benjamin.

Shanley, John Patrick.
    New York : Theatre Communications Group, 2007.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Sumner-Smith, Karina.

Scott, Astrid Karlsen.

Scott, Astrid Karlsen.

Wyman, Max.

Quint, M.
    San Francisco : McSweeney's, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lutz, B.

Abdul Rauf, Imam Feisal.

Shaw, P.

Dakers, J.

Bittencourt Neto, Olavo de Oliviera.

Nedelsky, Nadya.

Plugge, Eelco.

Hows, David.

Ballard, Gavin.

Solutions, Expedite.

Hugman, Barry.

Fauteux, Kevin.

Forrest, Derek.

Wilkinson, Mary.

Veness, Simon.

Forty, Sandra.
    Havertown : TAJ Books International, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

    Degrees 'R' Us.
    Exeter : Impress Books, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hoffmann, Reinhard W.

Dubrow, H.

Burlică, Monica-Dana.

Netting IV, Conrad John.

Turregano, Clemson.

Mayer-Schönberger, Viktor.

Crockett, Clayton.

Kaufman, Eleanor.

Sawhney, Hirsh.
    Delhi Noir.
    Brooklyn : Akashic Books, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Rogers, Molly.
    Delia's Tears.
    New Haven : Yale University Press, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Dever, Mark.

Koh, Harold.

Easton, Don.

Vignoles, Julian.

Mueller, Julia.

Barrs, Jerram.

Zahn, Margaret.
    Delinquent Girl.
    Philadelphia : Temple University Press, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Prager, David.

Cohen, Nancy L.

Wolf, Jacqueline H.

Zimmerman, David.

Glasgow, Ellen.

Fengler, Wolfgang.

Qarmout, Tamer.

Stiftung, Bertelsmann.

Carr, E.

Lindquist, Evert A.

Carr, Lawrence P.

Brownrigg, Sylvia.

Blair, Michael.

Meyer, Han.
    Delta Urbanism.
    Chicago : Taylor and Francis, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Campanella, Richard.
    Delta Urbanism.
    Chicago : Taylor and Francis, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Doyle, Fiona.

Kolassa, Stephan.

Nalbantis, Georgios.

Bank, Asian Development.

Ramasamy, Muthuveeran.

Lopes, Paul Douglas.

Johnson, Shane.

Rohra, Helga.

Macdonald, Christina.

Walsh, Danny.

Snyman, Matthew.

Juhasz, Agnes.

Schüssler, Sandra.

Khan, Omar.

Lipinska, Danuta.

Riordan, Rick.

Pope, L.

Ventura, Jesse.

Ventura, Jesse.

Allport, Alan.

Beetham, David.

Society, Bible.

Kerpen , Phil.

Blaustein, Arthur.

Keping, Yu.

Friedman, Bobby.

Mitchell, Lincoln A.

Gilman, Hollie Russon.

Freeman, Bill.

Cook, Brian J.

Isakhan, B.

Lindberg, Staffan I.

Künkler, Mirjam.

Cooper, Karyn.

Koczanowicz, Leszek.

Fallon, Kathleen M.

Macedo, Stephen.

Barnes, Craig S.

Merdzanovic, Adis.

Diamond, Larry.

Jahanbegloo, R.
    Democracy in Iran.
    London : Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gellar, S.

Kriesi, H.

Schwarz Jr., Frederick A.O.

Cain, Bruce E.

Matsuo, Fumio.

Gupta, M.

Laxer, James.
    : Groundwood Books, 2008.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Butler, Brian E.

Howe, Brendan.

Rosanvallon, Pierre.

Post, The Denver.

A. Mello, Patrick.

Phalen, William J.

Schnapper, Dominique.

Grigoriadis, Ioannis N.

Bogaards, Matthijs.

Vauchez, A.

Ananta, Aris.

Devenish, David.

Zamulin, Valeriy.

Woodward, Beth.
    Demon Within.
    California : Rare Bird Books, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Legutko, Ryszard.

Henighan, Tom.

Hall, Arthur.

Remy, Nicolas.

Aleman, Raquel.

Robinson, Whitney.

Meno, Joe.

Stokes, Laura Patricia.

Dostoyevsky, Fyodor.
    Newburyport : Dover Publications, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Moosa, I.

Hewitt, Jane.

Zeng, Zhu.
    Dendritic Cells.
    Dordrecht : Springer Netherlands, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Heald, Tim.

Hornung, E. W.

Zawidzki, Tadeusz.
    Oxford : Oneworld Publications, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Schröpfer, Thomas.

Wever, Hans-Peter.
    Dental Health.
    Boston : Harvard Health Publications, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Dunning, David G.

White, Randy Wayne.
    Denver Strike.
    New York : Open Road Media Mystery & Thriller, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hutchison, David.

Lisé, Gloria.

Chun, Edna.

Kirk, Alexander N.

Zhadan, Serhiy.
    Depeche Mode.
    London : Glagoslav Publications Limited, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Vieira, Marco.

Williamson, Kevin D.

Anderson, Emma-Louise.

D'Cruz, Premilla.

Haletky, Edward.

Doktor, Jacek.

Joseph, Vinod.

Acuña, Pablo.

Hart-Davis, Guy.

Catrinescu, Vlad.

Pécoud, A.

Cohen, Steve.

Hartley, Matt.

Arnaboldi, F.

Michno, Gregory F.

Nelson, Cletus.

Greener, Mark.

Manthorpe, Jill.

Mondimore, Francis Mark.

Cantopher, Tim.

Blair, Michael.

Blair, Michael.

Mankell, Henning.
    Depths : A Novel.
    New York : The New Press, 2007.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Coburn, Noah.

Taylor, D. J.

Jacobi, Derek.

Fischer, David.

Times, New York.

O'Connell, Jack.

Kerr, Daniel R.

Bloss, Michael.

Gottesman, Aron.

Marks, Ronald.

Jackson-Richards, Diane.

Peeters, Benoit.

Schwab, Gabriele.

Moati, Raoul.

Dumas, Alexandre.

Bell, Susan E.

Gamalinda, Eric.

Machamer, Peter.

Wurst, Spencer F.

Raymer, Edward C.

Desinger, Kevin.
    Descent of Man.
    Lakewood, CO : Unbridled Books, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Marriott, James.
    New York : Columbia University Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Brennan, Robert.

Wolf, Werner.

Murphy, Michael.

Masiola, Rosanna.

Hämäläinen, Nora.

Morrison, Toni.
    London : Oberon Books Ltd, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Autry, Robin.

Memmi, Albert.

L'Amour, Louis.

Grey, Zane.

Martin, Mandy.

Brower, Benjamin Claude.

Sparks, Amber.
    Desert Places.
    : Curbside Splendor Publishing, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Malarkey, James.

Grady, Wayne.

Lain, Douglas.

Latham, Donna.
    Vermont : Nomad Press, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kellas, Kim.
    Cambridge : Salt Publishing Limited, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kent, Mohini.

Bürdek, Bernhard E.

Hellman, Anne.

Edwards, Kelly.

Erlhoff, Michael.

Tan, Garry.

Humanity, Architecture.

Heller, Steven.

Dockins, Kelt.

Bitzer, Philipp.

Asaf Ali, Ahamed Bilal.

Griffin, Abbie.

Ingle, Beverly Rudkin.

Tils, Thomas Wilhelm.

Jose, Perez Rios.

Rich, Jason R.

Campanelli, Melissa.

Kimball, Cheryl.

Sharp, Julien.

Davis, Charlene.

Rich, Jason R.

Joost, Gesche.

Chalfont, Garuth.

Mead, Derrick.

Brown, Kathy.

Prakash, A. Suriya.

Kumar, Shanti.

Use, Roundtable on Science and Welfare in Laboratory Animal.

Tindley, Annie.

Helfand, Jessica.
    New Haven : Yale University Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hailey, Charlie.

Shawn, Wallace.
    Designated Mourner.
    New York : Theatre Communications Group, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Geiger, Eric.

Howe, Austin.

Depka, Eileen M.

Clancy, Deirdre.

Gersbach, Hans A.

Badgett, John L.

Dunn, Donald D.

Kearney, Judith.

Schneider, B.

March, Judith K.

de Greef, Linda.

Gernsheimer, Jack.

Rothstein, Jandos.

Cooperrider, David.

Loizides, Neophytos G.

André, Francisco J.

Schmid, Monika S.

Bradley, Janice T.

Field, Joy M.

Bijaoui, Pierre.

Leroy, Gondy.

Flynn, Hal.

Bardsley, Richard.

Falkner, Miranda.

Helo, Petri.

Urban, Jennifer Brown.

Marzano, Robert J.

Tyssen, Christoph.

Liedtka, Jeanne.

Dreyfuss, Henry.

Morson, Sian.

Crow, Michael M.

Lightbown, David.

Donovan, Jenny.

Johnson, Jeff.

McGreevy, Brian.
    Desire : A Novel.
    La Vergne : Rare Bird Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gragnolati, Manuele.

Maira, Sunaina.

Kerouac, Jack.

Bainbridge, Colin.

Schaffer, Jeffrey P.

Coleman, Rebecca.
    Desperado City.
    Tulsa : Medallion Media Group, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Wilson, John.

Fidler, Kathleen.

Hannah, James.

Summers, Laura.

Butts, Edward.

Lamberson, Gregory.
    Desperate Souls.
    St. Charles : Medallion Media Group, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Beckenham, Jane.

Fodor, Viola.

Gould, Meredith.

Herman, P.

Larsen, Earnie.

Wasylyshyn, K.

Donleavy, J. P.

Mollo, Victor.

Ó Beacháin, Donnacha.

Goodey, David.

Warren, Noah.

McCaffrey, Kate.

Harris, Graham.

Kayes, D.

Kilbourne, Christina.
    Toronto : Dundurn, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Mierau, Maurice.

Knowlton, Judith M.

Österreichisches Institut für Baubiologie und -ökologie, IBO.

Shiekh, I.

Wood, Timothy.

Craig, David.

Rivas, Lucia.

Hutchison, David.

Hutchison, David.

Hutchison, David.

Spoto, Giuseppe.

Connolly, Tom.

Orłoń, Marian.

Hailey, Arthur.
    Newburyport : Open Road Media, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Wittes, Benjamin.

Ekpu, Victor U.

O'Hara, Jen.

Sergeyev, Yaroslav D.

Scholz, Daniel.

Lente, Gábor.

Andricks, Jessi.

Patrick, Rosalyn.

Viagas, Belinda.

Frey, Rea.

Escardó, Morena.

White, Randy Wayne.
    Detroit Combat.
    New York : Open Road Media Mystery & Thriller, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Olsen, E.J.
    Detroit Noir.
    Brooklyn : Akashic Books, 2007.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Altschul, Andrew Foster.
    Deus Ex Machina.
    Berkeley : Counterpoint, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

de Kort, Wouter.

Cuppett, Michael S.

Taylor, Allen G.

Rawal, Pathik.

Cross, Michael.

Boylan, Jane.

Brooks, Margaret.

Sprenger, Marilee B.

Sprenger, Marilee.

Currence, Jennifer.

Lu, X.

Freedman, Sarita.

Education, Odell.

Education, Odell.

Garnett, Helen.

Vaidya, Shipra.

Baker, Caroline.

Aronoff, C.

Johnson, B.

White, Vicky.

West, Matthew.

Glatthorn, Allan A.

Pease, Gene.

Rigler, Michelle.

Gailly, B.

Solos, Ioannis.

Karl, Christian K.

Sanders, Lawrence.

Fleming, Ian.

Gallavan, Nancy P.

Gallavan, Nancy P.

Kingore, Bertie.

Glasper, Alan.

Cohen, Debra J.

Timmins, Siobhan.

Bembenutty, Héfer.

Randazzo, Gary W.

Sroufe, Robert.

Pluta, Joe.

Davidge, Paul.

Rigler, Michelle.

Jeffery, Carole.

Langille, H. Peter.

Rojek, Jeff.

Bennett, Gary.

Emmerson, Lucy.

Roberts, Marian.

Fish, Della.

Carothers, Thomas.

Bank, Asian Development.

Bank, Asian Development.

Bank, Asian Development.

Bank, Asian Development.

Bank, Asian Development.

Bank, Asian Development.

Bank, Asian Development.

Bank, Asian Development.

Bank, Asian Development.

Bank, Asian Development.

Bank, Asian Development.

Bank, Asian Development.

Bank, Asian Development.

Publishing, OECD.

Bank, Inter-American Development.

Klingebiel, S.

Bank, Asian Development.

Bank, Asian Development.

Bank, Asian Development.

Staff, National Children's Bureau.

Hirschman, Albert O.

Chopra, Kanchan.

Tandon, Yash.

Capellmann, Herbert.

Ahmed, Irfan.

Waterkotte, Björn.

Bank, Asian Development.

Kurt, Melih.

Lange, Lene.

Terminski, Bogumil.

Thambirajah, M. S.

Booker, Mary Adelaide.

Redleaf Press,.

Petty, Karen.

Sheldon, Brian.

Hayoung, A. Lim.

El-Hashash, Ahmed.

Lee, Kyunghwa.

Rizvi, Syed Aun R.

McIvor, Gill.

Gregoriou, C.

McKinty, Adrian.
    New York : Abrams, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Wang, Li.

Phair, Marian.

Clark, George B.

Fiedler, Leslie.

Profit, Vera B.

Brown, Denny.

Froden, Martin Cathcart.

MacPhail, Cathy.
    Devil You Know.
    Edinburgh : Floris Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Farrell, Jenn.
    Devil You Know.
    Vancouver : Anvil Press, 2006.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Cross, L J K.

Arp, Robert.

Mason-Black, Jennifer.

Chumley, Cheryl K.

Lebo, Lauri.

Masterton, Graham.
    Devil in Gray.
    Newburyport : Open Road Media, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Ryan, Hugh.

Browne, John.

Cockburn, Lee.
    Devil's Demise.
    London : Clink Street Publishing, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Forrest, C.B.

Hoffmann, E.T.A.
    Devil's Elixir.
    London : Alma Books, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Peterson, Linda Lee.
    Devil's Interval.
    Pasadena : Prospect Park Books, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Doyle, Peter.
    Devil's Jump.
    Portland : Verse Chorus Press, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Walsh, Michael.

Rhoades, J.D.

Ostergaard, Josh.

McKee, Alexander.

Hoagland, Edward.

Wentworth, Patricia.
    Devil's Wind.
    New York : Open Road Media Romance, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bedford, Paul.
    Devil's Work.
    London : Robert Hale, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Rhoades, J.D.

DiFrancesco, Pamela.

Schaffert, Timothy.

Masterton, Graham.
    Devils of D-Day.
    Newburyport : Open Road Media, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Avni, Amatzia.

Heddon, Deirdre.

Cole, Alistair.

Cholmondeley, Mary.

Strauss, Ed.

Hildebrand, David.

Larson, Nathan.

Benson, Lee.

Greene, Richard.

Trelawny Backhouse, Edmund.

Easwaran, Eknath.
    Tomales : Nilgiri Press, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Greenblat, Rodney Alan.

Schumacher, Michael.

Bianconi, Simona.

Jungnickel, K.
    DiY WiFi.
    London : Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Fox, Larry A.

Leslie, David.

Pinnock, Dale.

Spero, David.

Association, American Diabetes.

American Diabetes Association,.

Association, American Diabetes.

Anton, Leonora LaPeter.

Rubin, Alan L.

Greener, Mark.

Chowdhury, Tahseen A.

Haas, Linda B.

Association, American Diabetes.

Sacks, David A.

Moule, Alex J.

Penrose, Eva.

Vanheule, S.

Singh, Surya Pratap.
    Diagnosis of Oral Cancers.
    Bellingham : Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE), 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Brown, Sarah M.

Römer, Thomas.


Bing, Zhu.

Michalski, David.

Ollman, B.

Waller, M.

Swidler, Leonard.

O'Connell, Terence.

Clifford, Frank.

Hick, J.

Chattopadhyay, Rupak.

Fletcher, Donald R.

Misra, Madhukar.

Jones, Robert F.

O'Rourke, Frank.

Karbo, Karen.
    Diamond Lane.
    Portland : Hawthorne Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Futrelle, Jacques.
    Diamond Master.
    Auckland : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Pine, Red.

Wharfe, Inspector Ken.

Smith, Russell.

Samuels, Diane.

Campbell, Alastair.
    Diaries Volume 5.
    London : Biteback Publishing, 2008.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Campbell, Alastair.
    Diaries Volume 6.
    La Vergne : Biteback Publishing, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Tolstoy, Sofia.

Levy-Hass, Hanna.

Crane, Elaine Forman.

Schneiderman, SL.

James, M.R.

El Saadawi, Nawal.

Guevara, Ernesto Che.

Stern, Herbert J.

Church, Kyoko.

Bush, Penelope.

Grossmith, George and Weedon.

Ho, Fred.

Connell, Evan.

Lee, Abby.

Kinney, Jeff.

Wilhelmson, Brenda.

Demetriades, Panicos.

Baronian, Marie-Aude.

Noland, C.

Kavanagh, Thomas M.

Enberg, Dick.

Taverne, Dick.

Vitale, Dick.

Sutherland, John.

Hawksley, Lucinda.

Ryken, Leland.

Laing, Tony.

Khadra, Yasmina.

Punshon, E.R.

Strahan, Ronald.

Ammer, Christine.

Dale, Iain.

Burton, Bob.

Banks, E.

Tin, Louis-Georges.

Slade, Robert.

Cohn-Sherbok, Dan.

Thomson, Stuart.

Brack, Duncan.

Watts, D. C.

Stuart-Hamilton, Ian.

Clarke, Martha.

Raper, Peter E.

Diagram Group,.

Mahy, Brian W. J.

Jones, Barry.

Hayden, Dan.

Miller, Thomas A.

Gleaves, G. Scott.

Rosen, Fred.

Rogers, Justin M.

Tonatiuh, Duncan.

Heiles, Sven.

Spinell, Ruby.

Le Breton, Marilyn.

Ferraro, Katie.

Ferraro, Katie.

Aitken, Kenneth J.

Haycock, B. Bryan.

Page, Scott E.

Collier, Charlie M.

Waddock, Sandra.

Sabadell-Nieto, Joana.

Westlake, Courtney.

Jemc, Jac.

Magee, Jimmy.

Ochiai, Midori.

Harrison, Jill.

Jennings, Paul.
    Different Dog.
    Sydney : Allen & Unwin, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hook, N.

Alfreds, Mike.

O'Dair, Marcus.

Austin-Broos, Diane.

Barton, Michael.

Culhane, Dara.

Couturier, Andy.

Elder, Jennifer.

Symington, Neville.

Boorstein, Steven.

Allan, George.

Saha, Snehanshu.

Saha, Snehanshu.

Krantz, Steven G.

Maz'ya, Vladimir.

Cabada, Alberto.

Banchoff, Thomas F.

Maximon, Leonard C.

Agarwal, Ravi.

Chapman, Carolyn M.

Kise, Jane A. G.

Gregory, Gayle H.

Drapeau, Patti.

Smutny, Joan F.

Anstee, Peter.

Narvaez, M. Lane.

Kryza, Kathleen.

Doubet, Kristina J.

Kise, Jane A. G.

Delgado, Sergio V.

Campbell, Kurt M.

Shakarian, Paulo.

Watts, JC.

Beynon, Nigel.

Sach, Andrew.

Jones, Cynan.
    Minneapolis : Coffee House Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Pinnock, Dale.

Matveikova, Irina.

Mallett, Ashley.

Madavan, Cathy.

Mirmohamadi, K.

Barber, Brittany.

Keathley, Elizabeth.

Jackson, Wallace.

Wagner, Gary.

Lee, Tom.

Fraser, Benjamin.
    Digital Cities.
    London : Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Ray, Mary Beth.

Lee, Kun Chang.

Harvey, D. R.
    Digital Curation.
    New York : American Library Association, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Harvey, D. R.
    Digital Curation.
    New York : American Library Association, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Mullan, P.

Kreutzer, Ralf T.

Pelton, Joseph.

Armstrong, Helen.

Leiner, Dennis C.
    Digital Endoscope Design.
    Bellingham : Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE), 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Casey, Eoghan.

Sassower, R.

Hockrow, Ross.

Bank, Asian Development.

Watson, David Lilburn.

Johansen, Gerard.

Daniel, Larry.

Brown, Trevor.

Manuti, Amelia.

Jackson, Wallace.

Jackson, Wallace.

Drafahl, Jack.

Jurriens, Edwin.

Kutscher, Martin L.

Purcell, D.

Purcell, D.

Zahay, Debra.

Clay, Julian.

Malepati, Hazarathaiah.

White, A.

West, Darrell M.

Heron Hruby, Alison.

Jackson, Wallace.

Sucaet, Yves.
    Digital Pathology.
    Cham : Springer International Publishing, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Combs, C. D.

Earnest, Allison.

George, Jennifer.

Maule, Rosanna.

Vaccari, Cristian.

Hartnell-Young, Elizabeth.

Renwick, Matt.

Rice, Patrick.

Broadhurst, S.

Dappert, Angela.

Hassan, Nihad.

Milne, George.

Vandome, Nick.

Orton-Johnson, K.

Heron, Michal.

Outram, Chris.

Iqbal, Azlan.

Gsöllpointner, Katharina.

Campbell, Drew.

Smale, Maura A.

Rogers, David L.

Piccinini, Everlin.

Pearson, Stephen.

Jackson, Wallace.

Rao, Channapragada Rama Seshagiri.

Shih, Frank Y.

Brabazon, Tara.

Ministers, Nordic Council of.

Brown, A.

Caro, Susanne.

Levine, Susan S.

Carlin, Jeanne.

Carlin, Jeanne.

Niergarth, Kirk.

Nicholson, Owain.
    La Vergne : Harbour Publishing, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Coffey, S.

Louche, Céline.

Song, Ligang.

Filer, Colin.

Hewitt, John P.

Morrison, George.

Reed, Jeremy.

Batey, Mavis.

Hurewicz, Witold.
    Dimension Theory.
    Princeton : Princeton University Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Ruppel, Conrad.

Jenks, Mike.

Shifrin, Joshua.

Smith, Bradley.

Santich, Barbara.

Stelzer, Cita.

Shraer-Petrov, David.

Travis-Henikoff, Carole A.

Langeveld, Joost.
    Berkeley : Thunder Bay Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Whybro, Elaine.
    Dinosaur Bones.
    Edinburgh : Fledgling Press, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Woodson, Marion.
    Dinosaur Fever.
    Toronto : Dundurn, 2008.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Angulo, A. J.

Cooper, A.

Berridge, G. R.

Berridge, G.

Weiss, Stefani.

Satow, Sir Ernest.

Fernandez, Erwin S.

Fierke, K.

Graeber, David.

Simpson, Craig.

Kropotkin, Peter.

Tait, Audrey.

Tait, Audrey.

Fajstrup, Lisbeth.

Jordan, June.

Hope, Russ.

Levy, David B.

Russell, Ken.

Hope, Russ.


Stanley, J.

van Niekerk, Neil.

Albeverio, Sergio.
    Direction of Time.
    Cham : Springer International Publishing, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Browning, Peter C.

King, E. E.

Dunnion, Kristyn.
    Dirt Chronicles.
    Vancouver : Arsenal Pulp Press, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Humphrey, Shonna Milliken.

MacDonald, Alan.

MacDonald, Alan.

MacDonald, Alan.

Coleman, Matt.

Northrup, Jim.
    Dirty Copper.
    Golden : Fulcrum Publishing, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Blaha, Martin.

Cartwright, Gary.

Uwumey, Edem.
    Dirty Feet.
    : House of Anansi Press, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Clautrier, Adrien.

Chaffey, Daniel.

Adamsbaum, Mark.

Euvino, Gabrielle.

Fargo, Matt.

Baek, Haewon Geebi.

Rich, Jason R.

Jackson, Lee.

Ashcroft, Michael.

Rose, Alice.

Piepzna-Samarasinha , Leah Lakshmi.

Coyne, Erin.

Sanchez, Dirty.

Caballero, Juan.

Press, Ulysses.

Shanley, John Patrick.

McFetridge, John.

Stephen, Walter.
    Dirty Swindle.
    Elmwood Park : Luath Press Ltd, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Robertson, Juliet.
    Dirty Teaching.
    Berkeley : Crown House Publishing, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

green, debbie tucker.

Watt, Gavin K.

Watt, Gavin K.

Connor, David J.

Kudryavitsky, Anatoly.

Florian, Lani.

Kuppers, P.

Ben-Moshe, L.

Ellis, Katie.

Oslund, C.

Erevelles, N.

Burke, Peter.

Gayle-Geddes, A.

Lewiecki-Wilson, Cynthia.

Millett-Gallant, Ann.

Read, Janet.

Curran, T.

Gillibrand, John.

Thiara, Ravi K.

Lewis, Gareth.

Graham Scott, Gini.

Jeffers, Regina.

Byler, Linda.

Flachbart, Georg.

Tilson, Sonia.

Rossi, Imogen.

Morgan, Deborah.

Mann, Geoff.

Knowles, Scott Gabriel.

Kang, Yi.

Hendricks, Charlotte M.

Bradley, Arthur T.

Jovine, Olivia Maria.

Watters, Jamie.

Gordy, Michael.

Salecker, Gene.

Withington, John.

Clements, Bruce W.

Mechem, Liz.

Hitchcock, S. C.

Lukasik, Christopher J.

Trust, Richard B Wilke.

Trust, Richard B Wilke.

Trust, Richard B Wilke.

Hamilton, Ian.

Church, United Methodist.

Hussain, A.H.M. Belayeth.

Sangale, Ruth.

Roberson, Jim.

Challies, Tim.

Cohan, Peter S.

Hughes, R. Kent.

Hughes, R. Kent.

Hughes, Barbara.

Sanders, Joe Sutliff.

Carpentier, Martha, C.

Lara, Maria Pia.

Maurushat, Alana.

Dahl, Steve.

Walsh, Enda.

MacDonald, Alan.
    London : Stripes Publishing, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Mattioli, Heath.

MacDonald, Robert, Dr.

Fenton, Kevin.

Light, B.

Samiloglu, Erin.
    Wauconda : Medallion Media Group, 2005.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Samiloglu, Erin.
    St. Charles : Medallion Media Group, 2005.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lovelock, Nicholas.

Dahlberg, L.

Tobias, Rochelle.

Wodak, Ruth, Professor.

Wodak, Ruth, Professor.

Domski, Mary.

Koschorke, Klaus.

Omaljev, Ana.

Cooper, Diana.

Xie, Iris.

Norman, Robert A.

Boyle, Terry.

Thompson, Holli.

George, Bill.

Berkenkamp, Lauri.

Packiam, Glenn.

Kjaerstad, Jan.
    London : Arcadia Books Limited, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

DiPerna, Paula.

Karouta-Manasse, Fanny.

Le Grice, Keiron.

Provan, Iain.

Cohen, Paul A.

Alexander, T. D.

Edwards, Ruth.

Auger, Neepin.

Birken, Marcia.

Thiselton, Anthony C.

Grueninger, Natalie.

Auger, Neepin.
    Discovering Words.
    Toronto : RMB Rocky Mountain Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Plank, Emily.

Diekert, Volker.

Galor, Oded.

Bezdek, Károly.

Nunez, Elizabeth.
    La Vergne : Akashic Books, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Sirois, Bob.

Fassetti, Fabio.

Koczanowicz, Dorota.

Smith, Simon.

Michaud, Nicolas.

Davies, Sara E.

Fee, Elizabeth.

Tamparo, Carol.

Hull, Elizabeth.

Lockridge, Frances.
    Dishonest Murderer.
    New York, NY : Road, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Knight, Greg.

Ahmad, Aamina.
    London : Oberon Books Ltd, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bruen, Garth O.

Furchtgott-Roth , Diana.

Healey, Christopher G.

Eggert, Katherine.

Bird Rose, Deborah.

de Blecourt, Mirjam A.

Pugh, T.

Bricker, Tom.

Strodder, Chris.

Gennawey, Sam.

Strodder, Chris.

Chilvers, Rebecca.

Munk, Bernard E.

O'Shea, Lorretta.

Tracy, James.

Marable, Manning.

Keesee, Tim.

Clarkson, Frederick.

Guru Rinpoche, Padmasambhava.

Zibechi, Raúl.

Bennett, O.

Chang, Grace.

Giroux, Henry A.

Welch, Anita G.

Fuentes, Marisa J.

Maurer, Sara L.

West, Paige.

Graham, A.C.

Lockhart, E.

Bond, Emma.

Paetz, Paul.

Dinsmore, Thomas W.

Foster, Gwendolyn Audrey.

Hejlskov Elvén, Bo.

Krige, Kerryn.

Baddeley, Gavin.

Iuliis, Gerardo De.

Roberts, Carol M.

Baume, Peter.

Bruce, Deborah.

Hamilton, Masha.

Celinscak, Mark.

Brothers, Michael.

Berry, Wendell.

Estevez, Abilio.

Tatematsu, Wahei.

Gillespie, Kirsty.

Sudworth, Richard.

Jones, Elizabeth Darcy.

Kwast-Greff, Chantal.

Pearson, Morna.

Maucieri, Larry.

Papadakos, Peter J.

Phillips, Natalie M.

Hummelen, Jochem.

Klonovs, Juris.

Pattamsetti, Raja Malleswara Rao.

Ferreira, Paulo.

Glăveanu, Vlad Petre.

Yu, Shui.

Pandolfi, Luciano.

Dijk, Gerrit.

Bhattacharyya, Pulin Kumar.

Wiseman, Pamela.

Switzer, Jill.

Madrid, Mike.

Donovan, Stacey.
    Dive : A Novel.
    Newburyport : Open Road Media Teen & Tween, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Macdonald, Rod.
    Dive Scapa Flow.
    Dunbeath : Whittles Publishing, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Pooch, Melanie U.

Acosta, Gabriel.

Twicken, David.

Shapiro, Tim.

Wein, Elizabeth.

Raymo, James M.

Chung, Sung Wook.

Elam-Thomas, Harriet Lee.

Frey, William H.

West, Ed.

Pritchard, Rosalind M. O.

Singh, Anubhav.

Rahim, M. Afzalur.

Bitar, Walid.
    Divide and Rule.
    Toronto : Coach House Books, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Johnston, David Cay.

Calame, Jon.

Desser, David.

Khan, Mohammed.
    Divided Life.
    Claygate : Grosvenor House Publishing, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Mabry, Tristan James.

Christensen, Bryce J.

Tichenor, Daniel J.

Bouchard, Michel Marc.

Speerstra, Karen.

Dore, Paul Gustave.
    Divine Comedy.
    San Diego : Thunder Bay Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Graziano, Michael S. A.
    Divine Farce.
    New York : Leapfrog Press, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Stannard, Russell.

Shallenberger, Larry.

Torrance, Thomas F.

Arnold, Kyle.

Breslin, Ed.

Magee, Michael.

Ibn 'Arabi, Muhyiddin.

Green, Vina.

J. Lazenby, Donna.

McIntosh, Mark A.

Cahill, Suzanne.

Langer, Ullrich.

Wormald, Sarah Ann.

Aykol, Esmahan.

Welstead, Mary.

Price, Margaret "Pegi".

Coates, Bradley A.

Reyes, Barbara Jane.
    New York : BOA Editions Ltd., 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Shirley, Neal.

Tsouras, Peter G.

Corn, Tori.

Terry, Lillian.

Bashir, Khalid.

Ducker, Bruce.

Comley, Peter.

Ramsay, Arnaud.
    Dmitry Rybolovlev.
    La Vergne : Biteback Publishing, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hills, Alison.

Thompson, Anne Bahr.

Rollins, Henry.

Paul, Jordan.

Paul, Jordan.

Culbertson, Rod.

Burns, David J.

Bell, J.

Cave, Peter.

Conn, Steven.

Astley, Neil.

Tucker, Kathy.

Salter, Helen.

Riippi, Joseph.

Menlo, Allen.

Michie, J.

Robbins, Tina.

Ervin, Sharon.
    Do You Love Me?.
    Chicago : Intrigue Publishing LLC, 2018.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Shrand, Joseph.

Campbell, David M.

Taylor, Alice.
    Do You Remember?.
    Dublin : The O'Brien Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Parsley, Ross.

Nihill, David.

Farndon, John.

Koborg Brøsen, Sofie.

Shepard, Martin.

Ossip, Kathleen.
    Louisville : Sarabande Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Sandlin, Lisa.
    Louisville : Cinco Puntos Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Horgan, Jay.

Losee, MD, R. E.

Vohra, Deepak.

Cook, Joshua.

Teevan, Colin.
    Doctor Faustus.
    London : Oberon Books Ltd, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bartlett, Mike.
    Doctor Foster.
    London : Nick Hern Books, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Finger, Stanley.

Soderberg, Hjalmar.
    Doctor Glas.
    : Pharos Editions, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Manvell, Roger.

Duncan, Norman.

Brenton, Howard.

Campbell, Mark.

Lewis, Courtland.

Hills, Matt.
    Doctor Who.
    London : Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hepburn, Dave.

Walsh, Ann.

Johnson, Scott A.

Calman, Kenneth.

Roedde, Gretchen.

Applewhite, Claire.
    Doctor's Tale.
    : Smoking Gun Publishing, LLC, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Cloete, Nico.

Fox, Renée C.

Headrick, Paul.

African Methodist Episcopal Church, African Methodist.

Smaill, B.

Sharma, Aparna.

Reason, M.

Álvarez, Iván Villarmea.

Magagnoli, Paolo.

Hewitson, Jim.

Reeves, Richard V.

Salter, Helen.

Piper, John.

Henshaw, John M.

Adcox, James Tadd.
    Does Not Love.
    : Curbside Splendor Publishing, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Fortna, Virginia Page.

Salter, Helen.

Jennings, Maureen.

Jennings, Maureen.

Zaltzman, Andy.

Kissinger, Henry.

Shihab, Aziz.

Wilson, Ann.

Black, Simon.
    Dog Child.
    Louisville : Cinco Puntos Press, 2006.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Malone, Michael J.
    Dog Fight.
    La Vergne : Saraband, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Barkes, Vicky.

Kaye, Terry.

Friedman, Seth.
    Dog Origami.
    San Diego : Thunder Bay Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Cannon, Katy.
    Dog Star.
    London : Stripes Publishing, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hayes, Andrea.

Thomson, Lesley.
    Dog Walker.
    London : Head of Zeus, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Winkler, Anthony C.
    Dog War.
    New York : Akashic Books, 2007.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Saenz, Benjamin Alire.

Farish, Helen.
    Dog of Memory.
    Tyne and Wear : Bloodaxe Books, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Dogen, Eihei.

Wright, Suzanne.

Kiely, Benedict.

Richards, Jass.

Smith, Graeme.

Dogs, Redhound for.

Roberts, Hugh.

Pitt-Kethley, Fiona.
    : Arcadia Books Limited, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

    San Francisco : Tachyon Publications, 2008.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Sjöholm, Cecilia.

Pensoneau-Conway, Sandra L.

Hamilton, S.

Verhezen, Peter.

Brahm, Laurence J.

Kumar, Rajesh.

Zhuplev, Anatoly.

Zhuplev, Anatoly.

Horn, Bernd.

Clerke, Teena.

Stoesz, Edgar.

Stoesz, Edgar.

Arison, Shari.

Sparrman, Anna.

Forward, David.

Lynd, Staughton.

Lines, Gary N.

Marr, Bernard.

Owton, Helen.
    Doing Poetic Inquiry.
    Cham : Springer International Publishing, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Wright, Tony.
    Doing Politics.
    London : Biteback Publishing, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Guerrero O., R. Pablo.

Marshall, James.

Bell, Donald M.
    Doing Scary.
    La Vergne : Clink Street Publishing, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Nakassis, Constantine V.

Bennett, Pete.

Ensor, John.

Chevigny, Bell Gale.

Matthews, Roger.

Quick, Ellen K.

Skinnider, Margaret.


Sykes, Maurice.

Carlson, Laurie.

Mitchell, Gary.

Ibsen, Henrik.

Anthony, Evelyn.
    Doll's House.
    New York : Open Road Media Mystery & Thriller, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Park, Won.

Park, Won.
    Dollar Bug-gami.
    San Diego : Thunder Bay Press, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Griffiths, Stephen R.
    Dollar In My Pocket.
    Claygate : Grosvenor House Publishing, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Park, Won.

Kamruzzaman, Palash.

Villalonga, Llorenç.
    Dolls' Room.
    Normal, IL : Columbia University Press, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Castel-Bloom, Orly.
    Dolly City.
    Normal, IL : Columbia University Press, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lundgren, Dolph.

Summaries, Bright.

Durda, Joanne.

Monckton-Smith, J.

Straub, Kristina.

Klein, Norma.

De Wolfe, Elizabeth.

Federal Bureau of Investigation, Federal Bureau of Investigation.

Lutnick, Alexandra.

Weschler, Lawrence.

Lockhart, Lettie L.

Goel, S.

Jones, Keith.

Jackson, Rosalind.

Farmer, Elaine.

Westwood, Joanne.

Hovestadt, Ludger.

Cloud, Daniel.

Palmer, Phyllis.

Booysen, Susan.

Janoski, T.

Athens, Lonnie.

Wilson, J.

Mitchell, G.
    Domingo's Trail.
    La Vergne : Robert Hale, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Klein, Alan.

Scully, Matthew.

Cumings, Bruce.

Whitney, Phyllis A.
    Newburyport : Open Road Media Romance, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Arellano, Robert.

Hodge, Dino.

Giannatti, Don.

Goehr, Lydia.

Buck, Samuel.

Ruiz, don Miguel.

Kennedy, Scott.

Saavedra, Miguel de Cervantes.

Summaries, Bright.

de Cervantes , Miguel.
    Don Quixote.
    Berkeley : Thunder Bay Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Freeman, Hilary.
    Don't Ask.
    Dorking : Piccadilly Press, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Sacerdoti, Daniela.

Kasinof, Laura.

Kasinof, Laura.

Daniel, Elizabeth.

Bakewell, Joan.

Bauer, Michael Gerard.

Jones, Rachel.

Schaaf, Danielle.

Player, Gary.

Player, Gary.

Player, Gary.

Dempsey, Eric.

Wachter, Andrea.

Fernstrom, Madelyn.

Clinton, Kate.

Shirtliffe, Leanne.

Shirtliffe, Leanne.

Worpole, Miranda.

Dyer, Gwynne.

Duffy, Carol Ann.

Pickard, Laurie.

Ramanujam, Madhavan.

Redman, Peggy Deal.

Squire, Aurin.

Bentley, A. C.

Williams, Tom.

Ventura, Jesse.

Balser, Erin.

Ramsey, Robert D.

Pictures, Renegade.

Readman, Angela.

Mahaney, C. J.

Powers, Paul.

Neugeboren, Jay.

Reich, Herb.

Rees, Nigel.


Wright, Donald A.

Lemon, Sarah Nicole.

Reaney, James.
    Toronto : Dundurn, 2008.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Allison, Donnie.

Dunlop, Richard.

Lulushi, Albert.

Price, Lynn.
    Donovan's Paradigm.
    Lake Forest : Behler Publications, LLC, 2006.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Yafasova, Dina.

Anderson, Kim.

Henighan, Tom.

Strugatsky, Arkady.
    Doomed City.
    Chicago : Chicago Review Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gardner, Sally.

Jaro, Benita Kane.
    Door in the Wall.
    Newburyport : The Permanent Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gutwein, Lisa.

Neill, C.D.

Elliott, Okla.

Enright, Damien.

Tilin, Andrew.

Heard, H. F.
    Newburyport : Road, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Yuknavitch, Lidia.

Crowe, EV.

Beaty, Andrea.

Aliaga, Roberto.

Wayne, Dorothy.

Richardson, Scott.

Zeuch, Matthias.

Andrew, Joe.

Cherkasova, Evgenia.

Fung, Paul.

Ericksen, Gerald L.

Pinnock, Jonathan.
    Dot, Dash.
    Cambridge : Salt Publishing Limited, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Dubrow, Jehanne.
    Dots and Dashes.
    Carbondale : Southern Illinois University Press, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Meddour, Wendy.

Martin, Brian.

Taylor-Gooby, P.

Giancana, Sam.

Giancana, Chuck.

Hopkins, Cathy.
    Double Dare.
    Dorking : Piccadilly Press, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Madigan, Michael.
    Double Dare.
    : Adventure Publications, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

James, Karl.

Birdsall, Bridget.
    Double Exposure.
    New York, NY : Sky Pony Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Johnstone, Brian.
    Double Exposure.
    La Vergne : Saraband, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Holcroft, Sam.

Puwanarajah, Prasanna.

Hope, Anthony.
    Double Harness.
    Wellington : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

    Double Header.
    La Vergne : Sweetmeats Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Coston, John.

Connell, Evan S.
    Double Honeymoon.
    Washington : Counterpoint, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Reddy, Nancy.

Daly, Bill.
    Double Mortice.
    London : Old Street Publishing, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Vladislavic, Ivan.
    Double Negative.
    High Wycombe : And Other Stories Publishing, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hélion, Jean.

Wilson, Richard.
    Double Take.
    Wellington : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Murphy, Joni.
    Double Teenage.
    Toronto : BookThug, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Melady, John.

Melady, John.

Vogel, Howard.

Broinowski, Alison.

    Double or Die.
    La Vergne : Ian Fleming Publications, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Jarraway, David R.

Baxter, J.

Reynolds, Diane.

Brown, Nic.

Benson, Raymond.
    East Rutherford : Ian Fleming Publications, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Feldman, Matthew.

Lutz, William.
    New York, NY : Ig Publishing, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Shanley, John Patrick.

McGrath, Alister.

Box, Doug.

Box, Doug.

Box, Douglas Allen.

Mahoney, Mary.

Amir, Eli.
    Dove Flyer.
    London : Halban, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Westerhof, Patricia.

Billings, Alan.

Evison, Vera I.

Wentworth, Patricia.
    Dower House Mystery.
    New York : Open Road Media Mystery & Thriller, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Williams, Michelle.

LaFerrière, Dany.

Babina, Natalka.

Harris, Harry.

Harris, Harry.

Cunningham, Cliff.

Connolly, John.

Taitz, Sonia.
    Down Under.
    : McWitty Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Smith, Joan.

Cohen, Alex.

Von Mahs, Jürgen.

Gumbel, Andrew.

Rosenman, Mark.

Farrant, M.A.C.

Boyter, Gavin.

Smucker, Dorcas.

Barkman, Adam.

Sanders, Ronald.

Leuci, Bob.
    Doyle's Disciples.
    New York : Road, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

News, Rocky Mountain.

Harper, Dawn.

Harper, Dawn.

Harper, Dawn.

Harper, Dawn.

Harper, Dawn.

Harper, Dawn.

Cronin, AJ.

Hister, Art.

Berg, Eric.

Fitzpatrick, Michael.

Hough, Robert.

Nahin, Paul J.

Emery, Chris.
    Dr. Mephisto.
    Cambridge : Salt Publishing Limited, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Jamieson, Keith.

Horiuchi, Kozo.

Scholder, Amy.

Gotlin, Robert S.

Minear, Richard H.

Shinder, Thomas W.

Gladstone, William.

Levine, Stacey.
    Dra .
    Portland : Verse Chorus Press, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Stoker, Bram.

Michaud, Nicolas.

Nicholson, John.
    La Vergne : Nick Hern Books, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Stoker, Bram.
    Luton : Andrews UK, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Noni, Lynette.
    Seaforth, NSW : Pantera Press, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Busby, C. J.
    Dragon Amber.
    Surrey : Templar Publishing, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Steer, Dugald A.
    Dragon Diary.
    Dorking : Templar Publishing, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

De Kockere, Geert.
    Dragon Fire.
    New York, NY : Sky Pony Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Sinclair, Upton.
    Dragon Harvest.
    New York : Open Road Media, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Reynolds, Maureen.
    Dragon Land.
    Edinburgh : Black & White Publishing, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Passes, David.
    Dragon Legends.
    London : Pavilion Books, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Norton, Andre.
    Dragon Magic.
    New York : Open Road Media Teen & Tween, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Reid, Daniel.
    Dragon Mountain.
    North Clarendon : Tuttle Publishing, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Rayner, Shoo.
    Dragon Red.
    Cardiff : Firefly Press Limited, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Robinson-Smith, Tony.

Robinson-Smith, Tony.

Forbes, Anne.
    Dragon Seeker.
    Edinburgh : Floris Books, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Dinets, Vladimir.

Adcock, Fleur.
    Dragon Talk.
    Tyne and Wear : Bloodaxe Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Rayner, Shoo.
    Dragon White.
    Cardiff : Firefly Press Limited, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Cole, Sheila.

Corrales, Javier.

Corrales, Javier.

Howell, Troy.

Regehr, Duncan.

Steer, Dugald A.

Peterson, Brian D.

Jacobs, Robert A.

Sinclair, Upton.
    Dragon's Teeth.
    New York : Open Road Media, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Yu, Maochun.

Forbes, Anne.

Forbes, Anne.

Forbes, Anne.
    Edinburgh : Floris Books, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Buday, Grant.
    Emeryville : Biblioasis, 2008.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Dodds, Ruary Mackenzie.

Labriola, Anthony.

Krebs, Shani.

Libra, Michael W.

Libra, Michael W.

Brin, David.

Ash, Eric H.

Swale, Jessica.

Unsworth, Thomasina.

Swale, Jessica.

Swale, Jessica.

Johnston, Chris.

Trefor-Jones, Glyn.

Crimmens, Paula.

Dutton, Elisabeth.

Hannigan, Dave.

McFarlane, Penny.

Pearson, Jenny.

Group, Theatre Communications.

Farlow, Matthew S.

Martin, C.

Draplin, Aaron James.

Mullin, Jill.
    Drawing Autism.
    New York : Akashic Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Fabbretti, Roberto.
    Drawing Cats.
    Barcelona : De Vecchi Ediciones, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Fabbretti, Roberto.
    Drawing Dogs.
    Barcelona : De Vecchi Ediciones, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Staple, Sandra.

Matysik, Larry.

Fabbretti, Roberto.
    Drawing Horses.
    Barcelona : De Vecchi Ediciones, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Raczynski-Henk, Yannick.

Wootton, Tim.

Woodcock, Keith.

Wilson, Alison.

Tyzack, Andrew.

Ball, Emily.

Scully, Kevin.

Seidl, Diana.

Tyler, Philip.

Tyler, Philip.

Hinz, Lisa D.

Brenton, Howard.

Stark, Andrew.

Elliot, Stuart.

Scott, Tom.

Bacon, S R.
    Drawn to Fear.
    Claygate : Grosvenor House Publishing, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Causey, Andrew.

Balfour, Kenneth.

Balfour, Kenneth.

Miller, Alexander McVeigh.

Peligro, D. H.

Mallon, Brenda.
    Dream Book.
    Washington : Thunder Bay Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Fradkin, Barbara.

Sasis, Msingi.

Berelowitz, Lance.

Kent, Harriet J.
    Dream Cottage.
    London : Clink Street Publishing, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Sørensen, Donno.
    Dream Country.
    Dublin : New Island Books, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Zucker, Dr. Fiona.

Silman, Roberta.

Coates, Ken S.

Mila, Karlo.

Bennett, Jack.

Zonana, Joyce.

Dayal, Samir.

Richardson, John.

Prichard, Rebecca.

Strindberg, August.

Nelson, Blake.
    Dream School.
    : Figment, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Birnbaum, Josh.

Mariani, Paul.

Stanley, Jo.
    Dream Team!.
    Melbourne : Bonnier Publishing Australia, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Rosburg, Helen A.
    Dream Thief.
    St. Charles : Medallion Media Group, 2005.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Mallon, Brenda.

Faulkner, Nicholas.
    Dream To Die For.
    Droxford : Splendid Books Limited, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Cosgrove, Stephen.
    Dream Tree.
    : Heritage Builders, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Fagan, Terence Paul.

Wagamese, Richard.
    Dream Wheels.
    New York : Milkweed Editions, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Thornton, Jeanne.

Dozier, Verna J.

Drummond, Edwin.

Vidal, Andrés.

Xueqin, Cao.

Duesbury, Evelyn M.

Zola, Emile.
    Boulder : Peter Owen Publishers, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kidd, Ronald.
    New York : Albert Whitman & Company, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Taylor, Holly.

Taylor, Holly.

Hamsun, Knut.
    London : Souvenir Press, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Mageo, J.

Allen, Roberta.
    Dreaming Girl.
    : Dzanc Books, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Pace, Linda.

Delderfield, R. F.
    Dreaming Suburb.
    New York : Open Road Media, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Nelson, Geoff.

Lepson, Ruth.
    Dreaming in Color.
    New York : Alice James Books, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Zangana, Haifa.
    Dreaming of Baghdad.
    New York : The Feminist Press at CUNY, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lowenstein, Adam.

Wiggan, Greg.

wind, chris.

Cohen, Doris E.

Levin, C.

Dunn, L. Kerr.

Schodt, Frederik L.

Jung, Carl Gustav.

Forrest, Katherine V.

McKillip, Patricia A.

Stevenson, Robert Louis.

Huot, Sylvia.

Alaoui, Mhani.

Baumbach, Jonathan.

Fabbri, Robert.

Makine, Andreï.

Millar, Martin.

Ewing, Jim PathFinder.

Wallace, Anthony F. C.

Horst, Jorn Lier.
    Dingwall : Sandstone Press Ltd, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Ashbless, Janine.

Matarazzo, Marisa.


    Dress Me!.
    New York : Sky Pony Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bainbridge, Beryl.

Whyte, G.

Read, Mike.

Dietz, William C.
    Drifter's Run.
    Newburyport : Open Road Media Sci-Fi & Fantasy, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Dietz, William C.
    Drifter's War.
    Newburyport : Open Road Media Sci-Fi & Fantasy, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Dietz, William C.
    Newburyport : Open Road Media Sci-Fi & Fantasy, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Berton, Pierre.

Ismail, Tawfik.

Ulysse, Katia D.
    New York : Akashic Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Rhodes, David.
    Minneapolis : Milkweed Editions, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Vernon, Thom.
    Toronto : Coach House Books, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Dutton, Elizabeth.

Clements, Miles.

Svoboda, Terese.

Charles, Kate.

Geddes, Gary.

Bunting, Chris.

Boyle, Mark.

Will-Weber, Mark.

Will-Weber, Mark.

Foley, Michael P.

Palmer, Ann.

Driscoll, Kevin.

De Salis, Harriet Anne.
    Drinks à la Mode.
    Newburyport : Dover Publications, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Cervantes, Lorna Dee.

Zetterling, Niklas.

Zetterling, Niklas.

Wieler, Diana.
    : Groundwood Books, 2006.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Micklethwait, Alicia.

Vintcent, Toby.
    London : Arcadia Books Limited, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Čolić, Aleksandar.

Price, Glenn.

Abolhassan, Ferri.

Hidalgo, Carlos.

Shamiyeh, Michael.

Tremblay, Michel.
    Driving Force.
    Vancouver : Talonbooks, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Choyce, Lesley.

Publishing, OECD.

Publishing, OECD.

Publishing, OECD.

Cook, Thomas A.

Gardner, Mark.

Clarke, Deborah.

Markham, Kevin.

Milberg, Ken.

Poplak, Lorna.

Wurlitzer, Rudolph.

Kroll, Bob.

P., Bill.

H., Fred.

P., Bill.
    Drop the Rock.
    La Vergne : Hazelden Publishing, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Aslam, Muhammad.

Revell, Donald.

Gabriel, Jerry.

Whellams, David.

Malton, H. Mel.

Finch, Jennie.
    Exeter : Impress Books, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Sováková, Lidmila.

Morales, Aaron Michael.
    Drowning Tucson.
    : Coffee House Press, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Barnard, Marina.

Kerns, Cedric.

Poppa, Terrence E.

Fleetwood, J.

Decker, Scott H.

Paley, Dawn.

Schaefer, Christof.

Sherman, Irwin W.

Klantschnig, G.

Martin, J.

MacKay, Patricia Joy.

Manley, Rachel.
    : Dzanc Books, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

    Drummer Girl.
    Surrey : Templar Publishing, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

DuRey, Will.
    Drummond Band.
    London : Robert Hale, 2007.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Nugent, Rory.

Churchill, Caryl.

Burrows, Alex.

Glaman, Matt.

Sipos, Daniel.

Barnett, James.

Halabi, Abbas.

Glass, Stephanie.

Gyer, Giles.

Stafford-Smith, Mark.

Morgan, Robin.

Oaks, Ned.
    Drygulch Trail.
    London : Robert Hale, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Joines, Malcolm.
    Drying Room.
    Claygate : Grosvenor House Publishing, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Daley, Dennis C.


González, Francisco E.

National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.

Passe, Angèle Sancho.

McLeod, Wilson.

Brennan-Whitmore, W.J.

Andrews, CS.
    Dublin Made Me.
    Dublin : The Lilliput Press, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Mullins, Gerry.

Bruen, Ken.

Kearns, Kevin C.

Bracken, Gregory.
    Dublin Strolls.
    Cork : The Collins Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kearns, Kevin C.

Barry, Michael.

Morris, Thomas.

Dismore, Jane.

Wright, June.
    Duck Season Death.
    Portland : Verse Chorus Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Peters, Helen.

Greenfield, Rob.

Berkman, Jeffrey W.

Jones, K. F.

Bowling, Tim.

De Moor, Margriet.

Hirsch, Alan.

Dall'Aglio, Stefano.

Stasiuk, Andrzej.
    Normal, IL : Columbia University Press, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Rollins, Henry.

Oceanak, Karla.
    Fort Collins, CO : Bailiwick Press, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Johnston, Susan A.

Macmillan, Duncan.
    Duncan Macmillan.
    London : Oberon Books Ltd, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Betts, Lewis.

Posluns, Michael.

Goddard, John.

Brown, Ron.

Brown, Ron.

Nicholas, Jeffery.

Thompson, Julian.

Dawes, Kwame.

Winkler, Anthony C.
    New York : Akashic Books, 2008.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hale, Patricia.
    Durable Goods.
    Chicago : Intrigue Publishing LLC, 2018.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hart, Gary.

Richardson, James.
    Port Townsend : Copper Canyon Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Eskin, Michael.

Punshon, E.R.

Tillman, Vance.

Ritchie, Robert Welles.

Beach, Edward L.
    Dust on the Sea.
    Annopolis : Naval Institute Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Rhodes, Dusty.

Lehmann, Rosamond.

Fortuin, Egbert.

Brouwer, Sander.

Fredd, D. E.

Rogers, P G.

Romo, Vicente De Haro.

Charles, Victoria.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Riano-Alcala, Pilar.

Davis, Bert.

Davis, Bert.

Davis, Bert.

Davis, Bert.

Davis, Bert.

Davis, Bert.

Gürses, Ahmet.
    Dyes and Pigments.
    Cham : Springer International Publishing, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Thompson, Evan.

Renz, Monika.

Shinn, Christopher.
    Dying City.
    New York : Theatre Communications Group, 2008.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Espinosa, Maria.
    Dying Unfinished.
    San Antonio, TX : Wings Press, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kasher, Asa.

Kingsmill, Suzanne F.

Hurren, E.

Karst, Leslie.

del Narco, Blog.

Berman, Jeffrey.

Cobain, Beverly.

Gendzier, Irene L.

Bloom, Mia.

Chambers, Aidan.

Nevins, Joseph.

Keogh, Rachael.

Kasher, Asa.

Al Sanousi, Haifa.

Duffie, Darrell.

Bradley, Dinah.

Squires, Malcolm F.

Pollack, Ed.

Xiao, Sheng.

Bennett, Peter.

Kovacs, Mark.

Pegrum, Juliet.

Lukes, Sarah J.

Soetbeer, Janne Marie.

Porter, Mason.

Josephs, Lawrence.

Sorokin, Alexey.

Soetendorp, B.

Kevane, Bridget.

Debussche, Arnaud.

Wayne, C. Eugene.

Hemmingby, Cato.

Köhler, Sven Philipp Kurt.

Merriman, John.

Norman, Geraldine.

LeDuc, Lawrence.

Elegant, Robert.
    Dynasty : A Novel.
    Newburyport : Open Road Media, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Brunswick, Nicola.

Jantzen, Cornelia.

Sandman-Hurley, Kelli.

Rooke, Margaret.

Bennettt, Julie.

Chivers, Maria.

Alexander-Passe, Neil.

Reid, Gavin.

Rimland, Bernard.

Talukdar, Afroza.

Patrick, Alison.

magazine, Entrepreneur.

Huemer, Christian.

Bank, Asian Development.

Anderson, Dennis.

Fugini, Maria Grazia.

Giant, Nikki.

Heather, James.

Schuler, Karen A.

De Kare-Silver, Michael.

Crews, Frederick Campbell.

Washbourne, Alice.
    EAL Pocketbook.
    Alresford : Management Pocketbooks, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Collier, Marsha.

Sujandu Dey,.

Hasan, Mehdi.

Gaschler, Tony.

Chikuni, Edward.

P.K. Chakrabarti,.

Peterson, P. George.

Sweeney, John.
    London : Silvertail Books, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Duke, Orok Out.

Media, The Staff of Entrepreneur.

Luber, Marilyn, Dr., PhD.

Luber, Marilyn, Dr., PhD.

Luber, Marilyn, Dr., PhD.


Annaiah, M.H.

V.N. Kala,.

V.N. Kala,.

Lelch, d.l.

Lin, Fred.

Lindseth, Liv Randi).

Rychkov, Slava.

Grover, Deepak.

Wilson, A.


Crichton, Michael.

Jianping Xu,.

Jennifer Danielson,.

Publishing, Standard.

Papakostas, Nikolaos.

Walter, Stefanie.

Ferretti, Federico.

Brutschin, Elina.

Team, ITGP Privacy.

Lewicki, Pawel Michal.

Kotzias, N.

Grabbe, H.

Yasuda, Anita.

Yasuda, Anita.

Mooney, Carla.

Reilly, Kathleen M.

Hardy, Chips.

Hirshfield, Jane.

Coll, Steve.

Milroy, Gladys.

Gallagher, Mary.

Ulin, David L.

Mindell, Earl.

Ptak, Roderich.

Johnson, Bruce.

Selly, Patty Born.

Ritchie, J.

Gupta, A.

Foster, Paul.

Ferguson, Everett.

Spears, Beverley.

Arnold, Daniel.

Pica, Rae.

Manrique, Héctor M.

Quinn, Justin.
    Early House.
    Oldcastle : The Gallery Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Towle, Patricia O'Brien.

Crowe, Joseph Archer.

Bennett, Terry.

Gronlund, Gaye.

Beloglovsky, Miriam.

Suárez, Thomas.

Swartz, Wendy.

Newman, Karen.

Larson, K.

Stafford, Kim.

Burnham, Molly.

Israel, Susan E.

Lee, Mun Woo.

Lord, Nancy.

Hoagland, Edward.

House, Donald R.

Koehl, Andrew C.

Larsen, Earnie.

Eastburn, Mark.
    Earning My Spots.
    La Vergne : Sky Pony Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hodge, Bruce.

Davis, Patti.

Ford, Andrew.

Marks, Laurie J.

O'Faircheallaigh, Ciaran.

Kumar, Satish.

Al Farsi, Abdulaziz.

Dickinson, Peter.

Makine, Andreï.

Oliver, Kelly.

Simak, Clifford D.

Turner, Nancy J.

Cowan, Jennifer.
    : Groundwood Books, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hall, Adam C.

Gulli, Bruno.

Domini, John.

Gale, Patrick.
    Ease : A Novel.
    New York : Open Road Media, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Frey, William A.

Bunker, Stephen G.

Weintraub, David.

Harber, Janet.

Martin, Derek.

Heiduschke, S.

Ball, Gordon.

Jhabvala, Ruth Prawer.

Wallace, Richard.

Crone, Alla.
    East Lies the Sun.
    New York : Open Road Distribution, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Porteus, Tim.

Kemp, Geoffrey.

Berlie, Jean A.

Nersesian, Arthur.

Meyer, Michael J.

Antonelli, Lenny.

Lee, Yew-Jin.

Mac, J.C.

Black, Ian.

Rhodes, David.
    Easter House.
    Minneapolis : Milkweed Editions, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Grandolini, Albert.

Hudock, Barry.

Arditti, Michael.
    London : Arcadia Books Limited, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Strindberg, August.
    London : Oberon Books Ltd, 2005.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Goncalves, Marcus.

Watson, T.

Young, Carl.

Smith, Steve.

Organization, World Health.

Organization, World Health.

Geffert, Bryn.

Warren, Stephen.

Bonior, David E.

Gjelsvik, Anne.

Mellor, Zoe.

Mitchell, Gayle.

Brizzola, Carlos.


Faulkner, Mary.

Faltermeier, Robert B.

Golden, Randy.

Roddy, Laurie.

Brooks, Christopher.

Villaire, Ted.

Liu, Charles.

Summers, Jordan.

McGregor, Sheri.

Weber, Andrew.

Cousins, Jean.

Oey, Thomas G.

Martin, Samuel E.

magazine, BeadStyle.

Russel, Monica.

Liao, Haohsiang.

Shapiro, Lauren.
    Easy Math.
    Louisville : Sarabande Books, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Araújo, Nina.

Harris, Gillian.

King, Emma.

Rattanakhemakorn , Jintana.

Garland, Claire.

Tran, Bac Hoai.

Riche, Edward.
    Easy to Like.
    : House of Anansi Press, 2005.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Baker, Wendy.

Sharp, Zoë.
    : Pegasus Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Anderson, Tony.

Teulé, Jean.

Rath, Tom.

Pilger, Zoe.
    Eat My Heart Out.
    New York : The Feminist Press at CUNY, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gallam, Claire.

Lestel, Dominique.

Davison, Rosanna.

Bohan, Bernadette.

Bailey, Christine.

Howard, Paul.

Iwatate, Marcia.

Brundage, Corrie.
    Eaters : Origin.
    Westport : Easton Studio Press, LLC, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Eze, Kevin.

Jenkin, Lorraine.

Dummies, Consumer.

Davies, Nicola.

Mehler, Philip S.

Roberts, Amanda J.

Knightsmith, Pooky.

Pfeiffer, Dale Allen.

Heavey, Tara.

Simek, Nicole.

Johnston, Ph.D., Anita.

Koppel, Tom.

B., Mel.

Crawford, Dorothy H.

Lahai, John Idriss.

Alton, Joseph.

Ryken, Philip Graham.

Fahlgren, Sune.

Peterson, Mike.

Augee, Michael.

Trent, Letitia.

Anderson, Susan L.

Edeson-Aniede, Emeka Mark.

Neely-Cohen, Maxwell.
    Echo of the Boom.
    California : Rare Bird Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Mahon, Derek.
    Echo's Grove.
    Oldcastle : The Gallery Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Noonan, Mary.

Joyce, Joe.
    La Vergne : New Island Books, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Naylor, Henry.

Budd, Robert.

Hastings, W. Ross.

Barrs, Jerram.

Polley, Diana Hope.

Fielding, Hannah.

Rushton, Rosie.
    Echoes of Love.
    Dorking : Piccadilly Press, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Holmes, Neil.

Lipset, David.

Keck, Leander E.
    Echoes of the Word.
    Eugene, OR : Wipf and Stock Publishers, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Greco, Frédéric.

Lehmann, Rosamond.

Lehmann, Rosamond.

Gooder, Paula.

Joyce, Joe.
    La Vergne : New Island Books, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Collins, Myfanwy.

Shirley, John.

Rubin, Charles T.

Caprotti, Federico.

Lilley, Kate.

Carrillo-Hermosilla, Javier.

Reyes-Mercado, Pável.

Boström, M.

Stroup, Richard L.

Register, Richard.

Chiras, Dan.

Walker, Liz.

Estok, Simon C.

Ho, Wanli.

Munroe, J.

Paradise, Christopher J.

Brown, Peter G.

Paradise, Christopher J.

McCallum, Ian.

Paradise, Christopher J.

Holden, William.

Craig, Martin P. A.

Gaard, Greta Claire.

Acha, Eduardo Marcelo.

Agency, Federal Maritime and Hydrographic.

Krebs, Charles.

Zhao, Jingzhu.

Williams, Chris.

Collinge, Sharon K.

Zandvliet, David B.
    Ecology of Home.
    Rotterdam : SensePublishers, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Whitten, Tony.

MacKinnon, Kathy.

Naess, Arne.

Tomascik, Tomas.

Tomascik, Tomas.

Mishra, Ramesh Chandra.

Denniss, Richard.

Pohlmeier, Winfried.

Butler, Eamonn.

Rigobón, Roberto.

Engel, Eduardo.

Velasco, Andrés.

Manning, Matthew.

Laplante, Benoît.

Collins, Chuck.

So, Christine.

Islahi, Abdul Azim.

Rose, Adam.

Keynes, John Maynard.

Keynes, John Maynard.

Staff, Asian Development Bank.

Skidelsky, R.

Karasavvoglou, Anastasios.

Ascher, W.

Robinson, D.

Johnson, Omotunde E. G.

Bergmann, B.

Patriquin, Larry.

Carnot, N.

Carnot, N.

Brüggemann, Ralf.

Shaanan, J.

Fisman, Raymond.

Duncombe, William.

Durlauf, Steven.
    Economic Growth.
    London : Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Frey, Bruno S.

Stelzner, M.

Shiffman, G.

Andreosso-O'Callaghan, B.

Zannella, Marina.

Skousen, Mark.
    Economic Logic.
    Washington : Regnery Publishing, 2008.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lischka, Juliane A.

Collier, P.

Publishing, OECD.

Bijaoui, Ilan.

Flassbeck, H.

Houser, Trevor.

Kurz, Heinz D.

Gopalakrishnan, Badri Narayanan.

Bennett, A.

Dorodnykh, Ekaterina.

Denoon, D.

Forder, James.

Robinson, Joan.

Sorman, Guy.

Dutt, A.

Kristjánsdóttir, Helga.

Ehrig, Rita.

Belloc, Hilaire.

Solow, R.

Adler, Moshe.

Joshua, John.

Joshua, John.

Joshua, John.

Joshua, John.

Jun, Ma.

Whyman, Philip B.

Madjd-Sadjadi, Zagros.

Westphal, Michael I.

Zorloni, Alessia.

Madjd-Sadjadi, Zagros.
    Economics of Crime.
    New York : Business Expert Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Luo, Yuan.

Anielski, Mark.

Boeri, Tito.

Alavi Hojjat, Tahereh.

Carmalt, S.W.

Entorf, Horst.

Ledger, Alison.

Adhikari, Shiva Raj.

Pigou, A.C.

Hand, Michael S.

Byun, C.

Cabezas, Amalia L.

Leer, Martin.

Stiglitz, Joseph E.

Rigobón, Roberto.

Bernal, Raquel.

Bernal, Raquel.

Lindemann, J.
    Economy of Brands.
    London : Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Miyazaki, Hirokazu.
    Economy of Hope.
    Philadelphia : University of Pennsylvania Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

O'Hagan, John W.

Collins, Susan M.

Goldthwaite, Richard A.

Orrell, David.

Fisher-Wirth, Ann.
    Ecopoetry Anthology.
    San Antonio : Trinity University Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Ivanko, John D.

Houser, Heather.

Löwy, Michael.

Waltner-Toews, David.

Saintilan, Neil.

Everard, Mark.

Greer, John Michael.

Buzzell, Linda.

Blumstein, Daniel T.


Sarre, Alastair.

Creighton, David.

Kakar, Sudhir.
    La Vergne : Dzanc Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gelfand, Scott.

Biggar, John.
    Brussels : Primento Digital Publishing, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Heller, Gregory L.

Sangster, Cate.

Evenson, Brian.

McLean, Russel D.
    Ed's Dead.
    La Vergne : Saraband, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Ellis, Antonio L.

Trunk, Eddie.

Cullen, Clarence L.

Johnston, Dorothy.

Korman, Keith.

Skelton, Ross.

Horack, Skip.

Worthington, Peter.
    Eden Tree.
    La Vergne : Clink Street Publishing, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gilmour, Michael J.

Baldwin, Ben Sparks, Clare.

Whightman, Alistair.

McNaughton, Neil.

McNaughton, Neil.

Wensley, Graham Hill, Robert.

Thorne, Mariela Affum, Amy Bates, Alice Gruber, Helen Kent, Janet Searle and Zoe.

Gillespie, Malcolm Surridge and Andrew.

McNaughton, Neil.

Holcroft, Sam.

Kopley, R.

Neufeld, John.
    Edgar Allan.
    New York : Open Road Distribution, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Brodskaya, Nathalia.
    Edgar Degas.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Pielke, Roger.

Stein, Barbara H.

Hurst, Melissa E.
    Edge of Forever.
    New York : Sky Pony Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Perloff, Marjorie.

Keeler, Jacqueline.

Smelcer, John.
    Edge of Nowhere.
    Wellfleet : Leapfrog Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gobbell, John J.

Hogan, Desmond.

Lee, Kathy.

Sheinmel, Courtney.
    New York : Abrams, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Forsberg, Barbro.

Soroka, Joanne.

Halliday, Ron.

Henderson, Jan-Andrew.

Chambers, Robert.

Powell, Padgett.
    Edisto : A Novel.
    Newburyport : Open Road Media, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Powell, Padgett.

Peterson, Linda Lee.

Hunter, Michael.

Hagen, Darrin.

Shimazaki, Satoko.

Rosenberg, David.

Nino, Lana S.

Jackson, Sonia.

Waldman, Peter.

Berridge, David.

Mack, Beverley.

Claxton, Guy.

Ehrenberg, Ronald G.

Barton, Erin E.

Del Gandio, Jason.

Bracher, M.

Prinsloo, M.

Gentile, Mary C.

Miller, John P.

Pletka, Bob.

Platt, R. Eric.

Reynolds, Glenn Harlan.

Robinson, J.

Howell, William G.

Manna, Paul.

Fung, Dennis Chun-Lok.

Maranto, Robert.

Kennedy, Ian G.

Walsh, Brendan.

Knopp, Sarah.

Bleck, Jaimie.

Rappert, Brian.

Guan, Lee Hock.

Claes, Tom.

Press, Marian.

Kimonen, Eija.

Green, A.

Dewar, Matthew D.

Espinoza, G.

Ryder, John.

Drudy, Sheelagh.

Publishing, OECD.

Pierce, C.

Estrin, Marc.

Anderson, James D.

West, Michael Rudolph.

Greeley, Andrew M.

Washington, Austin.

Adams, Henry.

Dooley, Michael.

Heller, Steven.

Heller, Steven.

McManus, James.

Laver, Rod.

Wachman, Marvin.

Green, A.

Simmons, R.

Evans, G.

Burney, DeAnna M.

Nolan, Tina R.

Eacott, Scott.

Baguley, Margaret.

Beaver, Rick.

Wood, Phil.

Knupfer, A.

Ebert II, Edward S.

Harlacher, Jason E.

Waller, Raymond J.

Litton, Helen.

Souter, Gerry.
    Edward Hopper.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Souter, Gerry.
    Edward Hopper.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Davies, Sean.

Phillips, Seymour.
    Edward II.
    London : Yale University Press, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hersh, Burton.

Cook, Martin Godfrey.

Touchie, Rodger D.

Storey, David.
    New York : Open Road Media, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Colombino, Laura.

Waterhouse, Michael.

Pourmoayyed, Parisa.

Collins, Suzan.

Sonntag, Oswald.

Lindenmayer, David B.

Benedikter, Niels.

Dyregrov, Kari.

Kutnick, Peter.

Wolf, Thomas.

Aronoff, C.

Tirmizi, S. Aqeel.

Hecht, Irene W. D.

Krawitz, Natalie.

Wheeler, Daniel W.

Algert, Nancy E.

Waltman, Jean.

Wheeler, Daniel W.

Ruben, Brent D.

Sorcinelli, Mary Deane.

Gurak, Laura J.

Schuh, John H.

Bland, Carole J.

Curry, Theodore H.

Thomas, Jerry R.

Hecht, Irene W.D.

Krutky, Judy B.

Stranks, Jeremy.

Gmelch, Walter H.

Alger, Jonathan R.

Mandelbaum, Jenny.

Miller, Gary.

Dooris, Michael J.

Enerson, Diane M.

Williams, Damon A.

Secor, Robert.

Gmelch, Walter H.

Delmont, Timothy J.

Brown, Betsy E.

Hanna, Donald E.

Sennewald, Charles A.

Wilson, Hannah.

Hogan, Jim.

Hill, Malcolm.

Stiftung, Bertelsmann.

Rasgon, Natalie L.

Brühlmann, Florian.

Paradise, Christopher J.

Dasgupta, Amitava.

Hoffmann, Achim.

Ghose, Arpita.

Thungrabeab, Malee.

Noman, Akbar.

Bruhn, Andrès.

Khanna, Rahul.

Herde, Christian.

Sanjek, Roger.

Mulyana, Eueung.

Galvin, Brendan.
    Egg Island Almanac.
    Carbondale : Southern Illinois University Press, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gross, Philip.
    Egg of Zero.
    Tyne and Wear : Bloodaxe Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Oceanak, Karla.
    Egghead : Book 5.
    Fort Collins : Bailiwick Press, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Emmerson, Gordon.
    Ego State Therapy.
    Carmarthen : Crown House Publishing, 2007.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Tugendhat, Ernst.

Selsdon, Esther.
    Egon Schiele.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Zwingenberger, Jeanette.
    Egon Schiele.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Rutherford, Bruce K.

Marzouk, Safwat.

Amin, Galal.

Osman, Tarek.

Osman, Tarek.

Mellor, Noha.

Kheir-El-Din, Hanaa.

Alkitkat, Huda.

MacFarlane, Hannah.
    Egyptian Nightmare.
    Milton Keynes : Scripture Union England and Wales, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Soliman, Laila.

el-Nawawy, M.

Minerbi, Sergio.

Hovestadt, Ludger.
    Basel/Berlin/Boston : Birkhäuser, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Burke, Declan.

Lodbell, Jared.

Maldon, Dee.

Plaut, W. Gunther.

Twicken, David.

Murphy, Dervla.

Braden, Tom.

Kapalka, George M.

Leblanc, Maurice.

Miller, D. D.

Leonard, D.

McBride, Ian.

Chapman, Caroline.

Backscheider, Paula R.

Breashears, Caroline.

Trumpbour, Robert C.

Bongiorno, Frank.

Stelzer, Harald.

Barme, Stefan.

Moffat, John W.

Feldman, Burton.

McClenahan, Jr., William M.

Knezevic, Marija.
    Bristol : Istros Books, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Battistelli, Pier Paolo.

Venter, Al J.

Herreros, Pablo.

Constantine, David.
    Tyne and Wear : Bloodaxe Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Taylor, Bayard.

Thompson, Kim.

Thompson, Kim.

Thompson, Kim.
    Eldritch Manor.
    Toronto : Dundurn, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Worthen, Johnny.
    Eleanor : Book 1.
    San Antonio : Jolly Fish Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Henry, Richard.

Turner, Ralph V.

Chambers, Anne.

Quinn, Thomas.

Kilgore, Ed.

Leonard, D.

Weiss, Meredith.

Bassetti, Victoria.

Lal, Brij V.

Williams, J.B.

Rosner, Elizabeth.

Beliso-De Jesús, Aisha M.

Fornés, José Antonio.

Dugdale, J.S.

Scheffler, Leopold.

Hartner, Sonja.

Ilich, Nick.

Aïd, René.

Kelly, P.F.

Sitenko, A.

Rikitake, Tsuneji.

Chernykh, Maksym.

Suzuki, Hiroshi.

Alt, Franz L.

Alvarez, R. Michael.

de Andrade, Norberto Nuno Gomes.

Chander, Anupam.

Pomante, Luigi.

Ismagilova, Elvira.

Kim, Kendall.

Matthews, David R.

Sinclair, Ian R.

Kleen, W.

Summaries, Bright.

Lark, Jessica.

Christiansen, Jens.

Hicok, Bob.
    Elegy Owed.
    Port Townsend : Copper Canyon Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kadare, Ismail.

Hemenway, Arna Bontemps.

Hoopmann, Kathy.
    Elemental Island.
    London : Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

King, Ross.

Lee, Insun.

Vandermeer, John.

Kraft, James S.

Rettig, Michael D.


Cardin, Franco.

Domigpe, Jiedson R.

Domigpe, Jiedson R.

Ngo, Binh Nhu.

Hayot, Eric.

(USA), Laurence J. Brahm.

Alani, Mohammed M.

Galibus, Tatiana.

Editors of Eei Press,.

De Mente, Boye.

George, Mary W.

Mayer, John D.

Drábek, Pavel.

Drábek, Pavel.

Pathak, Anirban.

Daniell, M.

Kočenda, Evžen.

Williams, Eloise.
    Elen's Island.
    Cardiff : Firefly Press Limited, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Casserly, Gordon.
    Elephant God.
    Wellington : The Floating Press, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lake, A.

Sweitzer, Letitia.

Furnham, A.

Boaler, Jo.

Reade, Simon.

Golunov, Serghei.

Tharoor, Shashi.

Heiney, Rose.

Czyzniejewski, Michael.

Stafford, Jean.

Ferber, Bruce.

Eland, Ivan.

Conrad, Eric.

Kirk, Daniel.

Vrettos, Theodore.

Vacchiano, Ralph.

Kirk, Katie.
    Eli, No!.
    New York : Abrams, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Dietrich, W.

Friedman, Rosemary.
    Eligible Man.
    London : Arcadia Books Limited, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Berg, Herbert.
    Elijah Muhammad.
    London : Oneworld Publications, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gunkel, Hermann.

Orr, Linda M.

Couperus, Louis.
    Eline Vere.
    New York : Archipelago Books, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Taylor, Ephren W.

Ngan, Natasha.
    London : Hot Key Books, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lillis, Michael.

Gildersleeve, Jessica.

Bell, I.

Backscheider, Paula R.

Bret, David.

Okerlund, A.
    Elizabeth of York.
    New York : Palgrave Macmillan US, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Dolan, Lian.

Dover Publications, Inc.

Offutt, Jason.

Queen, Ellery.

Herman, Ellie.

Herman, Ellie.

Reynolds, Kate E.

Vayo, Ellie.

Miller, Jules.

Webb, Holly.

Berger, Carles Laurent.

Beck, Lisa.

Otway, Thomas H.

Reuterstrand, Siri.

Reuterstrand, Siri.

Pitman, Walter.

Pitman, Walter.

Weinberger, Eliot.
    North Branch : Open Letter, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Adamson, Ged.

Forbes, Sarah.

Forbes, Sarah.

Ford, Douglas.

Zafzaf, Muhammad.
    Elusive Fox.
    Syracuse : Syracuse University Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

White, Judith.

Hopkins, Jerry.

Kealing, Bob.

Freedland, Michael.

Leigh, Spencer.

Knight, Timothy.

Bernardo, Mark.

Hanna, Richard C.

Ayyadurai, V. A. Shiva.

Wallwork, Adrian.

Hummel, Jeffrey.

Henry, Natasha L.

Bolden, Tonya.

Spång, Mikael.

Kunstler, James Howard.

Jampoler, Andrew C.

Piep, Karsten H.

Dutil, Patrice.

Gray, Wesley R.

Evans, Peter B.

Zimmer, Vincent.

Mirtalebi, Mohsen.

Dixon, Joan.

Norman, Peter.
    : D & M Publishers, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Pitts, Vincent J.

Todres, L.

Narvaez, Darcia.

Sharpe, Hillary.

Sobczak, Connie.

Leach, Tara Beth.

Huang, Chungliang Al.

Bromfield, Richard.

Brown, Daniel A.

Huber, Mike.

Tanner, Luke.

Bemis, Judith.

Shefrin, Sima Elizabeth.

Tiancheng, Lu.

Drake, Shannon.
    Emerald Embrace.
    Tulsa : Medallion Media Group, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Dinsdale, Christopher.
    Emerald Key.
    Toronto : Dundurn, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Moore, Susan.
    Emerald Secret.
    La Vergne : Nosy Crow, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

McDonald, Fleur.
    Emerald Springs.
    Sydney : Allen & Unwin, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Veletsianos, George.

Renfrew, Colin.

Zia-Ebrahimi, Reza.

Stelmach, Jerzy.

Handayani, Wiwandari.

Barratt, B.

Agostoni, Elio.

Doumouchtsis, Stergios K.

Shan, Siqing.

Asquith, Christina.


Miall, Hugh.

Ribeiro, Márcio.

Paradise, Christopher J.

brown, adrienne maree.

Popescu, Ionut.

Radelet, Steven.

Ogendo, Joan Lilian.

Osman, Omar.

Washer, P.

Staff, Asian Development Bank.

Westerhuis, D.

Seuring, Stefan.

Kose, M. Ayhan.

Pimple, Kenneth D.

Armstrong, Mary K.

Dissanayake, Ellen.

Khey, David N.

Hutchison, David.

Boenau, Andy.

Badcott, David.

Healey, John J.

Klerks, Cat.

Carr, Emily.

Wagner-Martin, L.

Brantley, R.

Miller, Emily.

Seibold, Birgit Susanne.

Webb, Holly.
    Emily's Dream.
    London : Nosy Crow, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Goldman, Emma.

Rylance, Ulrike.

Austen, Jane.
    Berkeley : Thunder Bay Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Limbaugh, David.

Bolton, Sharon.

Bednarek, M.

Talat, Usman.

Watson, Jeanne C.

Gobe, Marc.

Hodder, Rupert.

Sand, Ilse.

Cheng Gorman, Jean.

Bird, Paul.
    Emotional Fitness.
    Guildford : Grosvenor House Publishing, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Chapman, Margaret.

Ludovino, Emilia M.

Park, James.

Knight, C.

Paulsen, Heather Arnel.

Davenport, Leslie.

Zionts, Paul.

de Silva, Padmasiri.

Gustafsson, Y.

Röttger-Rössler, Birgitt.

Dewaele, J.

Reynaud, Anne-Marie.

Ingwer, M.

Miyashiro, Marie.

Happ, C.

Forasteros, J. R. .

Schulman, Sarah.
    New York : Arsenal Pulp Press, 2006.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Rothschild, Norman H.

Smith, Michael.

Smith, Michael.

D'Arcy-Brown, Liam.

Francis, Gavin.

Cowans, Jon.

Shiga, Jason.

Elias, Robert.

Innis, Harold A.

Beattie, J.

Chatterjee, Partha.

Bourke, Richard.

Lee, Kathy.
    Empire at War.
    LONDON : SPCK, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Soloviev, Vladimir.

Newark, Tim.

Stableford, Brian.

Hosken, Andrew.

Sorman, Guy.

Keyes, Greg.
    Empire of Unreason.
    New York : Open Road Media Sci-Fi & Fantasy, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Summaries, Bright.

Daugherty, Tracy.
    Empire of the Dead.
    Baltimore : Johns Hopkins University Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Star, Christopher.

Singh, Patwant.

Willmott, H.P.

Gregerson, Linda.

Nocentelli, Carmen.

Hassan, Robert.

Vega, Leoncio.

McQuilton, John.

Kato, Hisakazu.

Brendecke, Arndt.

Malchin, Anja.

Caruth, Cathy.

Castellazzi, Silvia.

Phillips, Kevin E.

Bowles, D.

Basedow, Jürgen.

Burton, Richard.

Chakrabarti, Gagari.


Siskind, Greg.

Publishing, OECD.

Puempin, C.

Block, Peter.

Bumbacher, Stephan Peter.

Sesselmann, Jörg.

Thomas, Bruce St.

Baim, Clark.

Spevak, Peter A.

Yost, Deborah S.

Curtis, Kelly.


Applegarth, Michael.

Wise, Judith Bula.

Campbell, Lady Colin.
    Empress Bianca.
    London : Arcadia Books Limited, 2008.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Stift, Linda.

Glass, James C.
    Empress of Light.
    New York : Open Road Media Sci-Fi & Fantasy, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Armstrong, Guy.


Doucette, Fred.

Herd, Dale.

Barnett, Glenn.

Vaughan-Lee, Llewellyn.

Gross, Jessica Berger.

McCloughry, Roy.

Luan, Tom H.

Disorders, Forum on Neuroscience and Nervous System.

Saenz, Maria Jesus.

Castellanos, Malu.

Brabazon, Tara.

Johnson, Pat.

Martinez, Michael J.

Deeb, Lara.

Cannings, Richard.

Adam, David.

Deland, Margaret.
    Wellington : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Johns, Paxton.

Clark, Andrew.

Clark, Andrew.

Williams, Emlyn.

Nelson, Sally.

Clark, Andrew.

Grayston, John.

Clark, Andrew.

Clutterham, Terry.

Nelson, Sally.

Lucas, Ernest.

Clark, Andrew.

Grayston, John.

Nelson, Sally.

Randle, Kevin.

Williams, Tricia.

Williams, Tricia.

Williams, Tricia.

Williams, Tricia.

Williams, Tricia.

Clark, Andrew.

Nelson, Sally.

Nelson, Sally.

Woods, Julie.

McPhail, Katharine.

Nelson, Jerame.

Roberts, Tyler.

Kennedy, John C.

Harris, Dixie Lee.

Cull Ó Maoilearca, Laura.

Caddy, Renata.

Gulick, Denny.

Fukuzawa, Yukichi.

Richman, Shira.

Jones, Dennis Merritt.

Orman, Hilarie.

Olson, Martin.

Rao, K.R.

Rao, K.R.

Sifakis, Carl.

Howard, Sheena C.

Gudgeon, Christopher.

Lee, Leonard G.

Shaw, Henry.

Fleischhacker, W. Wolfgang.

Strodder, Chris.

Doyle, Dan.

Roylance, David.

Solnit, Rebecca.

Swierczynski, Duane.

Lindsay, Douglas.

Dimova, Dessislava.
    End Of Money.
    La Vergne : Witte de Withe, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Walvoord, John F.

Fass, Paula S.

Renwick, Robin.

Byrne, Michael.

Hoffmeister, Peter Brown.
    End of Boys.
    New York : Soft Skull Press, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Moran, Michael.

Gaudreault, André.

Greene, Paul Joseph.

Horne, Gerald.

Bordoni, Carlo.
    End of Equality.
    Abingdon : Taylor and Francis, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gore, Ariel.

Bergelson, David.

Heinberg, Richard.

Goodman, Mitchell.
    End of It.
    Newburyport : The Permanent Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hartley, Nigel.

Downs, Murna.

Negroponte, Diana Villiers.

Perzanowski, Aaron.

Lagacé , Jacqueline.

Nuernberger, Kathryn.
    End of Pink.
    New York : BOA Editions Ltd., 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Nagel, Mechthild E.

Allen, Amy.

Bernstein Sycamore, Mattilda.

Baker, Hunter.

Marching, Soe Tjen.

Easwaran, Eknath.

Horowitz, David.
    End of Time.
    San Francisco : Encounter Books, 2005.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Chappell, Paul K.

Horgan, John.
    End of War.
    San Francisco : McSweeney's, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bush, Roderick D.

Malcolm X,.

Gibson, Robert.
    End of Youth.
    Exeter : Impress Books, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bailey, Dale.

Young, Terence.

Baker, Tim.

McIver, Don.

Baker, T.

Engel, Susan.

Lindberg, Marian.

McGlynn, David.

Halliday, Brett.
    End of the Trail.
    New York : Open Road Media, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Meighoo, Sean.

Dickman, Michael.
    End of the West.
    Port Townsend : Copper Canyon Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Greenberg, Martin H.

Palmer, Iva-Marie.

Shannon, Deric.

Wilson, Colin.

Brown, Bern Will.

McCarthy, Joan.

Walsh, Enda.

Tobin, Mitch.

Battler, Lesley.

Price, Steven D.

Hanushek, Eric A.

Wittkower, D. E.

Irwin, William.

Morgan, Winter.

Beasley, John.
    Endgame Magic.
    Newburyport : Dover Publications, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Summaries, Bright.

Lucarelli, B.

Round, Jeffrey.
    Toronto : Dundurn, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Tandon, Yash.

Dahlen, Michael.

Board on Behavioral, Cognitive, and Sensory Sciences.

Edwards, John.

Amin, Samir.

Ferraro, Fausta.

Diemberger, Kurt.

England, Christian.
    Endless Nightmares.
    Guildford : Grosvenor House Publishing, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Serry, Robert.

Bishop, Michael.

Crowley, John.

Weir, Arabella.

Kroll, Martin H.

Somasundaram, Indumathi.

Gupta, Sajal.

Partridge, Kate.

Danowski, Déborah.

Anderson, Deb.

Maffetone, Philip.

Carson, D. A.

Isenberg, Joan P.

Landberg, Mary.

Bank, Asian Development.

Matzler, Kurt.

Liedtke, Gregory.

Lewin, Michael Z.
    Enemies Within.
    New York : Open Road Media Mystery & Thriller, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Begg, Moazzam.

Coyle, Brendan.

Contos, Brian T.

Arditti, Michael.
    Enemy of the Good.
    London : Arcadia Books Limited, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Ibsen, Henrik.

Basson, Adriaan.

Rutledge, Ian.

Brennan, Amanda.

Siebeneck, Karl.

Olsen, Walter R.

Eller, Sheila A.

Burn, Gillian.

Smil, Vaclav.

Larsen, Friðrik.

Gracht, Heiko von der.

Manga, Ela.

Morris, Craig.

Smith, Pamela M.
    Energy Edge.
    Washington : Regnery Publishing, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Sweeney, James.

Gough, Corey.

Reynolds, Simon.

Bevell, Brett.

McCauley, Darren.

Pollet, Bruno G.

Heffron, Raphael J.

Shaffer, Brenda.
    Energy Politics.
    Philadelphia : University of Pennsylvania Press, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hall, Charles A.S.

Mirsaeedi-Farahani, Shabnam.

Pascual, Carlos.

Turmes, Claude.

Verma, Meera.

Ellal, Bob.

Sovacool, B.

Ebinger, Charles K.

Boyd, Roger.

Toth, Ferenc L.

Scrase, I.

Palmer, Graham.

Farca, Paula Anca.

Tanev, Stoyan.

Nhat Hanh, Thich.

Nikiforuk, Andrew.

Klingert, Sonja.

Žegarac Leskovar, Vesna.

Pearson, Graeme.

Tellett-Royce, Nancy.

Kirby, Elizabeth.

Brann, Amy.

Griesser, Philip.

Batsell, Jake.

Li, Charlene.

VanDeWeghe, Richard P.
    Engaged Learning.
    Thousand Oaks : SAGE Publications, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Dorr, Tracy.

Imperatori, Barbara.

McConachie, B.

Sathi, Arvind.

Talbott, Strobe.

Sanders, Will.

Thomson-Salo, Frances.

Marlier, D.

McManus Warnell, Jessica.

Chasen, Lee R.

Levine, Howard B.

Spoehr, John.

Hayes, Noirin.

Landsberg, Alison.

Newman, Chris.

Cole, Graham A.

Jolly, Margaret.

Mayfield, John.

Saini, Dayanand.

Sharma, Deepa.

Jenkins, Christopher.

Kunda, Gideon.

Hopcroft, Francis J.

M.T., Maruthesha Reddy.

Becker, Steffen.

Hutchison, David.

Kipp, Philipp.

Army, Jr., Thomas F.

Minges, Hannah.

Sheridan, Sara.

Olson, Donald.

Hale, John.

Dudley, Brian.

Fulford, Michael.

Carlson, Julie A.

Miller, David.

Porley, Ron D.

Harwood, Elain.

Crouch, David.

Easton, T. S.

Little, Patrick.

Andersen, Gisle.

Wadey, Maggie.
    English Daughter.
    La Vergne : Sandstone Press Ltd, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gleeson, David T.

Hart, Steve.

Kerven, Rosalind.

Miller, Mervyn.

Simons, Jake Wallis.

Rothstein, Evelyn B.

Royle, Nicholas.

Gardner, J Starkie.

Education, PCG.

Education, PCG.

Education, PCG.

Education, PCG.

Education, PCG.

Education, PCG.

Education, PCG.

Education, PCG.

Kottler, Ellen.

Harwood, N.

Evans, Stephen.

Herbst, Thomas.

Miura, Akira.

Goldstein, R. James.

Crichton, Jonathan.

Crichton, Jonathan.

Crichton, Jonathan.

Crichton, Jonathan.

Crichton, Jonathan.

Hundt, Marianne.

Chesneau, Ernest.
    English Painting.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Ellis, Hugh.

Gómez González, María de los Ángeles.

Brunstetter, Wanda E.

Flood, Cynthia.
    English Stories.
    Emeryville : Biblioasis, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gildea, N.
    English Studies.
    London : Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Trips, Carola.

Burrill, Victoria.
    English Year 3.
    London : Hodder Education Group, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Burrill, Victoria.
    English Year 4.
    London : Hodder Education Group, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Krugler, John D.

Mligo, Elia Shabani.

de Dios Martínez Agudo,Juan.

Wallwork, Adrian.

Wallwork, Adrian.

Curtis, Lucy.

Ribes, Ramón.

Wallwork, Adrian.

Wallwork, Adrian.

Wallwork, Adrian.

Kaiserimam, Ana de Castro and Zara.

Satheesh, C.P.

Svartvik, Jan.

Grant, George.

Labriola, Anthony.

Isikdag, Umit.

Harder, Jennifer.

Cumming, Tammie.

Sagebiel, Julian.

Harris, John.

France, Derek.

Rahman, Shibley.

Bank, Handayani Sri Wening Asian Development.

Harris, John.

Magana, Sonny.

Bentovim, Arnon.

Balme, David.

Blackett, Jamie.

Morabia, Alfredo.

Barker, Meg-John.

Anthony, Paul.

Nazari, Mehrad.

Kavanagh, Thomas M.

Gebhardt, Bear Jack.

O'Hara, Kieron.

Kenny, Anthony.

Ferrone, Vincenzo.

van der Braak, Andre.

Adams, David.

Elmarsafy, Ziad.

Freely, Maureen.
    London : Marion Boyars, 2007.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kennedy, Christopher.
    Ennui Prophet.
    New York : BOA Editions Ltd., 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Samson, Will.

Shields, David.

Ashford, Mary-Wynne.

Payne, Mary Jennifer.
    Victoria : Orca Book Publishers, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Das, D.

May, Hazel.

Renzulli, Joseph S.

Madden, Thomas F.

Howard, A. G.

Baumgarten, Elisheva.

Dowell, Roseanne.
    Entangled Minds.
    CALGARY : Books We Love Ltd., 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Miloszewski, Zygmunt.
    London : Bitter Lemon Press, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Spurr, Russell.

Hausner, Beatriz.

Wyke, Stommel.

Rabhi, Fethi A.

Lankhorst, Marc.

Levermore, David M.

Donaldson, Scott.

Tomlinson, Todd.

Chaki, Saumya.


Fraser, John.

Margolis, Ben.

van der Aalst, Wil.

Dempsey, Jessica.

Everett, Richard.

O'Quinn, Daniel.

Spiller, Nancy.

Taylor, Jonathan.

Dixon, Ian.

Colombo, Fabrizio.

Bennett, Jonathan.
    Toronto : ECW Press, 2008.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hirani, Zeeshan.

Kanjilal, Joydip.

Geiger, J.

Keating, A.

Roth, Carol.

Casson, M.

Dawkins, Fred.

Ruef, Martin.

Barrow, Clyde W.

Onyemah, Vincent.

Blawatt, Ken R.

Clifton, Jim.

Mayo, A.

Kahan, Alex.

Maas, Gideon.

Sá, C.

Gurrieri, Antonia Rosa.

Publishing, OECD.

Wagner, Marcus.

Elder, Alexander.

Jüngel, Ansgar.

Jama-Everett, Ayize.
    Entropy of Bones.
    Northampton : Small Beer Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Ellis, Richard S.

Carson, D. A.

Bartosch, Roman.

Vaz, Sofia.

Hilgers, A.

Arias-Maldonado, Manuel.

Dayal, Vikram.

Persels, Jeff.

Vubo, Yenshu.

Gioielli, Robert.

Menke, William.

Graves, Philip E.

Almeida, Sylvia Christine.

Vromans, Kees.

Ip, King-Tak.

Sideris, Lisa.

Uchiyama, Katsuhisa.

Pepper, Ian L.

Shifrin, Neil.

Daniels, Tom.

Perry, Martin.

Cockerill, Kristan.

Wigger, Henning.

Michael D. LaGrega,.

Pickles, Christopher B.

Qian, Song S.

Zhang, Guofeng.

Enetjärn, Anders.

Næss-Schmidt, Helge Sigurd.

Arendt, Randall.

Gasman, Marybeth.

Penn, Michael Philip.

Appelbaum, Robert.

Wilson, Edward.
    London : Arcadia Books Limited, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Polledri, Patricia, Dr.

Ferreira, María Luján.

Dugan, Holly.

Hughes, R. Kent.

Kuruvilla, Abraham.

Kroll, Woodrow.

Merkle, Benjamin L.
    Nashville, TN : B&H Publishing Group, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Martin, George R R.

Eclair-Powell, Phoebe.

Dorsey, Colleen.

Phillips, Christopher N.

Handrahan, Lori.

Wongrak, Kalyakorn.

Heil, Reinhard.

Weissmann, Gerald.

Hudson, Hoyt Hopewell.

Koubeissi, Mohamad Z.

Vaja, Eleana.

Berggren, J.L.

Blaauw, Martijn.

Wai, Z.

Martin, Robert M.

Echeverria, Javier.

Pritchard, D.
    London : Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Cockerill, Gareth Lee.

Longenecker, Richard N.
    Epistle to the Romans.
    Grand Rapids : Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Dowling, William C.

Kwon, Ah Ram.

Fenollosa, Ernest F.

Beolens, Bo.

Schaar, Stuart.

Featherstone, Lynne.

Kendal, Evie.

Hogshead-Makar, Nancy.

Baker, John.

Brodie, Cheryl.

Butler, Mark.

Okun, Arthur M.

Zhang, Hongzhi.

Turk, Katherine.

Merry, M.

Baker, Jenny.

Levajković, Tijana.

Cohen, Daniel J.

Gould-Wright, Sue.

Buchanon, Phillip.
    Equipment Guys.
    Minneapolis : OCTOCANON, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Peng, Kern.

Heery, Gerry.

Schofield, Neil C.

Bouzoubaa, M.

Davies, R.

Park, Alayna.

Burrage, Hilary.

Burrage, Hilary.

Hakl, Hans Thomas.

Chan, Francis.

Garibaldi, Eduardo.

Gorodnik, Alexander.

Embry, Charles R.

Davis, James.

Fury, Jason.
    Eric's Body.
    New York : Open Road Distribution, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Battino, Rubin.

Samiloglu, Erin.

Samiloglu, Erin.

Aiken, Joan.
    Erl King's Daughter.
    Newburyport : Open Road Media Young Readers, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Goddard, John.

Loder, Wolfgang.

Wagner-Martin, L.

von Weizsäcker, Ernst Ulrich.

LLP, Ernst & Young.

Hogan, Eve Eschner.

Beale, Gregory K.

Dupouy, Alexandtre.

Charles, Victoria.
    Erotic Drawings.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Walley, Gay.

Patterson, Sylvia.

Gwynne, J.

Blandford, Richard.
    Erotic Nightmares.
    London : Canelo Digital Publishing Ltd, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Dupouy, Alexandre.
    Erotic Photography.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Dupouy, Alexandre.
    Erotic Photography.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Duffy, Maureen.

Parker, Jeff.

Frutkin, Mark.

Frutkin, Mark.

Anderson, Boyd.

Amadori, Debora.

Culhane, Dara.

Pica, Paola.

Pica, Paola.

Lipus, Florjan.

Mair, Meinhard.

Fryer, Mary Beacock.

Walters, J. L.
    Escape : Affinities.
    CALGARY : Books We Love Publishing Partners, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Katz, Judith.
    Escape Artist.
    Ann Arbor : Bywater Books, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hernández, Miguel-Ángel.
    Escape Attempt.
    Madrid : Hispabooks, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Paterson, Charles.

Hossain, Saad Z.

Drayton, Ray.

Kirkpatrick, Melanie.

Jones, Gareth. P.

Rashke, Richard.

Davidson, Danica.

Kellogg, Paul.

Wong, David H.T.

Wilkshire, Nick.

Campisi, Elizabeth.

Devereux, Brian.

Manotti, Dominique.
    London : Arcadia Books Limited, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Churchill, Caryl.

Scrivens, Phyllida.

Kettl, Donald F.

Stiftung, Bertelsmann.

Pa, Chileng.

Weller, Marc.

Jagger, Chris.

Garnier, Pascal.
    Eskimo Solution.
    London : Gallic Books, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Keni, Niyati.
    Esperanza Street.
    High Wycombe : And Other Stories Publishing, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Papazian, Elizabeth.

al-Khayam, Omar.

Flothow, Dorothea.
    Heidelberg : Universitätsverlag Winter, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Shawn, Wallace.
    Essays : Essays.
    Chicago : Haymarket Books, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Durrant, Sam.

Keynes, J.

Suzuki, D.T.

Scerri, Eric.

Greismann, Dirk.

Michael Stops.

Association, American Historical.

Anaya, Rudolfo.
    New York : Open Road Media, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lilly, Sue.

Saunders, Anna.

Nagamine, Shoshin.

Magnan, Pierre.

Wang, Fengming.

McElrath, Damian.

Easwaran, Eknath.

Easwaran, Eknath.

Easwaran, Eknath.

Thornton, Andrea.
    : Grosvenor House Publishing, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Freeman, Adam.

Mansouri, Fethi.

Manley, Pat.

De Bremaeker, Marc.

Jordan, Mary.

Jun, Guo.

Lee, Philip Yungkin.

Chomsky, Noam.

Rosenbaum, Jonathan.

St. John, Walter.

St. John, Walter.

Darzynkiewicz, Zbigniew.

Freeman, Adam.

O'Donnell, Peter J.

Israelson, Bill.

Slager, David.

Kreger, Randi.

Estrada, J.

Gibran, Kahlil.
    Essential Gibran.
    London : Oneworld Publications, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Jordan, Mary.

Snyder, Jason L.

Jordan, Mary.

Bauer, Michael.

Gallimore, Desirée.

Delacy, Richard.

Conlon, Patrick.


Nugraha, Iskandar.

Editors, Periplus.

Tanimori, Masahiro.

University of Tokyo, Kanji Text Research Group.

Miura, Akira.

Koh, Soyeung.

Kingdon, Laura.

Park, Kyubyong.

Luxmoore, Nick.

Brussell, Mae.

Hoopmann, Kathy.

Johnson-Davies, Denys.

Kelly, Owen.

Rhind, Jennifer Peace.

Matolyak, John.

Hisataka, Masayuki Kukan.

Zeman, Nicholas Bernhardt.

Mills, Annie.

Perdon, Renato.

Huang, Chungliang Al.
    Essential Tai Ji.
    London : Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Wagman, Gary.

Bertschinger, Richard.

Golding, Michael.

Rana, Abdul Qayyum.

Crowe, Brandon.

Zago, Mauro.

Giuong, Phan Van.

Kinsella, W. P.

H. William Detrich, III.

Gauvin, Gary.

Yap, Yee Guan.

Domjan, Michael.

Marcus, MD, Jeffrey R.

Prasad, R.L.

Cherry, Simon R.

Gippert, Jost.

Anand, Rishabh.

Gurley, Jessica R.

Fisher, Miles.

Earnest, Arul.

Breidert, Christoph.

Tartu, Universität.

Robinson, Douglas.

Watkins, Elizabeth Siegel.

Cast, P. C.

Fahy, Christopher.
    Eternal Bliss.
    New York : Open Road Distribution, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Eldredge, Niles.

Piatigorsky, Anton.
    Eternal Hydra.
    Toronto : Coach House Books, 2005.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Clawson, P.

Brenton, Howard.

Acton, Michael W.

Cointreau, Tony.

Ehrenreich, Ben.
    San Francisco : City Lights Publishers, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Harrington, Jan L.

Sawatsky, Jarem.

Hing, Bill Ong.

Newton, Lisa.

Iphofen, R.

Arvidsson, Adam.

Korkka, Janne.

Huemer, M.

Hughes, Julian C.

Gaisbauer, Helmut P.

Klugman, Craig M.

Loue, Sana.

Strike, Kenneth A.

Stauffer, Jill.

Martin, Bill.

Carroll, Michael.

Smith, David.

Lowman, Rodney L.

McCown, Donald.

Stirling, Kirsten.

Cave, Peter.

    Ethics A-Z.
    New York : Palgrave Macmillan US, 2008.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Roth, J.

van den Hoonaard, Will C.

Frame, Tom.

Prenzler, Tim.

Leveringhaus, Alex.

Sandler, Ronald.

Chappell, Tim.

Jacob, Susan.

Mitchell, C. Ben.

Bradstock, Andrew.

Bazzul, Jesse.

González-Ruibal, Alfredo.

King, Elaine A.

Dimmock, Mark.
    Ethics for A-Level.
    Cambridge : Open Book Publishers, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Mulgan, Tim.

Mulayim, Sedat.

Feinberg, John S.

Furman, Lisa R.

Hayry, Matti.

Zaidi, Shabih H.
    Ethics in Medicine.
    Cham : Springer International Publishing, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Eckenwiler, Lisa A.

Robinson, Fiona.

Reader, Simon.

Trotter, Griffin.

Moran, S.

Ireland, Tracy.

O'Leary, Rosemary.

Heckel, Pamela E.

Thiessen, Elmer J.

Couldry, N.
    Ethics of Media.
    London : Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Thielicke, Helmut.
    Ethics of Sex.
    Cambridge : The Lutterworth Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bormann, Natalie.

Mahallati, Mohammed Jafar Amir.

Blumenfeld-Jones, Donald S.

Stranger, Yves-Marie.

An, Keon-San.

Lee, Steven S.

Ziemer, Ulrike.

Pappe, Ilan.

Hillman, Ben.

Bissessar, Ann Marie.

Abramson, Marc S.

Alexander, June Granatir.

Wilson, Kathryn.

Sangmpam, S. N.

Okamura, Jonathan Y.

Biagetti, Stefano.

Albuquerque, Ulysses Paulino.

Elkington, Bethany Gwen.

Whereat-Phillips, Patricia.

Rinehart, Robert E.

Zheng, T.

Flaherty, Michael G.

Musharbash, Yasmine.

Mudege, Netsayi Noris.

Burbank, V.

Katsap, Ada.

Koinova, Maria.

Cranston, Jerome.

De Mente, Boye Lafayette.

De Mente, Boye Lafayette.

De Mente, Boye Lafayette.

Posadas, Joy.

Snyder, Gary.

An Old Past Master,.

Pryor, Francis.

Dixon, Kathryn.

Dixon, Kathryn.

Segura, Mauricio.
    Emeryville : Biblioasis, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Mudd, Joseph C.

Bouton, Dugas.

Forsey, Helen.

Pushkin, Alexander.
    Eugene Onegin.
    Cambs : Dedalus, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Turda, M.

Gillette, A.

Kallendorf, Christina.

Cohen, Josh.

Bà ¶k, Christian.
    Toronto : Coach House Books, 2005.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Coluccello, Rino.

Gregory, Andrew.

Berger, Dorita S.

Pedrick, Victoria.

Marsh, David.

Jespersen, Jesper.
    Euro : Why it Failed.
    Cham : Springer International Publishing, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Brown, B.

Brown, B.

Brunnermeier, Markus K.

Benjamin, Daniel.
    Europe 2030.
    New York, NY : Brookings Institution Press, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Telò, Mario.

Charter, David.

Olson, Donald.

Elliott, Larry.

Marelli, Enrico.

Della Posta, Pompeo.

Pearson, Mark.

Príncipe, Catarina.

Ugresic, Dubravka.
    Europe in Sepia.
    Rochester : Open Letter, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Pearson, Mark.

Dervis, Kemal.

Wicks, Robert L.

Estes, Kenneth.

Werner, Yvonne Maria.

Crabtree, Pam J.

Warmbein, Barbara.

Baglioni, Angelo.

Kurschus, Stephanie.

Le, Thanh Hoa.

Berghahn, D.

Brown, Stuart A.

Eichengreen, Barry.

Borghesi, Simone.

Reijnen, Carlos.

Axyonova, Vera.

Gegout, Catherine.

Fieldsend, Dan.

Wedel, Marco.

Whitman, R.

Schwarzer, Bettina.

Hearn, J.

Cross, Mai'a K. Davis.

Suárez, José Luis.

Ammaturo, Francesca Romana.

Seemann, Christian.

Battrick, B.

Hallberg, Ulf Peter.

Stiftung, Bertelsmann.

Blair, Alasdair.

Hussain, Munir.

Bickerton, C.

Kaiser, W.

El-Agraa, A.

Musu, C.

Kratochvíl, P.

Toje, A.

Ginsberg, R.

Dee, M.

Axyonova, Vera.

Voloshin, G.

Stiftung, Bertelsmann.
    European Way of Life.
    Gütersloh : Verlag Bertelsmann Stiftung, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book


Graziano, P.

Bache, I.

Gross, E.

Conrad, Maximilian.

Reeves, Minou.

Longo, M.

Curtin, Judi.

McKay, Kathy.
    Evacuee Lottery.
    Guildford : Grosvenor House Publishing, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Feinstein, Osvaldo N.

Leite, Denise.

Clements, M.

Forsberg, Ellen-Marie.

Scaletti, Alessandro.

(U.S.), The Merit Systems Protection Board.

Jason, Martin H.

Harris, Muriel J.

Sanders, James R.

Stronge, James H.

Passe, Angèle Sancho.

Marra, Mita.

Schmid, Gian-Marco.

van Um, Eric.

Duffy, Deirdre Niamh.

Rosenstein, Barbara.

Thomas, Vinod.

Innes, Anthea.

Melin, Göran.

Balula, Ana.

Hennies, Henrike.

Assessment, Board on Testing and.

Inouye, C.

Grudem, Wayne.

Goldfayn, Alex L.

Tolley, Josh.

Murphy, John.
    Evatt : A Life.
    Chicago : University of New South Wales Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Devi, Ananda.

Mandich, Steve.

Darbyshire, F.L.
    Even Angels Fall.
    Claygate : Grosvenor House Publishing, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Galef, David.

Murphy, Lisa.

Nunez, Elizabeth.
    Even in Paradise.
    New York, NY : Akashic Books, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Morris, Harry.

Albritton, Jane.

Shraya, Vivek.

Berry, Thomas.

Folsom, William B.

Boruch, Marianne.

Viswanathan, Padma.

Archbishop Quinn, John R.

Greenacre, John.

Shipton, Eric.

Messner, Reinhold.

Bonington, Chris.

Tasker, Joe.

Lodge, Thomas E.

Sidwell, Adam Glendon.
    Chicago : Future House Publishing, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Dowding, Philippa.

Jones, Hardy.

Kalinowska, Liz.

Allen, Preston L.

Portier, William L.

O'Sullivan, Niamh.

Lee, Sungju.

Iossel, Mikhail.

Miller, Carol.

Jenkins, Amy Lou.

Keys, Bobby.

Clifford, Jo.

Carswell, Jonathan.

Thompson, Pamela.

Walvoord, John F.

Mina, Denise.
    Every Seven Years.
    Newburyport : Road, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Barth, John.

Henderson, Bob.

Sawyer, Meryl.

Bowman, Katy.

Morgan, Teresa.

Meinecke, Christine.

Flanagan, Deuce.

Erekson, Keith A.

Mitroff, I.

Jacobs, Debra.

Fee, Natalie.

Pollock, Mica.

Fenton, Sasha.

Sutjaja, I Gusti Made.

Blue, Elly.

Blue, Elly.

Chester, Tim.

Wilson, Kevin.

Taylor, Ken and Joules.

Johnson, Jeff A.

Dyrbjerg, Pernille.

Dawkins, Fred.

Oey, Thomas G.

Abrahams, Roger D.

Dunn, Charles J.

Daymond, M. J.

Glucklich, Ariel.

Menon, Kalyani Devaki.

Roan Robbins, Heather.

Pete, Brian.

Corin, Lucy.

Bertschinger, Richard.

Augà ©, Marc.

Egerton, Owen.

Luvmour, Josette.

Millet, Lydia.

Wills, Ruth.

Doshi, Tishani.

Doshi, Tishani.

Valentine, Stephen J.

Snyder, Brian.

Snyder, Brian.

Greer, James.
    Everything Flows.
    : Curbside Splendor Publishing, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Stambolova, Albena.

Jones, Cynan.

Jones, Cynan.

Jarvis, Stacey.

Teresa, Mother.

Galvin, James.

Adam, Pip.

Producer, West End.

Kreitman, Tricia.

Brown, Matt.

Brown, Matt.

Young, Peter.

Piccaver, Matt.

Valentine, Stephen J.

Watts, Duncan J.

Bringhurst, Robert.

Bartrop, Paul R.

Coletti, P.

Medina, L. Santiago.

Snyder, John E.

Cullen, Laura.

Groark, Christina J.

McIntosh, Cameron.

Publishing, OECD.

Peters, Helen.
    Evie's Ghost.
    London : Nosy Crow, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Wilson, Colin.

Charles, Kate.

Hannan, Chris.

Monk, Daniel Bertrand.

White, Dave.

Hick, J.

Wright, N. T.

Forbes, Elena.
    Evil in Return.
    : House of Anansi Press, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Levine, Allan.

Parry, J.T.

Marshall, Perry.

Guttman, Burton.

Diogo, Rui.

Cherrier, Pascal.

Fein, Melvyn L.

Campbell, A. Malcolm.

Ginsberg, A.

Campbell, A. Malcolm.

Glaeser, Georg.
    Evolution of Flight.
    Cham : Springer International Publishing, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Paradise, Christopher J.

Lauren, Paul Gordon.

Jones, Clara B.

Scherger, George L.

Orrell, David.
    Evolution of Money.
    New York : Columbia University Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Power, Michael L.
    Evolution of Obesity.
    Baltimore : Johns Hopkins University Press, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Malott, Jason Quinn.

Case Scheer, Brenda.

Conroy, Helen.

Moscowitz, John.

Glaeser, Georg.
    Evolution of the Eye.
    Cham : Springer International Publishing, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Sullivan, Courtney.

Hoffman, Bruce.

Power, Michael L.

Barton, John H.

Gagnon, J.

Morrone, Juan J.

Hutchison, David.

Hutchison, David.

Paradise, Christopher J.

Aemajs, Josef.

Gillroy, J.

Dunbar, Robin.

Hutchison, David.

Dempsey, Alison L.

Bendell, Jem.

Gale, William G.

Westbrook, Raymond.

Lassalle, Didier.

Frith-Powell, Helena.

Rix, Jallen.

Rix, Jallen.

Li, Tatsien.

Heitzenrater, Richard P.

Battle, Juan.

Battle, Juan.

Pastrana, Jr., Antonio (Jay).

Taylor, Astra.

Board, Food and Nutrition.

Masur, Kate.

Gershon, Mike.

Neal, David S.

Milne, Gustav.

Clark, Ann.

Hamerow, Helena.

Haviland, William A.

Hosking, Barbara.

Umlas, Bob.


Carlberg, Conrad.

Taylor, Ivana.

Linjuan Men, Rita.

Cook, Thomas A.

Johnson, Andy.

Dietrich, Eric.

James, Jo.

Bartleman, James.

Caunitz, William J.

Shelton, Carla F.

Spanos, William V.

Atayurt, Zeynep Zeren.

Zakharov, Dmitry.

Nakano, Masayoshi.

Haut, Jan.

Reyes, Elizabeth.

Sandoval-García, Carlos.

Chittenden, Maurice.
    La Vergne : Biteback Publishing, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Harevy, Adrian.

Nenzi, Laura.

Klass, Ric.

Reed, Lawrence W.

Buchanan, William.
    Execution Eve.
    Far Hills : New Horizon Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Pendleton, Don.

Kerr, J.

Moyes, Rebecca.

López Lubián, Francisco J. López.

Chappell, C.

Hawley, Cameron.

Hughes, Theodore E.

de Cervantes, Miguel.

Kinney, Anne Behnke.

Hartley, L. Howard.

Graham, Helen.

Powers, Pauline.

Colberg, Sheri R.

Liebman, Hollis Lance.

Schneider, Stefan.

Orme, Nicholas.

Schaffner, Anna Katharina.

Solberg Söilen, Klaus.

Lukito, Yulia Nurliani.

Effinger, George Alec.
    Exile Kiss.
    Newburyport : Open Road Media Sci-Fi & Fantasy, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Shaw, Charles.

Averis, Kate.

Tassi, Paul.

Sullivan, Zohreh T.

Goytisolo, Juan.

Dum, Christopher P.

Velichkov, Bozhidar.

Vox, Lisa.

Wartenberg, Thomas E.

Koerrenz, Ralf.

Cleary, S.

Summaries, Bright.

Hurter, Bill.

Card, Liam.

Gilman, Greer.

Matthews, R.

Ryken, Philip Graham.

Berg, Yehuda.

Germany, Stephen.

Flowers, Alison.

Kay, William K.

Yee, Jennifer.

Khovanova, Kseniya M.

Newell, Kate.

Spring, Ursula Oswald.

Soper, Mark Edward.

Luey, Beth.

Gilbert, Daniel A.

Martin, Christoph.
    La Vergne : Clink Street Publishing, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Beighton, Christian.

Fromm, David.

Bader, Benjamin.

Hansen, Arlen J.

Berkson, Bill.
    Expect Delays.
    Minneapolis : Coffee House Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bryan, Clarice.

Brott, Armin A.

Battino, Rubin.

Uhalde, Kevin.

Cassell, Joan.

Hopkins, Cathy.
    Expecting to Fly.
    Dorking : Piccadilly Press, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Taylor, S. S.

Taylor, S. S.

Leibman, Laura Arnold.

Courtney, James.

Crawford, John.

Jackson, John Andrew.

Kirby, William C.

Luther, Robert.

Battistoni, Richard.

Lahusen, Christian.

Carter, Anthony J.

Smith, Kerry.

Azina Chronides, Myrto.
    Experiment , The.
    Reading : Garnet Publishing (UK) Ltd, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Holmes, Val.

Bardsley, Nicholas.

Mair, Victor.

Blockley, Ann.

Blockley, Ann.

Mitchell, Robert.

Meier, Hans.

Golinski, Jan.

Shapo, Marshall S.

Ward, Patricia A.

Permuy Lpez, Rafael A.

Wada, Tomoya.

Hay, William W.

Trevennor, Alan.

Gay, Warren.

Mullins, Olivia.

Ucko, David.

Hurlbut, J. Benjamin.

Peterson, Nicolas.

Jones, John Y.

Freeman, Adam.

Mainkar, Prajyot.

Hellman, Erik.

Komatineni, Satya.
    Expert Android.
    Berkeley, CA : Apress, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

McLaine, Lachlan.

Bach, Martin.

Glowacki, Pawel.
    Expert Delphi.
    Birmingham : Packt Publishing, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Syme, Don.
    Expert F# 4.0.
    Berkeley, CA : Apress, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Daggett, Mark E.

Saner, Raymond.

Charlebois-Laprade, Nikolas.

Gault, Doug.

Kyte, Thomas.

Pot'Vin, Kellyn.

Bach, Martin.

Kuhn, Darl.

Shamsudeen, Riyaj.

Hasler, Tony.

Rochkind, Marc.

Strate, Jason.

Korotkevitch, Dmitri.

Korotkevitch, Dmitri.

Carter, Peter A.

Kellenberger, Kathi.

Wallace, Catherine.

Bank, Asian Development.

Staff, Csiro Publishing.

Salamon, Lester M.

Shibata, Hiromichi.

Sergunin, Alexander.

Gottschalk, Petter.

Barter, S.

Schreiber, Mordecai.

Schreiber, Mordecai.

Wang, Wei.

Miller, James.

Hawkins, Jennifer S.

Chau, Donovan C.

Barnard, Adam.

Fujita, Mai.

Gufeld, Eduard.

Warchol, Greg L.

Conery, John S.

Fox, James. J.

Saalbach, Axel.

Kandachar, Prabhu.

Hanks, Judith.

Van Vleet, Carmella.

Van Vleet, Carmella.

Fisher, Verna.

Swanson, Jennifer.

Blobaum, Cindy.

Blobaum, Cindy.

Reilly, Kathleen M.

Yasuda, Anita.

Yasuda, Anita.

Blobaum, Cindy.

Blobaum, Cindy.

Yasuda, Anita.

Diehn, Andi.

Diehn, Andi.

Blobaum, Cindy.

Blobaum, Cindy.

Yasuda, Anita.

Grayston, John.

Mooney, Carla.

Jackson, D.

Karanika-Murray, M.

Davey, Peter.

Tickle, Anna.

Lischner, Ray.

Meskens, Ad.

Attwood, Tony.

Candlin, Christopher N.

Morris, Edd.

Townson, Louise.

Scarpa, Angela.

Moreira-Almeida, Alexander.

Thompson, Jessica.

Witt, Greg.

Clancy, Judith.

Arangala, Crista.

de Silva Joyce, Helen.

Brock, Rita Nakashima.

Maree, Kobus.

Hobbs, C.

Roberts, J.

Snene, Mehdi.

Feiler, Jesse.

Benson, Clarence H.

Prutchi, David.

Harris, R. Laird.

Benbya, Hind.

Gassmann, Oliver.

Robertson, Phil.

Thomas, Martin.

Barbosa, Fernando de Holanda.

Jayawickreme, Eranda.

Hicks, Christina.

Gay, Warren.

Hobbs, Renee.

Craig, Claire.

Duernberger, Amy.

Biswas, Pradipta.

Rolin, Jean.

Delaney, Laurel J.

Delaney, Laurel J.

Henze, Raphaela.

Delaney, Laurel J.

LaMay, Craig.

Nevland, Peter.

Tyconius of Carthage, Tyconius of.

Helm, David R.

Anthony, Evelyn.
    New York : Open Road Media Mystery & Thriller, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Mardan, Azat.

Mvalo, Songiso.

Bassie, Ashley.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Darley, Suzanne.

French, Soraya.

Carey, Lois.

Queyras, Sina.
    Toronto : Coach House Books, 2005.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Cetti, Livia.

Schneiderman, Davis.

Irwin, Robert.

Jarvis, Claire.

Hunt, Laird.
    : Coffee House Press, 2006.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Taylor, Paul Hoang and Chris.

Bodansky, Steve.

Nussbaum, Martha C.

van Rossum, Joost.

Ahmed, Abdeljalil.

Davis, Thomas S.

Dawson, Ashley.

Moore, Jeffrey.

Lightfoot, Frederick.

Gansworth, Eric.
    Extra Indians.
    New York : Milkweed Editions, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Nikitas, Derek.
    Extra Life.
    New York : Polis Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Nahman, M.

Phillips, Gary.
    : Stark Raving Group, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Symeou, Andrew.

Angus, Christopher.

Gibb, Lorna.

Cohen, Nadia.,.

Ervin, Andrew.

Kanefield, Teri.

Mulrooney, Kristin J.

Franklin, Miriam Spitzer.
    New York : Sky Pony Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

von Braun, Kaspar.

Guttman, Peter.

Herman, Sarah.

Cremona, Julian.

Fraiman, Susan.

Graham, Scott.

Dempsey, Sharon.

Bronner, Yigal.

Edmondson, Amy C.

Allen, Ian.

Baker, Abdul Haqq.

Babu, Prasanti.

Mandal, Sikha.

Schwab, Larry.

Hughes, Tristan.
    Eye Lake.
    Toronto : Coach House Books, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Drummond, Paul.

    Eye Opener.
    MN : Hazelden Publishing, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Rollins, Henry.
    Eye Scream.
    Los Angeles : 2.13.61, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hakimi, Kazem.
    Eye for Iran.
    Reading : Garnet Publishing (UK) Ltd, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Roop, Peter.

Sharp, Margery.

Hun, Bai.

King, Jonathon.
    Eye of Vengeance.
    : Open Road Media Mystery & Thriller, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

King, Jonathon.
    Eye of Vengeance.
    Newburyport : Open Road Media Mystery & Thriller, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Plumwood, Val.

Carter, Rubin "Hurricane".

Mankell, Henning.

Badr, Liana.

Pattison, Eliot.

Cheshire, Simon.

Lal, Brij V.

Wilson, Rob.

Norfolk, Bobby.

Dajani, Souad R.

Mathiane, Nomavenda.

Jacobs, Daniel.
    Eyes of Abel.
    : West Hills Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Joly, Eva.

Sherrard, Valerie.

Syrett, David.

Wells, Patricia Taylor.
    Eyes of the Doe.
    Chicago : Bedazzled Ink Publishing, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Filloux, Catherine.

Porter, David.

Tooman, William A.

Goligher, Liam.
    La Vergne : SPCK, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Roesch, F.

de Baecque, Antoine.

Malavasic, Alice Elizabeth.

Gardner, Vanessa.

Mukherjee, Sudipta.

Black, Ian.

Tierney, Rashers.

Ronder, Tanya.

Grassan, Timothy.

Cranfield, Steven.

Irwin, John T.

Atanassova, Katerina.

Vashishtha, Vipin M.

(ASA), Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)/Aviation Supplies & Academics.

(ASA), Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)/Aviation Supplies & Academics.

Federal Aviation Administration (FAA),.

Hunt, Donnell.

Buckley. Samuel,.

Zohn, Ethan.

Zohn, Ethan.

Bartmann, Erwin.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation,.

Federal Bureau of Investigation, Federal Bureau of Investigation.

Federal Bureau of Investigation, Federal Bureau of Investigation.

Cohen, I. Glenn.

Dobson, A.

Woolner, D.

Woolner, D.

    Surrey : Templar Publishing, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gibbons, Bob.

net, cricketweb.

Taylor, Laura P.

Taylor, Laura P.

Socias Salvà, Antonio.
    FInancial Accounting.
    Madrid : Difusora Larousse - Ediciones Pirámide, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

    Dehli : Scientific International, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Wiss, Ray.

Jacquet, Wolfgang.

Mooney, Carla.

C. David Cooper,.

Coyle, Karen.

Barach, Jeffrey T.

McComsey, Jeff.
    Madison : Alterna, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

McKee, Alan.

Bowden, A.C.

Siljander, Raymond P.

Morel, Laure.

Cross, Susan Campbell.

Altmann, Karin.

Post, Andrew.
    Saint Charles : Medallion Media Group, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Stovall, Jill.

Werth, Tiffany J.

Lee, Kathy.
    Fabulous Phoebe.
    Milton Keynes : Scripture Union England and Wales, 2006.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Aziz, Erica Palmcrantz.

Hardinge, Frances.

Lindsay, Douglas.

Barr, Robert.
    Face and the Mask.
    Wellington : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Burton, Betty.
    Face of Eve.
    London : Canelo Digital Publishing Ltd, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Pastor, Paul J.

Sharp, Dallas Lore.

R.C.S.T., Thomas Attlee D. O.

Atwan, Greg.
    Facebook Book.
    New York : Abrams, 2008.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Liebert, Emily.

Wittkower, D. E.

Mankell, Henning.

Luiselli, Valeria.
    Faces in the Crowd.
    Minneapolis : Coffee House Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Craiutu, Aurelian.

Brown, Seyom.

Coddington, Ronald S.

Coddington, Ronald S.

Hackett, P.

Adkins, Paul.

Bank, Asian Development.

Büchel, B.

Sydney, Louis.

MacKinlay, Elizabeth.

Whitehead, Jo.

Townsend, John.

Mirolla, Michael.
    : Leapfrog Press, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

McFarland, John.

Kiehl, Jeffrey T.

Deveney, Sean.

Fischer, David.

Deveney, Sean.

Wolff, Bob.

Kennedy, Brian.

Sniderman, Paul M.

Holmes, Steven Pavlos.

Carlson, Chuck.

Deveney, Sean.

Gale, Patrick.

Chambers, Suzanne.

Charles, Victoria.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Negri, Antonio.

Benson, Raymond.
    Facts Of Death.
    East Rutherford : Ian Fleming Publications, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Taylor, Paul.

Gale, Patrick.

Beach, Andrea L.

Finkelstein, Martin J.

Rees, Albert.

Haxton, Brooks.

Lewis, T R.

Marjara, Eisha.
    New York : Arsenal Pulp Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kerven, Rosalind.

Gray, R Garland.

Gray, R Garland.

Ibbotson, Chad.

Wilson, John.

Oliver, Robert.

Loughran, Patrick.

Jones, Brian.

Ahmed, Nafeez Mosaddeq.

Alger, Vicki.

Georgiadis, Kyriakos.

Hay, Colin.

Somit, A.

Graziano, M.

Greer, James.
    Brooklyn : Akashic Books, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Silva, Lorenzo.

Strong, Sarah Pemberton.
    Fainting Room.
    Brooklyn : Ig Publishing, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Stiftung, Bertelsmann.

Hinojosa, Rolando.

Harvie, J.

Zeigler, Cyd.

Goyen, William.
    Fair Sister.
    : Dzanc Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Badó, Attila.

Menicucci, E.

(U.S.), The Merit Systems Protection Board.

James, Christina.
    Fair of Face.
    La Vergne : Salt Publishing Limited, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Reed, Sam.
    Fair to Hope.
    Minneapolis : North Loop Books, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Reisman, Richard.

Field, David.
    Fairest Star.
    : G2 Rights Ltd, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Nuno, Fran.

Harvey, Ralph.

Donleavy, J. P.

Pask, Kevin.

Outhwaite, Ida Rentoul.
    New York : Dover Publications, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

York, Tripp.

Shepherd, Nick.

Kaye Campbell, Alexi.

Prince, Greg W.

Aderibigbe, Titilayo O.

Forcades, Teresa.

Bartley, Jonathan.


Eresso, Meron Zeleke.

Rhodes, David.

MacMullen, Ian.

Rooms, Nigel.

Batchelor, Stephen.

Bird, Phyllis A.

Ager, Joey.

Hamilton, Adam.

Maddux, Kristy.

Lawler, Philip F.

Collins, Guy.

Williams, Peter S.

Hamilton, Adam.

Anyabwile, Thabiti M.

Preston, Andrew.

Ladd, Dean.

Piper, Noël.

Hamilton, Adam.

Amaradio, Tony and.

Messina-Dysert, Gina.

McCarthy, Andrew C.

Montgomery, Daniel.

Wensink, Patrick.
    Fake Fruit Factory.
    New York : Curbside Splendor Publishing, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hall, Alexandra.

Lauer, Brett Fletcher.

Angleberger, Tom.

Martin, Tom.

Fritz, James.

Welch, Ben.

Feldman, Noah.

Dixon, Stephen.
    Fall and Rise.
    : Dzanc Books, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hornbaker, Tim.


Jayatilleka, D.

Mizumura, Minae.

Gordon, David.

Bahrmann, Hannes.

Hazlett, Thomas W.

Morgan, Christopher W.

Stanley, Kara.

Wallace, Colm.

Furguson, Barbara.

Blechta, Rick.

Hecht, Tracey.

Perry, Scott Allen.

Peters, Ellis.
    Fallen into the Pit.
    Newburyport : Road, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Minnis, Alastair.

Farrar, Jay.

Martin, Chris.

Broadfoot, Neil.
    Falling Fast.
    Glasgow : Saraband, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Shalek, Josh.

Shalek, Josh.

Shalek, Josh.

Shalek, Josh.

Gilchrist, Ellen.

Leon, Donna.

Hopkinson, Nalo.


Howard, Elizabeth Jane.
    Newburyport : Open Road Media, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Moon, Debbie.
    Ceredigion : Honno Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Thomas, Paul.
    London : Bitter Lemon Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Shand, Daniel.
    Dingwall : Sandstone Press Ltd, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Radburn, B. Michael.
    Seaforth, NSW : Pantera Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Ardolino, Bill.

Green, Daniel R.

Weber-Wulff, Debora.

Cain, Stephen.
    False Friends.
    Toronto : BookThug, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Garry, Patrick M.

Honig-Parnass, Tikva.

Jordan, Pat.

Charles, Kate.
    False Tongues.
    LONDON : SPCK, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Nye, Robert.

Seidlinger, Michael J.

Ruebsaat, Norbert.

MacDonald, Alan.
    La Vergne : Stripes Publishing, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

McCarthy, Gerda.

Cline, Erin M.

Patterson, Richard.

Kelly, Kerry.
    Family Album.
    Toronto : Dundurn, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Aronoff, C.

Aronoff, C.

Bennedsen, M.

Aronoff, C.

Aronoff, C.

LeCouvie, K.

Aronoff, C.

Perri, Alessandra.

Schuman, A.

Schwarz, N.

Lewin, Michael Z.
    Family Business.
    New York : Open Road Media Mystery & Thriller, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hill, T.

Karnopp, Jennifer.

Hurley, Donna C.

Armstrong, Linda J.

Copeland, Tom.

Ward, J.

Carlson, Allan C.

Baucham Jr., Voddie.

Schuman, A.

Dawkins, Fred.

Aiken, Cara.

Ditchfield, Christin.

Ribeiro Tavares, Zulmira.
    Family Heirlooms.
    : Frisch & Co. Electronic Books Inc., 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Smith-Christmas, C.

Clark, Brian.

Stevens, Michael E.

Jankowiak, William R.

Winkler, Anthony C.
    Family Mansion.
    New York : Akashic Books, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Taylor-Cox, Jennifer.

Aronoff, C.

Mumm, Christie.

Pike, Alison.

St. George, Sally.

Charlés, Laurie L.

Neighbors, Joy.

Alzo, Lisa A.

Dowland, Seth.

Lansky, David.

Pequegnat, Willo.

Brown, Tamara M.

Liebowitz, Bernard.

Bastin, John.

Leavitt, Caroline.
    : Dzanc Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kennerson, Marissa.
    : Full Fathom Five Digital, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Rizzo, Karen.
    Famous Baby.
    Pasadena : Prospect Park Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Burgan, Michael.

DuMont, Brianna.

Society, Bible.

Ducornet, Rikki.

Sharpe, Graham.

Rhodes, Danny.
    London : Arcadia Books Limited, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Rollins, Henry.

Rollins, Henry.

Lemon, Alex.
    Fancy Beasts.
    New York : Milkweed Editions, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Fathallah, Judith May.

Cheshire, Simon.

Billingsley, Dodge.

Thorne, Jack.

Gladfelder, Hal.

Brown, Nickole.
    Fanny Says.
    Rochester : BOA Editions Ltd., 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Spiel, Hilde.

Cosgrove, Stephen.
    : Heritage Builders, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Linden, Henrik.

Hill, Vernon.

Griffiths, Niall.
    London : SPCK, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hannah, Sophie.

Hannah, Sophie.

Boyer, John.

Hawkins, Jonny.

Rackham, Arthur.

Jones, Terry.

Jones, Terry.

Jones, Terry.

Vynnychuk, Yuri.

Kirby, Rayment.

Robertson, Tom.
    Fantasy Score.
    Guildford : Grosvenor House Publishing, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hernando, Almudena.

Rayment, Andrew.

Debney, Jean.
    Far Away Hills.
    London : Clink Street Publishing, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Johnson, Robert Erwin.

Daniel, John.

Ali, Kazim.
    Far Mosque.
    New York : Alice James Books, 2005.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bear, Greg.

Peart, Neil.

Stevens, Amanda G.

Higgins, Dalton.

Solomon, Andrew, 1963-

Cox, Russ.
    Faraway Friends.
    New York : Sky Pony Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Enders, Jody.

Paul, Barbara.
    Fare Play.
    New York : Road, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kulin, Ayse.

Leung, Helen Hok-Sze.

Young, John.

Mellen, Joan.

Zahnd, Brian.

Hogan, Desmond.
    Farewell to Prague.
    Normal, IL : Columbia University Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Baggott, Jim.

Baggott, Jim.

Vattimo, Gianni.
    Farewell to Truth.
    New York : Columbia University Press, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Abedi, Isabel.

Mowat, Farley.

Cassidy, David C.

(IAgSA), The Institute of Agricultural Secretaries and Administrators.

Clark, Thomas A.

Mas, Victoria.

Scientist, New.

Vaught, David.

Berry, Wendell.

Yeffeth, Glenn.

Eck, Matthew.
    Farther Shore.
    Minneapolis : Milkweed Editions, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Nansen, Fridtjof.

Colombo, John Robert.

Albers, Donald J.

Benjamin, Arthur.

Laqueur, Walter.

Griffin, R.

Arielli, N.

Jin, Byoungho.

Sabas, Carole.

Sabas, Carole.

Kiper, Anna.

Reddy, Vanita.

Berkhofer, R.

Swanson, Erica.

Pont, Ian.

Frohlich, David M.

Mosley, Michael.

Arellano, Robert.

Boškoski, Pavle.

Gorski, Lisa A., MS, RN, HHCNS-BC, CRNI, FAAN.

Kan, Eden Zabat, PhD, RN.

Spitznagel, Eric.

Antholis, William.

Antholis, William.

Willis, Holly.

Sterk, Claire E.

Cohen, Frank.

Pavlich, Katie.

Misa, Thomas J.

Skomsvold, Kjersti A.

Pitt, Steve.

Pitt, Steve.

DeFino, Dean.

Bolt, Usain.

Hitchcock, Karen.
    Fat City.
    Carlton : Schwartz Publishing Pty. Ltd, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hollis, Judi.

Meginnis, Mike.

Ware, Guy.
    Fat of Fed Beasts.
    Cambridge : Salt Publishing Limited, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Littell, Jonathan.

Benedict, John.

Stevens , Peter F.

Roberts, Dorothy.

Moss, Chloë.

Currey, Richard.
    Fatal Light.
    Santa Fe : Santa Fe Writer's Project, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Sanders, Greg.

Boyers, Robert.

Palwick, Susan.
    Fate of Mice.
    San Francisco : Tachyon Publications, 2007.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Cilliers, Jakkie.

Chomsky, Noam.

Poole, Nathan.

Parks, Suzan-Lori.

Campbell, R. Anderson.

Oake, Robin.

Summaries, Bright.

Wakerman, Elyce.

Benson, Arthur Christopher.
    Father Payne.
    Wellington : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Stibbe, Mark.

Stone, R.C.J.

Evenson, Brian.
    Father of Lies.
    New York, NY : Coffee House Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Roy, Abhishek.
    Father of the Gods.
    New Delhi : Vij Books India Private Limited, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gillespie, Gabriella.
    Father's Betrayal.
    London : Clink Street Publishing, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lo, Rich.

Ware, Bruce A.

Kingaby, Dominic.

Cook, Thomas H.

Stetina, Karin Spiecker.

Devault, Annie.

Devenish, David.

Santomauro, Josie.

Sweetman, Rosita.

Bow, James.

Cady, Jack.
    La Vergne : Resurrection House, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Watanabe, Y.

Tuck, Max.

Waller, Maurice.
    Fats Waller.
    Minneapolis : University of Minnesota Press, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Taylor, Ali.

Billon, Nicolas.

Rajan, Raghuram G.

McCune, D. J.
    Fault Lines.
    London : Hot Key Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von.

Brodskaya, Nathalia.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kertzer, Adriana.

Yocum, Robin.

Duvoisin, Roger.

Frumkes, Lewis Burke.

Watson, Howard.

Doyle, Arthur Conan.

Berlin, S. V.
    La Vergne : Myriad Editions, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bashir, Shahzad.

Read, C.

McKenzie, Grant.

Shrand, Joseph.

Madden, Aodhan.

Kierkegaard, Søren.

Summaries, Bright.

Hong, Edna H.

McSmith, Andy.

Becker, Adam H.

Strenger, C.

    Fear of Intimacy.
    : Osho Media International, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Willimon, William H.

Marsh, Sarah Glenn.

Setili, Amanda.

Andrews, James.

Casey, Karen.

Ash, Avner.

Eve, Laure.

Bently, Peter.
    Feast Fight!.
    London : Stripes Publishing, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lindenfeld, Laura.

Jarvis, Cynthia A.

Jarvis, Cynthia A.

Jarvis, Cynthia A.

Long, Kimberly Bracken.

Long, Kimberly Bracken.

Long, Kimberly Bracken.

Long, Kimberly Bracken.

Bartlett, David L.
    Feasting on the Word.
    Louisville, KY : Presbyterian Publishing Corporation, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bartlett, David L.
    Feasting on the Word.
    Louisville, KY : Presbyterian Publishing Corporation, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bartlett, David L.
    Feasting on the Word.
    Louisville, KY : Presbyterian Publishing Corporation, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bartlett, David L.
    Feasting on the Word.
    Louisville, KY : Presbyterian Publishing Corporation, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bartlett, David L.
    Feasting on the Word.
    Louisville, KY : Presbyterian Publishing Corporation, 2008.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bartlett, David L.
    Feasting on the Word.
    Louisville, KY : Presbyterian Publishing Corporation, 2008.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bartlett, David L.
    Feasting on the Word.
    Louisville, KY : Presbyterian Publishing Corporation, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bartlett, David L.
    Feasting on the Word.
    Louisville, KY : Presbyterian Publishing Corporation, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bartlett, David L.
    Feasting on the Word.
    Louisville, KY : Presbyterian Publishing Corporation, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bartlett, David L.
    Feasting on the Word.
    Louisville, KY : Presbyterian Publishing Corporation, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bartlett, David L.
    Feasting on the Word.
    Louisville, KY : Presbyterian Publishing Corporation, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bartlett, David L.
    Feasting on the Word.
    Louisville, KY : Presbyterian Publishing Corporation, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Shulman, Max.

Tekiela, Stan.

Huang, Yongzhen.

Viebrock, Britta.

Klastersky, Jean A.
    Febrile Neutropenia.
    Tarporley : Springer Healthcare Ltd., 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Conant-Park, Jessica.
    Fed Up.
    New York : Open Road Media Mystery & Thriller, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Schick, Allen.

(U.S.), The Merit Systems Protection Board.

(U.S.), The Merit Systems Protection Board.

Ross, Cameron.

Wirls, D.

Hamilton, Alexander.
    Federalist Papers.
    Minneapolis : Race Point Publishing, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Thompson, Steve.

Wallace, Isabella.
    La Vergne : Crown House Publishing, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Charles, Kathy.

O'Brien, Colm.

Oelrich, Anthony.

Satter, Ellyn.

Satter, Ellyn.

McDonald, Avril.

Kull, Steven.

Carroll, Beth.

Luxmoore, Nick.

Waterworth, J.

Long, Rob.

Borgman, Brian S.

Welman, Jo.

Briggs, Stephen.
    Feet of Clay.
    London : Oberon Books Ltd, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hawkey, Ian.

Moore, Lorraine A.

Efendi, Ahmet Mithat.

Moore, Carlos.

Worsley, Victoria.

Simak, Clifford D.

Harris, Gillian.

Houghton, Lizzie.

DeLuzio, Crista.

Abusharaf, Rogaia Mustafa.

Loeber, Rolf.

Pokras, Somraj.

Dunn, C.

Visser, M.

Hamdar, Abir.

Narozhna, Tanya.

Finch, Lynne.

Jones, Tiffany.

Copeland, Jennifer E.

Scholz, Sally J.

Lamas, M.

Tomlinson, Barbara.

Weiss, Penny.

Allen, A.

Irving, Catherine J.

Badran, Margot.

Zaslow, E.

Burns, Lynda.

Lazar, M.

Harris, G.

Kassian, Mary A.

Woodiwiss, Jo.

Wicker, K.

Hadley, Susan.

Femenias, Maria Luisa.

Archer, Jules.

Goodman, R.

Brodsky, Alexandra.

Sánchez-Korrol, Virginia.

Mattingly, Doreen.

Sun, Hui.

Leuci, Bob.
    Fence Jumpers.
    New York : Road, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Brossard, Nicole.

Sowerby, Andrew.

Skinner, Stephen.

Russell, Jo.
    Feng Shui Book.
    San Diego : Thunder Bay Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hedley, Martin.
    Fenland Knights.
    La Vergne : Grosvenor House Publishing, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hall, David.

Civil Rights Division, United States Department of Justice.

Bagnall, Polly.

Butterworth, Jez.

    Edinburgh : Floris Books, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Husain, Zakir.

Ike, Shuichirou.

Marsh, Margaret.

Leppert, Kerstin.

Holland, Anne.

Wiley, Richard.

Dojny, Matt.

Tawhai, Alice.

Hauptfleisch, Temple.

Bramwell, David.
    New York, NY : Skyhorse Publishing, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Böhme, Hartmut.

Berger, Thomas.
    : Dzanc Books, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Armstrong, Tim.

Glauser, Friedrich.

Wallace, Naomi.

Zweig, Eric.
    Fever Season.
    Toronto : Dundurn, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Starkey, David.

Gray, R Garland.
    Fey Born.
    St. Charles : Medallion Media Group, 2006.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Brodskaïa, Nathalia.
    Félix Vallotton.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bunting, Ashley.

Barker, Kristin Kay.

Jamison, Anne.

Byrne, Susan.
    Ficino in Spain.
    Toronto : University of Toronto Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hough Jr., John.

Heighway, Elizabeth.

Balakian, Anna Elizabeth.

Cooper, T.

Thompson, Helen.

Barolsky, Paul.

Shoulson, Jeffrey S.

Bondavalli, Simona.

Berner, Geoff.

Castro, Fidel.

Moore, Alex.

Power, John.

Carver, Martin.

Field, The.

Armstrong, Margaret.

Westlund, Stephanie.

Malone, Jill.

Mack, Carol K.

Tyo, J. Scott.

Tyler, Michael J.

Teller-elsberg, Jonathan.

Woolfson, Esther.

Roy, Arundhati.

U.S. Agency for International Development,.

Burnett, Ken.

Orr, Philip.

Gold, Nora.

Conlon-McKenna, Marita.
    Fields of Home.
    Dublin : The O'Brien Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Thompson, L.D.

Davis, Tom.

Walker, Dave.

Ashbless, Janine.

Jensen, Eric P.

Huba, Jackie.

Kleiser, Grenville.

Thomas, Monika Jephcott.
    Fifteen Words.
    La Vergne : Clink Street Publishing, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Ewens, David.
    Fifth Column.
    Claygate : Grosvenor House Publishing, 2008.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hick, John.

McGann, James G.

Szczurek, Karina.

Powell, S. L.
    Fifty Fifty.
    Dorking : Piccadilly Press, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

MacEwan, Grant.
    Fifty Mighty Men.
    Vancouver : Greystone Books, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Santella, Chris.

Santella, Chris.

Santella, Chris.

Santella, Chris.

Santella, Chris.

Santella, Chris.

Santella, Chris.

Piper, John.

Hayes, Stephen.

Spector, Nicole Audrey.

Gregory, Leland.

Bennett, Marisa.

Baird, Lori.

McCreery, Christopher.

Borders, Lisa.

Sprinkle, Preston.

Gipp, Samuel.

Bottoms, Greg.
    Fight Scenes.
    Berkley : Counterpoint, 2008.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Rolf, David.

Malashenko, Alexey.

Scribner, Campbell F.

Myler, Patrick.

Dougherty, Martin J.

Listemann, Phil H.

Listemann, Phil H.

Olech, Christopher.

Shenk, Larry.

Cox, Joe.

Cox, Joe.

Frank, Richard C.

Grey, Zane.

Chambers, Robert W.
    Fighting Chance.
    Wellington : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

van Schoor, Berta.

Lamm, Steven.

de Beaufort Wijnholds, Onno.

Levy, Paul.

Karnani, A.

Sunman, Corba.
    Fighting Ranger.
    London : Robert Hale, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Renwick, Robin.

Bourrie, Mark.

Maloney, Sean M.

Gordon, John.

Jana, Priscilla.

Watson, Sterling.

Friedman, Norman.

Orlando, Leoluca.

Bryden, John.

Judkins, Rod.

Massen, Michael.

Pegram, Billy.

Mazzaro, Jerome.

Biancolli, Amy.

Lal, Brij V.

MacNaught, Timothy J.

Moran, Joseph.

Espiritu, Yen Le.

Romulo, Liana.
    Filipino Friends.
    North Clarendon : Tuttle Publishing, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Paman, Alex G.

Lewis, Peter A. H.

Wiley, Mark V.

Wilson, Leah.

Durrell, Gerald.
    Fillets of Plaice.
    Newburyport : Open Road Media, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Piper, John.

Lorenzato, Kathy Irvine.

Irvine, Leslie.

Rand, Glenn.

Leitch, Thomas.

Piper, Jim.

Jaeckle, Jeff.
    Film Dialogue.
    New York : Columbia University Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bosma, Peter.

Boman, Steve.

Colman, Felicity.

Yacavone, Daniel.

Bolton, L.

Schweinitz, Jörg.

Read, R.

Groves, Peter D.

Colman, Felicity.

Mubarki, Meraj Ahmed.

Burnett, M.

Hellmann, Ben.

Hubner, L.

Fulwood, Neil.

Magistrale, T.

Kunze, P.

LaBute, Neil.

Thatcher, Colin.

Nance, John J.
    Final Approach.
    Baltimore : Open Road Media Mystery & Thriller, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kirkpatrick, Roger.

McCallum, Dawood Ali.
    Final Charge.
    Dingwall : Sandstone Press Ltd, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lindsay, Douglas.

Köstenberger, Andreas J.

Webster, Jack.

Mahfouz, Naguib.

Ellis, Carolyn.

Hauser, Thomas.

Leverone, Allan.
    Final Vector.
    Saint Charles : Medallion Press, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Andal, Walter.

Media, The Staff of Entrepreneur.

Sutton, Garrett.

Larsson, Mats.

Stallings, Barbara.

Silver, Nick.

Frank, Kerstin.

Frank, Kerstin.

Rajeev, Meenakshi.

Caprio, Gerard.

Thomas, L.

Adams, Andrew A.

Danns, Donna E.

Mai, J.

Advani, Reuben.

Fuchita, Yasuyuki.

Carboni, Marika.

Lambert, Richard A.

Kawai, Masahiro.

Siciliano, Gene.

Campolieti, Giuseppe.

Sawyer, Tom Y.

Nugus, Sue.

Bull, Richard.

Rist, Michael.

Goel, Sandeep.
    Financial Ratios.
    New York : Business Expert Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Douady, Raphaël.

Baily, Martin Neil.

Solomon, Lewis D.

Ajamie, Tom.

Warren, Clifton T.

Sugiyarto, Guntur.

Raihan, Selim.

Bank, Asian Development.

Scherf, Gundbert.

Dumestre, Marcel J.

Mantovani, Guido M.

Farrell, Joseph P.

Palley, T.

Pereira, Richard.

Publishing, OECD.

Armstrong, Shiro.

de Visscher, François M.

Khan, Zohra.

Magleby, David B.

Magleby, David B.

Magleby, David B.

Bank, Inter-American Development.

de la Roche, Mazo.

    New York : Resurrection House, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Murtagh, Ciaran.

Timlin, Mark.

Parry, Robert.

Mautz, Scott.

Marie, Rosalind P.

Law, C. Claire.

Marie, Rosalind P.

Karpov, Anatoly.

Spalding, Andrea.

Community, The Findhorn.

Hood, Kim.

Estace, Deirdre.
    Finding Alison.
    Chicago : Black & White Publishing, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Clarke, Rohan.

Bank, Asian Development.

Christian, Diana Leafe.

Quinn, N.

Sundlun, Kara.

Erdmann, Jack.

Bays, Matt.

Lackner, Michelle Myers.
    Finding Hope.
    : Adventure Publications, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Nelson, Colleen.
    Finding Hope.
    Toronto : Dundurn, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Werning, James.

Payne, Mary Jennifer.

Shannon, Anne.

Cassidy, Anne.

Oakey-Baker, Susan.
    Finding Jim.
    Calgary : RMB Rocky Mountain Books, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hamilton, Alice Jane.
    Finding John Rae.
    Vancouver : Ronsdale Press, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hjalmarsson, Helena.

Chari, Sheela.
    Finding Mighty.
    New York : Abrams, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Rhodes, David.

Flynn, Toni.

Pye, Amy Boucher.

Nonhebel, Clare.

Moser, Hannes.

Byars, Ronald P.

Kahn, Paul W.

Blatty, William Peter.

Edwards, Caterina.

Underhill, Anne P.

Houghton, Anita.

Miech, Irina.

Pine, Red.

de Bary, Wm. Theodore.

Brug, Jos.

Caldwell, Phoebe.

Gadd, Ann.

Trotter, Kathleen.

Nakken, Craig.

Helbert, Karla.

Jacobson-Levy, Mindy.

Henderson, Silas.

Henderson, Silas.

Rarus, Brandi.

Purkis, Jeannette.

G. , James.

Bensley, Connie.

Moore, Brennon.

Pierce, Cindy.

Malone, Wynn.

Persons, Helen M.

Treneman, Ann.


Cox, James B.

Tharayil, Jiji.
    Finding the Unknown.
    New Delhi : Vij Books India Private Limited, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hill, R.S.
    Fine Ambition.
    La Vergne : Robert Hale, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Trampe, Stan.

Bruleigh, Nylora.

Jennings, Maggie.

Dicharry, Cate.

Barnes, Emily.

Kelly, Lesley.

Carofiglio, Gianrico.
    Fine Line.
    London : Bitter Lemon Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Blackwell, Stephen H.

Dunker, Elisabeth.

Williams, Diane.

Nussbaum, Abraham M.

Champod, Christophe.

Packer, J. I.

Gould, Steve.

Peters, Fritz.
    Vancouver : Arsenal Pulp Press, 2006.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Finley, Nancy.

Black, Kojo.

Black, Kojo.

Szécsi, Noémi.

Young, Andrea.

Childs, Tera Lynn.
    Fins are Forever.
    Surrey : Templar Publishing, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Nolan, Alan.

Gosling, Sharon.
    La Vergne : Stripes Publishing, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Ghosh, Shohini.

Manuel, Belle.

Sweeny, Alastair.

Shandley, June.
    Fire Basket.
    : G2 Rights Ltd, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Barris, Ted.

Bubeck, Mark I.

Marks, Laurie J.

Wambaugh, Joseph.

McKernan, Philip.

French, Tom.
    Fire Step.
    Oldcastle : The Gallery Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gallo, Carmine.

Friedman, Jason K.
    Fire Year.
    Louisville : Sarabande Books, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Watt, Gavin K.

Wilkinson, Lisa Marie.
    Fire at Midnight.
    Tulsa : Medallion Media Group, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Knott, Richard C.

Gardiner, Scott.

Byler, Linda.

Fradkin, Barbara.

Davies, Phil.

Kilbourn, William.

Slifer, Shaun.

Snell, Roy J.
    Auckland : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Poulton, Irene.

Owen Jr., David P.

Ortler, Brett.

Brennan, Gerard.
    : Blasted Heath Ltd, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Cheuse, Alan.

Millet, Lydia.

Cushman, Kathleen.

Cushman, Kathleen.

Duffy, Eamon.

Cross, Eugene.

Forbes, Anne.
    Edinburgh : Floris Books, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Packham, Simon.
    Dorking : Piccadilly Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Paton Walsh, Jill.
    London : Hot Key Books, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Marten, Eugene.
    : Tyrant Books, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Marshall, Debbie.

Savage, Sam.

Matthews, Alison.

Matthews, Laurence.

Sato, Eriko.

de Bonvoisin, Ariane.

Hutchins, Jane K.

Don, Lari.

Berghaus, Bob.

Raphael, Ray.

Wildman, Kim.

Lavine, Matthew.

Barratt, John.

Hewit, Jema.

Funnell, Lyn.

Tsumura, David Toshio.
    First Book of Smauel.
    Grand Rapids : Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 2006.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kelsey, Harry.

Duggan, Michael W.

Hopper, Jessica.

Spoelstra, Melissa.

Byrne, Charles L.

Hayes, Derek.

Pierotti, Raymond.

Rollins, Henry.
    First Five.
    Los Angeles : 2.13.61, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Ou, Heng.

Paul, Barbara.
    First Gravedigger.
    New York, NY : Road, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Donde, Dilip.

Barker, A. J.

Mau, Alison.

Skemp, Sheila L.

Smith, Stephen Drury.

Cashin, Joan E.

Saint-Thierry, William of.

Wells, H. G.

Keene, Donald.

Afsaruddin, Asma.

Brownell, Will.

McMillan, Alan D.

Mawdudi, Sayyid Abul A'la.

Jackson, Peter A.

Svendsen, Nick.

Corbett, Ron.

Lundstrom, John B.

Christie, Phil.

Kidd, Emma.

Poggo, Scopas S.

Lundstrom, John B.

Winston, Clifford.

Moore, Chivvis.

Ghigna, Charles.
    First Times.
    Victoria : Orca Book Publishers, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Merrilees, Margaret.

Riches, G.

Museum, Imperial War.

O'Prey, Paul.

Cornish, Paul.

Kempshall, C.

Symington, Sabrina.

Kettelhack, Guy.

Cross, Stuart.

Fee, Gordon D.

Buckingham, Marcus.

Doyle, Laura.

Bürgisser, Michael.

Banks, Ann.

Davis, Sid.

Meredith, Martin.

Hammerich, Kai.

Monsell, Mary Elise.

Markus, Peter.

Bosanko, Dave.
    Fish of the Midwest.
    New York, NY : Adventure Publications, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Whipple, Natalie.

Lenhardt, Melissa.

Taylor, Sylvia.

Hardacker, Vaughn C.

Haig-Brown, Roderick L.
    Fisherman's Summer.
    New York, NY : Skyhorse Publishing, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Haig-Brown, Roderick L.
    Fisherman's Winter.
    New York, NY : Skyhorse Publishing, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Archibald, Malcolm.

Helfman, Gene.

Baws, Tony.

Quinn, Tom.

Dawn, Amber.

Kennaugh, Warren.

Jackson, J. S.

Secunda, Brant.

Pearson, Phillip.

Gloth, F. Michael.

Steunenberg, Bernard.

Stiefel, Steve.

Hormel, James C.

Dumas, Jamie.

Sassatelli, Roberta.

Smith, Connie Jo.

Thompson, Colin.
    Fitting In.
    London : Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hawkins, Rob.

Donaldson, Scott.

Papalexandris, Jenny.

Tulchinsky, Karen X.

Reid, Walter.

Laureano, Carla.

Tharoor, Shashi.

Hall, R. Carghill.

Tiffin, Helen.

A., Rose. Tony.

Jehlen, Myra.

Brooks, Veronica.

Korda, Philippe.

Broadbent, Alan.

Seeley, Thomas D.

Callahan, Daniel.

Weatherby, Lucinda.

Lester, Anthony.

White, Fred M.
    Five Knots.
    Wellington : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Chen, Xiaowang.

McWhirter, Teresa.

Rocklin, Joanne.

Stevenson, Anne.

Harper, Steve.

deVega, Magrey.

Watson, Iain.

Cooper, Lynne.

Welch, Bob.

Newell, T.

Hurding, Roger.

Knight, Michael Muhammad.

Mirza, M. Yaqub.

Shaw, Christopher A.

Piccone, Ted.

Zorn, Alice.
    Five Roses.
    Toronto : Dundurn, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Cheshire, Simon.

Norton, Andre.

Fairbairn, Ann.

Gross, Melissa.

Enda, Murphy.

Westbrook, Susan.

Chamberlain, Kim.

McNeill, Suzanne.

Perkin, Dave.

Randall, Laura.

Warnock, Jim.

Molloy, Johnny.

Molloy, Johnny.

Molloy, Johnny.

Spencer, Thomas M.

Rachowiecki, Rob.

Friend, Sandra.

Tasker, Greg.

Padegimas, Tony.

Molloy, Johnny.

Davis, Jennifer Pharr.

Jackson, Sherry.

Molloy, Johnny.

Loewendick, Robert.

Starmer, Tim.

Summers, Jordan.

Summers, Jordan.

Starmer, Tim.

Brandon, Craig.

Temperley, Lily.

Tuohy, Brian.

Lanford III, Oscar E.

Whitington, Jen.

Lavergne, Michael.

Wong, Yue Chim Richard.

Vonhof, John.

Vonhof, John.

Boardman, Marty.

Young, F. Ronald.

Pryor, Francis.

Hunter, Seth.

Poage, Jim.

Schlesier, Karl Heinz.

Dowhal, Dan.
    Flam Grub.
    Toronto : Dundurn, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bainbridge, Colin.

Castle, J.R.
    Flame Dragon.
    Dorking : Piccadilly Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Michalski, Krzysztof.

Sillitoe, Alan.

Feltoe, Richard.

Lansdale, Joe R.

Williams, Richard J.

Ewens, David R.
    Flanders Case.
    Claygate : Grosvenor House Publishing, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Fitzgerald, F. Scott.

Rattigan, Terence.
    Flare Path.
    London : Nick Hern Books, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Miller, Jim.

Hewlett, Terry.

Staver, Barry.

Deutschmann, Rod.

Stafford, Alyn.

Deutschmann, Rod.

Chen, Mark.

McCandless, Charles S.

Williams, John A.

Harris, JK.

Dwyer, Gareth.
    Flask By Example.
    Birmingham : Packt Publishing, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Baker, Buddy.

McWilliams, Douglas.

Tulli, Magdalena.
    New York : Archipelago Books, 2007.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lebovic, James H.

Spencer, Lara.

Feydeau, Georges.

Waller-Bridge, Phoebe.

Rocklin, Joanne.

Orme, Nicholas.

Cann, John.

Wills, Julia.
    Surrey : Templar Publishing, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Fallon, Gillian.

Geppert, A.

Egan, Sean.

Halter, Hugh.

Rosen, Fred.
    Flesh Collectors.
    New York : Open Road Media, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Cheshire, Simon.
    Flesh and Blood.
    London : Stripes Publishing, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

McClory, Helen.

Skujin?, Zigmunds.

Galef, David.
    Newburyport : The Permanent Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Fletcher, Ben (C).

Kovacs, Mark.

Smith, Michael Glover.

Cann, John P.

van Dooren, Thom.

Stewart, Richard D.

MacKay, Donald.

Howard, Alan.
    Flight of Birds.
    Billingshurst : Raven's Quill, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Peters, Ellis.
    Flight of a Witch.
    New York : Road, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Black, Conrad.

Black, Conrad.

Williamson, Duncan.

Yahgulanaas, Michael Nicoll.

Sullivan, Robert.

Ashdown, Isabel.
    Brighton : Myriad Editions, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Frawley, Oona.
    La Vergne : Tramp Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Shepard, Jim.

Heppell, Michael.

Wolff, Lutz-Christian.

Jackson, Lorna.

Goldstein, Debra.

Crusie, Jennifer.

Goldsberry, Rick.
    Chicago : Future House Publishing, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Machado, Eduardo.

Malfi, Ronald.
    Floating Staircase.
    St. Charles : Medallion Media Group, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Brown, Michael.

Lenski, Lois.
    Flood Friday.
    Newburyport : Open Road Media Teen & Tween, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bitsui, Sherwin.
    Flood Song.
    Port Townsend : Copper Canyon Press, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bassett, Sara Ware.
    Flood Tide.
    Wellington : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Flaherty, Jordan.

Brown, Nic.
    Berkeley : Counterpoint, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Aldrete, Gregory S.

Moodie, Susanna.

Beentje, H.J.

Mayfield, Enid.

Moore, Charlotte.

ShortCuts, Frommer's.

ShortCuts, Frommer's.

Capouya, John.

Hoffman, Andrew J.

Lippman, Laura H.

Kephart, Beth.

Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly.

Hill, Grace Livingston.
    Flower Brides.
    Newburyport : Barbour Publishing, Inc., 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Yamamoto, Shugoro.
    Flower Mat.
    North Clarendon : Tuttle Publishing, 2006.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Langeveld, Joost.
    Flower Origami.
    San Diego : Thunder Bay Press, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Singh, Rajender.

Gibbon, Perceval.

Sharp, Margery.

Williams, Geoff.

Goldberg, Jeff.

Fukunaga, Takehiko.
    Flowers of Grass.
    Normal, IL : Columbia University Press, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Un, Ko.

Greally, Hanna.

Colombo, Maria.

Douglas, Amanda Minnie.

Chaloyan, Astghik.

Beaty, Andrea.

Ranjan, Rakesh.

Simons, J. H.

Smith, Ray.

Loombe, Dawn.

Lushetich, Natasha.

Piercy, Marge.

Dickens, Frank.
    Fly Away Peter.
    London : Pavilion Books, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Waldron, Juliet.

Hardinge, Frances.
    Fly By Night.
    New York : Abrams, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hammett, Dashiell.

Quigley, Ed.

Jones, Marjorie.
    Barrington : Medallion Media Group, 2007.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Dyer, Heather.
    Flying Bedroom.
    Cardiff : Firefly Press Limited, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lavell, Kit.

Habra, Hedy.
    Flying Carpets.
    Massachusetts : Interlink Publishing, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Farage, Nigel.
    Flying Free.
    London : Biteback Publishing, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hensley, Jamison.

Hutchinson, Ron.

Skinner, Stephen.

Devine, Adele.

Toews, Miriam.

Hood, Hugh.

Barthelme, Donald.

Diaz, Ella Maria.

Angus, Chris.

Knopf, Karl.

Inkster, Karina.

Kassab, Justin.
    Oakland : Akashic Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Penkert, Götz.

Böttger, Heiner.

Gronlund, Gaye.

Rappaport, Laury.

Lim, Eugene.
    Fog & Car.
    : Dzanc Books, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Aiken, Joan.

Kelly, Jill.

Guéhenno, Jean-Marie.

Muttitt, Louise Mary.

Hill, Matt.
    Folded Man.
    Dingwall : Sandstone Press Ltd, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Wells, Tom.

Myers, Benjamin.

de Balzac, Honore.

Chess, S.

Strange, Marc.

Stark, Kio.
    Follow Me Down.
    New York : Cursor, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Osmann, Murad.

Sullivan, Felicia C.

Webster, Douglas D.

Williams, Thomas.
    Followed Man.
    La Vergne : Dzanc Books, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Williams, Thomas.
    Followed man.
    La Vergne : Dzanc Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Starr, Jason.
    La Vergne : Polis Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Phoenix, Dave.

Bennett, Owen.

Barnett, Paul W.

Polan, Alex.

Bennett, Sophia.

Furguson, Barbara.
    Following The Star.
    Guildford : Grosvenor House Publishing, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Wind, Herbert Warren.

Parron, Suzi.

McAllister, Ian.

Henshall, K.

McKay, Carla.

McKay, Carla.

Ritchie, Robertson.

Horwood, Joel.

Belasco, Warren.

Faires, Nicole.

Markham , Brett L.

Jana, Laura A.

Miller, Teresa K.
    Food First.
    New York, NY : Food First Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Adams, Mike.

Chilanga, Emmanuel.

Loo, Clement.

Tarman, Vera.

M., Adam.

Amin, Samir.

Yiannas, Frank.

Yiannas, Frank.

Bank, Asian Development.

Park, Cyn-Young.

Faires, Nicole.

Sutton, Josh.

FitzPatrick, Elizabeth.

Koenig, Karen R.

Heintzman, Andrew.

Guptill, Amy E.

King, Lisa.
    Food for Good.
    Sydney : Allen & Unwin, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

L., Elisabeth.

Salmons, Kim.

Salmons, Kim.

Parisio, Vera.

Flynn, K.

Wilson, Thomas M.

Adebooye, Odunayo C.

Waltner-Toews, David.

Gorlicky, Stacey.

Swenson, Allan A.

Baglioni, Simone.

Merzel, Dennis Genpo.

Healy, Dermot.
    Fool's Errand.
    Oldcastle : The Gallery Press, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Larssen, Brent.
    Fool's Gold.
    La Vergne : Robert Hale, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

MacArthur, John.

Stevens, Andrew.

Wiley, Richard.
    Fools' Gold.
    : Dzanc Books, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Chiodo, Christopher P.

Ratcliffe, Jerry H.

Bridgewater, S.
    Football Brands.
    London : Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Adams, Duncan.
    Football Grounds.
    La Vergne : G2 Rights Ltd, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bridgewater, S.

Kun, Michael.

Elsey, Brenda.

Dunn, C.

Dunn, Carrie.

McLean, Tommy.

Cashmore, Ellis.

Lemming, Tom.

Ward, Andrew.

De Sanctis, Fausto Martin.

Pierce, Mannah.

Schnabel, Ernst.

Crosse, Paulette.
    Footstop Cafe.
    Toronto : Dundurn, 2007.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kamara, Chris.
    Swindon : G2 Rights Ltd, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Stegner, Lynn.

Issel, William.

Keire, Mara Laura.

Wilkins, Damien.

Marney, Laura.

Jacobs, Fay.

Everett, Percival.

Funnell, Lisa.

Torossian, Ronn.

Brady, Cyrus Townsend.

Hammond, William C.

Sands, Heidi.

Vaughan-Lee, Llewellyn.

Nye, Alex.
    For My Sins.
    Edinburgh : Fledgling Press, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Cho, Oh-hyun.

Martin, Marianne K.

Eilert, Rick.

Gardner, John.

Daigle, France.
    For Sure.
    : House of Anansi Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hornik-Beer, Edith Lynn.

Blackman, Andy.

McClelland, Mac.

Nichols, Stephen J.

Williams, Jarvis J.

Joseph , Raymond A.

Wharnsby, Dawud.

Rooney, Kathleen.

Czaga, Kayla.

Kühl, S.

Storms, Sam.

Materson, Lisa G.

Pregeant, Russell.

Gutkind, Lee.

Carson, D. A.

Carson, D. A.

O'Connell, John.

Ferguson, Norman.

Okawa, Ryuho.

Grierson, Joan.

Manoussakis, John Panteleimon.

Döpp , Hans-Jürgen.
    Forbidden Asia.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lee, Nancy Howell.

Snell, Roy J.
    Forbidden Cargoes.
    Wellington : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kwong, Louis.

Cadnum, Michael.

Washburn, Dan.

Stanbridge, Paul.
    Forbidden Line.
    Norwich : Galley Beggar Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bruce, Jean.
    Forbidden Love.
    New York, NY : Arsenal Pulp Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Cook, Karoline P.

Picknett, Lynn.

Wright, Claire.
    Crownhill : Authentic Media, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Zimba, Jason.

Raschke, Carl A.

Boyer, J. Patrick.

Gasiorek, Andrzej.

Haslam, Sara.

Skinner, Paul.

Chantler, Ashley.

Sanders, Nada.

Furia, A.

Pomeroy, Charles.

Razin, Assaf.

Horiguchi, Sachiko.

Breuning, M.

Gardini, G.

Bindi, Federiga.

Graham-Yooll, Richard.
    Foreign Policy.
    Barrington : Medallion Media Group, 2008.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Beem, C.

Boyer, J. Patrick.

Behmel, Albrecht.

Williams, Harold S.

Larner, S.

Li, Richard.

Fanetti, Matthew.

Adam, Craig D.

Tebbutt, Lesley.

Siegel, Jay.

James, Stuart H.

Siegel, Jay.
    Forensic Science.
    New York, NY : Oneworld Publications, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Yasuda, Anita.

Luntz, Stephen.

Elmquist, Laurie.
    Forest Baby.
    Victoria : Orca Book Publishers, 2018.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Fraser, Joelle.

Lindenmayer, David.

Johnson, Allan.

Landsberg, Joe.

Lloyd, Kate.

Kingsmill, Suzanne F.

Read, Mike.

Eldridge, Sherrie.

Lee, Mary.

Haldeman, Joe.

Boyd, Chuck.

Boeshaar, Andrea.

Goodwin, Paul.

Basting, Anne Davis.

Edozien, Chike Frankie.

Crow, Trevor.

Hirshon, Arnold.

Childs, Tera Lynn.
    Forgive My Fins.
    Surrey : Templar Publishing, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Cantacuzino, Marina.

Larsson, Brent.

Martin, William Fergus.

Carter, Tim.

Ewer, Peter.

Verdesio, Gustavo.

Kershaw, Angela.

Tillman, Barrett.

Urquhart, Alistair.

Brink, Nicky L.

Walton, Todd.

Miyamoto, Tsuneichi.

Goullart, Peter.

Murphy, Brian.

Webb, Holly.
    Forgotten Puppy.
    London : Stripes Publishing, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Barratt, Nick.

Merten, Ulrich.

Stoker, Bram.

Neil-Sherwood, Michele.

Musto, Michael.

Pribram, Karl H.

Paalen, Wolfgang.
    Form and Sense.
    : Arcade Publishing, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Prothero, James.

Reardon, B. P.

Hutchison, David.

Iyoda, Juliano.

Giachino, Elena.

Bernardo, Marco.

Dierkes, Michael.

Braberman, Vctor.

Drechsler, Rolf.

Nossov, Leonid.

Aspray, William.

Esposito, Chiara.

Forman, Lance.

Downing, F. Gerald.

Downing, F. Gerald.

Bellamy, Alex J.

Kirkpatrick, G.

Schaefer, M.

Delanty, G.

Hammerman, Elizabeth.

Marzano, Robert J.

Bailey, Alison L.

Furtak, Erin Marie.

Earnshaw, Graham.

McGettigan, Timothy.

Zeng, Shuo.

Zuluaga, Claudia.
    Fort Starlight.
    Indianapolis : Engine Books, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gehring, Wes D.

Ali, Kazim.
    Fortieth Day.
    Rochester : BOA Editions Ltd., 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Burton, John.

Carr, Matthew.

Jünemann, Annette.

Black, Rory.

Fenton, Sasha.

Fenton, Sasha.

Vander Weyer, Martin.

Gable, Rebecca.

Merle, Robert.

Hightower, Lynn S.
    Fortunes of the Dead.
    Newburyport : Open Road Media Mystery & Thriller, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Leason, Barney.
    New York : Open Road Distribution, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Tonner, Leslie.

Pollack, Barry.

Croft, Andy.

Luks, Leonid.

Luks, Leonid.

Luks, Leonid.

Luks, Leonid.

Standing, Roger.

Bach, Brian Paul.

Chassagneux, Jean-François.

Bakshi, Lt. Col. Vikram.

Montagnani, Ilaria.

Bank, Asian Development.

Bank, Asian Development.

Baker, Felicity.

Degarmo, John.

Gopal, Kalyani.

Foster, Allen.

Humphrey, Jr., William F.

Rose-Duckworth, Roxann.

Sinclair, Ian.

Krovetz, Martin L.

Souers, Kristin.

McKenzie-Mohr, Doug.

Thomas, Mike.

Nealon, Jeffrey.

Moghtader, Bruce.

Ball, Stephen J.
    Foucault as Educator.
    Cham : Springer International Publishing, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Ghamari-Tabrizi, Behrooz.

Dillon, M.

Dyrberg, T.

Hook, D.

Custer, Olivia.

Bently, Peter.
    Foul Play!.
    London : Stripes Publishing, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Carey, Edward.

Heller-Nicholas, Alexandra.

Bruiger, Dan.

Fitzpatrick, Elyse M.

MacArthur, Jr.
    Colorado Springs, CO : David C. Cook, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Milbourne, Paul.

Nelson, Andrew.

Dorgan, Theo.

Ra, Aron.

Peterson Drake, Pamela.

Hughes, Dan.

Robinson, Anne.

Krantz, Steven G.

Julian, Maureen M.

Allen, Michael J.

Weber, Jens.

Harwani, Bintu.

al-Ḥillī, al-ʿAllāmah.

Horrocks, Roger.

Rhodes, Brandon.

Gardner, Jolynn.

Liu, Guohui.

Shugart, H.H.

Wasserman, Noam.

Raphael, Ray.

Beckman, Wendy Hart.

Baehr, Peter.

Tekin, Serdar.

McClanahan, Brion.

Justice, B.

Raphael, Ray.

Raphael, Ray.

Déon, Michel.
    Foundling Boy.
    London : Gallic Books, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Déon, Michel.
    Foundling's War.
    London : Gallic Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Doyle, Alan.

Call, Naomi Sophia.

Call, Naomi Sophia.

Jung, Carl Gustav.

Lopes, Dominic McIver.

Hinton, David.

Thakor, Anjan V.

Rudolph, Wally.

Carroll, Cain.

Mitchell, Damien.

Olsen, H.

Dee, Tim.
    Four Fields.
    : Counterpoint, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Burridge, Richard.

Nazemoff, Valeh.

Djerassi, Carl.

Mawdudi, Sayyid Abul A'la.

Burridge, Richard.

Brunger, Jake.

Kullmann, Kurt.
    Four Sisters.
    Chicago : The History Press, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bennett, Alan.
    Four Stories.
    London : Profile Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Punshon, E.R.

Charleston, Steven.

Bamford, Don.

Mancino, Maria Elvira.

Staff, Asian Development Bank.

Cardus, Neville.

Rice, Craig.
    Fourth Postman.
    Newburyport : Road, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kosloskie, A.C.S.W., Daryl.

Paul, Barbara.
    Fourth Wall.
    New York, NY : Road, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Cody, H. A.
    Fourth Watch.
    Wellington : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Crumley, Jim.

McManus, John.
    Fox Tooth Heart.
    Louisville : Sarabande Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Jones, Lucy.

King, Dawn.
    London : Nick Hern Books, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Smith, Hilton.

Davey, Owen.
    Foxly's Feast.
    : Sky Pony Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Rapley, Belinda.

Banerji, Anirban.

Banerji, Anirban.

Frame, Michael.

Dipierro, Serena.

Welskopp, Thomas.

Johnson, David R.

Hobsbawm, Eric.

Taylor, Kathleen.

Benson, Peter L.

Smith, Magdalen.

Leitner, Isabella.

Green, Caroline.
    Dorking : Piccadilly Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Goncourt, Edmond.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Peace Rhind, Jennifer.

Lee, Day's.

Heder, Thyra.
    New York : Abrams, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Fowers, Blaine J.

Himmer, Steve.
    Brooklyn : Ig Publishing, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Weisberg, Harold.

Bond, L.

Bank, Asian Development.

Richard, Andrew.

MacKay, Tommy.

Mehigan, Timothy J.

Koepnick, Lutz.

Powell, Lynn.

Campbell, Douglas A.

Schultz, Maria.

Feldman, Jeffrey.

Tocci, Nathalie.

von Bothmer, Bernard.

Célestin, R.

Fenby, Jonathan.

Rahmani, Zahia.

Miller, Jonathan.

Hyams, Jacky.

Hood, Jeff.

Levine, Stacey.
    Frances Johnson.
    New York : Verse Chorus Press, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Keup, Erwin.

Siebert, Mark.

Hahn, Emily.

Hahn, Emily.

Hahn, Emily.

Rosales, Luis.

Peppiatt, Michael.

Chan, Francis.

Ledwidge, Francis.

Ewen, Paul.

Duriez, Colin.

Kittle, Robert A.

Matus, Zachary A.

Carr-Gomm, Sarah.
    Francisco Goya.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Calvert, Laura.

Payne, Stanley G.

Day, Peter.

Barry, Quintin.

Forsdick, Charles.

Welch, Edward T.

Scieszka , Jon.

Scieszka , Jon.

Scieszka , Jon.

Scieszka, Jon.

Kane, Frank.

Hoffmann, Donald.

O'Brien, Daniel.

Nahum, Andrew.

Castlemon, Harry.

Nelson, Richard.
    Frank's Home.
    New York : Theatre Communications Group, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Castlemon, Harry.

Shelley, Mary.

Michaud, Nicolas.

Summaries, Bright.

Horton, Robert.
    London : Columbia University Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Page, Kathy.

Brown, Rikki.

Weetman, Nova.
    Frankie and Joely.
    : University of Queensland Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Grimshaw, Kath.

Bryant, Nick.

Bourgeois, Paulette.

Bourgeois, Paulette.

Bourgeois, Paulette.

Maloney, Kellie.

Bentley, Nancy.

Hilmes, Oliver.

Gibbs, Christopher H.

Marc, Franz.
    Franz Marc.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Friedman, Rosemary.
    London : Arcadia Books Limited, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Zhu, Xingquan.

Wells, Frank.

Jordan, Anna.

Butcher, Pauline.

Orton, Joe.

Blanchard, Barry.

Claire, Fred.

Bowden, Tripp.

Dean, Janice.

Dean, Janice.

Dean, Janice.

Dean, Janice.

Freed, John.

Myers, Elisabeth P.

Douglass, Frederick.

Jeffers, Joe S.

Carinci, Gioia.

Almino, João.
    Free City.
    Normal, IL : Columbia University Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Brennan, Virginia M.

Fusco, Nicola.

Rebeck, Theresa.

Lamothe, Lee.

Leiren-Young, Mark.

Basilià Âr̈es, Michel.
    Free Man.
    Toronto : ECW Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Anderson, T.

van Mill, David.

Hunnicutt, Benjamin Kline.

(U.S.), Commerce Dept.

Beebee, H.

Schnauder, Ludwig.

Kapoor, Ajay.

McMurchy-Barber, Gina.
    Free as a Bird.
    Toronto : Dundurn, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book


Sharpe, Graham.

Eldredge, Stasi.

Brandon, Guy.

Martin, Jim.

Aimard, Gustave.

Detmer, David.

Iszak, Frank.

Rinpoche, Adeu.
    Freedom In Bondage.
    Hong Kong : Rangjung Yeshe Publications, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kapoor, Ajay.

Davis, Angela Y.

Hale, Jon N.

Reed, Anthony.

Cahn, Steven M.

Buckley, James L.

Dobak, William A.

Reid, Richard M.

Lukianoff, Greg.

Winter, Kathleen.

Stoner, A.

Fahy, Bernadette.

Baum, Daniel J.

Scanlan, Padraic X.

Honneth, Axel.

Stiftung, Bertelsmann.

Smith, Barbara Clark.

Turner-Vesselago, Barbara.

Karrasch, Noah.

Raffa, Elissa.
    Freeing Vera.
    New York : The Permanent Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Cates, David Allen.
    Freeman Walker.
    : Unbridled Books, 2008.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Ridley, Jasper.

Pfeifer, Günter.

Okas, John.

George, Ryan.

Weiner, Joan.
    Frege Explained.
    Chicago, IL : Open Court, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Media, The Staff of Entrepreneur.

Sturma, Michael.

Anthony, Evelyn.
    French Bride.
    New York : Open Road Media Romance, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Rodarmor, William.

Spano, Susan.

Ollestad, Norman.

McDonald, Christie.

Ryan, Liz.
    French Leave.
    Dublin : Liberties Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Clark, Carol.

Dull, Jonathan R.

Auphan, Paul.

Davies, Peter.

Stewart, Matt.

Laurain, Antoine.
    French Rhapsody.
    London : Gallic Books, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Rattigan, Terence.

Dion, Sheri K.

Alarcón, A.

Janvrin, Isabelle.

Silva, José Borzacchiello da.

Lamberson, Gregory.
    Frenzy War.
    Barrington : Medallion Press, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lamberson, Gregory.
    Frenzy Way.
    St. Charles : Medallion Media Group, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lamberson, Gregory.
    Frenzy Wolves.
    Barrington : Medallion Media Group, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hall, Leanne.

Moss, Haley.

Tomelleri, Joseph R.

Bamford, Don.

Rennison, Nick.

Doyle, Felicity.

Samuel, Lawrence R.

Clack, Beverley.

De Lauretis, Teresa.

Weber, Nicholas Fox.

Brooks, Julian Lawrence.
    Freya's Quest.
    Claygate : Grosvenor House Publishing, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

O'Shea, Stephen.

Souter, Gerry.
    Frida Kahlo.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Souter, Gerry.
    Frida Kahlo.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Wakefield, Vikki.
    Friday Brown.
    London : Hot Key Books, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Carpenter, Don.

Jesse, John.

Wendler, Eugen.

Small, Robin.

Gallagher, Brian.

Werse, Bernd.

Gross, Bertram.

Gale, Patrick.

Pedrick, Claire.
    Friends First.
    Bucks : Scripture Union England and Wales, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Field, David.

Ciotta, Beth.

Miller, Richard B.

Hubbell, Webb.

Kupecky, Regina M.

Dimond, Judith.

O'Connor, Rory.

Ikegami, Aiko.
    New York : Albert Whitman & Company, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Burgess, Colin.

McNeill, Suzanne.

McNeill, Suzanne.

Digeser, P. E.

Whitson, Signe.

Chittister, Joan.

Lawson, Wendy.

Webb, Holly.

Hejlskov Elvén, Bo.

Cooper, Ian.

Allison, Brendan.

John, Patricia St.
    Friska My Friend.
    Bucks : Scripture Union England and Wales, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Beckman, Jamie.

Duclos-Yourdon, Jamie.
    Froelich's Ladder.
    New York : Forest Avenue Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bass, Guy.

Bright, Michael.

Chissick, Michael.

Dixon, Stephen.
    : Dzanc Books, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Dorcas, Mike.

Busby, C. J.
    Dorking : Templar Publishing, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Taylor, Keeanga-Yamahtta.

Cumbler, John T.

Geldard, Mark.

Allen-Hornblower, Emily.

Wistrich, Robert S.

Kassenova, Togzhan.

Lipsky, Deborah.

Grose, Anouchka.

Aubert, Nathalie.

Dischler, Patricia.

Black, Gordon.

Chevrier, Jean-François.

Zimmermann, Georg.

Avakian, Arlene Voski.

Collins, Patricia Hill.

Berco, Cristian.

McCarthy, B. Eugene.

O'Rowe, Mark.

Kulikoff, Allan.

Laube, Lydia.

Burrows, Tim.

Schiffrin, Anya.

Zhiyan, W.

Stein, Daniel.

Stiftung, Bertelsmann.

Văduva, Sebastian.

Mooneeram, Roshni.

Chanoff, Sasha.

Wang, Harvey.

Wilkinson, Pete.

Cisneros, Henry G.

Sharp, Gene.

al-Bayati, Hamid.

Minnis, Alastair.

Dimant, Devorah.

Smith, Charles.

French, Marilyn.

French, Marilyn.

French, Marilyn.

French, Marilyn.

Pigott, Peter.

Escobar, Maria-Luisa.

Honess, ClaireE.

Reda, John.

Price, Marilyn.

Svensson, Robert.

Wanerman, Todd.

Sviokla, Sylvester.

Gibson, David.

Grant, Lana.

Al-Ghani, K.I.

Davis, David J.

Weber, Jeffrey.

Kainiraka, Sanu.

Caldwell, Phoebe.

Ballard, John R.

Miller, Bonnie M.

Attwood, Tony.

White, Daniel E.

Longstreet, James.

Steele, David Ramsay.

Doppelt, Bob.


Valsiner, Jaan.

László, János F.
    From Microbe to Man.
    Oak Park : Bentham Science Publishers, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Aleinikoff, T. Alexander.

Corah, John.

Flatnes, Oyvind.

Harris, A. Katie.

Hawkes, Neil.

Suzuki, David.

Bogdanor, V.

Ward, Malachi.

Alfaki, Ibrahim.

Lavender-Smith, Evan.

Nabors, Forrest.

Kingseed, Cole C.

Beach, Jensen.

Evans, Joey.

Keyser, Janis.

Blix, Göran.

Lu, Qian.

Kruger, Elanie.

Cameron, Garth James.

Detmers, Ines.

von Beyme, Klaus.

Smith, Philip D.

Klaaren, Jonathan.

Segvic, Heda.

McCann, D.

Brown, Ron.

Danielsson, Bengt.

Webber, Jeffery R.

Macklem, Patrick.

Katz, Michael Jay.

Yom, Sean L.

Blue, Dana.

Kenyon, Jane.
    From Room to Room.
    New York : Alice James Books, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Simic, Goran.

Gross, Max.

Sethi, Anil.

Gingrich, Callista.

Henderson, Silas.

Eesni, Jelena.

Aronoff, C.

Sabbagh, Omar.

Alexander, Patrick Elliot.

Redford, Donald B.

Wilson-Keenan, Jo Anne.

Sarvas, Risto.

Courvoisier, Thierry J.-L.

Ballard, John R.

Stame, Nicoletta.

Klager, Andrew P.

Emanuel, Michelle,.

Cromar, Scott.

Hudson, Tim.

Byrne, Peter.

Thomsen, Per Hove.

Dando, Neal.

Boon, Goh Chor.

Lewis, Robert M.

Lahdo, Ablahad.

Bryden, H. A.

Broadwood, Jo.

Vetere, Robert.

Cady, Duane L.

Buschke, Nele.

Sauls, Scott.

Peters, Michael A.

Tall, Deborah.

Donaldson, Willie.

Kyong-ae, Kang.

Breslin, Beau.

Su, Jen.

Graves, John.

Kelly, John.

Halton, E.

Nowlin, Bill.

Parrish, Timothy.

Finn, Patrick Michael.

Verne, Jules.

McMillan, M. E.

Murolo, Priscilla.

Pearson, Justin.

Yen, Wei.

Kosack, Stephen.

Brown, Jennifer.
    From the Inside Out.
    Claygate : Grosvenor House Publishing, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hagoel, Lea.

Zhong, Lihe.

Hart, Carolyn.
    From the Queen.
    New York, USA : Road, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Danzig, Marsha Therese.

Manji, Firoze.

Hoffman, Wendy.

Thorn, Harry Jay.

Forsythe, Mark.

Wohlforth, Charles P.

Samson, Karl.

Kollias , Tania.

Greenspan, Eliot.

Brewer, Stephen.

McRae, Bill.

Basch, Harry.

Poole, Matthew.

Reckford, Laura M.

Foster, Simon.

Greenspan, Eliot.

Sarna, Heidi.

Peterson, Eric.

Christensen, Shane.

Shelby, Barry.

Shelby, Barry.

Porter, Darwin.

Goodwin, Bill.

Foster, Jeanette.

Daugherty, Christi.

Ullian, Robert.

Foster, Jeanette.

Herczog, Mary.

Tilghman, Mary K.

Peterson, Eric.

Brokaw, Leslie.

Humphrys, Darren.

Wolff, Ethan.

Romine, Linda.

Karr, Paul.

King, Lesley S.

Herczog, Mary.

Karr, Paul.

Schlecht, Neil Edward.

Silverman, Brian.

Porter, Darwin.

Samson, Karl.

Blore, Shawn.

Lenkert, Erika.

Flippin, Alexis Lipsitz.

Flippin, Alexis Lipsitz.

Ford, Elise H.

Baker, Mark.

Marino, John.

Hogg, Sylvie.

Hiss, Mark.

Hiss, Mark.

Poole, Matthew.

Salmi, Noelle.

Blore, Shawn.

Abravanel, Lesley.

Goodwin, Bill.

Prince, Danforth.

Goodwin, Bill.

Reiber, Beth.

Olson, Donald.

Goodwin, Bill.

Miller, Laura Lea.

Samson, Karl.

Ford, Elise H.

Rugh, W.

Sutherland, A.

Atkins, Raymond L.

Garnier, Pascal.

Sears, Dr. Woody.

Dimitrijevic, Marko.

Brooks, Bill.

Kobo, Abe.

Turner, Frederick Jackson.

Xue, Can.
    La Vergne : Open Letter, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Leblanc, Maurice.
    Auckland : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book



Genazzani, Andrea R.

Sultan, Charles.

Plaw, Avery.

Bindi, Federiga.

Cody, H. A.

Aimard, Gustave.
    Wellington : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Groenendaal, Jelle.

Vlismas, Michael.

Babin, Tom.

Bell, Alex.
    Frozen Charlotte.
    London : Stripes Publishing, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Nichols, Nikki.

Beattie, Owen.

Leadbeater, C.

Frucht, Abby.

Lyman-Barner, Kirk.

Griffin, Simon.

Larson, Abigail.

Nye, Naomi Shihab.
    : BOA Editions Ltd., 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bloom, Jeremy.

Shanley, Ellen.

Duffield, John S.

Golakai, Hawa Jande.

Barr, Lisa.

Barr, Lisa.

Kyle, Jethro.
    Fugitive Lawman.
    London : Robert Hale, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Evenson, Brian.
    Fugue State.
    : Coffee House Press, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Woolf, Jan.

Davidson, Jim.

Nadesan, M.

John-Roger, DSS.

Siddique, John.
    Full Blood.
    Cambridge : Salt Publishing Limited, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Killian, Gloria.

Butler, Dave.

Axelrod, Alan.

Paul, Barbara.
    Full Frontal Murder.
    New York : Road, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Beaufoy, Simon.
    Full Monty.
    London : Oberon Books Ltd, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Malina, Judith.

Elder, Zoe.

Lamprell, Mark.

Pandora, Cherie P.
    Full STEAM Ahead.
    Santa Barbara : ABC-CLIO, LLC, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Mardan, Azat.

Murphy, Dervla.

Lülfesmann, Michael.

Sieden, L. Steven.

van der Zande, Irene.

Quinn, Tami.

Capogna, Luca.

Publishing, Tuttle.

Sutton, Nancy.

Deveney, Sean.

England, Chris.
    Fun Factory.
    London : Old Street Publishing, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hunton, Jake.

Cunningham, Ted.

Chen, Lydia.

Beckerleg, Tracey.

Zacke, Susanna.

Stewart, Brett.

Jones, R.

Mailund, Thomas.

Zeng, Marcia Lei.

Radcliffe, James C.

Swenson, Nathan G.

Bhunia, Asamanjoy.

Benis-Sinaceur, Hourya.

Dummies, Consumer.

Group, The Spinelli.

Lewis, Nigel Da Costa.

Laats, A.

Matsui, Masayuki.

Mustafee, Sourajit.

Brooks, Robert L.

Moorthy, Krish.

Brescia, Frank.

Brescia, Frank.

Li, Jie-Jia.

Knight, John.

Kothari, Chandra P.

McGowan, Carl.

Moses Daluz, Hillary.

Houck, Max M.

de Kluyver, Cornelis.

Hartnett, J.

Hartnett, J.

Parker, Christopher J.

Wright, Christopher.

Röhrich, Martina.

Röhrich, Martina.

Stevens, Ray.

Porter, Stanley E.

Saha, Gopal B.

Fronek, Helane S.

Thompson, Merlin B.

Riggan, Benjamin S.

Tronchetti, Fabio.

Algozzine, Bob.

Abrikosov, A. A.

De, Arnab Kumar.

Sargeant, Adrian.

Bolden, T.

Lennon, John.
    : Dzanc Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Institute, Bathroom Readers'.

Straker, Bethany.
    Funny Bunny Fly.
    New York, NY : Sky Pony Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Astley, Neil.

Norton, Andre.
    Fur Magic.
    New York : Open Road Media Teen & Tween, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kirkwood, Roger.

Maguire, Shannon.

Manning, Brennan.

Herrmann, Eva.

Raffel, Dawn.

Matthews, Greg.

Hornung, E.W.

Brandon, John.
    Further Joy.
    San Francisco : McSweeney's, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Eclair-Powell, Phoebe.

Patterson, Roy.
    Fury of Zococa.
    London : Robert Hale, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

McCracken, Garry.

Brahm, L.

Lewis, Courtland.

Coyne, Christopher.

Biswas, Rajiv.

Board, Computer Science and Telecommunications.

Helmetag Murdock, Kita.
    Future Flash.
    New York : Sky Pony Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Shoham, Shlomo.
    Future Intelligence.
    Gütersloh : Verlag Bertelsmann Stiftung, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Vos, E.J.

Hildner, Claudia.

Adam, Barbara.

Zerzan, John.

Heininen, Lassi.

Briggs, Elizabeth.
    Future Shock.
    New York : Albert Whitman & Company, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Maitland, A.

Maitland, A.

Chester-Lambert, Alison.

Gorsuch, Neil M.

Houghton, Keith.

Malcolm, Matthew R.

McLanahan, Sara S.

Dealtry, Richard.

Schank, R.

Esteva, Gustavo.

Rubik, Frieder.

Chapra, M. Umer.

Meyer, H.

Brown, Candy Gunther.

Ouda, Samiha A. H.

Lynch, Timothy.

Baily, Martin Neil.

Grace, Martin F.

Piper, John.

Eberhardt, Daniela.

Canals, J.

Baynham, Mike, Professor.

van Es, Karin.
    Future of Live.
    Oxford : Polity Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Blankenhorn, David.

Newman, Russell.

Seiz, Harald.

Cohen, Stephen P.
    Future of Pakistan.
    New York, NY : Brookings Institution Press, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Boyd, E.

Vattimo, Gianni.
    Future of Religion.
    New York : Columbia University Press, 2005.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bammer, Angelika.

Steinau Lester, Joan.

Wierzbicki, Andrzej Piotr.

Donkin, R.
    Future of Work.
    London : Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Potts, J.
    Future of Writing.
    London : Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Schellinger, Alexander.

Skeete, Herbie.

Miniter, Frank.
    Future of the Gun.
    Minocqua : Regnery Publishing, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bard, Alexander.

Gomes, Luciana Takata.

Benavides, Efrén Moreno.

Thomas, Anne.

Angleberger, Tom.
    Cork : Abrams, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

King, V. Andre.

Dervis, Kemal.

Mackey, Aidan.

Postel-Vinay, K.

à Tuathaigh, Gearóid.

Ó Tuathaigh, Gearóid.

Scally, John.

Dummies, Consumer.

Krull, Achim K.

D.N. Choubey,.

Shukla, Gaurav·.

Verschaeve, Luc.

Mooney, Carla.

Aggarwal, S.K.
    Dehli : Scientific International, 2018.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Dahl, Roald.

Posey, Brien.

Cushing-Jones, Nancy.

Mawere, Munyaradzi.

Helms, Russell.

Kramer, Lance.

Dickinson, Rachel.

Bell-Rehwoldt, Sheri.

Pandey, Girdhar K.

Quintero, Isabel.

Okara, Gabriel.

Radcliffe, Mark A.
    Gabriel's Angel.
    Hebden Bridge : Bluemoose Books Ltd, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bauer, Gabrielle.

Vanasse, André.
    Gabrielle Roy.
    Montreal : Dundurn, 2007.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Liebermann, Dan A.

Sillitoe, Alan.

Mok, Judith.
    London : Saqi, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Rehill, Navdeep.
    Claygate : Grosvenor House Publishing, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Doak, Wade.

Sciences, Board on Life.

Neighbors, R. C.

Griffith, Brian.

Mattern, Susan P.

Cabell, James Branch.

Gallé, Émile.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Murray, Joseph.

LaVO, Carl P.

Stewart, Ian Nicholas.

Adams, Debi.

Stewart, Sean.
    Newburyport : Dover Publications, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Smith-Matheson, Shirlee.

Lawless, Jim.

Gercken, Becca.

Sharpe, Graham.

Lanham, Micheal.

Fouché, Rayvon.

Miller, Jeff.

Bank, Asian Development.

Altrogge, Stephen.

Fullerton, Tracy.

Berinstein, Paula.


Fox, Mazaradi.

Gregory, Jason.

Freeman, Kevin D.

Maurina , Edward F.

Wu, Fan.

Gintis, Herbert.

Durlauf, Steven N.
    Game Theory.
    London : Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lanier, Susan Hope.
    Game We Play.
    : Curbside Splendor Publishing, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Farley, C.J.
    Game World.
    Oakland : Akashic Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Weiner, Richard.
    Game for Real.
    : Two Lines Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Smith, Arthur.

Collin, Nigel.

Marivaux, Pierre de.

Hicks, Tommy.

Wilkinson, Jack.

Murphy, Mark.

Scoggins, Chaz.

Freedman, Lew.

Freedman, Lew.

Freedman, Lew.

Saccomano, Jim.

Saccomano, Jim.

Pasche, Paula.

Dooley, Pat.

Garbin, Patrick.

Mulé, Marty.

Smith, Craig T.

Rippel, Joel A.

Garry, Michael.

Halligan, John.

Buscema, Dave.

Greenberg, Steve.

Hyman, Jordan.

Gordon, Bob.

Gordon, Bob.

Loede, Matt.

Georgatos, Dennis.

Johanson, Matt.

Scoppe, Rick.

Leach, Matthew.

Greeson, Jay.

Zwerneman, Brent.

Frisbie, Bill.

Buckner, Steve.

Harris, Mike.

Mackie, Tom.

Demas, Lane.

Macpherson, Archie.

Wind, Herbert Warren.

Tyers, Ben.
    Berkeley, CA : Apress, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lansky, Vicki.

Watterson, John Sayle.

Rogers, Vanessa.

Schouten, Ben.

Bourdais, Danièle.

Freyermuth, Gundolf S.
    Game Design
    Game Studies : An Introduction (With Contributions by André Czauderna, Nathalie Pozzi and Eric Zimmerman).
    Berlin : Transcipt Verlag, 2015.

Sakkas, Denny.

Werbach, Kevin.

Hawisher, G.

Markovits, Andrei S.

O'Connor, Rory.

Mahoney, Ellen.

Easwaran, Eknath.

Easwaran, Eknath.

Cicovacki, Predrag.

Baxter, Peter.

Hallsworth, S.

Jeffrey, Robert.

Wilson, Ron.

Colhoun, Jack.

Goldberg, Tod.

Gallacher, Gerard.

O'Shea, Joseph.

Larsen, Henrik.

Gomez, Rolando.

Dixon, Stephen.
    : Dzanc Books, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Griffiths, Fiona J.

Calder, John.
    Garden of Eros.
    London : Alma Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Logsted, Greg.

Mosley, Nicholas.
    Garden of Trees.
    Normal, IL : Columbia University Press, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Balzaretti, Carla.

Greene, Esmeralda.

Etherington, Natasha.

Cowley, Liz.

Simonds, Merilyn.

Nolton, Faith.

Dowding, Philippa.

Dowding, Philippa.

Dowding, Philippa.

Gaston, Bill.

Riall, Lucy.
    London : Yale University Press, 2007.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Yan, Mo.

Garner, Bryan.

Bowers, Terrell.

Jobson, Gary.

Owen, Gary.
    Gary Owen.
    London : Oberon Books Ltd, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Khamehchi, Ehsan.

Johnson, Kirk.

Williams, Eloise.
    Cardiff : Firefly Press Limited, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Monzó, Quim.
    Rochester : Open Letter, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hay, Sam.

Boulton, Ralph A.
    London : Manson Publishing Ltd, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Abdali, Ali.

Prather, Richard S.
    Gat Heat.
    New York : Open Road Media Mystery & Thriller, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Brady, Ian.

Bachar, Nomi.

Bauman, John F.

Alter, Pat.

Keatley, Andrew.

Connell, Monica.

Haarr, Geirr.

Lloyd, Karen.

Humphrey, Kris.
    Gathering Voices.
    London : Stripes Publishing, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Prymak, Thomas M.

Jefferts-Schori, Katharine.

Dalton, Jacob P.

O'Carroll, Gerry.

McFadden, Bernice L.

Paine, Patty.

Paine, Patty.

Yung, Christopher D.

Fitzgerald, F. Scott.
    Gatsby Girls.
    Sherman Oaks : BroadLit, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Charles, Victoria.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Brodskaya, Nathalia.
    Gauguin : 高更.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Calosse, Jp. A.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Watt, Gavin K.

Watt, Gavin K.

Botting, Douglas.

Pohlen, Jerome.

Smalls, James.
    Gay Art.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Langteaux, James Alexander.

Levy, Emanuel.

Demory, P.

Shelton, Michael.

Fejes, F.

Dale, Iain.
    Gay Shorts.
    London : Biteback Publishing, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Witten, Tarynn M.

Arrigoni, Vittorio.
    Gaza : Stay Human.
    New York, NY : Kube Publishing Ltd, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Chomsky, Noam.

Chomsky, Noam.

Trillini, Regula Hohl.

Flom, Ross.

Howell, Christopher.
    Minneapolis : Milkweed Editions, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Dimond, Judith.

Bauer, Aaron M.

Inness, S.

Trench, Nicki.

Christensen, Matthew B.

Tudor, Daniel.

Houton, Jody.

Logvinov, Michail.

O'Reilly, Caitríona.
    Tyne and Wear : Bloodaxe Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Nagai, Kafu.

McMenamin, Michael.
    Gemini Agenda.
    New York : Enigma Books, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kenrick, Miranda.

Millar, James.

Bank, Asian Development.

Bank, Asian Development.

Bank, Asian Development.

Hunt, Juliet.

Coyote, Ivan.
    Gender Failure.
    New York : Arsenal Pulp Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Johnson, Allan.

Quinlan, Joseph.

Richardson, Scott.

Bank, Asian Development.

Bank, Asian Development.

Whites, L.

Henderson, E.

Publishing, OECD.

Kihl, Lisa A.

Ng, Cecilia.

Cook, Rebecca J.

Smith, Steven G.
    Gender Thinking.
    Philadelphia : Temple University Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bank, Asian Development.
    Gender Tool Kit.
    Manila : Asian Development Bank Institute, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Goodman, R.

Bitel, Lisa M.

Hide, L.

Hodgson, Dorothy L.

Bouwer, K.

Adelman, Miriam.

Ferguson, Eliza Earle.

Kusakabe, Kyoko.

Elsner, Daniela.

Botsman, Daniel V.

Simien, Evelyn M.

Wilcox, W. Bradford.

Vizcaíno-Alemán, Melina V.

Stewart, Dafina Lazarus.

Frazier, L.

Greven, David.

Detraz, Nicole.

van den Berg, Marguerite.

Bennike, Kathrine Bjerg.

Taylor, Monica.

Bjarnegård, E.

Krook, M.

Cameron, Deborah.

Palmary, Ingrid.

Zeneidi, Djemila.

Hagemann, K.

Chadwell, David W.

Caldwell, K.

Mullany, Louise, Dr.

Nair, Geeta.

Lahiri-Dutt, Kuntala.

Walby, S.

Gherardi, Silvia.

Bauer, Gerhard.

Welge, Jobst.

Merriman, Brenda Dougall.

Chaplin, Joyce E.

Breen, Margaret Sonser.

Asad, Talal.

Wright, Robert E.

Taylor, Robert.

Lü, Qi.

Friedman, Rosemary.

Cahill, Frances.

Serakos, Demetrios.

Kuhn, Daniel.

Li, Xueliang.

Madeo, Angela.

Fischer, Matthias J.

Robertson, Robbie.

Bolton-Klinger, Melissa.

Vogel, P.

Rayner, Jennifer.

Hand, Elizabeth.

Daly, Erin Marie.

Kambolis, Michele.

Sawhill, Isabel V.

Askew, Claire.

Vanrenen, Bess.

Seemiller, Corey.

Dhillon, Navtej.

Jou, Willy.

Woolley, Bryan.

Gilligan, Stephen.

Griffin-Weisner, Jennifer.

Doyle, C. Andrew.

N. Sheth, Jagdish.

Farrell, Joseph P.

Kim, Mitchell M.

O'Shea, Lorretta.

Metzl, Jamie.

Goldingay, John.

Goldingay, John.

Park, Abraham.

Jacobson, Lee.

Eckdahl, Todd.

Hutchison, David.

Amar, Talia.

Baniasadi, Pouya.

Nautiyal, B.P.
    Genetics of Plants.
    Dehli : Scientific International, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Dahl, Elisabeth.
    Genie Wishes.
    New York : Abrams, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lanouette, William.

Nichols, John.

Lynn, George T.

Metcalf, Paul.
    : Coffee House Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Roth, J.

Springer, Jane.
    : Groundwood Books, 2006.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Derkx, Peter.

Liu, Ning.

Ritzer, Ivo.

Cohen, Ralph.

Wiemann, Dirk.

Papalias, P.

Brocket, Jane.

Henry, O.
    Gentle Grafter.
    New York : Road, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Jeffrey, Robert.

Carnes, Patrick J.

Carnes, Patrick J.

Carnes, Patrick J.

Davis, Dorothy Salisbury.
    Gentleman Called.
    Newburyport : Open Road Media Mystery & Thriller, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Davis, Dorothy Salisbury.
    Gentleman Called.
    : Open Road Media Mystery & Thriller, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Feltoe, Richard.

Hague, S.

Aiken, Ginny.

Gale, Patrick.

Paller, M.

Farquar, Percival.

Hansen, Arlen J.

Schloegl, Irmgard.

Iacovella, Stefano.

Holdaway, Simon.

Tally Jr., Robert T.

Tally Jr., Robert T.

Westphal, B.

Hurst, Geoff.

Teall, Geoff.

Cole, David.

Tomaszewski, Brian.

Kellerman, Aharon.

Publishing, OECD.

Banfield, Janet.

Oakes, Simon.

Savage, Candace.

Briggs, Xavier de Souza.

Reuss, Frederick.

Khawar, Mariam.

Ambrosio, Luigi.

LaFosse, Michael G.

LaFosse, Michael G.

Goldman, Faye.
    Geometric Origami.
    San Diego : Thunder Bay Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Chambolle, Antonin.

Gielis, Johan.

Matousek, Jiří.

Kassim, Yang Razali.

Vaduva, Sebastian.

Black, Ian.

Dimock, Peter.

Chandler, Andrew.

Kröller, Eva-Marie.

Blackmore, R. D.

Olson, Greg.

Wainwright, Nicholas B.

Thompson, Andrew C.

Littlechild, George.

Budig, Gene A.

James, L.

Lahey, D.T.

Kraus, Marcia Hansen.

Mooney, Carla.


Manca, Joseph.

Tucker, Phillip Thomas.

Vermalle, Caroline.

Mughazy, Mustafa.

Robinson, Roxana.

Souter, Gerry.
    Georgia O'Keeffe.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Sarti, Doug.

Abbott, Jacob.
    Auckland : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

De, Anirban.

Coover, Robert.

Lee, Andrew G.

Staff, Gary.

Langbehn, Volker.

Werner, Ralf.

Reimer, Robert C.

O Hara , Vincent P.

Lederer, David.

Rockmore, Tom.

Steinberg, Guido W.

Shortt, Linda.

Sillitoe, Alan.

Carl, Klaus H.
    German Painting.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Schwartz, Jason.

McCarthy, Margaret.

Schütte, Uwe.

Cheesman, Tom.

Fronius, Helen.

Häntzschel, Alexander.

Holfter, Gisela.

Brinson, Charmian.

Pronk-Tiethoff, Saskia.

Melican, Brian.

Christensen, Peter H.

Scalia , Joseph Mark.

Retallack, James.

Ewing, J.

Christodoulakis, Nicos.


Brogden, Mike.

Richardson, Virginia E.

Rosowsky, Erlene.

Najmi, Hassan.
    Massachusetts : Interlink Publishing, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Delarue, Jacques.

Grant, Paul.

Bakewell, Geoffrey W.

Wickman, Gino.

Pegna, Victoria.

Hynes, Geraldine E.

Bambrick-Santoyo, Paul.

Paul Davies, Steven.

Hall, Starr.

Hammond, Pete.

Taylor, Allen.

Tanabe, Gen.

Tanabe, Gen.

Isphording, Julie.

Holmes, John Clellon.

Tanabe, Gen.

Kirkham, Sara.
    Get Into Running.
    London : Hodder Education, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Martin, Ali.

Reiland, Rachel.

Womack, Jason W.

Colleen, Craig.

Green, Donald P.

Megson, Chris.

Doyle, Peter.
    Get Rich Quick.
    Portland : Verse Chorus Press, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Griffin, Zoe.

Holst, Carol.

Heller, Samantha.

Hazelden , Publishing.

Hazelden , Publishing.

Hazelden , Publishing.

Hazelden , Publishing.

Hazelden , Publishing.

Hazelden , Publishing.

Hazelden , Publishing.

Hazelden , Publishing.

Hazelden , Publishing.

Kantor, Brian.

Blumenfeld, Jeff.

Hill, Emma.

Brown, Denise Whichello.

Leir-Shuffrey, Sandi.

Anderson, Doug.

Farr, Bob.

Kotan, Kay.

Ragsdale, Susan.

Papanikitas, Andrew.

Wuntakal, Rekha.

Bahal, Nawal.

Bydder, Megan.

Mair, Grant.

Hulbert, Diana.

Rushforth, Bruno.

Wuntakal, Rekha.

Konje, Justin C.

Gulati, Rajeev.

Amin, Osama S M.

Barakat, Nagi.

Barakat, Nagi.

Barakat, Nagi.

Kaimal, Arunraj.

Kaimal, Arunraj.

Overstall, Simon.

Rushforth, Bruno.

Sritharan, Kaji.

Rangarajan, Desikan.

Singh, Gurmit.

Murthy, Sree.

Hedley, George.

Meyers, Robert J.

Capewell, David.

Bach, Fiona.

Wigley, James.

Nicholls, Theepa.

Oliphint, Clayton.

Oliphint, Clayton.

Rollins, Henry.

Tanabe, Gen.

Korn, Rachel.
    Get into College.
    Atlanta : Hundreds of Heads Books, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bergland, Eric.

Curran, Andrew.

Schwartzberg, Joel.

Schwartzberg, Joel.

Annandale, David.

Lappé, Frances Moore.

Mahoney, Richard D.

Heinbecker, Paul.

Karrasch, Noah.

Frodsham, D.

Mah, Ronald.

Betts, Julian R.

Paus, E.

Hope, Russ.

Hewitt, Paolo.

Tellis, Ashley J.

Zunshine, Lisa.

Kricheldorf, Hans R.

Howard, Elizabeth Jane.
    Getting It Right.
    Newburyport : Open Road Media, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Buckley, William F.
    Getting It Right.
    Washington : Regnery Publishing, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

News, Bloomberg.

Ehrman, Mark.

Williams, Scott B.

Mosey, Roger.

Burns, Jim.

Burns, Jim.

Kabat, Geoffrey C.

Curtis, Veechi.

Monson, D.

Monson, D.

Nemnom, Charbel.

Salway, Sarah.

Segal, Gillian Zoe.


Wagner, Francis.

Sommer, Alfred.

Emmett, David.

Kiisel, Ty.

Abraham, Nikhil.

Akin, Daniel L.

Zandvliet, Luc.

McCormack, Mike.

Joyce, Mere.

Kenadjian, Patrick S.

Faroult, Stéphane.

Nash, David.

Kelly, Andrew P.

Caswell, Kurt.

Hagland, Carol.

Rosenbluth, Roz.

Chandy, Laurence.

Nyden, J.

Sainsbury, Simon.

Martin, Iain C.

Nussbaum, Ben.

Pfanz, Harry W.

Wickham, Hadley.

Ormsby, Eric.

Whyte, Anthony.

Whyte, Anthony.

Whyte, Anthony.

Whyte, Anthony.
    Ghetto Girls Too.
    New York : Augustus Publishing, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Whyte, Anthony.
    Ghetto Girls.
    New York : Augustus Publishing, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Choo, Yangsze.
    Ghost Bride.
    London : Hot Key Books, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Alley, S C.

Wortsman, Peter.

Maso, Carole.
    Ghost Dance.
    : Dzanc Books, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Enderle, Dotti.

McDonald, Fiona.

Ferla, Cath.
    Ghost Girls.
    Melbourne : Bonnier Publishing Australia, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Moore, Ken A.

Boggs, Johnny D.

Butlin, Ron.
    Ghost Moon.
    Cambridge : Salt Publishing Limited, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Rojas, Carlos.

Cohen, Marina.
    Ghost Ride.
    Toronto : Dundurn, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Middleton, Richard.

Christensen, Jo-Anne.

Christensen, Jo-Anne.

Massullo, Brandon.

Coover, Robert.
    Ghost Town.
    : Dzanc Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hind, Andrew.

Yee, Paul.
    Ghost Train.
    : Groundwood Books, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Stephens, K.
    Ghost Trap.
    New York : Leapfrog Press, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Coughlan, David.

Shankar, S.

Bass, Guy.

Beale, Charles Willing.

Walsh, Ann.

Guttridge, Peter.

Heineman, Elizabeth.
    New York : The Feminist Press at CUNY, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lovekin, Carol.
    Ceredigion : Honno Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Robertson, Tom.

Lapham, Dave.

Kachuba, John B.

Starr, Patti.

Hladik, L'Aura.

Hladik, L'Aura.

Ambrose, Kala.

Kachuba, John B.

Kachuba, John B.

Stewart, Donna.

Varhola, Michael.

Lake, Andrew.

Slaughter, April.

Gann, Kirby.
    Brooklyn : Ig Publishing, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Cole, Jeff Scott.

Keller, Patricia M.

Palmisano, Richard.

Palmisano, Richard.

Bozik, Chrissy.

di Giovanni, Janine.

Steele, Jonathan.

Stevenson, William.

Newcomb, Kerry.
    Ghosts of Elkhorn.
    Newburyport : Open Road Media, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Wilson, John.

Conefrey, Mick.

Da Silva, Maria.

Da Silva, Maria.

Domine, David.

Ryan, Dan.

Pizzato, M.

Palmisano, Richard.

Ireland, Ryan.

Hitchcock, Fleur.
    Ghosts on Board.
    London : Hot Key Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Ibsen, Henrik.
    London : Nick Hern Books, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Cadnum, Michael.

Martin, Andrew.

Swale, Rudy A.

Dickinson, Peter.
    Giant Cold.
    Newburyport : Open Road Media Teen & Tween, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Králová-Hromadová, Ivica.

Eldridge, Jim.

Anstey, F.
    Giant's Robe.
    Auckland : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Thomson-Swift, Joe.

Negev, Eilat.

Price, Sonja.

Elkind, David.

O'Callaghan, Joseph F.

Imangulieva, Aida.

Gameson, Marie.

Faulkner, Nicholas.
    Gift Room.
    Droxford : Splendid Books Limited, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lederer, Richard.

Michaels, Brenda.

Friesen, Victor Carl.

Davis, Ronald.

Saltman, K.

Clerc, Olivier.

Dinneen, Michael.

Cointreau, Tony.

Carlin, Nathan.

Sawicki, Chip.

Taylor, Alice.
    Gift of a Garden.
    Dublin : The O'Brien Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Stovall, Jim.

Crystal, David.
    Gift of the Gab.
    London : Yale University Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Buchanan, Andrea J.
    : Open Road Media Teen & Tween, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Brunstetter, Wanda E.
    Newburyport : Barbour Publishing, Inc., 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Belford, Bibi.
    La Vergne : Sky Pony Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Browning, Barbara.
    La Vergne : Coffee House Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Distin, Kate.

Kinley, Jeff.

Farah, Nuruddin.

Murad, Khurram.

Ludwig, Trudy.

Wise, Natalie.

Brown, Brene.

Harris, M.

Klein, Adam.

Higdon, Hal.

Brennan, Stephen.

Bainbridge, Colin.
    Gila Monster.
    London : Robert Hale, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gilbert, Ian.

Gomez, Jewelle.

Wind, Herbert Warren.

Snowman, Daniel.

Silverberg, Robert.
    Gilgamesh the King.
    : Open Road Media Sci-Fi & Fantasy, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Iskander, Ghareeb.

de Sade, Vanessa.

Daffern, Gillean.

Daffern, Gillean.

Daffern, Gillean.

Stivale, Charles J.

Walsh, Enda.

Webb, Holly.

Swale, Rudy A.

Czajkowski, Chris.

Bethuel, Fabrice.

Bernardi, Gabriella.

Cavanaugh, Jack.

Lehmann, Rosamond.

Lehmann, Rosamond.

Malone, Jill.
    Giraffe People.
    Ann Arbor : Bywater Books, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gillis, Steven.

Littlemore, Sam.

Tagholm, John.

Bindloss, Harold.

McIntyre, Iain.

Rosenberg, Tracey S.
    Girl In Bunker.
    : Cargo Publishing (UK) Ltd, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bates, Helen.

Carlon, Mick.
    Girl Singer.
    Wellfleet : Leapfrog Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Mahaney, Carolyn.

Cohen, Kerry.

Goliger, Gabriella.
    Girl Unwrapped.
    Vancouver : Arsenal Pulp Press, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Paige, Helena S.

Bruchac, Joseph.

Miller, Eileen.

Peterfreund, Diana.

Peterfreund, Diana.

Wilson, Leah.

Levine, Stacey.

Bryan, Sean.

Tea, Michelle.

Bach, Tamara.
    Girl from Mars.
    : Groundwood Books, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

McPherson, Conor.

Dalton, Sheila.

Smith, Stef.

Telles, Lygia Fagundes.

Heatley, Michael.

Musso, Guillaume.
    Girl on Paper.
    London : Gallic Books, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Knox, R V.
    Girl on the Edge.
    Ceredigion : Honno Press, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kerbel, Deborah.

Kerbel, Deborah.

Walter, Mildred Pitts.
    Girl on the Outside.
    New York : Open Road Media Teen & Tween, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Channer, Colin.

Cook, Elinor.

Peterson, Rachel Danielle.
    Girl's a Gun : Poems.
    Lexington : University Press of Kentucky, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Blythe, Alecky.

Nagy, Karen.

Ng, Cindy.

Bellerose, Sally.
    Girls Club.
    New York : Bywater Books, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Nichols, Shana.

Packebush, Nina.
    Girls Like Me.
    Chicago : Bedazzled Ink Publishing, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Placey, Evan.

Tate, Tim.

Greene, Richard.

Douglas, Amanda Minnie.

Lamb, Sharon.

Goodman, J.

Babić, Bojan.

Small, Oriana.

Santacroce, Ferdinando.

Gajda, Wlodzimierz.

Mirolla, Michael.

O'Toole, Julie.

Castillo, Ana.
    Give It To Me.
    New York : The Feminist Press at CUNY, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Ferris, William.

Koehorst, Paul.

Gentill, Sulari.

Berry, Wendell.
    Given : Poems.
    Berkeley : Counterpoint, 2006.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Spartz, Emerson.

Morrow, David R.

Babaci-Wilhite, Zehlia.

Steeves, Mike.
    Giving Up.
    Toronto : BookThug, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Nickson, John.

Berger, Arthur Asa.

Chandler, Catherine.

Dunmore, Helen.

Chambers, Steve.

Spooner, L. M.

Nersesian, Arthur.

Eyre, David.
    Glainne : (Glass).
    Dingwall : Sandstone Press Ltd, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Toussaint, Eric.

Archibald, Malcolm.

Terry, Stephen.

Culley, Ron.

Brown, Les.

McIver, Alastair D.
    Glasgow Fairytale.
    Edinburgh : Black & White Publishing, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Patrick, James.

Black, Jimmy.

Black, Ian.
    Glasgow Urban Myths.
    Edinburgh : Black & White Publishing, 2006.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Jeffrey, Robert.
    Glasgow's Hard Men.
    Edinburgh : Black & White Publishing, 2006.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Dunham, Rebecca.

Priebe, Trisha.
    Glass Castle.
    New York : Barbour Publishing, Inc., 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Leyshon, Nell.
    Glass Eels.
    London : Oberon Books Ltd, 2007.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Ronk, Martha.

Adcock, Fleur.
    Glass Wings.
    Tyne and Wear : Bloodaxe Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Penny, Louise,

Pym, Barbara.

Savage, Sam.
    : Coffee House Press, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Winik, Marion.

Cody, H. A.

Konieczny, Vladimir.

Denny, Mark.

Pilgrim, Kingsley.
    Claygate : Grosvenor House Publishing, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gerber, Merrill Joan.

Murray, George.

Jarves, James Jackson.

Robinson, Roxana.

Furman, Gloria.

Hearn, Lafcadio.

Ramphal, Shridath.

Oceanak, Karla.
    Glitch : Book 7.
    Chicago : Bailiwick Press, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Finn, Melanie.
    La Vergne : Two Dollar Radio, 2008.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Waddell, Steve.

Ganor, Boaz.

Weiner, L.

Jafar, A.

Kahn, Barbara E.

Steenkamp, Jan-Benedict.

Brown, J.

Arora, A.

Thanopoulos, John.

Paus, E.

Churie-Kallhauge, Angela.

Sapelli, Giulio.

Whitley, E.

Mukhopadhyay, Pranab.

Buckingham, D.

MacLean, Todd.

Wijsen, Frans.

Andersson, Johan.

Shallcross, Tony.

Altinay, Hakan.

of, Hertie School.

Archibugi, Daniele.

Pandey, Girdhar K.

Morley, M.

Brimm, L.

Čaušević, Fikret.

Brooks, Douglas H.

Brown, B.

Peterson, Paul E.

Brainard, Lael.

Ghosh, Bimal.

Adam, Barry D.

Bard, Alexander.

Goldthau, Andreas.

Leal Filho, Walter.

Podobnik, Bruce.

Larsson, M.

Acs, Zoltan J.

Acs, Zoltan J.

Acs, Zoltan.

Acs, Zoltan J.

Dobos, N.

Clark, David.

Read, C.

Joseph, Clara A.B.

Publishing, OECD.

Publishing, OECD.

Publishing, OECD.

Publishing, OECD.

Publishing, OECD.

Publishing, OECD.

Publishing, OECD.

Publishing, OECD.

Publishing, OECD.

Altbach, P.

Paus, E.

Rai, S.

Bradford, Colin I.

Zimmermann, J.

Roehrkasten, Sybille.

Eckert, Andreas.

Amin, Samir.

Czarniawska, Barbara.

Olesen, T.

Moyn, Samuel.

Liang, Shunlin.

Casanova, L.

Bradford, Colin I.

Hoffmann, J.

Pfeifer, Michael J.

Allen, Franklin.

Hornborg, Alf.

Baker, Neil.

Wherry, Frederick F.

Iosifidis, P.

Hajkowicz, Stefan.

Modood, T.

den Dekker, Wim.

Schmidt, V.

Brown, Brendan.

Schiffrin, Anya.

Almond, Jeffrey.

Reich, S.

Enzmann, Dirk.

Sundaram, V.

Bergey, Meredith R.

Kempler, C.

Burt, S.

Takenaka, Ayumi.

Risse, M.

Gadsby, Robert Murphy, John Jefferies and Josie.

Barnes, Amy.

Bashford, Alison.

Albert, Pauline J.

Abbey, Deb.

Ramani, KV.

Kettl, Donald F.

Holder, Raoul.

Ferrara, P.

Thomas, S.

Wagner, Daniel.

Sargen, Nicholas P.

Chase-Dunn, Christopher.

Kuhn, Michael.

Falconi, M.

Inserra, Incoronata.

Selznick, Barbara J.

Weinberg, Leonard.

Browning, G.

Smith, Pamela J.

Publishing, OECD.

Hoekman, Bernard M.

Done, A.

Quesenbery, Whitney.

Salomon, R.

Tan, Oon Seng.

Roy, Ghosh.

Bradley, Raymond S.

Chin, Jean Lau.

Jones, Elspeth.

Firth, Stewart.

Lane, Jan-Erik.

Weinstein, Michael M.

Weber, L.

Keping, Yu.

Zhou, Xuelin.

Langmia, Kehbuma.

Elson, A.

Bederman, D.

Wright, Sue.

Mazlish, Bruce.

Shou, Huisheng.

Lutz, Brenda J.

Rumford, C.

Lee, John W.I.

Eichengreen, Barry.

Sutton, D.

Love, Rick.

Fane, Olive.

Sandison, Bruce.

Prose, Francine.

Spurr, Russell.

McFadden, Bernice L.
    Brooklyn : Akashic Books, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hicks, Tommy.

Denny, Dick.

Fraterrigo, Melissa.
    Glory Days.
    Lincoln : UNP - Nebraska, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Westhuizen, Joost Van der.

Beachy, Stephen.
    Glory Hole.
    Tuscaloosa : Fiction Collective Two, Incorporated, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

L'Amour, Louis.

Carter, Anthony J.

Catton, Bruce.
    Glory Road.
    New York : Open Road Media, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Cooper, Jarrod.

Morgan, Christopher W.
    Glory of God.
    Wheaton, IL : Crossway, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

MacArthur, John.

McLean, Linda.

Johnson, Shelton.

Macari, Anne Marie.
    Farmington : Alice James Books, 2005.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kaminsky, Howard.
    La Vergne : Polis Books, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Dutton, Geoffrey.

Eno, Will.
    New York : Theatre Communications Group, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Dunderberg, Ismo.

DeConick, April D.

Holmes, John Clellon.
    Go : A Novel.
    Newburyport : Open Road Media, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Eaton, Evelyn.
    Go Ask the River.
    London : Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Shotwell, Peter.

Fish, Mr.
    Go Fish.
    Brooklyn : Akashic Books, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kishikawa, Shigemi.

Varghese, Shiju.

Tsoukalos, Mihalis.

Hughes, Emma.

Nicholls, Kathleen.

Mansbach, Adam.

Cortés, Ricardo.

Alexander, Lincoln.

Shotwell, Peter.

Soriano, F.

Piggot-Irvine, Eileen.

Gilmore, Rose.

Oliver, Greg.

Ormsby, Frank.

Mandel, Oscar.
    Gobble-Up Stories.
    Pasadena : Prospect Park Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Simak, Clifford D.
    Goblin Reservation.
    New York : Open Road Media Sci-Fi & Fantasy, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Dundas, Ever.
    La Vergne : Freight Books, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Flannagan, Andy.

Ward, Keith.

Nathanson, Mitchell.

Hart, Ray L.

Harshaw, Jill.

Anderson, Bill.

Everson, Eva Marie.

Chinchen, Palmer.

Winkler, Anthony C.
    God Carlos.
    Brooklyn : Akashic Books, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Ballantine, Poe.

Hobson, Theo.

Espak, Peeter.

F., Ed.

Swinney, Jo.

Dennis, Trevor.

Brakeman, Lyn G.

John-Roger, DSS.

Piper, John.

Piper, John.

Neumuller, Anders.

Greco, Art.

Leech, Sheila.

Shraya, Vivek.
    God Loves Hair.
    Vancouver : Arsenal Pulp Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Easwaran, Eknath.

Pessin, Andrew.

Williams, Jenni.

Graziano, Michael S. A.

Djupe, Paul.

Royal, Robert.

Webster, Douglas D.

Maltby, Tammy.

O'Connell, David.

Saranam , Sankara.

Haymes, Brian.

Lim, Daniel.

Filby, Eliza.

Heilig, Christoph.

Taylor, Drew Hayden.

Creamer, Jennifer Marie.

Dixon, Sean.

Namir, Hasan.
    God in Pink.
    New York, NY : Arsenal Pulp Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Wells, David F.

Keizer, Garret.
    God of Beer.
    Lebanon, NH : University Press of New England, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Campolo, Tony.

Davies, Luke.
    God of Speed.
    California : Rare Bird Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Brown, Derek R.

Fane, Olivia.
    God's Apology.
    London : Arcadia Books Limited, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Mosher, Lucinda.

Page, Nick.

Hickman, Thomas.

Viola, Frank.

Friedman, Stanford.

Hamilton, James M. , Jr.

Corelli, Marie.

Sleigh, Charlotte.

Meade, Starr.

Meade, Starr.

Hannam, James.

Gingerich, Owen.
    God's Planet.
    Cambridge : Harvard University Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Keith, W. J.

Braswell, Michael.

Ott, Bernhard.

Child, Philip.
    God's Sparrows.
    Toronto : Dundurn, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Papadopulos, Nick.

Leach, John.

Maycock, Jane.

Ward, Keith.

Taxpayer, Rob.

Onifer, Michael.

Frye, Roland Mushat.
    God, Man, and Satan.
    Princeton : Princeton University Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kostenberger, Andreas J.

Wells, Kellie.

Cherry, Stephen.

Nelson, Robert H.

Channer, Laurie.
    Toronto : Dundurn, 2008.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bruce, Deborah.

Msimango, Kagiso.

Millar, Martin.

Zemeckis, Leslie.

Newman, James R.
    Godel's Proof.
    New York : NYU Press, 2008.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hulsman, John C.

Barker, Dan.

Baxter, Richard.

Carlson, Allan C.

Tsika, Noah.

Roca, Joan Josep Mussarra.
    Gods in Euripides.
    Tübingen : Narr Francke Attempto, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Angus, Chris.

Berne, Dan.

Pevere, Geoff.

Burton, Richard.

Gait, Paul.
    Godson's Legacy.
    Claygate : Grosvenor House Publishing, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gait, Paul.

Gait, Paul.
    Godsons Inheritance.
    Claygate : Grosvenor House Publishing, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Williams, G.A.

Weingartner, Paul.

Sachers, Regina.

Currie, Pamela.

Wakefield, Dan.

Armstrong, David.
    Going Anywhere.
    Wellfleet : Leapfrog Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Piercy, Marge.

Metcalf, John.
    Going Down Slow.
    Emeryville : Biblioasis, 2007.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Dobson, Melanie.

Williamson, Joanna E.

Fuller, Ellen V.

James, David.

Ruddock, Joan.

Boswell, Joan.

Gary, David.

Franks, Alan.
    Going Over.
    London : Muswell Press, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Elliott, L.

Harlem, Lily.
    Going Up.
    London : Sweetmeats Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Berman, Tao.

Coady, Michael.
    Going by Water.
    Oldcastle : The Gallery Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Dickens, Charles.

Wells, Carolyn.
    Gold Bag.
    New York : Road, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Speck, D.

Clark, Roberta.
    Gold Covenant.
    Wauconda : Medallion Media Group, 2007.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Delany, Vicki.

Monette, Paul.

Gray, Charlotte.

Marlitt, E.
    Gold Elsie.
    Wellington : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Delany, Vicki.

Boggan, Steve.

Fedden, Brad.
    Gold Half Eagle.
    La Vergne : Robert Hale, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bryden, H. A.
    Gold Kloof.
    Auckland : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Goff, John Eric.

Keen, Will.

Solos, Ioannis Solos.

Delany, Vicki.

Bindloss, Harold.
    Gold Trail.
    Auckland : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Delany, Vicki.

Mukhopadhyay, Tito Rajarshi.

Rosen, Fred.

de Beaufort Wijnholds, Onno.

Wilson, John.
    Victoria : Orca Book Publishers, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Little , Benerson.

Ajvaz, Michal.
    Golden Age.
    Normal, IL : Columbia University Press, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Durrell, Gerald.

Munro, Irmtraut.

James, Henry.
    Golden Bowl.
    Newburyport : Dover Publications, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Friedman, Rosemary.
    Golden Boy.
    London : Arcadia Books Limited, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Braddon, Mary Elizabeth.
    Golden Calf.
    Auckland : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Ilf, Ilya.
    Golden Calf.
    Rochester : Open Letter, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Toombs, Jane.

Faqir, Fadia.
    Golden Chariot.
    Reading : Garnet Publishing (UK) Ltd, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bakr, Salwa.
    Golden Chariot.
    Cairo : The American University in Cairo Press, 2008.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Greene, Richard.

Bevolo, Marco.

Vasilopoulou, S.

Faust, Gerry.
    Golden Dream.
    NY : Skyhorse Publishing, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Anderson, Poul.
    Golden Horn.
    New York : Open Road Media Sci-Fi & Fantasy, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hammett, Dashiell.

Bendow, Henry.
    Golden Image.
    Guildford : Grosvenor House Publishing, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Xu, Lijia.

Xiaoxiaosheng, Lanling.

Xiaoxiaosheng, Lanling.

Barrett, Gary W.

Bockel, Alicia.

Clayton, Ewan.

Biggart, Felicity.

Fortnow, Lance.

Whitney, Phyllis A.
    Golden Unicorn.
    Newburyport : Open Road Media Romance, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Archibald, Malcolm.

Finch, Simon.
    Golden Voyager.
    London : Souvenir Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

James, Lawrence.

McLeish, Todd.

Gardner, John.
    London : Ian Fleming Publications, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Durda, Joanne.

Robertson, Patricia.
    Goldfish Dancer.
    Emeryville : Biblioasis, 2007.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kornblith, Hilary.

Techt, Uwe.

Taylor-Pye, Sam.
    Goldsmith Jones.
    La Vergne : Clink Street Publishing, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Goldsworthy, Graeme.

Edwards, Lee.

Estrin, Marc.
    Golem Song.
    Lakewood, CO : Unbridled Books, 2006.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Meyrink, Gustav.
    Cambs : Dedalus, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Stables, Matt.

Cooke, Alistair.

Hannigan, Patricia.

Newell, Steve.

Blake, Mindy.

Minton, Roland.

Roberts, Tony.

Ward, Andrew.

Ward, Andrew.

Clyde, Monica.

Barrett, David.

Andrisani, John.

Niesiolowski-Spano, Lukasz.

Jackson, Tim W.

Rogers, Heather.

Bedford, Paul.
    Gone West!.
    London : Robert Hale, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Mead, Geoff.

Webb, Mary.
    Gone to Earth.
    Auckland : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Radic, Randall.

Piercy, Marge.

Mills, Jennifer.
    St Lucia : University of Queensland Press, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Thompson, Anita.

Barker, Dan.

Rooke, Leon.

Harvey, John.

Kerouac, Jack.

Bergren, Lisa T.

Syborn, Freddy.

Orr, Jill.

Epstein, Samuel.

Saunders, Alun.
    Good Clean Heart.
    London : Oberon Books Ltd, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Girling, Robert.

Cofer - Dartt, Rebecca.

Rhoades, J.D.

Batura, Paul.

Courtemanche, Gil.
    Good Death.
    Vancouver : D & M Publishers, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Estrin, Marc.

Barr, Josh.

Campion, G.

Clarke, Jane.

Shepard, Sara.
    Good Girls.
    London : Hot Key Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Institute, Good Housekeeping.

Institute, Good Housekeeping.

Fox, Andrew.

Kuipers, Giselinde.

Sidhu, Ranbir Singh.

Levy, Santiago.

Fielding, Joy.

Chu, Karen.

Paul, Barbara.
    Good King Sauerkraut.
    New York : Road, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Catalano, Thomas.

Lorchenkov, Vladimir.


Kraft, Alan.

Suzuki, David.

Gamble, Adam.

Gamble, Adam.

Gamble, Adam.

Gamble, Adam.

Gamble, Adam.

Gamble, Adam.
    Good Night Austin.
    New York, NY : Good Night Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gamble, Adam.

Gamble, Adam.
    Good Night Beach.
    New York : Good Night Books, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gamble, Adam.

Gamble, Adam.

Gamble, Adam.

Gamble, Adam.

Gamble, Adam.

Gamble, Adam.

Jasper, Mark.

Gamble, Adam.

Gamble, Adam.

Vrba, Christina.

Gamble, Adam.
    Good Night Daddy.
    New York : Good Night Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bouse, Susan.

Gamble, Adam.

Jasper, Mark.

Gamble, Adam.

Gamble, Adam.
    Good Night Galaxy.
    Yarmouth Port : Good Night Books, 2008.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gamble, Adam.

Gamble, Adam.

Jasper, Mark.

Gamble, Adam.

Gamble, Adam.
    Good Night Maine.
    New York : Good Night Books, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Adams, Megan Weeks.

Gamble, Adam.

Gamble, Adam.

Gamble, Adam.

Gamble, Adam.
    Good Night Mommy.
    La Vergne : Good Night Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gamble, Adam.
    Good Night Montana.
    Yarmouth Port : Good Night Books, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gamble, Adam.

Gamble, Adam.

Gamble, Adam.

Gamble, Adam.
    Good Night Nevada.
    Yarmouth Port : Good Night Books, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gamble, Adam.

Clark, Dennis.

Gamble, Adam.

Gamble, Adam.

Gamble, Adam.

Gamble, Adam.

Gamble, Adam.
    Good Night Ohio.
    Yarmouth Port : Good Night Books, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

McCarthy, Dan.

Aston, E.

Gamble, Adam.

Gamble, Adam.

Gamble, Adam.

Jasper, Mark.

Gamble, Adam.

Gamble, Adam.

Gamble, Adam.

Gamble, Adam.

Gamble, Adam.

Gamble, Adam.

Gamble, Adam.

Gamble, Adam.
    Good Night Texas.
    New York : Good Night Books, 2007.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gamble, Adam.
    Good Night Toronto.
    Yarmouth Port : Good Night Books, 2007.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gamble, Adam.
    Good Night Trains.
    San Francisco : Good Night Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gamble, Adam.

Jasper, Mark.
    Good Night Utah.
    Yarmouth Port : Good Night Books, 2007.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Adams, David J.

Tougias, Michael.

Gamble, Adam.

Gamble, Adam.

Gamble, Adam.

Gamble, Adam.

Gamble, Adam.
    Good Night Zoo.
    New York : Good Night Books, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Simak, Clifford D.

Sullivan, Faith.

Rienecker, Lotte.

Lopez, Robert.
    Good People.
    New York, NY : Bellevue Literary Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lindsay-Abaire, David.
    Good People.
    New York : Theatre Communications Group, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Light, Donald W.

Glasby, Jon.

Parker, Jackie.

Avan, Ghizala.

Aistrop, Dipti.

Carter, Alan Noel.

Griffin, Janice.

Copeland, Cynthia.

Russell, David W.

Ford, Ford Madox.
    Good Soldier.
    London : Oberon Books Ltd, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

McVeigh, Paul.
    Good Son.
    Cambridge : Salt Publishing Limited, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

McPherson, Conor.

Alexander, Nick.

Lochhead, Liz.

Biel, Joe.

Parker, Barry.

Terkel, Studs.

Williams, M.

Baltzer-Jaray, Kimberly.

Forbes, Charlotte.

Oakley, Mark.
    Good Year.
    London : SPCK, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Powers, David M.

White, Frank.

Pottier, Anna.

Kene, Arinzé.

Haigh, Gerald.

Harbour, Cheryl.

Kelly, Mary Pat.

Tibbert, Steve.

Reed, Gardner.

Reed, Gardner.

Bourke, Chris.

Fensham, Elizabeth.
    Goodbye Jamie Boyd.
    : University of Queensland Press, 2008.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Mooney, Bel.

May, Pete.

Gimenez Smith, Carmen.

Coriell, Shelley.

Corcoran, Tony.

Kaplan, Samuel.

Cobb, William.

Steiber, Annika.

Fremont-Barnes, Gregory.


Donaldson, Moyra.
    Goose Tree.
    Dublin : Liberties Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gehrmann, Katja.
    Goose the Bear.
    New York, NY : Sky Pony Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

O'Porter, Dawn.
    London : Hot Key Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

O'Porter, Dawn.
    New York : Abrams, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Brown, Archie.

MacSkimming, Roy.

MacQuarrie, Gordon.

Smith, Tony.
    Gordon Smith.
    Edinburgh : Black & White Publishing, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Panych, Morris.
    Vancouver : Talonbooks, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Fairgray, Richard.

Grabman, Richard.

Gorman, John.

McElhinney, Ann.

Ortlund Jr., Raymond C.

Boatclub, Blindboy.

Newland, Courttia.

Burnett, Gary W.

Dennis, Trevor.

Moore, Stephen D.

Waters, Michael.
    Gospel Night.
    Rochester : BOA Editions Ltd., 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Watson, Francis.

Edwards, James R.

Dever, Mark.

Green, Bradley G.

Bell, Steve.

Lloyd-Jones, Martyn.

Bruner, Frederick Dale.

France, R. T.
    Gospel of Matthew.
    Grand Rapids : Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 2007.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Chesbro, Rev. Daniel.

Miller, R. Scot.

Bird, Michael F.

Stancliffe, David.

Stancliffe, David.

Samiloglu, Erin.
    Gossamer Hall.
    Wauconda : Medallion Media Group, 2007.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Seidensticker, Edward.

Keneally, Thomas.

Dang, Sarah-Mai.

Laroche, Stephen.

Duplechan, Larry.

Izso, Jay.

    Brooklyn : Akashic Books, 2007.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Charles, Victoria.
    Gothic Art.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Page, Edwin.

Tibbetts, John C.

Zuehlke, Mark.

Duggett, T.

Khair, T.

Beville, Maria.

Flanagan, Richard.

Dixon, Stephen.
    : Dzanc Books, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kim, Sung-Hae.

Finn, M.

Thomas, M. A.

Kosals, Leonid.

Chhotray, V.

Petschow, Ulrich.

Koeberle-Schmid, A.

Innerarity, Daniel.

Larmour, Peter.

Blundo, Giorgio.

Scheer, Dirk.

Institute, Project Management.

Lægreid, P.

Keremane, Ganesh.

Blaeschke, Frédéric.

Roney, Jessica Choppin.

Pistor, Katharina.

Keil, Kathrin.

Hambleton, R.

Elson, Anthony.

Raikhel, Eugene.

Shaw, Susan J.

Busetti, Simone.

Moschella, M.

He, Baogang.

Bayley, David.

Rao, P.K.

Winston, Clifford.

Gogol, Nikolai.

Gogol, Nikolai.

Lewyn, Michael.

Jordan-Korte, Katrin.

DiSalvo, Daniel.

Light, Paul C.

Foucault, M.

Tate, Shirley Anne.

Putra, Nur Azha.

Nicholson-Crotty, Sean.

Calosse, Jp. A.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Charles, Victoria.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Wilkins, Warren K.

Shiva, Vandana.

Wydra, Thilo.

Deon, Natashia.
    Grace : A Novel.
    New York : Counterpoint, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Boswell, Barbara.
    Grace : A Novel.
    Sybrand Park : Modajaji Books, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bunyan, John.

Cook, David C.

Stolarz, Brian W.

Bedell Smith, Sally.

Williams, Abbie.
    Grace of a Hawk.
    Chicago : Central Avenue Publishing, 2018.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Roop, Peter.

Karmali, Shereen.

Jones, Sharon Marie.

Morgan, Esther.
    Tyne and Wear : Bloodaxe Books, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Nunez, Elizabeth.
    La Vergne : Akashic Books, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gee, Maggie.
    : Saqi, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

López, Susana C.

Vernon, Christopher.

Eve, Laure.
    New York : Abrams, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Anderson, David A.

Edwards, Dave.
    Grade Cricketer.
    Sydney : Allen & Unwin, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Miller, Mary E.

Hamel, April Vahle.

Semenza, G.

    Grail of Stars.
    Surrey : Templar Publishing, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Winders, Jamie.

Webster, Jack.

Emenanjo, Nolue.

Colter, Rob.

Ayers, A.

Nightingale, Steven.

Rogers, Pattiann.
    Grand Array.
    New York : Trinity University Press, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kaiser, James.

Robins, Anthony W.

Eberle, Julia.

Kenemore, Scott.

Safatle, Vladimir.

Amato, Theresa.

Lubin, David M.

McCarthy, Andrew C.

McCarthy, Andrew C.

Ah-Sen, Jean Marc.
    Grand Menteur.
    Toronto : BookThug, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Macht, Norman L.

vom Brocke, Jan.

McDonald, Avril.
    Grand Wolf.
    Williston : Crown House Publishing, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Shanahan, Lisa.

Altinay, Ayse Gul.

Shelley, Peter.

Birmingham, Stephen.

Kennington, Dale.

Yip, Mingmei.

Milligan, Jill.

Demetris, Jean.

McCain, Becky.

Milligan, Michael.

Enderle, Dotti.
    Grandpa for Sale.
    Brooklyn : Flashlight Press, 2007.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Link, Mike.

Findler, Liora.

Delaney, David.
    Grange Abbey.
    Dublin : Liberties Press, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Mestern, Pat.


Buckley, Joan.

Gentry, Lisa.

Hirst, Catherine.


Catton, Bruce.

Nelson, Candice J.

Catton, Bruce.

magazine, Entrepreneur.

Dermastia, Marina.

Gross, Jonathan L.

Hutchison, David.

Cash-Smith, Ruth.

Shapiro, Ellen M.

Williams, Theo Stephen.

Bakis, Maureen.

Chute, Hillary L.

Hutchison, David.

Hereaka, Whiti.

Chartrand, Gary.

Eckman, Peter.

Peters, Ellis.
    Grass Widow's Tale.
    New York : Road, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Harvey, Graham.

Shawn, Wallace.

Shawn, Wallace.

Ellenberg, Jordan.
    Grasshopper King.
    Minneapolis : Coffee House Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Yoshiaki, Yoshimi.

Torinus, John.

Gimbel, Steve.

Beattie, Melody.

Hunter, Allan.

Moss, John.

Berra, Paul.

Downie, Jill.

Anthony, Evelyn.
    Grave of Truth.
    Newburyport : Open Road Distribution, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Heneghan, James.
    : Groundwood Books, 2006.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Tiedemann, Mark.

Powers, Zach.
    Gravity Changes.
    Rochester : BOA Editions Ltd., 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gasperini, Maurizio.

Tschinag, Galsan.
    Gray Earth.
    New York : Milkweed Editions, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

McGowan, William.

Young, Shawn David.

Brandl, Johannes L.

Brandl, Johannes L.

Steele, Pamela.

Rinpoche, Tulku Urgyen.

Biko, Hlumelo.

Armstrong, Linda J.

Kohl, MaryAnn F.

Spetrino, Bill.

Ozner, Michael.

Franklin, Benjamin.

Heller, D.

Van Vleet, Carmella.

Quinn, Tom.

Goldman, Linda.

Herlem, Fanny Cohen.

Esrock, Robin.

Haynes, Jim.

Kidd, Thomas S.

Hutchings, Pat.

Ross, Robert B.

Paxman, Maddy.

Dempsey, Hugh A.

Irish, Lora.

Marshall, Norman.

Wildavsky, Ben.

Kerr, Gordon.

Esrock, Robin.

Boughn, Michael.

Esrock, Robin.

Charman, Katrina.

Esrock, Robin.

de Bary, Wm. Theodore.

Snyder, Gary.

Bordessa, Kris.

Behan, B.

Amidon Lusted, Marcia.

Hayes, James.

Gramling, Michael.

Gairdner, William D.

Haboush, JaHyun Kim.

(SABR), Society for American Baseball Research.

Ewing, Juliana Horatia.

Barris, Ted.

Daley, James.

Bridges, Jerry.

Dickens, Charles.

Dickens, Charles.

Moore, Lisa.

Brown, Dan.

Heard, H. F.

Fried, Seth.

Banks, Tom.

Banks, Tom.

Banks, Tom.
    Great Galloon.
    London : Hot Key Books, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Dewey Dorje, Chokling.
    Great Gate.
    : Rangjung Yeshe Publications, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Fforde, Catriona.
    Great Glen.
    Glasgow : Neil Wilson Publishing, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Goddard, Peter.
    Great Gould.
    Toronto : Dundurn, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Ragsdale, Susan.

Ragsdale, Susan.

Grasberg, Lynn.

Pauler, Gerda.

Woolf, Jo.

Moghaddam, Fathali.

Oppenheim, E. Phillips.

Bertschinger, Richard.

Dyckhoff, Tom.

Boyce, R.

Schenking, J. Charles.

Cooper, Tom.

Cooper, Tom.

Harrison, Jim.
    Great Leader.
    : House of Anansi Press, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Rep, Jelte.

Bordessa, Kris.

Tyler, Don.

Walljasper, Jay.

Esrock, Robin.

Maugham, W. Somerset.

Forster, E. M.

Doty, Richard L.
    Great Pheromone Myth.
    Baltimore : Johns Hopkins University Press, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Allen, Frederick Lewis.

Starkman, Neal.

Moote, A. Lloyd.

Galvin, Anthony.

Farjeon, Benjamin.

Grygiel, Jakub J.

Will, Tamara J.

Dorbian, Iris.

benShea, Noah.

Mair, J. Samia.

Blanton, John D.

Kenney, Jay P.K.

James, Henry.

Schrag, Zachary M.

Milkis, Sidney M.

Barnes, David S.

Westcott, Rich.

DiGiulio, Robert C.

Moore, Kathleen Dean.

Watson, Julie V.

Hill, Jr., Norbert S.

Andrews, D. Larraine.

Gregory, Ian.

Scott, Frederick George.

Esrock, Robin.

Guay, David R.P.

Bannister, John.
    Great Whales.
    Victoria : CSIRO PUBLISHING, 2008.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Leinwand, Theodore.

Ensor, John.

Fetzer, James H.

Garza, Xavier.

Déon, Michel.


Watkins, Olga.
    Greater Love.
    Portsmouth : Splendid Books Limited, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bank, Asian Development.

Bae, Suah.
    Greater Music.
    La Vergne : Open Letter, 2006.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bindloss, Harold.
    Greater Power.
    Auckland : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Locks, Charles.

Kraus, Jonathan.

Miles, Barry.

Bolchover, David.

Beaty, Bart.

Seaman, Barbara.

Black, Ian.

Blumenthal, Michael.

Mihell, Conor.

Black, Ian.

Betts, Graham.

Betts, Graham.

Welch, Ian.

Welch, Ian.

Donahaye, Jasmine.

Black, Ian.

Browning, Judkin.

Black, Ian.

Branson, Douglas M.

Prudhomme, Sylvain.
    Toronto : BookThug, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Pipyrou, Stavroula.

Pelagidis, Theodore.

Karamouzi, E.

Hamilton, S.

Rowland, Wade.

Beckwith, Christopher I.

Endsjø, D.

Leoni, Peter.

Cunningham, M Allen.

Carlson, Chuck.

Shairp, Mordaunt.
    Green Bay Tree.
    London : Oberon Books Ltd, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Moore, Robin.

Moore, Robin.

Stockley, Neil.

Tang, Kenny.

Cassio, Jim.

Lindfield, Michael.
    Green Cities.
    Manila : Asian Development Bank Institute, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Akan, Ozgur.

Jiang, Yanqing.

Freeman, Mary E. Wilkins.
    Green Door.
    Auckland : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Renko, Sanda.

Elliott, David.

Alford, Brian.

Dickinson, Peter.

Celery Design Collaborative,.

Publishing, OECD.

GmbH, Roland Berger Strategy Consultants.

Kohak, Erazim.

Portman, Dale.

Abram, Simone.

Kelliher, F.

Dennis, Lori.

Chakrabarti, Gagari.

Potter, Will.

Pringle, Ian.

Gillespie, Manda Aufochs.

Kirgiz, A.

Dickman, Michael.
    Green Migraine.
    Port Townsend : Copper Canyon Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

McCarthy, Jeffrey Mathes.

Battrick, B.

Harlick, R.J.

Palaeologu, M. Athena.

Neiva de Figueiredo, Joao.

Arefi, Armin.

Sussman, Lisa.

Savedge, Jenn.

Pierre-Louis, Kendra.

Shaul, Joel.

da costa, paulo.

Maz'ya, Vladimir.

Al-Ghani, Kay.

Harlem, Lily.

Wehrmeyer, Walter.

McDonald, Nicole.

Rabe, Barry G.

Christianson, Gale E.
    Vancouver : Greystone Books, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Patterson, Rubin.

Clifford, Mark L.

Strelow, Michael.

Carroll, John E.

Kohon, Gregorio.

Bauer, Bjørn.

Bauer, Bjørn.

Hunter, Robert.

Mattoo, Aaditya.

Dennison, James.

Dumas, Timothy.

Pearse, Guy.


Cabada, Alberto.

Mullins, David Philip.

SanGiovanni, Mari.

Thunder Bay Press, Editors of.

Hollars, B.J.

Mapanje, Jack.

Thunder Bay Press, Editors of.

Thunder Bay Press, Editors of.

Thunder Bay Press, Editors of.

Thunder Bay Press, Editors of.

Thunder Bay Press, Editors of.

Thunder Bay Press, Editors of.

Thunder Bay Press, Editors of.

Sparrow, Colin.

Westcott, Rosella.


Puri, S.

Januska, Michael.

Hawken, Eleanor.
    Grey Girl.
    London : Hot Key Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Billinghurst, Jane.

Wilson, Hap.

Bartholomeusz, James.
    Grey Star.
    Saint Charles : Medallion Media Group, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kaplan, Philip.

Doyle, Roddy.

Reed, Jeremy.
    London : Peter Owen Publishers, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Cherry, Nathan.

Kwarteng, Kwasi.
    Gridlock Nation.
    London : Biteback Publishing, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Beattie, Melody.

Lloyd, Caroline.

Seftel, Laura.

Dyregrov, Atle.

Tshimika, Pakisha.

Morgan, Winter.

Irish, Lisa.

Henderson, Silas.

Dawson, Alan.

Farjeon, Benjamin.

Goddard, John.

Grigsby, Bill.

Storey, Neil R.

Rollins, Henry.
    Grim Detail.
    Berkeley : 2.13.61, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bennett, Arnold.

Lock, Norman.
    Grim Tales.
    : Dzanc Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lerner, Gerda.

Nicholson, Mike.
    Edinburgh : Floris Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hodges, Diane.

Fisk, Nicholas.

Harrison, D M.

Ruhlman, Michael.

Today's Groom Magazine,.

Akers, Tony.
    Nashville : Abingdon Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Adkins, Michael.
    Nashville : Abingdon Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Akers, Tony.
    Nashville : Abingdon Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Barclay, Kenneth.

Institute, Bathroom Readers'.

Simak, Clifford D.

Hollis, Matthew.
    Ground Water.
    Tyne and Wear : Bloodaxe Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Seirai, Yuichi.

Dagit, Charles E.

Dowd, Gregory Evans.

Publishing, OECD.

Horn, Christoph.

Jernigan, Amanda.
    Emeryville : Biblioasis, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

McNeilly, Gerry.

Zaraté, Pascale.

Guerney, Louise.

Goosman, Stuart L.

Clement, Tim.

Cotugno, Albert J.

Hurter, Bill.

Krich Chinoy, Helen.

Wigner, Eugene P.

Jongsma, Arthur E., Jr.

Aichinger, Alfons.

Lang, Norma C.

Sayegh, Liliane.

Chia, Swee Hong.

Hamasaki, Toshimitsu.

Schafer, Mark.


Richards, Brett.

Brooks, Ben.
    Grow Up.
    : House of Anansi Press, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

McLean, Timothy.

Hopkins, Raymond A.

Stewart, Angus.

Urbany, Joel E.

Baughman, Michael.

Valenzuela, Angela.

Hewlett, Sylvia Ann.

Birch, Eugenie L.

Tuttle, Thomas C.

McCarthy, Tommy.

Fuchita, Yasuyuki.

Nero, Robert W.

Carr, Emily.

Stevick, Richard A.

Pung, Alice.

Leavey, Peggy Dymond.
    Growing Up Ivy.
    Toronto : Dundurn, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Weber, Sandra.

Fletcher, Anthony.

Ye, W.

Acheampong, Sophie.

Packer, J. I.

Staff, Asian Development Bank.

Hartman, Davida.

Hartman, Davida.

Fisherkeller, JoEllen.

Norris, Luke.

Douthwaite, Richard.

Zhang, Rui-Qin.

Hymer, Barry.

Srivastava, Rohit.

de la Roche, Mazo.

Priestley, J. B.

Allen, Ian.

Ravinthiran, Vidyan.
    Tyne and Wear : Bloodaxe Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Henderson, Justin.
    Grunge Seattle.
    Berkeley : Roaring Forties Press, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Henderson, Justin.
    New York : Roaring Forties Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Ardagh, Philip.

Ardagh, Philip.

Ardagh, Philip.

Monzó, Quim.
    Rochester : Open Letter, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Carmain, Louis.
    New York, NY : Coach House Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Garasic, Mirko Daniel.

Weiss, Robin Elise.

Acharya, Viral V.

Ward, Terence.

Taniguchi, Jirô.

Cox, Irving E.
    Wellington : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Joseph, Rajiv.

Larimer, Christopher W.

Flynn, Nick.

Levinson, Jay.

Levinson, Jay.

Levinson, Jay.

Lautenslager, Al.

Levinson, Jay.

Harman, Graham.

Webber, Martin.

Altshuler, Ernesto.

Levinson, Jay.

Lear, Jonathan.

Holmes, Linda Goetz.

Kennelly, Brendan.
    Tyne and Wear : Bloodaxe Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Museum , The Guggenheim.

Fry, Edward.

Bank, Asian Development.

Nadwi, Sayyid Abul Hasan 'Ali.

Maloney, Michael.

Sprunt, Eve.

Foster, Jeff.

Moultrie, Monique.

Growdon, John H.

Kollins, Scott H.

Alexopoulos, George.

Martinez-Martin, Pablo.

Zborowski, Paul.

Maud, Ralph.

Wright, Katherine.

Cerný, Karel.

Allen, Jon.

Allen, Jon.

Allen, Jon.

Allen, Jon.

Allen, Jon.

Allen, Jon.

Allen, Jon.

Allen, Jon.

Allen, Jon.

Allen, Jon.

Allen, Jon.

Allen, Jon.

Po-jen, Sung.

Glöckler, Michaela.

Alani, Mohammed M.

Nathan, Steven D.

Taylor Young, Mary.

Taylor Young, Mary.

Habibi Aghdam, Hamed.

Hale, Janet A.

Staff, Childhood Bereavement Network.

Wright, Katherine.

Kävrestad, Joakim.

Zaytsev, Alexandr.

Farrant, Camilla.

Liberatori, Ellen.

Purkis, Jeanette.

Carroll, Kathleen.

Wright, Katherine.

Coiera, Enrico.

Warshaw, Hope S.

Misra, Sanghamitra.

Kiss, Alexandre Charles.

Knight, Isobel.

Eaton, Judy.

Webb, Cameron.

Alani, Mohammed M.

Kinchin, David.

Sakade, Florence.

Shoolbred, C. F.

Tsiris, Giorgos.

Carter, Matt.

Munro, D.

Parravicini, Massimo.

Langer, Arthur M.

Coelho, Angela.

Waycott, Michelle.

Cohen, Matthew D.

Cappuzzo, Federico.

Cappuzzo, Federico.

Reed, Charles K.
    Guide to Taxidermy.
    New York, NY : Skyhorse Publishing, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Greenspan, Yvette F.

Walsh, Brendan.

Carpenter, Caroline.

Emond, Ruth.

Williams, Chris.

Dolan, Pat.

Dalby, Ron.

Hangay, George.

Logue, Victoria.

Rentz, David.

Rentz, David.

Bachleda, F. Lynne.

Urwin, Neil.

Velas-Suarin, Mary Anne.

Collins, Gilbert.

Collins, Gilbert.

Battino, Rubin.

Frohne-Hagemann, Isabelle.


Birren, James E.

Kramer, Markus.

Taylor, G. R. S.

Scanlon, Shya.

Malone, Michael J.

Schlink, Bernhard.

Styler, Nancy.

Willock, Lorna.

Rushdy, Ashraf A. H.

Logan, William.

The Younger, Cato.

Klein, Edward.

Bloom, Godfrey.
    Guinea A Minute.
    Claygate : Grosvenor House Publishing, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Corcoran, Tony.

Tarquin, Brian.

Gheith, Jehanne M.

Hardy, Jeffrey S.

Al-Yousef, Yousef Khalifa.

Hayes, Joe.

Robb, David L.

Langer, James.

Bowers, Terrell.

Halliday, Brett.

O'Neil, Patrick.

Ballentine, David A.

McNeill, Robert.

Cartwright, Bill.

Feehily, Gerry.
    : Galley Beggar Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Manchette, Jean-Patrick.

Brand, Max.

Ermey, R. Lee.

Tregarth, Jack.

Gius, Mark.

Bainbridge, Colin.
    Guns of Wrath.
    London : Robert Hale, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Dawson, Peter.

McNulty, Thomas.

Tamdgidi, Mohammad.

Carroll, Peter.

Gait, Paul.

Gait, Paul.
    Gurney Leafmould.
    Guildford : Grosvenor House Publishing, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lingpa, Chokgyur.

Laurel, Juan Tomás Ávila.
    Gurugu Pledge.
    La Vergne : And Other Stories Publishing, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Haydock, Matt.

Walser, Martin.

Bade, Patrick.
    Gustav Klimt.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Rogoyska, Jane.
    Gustav Klimt.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Stickley, Gustav.

Cafiero, Giuseppe.

Hoogenboom, Ari.

Price, Steven D.

Abel, Richard.

Barbier, édéric.

Black, Tony.

Chin, Justin.
    Saint Paul : Manic D Press, Inc., 2006.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Davenport, Guy.

Bydlowska, Jowita.
    Toronto : Wolsak and Wynn Publishers Ltd, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Turcotte, Elise.
    Toronto : Coach House Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Fabre, Dominique.
    Guys Like Me.
    New York : New Vessel Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Stewart, Brett.

Readhead, Lloyd.

Monga, Ash.

Eifel, Patricia J.
    Gynecologic Cancer.
    New York, NY : Springer New York, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Marushiakova, Elena.

Teeuwen, Rudolphus.

Sharp, Margery.

Thompson, Alexander J.

Johnson, Albert.
    Brooklyn : Akashic Books, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Winfrey, Aida McClellan.

Hammer, Barbara.

A. Lloyd Ryall,.

Buchmann, Sabeth.

Marcus, Aaron.

Garner, Gerald W.

Lee, Sharon Dian.
    HIV and Aging.
    Baton Rouge : CRC Press, 2008.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Jones, Gary.

Jun, Jing.

Chasi, C.

Mendell, Ronald L.

Roger G. Bland,.

Miller, Tony.

Wright, W.

Kurniawan, Budi.

    HTML Essentials.
    Dehli : Scientific International, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Forsythe, Kevin.

McAnlis, Colt.

Nagle, Dan.

Shimizu, Ryo.

Reid, Jonathan.

Jackson, Wallace.

Walsh, Alison.

Reilly, Kathleen M.

Mohammed, T.
    Cape Town : Kraft Books, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

McGeagh, Stephen.
    Cambridge : Salt Publishing Limited, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Monson, Craig A.

Schäfer, Heinrich Wilhelm.

Gregg, Michael.

Alexander, Tracy.
    Dorking : Piccadilly Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Miller, Megan.

Miller, Megan.

Miller, Megan.

Miller, Megan.

Goyen, William.

Dappiaggi, Claudio.

Brown, Jonathan A.C.

Musa, Aisha Y.

Macfie, Nick.
    Hong Kong : Earnshaw Books, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Wilmott, Tony.

Hodgson, Nick.

Klempt, E.

Yamamoto, Tsunetoma.

Petterson, Anthony R.

Yong, Hu.

Friedman, Abigail.

Voss, Donna Carol.
    Hail to the Chief!.
    Minneapolis : Vantages Books, LLC, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gingrich, Callista.
    Hail to the Chief.
    La Vergne : Regnery Publishing, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hain, Peter.

Winnette, Colin.
    Haints Stay.
    : Two Dollar Radio, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Huchu, Tendai.

Gruver , Ed.

Danticat, Edwidge.

Danticat, Edwidge.
    Haiti Noir.
    Brooklyn : Akashic Books, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Buss, Terry F.

Dillon, Elizabeth Maddock.

Al Faisal, Reem.
    Reading : Garnet Publishing (UK) Ltd, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Major, R.H.

Markham, Clements R.

Waddell, Norman.

Rotchin, B. Glen.

Stacy, Neil.

Christensen, Lars Saabye.

Kitchen, Judith.

Sawyer, Meryl.
    Half Moon Bay.
    New York : Open Road Media Romance, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Dread, Doctor.

Goyen, William.

Coubrough, David.

Coubrough, David.

Spatz, Gregory.

Sexton, Linda Gray.

Bloom, Trevor.
    London : Bookline & Thinker, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Brunstetter, Wanda E.

Elliot, Aubrie.
    Halfway There.
    Elmwood Park : Walrus Publishing, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lee, Kathy.
    Hall of Mirrors.
    Milton Keynes : Scripture Union England and Wales, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Beauties, Raving.

Armstrong, Lori G.
    Hallowed Ground.
    St. Charles : Medallion Media Group, 2006.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Leeder, Murray.
    New York : Columbia University Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Rapp, Adam.
    Hallway Trilogy.
    New York : Theatre Communications Group, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Cuddy, Luke.

Jiang, Huanfeng.
    Haloalkyne Chemistry.
    Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Roy, Sara.

Mercer, Roger.

Arnott, Kim.

Goddard, John.

Achdou, Yves.

Fierros Palacios, Angel.

Brown, Hamish.

Greenblatt, Stephen.
    Hamlet in Purgatory.
    Princeton : Princeton University Press, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Boggs, Richard.

Boggs, Richard.

Golding, John.

Daly, Jonathan.

Blows, Kirk.

Thompson, George J. "Rhino".

Watson, John R.
    Hampstead Mystery.
    Wellington : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Watson, Burton.

Stief, Angela.

Hall, Nicola.

Rees, Arthur J.
    Hand in the Dark.
    Wellington : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Trias, Robert A.

Nathanson, Bernard.

Moseley, R.

Buffini, Moira.

Schwägermann, Helmut.

Tree, Solution.

Raz, Sarwar Alam.

Post, Linda Farber.

Marzano, Robert J.

Macdonald, Geraldine.

Shardlow, Steven.

Coblin, W. South.

Hiddemann, Wolfgang.

Gullotta, Thomas P.

Morgan, Robert A.

Davis III, Thompson E.

Antosia, Robert.

Semb, Anne Grete.

P., Vishwanathan.

Hughes, Timothy P.

Mookherjee, Somnath.

Carroll, Craig E.

Varon, Joseph.

Filbrun, Amy G.

Friedman, Edward S.

Davies, Alan.

Rosenbloom, David H.

Franglen, Nora.

Blom, Rinda.

Nijs, L.

Oshri, Ilan.

Oshri, I.

Schumacher, Robert.

Alvarez, Ricardo H.

Alvarez, Ricardo H.

Goossens, Nicolas.

Greene, Roberta R.

Gough, Stephen.

Taylor, Daniel.

Crasto, Winston.

Wright, S.

Ravelli, Angelo.

Rojek, C.

Younes, Anas.
    Handbook of Lymphoma.
    Cham : Springer International Publishing, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Jeffrey, Alan.

Feavers, Ian.

Winslow, Colin.

Mohty, Mohamad.

Cohen, Jeffrey A.

Lip, Gregory YH.

Baughan, Rosa.

Sailor, Wayne.

Brauer, Georg.

Brauer, Georg.

Fevurly, Keith.

Warren, Richard.

Hothorn, Torsten.

Der, Geoff.

Stibbe, Arran.

Perry, David.

Citrome, Leslie.

Grosset, Jacques H.

Mulvey-Roberts, Marie.

Fine, Aubrey H.

Bergel Sainz de Baranda, Yolanda.

Sciaraffa Berlin, Kimberly.

Waggoner, Susan.

Sparrow, Malcolm K.

Ullman, Harlan K.

Forbes, Gordon.

Imbelli, Robert P.

Clayton, Mike.

Carozzi, Ingrid.

Orr, Stephen.

Simmons, Barry P.

Ingram, Marione.

Harrington, Janice N.

Ingram, Marione.

Okuda, Mark.

Stickley, Lisa.

Smith, Jessie Carney.

Hudson, David L.

Barnes-Svarney, Patricia.

Bobick, James.

Misiroglu, Gina.

Dickerson, Madelynn.

Prince, Jennifer R.

Barnes-Svarney, Patricia.

Crompton, Samuel Willard.

Hile, Kevin.

Lomont, Justin P.

Crompton, Samuel Willard.

Hult, Christine A.

Tucci, Paul A.

Hudson, David L.

Fischler, Stan.

Tucci, Paul A.

Renard, John.

Hudson, David L.

Barnes-Svarney, Patricia.

Leeming, David A.

Tucci, Paul A.

Zack, Naomi.

Zitzewitz, Paul W.

Allen, Gerald.

Hudson, David L.

Press, Popular Mechanics.

Cohen, Lisa J.

Cohen, Lisa.

Renard, John.

The Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh,.

green, debbie tucker.

Lockridge, Frances.
    Hanged for a Sheep.
    New York, NY : Road, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Cauchy, Emmanuel.

Boysen, Martin.

Lawless, Jim.

Adams, Norman.

Schmidt, Franz.

Featherstone, John.

Cheshire, Simon.
    Hangman's Lair.
    Dorking : Piccadilly Press, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Graham, Dale.
    Hangman's Reach.
    London : Robert Hale, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Halliday, Brett.

Wilkins, David E.

Lang, A.

Berry, Wendell.

Fitzpatrick, Melody.

Fitzpatrick, Melody.

Mac a'Bháird, Natasha.

Lawless, Jim.
    Hannahan's Lode.
    La Vergne : Robert Hale, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lee, Nancy C.

Westfall, Joseph.

McEldowney, Carol.
    Hanoi Journal, 1967.
    Amherst : University of Massachusetts Press, 2007.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Park, Nani.

Andersen, Hans Christian.

Andersen, Hans Christian.

Nixon, Jon.

Lansdale, Joe R.

Chai, May-lee.

Shaw, Scott.

Shields, Carol.

Hudes, Quiara Alegría.

Vanier, Jean.

Powdthavee, Nick.

Cahn, Steven M.

Okulicz-Kozaryn, Adam.

Deveroux, Ray.

Zaionchkovsky, Oleg.

Murphy, Debra Dean.


Meyers, Morton A.

Navarro, Elvira.
    Happy City.
    Madrid : Hispabooks, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Jaber, Chakib.

Scoppettone, Sandra.

Browne, Jennifer.


Hollander, Xaviera.

Jamison, Andrew.
    Happy Hour.
    Oldcastle : The Gallery Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Abbott, Jane D.
    Happy House.
    Auckland : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Wagele, Elizabeth.

Romanelli, Dave.

Kelly, Rachel.

Budbill, David.
    Happy Life.
    Port Townsend : Copper Canyon Press, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Herzberg, David.

Renshaw, Scott.

Collins, Savina.
    Chicago, IL : Britannica Digital Learning, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lennon, John.
    : Dzanc Books, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

McTighe, Trish.

Oakley, Ian.

Xu, Kexiang.

Oliphant, Dave.

Hill, John.

Kennard, Luke.

MacKaye, Alec.

    Hard Bite.
    : Blasted Heath Ltd, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Turner, Michael.
    Hard Core Logo.
    Vancouver : Arsenal Pulp Press, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Sherr, James.

Sherr, James.

Starr, Jason.
    Hard Feelings.
    La Vergne : Polis Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Knox, Jack.

Smith, Sam.

Lewin, Michael Z.
    Hard Line.
    New York : Open Road Media Mystery & Thriller, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

White, Fred M.
    Hard Pressed.
    Wellington : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bradfield, Jon.

Thorn, Harry Jay.

Mitchell, G.

Clay, James.
    Hard Stone.
    London : Robert Hale, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Attwood, Shaun.

Attwood, Shaun.

Terkel, Studs.

Holmes, Shannon.

Boggs, Johnny D.

Sandford, Robert William.

Barich, Bill.

Nowinski, Joseph.

Ashton, Lisette.

Hayes, John.

Flanagan, Harley.

Yount, John.

Williams, Scott E.

Williams, Scott E.

Weekes, Don.

Morgan, Winter.

Gaurav, Suraj.

Sutcliffe, Alistair.
    Hardest Climb.
    Hebden Bridge : Bluemoose Books Ltd, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Tippetts, Kara.

Hutchison, David.

Cerio, Joan.

Kerber, Lisa.

Croutier, Alev Lytle.

Shaarawi, Huda.

Williams, Terry.

Allan, Nina.

Yuzefovich, Leonid.

Hahn, Harley.

Murphy, Bernadette.

Maxwell, Douglas.

Macpherson, Sandra.

Jackson, Michael.

Michel, Emile.

Publishing, OECD.

Ferguson, Jesse Patrick.
    Calgary : Freehand Books, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bank, Asian Development.

Garber, James.

Wang, Feng-Yu.

DiBenedetto, Emmanuele.

Turner Moffitt, Andrea.

Changizi, Mark.

Daniel, I. Randolph.

Daniel, I. Randolph.

Crines, Andrew S.

Takeyama, Michio.
    Harp of Burma.
    North Clarendon : Tuttle Publishing, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Walker, Ty.

Culkin, Kate.

Bainbridge, Beryl.

Sadlier, Rosemary.

Kurtz, Katherine.
    Harrowing of Gwynedd.
    New York : Open Road Media Sci-Fi & Fantasy, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hutchins, Chris.

O'Keeffe, Frank.

Stern, Steve.

Gunelius, S.

Cowen, Elle.


Webb, Holly.

Irwin, John T.

Williams, Jeanne.
    Harvest of Fury.
    Newburyport : Open Road Media, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Anderson, Poul.
    Harvest of Stars.
    New York : Open Road Media Sci-Fi & Fantasy, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Anderson, Poul.
    Harvest the Fire.
    New York : Open Road Media Sci-Fi & Fantasy, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Matloff, Greg.

Harding, Lisa.
    La Vergne : New Island Books, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Malone, Chris.

Lester, Cas.

Lester, Cas.

Lester, Cas.

Black, Kojo.
    Harward Girls.
    London : Sweetmeats Press, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Black, Kojo.
    Harward Girls.
    London : Sweetmeats Press, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Walton, Bryce.

Kraemer, Gudrun.
    Hasan al-Banna.
    London : Oneworld Publications, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Danti, Michael D.

Grey, Zane.

Dunsany, Lord.

Buber, Martin.
    New York : Philosophical Library, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Sajanikar, Yogesh.
    Haskell Cookbook.
    Birmingham : Packt Publishing, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Cory, Pamela.

O'Brien, Louie.

Trigg, Jonathan.
    Hastings 1066.
    Toronto : Dundurn, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Simmers, Bren.

Carmichael, Katie.

Swiss, Margo.

Collins, Matthew.

Molnar, Gwen.

Pezzella, Frank S.

Frosh, S.

Andrews, Jesse.
    New York : Abrams, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Norberg, Ulrica.

Quignard, Pascal.
    Hatred of Music.
    New Haven : Yale University Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Yim Bridges, Shirin.

Levey, Emma.
    Hattie Peck.
    La Vergne : Sky Pony Press, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gibson, Mary.
    Hattie's Home.
    London : Head of Zeus, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Morrison, Allan.
    Haud Yer Wheesht!.
    Glasgow : Neil Wilson Publishing, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Healy, Nicholas M.

Morley, Christopher.
    Haunted Bookshop.
    New York : Road, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Zwicker, Roxie J.

Michel, Pauline.

O'Connor, Laura.

Leslie, Mark.

Lankford, Andrea.

O'Connor, Marianne.

Simard, Tim.

Lamberson, Gregory.

Leslie, Mark.

Eichengreen, Lucille.

Boyle, Terry.

Boyle, Terry.

Boyle, Terry.

Boyle, Terry.

Williams, Dorah L.

Colbert, Charles.

Dickens, Charles.

Schwab, Gabriele.

Kalb, Marvin.

Kalb, Marvin.

Lindsay, Douglas.

Arch, Stephen.

Button, Jennifer.
    Haunting of Harriet.
    Guildford : Grosvenor House Publishing, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Sinn, Shanon.

Frosh, Stephen.

Cady, Jack.

Datlow, Ellen.
    San Francisco : Tachyon Publications, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Jones, Stephen.

Padura, Leonardo.

Padura, Leonardo.
    Havana Blue.
    New York : Bitter Lemon Press, 2007.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Padura, Leonardo.
    Havana Fever.
    London : Bitter Lemon Press, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Padura, Leonardo.

Arellano, Robert.
    Havana Lunar.
    Brooklyn : Akashic Books, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Obejas, Achy.
    Havana Noir.
    New York : Akashic Books, 2007.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Padura, Leonardo.
    Havana Red.
    London : Bitter Lemon Press, 2005.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Machado, Eduardo.

Michel, Katarina.

Duncan, Christopher.

Barclay, Michael.

McCloud, Carol.

Waggoner, Susan.

Marcus, Stephen.

Block, Lawrence.

Gruber, Ruth.

Walters, J. L.
    Havens : Affinities.
    CALGARY : Books We Love Publishing Partners, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Schneider, Joseph W.

Stafford, Kim.

Rice, Craig.

Glazer, Ellen Sarasohn.

Fischler, Stan.

Miyamoto, Kazuo.

Liliuokalani, Queen.

Loebel-Fried, Caren.

Tuttle Company, Inc., Charles E.

Pratt, Helen Gay.

Dance, Jennifer.
    Toronto : Dundurn, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

White, Randy Wayne.

Roe, Steve.

Hollywood, Peter.

Rogozin, Dmitry.

Ryken, Leland.

Carson, Dr Paul.

Tierney, Matthew.
    Hayflick Limit.
    New York : Coach House Books, 2005.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bodley, Lorraine Byrne.

Adeola, Francis O.

Hall, James.
    Newburyport : Road, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Saville, Alan.

Paul, Barbara.

Cooney, Caroline B.

Paterson, Lachy.

Brooks, Deborah Jordan.

Waldman, Jon.

Wiersbe, Warren W.

Moore, Alison.
    He Wants.
    New York, NY : Biblioasis, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Biggs, Bruce.

Barkin, Janna.

Clare, Alex.
    He's Gone.
    La Vergne : Impress Books, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Miller, Elaine P.

Shaw, Clare.
    Head On.
    Tyne and Wear : Bloodaxe Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Furnham, A.

Hermans, Robert.

Olsen, Lance.
    Head in Flames.
    La Vergne : Dzanc Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Best, Brin.

Acioli, Socorro.

Diamond, Seymour.

Spierings, Egilius L.H.

Reed, Naomi.
    Heading Home.
    Crownhill : Authentic Media, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

LaFerrià Âr̈e, Dany.
    Heading South.
    : D & M Publishers, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Sneath, David.

Pugh, Peter.

Pugh, Peter.

Rodgers, James.

Peres, Richard.

Islam, M. Kavakci.

Combs, Dawn.

Westen, Robin.

Jones, Catherine Ann.

Potter, Beverly A.

Newbigging, Sandy C.

Fujita, Rod.

Cunningham, Annalisa.

Bulger, Roger.

Robinson, Chris.

Gienger, Michael.

Carnabucci, Karen.

Wright, Katherine.

Pinnock, Dale.

Berger, Ronen.

Cox, Allison M.

Cox, Allison M.

Estren, Mark James.

Norberg, Sheldon.

Lee, Micheline.

Ewing (Nvnehi Awatisgi), Jim PathFinder.

Menen, Rajendar.

Harder, Arlene.

Hunter, Marlene E.,.

Catlow, Laurence.
    Healing Stream.
    Shropshire : Merlin Unwin Books Limited, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gallagher, David P.
    Healing Takes Time.
    Collegeville, MN : Liturgical Press, 2005.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gupta, Pankaj.

Hudgins, Kate.

Wolfs, Renee.

Seamands, David A.

Seamands, David A.

Monsma, Steve.

Payne, John.

Carpenter, Edward.

Delanote, Marie.

Drury, Victoria.

Austin, Diane.

Magrath, Sue.

Flaherty, Lorraine.

Markowitz, Dave.

Bacon, Linda.

Fabiny, Anne.

Almgren, Gunnar.

Gusmano, Michael K.

Hunter, David J.

Gardner, Jolynn.

Romero, Philip J.

Crawford, P.
    Health Humanities.
    London : Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bartley, Mel.

Hutchison, David.

Connelly, Rosina Avila.

Literacy, Roundtable on Health.

Schlette, Sophia.

Moynihan, Ray.

Ghebrehewet, Samuel.

del Llano-Señarís, Juan E.

Vineis, Paolo.

Publishing, OECD.

Thomas, Karen Kruse.

Everitt, Brian S.

Kohn, Livia.

Murtin, Fabrice.

Collins, Suzan.

Laverty, Bernadina.

Bacon, Linda.

Bank, Asian Development.

Butler, Colin D.

Aechtner, T.

Dodd, John C.

Robichau, Bernard Peter.

Graban, Mark.

Schwartz, David D.

Zamosky, Lisa.

Agin, Brent.

Jennings, Sue.

Striano, Philip.

Epstein, Samuel S.

Bergen, Sharon.

Sacks, Frank M.

McGovern, Stella.

Nathan, David M.

Lee, Thomas H.

Hicks, J. Morris.

Maffetone, Philip.

Pendergast, J.

Knopf, Karl.

Griffen, Tracy.

Azri, Stephanie.

Kirschenbaum, Daniel S.

Pearl, Robert.

Knopf, Karl.

Roper, Martha.

Drescher, Larissa.

Tolton, Gordon E.

Carey, Edward.

North, Julia.
    Hear Me.
    London : Bookline & Thinker, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Rhodes, Pam.

Thomas, Donald Byron.

Stocker, Michael.

Heidebrecht, Vern.

Chester, Tim.

Vernick, David Murray.

Coombs, Gill.

Bien, Claire.

Mursell, Gordon.

McCarthy, Bernie.

Shook, Robert L.

Pinnock, Dale.

Ozner, Michael.

Greener, Mark.

Beynon, Graham.

Martin-Smith, Keith.

Treasure, Tom.

Griep, Michelle.

Sosin, Michael D.

Rangdrol, Tsele Natsok.

Ehrlich, Gretel.

García Martínez, Constantino Antonio.


Pine, Red.
    Heart Sutra.
    Berkeley : Counterpoint, 2005.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Adams, Amanda Rose.

Feingold, Russell.

Fogarty, Weeshie.

Levin, Carole.

Khalaf, Samir.

Barrs, Jerram.

House, Jack.
    Heart of Glasgow.
    Glasgow : Neil Wilson Publishing, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Tagore, Rabindranath.

Palmer, Parker J.

Edwards, Andres R.

Cook, David C.
    Heart of Worship.
    Oklahoma : David C. Cook, 2006.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Cesare, Mario.

Blanchard, Ken.

Gleeson, Irene.

Carr, Emily.

Matthews, Greg.

McLoughlin, Tim.

Hoeksma, Liza.

Cecil, Ramona K.

Cameron, Barbara.

Pearce, Stewart.

Kraus, Harry.

Summers, Laura.
    Heartbeat Away.
    Dorking : Piccadilly Press, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Fairley, John.

Leggott, Michele.
    Auckland : Auckland University Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Rhyne, Leah.
    New York : Polis Books, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Main, Darren.

Dumont, Julia.

Liebert, John.

Sinclair, Clive.

Buckle, Mike.

Lockwood, Alan H.

Jhabvala, Ruth Prawer.
    Heat and Dust.
    New York : Counterpoint, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Fullarton, Lex.

Harris, Stella.
    London : Sweetmeats Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bowie, John Ross.
    New York : Soft Skull Press, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Avigur-Rotem, Gabriela.

Lawrence, David.

Hennessy, Rachel.

Telander, Rick.

Brand, Christianna.

Horovitz, Israel.

Nichols, Stephen J.

Spence, Martin.

Dharma, The.

Hewitt, Paolo.

Walker, George F.
    Vancouver : Talonbooks, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Medley, Bill.

Walker, Malcolm.

Mitchell, Damien.

Floru, J. P.

Caspers, Nona.

Anselmi, J. J.

Grancagnolo, F.

Brouwer, Sigmund.
    Heavy Freight.
    Victoria : Orca Book Publishers, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Geraghty, Jim.

Rittgers, Ronald K.
    Hebrews, James.
    Westmont : InterVarsity Press, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Price, Charles.
    La Vergne : SPCK, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gordon, Seton.
    Hebridean Memories.
    Glasgow : Neil Wilson Publishing, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kirkwood, Lucy.

Ibsen, Henrik.

Ibsen, Henrik.

Scharfman, Jason A.

Darbyshire, Paul.

Williams, Paul.
    Hedge Organisation.
    La Vergne : Grosvenor House Publishing, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Berlin, Isaiah.

Jenkins, Jerry B.

Bliss, Karen.

Onfray, Michel.

Kallo, Isabelle.

Illis, Ben.

de Bruyn, Pippa.

Campbell, Hallie.

Rutherford, Tristan.

Ludwig, Andrew.

Obolsky, Todd.

Rutherford, Tristan.

Falconi, Marta.

Wranik, Michelle.

Plentl, Stephanie.

Maines, Rachel P.

Zizek, Slavoj.

Ramose, Mogobe B.

Vélez-Ibáñez, Carlos G.

Agnew, John A.

Smucker, Jonathan.

Badiou, Alain.

Harman, Graham.

Armitage, Duane.

Gunkel, David.

Abrams, Thomas.

Letteri, Mark.

Frank, Thaisa.

Zaborowski, Holger.

Belu, Dana S.

Vadén, Tere.

Spyri, Johanna.
    : Sky Pony Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Spyri, Johanna.
    La Vergne : Waverley Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Clements, Paul.

Manvell, Roger.

Marston, Nicholas.

Case, Margaret H.

High, Jeffrey L.

de la Torre, Lillian.

Anthony, Evelyn.
    Newburyport : Open Road Distribution, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bainbridge, Max.

Wallace, Tom.
    Heirs of Cain.
    St. Charles : Medallion Media Group, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lee, Daryl.

Mirren, Helen.

Renwick, Robin.

Bennett, Arnold.

Marxsen, Patti M.

Collins, Nancy A.

Casella, Jean.

Ratner, Michael.

Cole, Matt.
    Hell Paso.
    London : Robert Hale, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Dakota, Jack.

Parks, Tim.

Goddard, Lance.

Cassar, George H.

Bedford, Paul.

Rolfe, Mel.

Herman, Daniel J.

Giangreco, D. M.

Olson, Barbara.

Gaudé, Laurent.
    Hell's Gate.
    La Vergne : Gallic Books, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Freeman, Lewis R.
    Hell's Hatches.
    Auckland : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Koskimaki, George.

Graham, Dale.

Thonemann, Peter.

Kinney, Robert S.

Lord, Evelyn.
    Hellfire Clubs.
    London : Yale University Press, 2008.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Dakron, Ron.


Sanrio Company, LTD.


Kaye, Beverly.

Adams, Ryan.
    Hello Sunshine.
    Brooklyn : Akashic Books, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Arnold, Laurie B.

Arnold, Laurie B.

Bizys, Ebony.

Edwards, Kate.

Pepperell Company, Pepperell Company.

Burdess, Neil.

Wiemer, Liza.
    Elmwood Park : Spencer Hill Contemporary, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Craig, Nick.
    Helming to Win.
    Havertown : Fernhurst Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Soell, Hartmut.

Allen, J. Timothy.


Hipp, Earl.

Berthelot, David.
    Help! I'm Not Me.
    Claygate : Grosvenor House Publishing, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Aspden, K. L.

Plummer, Deborah.

Bissonnette, Barbara.

Bunston, Wendy.

Lindon, Jennie.

Caselman, Tonia.

Eijgenraam, Loïs.

Carter, Marian.

Plummer, Deborah.

Plummer, Deborah.

Plummer, Deborah M.

White, Rachel.

McElvaney, Rosaleen.

Donlan, Jane.

Aumann, Kim.

Martin, Marilyn.

Doherty, William J.

Horowitz, Lynn J.

Miller, Robert J.

Steer, Joanne.

Jackson, Eve and Neil.

Meeks, Lisa.

Sun, An-Pyng.

Nelson, Jill R.

Wrench, Katie.

Gifford, Greg E.

Myers-Shirk, Susan E.

Muhammad, Khaleel.

Thompson, James.
    Helsinki Noir.
    New York : Akashic Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Maresca, John.

Kent, Neil.
    Northampton : Interlink Publishing, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Cheng, Tao.

Wheeler, Robert.

Boccardi, Edoardo.
    Hemorrhagic Stroke.
    Cham : Springer International Publishing, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gaar, Gillian G.

Johnson, Flint F.

Defreitas, Henrietta.

Defreitas, Henrietta.

Parish, Nina.

Neely, Tom.

Neely, Tom.

Braddon, Mary Elizabeth.

O'Donnell, Edward.

Butts, Edward.

Matthews, John.

Matthews, John & Caitlin.

Moore, Henry.

Levy, Herbert.

Levy, Herbert.

Allbrook, Malcolm.

Matar, Nabil.

Vale, Malcolm.

Hampton-Reeves, Stuart.
    Henry VI plays.
    Manchester : Manchester University Press, 2007.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Biddle, Martin.

Neely, Tom.

Neely, Tom.

Neely, Tom.

Strickland, Matthew.

MacDonald, Ross.
    Henry's Hand.
    New York : Abrams, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

De Lisle, Sandy.

Aravalli, Rajagopal N.


Gray, Lucy.

Taggart, Caroline.

Sanok, Catherine.

Christakos, Margaret.

Jackson, Isabel.
    Her Sister's Gift.
    Edinburgh : Black & White Publishing, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Sillitoe, Alan.

Lorsung, Éireann.
    Her book : Poems.
    Minneapolis : Milkweed Editions, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Aguirre, Forrest.

Smith, Ken.

Smith, Ken.

Smith, Ken.

Smith, Ken.

Smith, Ken.

Smith, Ken.

Smith, Ken.

Smith, Ken.

Johnson, Dennis E.

Kohl, Herbert.

Bruton-Seal, Julie.

Carl, Klaus.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Wind, Herbert Warren.

Kinnear, Rory.

Noyes, John K.

Rohm, Andrew.

Musa, Omar.

Young, Patricia.

Selvin, Joel.

Gillis, Alan.

Lowitz, Leza.

Hartley, Matt.

Smith, Angela J.

Dunphy, Madeleine.
    Here Is Antarctica.
    Yarmouth : Web of Life Children's Books, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Nielson, Kathleen B.

Roberts, Clea.

Dunphy, Madeleine.

Dunphy, Madeleine.

Dunphy, Madeleine.

Dunphy, Madeleine.

Dunphy, Madeleine.

Dunphy, Madeleine.
    Here Is the Wetland.
    New York, NY : Web of Life Children's Books, 2006.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Schappell, Elissa.

Churchill, Caryl.

Earnshaw, Helena.

Flanagan Willaski, Cassie.

Waldron, Glenn.

Doyle, Rob.

Carr, Angela.
    Here in There.
    Toronto : BookThug, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Patterson, Glenn.

Purves, Peter.

Carlson, Melody.

Turner, Brian.
    Here, Bullet.
    Dallas : Alice James Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Natsume, Soseki.
    Heredity of Taste.
    North Clarendon : Tuttle Publishing, 2005.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Edmundson, Helen.

Kostenberger, Andreas J.

Chesterton, G. K.
    Crownhill : Authentic Media, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Deutsch, Barry.

Deutsch, Barry.

Forte, David F.

Melville, Herman.

Zeller, Bernhard.

Ziesche, Maria Calasanz.

Hillman, David C. A.

Avise, John.

Lawless, Garrett J.

Thiselton, Anthony C.

Ellis, Nicholas.


Levin, Kendra.

Marsh, Richard.
    Hero of Romance.
    Wellington : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bennett, Fiona.
    Hero the Greyhound.
    La Vergne : Grosvenor House Publishing, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gilligan, Stephen.

Evans, James Allan Stewart.

Doyle, Rose.

Bashkirova, Valeria.

Robertson, Ray.
    New York, NY : Biblioasis, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hanson, Neil.

Lindberg, Tod.

Fernandez, Humberto.

O'Neill, Tony.

Spunt, Barry.

Muthy, Nessah.

Cook, Hugh.

Jarman, Mark.
    Louisville : Sarabande Books, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

McKilligan, Neil.

Schult, T.

Tabery, Helena M.

Taylor, Debbie.
    Herring Girl.
    London : Oneworld Publications, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Naydan, Michael M.

Kotker, Norman.

Avineri, Shlomo.

Byler, Linda.

Byler, Linda.

Strezova, Anita.

Gaster, Benedict.

Hollick, Danièle.

Redleaf, Rhoda.

Stone, Chris.

Doyle, Brian.
    Hey, Dad!.
    : Groundwood Books, 2007.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Shiflett, Shawn.

Girls for Gender Equity,.

Noll, Amanda.

Azani, E.

Dionigi, Filippo.

Hanlan, Shug.

Alexander, William.

Roncagliolo, Santiago.

Mak, Gary.

Sissung, Ingrid.
    : Sky Pony Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Portes, Andrea.
    : Unbridled Books, 2007.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Nodelman, Perry.

Dalby, Liza.

Beale, G. K.

Gamer, Ron.

Leslie, Candace.

Jensen, Daintry.
    Hidden Forest.
    Elmwood Park : Green Writers Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

White, Ryan.

Jeffries, Donald.

Waldron, Lamar.

Alexis, André.
    Hidden Keys.
    La Vergne : Coach House Books, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Eastaway, Rob.

Tallis, F. R.

Bartholomew, Alick.

Boyle, Terry.

Packard, Vance.

Moore, Paul A.

Clark, Jerome.

Opresnik, Marc O.

Filatova, Irina.

Herschensohn, Bruce.

LaMay, J K.

Fournier, Michael T.
    Hidden Wheel.
    : Three Rooms Press, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Chilvers, Rebecca.

Berry, Wendell.
    Hidden Wound.
    Berkeley : Counterpoint, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Woodhouse, Barbara Bennett.

Wallison, Peter J.

Wallison, Peter J.

Irish, Paul.

Kamienski, Jan.

Kamienski, Jan.

Morgan, Winter.

Butler, Ruth.

Sawyer, Meryl.
    New York : Open Road Media Romance, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lister, S.E.
    Hideous Creatures.
    London : Old Street Publishing, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Messinger, Jonathan.
    Hiding Out.
    Chicago : Featherproof Books, 2007.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Chapman, Brenda.

Sherrard, Valerie.

Sherrard, Valerie.

Kimball, Alexa B.

Stewart, Michael.
    : Dzanc Books, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Pitts Rembert, Virginia.
    Hieronymus Bosch.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Duncan, Norman.

Gould, Jodie.

Caesar, Vance.

Biggar, John.
    High Andes.
    Brussels : Primento Digital Publishing, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Smith, Laura L.

Eriksson, Ann.

Shoup, Donald.

Cogan, John F.

Piercy, Marge.

Helferich, Gerard.

Deverell, William.
    High Crimes.
    Toronto : ECW Press, 2006.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Herlach, F.

Haddad, Paul.

Aspin, Adam.

Aspin, Adam.

Anderson, J.R.L.

Williams, Thomas.

Ross, Jeff.
    High Note.
    Victoria : Orca Book Publishers, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Golds, Mark.

Rogers, Ed.

Nevarez, Benjamin.

Breckwoldt, Frank.

Smith, Alistair.

Leary, Timothy.
    High Priest.
    Berkeley, CA : Ronin Publishing, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Petty, Audrey.

Baffour, Funke.

Koglin, Terry L.

Koglin, Terry L.

Wall, Dirk.

Brottman, M.

Wiendahl, Matthias.

Abele, Inga.
    High Tide.
    Rochester : Open Letter, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Benson, Raymond.
    High Time To Kill.
    East Rutherford : Ian Fleming Publications, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lasswell, Mary.
    High Time.
    Newburyport : Open Road Distribution, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Skilton, Sarah.
    High and Dry.
    New York : Abrams, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Sewall-Ruskin, Yvonne.

Wilkins, Charles.

Wilkins, Charles.

Seki, Shu.

Hoevemeyer, Victoria A.

Mrozek, Dariusz.

Wang, Endong.

Yuen, Belinda.

Kovacich, Gerald L.

Krämer-Eis, Stephan.

Moffat, Billy Dickson & Graham.
    Higher Biology.
    London : Hodder Education Group, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

McBride, Barry.
    Higher Chemistry.
    London : Hodder Education Group, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kubota, Akira.

Collins, Christopher S.

Hemsley-Brown, J.

Cocks, Neil.

Natow, Rebecca S.

Saltmarsh, John.

Jehangir, R.

Scott, W. Richard.

Keller, George.

Shephard, Kerry.

Eisenmann, Linda.

Bowen, William G.

Rust, V.

Eckford, Colin.
    Higher English.
    London : Hodder Education Group, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Alford, Brian.
    Higher Fees.
    Claygate : Grosvenor House Publishing, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Williamson, Sheena.
    Higher Geography.
    London : Hodder Education Group, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Moran, Martin.

Veblen, Thorstein.

McMahon, Walter W.

DesLauriers, Kit.

Rubin, David Lee.

Dominus, Mark Jason.

Williams, R. Bruce.

Editors, Interweave.

Crawford, Catherine.

Sand, Ilse.

Murphy, Bernice M.

Domini, John.

Marasco, Robyn.

Walker, Clinton.

Baird, B.

Lane, Brian J.

Brighton, Patrick.

Sederquist, Dick.

Hinch, Stephen W.

Elliot Heid, Analise.

Copeland, Kathy.

Leadem, Tim.

Leadem, Tim.

Leadem, Tim.

Leadem, Tim.

MacKay, Bryan.

Troy, John.

Troy, John.

Price, Steven D.

Tubbs, Robert.

Bennett, Arnold.
    Hilda Lessways.
    Auckland : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

McClanahan, Scott.
    Hill William.
    New York : Tyrant Books, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Mayfield, Sue.

McLean, Allan Campbell.

Ramon, Valentin.

Hudson, Valerie M.

Boys, James D.

D'Souza, Dinesh.

Perkins, J. Blake.

Oswald, Al.

Bettison, Norman.

Jarrar, Randa.

Steffen, Will.

Beazley, Robert E.

Braham, Trevor.

Giesbert, Franz-Olivier.
    Himmler's Cook.
    London : Atlantic Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Houghton, Stanley.
    Hindle Wakes.
    London : Oberon Books Ltd, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Furguson, Barbara.

Klostermaier, Klaus K.

Klostermaier, Klaus K.

Durschmied, Erik.

Betts, Dion E.

Jakicic, Cathy.

Richmond, PhD, Sanford.

Harrison, Anthony Kwame.

Higgins, Dalton.

Peterson, J.

Darby, Derrick.

Benjamin, Sam.
    Hippie Kama Sutra.
    California : Rare Bird Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Perry, David E.

Uspensky, Mikhail.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Rizzuto, Rahna Reiko.

Keyter, Hennie.

Pullman, Philip.

Black, Tony.
    His Father's Son.
    Edinburgh : Black & White Publishing, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Catherwood, Christopher.

Ortlund, Jani.

Cavendish, William.

Goldman, Kim.

Jordan, June.
    His Own Where.
    New York : The Feminist Press at CUNY, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Pérez Rosario, Vanessa.

Remeseira, Claudio Iván.

Keller, John Esten.

Askins, Arthur Lee-Francis.

Renard, Jules.

Lyle, Louise.

Krenn, Veit.

Brusch, Harris.

Herrera Piqueras, Prudencio.

Wiener, Jon.

Snowman, D.
    London : Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2006.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Pimentel, O.

Wigal, Donald.

Duncan, George.

Kropp, Kristoffer.

Allen, David.

Woo, Park Seung.

Brook, Adrian G.

Schemmel, Matthias.

Yoshimura, Nagamitsu.

Foppa, Ivo M.

Allison, Dale C., Jr.

Minkenberg, Michael.

Barton, Christopher P.

Campbell, Timothy.

Shonk, Jr., Kenneth L.

Reck, E.

Shaw, Emily.

Trueman, Carl R.

Kertész, András.

Weiss-Wendt, Anton.

Stone, Dan.

Nash, David.

Bennett, Judith M.

Vedrine, Hubert.

Meir-Levi, David.

Hewitson, M.

Varvoglis, Harry.

Johnson, Captain Charles.

Saltman, R.

Cohen, Paul A.

Alexander, S.

Iacono, Alfonso Maurizio.

Cioran, E. M.

Parenti, Michael.
    History as Mystery.
    San Francisco : City Lights Publishers, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Oertel, Andreas.

Ward, Kyle.

Kafka, J.

Ewing, Elizabeth.

Erickson, Paul A.

Payaslian, S.

Peel, Mark.

de Duve, Catherine.

Luk, Christine Yi Lai.

Wills, Simon.
    History of Birds.
    Havertown : Pen & Sword Books Limited, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Wright, George C.

Murray, Jenni.

Ballaster, Ros.

Labbe, J.

Joannou, M.

Eagleton, Mary.

Herbert McAvoy, Liz.

Webster, Nancy.

Michael, R.

Murray, H.J.R.

Sahay, Dr R K.

Fang, Liaw Yock.

Harmon, Joshua.

Orme, Nicholas.

Perraton, H.

Adderson, Caroline.

Moore, Rod Val.

Plunz, Richard.

Lovat, Terence.

Henshall, K.

Mason, Richard.

Tsuda, Noritake.

Long, David.

Long, David.

Hogan, Desmond.

Jackson, Mark.

Krasner, David.

Goyal, Ashima.

Edwards, O. C.

Edwards, O. C.

Tomorad, Mladen.

Vassiliev, Alexei.

Roberts, Adam.

Roberts, A.

Mandel, Oscar.

Zarraluki, Pedro.

Berger, Stefan.

Grosso, Francesca.

Crowe, D.

Iokibe, Makoto.

Tubbs, N.

Abbott, Jacob.

Donkin, R.
    History of Work.
    London : Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Everett, Percival.

Nolt, Steven M.

Edmundson, W.

Fiedler, NyaGondwe.

Caldwell, Ronald James.

Weidhaas, Peter.

McPherson, Edward.

Donleavy, J.P.

Morgan, Pat.

Bozo, Frédéric.

Danesi, M.

Addison, Charles G.

Tomory, Leslie.

Shores, Christopher.

Anderson, Betty S.

Long, Pat.

Meyer, Bernard S.

Trotsky, Leon.

Price, S.

Hornak, Francesca.

MacSwiney Brugha, Maire.

Reese, William J.

Green, Alix R.

Andricopoulos, Yannis.

Jackson, D.

Burleigh, Robert.

Bridge, P. S.
    La Vergne : Clink Street Publishing, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Baggett, David.

Hitchens, Christopher.

Thompson, Bob.

Hite, Shere.

Hite, Shere.

Schwartz, Peter.

Hauner, M.

Hanfstaengl, Ernst.

Westlake, Steven A.

Wyden, Peter.

Fischer, Klaus P.
    Hitler and America.
    Philadelphia : University of Pennsylvania Press, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Miller, Robert L.

Stoltzfus, Nathan.

Cooke, Philip.

Weinberg, Gerhard L.

Giaccaria, Paolo.

Medawar, Jean.

Messenger, Charles.

Knopp, Guido.

Ascheid, Antje.

Doerries, Reinhard R.

Blake Knox, David.

Craigie, Emma.

Just, Bruno.

Junge, Traudl.

Longmate, Norman.

Hitler, Adolf.

Mason, Phil.

Shepherd, Ben H.
    Hitler's Soldiers.
    London : Yale University Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Larsson, Lars.

Grier, David.

Weikart, R.

Shaw, Mark.

Levy, Ian Hideo.

Richards, Viv.

Meissner, William.

Rooke, Leon.

Waal, Willemijn J.I.

Gordin, Shai.

Curran, Tim.
    Lake Orion : Elder Signs Press, 2005.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Westwood, Richard.

Duprée, Ulrich E.

Foster, Gwendolyn Audrey.

Day, David.

Strohm, Paul.

Carson, Paul.

Powell, Jane.

Wenck, Ed.

Alexander, Mal.
    Hockey Drills.
    Ramsbury : Crowood, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Stott, Jon C.

Carrier, Roch.

Weekes, Don.

Lury, Chris Baker, Steph King, Josh.

Baker, Chris.

Lury, Chris Baker, Steph King, Josh.

Herridge, Deborah.

Lewis, Helen.

Herridge, Deborah.

Feasey, Rosemary.

Herridge, Deborah.

Riley, Peter.

Travers, Len.

King, Phillip.

Beirne, P.

Douglas, Hugh.
    Hogmanay Companion.
    Glasgow : Neil Wilson Publishing, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

de Goncourt, Edmond.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Holmes, C.J.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Goncourt, Edmond de.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Goncourt, Edmond de.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Goncourt, Edmond de.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Goncourt, Edmond de.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Goncourt, Edmond de.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Zasloff, Beth.

Major, Kevin.
    Hold Fast.
    : Groundwood Books, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Johnson, T. Geronimo.

Gauer, Stephen.
    Hold Me Now.
    Calgary : Freehand Books, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Duberman, Martin.

Wagner, Laura Rose.

Green, Caroline.
    Hold Your Breath.
    Dorking : Piccadilly Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Clare Trautman, Baxter.

Negus, Sanna.

Govrin, Michal.
    Hold on to the Sun.
    New York : The Feminist Press at CUNY, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Brooker, Marion Fargey.

Brody, Phil.

Clifton, Harry.

Davidson, Neil.

Štrbáňová, Soňa.

Zuehlke, Mark.

Larison, John.

Whittall, Zoe.

Murphy, Tommy.

Charles, Rie.

Pyne, Daniel.

Fraustino, Lisa Rowe.
    Hole in the Wall.
    New York : Milkweed Editions, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Morrison, Arthur.
    Hole in the Wall.
    Auckland : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Basden, Tom.

Singh, Rina.
    Holi Colors.
    Victoria : Orca Book Publishers, 2018.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Dickens, Charles.

Bruner, Kurt.

Khechara, Star.

Greener, Mark.

Greener, Mark.

Michaelson, Valerie.

Kemp, Arnold.

Bargatze, Gary.
    Hollow Rock.
    Minneapolis : Rigor Hill Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Long, Ruth Frances.

Grazier, Kevin R.

Grazier, Kevin R.

Chung, Hye Seung.

Stefan-Cole, Janyce.

Appleton, Dina.

Sellers, Robert.

Mitchum, Petrine Day.

Frazier, Adrian.

Janowitz, Brenda.
    Hollywood Punch.
    New York : Polis Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Varndell, D.

Douma, Jesse.

Ryskind, Allan H.

Carpenter, Don.

Doherty, Thomas.

Rothman, Bernie.

Dixon, Wheeler Winston.

Finnestad, Charity G.

Mank, Gregory William.

Van Heertum, Richard.

Stanley, KS.

Odom, Jason.

Bayer, Gerd.

Bangert, Axel.

Shandler, Jeffrey.

Roth, John K.
    Holocaust Politics.
    Eugene : Wipf and Stock Publishers, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Schlemmer, Thomas.

Kakel, C.

Donahue, W.

Ibler, Reinhard.

Braham, Randolph L.

Burds, J.

Ibler, Reinhard.

Berger, Ronald J.

Robinson, Simon.

Dore, Paul Gustave.

Hadleigh, Boze.

Bielecki, Tessa.

Swade, Josh.

Michael, R.

Ketchell, Aaron K.

Adam, David.

Osterlund, Hob.

Lincoln, Henry.

LaCoste, Warren.

Nahin, Paul J.

Benacquista, Tonino.
    Holy Smoke.
    London : Bitter Lemon Press, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Chike, Chigor.

Wax, Trevin.

Tafolla, Carmen.

Holmes, Stephen R.

Noble, Thomas A.

Shahraz, Qaisra.
    Holy Woman.
    London : Arcadia Books Limited, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Murray, Andrew.
    Holy in Christ.
    Crownhill : Authentic Media, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Williamson, H. G. M.

Lovelock, James.

Fall, Nadia.

Conroy, Thom.
    Home : New Writing.
    La Vergne : Massey University Press, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Jones (Amiri Baraka), LeRoi.

Gilgoff, Alice.
    Home Birth.
    New York : Open Road Distribution, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Probus, Jessica.

Katz, Donald.
    Home Fires.
    : Rare Bird Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Wakefield, Dan.

Williams, Brian.

Doran, Bryony.

Lomas, Janis.

Lopez, Barry.

Fiamengo, Janice.

Freed, Lynn.
    Home Ground.
    New York : William Morris Endeavor Entertainment, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lottridge, Celia Barker.

McGuire, Magdalena.
    Home Is Nearby.
    La Vergne : Impress Books, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Earle, Alice Morse.

Fata, Chuck.

Lanham, J. Drew.

Bidini, Dave.

Bidini, Dave.

Cooper, James Fenimore.
    Home as Found.
    Auckland : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Chiruvolu, Sarada.

Rozin, Orit.

Webb, Holly.
    Home for Molly.
    London : Stripes Publishing, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Webb, Holly.
    Home for Rascal.
    London : Stripes Publishing, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Neustatter, Angela.

L'Amour, Louis.

Singh, Jacquelin.
    Home to India.
    New York : The Permanent Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gillenkirk, Jeff.
    Home, Away.
    Seattle : Chin Music Press Inc., 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Nolan, Tina.

Chudori, Leila S.
    La Vergne : Deep Vellum Publishing, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Schweighardt, Joan.

Kushner, Tony.

Curtis, Wayne.
    Toronto : Pottersfield Press, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Igarashi, Yoshikuni.

Magner, Scott James.
    WA : Resurrection House, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Nemeth, Charles P.

Chertoff, Michael.

Arp, Robert.

Francis, Clare.
    Newburyport : Open Road Media, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Na'na, Hamida.
    : Garnet Publishing (UK) Ltd, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Howard, Ella.

Nolan, Tina.
    Homeless Foal.
    London : Stripes Publishing, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Webb, Holly.
    Homeless Kitten.
    London : Stripes Publishing, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Balbuena, Monique.

Guirguis-Younger, Manal.

Brogaard, Betty.

Bello, Kate.

Charman, Katrina.

Hall, Albert Neely.

Ernst, Edzard.

Andrews, Mike.

Bornhöft, Gudrun.

Stearns, Bob.

Belsky, Eric S.

Baker, Elton TE.

Ryken, Leland.

Knudsen, Rachel Ahern.

Gaither, M.

Lippincott, Lorilee.

Rivero, L.

Murphy, Joseph.

Cade, Harriet.

Hopkins, Theron.

Bergren, Lisa T.

Van Tighem, Kevin.
    Homeward Wolf.
    Calgary : RMB Rocky Mountain Books, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Alleman, Janet.

Dobrin, Adam.

Jacobsen, David Schnasa.

Jacobsen, David Schnasa.

Hill, Grace Livingston.
    Uhrichsville : Barbour Publishing, Inc., 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Woods, Gregory.
    London : Yale University Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Castano-Bernard, Ricardo.

Yi, Xun.

Traverso, Giulia.

MacKay, Tommy.

Wintner, Robert.
    New York : The Permanent Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Freeman, Lisa.
    Honey Girl.
    New York, NY : Sky Pony Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Jameson, Jenna.
    : Skyhorse Publishing, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Editors, Periplus.

Vittachi, Nury.

Wong, May.

Bush, Richard C.

Bowman, James.

Pope, N.

Curwood, James Oliver.

Scholder, Henry.

Joiner, Lynne.

Bartulin, N.

Fraser, David.

Braithwaite, E. R.
    Honorary White.
    Newburyport : Open Road Media, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Modisette, Culver.
    Honored Enemy.
    Exeter : PublishingWorks, 2007.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Grace, Grace.

Murray-Smith, Joanna.

Fradkin, Barbara.

Darley, Brian.
    Honour of the Line.
    Guildford : Grosvenor House Publishing, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Tabei, Junko.

Bainbridge, Colin.
    Hoofbeats West.
    London : Robert Hale, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Brown, Jeremy.

Kollmar, Elizabeth.

Oakes, Julie.
    Toronto : Dundurn, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

McMan, Ann.

Phillips, Scott.

Parker, Stewart.
    Dublin : The Lilliput Press, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Short, Dan.

Thorne, Jack.


Orner, Peter.

Shenk, N.

Mains, Daniel.

Herrera, Robin.

Douglas, Amanda Minnie.

Pramuk, Christopher.

Hawthorne, Andy.
    Hope Unleashed.
    Colorado Springs, CO : David C. Cook, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Renz, Monika.

Robinson, Peter.


Evans, Ronald W.

Hope, Ted.

Patton, Matthew H.

Sherrer, Quin.

Kirk, Sally.

Terveen, Dr. John.

Cran, Brad.

Peiss, Kathy.

Solnit, Rebecca.

Newport, Olivia.
    Hope in the Land.
    Uhrichsville : Barbour Publishing, Inc., 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Wikswo, Quintan Ana.

Shively, Jacob.

Tada, Joni Eareckson.

Jeremiah, David.

O'Neill, Tracy.
    Brooklyn : Ig Publishing, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gray, Kevin Alexander.

McLean, Jack.

Ashcroft, Michael.

Chomsky, Noam.

Duncan, Dorothy.

Edge, Simon.

Paisner, Daniel.

Stewart, F.

Martini, L.

Banker, Jamie E.

Publisher, NNN Unknown.

Publisher, NNN Unknown.

Publisher, NNN Unknown.

Holmes, John Clellon.
    Horn : A Novel.
    Newburyport : Open Road Media, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

McCormac, Philip.
    London : Robert Hale, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Luxmoore, Nick.

Clifford, Frank.

Jampoler, Andrew C.

Mayo, Mike.

Schneider, Kirk.

MacDonald, Alan.
    London : Stripes Publishing, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Langeveld, Joost.
    Berkeley : Thunder Bay Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Sweeney, Matthew.
    Horse Music.
    Tyne and Wear : Bloodaxe Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Ward, Andrew.

Enno Tamm, Eric.

Ferrell, Miralee.
    Horse for Kate.
    Colorado Springs, CO : David C. Cook, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Waldrop, Howard.

Tamm, Eric Enno.

Bernheimer, Kate.

Twichell, Chase.

Manley, Rachel.

Cadnum, Michael.

Furukawa, Hideo.

Gascoigne, Laura.
    Horse’s Arse.
    La Vergne : Clink Street Publishing, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Angleberger, Tom.

Sterry, David Henry.

Tremblay, Michel.
    Vancouver : Talonbooks, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lim, Bo H.
    Grand Rapids : Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Ibrahim, Issa.

Glarum, Jan.

Wattal, Chand.

    Hospital Odyssey.
    Tyne and Wear : Bloodaxe Books, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Filetoth, Zsolt.

Francis, Andrew.

Wotring, Brian.

Murfett, Malcolm H.

Fagan, Oisín.
    Dublin : New Island Books, 2005.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Vernon, James.

Adams, Leigh.

Baumgartner, Holly Lynn.

Knelman, Josh.

Paris, Ilona.

Schmidt, Karen.

Saulnier, Natasha.

Raskin, Barbara.
    Hot Flashes.
    Newburyport : Open Road Media, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Ulrich, Barbara.


Lyle, D P.

Vinebaum, Lisa.

Rubin, Susan Goldman.

Levin, Adam.
    Hot Pink.
    San Francisco : McSweeney's, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Morey, Kathy.

Etzioni, Amitai.

James, Elliot.
    Hot Spurs.
    La Vergne : Robert Hale, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Reardon, Mark.

D'Souza, Christa.

Carson, Gary.
    Hot Wire.
    : Blasted Heath Ltd, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gray, Kieu Pham.

Oceanak, Karla.

Churchill, Caryl.

Aykol, Esmahan.
    Hotel Bosphorus.
    New York : Bitter Lemon Press, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Betto, Frei.
    Hotel Brasil.
    London : Bitter Lemon Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Montes, Javier.
    Hotel Life.
    Madrid : Hispabooks, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Clay, Adam.

Valentine, Douglas.
    Hotel Tacloban.
    New York : Open Road Distribution, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Koestenbaum, Wayne.
    Hotel Theory.
    New York, NY : Soft Skull Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Baker, Kage.

Park, Frances.
    Hotline Heaven.
    Newburyport : The Permanent Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

McCaffrey, Vincent.
    Hound : a novel.
    Northampton : Small Beer Press, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Coats, Lucy.
    Hound of Hades.
    Dorking : Piccadilly Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Doyle, Arthur Conan.

Butters, Simon.
    Mile End : Wakefield Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bosselaar, Laure-Anne.

Simms, Annabel.
    Hour from Paris.
    La Vergne : Network Books Distribution Ltd, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Holbert, Bruce.

Hay, Sam.

Khodr, Arzé.

Seaton, Somalia.

Bill, Alfred Hoyt.

Archer, Jules.

Laxer, James.

Nielsen, Carsten René.
    House Inspections.
    Rochester : BOA Editions Ltd., 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Challen, Paul.

Colman, Jim.

Lewis, Helen.

Coulter, Myrl.

Elle, Dee.
    House and Homes.
    La Vergne : Grosvenor House Publishing, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lofts, Norah.
    House at Sunset.
    Stroud : The History Press, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Haynes, Annie.

de Wolfe, Elsie.

Carr, Emily.

Lorca, Federico García.

Goyen, William.

Hamilton, Sarah.

Parini, Jay.
    House of Days.
    : Dzanc Books, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Peters, Ellis.
    House of Green Turf.
    New York : Road, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

LaChapelle, Mary.
    House of Heroes.
    New York : Dzanc Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Conniff, Richard.

Charles, Edward.

Charles, Edward.

Taylor, Alice.

Hogan, Desmond.

Tingle, Tim.

Macauley, Mark.

Anthony, Evelyn.
    House of Vandekar.
    New York : Open Road Media Romance, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Nienow, Matthew.
    House of Water.
    La Vergne : Alice James Books, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Freed, Lynn.
    House of Women.
    New York : William Morris Endeavor Entertainment, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Herrin, Lamar.

Farjeon, Benjamin.

Peterson, Tracie.

Wilson, Rebecca.

Won-il, Kim.

Brooks, Kim.

Wheeler, Kathryn.

Uchiyama, Naoko.

Daniell, Thomas.

Khan, Tareef Hayat.

Schwartz, Ronald.

Rushworth, Alan.

Neuhaus, Jessamyn.

Yang, Zan.

Peterson, M. Nils.

Kellner, Jessica.

Yuen, Belinda.

White, Randy Wayne.
    Houston Attack.
    New York : Open Road Media Mystery & Thriller, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Steptoe, Tyina.

Marling, William H.

Diner, Hasia R.

Liu, Weiping.

Evans, Jane.

Horan, J.

Rooney, Steven M.

Berners-Lee, Mike.

Moore, Stephen.

Bolton, John R.

Warshowsky, Joel H.

Egerton, Owen.

Mukhopadhyay, Tito Rajarshi.

Smith, A.

Durschmied, Erik.

Bybee, Keith J.
    How Civility Works.
    Palo Alto : Stanford University Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Waschke, Marvin.

Shaffer, D.

Rushton, Rosie.

Hammond, William C.

Goodspeed, Michael J.

Bhatt, Swati.

Cordes, Meike.

Kupecky, Regina M.

Steindl-Rast, David.

Lau, Doretta.

Hjern, Anders.

Weishaupt, Dominik.

Bosseaux, Charlotte.

Northrup, D.

Groden, June.

Whiteside, M.

Park, Yung Chul.

Owen, Paula.

Densley, J.

Mason, Phil.

Sutherland, John.

Ambar, Saladin M.

Karlenzig, Warren.

FitzSimons, Peter.

Porpora, Douglas V.

Caple, Natalee.

Ishikawa, Tetsuya.

Applegate, Kathryn.

McLellan, William.

McCarthy, Mary.
    How I Grew.
    : Open Road Media, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

von Matterhorn, Lorenzo.

Calder, Gideon.

Gallagher, M.

Gallagher, M.

Gallagher, Michael.

Van Steenwyk, Elizabeth.

Gates, John.

Gray, Jim.

Elliott, Daphne.

Armstrong, Paul B.

Westcott, Anne.

Janzon, Lars-Åke.

Eastaway, Rob.

Froman, Craig.

Clegg, Brian.

Roy, Avik.

Brennan, Ian.

Woolford, Julian.

Harris, Alan.

Wilson, Richard.

McCarthy, Andrew C.

Mukasey, Michael Bernard.

Krikorian, Mark.

Furchtgott-Roth , Diana.

Doern, G. Bruce.

Lane, Timothy S.

Lipsky, Deborah.

Schrecker, T.

Kerr, Robert.

Blaug, R.

Frommer, Franck.

Lipsitz, George.

Brown, Peter Hendee.

Rasler, Karen.
    How Rivalries End.
    Philadelphia : University of Pennsylvania Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Carrey, Jim.
    How Roland Rolls.
    : Some Kind of Garden Media, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lewis, E.E.

Ellis, John.

Krznaric, Roman.

Heti, Sheila.

Westcott, Anne.

Hoberman, Michael.

Marburger, Daniel.

Sorrells, Amy K.

Cronin, Audrey Kurth.

Walsh, Enda.

Koerner, Andras.

McDonald-Hughes, Sarah.

Wettone, Graham.

Vernon, Mark.

Hamill, Naomi.

Kennedy, Fin.

Gretes, Andrew.

Baker, Sally.

Englesbe, Michael J.

Bui, Khoa.

Farrell, Jason.

Elliott, Mel.
    How To Make Art.
    London : Pavilion Books, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Ross, P. A.

Taylor, Simon.

Byrne, Thomas.

Meriwether, Lee.

Coppola, R. Craig.

Palmer, Les.

Pollak, Joel.

Lombardi, John V.

Eklund,, Nathan.

Erickson, Karla A.

Dittenhoefer, Abram J.

Monson, Ander.

Hughes, Julian C.

Mandelstam, Michael.

Grindle, Douglas.

Castro, Joy.

Huston, Therese.
    How Women Decide.
    La Vergne : Oneworld Publications, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Clark, Howard.

Craythorne, S.E.
    How You See Me.
    Brighton : Myriad Editions, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Dean, Kenda Creasy.

Bernheimer, Kate.

Peall, Gillian.
    How can I hear God?.
    La Vergne : Scripture Union England and Wales, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hamer, Michelle.

Welch, Claudia.

Satlow, Michael L.

Sousa, David A.

Kloss, Robert.

Millet, Lydia.

Trzupek, Rich.

Schnidman, Evan A.

Arsenault, Elizabeth Grimm.

Meno, Joe.

Mulay, Apek.

Schumann, S.

Dungan, Myles.

Dungan, Myles.

Goldberg, Danny.

Ellis, Ralph.


Fund, John.

McCarthy, Andrew C.

Beattie, Derek.

Kuhn, Michael.

Gogol, Nikolai.

Chomsky, Noam.

Slyomovics, Susan.

Musikanski, Laura.

Carter, Joe.

Bundgaard-Jorgensen, Uffe.

Jenkins, W. L.

Wigge, Michael.

Lockhart, E.
    How to Be Bad.
    London : Hot Key Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Frenz, Florida.

Nester, Daniel.

Dawson, Eric S.

Browning, Guy.

Jain, Anupama.

Yoshida, Yuko.

McClure, Nikki.

Stanley, Martin.

Rebell, Bobbi.

Jones, Helen.

Johnson, Jennie.

Hutton, John.

Dale, Robert.

Richards, Paul.

Brukner, Lauren.

Quantick, David.

Ferris, Stewart.

Mewburn, Inger.

Bentley-Davies, Caroline.

Smith, Bobby.

Smith, Bobby.

Gallop, Les.

Mann, Don.

MacDibble, Bren.
    How to Bee.
    Sydney : Allen & Unwin, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Moilanen, T.

Turner, Chris.

Monthly, Popular Science.

Grafton, Anthony.

Kussin, Steven S.

Krausz, John.

Ross, Heather.

Experts, Leading Hazelden.

Experts, Leading Hazelden.

Experts, Leading Hazelden.

Experts, Leading Hazelden.

Walther, Henrik.

Shinder, Debra Littlejohn.

Gregg, Michael.

Ruston, Chris.

Meyer, Melissa M.

Frederick, Brian.

Snedaker, Susan.

Piltzecker, Anthony.

Stanger, James.

Horninger, Mark.

Dubrawsky, Ido.

Thomas Porter, CCS.

Bhardwaj, Pawan K.

Viroli, Maurizio.

Aronoff, C.

Davis, Bonnie M.

Allen, Lynette.

Dryden, Windy.

Hulme, Jenny.

Williams, James.

Melcher, Madeleine.

Ellis, Samantha.

Mountstephen, Mary.

Impey, Richard.

Fallowell, Duncan.

Hansberry, Bill.

Gelfert, Axel.

Khatchadourian, Haig.

Sherman, Ed.

Sutherland, Kate.

May, Gareth.

Freeman, Jane.

Wojewoda, Nicolò.

England, Chris.

Jervis, Matthew.

Pritchard, John.

Sylwester, Robert.

Cunningham, Darryl.

Khair, Tabish.

Perry, Rachael.
    How to Fly.
    : Dzanc Books, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Mitchell, David.

Books, Hundreds of Heads.

West, Ed.

Thomas, Bonnie.

O'Leary, Brendan.


Dickinson, Ross.

Editors of the American Library Association,.

Kleyn, Peter.

Anderson, Sheila E.

Luna, Tony.

Fleishman, Michael.

Michael, T.S.

Ross, Bruce.

Appelbaum, Maryln.

Appelbaum, Maryln S.

Barez-Brown, Chris.

Cole, Ted.

Bell, Suzanne.

de Ferranti, David.

Adams, Kenn.

Alexander, Laurel.

Fogarty, Robin J.

Fox, Jason.

Gempf, Conrad.

Baker, Barbara.

Patrick, Rosalyn.

Buchbinder, Joan.

Cohen, Joel.

Craggs-Hinton, Christine.

Katherine, Anne.

Pedrick, Claire.

Hodson, Phillip.

Hooper, Anne.

Lloyd, David.

Helt, Mary.

Hollander, Xaviera.

Van Dam, Lex.

Goldis, Al.

Lawrence, Clare.

Muñoz-Seca, Beatriz.

Agar, Kenneth.

Willis, Alette.

Berry-Dee, Christopher.

Swain, Frank.

Craggs-Hinton, Christine.

Flores, L.

Taylor, Louise V.

Moorby, Nicola.

Editors of the American Library Association,.

Tucci, Damon.

Fleming, Edmund.

Karpov, Anatoly.

Pritchard, John.

Weathers, Mark A.

Dustin, Alan.

Adler, Mortimer.

Atchity, Kenneth.

Weston, Anthony.

Rief, Sandra F.

Cai, Zong-qi.

Graham, Philip.

Eastaway, Rob.

Ramsey, Robert D.

Bach, James A.

Roccato, Pedro.

Wilson-Howarth, Jane.

Mccartney, Susan.

Hodgkinson, Thomas W.

McGee, Paul.

Trivedi, Vinay.

Connor, Ken.

Pittman, Rebecca F.

Rubeling, Albert W.

Jacobs, Lou.

Winkleman, Edward.

Jordan, Paul.

Mathis, David.

Olver, Crispian.

Connor, Joan.

Tallis, Frank.

Fry, Ron.

Maitreya, Selina.

Kirby, Amanda.

Kirby, Amanda.

Turner, Anthea.

Price, Steven D.

Bernstein, Mark W.

Books, Hundreds of Heads.

McEwan-Adkins, Elaine K.

Robinson, Neville.

Rice, Patrick.



Beadle, Phil.

Millman, Debbie.

Wigge, Michael.

Horth, David Magellan.

Weiss, Bernhard.

Iantaffi, Alex.

Olsen, Lance.

Sutton, Garrett.

Colvin, Scott.

Mironova, T. V.

Wood, Tristan.

Barwell, Gavin.

Hood, Jane.

Cicero, Quintus Tullius.

Owen, Jo.

Webb, Liggy.
    How to Work Wonders.
    Claygate : Grosvenor House Publishing, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Tanabe, Gen.

Tanabe, Gen.

Chejnová, Pavla.
    How to ask a professor.
    Prague : Charles University in Prague, Karolinum Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Whitson, Signe.

Nickerson, Rosie.

W Hodgkinson, Thomas.

Fletcher, Adam.

Pelling, Dorcas.

Allcott, Graham.

Allcott, Graham.

Flynn, Paul.
    How to be an MP.
    London : Biteback Publishing, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bentley-Davies, Caroline.

Age, Philanthropy.

Ireland, Mark.

Chew, Mike.

Leach EdD, Connie M.

Alexander, David.

Rabey, D.

Waldrop, Howard.

O?Rowe, Mark.

Bird, Susan Imhoff.

Hood-Caddy, Karen.
    Toronto : Dundurn, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Boyt, Rose.

Anderson, Poul.
    Hrolf Kraki's Saga.
    New York : Open Road Media Sci-Fi & Fantasy, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book


Bross, Peter.
    Hsp60 Chaperonin.
    Cham : Springer International Publishing, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Toomey, John.
    Huddleston Road.
    Normal, IL : Columbia University Press, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Wentworth, Patricia.
    Hue and Cry.
    New York : Open Road Media Mystery & Thriller, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Rueda, Claudia.

Keating, Kathleen.
    Hug Therapy Book.
    Minneapolis : Hazelden Publishing, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bennett, Arnold.

Feenstra, Robert.

Baker, Tihema.

Keenan, Lauren.

Gildea, Anahera.

Fulton, Rikki.

May, Jamaal.
    : Alice James Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Yu, Gang.

Wang, Jiang.

Sunstein, Cass R.

Kropf, Nancy.

Carter, Irl.

Staff, Asian Development Bank.

Coppin, Alan.

Kundu, Sumit.

Shaughnessy, Brenda.

Programme, United Nations Development.

Slote, Michael.

Conover, Michael R.

Sandstrom, Gregory.

Vavilov, S. I.

Jones, Ishmael.

Group, Advanced Life Support.

Patterson, Ph.D., Robert Earl.

Yates, Yvonne.

Stauffer, Mark D.

Ogien, Ruwen.

Kaila, Eino.

Makine, Andreï.

Dodge Cummings, Judy.

Lamberson, Gregory.
    Human Monsters.
    Barrington : Medallion Media Group, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Mittleman, Alan L.

Caldwell, Ann E.

Selisker, Scott.

Brunt, Carol.

Associates, Dezan Shira &.

Schuman, Amy M.

Sharma, Parnesh.

Flowers, Nancy.

Richter, Johanna.

Shaw, I.

Mills, K.

Nayar, Pramod K.

Runzo, Joseph.

Dietrich, Donald.

Mitoma, Glenn.

Ignatieff, Michael.

Renouard, Joe.

Armaline, William T.

Hamzawy, Amr.

Klose, Fabian.

Riddle, Christopher A.

Berthold, S. Megan.

Libal, Kathryn R.

Shreeve, Jimmy Lee.

Kalmre, Eda.

Rose, Laurence M.

Silberstein, Avi.
    Human Solutions.
    New York, NY : Skyhorse Publishing, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hepburn, Stephanie.

Carter, Bob.

Høgel, Christian.

Lagerqvist, Anne.

Ali, Kecia.

Platt, Rutherford H.

Cave, Peter.

Rüsen, Jörn.

Vungsiriphisal, Premjai.

Slim, Hugo.

Erdogan, Birsen.

Tomasini, R.

Hollinger, David A.

Belfiore, Eleonora.

Bérubé, Michael.

Fuller, S.

Restakis, John.

Miller, Rex.

Tuniz, Claudio.

Kim, Gerard Jounghyun.

Noonan, H. W.
    London : Oneworld Publications, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book


Nacho, Prince Ezem.

Hiekkapelto, Kati.
    London : Arcadia Books Limited, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Henderson, Sam.
    Humor Can Be Funny.
    Gainesville : Alternative Comics, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Sombatpoonsiri, Janjira.

Scheel, Tabea.

Mireault, Gina C.

Nicolay, Franz.

Jennings, Marie-Lou.

Joubert, Elsa.

Wilson, Leila.

Ernst, Max.

Porter, William N.

Astley, Neil.

Marshall, III, Joseph M.

Carr, Emily.

Allison, Lynda.

Scarfe, Wendy.

Kelly, Michael.

Piper, John.

Blackwell, Elise.
    Lakewood, CO : Unbridled Books, 2008.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bullins, Ed.
    Hungered One.
    Brooklyn : Akashic Books, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Mukherjee, Janam.
    Hungry Bengal.
    Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Augustin, Susan.

Dunlap, Susan.

Gaunt, Carole O'Malley.

Eldridge, Jim.

Fears, J. Wayne.

Linde, Peter.

Kaufman, Wallace.

Bishop, Patrick.

Felber, Ron.

Acosta, Hipólito.

Shklovsky, Viktor.
    Hunt for Optimism.
    Normal, IL : Columbia University Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Girling, Richard.

Frew, Alex.
    Hunted Four.
    La Vergne : Robert Hale, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Haggard, H. Rider.

Lee, Paula Young.

Walker, Ty.
    Hunter's Moon.
    La Vergne : Robert Hale, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Ridge, Ryan.

Bulliet, Richard W.

Schultheis, Rob.

Horst, Jorn Lier.
    Hunting Dogs.
    Dingwall : Sandstone Press Ltd, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bugler, Sheila.


Sheriff, Jack.

Ayton, Mel.

Snyder, Chris.

Backhaus, Klaus.

Teulé, Jean.

Bargatze, Gary.
    Hurricane Creek.
    Minneapolis : Rigor Hill Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

    Hurricane Gold.
    La Vergne : Ian Fleming Publications, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Grindley, Sally.

Hawley, Cameron.

Mulcahy, Matthew.

Griner, Paul.

Ashdown, Isabel.

Williams, Kristian.

Metcalf, Barbara.

Marshall-Ball, Sara.
    Brighton : Myriad Editions, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Yoshimi, Jeffrey.

Centrella, Sarah.

Martinez, David Tomas.
    Louisville : Sarabande Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Grobel, Lawrence.

Hutchinson, Ian.

Janzen, Rod.

O'Hara, Kieron.

Freitag, Barbara.

Rath, Sangram.

Carrasco, Berta.

Hutchison, David.

Boyd, Brewster.

Macdonald, Iain.

Corbett, Andrew C.
    Hybrid Ventures.
    Bingley : Emerald Publishing Limited, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kraidy, Marwan.

Das, Gautham P.

Nicu, Ionut Cristi.

Fowkes, Frederick.

Meissner, Richard.

Trench, Nicki.

Petrosino, Kiki.

Ben Shaul, Nitzan.

Posey, Brien.

Nishitani, Tatsuo.

Diverio, Simone.

Cheok, Adrian David.

Zhang, Hongliang.

Kammeyer, K.

Bagheri, Sima.

Zusman, Randall M.

Izzo, Raffaele.

Virdis, Agostino.

Cicero, Arrigo F. G.

Tocci, Giuliano.

Mongan, Marie.

James, Tad.

Hunter, Roy.

Schenk, Paul.

Tramontana, Joseph.

Landau, Ian.

Cryer, Philip E.

Enrigue, Alvaro.
    Normal, IL : Columbia University Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kotsilidis, Leigh.
    Toronto : Coach House Books, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Phillips, Coralie.

Noori, Hamid Reza.

Willcox, Laura.

Croke, Liam.

Murphy, Joe.

Uzuner, Buket.
    I Am Istanbul.
    Normal, IL : Columbia University Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Schlitter, Claudette.
    I Am Loved.
    Crownhill : Authentic Media, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Martyrs, The Voice of the.

Martyrs, The Voice of the.
    I Am N Devotional.
    Colorado Springs, CO : David C. Cook, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Martyrs, The Voice of the.

Atta, Dean.

Lecis, Alessandro.

Durose-Rayner, James.
    I Am Sam.
    London : Clink Street Publishing, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Wilson, Henrike.
    I Am So Bored!.
    La Vergne : Sky Pony Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Vermeulen, Peter.

Marlowe, Jen.
    I Am Troy Davis.
    Chicago : Haymarket Books, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Manoori, Ukmina.

Soseki, Natsume.
    I Am a Cat.
    North Clarendon : Tuttle Publishing, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Mason, Babbie.

Ellis, Deborah.
    I Am a Taxi.
    : Groundwood Books, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Svalina, Mathias.

Bulhak-Paterson, Danuta.

Hatter, Sky.
    I Believe in You.
    Newburyport : Gibbs Smith, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Pakieser, Andrea.

Frater, Jamie.

Flasar, Milena Michiko.

Davies, Nicola.

Davies, Nicola.

Padulo, Rick.

Stein, Harry.

Gilchrist, Ellen.

Horwood, Joel.

Twicken, David.

Weisz, Mischa.

Williamson, Margaux.

Miller, Max.

Higgins, Polly.

Zhenyun, Liu.

Grenville, Anthony.

Mankell, Henning.

Blouin, Michael.

Kamin, Ben.

Clark, Lisabeth.

Pando, Nancy.

McNaron, Toni.

Moore, Louis.

Fox, Claire.

Marsh, Charis.

Smith, Mitzi J.

Ashburn, Boni.

Barry, Peter.

Nichols, Grace.

Hartshorn, Peter.

McDonagh, Martine.

Gaines, Arlen Grad.

Gaines, Arlen Grad.

Bodenhamer, Bob G.

Bulbring, Edyth.
    I Heart Beat.
    London : Hot Key Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gabay, Lee A.

McClanahan, Ed.

Haddad, Joumana.

Sachs, Andrew.

Christiansen, Rupert.

Spill, Steve.

Emshwiller, Carol.
    I Live with You.
    San Francisco : Tachyon Publications, 2005.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Nergiz, Devrimsel Deniz.

Roston, Tom.

Dixon, Kathryn.

Dixon, Kathryn.

Marley, Ziggy.
    I Love You Too.
    New York : Akashic Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Frizzell, David.

Rogerson, Cynthia.

Kiemel, Ann.

Spanbauer, Tom.
    I Loved You More.
    Portland : Hawthorne Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Ball, Jared A.

Cassin, Barry.

Strube, Jennifer.

Jaramillo, Susie.

Ali, Bakhtiyar.

Rutkowski, Chris A.

Rutkowski, Chris A.

Mogk, Matt.

Cundy, Patrick.


McKimson, Robert.

Eaton, Evelyn.
    I Send a Voice.
    London : Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Robertson, Mike.

Rodman, Dennis.

Koppelman, Amy.
    I Smile Back.
    New York : Two Dollar Radio, 2008.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Koppelman, Amy.
    I Smile Back.
    New York : Two Dollar Radio, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Moro, Andrea C.

Richards, Amy.

Ruotolo, Elisa.
    I Stole the Rain.
    : Frisch & Co. Electronic Books Inc., 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Rushton, Rosie.

Welby-Roberts, Katharine.

Vidal, Gore.

Kuroda, Momoko.

Smith, Gwen.

Pavon, Mar.

Bailey, David.

Robertson, Ray.

Mirlis, Eric.

Shulman, Max.

Czyzniejewski, Michael.

Gautam, Prasanna.

Jackson, Jeremy.

Coates, Anona.

Thorpe, Chris.

Decker, Jeni.

Holzwarth, Werner.

McPherson, Neil.

Tagore, Rabindranath.

Oze, Ozkan.

Harris, Annaka.
    I Wonder.
    Los Angeles : Four Elephants Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Rhodes, J. D.

Mueller, Andrew.

Kapuscinski, Ryszard.

Jovy, Alexander.

Ecker, Susan.

Watt, Gavin K.

Carlson, Melody.

Thoreau, Henry David.

Calt, Stephen.

Becker, Tom.

Goldberg Sloan, Holly.
    I'll Be There.
    Dorking : Piccadilly Press, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Porter, Pamela.

Lazar, David.

Kerr, M.E.

Sherk, Bill.

Roper, Tony.

Villalobos, Juan Pablo.
    I'll Sell You a Dog.
    High Wycombe : And Other Stories Publishing, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Forbes, Gordon.

Caldwell, Chloe.

Auerbach, Susan.

Bennetts, Marc.

Echenoz, Jean.

Feinberg, Linda.

Bursky, Rick.

Hyesoon, Kim.
    I'm OK, I'm Pig!.
    Tyne and Wear : Bloodaxe Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kiemel, Ann.

Browning, Barbara.

Jewell, Geri.

Trosclair, Gary.

Derrick, Jr., David G.


Mendenhall, Julia.

Quartermain, Meredith.
    I, Bartleby.
    Vancouver : Talonbooks, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Roop, Peter.

Reich, James.

Wilson, J. Randy.

Atkins, Jooli.

Jhingran, Anant.

Soares, Sunil.

Vining, Bruce.

Woodbury, Carol.

Gazzola, Alex.

Cheung, Theresa.

Contini, F.

Bank, Asian Development.

Carlino, G.

Jensen, Jill M.

Hart-Davis, Guy.
    Somerset : John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kember, Sarah.

Moons, Spank.

Clausen, Kai.

Grnlund, Hans-Eric.

Thiel, David.

Mishra, Abhishek.

Birani, Bhanu.

Chopra, Samanyu.

Relan, Kunal.

Jiang, Liangjun.

Espinasse, Philippe.

Radner, Philip.

Fagans, Michael.

Hoog, Andrew.

Baig, Edward C.
    IPhone for Dummies.
    Newark : John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Spivey, Dwight.

Clawson, Michael.

Wittkower, D. E.

Trautschold, Martin.

Li, Qing.

Phillips, Charles.
    IQ Tester Book.
    Berkeley : Thunder Bay Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Fionna, Ulla.

Ande, Titre.

Byamugisha, Gideon.

Kwon, Yon Gyong.

Rajkumar, Peniel.

Gerard Bauer, Michael.

Stakelbeck, Erick.

Kals, Johannes.

Lanz, Franz.

Krüp, Henning.

Moore, Greg D.

Wright, Craig S.

Pompon, Raymond.

Moore, Brian.

Shiralkar, Shreekant W.

Wismeijer, Daniel.

Hernandez, Alex.


Finch, Robert.

McKellen, Ian.

Weatherley, Anna-Louise.
    Ibiza Summer.
    Dorking : Piccadilly Press, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Crawford, Michael.

Chittick, William C.

Bray, Barbara.

Inati, Shams C.

Kukkonen, Taneli.

Llewellyn, David.

Khan, Farheen.

Khan, Farheen.

Ibsen, Henrik.

Tam, Kwok-kan.

Quimby, Laura.
    Icarus Project.
    New York : Abrams, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

MacDonald, D.R.

Dorsey, Colleen.

Macbain, Bruce.
    Ice Queen.
    Elmwood Park : Blank Slate Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Parker, Linda.

Moody, Rick.

Dowbiggin, Bruce.

Tilman, H.W.

Lundberg, Ulla-Lena.
    La Vergne : Sort Of Books, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gardner, John.
    La Vergne : Ian Fleming Publications, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Evans, Alan.

Churchill, Caryl.

Reed, Mark.
    Iceland Volcano.
    Guildford : Grosvenor House Publishing, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bergmann, E.

Gaitskill, Mary.
    New York : The Feminist Press at CUNY, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Alexander, J.

Denysenko, Nicholas.

Brady, Kathleen.

Opyr, Joan.
    Idaho Code.
    Ann Arbor : Bywater Books, 2006.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Burgess, Tony.
    Idaho Winter.
    Toronto : ECW Press, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Iezzi, T.

Mazlish, B.

Mirakhor, Abbas.

Burnett, Alice.
    Ideal Love.
    Chicago : Legend Times Group, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Velde, Th. H. Van De.

Kaebnick, Gregory E.

Dunham, Jeremy.

Busse, Meg.

Joiner, Steven.

Jones, Martin R.

Okakura, Kakuzo.

McNeill, Suzanne.

Kaufman, Cynthia.

Eklund, Nathan.

Koch, Heike.

Arenius, Marcus.

Gunther, Jack Disbrow.

Dunn, Robert G.

Goffin, K.

Salzer, Elisabeth.

Brock, Stephen E.

Hart, Shelley R.

Casula, Philipp.

Bernauer, Eva.

Poon, Joseph.

Izenberg, Gerald.

McGarry, Aidan.

Akerlof, George A.

Alcoff, L.

Archer, Norm.

Caldas-Coulthard, C.

Smith, Jan.

Biehl, Peter F.

Sánchez-Casal, S.

Filtvedt, Ole Jakob.

Idris, A.

Lawson, Michelle.

Foster, Charles.

McKeown, S.

Hong, Christine J.

Itani, Sami.

Preparata, Guido Giacomo.

Glenn, Joshua.

Stein, Shawn.

Cohen, Nadia.

Shenefelt, Michael.

Cody, H. A.
    If Any Man Sin.
    Auckland : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Whitlock, Flint.

Whitlock, Flint.

Whitlock, Flint.

Kerridge, Peter.

Bender, Tony.

Lewy, Guenter.

Johnson, Greg.

Simpson, O.J.

Housley, Dave.

Ngamlana, Chwayita.

Barclay, Adèle.

Becker, Lauren.

Edgar, David.

Casey, Karen.

Nelson, Jessica Hendry.

Karpovich, Todd.

Daniels, Ken.

Nolan, Lou.

Scarrow, Kristine.

Settis, Salvatore.
    If Venice Dies.
    New York : New Vessel Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Baldwin, Barbara.
    If Wishes Were Magic.
    CALGARY : Books We Love Publishing Partners, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Mewshaw, Michael.

Oates, Elizabeth.

Baker, Matthew.

Van Meter, Ryan.

B., Misti.

Partington, Marian.

McCarthy, Dennis.

Nowinski, Joseph.

Gladney, Lawana.

Pavlik, Mike.

Sherman, Leonard.

Sanders, Richard.

Doyle, Sharron.

Deutsch, Harold C.

Laity, Sally.

Pelias, Ronald J.

Webb, Stephen.

Oceanak, Karla.
    Fort Collins : Bailiwick Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Campey, Lucille H.

de Callatay, Godefroid.

Hogan, Desmond.
    Ikon Maker.
    Dublin : The Lilliput Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Windrider, Kiara.

Louden, Bruce.

Leiber, Fritz.

Park, John S. W.

Mackert, Brian J.

Behrend, Jacqueline.

Manaster, Kenneth A.

Murphy, Jennifer.

Woronowa, Tamara.

Wilson, Robert Anton.
    Illuminati Papers.
    Berkeley, CA : Ronin Publishing, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Corrodi, Michelle.

Carmichael, Calum.

Turnbull, Helen.

Jacques, Jacqueline.

Ibbotson, P.

Hutchins, Giles.

White, Mark D.

Eve, Laure.
    London : Hot Key Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Shane, Scott A.

Vacariu, Gabriel.

Chang, Xiaorong.

Lynch-Johnt, Barbara A.

Dorfman, Lawrence.

Pomerantz, Marsha.

Gragg, Rod.

Power, Kate.

Ray, Arthur J.

Brill, Bill.

Számvéber, Norbert.

Kalajdzievski, Sasho.

Borda, Remigiusz.

Dedekam, Ivar.

Chengbin, Cui.

Ursell, Martin.

Peirce, Charles Sanders.

L'Engle, Madeleine.
    Ilsa : A Novel.
    Newburyport : Open Road Media, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Sternin, Grigori.
    Ilya Repin.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Mitchell, W. J. T.

Viazovski, Yaroslav.

Trifonova, Temenuga.

Nitsche, Martin.
    Image in Space.
    Berlin : Traugott Bautz Verlag, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Wintle, Michael.

Cook, Elinor.

Grundtvig, Birgitte.

Quan, Long.

Martin, Corinne.

Thaggert, Miriam.

Troelenberg, Eva-Maria.

Welker, Michael.

Jakobsson, Sverrir.

Noble, Thomas F. X.

Bottici, Chiara.

Weikle-Mills, Courtney.

Irving, John.

Francis, Daniel.

Lal, Abhinav.

Berry, Wendell.

Heyde, Jürgen.

Hudson, Neil.

Sells, Michael.

Sells, Michael.

Sells, Michael.

Hart, Roger.

Chiao, Yuan-Ming.

Rudy, Jason R.

Adam, Heribert.

    Imagined Places.
    New York : Dzanc Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Nicolson, Malcolm.

Paolantonio, Pasquale.

Jarmakani, A.

Pasture, Patrick.

Melvin, Karen.

Dutta, Mohan Jyoti.

Gupta, Suman.

Rosen, Aaron.

Hogan, Patrick Colm.

Anderson, Misty G.

Bertholf, Robert J.

Knowles, Scott Gabriel.

Antonello, Pierpaolo.

Levin, Yuval.

Zacher, Samantha.

Ali, Kecia.

Newman, Daniel L.

Khuri, Fuad I.

Kempis, Thomas A.
    Imitatio Christi.
    San Marcos : Authentic Media, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lucken, Michael.

Lansley, Oliver.

Gutkind, Lee.

Bennett, Sally.

Yee, Shirley J.

Lamphear, Greg.
    Immigrant Other.
    New York, NY : Columbia University Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Stiftung, Bertelsmann.

Dettlaff, Alan.

Ness, Immanuel.

Hoffmeier, James K.

Talent, Committee on High-Skilled Immigration Policy and the Global Competition for.

Vitiello, Domenic.

Thomas, Elaine R.

Bignami, Giovanni F.

Jaybee, Kay.

Jaybee, Kay.
    Immoral Views.
    London : Sweetmeats Press, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Vincent, Rachel.

Brinson, Charmian.

Harris, Harry.

Pleyer, Uwe.

Larson, Nathan.

Paul, William E.
    Baltimore : Johns Hopkins University Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Blume, Stuart.

Sztefko, Krystyna.

Satterlie, Richard.
    Tulsa : Medallion Media Group, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Irwin, Tim.

Nickerson, Billeh.

Bank, Asian Development.

Stiving, Mark.

Halloran, Bob.

Benneworth, Paul.

Khakimov, Parviz.

Majumder, Mrinmoy.

Tierney, William G.

Baron, Thomas.

Thadaniti, Suwattana.

Nasir, Muhammad.

Crepaz, Katharina.

Phippen, Andy.

Escobar, Maria-Luisa.

Wilkinson, Richard G.

Mock, John.

James, Jeffrey.

Plate, Vanessa.

Schatz, Sara.

Sa€enroth, Denise.

(U.S.), The Merit Systems Protection Board.

Burney, DeAnna M.

Hubert, Sandra.

Raitt, David.

Majumder, Mrinmoy.

Dixon, K.

Morlino, Leonardo.

Burkov, Anton.

Brooks, Douglas H.

Bastow, Simon.

Ajluni, Salem.

Chadwick, Sharlene.

Timoney, Kevin P.

Beachy-Quick, Dan.

Todorov, Tzvetan.

Cosgrove, Michael.

Löwy, Ilana.

Somer, Bradley.
    La Vergne : Harbour Publishing, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Grace, Janey Lee.

Mair, Victor H.

Grob-Fitzgibbon, B.

MacLeitch, Gail D.

Kalb, Marvin.

Vance, Michael E.

Fabbri, Robert.

Metz, Christian.

Baigell, Matthew.

Mazur, Allan.

Hinze, Ralf.

Goossens, Francois.

Bank, Asian Development.

Bogsnes, Bjarte.

Natan, Ron Ben.

Hicks, Richard M.

Pilorget, Lionel.

McCarty, Steve.

Gonzalez, David.

De Tender, Peter.

Hegde, Ganapati.

Blood, Peta.

Bals, Lydia.

Tavares, Rita.

Doniger, Wendy.

Berman, Ilan.

Bousfield, Derek.

Welch, Louise.

Roth, Robin.

Tennenhouse, Leonard.

Berg, Grethe.

de Vries, Michiel S.

Barnett, Paul.

Okawa, Ryuho.

Burns, D. Thorburn.


Cahan, Abraham.

Knight, Michael Muhammad.

Gautam, K V.
    Impossible is Fun.
    New Delhi : Vij Books India Private Limited, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Cooley, Ben.

Shipley, Jocelyn.
    Victoria : Orca Book Publishers, 2018.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hunt, Laird.
    : Coffee House Press, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bindloss, Harold.
    Wellington : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Brodskaya, Nathalia.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Brodskaya, Nathalia.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Meyers, Jeffrey.

Roussel, Raymond.

Cram, Ralph Adams.

von Seidlitz, Woldemar.

Badcock, Christopher.

Wedge, Peter.

Tooley, James.

Coyle, Andrew.

Price, Jeffrey.

David, Anthony.

Sovern, Michael I.

Moreno, Jonathan D.

Gough, Vera.


Lane, Gary.

Anghart, Leo.

Sassoon, Rosemary.

Chalfen, David.

Allen, Robert.

Meffen, John.

Summers, Elspeth.

Bird, Polly.

Pearson, Judith.

Rich, Jason R.

Cameron, Claire.

Jain, Kriti M.

Turney, Danielle.

Tunstill, Jane.

Chapman, Stephen.

Publishing, OECD.

Staff, Asian Development Bank.

Chandler, Dawne E.

O'Sullivan, Susan.

Keller, Jeffrey K.

Heppell, Michael.
    Improving Government.
    Manila : Asian Development Bank Institute, 2008.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Roberts, Sharon.

Williams, Sharon J.

Bank, Asian Development.

Lauchlan, Fraser.

Pike, Amanda.

Leach, Jonathan.

Bank, Asian Development.

Berry, Marianne.

Cleland, Keith N.


Aldrich, John H.

Health, Board on Global.

Taylor, Rosemarye T.

Bank, Asian Development.

Malshe, Avinash.

Gardner Chadwick, Kathy.

Abdullah, Melissa Ng Lee Yen.

Lloyd, Sarah.

Agency, European Space.

Eastman, Christine Angela.

Arden, John B.

Abbott, John.

Cándida Smith, Richard.

Revill, James.

Parker, Geoffrey.

Prime-Stevenson, Edward.

Perry, Caitríona.

Constantine, David.

Twentyman, Roberta.
    In Another Life.
    Claygate : Grosvenor House Publishing, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Klingensmith, Kelly.

Holmes, Vicky.

Verjee, Iman.
    In Between Dreams.
    London : Oneworld Publications, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bryson, Fran.
    In Brazil.
    Carlton North : Scribe Publications Pty Ltd., 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Anstey, F.

Moreno, Courtney.

Lucas, Catherine G.

Tidball, Derek.

Shober, Arnold F.

Campbell, Robert.

Milne, Drew.

Kaufmann, Scott.

Tsoukalis, Loukas.

Sumida, John Tetsuro.

Riddell, Peter.

Brog, David.

Malkin, Michelle.

Low, Douglas.

Horn, Karen.

Thompson, Andrew.

Brown, Nic.

Rusiecki, Stephen M.

McCrae, John.

Edwards, Chris.

Sombrun, Corine.

Hearn, Lafcadio.
    In Ghostly Japan.
    New York : Tuttle Publishing, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Casey, Karen.

Tsutsui, W.

Mitchell, Jessie.

Bell, Martin.

Hunter, Rielle.

Matheson, Andy.

Hinnefeld, Joyce.

Swann, Brian.
    In Late Light.
    Baltimore : Johns Hopkins University Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Khanmohamadi, Shirin A.

Ward, Stephen M.

Heer, Jeet.


Okawa, Ryuho.

Birnie, Lisa.
    In Mania's Memory.
    Vancouver : Simply Read Books, 2006.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Leavitt, David.

Mitchell, Mike.

Tilman, H.W.

Janet, Richard J.

Toland, John.

Bryant, Leigh Ann.

Boyd, Liona.

Thorpe, Jeremy.
    In My Own Time.
    London : Biteback Publishing, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Dierks, Konstantin.

Holden, Kate.

Morris, Wright.
    In Orbit.
    Lincoln : UNP - Nebraska, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

van der Ross, Richard.

Fitzpatrick, Melody.

Newman, Charles.
    In Partial Disgrace.
    Normal, IL : Columbia University Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Caddy, Peter.

Reeves, Tim.

Robertson, Leslie A.

Smart, Tom.

Knowles, Mike.
    In Plain Sight.
    Toronto : ECW Press, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Birchall, Elizabeth.

Rieff, David.

Sedakova, Olga.

Döpp, Hans-Jürgen.

Loughnane, Anne.

Epstein, Rachel A.

Armour, Mark L.

Ingraham, Patricia W.

Hood, Clifton.

Atkins, Ace.

Todd, Roy.

Tabak, Lawrence.
    In Real Life.
    North Clarendon : Tuttle Publishing, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kasten, Madeleine.

Stewart, Kenneth J.

Röhrs, Stefanie.

(U.S.), The Merit Systems Protection Board.

Dougill, John.

Shah, Tahir.

Jhabvala, Ruth Prawer.

Steward, Geoff.

Becker, Frans.

Butcher, Kristin.

Goldie, Jenny.

Stiftung, Bertelsmann.

Challis, Jack.

Jones, Emily Lena.

Brown, Ron.

Barnes, Craig S.

Hedin, Benjamin.

Kivowitz, Barbara.

Barati, Bahram.

Moody, Kim.

Allan, Sandy.

Anderson, Becky.

Chakravorty, Mrinalini.

Dee, Anna.

Murad, Khurram.

DuRey, Will.

Murphy, Colin.

Long, Renata Eley.

Donald, Stuart.

Drosso, Anne-Marie.

Richards, Anthony.

Kraus, Karl.

Bonazzi, Robert.

Skelton, Robin.

Metcalfe-Chenail, Danielle.

Longworth, Bea.
    In Too Deep.
    London : Hot Key Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

and Rosemary Green, Michael.

Allen, Esther.

Hill, Grace Livingston.

Weissbourd, Burt.

Devereaux-Nelson, Robin.
    In Violet's Wake.
    Berkeley : Soft Skull Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Sher, Geoffrey.

Lippi, Giuseppe.

Koelle, Sabine.

Douglas, Amanda Minnie.
    In Wild Rose Time.
    Wellington : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Chapman, Brenda.

Cunningham, W. H. (Hank).

Cunningham, W. H. (Hank).

Welch, Denton.

Gray, Millie.

Haasse, Hella S.

Goyen, William.

Shepherd, Hilary.

Gallaher, John.
    In a Landscape.
    Rochester : BOA Editions Ltd., 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gray, Millie.

McNairn, Colin.

Kennedy, X. J.

Bode, Elroy.
    In a Special Light.
    New York : Trinity University Press, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Wintner, Robert.

McGuinness, Frank.

Waters, Steve.

McKenna, Karen.
    In a Weekend.
    Madison : Annie's, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Visy, Csaba.

Gädke, Johannes.

Okotie, Simon.

Caleshu, Anthony.

Prince, David E.

Hodgson, Barbara.

Poythress, Vern Sheridan.

Boruch, Marianne.

Makalani, Minkah.

Wadsworth, Sarah.

Shaw, Irwin.

Jackson, Tony.

Baker, Kage.

Hoagland, Edward.

Harvkey, Mike.

Echo-Hawk, Walter R.

Van, Ngo.

Gerrold, David.

Minor, Kyle.

Swanwick, Michael.
    In the Drift.
    Newburyport : Open Road Media Sci-Fi & Fantasy, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Heymer, Alex.

Schroeder, Adam Lewis.

James, Christina.
    In the Family.
    Cambridge : Salt Publishing Limited, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Tacon, Claire.
    In the Field.
    Emeryville : Biblioasis, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Broome, Peter.

de Sade, Vanessa.

de Sade, Vanessa.

Grigsby, Susan.

Stead, C. K.

Folsom, Seth W. B.

Brereton, F. S.

Henty, G. A.

Ridley, Yvonne.

Outram, James.

Flamm, Michael W.

Hollander, Benjamin.

Hassan, Hassan.

Faqir, Fadia.

Taitz, Sonia.

Wilkins, Charles.

Lovett, Li Miao.

Quance, RobertaAnn.

Hickey, David.

Mokhtari, Fariborz.

Shrum, Rebecca K.

Frame, Janet.

Leebron, Fred.

Maggi, Nicole.

Ruhl, Sarah.

Altman, John.

Johnson, Joyce.

McIvor, Chris.

Hobbs, Peter.

Bowers, Vivien.

Holland, Brenda.

Gallagher, Donat.

Banville, John.

D'Oyen, Fatima.

Sykes, Ian.

Winters, Cat.

Anders, Gerhard.

Kirtley, Ruth.

Garrett, Ginger.

Cohen, Eric.

Daugherty, William.

DeLombard, Jeannine Marie.

Osborne, S.L.

Phillips, Thomas D.

Heitlinger, Alena.

Carnes, Patrick J.

Joseph, Eve.

Kubuitsile, Lauri.

Caswell, Kurt.

Martin, Douglas.

Morales, Gil.

Sharpe, Christina.

Olcott, Martha Brill.

Raffel, Dawn.

Luterman, Lillian.

Paul, Barbara.
    In-Laws and Outlaws.
    New York, NY : Road, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Shufflebotham, Robert.

Fritz, Birgit.

Farish, Murray.

Chia, Stephen.

Salhani, Claude.

Goodwin, Idris.
    La Vergne : Haymarket Books, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kovacs, Lawrence.

Past, Ambar.

Pollard, Clare.
    Tyne and Wear : Bloodaxe Books, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Botz-Bornstein, Thorsten.

Harker, Ethan.

Gray, Steven.

Bohince, Paula.

Wan, Margaret.

Jacobs, Harriet Ann.

Jacobs, Harriet.

Jacobs, Harriet Ann.

Moore, Lorraine O.

Woolley, Helen.


Trevarthen, Colwyn.

Levitas, Ruth.

Hornby, Garry.

Hafford-letchfield, Trish.

Chapman, Bruce.

Stark, Joseph.

McPartlin, Moira.
    Edinburgh : Fledgling Press, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Platt, Randall.
    New York, NY : Sky Pony Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Wilson, Andrew.

Rogers, Gayle.

Horrocks, Dylan.

Baer, Marianna.

Tyler, Jason.

Christmas, Jane.

Robertson, Geoffrey.

Wise, Sarah.

Clifton-Soderstrom, Michelle A.

Babaev, Eugene V.

Rankine, Camille.

Dalton-Brewer, Nick.

Archer, Jules.

Reavy, Kevin.

Plaster, Liz.

Pritchard, Ray.

Udeani, Chibueze.

Stoller, Kenneth.

Sidhu, Nicole Nolan.

Gordon, Sarah.

Martin, Marianne K.
    Indelible Heart.
    New York : Bywater Books, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Frimpong, Eunice E.

Rutherford, Amy.

Brown, G.

Battista, Paul.

Baltruschat, Doris.

Hoffmann, Jonas.

Ridley, Julie.

Fowler, Will.

Charbonneau, Joelle.

Gilbert, Ian.

Steward, Robyn.

Road, Cristy C.
    Bloomington, IN : Microcosm Publishing, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lippe, Peter M von der.

Tanokura, Yoko.

Fiorentino, Jon Paul.
    Indexical Elegies.
    New York : Coach House Books, 2006.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Pilz, Matthias.

Murray, Kirsty.
    India Dark.
    Surrey : Templar Publishing, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Sinha, D.

Hicks, India.

Skoda, Uwe.

Ludden, David.

Schaffer, Teresita C.

Mawdsley, Emma.

Saran, Samir.

Tseng, W.

Mahtaney, P.

Ganguly, Sumit.

Navajo School of Indian Basketry, The.

Somaiah, B. Ranjan.

Cortez, Sarah.

Hovens, Pieter.

Greenwood, A.

Smelcer, John.
    Indian Giver.
    New York, NY : Leapfrog Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Fenwick, Giuliana.

Wagamese, Richard.
    Indian Horse.
    Vancouver : D & M Publishers, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Vijaya, Ramya M.

Roopnarine, Lomarsh.

Knowles, F.

Khanna, Balraj.
    Indian Magic.
    London : HopeRoad, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Purkayastha, Prarthana.

Neuman, Lisa K.

Hiremath, Gourishankar S.

Kar, Mausumi.

Lau, Lisa.

Gnarr, Jón.
    Dallas, TX : Deep Vellum Publishing, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hutchens, Terry.

Hiner, Jason.

Deloria, Jr., Vine.

Bank, Asian Development.

Newman, Michael Z.

Scarsbrook, Richard.

Furlan, Laura M.

DUlfano, I.

Huaman, Elizabeth Sumida.

Chinsembu, C.

Fijn, Natasha.

Taylor, John.

Drahos, Peter.

Whitford, Michelle.

Clark, Ian D.

McDonald, Fleur.
    Indigo Storm.
    Sydney : Allen & Unwin, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Wiley, Richard.
    : Dzanc Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Fielding, Hannah.

Ebenstein, Lanny.

Walker, Alice.

Hallam, Richard S.

Souleimanov, E.

Miller, Robin.

Mitchell, Jeff.

Gronlund, Gaye.

Whelan, Daniel J.

Pilkington, Marc.

Fetherling, George.

Miller, Robert.

Horowitz, David.

Bay, Lexie.

Editors, Periplus.

Goebel, Zane.

Torchia, Christopher.

Muller, Kal.

Hasan, Noorhaidi.

Capolongo, Stefano.

Fabbri, Kristian.

Riguzzi, Fabrizio.

Arthur, Robert Andrew.

Estill, Lyle.

Iwasaki, Yoko.

Esteban, Joan.

Stiglitz, Joseph E.

Noman, Akbar.

Pawlak, Ralph R.

Mooney, Carla.

Atikian, J.

Gilchrist, Alasdair.

Gillick, Liam.

Mitra, Arup.

Piereson, James.
    Inequality Hoax.
    New York : Encounter Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Delgado-Ramos, Carlo.

Basu, Kaushik.

Basu, Kaushik.

Mau, S.

Ashurst, F.

Seelig, Torsten.

Abel, Emily K.

Shamir, Milette.

Cacho, Lydia.

Naviaux, Robert K.

Nowak, Achim.

Elston, Dirk M.

Stearns, Justin K.

Marschner, Ian C.

Summaries, Bright.

Myles, Eileen.

Myles, Eileen.

Summaries, Bright.

Wadsworth Longfellow, Henry.
    Berkeley : Thunder Bay Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Quinn, Tami.

Kidman, Fiona.
    Infinite Air.
    London : Gallic Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Chan, Jason.

Kesseböhmer, Marc.

Lim, David C.L.

Myracle, Lauren.

Wieland, Jan Willem.

Körle, Hans-Heinrich.

Blot, Joël.

Kasischke, Laura.
    : Copper Canyon Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Rudanko, Juhani.

Adams, Ryan.
    Infinity Blues.
    Brooklyn : Akashic Books, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kusama, Yayoi.

Jain, Parag.

Nwankwo, Abraham.

Scharlatt, Harold.

Clayton, M.

Heath, Kathryn.

Heath, Kathryn.

Jones, C.

Rani, K. Suneetha.

Gärtner, Sabrina.

Abbruzesse, Elvira.

Messerschmidt, Ulrike.

Fanning, Patricia J.

Schiller, Craig.

Kraftl, Peter.

Helmke, Gretchen.

Melber, Leah M.

Mansfeldová, Zdenka.

Hutchison, David.

Smula, Jasmin.

Doctorow, Cory.

Hand, David J.

Hutchison, David.

Mazurczyk, Wojciech.

magazine, Entrepreneur.

Hutchison, David.

Punshon, E.R.

Hutchison, David.

Luenberger, David G.
    Information Science.
    Princeton : Princeton University Press, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Goucher, Wendy.

Martellini, Maurizio.

Kordha Tolica, Ermelinda.

van der Aalst, Wil.

Mayr, Heinrich C.

Olson, David.

Sagers, Glen.

Bainbridge, W.

Adnan, Mehnaz.

Bursa, Miroslav.

Durham, Ian T.

Paradise, Christopher J.

Clark, Wyatt Travis.

Gregson, Robert A. M.

Education, PCG.

Beneficiaries, Committee to Evaluate the Social Security Administration's Capability Determination Process for Adult.

Simon, Joel.

Hendricks, Vincent F.

Rossi, E.

Farouk, Mohamed.

Weber, Barbara.

Brooks, Douglas H.

Oliver, Roger W.

Pitt, Ingrid.

Pitt, Ingrid.

Wilson, Richard.
    Wellington : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Mills, Emma.

Angel, Jacqueline L.

Counter, AndrewJ.

MacNamara, Jane E.

Powell, Kerry-Lee.
    Windsor : Biblioasis, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Meyers, Jeffrey.

Leverett, Flynt.

Gardner, Richard.
    Iniquitous Lives.
    Claygate : Grosvenor House Publishing, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Silverstein, Charles.

Wood, Alexandra.

Nolan, Tina.
    Injured Fox Cub.
    London : Stripes Publishing, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bennett, Ross.

Ludwig, Genevieve.

Knopf, Karl.

Bainbridge, Beryl.

Kennedy, William.

Diagne, Bachir.

Richie, Donald.
    Inland Sea.
    Berkeley CA : Stone Bridge Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Breen, Gavan.

Breen, Gavan.

Hollwey, Sara.

Eigen, Charles.

L., Elisabeth.

Hieb, Marianne.

Kellehear, Allan.

Roznowski, R.

King, James.

Karp, Jason R.

Wiley, Norbert.

Main, Darren.

Jones, Louis B.

Pamuk, Orhan.

McEwen, Joan.

Corelli, Marie.

Rice, Craig.
    Innocent Bystander.
    Newburyport : Road, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kingsmill, Suzanne F.

Gébler, Carlo.

Sharp, Margery.

Twain, Mark.
    Innocents Abroad.
    New York : Open Road Media, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Muller, Theron.

Komori, Shigetaka.

Berger, R.

Reimers, Kai.

DeGraff, Jeff.

Vonortas, Nicholas S.

Ricciardi, Francesca.

Day, George S.

Strecker, Nanja.

Al-Mubaraki, Hanadi Mubarak.

Bank, Asian Development.

Ione, Amy.

Perri, A.

Minderman, Goos.

Johnson, William H.A.

Haar, J.

Svich, Caridad.

Giacosa, E.

Eaton, Margaret L.

Hendriks, Pepijn.

Schmieder, Joe.

Bekkers, V.

Simpson, Anna.

Jelinčić, Daniela Angelina.

Bertazzi, Luca.

Singh, Vijai Kumar.

Sarvi, Jouko.

Hall, L. Michael.

Aring, Monika.

Taylor, Jennifer.

Wankel, C.



Mann, Andi.

Goreau, Thomas J.

Marburger, Daniel.

Cooperrider, David.

Staff, Asian Development Bank.

Staff, Asian Development Bank.

Staff, Asian Development Bank.

Staff, Asian Development Bank.

Staff, Asian Development Bank.

Staff, Asian Development Bank.

Marques, Oge.

Clerck, Goedele A. M. De.

Petrovska, Natasha.

Jorgensen, C. K.

Steward, F. C.

Buchholz, Peter.

de Melo Franco Filho, Odilon.

Bateman, Simone.

Kidman, Gillian.

Sweeney, Matthew.
    Inquisition Lane.
    Shropshire : Bloodaxe Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Currin, Jen.

Moscaliuc, Mihaela.

Ayella, Marybeth.

Goetz, Rainald.
    La Vergne : Fitzcarraldo Editions, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lowe, Mick.

Chick, Andrew.

Armstrong, Sarah.
    Insect Rosary.
    Dingwall : Sandstone Press Ltd, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

McCormack, Stephen.

Einion, Alys.
    Ceredigion : Honno Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Halse, Christine.

Levine, Janet.

Eckert, J. Kevin.

Hamilton, Dwight.

DeLong, Michael.

Corelli, Angelo.

Weiser, Martin.

Oliver, Stephen.
    Inside Grief.
    LONDON : SPCK, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Goddard, John.

Espenson, Jane.

Banks, Nick.

Temperley, Alison.

Bay, Lexie.

Bay, Lexie.

Walton, Todd.
    Inside Moves.
    Berkeley : Pharos Editions, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Scott, Joanna.

Antholis, William.

Antholis, William.

Akers, Tony.

Defrain, Darren.
    Inside Out.
    : Dzanc Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Weissbourd, Burt.

Cafardo, Nick.

Rutten, Marcel.

Bacon, Edwin.

Green, Chamayne N.

Banks, Ray.

Oliver, Sarah.

Wadud, Amina.

Waldman, Ayelet.

Hall, Beth.

Sederquist, Dick.

Baxter, Peter.

Chalmers, Rob.

Grossman, Joanna L.

Eichenbaum, Rose.

Wise, Harold Lee.

Moorcraft, Paul.

Good, Joe.

Lu, Yefei.

Peterson, Richard L.

Ajoku, Emmanuel.
    Inside the Mentor.
    Claygate : Grosvenor House Publishing, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Green, M.

Goddard, John.

Hoolboom, Mike.

Rothery, Jason Patrick.
    Inside the Seed.
    Vancouver : Talonbooks, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Meyers, Lawrence.

Dunmore, Helen.
    Inside the Wave.
    Tyne and Wear : Bloodaxe Books, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Khalidi, Ismail.

Cole, Eric.

Packer, Andrew.

Tarquin, Brian.

Klepper, Deeana Copeland.

McKay, Julie.

Kincaid, S. J.
    London : Hot Key Books, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Radfar, Bernard.

Angleberger, Tom.

Angleberger, Tom.

Angleberger, Tom.

Gogol, Nikolai.
    New York : Theatre Communications Group, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

McCrary, Crystal.

Graves, Michael.


Mc Guey, Gary.

De Meyer, Arnoud.

Stoltz, Dorothy.

Quesada, Donna.

Wuller, Cynthia B.
    Inspired Wire.
    Waukesha : Kalmbach Books, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bonner, Barbara.
    Inspiring Courage.
    Somerville : Wisdom Publications, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Schuck, Caroline.

Hierlemann, Dominik.

Pacchioni, Federico.

Committee, Anniversary Story Book.

Kryza, Kathleen.

Isabelle, Aaron D.

Plummer, Deborah.

Caporimo, Alison.

Černý, Karel.

Elwes, Catherine.

Mansouri, Fethi.

De Mente, Boyé Lafayette.

De Mente, Boye Lafayette.

Institute, Bathroom Readers'.

Robson, Stuart.

De Mente, Boye Lafayette.

De Mente, Boye Lafayette.

De Mente, Boyé Lafayette.

De Mente, Boyé Lafayette.

Bodansky, Steve.

Gaspi, Jan Tristan.

Brier, Sam.

Phillipson, Heather.
    Instant-flex 718.
    Tyne and Wear : Bloodaxe Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Huete, Anna.

Koke, Judith.

Ziegenhain, Patrick.

Weik, Elke.
    Institutions Inc..
    London : Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Aoki, M.

Bolkiah, Hassanal.

Kropf, Martha E.

Augst, Thomas.

Erkens, Cassandra.

Levin, Adam.
    San Francisco : McSweeney's, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Adhikari, Atanu.

Board, ASA Test Prep.

Blanton, Ward.

Davis, Richard A., Jr.

Asorey, M.

Hamilton, Marilyn.

Haney, William S.

Piciga, Darja.

Corvaja, Pietro.

Smith, Gina.

Veness, Karen.

Doleski, Oliver D.

Miller, Robin.

Cleaver, Hedy.

Sarvi, Jouko.

Al-Turki, Omar.

Shaw, Kenneth A.

Proctor, Wendy.

Windsor, Peter.

Vanhoucke, Mario.

Stoeglehner, Gernot.

Barrington, Alison.

Hutchison, David.

Cuomo, Nicole C.

Foster, Shaun.

Gibbons, Karen.

Kirkland, Lynn.

Flynn, Patricia M.

Literacy, Roundtable on Health.

Laurence, Jonathan.

Carnabucci, Karen.


Frankenberg, Erica.

Hammerman, Elizabeth.

Nu€, Christian.

Hinterkopf, Elfie.

Eaton, Susan E.

Weider, Steffen.

Breeze, Ruth.

Harris, Mary.

Weinstein, Ann Diamond.

Entwistle, David N.

Skov, Vibeke.

Barth, F. Diane.

Mullins-Owens, Heather.

Hanser, Suzanne B.

Moat, David.

Pinsof, William M.

Publishing, OECD.

Văduva, Sebastian.

Huberts, L.

Harris, J.

Riley, Dave.

Watchman, Karen.

Golden, Charles J.

Annus, Tiina.

Torres-Saillant, Silvio.

Nwabachili, C.

Gosseries, A.

Sumpter, Paul.

A. El-Desouky, Ayman.

Arcos, R.

Wang, G.Alan.

Hutchison, David.

Nassiri-Mofakham, Faria.

Mann, Adam.

Pirkle, Pastor Brett.

Myers, Pat.

Hong, Wei-Chiang.

Karsaklian, Eliane.

Fraser-Sampson, Guy.

Mourdoukoutas, P.

Kurniawan, Agus.

Shi, Yong.

Warnock, Mary.

Akan, Ozgur.

Akan, Ozgur.

Futral, William.

Rahman, Rezaur.

Humphreys, Margaret.

Friedman, Rosemary.
    Intensive Care.
    London : Arcadia Books Limited, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Association, American Diabetes.

Davis, Deborah L.

Zheng, Xinqi.

Byers, Michael.

Iseminger, Gary.

Trimble, Michael R.

Kise, Jane A. G.

Chapela, Victor.

Mackenzie, Judith.

Frey, Nancy.

Forrai, Gabor.

Cherepanov, Victor N.

Fox, Michael.

Oldfield, Amelia.

Oldfield, Amelia.

Sarcar, Vaskaran.

Cook, Dianne.

Pritchard, John.

Melcher, Mary Grace.

Vasseur, Jean-Philippe.

Golden, Charles J.

Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk, Barbara.

Spencer-Oatey, H.

Alcon Soler, Eva.

Brinkmann, U.

Cantle, T.

Dervin, Fred.

Lansiquot, Reneta D.

Lansiquot, Reneta D.

Meissner, Richard.

Kienitz, J.

Grbac, Zorana.

Landgraf, Christin.

Hardy, Gary.

Wielzen, Duncan.

Thistlethwaite, S.

Sherman, Delia.

Sherman, Delia.

Uchida, Hirofumi.

Schelbe, Lisa.

Gonçalves Veiga, Linda.

Conlan, Timothy J.

Williams, Thomas L.

Hughes, Alan.

Coleman, Cindy.

Williams, Thomas L.

Graham, Philip.

Williams, Theo Stephen.

Lasek, Witold.
    Interleukin 12.
    Cham : Springer International Publishing, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Jankowski, Marek.
    Cham : Springer International Publishing, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Goldstone, Patricia.

Scott, Joanne.

Mancewicz, A.

Bruhn, Jørgen.

Massey, Keith.

Geveci, Tunc.

Geveci, Tunc.

Geveci, Tunc.

Geveci, Tunc.

Geveci, Tunc.

Kubler, Cornelius C.

Barrios, Joi.

Kubler, Cornelius C.

Cross, Matthew.

Kohn, Livia.

Nzechukwu, Patrick Onwura.

Blumer, Helene.

Joy, Rob.

Anandarajan, Asokan.

Junginger, Martin.

Cottom, Daniel.

Patterson, Floyd.

Arora, Anshu.


Oezsahin, Ersin.

Lessambo, F.


Studies, Graduate Institute of International and Development.

Carbonnier, G.

Kantner, J.

D'haen, Theo.

English, L.

Arora, Anshu Saxena.

Voss, Anja.

Roberts, Larry-bob.

Schmeisser, Wilhelm.

Altbach, Philip G.

Knerr, Beatrice.

Nakahara, Yumiko.

Roseen, Robert.

Glowik, Mario.

Jardón Hernández, Ana Elizabeth.

Adepoju, Aderanti.

Kuhlman, Erika.

Yang, Peidong.

Bergsten, C. Fred.

Barkin, J.

Barkin, J.

Mac Ginty, Roger.

Beldiman, Dana.

Jenks, Christopher J.

Bowles, Hugo.

Garton, Sue.

Ushioda, E.

Borg, S.

Rich, S.

Go, F.

Go, Frank M.

Prokhovnik, R.

Carter, Sean.

Cornell, Svante E.

Bueger, C.

Frick, Frank.

Jones, Charles.

Czaputowicz, Jacek.

Beier, J.

Van Ginkel, Bibi.

Mills, Kurt.

Senft, Daniel.

Bravo, Gonzalo A.

Bob, Clifford.

Kim, Jae Kyoung.

Warmbein, Barbara.

Figal, Günter.

Figal, Günter.

Bronstein, Arturo.

Herrmann, Christoph.

Sluga, Glenda.

Durovic, Mateja.

Hawawini, Gabriel.

Israeli, Raphael.

McPherron, Paul.

Kuss, D.

Scott, Gini Graham.

Gottinger, Hans W.
    Internet Economics.
    Sharjah : Bentham Science Publishers, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hockx, Michel.

Sanders, Teela.

Tian, Ye.

Walton, Nigel.

Belford, Ken.
    New York : Talonbooks, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Stuart, Scott.

Murad, Khurram.

Zandvliet, David.

Gentry, Bill.

Demetrikopoulos, Melissa K.

Kenesei, Tamás.

Krausz, Michael.

Dietrich, W.

Mackenzie, David Shaw.
    Dingwall : Sandstone Press Ltd, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Campbell, Madeline Otis.

Borny, Geoffrey.

Alexander, Jeffrey C.

Knott, Gary D.

Bock, Darrell L.

Johnson, Fern.

Killian, Kyle D.

Fischer, Iris Smith.

Riele, Kitty te.

Thomas, P.

Makris, Sara.

Richardson, D.

Bank, Asian Development.
    Manila : Asian Development Bank Institute, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

(verst.), Viola Amato.

Willett, Cynthia.
    Interspecies Ethics.
    New York : Columbia University Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bartlett, Mike.

Heiss, Anita.

Johnson, Vernon E.

Monsen, Karen A.

McBride, Nyanda.

Wright, Barry.

Spicer, J.

Murphy, Kieran.

Gammill, Joani.
    Minneapolis : Hazelden Publishing, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Khouri, Rami G.

Chomsky, Noam.
    Monroe, OR : City Lights Publishers, 2007.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gupta, Bhasker.

O'Reilly, Patricia.
    Dublin : New Island Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

McManus, Sean.

Rich, Karen.

Mears, Carolyn Lunsford.

Kelley, Mike.

Muchoki, Samuel.

Juffer, Jane.

Carty, Ciaran.

Lambert, A.

Halling, S.

Palmer, Jennifer L.

Angel, Andrew.

Anderson, Jocelyn.

Smith, Sheila A.

Wallace, Irving.

Gordon, Elaine.
    Intimate Terms.
    Chicago : KWS Publishers, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Buriánek, Jirí.

Hoffman, Merle.

Hallendy, Norman.

Hatzidimitriadou, Eleni.

Sagara West, Michelle.

Malusa, Jim.

Leavitt, Caroline.
    Into Thin Air.
    : Dzanc Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Baker, Sybil.
    Into This World.
    Indianapolis : Engine Books, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Brueggemann, Walter.

Weaver, Tony.

Davis, Bridgett M.
    Into the Go-Slow.
    New York : The Feminist Press at CUNY, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Taylor, John.

Eklund, Sigge.
    Into the Labyrinth.
    Melbourne : Bonnier Publishing Australia, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Renaud, Anne.

Ahronson, Kristjan.

Malnick, Jon.

Bechard, Deni Ellis.

Sondheim, Stephen.

Anderson, Warwick.

Lussier, Betty.

Bindloss, Harold.
    Wellington : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Uversky, Vladimir N.

Tufail, John.

Kul-Want, Christopher.

Kelly, Michael J.

Woodfin, Rupert.

Brighton, Henry.

Bonham-Carter, David.

Thody, Philip.

Krause, Jörg.

Hope, Jane.

Newman, Jodie.

Sardar, Ziauddin.

Cullen, Kairen.

Maher, John.

Woodhouse, Alan.

Papineau, David.

Ross, Alistair.

Robinson, Dave.

Byrne, Judy.

Robinson, Dave.

Price, Alison.

Ennis, Cath.

Dannen, Chris.

Robinson, David.

Robinson, Dave.

Evans, Dylan.

Evans, Dylan.

Appignanesi, Richard.

Powell, James.

Hood, Stuart.

Horrocks, Christopher.

Pastine, Ivan.

Taylor, Denise.

Varanasi, Balaji.

Buckingham, Will.

Lal, Vinay.

Juneau, Josh.

Mairowitz, David.

Kul-Want, Christopher.

Leader, Darian.

Price, Alison.

Dieguez Castro, Jose.

Cryan, Dan.

Shatil, Sharron.

Curry, Patrick.

Reeves, Michael.

MacIntosh, Robert.

Prabhu, Anirudh.

Sardar, Ziauddin.

Varanasi, Balaji.

Kinsella, Caroline.

Robinson, Josh.

Watt, Tessa.

Rankin, William.

Gane, Laurence.

Furness-Smith, Patricia.

Furness-Smith, Patricia.

Whyntie, Tom.

Curnow, Trevor.

Sardar, Ziauddin.

Robinson, Dave.

Robinson, Dave.

Grenville-Cleave, Bridget.

Allcott, Graham.

Karter, John.

Krause, Jörg.

Bassett, Bruce.

Heath, Duncan.

Shenoy, Aravind.

McQuillan, Mike.

Feiler, Jesse.

Thody, Philip.

Bonham-Carter, David.

Cobley, Paul.

Nagle, John.

Gutierrez, Felipe.

Krause, Jörg.

Furness-Smith, Patricia.

Heaton, John.

Shenoy, Aravind.

Spencer, Lloyd.

Bresheeth, Haim.

Weidmann, Jim.

Berg, Lothar.

Katzourakis, Nikos.

Mitchell, Tommy.

Francione, Gary L.


Cordeiro, Gauss M.

De Silva, Padmasiri.

De Silva, Padmasiri.

Harrison, Mike.

Anderson, Tawa J.

Zunshine, Lisa.

Paquette, Andrew.

Sanderson, Christiane.

Winters, Robert C.

Birzer, Michael.

Warr, Jason.

Lau, J. Y. F.

Coutinho, Steve.

MacFarland, Thomas W.

Beysolow II, Taweh.

Pylayeva, Dana.

Ferraro, Katie.

Matsumoto, Brian.

Hull, Derek.

Lavor, Carlile.

Hultquist, Alan M.

Burtles, Jim.

Haddow, George.

Phillips, Brenda D.

Plag, Ingo.

Kahl, Alandra.

Nadeau, Jay.

Ayres, James Morgan.

O'Brien, Thomas J.

O'Brien, Thomas J.

Dobson, Annette J.

Kelsey, Todd.

Wang, Xiaolei.

Bohra, Mamta.

Miettinen, Satu.

Sosnoski, Daniel.

Kunii, Takezaki.

Garg, Vijay K.

Fredendall, Lawrence D.

Fredendall, Lawrence D.

Urbanowicz, Ryan J.

Zhilinskii, B.

Mitra, Sushmita.

Stroock, Daniel W.

Bijma, Fetsje.

Goodill, Sharon W.

Rubenzer, Bernard.

Bushell, Raymond.

Yadav, Neha.

Schafer, Richard D.

Schafer, Richard D.

Kraft, James S.

Bender, David A.


Olver, Peter.

Kane, Suzanne Amador.

Lavoie, M.

Ross, Sheldon M.

Blitzstein, Joseph K.

Bansal, Arvind Kumar.

Fight, Andrew.

Buchmann, Johannes A.

Albrecher, Hansjoerg.

Mishra, Vinod K.

Dayal, Vikram.

Drewitz, Alexander.

Matthews, John N.S.

Gackenheimer, Cory.

Kroeker, Wally.

Jones, Owen.

Kelsey, Todd.

Kelsey, Todd.

Zimmermann, Thomas Ede.

Kelsey, Todd.

Rai, Rumina.

Ekstrom, Claus Thorn.

Trosset, Michael W.

Chung, Kai Lai.

Tanii, Yoshiaki.

Prater, Edmund.

Hedges, Fran.

Yan, Min.

Williams, R. Tee.

Williams, R. Tee.

Majda, Andrew J.

Brunelli, Matteo.

Binz, Stephen J.

Read, Piers Paul.

Egelstaff, P.

Bellman, Richard.

Brown, Raymond E.

Stuart-Hamilton, Ian.

Rodrigues, Hillary P.

Geveci, Tunc.

Geveci, Tunc.

Geveci, Tunc.

Geveci, Tunc.

Sera, Mahomed Rafi.

Podges, Martin.

DeShea, Lise.

Rattenbury, Evelyn M.

Tierney, Richard.

Rash, Michael.

Hamwee, John.

Shaw, Colin.

Spatz, Gregory.
    New York : Bellevue Literary Press, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hallendy, Norman.

Campbell, John W.

Bell, John.

Kawan, Christoph.

Malkin, Michelle.

Burns, Eric.

Cheverton, Mark.

Fresán, Rodrigo.
    Invented Part.
    La Vergne : Open Letter, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lerer, Seth.

Ovejero, Jose.

Péporté, Pit.

Zieger, Susan.

Lecklider, Aaron.

Sanderford, Andrew R.

Siedentop, Larry.

Popkewitz, T.

Lamothe, Daphne.

O'Hara, S. Paul.

Landes, David S.

Loftus, Simon.

Demacopoulos, George E.

Bru, Sascha.

Kaviraj, Sudipta.

Bocketti, Gregg.

Miech, Irina.

Graham, J.

Lustiger, Gila.

Liang, Xiaoying.

Beilina, Larisa.

Cusset, François.

Schlachter, Michael C.

Mallard, Paul.

Lachapelle, Sofie.

König, Franziska.

Tang, Shuiyuan.

Sänger, Jessica.

Rinck, Julia.

Ahmadi, Kamal.

National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.

Dustin, Alan.

Patel, A.

Wild, Russell.

Murphy, Sharon Ann.

Schultz, Glenn M.

Staff, Asian Development Bank.

Kassam, Isabelle.

Publishing, OECD.

Koedijk, K.

Reamer, Norton.
    New York, NY : Columbia University Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Guimard, Anne.

Reuvid, Jonathan.

Carlin, John.

Betts, Torben.
    London : Oberon Books Ltd, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Pai, Hsiao-Hung.

Gordon, David M.

Muir, Sharona.
    Invisible Beasts.
    Toronto : Bellevue Literary Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Legerton, Colin.

Levin, Lindsay.

Morley, David.

Goria, Corinne.

A. Arroll, Megan.

Labriola, Anthony.

Shimo, Alexandra.

Decker, Julie Sondra.

Chesney-Lind, Meda.

Hauser, W. Kurt.

Schmeller, Mark G.

Ball, Toby.
    Invisible Streets.
    La Vergne : Gerald Duckworth & Co, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Keeling, Dave.

Kling, Arnold.

Cohen, Stuart Archer.

Marshall, Peter.

Kyle, Jethro.

Bramanti, Marco.

Mulholland Jr., M. Robert.

Walker-Kuhne, Donna.

Lehmann, Rosamond.

Lehmann, Rosamond.

Bowers, Terrell.

Fogarty, Robin J.

Norris, Gunilla.

Cismas, Sabina.

Code, Devon.

Carofiglio, Gianrico.

Woods, Robert T.

Pinson, Joseph.

Lewis, Ellie.

Wolf Fried, Eric.

Klein, Scott.

Nachod, F. C.

    Ion, Helen, Orestes.
    Cambridge : Hackett Publishing Company, Inc., 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Cremer, Till.

Owen, Gary.

Acheampong, Sophia.
    Ipods in Accra.
    Dorking : Piccadilly Press, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kindred, David.

Field, Rachel.

Katouzian, Homa.

Dabashi, Hamid.

Jett, Dennis C.

Maloney, Suzanne.

Bayandor, D.

Berman, Ilan.

Berman, Ilan.

Ehteshami, Anoushiravan.

Onderco, M.


Farzaneh, Mateo Mohammad.

Maslin, Jamie.

Secunda, Shai.

Robertson, John.
    Iraq : A History.
    London : Oneworld Publications, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Dawisha, Adeed.

Ludes, Jim.

Gardner, Lloyd C.

Hoffmann, Sophia.


Morad, T.

Coohill, Joseph.

Higgins, Rita Ann.

FitzGerald, Garret.

Jackman, Neil.

Fairbairn, Helen.

Myers, Kevin.

Patterson, H.

Fairbairn, Helen.

Rodgers, N.

Smyles, Iris.

Kirca, Mustafa.

McDiarmid, Lucy.

O'Donnell, Helen.

Keane, John B.

Hanton, Norma.
    Irish Connection.
    Guildford : Grosvenor House Publishing, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Caren, David.

Campbell, Alastair.

Somerville-Large, Peter.
    Irish Eccentrics.
    Dublin : The Lilliput Press, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

à Giolláin, Diarmuid.
    Irish Ethnologies.
    Notre Dame : University of Notre Dame Press, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Ferris, Paul.
    Irish Heartbeat.
    Claygate : Grosvenor House Publishing, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Flynn, Barry.

McEvoy, Dermot.

Ó Corráin, Donnchadh.
    Irish Names.
    Dublin : The Lilliput Press, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Brennan, Stephen.

O'Dowd, Niall.
    Irish Voice.
    Dublin : The O'Brien Press, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Wimmer, Dick.

O'Carroll, Íde B.

Yanoso, Nicole Anderson.

Choice, Editors'.

Munro, Rona.

Cunliffe, Barry.
    Iron Age Britain.
    : Pavilion Books Company Limited, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kajermo, Arja.
    Iron Age.
    La Vergne : Tramp Press, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Channer, Colin.

Hirt, Stefan.

Soria, Destiny.
    Iron Cast.
    New York : Abrams, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Swanwick, Michael.

Brand, Max.

Black, Rory.

Senzaki, Nyogen.

Frew, Alexander.

Bedford, Paul.
    Iron Horse.
    London : Robert Hale, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Cartwright, Anthony.
    Iron Towns.
    London : Profile Books, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kestin, Hesh.

Deland, Margaret.
    Iron Woman.
    Wellington : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Cook, Brad R.
    Iron Zulu.
    Elmwood Park : Treehouse Publishing Group, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gelb, Leslie H.

Hauptman, Laurence M.

Day, Vox.

Shiller, Robert J.

Banks, Robert.

Jacovsky, Marilyn.
    Newburyport : The Permanent Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Brody, Leslie.

Bankes, Liz.
    Dorking : Piccadilly Press, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Rathgeber, Brent.

Tucker, Aaron.

Arroll, Megan.

Larson, Darby.
    : Dzanc Books, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Metelmann, Jörg.

Lustig, Robin.

Villamere, J.C.

Barber, Elke.

Young, Richard Alan.

Seligman, Amanda I.

Sutherland, John.

Schaeffer D.Min, M.A.L.P., C.A.S., Brenda.

Rawlins, Abi.

Hansen, Adolf.

Lovelace, Earl.
    Is Just a Movie.
    Chicago : Haymarket Books, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hellmüller, Sara.

Taggart, John.

McClennen, S.

Harvey, A. E.

King, William.

Consiglio, Dan.

Davison, Peter.

Hunter, James Davison.

Rosemont, Henry.

Petrou, Michael.

Aiken, Joan.
    Is Underground.
    New York : Open Road Media Teen & Tween, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Posen, David.

Walker, Jill.

Wolff, Ferida.

Hamann, Ralph.

Fulton, Rikki.

Badham, Paul.

van Berkel, Klaas.

Caute, David.

Peña, Juan Ignacio.
    Isaac's Laugh.
    Pozuelo de Alarcon : Cuento de Luz, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Perl, Lila.
    Isabel's War.
    Brooklyn : Ig Publishing, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Yim Bridges, Shirin.

Hunter, Drew.

Ortlund Jr., Raymond C.

Motyer, Alec.

Aarsbergen-Ligtvoet, Connie.

Mitchison, Amanda.

Yorke, Edmund.

D'Aliberti, Giuseppe.
    Ischemic Stroke.
    Cham : Springer International Publishing, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book


Ryfle, Steve.

Reed, Ishmael.

Hajaj, Claire.
    Ishmael's Oranges.
    London : Oneworld Publications, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Ayoub, Mahmoud.

Mohammed, Riza.

Tibi, Bassam.

el-Nawawy, M.

Kadir, Shaik.
    Islam Explained.
    SG : Marshall Cavendish International, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Varisco, D.

Mondal, A.

McCarthy, Andrew C.

Soares, B.

Einboden, Jeffrey.

Enayat, Hadi.

Garcia, Humberto.

Bukay, David.

Mirakhor, A.

Amir-Aslani, Ardavan.

Von Denffer, Ahmad.
    Islam for Children.
    New York, NY : Kube Publishing Ltd, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Smith, Jane I.
    Islam in America.
    New York : Columbia University Press, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lewis, Bernard.

Singh, Dr.Y P.

Mahmassani, Maher S.

Geaves, Ron.

Elgamri, Elzain.

Al-Rawi, Ahmed.

El-Zein, Amira.

vom Bruck, Gabriele.

Kaya, Ayhan, Dr.

van Dijk, Kees.

Aslan, Ednan.

Alam, Nafis.

Alam, Nafis.

Mawdudi, Sayyid Abul A'la.

Alam, Nafis.

González, A.

Kamali, Mohammad Hashim.

Ustaoglu, M.

Al-Dawoody, A.

Khanbagi, Ramin.

Gibson, T.

Fakhry, Majid.

Booth, Anthony Robert.

Missbach, Antje.

Lister, Charles R.

Solomon, Hussein.

Rozehnal, R.

Shay, Shaul.

Zaman, Tahir.

Bucar, Elizabeth.

Emon, Anver.

Ernst, C.

Zempi, I.

Schweighardt, Joan.
    Island : A Novel.
    New York : The Permanent Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Birmingham, George A.
    Island Mystery.
    Auckland : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Galsworthy, John.
    Island Pharisees.
    Auckland : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Wilson, Neil.

Covarrubias, Miguel.
    Island of Bali.
    North Clarendon : Tuttle Publishing, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Chappell, Connery.

Clark, Gregory James.
    Island of Dreams.
    La Vergne : Clink Street Publishing, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Brooks, Ben.

Stockdale, John Joseph.
    Island of Java.
    Singapore : Tuttle Publishing, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Spalding, Andrea.

Spitz, Chantal.

Altenberg, Karin.
    Island of Wings.
    : House of Anansi Press, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Carey, Benedict.

Murphy, Dervla.

Levez, Olivia.
    New York, NY : Oneworld Publications, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Garnier, Pascal.
    London : Gallic Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Wall, William.

Addiego, John.

Treffert, Darold A.

Campbell, John W.
    Islands of Space.
    Wellington : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gamerro, Carlos.
    High Wycombe : And Other Stories Publishing, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Pieri, Joe.

Muir, Jonny.

Morgan, Peter.

Reed, Alan.
    Isobel and Emile.
    Toronto : Coach House Books, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Latner, Albert.

Schalit, Joel.

Salaita, Steven.
    Israel's Dead Soul.
    Philadelphia : Temple University Press, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Alam, M.

Madmoni-Gerber, S.

Sultan, Cathy.

Machover, Moshé.

Barari, Hassan A.

Shmueli, Deborah F.

Capdevila-Arguelles, Laura.

Ziyalan, Mustafa.
    Istanbul Noir.
    Brooklyn : Akashic Books, 2008.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Levi, Mario.

Nikitin, Alexei.
    London : Peter Owen Publishers, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Myers, Paul.

McKy, Katie.

Muller, Etna.
    It All Goes Wrong.
    Johannesburg : Wordweaver Publishing House, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Simmons, JoAnne.

July, Miranda.
    It Chooses You.
    San Francisco : McSweeney's, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Barstow, Phyllida.

Greenhalgh, Malcolm.

Burrows, Bob.

Collins, Arda.
    It Is Daylight.
    New Haven : Yale University Press, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Tchividjian, Tullian.

Dever, Mark.

Goldbach, John.

Lyttelton, Humphrey.

Collinsworth, Eden.

Jay, Debra.

Silva, Diedre.

Adams, D.

Daugherty, Tracy.

Gutlon, Jerry M.

Savage, Sam.

Morris, Harry.

Hammett, Dashiell.

Kirkwood, Lucy.

Fischer, Dr Thomas.


Ostrowski, Pierre.

Gosling, Lucinda.

Hunt, Roger.

Smith, Jane.

Liner, Mike.

Savoie, Jane.

Wainwright, Andrew T.

Lansky, Vicki.

Book, Lauren.

Dowell, Roseanne.

Bedford, S.

Barton, Michael.

Hansen, Amelia.

Kiyosaki, Kim.

Gross, James J.

Pryce, Vicky.

Barkalow, Gary.

Keselman, Gabriela.
    It's a Gift!.
    Madrid : Cuento de Luz, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Chilton, Steve.

Brannon, Tom.

Morris, Douglas E.

Farris, Joseph.

DeYoung, Bud.

Schmitt, Sarah J.

Smith, Jane.

Smith, Jane.

Mastrolilli, Paolo.

Paris, Philip.
    Italian Chapel.
    : Black & White Publishing, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Ben-Ghiat, R.

Montanari, Massimo.

Puglisi, Prestinenza.
    Italian Interiors.
    Basel/Berlin/Boston : Birkhäuser, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lambert, Linda.

Mankell, Henning.

Cossu, Andrea.

Pojmann, Wendy.

Lourdeaux, Lee.

Picarazzi, Teresa L.
    Italian for Dummies.
    Somerset : John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Radcliffe, Ann.
    London : Alma Books, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Calvino, Italo.

Kortlandt, Frederik,.

Tomalin, Barry.

Bindi, Federiga.

Pearson, Mark.

Diodato, Emidio.

Foot, J.

Fortis, Marco.

Anthony, Greg.

Clark, Erin.

Magolda, Peter M.

Ernst, Carl W.

Charles, Victoria.
    Ivan Shishkin.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

de Madariaga, Isabel.
    Ivan the Terrible.
    London : Yale University Press, 2005.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Almada, Ariel Andrés.
    Ivan's Fear.
    Madrid : Cuento de Luz, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Browne, Ivor.

Chaiklin, M.

Brenner, Summer.

Klee, Miles.

Rawson, Andrew.
    Iwo Jima 1945.
    Toronto : Dundurn, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Wheeler, Richard.
    Annopolis : Naval Institute Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Chamberlayne, Kate.

Kawabata, Yasunari.

Webb, Holly.
    Izzy's River.
    London : Nosy Crow, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gaddis, William.
    J R.
    Normal, IL : Columbia University Press, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Cartwright, Talula.

Oketani, Shogo.

Offutt, Jason.

Kruger, David Delbert.

Clarkson, Carrol.

Leist, Anton.

Bailey, Anthony.

Wilson, Jason.

Donleavy, J.P.

Iannuzzi, John Nicholas.
    Newburyport : MADCAN Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Thomas, Kenn.

McCann, Liam.

Riedel, Bruce.

Cunningham, William Michael.

Weil, Zaro.

Crespo, Ana.

Crespo, Ana.

Crespo, Ana.

Pande, Arun.

Vohra, Deepak.

Jackson, Wallace.

Chappell, Adam.

Youssef, Marcus.
    New York, NY : Talonbooks, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Albiston, Jordie.
    Jack & Mollie (& Her).
    Saint Lucia : University of Queensland Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Sayer, George.

Buck, Jack.

Taylor, G.P.
    Jack D'Arc.
    La Vergne : Grosvenor House Publishing, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Taub, Michael.

Swanwick, Michael.
    Jack Faust.
    Newburyport : Open Road Media Sci-Fi & Fantasy, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Rhoades, J.D.

London, Jack.

Shaw, Mark.

Beahm, George.

Symon, Andrew.

Symon, Andrew.

Symon, Andrew.

Batterson, Mark.

Batterson, Mark.

Batterson, Mark.

Easton, Don.

Thorne, Jack.

Cooper, James Fenimore.

Eldridge, Jim.

Janowitz, Brenda.

Jemphrey, Nicola.
    Jack and the Wardrobe.
    Milton Keynes : Scripture Union England and Wales, 2008.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Grinnell, George Bird.

Zelazny, Roger.
    Jack of Shadows.
    Chicago : Chicago Review Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Begg, Paul.

Monaghan, David.

Gosling, Justin.

Dougal, Kirk.
    Madison : Ragnarok Publications, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Grossinger, Tania.

Oceanak, Karla.
    Jackpot : Book 10.
    Fort Collins : Bailiwick Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

MacDonald, Alan.
    London : Stripes Publishing, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Naifeh, Steven.

Bellatin, Mario.

Herriot, Trevor.

Love, Dane.
    Jacobite Stories.
    Glasgow : Neil Wilson Publishing, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Badiou, Alain.

Cain, Cate.
    Jade Boy.
    Surrey : Templar Publishing, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Round, Jeffrey.

Turney, S.J.A.
    Jade Empire.
    London : Canelo Digital Publishing Ltd, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Choy, Wayson.
    Jade Peony.
    Vancouver : D & M Publishers, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Madsen, Wayne.

Naughton, Lara.
    Jaguar Man.
    North Clarendon : Central Recovery Press, LLC, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bowles, Robin.

Smith-Matheson, Shirlee.
    Jailbird Kid.
    Toronto : Dundurn, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Wells, Zachariah.

Bell, Aaron.
    Jak's Story.
    Toronto : Dundurn, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Whitmarsh, Andrew.

Editors, Periplus.

Carr, Bernie.

Dowding, Philippa.

Stoner, Mike.
    Jalan Jalan.
    Boston : Tuttle Publishing, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

de la Roche, Mazo.
    Toronto : Dundurn, 2006.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Goldsher, Alan.
    Jam : A Novel.
    Newburyport : The Permanent Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gilbert, Greg.

Kroll, Woodrow.

Leeming, David.

King, Lovalerie.

Bartleman, James.

South, James B.

Yeffeth, Glenn.

Pearson, John.
    James Bond.
    London : Ian Fleming Publications, 2008.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Collins, Lorcan.

Howlett, John.
    James Dean.
    London : Plexus Publishing Ltd., 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Ferguson, Julie H.

Halloran, Thomas.

Zapico, Alfonso.

Shea, Daniel M.

DeRosso, Diana.

Charles, Victoria.

Rains, Rob.

Munro, Rona.

Larsen, Wayne.

Larsen, Wayne.

Briscoe, Stuart.
    La Vergne : SPCK, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hollon, Frank Turner.

Sharpe, Matthew.
    La Vergne : Dzanc Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Smith, Kevin.
    Jammy Dodger.
    Dingwall : Sandstone Press Ltd, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Schabas, Ezra.

Steyn, Richard.

Ewing, Juliana Horatia.

Petersen, Barry.

Nelson, Maggie.
    Jane : A Murder.
    Washington : Soft Skull Press, 2005.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Clery, E. J.

Hornby, Gill.

Klingel Ray, Joan Elizabeth.

Austen, Jane.

Austen, Jane.

Chwe, Michael Suk-Young.

Peterson, Dale.

Brontë, Charlotte.

Goodall, Jane.
    Jane Goodall.
    New York : Abrams, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Brown, Charles Brockden.
    Jane Talbot.
    Wellington : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Pym, Barbara.

Pym, Barbara.

Freeling, Nicolas.
    London : Arcadia Books Limited, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Goulbourne, Jean.
    London : HopeRoad, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Goodwin, Godfrey.
    London : Saqi, 2006.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Sansom, G.B.

Hane, Mikiso.

Rebischung, James.

Carroll, John.

Bank, Asian Development.

Bank, Asian Development.

Bank, Asian Development.

Bank, Asian Development.

Bank, Asian Development.

Bank, Asian Development.

Parramore, Lisa.

Iwatate, Marcia.

Richie, Donald.

Marks, Andreas.

Iwatate, Marcia.

Prestowitz , Clyde.

Rosenbluth, Frances McCall.

Publishing, Tuttle.

De Mente, Boye Lafayette.

Shirane, Haruo.

Francks, Penelope.

Vardaman, James M.

Youngshik, B.

Jain, Purnendra.

Hayes, Declan.

Sherif, Ann.

Rielly, Robin L.

De Mente, Boye Lafayette.

Togo, Kazuhiko.

Craig, Darrell Max.

Dougill, John.

Sadler, A.L.

Covello, Vincent T.

Reynolds, Betty.

Leggett, Trevor.

Fujita, Kuniko.

Yanagi, Tetsuo.

Clark, Rodney.
    Japanese Company.
    North Clarendon : Tuttle Publishing, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Davies, Roger J.

Graham, Patricia J.

Hara, Tameichi.

Vardaman, James M.

Ozaki, Yei Theodora.

Nakamura, Jun-ichi.

Ross, Catrien.

Endo, Homare.

Yasuda, Kenneth.

Gleeson, Jim.

McCabe, Glen.

Stout, Timothy.

Stout, Timothy G.

Patten, Rosemary.

Morse, Edward.

Craig, Darrell Max.

Kask, Alexander.

Kask, Alexander.

Millen, John.

Hadamitzky, Wolfgang.

Keirstead, Richard S.

Stout, Timothy G.

Kindaichi, Haruhiko.
    Japanese Language.
    North Clarendon : Tuttle Publishing, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Monane, Tazuko Ajiro.

Davies, Roger J.

Seligmann, Ari.

Obara-Minnitt, Mika.

Malm, William P.

Wright, Danielle.

Battaglia, Vanda.

Dewar, Andrew.

Brier, Sam.

Sadler, A.L.

Inoguchi, Takashi.

Richie, Donald.

Michener, James A.

Takano, Hiromitsu.

De Mente, Boye Lafayette.

Ashcraft, Brian.

Constantine, Peter.

Hyok Lee, Seung.

Seki, Akihiko.

Thornber, Karen.

Rampo, Edogawa.

Ashcraft, Brian.

Sadler, A. L.

Broderick, Setsu.

Wilson, Sandra.

Shibahara, Taeko.

Marks, Andreas.

Miura, Akira.

Kamiya, Taeko.

Osuka, Shigeru.

Scott, Rutherford.

Millen, John.

Yamakuse, Yoji.

Amakasu Raposo, Pedro.

Hughes, C.

Gray, Simon.

Nixon, Cornelia.

Forman, Justus Miles.
    Jason : A Romance.
    Wellington : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Mayfield, Dan.

Dea, Carl.
    Java 8 Recipes.
    Berkeley, CA : Apress, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gonzalez, Javier Fernandez.

Sanaulla, Mohamed.
    Java 9 Cookbook.
    Birmingham : Packt Publishing, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Ramgir, Mayur.

Jecan, Alexandru.

Verhas, Peter.

Juneau, Josh.

Sharan, Kishori.

Editors, Periplus.

Fischer, Robert.

Hubbard, John R.

Sarcar, Vaskaran.


Müller, Michael.

Burd, Barry.

Lassoff, Mark.

Olsson, Mikael.



Kurniawan, Budi.

Heckler, Mark.

Dea, Carl.

Hudson, Shane.

Zaidi, Rehan.

Ambler, Tim.

Rinehart, Martin.

Olsson, Mikael.

Ferguson, Russ.

Faust, Mike.

Juneau, Josh.

Robson, Stuart.

Weekes, Don.

Maniguet, Xavier.

Estes, Todd.

Frame, Janet.

Lowney, John.

Hart, Sybil L.

Beliveau, Jean.

Bergan, Ronald.

Colombo, John Robert.

Tom, Teri.

Cheng, David.

Smith, Jeff.

Smith, Jeff.

Smith, Jeff.

Smith, Jeff.

Smith, Jeff.

Jefferson, Thomas.

DuRey, Will.

Nelson, Mary J.

Forster, Carolyn.
    Jelly Roll Scraps.
    Tunbridge Wells : Search Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Numeroff, Laura.

Soni, Mitesh.

Soni, Mitesh.

Dreiser, Theodore.
    Jennie Gerhardt.
    Philadelphia : University of Pennsylvania Press, 2006.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Adourian, Hamish.

Marsh, Katherine.

Lundbom, Jack R.

Sol, Adam.
    Jeremiah, Ohio.
    : House of Anansi Press, 2007.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gutman, Bill.

Keeling, Jeremy.
    Jeremy and Amy.
    London : Short Books, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Small, Jeffrey.

Doran, Casey.
    Jericho's Razor.
    New York : Polis Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hurter, Bill.

Moffatt, Jerry.

Bowen, Margaret Casterline.

Butterworth, Jez.

Britton, Barbara M.

Dumper, Michael.

Charyn, Jerome.
    Jerzy : A Novel.
    La Vergne : Bellevue Literary Press, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Cody, H. A.

Webb, Holly.

Triplett, Frank.

Woog, Adam.

Swale, Jessica.

Banchoff, Thomas.

Allen, Preston L.
    Jesus Boy.
    Brooklyn : Akashic Books, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Fernando, Ajith.

Murray, Andrew.
    Jesus Himself.
    Crownhill : Authentic Media, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Brinkman, Martien E.

Anderson, Debby.

Bird, Michael F.

Scheeres, Julia.

Wells, George Albert.
    Jesus Legend.
    Chicago, IL : Open Court, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Smith, Stephen W.

The Jesus Lizard,.

Fletcher-Louis, Crispin.

Weyler, Rex.

Shedinger, Robert F.

Horsley, Richard A.

Kostenberger, Margaret Elizabeth.

Schouten, Jan Peter.

Parrinder, Geoffrey.

Verhoeven, Paul.
    Jesus of Nazareth.
    New York : Seven Stories Press, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Limbaugh, David.

Belliotti, Raymond Angelo.

DeWitt, Dan.

Cox, Jennifer Anne.

Spriggs, David.
    Jesus the Jew.
    La Vergne : Bible Society Resources Ltd, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Strachan, Gordon.

Stein, Robert H.

Vickers, Brian.

Wenkel, David H.

Frilingos, Christopher A.

Lowitz, Leza.

Vantoch, Victoria.

Chessex, Jacques.
    Jew Must Die.
    London : Bitter Lemon Press, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Apple, Max.

Aiken, Joan.
    Jewel Seed.
    Newburyport : Open Road Media Young Readers, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Stewart-David, David.
    Jewel Thief Retired.
    Claygate : Grosvenor House Publishing, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Ward, Penny.
    Edinburgh : Fledgling Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Czerkawska, Catherine.
    Glasgow : Saraband, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Tregenza, Sharon.
    Jewelled Jaguar.
    La Vergne : Firefly Press Limited, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Sheehan, Aurelie.

Van Voorhees, Karin.

Etienne, Doris.

Etienne, Doris.

Rhodes, David.

Bogdanor, Paul.

Kuznets, Simon.

Goshen-Gottstein, Alon.

Boyarin, Daniel.

David-Weill, Natalie.

Himmelfarb, Gertrude.

Kaplan, Ron.


Mishkin, David.

Namli, Elena.

Lisowski, Gabriel.

Shetreet, Shimon.

Lafi, Nora.

Kolsky, Thomas A.

Rebhun, Uzi.

Rothkirchen, Livia.

Bartal, Israel.

Plaut, Jonathan V.

Wright, Michael.

Butterworth, Jez.

Davies, Michael.

Roshandel, J.

Verkaik, Robert.

    : G2 Rights Ltd, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Rosenthal, John.

Dillwyn, Amy.
    Ceredigion : Honno Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Butler, Halle.
    : Curbside Splendor Publishing, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Denman, Varina.
    Jilted : A Novel.
    Colorado Springs, CO : David C. Cook, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Howker, Ed.

Toback, James.

Jonas, Georgina.
    Jim Jam.
    La Vergne : Crown House Publishing, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Palmer, Jim.

Hope, Christopher.
    London : Atlantic Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Saunders, William.

Hopkins, Jerry.

Cavill, Guy.

McKenna, Erin.

Mitchell, Nancy.

MacAskill, Kenny.

Coe, Jonathan.

Munn, Michael.

Westlake, Donald E.
    Jimmy the Kid.
    : Road, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Riley, Elliot.
    Jing's Family.
    Chicago, IL : Britannica Digital Learning, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Riordan, Lee.

Dixon Gottschild, Brenda.

Bruce, Deborah.

Ash, Christopher.

Stevens, R. Paul.

McCauley, Cynthia D.

McCauley, Cynthia D.

Murray, M.



Desai, Narayan.

Sutton, Malcolm.
    Job Shadowing.
    Toronto : BookThug, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Wiegan, David B.

Furguson, Barbara.

Jones, Paul Hedley.

Wilson, Lindsay.
    Grand Rapids : Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Iversen, Roberta Rehner.

Jones, Tom.

Ong, Paul.

Patrias, Carmela.

Pagano, Michael A.

Peterson, Shelley.
    Jockey Girl.
    Toronto : Dundurn, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Celko, Joe.

Celko, Joe.

Celko, Joe.

Celko, Joe.

Celko, Joe.

Falls, Joe.

Farace, Joe.

Mitchell, Joseph.

Castello, Joe.

Carlson, Elliot Ward.

Pepitone, Joe.

Buel, Jr., Richard.

Argyle, Ray.

Swenson, Sandra.

Seares, Margaret.

Hughes, R. Kent.

Manchester, Simon.
    John 14-17.
    La Vergne : SPCK, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Buzzard, Justin.

G. Kruse, Colin.

Baron, Robert C.

Ryerson, Richard Alan.

Popple, Robert.

Mason, Miriam E.

Bonham, Mick.

Lubet, Steven.

Godfrey, W. Robert.

Piper, John.

Zirin, Dave.

Baile, Lisa.

James, Marlon.

Rockefeller, John D.

Baldacchino, John.

Paul, Anthony.
    John Doe.
    Claygate : Grosvenor House Publishing, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hicks, Paul DeForest.

Johnston, Susanna.

Brooke, Lenz.

Gay, John.

Evans, Gary.
    John Grierson.
    Montreal, QC : Dundurn, 2005.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Sisson, Kathryn Cleven.

Esfeld, Michael.

Porwancher, Andrew.

Hick, John.

Sinkinson, Christopher.

O'Connell, Brian.

Snyder, Michael.

White, R.

Burns, James MacGregor.

Gann, Kirby.

Hamilton, Adam.

Cavill, Guy.

Logan, John.
    John Logan.
    London : Oberon Books Ltd, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

MacArthur, Jr.

MacArthur, Jr.

Fallon, Donal.

Hickson, Kevin.

Braddon, Mary Elizabeth.

Martin, John.

Padua, D.

Davidson, P.

Campbell, Stuart.

    John McPhee.
    : Dzanc Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hawkes, David.

Flannagan, Roy.

Locker, Thomas.

Wenk, Elizabeth.

Wenk, Elizabeth.

Wenk, Elizabeth.

Wenk, Elizabeth.

Aitken, Jonathan.

Callo, Joseph.

Lorenz, Lincoln.

Waldstreicher, David.

Franken, Dirk.

Rae, John.

Audard, Catherine.
    John Rawls.
    Montreal : MQUP, 2007.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Johnson, Freddy.

Johnson, Freddy.

Derbyshire, Oliver.

Solomonescu, Yasmin.

Sander, Kathleen Waters.

Deland, Margaret.

MacEwan, Grant.

Mompoint, Marc.

Amirante, Sam L.

Ramage, James A.

Wilson, John.

Hamilton, Adam.

Conway, Colleen M.

Barnett, Paul.

Coover, Robert.
    John's Wife.
    : Dzanc Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Anderson, Paul N.

Huss, John.

Abee, Steve.
    Johnny Future.
    Douglas : MP Publishing, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Snell, Roy J.
    Johnny Longbow.
    Auckland : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Malarek, Victor.

Ryan, Marie-Laure.

Dang, Deborah.

Sterry, David Henry.

Bindloss, Harold.

Harrow, Susan.

Rosenberg, Tina.

Foran, Charles.

Ross, J. Andrew.

Goldberg, Edward.

Thomas, Stephen.
    Toronto : BookThug, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

McDonough, Vickie.
    Joline's Redemption.
    Uhrichsville : Barbour Publishing, Inc., 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Stott, Richard.

Macdonald, Allan J.

Speelman, Jon.

Narozny, Christopher.
    Jonah Man.
    Brooklyn : Ig Publishing, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Cady, Jack.
    Jonah Watch.
    WA : Resurrection House, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Holman, Robert.

Powell Smith, Brendan.

Janic, Susan.

Story, Ronald.

Monk, Katherine.

Kloostra, Simon.

Holzner, Steve.

Pataki, Zita Ágota.

Harker, Ethan.

Gregory, Stephen.

Harris, Harry.

Thompson, Tulia.

Goddard, John.

Man, Ray.

Dryden, L.

Thacker, T.

Welch, Tim.

Blundell, Nigel.


Tavares, Gonçalo M.

Smith, Brendan Powell.

Baucham Jr., Voddie.

Henderson, Jennifer Morag.

Craig, Lee A.

Martí, José.

Gill, R. A.
    Josh Cody.
    Claygate : Grosvenor House Publishing, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Jackman, David.

Kaiser, James.

Pelman, Cynthia.

Renz, David O.

Collignon, Rick.

McIntosh, Malcolm.

Chheang, VanNarith.


Gaufman, Elizaveta.

Fedor, Julie.

Legat, Nicola.

Ellis, William.

Barbellion, W.N.P.

Russell, Osborne.

Van Mierlo, Wim.

Constantine, Lloyd.

Stafford-Clark, Max.

Swift, Jonathan.
    Journal to Stella.
    Newburyport : Dover Publications, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Niblock, Sarah.

Brown, Fred.

Zelizer, B.

Ryfe, David M.

van Tuyll, Debra Reddin.

Feinstein, Anthony.

Trilling, Lionel.

Polan, Elaine.

Weil, Zaro.

Eubanks, Toni.

Aiken, Nick.

Preston-Gannon, Frann.
    Journey Home.
    London : Pavilion Books, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Patton, Susannah.

Felton, R. Todd.

Nickerson, Angela K.

Gehring, Charles.

Divine, The Sisterhood of St. John the.

Greenway, Paul.

Renee Bozarth, Alla.

Lipscomb, Suzannah.

Anglo, Joshua.

Szerb, Antal.

Hamilton, Adam.

Shadd, Adrienne.

Ahmed, Akbar.

Ahmed, Akbar.

Shillinglaw, Susan.

Blanch, Lesley.

Stein, Leslie.

Mills, DiAnn.

Errico, Daniel.

Errico, Daniel.

Kulak, Daryl.

Shagrir, Leah.

Nguyen, Xuan Thuy.

Herie, Euclid.

Herie, Euclid.

Moody, Josh.

Berger, Phyllis.

Hsiao, Christie.

Johnson, Flynn.

Cheng'en, Wu.

Renwick, Robin.

Pitol, Sergio.
    : Deep Vellum Publishing, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Littledale, Richard.
    Milton Keynes : Authentic Media, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Woodward, James.

Smith, Ben.

Johnson , Samuel.

Ferrier, Åsa.

Palmisano, Richard.

Pitt-Kethley, Fiona.

Newman, Rodney.

Brownback, Lydia.

Morley, Paul.

Holbrook, Susan.

Smith, Brad.

Bakke, Dennis W.

Marques, Joan.

Forster, Greg.

Beffort, Brian.

Rowinski, Kate.

Morris, Rick.

MacLean, Harry.

Crook, Christina.

Hopkinson, Frank.

Silverman, Emma.

Dugdale, Sasha.
    Nottingham : Carcanet, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

O'Connor, Ulick.

Goldman, Jonathan.
    Joyce and the Law.
    Gainesville : University Press of Florida, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Brown, Richard.

Bénéjam, Valérie.
    Syracuse : Syracuse University Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

O'Neill, Christine.

Kershner, R. Brandon.

Slemmons, Timothy Matthew.

Gibson, Jean.

Hanas, Jim.

Wesling, Donald.

Hayes, Joe.

Gough, Barry.

Arditti, Michael.
    London : Arcadia Books Limited, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hjortsberg, William.

Heathcote, Jud.

Prose, Francine.

Ehrlich, David.

Cohn-Sherbok, Dan.

Ellis, Marc H.

Kessler, Herbert L.

Brill, Alan.

Stanford, Peter.

Cadnum, Michael.

Nesbit, Jeff.
    Jude : A Novel.
    Colorado Springs : David C. Cook, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Law, Jude.

Gough, Julian.
    Jude in Ireland.
    London : Old Street Publishing, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gough, Julian.
    Jude in London.
    London : Old Street Publishing, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Parks, Tim.

Allen, Dwight.
    : Dzanc Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Sehri, Inam.

Kroll, Woodrow.

Sehri, Inam.

Sehri, Inam.

Sehri, Inam.

Evans, Mary J.
    Judges and Ruth.
    Westmont : InterVarsity Press, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Corriero, Michael A.

Knowles, H.

Collins, Paul.

Dench, Judi.

van der Schyff, Gerhard.

Sieder, Rachel.

Otaki, Tadao.

Ishikawa, Takahiko.

Lenski, Lois.
    Judy's Journey.
    Newburyport : Open Road Media Teen & Tween, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Purdon, Leslie.

Hutchison, Robert.

Gelsinger, Pat.

Bryan, Sean.
    Juggling Pug.
    New York : Sky Pony Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bryan, Sean.
    Juggling Pug.
    New York : Sky Pony Press, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Becker, Stephen.
    Juice : A Novel.
    New York : Open Road Media, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Cabot, Sandra.

Reed, Ishmael.
    Juice! : A Novel.
    Normal, IL : Columbia University Press, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Chin, Oliver.

Armstrong, Lori.

Snyder, Carrie.
    Juliet Stories.
    : House of Anansi Press, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Jenkins, Simon.

Kimpton, Archie.
    London : Hot Key Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Williams, Donna.

Ratner, Austin.
    Jump Artist.
    Jackson : Bellevue Literary Press, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hall, Doug.

Hall, Doug.

Hall, Doug.

Caponi-Tabery, Gena.

Materna, Laurie E.

Wells, Tom.

Bergen, Ernst.

Rachlin, Nahid.

Brown, Tim.

Calvert, Kathy.

McCoy, Maureen.
    Teaticket : Leapfrog Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Stein, Murray.

Ghinsberg, Yossi.

Sinclair, Upton.
    Jungle : A Novel.
    Newburyport : Open Road Media, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kipling, Rudyard.

Kipling, Rudyard.
    Jungle Book.
    La Vergne : Waverley Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kipling, Rudyard.
    Jungle Book.
    : Thunder Bay Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Casserly, Gordon.
    Jungle Girl.
    Wellington : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Walters, Eric.
    Jungle Land.
    Victoria : Orca Book Publishers, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Cheverton, Mark.

Chesbro, George C.

Sinclair, Upton.
    New York, NY : Clydesdale Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Cameron, Rob.

Fenton, Tom.

Derry, Martin.
    Junkers Ju87 Stuka.
    Havertown : Pen & Sword Books Limited, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Thorne, Jack.

Zuehlke, Mark.

Toomey, Dan.

Michaud, Nicolas.

Dorsett, Shaunnagh.

Metcalf, Franz.

Aronowitz, Stanley.

Deutschmann, Rod.

Farrell, Mike.

Sloan, Holly Goldberg.

Hopkins, Belinda.

Ahn, Ilsup.

Heald, Tim.

Hoppes, Jonna Doolittle.

Rushton, Rosie.

Brown, Azby.

Daigle, France.

FitzGerald, Garret.

Frayne, Jesse.

Rawlinson, Mary C.

Freegard, Lucy.
    Just Like Daddy.
    London : Pavilion Books, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Cato, Joyce.

Deutschmann, Rod.

Abercromby, Pat.
    Just One Life.
    La Vergne : Clink Street Publishing, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Porter, Winton.

Johnson, Colin R.

Edwards, Lee.

Schnase, Robert.

Tippetts, Kara.

Kipling, Rudyard.
    Just So Stories.
    La Vergne : Racehorse for Young Readers, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Adler, Dahlia.
    Just Visiting.
    Elmwood Park : Spencer Hill Contemporary, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Defreyne, Emilie.

Lucas, Samuel Roundfield.

Chaudhry, Zia.

Chaudhry, Zia.

Arluke, Arnold.

O'Malley Cerra, Kerry.

Mawhinney, Brian.

Lu, C.

    Just for Fins.
    Surrey : Templar Publishing, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Isaac, R.

Watson, Larry.
    Justice : Stories.
    Minneapolis : Milkweed Editions, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Vernon, Richard.

Katz, Helena.

Burt, Robert A.

Robinson, R.

Sim, Stuart.

Johnson, Norman J.

Kirby, Jacqui.


Ryan, Sara.

Bowlt, Eileen M.

Braswell, Michael C.

Canuel, Mark.

Schejter, Amit M.

Salane, Jeffrey.
    Dorking : Piccadilly Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Goode, Erich.

Carveth, Rod.

Sproul, R. C.

Wilén, N.

Young, Huguette.

Licht, Matthew.

Mondrup, Iben.
    La Vergne : Open Letter, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hill, Selima.
    Tyne and Wear : Bloodaxe Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Blakeslee, Vanessa.
    New York : Curbside Splendor Publishing, 2008.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Mason, Andrew.

Jennings, Maureen.

Reynolds, Glenn Harlan.
    K-12 Implosion.
    New York : Encounter Books, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Russell, Mark James.

McKenzie, Grant.
    New York : Polis Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Moorehead, Catherine.

Adams, Brian.
    New York : Green Writers Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Whittington-Egan, Molly.

Cartwright, Phoenix.
    Claygate : Grosvenor House Publishing, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Sundel, Al.

Publishing, Standard.

Usha Mujoo Munshi, Vinod K. Sharma.

Shelley, Arthur.

Kodama, Yuji.

Chambers, Stan.

Crocker, Gareth.
    Elmwood Park : Bookstorm, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Horwitz, Daniel M.

Shaver, Ruth M.
    Kabuki Costume.
    North Clarendon : Tuttle Publishing, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Stevens, Marco.

Fassett, Kaffe.

Fassett, Kaffe.

Martin, Patrice.
    Kafka's Hat.
    Vancouver : Talonbooks, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Leviant, Curt.
    Kafka's Son.
    Westland : Dzanc Books, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Geier, Ted.

Soudan, François.

Hoffman, Allen.

Hussein, Aamer.

Bushrui, Suheil.

Souter, Gerry.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Souter, Gerry.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Eichner, Hans.

Maclaren, Ian.

Nash, Andrew.

Boesak, Allan Aubrey.

Hewitt, Nick.


Zhang, Ping.

Holsti, Kalevi.
    Kalevi Holsti.
    Cham : Springer International Publishing, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Holsti, Kalevi.
    Kalevi Holsti.
    Cham : Springer International Publishing, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Schultz, Corey P.

Gorodischer, Angélica.

Lacroix, Nitya.

Lamairesse, E.
    Kama Sutra.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lopez, Robert.

Sanders, Lauren.
    Kamikaze Lust.
    New York : Akashic Books, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

New, Christopher.

Otsuka, Keisetsu.

Keirstead, Richard S.

Guerman, Mikhaïl.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kandinsky, Wassily.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Guerman, Mikhaïl.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Guerman, Mikhaïl.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Guerman, Mikhaïl.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Dawson, Terence J.

Smythe, Frank.

David, Vee.

Editors, Periplus.

Whelan, Christal.

Stallard, Mark.

Paul, Steve.
    Kansas City Noir.
    Brooklyn : Akashic Books, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gale, Patrick.

Garber, Daniel.

Williams, Howard.

Cohen, A.

Byrne, Peter.

Trampota, Andreas.

Aune, Bruce.

Steiner, Sam.

Conescu, William.

Siwach, P S.

Ugresic, Dubravka.
    Karaoke Culture.
    Rochester : Open Letter, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Rielly, Robin L.
    Karate Basics.
    North Clarendon : Tuttle Publishing, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Urban, Peter.

Nakamura, Tadashi.

Nishiyama, Hidetaka.

Killilea, Marie.

Mercury, Karen.

Perry, John R.
    Karim Khan Zand.
    London : Oneworld Publications, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Small, Robin.


Stockhammer, Morris.

Wendling, A.

Dale, Gareth.

Michael, Brie.

Dumas, Alexandre.

Burkhard, Ursula.

Ladd, Mike.

Cosgrove, Stephen.
    : Heritage Builders, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bolduc, Mario.

Alcock, GG.

Karolyi, Tibor.

Nance, John J.

De Mente, Boye Lafayette.

Fleming, May Agnes.

spade new york, kate.

york, kate.

Butalia, Urvashi.

Boileau, Anne.

Kimber, Gerri.

Kimber, Gerri.

Douglas, Amanda Minnie.
    Kathie's Soldiers.
    Wellington : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Carmichael, Kathy.

Golden, Jay.

Naish, Sarah.

Eckhardt, Kaycee.

Morey, Kathy.

Horowitz, Lenore W.

Horowitz, Lenore W.

Purnell, Paul.
    Kazak Contract.
    La Vergne : Clink Street Publishing, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Mukhamedova, Raikhangul.

Cannon, Moya.
    Keats Lives.
    Manchester : Carcanet Press Ltd., 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

LaFaye, A.
    Minneapolis : Milkweed Editions, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Tomlinson, Charlotte.

Harrison, Paul.

Lacey, James G.


Olsson, Jan.

Francis, Clare.
    Keep Me Close.
    New York : Open Road Media Mystery & Thriller, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Largent, Mark A.

Sherk, Bill.

Rennison, Mick.

Batten, Jack.

Caron, Jean-Francois.

John, Elnathan.

Casey, Karen.

Franglen, Nora.

Clements, Irene.

Meade, Starr.

Morris, Suzanne.

Byler, Linda.

Ursell, Martin.

Richardson, Travis.

Keck, Greg.

Vaughan, Wayne.

Leahy, Robert L.

Swinney, Jo.

Fallon, John.

Graysharp, Alice.
    Keeping of Secrets.
    La Vergne : Clink Street Publishing, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Rapp, Kristin A.

Ward, J.

Maitland, Colette.

Packer, J. I.

Abbott, Jane D.
    Auckland : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Buckley, Michael.

Stone, Larry.

McGrath, Ken.

Salmon, Geoff.

Felix, David.

Nussbaum, Ben.

Mahoney, Richard D.

Wills, Garry.

Reeves, Richard.

Beschloss, Michael.

Mankell, Henning.

Hess, Earl J.

Keating, Conrad.

Latham, Martin.

Latham, Martin.

Klotter, James C.

Carrier, Neil C. M.

Njogu, Kimani.

Ferguson, Samuel P.

Staff, National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorders.
    Kerner Report.
    Princeton : Princeton University Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

McCafferty, Nell.

Nolan, Dónal.
    Kerry Way.
    Cork : The Collins Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hines, Barry.

Kupferberg Carter, Liane.

Libin Anderson, Dasha.

Knopf, Karl.

Brooks, Lauren.

Elyot, Kevin.

Graber, Debbie.

Spacey, Kevin.

Le Bon, Joel.

Jones, Roger E.

Turner, Chris.

Scott, P. Anne.


Buxbaum, Otto.

Andrieu, Sandrine.

Whitman, Thomas L.

Elias, Jamal J.

Johnson, Maureen.

Mathers, S. L. Macgregor.

Siddiqui, Abdur Rashid.


ibn Hindu, Abu al-Faraj 'Ali ibn al-Husayn.

Murad, Khurram.

Siddiqui, Abdur Rashid.

Murad, Khurram.

Sillitoe, Alan.

Laclotte, Michel.

Liu, Tianjun.

Tily, G.

Otaki, Masayuki.

Álvarez-Castañeda, Sergio Ticul.

Lee, Stuart.

Lee, S.

Udelhofen, Susan K.

Rollie, Donald L.

Argüden, Y.

Timpson, John.

Moran, Carrol.

Kuipers, Keetje.
    Keys to the Jail.
    Rochester : BOA Editions Ltd., 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Cooper, Diana.

    Johannesburg : Jonathan Ball Publishers, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Adamovich, Ales.
    London : Glagoslav Publications Limited, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Machlachlan, Fiona.

Tlhabi, Redi.

Gil, Carmen.

Lawson, John.

O'Keeffe, Pat.

Woolverton, Frederick.

Vale, Jason.

Billingham, Justyn.

Bennetts, Marc.

Herman, Alexander.

Herman, Alexander.

Gordon, Ian.

Thornton, Mark R.

George, Michael D.
    Kid Palomino.
    London : Robert Hale, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Doudna, Kelly.

Jackson, J. S.

Perry, Phyllis J.

Webb, Holly.
    Kidnapped Kitten.
    London : Stripes Publishing, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Richardson, Pamela.

Stevenson, Robert Louis.
    La Vergne : Waverley Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

van der Zande, Irene.

van der Zande, Irene.

Woodson, TJ.

Kutscher, Martin L.

Ellis, Deborah.

Brukner, Lauren.

Berger, Dorita S.

McFarlane, Penny.

Klempe, Sven Hroar.

Stocker, Barry.

Ryan, Bartholomew.

Komalasari, Arie.

Sante, Luc.

McGeough, Paul.

Prather, Richard S.
    Kill Me Tomorrow.
    New York : Open Road Media Mystery & Thriller, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hinze, Vicki.
    Kill Zone.
    Tulsa : Medallion Media Group, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hendroff, Adrian.

Hall, Phil.

Jenkins, Wendy.
    Killer Boots.
    North Fremantle : Fremantle Press, 2008.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Fairstein, Linda.

Sarenbrant, Sofie.
    Killer Deal.
    New York : Stockholm Text, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gibson, Kenneth.

Schaefer, G. J.

Furlong, C.T.

Jungstedt, Mari.
    Killer's Art.
    : Stockholm Text, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Mitchell, G.

Lippard, George.

McKay, Reg.

Gillis, Alex.

Bursa, Andrzej.
    Killing Auntie.
    New York : New Vessel Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Brook, John Lee.

Wexler, Stuart.

Gardner, Lloyd C.

Peffer, Randall.

King, Jonathon.
    Killing Night.
    Newburyport : Open Road Media Mystery & Thriller, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

King, Jonathon.
    Killing Night.
    : Open Road Media Mystery & Thriller, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Seaman, Damien.

Baker, Robin.

Parry, Roberta.

Hollway, John.

Hollway, John.

Berger, Thomas.
    Killing Time.
    : Dzanc Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Mizushima, Margaret.

Strawser, B.

Freeborn, Richard.

Johns, Paxton.

McNamee, Thomas.

Murray, Les.

Lockridge, Frances.
    Killing the Goose.
    New York, NY : Road, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Scappettone, Jennifer.

Hlasko, Marek.

Butler, Ellis Parker.

Swan, Graham.

Bohn, Moro Buddy.

Burstein, Dror.
    Normal, IL : Columbia University Press, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hunt, Laird.
    Kind One.
    MN : Coffee House Press, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Ashworth, Jenn.

Thomson, Lesley.

Hammel, Andrea.

Samuels, Diane.
    London : Nick Hern Books, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Rice, Judith Anne.

Bellamy, Joe David.

Roberts, Charles G. D.

Butler, Octavia E.
    New York : Abrams, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bradley, Nick.

Hochstim, A.

Alther, Lisa.


Storr, Jim.
    King Arthur's Wars.
    Havertown : Helion & Company, Limited, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bartlett, Mike.

Sinclair, Upton.

Harris, Harry.
    King Conte.
    La Vergne : G2 Rights Ltd, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Stewart, Michael.
    King Crow.
    Hebden Bridge : Bluemoose Books Ltd, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Vassiliev, Alexei.

Big Idea Entertainment, LLC.

Kurtz, Katherine.
    King Javan's Year.
    New York : Open Road Media Sci-Fi & Fantasy, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Despentes, Virginie.
    King Kong Theory.
    New York : The Feminist Press at CUNY, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Shakespeare, William.

Costello, Priscilla.

Pennington, Michael.

Reeves, Roger.
    King Me.
    Port Townsend : Copper Canyon Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bennet, Rick.

Te Hurinui, Pei.

Phillips, Adrian.

Ambrose, Tom.

Flecker, James Elroy.
    King of Alsander.
    Wellington : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bersselaar, Dmitri van den.

Babcock, Squire.

Fredrick, John Andrew.

Fredrick, John Andrew.

Klein, Greg.

Kressel, Matthew.
    King of Shards.
    New York : Resurrection House, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Glazer, Craig.

Walker, George F.
    King of Thieves.
    Vancouver : Talonbooks, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Ramos, Manuel.

Barker, Margaret.

Yadok, Bizuum.

Jacob, Kathryn Allamong.

Gerber, Merrill Joan.

Cody, H. A.

McClure, Debbie.
    King's Consort.
    AIRDRIE : Books We Love Publishing Partners, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Adolph, Anthony.

Adolph, Anthony.

James, G. P. R.
    King's Highway.
    Wellington : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kurtz, Katherine.
    King's Justice.
    New York : Open Road Media Sci-Fi & Fantasy, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Ryman, Geoff.
    King's Last Song.
    Northampton : Small Beer Press, 2008.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Stewart, Andrew.

Kantorowicz, Ernst.

Girmay, Aracelis.
    Kingdom Animalia.
    Rochester : BOA Editions Ltd., 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Herrera, Yuri.
    Kingdom Cons.
    High Wycombe : And Other Stories Publishing, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Wojciechowska, Maia.

Gerber, Merrill Joan.

Moss, Richard J.

Himmelfarb, Martha.

Benjamin, Medea.

Ryken, Philip Graham.

Roy, Philip.

Butler, Grant C.

Foley, Michael.

Pierce, Nicola.

Weiler, B.

Channer, Colin.
    Kingston Noir.
    Brooklyn : Akashic Books, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Farmer, Elaine.

Silverstein, Merril.

Naef, Shirin.

Jack, Yes.
    Kiowa Rising.
    La Vergne : Robert Hale, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kippenberger, Susanne.

Evanier, Mark.

Carl, Klaus.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Temko, Florence.

Penn, Audrey.
    Kiss Goodbye.
    Terre Haute, IN : Tanglewood Press, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Whittington, Amanda.

Tanner, Ron.

Fielding, Joy.

Richard, Jerome.

Shepard, Jim.

Jensen-Stevenson, Monika.

Deveney, Catherine.
    Kiss the Bullet.
    London : Old Street Publishing, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Halliday, Brett.
    Kissed Corpse.
    New York : Road, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Riley, P. J. 'Red'.

Penn, Michael Philip.

Gottlieb, Daphne.

Chambers, Aidan.

Penn, Audrey.
    Kissing Hand.
    Terre Haute, IN : Tanglewood Press, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

    Kissing Shadows.
    Wellington : Huia (NZ) Ltd, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Parsipur, Shahrnush.

Morgan, Nicola.

Evans, Jane.

Nightingale, David.

Staff, Annabel.

Wells, Tom.
    Kitchen Sink.
    London : Nick Hern Books, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Taranto, Stacie.

Aiken, Joan.
    Kitchen Warriors.
    Newburyport : Open Road Media Young Readers, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Dennis, Gerald.

Barrett, Andrea.

Peters, Helen.

Webb, Holly.

Webb, Holly.

Pelonero, Catherine.

Shearer, Christine.

Solis, Hugo.
    Kivy Cookbook.
    Olton Birmingham : Packt Publishing Ltd, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Beyme, Klaus.

Carr, Emily.
    Klee Wyck.
    Vancouver : D & M Publishers, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Wigal, Donald.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Freedman, Jonathan.

Rock, Peter.
    New York : Abrams, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bade, Patrick.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Rogoyska, Jane.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Day, Peter.

Hansen, Gary Neal.

Martin, Scott D.

Hawthorne, Rosemary.

McEvoy, Harry K.

Tarrant, Padrika.
    Knife Drawer.
    Cambridge : Salt Publishing Limited, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

McEvoy, Harry K.

Dalrymple, Theodore.

Breckon, Ian.

Peterson, Tracie.

Sumter, Trenae.
    Knight's Legacy.
    St. Charles : Medallion Media Group, 2005.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Charny, Geoffroi de.

Russell, Edward Frederick Langley.

of Liverpool, Lord Russell.

King, Emma.

King, Emma.

Oftedal, Eline.

jumper, wheres me.

Eames (aka Wife of Brian), Vicky.

Muir, Sally.

Satterfield, Monette Lassiter.

Herzog , Amy.

Carlson, Laurie.

Goble, Fiona.

Goble, Fiona.

Goble, Fiona.

Pierce, Val.

Penny, Susan.
    Knitted Cakes.
    : Search Press, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Pierce, Val.
    Knitted Mug Hugs.
    Tunbridge Wells : Search Press, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Cordes, Susan.
    Knitted Phone Sox.
    Tunbridge Wells : Search Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Sumner, Judy.

Sumner, Judy.

Polley, Sandra.

Polley, Sandra.

Ellen, Alison.

Ellen, Alison.

Bernard, Wendy.

Harding, Louisa.

Gnagy, Mathew.

Falick, Melanie.

Falick, Melanie.

Rutland, Harriet.

Peters, Ellis.

Russell, Sharman Apt.

Jodzio, John.

Dumas, Andy.

Judkins, Steve.

Ito, Noboru.

Behnoud, Masoud.
    Knot in the Rug.
    Reading : Garnet Publishing (UK) Ltd, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Carson, Edward.
    Montreal : MQUP, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Budden, Gary.
    : Galley Beggar Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Byard, Jack.
    Know Your Owls.
    Sheffield : 5M Publishing Ltd, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

McDaniel, Tim.

Everard, Mark.

Löwenstein, David.

Meyrick, Sarah.
    Knowing Anna.
    LONDON : SPCK, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lupton, Christina.

Malone, Andrew.

Hollway, W.

Finkelstein, Norman.

Stoller, A.

Becker, Eva.

Hamminga, Bert.

Livingstone, David W.

Hutchison, David.

Schrier, Karen.

Martin, Randy.

Benbya, Hind.

Barbaroux, Pierre.

Cheng, Eric C. K.

Agrifoglio, Rocco.

Niedergassel, Benjamin.

Sörlin, S.

Gottlieb, Halina.

Stavans, I.

Oleinik, Anton.

Rivera, Didith Mendoza-.

Morley, Ian.

Halvorsen, Tor.

Henry, John.

Hay, Chris.

Pritchard, D.
    London : Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Saatchi, Charles.
    Known Unknowns.
    Havertown : Booth-Clibborn Editions, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Fitzgerald, Penelope.
    Knox Brothers.
    Berkeley : Counterpoint, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Knox-Johnston, Robin.

Rixson, Denis.

Freedman, Lew.

Post, Andrew.
    Saint Charles : Medallion Media Group, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kass, Jeff.
    : Dzanc Books, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Moyal, Ann.

News, The Los Angeles Daily.

Shevchenko, Taras.
    London : Glagoslav Publications Limited, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Houlahan, M?che?l.

Hooper, Jim.

Heldt, Gustav.

Lansky, Vicki.

Baker, Chris.
    Kokopu Dreams.
    Wellington : Huia (NZ) Ltd, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hearn, Lafcadio.

Brech, Martha.

Filippenkov, Michael.

Martinez-Ruiz, Barbaro.

Vos, Jelmer.

Pauer-Studer, H.

Borte, Jason.

Chandler, Ann.

Bird, Isabella.

Melady, John.

Bennett, Terry.

Brown, Craig J.

Frank, Rüdiger.

Frank, Rüdiger.

Frank, Rüdiger.

Hwang, Su-kyoung.
    Korea's Grievous War.
    Philadelphia : University of Pennsylvania Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

De Mente, Boye Lafayette.

Shim, T.

Kim, Soohee.

Choi, Robert.

Choi, Jongwon.

Wright, Danielle.

Haboush, JaHyun Kim.

De Mente, Boyé Lafayette.

Amen, IV, Henry J.

Kim, Soohee.

Kim, Soohee.

Horowitz, Roger.

Rudin, Ronald.

Williams, Wendy.

Cox, Daniel Allen.
    Krakow Melt.
    Vancouver : Arsenal Pulp Press, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Ridenour, Al.

Keren, Gershon Ben.

Aviram, Boaz.

Levine, Darren.

Levine, Darren.

Dewar, Andrew.

Serrao, Angelique.

Behn, Noel.
    Kremlin Letter.
    Newburyport : Open Road Media Mystery & Thriller, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Vasilieva, Larissa.

De Moor, Margriet.

Gasquet, Olivier.

Choyce, Lesley.
    Victoria : Orca Book Publishers, 2018.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Isa, Mariana.

Vohra, Deepak.

Vohra, Deepak.

Fontaine, Naomi.
    Vancouver : Arsenal Pulp Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lees, Amanda.

Combs, Rebecca Ann.

Stewart, Briony.

Eng, Paul.
    Kungfu Basics.
    North Clarendon : Tuttle Publishing, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Crary, Duncan.

Sheyholislami, J.

Gunter, M.

Baird, George.

Hearn, Lafcadio.

Hearn, Lafcadio.

Idleman, Kyle.

Sandoz, Philip.

Martin, John H.

Editors, Periplus.

Acker, William.

Launois, John.

D'Annunzio, Gabriele.

Motalebi, Majede.

Coval, Kevin.

Vukovina, B. Z. R.

Silver, Alain.

Patton, Cindy.

Myracle, Lauren.

    Surrey : Templar Publishing, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Ellroy, James.
    LAPD '53.
    New York : Abrams, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hahn, Jonathan.

Yi, Esther.

Mesle, Sarah.

Calvocoressi, Gabrielle.

Emre, Merve.

Lutz, Tom.

Lafferty, Jim.

Locascio, Lisa.

Buswell, Ginger.

Geef, Dennis.

Nelson, Phillip F.

Tuck, Kirk.

Bell, Mark.

Micklethwaite, Dan.

Ayoub, Phillip.

Mouritsen, Ole G.

Wragg, David.

Grondin, Martin.

Mayr, Norbert.

Barzen, Jessica.

Spurling, Hilary.

Saer, Juan José.
    La Grande.
    Rochester : Open Letter, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Carrier, Roch.

Nunn, C.

Schnitzler, Arthur.

Pfeijffer, Ilja Leonard.
    La Superba.
    New York, NY : Deep Vellum Publishing, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Alighieri, Dante.

Márquez Sánchez, Javier.

Graziano, Anthony M.

H. Lawrence, D.

LaFosse, Michael G.

LaFosse, Michael G.

LaFosse, Michael G.

noir, camden.

Kann, Birthe.

Schober, Franz.

Juma'h, Ahmad H.

Alemán, J.

Greenwald, Richard.

DeCarlo, John.

Innes, Stephen.

Gullì, Bruno.

La Vopa, Anthony J.

Cutler, Jonathan.

Roscoe, Patrick.

Udy, Giles.


Walker, Graham.

Edozien, Leroy.

Cowan, Torquil.
    Labour of Love.
    Glasgow : Neil Wilson Publishing, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book


Consterdine, Erica.

Brennan, Deborah A.

Alexander, T.M.

Priestley, J.B.
    Laburnum Grove.
    London : Oberon Books Ltd, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bosch, Rene.

Bailly, Lionel.

Quinet, Antonio.

Neill, C.

Leduc, Jean-Marie.

Hope, Amélie.

Pietramala, David G.

Ameen, Sara M.

MacDuffee, Melody.

Kalenga, Musa.

Whittington, Amanda.

Gershenson, Olga.

Halliday, Brett.
    Ladies of Chance.
    New York : Open Road Media Romance, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Webb, Peter.
    Ladies of the Shire.
    Claygate : Grosvenor House Publishing, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Whittington, Amanda.

Stainer, Pauline.

Japp, Andrea.

Japp, Andrea.

Rosburg, Helen A.
    Lady Blue.
    Tulsa : Medallion Media Group, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

de Vega, Lope.

Williams, Jeanne.

Birmingham, George A.
    Lady Bountiful.
    Wellington : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lawrence, D. H.

Grant, Gavin J.

Grant, Gavin J.

Grant, Gavin J.

Grant, Gavin J.

Link, Kelly.

Link, Kelly.

Link, Kelly.

Link, Kelly.

Link, Kelly.

Link, Kelly.

Jenkins, Lyndsey.

Sawyer, Meryl.
    Lady Killer.
    New York : Open Road Media Romance, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

al-Madhoun, Raba'i.

Sitton, Robert.

Schartz, Vijaya.

Sagara West, Michelle.
    Lady of Mercy.
    Dallas : BenBella Books, Inc., 2006.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Duffy, Marie.

Chekhov, Anton.

Chissick, Michael.

Holland, Rupert S.

Hearn, Lafcadio.

Whiteman, Kye.

Ternier Gordon, Irene.

Brown, Ron.

Brown, Ron.

Fraser, Chad.

Fraser, Chad.

Cooper, James Fenimore.
    Lake Gun.
    Auckland : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Scott, Nancy.

Kenney, Gerard.

Kenney, Gerard.

Round, Jeffrey.

DuRey, Will.
    Lakotah Justice.
    London : Robert Hale, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Birmingham, George A.
    Lalage's Lovers.
    Auckland : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

White, Charles.
    Lambs of Men.
    : Dzanc Books, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Estrin, Marc.

Hacikyan, Agop J.

Abram, Joseph.

Simons, J David.
    Land Agent.
    Glasgow : Saraband, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Adcock, Fleur.
    Land Ballot.
    Tyne and Wear : Bloodaxe Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Molloy, Johnny.

Hasselstrom, Linda M.

Tal, Alon.

Kals, W. S.

Nauditt, Alexandra.

Al-Ahdal, Wajdi.

McWilliam, Andrew.

Moyo, Sam.

Wieland, Liza.
    Land of Enchantment.
    Syracuse : Syracuse University Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Rosa, Isaac.
    Land of Fear.
    La Vergne : Open Letter, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Layland, Michael.

Sanders, Sureshini.

Cantwell, Robert.
    Land of Plenty.
    Berkeley : Pharos Editions, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Marshall, Adrian.

Shipton, Eric.

Coates, Ken S.

Kea, Pamela.

Marchadour, Alain.

Campbell, Alex.
    London : Hot Key Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Pears, Tim.

Urbani, Ellen.
    La Vergne : Forest Avenue Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

LeGoff, Daniel B.

Fàbregas, Laia.
    La Vergne : Hispabooks, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bell, Nancy M.

Visser, Wayne.

McIntosh, Malcolm.

Taylor, Bayard.

Bruns, Diedrich.

Curtis, Allan.

Crighton, Neil.

Cassatella, Claudia.

Burden, Robert.

Bar, Doron.

Marschall, Sabine.

Werle, Kerstin J. S.


Hatherley, Owen.

Snead, James E.

Papadopoulos, Alex G.

Spielmann, Katherine A.

Grayson, Juliet.

McPhillips, Stephen.

Michel, Émile.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Melman, Peter Charles.

Greer, Bonnie.

Haberland, Hartmut.

Menyuk, P.

Paul, Rhea.

Ndimele, Ozo-mekuri.

Arwood, Ellyn Lucas.

Ishida, Toru.

Steels, Luc.

Mar-Molinero, C.

Flubacher, Mi-Cha.

O'Sullivan, Helen.

Blaj-Ward, Lia.

Stollznow, K.

Moser, Michael.

Schmidt, Ronald.

Wright, Sue.

Johnson, D.
    Language Policy.
    London : Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hutchison, David.

Gurevych, Iryna.

Weber, J.
    Language Racism.
    London : Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Maganda, Dainess Mashiku.

Dowling, William C.

Richards, Keith, Dr.

Hornsby, David.

Gollin-Kies, Sandra.

Schein, Jerome D.

Anderson, Wendy.

Pelo, Ann.

Pelo, Ann.

Meinhof, U.

Ringrow, Helen.

Mitchell, Robert E.

Martin, J.

Cap, Piotr.

Lurie, Alison.

Beattie, Melody.

Hutchison, David.

Scott, Jac.

Trippy, Ruth.
    Language of Music.
    Minneapolis : Mill City Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Phifer, Rachel.

Wilkerson, Kim.

Blomfield, Bridget.

Travis, Trysh.

McPherron, Paul.

Oakes, L.

Weatherall, Ann, Dr.

Reyes, Angela.

Millar, R.

Mwanaka, R.

Moormann-Kimáková, Barbora.

Hutchison, David.

Goddard, Dwight.

Pine, Red.

Eaton, John.

DiEdoardo, Christina Ann-Marie.

Brier, Sam.

Bank, Asian Development.

Shah, Bindi V.

Agresta, Ferdinando.

Pignata, Giusto.

Das, Supreeti.

Evaristo, Bernardine.
    Tyne and Wear : Bloodaxe Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Tuohy, Brian.

Luther, Martin.

Cram, Buffy.

Villalta, Thomas.

Koziol, Leonard F.

Sakr, Sherif.

Lilburn, Tim.

Lee, Belinda.
    Larger Than Life.
    SG : Marshall Cavendish International, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

de Angulo, Jaime.
    Berkeley : Counterpoint, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hogan, Desmond.

Thomas, Larry.

O'Doherty, Patrick J.J.

Big Idea Entertainment, LLC.

Big Idea Entertainment, LLC.

Poniatowska, Elena.

Herczog, Mary.

Keene, Jarret.
    Las Vegas Noir.
    New York : Akashic Books, 2008.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Cross, Ronald.

Davison, Tim.

Kulikov, Kirill.

Richter, André.

White, Mike.

White, Mike.

Li, Yanyan.

Bell, Angela.

Kennedy, Laura Ellen.
    Last Act.
    Dorking : Piccadilly Press, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Geni, Abby.
    Last Animal.
    Berkeley : Counterpoint, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Wensberg, Peter C.
    Last Bastion.
    New York : The Permanent Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Haggith, Mandy.
    Last Bear.
    : Saraband, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Reagan, Ronald.

Hayes, Gerald.

Chilton, James.

Azimi, Nassrine.

Wells, HG.

Dowling, Richard.

Hedblom, Jack H.

Jones, Logan C.
    Last Call : Poems.
    Eugene : Wipf and Stock Publishers, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lee, Kolton.
    Last Card.
    London : Arcadia Books Limited, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Schweiger, Larry J.


Finical, Marcia.

Garakani, Guita.
    Last Chapter, The.
    Reading : Garnet Publishing (UK) Ltd, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Burkinshaw, Kathleen.

Reuter Hapgood, Harriet.
    Last Christmas.
    London : Hot Key Books, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bulgo, Matthew.
    Last Christmas.
    London : Oberon Books Ltd, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Seymour, Cheri.

Barker, Clyde.

Dale, Pat.
    Last Cowboy.
    CALGARY : Books We Love Publishing Partners, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Russell, David.

Webber, Jeffery R.

Gilbert, Francis.

Perkyns, Dorothy.

Walker, Casey.

O'Flynn, Mark.

Rey, Alfonso.

Hill, A.W.

Sigurdsson, Sölvi Björn.

Engelhardt, Thomas M.

Ashdown-Hill, John.

Hawkins, Jeremy.

Evenson, Brian.
    Last Days.
    New York, NY : Coffee House Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Sutherland, John.

Fortgang, Jon.

Reyes, Laurisa White.
    Last Enchanter.
    Terre Haute, IN : Tanglewood Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Campbell, John W.
    Last Evolution.
    Auckland : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Winston, Clifford.

Nasht, Simon.

Rhodes, David.

Lindsay, Douglas.

Liefer, Gregory P.

Kamm, Antony.
    Last Frontier.
    Glasgow : Neil Wilson Publishing, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Chapman, Aaron.

Flecker, James Elroy.

Laroche, Hadrien.

Collishaw, Stephan.
    Last Girl.
    Salisbury : Dean Street Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

West, John.

Glavin, Terry.

McConvey, J.R.
    Last Ham.
    La Vergne : House of Anansi Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Montgomery, Charles.

Nance, John J.
    Last Hostage.
    New York : Open Road Media Mystery & Thriller, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Dickinson, Peter.

Fonzi, Gaeton.

Fernandes, Edna.

Seki, Sunny.

O'Byrne, Robert.

Gilmour, David.

Jampoler, Andrew C. A.

Bloch-Dano, Evelyne.

Bloch-Dano, Evelyne.

Pu Yi, Henry.

Waitzkin, Fred.

Ford, Holly.
    Last McAdam.
    Sydney : Allen & Unwin, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Chandy, Laurence.

Norman, Robert A.

Saenz, Benjamin Alire.

Wurge, B.B.

Dobozy, Tamas.

Markson, David.
    Last Novel.
    Berkeley : Counterpoint, 2007.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lane, Joe.

Tearne, Roma.
    Last Pier.
    London : Gallic Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Tearne, Roma.
    Last Pier.
    London : Hesperus Press Ltd., 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Daly, Linda.

Mayo, C. M.

Stone, Emmett.

Houghton Lindsey, Jan.
    Last Renegade.
    Minneapolis : Two Harbors Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Dunsany, Lord.

Salwey, Kenny.

Joy, Camden.

MacGregor, Roy.
    Last Season.
    Toronto : Dundurn, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Young, Gregory D.

Aiken, Joan.

Kelly, Peter E.

Cheverton, Mark.

Mofokeng, Thabiso.
    Last Stop.
    Johannesburg : Jacana Media, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Huch, Ricarda.
    Last Summer.
    La Vergne : Peirene Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Butcher, Kristin.
    Last Superhero.
    Toronto : Dundurn, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Wivel, Klaus.

Troisi, Licia.
    Last Talisman.
    New York : Mondadori, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Farjeon, Benjamin.
    Last Tenant.
    Wellington : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gosch, Martin A.

Biren, Sara.

Mach, Jonathan.

Price, Keith.

Archibald, Malcolm.

Loft, Charles.

Alexander, Jane.

Sydney Robinson, W.

Gray, Nicholas.

Miller, Kei.

Sheriff, Jack.
    Last Water-hole.
    London : Robert Hale, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Best, Gillian.
    Last Wave.
    Glasgow : Freight Books, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Iovino, Lou.
    Last West.
    Madison : Alterna, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Suter, Martin.
    Last Weynfeldt.
    New York, NY : New Vessel Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Herman, Kathy.
    Last Word : A Novel.
    Colorado Springs, CO : David C. Cook, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lane, Mark.

Illis, Mark.
    Last Word.
    Cambridge : Salt Publishing Limited, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Wood, Jason.

Cashion, Matt.

McFarland, Orrey.

Wiggan, Greg.

Arthur, Max.

Wiebe, Sam.

Seddon, Mohammed Siddique.

McClear, Sheila.

Fenimore Cooper, James.

McGinn, Keith.

Hoshowsky, Robert J.

Hoshowsky, Robert J.

Matz, Jesse.

Belth, Alex.

Martin, Jeff.

Dunlop, Lane.

Sandor, Marjorie.

Fifield, Peter.

Hay, Elizabeth.

Martin, Lee.
    Late One Night.
    Westland : Dzanc Books, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lewin, Michael Z.
    Late Payments.
    New York : Open Road Media Mystery & Thriller, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kulikowski, Michael.

Dixon, Stephen.
    Late Stories.
    La Vergne : Curbside Splendor Publishing, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Clarke, C.

Gluth, Mark.

Blake, Carole.

Tillman, Vance.

Daugherty, Tracy.

Yang, Kao Kalia.

Gross, Philip.
    Tyne and Wear : Bloodaxe Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bowers, Terrell.

Martin, Brian.
    : Arcadia Books Limited, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Williamson, R.

Guevara, Ernesto Che.

Robinson, William I.

Roett, Riordan.

Lambert, Peter.

Baler, Pablo.

Bell, Lucy.

Watson, T.

Kercher, Dona.

Hardy-Fanta, Carol.

Urbina, Martin Guevara.

Arcury, Thomas A.

Fraga, Luis Ricardo.

Hinojosa, Felipe.

Delgado, Melvin.

Malavé, Idelisse.

Dalleo, R.

Oboler, S.

Badillo, David A.

Torres, Andrés.

Aldama, F.

Knechtli, Francesco.

McCaffrey, Kevin.

Maes, Nicholas.
    Laughing Wolf.
    Toronto : Dundurn, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Davies, Stephanie.

Coxon, Sebastian.

Hewetson, Ann.

Thompson, Laura.

Methven, Stuart E.

Conybeare, Catherine.

Williams, Kerry C.

Westman, John.

Ackley, Kristina.

Morden, Barbara C.

Leavey, Peggy Dymond.

Caspary, Vera.
    New York : The Feminist Press at CUNY, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Chaix, Marie.

Norton, Andre.

Green, Susan.

King, Christy O.

Villanueva, Enrique.

Kruijtzer, Gijs.

Rosen, Lawrence.

Bain, Andy.

McGregor, Alexander.

Onamson, Okafor.

Maffini, Mary Jane.

Papantonio, Mike.
    Law and Disorder.
    La Vergne : SelectBooks, Inc., 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Downs, Art.

Downs, Art.

Downs, Art.

Overholser, Wayne D.

Brown, Cedric C.

Roebuck, Derek.

Quiroga, José.

Behrens, Peter.
    Law of Dreams.
    : House of Anansi Press, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Masake, Pilisano H.

Rennie-Pattison, Caroline.

Burke, Paul.

Seddon, Peter.

Li, Rita Yi Man.

Masiola, Rosanna.

Smith, Irvine.

Dam, Kenneth W.

Bernstein, David E.

McGregor, Alexander.

Rosen, Joe.

Salane, Jeffrey.
    Dorking : Piccadilly Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bedford, Paul.
    London : Robert Hale, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Costa, Elio.

Faulkner, Neil.

Dodge, Trevor.
    Laws of Average.
    La Vergne : Dzanc Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Frijda, Nico H.
    Laws of Emotion.
    Mahwah : Taylor and Francis, 2006.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Okawa, Ryuho.

Goldstein, David B.
    Laws of Rest.
    Toronto : BookThug, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Sheen, Joanna.
    Layered Cards.
    : Search Press, 2008.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Martà nez, Anna.

Wood, Roderick.

Golakai, H. J.
    Lazarus Effect.
    La Vergne : CASSAVA REPUBLIC PRESS, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bowie, David.
    London : Nick Hern Books, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Beres, Michael.

Rice, Matilda.

Smith, Jim.

Collins, Wilkie.

Crichton Smith, Iain.

Gunlicks, Arthur.

Kington, Miles.

Summaries, Bright.

sites, Office du patrimoine et des.

Pauly, Danièle.

Sbriglio, Jacques.

Malory, Sir Thomas.

Birmingham, Stephen.

Paor, Louis de.

Drayson, E.

Tidball, Derek.

Lyons, Ronan.
    Lead White.
    Dublin : Liberties Press, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Useem, Michael.

Sageman, Marc.

Kraft, Dave.

Karp, Alexander.

Woyshner, Christine.

Siegel, David.

Case, Sarah.

Sousa, David A.

Harrison, E. Bruce.

West-Burnham, John.

Reeder III, Harry L.

Williams, Pat.

Hall, T.

Cummings, T.

Lincoln, Abraham.

Masters, Adam B.

Dent, Fiona Elsa.

Okawa, Ryuho.

Barton, Elizabeth A.

Sheard, G.

Rowley, A.

Evans, Christopher.

Humphreys, Tony.

Hutchinson, Karise.

McGonagill, Grady.

Garvey, Debbie.

Scott, Cynthia.

Groves, Malcolm.

Rush, Stephen.

Kucia, J.

Sweeney, Patrick.

Poole, Jon.

Lawrence, Francis L.

Beinecke, Rick.

Stein, Tobie S.

Hurwitz, Marc.

Gordon, Gus.

Ryan, Will.

Pendleton, David.
    London : Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Stippler, Maria.

Nickerson, Jackson.

Doppelt, Bob.

Doppelt, Bob.

Hernández, Eleazar.

Rallis, Sharon F.

Williams, Veronica A.

Jensen, Karina R.

Burton, John.

Sparrow, P.
    Leading HR.
    London : Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gilmore, Eamon.

Davies, Peter.

Sather, Susan E.

Strahan, Randall.

Earl, Lorna M.

Kakabadse, A.

Shea, Gregory P.

Coad, Nick.

Duening, Thomas N.

Barney, M.

Strathausen, Roger.

Leithwood, Kenneth A.

Patten, Malcolm.

Lee, Amy Fenton.

Fliedner, Gene.

Daresh, John C.

Frattura, Elise M.

Kakabadse, A.

Hildebrandt, Marcus.

Sillitoe, Alan.

Kakabadse, A.

McLeod, Lisa Earle.

Pruzan, Peter.

Schulman, L. B.

Bindloss, Harold.

McGill, Tricia.

Williams, Thomas.

Futrelle, Jacques.
    Auckland : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hargreaves, Kate.
    Toronto : BookThug, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Li, Yingjiu.

Jones, Gareth.

Earley, John.

Yankelevitch, Sam.

Bauer, Eric.

van der Aalst, Wil.

Rogers, Joyce.

Charron, Rich.

Mohout, Omar.

Gerrard, Paul.

Zhan, Wei.

Antony, Jiju.

Dahm, Markus H.

Janes, Andrea.

Madigan, John E.

Grunden, Naida.

Nandy, Abhishek.

Egloff, Z.
    Ann Arbor : Bywater Books, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Sung, Kelvin.

Jackson, Wallace.

Craig, Clifton.

Feiler, Jesse.

Byfield, Brian.

Tripathi, Subhashini Sharma.

Sutherland, Bruce.

Dāsa, Rādhārādhya.

Vazquez, Antonio.

Byfield, Brian.

Nutting, Jack.

Zammetti, Frank.

Morson, Sian.

Finmark, Sharon.

Watkiss, Stewart.

Hart-Davis, Guy.

Munro, Mark Conway.

Justin, Joyce.

Friesen, Jeff.

Layka, Vishal.

Sharan, Kishori.

Hart-Davis, Guy.

Soan, Hazel.

Mehta, Prateek.

Prettyman, Steve.

van der Spuy, Rex.
    Learn Pixi.js.
    Berkeley, CA : Apress, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Byfield, Brian.

Tyers, Ben.

Membrey, Peter.

Donat, Wolfram.

Long, Leland.

Itterheim , Steffen.

Malik, Waqar.

Malik, Waqar.

Isabel, Marie.

Hesting, Raymond.

Schreiber, Lynn C.

Chu, Philip.

Thorn, Alan.

Sinicki, Adam.

Blackman, Sue.

Suvak, Janine.

Topley, Kim.

Soan, Hazel.

Redleaf, Rhoda.

Bucanek, James.

Bucanek, James.

Panosian, Hagop.

Hess, Edward D.

Soan, Haze.

Kalicharan, Noel.

Kalb, Irv.

Black, David Alan.

Hore, Tim.

Gaschler, Tony.

Halker, Tony.
    La Vergne : Clink Street Publishing, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Clifford, Craig.

Capello, Maria Angela.

Dommett, Eleanor.

Kayes, D. Christopher.

Gravett, Linda S.

Hallenbeck, George.

Gunasundaram, Rajesh.

Yarabarla, Sandeep.

Docan, Daniela Cristiana.

Yadav, Manisha.

Rama, D. V.

Okita, Alex.

D'Atri, Anthony.

Iñiguez de Onzoño, Santiago.

Hollomotz, Andrea.

Jones, Keith.

Golden, Charles J.

Andhavarapu, Abhishek.

al-Daif, Rachid.

Barrs, Jerram.

Szwejczewski, M.

Administrators, American Association of School.

Ganguly, Kuntal.

Davis, Adam L.
    Learning Groovy.
    Berkeley, CA : Apress, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Henshall, Kenneth.

Sato, Eriko.

Kouzes, James M.

Cipriani, Frank Domenico.

Larsen, Leif.

Donovan, Paul.

Baton, Jerome.

Magolda, Marcia B. Baxter.

Figueiredo, Sandra.

Pogran, James.

Goldman, Rik.

Ulugay, Fuat.

Carter, Brooke.

Kral, Inge.

Sarkar, Aurobindo.

Turnquist, Greg L.

Dalton, Maxine.

Dalton, Maxine.

Dabbagh, Nada.

Fawcett, Mary.

Fawcett, Mary.

Swift, Tania.

Neelakantam, Srushtika.

Hale, Janice E.

Erickson, Joseph.

Mountney, Ross.

Crozier, Richard.

Al-Ghani, K.I.

Erstad, Ola.

Kee, Youngwha.

Wagner, D.

Palfreyman, D.

Habib, Sadia.

Mah, Kin Kheong.

Iinuma, Mizuho.

Barbour, Ann C.

Taylor, J.

Rawlins, Rosemary.

Shoesmith, Sharon.

Toft, Brian.

Lyster, Clare.

Bolger, Joe.

Bruno, Holly Elissa.

Villareale, Cindylee.

Kapoor, Dip.

Colombano, J.

Heydt, Michael.

Sacré, Hari.

Rodham, Karen.

Coles, John.

Preston, Carrie J.

Houpt, Jeffrey L.

Barwood, Tom.

Wilson, Tom.

Stanton, Mike.

Sulaiman, Sandy.

Shardlow, Steven.

Monaghan, E. Jennifer.

Fortna, B.

Byron, F.

Nahser, F. Byron (Ron).

Broadbent, David.

Huddleston, Vicki.

Wilson, Donald A.

Oyler, Celia.

Jiang, Heng.

Wheeler, Steve.

Robb, Marina.

Archer, Lee.
    Lease to Doomsday.
    Wellington : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Pitfield, Jane.
    Toronto : Dundurn, 2008.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Limited, IAA-Advisory.

Boyd, Alex.

Hansen, Per Christian.

Spotila, James R.

Taylor, Chris.

Frangione, Lucia.

Whitman, Walt.
    Leaves of Grass.
    San Diego : Thunder Bay Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hogan, Desmond.
    Leaves on Grey.
    Dublin : The Lilliput Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Toseland, Simon.

King, William.
    Leaving Ardglass.
    Dublin : The Lilliput Press, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Ghoussoub, Mai.

Dixon, Jo.

Celani, David P.

Reynolds, John Lawrence.

French, David.

French, David.
    Leaving Home.
    : House of Anansi Press, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Burns, Amy.

Kamler, Barbara.
    Leaving New Jersey.
    Brisbane : IP (Interactive Publications), 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Whidden, Seth.

Ben Jelloun, Tahar.
    Leaving Tangier.
    London : Arcadia Books Limited, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lerner, Ben.

Berry, Wendell.

Nir, Omri.

Rubin, B.

Di Peri, Rosita.

Linmark, R. Zamora.
    : Coffee House Press, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Mohn, Reinhard.

Gogolin, A.O.

Klyatskin, Valery I.

Hencl, Stanislav.

Funaki, Tadahisa.

Milnor, John.

Saveliev, Nikolai.

Foucault, M.

Armstrong, Kelley.

Popoff, Martin.

Calef, Scott.

Jordan, Michael Paul.

Dowdey, Clifford.
    Lee : A Biography.
    La Vergne : Skyhorse Publishing, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Newell, Clayton R.

Wade, Stephen.

Chrystal, Paul.

Montrieul, Gaetane.
    Leelo : To the Zoo.
    London : Clink Street Publishing, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Harima, Tadahito.
    Lefschetz Properties.
    Berlin/Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

St. John, Edward P.

Verity, Jo.
    Left and Leaving.
    Ceredigion : Honno Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Rich, Dave.

Coulter, Myrl.

Traverso, Enzo.

Böhler, Jochen.

Sorge, Antonio.

Bender, Stuart Marshall.

Goulet, Andrea.

Mesce, Jr., Bill.

Fielding, Hannah.

Hausner, L.

Clawson, Rosalee A.

Crone, Alla.
    Legacy of Amber.
    New York : Open Road Distribution, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Frajlich, Anna.

Azumah, John Alembillah.

Maples, R.

Sribnick, Ethan G.

Armson, Kenneth A.

Lloyd, Kate.

Martin, Marianne K.
    Legacy of Love.
    Ann Arbor : Bywater Books, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Davis, Tom.

Symonds, Dominic.

Waldron, Lamar.

Piper, John.

Adickes, S.

James, Terry.

Grey, C. R.

Cooke, Philip.

Lienhard, Pierre.

Delport, Melissa.
    Boulder : Jonathan Ball Publishers, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Anthony, Evelyn.
    Newburyport : Open Road Distribution, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Battle, Carl.

Crawford, Tad.

Houser, Kimberly A.

Chambers, Lori.

Sholik, Stan.

Williams, Kimberly.

Liimatainen, Annikki.

Deloria, Jr., Vine.

Stead, Marcus.

Kyle, Jethro.

Bass, Guy.
    Legend of Frog.
    London : Stripes Publishing, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Montgomery, Charlene.

LaCas, George.

Nappi, Frank.

Phillips, Marc.

Irving, Washington.

Irving, Washington.

Cuddy, Luke.

Welykochy, Dawn.

Delport, Melissa.
    Cape Town : Jonathan Ball Publishers, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bacchilega, Cristina.

McPherson, David.

Massey, Eithne.

Mazzucco, Claudia.

Sherwood, George.

Sherwood, George.

Kalakaua, King David.

Scott, Richard.

Peeler, Tim.

Dozier, Ray.

Waters, Mike.

Stout, William.

Schultz, Randy.

Monk, Cody.

Kincaide, Richard.

Gordon, Bob.

O'Brien, Joe.
    Legends' Lair.
    Dublin : The O'Brien Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Delport, Melissa.
    Boulder : Jonathan Ball Publishers, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Burgess, Catrina.
    New York : Full Fathom Five Digital, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Wittes, Benjamin.

Wegner, Gerhard.

Marvin, Cate.

Goswami, Nirmali.

Baron-Cohen, Simon.

Leibniz, G. W.

Smith, Stephen.

Donleavy, J. P.

Rojek, C.

Stebbins, Robert A.

Stebbins, Robert A.

Lynn, Cordelia.

Hosseini, Ali.
    Lemon Grove.
    Evanston : Dzanc Books, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Strube, Cordelia.
    New York : Coach House Books, 2005.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Reichert, Paul.

Steiner, Sam.

Smith, Michael Steven.

Corwin, Lena.

Goode, Michael.


Le Blanc, Paul.

Rosmer, Alfred.
    Lenin's Moscow.
    Chicago : Haymarket Books, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Boer, R.

Vishnevetsky, Igor.
    Normal, IL : Columbia University Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lawrence, Lennie.

Niezgoda, Joseph.

Goldstein, Jonathan.

MacAvoy, R. A.

Hoddinott, Ross.

4, BBC Radio.

Ekeh, Amy.

Pangle, Thomas L.

Basinsky, Pavel.

Bach, Neil S.
    Leon Morris.
    Cumbria : Authentic Media, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Feeley, Dianne.

Holt, Jason.

Kubernik, Harvey.
    Leonard Cohen.
    London : Music Sales, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Séailles, Gabriel.
    Leonardo da Vinci.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Müntz, Eugène.
    Leonardo da Vinci.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bennett, Arnold.
    Auckland : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Daniela, Cerimonia.

Rowell, Rosie.
    Leopold Blue.
    London : Hot Key Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Demaitre, Luke.

Isaacs, Scott.

Campey, Lucille H.

Summaries, Bright.

Shapiro, Robert.

Katz, Shanna.

Pym, Barbara.

Satter, David.

Andrews, Cecile.

Van Camp, Richard.

Van Camp, Richard.

Greyer, Dominic.

García, Cristina.

Glass, Kathy Tuchman.

Watson-Davis, Roy.

Greenberg, Suzanne.
    Lesson Plans.
    Pasadena : Prospect Park Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Snitko, Robert.

Wandner, Stephen A.

Lockhart, Ross A.

M, Elaine.

Herberg-Rothe, Andreas.

Roberts, Bob.

Fretwell, Peter.

Mottahedeh, Roy.

Albert, Michael.

Hsu, S.

Hsu, S.

Hsu, S.

Lavender, Bee.

Breeding, Malesa.

Kinsella, Tim.

Watson, Larry.

De Vries, Peter.

Peretz, Pauline.

Lloyd-Jones, Martyn.

Hawes, Nat.

Sinclair, Matthew.

Kesselheim, Alan S.

Mawdudi, Sayyid Abul A'la.
    Let Us Be Muslims.
    La Vergne : Kube Publishing Ltd, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kliegel, Ewald.

Waterhouse, Lynda.

Labiner, Norah.

Maki, Joel T.

Oliver, Alexandra.

Miller, Logan.

Lindqvist, John Ajvide.

Billson, Anne.

Carlson, Melody.

Adair-Hodges, Erin.
    Let's All Die Happy.
    Pittsburgh : University of Pittsburgh Press, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lloyd, Pat.

Johnson, Jeff A.

Satterfield, Monette.
    Let's Crochet!.
    : Kalmbach Books, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

McCarthy, "Big" John.

Emmerson, Lucy.

Bureau, National Children's.

Frye, Soleil Moon.

Harvard Student Agencies, Inc.

Lasswell, Mary.
    Let's Go For Broke.
    Newburyport : Open Road Distribution, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Satterfield, Monette.
    Let's Knit!.
    : Kalmbach Books, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gasmen, Imelda Fines.

Kupecky, Regina M.

DeVries, Catherine.

Johnson, Jeff A.

Brown, Gail.

White, David Stewart.

White, David Stewart.

Rogers, Vanessa.

Allfrey, Ellah Wakatama.

Emmerson, Lucy.

Pilkey, Brent.

Allison, Robert.

McElroy, Joseph.

de Looze, Laurence N.

Colombo, Stephen J.

McKnight, Scot.
    Letter of James.
    Grand Rapids : Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Summaries, Bright.

Mabanckou , Alain.
    Letter to Jimmy.
    Washington : Soft Skull Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

de Saint-Exupéry, Antoine.

Wallenberg, Raoul.

Lamb, W. Kaye.

Lott, Bret.

Scoble, Christopher.

Lederman, Eve.

Woodward, Gerard.

Stevens, Becca.

Jarmon, Brenda.

Burns, Edward.

McLaughlin, M.

Aleichem, Sholem.

Lieberman, E. James.

Eliot, T.S.

Gaddis, William.

Mauriac, François.

Einstein, Albert.

Fosdick, Raymond Blaine.

Weingrad, Michael.

Soubra, Hani.

Erlandson, Eric.
    Letters to Kurt.
    Brooklyn : Akashic Books, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Koofi, Fawzia.

Suzuki, David.

Cardenas, Teresa.

Asadi, Houshand.

Allen, Josephine A.V.

Eaton, Chris.

Eaton, Chris.

Towner, Philip H.

Harrison, Jim.
    Letters to Yesenin.
    Port Townsend : Copper Canyon Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Miller, Calvin.

Clements, John.

Johnston, Susanna.

Aronoff, C.

Casanova, Karen.

Potter-Efron, Ronald.

Jackson, J. S.

Stephenson, Julia.

M., Ann.

Steven, Kenneth.

Evans, John.
    Lettuces and Cream.
    Guildford : Grosvenor House Publishing, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Prisk, Dr. Victor.

Fitzgerald, Peter Paul.

Ewald, Jens.

Burger, Martin.

Cassie, Jonathan.

Leung, Tim.

James, Vicki.

Goncalves, Marcus.

Gerber, Jochen.

Grix, J.

Girgus, Sam B.

Joldersma, C.

Richards, Steve.

Mathews, Kenneth A.

Radke, Jeffrey.
    Levon a.
    Minneapolis : Bascom Hill Publishing Group, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Giegerich, Heinz J.

Murray, R. Emmett.


Hulíková Tesárková, Klára.
    Lexis in Demography.
    Cham : Springer International Publishing, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Abdel-Hameed, Mohamed.

Tait, Anne.

McGimpsey, David.
    Li'l Bastard.
    Toronto : Coach House Books, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lindemann, Mary.

Banks, Jane Whelen.

Banks, Jane Whelen.

Banks, Jane Whelen.

Banks, Jane Whelen.

Wang, Michael.
    Liam, the Brave.
    SG : Marshall Cavendish International, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Crosbie, Lynn.
    Liar : A Poem.
    : House of Anansi Press, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Pastor, Ben.
    Liar Moon.
    London : Bitter Lemon Press, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Edmonds, Graham.

Paul, Barbara.

Carson, Jo.

Ringmar, E.

Swaine, Lucas.

Potts, D.

Strong-Boag, Veronica.

Jahn, B.

Ikenberry, G. John.

Kennedy, James.

Muravchik, Joshua.

Abbas, A.

Anderson, Steve.

Bradley, Anthony B.

Lambert, Linda.

Condliffe Lagemann, Ellen.

Mühsam, Erich.

Spiro, Daniel.

Simons, J David.

Harland, Richard.
    Surrey : Templar Publishing, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Jeffreys, Stephen.

Cristol, A. Jay.

Scruton, Roger.

Gerstle, Gary.

Donohue, Kathleen G.

Donald, David Herbert.

Cahill, Edward.

Syson, Lydia.
    Liberty's Fire.
    London : Hot Key Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Coonts, Stephen.

Reuter, Dean.

Manion, Jen.

King, M.G.

Solomon, Laura.

Baron, Robert C.

Murray, Stuart A. P.

Kirk, Daniel.

Hunt, Kyla.

Shrayer, Maxim D.

St. John, Ronald Bruce.

Schnelzer, Nadine.

Vandewalle, D.

Cooper, Tom.

Bagnold, R.A.

Gardner, John.
    Licence Renewed.
    La Vergne : Ian Fleming Publications, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gardner, John.
    Licence To Kill.
    London : Ian Fleming Publications, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Richards, Jass.

Perlman, Victor.

Whelan, Paul.

Craig, David.

Utley, David.
    Lie of the Land.
    Oxford : University of Namibia Press, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hammesfahr, Petra.
    New York : Bitter Lemon Press, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bru, J.-B.

Thurman, Chris.

Thurman, Chris.

Morrison, Allan.

Lee, Sr., Reginald Tomas.

Hareven, Gail.

Wilkins, Kelli A.

Wilkins, Kelli A.

Wagman, Diana.
    Life #6.
    Brooklyn : Ig Publishing, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Stiglitz, Joseph E.

Hanrahan, Phil.

Cremony, John C.

Greenman, Jan.

Bacon, Michele.
    Life Before.
    New York : Sky Pony Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Tweedie, Linda.

Giant, Nikki.

Habib, Sayeda.

Sandin, Gustav.

Baer, Josette.

Woods, Bridget.

Williams, Kristian.

Corelli, Marie.

Fulton, Colin.

Petryna, Adriana.

Hong, K. L.

Sillitoe, Alan.
    Life Goes On.
    New York : Open Road Media, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Selgin, Peter.

Thompson, Grant.

Farrell, Michael J.
    Life Here Below.
    Dublin : New Island Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hogan, Andrew J.

Hertler, Steven C.

Parida, Tapas Kumar.

Crosbie, Lynn.

Shields, David.

Friedman, Rosemary.


Monahan Horner, Michele.

Bill, J. Brent.

Duncan, Deborah.

St. Anne, Jill.

Fielding, Joy.
    Life Penalty.
    La Vergne : Argo-Navis, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Pearson, Helen.

George, Rose.

Wood, Sophie.

Miller, Tekla Dennison.

Friedman, Rosemary.
    Life Situation.
    : Arcadia Books Limited, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bently, Peter.
    Life Stinks!.
    London : Stripes Publishing, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Rees, Joy.

Rees, Joy.

Wrench, Katie.

Gaughan, Anna.

Labbé, Ann.

Smith, Ph.D., Sherman S.

Sillitoe, Alan.

Strom, Max.

Wilson, Andrew.

Geertz, Clifford.

Evans, J.

De Barthe, Joe.

Adams, Tracy.

Yan, Mo.

Walker, Paul.

Carel, Havi.

Cassell, Joan.

Rogers, K.

Haysom, Simone.

Hall, Tony.

Armelagos, George J.

Russell, Dick.

Grove, Valerie.

Farr, Tracy.

Shanes, Eric.

Manzano, Juan Francisco.

Latif, Asad-ul Iqbal.

Reilly, Lawrie.

Harris, M.J.

Parks, Tim.

MacHale, Desmond.

Mulcahy, Lisa.

Levin, Laurie Ann.

Coles, Robert.

Howe, Florence.

Randles, Roma.

Pedersen, Laura.

Grene, Sophia.

Hoechst, Heidi.

Sinclair, Billy Wayne.

Lippson, Alice Jane.

Dupont, Eric.

Cannings, Richard.

Boa, Kenneth.

Snavely, Andrà ©a D.

Harrison, Andrew.

Boccaccio, Giovanni.
    Life of Dante.
    London : Alma Books, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Sargent, Theodore D.

Marshall, John.

Clegg, Melanie.

Clements, K.

Hardman, John.
    Life of Louis XVI.
    New Haven : Yale University Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Tyndale-Biscoe, Hugh.

Casey, Karen.

Attocknie, Francis Joseph.

Mason, Regina E.

Sengupta, Debashish.

Khan, N.

Leatherdale, Duncan.

Ihara, Saikaku.

Marley, Stephen.

Mahon, Derek.
    Life on Earth.
    Oldcastle : The Gallery Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

al-Atiq, Fahd.

Chateaureynaud, Georges-Olivier.

Kaniuk, Yoram.
    Life on Sandpaper.
    Normal, IL : Columbia University Press, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

McKibbin, Karen.

Twain, Mark.

O'Connor, Peg.

Lang, James M.

May, Derwent.

Baum, Daniel J.

Cox, Jon.
    Life to the Max.
    Crownhill : Authentic Media, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Funnell, Martha M.

Downing, Michael.

Kay, Andrea.

Fletcher, Anthony.

Kelleher, Damian.

Temple, Ralph J.

Nickerson, Mike.

Sullivan, K. E.

Sullivan, K E.

Sullivan, K. E.

Duane, O. B.

Constantine, David.
    New York : Biblioasis, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Reddy, V. Ratna.

Veil, Simone.
    London : Haus Publishing, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gleeson, Brendan.

Chin, Elaine.

Leavitt, Caroline.
    : Dzanc Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Selke, Stefan.

Óhidy, Andrea.

Rintels, Jonathan.
    : Easton Studio Press, LLC, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Wilson, Anthony.
    Lifesaving Poems.
    Tyne and Wear : Bloodaxe Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Graf, Peter.

Hoeben, Cato.

Crowther, Susan.

Sullivan, Patricia.

Davison, Andrew.

Freeman, Hilary.
    Dorking : Piccadilly Press, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Ferro, Rick.

Keller, Ole.

Pegram, Billy.

~a star child~ , Ariyana.

Semerciyan, Silva.

Levi, Peter.

Hutto, Joe.

Pettegrew, John.

MacLeod, Alexander.
    Light Lifting.
    Emeryville : Biblioasis, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Joosten, Julie.
    Light Light.
    Toronto : BookThug, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kokhanovsky, Alexander A.

Churchill, Caryl.

Jeans, Crystal.

Cooper, Diana.

Waldrop, Keith.

Howard, Elizabeth Jane.
    Light Years.
    New York : Open Road Media, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Soseki, Natsume.

Hollingworth, Patrick.

Corbell, Tony.

Baranoski, Gladimir V. G.

Davis, Wade.

Larisey, Peter.

Hutto, Joe.

Gerrish, Deborah.
    Light in Light.
    Eugene : Wipf and Stock Publishers, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lucas, Craig.
    Light in the Piazza.
    New York : Theatre Communications Group, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bonura, Sandra E.

Lennon, John.

Guru Rinpoche, Padmasambhava.

Guru Rinpoche, Padmasambhava.

Guru Rinpoche, Padmasambhava.

Loingsigh, Eamon.

Roskam, Geert.

DiGrazia, Thomas.

Campbell, Jennifer.

Bacall, Aaron.

Jones, Marjorie.

Jones, Marjorie.
    : Medallion Media Group, 2006.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Fakhreddine, Jawdat.

Almada, Ariel Andrés.

van Niekerk, Neil.

Leslie, David.

Brandi, Ulrike.

Emery, Jennifer.

Giannatti, Don.

Pegram, Billy.

Earnest, Allison.

Dachowski, Jeff.

Geni, Abby.

Bollen, Christopher.

Brand, Max.

Towns, Brent.

Jason, Kourtney.

Shepard, Jim.

Starr, Jason.
    Lights Out.
    La Vergne : Polis Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Henderson, Silas.

Thompson, Phillip M.

Mabanckou, Alain.

Haines, Richard.
    Lights on in Heaven.
    La Vergne : Grosvenor House Publishing, 2008.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Avoine, Gildas.

Geveci, Tunc.

Zhao, Xuebing.

Sternberg, Julie.

Sternberg, Julie.

Snyder, Jamie.

McHugh, Erin.

McHugh, Erin.

Sternberg, Julie.

Lemus, Felicia Luna.
    Like Son.
    New York : Akashic Books, 2007.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bass, Ellen.
    Like a Beggar.
    Port Townsend : Copper Canyon Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Telander, Rick.

Prasad, Aarathi.

Busman, Debra.
    Like a Woman.
    : Dzanc Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Reynolds, Matthew.

Klein, Cheryl.

Folan, Lilias.

Part, the Lion.

Dowd, Charles.

Wright, Kristina.

Perl, Lila.
    Lilli's Quest.
    New York, NY : Ig Publishing, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bassman, Lillian.

Ford, O'Halloran.
    Lilly and the Egg.
    London : Arcadia Books Limited, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Barnes, Mike.

Fox, Paula.

Hayes, Paula.

Kimhi, Alona.
    Lily la Tigresse.
    Normal, IL : Columbia University Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Pelster, Angela.
    Louisville : Sarabande Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Figueroa, Esther.

Waters, Steve.

Minhinnick, Robert.
    Limestone Man.
    Bridgend : Seren, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Jama-Everett, Ayize.

Carson, Timothy L.

Jama-Everett, Ayize.

Pristas, Georg.

Hora, Akihito.

Bowden, Rod.

Davies, Colin.

Schaffer, Howard B.

Maghbouleh, Neda.

Hawley, Cameron.

Bulla, David W.

Donald, David Herbert.

Bonekemper, III, Edward H.

Crofts, Daniel W.

Yacovone, Donald.

Pennington, J F.

Blaisdell, Bob.
    New York : Dover Publications, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Behn, Noel.

Geary, Rick.

Vernon, John.

Day, Jesse.

Butts, Edward.

Butts, Edward.

Katz, Max.

Hanieh, Adam.

Zhang, Fuzhen.

West, Brady T.

Guang, Xuan.

De Nittis, Giuseppe.

Hespanha, João P.

Precup, Radu.

Trudell, John.

Carl, Klaus.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Brenner, Naomi.

Rabinovich, Itamar.

Brafman, A.H.

Copland, Fiona.

Bowern, C.

Shaul, David Leedom.

Williams, C.

Scholz, Christoph.

Virinchi, Srinivas.

Van Voorhees, Karin.

Losso, Roberto.

Pulsford, Ian.

Rudanko, J.

Clerbout, Nicolas.

Chib, Arul.

Shayler, David J.

Gilquin, Gaatanelle.

Asadoorian, Paul.

Morley, Nick.

Madieu, John.

Rosen, Rami.

Malin, Cameron H.

Boyce, Gregory.

Newmarch, Jan.

Kuhn, Darl.

Fox, Richard.

Clements, Dan.
    Lion Of Babaji.
    : Galley Beggar Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Woollcombe, Robert.

Hamilton, Joan Lesley.

Manson, Iain.

Tolstoy, Leo.

Bloomberg, David.

Davis, Richard Harding.

Quick , Stanley L.

Bennett, Arnold.
    Lion's Share.
    Auckland : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Errington, Jane.

Boyd, Liona.

Corder, Zizou.

Lenkiewicz, Rebecca.

Beem, C.

Burack-Weiss, Ann.

Duerden, John.
    Lions and Tigers.
    SG : Marshall Cavendish International, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Blake, Raymond B.

Patrikios, Titos.

Kraus, Harry.

Michel, Raphael.

Whyte, Anthony.

Whyte, Anthony.

Navakas, Michele Currie.

Redmond, Sean.

Wallace, Naomi.

    London : Hot Key Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Zuehlke, Mark.

Wilkinson, Lisa Marie.

Murphy, Lisa.

Robertson, Lisa.

Kastner, Erich.
    Lisa and Lottie.
    Brooklyn : Ig Publishing, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hoopmann, Kathy.

Neufeld, John.

Gordon, Alex.

Atkin, Rhian.

Hay, Robert.

Lebe, Bundesamt für Verbraucherschutz und.

Hilpisch, Yves.

Neugeboren, Jay.

Gilbert, Roger Thunderhands.

Gault, Brent M.

Tufail, John.

Henderson, Silas.

Howard, Elizabeth.

Jones, Blackwolf.

Hutchinson, Pearse.
    Listening to Bach.
    Oldcastle : The Gallery Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

McLeod, Alison.

Rhind, Jennifer Peace.

Clark, Alison.

Clark, Alison.

Kroodsma, Donald.

Martin, Bill.

Howell, Cate.

Bindloss, Harold.

Jordan, Kieran.

Hayden, Julie.

Frater, Jamie.

Frater, Jamie.

Frater, Jamie.

Morrison, Van.

Vuorenmaa, T.

Barton, David.

Beadle, Phil.

Bentley-Davies, Caroline.

Fogarty, Robin J.

Graff, Harvey J.

Campbell, Terry Anne.

Hickman, Karrell.

Wallace, Catherine.

Devine, Adele.

Griffith, Priscilla L.

Mason, Nicholas.

Rosenberg, David.

Batchelor, Bob.

Rose, Jonathan.

Pitt-Kethley, Fiona.

Barton, John Cyril.

Davis, Rocio G.

Bushrui, Suheil.

Zehle, Soenke.

Forde, Kathy Roberts.

Rutkowski, Sara.

Mehrez, Samia.

Carlson, Isobel.

Palmer, Alex.

Bloom, Abigail Burnham.

O'Keeffe, William J.

Tervalon, Jervey.

Miller, Wayne.

Bradford, Richard.

Connors, Clare.

Urbancic, Anne.

Watson, N.

Bodola, Ronja.

Wickman, Matthew.

Arai, Hidenaga.

Myers, Anne M.

Babuts, Nicolae.

Borders, Words Without.

Hall, Geoff.

Hall, G.

Maganda, Dainess Mashiku.

Thomas, Brook.

Harte, L.

Askin, Ridvan.

Grossman, Julie.

Behschnitt, Wolfgang.

Weinbrot, Howard D.

Gottschall, J.

Senn, Alfred Erich.

Arthur, Lindsay G.
    Minneapolis : Mighty Media, Inc., 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Dalrymple, Theodore.

Byler, Linda.

Perutz, Leo.

McGevna, Matthew.
    Little Beasts.
    : Akashic Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hough Jr., John.

Speiser, Lainie.

Citro, Asia.

Watson, Ian.

Gale, Patrick.

Jacques, Wesley.

Aaboe, Niels.

Jacobs, Sanford L.

Baritchi, Dan.

Price, Steven D.

Martin, Tracy.

Cleveland, Ashley.

Brennan, Stephen.

Ganz, Julie.

Perkins, Kevin.
    Little Blue Gnome.
    Guildford : Grosvenor House Publishing, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Rush, Alan.

Morgan, Pat.

Rogers, Vanessa.

Heatley, Michael.

Seaman, Julian.

Gilbert, Ian.

Gammond, Peter.

Hunter, Erika M.

Curran, Andrew.

Heatley, Michael.

Hess, Stephen.

Hodgson, David.

Gammond, Jules.

Pranis, Kay.

Read, Mike.

Zehr, Howard.

Permutte, Philip.

Downton, Dawn Rae.

Stroud, Jon.

Schirch, Lisa.

Welch, Clare.

Rogers, Vanessa.

Beech, Joe.

Mason, Chris.

Brachet, Michelle.

Heatley, Michael.

Greenland, David.

Tappin, Neil.

Ellwood, Jezz.

Rights, G2.

Curnock, David.

Stevens, Drew.

Brubaker, David.

Hodgson, David.

Wollaston, Emily.

Anderson, Charlotte.

Keeling, Dave.

Green, Christine.

Green, Christine.

Clayton, David.

Betts, Graham.

Jackson, Nina.

Welch, Ian.

Brachet, Michelle.

Lee, Michael.

Amstutz, Lorraine Stutzman.

Zehr, Howard.

Karp, David.

Karp, David.

Toews, Barb.

Oudshoorn, Judah.

Torontonian, Unknown.

Curnock, David.

Betts, Graham.

Groome, Clive.

Oram, Hugh.

Shirch, Lisa.

Mason, Rob.

Heatley, Michael.

Welch, Claire.

Thynne, John.

Stroud, Jon.

Gilbert, Ian.

Rogers, Vanessa.

Yoder, Carolyn.

Duckworth, Julie.

Amstutz, Lorraine S.

Betts, Graham.

Brachet, Michelle.

Todd, Samantha.

Rodriquez, Robert.

Morgan, Paul.

Patterson, Victoria.

Sorrentino, Gilbert.
    Little Casino.
    : Coffee House Press, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

McNiff, Dawn.
    Little Celeste.
    London : Hot Key Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lozano, José.
    Little Chanclas.
    TX : Cinco Puntos Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Jaramillo, Susie.

Hunnisett, Fran.

Higgins, Beda.

Neave, Airey.

Mathur, Ashok.

Glaister, Lesley.
    Little Egypt.
    Cambridge : Salt Publishing Limited, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Dionne, JoAnn.

Scott, Joseph W.

Sarah, Robyn.

Murphy, Elaine.

Soucy, Gaetan.

Douglas, Amanda Minnie.

Douglas, Amanda Minnie.

Douglas, Amanda Minnie.

Douglas, Amanda Minnie.

Douglas, Amanda Minnie.

Douglas, Amanda Minnie.

Douglas, Amanda Minnie.

Carl, Klaus H.
    Little Girls.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Stinson, Loretta.

Delingpole, James.

McEvoy, Dermot.

Nielsen, Tine.

Holloway, Richard.

Schulenburg-Beetzendorf, Fritz.

Yahgulanaas, Michael Nicoll.

Rotstein, Adira.

Rotstein, Adira.

Modiano, Patrick.
    Little Jewel.
    New Haven : Yale University Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Birch, Alice.
    Little Light.
    London : Oberon Books Ltd, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Finney, Kathryn.
    Little Louie.
    New York, NY : Sky Pony Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Evans, Jane.

Trapani, Iza.

Smith, Rosemarie.
    Little Molly.
    Claygate : Grosvenor House Publishing, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Caveney, Philip.

Rørvik, Bjørn F.

Battut, Éric.
    Little Pea.
    New York, NY : Sky Pony Press, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Laird, Elizabeth.

Blyth, Lois.

Brookes, Stephanie.

Black, Anna.

Summaries, Bright.

Gray, Joanna.

Roberts, Lynn.


P., Bill.

Sinclair, Jason.

Brennan, Stephen.

Lyons, Nick.

Aaboe, Niels.

Lyons, Paul.

Pipper, Michael.

Rubino, Holly.

Cassell, Jay.

Palmisano, Donald J.

Belsheim, Kari.

Koch, Ed.

Douglas, Scott.

Besaw, Kelsie.

    Little Red Book.
    Minneapolis : Hazelden Publishing, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Moffitt, James.

Blythe, Alecky.

Sherman, Susan.
    Little Russian.
    Berkeley : Counterpoint, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gay, William.

Dalby, Liza.

Olstein, Lisa.
    Little Stranger.
    Port Townsend : Copper Canyon Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

FitzSimons, Peter.

Singer, Blair.

Pudney, Warwick.

Bennett, Anna Elizabeth.

Cranston, C.A.

Rievaulx, Aelred of.

Nocent, Adrien.

Moody, Carolyn.

Nelson, Mexico Mike.

L'Engle, Madeleine.

Le Fevre, Mylon.
    Live Forever.
    : Heritage Builders, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Findlay, Nicola.

Oliver, Vicky.

Jen, Reverend.

Kirk, Mimi.

Moccio, Francine A.

Hacker, Katie.

Chapman, Aaron.

Squires, Constance.

Wright, Katherine.

Hebinck, Paulus Gerardus Maria.

Cross, Tim.

Lai, Michelle.

Häussinger, Dieter.

Moritz, Andreas.

Archibald, Malcolm.

Penney, Darby.

Coles, Robert.

Clements, Ronald.

Griffin, Charles C.

Garvin, Tom.

Friedman, Lawrence J.

Leiderman, Lucy.
    Lives of Kings.
    Toronto : Dundurn, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Dyer, Lee A.

Leiderman, Lucy.
    Lives of Magic.
    Toronto : Dundurn, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Richards Solomon, Catherine.

Mulder-Bakker, Anneke B.

Churchill, Caryl.

Robertson, Ray.

Marquardt, Marie Friedmann.

Pughe, Billy.

Brower, Kent.

Kohn, Livia.

Rahman, Shibley.

Fabiny, Anne.

DeCicco, Teresa L.

Stott, John.
    Living Church.
    La Vergne : SPCK, 2008.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kaptein, Muel.

Goldberg, Natalie.

Warren, Sean.

Fischer, Rusty.

Brown, Guy.

Pritchard, John.

Fanon, F.

Cox, Caroline.

Tree, Isabella.

Fosket, Jennifer.

Sehri, Inam R.

Sehri, Inam R.

Deasy, Denis.

Varan, Valerie.

Pritchard, John.
    Living Jesus.
    London : SPCK, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

McGuire, Beverley Foulks.

Dubuisson, Eva Marie.

Macfarlan, Allan A.

Hiep, Le Hong.

Wells, Samuel.

Su, Adrienne.

Ping-Chun, Hsiung.

Klapow, Joshua C.

Morgan, Lisa.

Sharp, Ronald Farrington.

Bishop, Diana.

Romanowski, Nick.

Harpur, Tom.

Hargrave, Alan.

Dickinson, Lynn.

Hall, Christopher A.

Enfield, Lizzie.
    Living With It.
    Brighton : Myriad Editions, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Aronson, Ronald.

Austin, James H.

Warren, Beth.

Pushor, Debbie.

Robinson, Harry.

Murch, Donna Jean.

Levey, Joel.

Hoffman, Jeffrey A.

Abel, Emily K.

VanDrunen, David.

Norton, Joy.

Emmons, Dylan.

Alves, Maria Helena Moreira.

Rufus, Rob.

Black, Anna.

Henderson, Silas.

Barrow, Judith.

West, Dorothy.
    Living is Easy.
    New York : The Feminist Press at CUNY, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Novak, Michael.

O'Donnell, Daniel.
    Living the Dream.
    Dublin : The O'Brien Press, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

McPhee, Peter, Professor.

German, Rich.

Tam, Marilyn.

Becker, David.

John-Roger, DSS.

B., Mel.

Hodges, Lynn.

Scapp, R.

Watson, Julie V.

Colley, Mary.

Heaton-Harris, Nicolette.

Honigsbaum, M.

Craggs-Hinton, Christine.

Craggs-Hinton, Christine.

McFerran, Don.

Ferreira, Nuno.

Brown, L.

Poston Miller, Kimberly.

Tuffrey-Wijne, Irene.

Lindsay, I.

Kodanaz, Rachel Blythe.

Greener, Mark.

Bauckham, Richard.

Hooper, Martyn.

Watharow, Simon.

McKenna, Laurence.

Smith, Tom.

Shibuya, Setsuko.

Crush, Jonathan.

Anderson, Rolande.

White, Craig.

McCurry, Patrick.

Ingram, Paul O.

Freadman, Anne.

Lochhead, Liz.

Hopkins, Jerry.

Byler, Linda.

Green, Jeremy.

Clarke, Rosie.

Entz, Gary R.

Saunders, Sara Maria.

Liz, McGregor.

Odenkirk, Bob.
    Load of Hooey.
    San Francisco : McSweeney's, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Charyn, Jerome.

Geisst, Charles R.

Kambrod, Matthew R.

Moessing, Lisa.

Alemanno, Alberto.

Leech, Beth L.

Rosen, Fred.
    Lobster Boy.
    New York : Open Road Media, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

de la Cruz, Rafael.

Heffron, Joe.

Warner, Michael.

Van Assche, Kristof.

Andrews, Michael.

Blossing, Ulf.

Holste, Jan Hauke.

Teles, F.

Fan, Bin.

Nguyen, Thi Phuong Mai.

Beitel, Karl.

Shah, Anwar.

Starkey, Guy.

Yen, Ju-Yi.

Nazaikinskii, Vladimir.

Long, Yi-Tao.

Robertson, J.

Osborne, M. Scott.

Sandrock, Kirsten.

Huisman, Frank.

Grote, Florian.

Zettl, Stephanie.

Evans, Leighton.

Strawson, Galen.

Tomida, Yasuhiko.

Feser, Edward.
    Oxford : Oneworld Publications, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Dinzey-Flores, Zaire Zenit.

Breugel, Christina van.

Van Cutsem, Eric.

Stevens, Karl.
    Gainesville : Alternative Comics, 2007.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Shalaby, Khairy.

Shkuda, Aaron.


Adams, Andy.

Peterson, Tracie.

Walpow, Nathan.

Smith, Nicholas J.J.

Goranko, Valentin.

Bramer, Max.

Breeze, Beth.

Peirce, Charles S.

La Farge, Ben.

Libkin, Leonid.

Hutchison, David.

Hutchison, David.

Hutchison, David.

Ballerstein, Kathrin.

Hilbe, Joseph M.

Neufeld, James.

Borchert, William G.

Brett, Lily.
    Lola Bensky.
    Berkeley : Counterpoint, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

St. John Mandel, Emily.
    Lola Quartet.
    : Unbridled Books, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Palladino, Ernie.

Lachenal, Guillaume.

Bean, Richard.
    London Assurance.
    London : Oberon Books Ltd, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Travers, Tony.

Celine, Louis-Ferdinand.
    London Bridge.
    London : Alma Books, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Leggatt, Mark.

Sheridan, Sara.

Walters, Christopher.

Besant, Annie.

Brown, Matt.

Unsworth, Cathi.
    London Noir.
    New York : Akashic Books, 2006.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Blythe, Alecky.

Jones, Dylan.

Woolf, Virginia.

Hopkinson, Frank.

Laureano, Carla.

Haynes, Ian.

Angus, Chris.

Spragg, Iain.

Rezek, Joseph.

Farjeon, Benjamin.

Garapich, Michal P.

Spragg, Iain.

Spragg, Iain.

Quinn, Tom.

Quinn, Tom.

Phillips, Melanie.

Phillips, Melanie.
    New York : Encounter Books, 2007.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Latham, Martin.

Davis, Mark.

Somers, Karen.

Byrd, Bobby.
    Lone Star Noir.
    Brooklyn : Akashic Books, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gladwell, Richard.

Smelcer, John.
    Lone Wolves.
    Teaticket : Leapfrog Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Sillitoe, Alan.

Labriola, Anthony.
    Lonely Barber.
    Brownsville : Anaphora Literary Press, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Janowitz, Brenda.

Friedman, Dennis.
    Lonely Hearts Club.
    New York : Peter Owen Publishers, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Shevtsova, Lilia.

Reynolds, Mrs. Baillie.
    Lonely Stronghold.
    Wellington : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Millar, Martin.

Graham, Dale.

Nicholls, H.

Fitzmaurice, Gabriel.

Hill, Gregory.

Wan-suh, Park.
    Lonesome You.
    Normal, IL : Columbia University Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Wu, Suli.

Goldsmith, Jeff.

Mason, Adrienne.

Muskus, Urszula.

Lorenzo, O.

Gaines, Ernest J.

Greer, John Michael.

Farred, Grant.

Hall, Damian.

Jones, Cynan.
    Long Dry.
    La Vergne : Coffee House Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Wier, George.

Tifft, Meghan.

Fotis, M.

Coghill, Ashley.

Stern, Amanda.
    Long Haul.
    Berkeley : Dzanc Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Borrie, Cathie.

McGrath, Ann.

Maslin, Jamie.
    Long Hitch Home.
    New York, NY : Skyhorse Publishing, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gay, William.
    Long Home.
    La Vergne : Dzanc Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Friedman, Rosemary.
    Long Hot Summer.
    : Arcadia Books Limited, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Jones, Kaylie.
    Long Island Noir.
    Brooklyn : Akashic Books, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Long, Robert.
    Long Island Poets.
    Newburyport : The Permanent Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Joubert, Elsa.

Makuck, Peter.

Klose, Robert.

Michael, Jane Wilkens.

Boothby, Guy Newell.

Dixon, Stephen.
    Long Made Short.
    Baltimore, MD : Dzanc Books, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lindsay, Douglas.

Horowitz, Irving.

Connolly, Joey.
    Long Pass.
    Manchester : Carcanet, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Cody, H. A.

Bindloss, Harold.

Thorn, Harry Jay.

Iau, Philip.

Keen, Will.

Bainbridge, Colin.
    Long Rider : 0.
    La Vergne : Robert Hale, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Nhat Hanh, Thich.

Gardner, Lloyd C.

Johnston, Mary.
    Long Roll.
    New York : Open Road Media, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bynum, Victoria E.

Hodges, Craig.

Strain, Christopher B.

Levine, Gregory P. A.

Davis, Burke.
    Long Surrender.
    New York : Open Road Media, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Armstrong, John.
    Long Trail : 0.
    La Vergne : Robert Hale, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Connor, Scott.

Molloy, Johnny.

Jones, Stephen Graham.

Faulder, Liane.

Frankel, Philip.

Floyd, Bryan Alec.
    Long War Dead.
    Newburyport : The Permanent Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

al-Takarli, Fuad.

Velmans, Loet.

Berger, Thomas. R.

Fisher, Roy.

Kosters, Onno.

Hauck, Ben.

Berry, Wendell.

Sosin, Danielle.

Spiro, Avron.

Brennan, Maeve.

Eckenwiler, Lisa A.

Bullock, Emily.
    Longest Fight.
    Brighton : Myriad Editions, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Williams, Jeanne.

Fontova, Humberto.

Mitchell, R.J.
    Longest Shadow.
    Edinburgh : Fledgling Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hooper, Meredith.

Brooks, Victor.

DuRey, Will.

Canning, Whit.

Holton, M. Jan.

Piercy, Marge.

Bell, Nancy M.
    Longview Christmas.
    CALGARY : Books We Love Publishing Partners, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Porosoff Mitchell, Lauren.
    Look At Me.
    Teaticket : Leapfrog Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Niedzviecki, Hal.

Viau, Nancy.

Cho, Tom.

Williamson, Rose.

Yasko-mangum, Jamie L.

Yasko-mangum, Jamie L.

Yancy, George.

Goldsmith, Dale.

Hewitt, Paolo.

Gifford, Phil.

Daswani, Girish.

Vroom, Hendrik M.

Bierut, Michael.

Bierut, Michael.

Jacobi, Daniel.

Hopkins, Cathy.

Bird, Arthur.

Bryan, Jennifer.

Stewart, Hilary.

Stewart, Hilary.

Richardson, Arleta.
    Looking for Home.
    Colorado Springs, CO : David C. Cook, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Shoup, Barbara.

Ando, Yuka Uchida.

Ellis, Deborah.
    Looking for X.
    : Groundwood Books, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Milam, Erika L.

Barlow, William.

McElroy, Joseph.
    Lookout Cartridge.
    Indianapolis, IN : Dzanc Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Pratch, Leslie S.

Thomas, Becky.

Thomas, Becky.

Thomas, Becky.

Thomas, Becky.

Bruns, John.

Sutton, Garrett.

Coyote, Ivan.
    Loose End.
    Vancouver : Arsenal Pulp Press, 2005.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Easton, Don.

Raskin, Barbara.
    Loose Ends.
    Newburyport : Open Road Media, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Beloglovsky, Miriam.

Daly, Lisa.

Inal, Tuba.

Labbé, Carlos.
    New York, NY : Open Letter, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Dockrill, Laura.
    London : Hot Key Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hawkswood, Sarah.

Elliott, Brian.

James, G. P. R.

Smith, Ray.

Baganz, Susan M.

Sargenti, Angela.
    Lord Sir Beast.
    London : Sweetmeats Press, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Burden, Charlie.

Kennedy, D. James.

Chung, Tung Sing Joseph.

McNally, John.

Bassham, Gregory.

Fung, Christopher.

Smith, J. Warren.

Keller, David G. R.

Murray, Andrew.

Teuscher, Simon.

Story, Colleen M.
    Loreena's Gift.
    Westland : Dzanc Books, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kent, F. W.

Sarkar, Santosh Kumar.

Bindloss, Harold.

Manotti, Dominique.

Staff, Ateneu Barcelonès.

Barraclough, Simon.

Brown, James.

Hamilton, Denise.

Hamilton, Denise.
    Los Angeles Noir.
    New York : Akashic Books, 2007.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Cooder, Ry.
    Los Angeles Stories.
    San Francisco : City Lights Publishers, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Raji, Annaswamy.

Glickman, Peter.

Nash, Joyce D.

Perera, Jayantha.

Miller, Mark Crispin.

Hochhalter, Daniel.

Miniter, Richard.

Kilgore, Paul.

Beaumont, Helen.

Frost, Andy.

Berry, Albert.

Kamata, Suzanne.
    Losing Kei.
    Teaticket : Leapfrog Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Saulnier, Alain.

Peinkofer, James.

Gionfriddo, Paul.

Crane, Mary Thomas.

Hunter, Sandra.
    Losing Touch.
    London : Oneworld Publications, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Costello, Brian.

Waterman, Laura.

Nicholson, Geoff.

Buzzacott, Francis Henry.

Krohn, Charles A.

Cohen, Andrew.

Lowrey , Sassafras.
    Lost Boi.
    Vancouver : Arsenal Pulp Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bennet, Rick.
    Lost Brother.
    New York : Arcade Publishing, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Niven, Frederick.
    Lost Cabin Mine.
    Wellington : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Revoyr, Nina.
    Lost Canyon.
    La Vergne : Akashic Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lal, Deepak.

Heard, H. F.

Conran, A. E.
    Lost Celt.
    CA : Goosebottom Books, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Oechsle, Michael.
    Lost Cipher.
    Newburyport : Albert Whitman & Company, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Daitch, Susan.

Scott, Peter.

Nolan, Tina.
    Lost Duckling.
    London : Stripes Publishing, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Furuness, Bryan.

London, Jack.

Sillitoe, Alan.
    Lost Flying Boat.
    Newburyport : Open Road Media, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Li, Ang.

Radford, Andrew.

Terpstra, Nicholas.

Whitney, Phyllis A.
    Lost Island.
    Newburyport : Open Road Media Romance, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Plain, Lachlan.

Joy, Camden.
    Lost Joy.
    : Verse Chorus Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Anderson, Steve.

Licence, Amy.

Lachman, Gary.

Watson, George.

Mews, Constant J.

Ala, Salvatore.
    Lost Luggage.
    Emeryville : Biblioasis, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Ashcroft, Michael.
    Lost Majority.
    La Vergne : Biteback Publishing, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Raven, J.

Jaskulka, Marie.

Jacobs, Jane.

Morris, Mary McGarry.

Reiss, Marcia.
    Lost New York.
    London : Pavilion Books Company Limited, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Goldstein, David.
    Lost Originals.
    Toronto : BookThug, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Daly, Nigel.

Webb, Holly.
    Lost Puppy.
    London : Stripes Publishing, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Evanosky, Dennis.
    Lost San Francisco.
    London : Pavilion Books Company Limited, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Cunningham, M Allen.
    Lost Son.
    : Unbridled Books, 2008.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Sadgrove, Michael.

Schrecker, Ellen.

Riegert, Ray.

Hanson, Sandra L.

Falconer, Delia.

Tolnitch, Amy.
    Lost Touch Series.
    Wauconda : Medallion Media Group, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Tolnitch, Amy.

Tolnitch, Amy.

Tolnitch, Amy.

Webb, Holly.
    Lost Treasure.
    London : Stripes Publishing, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

George, Nelson.

Grey, Zane.

Rossiter, Nicky.

Conan Doyle, Arthur.
    Lost World.
    London : Alma Books, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Glasnovic, Jamey.

Dalglish, Geoff.

Paulauskiene, Ausra.

Smith, Joel.
    Lost at Sea.
    London : SPCK, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Holland, John.

Stanghellini, Giovanni.

Noyce, Pendred.

Gray, John.

Rönnerman, Karin.

Tanzer, Ben.

Connell, Evan S.

Feddersen, Eckhard.

Jory, Chris.

O'Mara-Croft, Brian.

Mann, Greyson.

Ghinsberg, Yossi.

Webb, Holly.

Stredder, Eleanor.

Magrs, Paul.
    Lost on Mars.
    Cardiff : Firefly Press Limited, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Friedman, Steve.

Bellamy, Edward.
    Wellington : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Devon, Gary.
    Newburyport : Open Road Media Mystery & Thriller, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Fong, W.
    Lottery Mindset.
    London : Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Rodrigo, Amali.
    Lotus Gatherers.
    Tyne and Wear : Bloodaxe Books, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Glover, Tracey Narayani.

Mendes, Melissa.
    New York, NY : Alternative Comics, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Courage, Nick.

Walton, Todd.
    Louie & Women.
    La Vergne : Pharos Editions, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Fuerte, Luis.

Hanley, Catherine.

Bachelier, Louis.

Forgosh, Linda B.

Ralkowski, Mark.

Dagit, Jr. Charles E.

Fauske, Christopher J.

Stewart, Sharon.

Heffron, Margery M.

Ings-Chambers, Caroline.

Johnston, A. J. B.
    Halifax : Nimbus Publishing, Limited, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Krug, Louise.

Lisle, Laurie.

Roop, Peter.
    Louisiana Purchase.
    New York : Open Road Media Teen & Tween, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Cobb, William J.
    Lousy Adult.
    Baltimore : Johns Hopkins University Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Banks, Jane Whelen.

Smith, Harry Leslie.

Price, Ben Joel.

Spencer, Liv.

Ferrell, Miralee.

Abdulrazzak, Hassan.

Solomon, Nina.
    Love Book.
    New York : Akashic Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

French, Marilyn.
    Love Children.
    New York : The Feminist Press at CUNY, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Koch, Henning.

Sheumaker, Helen.

Jay, Jeff.

Riseley, Stephanie.

Wilson, Elizabeth.

    Love Gun.
    London : Sweetmeats Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Marie, Jude.

Ward, Keith.

Lexhed, Jenny.

Vetsch, Erica.

Margarit, Joan.
    Love Is a Place.
    Tyne and Wear : Bloodaxe Books, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Johnson, Christy.

Zmeškal, Tomáš.

Dellaira, Ava.

Jackson Gandy, Debrena.

Bullen, Daniel.

Hopkins, Cathy.
    Love Lottery.
    Dorking : Piccadilly Press, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Woo, Sung J.

Gibran, Jean.

Factor, Eliza.
    Love Maps.
    New York : Akashic Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Leigh, Spencer.

Levine, Deborah A.

Gupta, Tanika.
    Love N Stuff.
    London : Oberon Books Ltd, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

    Love Next Door.
    La Vergne : CASSAVA REPUBLIC PRESS, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Horn, Tina.

Yates, Nigel.

Sabines, Jaime.
    Love Poems.
    Emeryville : Biblioasis, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Fairhead, Barbara.
    Love Sheet.
    Oxford : Modajaji Books, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Dumesnil, Cheryl.

Graziano, Michael S. A.

Parker, Alan Michael.

Gross, Philip.

Owen, Gary.

Ricucci, Gary and Betsy.

Linssen, Leonie.

Barlow, Patrick.

Edelman, Julia.

George, Jamie.

Huda, Afzal.

Calhoun, Crissy.

Marsh, Charis.

Tuck, Max.

Seigal, Catherine.

Baum, Vicki.

Braendlin, Bonnie.

de Vries, Hent.

O'Neill, Catherine.

Werner, Craig.


Jacoby, Sarah H.

Harris, A.

Alexander, Ilonka Venier.

Ballantine, Poe.

Schelling, Andrew.

Digby, Tom.

Dixon, Stephen.
    Love and Will.
    : Dzanc Books, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gray, Erick S.

Bryson, Michael.

Congreve, William.

Wilson, Anthony.
    Love for Now.
    Exeter : Impress Books, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Rattigan, Terence.

Millet, Lydia.

Due, Reidar.

Moulton, Ian Frederick.

Martin, Marianne K.

Robertson, Howard W.

Enns, Diane.

El Saadawi, Nawal.

Vieta, Frances.

Mahfouz, Naguib.
    Love in the Rain.
    Cairo : The American University in Cairo Press, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bourgeault, Cynthia.

Callow, Simon.

Friedman, Rosemary.
    Love on My List.
    London : Arcadia Books Limited, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Tranum, Sam.

Barthel, Joan.

Shakespeare, William.

Powell, Judy.

Clack, Brian R, Mr.

Maunder, Robert.

Maznavi, Nura.

Cannon, Katy.

Rushton, Rosie.

Battle, Nick.

Sedgwick , Chantele.
    Love, Lucas.
    New York : Sky Pony Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lawson, Wenn.

Wyllie, Timothy.

McLelland, M.

Hendrickx, Sarah.

Waterston, Alisse.

Calosse, Jp. A.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gaiman, Neil.

Mamdouh, Alia.

Braddon, Mary Elizabeth.
    Lovels of Arden.
    Wellington : The Floating Press, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lustig, Arnost.

Morgan, Page.

Tagore, Rabindranath.
    Lover of God.
    Port Townsend : Copper Canyon Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Koren, Yehuda.

Farmer, Philip José.

Mautner, Gabriella.

Vallés , Serena.

De Molière, Jean Baptiste Poquelin.
    Lovers' Quarrels.
    New York : Theatre Communications Group, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Spence, Alan J.

O'Shea, Samara.

Chenier, Allison.

Hayes, Joe.
    Lovesick Skunk.
    El Paso : Cinco Puntos Press, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Seidel, Spencer.
    : PublishingWorks, 2005.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Jhabvala, Ruth Prawer.

Freeman, Hilary.
    Loving Danny.
    Dorking : Piccadilly Press, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

McFadden, Bernice L.
    Loving Donovan.
    New York : Akashic Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

de Lange, Frits.

Miller, Paul E.

Weller, Michael.

Friedman, Rosemary.
    Loving Mistress.
    London : Arcadia Books Limited, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Dahl, Linda.

Tangey, Penny.

Cobb, Aaron D.

Wright, Norman H.

Hersh, Reuben.

Durante, Marcia.

Ryken, Philip Graham.

Miller, William R.

Paulún, Fredrik.

Paulún, Fredrik.

Jupesta, Joni.

Cumbers, Theresa.

Suzuki, Toru.

Garnier, Pascal.
    Low Heights.
    La Vergne : Gallic Books, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

McIntyre, Clare.

Freeman, Neil.

Ramamurthy, s.

Campbell, T. Colin.
    Low-Carb Fraud.
    Dallas : BenBella Books, Inc., 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Zhirkov, Igor.

Stanton, Cathy.

Gorky, Maxim.
    Lower Depths.
    London : Oberon Books Ltd, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Breitkreuz, Thomas.

Cholmondeley, Mary.

Aitchison, Peter.

Donskis, Leonidas.

Kacew, Sam.

Kašuba, Mário.

Jonas, Georgina.
    La Vergne : Crown House Publishing, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gay, Robert.

Simpson, Fay.

Rees, Siân.

Cavallo, Frank.
    Lucifer Messiah.
    St. Charles : Medallion Media Group, 2006.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Baddeley, Gavin.

Brady, Kathleen.

Cowley, Deborah.

Ó Sé, Maidhc Dainín.

Menjivar, Mark.

Yates, Harry.

Cross, L. D.

Spagna, Ana Maria.

Friedman, Bruce Jay.

Herman, Jan K.

Rice, Craig.
    Lucky Stiff.
    Newburyport : Road, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Zafris, Nancy.
    Lucky Strike.
    Lakewood, CO : Unbridled Books, 2006.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Wilson, Pat.
    Lucky Strike.
    Toronto : Dundurn, 2007.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Faulkner, Carol.

Linker, L.

Lezra, Jacques.

Kirkwood, Lucy.

McMillen, Sally G.

Downest, Madeline.

Webb, Holly.

Del Mazo, Margarita.
    Lucy's Light.
    Madrid : Cuento de Luz, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hopkins, Judy.

Wilkinson, Brenda.
    Brooklyn : Ig Publishing, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Glei, Reinhold F.

Spangenberg, Marcus.

Moeller, Hans-Georg.

Chen, Diane G.

Kroll, Woodrow.

Sondergaard, Vibe Ulrik.

Redmond, Paul.

Pastor, Ben.
    New York : Bitter Lemon Press, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Casetti, Francesco.

Barrett, C. K.

Rocklin, David.

Wells, Carolyn.
    Luminous Face.
    Wellington : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Nahai, Gina B.

Tawhai, Alice.
    Wellington : Huia (NZ) Ltd, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Smid, Emmi.

Blaise, Clark.

Sorrentino, Gilbert.
    Lunar Follies.
    : Coffee House Press, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Winkler, Anthony C.
    New York : Akashic Books, 2007.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Luiselli, Valeria.

Twicken, David.

Wieviorka, Michel.

Pohl, Herb.

Ziolkowski, Theodore.

Lowes, Michael D.

Bindloss, Harold.

Ghanayim, Mahmud.

Napier, Bill.
    London : Canelo Digital Publishing Ltd, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kerbel, Deborah.
    Toronto : Dundurn, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Waugh, Thomas.

Teeuwen, Mark.

Pearl, Margaret.
    Lusty Little Men.
    Berkeley : Ulysses Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Pearl, Margaret.

Kis, Danilo.
    Lute and the Scars.
    Normal, IL : Columbia University Press, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Harvey, Richard S.

Kaufmann, Thomas.

Myracle , Lauren.

Millar, Martin.
    Lux the Poet.
    New York : Soft Skull Press, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Cohen, Joanna.

McNeil, Peter.

Okonkwo, U.

Okonkwo, Uché.

Merk, M.

Srun, Francis.

Hoffmann, J.

Auguste, G.

Sicard, M.

Lazzara, M.

Harris, Sam.
    Berkeley : Four Elephants Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Collins, Nancy A.

Halliday, Brett.
    Lynch-Rope Law.
    New York : Open Road Media, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Stein, Michael.
    Lynching Tree.
    New York : The Permanent Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Walsh, Enda.

Quincey, Elizabeth.
    Lyndhurst Affair.
    Guildford : Grosvenor House Publishing, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Breedlove, Lynn.

Madden, Lyn.

Starr, G. Gabrielle.

Nelson, Ingrid.

Wang, David Der-wei.

Friedman, Misha.

Fabry-Tehranchi, Irène.

of Limpsfield Grange School, The Students.
    M Is for Autism.
    London : Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Dunphy, Maïa.

of Limpsfield Grange School, The Students.

Xia, Feng.

Van Hulle, Dirk.

Gregor M. Cailliet,.
    Dehli : Scientific International, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Cushing-Jones, Nancy.

Willis, Linsey C.

Lopez, Cesar.

Kim, Phil.

Lopez, Cesar.

Lopez, Cesar.

Lopez, Cesar.

Lopez, Cesar.

Paluszek, Michael.

Lopez, Cesar.

Lopez, Cesar.

Lopez, Cesar.

Lopez, Cesar.

Lopez, Cesar.

Paluszek, Michael.

Lopez, Cesar.

Bell-Rehwoldt, Sheri.

Cafiero, Giuseppe.

Datta, Pradip.

Cederquist, Caroline.

Zamboni, Giulia.

    ME SUZY P.
    Surrey : Templar Publishing, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

McClay, Nicholas.
    MEAN Cookbook.
    Birmingham : Packt Publishing, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Brown, Eric.

Baldwin, Ben Sparks, Clare.

Whitehouse, Sophie Goldie, Val Hanrahan, Cath Moore, Jean-Paul Muscat, Susan.

Hazzan, Orit.

Green, Oliver.

Bingen, Steven.

Rafalko, Frank J.

Beskin, Vasily S.

Tozer, Sarah.

West, Nigel.

S. Sreekumar,.

Ceceri, Kathy.

Ceceri, Kathy.

Mo, J.

Garrow, David J.

Snowden, Jonathan.

Bartle, Richard A.

Bartle, Richard A.

Archer P, Robert.

Hollands, Fiona M.

Rhoads, Robert A.

Young, Sylvester.

Liney, Gary.

Shadday, Allison.

al-Mohaimeed, Yousef.
    Cairo : The American University in Cairo Press, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kouraklis, John.

Ashurst, George.

Kodama, Mitsuru.

Loos, Tim.

Wang, Wallace.

Ward, Christopher.

Ward, Christopher.

Wang, Wallace.

Shakespeare, William.

Clausen, Christoph.

Summaries, Bright.

Anthony, Evelyn.

Dutil, Patrice.

Silva, Surianida.

Nederman, Cary J.

Ruggiero, Guido.

Machiavelli, Niccolò.

Viroli, Maurizio.
    Machiavelli's God.
    Princeton : Princeton University Press, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Fuller, Timothy.

Treadwell, Sophie.

Fang, Lee.

Bonaccorso, Giuseppe.

Brandewinder, Mathias.

Ramasubramanian, Karthik.

Whitenack, Daniel.

Bonnin, Rodolfo.

Feldbauer, Roman.

Wan, Shibiao.

Cleophas, Ton J.

Cleophas, Ton J.

Cleophas, Ton J.

Bhatia, AshishSingh.

Tambouratzis, George.

Bhattacharyya, Pushpak.

Martinot, Steve.

Helms, Joshua R.

Califia, Patrick.

Kerbel, Deborah.

Kerbel, Deborah.

De Vries, Peter.

McDougall, Len.

Durlauf, Steven.

Nair, Geeta.

Leamer, Edward E.

Barwell, Richard.

Barwell, Richard.

Wickens, Michael.

Fontana, G.

Damill, Mario.

Calvo, Guillermo A.

Adler, E. Scott.

Barwell, Richard.

Chambers, Mark L.

Rosen, Fred.
    Mad Chopper.
    New York : Open Road Media, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Rollins, Henry.
    Mad Dash.
    Los Angeles : 2.13.61, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Pemberton, N.

Laprade, Pat.

Churchill, Caryl.

Hadlock, Heather.

Conway, Nicole.
    Mad Magic.
    Chicago : Month9Books, LLC, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bernardo, Mark P.

LaChance Adams, Sarah.

Kirk, Stuart A.

Majewski, Lori.

Eigen, Joel Peter.

Schwartz, Steven.
    La Vergne : Engine Books, 2006.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kounalakis, Eleni.

Çalislar, Ipek.

Hazelgrove, William.

Donaldson-Evans, Mary.

Flaubert, Gustave.
    Madame Bovary.
    Berkeley : Thunder Bay Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Brannen, Sarah S.

McGill, Tricia.

Johnson, Kimberly.

McManmon, Michael P.

Church, Kyoko.

Talbot, John.

Newman, Carol.

O'Rowe, Mark.

Akpabli, Kofi.

Helsing Almaas, Ingerid.

Foy, D.
    Made to Break.
    New York : Two Dollar Radio, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Barnardo, Chris.

Collignon, Rick.
    Madewell Brown.
    Lakewood, CO : Unbridled Books, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Jha, Kalpana.

Mann, Michael E.

Carswell, Sean.

Chambers, Jason.

Donahue, Peter.

Bertelli, Anthony M.

Neuborne, Burt.

Thomas, George.

Mirak-Weissbach, Muriel.

Hess, Joan.
    Madness in Maggody.
    Newburyport : Road, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Williams, Zoe.

Gray, Penny.

Bown, Stephen R.

    London : Hot Key Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bouchard, Michel Marc.
    Madonna Painter.
    Vancouver : Talonbooks, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Barcella, Laura.

Morrow, James.

Druzhnikov, Yuri.

Ragougneau, Alexis.

Bonazzi, Robert.

Wynne-Jones, Tim.
    : Groundwood Books, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bosman, Herman Charles.

Finckenauer, James O.

Costanzo, Ezio.

Newark, Tim.

Ziervogel, Meike.
    Cambridge : Salt Publishing Limited, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Khliupko, Viktor.
    Magento 1 DIY.
    Berkeley, CA : Apress, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Khliupko, Viktor.
    Magento 2 DIY.
    Berkeley, CA : Apress, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Barr, Damian.
    Maggie & Me.
    : House of Anansi Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Sherry, John.
    Maggie's Farm.
    New York : The Permanent Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hess, Joan.
    Maggody Militia.
    Newburyport : Road, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hess, Joan.

Hess, Joan.
    Maggody in Manhattan.
    Newburyport : Road, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gardner, Sally.

Gardner, Sally.
    Maggot Moon.
    London : Hot Key Books, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Koch, Henning.
    Maggot People.
    : Dzanc Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Ralley, Robert.

Chesterton, G. K.

Cavallaro, Dani.

Hoffman, Eric.

Ryan, Pamela.

Harris, Philip.
    Magic Carpet Ride.
    La Vergne : Biteback Publishing, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Angart, Leo.

Dickens, Charles.
    Magic Fishbone.
    Newburyport : Dover Publications, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Wimmer, Sonja.
    Magic Hat Shop.
    New York, NY : Cuento de Luz, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Leech, Jeanine.

Thomson-Swift, Joe.
    Magic Stone.
    Guildford : Grosvenor House Publishing, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Cohen, Stanley.

Henderson, Sam.
    Magic Whistle #0.
    Gainesville : Alternative Comics, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Henderson, Sam.
    Magic Whistle #13.
    Gainesville : Alternative Comics, 2007.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Henderson, Sam.
    Magic Whistle #4.
    Gainesville : Alternative Comics, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Henderson, Sam.

Henderson, Sam.
    Magic Whistle 3.2.
    Gainesville : Alternative Comics, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Henderson, Sam.

Kolpan, Gerald.

Thomson, Garner.

Bloom, Godfrey.

Aros, Claudio.

Lewis, Byron.

Riley, Paul.

Cooper, Diana.

Leafar, Elhoim.

Bellingradt, Daniel.

Bramwell, Tony.

Sato, Nobuo.

Warnes, Christopher.

Can, Taner.

Pitol, Sergio.
    Magician of Vienna.
    La Vergne : Deep Vellum Publishing, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Rehmus, Edward E.

Douglas, Ed.

Fyson, Donald.

Harris, Carolyn.

Day, Stephen.

Peng, Guo.

Black, Kate.

Wheatley, James.
    Magnificent Joe.
    Oxford : Oneworld Publications, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hill, Selima.

Townsend, Carole.

Mackay, Janis.

Mackay, Janis.

Mackay, Janis.

Mackay, Janis.

Handler Spitz, Ellen.

Hajnoczky, Helen.
    Toronto : Coach House Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Israel, Ann.

Walters, Derek.
    Mah Jongg Book.
    Washington : Thunder Bay Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Malaysia, Compiled by Universiti Sains.

DeYoung, Terri.

Birch, Peter.
    Maid Service.
    : Sweetmeats Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Sharples, N M.

Januska, Michael.

Wlech, Denton.
    Maiden Voyage.
    : Galley Beggar Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Pitt-Kethley, Fiona.

Addison, Adrian.

Cohen, Mark R.

Hammett, Dashiell.

Glauser, Michael.

Feigenbaum, Naomi.

Brennan SJ, Frank.

Bell, Charles.

Benvie, Rob.
    Toronto : Coach House Books, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Black, Ian.

Black, Ian.

Couperus, Louis.
    Majesty : A Novel.
    Wellington : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Ziegler, Reuven.

Coates, Colin.

Giblin, James Leonard.

Ouda, Samiha.

Kerber, Conrad.

Edmondson, Michael.

Gabay, Jonathan.

Sherman, Ed.

Aronoff, C.

Reynolds, Joseph M.

Gronlund, Gaye.

Burke, Lindsay.

Lombreglia, Ralph.
    Make Me Work.
    : Dzanc Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Yockey, Matt.

Wilson, Craig.

Kehoe, Michele.

Lubetsky, Michael H.

Leffel, Tim.

Weeks, Philip.

Sumpter, Jodessiah.

Perez, Darrin.

Perez, Darrin.

Oparah, Dawn C.

Biel, Joe.

Harwani, Bintu.

Gonzalez-Pell, Cintia.
    Make in a Day.
    Newburyport : Dover Publications, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Wright, Natalie.
    Make in a Day.
    Mineola : Dover Publications, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Harrison, Christopher S.

Knopf, Karl.

Robinson, Randall.
    Brooklyn : Akashic Books, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Clapp, Edward P.

Neuwirth, Allan.

Torres, Bob.

Hamilton, Milo.

Bradley, P.

Bennett, Cat.

Gallup, Caroline.

Parker, Greg.

Snyder, Jeffrey.

Drath, Wilfred H.

Toker, Umut.

Petrick, Elizabeth R.

van Overbeek, Hester.

Merenbloom, Elliot Y.

Hilde, Rosalie K.S.

Muravchik, Joshua.

Muravchik, Joshua.


Renck Jalongo, Mary.

magazine, BeadStyle.

Leonard, Karen Isaksen.

Voigt, Stefan.

Allison, Shaun.

Herron Ross, Ruth.

Pitt, Christopher.

Billings, Alan.

Society, Bible.

Burrow, Rufus.

Sisk, Dorothy.

Marler, Janet H.

Jaybee, Kay.

Cannadine, D.

Beattie, John.

Bailey, Gillian.

Motard, Alice.

Oehlberg, Barbara.

Sheahan, Peter.

Porter, Carol.

Inglis, Tom.

Newman, Barbara.

Dolan-Del Vecchio, Ken.

McKague, K.

Smallcombe, Mike.

McMillan, Andy.

Bingham, G. Benjamin.

Thomsett, Michael C.

Bank, Asian Development.

Luchsinger, Gretchen.

Hopkin, Bart.

Dorman, Sara Rich.

De Cremer, David.

Ireland, Mark.

Slee, Nicola, Dr.

Aiken, Nicoletta Nencioli.

Mansouri, Fethi.

Rhoden, T. F.

Daniels, Ray.

Daniels, Ray.

Crownover, Richard.

Krasa, Daniel.

Geers, Todd.

Constantine, Peter.

Espelleta, Celia.

Perdon, Renato.

Clewley, John.

Carman, Ashley.

Constantine, Peter.

Martin, Jackie.

Vivas, Allison.

Cruze, Robyn.

Prigo, Robert.

Sivaraman, Raji.

Williams, Matthew.

Friend, Mark.

Parkinson, Peter.

Jenkins, Paul.

Helm, Duncan.

Holzhauser-Peters, Leslie.

Azer, Samy A.

Yeganeh, Hamid.

Gardiner, Kevin.

Atwater, P. M. H.

Attwood, Sarah.

Cotugno, Albert J.

Abdullahi, Abdurahman.

Agha, Riaz.

Jenkins, Paul.

Allerton, Sara.
    Making Shore.
    Glasgow : Saraband, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Piper, Jim.
    Making Short Films.
    New York : Skyhorse Publishing, Inc., 2006.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Aronoff, C.

Muttitt, Louise Mary.

Gruenbaum, Ronan.

Groh, Jennifer M.

Taylor, Yvette.

Druce, Nikki.

Grabes, Herbert.

Bravo, Kyle.

Epstein, Marc J.

Frost, Gerald.

Hahn, Barbara M.

Dworkin, Susan.

Fasche, Melanie.

Rowland, Suzanne.

Phipps, Ciara.

Doyle, Michael W.

Romero, R. Todd.

Record, Jeffrey.

Babashoff, Shirley.

Tagliamonte, Sali A.

Dorgan, Theo.
    Making Way.
    Dublin : New Island Books, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Andersen, Arnold.

Zethraeus, Janice.

Chesterman, Merlyn.

Katz, Adrienne.

Katz, Adrienne.

Mahony, Terry.

Friberg-Fernros, Henrik.

Hum, Tarry.

Everett, Melissa.

Gavarry, Gérard.
    Making a Novel.
    Normal, IL : Columbia University Press, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hester, Marianne.

Tharby, Andy.

Payne, Jo.

Allison, Shaun.

Tanner, Michael.

Lien, Pei-Te.

Bevir, Mark.

Cliffe, Janice.

Högselius, P.

Karr, Lee.

Looser, Devoney.

Kenny, Francis.

Kenny, Francis.

Groes, S.

MacInnes, Kellan.

Hopkins, B.

Carey, Anna.
    Making of Mollie.
    Dublin : The O'Brien Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lundström, Markus.

Lauzière, Henri.

FourEagles, Russell.

Perconte, Jack.

Rouighi, Ramzi.

Ozkirimli, U.

Rolling, Danny.

Thompson, E. P.

Field, Matthew.

Nelson, B.

Constantine, Peter.

Kahn, Paul W.

Messner, W.

Duff, Andrew.

Chomsky, Noam.

Berry, Jill.

Barrett, Ally.

Denny, Mark.

Al-Ghani, K.I.

Björk, Olle.

Pugliese, Nicola.

Ermelino, Louisa.
    Louisville : Sarabande Books, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Schofield, Anakana.
    Emeryville : Biblioasis, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Anthony, Evelyn.
    Malaspiga Exit.
    Newburyport : Open Road Distribution, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Wallace, Alfred Russel.
    Malay Archipelago.
    New York : Tuttle Publishing, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Holland, Lorien.

Moore, Wendy Khadijah.

Editors, Periplus.

Pelton, Ted.

Carson, Jan.

Carson, Clayborne.

Maitland, Barry.

Bank, Asian Development.

Weiss, John.

Hurteau, P.

Chapple, Christopher R.

Pokras, Somraj.

Minichiello, Victor.

Holzman, Edgardo David.
    : Nortia Press, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Skidmore, M.

Norman, Barnaby.

Cattanach, Ann.
    Malpas the Dragon.
    London : Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2007.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Imhof, Michael.

Bowden, Mark.

Malin, Cameron H.

Petit, Pascale.
    Mama Amazonica.
    La Vergne : Bloodaxe Books, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Swanson, Wendy Sue.

Pennington, Lisa.

Raab, Brigitte.

Smith, Andrew T.
    Mammals of China.
    Princeton : Princeton University Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Heaney, Lawrence R.

Kays, Roland W.

Perry, Douglas.
    New York : Amberjack Publishing, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

McBee, Thomas Page.

Oxenham, Marc F.

Porter, Arthur.

Baylis, Matthew.

Heim, Michael Henry.

Simmons, Thomas E.

Smith, Chris Adam.
    Man Called Crow.
    London : Robert Hale, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Stevenson, William.

Bridges, Dan.

Gardner, John.

Genta, Giancarlo.

Clouston, J. Storer.

Pendreigh, Brian.

Cruise, Jason.

Firstbrook, Peter.

Arnott, Stephen.

Wyss, Robert.

Chadwick, Julie.

Williams, John A.

Wells, Carolyn.

Stroud, Patricia Tyson.

O'Dornan, David.

Stambuk, Andrew.

Stone, Roger.

Summaries, Bright.

Hale, Sheila.

Caspary, Vera.

Montagu, Ewen.

Van Young, Adrian.

Mankell, Henning.

Looby, Christopher.

Friedman, Rosemary.

Jago, Michael.

Wilson, Rick.

Merrick, Leonard.
    Man Who was Good.
    Wellington : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Benson, Raymond.

Beem, C.

Bakr, Salwa.

Yeffeth, Glenn.

Hall, Rick.

Overholser, Wayne D.

Salzman, Mark.

Dumas, Alexandre.

Binkley, Wilfred E.

Malysheva, O G.

    Man of Genius.
    London : Bitter Lemon Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Tyler, Jason.

Graham, Jack.

Graham, Jack.

Stanley, Charles.

Sillitoe, Alan.
    Man of His Time.
    Newburyport : Open Road Media, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Monsó, Imma.

Sowell, Thomas.
    Man of Letters.
    New York : Encounter Books, 2007.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Rawlinson, Barbara.

McPhee, Jenny.

Andrews, CS.

García-Arenal, Mercedes.

Horton, Robert J.

Moe, Doug.

Haynes, Annie.

Paige, Harriet.

Parot, Jean-François.

Griffin, Dan.

Griffin, Dan.

Edwards, Albert.
    Man's World.
    Wellington : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

MacCormick, Alex.

Curry, Tommy J.

Corbett, Jim.

Chernov, Dmitry.

Ilsley, George K.
    Vancouver : Arsenal Pulp Press, 2006.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Morrison, Hugh.

Tomlins-Jahnke, Huia.

Chavouet, Florent.

Vehar, Jonathan.
    Manage Your Boss.
    Greensboro, NC : Center for Creative Leadership, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Sathe, Vijay.

Singh, Vinay.

Metula, Erez.

Bhimani, Al.

Grabski, Severin.

Kouhy, Reza.

Melé, D.

Furnham, A.

Clayton, Mike.

Furnham, A.

Makuvaza, Simon.

Hlupic, V.

Patole, Sanjay.

Dyck, B.


Zain, Jasmine.


    Management of Risk.
    London : The Stationery Office Ltd, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book


Drumwright, Hayes.

Lauby, Sharlyn.

Sostrin, J.

Mitchell, Vali Hawkins.

Hartman, Phyllis.

Townsend, John.

Johnson, J. David.

Goby, Valerie Priscilla.

Bell, Reginald L.

Stengel, Donald N.

Munoz, J. Mark.

Harris, Elaine.

Moran, Alan.

Leadership, Center for Creative.
    Managing Ambition.
    Greensboro : Center for Creative Leadership, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Weiss, Mitch.

Sponton, John.

Vieta, Eduard.

Booth, Sara.

Hawkins, Anne.

Russell, Richard EK.
    Managing COPD.
    Tarporley : Springer Healthcare Ltd., 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Taylor, Donald R.

Hawkins, Anne.

Photopoulos, Constantine.

Oade, A.

Russell-Jones, Neil.

Russell-Jones, Neil.

Hicks, Leslie.

Zsidisin, George A.

Banks, Sarah.

Rahim, M. Afzalur.

Rhodes, K.

Bernstein, Susan R.

Kosmoski, Georgia J.

Phillips, Peter L.

Baumann-Pauly, Dorothée.

Kuisma, Jouko.

Kühlmann, Torsten M.

Magliacani, M.

Peppers, Don.

Gaik, Frances.

Vora, Jiten.
    Managing Diabetes.
    Tarporley : Springer Healthcare Ltd., 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Singh, Rishi P.

Bakris, George L.

Townsend, John.

Peters, Björn.

de Anca, Celia.

Steffenson, Rebecca.

Allen, David G.

Pavlich, Dennis.

Nonaka, I.

Sellin, Joseph.

Mergenthaler, Stephan.

Boutellier, Roman.

Hill, Hal.

Perez-Ruiz, Fernando.

Lopp, Michael.

Farmer, Jenna.

Vacca, John R.

Castillo, Francisco.

Neumann, Clas.

Rosenberg, Mike.

Lipsky, Deborah.

Briggs, David.

Balaji, K.C.

Pownall, Charlie.

Halvorsen, Richard.

Taylor, Donald R.

González, Hania.

Oade, Aryanne.

Hospers, Gert-Jan.

McBride, Melanie.

Bemeleit, Boris.

Laroche, Françoise.

Schoorel, Edmond.

Faulkner, Gordon.


Haksöz, Çağrı.

Berz, Jennifer.

Aranguren Romero, Juan Pablo.

Johnston, Tom.

Firoozye, Nick.

Forsyth, Patrick.

DuFrene, Debbie D.

Garton, Colleen.

Thomas, Will.

Eggert, Max.

Upadrista, Venkatesh.

Potter, Beverly A.

Sahay, Amar.

Cooperrider, David.

Zakhem, Abe.

Sharma, Radha R.

Flynn, Matt.

Schaltegger, Stefan.

Lieberthal, Kenneth G.

Colvin, Geoff.

Gooday, Graeme.

McDowell, Stephen D.

Marzano, Robert J.

Guaraldi, Giovanni.

Darcy, Simon.

Kumar, Martha Joynt.

Burt, Christopher D.B.

Farmer, S. J.

Farmer, S. J.

Lohani, Bindu N.

Stone, Peter.

Chesterton, G. K.
    Auckland : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kawakami, Hiromi.
    New York : Counterpoint, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Taylor, Simon.

Dickens, Steven Dickens.

Taylor , Simon.

Williams, Joanna M.

Elegant, Robert.
    Manchu : A Novel.
    Newburyport : Open Road Media, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Birnbaum, Phyllis.

Black, Ian.

Black, Ian.

Buchalter, Susan I.

Elegant, Robert.

Eca de Queiroz, Jose Maria.

Bennett, James T.

Harris, Nigel.

Fowler, James H.

Tunley, M.

Makuck Peter,.

Crew, Bob.

Boyle, Charles.
    Manet Girl.
    Cambridge : Salt Publishing Limited, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Brodskaya, Nathalia.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Petrovic, Mina.

Block, Lawrence.

Block, Lawrence.
    Manhattan Noir.
    New York : Akashic Books, 2006.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Carey, Alice.

Parsons, Elaine Frantz.

Wilson, Colin.

Ebenstein, Deb.

Hughes, Winifred.

Kindleberger, Charles P.

Kindleberger, C.

Young Bear, Ray.

Anderson, Brian C.

Foreman, Richard.

Leeke, Jim.

Hagedorn, Jessica.
    Manila Noir.
    Brooklyn : Akashic Books, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Editors, Periplus.

Un, Ko.

White, M.

Attrill, A.

Eich, Andreas.

Kaiser, Tobias.

Hanlon, Christine.

Thibodeaux, Jennifer D.

Sanderson, Eric W.

Ward, Robert.

von Siebold, Philipp Franz.

Austen, Jane.
    Mansfield Park.
    New York : Open Road Media, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Biel, Joe.

Temple, Philip.

Mottahedeh, Roy.

Alexander, Jennifer Karns.

Easwaran, Eknath.

Kanu, Chatterjee.

McCarthy, Dennis.

Burleigh, Peter.

Francis, Nader.

Kanu, Chatterjee.

Sayadaw, Mahasi.
    Manual of Insight.
    Somerville : Wisdom Publications, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Rennie, Janet M.

Nicol, Allan.

McKay, Kenneth N.

Saha, Dipankar.

Peskin, Lawrence A.

Lewis, Robert D.

Challis, Jack.
    Manus Xingue.
    Guildford : Grosvenor House Publishing, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Jones, Dylan.
    London : Biteback Publishing, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Berger, Peter L.

Klages, Gregory.

Mikhitarian, Bud.

Riordan, Liam.

Shulman, Max.

Dixon, Sean.

Khan, Rukhsana.

Edge, Christopher.

Altun, Selcuk.

Verbeure, André F.

Liu, Elliott.

Pettigrew, Judith.

Sorrenson, M. P. K.

Bargh, Maria.

McIntosh, Tracey.

Hill, Richard S.

Aber, Susan Elizabeth Ward.

Summaries, Bright.

May, Molly.

Lips-Wiersma, Marjolein.

Shimura, Goro.
    Map of My Life.
    New York, NY : Springer New York, 2008.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Abell, Martha L.
    Maple By Example.
    London : Elsevier Science, 2005.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

McCreery, Christopher.

Gross, Philip.
    Mappa Mundi.
    Tyne and Wear : Bloodaxe Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Deegan, Alison.

Gordon, Colin.

Peterson, A. Townsend.

Bartlett, JohnR.

Cooper, Becky.

Fanning, Charles.

Ferreira, Mariana Kawall Leal.

Pucci, Paola.

Kmetz, John L.

Kmetz, John L.

Klepp, Ingun Grimstad.

Szirtes, George.
    Mapping the Delta.
    Tyne and Wear : Bloodaxe Books, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Shardlow, Tom.

Lackey, Mercedes.

Smart, Lez.

Maradona, Diego Armando.

Dixon, Amy.
    Marathon Mouse.
    New York : Sky Pony Press, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Parnell, Martin.
    Marathon Quest.
    Calgary : RMB
    Rocky Mountain Books, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book

Hilditch, Graeme.

Hilditch, Graeme.

Caron, Marnie.

Trew, Steve.

Taylor, Alex.
    Marble Orchard.
    Brooklyn : Ig Publishing, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Horton, Robert J.

Paz, Octavio.
    Marcel Duchamp.
    : Arcade Publishing, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Houppermans, Sjef.

Currans, Elizabeth.

Fahy, Sandra.

Stedall, Alan.

Castlemon, Harry.

Halliday, Brett.
    Mardi Gras Madness.
    New York : Open Road Media Romance, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Turtschaninoff, Maria.
    New York : Abrams, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Jones, Jones.
    : Salt Publishing Limited, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Davey, Frank.

Tolan, Fiona.

Xiques, Donez.

Maguire, Kate.

Philpot, Robert.

Gardiner, Nile.

Dutton, Danielle.

Barker, Nigel.

Allingham, Margery.

Ray, Meredith K.

Lawrence, C. Edward.

Larson, Doran.
    Newburyport : The Permanent Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Giardiello, Mauro.

Agarwal, Smita.

O'Donnell, Margaret.

Hemon, Louis.

Gallardo, Miguel.
    Maria and Me.
    London : Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Engelmann, Cynthia.
    Maria's Code.
    : Grosvenor House Publishing, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Cornelles, Jerónimo.

Rafferty, Jean.

Hockinson, Liz.

Knapp, Bettina L.

Hudak, John.

Hill, Kevin P.

Child, Lee.

McCarthy, Tommy.

    Marijuana Law.
    Berkeley, CA : Ronin Publishing, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Cermak, Timmen L.

Nerz, Alfred Ryan.

Knight, Timothy.

Morgan, Michelle.

Tsvetaeva, Marina.

Bush Gibson, Karen.

Gilbert, Oscar E.

Hasler, Berit.

Jefferson, Thomas A.

Sarkar, Santosh Kumar.

Sonak, Sangeeta M.

Shultz, Robert H.

Hammel, Eric.

Brame, Charlotte M.

Hill, Michael.

Hill, Grace Livingston.
    Newburyport : Barbour Publishing, Inc., 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Karakitsos, E.

Delgado, James P.

Corbett, Julian.

Corbett, Julian.

Hallwood, C.

Harrison, Jordan.

Skidmore, Patricia.

Ortlund, Dane C.

Ford, Mark.

O'Rowe, Mark.

Rothko, Christopher.

Foster, Richard J.

Twain, Mark.

Dawidziak, Mark.

Ellin, Stanley.

McCulley, Johnston.
    Mark of Zorro.
    New York : Open Road Media, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Schaeffer, Francis A.

Kerr, William.
    Mark of the Devil.
    Wauconda : Medallion Media Group, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Harvey, Jack D.
    Mark the Dwarf.
    Minneapolis : Publish Green, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gould, Terry.

Wilders, Geert.

Alvarez, Marc.

Glowik, Mario.

Drews, Ralf.

Lautenslager, Al.

Prince, Melvin.

Melloni, Nicola.

Vogel, David.

Vogel, David.

Rackley, Jerry.

Robinson, M.

Taheri, Babek.

Kuada, John.

McDonald, Malcolm.

Arisman, Marshall.

Dismondy, Maria.

Princeton, Lloyd.

Elder, Edward.

Squires, C.

MacLaren, Andrew.

Bly, Robert W.

Bly, Robert W.

Russell-Jones, Neil.

Burgers, W.

Yi, Zhixian George.

Darroch, Jenny.

Berger, Arthur Asa.

McDonald, Malcolm.

Strong, Helen.

Hackley, Chris.

Parment, A.

Hofmaier, Richard.

Ka'ili, Tevita O.

Maclachlan, Ian.

Howard, Elizabeth Jane.
    Marking Time.
    New York : Open Road Media, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kirkwood, James R.

Casada, Jim.

Schrott, Ernst.

Millar, Peter.
    Marrakech Express.
    London : Arcadia Books Limited, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Monroy, Liza.

Daly, Jim.

Wagner, Philip.

Crouse, Janice.

Tucker, William.

Mendes, Eva A.

Attalla, Kat.

Evans, Stephen.

Kirshner, Julius.

A. Noble, Thomas.

Meyers, Jeffrey.

Rachlin, Nahid.


Humphreys, Margaret.

Trueblood, Valerie.

Flett-Giordano, Anne.

Company, The Topps.
    Mars Attacks.
    New York : Abrams, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Dietz, William C.
    Mars Prime.
    Newburyport : Open Road Media Sci-Fi & Fantasy, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Fabre, Cédric.
    Marseille Noir.
    New York : Akashic Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Harding, John J.

Shay, Kenley.

Sokolov, Boris.

Cade, Harriet.

Conway, Marshall "Eddie".

Moreland, Will.

Weger, William.

Sharp, Margery.

Sharp, Margery.

Caioli, Luca.

Chou, Lily.

Tom, Teri.

Young, Mike.

Priest, Graham.

Hackney, Charles.

Magrs, Paul.
    Martian Girl.
    Cardiff : Firefly Press Limited, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hess, Joan.
    Martians in Maggody.
    Newburyport : Road, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

London, Jack.
    Martin Eden.
    Newburyport : Dover Publications, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Utton, Dominic.

Hodge, Steven.

Lack, A.

Morrison, Arthur.

Schofield, Anakana.
    Martin John.
    La Vergne : Biblioasis, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Herbert, Angela.

Marsh, William M.

Schottenheimer, Marty.

Weaver-Zercher, David L.

Levy, Marv.

Meno, Joe.

Filmore, Emily A.

Collier, Andrew.

Maitland, Barry.

Sitton, J.

Sayers, Sean.

Carver, T.

Burkett, Paul.

Doyle, Brian.
    Mary Ann Alice.
    : Groundwood Books, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Sander, Kathleen Waters.

Tynan, Katharine.
    Mary Gray.
    Wellington : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Pettit, Mary.

Lochhead, Liz.

Groundwater, Anna.

Spark, Muriel.
    Mary Shelley.
    Manchester : Carcanet, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Edmundson, Helen.
    Mary Shelley.
    London : Nick Hern Books, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Holland, Patrick.

Chapman, Allan.

Maurer, Gretchen.

de la Roche, Mazo.
    Mary Wakefield.
    Toronto : Dundurn, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Byler, Linda.

Ewing, Juliana Horatia.

Janney, Peter.

Robinson, Joan G.
    London : Hot Key Books, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Ez-Eldin, Mansoura.

Mitchell, Donald W.

Worden, D.

Singleton, B.

Peberdy, D.

Brady, S.

Godfrey, E.

Levental, Vadim.
    Masha Regina.
    New York, NY : Oneworld Publications, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Sinnreich, Aram.

Fitts, Robert K.

Serban, George.

Viswanathan, Gauri.


Brantwood, Hattie.

Donaldson, Lauren Elise.

Braden, Linda Z.

Colvin, Clare.

Fielding, Hannah.

Soros, Tivadar.

Hull, Mark M.

Rotberg, Robert I.

Bruns, Christian.

Pottiez, Gwenael.

McLafferty, F. W.

Sarteschi, Christine M.

Goldstein, Mark A.

Martin, Jack.

Hell, Richard.

Flaubert, Gustave.

Corelli, Marie.
    Master Christian.
    Wellington : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Woloshyn, Tom.

Westen, Robin.

Bainbridge, Beryl.

Nelson, Chris.

Wacker, Dave.

Rice, Patrick.

Williams, James.

Drafahl, Jack.

Morrissey, Robert.

Grey, Christopher.

Allen, Glen Scott.

Halverson, J.

Jacobs Jr, Lou.

Marwisa, Caroline.

Steptoe, Sheila.

Novak, Boris A.
    Master of Insomnia.
    Normal, IL : Columbia University Press, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

de la Roche, Mazo.

Lock, Andrew.

Sahagun, Louis.

Sahagun, Louis.

Fox, James J.

Balk, Malcolm.

Shaw, Steven.

Balk, Malcolm.

Ryan, P.

James, Malin.
    La Vergne : Sweetmeats Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Horvath, Joan.

Anthony, Albert.

Francis, Dishan.

Jaisingh, Dr. Pooja.

Hendrickson, Nancy.

Vasic, Milos.

Cooper, Chad.

Lyashko, Alexey.

Ragas, Matthew W.

Gast, Linda.

Chen, Mark.

Bilgin, Can.

Simmonds, Chris.

Chen, Mark.

Buck, Jim.

Boduch, Adam.

Salatino, Mauricio.

Grant, Glen Nolan.

Zokowski, John.

Velu, Vijay Kumar.

Swamynathan, Manohar.

Hackeling, Gavin.

Wilcox, Janet.

Harvey, Joe E.

Meyerson, Mitch.

Khedher, Omar.

Gupta, Ravinder.

Zea, Ricardo.

Hall, Joseph.

Hall, Joseph.
    Mastering SaltStack.
    Olton Birmingham : Packt Publishing Ltd, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Rogers, Silvia M.

Collin, Mark.

Wonnacott, Jane.

Akhtar, Farrukh Nahid.

Garcia, Boni.

Meinicke, Jens.

Mankale, Anjana.

Rosenfield, Stephen.

Emons, Ben.

Sikos, Leslie.

Hoffman, Jon.

Thorn, Alan.

Mainstone, Fiona.

Dent, Chris.

Shabdar, Ali.

Shabdar, Ali.

Wals, Donny.

Filippi, Adam.

Cook, Thomas A.

Luna, Tony.

O'Dwyer, Arthur.

O'Neil-Henry, Anne.

Gay, Warren.

Nemeroff, Cary.

Unger, David.
    New York, NY : Akashic Books, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Fiechter, J.J.

Brown, Kenneth H.

Murray, Andrew.

Isfahani-Hammond, Alexandra.

Chomsky, Noam.

Hancock, Matthew.

Tang, Patricia.

Heald, Tim.

Borodziej, Wlodzimierz.

Simak, Clifford D.
    New York : Open Road Media Sci-Fi & Fantasy, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bennett, Arnold.

Haberfeld, M.R.

Guri, Helen.
    Toronto : Coach House Books, 2007.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gunesekera, Romesh.
    Washington : The New Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Zulaica, Anna V.

Casanova, H.B.

Zhu, Wen.

Matchmaking Institute,.

Blossom, Eve.

Kotaru, V. Keerti.

Brigham, John.

Marres, N.

Peters, Sascha.

Wolfe, Charles T.
    Cham : Springer International Publishing, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Beetz, Johannes.

Hudgins, Victoria.

Bank, Asian Development.

Langford, Julie.

Hopkins, Cathy.

Hopkins, Cathy.

Hopkins, Cathy.

Hopkins, Cathy.

Hopkins, Cathy.

Hopkins, Cathy.

Hopkins, Cathy.

Hopkins, Cathy.

Hopkins, Cathy.

Hopkins, Cathy.

Hopkins, Cathy.

Hopkins, Cathy.

Hopkins, Cathy.

Hopkins, Cathy.

Hopkins, Cathy.

Hopkins, Cathy.

Polster, Burkard.

Seligman, Erik.

Hacker, Andrew.

Klemens, Ben.

Moeller, Babette.

Maurits, Natasha.

Trott, Michael.

Bertram, Richard.

O'Regan, Gerard.

Yamagishi, Michel Eduardo Beleza.

Cortés, Vicente.

Li, Tatsien.

Layton, Anita T.

Smith?, Robert.

Al-Hasson, Saif.

Torres, Pedro J.

Krantz, Steven G.

Pappas, Theoni.

Shao, Jun.

Moss, Charles B.

Pestman, Wiebe R.

Burdick, Bruce Stanley.

Banks, H.T.

Lockhart, Paul.

Kitchen, Richard S.

Halai, Anjum.

Potter, Lawrence.

Ruiz, Angel.

Stopes-Roe, M.

Hutchison, David.

Tahiri, Hassan.

Warren, Elizabeth.

Baumann, Gerd.

Baumann, Gerd.

Titchmarsh, E.C.

Amlin, Rita Bateson and Irina.

Brown, Jason I.

Sharma, Rajeev K.

Thomsett, Michael C.

Robinson, E. Arthur.

Rosales, Allen C.

Williams, Jeanne.
    Mating of Hawks.
    Newburyport : Open Road Media, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Pavlov, Oleg.
    Matiushin Case.
    High Wycombe : And Other Stories Publishing, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hawes, Sharon.
    Minneapolis : Cliff-Hanger Publications, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Vandebril, Raf.

Vandebril, Raf.

Dietz, William C.
    Matrix Man.
    Newburyport : Open Road Media Sci-Fi & Fantasy, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Symeonidis, Panagiotis.

Wood, Stuart.

Diocaretz, Myriam.
    Matrix in Theory.
    Amsterdam : Editions Rodopi, 2006.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Johnston, Sharon.

Hoover, Matt.

Sheahan, Peter.

Campbell, David E.

Vachon, Hélène.

Beardsley, Martyn.

Bradley, Rosalind.

Boglioli, Marc.

Bergen, David.

Murray, David.

Barchas, Janine.

Robbins, Matthew.

Fensham, Elizabeth.
    Matty Forever.
    St Lucia : University of Queensland Press, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Horne, G.

Coleridge, C. R.

Biggar, John.

Kelly, Claire.
    Windsor : Palimpsest Press, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Paulin, Marguerite.

Fox, Paula.
    Maurice's Room.
    Newburyport : Open Road Media Teen & Tween, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Cattelan, Maurizio.

Moyal, Ann.

Silver, Yanik.

Ross, Charles.

Reid Sexton, Sue.
    Mavis's Shoe.
    La Vergne : Waverley Books, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Beckmann, Max.

Bramah, Ernest.
    Max Carrados.
    Auckland : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Collins, Robert J.

King, Jonathon.

Wilkins, Damien.
    Max Gate.
    London : Gallic Books, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Little, John.
    Max Golf Workout.
    New York : Skyhorse Publishing, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Ghosh, Peter.

Adair-Toteff, Christopher.

Webb, Holly.

McAllen, M. M.

Nordstrom, Lori.

Phillips, Jack J.

Mitralexis, Sotiris.

Wells, Carolyn.
    Maxwell Mystery.
    New York : Road, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Schweller, Randall L.

Cat, J.

Schwartz, Baba.

Catton, Tom.

Porto, Brian L.

Sparks, Amber.

Keller, Sarah.

Sadulaev, German.
    Maya Pill.
    Normal, IL : Columbia University Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Burns, Allan F.

Spencer, William Browning.

Hotschnig, Alois.
    Maybe This Time.
    London : Peirene Press, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Beschloss, Michael.

Mayenburg, Marius von.
    London : Oberon Books Ltd, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Veglahn, Sara.
    : Dzanc Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Caucci, Al.
    Mayfly Guide.
    New York : Scott & Nix, Inc., 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lydersen, Kari.

Hardy, Thomas.

Sonnino, Paul.

Ingram, Antony.

de la Roche, Mazo.

Kirk, Heather.

Cartright, Bill.

Sommers, C J.
    McCallum Boys.
    London : Robert Hale, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Soucoup, Dan.

Bargatze, Gary.
    Minneapolis : Rigor Hill Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

McKay, Reg.

Glenny, Misha.

Johnston, Charles M.

Johnston, Charles M.

McPherson, Conor.

Nickerson, Billeh.
    Vancouver : Arsenal Pulp Press, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Reynolds, Maureen.
    McQueen's Agency.
    Edinburgh : Black & White Publishing, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Riddoch, Lesley.

Eggers, Dave.

Norris, Frank.

Airhart, Phyllis D.

Baker, Judyth Vary.

Taylor, Drew Hayden.
    Me Artsy.
    : D & M Publishers, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hayden Taylor, Drew.
    Me Funny.
    Vancouver : D & M Publishers, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

MacThomáis, Éamonn.

Dickenson, Donna.

Bush, Penelope.
    Me Myself Milly.
    Dorking : Piccadilly Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Taylor, Drew Hayden.

Andrews, Jesse.

Andrews, Jesse.

Perl, Lila.

O'Hearn, Audrey.
    Me and Luke.
    : Groundwood Books, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Roy, Philip.

Pancake, Ann.

Hand, Monica.
    Me and Nina.
    New York : Alice James Books, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Jägerfeld, Jenny.

Wells, Tom.

McLeod, Angus.

Gurley, David Gantt.

Reynolds, Maureen.

Blaise, Clark.
    Meagre Tarmac.
    Emeryville : Biblioasis, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Abbot, Dan.

Mingarelli, Hubert.

Ghasemi, Abouzar.

Khalvati, Mimi.
    Meanest Flower.
    Manchester : Carcanet, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Yakich, Mark.
    Meaning For Wife.
    Brooklyn : Ig Publishing, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Denniston, Christine.

Horner, Grant.

Wolf, Susan R.

Vernon, Mark.

Reischauer, Edwin O.

Wright, Tom.

D'Amato, Paul.

McMillan, Ph.D. M E.

Hollis, N.

Banco, Lindsey Michael.

Inglis, T.

Feinstein, Lee.

Feinstein, Lee.

Pizza, Lauren.

Nichol, bp.

Marrs, Suzanne.

Waldron, Mark.
    Meanwhile Trees.
    Tyne and Wear : Bloodaxe Books, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Waldenfels, Wilhelm von.

Evans, Lawrence Craig.

Kingwell, Mark.

Durcan, Liam.
    Measure of Darkness.
    New York, NY : Bellevue Literary Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kelleher, Marie A.

Greenfield, Martin.

Williams, Kathleen Broome.

Ovchinnikov, Sergei.

Johnston, Ian.

Brons, Janet.

Fabrega, Lluis.

Bech, Per.

Yarrow, Andrew L.

Buhmann, Alexander.

Klaus, P.

Munck, Gerardo L.

Gattenhof, Sandra.

Subramanian, Sureshkumar V.

Statistics, Committee on National.

Publishing, OECD.

Shah, Mahsood.

Epstein, Marc J.

Leone, P.

Health, Board on Global.

Tullis, Thomas.

Meyer, Benjamin.

Nicholson, John.

Irby, Samantha.

Castle, Shushana.

Radfar, Bernard.

Nasr, Seyyed Hossein.

Lunning, Frenchy.

Lonely Christopher,.

Kinoshita, Masahiro.

Bertoloni Meli, Domenico.

Paradise, Christopher J.

Liang, Xin.


Goldman, Kim.

Couldry, Nick.

Couldry, N.

Rane, H.

Gaines, E.

Schulman, Bruce J.

Niebisch, A.

Barnett, S.

Elleström, L.

Frosh, P.

Sarikakis, Katharine.

Fisher, E.

Niemeyer, K.

Spencer, G.

Butsch, R.

Jansen, S.

Kaul, C.

Christensen, Miyase.

Roselle, L.

Webb, E.

Pavlik, John V.

Biderman, Shai.

Couldry, Nick.

Arnold-de-Simine, S.

Köhn, Steffen.

Boardman, Richard.

Whatling, Tony.

Bitel, Mark.

Kapteijns, Lidwien.

Esser, F.

Brieger, Gert H.

Media, The Staff of Entrepreneur.

Hutchison, David.

Schulkin, Jay.

Redleaf Press,.

Kalra, Jay.

Ong, Kenneth R.

Markar, Hameen.

Laptook, Abbot R.

Association, American Diabetes.

Association, American Diabetes.

Hudak, John.

Struthers, J. Keith.

Al-Ghazal, Sharif Kaf.

Ramachandran, Manoj.
    Medical Miscellany.
    London : Hammersmith Books Limited, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Tomasi, David Låg.

Worthoff, Wieland Alexander.

Holz, Frank G.
    Medical Retina.
    Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2005.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Thomas, Rachel K.

Bookman, M.

Marcus, Steven M.
    Medical Toxicology.
    Cham : Springer International Publishing, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Jamieson, Susan.

Conrad, Peter.

Rosenfeld, Dana.

Hogarth, Rana A.

Barry, Patricia.

Mayes, Rick.

Offringa, Lisa.

Hicks, John.

Bashford, A.

Bellin, Joshua David.

Klein, Adam.

DuRey, Will.

MacDonald, Gayle.

Wagamese, Richard.
    Medicine Walk.
    : Milkweed Editions, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Durbin, Deborah.

Bucci, Ronald V.

Chakrabarti, Pratik.

Ferngren, Gary B.

Montaigne, Fen.

Campbell, Alastair V.

O'Donnell, Michael.

O'Donnell, Michael.

Wild, Wayne.

Harrison-Woolrych, Mira.
    Medicines For Women.
    Cham : Springer International Publishing, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kooper, Erik Simon.

Kooper, Erik.

Kooper, Erik Simon.

Kooper, Erik.

Afanasyev, Ilya.

Jansen, Katherine L.

Gerber, A.
    Medieval Ovid.
    New York : Palgrave Macmillan US, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kaye, Sharon M.

Andrews, William.

Mahoney, John.

Montanari, Massimo.

Minnis, Alastair.

Burt, R.

Ganim, J.

Devereux, Charla.

Wills, Pauline.

Bodian, Stephan.

Kohn, Livia.

Rosser, Garry.

Bolls, Ulrike Domenika.


Pascal, Michel.

Dummies, Consumer.

Brahmasamhara, Yogi.

Drescher-Lehman, Sandra.

Highland, Chris.

Highland, Chris.

Highland, Chris.

Highland, Chris.

Yates, John.

Ayache, Elie.

Nance, John J.
    Medusa's Child.
    Newburyport : Open Road Media Mystery & Thriller, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Holmes, Julia.
    Meeks : a novel.
    Northampton : Small Beer Press, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Thompson, Stephen.

Waugh, Louisa B.

Wolff, Moses.

Smith, Anna.

Donleavy, J.P.

Karrasch, Noah.

Magazine, Dog Fancy.

Adamson, Ged.
    Meet the McKaws.
    New York, NY : Sky Pony Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Parker, Glenn M.

Palmisano, Richard.

Anderson, Mary Elizabeth.

Borén, Thomas.

Leavitt, Caroline.

Wingate, Andrew.

Kling, Fritz.

Davidson, Mayer B.

Oliver, Alexandra.

Forsyth, Patrick.

Forsyth, Patrick.

MacKean, Mags.

Wallwork, Adrian.

Harlick, R.J.

North, Grace May.

Joo, Yu-Min.

Darling, David.

West, Darrell M.

Maresca, Beth Anne.
    Megan Owlet.
    New York : Sky Pony Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Fahmy, Khaled.

Chen, Shan-Shan.

Sweeney, Jon M.

Gracia, Jorge J. E.

Pritchett, Michael.

Földényi (Foldenyi), László F.
    New Haven : Yale University Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Britzman, Deborah P.

Kristeva, Julia.
    Melanie Klein.
    New York : Columbia University Press, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Poole, Catherine M.

Ewing, Juliana Horatia.

Mercer, John.

Beattie, Melody.

Beattie, Melody.

Gorman, Ed.

Aldridge, Gudrun.

Laukamp, Eva Julia.

Ashbless, Janine.

Wodon, D.

Borrell, Jordi H.

Oden, Scott.
    Tulsa : Medallion Media Group, 2006.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Van Cleave, Ryan.

Roundtable, The Memoir.

Tallmadge, Benjamin.

Ray, Jerry.

Grossinger, Tania.

Robb, Ralph.

Sanders, George.

Devine, Bing.

Segre, Dan Vittorio.

Barres, Jean-Baptiste.

Ellis, David.

Pocock, Ted.

Wolfe, Bernard.

Mabanckou , Alain.

Ryding, Frank.

Lawson, Nigel.

El Saadawi, Nawal.

Carson, D. A.

Richie, Donald.

Salter, James.

Ionescu, Arleen.

Allin, Lou.

Deval, Gord.

Dale, Iain.

Yang, Mu.

O'Donnell Williams, Lorraine.

Bentley, Paul.

Maloney, Mary Lynn.

Phillips, Charles.

Bahr, Mary.
    Memory Box.
    Newburyport : Albert Whitman & Company, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Ngan, Natasha.
    Memory Keepers.
    London : Hot Key Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Appignanesi, Lisa.
    Memory Man.
    London : Arcadia Books Limited, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hollis, Edward.

Wang, Zheng.

Klemm, W R.

Rakow, Mary.

Tracy, Kisha G.

Kim, Simon C.

Darroch, Fiona.

Assmann, A.

Lessa, Francesca.

Eibuszyc, Suzanna.

Rothenberg, D.

Benmayor, Rina.

Bell, D.

Heighton, Steven.

Cosgrove, Stuart.

Mesler, Corey.

Cantwell, Laureen.
    Memphis Noir.
    New York : Akashic Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Coker, Christopher.

Greven, David.

Unger, Donald N. S.

Connolly, Tom.
    Men Like Air.
    Brighton : Myriad Editions, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lombreglia, Ralph.

de Brouwer, Anne-Marie.

Bollen, Jonathan.

Mir-Hosseini, Ziba.

Akler, Howard.
    Men of Action.
    Toronto : Coach House Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

O'Connell, Monique.

Horn, Bernd.

Meyer, Jessica.

Moody, D. L.
    Men of the Bible.
    Crownhill : Authentic Media, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

O'Donnell, John C.

Owl, Grey.

Smith, Helen.

Marsiglio, William.

Kivel, Paul.

Fisher, Sydney George.

Crane, Stephen.

Hinton, David.
    Berkeley : Counterpoint, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

de Kerangal, Maylis.
    Mend the Living.
    New York, NY : Talonbooks, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bingham, Sallie.

Neilson, Shane.
    Emeryville : Biblioasis, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Klassen, Peter J.

Lehman, James O.

Edelman, Julia Schlam.

Arroll, Megan A.

Pigache, Philippa.

Gross, Max.

Abdulhamid, Ammar.
    London : Saqi, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Disorders, Committee to Evaluate the Supplemental Security Income Disability Program for Children with Mental.

Carvalho, André F.

Ghaziuddin, Mohammad.

Eheart, Brenda-Krause.

Stiffler, Meghan C.

Cohen, Bruce M.Z.

Fernando, S.

Aggarwal, Neil K.

Winstone, Jane.

Kemper, Kathi J.

Gosling, Julie.

Race, M.

Hemmings, Brian.

Midgley, Nick.

Carreau, Debby.

Manza, Gail.

Pitton, Debra Eckerman.

Alred, Geof.

Young, Paul G.

Laverick, DeAnna M.

Alexander, Alison.

Blank, Mary Ann.

Probst, Kristie.

Noakes, Andrew.

Taylor, James.

Denham, Carolyn.

Costello, Priscilla.

Zubrin, Robert.

Abrams, Howie.

Factor, Eliza.
    Mercury Fountain.
    Brooklyn : Akashic Books, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bajo, David.
    Mercy 6.
    Lakewood, CO : Unbridled Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Richards, David Adams.

Casper, Claudia.
    Mercy Journals.
    New York : Arsenal Pulp Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Schulman, Sarah.
    Mere Future.
    Vancouver : Arsenal Pulp Press, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lemons, Don S.
    Mere Thermodynamics.
    Baltimore : Johns Hopkins University Press, 2008.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Swazey, Judith P.

Fubini, D.

Bergamin, Stephan.

Halibozek, Edward.

Bing, Zhu.

Wood, Alexandra.

Powell, Kelley.
    Merit Birds.
    Toronto : Dundurn, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lampert, Khen.

Oliphant, Margaret.

Ellis, Mark.

Teale, Polly.

Tea, Michelle.

Adams, Amanda.

Green, Meg.

Carrizales-Engelmann, Dianna.

Carrizales-Engelmann, Dianna.

Schuler, Betty Jo.

Pyle, Howard.

Voeller, Sydell I.

Shakespeare, William.

Kennedy, Jake.

Schwedes, Tobias.

Nersesian, Arthur.
    Brooklyn : Akashic Books, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Thompson, L.D.

Tillman, Vance.

Semerad, Sandy.
    Message in the Roses.
    CALGARY : Books We Love Publishing Partners, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Ferdinando, Keith.

Dever, Mark.

Dever, Mark.

Levenstein, Phyllis.

Haenel , Yannick.

Caioli, Luca.

Caioli, Luca.

Caioli, Luca.

Caioli, Luca.

Caioli, Luca.

Caioli, Luca.

Caioli, Luca.

Caioli, Luca.

Caioli, Luca.

Ryken, Philip.

Chapman-Little, Jeanette.

Schechter, Joel.

Perkinson, J.

Moore, Lucy.
    Messy Christmas.
    Westmont : InterVarsity Press, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Parsley, Ross.

Moore, Lucy.
    Messy Church.
    Westmont : InterVarsity Press, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Robertson, Juliet.

Baca, Damián.

Watts, Rebecca.

Schwarzer, Guido.
    Meta-Analysis with R.
    Cham : Springer International Publishing, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Jak, Suzanne.

Kupfer, J.

Melzer, Guido.

Ang, Meidjie.

Westen, Robin.

Gartner, Richard.

Nadkarni, Prakash M.

Kirchin, Simon.
    London : Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Anthony, Piers.

Zafris, Nancy.
    Metal Shredders.
    Lakewood, CO : Unbridled Books, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hale, Bill.

Chirikure, Shadreck.

Matsuo, Yutaka.

Vigarello, George.

Summaries, Bright.

Bühlmann, Andrea.

Kafka, Franz.
    Hatfield : Oldcastle Books, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

McCartney, Sharon.
    New York, NY : Biblioasis, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lan, Fengli.

Musolff, A.

Battino, Rubin.

Margaroni, Maria.

Herbrechter, Stefan.

Pasanek, Brad.

Dick, Gregoire Pam.

Rescher, Nicholas.

Carswell, Sean.

Deloria Jr., Vine.

Ellis, Brian.

Mailund, Thomas.

Maynor, David.

Weisheit, Ralph.

Malatesta, Errico.

Obukhovskii, Valeri.

Vowler, Tom.
    Cambridge : Salt Publishing Limited, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gudmundsdottir, Greta Björk.

Blossfeld, Hans-Peter.

Kadetz, Paul.

Bretherton, Diane.

Prescott, David M.

Prescott, David M.

Prescott, David M.

Bergmeyer, Hans-UIrich.

Walczak, Szymon M.

Chistyakov, Vyacheslav.

Young, Carl.

Bartholomew, Don.

Silvani, Xavier.

Katz, Bruce.

Snyder, John.

Walsh, Christopher.

Springer, Jon.

Silverman, Matthew.

Valdez, A.

Rafael, Tony.
    Mexican Mafia.
    New York : Encounter Books, 2007.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Easterling, Stuart.

Ortiz, Laura Velasco.

Clinton, Lee.
    London : Robert Hale, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Rothstein, F.

Grayson, George W.

Taibo II, Paco Ignacio.
    Mexico City Noir.
    Brooklyn : Akashic Books, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Domínguez, Jorge I.

Jones, Nathan P.

Hanson, Victor Davis.

Aronson, Jeffrey K.

Bourbonnais, Claudine.
    Métis Beach.
    Toronto : Dundurn, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Sethi, Seema.

Maingot, Anthony P.

Zimmer, Michael.

Standiford, Les.
    Miami Noir.
    Brooklyn : Akashic Books, 2007.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Didion, Joan.
    Newburyport : Open Road Media, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Dempster, Stephen G.
    Grand Rapids : William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Aiken, Joan.

LeTourneau, Marie.

Ward, Ed.

Field, Matthew.

Sillitoe, Alan.

Rhys Morus, Iwan.

Foreman, Michael.
    Michael Foreman.
    London : Pavilion Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

LaFosse, Michael G.

Hughes, Brian.

Kostick, Conor.

Verne, Jules.

Winner, Michael.

Mangatal, Shana.

Pashley, Hilton.
    Michael's Spear.
    La Vergne : The Dome Press, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Rideout, George.

Graham-Dixon, Andrew.

Witting, Félix.

Tallis, Raymond.

Müntz, Eugène.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Müntz, Eugène.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Müntz, Eugène.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Perry, Michelle.

Tamura, Keiko.

Heyns, Michiel.

Link, Mike.

Ortler, Brett.

Lancaster, Clay.

Stanley, John P.

Martin, Chelsea.
    La Vergne : Curbside Splendor Publishing, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Adams, Micky.
    Micky Adams.
    La Vergne : Biteback Publishing, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Cruz, Raquel.

Zhang, Xueji.

Wosch, Thomas.

Sharma, Kal.

Tischler, Dirk.

Caruso, Gabriella.

Saleem, Muhammad.

Hartley, Matt.

Duffy, Maureen.
    : Arcadia Books Limited, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Durlauf, Steven.
    London : Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Dummies, Consumer.

Anwar, Sri Haryani.

DeWitt, Dave.

Kargbo, Stephen Bainous.

Sireau, Nicolas.

Seedhouse, Erik.

Carneiro Jr., Cloves.

Familiar, Bob.

Preston, James.

Copeland, Marshall.

Panek, William.

Varsalone, Jesse.

Rischpater, Ray.

Au, Carmen.

Mosher, Sue.

England, Ken.

Laahs, Kevin.

Arora, Tarun.

Baumol, William J.

Bogdal, D.

Kiyosaki, Robert T.

Bart, John.
    Calgary : Freehand Books, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Haytock, Jennifer.

Robins, Philip.

Galal, Ahmed.

Douek, Ellis.

Watson, T.

Dreyer, June Teufel.

Mo, J.

Heti, Sheila.

Fletcher, J. S.
    Middle Temple Murder.
    New York : Road, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Haw, M.

Adderson, Caroline.

Florian, Meghan.

Krakovsky, Marina.

Garnett, Oliver.
    Middlethorpe Hall.
    Swindon : National Trust (Enterprises) Ltd, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hister, Art.

O'Connell, John.
    Midlife Manual.
    London : Short Books, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Schirmer, Gregory A.

Merriman, Brian.
    Midnight Court.
    Dublin : The O'Brien Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Foxlee, Karen.
    Midnight Dress.
    London : Hot Key Books, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lee, David Neil.
    Midnight Games.
    Toronto : Wolsak and Wynn Publishers Ltd, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

King, Jonathon.
    Midnight Guardians.
    : Open Road Media Mystery & Thriller, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

King, Jonathon.
    Midnight Guardians.
    Newburyport : Open Road Media Mystery & Thriller, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Fleming, May Agnes.
    Midnight Queen.
    Auckland : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Halliday, Brett.

Wilson, Edward.
    Midnight Swimmer.
    London : Arcadia Books Limited, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Heaney, Seamus.
    Midnight Verdict.
    Oldcastle : The Gallery Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

French, Tom.
    Oldcastle : The Gallery Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hopkins, Cathy.

Athill, Diana.

Shakespeare, William.

Costello, Priscilla.

Pennington, Michael.

Hamilton Finlay, Ian.

Press, CRC.

Luce, Ann.

Krohn, Carsten.

Budnick, Dean.
    Might As Well.
    New York : Rare Bird Books, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Safty, Adel.

Pfundner, Michael.

Pfundner, Michael.

Howell, Brian.

Pfundner, Michael.

Spencer, Nick.

Pilch, Jerzy.
    Mighty Angel.
    Rochester : Open Letter, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Whittington, Amanda.

Bass, Guy.
    Mighty Frog.
    London : Stripes Publishing, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

McInnes, Craig.

Brown, Alison.
    Mighty Mo.
    London : Little Tiger Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Parnell, Robyn.
    Mighty Quinn.
    Minneapolis : Mighty Media, Inc., 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bent, Simon.
    Mighty Walzer.
    London : Oberon Books Ltd, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

MacEwan, Grant.

Rudolph, Wally.

Bernstein, Carolyn.

Leroux, Dr. Elizabeth.

Friedman, Sara L.

Malyutina, Darya.

Ireland, Patrick R.

d'Appollonia, A. Chebel.

Heidbrink, Lauren.

Ray, Krishnendu.

Pilati, K.

Ghosh, Partha S.

Passmore, Eric.

Tomlinson, Todd.

Liao, Sean.

Liao, Sean.

Leseva Adams, Radoslava.

Liao, Sean.

Laszewski, Tom.

Jüssen, Lara.

Secor, David Hallock.

Schanbacher, Gary L.

Razin, A.

Meckl, Jürgen.

Adeniran, Adebusuyi Isaac.

Ullah, A.

Boccagni, Paolo.

Fitzgerald, Patrick.

Innes, A.

Pasura, Dominic.

Arizpe, Lourdes.

Paternò, Fabio.

Aydemir, Murat.

Riley, Elliot.
    Miguel's Family.
    Chicago, IL : Britannica Digital Learning, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Griffis, William Elliot.

Pearson, Rt. Hon. Lester B.

Pearson, Rt. Hon. Lester B.

Pearson, Rt. Hon. Lester B.

Gutteridge, Reg.

Watt, Mike.

Warner, Gertrude Chandler.
    Mike's Mystery.
    : Albert Whitman & Company, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Brandon, Jay.
    Milagro Lane.
    San Antonio, TX : Wings Press, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Buber-Neumann, Margarete.
    New York : Arcade Publishing, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Nealie, Toni.
    Miles Between Me.
    New York : Curbside Splendor Publishing, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Walburn, Roberta.

Nink Pflug, Jackie.

Cooper, James Fenimore.

Osborne, Linda Barrett.

Testa, M.

Kehoe, A.

Aboul-Enein, Youssef H.,.

Crick, Michael.
    La Vergne : Biteback Publishing, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Beier, J.

Howell, Terry.

Kelly, B.

Alexander, Edward Porter.

Lagotte, Brian W.

Jacob, Frank.

Power, Michael L.

Millar, Martin.

Hammond, Emily.
    Newburyport : The Permanent Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Miyazawa, Kenji.

G. Ender, Morten.

Gross, T. Scott.

Miller, Arnold.

Bateson, Catherine.

Jones, Marie.


Somers, Ian.

Barr, Chad.

Herman, Sarah.

James, Rick.

Eden, Dorothy.

Braddon, Mary Elizabeth.
    Milly Darrell.
    Wellington : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Arrigan, Mary.

Arrigan, Mary.

Arrigan, Mary.


Gray, Catharine.

Ryken, Leland.

Orchudesch, Tony.

Perry, Scott Allen.

Babuts, Nicolae.

Billett, Stephen.

Palaver, Wolfgang.

Smith, Brooke.

Smith, Brooke.

Parks, Tim.


Don, Lari.
    Mind Blind.
    Edinburgh : Floris Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Whieldon, Alice.

Cohen, Marina.
    Mind Gap.
    Toronto : Dundurn, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Milutinovic, Veljko.

Silver, Sean.

Kerrigan, Michael.

Lachman, Gary.
    Mind Parasites.
    Rhinebeck, NY : Monkfish Book Publishing, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Tabata, Kazumi.

Mukhopadhyay, Tito Rajarshi.

Morgan, Kristina.

O'Byrne, Robert.


Walmsley, J.
    Mind and Machine.
    London : Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Weyl, Hermann.

Fry, John.

Nayman, Shira.
    Mind of Winter.
    Brooklyn : Akashic Books, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Sørensen, Kaare.

Hennessy, Don.

Fitzgerald, Michael.

Sharp, Johnny.

Best, Tino.

Press, ECW.

Goliszek, Andrew.

Rubio, Ron.

Eastaway, Rob.

Davis, Barbara Jean.

Baim, Clark.

Altschuler, Stephen.

Kets de Vries, Manfred F.R.

Campbell, Linda M.

Mitchell, Chris.

Nirell, Lisa.

Dobkin, PhD, Patricia Lynn.

Kaufman, Keith A.

North, Joanna.

Bartley, Trish T.

Watt, Tessa.

Black, Anna.

Ahmadi, Atefeh.

Powietrzynska, Malgorzata.

Stang, Heather.

Jacobs-Stewart, Thérèse.

Rothaus, Merryl.

Martins, Carla.

Horowitz, Anthony.
    London : Oberon Books Ltd, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Breen, Margaret Sonser.

Mignogna, Adeena.

Murphy, Susan.

Tuckett, D.

Miller, Michelle D.

Thomas, Janice.

Swainston, Tony.

Doyle, Brandon.

Chatman, Vernon.

Linden, Anne.

Guthals, Sarah.

Soseki, Natsume.
    La Vergne : Gallic Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kositsky, Lynne.

Cosgrove, Stephen.
    Ming Ling.
    : Heritage Builders, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Chandler, Matt.

Pierce, Val.

Stratford, Sue.

Powell, Michael.
    Mini Cross Stitch.
    Tunbridge Wells : Search Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Markham , Brett L.

Ryan, Justin.

Ryan, Justin.

Sehlinger, Bob.

Sehlinger, Bob.
    Mini Mickey.
    Birmingham, AL : Unofficial Guides, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

LaFosse, Michael G.

Prior, Manfred.

Aitken, Robert.

Jain, Dr. Mini.

Tuck, Kirk.

O'Sullivan, Leanne.
    Mining Road.
    Tyne and Wear : Bloodaxe Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Özyer, Tansel.

Volland, Michael.

Dowding, Keith.

Shearer, Alex.

Woolf, Emma.

Korner, Mark-Christoph.

Matthews, Jan.

Bauer, Mary M.

Calland, Chris.

Rosen, Jeremy.

Morse, Garry Thomas.

Addison, Brian.

Beinin, Joel.

Elling, R.

Gagnon, Alain-G.

Godwyn, Mary.

Will-Weber, Mark.

Lizzimore, Clare.
    : Nick Hern Books, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Rossland, Ingelin.
    Minus Me.
    London : Oneworld Publications, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Jackson, Jeff.
    Mira Corpora.
    Granville : Two Dollar Radio, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Sheridan, Sara.

Benedict, Pinckney.

Caschetta, MB.
    Miracle Girls.
    Berkeley : Engine Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Penn, Audrey.

Felts, Lauren.

Hynes, Jim.

Shapiro, Larry.

Boehmer, Tami.

Gutman, Bill.

Barrett, David.


Lansdale, Joe.

Straight, Bilinda.

Harline, Craig.

Hess, Joan.
    Miracles in Maggody.
    Newburyport : Road, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Tyler, Royall.

Okawa, Ryuho.

Spencer, Liv.

Czudaj, Antje.

Redman, Matt.

Aitken, Peter.

Hutchinson, Francis E.

Chapman, Linda.
    Mirror Magic.
    London : Stripes Publishing, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Boroujerdi, Mehzrad.

Shepherd, Nick.

Kozintsev, Alexander.

Prone, Terry.
    Mirror, Mirror.
    Dublin : The Lilliput Press, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Martin, Marianne K.
    New York : Bywater Books, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book


Dickens, Charles.

Squire, David.

Lumsden, Roddy.

Tilman, H.W.

Amoss, Berthe.

Tilman, H.W.

Tilman, H.W.

Tilman, H.W.

Jensen, Derrick.

Martin, A.


Farjeon, Benjamin.

Hess, Joan.
    Misery Loves Maggody.
    Newburyport : Road, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Short, S.

Skovron, Jon.
    New York : Abrams, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Burns, Suzanne.

Pitt-Kethley, Fiona.

Stiglitz, Joseph E.

Smith, Joan.
    London : Saqi, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Brown, Jonathan A.C.

Sephodi, Malebo.
    Miss Behave.
    Johannesburg : Jacana Media, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

McDonald, Anne.

Rabasa, George.

Byrne, Angela.
    Miss Fitzgerald.
    Dublin : New Island Books, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Spinelli, Eileen.

Spinelli, Eileen.

Spinelli, Eileen.

Strindberg, August.

Strindberg, August.

Strindberg, August.
    Miss Julie.
    New York, NY : Talonbooks, 2006.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Norris, Bett.
    Miss McGhee.
    Ann Arbor : Bywater Books, 2007.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Ruck, Bertha.

Baker, Amy.

Coyote, Ivan.
    Missed Her.
    Vancouver : Arsenal Pulp Press, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Baranick, Jenny.

Flynn, Alex.
    New York : Polis Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Flynn, Alex.
    New York : Polis Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Tanner, Ron.
    Missile Paradise.
    New York, NY : Ig Publishing, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Vicente, Alidis.

Mac a'Bháird, Natasha.
    Missing Ellen.
    Dublin : The O'Brien Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Pope, Barbara Corrado.

Nix Jackson, Gayle.

Priest, Robert.

Wilson, John.

Lewin, Michael Z.
    Missing Woman.
    New York : Open Road Media Mystery & Thriller, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Mairal, Pedro.

Bailey, Alan.

Hughes, Si?n.
    Cambridge : Salt Publishing Limited, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Dykes, Ash.

Downey, Liana.

Trotter, Joshua.
    Mission Creep.
    New York, NY : Coach House Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Mandelbaum, Michael.

Cannon, Janet L.
    Mission Mars.
    Elmwood Park : Walrus Publishing, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Dykes, Ash.

Adams, John Duncan.

Lamwaka, Beatrice.

Forsyth, Alexander.

Pears, Michael.

Pears, Michael.

Dodds, Adam.

Renwick, Robin.

Robertson, Peter.
    Chicago : Gibson House Press, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Putney, Clifford.

Jones, Arun W.

Baker, Sanna.

Franklin, Tom.
    Mississippi Noir.
    New York : Akashic Books, 2006.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Fisher-Wirth, Ann.
    Chicago : Wings Press, 2018.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gale, John.

Aimard, Gustave.
    Missouri Outlaws.
    Wellington : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Wunnicke, Christine.
    Vancouver : Arsenal Pulp Press, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Jordan, Neil.
    Berkeley : Soft Skull Press, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

L'Amour, Louis.

Dougan, John.

Dickson, John.
    Mister Hamilton : 0.
    Auckland : Auckland University Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hauka, Donald J.

Skoog, Ed.
    Mister Skylight.
    Port Townsend : Copper Canyon Press, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Walsh, Enda.

He, She and.
    Mistress Contract.
    Lakewood, CO : Unbridled Books, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kawaguchi, Matsutaro.

Bindloss, Harold.

Vargas Llosa, Mario.

Furguson, Barbara.

Kennedy, Kim.

Webb, Holly.

Kuhl, Joan Snyder.

Christiansen, Candace.
    Mitten Tree.
    Golden : Fulcrum Publishing, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Spencer, F. Scott.

Ritschel, John.

Johnson-Myers, Tracy-Ann.

Scott, J.

Maciejko, Pawel.

Pfeuffer, Frank.

Mohammadi Golrang, Bahram.

Littleson, Lindsay.

Patteron, Janet.

Msomi, S'Thembiso.

Ryan, John A.

Bennett, John.

Sowell, Eric.

Günes, M.

Qiu, Meikang.

Swilley, Esther.

Trimikliniotis, N.

Montegary, Liz.

Li, Qing.

Crestani, Fabio.

Pegrum, M.

Shareef, Mahmud Akhter.

Berry, M.

Koskinen, Ilpo.

Akan, Ozgur.

Lerner, Thomas.
    Mobile Payment.
    Wiesbaden : Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Fisher, Robert.

Murray-Smith, Roderick.

Arber, Ruth.

Verma, Nishant.

Akan, Ozgur.

Akan, Ozgur.

Vazquez Maggio, Monica Laura.

Wedeniwski, Dr. Sebastian.

Pooley, Colin G.

Green, Gary Paul.

Chua, Lynette J.

McCormick, Sabrina.

Formicola, Allan.

Melville, Herman.
    San Diego : Thunder Bay Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Wenzel, John.

Féray, Valentin.

Sainz, Miguel A.

Collins, Peter.

Showler, A. J.

Pereira, Basilio de Bragança.

Jackson, Mandi Isaacs.

Koestenbaum, Wayne.
    Model Homes.
    Rochester : BOA Editions Ltd., 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Driscoll, Matt.

Seery, Daniel.
    Model Partner.
    Dublin : Liberties Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Day, Adam.

Samachson, Joseph.
    Model of a Judge.
    Wellington : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hutchison, David.

Sullivan, Edmund J.

Krammer, Anne.

Neat, David.

Christensen, Lars Saabye.
    London : Arcadia Books Limited, 2007.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Schlund-Vials, Cathy J.

Karakitsiou, Athanasia.

Adali, Sibel.

Kraaier, Jan.

Lu, Zhou.

Zlatkin-Troitschanskaia, Olga.

Bungartz, Hans-Joachim.

Fernández-Izquierdo, Mara.

Tserpes, Konstantinos I.

Ahmed, Tanveer.

Ali, Saad.

Van Gorp, Pieter.

Burke, S.

Elsenbroich, Corinna.
    Modelling Norms.
    Dordrecht : Springer Netherlands, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Schröder, Winfried.

Reeves, Anthony A.

Mansnerus, E.

Griffiths, Steve.

Starr, Leon.

Goldengorin, Boris I.

Kaas, Rob.

Read, A.

Daniel, Cynthia Newcomer.

Wilson, Robert A.

Florens, Brett.

O'Connell, LCSW, Mark.

Karagiannis, Nikolaos.

Karagiannis, Nikolaos.

Gardiner, Marilyn.

Guarde-Paz, César.

Lett, Cynthia W.

Farmer, G. Thomas.

Timár, A.

Lisle, Benjamin D.

Zivic, Natasa.

Scorgie, Lesley-Anne.

Kissane, Dylan.

Worthen, W. B.

Adams, Socrates.
    Modern Family.
    Hebden Bridge : Bluemoose Books Ltd, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Davidson, Nick.

Davidson, Nick.

Wicks, Robert.

Baruah, S.D.

Isler, Hakim.

Keene, Dennis.

Jelen, Sheila E.

Avery, E.

Harrington, Karine.

Harrington, Karine.

Elliott, Paul.

Thacker, Sebastián Bianchi and Mike.

Thacker, Sebastián Bianchi and Mike.

Abeles, Francine F.

Riddle, Kirsten.

Howard, Philip.

Fenyo, S.

Ravi, Bheemaiah Krishnan.

Peters, Gareth William.

Day, Stuart A.

Wray, L. Randall.

Cortez, Paulo.

Mahrwald, Rainer.

Eleff, Zev.

Freidenfelds, Lara.

Arif, Iftikhar.

Davis, Adam L.

Cozzi, Robert.

Dangoor, Ezra.

Bales, Kevin.

O'Connell Davidson, Julia.

Curtis, Michael.

Bernstad Saraiva Schott, Anna.

Leeder, Murray.

Chaudhuri, Arijit.

Rohlf, Michael.
    Modern Turn.
    Washington, D. C. : Catholic University of America Press, 2018.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Zacke, Susanna.

Strutt, Laura.

Kusswurm, Daniel.

Mitschke, J.D.

Collins, Neil.

Scott, Derrick.

Houppermans, Sjef.
    Modernism Today.
    Amsterdam : Editions Rodopi, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Horvath, A.

Tonning, E.

Turda, M.

Griffin, R.

Starrs, R.

Weller, S.

Begam, Richard.
    Modernism and Opera.
    Baltimore : Johns Hopkins University Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Schaffner, A.

Ohana, D.

Hass, Robert.

E. Dobson, James.

Smith, Steven B.

Nahum, João Santos.

Statistics, Panel on Modernizing the Nation's Crime.

Cuno, Kenneth M.

Galchinsky, Michael.

Mac Cormaic, Aodhán.

Gutsev, Gennady L.

Yazawa, Toru.

Charles, Victoria.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Tremblay, Reeta Chowdhari.

Slade, Arthur.
    Victoria : Orca Book Publishers, 2018.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

McNally, Robert Aquinas.

Cabrera, James.

LaFosse, Michael G.

Kothagal, Koushik.

Brambila Paz, Leticia.

Galbraith, Patrick W.

Franzmann, Vivienne.
    : Nick Hern Books, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Laidlaw, Matt.
    Mohawk Showdown.
    London : Robert Hale, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Benn, Carl.

Reuss, Frederick.
    Lakewood, CO : Unbridled Books, 2007.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Butterworth, Jez.

Khanna, Hemant.

Widak, Wiesawa.

Clark, David P.

Zhou, Jian.

Taylor, Herbert.

Campbell, A. Malcolm.

Campbell, A. Malcolm.

Fain, Gordon L.

Esposito, Alessandro.

Jones, Martin.

Romero, Laurence.

Makes, Mollie.

Makes, Mollie.

Makes, Mollie.

Leavey, Peggy Dymond.

Mitchell, Michael.
    Molly Fire.
    Toronto : ECW Press, 2005.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

McMasters, Jack.

Smith, Rosemarie.
    Molly II.
    Claygate : Grosvenor House Publishing, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Presta, Luana.

Martin, Irene Aparici.
    Mom Goes to War.
    Madrid : Cuento de Luz, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Cole, Renée.

Fies, Brian.
    Mom's Cancer.
    New York : Abrams, 2006.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Carretero, Monica.
    Mom's Dresses.
    New York, NY : Cuento de Luz, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Olin, Marilyn.

West, Timothy.

Braza, Jerry.

Sayles, John.

Bauer, A.

McQueen, Michael.

Hyder, Shama.

Crawford, Christina.

Crawford, Christina.
    Mommie Dearest.
    Newburyport : Open Road Media, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Altmann, Tanya.

McLaughlin, Kate.

Gerstein, Sherry.
    San Diego : Thunder Bay Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Shirtliffe, Leanne.

Ende, Michael.
    San Francisco : McSweeney's, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Newmyer, Deborah Jelin.

Halfon, Eduardo.
    New York : Bellevue Literary Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Schroeder, Caroline T.

Heale, Martin.

Calosse, Jp. A.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Brodskaya, Nathalia.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Brodskaya, Nathalia.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Cobham, David.

Godley, W.

Durlauf, Steven.

Nakamura, Yasushi.

Dixon, Tris.

Yee, Paul.
    Money Boy.
    : Groundwood Books, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Frankl, Milan.

Staff, Asian Development Bank.

LaFosse, Michael G.

Baughman, Michael.

Furguson, Barbara.
    Money Talks.
    La Vergne : Grosvenor House Publishing, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gerdes, William D.

Stoknes, Per Espen.

Bähre, Erik.


Congdon, Tim.

Schermerhorn, Calvin.

Barkley, Brad.
    Money, Love.
    New York : Dzanc Books, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Nadin, Joanna.

Zola, Emile.
    London : Alma Books, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Sinclair, Upton.

Boyle, Mark.

Kate, Samantha.
    Moneypenny Diaries.
    La Vergne : Ian Fleming Publications, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kate, Samantha.
    Moneypenny Diaries.
    La Vergne : Ian Fleming Publications, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Dasadia, Cyrus.

Membrey, Peter.
    MongoDB Basics.
    Berkeley, CA : Apress, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Ramsay, Uuganaa.
    Glasgow : Saraband, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Sunderland, Margot.

Cooper, James Fenimore.
    Wellington : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

McKendrick, Russ.
    Monitoring Docker.
    Birmingham : Packt Publishing, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hutchison, David.

Stace, Stephanie.

Browning, Frank.

Matharu, Mann.
    Monk of Lantau.
    La Vergne : Clink Street Publishing, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Seow, David.

Alexander, T.M.

Thomson-Swift, Joe.

Paz, Octavio.

Gilman, David.
    Monkey and Me.
    Surrey : Templar Publishing, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Al-Raddi, Al-Saddiq.

Choldenko, Gennifer.
    Monkey's Secret.
    La Vergne : Hot Key Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Aiken, Lizza.

Seighman, Steven.

Talbott, Strobe.

Coffey, S.

Mayr, Suzette.
    Toronto : Coach House Books, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Wu, Vanessa.
    La Vergne : Sweetmeats Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Coffey, S.

Bigatti, Anna M.

Felsenthal, Dan S.

Becker, Emma.

Bond, Michael.

Bond, Michael.

Slocombe, Romain.

Zlotsky, Dmitry.

McCarty, Michael.

Redfern, Nick., Editors of.

Nicol, Allan.

Bass, Guy.
    Monster Hunter.
    London : Stripes Publishing, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hansen, Justin LaRocca.
    Monster Hunter.
    New York : Sky Pony Press, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Robinson, Nicola L.
    Monster Machine.
    London : Pavilion Books, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Courtenay, Lucy.
    Monster Moon.
    London : Stripes Publishing, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Czajak, Paul.

Czajak, Paul.

Czajak, Paul.

Czajak, Paul.

MacDonald, Alan.
    London : Stripes Publishing, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Scott, Niall.

Freeburg, Jessica.

Francus, Marilyn.

Straub, Peter.
    San Francisco : Tachyon Publications, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Rohdie, Sam.
    Manchester : Manchester University Press, 2006.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Quint, David.

Watson, Larry.

Zucker, Monte.

Helfrich, M. Shannon.

Harrison, Cora.

Murphy, Dervla.

Turgenev, Ivan.

Bulbring, Edyth.

Hynes, Jim.

Waugh, Thomas.

McCall, Douglas.

Hardcastle, Gary L.

Webb, Holly.

Forrester, Charles.

Quimby, Charlie.
    Monument Road.
    Salt Lake City : Torrey House Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kempers, A.J. Bernet.

Millton, Jane.

Mitchell, Caroline.

Moody, Bill.
    Mood Swings.
    : Stark Raving Group, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Humphreys, Alastair.

Robertson, Ray.
    Moody Food.
    Emeryville : Biblioasis, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Farr, Cathy.

Cain, Cate.
    Moon Child.
    Surrey : Templar Publishing, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Farr, Cathy.

Langdale, Mark Roland.

Moffatt, Jonathan.

Williams, Thomas.
    Moon Pinnace.
    La Vergne : Dzanc Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lennon, Anne.
    Moon Puddle.
    Claygate : Grosvenor House Publishing, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Anderson, Doug.

Rees, Arthur J.
    Moon Rock.
    Wellington : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Price, Richard.
    Moon for Sale.
    Manchester : Carcanet, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Sorrentino, Gilbert.

Garnier, Pascal.

Harrison, Gael.

Kroll, Virginia.
    Moon's Messenger.
    Pozuelo de Alarcon : Cuento de Luz, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hutchison, Barry.

Kyabgon, Traleg.

Scotto, Robert.
    Los Angeles : Process, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Authors, Various.
    Moonlight Magic.
    London : Stripes Publishing, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Webb, Holly.
    Moonlight Statue.
    London : Stripes Publishing, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Brown, Michael.

Silver, Yanik.

Larson, Shelby.

Bierce, Ambrose.

Lobel, Gillian.

Gerrold, David.

Campbell, Niall.
    Tyne and Wear : Bloodaxe Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kirkwood, Gwen.
    Moorend Farm.
    London : Robert Hale, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kelso, Dave.

Theriault, Madeline Katt.

Sokolowski, Robert.

Furedi, Ann.

Hinkley, Charles C.

Furedi, F.

Bowles, Samuel.
    Moral Economy.
    New Haven : Yale University Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Faulkner, Frank.

Leopardi, Giacomo.
    Moral Fables.
    London : Alma Books, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Walker, Graham.

Moore, Kathleen Dean.

Finkelstein, Amy.

Lamport, Stephen.

Vaduva, Sebastian.

Sylvester, Robert Peter.

Levy, Neil.

Friesen, Bruce K.

Dodson, Lisa.

Cessario, Romanus.

Smith, Paul.

Taylor, Craig.

Gluchman, Vasil.

Schuster, Aaron.

Brownrigg, Sylvia.

Walsh, A.

Cotkin, George.

Ward, Keith.

Athanassoulis, N.

Henning, Christoph.

Al-Kaysi, Marwan Ibrahim.

Friedman, D.

Friedman, D.

Connolly, Marie.

Günday, Hakan.
    More : A Novel.
    New York : Arcade Publishing, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Perez, Benny.

Cupper, Karin Suzanne.

Hyland Jr., Steven.

McLean, Jack.

Zimmer, Carl.

Thomas, Bonnie.

Wilsey, Sean.
    More Curious.
    San Francisco : McSweeney's, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Willis, Wanda Lou.

Sledge, Michael.

Karten, Toby J.

Schoettli, Urs.

Beattie, Melody.

Shepherd, Paul.

Owen, Nick.

Geers, Todd.

Seo, Ghi-woon.

Miech, Irina.

Van Sciver, Noah.
    More Mundane.
    Gainesville : Alternative Comics, 2008.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bukowski, Charles.

Tucker, Grant.

McInnes, Jimmy.
    More Perfect [.
    Toronto : BookThug, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Chapin, Tom.

Storms, Sam.

Nugara, Andrew.

Nugara, Andrew.

Hudson, Lynda.

Stone, Beth.

Cowley, Philip.

Tittle, Peg.

Richardson, Arleta.

Murphy, Colin.

Groeber, Joan F.

Williams, R. Bruce.

Houlihan, Con.

Oesch, Joel.

Shushkewich, Val.

Brook, Rhidian.

Hamlin, Christopher.

Price, Steven D.

Hagopian, Jesse.

Moore, Dayton.

Bachrach, Daniel G.

Henderson, Bob.

Molto, Kimberly.

Cross, Roy.

Hand, Brian.

Fossum, Mavis.

Sullivan, Dan.

Nichols, Travis.
    More You Ignore Me.
    Minneapolis : Coffee House Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Cupper, Karin Suzanne.

Kim, Kevin.

Horovitz, Alex.

Evans, Kathryn.
    More of Me.
    New York : Abrams, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gordon, Bob.

Aronoff, C.

Curran, David.

Hugentobler, Margrit.

Bank, Inter-American Development.

Pritchard, Nia.

Pritchard, Nia.

Marr, B.

Pyyhtinen, O.

Gasman, Marybeth.

Cosgrove, Stephen.
    Morgan and Me.
    : Heritage Builders, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lane, Karly.
    Morgan's Law.
    Sydney : Allen & Unwin, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Worthy, Jack B.

Bigelow, Christopher Kimball.

Balmer, Randall.

Dean, Amy E.

Mazzantini, Margaret.

Gunn, Neil.
    Morning Tide.
    London : Souvenir Press, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

de la Roche, Mazo.

Gamal, Arif.

Sharp, Julie.
    La Vergne : Scripture Union England and Wales, 2007.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Wolfsie, Dick.

Pennell, C.R.

Čomić, Lidija.

Adams, David.
    Morrey Spaces.
    Cham : Springer International Publishing, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Karpes, H. R.

Svare, Richard.

Raby-Dunne, Susan.

Woods, Paul A.

Lewis, Nathaniel.

Murchison, William.

Waitzkin, Fred.

McCune, D. J.

Hand, Elizabeth.
    Mortal Love.
    Scranton : Small Beer Press, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hess, Joan.

Rossano, Matt J.

Smith, Martin.

Bailie, Grant.
    Brooklyn : Ig Publishing, 2008.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Coleman, Peter T.

Coleman, Peter T.

Mandel, Lee.

Bolton, Micheal Sean.

Thompson, Laura.
    Mosaic of Love.
    Yarmouth : Garnet Publishing (UK) Ltd, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Zerwekh, JoAnn.

Dunlop, John.

Wilkshire, Nick.

Smirnova, Natalia.
    Moscow Noir.
    Brooklyn : Akashic Books, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Svetlikova, Ilona.

McGrane, Sally.

Gromova, Natalia.

Ginsberg, Benjamin.

Russell, Richard.

Kirkwood, Lucy.

Walker, George F.

Young-moon, Jung.

Bukowski, Charles.

Buzzelli, Elizabeth Kane.

Fowler, Andrew.

Steele, Mark.

Marks, Howard.

Burgis, Stephanie.

Chernev, Irving.

Horn, Bernd.

Ciesla, Robert.

Buckingham, Karin.
    Mostly Metals.
    : Kalmbach Books, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Tilman, H.W.

Finch, Jennie.
    Moth Man.
    Exeter : Impress Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Cholmondeley, Mary.

G. Howard, A.

Chonchúir, Nuala Ní.
    Mother America.
    Dublin : New Island Books, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hart, Sarah.

Jones, Starner.

Leon, Peggy.
    Mother Country.
    Newburyport : The Permanent Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Carr, Christine.

Lee, Gypsy Rose.
    Mother Finds a Body.
    New York : The Feminist Press at CUNY, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Castle, Sue.

Johnson Howe, Melodie.

Nawaz, Saleema.
    Mother Superior.
    Calgary : Freehand Books, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Phillips, Norman.

Solnit, Rebecca.

Rubin, Miri.
    Mother of God.
    New Haven : Yale University Press, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

McDougal, Dennis.
    Mother's Day.
    Newburyport : Open Road Media, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Friedman, Bruce Jay.

Duncan, Norman.
    Wellington : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Karbo, Karen.

Keith, JJ.

Fennario, David.
    Vancouver : Talonbooks, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Ruocco, Joanna.

Kingston, Anna Karin.

Radford, Lorraine.

Santomauro, Josie.

Goldberg, Rita.

Atilgan, Yusuf.
    Motherland Hotel.
    La Vergne : City Lights Publishers, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hummel, Maria.
    Berkeley : Counterpoint, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gilroy, Steve.
    London : Oberon Books Ltd, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Moore, Thorne.
    Aberystwyth : Honno Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

McHugh, Maureen F.

Tate, Cath.


Hunter, Evan.

Hale, Meg.

Castaneda, Maria.
    Mothers in Academia.
    New York : Columbia University Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Nickerson, Michelle M.

Dorries, Nadine.

Jenkins, Krista.

Soames, Ruby.

Murray, Robert Duff.

Delbridge, M.

Gigengack, Fabian.

Hao, Xiaofei.

Tillman, Lynne.

Remes, Justin.

Boyer, Staci.
    Motiv8n' U.
    St. Charles : Medallion Media Group, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Coombs, Francis.

Griffin, Simone.

Mayfield, Jacqueline.

Adonis, James.

Corcoran, Jacqueline.

Li, Kun.

Tibballs, Geoff.

Tibballs, Geoff.

West, Marvin.

Pickthall, Barry.

Wimmer, Engelbert.

Morgan, Pat.

Schurr, Asaf.
    Normal, IL : Columbia University Press, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Brooks, Nick.

Jones, Darryl N.
    Victoria : CSIRO PUBLISHING, 2008.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Tilman, H.W.

Peluso, Angelo.

Ballin, Peter.

Langton, Mark.

Patterson, Charles.

Womack, David.

Kraft, Skye.

Brighton, Patrick.

McKnight, James.

Nash, Mike.

Nash, Mike.

Brand, Max.

Brennan, Stephen.

Balatti, Silvia.


Graham, Scott.

Wilkins, Joe.

Ganieva, Alisa.

Smythe, Frank.

Marryat, Frank.

Cannings, Richard.

Snyder, Gary.

Chase, Ron.

Latham, Donna.
    Vermont : Nomad Press, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Teather, Robert Gordon.

Brooks, Neil.

Peters, Ellis.
    Mourning Raga.
    New York : Road, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

McIvor, David W.

Price, Kathryn.
    Mouse & the Buddha.
    St. Petersburg : Little House Press, 2006.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Quayle, Susan.

Quayle, Susan.

Quayle, Susan.

Burke, Bill.

Burke, Bill.

Hopper, Karina.

Elyot, Kevin.

Cox, Daniel Allen.
    Vancouver : Arsenal Pulp Press, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hambrick, John.

Otieno, Carol.
    London : Clink Street Publishing, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Runia, Eelco.

Barnett, Daniel.

Potter, Nicole.

Jackson, Katie Lamar.

Power, Jennifer.

Klandermans, Bert.

Roberts, Kevin.

Haughton, Dominique.

Schanie, Andrew.

Mekas, Jonas.

Pendarvis, Jack.
    Movie Stars.
    New York : Dzanc Books, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Wunsch, Emma.
    Movie Version.
    New York : Abrams, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Domini, John.
    La Vergne : Dzanc Books, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Blessing, Kimberly A.

Meagher, Ilona.

Ferro, Lígia.

Mielke, Laura L.

Retsinas, Nicolas P.

Henry, John.

Rogaly, B.

Fiore, Mary.

Baily, Martin Neil.

Shaikh, Soharab Hossain.

Gray, Millie.

Pesch, Lana.
    Moving Parts.
    New York, NY : Arsenal Pulp Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Tulli, Magdalena.
    Moving Parts.
    New York : Archipelago Books, 2005.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Mirza, William.

Fernandes, Ciane.

Sitaram, Dinkar.

Lowry, Dave.

Hughes, L.

Katzer, Matthew.

de León, Inayaili.

Willcocks, L.

Kipling, Rudyard.

Moyer, Bill.

Kerst, Friedrich.

Spehr, Todd.

Hillmann, Bill.

McManmon, Michael P.

Doyle, Mogue.

Jones, Lloyd.
    Mr Cassini.
    Bridgend : Seren, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Coakley, Dan.

Kelly, Ian.

Freeborn, Richard.
    Mr Frankenstein.
    London : Arcadia Books Limited, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Tassell, Nige.

Whitehill, Camilla.

Sheldon, Laura.

Reade, Lindsay.

Walliams, David.

Nicholas, Jeremy.

Davies, Joanna.
    Mr Perfect.
    Ceredigion : Honno Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Amsby, Alan.

Burke, Kathy.

Lal, Brij V.

Howard, Elizabeth Jane.
    Mr Wrong.
    Newburyport : Open Road Media, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Dembicki, Carol.

Connell, Evan S.

Bud, Mr.

Shapiro, Juliette.

Dunne, Finley Peter.
    Mr. Dooley Says.
    Wellington : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Dunne, Finley Peter.

Dunne, Finley Peter.

Baricco, Alessandro.
    Mr. Gwyn.
    San Francisco : McSweeney's, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lane, Greg.

Catton, Bruce.

Evaristo, Bernardine.
    Mr. Loverman.
    New York : Akashic Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Wittkower, D. E.

Monsell, Mary Elise.
    Mr. Pin : Vol. II.
    New York : Open Road Distribution, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bennett, Arnold.
    Mr. Prohack.
    Auckland : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hill, Fiona.

Stavans, Ilan.

Dos Passos, John.

Iromuanya, Julie.

Taylor, Blaine.

Summaries, Bright.

Whittington-Egan, Molly.

Quinn, Tom.

Wright, Nicholas.

Burnett, Garry.

Evans, Sian.

Connell, Evan S.
    Mrs. Bridge.
    Washington : Counterpoint, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Ingalls, Rachel.

McCrea, Gavin.

Dickens, Charles.

Naparsteck, Martin.

Ewing, Juliana Horatia.

Mann, Emily.
    Mrs. Packard.
    New York : Theatre Communications Group, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Simcoe, Elizabeth Posthuma.

dyer, kc.

Selters, Andy.

Ragland, Cathy.

Humphreys, R. Stephen.

Shakespeare, William.

Culliford, Larry.

Hess, Joan.
    Much Ado in Maggody.
    Newburyport : Road, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Donne, George.

Hoffman, Frances.

Bade, Patrick.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bade, Patrick.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Burroughs, Edgar Rice.
    Auckland : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Dapping, William Osborne.

Robinson, W. Sydney.

Ellis, Deborah.
    Mud City.
    : Groundwood Books, 2005.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Howson, Peter.

Bowen, Lynne.

Johnson, Warren.

Murphy, Dervla.

Farrelly, Nicholas.

Dickens, Charles.

Carroll, Cain.

Carroll, Revital.

Carroll, Cain.

Walmsley, Chris.

Spartz, Emerson.

Sedgwick, Mark.
    Muhammad Abduh.
    London : Oneworld Publications, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Ezra, Michael.

Jenkins, Mark Collins.

Bloom, Howard.

Powers, David S.

Halevi, Leor.

Turnbull, Ronald.

Dong, Lan.

Brodzinsky, Anne Braff.

Bass, Ellen.
    Mules of Love.
    : BOA Editions Ltd., 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Meisami, Sayeh.
    Mulla Sadra.
    London : Oneworld Publications, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Giardini, Francesca.

Alam, Shah Jamal.

Publishing, OECD.

Knight, Isobel.

Lobato, Fran Sérgio.

Kurtz, Paul.

Mousley, Sarah.

Williams, Stuart.

Publishing, OECD.

Publishing, OECD.

Loureno, Joo M.

Doumpos, Michael.

Thomas, Mary E.

Jupp, James.

Kiranyaz, Serkan.

Dogra, Nisha.

Dogra, Nisha.

Lupu, Mihai.

Gentile, Vincenzo.

Clarke, Susan E.

Nash, Paul.

Stewart-Darling, Fiona.

Salgueiro, Carlos A.
    Multiheme Cytochromes.
    Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Thomas, Vinod.

Maas, Willem.

Block, D.

DeWispelare, Daniel.

Mirabile, Andrea.

Poggi, Isabella.

Toselli, Alejandro Héctor.

Hutchison, David.

Simpson, Justin M.

Bateman, J.

Goldstein, A.

Hofstedt, Petra.

Michalik, Susanne.

Maurina , Edward F.

Gupta, Rajesh.

Deutschmann, Rod.

Alt, Raimund.

Osborne, M.

Sharma, Kal Renganathan.

Sharma, Kal Renganathan.

Buckley, Tessa.

Murray, T.Jock, MD.

Major, Péter.

Chan, Francis.

Walters, Wendy S.

Fowler, Susan.

Willekens, Frans.

Watt, Martin.

Hollingworth, John.

Christakos, Margaret.
    Toronto : Coach House Books, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Walschap, Gerard.

Halliday, Brett.

Tyrewala, Altaf.
    Mumbai Noir.
    Brooklyn : Akashic Books, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Trojanow, Ilija.

Ingles, Elizabeth.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bade, Patrick.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lowder, James.

Hockey, J.


Ress, David.

McNeish, Cameron.
    Munro Almanac.
    Glasgow : Neil Wilson Publishing, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hamilton, Mary.
    Munster Village.
    Wellington : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Necipoğlu, Gülru.

Philip, Dawad.

Butts, Edward.

Punshon, E.R.

Matteson, Stefanie.

Quertermous, Bryon.
    Murder Boy.
    New York : Polis Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

McKay, Reg.

Mosby, Steve.
    Murder Code.
    : Pegasus Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

McCloskey, Larry.

Lockridge, Frances.
    Murder Is Served.
    New York, NY : Road, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Murphy, Haughton.

Lockridge, Frances.
    Murder Out of Turn.
    New York, NY : Road, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Murphy, Haughton.
    Murder Saves Face.
    New York : Road, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Murphy, Haughton.

Matteson, Stefanie.

Burney, Ian.

Heald, Tim.

Davison, Anita.

Matteson, Stefanie.
    Murder at Teatime.
    Newburyport : Road, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kreck, Dick.

Matteson, Stefanie.
    Murder at the Falls.
    Newburyport : Road, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Jevons, Marshall.

Matteson, Stefanie.
    Murder at the Spa.
    Newburyport : Road, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Collins, Robert J.

Murphy, Haughton.
    Murder for Lunch.
    New York : Road, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Reynolds, John Lawrence.

Fuhrman, Mark.

Kona, Bongani.

Lockridge, Frances.
    Murder in a Hurry.
    New York, NY : Road, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Goldsborough, Robert.

Goldsborough, Robert.

Buchanan, Dan.

Mollo, Victor.

Husseini, Rana.

Wright, June.

Tawfik, M.M.

Juul, Pia.

Margolis, Jay.

Margolis, Jay.

Vaksberg, Arkadi.

Root, Wayne Allyn.

Whittington-Egan, Richard.
    Murder on File.
    Glasgow : Neil Wilson Publishing, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Matteson, Stefanie.
    Murder on High.
    Newburyport : Road, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Riva, Peter.

Harrison, Cora.
    Murder on Stage.
    Dorking : Piccadilly Press, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Whittington-Egan, Molly.

Matteson, Stefanie.
    Murder on the Cliff.
    Newburyport : Road, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Šiljak, Harun.

Halliday, Brett.

Palmini, William.

Matteson, Stefanie.

Lockridge, Frances.
    Murder within Murder.
    New York, NY : Road, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Allin, Lou.

Hess, Joan.
    Newburyport : Road, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Rademacher, Cay.
    Murderer in Ruins.
    La Vergne : Arcadia Books Limited, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lindsay, Douglas.

Penn, Nigel.

Brennan, Stephen.

Wells, Jennifer.

Mitchell, G.
    Murdering Wells.
    London : Robert Hale, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Murphy, Haughton.

Foley, David.

Oakes-Odger MBE, A.K.

Johnston, Susanna.

Johnston, Susanna.
    Muriel's Reign.
    London : Arcadia Books Limited, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Elfyn, Menna.
    Tyne and Wear : Bloodaxe Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Murphy, Bob.

Turchi, Peter.

Adler, Roberta S.

Kohl, Herbert.

Nicholson, Mike.

Nicholson, Mike.

Nicholson, Mike.

Nicholson, Mike.

Verde, Susan.
    New York : Abrams, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Crome, Karla.
    Mush and Me.
    London : Oberon Books Ltd, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Tullio, Paulo.
    Dublin : The Lilliput Press, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Marrone, Teresa.

Latham, Donna.

Schneck, Daniel J.

Sharp, Keith.

Pitman, Walter.

Adams, Jon.

Blasius, Leslie David.

Gardstrom, Susan.

Baker, Felicity.

Murphy, Kathleen.

Fachner, Jörg.

Gilbertson, Simon.

Gilbertson, Simon.

Wood, Victoria.

Achenbach, Chris.

Nordoff, Paul.

Oldfield, Amelia.

Lindstrøm, Signe.

Duffin, RossW.

Fachner, Jörg.

van der Linden, Bob.

Frishkopf, Michael.

Pierobon, Chiara.

Olsen, Kathryn.

Kenny, Carolyn.

Jones, Richard Elfyn.

Williams, Jane.

Basar, Kürsat.
    Music by My Bedside.
    Normal, IL : Columbia University Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Ott, Pamela.

Ala-Ruona, Esa.

Gleason, Ralph J.
    Music in the Air.
    New Haven : Yale University Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Petrobelli, Pierluigi.

Levinge, Alison.

Steindl-Rast, Brother David.

Martin, Bill.

Makine, Andreï.

Lubet, Alex.

Ockelford, Adam.

Brendel, Alfred.

Kingsbury, Henry.

Schwartz, Elizabeth.

Aigen, Kenneth.

Runningdeer, Islene.

Schmidt, Sebastian.

Ponsonby, Robert.

Hildebrand, David K.

Yoshihara, Mari.

Khan, Muhammad Mojlum.

Fleming, K. E.

Pargeter, Alison.

Rubin, B.

Ranko, Annette.

Paden, John N.

Chapra, M. Umer.

Peucker, Mario.

Khan, Muhammad Mojlum.

Jung, Dietrich.

Catto, Rebecca.

O'Brien, Peter.

Jamil, Ghazala.

Masquelier, Adeline.
    Muslim Youth and the 9/11 Generation.
    Albuquerque, NM : University of New Mexico Press Published in Association with School for Advanced Research Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Zebiri, Kate.

Aslan, R.

Powell, James M.

Miah, Shamim.

Di Scala, Spencer M.

Brescia, Maurizio.

Painter, B.

Harrison, Robert.

Le Goff, Jacques.

Rothman, William.

Guilhaus, Fred.
    Mile End : Wakefield Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Pedler, Kit.

Haslem, John A.

Loat, Maddy.

Queyras, Sina.
    Toronto : Coach House Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lenhardt, Vincent.

Luebbe, Dawn.
    My 1992 Diary.
    New York : Abrams, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Fischer, Bobby.

Miles, William F. S.

Gee, Maggie.

Barstow, Phyllida.

Diederichs, Gilles.

Sawamura, Sadako.

Levi, Tamar.

Otowa, Rebecca.

Cather, Willa.
    My Ántonia.
    New York, NY : Clydesdale Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Cronin, Ali.

Freedman, Paula J.

Jouet, Jacques.
    My Beautiful Bus.
    Normal, IL : Columbia University Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Frank, Lone.

Kass, Jeff.

Macdonald, Rowena.
    My Beauty.
    : Galley Beggar Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Marney, Laura.

Smith, Michael V.

Ross, Tracey.

Haig, David.
    My Boy Jack.
    London : Nick Hern Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bourret, Caprice.

Pitt, Leonard.

Wilkins, Catherine.

Edwards, Becky.

Prince, Bryan.

Krughoff, Laura.

Smith, D. James.

Kelly, Fanny.

Haydn, Reinhardt.

Kidd, Susan Larson.

Schmitt, Barton D.

Gee, Maggie.
    My Cleaner.
    London : Saqi, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Jenkins, Toby S.

Jones, Loyal.

Russell, William Clark.

Galef, David.

Knowles, Owen.

Gowlland, Richard.

Coster, Simon.

Turcot, FranÃois.
    My Dinosaur.
    Toronto : BookThug, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Zambra, Alejandro.
    My Documents.
    San Francisco : McSweeney's, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Martin, Jeff.

Fletcher, Ashlee.
    My Dog, My Cat.
    Terre Haute, IN : Tanglewood Press, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Graves, John.
    My Dogs and Guns.
    New York, NY : Skyhorse Publishing, 2007.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Harron, Don.

Alternatives, Feminist.

Crump, Simon.

Joso, Jayne.


Greenough, Sarah.

Fried, Ronald K.

Dawson, Bethany.

Thomas, Aeronwy.

Mowat, Farley.
    My Father's Son.
    La Vergne : D & M Publishers, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Stibbe, Mark.

Walker, Chris.

Mone, Michelle.

Horowitz, Jeffrey.

Natelson, Robyn.

Publishing, Milet.

Wu, Faye-Lynn.

Singh, Rina.

Hibbs, Linda.

Brown, Michelle Haney.

Books, CICO.

Sato, Eriko.

Stern, Joel.

Hern, Nick.

Pilch, Jerzy.

Touma, Walid.
    My Flowers.
    London : Saqi, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Dhume, Sadanand.

Doyle, Arthur Conan.

Rossignol, Rosalyn.

Davidson, Doreen.
    My God Is Amazing.
    Guildford : Grosvenor House Publishing, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Wilkins, Catherine.

Gessner, David.

Millet, Lydia.
    My Happy Life.
    Washington : Soft Skull Press, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Butchart, Pamela.

McIntyre, Clare.

Weintraub, Bob.

Soseki, Natsume.

Frank, Miriam.

Frank, Miriam.

Todenhöfer, Jürgen.

Bose, Buddhadeva.
    My Kind of Girl.
    New York : Archipelago Books, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Rice, Craig.

Anaya, Rudolfo.

Heckmair, Anderl.

Waterman, Fanny.
    My Life In Music.
    London : Faber Music Limited, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book


McCall, Christina.

Grow, Jen.

Schultz, J. W.

Budman, Mark.

Callow, Simon.

Greenwald, Lisa.

Bleckner, Ross.

Ogden, Paul W.

Hayes, K. M.

Rose, Martin.

Duboscq, Genevieve.
    My Longest Night.
    New York : Arcade Publishing, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kuh, Katharine.

Wiszowaty, Robin.

Helms, Nathaniel R.

East, Ginny.

Ogali, Hratch.

Mwandiambira, Gerald.

Tobias, Lily.

Russell, Dick.

Ellis, Deborah.

Corrie, Rachel.

Sterling, Shirley.

Lightfoot, Frederick.
    My Name is E.
    Dingwall : Sandstone Press Ltd, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Corrie, Rachel.

Blandiana, Ana.

Steinkellner, Elisabeth.
    My New Granny.
    New York : Sky Pony Press, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Stickley, Lisa.
    My New Room.
    London : Pavilion Books, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Elyot, Kevin.

Jhabvala, Ruth Prawer.

May, Jeffrey C.

Horovitz, Israel.

Jemc, Jac.
    My Only Wife.
    Westland : Dzanc Books, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Castro, Adam-Troy.

Lester, Barbara R.

Tenberken, Sabriye.

Dixon, Aaron.

Hayes, Joe.

Dhanda, Parmjit.

Hayes, Lesley Parry and Jan.

Watton, Victor W.

Schmit, Adrian.
    My Revision Notes.
    London : Hodder Education Group, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Pollard, Adrian Schmit and Jeremy.
    My Revision Notes.
    London : Hodder Education Group, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hammond, Andrew.
    My Revision Notes.
    London : Hodder Education Group, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Pollard, Jeremy.
    My Revision Notes.
    London : Hodder Education Group, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

waugh, steve.
    My Revision Notes.
    London : Hodder Education Group, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Dixon, Nick.
    My Revision Notes.
    London : Hodder Education Group, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

England, Nick.
    My Revision Notes.
    London : Hodder Education Group, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Grime, Richard.
    My Revision Notes.
    London : Hodder Education Group, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Witherick, Cameron Dunn, Michael.
    My Revision Notes.
    London : Hodder Education Group, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Wright, John.
    My Revision Notes.
    London : Hodder Education Group, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Wright, John.
    My Revision Notes.
    London : Hodder Education Group, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Waugh, Steve.
    My Revision Notes.
    London : Hodder Education Group, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Slater, Sam.
    My Revision Notes.
    London : Hodder Education Group, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Blackshaw, Simon Ross, Rebecca.
    My Revision Notes.
    London : Hodder Education Group, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Sykes, Rachel Crutcher and Dirk.
    My Revision Notes.
    London : Hodder Education Group, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Blake, Stephanie J.
    My Rotten Friend.
    Newburyport : Albert Whitman & Company, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Wilkins, Catherine.

B., Mel.

Ono, Ken.

Alexander, Tom.
    My Secret Dog.
    London : Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Reed, Naomi.

Morris, Emily.

Sarah, Robyn.

Tiffany, Daniel.

Hamilton, William T.

Murray, Tamsyn.

Murray, Tamsyn.

Bishop, Melanie.

Kyung, Jung Mi.
    My Son's Girlfriend.
    Normal, IL : Columbia University Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Duke, Orok Otu.

Means, Heather.

Blakely, Edward J.

Casey, Karen.

Greenwald, Lisa.

Winter, Jack.

Rivera-Ashford, Roni Capin.

Croteau, Jon Derek.

Himmich, Ben Salem.
    My Torturess.
    Syracuse : Syracuse University Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Dufford, William E.

Gervais, Marty.

Chalandon, Sorj.
    My Traitor.
    Dublin : The Lilliput Press, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Wyatt-Rossignol, Martha.

Chejfec, Sergio.
    My Two Worlds.
    Rochester : Open Letter, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Piho, Nancy Tringali.

Freeland, Chrystia.

Bloch, Robert L.

Spotte, Stephen.

Rifkind, Hugo.

Nizon, Paul.
    My Year of Love.
    Normal, IL : Columbia University Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Challawala, Shabbir.

Bell, Charles.

Bank, Asian Development.

Bank, Asian Development.

Editors, Periplus.

Rieffel, Alexis.

Su-Ann, Oh.

Ebrey, Helen.

Thorne, Jack.
    London : Nick Hern Books, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Escors, David.

O'Brien, Flann.

Dowding, Philippa.

O'Brien, Flann.

Cabus, Steve.

Ortiz, John M.

Mimms, John D.

Zalinger, Jason Matthew.

Watmough, David.

Watmough, David.

Fanthorpe, Lionel and Patricia.

Fanthorpe, Lionel and Patricia.

Fanthorpe, Lionel and Patricia.

Fanthorpe, Lionel and Patricia.

Fanthorpe, Lionel and Patricia.

Miksic, John.

Brachet, Michelle.

Chabon, Michael.

Hamsun, Knut.
    London : Souvenir Press, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Monsell, Mary Elise.

Tang, C. S.

Bennicke, Rune Brandt.
    Mystery Hat.
    New York, NY : Sky Pony Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Backer, Ron.

Ferrell, Miralee.
    Mystery Rider.
    Colorado Springs, CO : David C. Cook, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Punshon, E.R.
    Mystery Villa.
    Salisbury : Dean Street Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Peterson, Shelley.

Feagan, Robert.

Burlingham , Abi.

Persons, Helen M.

Tallis, Raymond.

Smith, Barry.

Shirali, Mahnaz.

Blackford, Russell.

Punshon, E.R.

Nelson, Douglas.
    Mystery of Pain.
    London : Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hume, Fergus.

Boothby, Guy Newell.

Lavell, Edith.

Morgan, Winter.

Warner, Gertrude Chandler.

Saldaña, Jr., René.

Bignami, Giovanni F.

Norris, Gunilla.

Prado, Adélia.

Anzali, Ata.

Sade, Marquis de.

Charlesworth, Martin.

Haarmann, Harald.

Hixson, Walter L.

Goldberg , Michael J.

Goldberg, Michael.

Hindman, Matthew.

Koziol, Leonard F.

Castanha, T.

Bloodworth, James.

Young, Cristobal.

Summaries, Bright.

Rank, Otto.

Javala, Jarkko.

Moncrieff, J.

Percival, Ray Scott.

Bonekemper, III, Edward H.

Caplan, Bryan.

Crabbe, Matthew.

Melero, Pilar.

Webb, Simon.

Medinskiy, Vladimir.
    Myths about Russia.
    London : Glagoslav Publications Limited, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Chee, Harold.

Cartaino, Carol.

Littlejohns, Richard.
    Myths of Europe.
    Amsterdam : Editions Rodopi, 2007.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bilgin Tekin, Inci.

Eagleton, T.

Gould, B.

Mwangi, Meja.
    Mzungu Boy.
    : Groundwood Books, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Fox, Karen.

Nanchen, Steve.

Koster, John.

Chatelard, Géraldine.

Connolly, Frank.

Krige, J.

Henriksen, Dag.

Buckley , Michael.

Courtois, Gilles.

Oates, Thomas P.

Brugler, Dane.

Akurugoda, Indi Ruwangi.

Kilby, Patrick.

Islam, M.Rezaul.

Tallis, Raymond.
    NHS SOS.
    London : Oneworld Publications, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Praveen, Chandra.

Rybak, Penina.

Suskind MD, David L.
    NIMBAL Therapy.
    Minneapolis : Nimbal Publishing LLC, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Staff, B&H Kids Editorial.

Murphy, Michael Brian.

Burgess, Fran.

Burn, Gillian.
    NLP Pocketbook.
    La Vergne : Management Pocketbooks, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Churches, Richard.

Bakhmutov, Vladimir I.

Ormiston, Meg.

McCaffrey, Ruth.

Liska, Allan.

Mitchell, Mary Kay.

Ngata, Sir Apirana.

Ngata, Sir Apirana.

Matthews, Maureen.

Holes, Clive.

Kostenevitch, Albert.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Trousdale, R.

Günther, Hans-Christian.

Faye, Éric.
    London : Gallic Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Schubert, Max.

Krüger, Heiko.

Elyot, Justine.

Desai, Bobby.

Brodskaya, Nathalia.
    Naive Art.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Brodskaya, Nathalia.
    Naive Art.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Halmos, Paul R.
    Naive Set Theory.
    Mineola : Dover Publications, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Sa'di, Ahmad H.

Sarah Lawrence College, Writing Class WRIT-3303-R,.

Hanna, Tracee A.
    Naked Confessions.
    New York : Augustus Publishing, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

de Sade, Vanessa.

de Sade, Vanessa.

Saatchi, Charles.
    Naked Eye.
    Havertown : Booth-Clibborn Editions, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Sargeant, Jack.

Osha, Sanya.

Beaty, David.
    Naked Pilot.
    Ramsbury : Crowood, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Packard, Vance.
    Naked Society.
    New York : Ig Publishing, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lindsay, Alexander.
    Naked Soul.
    London : Robert Hale, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Górnicka, Barbara.

Rice, Craig.
    Name Is Malone.
    Newburyport : Road, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Stewart, Wayne.

Begg, Alistair.

Taylor, Alex.

Summaries, Bright.

Bell, Clare.

Ashbless, Janine.

Schneider, Bart.

Boyer, Mark G.

Moss, Sarah.

Eliogeris, Arvydas.
    Names of Nihil.
    Amsterdam : Editions Rodopi, 2008.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Leggatt, Mark.

Stratton, Kimberly B.

Mitford, Nancy.

Willard, Nancy.

Shipton, Eric.
    Nanda Devi.
    Sheffield : Vertebrate Publishing, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Buhl, Hermann.

Christoffersson, Joakim.

Burugapalli, Krishna.

Logothetidis, Stergios.

Pande, Maneesha.

Bandyopadhyay, Abhijit.

Bassett, Deborah R.

Linsley, Leslie.

Bean, Richard.
    London : Oberon Books Ltd, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Feagan, Robert.
    Toronto : Dundurn, 2006.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Mamdouh, Alia.

O'Connor, Hubert.

Mason, Phil.

Raza, Roustam.

Germain, Marie-Line.

Zayn, Cynthia.

Scott, Evelyn.
    Wellington : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Boullosa, Carmen.

Moura-Koçoglu, Michaela.

Goh, Robbie B. H.

Witkin, Stanley.

Cattanach, Ann.

Winslade, John M.

Kao, Shin-Mei.

Lothe, Jakob.
    Narrative Ethics.
    New York : Editions Rodopi, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Keen, Suzanne.

Yancy, George.

Mullan, Fitzhugh.

John, Ann-Marie.

Lian, Yang.
    Narrative Poem.
    Tyne and Wear : Bloodaxe Books, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lewis, Bradley.

Astbury, Katherine.

Licandro, Ulla.

Rothschild, Judith Rice.

Eskola, Timo.

Allen, Mary.

Damodaran, Aswath.

Stedman, John Gabriel.

Brown, William Wells.

Douglass, Frederick.

Douglass, Frederick.

Andrew, Joe.

Tucker, William.

Mthethwa-Sommers, Shirley.

Seidel-Arpacý, Annette.

Schmid, Wolf.

Horton, Stephanie L.

Pelman, Barbara.
    Narrow Bridge.
    Vancouver : Ronsdale Press, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Read, Peter.

Piltz, Howard.

Martin, Faith.

Martin, Faith.
    Narrow Victory.
    London : Robert Hale, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Marsh, Donna.

Brown, Jake.

Gordon, Joel.

Allmendinger, Jr., David F.

Malarek, Victor.

Berry, Wendell.

Turner, Nathan.

Alvis, John E.

Halliday, Fred.

Sen, Ronojoy.

Iarocci, Andrew.

Astyk, Sharon.

Hale, Grace Elizabeth.

Schmitz, Helmut.

Fur, Gunlög.

Society, Bible.

Fukuyama, Francis.

Galbreath, David J.

Pinto, Vania Carvalho.

Pinto, Vania Carvalho.

Davidson, Neil.

Hernandez, Ariel.

Jozsa Jr., Frank P.

Skey, M.

Janzen, Rebecca.

Pandey, Rita.

Zhang, Yu.

M'rad, Hatem.

Rao, Gautham.

Jozsa Jr., Frank P.

Karner, Christian.

Celli, C.

Lin, Carol Yeh-Yun.

Lin, Carol Yeh-Yun.

Betts, Torben.
    National Joke.
    London : Oberon Books Ltd, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Jozsa, Frank.

Bahri, Salmah.

Szymanski, Stefan.

Budge, I.

Howe, Brendan.

Hamuľák, Ondrej.

Taylor, Christopher.

Ravensdale, Jack.

Barringer, Christopher.

Welfare, Humphrey.

Ardagh, Philip.
    National Trust.
    London : Nosy Crow, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Ardagh, Philip.
    National Trust.
    La Vergne : Nosy Crow, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Freas, Erik.

Kingston, Jeff.

Megoran, Nick.

Berger, Stefan.

Berger, S.

Easton, Brian.
    : Auckland University Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Feld, M.

Dennis, Yvonne Wakim.

Hunt, W. Ben.

Schodt, Frederik L.

Kavin, Kim.

Eteraz, Ali.
    Native Believer.
    New York, NY : Akashic Books, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Williams, Sharon Vegh.

DuVal, Kathleen.

Breed, Bill.

Nasiali, Minayo.

Waldron, Glenn.

vi Makomè, Inongo.
    New York, NY : Phoneme Media, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Funkhouser, Erica.
    Natural Affinities.
    New York, NY : Alice James Books, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Turner, Kristina.

Boetcher, Sandra.

Frederick, William C.

Wallace, Alfred Russel.

Carne, Lisa.

Dexter, Gary.

Saldaña Zorrilla, PhD, Sergio O.

Carlson, Allan C.

Rubinyi, Susan.

Jerolleman, Alessandra.

Pal, Indrajit.

Hillel, Daniel.

Hutchison, David.

Leopold, Henrik.

Bunn, James H.

Sarasohn, Lisa T.

Winters, Andrew M.

Turner, Frederick.
    Natural Religion.
    Somerset : Taylor and Francis, 2006.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Barash, David P.

Meeusen, Michiel.

RobÃr̈t, Karl-Henrik.

Rosello, Ramón.

Alexander, Laurel.

Alexander, Laurel.

Alexander, Laurel.

De Caro, Mario.

Darwin, Charles.

Williams, Glyn.

Mi, Chienkuo Michael.

Tucker, Jennifer.

Henderson, Bob.

O' Rourke, Con.

Allen, Daniel.

Twelftree, Graham H.

Robinson, Harry.

Bailie, Patti.

Robertson, Kellie.

Järvilehto, Lauri.

Rice, James D.

Barbier, Edward.

Minteer, Ben.

Naturalists, Peterborough Field.

Fromm, Harold.

Farrell, James J.
    Nature of College.
    New York : Milkweed Editions, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Koehn, D.
    Nature of Evil.
    New York : Palgrave Macmillan US, 2005.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Mitchell, C.

Stevenson, David S.

Brymer, C.

Morrow, Bradford.

Igoe, Jim.

Gogerty, Nick.

Crumley, Jim.

Hawes, Nat.

Gould, James L.

Sörlin, S.

Cayleff, Susan E.

Choffnes, Dan.

Monkman, Drew.

Atkins, Sally.

Bewell, Alan.

Burr, Avril.
    Naughty Art.
    : G2 Rights Ltd, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Jason, Kourtney.

Örnberg, Anna.

Simpson, William E.

Pavlik, Steve.

Naidu, Sam.

Labbé, Carlos.

Necasova, Sarka.

Boss, Jeff.

Wang, Fang.

Dittmar, Kelly.

Jay, Jeff.

Bank, Asian Development.

Bain, Jennifer.

Bixby, Doug.

(U.S.), The Merit Systems Protection Board.

Hufford, Lisa.

U.S. Coast Guard,.

Forte, Carlo.

Hasanat, Fayeza S.

Khrapunov, Viktor.

McNabb, OP, Fr. Vincent.

Rabinbach, Anson.

Ziegler, Herbert F.

Bower, Tom.

Elsner, Alan.

Mallmann, Klaus-Michael.

Orlow, Dietrich.

Kallis, A.

Niemann, Derek.

Cooke, Miriam.

Dreisinger, Baz.

Carter, Kenneth H., Jr.

Engmann, Birk.

Fischer, John Martin.

Kieser, Hans-Lukas.

Bergman, S. Bear.

Hewitt, David.

Hewitt, David.

Sanders, Mary Anne.

Williams, Brian.

Zevin, Dan.

Kaufman, Gerald.

McIntosh, Malcolm.

Gilead, Amihud.

Allen, R. T.

Cooper, Grant.

Shmerling, Robert.

Burnham, Stephanie.
    : Search Press, 2008.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Wittkop, Gabrielle.
    Toronto : ECW Press, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Singh, Avtar.
    New York : Akashic Books, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Wilson, Richard Ashby.

Cormick, Craig.

Keneally, Thomas.

Singer, Hal J.

Jakhu, Ram S.

Rosen, Fred.
    Needle Work.
    New York : Open Road Media, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Mallo, Ernesto.

Miller, Marla R.

Nagel, David.

Swain, Margaret.

Fiorentino, Jon Paul.

Kellmer Pringle, Mia.

Hopson, Antonio J.
    Nefarious : A Novel.
    Brownsville : Anaphora Literary Press, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Mihai, Mihaela.

Steiner, Robert.
    Negative Space.
    New York : Counterpoint, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lagapa, Jason.

Secretariat, Commonwealth.

Frankel, Sam.

Thibodeaux, J.

Artigas, Mariano.

Hakala, Walter.

Salacuse, J.

Halemba, Agnieszka.

Koleva, Daniela.

Kohlke, Marie-Luise.

Chapman, Jack.


Witte, Nils.

Malhotra, Deepak.

Arnold, Ellen F.

Presman, Gavin.

Lopez, Ben.

Einstein, Carl.

Tharoor, Shashi.

Myers, III, Thomas.

Siegmunt, Olga.

Finazzo, Scott.

Joseph, P.

Newburger, Harriet B.

Frel, Jan.

Ockert, Jason.

Zolf, Rachel.

Lub, Vasco.

Hiden, John.

Chong, Kevin.

Meilaender, Gilbert.

Oboler, S.

Mulligan, Timothy.

Swale, Jessica.

Tracy, Nicholas.

Musteen, Jason R.

Napier, Bill.

O'Huallachain, D. Liam.

O'Huallachain, D. Liam.

Meyer, William B.

Bould, Mark.
    London : Columbia University Press, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kohlke, Marie-Luise.

Murray, Douglas.

McGuigan, Jim.

Cradden, C.

Giroux, Henry A.

Phelan, S.

Fraser, Heather.

Harding, Jan.

Harding, Jan.

Wappler, Margaret.

Lantos, John D.

Tilman, H.W.

Schwarz, Åsa.
    Seattle : Stockholm Text, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Wintner, Robert.
    Neptune Speaks.
    New York : Skyhorse Publishing, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Waggoner, Susan.
    Neptune's Tears.
    Dorking : Piccadilly Press, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kim, Cynthia.

Larson, Nathan.
    Nervous System.
    New York : Akashic Books, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Rogers, Russ.

Caswell, Brian.

Kroetz, Franz Xaver.

Goodkind, Terry.
    Nest : A Thriller.
    La Vergne : Skyhorse Publishing, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Wheatley, David.
    Nest on the Waves.
    Oldcastle : The Gallery Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Wimberley, Edward T.

Shi, Leyuan.

Adamson, Robert.
    Net Needle.
    Tyne and Wear : Bloodaxe Books, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kennedy, H.

Burstein, Dror.
    Normal, IL : Columbia University Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Navin, Anita.

Navin, Anita.

Morgan, Winter.

Ducheine, Paul A.L.

Bard, Alexander.

Symmes, Jr., Edwin C.

Ducornet, Rikki.
    : Coffee House Press, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Wang, Lingyu.

    Network Ireland Television.
    [Place of publication not identified] : Network Ireland Television, [2015]
    GA: UNIV Electronic Resources
    Streaming Video

Moretti, Anna.

Newmarch, Jan.

Doran, Derek.

Rogers, Russ.

Aboelela, Emad.

Kostakis, V.

Vacca, John R.

Meyer, David R.

Wilson, Melissa G.

Sweeney, Joe.

Misner, Ivan.

Chan, Anita Say.

Warner, Jon.

Assens, Christophe.

Liotta, Antonio.

Holloway, Sarah.

Welch, Ellen R.

Otto, Philipp.

Plumb, Steve.

Ghotra, Manpreet Singh.

Ciaburro, Giuseppe.

Richardson, Alan.

Blottner, Dieter.

Jacobson, Stanley.

Bauman, Margaret L.

Dean, Geoff.

Fröding, Barbro.
    Cham : Springer International Publishing, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Forbes, Kirsten.

Linden, David.

Zakharova, Natalia.

Shah, Neil.

Öztürk, Şerefnur.

Tate, Matthew.

Campbell, A. Malcolm.

Macvarish, Jan.

Carpenter, Roger.

Rana, Abdul Qayyum.

Reed, J.

Corradino, Michael.

Wilson, Rachal Zara.

Swart, T.

Churches, Richard.

Packer, Sharon.

Tang, Yi-Yuan.

Johns, Charles William.

Frank, Lone.

Black, Cyril E.

Weisberg, Harold.

Haynes, Elizabeth.
    Never Alone.
    Brighton : Myriad Editions, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Blackwood, Caroline.

Thompson, J.

Smith, Dean Bartoli.

Martin, Marianne K.
    Never Ending.
    New York : Bywater Books, 2006.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gilbert, Neil.

Strathcarron, Ian.

Acton, Annabel.

Coles, Tait.

Mugo, Anthony.
    Never Say Never.
    Nairobi Level : Longhorn Publishers, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Berger, Glenn.

Gardner, John.
    Never Send Flowers.
    New York : Ian Fleming Publications, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Chamales, Tom T.

Brenton, Howard.

Golden, Les.

Grylls, Shara.

Coulter, Ann.

Crump, Simon.
    : Galley Beggar Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Fainlight, Ruth.

Szirtes, George.

Foner, Eric.

Siclari, Domenico.

Krauss, Stephen W.

Wasserman, Tommy.

El-Said, H.

Magrini, James M.

Scheller-Boltz, Dennis.

Saeidnia, Soodabeh.

Lennartz, Marc Wilhelm.

Aguilar, G.

Soltis, Andrew.

Aziz, Erica Palmcrantz.

Painter, B.

Bates, Michael.

Lansky, Vicki.

Tuffin, Olivia.
    New Beginning.
    La Vergne : Nosy Crow, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Newbigging, Sandy C.

Aron, Bill.

Wimberger, Lisa.

Evenson, Brian.

Mack, Kenneth W.

Hinton, E.

Hamm, Theodore.

Blakeney, Justina.

Read, Patricia.

Ward, Dougles.

Ryan, Ramor.

Walls, Martha.

Tukker, Arnold.

Corrado, Anthony.

Simon, Joel.

Galston, William A.

Gill, Robin.

Hershberg, Eric.

Koval, John.

Grivoyannis, Elias C.

Bowerman, G.

Mezey, Nancy J.

McDermott, Gerald R.

Koger, Robert L.

Transtromer, Tomas.

Berry, Wendell.

Hilb, Martin.

Simmons, David.

Nathan, Raj.

McDonald, Fiona.

Scrivener, Emma.

Miller, S.

Pérez, Juan Martos.

Atkins, Sally.

Davie, Martin.

Ikeda, Susumu.

Budd, Ann.

Ebenau, M.

Sahin, Abdullah.

Dyer, Christopher.

Essers, Caroline.

Çitlak, Banu.

Seyfang, G.

Walsh, Enda.

Jonson, Kathleen.

McGill, Ormond.

MacDonald, Cecily Glowik.

Heintzman, Andrew.

Roterberg, August.

Berges, Angel.

Ingram, Sue.

Coale, Ansley Johnson.

Harris, R.

Lucas, C.

Ireland, Patrick John.

Schulze, Reiner.

Gill, R.

Chapman, J.

Fuchita, Yasuyuki.

Johnstone, Ian.

Douglass, John Aubrey.

Simak, Clifford D.

Newton, Joanna.

Singh Bachher, Jagdeep.

Hick, J.

Hick, J.

Motomura, Yoichi.

Hutchison, David.

Moore, Anne Elizabeth.

Moore, Anne Elizabeth.

Büthe, Tim.

Sullenger, Karen S.

Gissing, George.
    New Grub Street.
    Auckland : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Celli, C.

Cerquiglini-Toulet, Jacqueline.

Krämer, Peter.

Kahr, Brett.

Lecher, Doris.

Powell, Robert.

Marsh, Peter.

Baker, T.

Gonzalez, Michael J.

Aliber, Robert Z.

Wagner, Caroline S.

Hoberman, Michael.

Editor, Joseph.

Oates, Joyce Carol.
    New Jersey Noir.
    Brooklyn : Akashic Books, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Enright, John.

Chesterton, G. K.
    New Jerusalem.
    Crownhill : Authentic Media, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Blake, Beatrice.

Mathews, Temple.
    New Kid.
    Dallas : BenBella Books, Inc., 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lugo-Lugo, Carmen R.

Klonk, Charlotte.

Santos, Marcelo Dos.

Coulter, S.

Kosiarek, Renee.

Martin, Alyson.

Mehrling, Perry.

Tomlinson, Matt.

Wallace, Kevin.

Fitzgerald, Oscar P.

Reynolds, John Mark.

Seib, Philip.

Parr, Monte.

Johnson, Kendall A.

Digiesi, Salvatore.

Hughes, Diane.

Haefeli, Evan.

Smith, Julie.
    New Orleans Noir.
    New York : Akashic Books, 2007.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Smith, Julie.
    New Orleans Noir.
    New York, NY : Akashic Books, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Urban, Michael.

Nystrom, Justin A.

Coogan, Michael D.

Fry, Greg.

Karantininis, Kostas.

Werner, R.

Kawai, Masahiro.

Matthäus-Maier, Ingrid.

Finn, Margot.

Halecker, Bastian.

Abdi, Herve.

Yu, Fu-Lai Tony.

Cortina, Jeronimo.

Maurer, Andrea.

Allwood, Jens.

Ahmari, Sohrab.

Hawkins, Billy.

Hawkins, B.

Antholis, William.

Oliver, Michael.

Bramham, P.

Steven, David.

Sultan, Nabil.

Malachowski, Alan.

Melissen, J.

Pecic, Zoran Lee.

Crowley, Ronan.
    New Quotatoes.
    Leiden : BRILL, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Towheed, Shafquat.

Kaplan, Dana Evan.

Lamelas, David.

Brodda, Yvonne.

Feldman, Stephen M.

Hakim, Catherine.

Ottman, Jacquelyn.

Porter, Muriel.

Reynolds, Glenn Harlan.

Sheldrake, Rupert.

Grassie, W.

Enzensberger, Hans Magnus.

Tanikawa, Shuntaro.
    New Selected Poems.
    Manchester : Carcanet Press Ltd., 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Smith, Sarah.

Meotti, Giulio.

Horvath, Joan.


Simpfendorfer, B.

Mullings, L.

Chambers, Deborah.

Pfadenhauer, Michaela.

Silverberg, Robert.

Anderson, Steven G.

Carel, H.

Mandel, Scott M.

Mandel, Scott M.

Pfundner, Michael.

Witherington III, Ben.

Wright, Tom.

Telford, W. R.
    New Testament.
    London : Oneworld Publications, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Brown, Jericho.
    New Testament.
    Port Townsend : Copper Canyon Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

à  stbà ¸, Jardar.

Burke, Jason.

Huizinga, Todd.

Riley, Naomi Schaefer.

Webb, Holly.

Lang, Robert.

Freeman, Bill.

Anttiroiko, A.

Dalrymple, Theodore.

Living, Editors of Green.

Tu'itahi, Kaveinga.

Kohn, Livia.

Tise, Larry E.

de Bruin, Boudewijn.

Stock, K.

Brooks, T.

Brady, Michael S.

Hazlett, A.

Restall, G.

Aguilar, J.

Sawyer, S.

Del Mar, Maksymilian.

Bueno, O.

Sprevak, M.

Wright, C.

Hainsworth, Gavin.

Hatum, A.

Magone, Jose.

Parkin, Cassandra.

Morgan, J.

Smolenski, John.

Bradford, C.

Newman, Simon P.

Bashford, Alison.

Nieschlag, Lisa.

Carroll, Myka.

Block, Lawrence.

Czitrom, Daniel.

Goodman, Richard.
    New York Memoir.
    Somerset : Taylor and Francis, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bjarkman, Peter C.

Fischler, Stan.

Incorporated, Watchable Wildlife.

Wanzer-Serrano, Darrel.

Wakefield, Dan.

Nahshon, Edna.

Gifford, Barry.
    New York, 1960.
    La Vergne : Curbside Splendor Publishing, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hart, Rob.
    New Yorked.
    New York : Polis Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Levine, Stephen.

Sillitoe, Alan.

Almunia, Joaquín.

Zhang, Igor Ying.

Albanese, Anthony.

Albanese, Anthony.

Albanese, Anthony.

Wells, Janice.

, Lyno.
    Newland 2084.
    Minneapolis : Publish Green, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Steven, Peter.

Leopold, Jason.
    News Junkie.
    Los Angeles : Process, 2006.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Leopold, Jason.
    News Junkie.
    California : Rare Bird Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hanning, James.

Bly, Robert.

Brown, Jeffrey.
    : Copper Canyon Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Evans, Herndon J.

Nicolson, Marjorie Hope.

Keyes, Greg.
    Newton's Cannon.
    New York : Open Road Media Sci-Fi & Fantasy, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Ezquerro Fernández, José Antonio.
    Newton’s Method.
    Cham : Springer International Publishing, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Chen, James L.

Kircher, Kim.

Perrow, Charles.

Perrow, Charles.

McAuliffe, John.
    Next Door.
    Oldcastle : The Gallery Press, 2007.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Askari, H.

Muravchik, Joshua.

Harrison, Guy.

Climate, Board on Atmospheric Sciences and.

Morton, John Fass.

Brown, Hillary.

El-Metwally, Sara.

Hatum, A.

Mishkin, Frederic S.

Cleantis, Tracey.

Bonington, Chris.

Alexander, Philip David.
    Next Rainy Day.
    Toronto : Dundurn, 2005.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Willard, Bob.

Turse, Nick.

West, Darrell M.

Politycki, Matthias.

Yorkey, Brian.
    Next to Normal.
    New York : Theatre Communications Group, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Houran, Lori Haskins.

Chilamkurti, Naveen.

Farrell, Cailin.

Waltman, Kevin.
    : Cinco Puntos Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Caioli, Luca.

Caioli, Luca.

Caioli, Luca.

Caioli, Luca.

Durie, Mason.

Durie, Mason.

Mataira, Katerina Te Heikoko.

Soni, Rahul.

Little, Ashley.
    Niagara Motel.
    La Vergne : Arsenal Pulp Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Peters, Ellis.

Neustifter, Ruth.

Barnes, John.
    Nice Numbers.
    Cham : Springer International Publishing, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gilbert, Sky.

Maloney, Shane.

Jordan, Pat.

Holdefer, Charles.
    Newburyport : The Permanent Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Rosenthal, Michael.

Snow, Mat.

Bowers, Chris.

Pender, Anne.

Robinson, Nick.

Richards, Jonathan.

Hinrichs, Jan Paul.

Parot, Jean-François.

Jackson, Roy.

Wicks, Robert.

Azzam, Abed.

LaMothe, K.

Langer, M.

Kennedy, Christopher.

Griggs, Terry.
    Emeryville : Biblioasis, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Willis, Tim.

Liddle, Andrew.

Lemieux, Diane.

Tsaaior, James.

Usman, Kyuka.

Gyimah-Brempong, Kwabena.

Olukotun, Deji Bryce.

Campbell, Catriona Lexy.

McPherson, Conor.

Moore, Clement C.

Taylor, Alice.

Fulmer, David.
    Night Before.
    Atlanta : Five Stones Press, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Taylor, Holly.
    Night Bird's Reign.
    St. Charles : Medallion Media Group, 2005.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lewin, Michael Z.
    Night Cover.
    New York : Open Road Media Mystery & Thriller, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Dowding, Philippa.

Auxier, Jonathan.
    Night Gardener.
    New York : Abrams, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Anderson, Daniel.

Lawrence, Sue.
    Night He Left.
    La Vergne : Freight Books, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Butterworth, Jez.

Dean, Amy E.

Bronfen, Elisabeth.

Vuong, Ocean.

Francis, Clare.
    Night Sky.
    New York : Open Road Media Mystery & Thriller, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Williams, John A.

McElroy, Joseph.

Moritz, A. F.

Mehok, Lou.

Walton, Todd.
    Night Train.
    : Pharos Editions, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Snow, Kathleen.
    Night Waking.
    New York : Open Road Distribution, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bishop, Sean.

Cope, Peter.

Coover, Robert.

Smith, Ray.

Kiely, David M.

Wallace, Naomi.

Norton, Andre.
    Night of Masks.
    New York : Open Road Media Sci-Fi & Fantasy, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Williams, Thomas.
    Night of Trees.
    La Vergne : Dzanc Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Triana, José.

Pavón, Mar.

Kobbé, Montague.

Bushnell, Jack.

Dinh, Linh.
    Night, Again.
    New York : Seven Stories Press, 2006.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Sparling, Scott.

Hess, Joan.

De Becker, J.E.

Cadnum, Michael.

Osteen, Mark.

McRoy, Jay.

Leinster, Murray.
    Nightmare Planet.
    Auckland : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kadrey, Richard.

Love, Laura.

Earle, Robert.

Nykanen, Harri.
    Nights of Awe.
    London : Bitter Lemon Press, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Henighan, Tom.

Banville, John.
    Oldcastle : The Gallery Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Rhodes, Robert.

Puwanarajah, Prasanna.

Silverberg, Robert.
    Newburyport : Open Road Media Sci-Fi & Fantasy, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Brassier, R.

Kalich, Richard.
    Newburyport : The Permanent Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Aston , W. G.

Baraldi, Claudio.

Zettl, Stephanie.

Aslan, Ibrahim.
    Nile Sparrows.
    Cairo : The American University in Cairo Press, 2008.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Robertson, Lisa.

Gleditsch, Nils Petter.

Miller, Miranda.
    Nina in Utopia.
    London : Peter Owen Publishers, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Slinger, Joey.

MacCormick, John.

Silverman, Jonathan.

Constantine, David.
    Nine Fathom Deep.
    Tyne and Wear : Bloodaxe Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Alison, Jane.
    Nine Island.
    La Vergne : Catapult, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Staub, Wendy Corsi.

Dever, Mark.

Crocker, Ernest F.

Crocker, Ernest F.

Zaharieva, Virginia.
    Nine Rabbits.
    New York : Catapult, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kwasny, Melissa.
    Nine Senses.
    New York : Milkweed Editions, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Calder, Alan.


Thorton, Rosy.
    Dingwall : Sandstone Press Ltd, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Leonard, Dick.

Thomas, Julia.

Pate, Alan Scott.

Zoughari, Kacem.

Wilhelm, Thomas.

Casey, Kevin Keitoshi.

Yeo, Simon.

Draeger, Donn F.

Noël, Françoise.

Hage, Rawi.
    Niro's Game.
    : House of Anansi Press, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book


LaFaye, A.
    Nissa's Place.
    Minneapolis : Milkweed Editions, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Jenter, Jelena.

Alsop, Stewart.

Aitken, Jonathan.
    Nixon : A Life.
    Washington DC : Regnery Publishing, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Wills, Garry.

Schoen, Douglas E.

Stone, Roger.

Gibbs, James.

Lee, Kathy.
    No Angel.
    Bucks : Scripture Union England and Wales, 2007.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kennedy, Dan S.

Kennedy, Dan S.

Kennedy, Dan S.

Kennedy, Dan S.

Kennedy, Dan S.

Kennedy, Dan S.

Kennedy, Dan S.

Kennedy, Dan S.

Kennedy, Dan S.

Kennedy, Dan S.

Kennedy, Dan S.

Kennedy, Dan S.

Kennedy, Dan S.

Kennedy, Dan S.

Chouinard, Yvon.

Houston, Paul D.

Schachter, Abby W.

Perera, Sonali.

Clinton, Lee.
    No Coward.
    La Vergne : Robert Hale, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gardner, John.
    No Deals, Mr. Bond.
    New York : Ian Fleming Publications, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Horn, Bernd.

Taylor, Peter.
    No Easy Truth.
    London : Robert Hale, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Tittle, Peg.

Anthony, Evelyn.
    No Enemy but Time.
    New York : Open Road Media Mystery & Thriller, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Jericó, P.

Elvén, Bo Hejlskov.

Davidson, Robyn.
    No Fixed Address.
    Carlton : Schwartz Publishing Pty. Ltd, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Pym, Barbara.

Máñez, Carlota.

    No Going Back.
    Surrey : Templar Publishing, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Conlon-McKenna, Marita.
    No Goodbye.
    Dublin : The O'Brien Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Zia, Aisha.

Wood, Jonathan.
    No Hero.
    Newberg : Night Shade Books, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Suthers, John W.

Peniston, Bradley.

Hatmaker, Mark.

Garrett, Greg.

Nigro, Nicholas.

Dwellers, Symphony Way Pavement.

Tillman, Lynne.

Simak, Clifford D.

Gqubule, Thandeka.

Brockman, D.

Leedom-Ackerman, Joanne.
    No Marble Angels.
    New York : Open Road Distribution, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Donovan, Sally.

Null, Gary.

Lee, Kathy.
    No Means No.
    Bucks : Scripture Union England and Wales, 2007.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Torbert, R. J.

Null, Gary.

Null, Gary.

Null, Gary.

Evans, Tony.

Banks, Ray.

Flaherty, Jordan.

Atkinson, Bruce.
    No More Law!.
    Milton Keynes : Authentic Media, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Altiero, Joann.

Brown, Fleda.

Caldwell, Taylor.

Feinberg, John S.

Jang, Eunjin.
    No One Writes Back.
    Normal, IL : Columbia University Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Fekadu, Tewodros.

Horn, Bernd.

McLaughlan, David.

Reed, Naomi.

Minter, Kelly.

Ladoo, Harold Sonny.

Wright, Timothy.

Buch Segal, Lotte.

Quarmby, Katharine.

Saunders, Victor.

Bowers, Terrell.

Aikman, Christian.

Boyd, Liona.

Hellegers, D.

Ellis, Deborah.
    No Safe Place.
    : Groundwood Books, 2006.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Nayyar, Bobby.
    No Salaryman.
    : Limehouse Books Limited, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Conrad, Patrick.
    No Sale.
    London : Bitter Lemon Press, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Klein, Zachary.

Abdel-Fattah, Randa.

Gauhar, Feryal Ali.

Furguson, Barbara.
    No Standing Still.
    Claygate : Grosvenor House Publishing, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Plesko, Les.

Silman, Jon.

Hempleman-Adams, David.

Gann, Kyle.

Onoda, Hiroo.

Aidoo, Ama Ata.

Axelrod, M.

Jones, Gareth P.
    No True Echo.
    New York : Abrams, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Jones, Gareth P.
    No True Echo.
    London : Hot Key Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Edwards, Paul.

Chitarroni, Luis.
    No Variations.
    Normal, IL : Columbia University Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Dorsey, C. Michele.

Eland, Ivan.

Mac Ginty, Roger.

Friedman, Rosemary.
    No White Coat.
    London : Arcadia Books Limited, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Marney, Laura.

Phipps, Claude.

Glancy, Diane.

Worth, Liz.

Porta, A. G.
    No World Concerto.
    Normal, IL : Columbia University Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Anderson, Poul.

Anderson, Ben.

McBride, Eve.

Kelley, Michael.

Sheth, Kashmira.

Brady, Patrick.

Hart, Sura.

Polini, Marco.

Listemann, Phil H.

Worthington, Michelle.

Smith, Brendan Powell.

Friedman, Seth.

Chaffey, Tim.
    Green Forest : New Leaf Publishing Group, Inc., 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Finch, John.

Crouch, Christian Ayne.

Meadows Taylor, Philip.

Snyder, Gary.

Marney, Laura.

Hughes, John Francis.

Cuthbertson, Ken.

Manning, Mary.

Jijana, Thabo.

Seed, Father Michael.
    Nobody's Child.
    London : John Blake Publishing, 2008.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Fitzhugh, Louise.

Felix, Dia.
    Monroe, OR : City Lights Publishers, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hecht, Tracey.

Hill, Tobias.

Barnes, Adrian.
    Hebden Bridge : Bluemoose Books Ltd, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kiessling, Manuel.

Resende, Diogo.

Gackenheimer, Cory.

Waley, Arthur.
    Noh Plays of Japan.
    North Clarendon : Tuttle Publishing, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Horsley, Lee.

Meuel, David.

Salmon, Nina.

Lejeune, Lee.
    Nolan's Law.
    London : Robert Hale, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Jonas, Georgina.
    La Vergne : Crown House Publishing, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Davis, Erik.

Nooteboom, Cees.

Braidotti, Rosi.

Tapply, William G.

Goldman, Stuart D.

Cobley, Cathy.

Diagana, Toka.

Maes, Christian.

Woodyard, Kent.

Molnýr, Emil.

Datta, Sascha.

Rose, James.

Goncharov, Vladimir.

Gomaa, Dalia M.A.

Smith, A.

Salam, Akbar.

Boyd, Candice P.

Duke, Deanna.

Molenaar-Klumper, Marieke.

Bikkin, Halid.

Rossmanith, Gregor.

Franklin, Penelope Mary.

Hyard, Alexandra.

Cubas, Cristina Fernandez.

Reider, Igor.

Galambos, Louis.

Fradkin, Barbara.

Gonzà ¡lez Sainz, Josà © à  ngel.
    None So Blind.
    La Vergne : Hispabooks, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hawkins, Alis.
    None So Blind.
    La Vergne : Freight Books, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

McCardell, Mike.

Negrón-Muntaner, Frances.

Curtis, Herbert Pelham.

Nicolaou, Corinna.

Liu, Mingyan.

Van Leeuwen, Peter Jan.

Farantos, Stavros C.

Rottwitt, Karsten.

Guyon, Julien.

Mori, Yuichi.

Deutsch, Ralph.

Silvestrov, Dmitrii.

Bucur, Claudia.

Batthacharya, Debasis.

White, D.

Hopkins, Bruce R.

Vernis, Alfred.

Press, Entrepreneur.

Pekkanen, Robert J.

Myint, Shoib A.

Levin, J.

Meckfessel, Shon.

Cowie, Douglas.

Gunesekera, Romesh.

Soysal, Sevgi.

Aanestad, Margunn.

Hahnemann, Trina.

Larsen, Troels Fjordbak.

Andersen, Torben M.

Miller, William C.

Stegmann McCallion, Malin.

Roberts, Justin.

Wainikka, Christina.

Antman, Anne.

Hillgrén, Anna.

Hansteen, Kjell.

Li, Ågot.

Ministers, Nordic Council of.

Perrow, Charles.

Stidwill, David.

Fry, R. J. M.

Ahsanullah, Chris P. Mohammad.

Finch, Christopher.


Eriksen, E.

Thomson, Judith Jarvis.
    New York, NY : Open Court, 2008.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Summers, Lawrence.

Löschnigg, Martin.

Listemann, Phil H.

Watson, Tom.

Laist, David W.

Walden, Michael L.

Peake, Tony.
    North Facing.
    La Vergne : Myriad Editions, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Cumings, Bruce.

Springer, Chris.

Tudor, Daniel.

Bechtol Jr., Bruce E.

Moore, Gregory J.

Hall, Doug.

Camejo, Peter.

Lane, Karly.
    North Star.
    Sydney : Allen & Unwin, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Tullio, Paulo.

Crone, Alla.
    North of the Moon.
    New York : Open Road Distribution, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bainbridge, Colin.

Martin, Brian.
    London : Arcadia Books Limited, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Golla, Victor.

Glass, Charles.

Wharton, Ken.

Edwards, Aaron.

Fairbairn, Helen.
    Northern Ireland.
    Cork : The Collins Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Ludvigsen, Sten.

Biggar, John.
    Northern Peru.
    Brussels : Primento Digital Publishing, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kesselring, K.

Boyd, David R.

Frye, Northrop.

Le Fustec, Claude.

Lockridge, Frances.
    Norths Meet Murder.
    New York, NY : Road, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Carlson, Barry F.

Norton, Hugh.

Jenkins, Pete.
    Chicago, IL : Britannica Digital Learning, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Shepard, Jim.

Massaccesi, Cristina.

Moriarty, John.

Lumsden, Roddy.
    Not All Honey.
    Tyne and Wear : Bloodaxe Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Rowlands, Paul.

Morpurgo, Michael.

Keith, Esme Claire.

Ellingsen, Berit.
    Not Dark Yet.
    New York, NY : Two Dollar Radio, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gold, Herbert.

White, Dave.

Gribbin, John.

Kirk, D.E.
    Not Flag or Fail.
    Guildford : Grosvenor House Publishing, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Nussbaum, Martha C. C.

Tourists, Not For.

Tourists, Not For.

Tourists, Not For.

Tourists, Not For.

Tourists, Not For.

Tourists, Not For.

Tourists, Not For.

Tourists, Not For.

Tourists, Not For.

Tourists, Not For.

Tourists, Not For.

Tourists, Not For.

Tourists, Not For.

Tourists, Not For.

Tourists, Not For.

Tourists, Not For.

Tourists, Not For.

Tourists, Not For.

Tourists, Not For.

Tourists, Not For.

Tourists, Not For.

Tourists, Not For.

Tourists, Not For.

Tourists, Not For.

Kurtz, Ernest.

Elliott, Sue.

Caddick, Helen.

Bapuji, H.

Gray, Gary.

Gibson, Lawrence D.

Brantz, Loryn.
    Not Just a Dot.
    New York, NY : Sky Pony Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Malkan, Stacy.

Burton, Betty.

Evers, Sandra.

Chow, Rey.

Fudge, Pamela.
    Not My Affair.
    London : Robert Hale, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Walker, T. O.
    Not My Shame.
    London : Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Schwartz, Lynne Sharon.

Lents, Nathan H.

Kroeker, Ann.

Gerston, Larry N.

Swanwick, Michael.

Solana, Teresa.

Forward, Toby.

Gethin, Sara.
    Not Thomas.
    La Vergne : Honno Press, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Stevens, Liza.

Ward, Kyle.

Zelinsky, Wilbur.

Kee, Chera.

Block, Simon.

Rowlands, Paul.

Bloom, Jon.

Nunez, Elizabeth.

Jones, Stephen Graham.

Snodgrass, W.D.

Johnson, Allan.

Hoey, Brian.

Murray, Heather.

Boening, Justin.

Conlon, Evelyn.

Vaughan, Terry.

Posa, Carmel.

Libresco, Andrea S.

Heard, H. F.
    Notched Hairpin.
    Newburyport : Road, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lehmann, Rosamond.

Lehmann, Rosamond.

Fugard, Athol.

Rilke, Rainer Maria.

Cullis-Suzuki, Severn.

Duncombe, Stephen.

Connell, Evan S.

Wunker, Erin.

Thielicke, Helmut.

Gale, Patrick.

Franks, Alan.

Bukowski, Charles.

MacKay, John.

Din, Ayub Khan.

Conrad, Joseph.
    Notes on My Books.
    Wellington : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hendricks, Shellee.

Lindqvist, Peter.

Ribon, Pamela.

Redgate, Riley.
    New York : Abrams, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bright, Jason.

Ovejero, José.

Miller, Rose Marie.

Steiner, Robert.

Lippe, Toinette.

Miller, Edward G.

Syms, Shawn.

Ziegler, Robert.

Gill, Nick.

Starr, Jason.

Thorne, David.
    Nothing Sacred.
    London : Atlantic Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Genovese, Julie.

Long, David.

Bryden, Christine.

Kesey, Roy.

Keating, Justin.

Wirth Cauchon, Anne Marie.
    Granville : Two Dollar Radio, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Raczka, Lulu.
    London : Oberon Books Ltd, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bang, Jytte.

Axelrod, M.

Sharpe, Sydney.

Slack, Jack.

Gamber, Wendy.

Lowing, Roberta.
    : House of Anansi Press, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Guido, Paul.

Blackman, Malorie.

Guangde, Zhang.

MacIntyre, John.

Lynch, Allan.

Lawrence, Randee Lipson.

Brier, Evan.

Chen, Lingxin.

Larinov, Oleg.

Orr, Leah.

Ercolino, S.

Povolo, C.

Boyko, C. P.
    Windsor : Biblioasis, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kirsner, Robert.

Delany, Samuel R.

Goldman, William.

Owen, Dean R.

Snyckers, Fiona.
    Now Following You.
    Sybrand Park : Modjaji Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Llamojha Mitma, Manuel.

Patton, C. Michael.

Larsen, Earnie.

Lewenstein, Rose.

Baeder, Justin.

Moyers, William Cope.

Lennox, Doug.

Lennox, Doug.

Lennox, Doug.

Lennox, Doug.

Lennox, Doug.

Lennox, Doug.

Lennox, Doug.

Lennox, Doug.

Lennox, Doug.

Lennox, Doug.

Lennox, Doug.

Lennox, Doug.

Lennox, Doug.

Lennox, Doug.

Lennox, Doug.

Lennox, Doug.

Lennox, Doug.

Lennox, Doug.

Lennox, Doug.

Lennox, Doug.

Lennox, Doug.

Lennox, Doug.

Lennox, Doug.

Lennox, Doug.

Lennox, Doug.

Lennox, Doug.

Lennox, Doug.

Lennox, Doug.

Madden, M. Leslie.

Hass, Robert.

Moreira Marques, Susana.

Barker, Steven.

Johnson, Josephine W.
    Now in November.
    New York : The Feminist Press at CUNY, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

MacKenzie, Ross.
    Nowhere Emporium.
    Edinburgh : Floris Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

McFadden, Bernice L.

Hill, A.W.

Green, John M.
    Nowhere Man.
    Seaforth, NSW : Pantera Press, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Scott, Paulo.
    Nowhere People.
    High Wycombe : And Other Stories Publishing, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lochrie, Karma.

Crowley, Michael.
    Nowhere to Run.
    La Vergne : SPCK, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lynas, Mark.

Ram Mohan, M. P.

Prakash, Dibya.

Zimmermann, Richard.

Mantel, Eleanor.

Cirincione, Joseph.

Elliott, D.

Bertulani, Carlos A.

Feng, D. H.

Heisenberg, W.
    Nuclear Physics.
    New York : Philosophical Library, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Caldicott, Helen.

Brunnengräber, Achim.

Lemon, Bill.

Calosse, Jp. A.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Abdukadirov, Sherzod.

Dummies, Consumer.

Hilgartner, Stephen.

Mathys, Ted.
    Null Set.
    Minneapolis : Coffee House Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book


Churchill, Caryl.

Boyd, Julian P.

Welton, Matthew.
    Number Poems.
    Manchester : Carcanet, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Tracy, Louis.

Fischlin, Marc.

Borwein, Jonathan M.

Reich, Herb.

Duguid, Iain M.

Kaufman, Elliott.
    Numbers Everywhere.
    New York : Abbeville Publishing Group, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Pappas, Theoni.

Poulsen, David A.
    Toronto : Dundurn, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Day, Andrew.

Ndimele, Ozo-mekuri.

Madureira, Alexandre L.

Börm, Steffen.

De los Reyes, Juan Carlos.

in 't Hout, Karel.

Johansson, Robert.

Iliev, Oleg P.

Liu, Hejuan.

Healy, Caroline.
    Nun On A Bike.
    La Vergne : Galley Beggar Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Owens, Sarah E.

Strocchia, Sharon T.

Yim Bridges, Shirin.
    Nur Jahan of India.
    Foster City, CA : Goosebottom Books, 2007.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Tusa, Ann.
    Nuremberg Trial.
    New York : Skyhorse Publishing, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Jetha, Sadru.

Marrelli, Tina M.

Lajiness, Michelle.

Mossadegh, Chirine.

Armstrong, A.

Sassen, Barbara.
    Cham : Springer International Publishing, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Cooper, Paul.

Gray, Deborah D.

Golding, Kim S.

Garvey, Debbie.

Navan, Joy.

Schuman, A.

green, debbie tucker.

Williams, Tony.
    La Vergne : Salt Publishing Limited, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Morris, Harry.

Sharp, Margery.

Brewer, Sarah.

Press, CRC.

Charney, Pamela.

Heer, Martina.

O'Day, Brenda.

Eilender, Elizabeth.

Brown, Freddy.

Griffin, Jane.

Rinzler, Carol Ann.

Griffin, Jane.

Scrinis, Gyorgy.

Cupillari, Antonella.

Magubeni, Unathi.
    Chicago : Jacana Media, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Dasti, Matthew.

Ndiaye, Pap A.

Cast, P. C.

Barker, Elspeth.
    O Caledonia.
    : Galley Beggar Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Forrest, Katherine V.

Moure, Erin.

Hess, Joan.

Sinclair, Upton.

Stewart, Mae.
    O is Fir Ingin.
    Edinburgh : Black & White Publishing, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Souter, Janet.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Souter, Gerry.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Souter, Janet.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Crouch, Ronald Ady.
    O'Malley's Cottage.
    CALGARY : Books We Love Publishing Partners, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Parks, Cecily.
    Farmington : Alice James Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Barr, Robert.

Reevy, Tony.

Dear, William C.

Kurniawan, Budi.

Weilkiens, Tim.

Baldwin, Ben Sparks, Clare.

Muscat, Sophie Goldie, Susan Whitehouse, Val Hanraham, Cath Moore, Jean-Paul.

Henry, Nora.

Martin, Jacqueline.

Barker, Peter Stiff and David.

Goudie, Rachel Foster, Kath.

Jarvis, Richard Woff, Kate.

Culpin, Chris.

Wilcockson, Michael Wilkinson, Michael.

Publishing, OECD.

Publishing, OECD.

Publishing, OECD.

Publishing, OECD.

Publishing, OECD.

Publishing, OECD.

Publishing, OECD.

Publishing, OECD.

Publishing, OECD.

Publishing, OECD.

Publishing, OECD.

Publishing, OECD.

Publishing, OECD.

Publishing, OECD.

Publishing, OECD.

Publishing, OECD.

Publishing, OECD.

Publishing, OECD.

Publishing, OECD.

Publishing, OECD.

Culture Clash,.


Pattakos, Alex.

Fernando Sole Besoafn,.

Wade, Bruce.

LeVitus, Bob.

Tadimety, Phani Raj.
    Berkeley, CA : Apress, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Yu, Maochun.

Bray, Rory.

Murphy, David.

Lamb, Lee.

Fanthorpe, Lionel and Patricia.

Lamb, Lee.

Burroughs, Edgar Rice.
    Oakdale Affair.
    Auckland : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Moritsugu, Kim.

Sepehri, Sohrab.

Robertson, Iain.
    London : John Blake, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lowenthal, Abraham F.

McCaughey, Betsy.

Ferrara, Peter.

D'Souza, Dinesh.

Ledeen, Michael.

Harsanyi, David.

Muravchik, Joshua.

Fitzgerald, D.

Squire, Aurin.
    London : Oberon Books Ltd, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Tate, Nick J.

Moody-Ramirez, Mia.

Tremblay, Larry.
    Obese Christ.
    Vancouver : Talonbooks, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Fung, Jason.

Nicholson, Wanda.

Brennan, Virginia M.

Brown, Kristy A.

Solutions, Roundtable on Obesity.

Lake, Amelia A.

Emery, Anne.

Paisner, Daniel.
    New York : Open Road Distribution, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lenney, Dinah.

McDonough, James E.

Johnson, Amanda Walker.

Verma, Deepak Kumar.

Oliveira, Carlos.

Campbell, Matthew.

Bennett, Gary.

Leclercq, Bruno.

Berger, A.

Lebedev, Sergei.
    New York, NY : New Vessel Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Poliquin, Daniel.

Ryvkin, Leonid.

Briggs, Stephen.

Petrucciani, Giovanni.

Wiegner, Adam.

Dunne, Finley Peter.

Ford, Dominic.

Turner, Mary.

Golding, Kim S.

Durrant, Eleanor.

Meyer-Dinkgräfe, Daniel.

Grimmer, Tamsin.

Bascom, Julia.

McCann, Jim.

Schlachter, Margaret.

Datta, Sanjay.

Impey, Lawrence.

Clifford, Amie.

Kaisler, Stephen H.

Victor, Ed.

Silvis, Randall.
    Occasional Hell.
    New York : The Permanent Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Draycott, Jane.
    Manchester : Carcanet, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Leong, Frederick T. L.

U.S. Department of Labor, The.

Alford, Chris.

Phillips, Gary.

Chomsky, Noam.

Pewny, Katharina.

Smaligo, Nicholas.

Carswell, Sean.

Adams, J.

Wolff, Richard D.

Chomsky, Noam.
    : Zuccotti Park Press, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Block, Pamela.

Foxall, Damian.
    Ocean Fever.
    Cork : The Collins Press, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Guru Rinpoche, Padmasambhava.

McGarry, Jean.
    Ocean State.
    Baltimore : Johns Hopkins University Press, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Dunlop, Julie.

Latham, Donna.
    Vermont : Nomad Press, 2005.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Keele, Rondo.

(U.S.), Joint History Office.
    Octagon Conference.
    Washington, D. C. : United States Government Printing Office, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Imarisha, Walidah.

Bonnefoy, Miguel.

Wicomb, Zoe.

Dorson, Malcolm.

Warner, Patrick.
    La Vergne : Biblioasis, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

MacDonald, Bryden.
    Odd Ducks.
    Vancouver : Talonbooks, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Howard, Elizabeth Jane.
    Odd Girl Out.
    Newburyport : Open Road Media, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gehring, Abigail R.

Thomson, Basil.

Pritchard, Melissa.

Peterson, Robert J.

Wright, Kit.

Lucas, Craig.

Flaccus), Horace (Quintus Horatius.
    Odes of Horace.
    Baltimore : Johns Hopkins University Press, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kirkpatrick, Patricia.
    Odessa : Poems.
    Minneapolis : Milkweed Editions, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Leuci, Bob.
    Odessa Beach.
    New York : Road, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Starns, Penny.

Harris, Robert J.

Paul, Georgina.

    San Diego : Thunder Bay Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hite, Shere.

McAuliffe, John.
    Of All Places.
    Oldcastle : The Gallery Press, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Marks, Charles.

Bast, Florian.

Bailey, Amanda.

Lyle, Ellyn.

Danesi, Marcel.

Nicol, Mike.
    Of Cops & Robbers.
    London : Old Street Publishing, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Rosellini, Gayle.

Jenkins, Timothy.

Rouaud, Jean.

Summaries, Bright.

Farrell, Mike.
    Of Mule and Man.
    Brooklyn : Akashic Books, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Weinberg, Darin.

Vattimo, Gianni.

Yorath, Chris.

Knowles, Michael P.

Woodcock, Alex.

Waltzer, James.
    Of Sound Mind.
    New York, NY : Medallion Media Group, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Jackson, Nina.

Akers, Geoff.
    Of Winter's Cost.
    Claygate : Grosvenor House Publishing, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Wallace, Cynthia R.

Thoreau, Henry David.

French, David.

Thurston, Nick.

Wiebe, Rudy.

Hoogstad, Jan Hein.

Donovan, Katie.
    Off Duty.
    Tyne and Wear : Bloodaxe Books, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Cady, Jack.
    Off Season.
    Portland, OR : Resurrection House, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Nichols, Travis.

Watt, Norman D.

Tanner, Tim.

Weissert, Tami.

Bosman, Caryl.

Semerdijan, Elyse.

Bogart, W.A.

Baughman, Christopher.
    Off the Street.
    Lake Forest : Behler Publications, LLC, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Deutschmann, Robin.

Mahoney, Dorothy.
    Windsor : Palimpsest Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hewlett, Sylvia Ann.

McNeill, F.

Shen, A.

Jennings, Wesley G.

Plattner, Andy.

Weverka, Peter.

Wang, Wallace.

Hoare, Jo.

Meno, Joe.
    Office Girl.
    New York : Akashic Books, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book,

Bernheimer, Kate.
    Office at Night.
    Minneapolis : Coffee House Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bank, Asian Development.

Bank, Asian Development.

Cabasson, Armand.
    Officer's Prey.
    London : Gallic Books, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gordon, Adam.

Winters, Charles.

Kleiman, Dave.

Kennedy, Dan S.

Skrob, Robert.

Sullivan, Dan.

Association, American Diabetes.

Senate Select Committee on Intelligence,.

Deneault, Alain.

Lironi, Graham.
    Oh Marina Girl.
    Glasgow : Saraband, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Millet, Lydia.

Shaw, Tucker.

Barakat, Najwa.
    Oh, Salaam!.
    Massachusetts : Interlink Publishing, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Miller, Joshua.

Allen, Jon.
    Ohio Is For Sale.
    Gainesville : Alternative Comics, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Finn, C.

Hickson, Ella.

Yeomans, Matthew.

Norman, James R.

Heinberg, Richard.

Coleman, Dr. Michelle.

Molavi, Reza.

Thompson, Helen.

Moss, Todd.

Ruddell, Rick.

Laxer, James.
    : Groundwood Books, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Harris, David.

Fairbanks, Brendan.

Brown, Jennifer S. H.

McDonald, Bernadette.

Dillon, James.

Kirk, D.

Walker, Robert.

Dozier, Ray.

Reinking, Dan L.

Carter, Tim.

Gilleard, Chris.

Kerouac, Jack.

Molnar, Gwen.

Rae, John.

Laser, Michael.
    Old Buddy, Old Pal.
    Newburyport : The Permanent Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kawabata, Yasunari.
    Old Capital.
    Berkeley : Counterpoint, 2006.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Weisbrode, K.

Cardenas, Teresa.
    Old Dog.
    : Groundwood Books, 2006.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Adams, Sean Patrick.

Cawley, Dawn.

Decker, Peter.

Benson, Richard.
    Old Git Wit.
    Chicago : Summersdale, 2006.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kingseed, Cole C.

Stahl, Jerry.

Ferry, Peter.

Schäffer, Mary T.S.

Suter, John F.

Pearson, Keith.

Schuman, Samuel.

Williams, John L.

Brú, Heðin.

Summaries, Bright.

Poulsen, David A.
    Old Man.
    Toronto : Dundurn, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gandolfi, Simon.

Gerber, Merrill Joan.

Hillmann, Bill.

Haar, D. Ter.

Ohle, David.
    Old Reactor.
    : Dzanc Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Dumas, Andy.

Batatu, Hanna.

Galvin, Anthony.


Routledge, Robin.

Brueggemann, Walter.

Walton, John H.

Kielty, Martin.

Kerrigan, Jo.

Negra, Diane.

Whishaw, Iona.
    Old, Cold Grave.
    Victoria : Touchwood Editions, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Ewing, Juliana Horatia.

Lawson, Wenn.

Achenbaum, W. Andrew.

Brings, Felicia.

Ahlander, Dag Sebastian.

Ahlander, Dag Sebastian.

Condon, Richard.
    Oldest Confession.
    Newburyport : Road, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

David, Bertrand.

Danielson, Bruce.

Sherry, James.

Clyde, Joseph.
    London : Gibson Square, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Ericson, Claes.

Rohan, Deborah.

Beers, Georgia.

Skaggs, David C.

Sansregret, Marthe.
    Oliver Jones.
    Montreal, QC : Dundurn, 2006.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Seitz, Matt Zoller.

Summaries, Bright.

Holloway, Ian.

Tibbles, Debi.

Knowles, Alison.

Knowles, Alison.

Knowles, Alison.

Holloway, Ian.
    Swindon : G2 Rights Ltd, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Olmsted, Frederick Law.

Tzanelli, R.

McCormick, Eric H.
    : Auckland University Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Nowell, Simone.

O'Brien, Nick.

Holmes, Samantha.

Herbert, W.N.

Herbert, W.N.
    Omnesia (remix).
    Tyne and Wear : Bloodaxe Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Zachariades, Theodore.

McBride, Damian.

Wetherell, W. D.

Chomsky, Noam.
    On Anarchism.
    New York : The New Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lyons, Robert S.

Toomay, Pat.

Fiand, Barbara.

Heller, Tania.

Wahl, C.

Scriber, Clarice.

Bainbridge, Alan.

Kagan, Jerome.

Franglen, Nora.

Hill, John.

Esack, Farid.

Longhofer, Jeffrey.

Frankfurt, Harry G.
    On Bullshit.
    Princeton : Princeton University Press, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Murray, Les.
    On Bunyah.
    La Vergne : Carcanet, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kellow, Geoffrey.

von Kotzebue, Alexander.

Merritt, Richard D.

Harris, Donal.

Koopmann, Georg.

Thea, Carolee.

Houghton, Peter.

van Voren, Robert.

Rothenberg, Celia E.

Arbiter, Dickie.

Bernhard, Thomas.

Chandler, G.

Tegui, Emilio Lascano.

Avise, John C.
    On Evolution.
    Baltimore : Johns Hopkins University Press, 2007.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Taylor-Alexander, Samuel.

Gearty, Conor.

Allen, V.

Lane, C. Alexia.
    On Fracking.
    Calgary : RMB Rocky Mountain Books, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Mills, Stephanie.

Schwenker, Burkhard.

Craig, William Lane.

McCreery, Christopher.

McCreery, Christopher.

Vukovina, B. Z. R.

McNally, Dennis.

Stone, Oliver.

Stewart, Hilary.
    On Island Time.
    Vancouver : D & M Publishers, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Mendlesohn, Farah.
    On Joanna Russ.
    Middletown : Wesleyan University Press, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Christopher, Nicholas.

Atkins, G. Douglas.

Chomsky, Noam.

Palmisano, Donald J.

Palmisano, Donald J.

Carter, John Ross.

Purpura, Lia.

Fane, Olivia.
    On Loving Josiah.
    London : Arcadia Books Limited, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Babstock, Ken.
    On Malice.
    Toronto : Coach House Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Neiger, M.

Padel, Ruth.

Armin, Deborah.

Gleason, Abbott.

Korte, Hermann.

Roberts, Jillian.
    On Our Street.
    Victoria : Orca Book Publishers, 2018.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Chomsky, Noam.
    On Palestine.
    Chicago : Haymarket Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Goodchild, Philip.

O'Brien, Greg.

Roethke, Theodore.

Paz, Octavio.

von Beyme, Klaus.

Chomsky, Noam.

Williams, H.

Creasey, Eleanor.

Sentamu, John.

Erasmus, BPJ.

Freeman, Ru.
    On Sal Mal Lane.
    : House of Anansi Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

O Hara , Vincent P.

Nance, John J.

Nouraie-Simone, Fereshteh.

Beer, Nicholas.

Koepnick, Lutz.

Zannier, Umberto.

Cole, Graham.

Farrell, Greg.

Foucault, M.

Fowler, Mick.

Dungan, Myles.

Stephen, Childs.

Bernhart, Walter.
    On Voice.
    New York : Editions Rodopi, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Punaro, Arnold.

Madaras, Lynda.

Murphy, Dervla.

Fitzpatrick, Melody.

Authors, Various.
    On a Snowy Night.
    London : Stripes Publishing, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Robinson, Ron.

Bourke, John Gregory.

Robbins, David.

Duguid, Andrew.

Baker, Kenneth.

Meier, Arne.

Martelli, Paul.

Cruz, Manuel.

Martin, Claude.

Miller, Char.

Duyvis, Corinne.

Bodio, Stephen.

Major, Péter.

Spanos, William V.

Turgenev, Ivan.
    On the Eve.
    London : Alma Books, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Russo, Francesco.

Penny, Josie.

Holcomb, Justin S.

Kellough, Janet.

Bascom, Gavin.

Linderfalk, Ulf.

Melsheimer, Thomas M.

Platt, Kamala.

Moodie, Maryanne.

Lyle, Erick.

Kann, Mark E.

Cheng, Sealing.

Hütter, Alexander.

Glick, Peter Samuel.

Lennon, John.

Darwin, Charles.

Kushner, Howard I.

Monroe, Debra.

Reamer, Frederic G.

Riviello, Maria Teresa.

Sabin, Edwin L.

Teichmann, Fabian M.

Gay, Marie-Louise.

Kent, Graeme.

Barrow, Jonathan.

Pelosi, Paolo.

Carroll, Michael.

Taylor, Robert B.

Lane, Maggie.

Mulcahy, Risteárd.

Read, Piers Paul.

Wind, Herbert Warren.

Russell, Dick.

Maritain, Jacques.

Reynolds, Clark.

Kobbé, Montague.
    On the Way Back.
    New York, NY : Akashic Books, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Vargas, Cyn.
    On the Way.
    New York : Curbside Splendor Publishing, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kubas, Adam.

van Niekerk, Neil.

Smith, Anthony Neil.
    Once A Warrior.
    : Blasted Heath Ltd, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lozano, José.

Daniels, Robert.

Watson, John.

Dunn, Stephanie.

Makereti, Tina.

NHK, Japan Broadcasting Corporation.

Maddick, Peter.

MacKenna, John.

Ellis, Ray.

Fallada, Hans.

Woodward, Barry.
    Once an Addict.
    Crownhill : Authentic Media, 2007.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Watkins, Bill.

Guttridge, Peter.

Buckley, F. H.

Buckley, F. H.

Hanlon, Bernadette.

Yoon, Paul.

Kindred, Maggie.

Hamouda, Sahar.

Atkinson, Mary.

Rosenblum, Rebecca.
    Emeryville : Biblioasis, 2008.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Walsh, Enda.
    New York : Theatre Communications Group, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Jones, Vicky.

Kushner , Kenneth.

Saer, Juan José.
    One Before.
    New York : Open Letter, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Wenk, Elizabeth.

Wenk, Elizabeth.

Wenk, Elizabeth.

Deutsch, Rick.

Wright, C.D.
    One Big Self.
    Port Townsend : Copper Canyon Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Reid, Iain.

Comeau, Joey.

Haskins, V.
    One Bright Spot.
    London : Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2005.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Sinclair, Upton.
    One Clear Call.
    New York : Open Road Media, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Peters, Ellis.
    One Corpse Too Many.
    Morton Grove : Road, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Robison, Mary.

Latus, Dan.

Conrad, Joseph.

Rocklin, Joanne.

Stewart, Dorothy M.

Daugherty, Tracy.

Barr, Robert.

Malouf, David.
    One Day.
    Melbourne : Schwartz Publishing Pty. Ltd, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

O'Shea, Mick.

Forsström, Tua.

deVega, Magrey.

Lawrence, Anna M.

Van De Ven, Susan.

Lindenberger, H.

Murphy, Dervla.
    One Foot in Laos.
    La Vergne : Eland Publishing, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hern, Matt.

McLean, Linda.

McHugh, Erin.

Wray, Nicola.

Barlow, Aaron.

Brooks, Carellin.

Brophy, Don.

Hoffman, Rabbi Lawrence A.

Bronson, Adam.

Reich, Tova.

van Ditmarsch, Hans.

Fulwood, Neil.

Wirick, Richard.

Audin, Michèle.

Levitton, Michael.

Gamer, Ron.

Furness, Zack.

Ponomareff, Constantin.

Feigenbaum, Naomi.

Lida, David.
    One Life.
    La Vergne : The Unnamed Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Dewar, Andrew.

D. Harvey, Sean.

Heggstad, Glen.

Lyons, Kelly Starling.

Prince, Bryan.

Walden, Lois.
    One More Stop.
    London : Arcadia Books Limited, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Wagamese, Richard.
    One Native Life.
    Vancouver : D & M Publishers, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lorain, Douglas.

Heid, Matt.

Shreve, Craig.

Foner, Nancy.

Burke, Diane.

Westergård, Rune.

Rao, Mahesh.

Caunitz, William J.
    One Police Plaza.
    New York : Road, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hougaard, Rasmus.

Wergland, Glendyne R.

Semaan, Lena.
    One Shot.
    London : SPCK, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Ki-young, Hyun.

Spangler, Timothy.

Spangler, Timothy.

Wicomb, Zoe.

Rosenfeld, Carol.

Schultz, Hope.

Stibbe, Mark.

Rowe, C. Kavin.

Plaut, W. Gunther.

Tchividjian, Tullian.

Bartlett, Mike.

Grieg, David.

Florens, Brett.

Satterfield, Mark.

Burrage, A.M.

Church, Steven.

McQuade, Molly.

Crisp, Lord Nigel.

Macola, Giacomo.

Stalker, Aileen.

Caveney, Philip.
    One for Sorrow.
    : Fledgling Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hargrave, Alan.

Merrick, Gordon.
    One for the Gods.
    New York : Open Road Media, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lerner, Barron H.

Mason, Phil.

Klougart, Josefine.

Lasswell, Mary.
    One on the House.
    Newburyport : Open Road Distribution, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

McFetridge, John.

Nevin, John Williamson.

Nevin, John Williamson.

Yolen, Jane.
    One-Armed Queen.
    New York : Open Road Media Sci-Fi & Fantasy, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Mah, Ronald.

Baro, Michael.

Hauptman, Laurence M.

Krausz, Michael.

Donleavy, J.P.
    Onion Eaters.
    : The Lilliput Press, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kaye, Sharon M.

Nefes, T.

Lamy, M.

Ramsay, Morgan.

Schu, Matthias.

Berry-Dee, Christopher.

Kelly, Nick.

Smith, Pam.

Lonie, Nicola.

Cecil, J.

Curtin, Judi.
    Only Eva.
    Dublin : The O'Brien Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Clark, Steve.

Bott, Graham.

Phillips, Richard D.

Dibbell, Carola.
    Only Ones.
    : Two Dollar Radio, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Burnham, Clint.

Currie, Thomas Christian.

Marney, Laura.

Waterfall, Rhonda.
    Only Thing I Have.
    Vancouver : Arsenal Pulp Press, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Jensen, Kim.

Doherty, Sean.

Doherty, Sean.

Doherty, Sean.

Doherty, Sean.

Packham, Simon.
    Only We Know.
    Dorking : Piccadilly Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kidd, Chip.

Wylie, Arthur.

Smardz Frost, Karolyn.

Steinhoff-Ooster, Anika.

Andina, Tiziana.

George, Jibu Mathew.

Simari, Gerardo I.

Adão, Telmo.

Spencer, Robert.

Bartelmay, Ryan.

Murphy, Lisa.

Murphy, Lisa.

Roberts, Hywel.

Morrison, Allan.

Wullie, Oor.

Reinhard, Barb.

Conte, Gian Biagio.

Canion, Rod.

Fetzer, J.

Khagram, Sanjeev.

Evenson, Brian.
    Open Curtain.
    New York, NY : Coffee House Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Wessels, Bridgette.

Stagars, Manuel.

Havilio, Iosi.
    Open Door.
    High Wycombe : And Other Stories Publishing, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Publishing, OECD.

Kraus, Harry.

Neugeboren, Jay.
    Open Heart.
    : Dzanc Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Nowrasteh, Alex.

Bijaoui, Ilan.

Escoffier, Luca.

Soeldner, Carsten-Constantin.

Block, Francesca Lia.

Bertholf, Robert J.

Jenkins, Toby S.

Kalathil, Shanthi.

Strange, Harry.

Schaller, Gernot.

Cribb, Julian.

Shapiro, Rabbi Rami M.

Rathaus, Noam.

Gadman, L.

Surian, Alessio.

Davis, Emma.

Herzog, Philipp.

Feinberg, Richard.

Williams, Rowan.

Bollwerk, Elizabeth A.

Loidl, Hans.

Gaby, R.

Moore, Lisa.
    : House of Anansi Press, 2008.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Raymond C. H. Lo, William C. Y. Lo.

Rendell, Alistair P.

Jackson, Kevin.

Kumar, Amrith.
    OpenStack Trove.
    Berkeley, CA : Apress, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Howe, S. C.
    Opened Cage.
    La Vergne : Grosvenor House Publishing, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Caddy, Eileen.

Cox, Bob.

Cox, Bob.

Cox, Bob.

Hamilton, Stuart.

Culpepper, R. Alan.

Kaiguo, Chen.

Jackman, David.
    Opening up the Bible.
    Milton Keynes : Scripture Union England and Wales, 2005.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Wilson, Alexandra.

Whang, Paul.

Comer, Douglas.

Herz, Norman.

Tucker, Jason.

Howard, Roger.

García, Juan Pujol.

Zuehlke, Mark.

Westley, Colonel Richard.

Fitzpatrick, Melody.

Yenne, Bill.

Buckley, John.

White, Randy Wayne.
    Operation Norfolk.
    New York : Open Road Media Mystery & Thriller, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

French, S. Terrell.

Koster, John.

Barron, John.

Cheshire, Simon.
    Operation Sting.
    London : Stripes Publishing, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lulushi, Albert.

Detty, Mike.

Murdock, Hernan.

Issar, Gilad.

Pinto, C. Ariel.

Pinto, C. Ariel.

, itSMF UK.

Christ, Steffen.

Schwientek, R.

Surani, Moez.
    Toronto : BookThug, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Römer, Thomas.

Bobrowski, Adam.

P, Deepak.

Foxlee, Karen.

Hopkins, Thomas.

Hogshire, Jim.

Wigal, Donald.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Morton-Smith, Tom.
    London : Oberon Books Ltd, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Ouredník, Patrik.

Forum on Promoting Children's Cognitive, Affective, and Behavioral Health.

O'Hanlon, Michael E.

Scheerens, Jaap.

Cornell, Andrew.

Carr, Emily.

Leon, Tony.

Morgan, Lou.
    Opposite of You.
    London : Stripes Publishing, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Torinus, John.

Sironi, Laura.

Gibson, Joel.

Leng, Tim.

Walter, Christina.

Greening, Gage J.
    Optical Phantoms.
    Bellingham : Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE), 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Pathak, Anirban.

Dutta, Pradip K.

Laporte, Otto.
    Saint Louis : Elsevier Science, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gugat, Martin.

Gerdts, Matthias.

Kitsos, Christos P.

Giroux, Monique L., MD.

Hansmann, Ronny.

Kumar, Subodha.

Sokolova, Elena.

Sasane, Amol.

Zietlow, David.

Burgdorf, Sabine.

Zöller, Nikolas.

Farid, Jawwad.


Thomsett, M.

Thomsett, M.

Goulet, Andrea.

Ghosh, M.K.

Hegemann, Peter.
    Berlin/Boston : De Gruyter, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Dunckley, Lynne.

Vallath, Murali.

Vesterli, Sten.

Mignault, Francis.

Ganesh, S G.

Ganesh, SG.

Alapati, Sam.

Mensah, Kuassi.

Kyte, Thomas.

Ravikumar, Y V.

Pot'Vin, Kellyn.

Fitzjarrell, David.

Saygili, Okcan Yasin.

Kuhn, Darl.

Kuhn, Darl.

Charalambides, Stelios.

Upreti, Vijay Shankar.

Niko, D.J.
    New York, NY : Medallion Media Group, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Sheftel, A.

Boyd, Douglas A.

Freund, A.

Hamilton, Paula.

Mushengyezi, Aaron.

Sonis, Stephen T.
    Oral Mucositis.
    Tarporley : Springer Healthcare Ltd., 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Katz, Shanna.

Rawlani, Shivlal M.

Phillips, Gary.

Krilanovich, Grace.

Besant, Walter.
    Orange Girl.
    Wellington : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Tremblay, Larry.

Kelly, Maeve.
    Orange Horses.
    La Vergne : Tramp Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Greene, Richard.

Riippi, Joseph.

Djordjevic, Milan.

Townsend, Wayne.

Whyte, Sean.

Dante, Zack.

Kumar, G. S.

Grinter, Matt.

Zandri, Vincent.
    Orchard Grove.
    New York : Polis Books, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kelly, Brigit Pegeen.
    Rochester : BOA Editions Ltd., 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bersweden, Leif.

Fuentes, Carlos.

Madigan, Kevin.

Rodrà guez-Velasco, Jesús D.

Gaston, Bill.

Chesbro, Rev. Daniel.

Wright, Ben.

Johnson, Kristin.

Aspers, Patrik.

Jespers, Eric.

Logemann, Hartmut.

Moser, Caroline O.N.

McDowell, Lucinda Secrest.

France-Williams, Anna.

Jensen, O.

Heynen, Jim.

Kantner, Seth.

Zagano, Phyllis.

Smucker, Dorcas.

Edmundson, Helen.

Strumwasser, Stu.

Davis, Gene A.
    Organic Chemistry.
    Dehli : Scientific International, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Rastogi, Veer Bala.
    Organic Evolution.
    Dehli : Scientific International, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Mukherjee, Sanjoy.

Hassner, Alfred.

Kalsi, P.S.

Martin, Beth L.

Wellerdt, Alexander.

Adegbite, Oluwaseun E.

Langenmayr, Felix.

Gregory, Jarlath.
    Organised Criminal.
    Cambridge : Salt Publishing Limited, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Paradise, Christopher J.

Quinn, Iain.

Malunga, Chiku.

Müller, Ralf.

Wellman, J.

Harrington, H. James.

Institute, Project Management.

Weinberg, A.

Cranwell-Ward, J.

Carter, Cheryl R.

Smith, Drew.

Wellmon, Chad.

Roth, Eileen.

Lancaster, Carol.

Rawson, Andrew.

Shamiyeh, Michael.

Guenet, Jean-Michel.

Lennox, Alastair J. J.

Lundin, Susanne.

Schneider, Marion.

Komisaruk, Barry R.
    Orgasm Answer Guide.
    Baltimore : Johns Hopkins University Press, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Robbins, Tina.

Frith, Hannah.

Harrison, Robert.

Harrison, Robert.

Stone, Peter F.

Fazzi, Diane L.

McNeill, Carol.

LaFosse, Michael G.

LaFosse, Michael G.

Yee, (Artist).

Yee, (Artist).

LaFosse, Michael G.

LaFosse, Michael G.

Coleman, Benjamin John.

Coleman, Benjamin John.

LaFosse, Michael G.

LaFosse, Michael G.

LaFosse, Michael G.

LaFosse, Michael G.

Diaz, Roman.

LaFosse, Michael G.
    Origami Dinosaurs.
    North Clarendon : Tuttle Publishing, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Publishing, Tuttle.

LaFosse, Michael G.

LaFosse, Michael G.
    Origami Flowers.
    Boston : Tuttle Publishing, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Stern, Joel.

Coleman, Benjamin John.

LaFosse, Michael G.

LaFosse, Michael G.
    Origami Jungle.
    North Clarendon : Tuttle Publishing, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Temko, Florence.
    Origami Note Cards.
    North Clarendon : Tuttle Publishing, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Engel, Peter.

Publishing, Tuttle.

Temko, Florence.

Enomoto, Nobuyoshi.

LaFosse, Michael G.

LaFosse, Michael G.

Dewar, Andrew.

Stern, Joel.

Miller, Marcia Joy.

Ono, Mari.

Temko, Florence.

van de Heetkamp, Anne.

Reznick, David N.

Rohe, Oliver.
    Origin Unknown.
    Normal, IL : Columbia University Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Coover, Robert.

Coulborn, Rushton.

Rayner, Alan.

Calosse, Jp. A.

Pattison, Eliot.

Pearson, Margaret J.

Nelson, Andrew M.

de Maupassant, Guy.

Ramakrishna, Kumar.

Cuskelly, Maryrose.

O'Neill, Johnathan.

Dervin, Fred.

Harris, David R.

Mielants, Eric H.

Fiennes, Joslin.

Jacob, Margaret C.

Parker, Sue Taylor.

Sophian, Catherine.

Lo Bello, Anthony.

Leshem, Dotan.

Grinder, John.

Hahn, Juergen S.

Levy, Leonard W.

Lindquist, Eric N.

Mortimer, Geoff.

Richmond, Randy.

Anderson, Poul.
    Orion Shall Rise.
    New York : Open Road Media Sci-Fi & Fantasy, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Henehan, Kira.

Mauk, Courtney Elizabeth.

Paris, Philip.

Sackville, Amy.
    Berkeley : Counterpoint, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Brown, Charles Brockden.

Vadivelu, Nalini.

Babb, John.

West, Stephen H.

Neugeboren, Jay.
    Orphan's Tale.
    : Dzanc Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Mulford, Clarence E.
    Wellington : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Duffy, Maureen.
    Orpheus Trail.
    London : Arcadia Books Limited, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Berger, Thomas.
    Orrie's Story.
    : Dzanc Books, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Chesterton, G. K.
    Westminster : Authentic Media, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Valtinos, Thanassis.

Rashid, Abdur.

McLoughlin, Terence.

Hodax, Jonathan D.

Eltorai, Adam E. M.

Eltorai, Adam E. M.

Zuehlke, Mark.

Rosenbauer, Tom.

Jaramillo, Susie.

Stafford, William.

Editions, Periplus.

Knight, Michael Muhammad.
    Osama Van Halen.
    New York : Soft Skull Press, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

The Combating Terrorism Center,.

Whittington-Egan, Richard.

Whiteley, Giles.

Hoare, Philip.

Bennett, Michael Y.

Webb, Holly.

Israeli, Raphael.

Gyer, Giles.

Slovik, David M.

Meyer, Robert.

Newman, John.

Weisberg, Harold.

Scott, Peter Dale.

Katoh, Amy Slyvester.

Bayliss-Smith, Tim.

Washington, Mary Helen.

Byrne, Julie.

Link, Charlotte.

Glastris, Paul.

Nayder, Lillian.

Aston, Maxine.

Alexander, Nick.

James, Thomas.
    Other Hands.
    Minneapolis : North Loop Books, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Henley, Patricia.

Le Grand, Julian.

Other Journal, The.
    Other Journal.
    Eugene : Wipf and Stock Publishers, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Other Journal, The.
    Other Journal.
    Eugene : Wipf and Stock Publishers, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Other Journal, The.
    Other Journal.
    Eugene : Wipf and Stock Publishers, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

John, Patricia St.
    Other Kitten.
    Bucks : Scripture Union England and Wales, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Humaydan, Iman.
    Other Lives.
    Massachusetts : Interlink Publishing, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hawcroft, Rebecca.

Baran, Z.

Anderson, Steve.

Delpit, Lisa.

Moynihan, Sinead.

Groarke, Vona.

Prins, Nomi.

Walter, Harriet.

Goldberg, Tod.

Ryan, Maureen.

Slabbert, Frederik Van Zyl.

O'Gorman, Ned.

Deeth, Kelli.

Hutchinson, Hazel.

Waldrop, Howard.

Duyvis, Corinne.
    New York : Abrams, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Rohrer, Matthew.
    La Vergne : Wave Books, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Guaspari, John.

Mandel, Oscar.
    Otherwise Poems.
    Paradeso : Prospect Park Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Wilson, Jared C.

Waters, John J., Jr.

Bernard, H. Russell.

Montague, Arthur.

Ladouceur, Ben.
    Toronto : Coach House Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Celebi, Evliya.

Erickson, Edward J.

Gans, Jeremy.

Blue, Elly.

Shaul, Joel.

Gumbrecht, Hans Ulrich.

Simak, Clifford D.

Abbott, Tony.

Newman, L.

Nickson, John.

Pitch, Anthony S.

Robin, Marie-Monique.

Dinkins, Christine Sorrell.

Pollak, Vivian R.

Williams, Kristian.

O'Rowe, Mark.

Rutherford, Laetitia.

Abrams, Lindsey.

Smyth, Gerry.

Marx, Sherry.

Borman, Leonard S.

Jones, Sabrina.

McEvoy, Dermot.

Poole, Stafford.

Parker, Jackie.

Forbes, Elena.

Carrasquillo, Rosa E.

Murray, Rolland.

Greenberg, Richard.

Gann, Kirby.

Berry, Wendell.

Rosenberg, Charles E.

Logan, William.

Boyer, J. Patrick.

Nagler, Michael N.

McEnroe, Kevin Jack.

Scott, Doug.

Azzellini, Dario.

Shames, Deborah.

Lynes, Gwenyth Clare.
    Out Of My Depth.
    Claygate : Grosvenor House Publishing, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Townsend, Chris.

Leebron, Fred.
    Out West.
    : Dzanc Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Valentine, Ian.

Frank, Miriam.

Jean, Veronica.

Procter, James.

Rieffel, Alexis.

Osborn, George.

Watson, Cindy.

Fedler, Dov.

Fay, Martha.

Cook, Elinor.

Gregg, John.
    Out of Office.
    La Vergne : Grosvenor House Publishing, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lewin, Michael Z.
    Out of Season.
    New York : Open Road Media Mystery & Thriller, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Loomis, Erik.

Podmore, John.

Crosthwaite, Luis Humberto.

Täht, Kadri.

Boswell, Ruth.
    Out of Time.
    London : Muswell Press, 2005.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

McClintock, Norah.

Waters, Steve.

Mautner, Gabriella.
    Out of a Season.
    Newburyport : Open Road Distribution, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Esolen, Anthony M.

Greenfield, Briann G.

Dunmore, Helen.

Rutt, Val.
    Out of the Blue.
    Dorking : Piccadilly Press, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

McSorley, Julie.

Vascellaro, Salvatore.

Carnes, Patrick J.

Perez-Reed, Nina.

Waite, Terry.

Rashid, Mark.

Cameron, Diane.

Makris, Katina I.

Cohu, Will.

Houston, Paul D.

Conrad, Joseph.

Renner, Ellen.
    London : Hot Key Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Papp, Susan M.

Becker, Stephen.

Leavy, John D.

Jones, Tiffany.

Allen, Quincy.

Allen, Quincy.

Allen, Quincy.

Allen, Quincy.

Beard, D. C.

Hinch, Stephen W.

Compton, Wayde.
    Outer Harbour.
    Vancouver : Arsenal Pulp Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Cotto, Andrew.

Adamson, Gil.
    : House of Anansi Press, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Sheriff, Jack.
    Outlaw Canyon.
    La Vergne : Robert Hale, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Taylor, Gillian F.
    Outlaw Express.
    Ramsbury : Robert Hale, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lauchs, M.

Barker, Thomas.

Bedford, Paul.
    Outlaw Trail.
    London : Robert Hale, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Mitchell, G.

Brand, Max.

Gnarr, Jón.
    La Vergne : Deep Vellum Publishing, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Keen, Will.

Savage, Les.

Johnson, Erik T.
    La Vergne : Alternative Comics, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Devlin, Robert M.

Dyszel, Bill.

Webster, Douglas D.

Nigel, Cawthorne.

Wentworth, Patricia.
    Outrageous Fortune.
    New York : Open Road Media Mystery & Thriller, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Seward, Jack.

Carter, D. N.
    Outremer I.
    La Vergne : Clink Street Publishing, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

John, Steven.

Beshara, Adel.

Feldman, Jeffrey.

Hain, Peter.
    Outside In.
    London : Biteback Publishing, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Shanley, John Patrick.

Cowley, Liz.

Fatovic, Clement.

Petersen, Christian.

Yep, Kathleen S.

Lopez, Barry.
    San Antonio : Trinity University Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Rottenberg, Dan.

Magedera, Ian H.

Huebner, Dawn.

Infantino, Federica.

Willcocks, L.

Tunstall, T.

Bentley-Davies, Caroline.

Griffith, Andy.

Lee, Cassey.

, The Arbinger Institute.

Coady, Michael.

Lloyd, David.
    Over the Line.
    Syracuse : Syracuse University Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Dharker, Imtiaz.
    Over the Moon.
    Tyne and Wear : Bloodaxe Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

de Jong, Ferry.

Shaffer, Howard J.

Wilkinson, Lee A.

Flynn, Patricia M.

Elliot-Wright, Susan.

Acampora, Anthony P.

Ward, Deborah.

Williams, Christopher.

Mawer, Philip.

Penner, D.

Sorensen, Julia.

Ward, Deborah.

Mawer, Philip.

Moore, D.

Quish, Liz.

Zimberoff, Diane.

Owen, John.

Bor, Robert.

Kennard, Jerry.

Stewart, Sherry.

Demir, Imran.

Invernizzi, Anna.

Sheridan, Martin.

Danowski, Debbie.

Blair, Michael.

Godbeer, Richard.

Baring, Maurice.
    Wellington : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Woods, Denyse.

Rabb, Jonathan.
    London : Halban, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Taylor, Ali.

Madsen, Wayne.

Bowen, Shannon A.

Leach, Kathy.

Weisenberger, Jill.

    Ovid's Heroines.
    Tyne and Wear : Bloodaxe Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Homburg, Roy.

Riley, Elliot.
    Owen's Family.
    Chicago, IL : Britannica Digital Learning, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Frame, Janet.

Lynch, Wayne.

Simpson, Louis.

Deak, JoAnn.

Chang, Kuo-Ping.

Marino, James J.

Stanley, Rhoney Gissen.

Forrest, Anna.
    Oxburgh Hall.
    Swindon : National Trust (Enterprises) Ltd, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Russell, Norman.
    Oxford Anomaly.
    London : Robert Hale, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Pacini Hernandez, Deborah.

Rodríguez Milanés, Cecilia.

Chappell, In-Sook.
    London : Oberon Books Ltd, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Ricciotti, Diego.

Terkel, Studs.

Falanga, Diane.

Falanga, Diane.

Domesek, Erica.

Buford, John.

Hymer, Barry.
    P4C Pocketbook.
    Alresford : Management Pocketbooks, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Smith, Rex Alan.

Thienemann, Margo.

Guerra, Aida.

Williams, Branden R.

Staff, PDR.

Staff, PDR.

Staff, PDR.

Staff, PDR.


Seshadri, Nagabhushan.

Du, Yong.

Purandare, Nilendu.

Kayani, Irfan.

Hofman, Michael S.
    PET/CT in Melanoma.
    Cham : Springer International Publishing, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Cook, Gary.

Chua, Sue.

Kar, Ashutosh.

Olsson, Mikael.

Prettyman, Steve.

Aley, Rob.

Aley, Rob.

Russell, Chad.


Zandstra, Matt.

Romer, Michael.

Olsson, Mikael.

Powers, David.

Kromann, Frank M.

Lengstorf, Jason.

Gardner, Jane P.

Catchpole, Barbara.

Catchpole, Barbara.
    PIG Plays Cupid.
    Watlington : Ransom Publishing, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Catchpole, Barbara.
    PIG Saves the Day.
    Watlington : Ransom Publishing, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Catchpole, Barbara.

Catchpole, Barbara.

Catchpole, Barbara.

Myhill, Sarah.

Paul, Diane B.

Boyd, Michele.

Boyd, Michele.

Boyd, Michele.

Boyd, Michele.

Natelson, Robyn.

Gertz, Sebastian.

Whitaker, Sean.

Wallenfels, Stephen.
    Surrey : Templar Publishing, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Heller, Steven.

Barnhill, Kelly McCracken.

Homer Patrick,.

Friedman, John.

Morris, T.

Sadhana Sharma,.

Edwards, Aton.

Cooke, Jamie Lynn.

    Minneapolis : Publish Green, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Noble, Toni.

Eisner, Will.

Keresey, Richard Dick.
    PT 105.
    : Naval Institute Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kalfus, Ken.

Charles, Victoria.
    Pablo Picasso.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Baring-Gould, Sabine.

Kesey, Roy.
    Westland : Dzanc Books, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Go, Benedict.

Bank, Asian Development.

Bank, Asian Development.

Bank, Asian Development.

Morgon, William Michael.

Liston, Jolie.

Hempenstall, Peter J.


Bank, Asian Development.

Bank, Asian Development.

Duncan, Ron.
    Pacific Trade Issues.
    Manila : Asian Development Bank Institute, 2008.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

C. Nalty, Bernard.

Burridge, Kate.

Huang, Fay.

Wetzel, Donald.

Stoltzfus, Duane C. S.

Bainbridge, Colin.
    Pack Rat.
    London : Robert Hale, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Vrabel, Beth.
    Pack of Dorks.
    New York, NY : Sky Pony Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Townsend, Nicholas W.

Fox, Lana.
    Packing Steel.
    London : Sweetmeats Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Winn, Jasper.

Kingsley, Jennifer.

Brighton, Patrick.

Chan, Arlene.

Stiegelmaier, Kevin.

Sutherland, Audrey.
    Paddling North.
    Ventura : Patagonia, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hodgins, Bruce W.

Genzen, Holly.

Aresti, Nick A.

Aresti, Nick A.

Strobel, Stephan.

Johnson, Greg.
    Pagan Babies.
    : Dzanc Books, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hutton, Ronald.
    Pagan Britain.
    London : Yale University Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Schartz, Vijaya.

Cuhulain, Kerr.

Finch, Simon.
    Pagan Voyager.
    London : Souvenir Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Arditti, Michael.

Newcomb, Steven.

Anderson, Jon.

Gulledge, Laura Lee.
    Page by Paige.
    New York : Abrams, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Rohan, Koda.

Braithwaite, E. R.
    Paid Servant.
    Newburyport : Open Road Media, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Goldsmith, David.

Paikin, Steve.

Wailoo, Keith.

Rivard, Marie-Josée.

Seppala, Marvin D.

Haines, Steve.

Rezek, Cheryl.

Boddice, Robert Gregory.

Collingwood-Whittick, Sheila.

Rhodes, Al.
    La Vergne : Grosvenor House Publishing, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Weeks, Philip.

Gammill, Joani.

Hardy, Sarah Frances.
    Paint Me!.
    New York : Sky Pony Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Timlin, Mark.

Black, Arthur.

Dance, Jennifer.
    Toronto : Dundurn, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Galaviz-Budziszewski, Alexai.
    Painted Cities.
    San Francisco : McSweeney's, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Spinelli, Bradley.
    Painted Gun.
    New York : Akashic Books, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bond, Rebecca.

Bond, Rebecca.

Rossi, Imogen.

Trevelyan Weaver , Lawrence.

Durand, Monique.
    Painter's Wife.
    Vancouver : Talonbooks, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Parks, Tim.

Woods, Bridget.

Denyer-Baker, Pauline.

Bartlett, Anna.

Davis, Simon.

Connolly, Anthony.

Cruell, Walter.

James, Paul.

Rush, Peter.

Scully, Kevin.

Wagstaff, Adele.

Gurba, Myriam.

Akib, Hashim.

Shadbolt, Daniel.

Lowry, John.

Brindley, Robert.

Curtis, David.

Weintraub, Bob.

Weintraub, Bob.

Hewitt, Hugh.

Wagstaff, Adele.

Coleman, Ian.

Curtis, David.

Curry, Eric.

Bolten, Randall.

Howell, David.

Deutschmann, Rod.

Pilgrim, Kingsley.
    Claygate : Grosvenor House Publishing, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Shahraz, Qaisra.

MacVeagh, Lincoln.
    Paisley Mischief.
    New York : February Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Haleem, Safia.

Jaffrelot, Christophe.

Ben Jelloun, Tahar.

Ferrara, Mark S.

Addonizio, Kim.

von Bremzen, Anya.

Jenne, Mike.

Bardes, Charles L.

Hepner, Braden.
    Pale Harvest.
    New York : Torrey House Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Harrison, Paula.

Alajmo, Roberto.
    London : Haus Publishing, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Malek, Cate.

Cohn-Sherbok, Dan.

Cohn-Sherbok, Dan.

Haklai, Oded.

Khalidi, Rashid.

Al-Hardan, Anaheed.

Stabler, J.

Patten, R.

Hughes, Geraint.

Carver, T.

Haynes, J.

Bourne, A.

Whitman, J.

Rawlings, P.

Whatmore, R.

Betsill, M.

Richmond, O.

Snaith, A.

Barry, J.

Nicholson, H.

Houlbrook, M.

Haldon, J.

Abazov, R.

Hughes, M.

Joyce, P.

Newman, Richard.

Jeffries, V.

Qvortrup, J.

Nischik, R.

Richmond, Oliver.

Donders, K.

Kuhlmann, E.

Dekker, H.

Lenskyj, H.

Richards, Christina.

M. Byerly, Carolyn.

Andrew, Malcolm.

Scruton, Roger.

Pearlman, Shana.

Smith, G.

Carter, Brian S.

MacKinlay, Elizabeth.

Beresford, Peter.

Pritchard, Melissa.
    New York : Bellevue Literary Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Levine, Roz.
    Palmistry Book.
    San Diego : Thunder Bay Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Tuffin, Olivia.

Tuffin, Olivia.

Tuffin, Olivia.

Tuffin, Olivia.

Tuffin, Olivia.

Tuffin, Olivia.

Pitt-Kethley, Fiona.
    Pan Principle.
    : Arcadia Books Limited, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hotta, E.

Obermayer, Bastian.

Tonatiuh, Duncan.

George, John C.

Mengqi, Zhou.

Garnier, Pascal.
    Panda Theory.
    London : Gallic Books, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gilbert, Scott.

Petrou, Theodore.
    Pandas Cookbook.
    Birmingham : Packt Publishing, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Prendergast, Gabrielle.

Ventresca, Yvonne.
    New York : Sky Pony Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Harrisville, Roy A.

Nance, John J.
    Pandora's Clock.
    New York : Open Road Media Mystery & Thriller, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Harris, Zinne.

Arrow, V.

Starr, Jason.
    Panic Attack.
    La Vergne : Polis Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bruner, Robert F.

Yenne, Bill.

Aldersey-Williams, Hugh.

Bajo, David.
    Lakewood, CO : Unbridled Books, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Pantone, By.
    New York : Abrams, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Taylor, Sydney.

O'Porter, Dawn.

Hutcheson, Louise.
    Paper Cell.
    La Vergne : Saraband, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Daitch, Susan.
    Paper Conspiracies.
    San Francisco : City Lights Publishers, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Shepard, Jim.

Savell, S R.
    Paper Hearts.
    Barrington : Medallion Media Group, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Thorpe, Esther.

Janzen, Jean.
    Paper House.
    New York : Good Books, 2008.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lawson, Gallagher.
    Paper Man.
    : The Unnamed Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hung, Erin.

Mitchell, David.

Rogers, Damian.

Priest, Robert.

Naim, Moises.

Haston, Meg.
    London : Hot Key Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Wallace, Sherman LeRoy.

Getty-Sullivan, Mary Ann.

Grenier, Samantha.

Mikkelsen, Todd.

Grafstein, Jerry S.

Grafstein, Jerry S.

Drury Gane, Margaret.

Peacock, Roy.

Albini, Angelo.

Jindal, Tanu.

Dorfman, Rachelle A.

Sutton, Chris.

Bensley, Bill.

Church, Christopher M.

Ryder, Pamela.

Frangione, Lucia.
    Paradise Garden.
    Vancouver : Talonbooks, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Buck, Elizabeth Bentzel.

Ryman, Geoff.

Malloy, Mary.
    Paradise Walk.
    Teaticket : Leapfrog Press, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Page, Kathy.

Hakeem, Abdul.

Havilio, Iosi.
    High Wycombe : And Other Stories Publishing, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

    Cambridge : Hackett Publishing Company, Incorporated, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Graham, Carol L.

Prindle, David F.

Schwinge, Isabel.

Mac Sweeney, Dr Rory.

Taminiaux, Pierre.

Morpurgo, Horatio.

Suriano, Juan.

Lunch, Lydia.

Paparunas, Penelope.
    Parallaxing Joyce.
    Tübingen : Narr Francke Attempto, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Casanova, Henri.

Cotter, Bill.

Purcell, Jeanne H.

Tomlinson, Carol Ann.

Greer, Bonnie.
    Parallel Life.
    London : Arcadia Books Limited, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lantos, Peter.

Westwell, Guy.

Mitchell, R.J.
    Parallel Lines.
    Edinburgh : Fledgling Press, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Trobec, Roman.

Aragues, Rosario.

Williams, Gareth.

Grimston, Malcolm.

Brombin, Chiara.

Watt, Caroline.
    New York, NY : Oneworld Publications, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

McCracken, Ellen.

Poe, Danielle.

Johnson, Allen.

Hruska, Alan.
    Pardon the Ravens.
    Pasadena : Prospect Park Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Souter, Keith.

Gardiner, Wira.

Powers, Julie.

Rosenberg, Kim Mack.

Hassink, Sandra G.

Ziegel, Sarah.

Boachie, Ahmed.

Koscinski, Cara.

Johnson, Elle Olivia.

Kotkin, Ronald A.

Sibley, Margaret H.

Cleaver, Hedy.

Guilamo-Ramos, Vincent.

Neugeboren, Jay.
    : Dzanc Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

MacDonald, Mandi.

Morrell, Maureen F.

Lee, Ellie.

Riley-Hall, Eileen.

Turansky, Dr. Scott.

Sanders, Claire.

Gordon, Christine.

Reynolds, Lisa René.

Mindszenthy, Bart J.

Davis, Deborah L.

Boyd, Brenda.

Turner, Katrina.

Barn, Ravinder.

Friedman, Donna Haig.

Hamilton, Laura T.

Burnett, Garry.

Graves, Carson.

Heydt, Stephen.

Miller, Betsy.

Miller, Betsy.

Palmer, David.

Bidwell, Veronica.

Montgomery, Leslie.

Wheeler, Helen.


Viswanath, Rupa.

Nixon, Matt.

Blau, Judith.

McAuliffe, Mary.

Argyle, Ray.

Goldsborough, James Oliver.

Hilderbrand, Lucas.

Ritchie, Maggie.
    Paris Kiss.
    Glasgow : Saraband, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Masson, Aurélien.
    Paris Noir.
    Brooklyn : Akashic Books, 2008.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Appignanesi, Lisa.
    Paris Requiem.
    London : Arcadia Books Limited, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Friedman, Rosemary.
    Paris Summer.
    London : Arcadia Books Limited, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Haydn, Joseph.

Kelly, Deirdre.

Kostin, Sergei.

Perl, Jed.

Rolls, Alistair.

Downie, David.

Braddock, Jeremy.

Giralt Torrente, Marcos.
    Madrid : Hispabooks, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

McCarthy, Brian J.

Taylor, Alice.
    Dublin : The O'Brien Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Jones, Rhianna.

Christian, William.

Grosset, Donald.

Cabestany, Joan.

Maatsch, Aleksandra.

Butterworth, Jez.

Cameron, Matt.

Forshaw, Joseph M.

Hayes, Adrian.

Hayes, Adrian.

McMenamin, Michael.

Bapat, Sheila.

Hayfield, Erika Anne.

Quarton, Marjorie.

Sobolev, S. L.

Asmar, Nakhle H.

Zhou, Zhi-Hua.

Westwood, J.

Gilman, Hollie Russon.

Yang, Kyung-Hwa.

Martin, Brian R.

Meeks, Lisa M.

Butler, Judith.

Friedman, Michael.

Mayhew, David R.

Kenney, P.

James Lee, Jongsoo.

Moreno, Susan.

Bank, Asian Development.

Bindloss, Harold.

Glasby, Jon.

Fletcher, Keith.

Crowther, Rachel.

Cheung, Candice Chi-Hang.

Rose, Alice.

Bevern, Simona.

Tenev, Georgi.

Altman, Micah.

Balchin, Judy.
    Party Masks.
    Tunbridge Wells : Search Press, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Belloc, Hilaire.
    Party System.
    Norfolk : IHS Press, 2008.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Leroux, Catherine.
    Party Wall.
    Windsor : Biblioasis, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Ponnuru, Ramesh.

Dillman, Erika.

Heinberg, Richard.

Ellis, Deborah.

Ward, Keith.

Dupouy, Alexandre.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Mather, James.

Mozetič, Brane.
    Brussels : Primento Digital Publishing, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gurner, Ronald.

Burns, Jim.

Whitaker, Sean.

Marx, Dave.

Marx, Jennifer.

Marx, Jennifer.

Marx, Jennifer.

Easwaran, Eknath.

Easwaran, Eknath.

Stulberg, Scott.
    Passage to Burma.
    New York, NY : Skyhorse Publishing, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Carris Alonso, Cynthia.

Wechsler, Chuck.

Gorski, Terence T.

McNab, Chris.

Prior, Robin.

Larsen, Ward.

Leong, Annabeth.

Guay, David R.P.

Baring, Maurice.
    Passing By.
    Wellington : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

LeClaire, Tom.
    Passing Off.
    Newburyport : The Permanent Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Loveitt, Andrew.

Neff, Marc A.



Travis-Henikoff, Carole A.

Ruhl, Sarah.

Volke, Valerie.

Cannon, Katy.

Boyer, J. Patrick.

Yogg, Michael R.

Dyson, Marianne J.

Smiddy, Paul.

Bass, Rick.

Ross, Peter.

Neufeld, James.

Fortin, Cherif.

Munck, Gerardo L.

Owen, David.

Lawson, Wendy.

Duffy, Maureen.

Chesner, Anna.

Gailus, Andreas.

Leason, Barney.
    New York : Open Road Distribution, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Roberto, Gonzalo.

Hutchison, David.

Kantor, Martin.

Seu, Irene Bruna.

Polak, Monique.
    Passover Family.
    Victoria : Orca Book Publishers, 2018.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Dietrich-Berryman, Eric.

Castle, John.

Knapp, Adrian.

Millar, Sam.
    Past Darkness.
    Dublin : The O'Brien Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Woiwode, Laurel.

Kirkby, Diane.

Wang, Jingyi.

Bryant, Rebecca.

Willimon, William H.

Park, Samuel.

Alexis, Andrà ©.
    Toronto : Coach House Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Dodd, Jimmy.

Stanton, Pat.

Williams, Pat.

McEwan, Colin.

Biggar, John.
    Brussels : Primento Digital Publishing, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Parini, Jay.
    Patch Boys.
    : Dzanc Books, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Seed, Ian.

Washizawa, Reiko.

Bessen, James.

Knight, H. Jackson.

Masujima, Michio.

Bias, Lauren Maillian.

Weiss, Ruth.

Leavey, Peggy Dymond.


Furman, Jason.

Bolden, Tonya.

Friel, Arthur O.
    Pathless Trail.
    Wellington : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Sherwin, Jane Alison.

Olding, Susan.

Lamb, S. D.

Newell, Barry AT.

W. Hill, David.

Levine, D.

Buch, Robert.

Peacocke, Arthur.

Thege, Britta.

Taylor, John.

Taylor, John.

Hayes, Anita.

Califano, Salvatore.

DeMarco, Patricia M.

Kurtzer, Daniel C.

Wong, Mary.

Buckland, Heloise.

Miller, Isabel.
    Patience & Sarah.
    Vancouver : Arsenal Pulp Press, 2005.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Easwaran, Eknath.

Charnock, Elizabeth.
    Patient Consent.
    London : Taylor and Francis, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Boyle, Brian.

Chan, Judy L.

Zacher, Hannes.

Woodman, Josef.

Woodman, Josef.

Woodman, Josef.

Woodman, Josef.

Woodman, Josef.

Woodman, Josef.

Woodman, Josef.

Woodman, Josef.

Woodman, Josef.

Woodman, Josef.

Woodman, Josef.

Woodman, Josef.

Israelowich, Ido.

Friedman, Rosemary.

Buka, Paul.

Odzer, Cleo.

Feintuch, David.
    Patriarch's Hope.
    Newburyport : Open Road Media Sci-Fi & Fantasy, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Johnston, Susanna.

Fackler, Elizabeth.
    New York : Open Road Distribution, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Flower, John.
    Patrick Modiano.
    Amsterdam : Editions Rodopi, 2007.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

O'Donnell, Ruán.

Augusteijn, J.

Roy, Michel.

Stewart, Patrick.

Connell, Evan S.

Culley, Ron.
    Patriot Game.
    Claygate : Grosvenor House Publishing, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hoffman, Lisa M.

Rawles, James Wesley.

Dennis, Jeff W.

Wilson, Edwin.
    Patron Murders.
    La Vergne : Easton Studio Press, LLC, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Slaon, Kay.

Edgeworth, Maria.
    London : Sort Of Books, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Grimble, Arthur.

Picarello, Julie.

Nichols, Susan K.

Beeson, Steven.

Giles, Kevin.

Anderson, Jeff.

Franglen, Nora.

Forty, George.

Brenton, Howard.

Hooker, Morna D.

Barclay, John M. G.

Bateman, Teresa.

Bekker, Hugo.

Lyon, James K.

Brodskaya, Nathalia.
    Paul Cézanne.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kear, Jon.
    Paul Cézanne.
    London : Reaktion Books, Limited, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Charles, Victoria.
    Paul Gauguin.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Chapman, S.

Klee, Paul.

Levy, Shawn.

Simpson, Neil.

Scott, Amy.

Signac, Paul.
    Paul Signac.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Sinha, Paul.

Pattison, George.

Moyise, Steve.

Hiestermann, Heinz.

Wright, Tom.

Wright, Tom.

Barnett, Paul.
    Paul in Syria.
    Crownhill : Authentic Media, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Benson, Arthur Christopher.

Kruse, Colin G.

Welborn, L. L.

Li, Soeng Yu.

Delsol, Christine.

Bain, Keith.

Cochran, Jason.

Cochran, Jason.

Yenckel, James T.

Johnson, Pauline.

Taylor, Jess.

Carr, Emily.

Cavill, Guy.

Dladla, Philani.

Baumbach, Jonathan.

Gold, Jonathan.

Soltis, Andrew.

Wallant, Edward Lewis.

Gallagher, Brian.

McLean, Kim.

Reynders, Cindy Keen.

Reynders, Cindy Keen.

Gough, B.

Séverac, Benoît.

Newcomb, Kerry.
    Paxton's War.
    Newburyport : Open Road Media, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Ashcroft, Michael.

Atwood, Margaret.

Stone, Emmett.

Heneghan, James.
    : Groundwood Books, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Packman, Carl.

Rose, R.

Lockridge, Frances.
    Payoff for the Banker.
    New York, NY : Road, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Morgan, Pollyanna.

Moses, Greg.

Quandt, William B.

Safieh, Afif.

Koltai, Steven R.

Moore, Sandra.

Hall, Simon.

Raaflaub, Kurt A.

Johnston, D. D.

Nordlinger, Jay.

Prose, Francine.

Chandler, David.

Devere, Heather.

Parker, Christina.

Nhat Hanh, Thich.

Chernov Hwang, Julie.

Lukens-Bull, R.

Randall, Laura.

Boeck, Raynell.

Colbert, Judy.

Ford, Anne.

Schweikart, Lynn.

Kanter, Evelyn.

Chappell, Paul K.

Howe, Brendan.

Kulkarni, Parag.

Schmidt, Anna.

Saxon, Erin Dyer.

Rhodeen, Penn.

Dasgupta, Sunil.
    Peaceworks, Volume 86.
    Washington, DC : United States Institute of Peace Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Driscoll, Bill.

Heinberg, Richard.

Carroll, Charlie.

Fraser, Heather.

Fraser, Heather.

Jacobs, Jessica.

Kochalka, James.

Greene, Richard.

Montague, John.

Qi, Shouhua.

Clarke, Martin.

Lieberman, Rochel.

Melady, John.

Melady, John.

Silver, Larry.

Kociejowski, Marius.

Weigold, Marilyn E.

Baxter, Carol.

Piper, John.

McQuerry, Maureen Doyle.
    New York : Abrams, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Stacey, Susan.

Tavares, Hannah M.

Zane, Linda.

Cole, David R.

Koikari, Mire.

Petrany, Catherine.

Blue, Elly.

Ouellet, Lawrence J.

Best, Gary.

Houser, Christine M.

Olitsky, Scott.

Warady, Bradley A.

McCabe, Paul C.

McCabe, Paul C.

Houser, Christine M.

Houser, Christine M.

Houser, Christine M.

Bale Jr, James F.

Reed, Anne Marie.

Apps, Jennifer Niskala.

Neil, Linda.

Morris, Mervyn.

Niedzviecki, Hal.

Setton, Eric.

Kangovi, Sachidananda.

Patterson, Victoria.

Hayes, Adrian.

Donlay, Philip.

McMurchy-Barber, Gina.

Freedman, Jean R.

Choyce, Lesley.
    Peggy's Cove.
    East Lawrencetown : Pottersfield Press, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Emerson, Nathaniel B.

Crosbie, Michael C.

Dumont, Marilyn.
    Pemmican Eaters.
    San Francisco : ECW Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Ahmed, S. Ejaz.

Tuan, Wong Yee.

Feltoe, Richard.

Walsh, Enda.

Basting, Anne.

Wilton, Penelope.

Faircloth, Jeremy.

Faircloth, Jeremy.

Messier, Ric.

Kells, Stuart.

Daoud, Hassan.
    Penguin's Song.
    Monroe, OR : City Lights Publishers, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kooyman, Gerald L.

Brasher, Glenn David.

Rusmore, Jean.

Kidder, Daniel Parish.

Galloway, Andrew.

Barney, Stephen A.

Louden, Mark L.

Bronner, Simon J.

Churella, Albert J.

Borland, Hal.

Stoker, Bram.

Towler, Katherine.

Donohue, Moira Rose.

Joseph, Alicia.

Frye, Susan.

Couto, Mia.

Pascal, Blaise.
    New York : Philosophical Library/Open Road, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Corti, Francesco.

Sweeney, Marvin A.
    Nashville : Abingdon Press, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Studebaker, Steven M.

Attanasi, K.

Isson, Jean-Paul.

Furnham, A.

Huus, Tine.

Bilmes, Linda J.

Harsanyi, David.

Luyendijk, Joris.

Kaplan, Lauren.

Furnham, A.

Malla, Pasha.
    People Park.
    Washington : Soft Skull Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Singh, Suneeta.

Allen, Joe.

Leslie, Alex.

Betts, P.Y.

Bradfield, Scott.

Summerfield, Thea,.

Ashton, Paul.

Aiken, Joan.

Gestern, Hélène.

Himmelfarb, Gertrude.

Sabjan, Muhammad Azizan.

Foss, Michael.

Tiro, Karim M.

Thomas, Andrew Peyton.

Clements, John.

Stokes, Graham.

Sheehan, Daniel.

Lampert, Nicolas.

Chiweshe, Kudzai.

Pimpare, Stephen.

Lacoursière, Jacques.

Zirin, David.

Favreau, Marc.

Raphael, Ray.

Williams, David.

Subacchi, Paola.

Kelly, William J.

Keneally, Thomas.
    People's Train.
    Newburyport : Open Road Distribution, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Jeffery, Anthea.

Despommier, Dickson D.

Lipton, Richard J.

Dahir, Hazim.

Wright, Lance.

Kirkpatrick, Jamie.

Buel, Richard, Jr.

Yasuda, Kenneth.

Peekash Press,.

Zameenzad, Adam.
    Pepsi and Maria.
    London : Arcadia Books Limited, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Knapp, Ronald G.

Wheelis, Brad.

Linton, Paul.

Fisher-McLean, Kandace L.

Albert, Marie-Theres.

Hackett, Paul M.W.

Collignon, Rick.
    Lakewood, CO : Unbridled Books, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Dunphy, Madeleine.

Gostin, Jennifer.

Bartlett, Tim.

Friend, Natasha.
    Perfect : A Novel.
    Minneapolis : Milkweed Editions, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gadsby, Claire.

Guru Rinpoche, Padmasambhava.
    Perfect Clarity.
    Hong Kong : Rangjung Yeshe Publications, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kumar, Manjit.

Yi, A.
    Perfect Crime.
    London : Oneworld Publications, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lochhead, Liz.

Ringen, Stein.

Rossa, Jackie.

Al-Suyuti, Imam Jalal-Al-Din.

Graham-Leviss, Katherine.

Wintle, Justin.

Wintle, Justin.

Anderson, Mark.

White, Robb T.
    Perfect Killer.
    La Vergne : Robert Hale, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Beere, Jackie.

Pitt-Kethley, Fiona.
    Perfect Man.
    : Arcadia Books Limited, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Loynd, Ian.

Beere, Jackie.

Beere, Jackie.

Spangler, Rachel.
    Perfect Pairing.
    Ann Arbor : Bywater Books, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Burnett, Mark.

Gessen, Masha.

Packer, Natalie.
    Perfect SENCO.
    Williston : Crown House Publishing, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Schulz, Ansgar.
    Perfect Scale.
    München : DETAIL, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Beasley, John.

Herbert, Katherine.

Hammer, Øyvind.

Heinzen, Nancy M.

Kaluta, John.

Shain, Milton.

Broughton, Terri.

Allison, Shaun.

Beere, Jackie.
    Perfect Teacher.
    London : Crown House Publishing, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Colford, Ian.
    Perfect World.
    Calgary : Freehand Books, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Larsen, Don.

Sutherland, Sam.

Hurlbut, J. Benjamin.

Hart, Will van der.

Shepard, Sara.
    London : Hot Key Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Creadick, Anna G.

O'Byrne, Robert.

Gale, Patrick.

Kimle, Patricia.

Ransom, S. C.

Thompson, J.

Schliecker, Simon.

Hutchison, David.

Dougherty, Kevin J.

Springer, Matthew G.

Van Dooren, Wouter.

Moustafa Leonard, Karen.

Jones, Pam.

Baker, Tim.

Garvey, Debbie.

Currell, Kevin.

Gilbert, H.

Hill, L.

Broadhurst, S.

Solga, Kim.

Hopkins, D.

Osnes, Beth.

Rivera-Servera, R.

Caan, Scott.


Axer, Philip.

Yang, Nan.

Guterman, G.

Dromgoole, Nicholas.

Thalheimer, Will.

Behn, Robert D.

Sarat, Austin.

Doring, Tobias.

Bathurst, Jessica.

Lee, Josephine D.

Davis, T.

Yang, Chi-ming.

Segall, Kimberly Wedeven.

Torab, Azam.

Grace, Sherrill.

Pfister, Manfred.

Dowling, Amy.

Clifton-Smith, Gregory.

Hannerz, Erik.
    Performing Punk.
    New York : Palgrave Macmillan US, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Oddey, Alison.

Lee, H.

Gibbs, Jenna M.

Leroux, Gaston.

Pandey, Rajyashree.

Chirisa, Innocent.

Hall, Billy.

Bayle, B.J.

Dickens, Charles.

Wang, Gengsheng.

Wensing, Thomas.

Stokes, Emma.

Rowlands, Sarah.

Davis, Kathleen.

Jackson, Molly Blackley.

Tobin, Robert Deam.

Shimada, Yuki.

Sim, Seong-Chul.

Shin, Seong-Chul.

Egnoski, Tina.
    : Dzanc Books, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Shitov, Andrew.
    Perl 6 Deep Dive.
    Birmingham : Packt Publishing, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lenz, Moritz.

Stahl, Jerry.

Cowell, Alan S.

Dorsey, C. Michele.

Sandefur, Timothy.

Chrostowska, S D.
    Normal, IL : Columbia University Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Maddox, Marjorie.
    Perpendicular As I.
    New York : Open Road Distribution, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bashford, Helen.

Lukonin, Vladimir.
    Persian Art.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Potter, L.

Loukonin, Vladimir.
    Persian Miniatures.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Anthony, Evelyn.
    Persian Price.
    New York : Open Road Media Mystery & Thriller, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Katouzian, Homa.

Evans, Mary.

Borins, Sandford F.

Sheppard, Randal.

Kranz, Tobias.

Ďuranová, Lenka.

Mansell, Jim.

McGowan, Andrew T. B.

Torrey, R. A.

Crespo, Mariano.

Stemmler, Mark.

Lipinska, Danuta.

Brooker, Dawn.

Brooker, Dawn.

Sanderson, Helen.

Bown, Helen.

Inose, Naoki.

Álvarez del Blanco, Roberto.

Waschke, Marvin.

Stebbins, Robert A.

Lamberson, Gregory.

Donaghy, Tim.

Burgener, Sandy.

Mathews, Debra J. H.

Zumitzavan, Vissanu.

Rasmussen, T.

Parks, Malcolm R.

Buijs, C. W.

Akan, Ozgur.

Akan, Ozgur.

Media, The Staff of Entrepreneur.

Nobel, Steve Ahnael.

Chignell, Mark.

Ros i Solé, Cristina.

Sendjaya, Sen.

Ernst, Dorothea.

Bailey, Gillian.

Franklin, Suzie.

Colley, Andrew.

Prain, Vaughan.

Wilmot, Elaine.

Hinshelwood, Robert.

Hogan, Robert.

Hodgson, David.

Cullis, Pieter.

Pothier, Kristin.

Gullickson, Arlen R.

Naff, Katherine C.

Šubrt, Jiří.

Banda, Chidoba.

Mateus-Berr, Ruth.

McLaughlin, Colleen.

Berensmeyer, Ingo.

Watson, Tom.

Breidlid, Anders.

Bücker, Jörg.

Garvey, James.

May, Gary L.

Ridout, Travis N.

Hutchison, David.

Kumar, Kailash.

Lish, Gordon.
    Normal, IL : Columbia University Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Resmini, Andrea.

Yang, Jie.

Sha, Richard C.

Hannah, Sophie.

Medeiros, PauloDe.

Aggarwal, B.S.

Tröhler, D.

Bozzini, Emanuela.

Franzmann, Vivienne.

Pirie, Pearl.

Brown, Judy.

Doyle, Malachy.

Vernon, John.
    Peter Doyle.
    : Dzanc Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Fleming, R.B.

Lawford Stewart, Patricia.

Auxier, Jonathan.

Barrie, J. M.
    Peter Pan.
    San Diego : Thunder Bay Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Schaler, Jeffrey A.

Moxon, John R.L.

Jeffrey, Robert.

Crosbie, James.

Havilio, Iosi.
    Petite Fleur.
    La Vergne : And Other Stories Publishing, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Mortimer, Anthony.

Clark, William R.

Close, Ajay.

Keene, Ray.

Hoey, Brian.

Ólafsson, Bragi.
    Rochester : Open Letter, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Butchart, Pamela.

Sloman, Adam.

Brand, Max.

Saccomano, Jim.

Childress, Herb.

, Efthalia.
    Minneapolis : Mill City Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Husserl, Edmund.

Braddon, Mary Elizabeth.

Sleator, William.
    Phantom Limb.
    New York : Abrams, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Schaffert, Timothy.

Algie, Jim.

Lee, Vernon.
    Phantom Lover.
    Wellington : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Turner, Brian.
    Phantom Noise.
    Farmington : Alice James Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Westcott, Rosella.

Jeffers, Regina.

Parot, Jean-François.

Lo, Chi.

Cady, Jack.

Fuchs, A.

Steiger, Brad.

MacLeod, Fiona.

Sattin, Anthony.

Boesak, Allan Aubrey.

Al-Essa, Reem K.

Jones, David S.

Fusselman, Amy.

Ventura, Hector O.

Avanzas, Pablo.

Jones, Bernard R.

Evangelista, Arturo.

Kelly, William N.

Bukhari, Nadia.

Boothby, Guy Newell.

Boothby, Guy.

Carson, Gary.
    Phase Four.
    : Blasted Heath Ltd, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Jalata, Asafa.

Wells, Marnix.

Racine, Jean.
    Mineola : Dover Publications, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Platchias, Dimitris.

Sheets-Johnstone, Maxine.

Gallagher, Shaun.
    London : Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Méndez, Juan E.

Summaries, Bright.

Reinberger, Mark E.

Zimniuch, Fran.

Awkward, Michael.

Rodriquez-Peralta, Phyllis W.

Masters, Patricia Anne.

Romano, Carlin.

Baumann, Michael.

Zimniuch, Fran.

Bissinger, Buzz.
    Philadelphia Reader.
    Philadelphia : Temple University Press, 2006.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Litchman, Lori.

Clayton, Skip.

Husock, Howard.

Zunz, Olivier.

Kavanagh, D.

Wittkower, D. E.

Kaiser, Marie I.

Kroll, Woodrow.

Hughes, R. Kent.

Hughes, R. Kent.

Yuson, Alfred A.

Reyes, Elizabeth V.
    New York, NY : Tuttle Publishing, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Borland, Kathryn Kilby.

Loscocco, P.

Tanier, Mike.

Swanson, Ryan.

Smith, Justin E. H.

Marder, Michael.

Farrell, Joseph P.

Boisvert, Raymond D.

Kul-Want, Christopher.

Tipton, Jason A.

Moreland, J. P.

Kendler, Kenneth S.

Beyer, Christian.

Papastephanou, Marianna.

Athanassoulis, N.

Sloterdijk, Peter.

Rescher, Nicholas.

Watras, Joseph.

Perler, Dominik.

Cave, Peter.

Lipman, Matthew.

Hale, Benjamin.

Shanahan, T.

Decker, Kevin S.

Kohan, W.

Vermaas, Pieter E.

Bailey, J.

Charlesworth, Max.

Joll, N.

Rorty, Richard.

O'Brien, Lilian.

Ferguson, Stephen C.

Mills, Catherine.

Locke, Alain LeRoy.

Dooley, Mark.

Smart, Benjamin.

Ross, D.

Vernon, M.

Tambassi, Timothy.

Watts, Michael.

Kainz, Howard P.

Hopkins, Burt C.

Feser, Edward.


Rickles, Dean.

Taliaferro, Charles.

Wierenga, Edward R.

Meister, Chad.

Chesky, Nataly Z.

Hatzimoysi, Anthony.

Gorham, Geoffrey.

van Eck, Dingmar.

Berry, D.

Gertz, N.

Raffnsøe, Sverre.

Crespo, Ricardo F.

Fraser, Chris.

Polizzi, David.

Tubbs, Nigel.

Baggini, J.
    London : Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

James, Lance.
    Phishing Exposed.
    Kidlington : Elsevier Science, 2005.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Timlin, Julie K.

Lee, Kathy.
    Phoebe's Fortune.
    Milton Keynes : Scripture Union England and Wales, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Pearce, Bryony.
    Phoenix Burning.
    London : Stripes Publishing, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Banffy, Miklos.
    Phoenix Land.
    London : Arcadia Books Limited, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Millikin, Patrick.
    Phoenix Noir.
    Brooklyn : Akashic Books, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Pearce, Bryony.
    Phoenix Rising.
    La Vergne : Sky Pony Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Nance, John J.
    Phoenix Rising.
    New York : Open Road Media Mystery & Thriller, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Scott, Victoria Groves.

Pennington, Martha C., Professor.

Zander, M.
    Saint Louis : Elsevier Science, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Caraffa, Costanza.

Meredith, Kevin.

Cox, Susan Linnet.

Im, Seongil.

Middel, Stephen.

Ferguson, James.

Wayne, Tiffany.

Bilous, Peter.

Smith, Jeff.

Piscopo, Maria.

Weisgrau, Richard.

Ziervogel, Meike.
    Cambridge : Salt Publishing Limited, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Grewal, Bikram.

Strange, Morten.

Strange, Morten.

Bleiler, Everett F.

Grewal, Bikram.

Strange, Morten.

Tuck, Kirk.

Siskin, John.

West, Bella.

Blair, Lara.

Keily, Leigh.

goodall, lian.

Turkel, Stan.

Wilson, Arnold.

Cooney, Mimika.

George, Jennifer.

Klein, Laurie.

Steacy, Will.

Spike, Paul.

magazine, Entrepreneur.

Krages, Bert.

Roberts, John.

Dayley, Lisa DaNae.

Obermeier, Barbara.

Vandome, Nick.

Gravett, John.

Campbell, A. Malcolm.
    New York : Momentum Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Correa, DeliadaSousa.

Anderson, Wendy J.

Collis, Stephen.

Achigan-Dako, Enoch G.

Czerkawska, Catherine.
    Physic Garden.
    Glasgow : Saraband, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Mason, Warren P.

Mason, Warren P.

Solutions, Roundtable on Obesity.

Dingman, S. Lawrence.
    Physical Hydrology.
    Dehli : Scientific International, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Ascher, W.

Smith, Tom.

Wang, Hui-Ming.

Madej, Krystina.

McNaughton-Cassill, Mary E.

McNaughton-Cassill, Mary E.

Francescotti, Robert.

Fiorello, Michael D.

Brower, Kirk J.

Abrahm, Janet L.

Urman, Richard D.

Burnay, Luis.

Mills, Tim.

Dobre, Adrian.

Sheldrake, Rupert.

Fontanella, John J.

Mindlin, Gabriel B.
    Physics of Birdsong.
    Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2005.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Vekstein, Grigory.

Jackson, John David.

Selbie, Joseph.

Gunther, Leon.

Rangacharyulu, Chary.

Fomin, Vladimir M.

Hayes, Wallace.

Gospodinov, Georgi.

Bösch, Maria.

Gems, Pam.
    London : Oberon Books Ltd, 2008.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Elliot, Franki.
    Piano Rats.
    : Curbside Splendor Publishing, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Williams, Anthony.

Murray, Bruce.

Lamothe, Lee.

Nichols, Grace.

Charles, Victoria.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Calosse, Jp. A.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hussey, Roger.

King, Robert.

Maveety, Nancy.
    Picking Judges.
    Somerset : Taylor and Francis, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Iwi, Kate.

Muth, Natalie Digate.

Cobb, Amelia.
    Picky Puffin.
    La Vergne : Nosy Crow, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Durrell, Gerald.

Lindsay, Joan.

Kwasny, Melissa.

Lane, Wheaton Joshua.

Diesen, Deborah.

Neumann-Hinds, Carla.

Summaries, Bright.

Reagan, Caroline Grace.

Jackson, Bruce.

Hemmingson, Michael.

Mechcatie, Oliver.

Strauss, Michel.

Phu, Thy.

Cerio, Steven.
    Gainesville : Alternative Comics, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Campbell, Raymond.

Rudnicki, Ryszard.

Annovi, Gian Maria.

Tremblay, Larry.
    Vancouver : Talonbooks, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Witham, Larry.

Turberfield, Peter James.

Louise, Kate.

Michel, Emile.
    Pieter Bruegel.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Pinti, Pietro.

Elrod, Eileen R.

Oulton, Harry.

Myers, Benjamin.
    Pig Iron.
    Hebden Bridge : Bluemoose Books Ltd, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Martinez, Claudia Guadalupe.
    Pig Park.
    : Cinco Puntos Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lockwood, Alex.

Kelman, Stephen.
    Pigeon English.
    : House of Anansi Press, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kociejowski, Marius.

Beynon, Neville.

Churchill, Caryl.

Butler, Ellis Parker.
    Pigs is Pigs.
    Wellington : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Caunitz, William J.
    New York : Road, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Asfeldt, Morten.

Erickson, Todd.

Gragg, Rod.

Wells, Emma J.

Pritchett, Shelley.

Brown, Matthew P.

Bunyan, John.

Bunyan, John.

Davidson, Diana.
    Victoria : Brindle & Glass Publishing, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Cook, Elinor.

Peacock, James L.

Foster, John Wilson.

Owl, Grey.

O'Regan, Gerard.

Fairbrother, Tamra S.

Fraser-Sampson, G.

Washburn, Dennis.

Battershill, Andrew.
    Toronto : Coach House Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Millet, Lydia.

Elliott, Will.

Elliott, Will.

Nabhan, David.

Gifford, Justin.

Bindel, Julie.

Ruben, Adam.

Lockridge, Frances.
    Pinch of Poison.
    New York, NY : Road, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Honess-Martin, Jacqui.

Moore, Kathleen Dean.

Thorne, Troy.

Greenwald, Lisa.

Holcroft, Sam.

Reisch, George A.

Abi, Silver.
    Pinocchio Brief.
    La Vergne : Eye Books, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Coover, Robert.

Roht-Arriaza, Naomi.

Kornbluh, Peter.

Vergara, Benito Manalo.

Clougherty, Henry.

Leland, Karen.

Cence, Robert J.

Malton, H. Mel.

Lamm, Richard D.

Salahi, Adil.

Fisher, J.L.

Weiss, Dov.

Bouley, Bradford A.

Dunhill, Alfred.
    Pipe Book.
    New York : Skyhorse Publishing, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Peters, Ellis.

Pipes, Sally C.

McKnight, Terry.

Carretero, Monica.
    Pirate Handbook.
    Madrid : Cuento de Luz, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Vinet, Lynette.

Thomas, Graham A.

Gamble, Miriam.
    Pirate Music.
    Tyne and Wear : Bloodaxe Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Chambers, Anne.

Eichstaedt, Peter.

Svoboda, Terese.

Sterling, Bruce.
    Pirate Utopia.
    La Vergne : Tachyon Publications, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Cheshire, Simon.
    Pirate's Blood.
    Dorking : Piccadilly Press, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Cezair-Thompson, Margaret.

Bass, Guy.
    Pirate's Eye.
    London : Stripes Publishing, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gnarr, Jón.
    New York, NY : Deep Vellum Publishing, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Finoli, David.

Chomsky, Noam.

McCarthy, Tom.

Sprecher, Lorrie.
    Pissing in a River.
    New York : The Feminist Press at CUNY, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bedford, Paul.
    London : Robert Hale, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Landowne, Youme.
    Pitch Black.
    Louisville : Cinco Puntos Press, 2008.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Moonan, Catherine.

Washburn, The Brothers.
    Pitch Green.
    San Antonio : Jolly Fish Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bottoms, Greg.

Crookston, Peter.
    Pitmen's Requiem.
    Pembroke Dock : McNidder and Grace Limited, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Skirboll, Aaron.

George, Kathleen.
    Pittsburgh Noir.
    Brooklyn : Akashic Books, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Finoli, David.

Grdnic, Dale.

Cosmina, Iuliana.

Krnac, Lubos.

Cosmina, Iuliana.

Stein, Judith.

Mallon, Melissa N.

O'Mara, Margaret.

Clancy, Ann L.

Hauka, Donald J.

Murphy, Dervla.

Lennon, Maureen.
    Place Apart.
    Toronto : Dundurn, 2005.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lennon, Maureen.
    Place Apart.
    Toronto : Dundurn, 2005.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Thurston, Harry.

Govers, R.

Brown, Stephanie.

Brown, Stephanie.

Benitez, Sandra.

Castellani, Brian.

Grossnickle, Mary.
    Place in My Heart.
    London : Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

O'Sullivan, Noel.

Berry, Wendell.
    Place on Earth.
    Berkeley : Counterpoint, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Crosse, Tania.

Wicks, Susan.
    Place to Stop.
    Cambridge : Salt Publishing Limited, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Faber, Stine Thidemann.

Trower, S.

Anholt, Simon.

Savageau, David.

Jose, Jane.

Peterson, William.

Cocola, Jim.

Digan, K.

Massie, Ian Scott.

Ellard, Colin.

Davidson, Ian.
    Placing Poetry.
    Amsterdam : Editions Rodopi, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Sanborn, Geoffrey.

Mazzeo, Tilar J.

Heckenlively, Kent.

Norton, Andre.
    Plague Ship.
    Newburyport : Open Road Media Sci-Fi & Fantasy, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lindsay, Douglas.

Drucker, Ernest.

Risse, Guenter B.

Kositsky, Lynne.

Nolt, Steven M.

Wetherington, Mark V.

Hood, Kim.

Jensen, Robert.

Smith, Caroline.

Murphy, Pat.

Fevurly, Keith.

Wheatley-Liss, Deirdre R.

Lack, Jonathan H.

Berry, Tim.

LaFosse, Michael G.

Reilly, Kathleen M.

Reeves, François.

Strube, Cordelia.
    Planet Reese.
    Toronto : Dundurn, 2007.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Desmond, Kevin.

M'Gonigle, Michael.

Leinster, Murray.
    Planet of Dread.
    Auckland : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Huss, John.

Friedman, Susan Stanford.

Moore, Shannon A.

Chejfec, Sergio.
    Rochester : Open Letter, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Suthers, Iain M.

Famous, Vienna.
    : Galley Beggar Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Walker, Doug.

Laverty, Helen.

Bosch, Karen A.

Dale, C Gregory.

Sloane, David.

Goodman, Robin.

Clark, Rebecca A.

Klubeck, Martin.

Kennett, Brian.

Clippinger, Dorinda.

Balandin, Susan.

Gronlund, Gaye.

Doukas, David John.

Zaferatos, Nicholas Christos.

Harper-Hill, Keely.

, itSMF UK.

Singh, R.S.
    Plant Diseases.
    Dehli : Scientific International, 2018.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Spencer, Roger.

Steward, F. C.

Campbell, A. Malcolm.
    Plant Physiology.
    New York : Momentum Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Mosa, Kareem A.

Muelrath, Lani.

Marder, Michael.

Burnard, Trevor.

Byron, Ellen.

Campey, Lucille H.

Elorriaga, Unai.

Laist, Randy.

Fitzpatrick, Richard.

Putnam, Frank W.

Seidel, Andreas.

Solomon, David.

Simmons, Wayne.
    Plastic Jesus.
    Cambridge : Salt Publishing Limited, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Turnock, Julie A.

Struwe, Michael.

Saracco, Susanna.

Rabieh, Linda R.

Riley, Michael W.

Vernon, Mark.

Blitz, Mark.

Panza, M.

Dusenbury, David Lloyd.

Grant, Tom.

Palliser, Richard.
    Play 1 d4.
    London : Pavilion Books Company Limited, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Murphy, Lisa.

James, Clive.

Sandberg, Elaine.

Cardullo, R. J.

Beddington, John.

Byfield, Brian.

Byfield, Brian.

Dickinson, Peter.

Kotov, A.A.

Wright, Snowden.

Gardner, Ken.

Chown, Alison.

Cattanach, Ann.

Levine, Ellen G.

Brown, Ted.

    Play dead.
    Farmington : Alice James Books, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hubbuck, Catherine.

Chandler, Raymond.

Farmer, Patty.

McLaren, Angus.

Coupland, Douglas.

Jeffery, Paul.

Bryce, H.

Nyman, John.
    Windsor : Palimpsest Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gammage, Dianne.

Pellis, Sergio.

Munson-Bensen, Carolyn.

Ross, Betsy.

Cremona, Vicki Ann.

Harris, Helen.

Beattie, Melody.

Wetzel, JoAnne Stewart.
    Playing Juliet.
    New York, NY : Sky Pony Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Betancourt, Marian.

Scheer, Robert.

Ralston, William.

Diederich, Phillippe.

Donaldson, Aidan.

Wicomb, Zoe.

Agbaje, Bola.

Lincoln, Chris.

Wright, John.

O'Malley, Mary.

Rowe, Nick.

Cooke, Charles.

Housefield, James.

Macbeth, Fiona.

Gmelch, George.

Bay, Lexie.

Moor, Julia.

Keneally, Thomas.

Bernays, Tristan.

Keith-Roach, Florence.

Farajin, Imad.

Harris Smith, Susan.

Fitzpatrick, Kelly.
    Pleasant Lake P.D..
    Barrington : Medallion Media Group, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Fitzpatrick, Kelly.
    Pleasant Lake P.D..
    Wauconda : Medallion Media Group, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Wimsatt, William Upski.

Duncan, Brad.

Riley, Jason L.

Riley, Jason L.

Blanco, Jodee.

Blanco, Jodee.


De Vries, Raymond.

Murphy, Richard.

Katz, Shanna.

Evans, David.

Paszylk, Bartlomiej.

Culhane, Dara.

Mosteller, Frederick.

Totten, Samuel.

Rebonato, Riccardo.

Cook, W.

Gracia Armendáriz, Juan.
    Plimsoll Line.
    Madrid : Hispabooks, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

George, Nelson.

Nance, Malcolm.

Archer, Jules.

Archer, Jules.

Clark, Stephen R. L.

Massey, Josh.

Belknap, Robert L.
    New York, NY : Columbia University Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Wolff-Plottegg, Manfred.

Ruddiman, William F.

Sandalow, David B.

Barr, Krissi.

Hina, Sarah.

Reed, Naomi.

Kharms, Daniil.

Wagenfuhr, G. P.

Berner, Ashley Rogers.

Eun, Yong-Soo.

Way, Lucan.

Bell, Gary F.

Brevini, Tiziana A.L.

Noxon, Christopher.
    Plus One.
    Pasadena : Prospect Park Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

McElroy, Joseph.
    : Dzanc Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gould, Jeremy.

Pire, Neal.

Thurgood, Glen.

Podolsky, Scott H.

Ó Sé, Seán.
    Poc Ar Buile.
    Cork : The Collins Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Berck, Cyndi Spindell.

Dasgupta, Amitava.

Oriot, Denis.

Stephen, Nolan.

Dvorchak, George E.

Penn, Audrey.

Mansfield, Mark W.

Wallis, Pete.

Holmberg, Pelle.

Brown, Mark Graham.

Naigang, Zhaiwei Liu.

Guoyan, Guo Changqing.

Vandenburgh, Jane.

Goebel, Zane.

Battle, Carl.

Chapman, Pete.

Koscinski, Cara.

Fears, J. Wayne.

Nicholson, Timothy.

Burke, Anna.

Macdougall, Iain C.

Hill, Brian.

Tice, Carol.

Germer, Brian.

Lamer, Marc.

Smith, Seana.

Barnes, Leesa.

Anthony, Evelyn.

Kalytiak Davis, Olena.

Scroggins, Mark.

Stevenson, Anne.
    Poems 1955-2005.
    Tyne and Wear : Bloodaxe Books, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Adcock, Fleur.
    Poems 1960-2000.
    Tyne and Wear : Bloodaxe Books, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

O'Loughlin, Michael J.
    Poems 1980-2017.
    Dublin : New Island Books, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Holub, Miroslav.

Clare, John.

Quindlen, Anna.

Arkema, Carroll E.

Thorpe, James.

Blake, William.

Wong, Alex.

Emerson, Ralph Waldo.
    Wellington : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Alain-Fournier, Henri.
    Manchester : Carcanet, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Ismailov, Hamid.

Quinn, Antoinette.

Brewer, Robert Lee.

Blair, John G.

Dodds, Jeramy.
    Poetic Edda.
    Toronto : Coach House Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Galvin, Kathleen T.

Golston, Michael.

Brinkman, Bartholomew.

Campbell, Marion May.

Wilson, Edward O.

Lief, Jason.

Prendergast, Thomas A.

Johnson, Thomas Herbert.

Jusdanis, Gregory.

Elmer, David F.

Vaquer, Mary-Elizabeth.

Fuchs, Barbara.

Axelrod, Mark.

Conant, Jeff.

Antoon, Sinan.

Killick, John.

Chavis, Geri Giebel.

Domestico, Anthony.

Dickinson, Emily.

Montgomery, W.

Irwin, John T.

Berry, Wendell.


Yaguchi, Yorifumi.

West, Tara.

George, Jamie.

George, Jamie.

Berlin, Richard M.

Domina, Lynn.

Caioli, Luca.

Brennan, Gerard.

Brown, Liza.
    Point Guardian.
    Chicago : Intrigue Publishing LLC, 2018.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Weaver, Rachel.

Gellhorn, Martha.

Katene, Selwyn.

McKee Stapleton, Anne.

Dewan, Hrishikesh.

Petley, Julian.

Zenji, Hakuin.

Parker, Elizabeth.

Black, Theo.

Carey, Benedict.

Barrell, Helen.

Crichton-Harris, Ann.

Benedict, Jeff.

Cheshire, Simon.
    Poisoned Arrow.
    Dorking : Piccadilly Press, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Watt, Gavin K.

Wells, Brandi.
    : Dzanc Books, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Teulé, Jean.
    Poisoning Angel.
    London : Gallic Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Macinnis, Peter.

Itô, Kiyosi.

Bronson, Eric.

Sharpe, Graham.

Whitelock, Alison.

Allen, Greg.

Michlic, Joanna Beata.

Kafarowski, Joanna.

Ridpath, Michael.

Grau, Sheila.

Grant, Shelagh D.

Dalton, Anthony.

Herbert, Kari.

Abruzzo, Margaret.

D. Clennon, Ornette.

Albrecht, James F.

Lo, Man Kam.

Schneider, Cathy Lisa.

Alpert, Geoffrey P.

Stanko, Elizabeth A.

Douglas, Todd.

Baker, D.

Caruso, Nadia.

McCoy, Andrew P.

Rousseaux, Xavier.

Thomas, Terry.

Congram, M.

Holmqvist, Caroline.

Cheloukhine, Serguei.

Scheideman, Charles.

Body-Gendrot, S.

John, P.

Bank, Asian Development.
    Policy Brief.
    Manila : Asian Development Bank Institute, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book


Block, Laura.

Ugarte, Sergio.

Tuohy, Carolyn.

Congdon, William J.

Richardson, Jr., Richard.

Anguelov, N.

Gritter, Matthew.

Forum on Aging, Disability, and Independence.

Carmon, Naomi.

Gurl, Theresa J.

Dijkstra, H.

Halfon, Eduardo.
    Polish Boxer.
    New York : Bellevue Literary Press, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Taylor, Lynne.

Goodwin, Steven.

Cahn, Steven M.

Hartley, Cecil B.

Martine, Arthur.

Voinov, Vitaly.

Coffey, Fiona Coleman.

Al-Werfalli, Mabroka.

Kreisler, Harry.

Goldstein, Robert Justin.

Wring, Dominic.

Mortimore, Roger.

Ware, A.

Preston, P. W.

Rugh, A.

Papagiannouli, Christina.

Kawanaka, Takeshi.

Turzi, Mariano.

Kirkland, Christopher.

Cai, K.

Kourtelis, Christos.

Keita, Maghan.

Kar, Sabyasachi.

Bazhal, Iurii.

Ott, Mack.

Wolfson, Dirk Jacob.

Mitchell, Catherine.

Evens, T.

Hossein-zadeh, I.

Roccu, R.

Chari, Anita.

Ferreira da Cunha, Paulo.

Zaretsky, Eli.

LaCombe, Michael A.

Carver, T.

Walker, B.

Drury, S.

Bokhari, K.

Linjakumpu, Aini.

Gaffney, J.

Mensah, Kobby.

Lilleker, Darren G.

Gillies, Jamie.

Kocks, Jan Niklas.

Mansbridge, Jane.

Oriji, J.

Main, Jackson Turner.

Lachapelle, Guy.

Bunge, Mario.

Pangle, T.

Pangle, Lorraine Smith.

Morrison, Jeffry H.

Fruchtman, Jr., Jack.

Shilaho, Westen K.

Pamp, Oliver.

Laqueur, Walter.

Mahoney, Daniel.

Vázquez-Arroyo, Antonio Y.

Schaefer, Isabel.

Hickson, K.

Robben, Antonius C. G. M.

Burt, J.

Dahlgren, Peter.

Collier, Peter.

Taylor, Jeff.

Williams, Ian.

Deardorff Miller, Sarah.

Kelly, Neil McNaughton and Richard.

McNaughton, Richard Kelly and Neil.

Garner, James Finn.

Unruh, Allen.

Zmirak, John.

Kilpatrick, William.

Schweikart, Larry.

Hayward, Steven F.

Rakove, Jack N.

Archetti, C.

Hossein, Caroline Shenaz.

Da Costa, Dia.

Callus, Greg.

Dale, Iain.

Carr, Tim.

Saunders, H.

Bass, Melissa.

Öjendal, Joakim.

Rudolph, J.

Kappelhoff, Hermann.

Gurcaglar, Sehnaz Tahir.

Abu Athera, Said Salman.

Trubowitz, Peter.

Nisan, Mordechai.

Wardhaugh, Jessica.

Archie, Andre.

Chan, Jennifer.

Van Weyenberg, Astrid.

Lyons, Dan.

Wolin, Richard.

McDowell, John C.

Diemer, Andrew.

Farber, Samuel.

Mirza, M.

Wolbrecht, Christina.

Twigg, David K.

Chen, Gang.

Horton, John.

Wueest, Bruno.

Yates, Heather E.

Aalen, Lovise.

Lindstrom, N.

Cairney, Paul.

Gürakar, Esra Çeviker.

Luckyj, Christina.

Schroeder, Kent.

Duyvendak, J.

Seabrooke, Leonard.

Schain, M.

Geiger, M.

Stettler, René.

Kamusella, T.

Friman, H.

Houston, Velina Hasu.

Bassel, Leah.

Wring, D.

Olson, Laura Katz.

Jung, D.

Verbeeten, David.

Dougherty, Kevin J.

Massard da Fonseca, Elize.

Ferris, Elizabeth G.

Burton, M.

Pinder, Sherrow O.

Healicon, A.

Williams, S.

McBride, Dorothy E.

Scheingold, Stuart A.

Knopf-Newman, M.

Evans, E.

Jarman, H.

Holc, Janine.

Cox, Kevin R.

Marvin, Roberta Montemorra.

Tittensor, David.

Palley, M.

Frisch, S.

Roy Chowdhury, Sunandan.

Overeem, Patrick.

Heywood, Andrew.
    Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Wigal, Donald.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Tsuzuki, Yoshiaki.

Wren, Jacob.

Schwarz, Anja.

Yamani, Maha.

Hiemenz, Paul C.

Art Jewelry magazine, Editors of.

Patterson, Gary.

Dasgupta, Bhaskar.

Patel, Anjali.

Kanaris, Jim.

Yee Liew, Soon.

Lucia, Lucian.

Pithouse-Morgan, Kathleen.

Cleveland, Carol.

Roshan Lall, Rashmee.

Cockrell, Amanda.
    Pomegranate Seed.
    New York : Open Road Distribution, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Agha-Jaffar, Tamara.

Walsh, Alice.

Lloyd, Alan.

James, Scilla.

Burgess, Tony.

Cade, Harriet.
    Pony Express.
    London : Robert Hale, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

St Maur, Suzan.

Cannan, Joanna.
    Pony for Jean.
    London : Hot Key Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Dunne, Susan.


Pool, Jackie.

Bond, Primula.

Fuchita, Yasuyuki.

Praeger, Dave.

Franklin, Benjamin.

Curry, Jane Louise.
    Poor Tom's Ghost.
    New York : Open Road Distribution, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Tait, Vanessa.

Wright, James.

Lawrence, Susan E.

Ali, Idris.
    Cairo : The American University in Cairo Press, 2007.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Blair, Tom.

Fitch, Andy.
    Pop Poetics.
    Normal, IL : Columbia University Press, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hopkins, Cathy.
    Pop Princess.
    Dorking : Piccadilly Press, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Politi, Marco.

Cardinal Kasper, Walter.

Agassi, Joseph.

Brown, Jennie K.

Webb, Holly.
    Poppy's Garden.
    London : Nosy Crow, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Beer, D.

Jubas, Kaela.

Shea, Gerry.

Tamny, John.

Pfitzer, Gregory M.

Jaeger, Markus.

Merrill, Julia.

Horrocks, Thomas A.

Ignatow , Amy.

Vogt, Gabriele.

Mosher, Steven.

Paradise, Christopher J.

Swee-Hock, Saw.

Gaimard, Maryse.

Athukorala, Prema-Chandra.

Pappas, T.

van Kessel, Stijn.

Torre, Carlos de la.

Cockburn, Lee.

Bilgen-Reinart, Üstün.

Maud, Ralph.

Roze, Uldis.

Barwin, Gary.

Brown, Damon.

Shapiro, Ben.

Undress, Arsula.

Fernández, Enrique.

Crofts, Lewis.

Battista-Frazee, Kristin.

Zhu, Guangshan.

Kimpton, Archie.

Dapré, Alan.

Dapré, Alan.

Dapré, Alan.

Dapré, Alan.

Dapré, Alan.

Bernardes, Gui.

Peterson, Jan.

Mah, A.

Burns, Maria G.

Lock, Norman.
    Port-Wine Stain.
    Oxford : Bellevue Literary Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kronenburg, Robert.

Klages, Ellen.
    Portable Childhoods.
    San Francisco : Tachyon Publications, 2007.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Koh, Julie.
    Portable Curiosities.
    Chicago : University of Queensland Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Behar, Ruth.

Lindley, Frederick A.

Tobin, Samuel.

Stroud, Meredith.
    Portal 24.
    London : Hot Key Books, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book


Belgrad, Susan F.

Rajegopal, Shan.

Lossen, Ulrich.

Peterkin, Allan D.

Collins, Daryl.

Sampsell, Kevin.
    Portland Noir.
    Brooklyn : Akashic Books, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Dantzig, Stephen.

Kelly, Tim.

Hurter, Bill.

Hurter, Bill.

Cortaville, Saraya.

Smith, Jeff.

Carr, Susan.

Reeves , Richard.

Lloyd, Kate.

Schieffelin, Edward.

Orga, Irfan.

Twyman, James.

Laurain, Antoine.
    La Vergne : Gallic Books, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gadsby, Travis.

Caylor, Carl.

Elliott, Kamilla.

Venter, Al.

Pedrosa, Cyril.
    Chicago : NBM Publishing, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Dix, Steffen.

Carreira da Silva, Filipe.

Tratnik, Suzana.

Pegram, Billy.

Farace, Joe.

Williams, Liz.

MacConville, Ruth.

Dynes, Robin.

Bhatia, Rajendra.

Brimblecombe, Robin.

Miller, Douglas.

Randolph, John J.

Pigache, Philippa.

Grenville-Cleave, Bridget.

Siegel, Ronald D.

Moniz-Cook, Esme.

Cooperrider, David.

Black, Ian.

Fong, Dr David.

Tiongson, Antonio T.

Gross, T. Scott.

Seligman, R.

Thompson, Erin.
    New Haven : Yale University Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lipsitz, George.

Langiulli, Nino.

Dole el, Lubomír.

Zweig, Stefan.

Arestis, P.

Miller, Wayne.
    Post- : Poems.
    New York, NY : Milkweed Editions, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

(U.S.), Joint History Office.
    Post-Arcadia Conference.
    Washington, D. C. : United States Government Printing Office, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Murray, Stuart.

Magyar, Balint.

Çakmak, C.

Tomlinson, Dave.

Volodine, Antoine.

Storm, A.

Han, Jinghe.

Zsolnai, László.

Goberna, Miguel A.

McAlpine, Lynn.

Giuntoli, Federico.

Adams, Robert.

Hutchison, David.

Geeraerts, Gustaaf.

Fisher, T.

Nikolko, Milana V.

Jickling, Bob.

Gournay, Kevin.

Ball, James.

Jackson, P.

Shih, Chih-yu.

Campbell, Neil.

Horbury, Alison.

He, Hongxia.

Squire, V.

Bogodarova, Alisa.

Marshall, Gordy.

Coffey, Ian.

Cooper, Wyn.

O. Sharpe, Michael.

Bishop, Cecile.

Ponzanesi, S.

Haers, Jacques.

Lombardi-Diop, Cristina.

Huggan, Graham.

Matzke, Christine.

Kozlarek, Oliver.

Brouillette, S.

Dube, Musa W.

de Pencier, Honor.

Certomà, Chiara.

Gidley, Jennifer M.

Büchs, Milena.

Lillvis, Kristen.

Pound, Ezra.
    Posthumous Cantos.
    Manchester : Carcanet Press Ltd., 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Rose, David.
    Posthumous Stories.
    Cambridge : Salt Publishing Limited, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kaiser, S.

Chaplin, Susan.

Raschke, Carl A.

Constable, Catherine.

Kuukkanen, J.

Scharm, Heike.

Maronitis, Kostas.

Tierney, William G.

Bacchi, Carol.

Dickerson, Victoria.

Nabers, Dirk.

Green, Amy M.

Halperin, Shirley.

Orenduff, J. Michael.

Warnier, Jean-Pierre.

Shulman, Max.

Melville, Gert.

Braby, Leslie A.


Sillak-Riesinger, Bianca.

Lizza, John P.

Middendorf, II, William J.

Nowobilska, Malgorzata.

Bell, Martha G.

Gross, Andrew S.

Kai, Mike.

Dieterlen, Paulette.

Howard, Tish.

Korte, B.

Wright, Robert E.

Bronski, Peter.

Halliday, Brett.


Gallovich, Tom.

Suarez, Marcial A.G.

Zinn, Howard.

Morris, Dick.

Sherratt, Timothy.

Jowett, Geoffrey.

Pfiffner, James P.

Nicol, Mike.
    Power Play.
    London : Old Street Publishing, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Atwood, Margaret.

Webb, Christopher.

McEvoy, Joanne.

Saravanamuttu, Johan.

Dunlap, Susan.

Nowak, Achim.

McBride, Damian.

McBride, Damian.

Norberg, Ulrica.

Norberg, Ulrica.

Howard, R.T.

Quéma, Anne.

Ozanne, A.

Findlay, Ronald.

Rifkind, Malcolm.

Ugelvik, T.

Gill, S.

Hammond, William C.

Matthews, Greg.

Hewlett, Sylvia Ann.

Cohen, Michael.

Ausiello, Giorgio.

Jarvie, I. C.

Thomas, Caroline.

Reich, Scott D.

Fisher, M.

Fortuna, Sara.

Tarkenton, Fran.

(U.S.), The Merit Systems Protection Board.

Fuller, Linda K.

Marx, E.

Rodin, Judith.

Hessel, Stéphane.

Allen, Mary.

Berg, Yehuda.

Black, Jeremy.

Brooks, Roger.

McBean, Marnie.

Merrin, Seth.

Root, Wayne Allyn.

Wheeler, Ronald.

Wink, Joan.
    Power of Story.
    Santa Barbara : ABC-CLIO, LLC, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Rindzeviciute, Egle.

Brown, Wendy.

Walker, S.

Gladstone, William.
    Power of Twelve.
    Dallas : BenBella Books, Inc., 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Cordón, C.

Caie, Graham D.

Piper, John.

von Fallois, Isabelle.

Lepenies, Philipp.

Brands, Hal.

Clippingdale, Richard.

Ferguson, E. James.

Parker, Susan M.

Lewis, Peter.

Shames, Stephen.

De Lissovoy, Noah.

Neumann, Cecilie Basberg.

Gariepy, Kenneth D.

Cristaudo, Wayne.

Yamin, Alicia Ely.

Armentrout, Jennifer L.
    Elmwood Park : Spencer Hill Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Silk, Danny.
    Powerful And Free.
    Elmwood Park : Loving On Purpose, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Fay, Kathleen.

Skowron, Janice.

Bloom, Gary S.

Shapiro, Arthur K.

Kaufman, Roberta C.

Wandberg, Robert.

Knörr, Jacqueline.

Ronell, Avital.

Kandiyoti, Rafael.

Graham, Jack.

Farncombe, Lawrence.

Vaughan-Ellis, Nicola.

Chomsky, Noam.

Archibald, Malcolm.

Gallivan, Martin D.

Waselkov, Gregory A.

Lassiter, Luke E.
    Lincoln : University of Nebraska Press, 2005.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lakshmiraghavan, Badrinarayanan.

Gulabani, Sunil.

Li, Jiuyong.

Sagonas, Kostis.

Hamilton, J. Scott.

Vijayakumar, Thurupathan.

Spitzing, Gunter.

Miller, Linda.

Ashbourn, Julian.

Kadre, Shailendra.

Singer, Adam B.

Zambon, Giulio.
    Practical C.
    Berkeley, CA : Apress, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Scheiner, Gary.

Warshaw, Hope S.

Nita, Stefania Loredana.

Lapin, Jackie.

Craig, David.

Lindenmayer, David.

Haynes, Chip.

Amr, Tarek.
    Practical D3.js.
    Berkeley, CA : Apress, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Mu, Enrique.

Crookshanks, Edward.

Iannone, A. Pablo.

Tegchok, Jampa.

Kaufman, Roger.

Sunderaraman, Prabhu.

Horvath, Joan.

Swan, Jonathan.

DaGraca, Micael.

Tyers, Ben.

Jones, Peter.

Weber, Jonathan.

Shaposhnik, Roman.

Presson Roberts, Mary.

Taylor, Chris.

Nicolas, Joanna.

Thibierge, Christophe.

Geller, Shari.

Stonestreet, John.

Sanderson, Helen.

Perkins, Michelle.

Mochly-Rosen, Daria.

Hegarty, Dr Dan.

Sawyer, Emma.

Davis, Lynn.

Price, Deborah.

Honeybourne, Victoria.

Ali, Alvina.

Comfort, Hilary.

Purkis, Jeanette.

Wilczenski, Felicia L.

Weld, Nicki.

Luo, Zhiping.

Luo, Zhiping.

Kindred, Maggie.

Graham, Matthew.

Vohra, Deepak.

Lakhe, Bhushan.

Lakhe, Bhushan.

Nautiyal, B.P.

Procter, Andrew.

Shaw, Scott.

Horley, Edward.

Caterino, Brian.

Campbell, Tony.

Association, American Diabetes.

Association, American Diabetes.

Hansberry, Bill.

Allaria, Biagio.

Maeda, Jun.

Martin, Samuel E.

Clinton, David.

Kumaran S., Senthil.

Boggs, George R.

Ali, Syed.

Binnie, Chris.

Beard, Bradley.

Das, Nilimanka.

Larkey, Sue.

Chatterjee, Rupak.

Ritchie, Peter.

Edward, Shakuntala Gupta.

Jordan, Gregory.
    Practical Neo4j.
    Berkeley, CA : Apress, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Mardan, Azat.

Brahmbhatt, Samarth.

Curtis, Bobby.

Zaheer, Syed.

Shaul, Josh.

West, Adrian W.

Winters, Ralph.

Gibbs, Elika.

Giannoudis, Peter V.

White, Karen R.J.

Badenhorst, Wessel.

Saxena, Shilpi.

Akhtar, Dr. Engr. S.M. Farrukh.

Weinmeister, Philip.

Larkey, Sue.

Goodyear, Steve.

Wicklund, Phillip.

Cook, Bridget M.

Crookshanks, Edward.

Varanasi, Balaji.

Chivers, Maria.

Henderson, Penny.

Luxmoore, Nick.

Downey, Eric.
    Practical Swift.
    Berkeley, CA : Apress, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Alsup, Wendy Horger.

Pal, Dr. Avishek.

Alty, Jane.

Thomas Porter, CCS.

West, Adrian W.

Skinner, Julian Daizan.
    Practical Zen.
    London : Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

García-Elorriaga, Guadalupe.

Kumar, Ankur.

Ferguson, Robert A.

Friedman, Rosemary.

Stevens, Drew.


Nelson, Robin.

Kierkegaard, Søren.

Rivera-Sánchez, Liliana.

Marshall, Ashley.

Spool, Alan M.

Sajja, Srikanth.

Harmsen, Frank.

von Mücke, Dorothea E.

Dustin, C.

Baumgarten, Elisheva.

Malecki, Wojciech.

Schade, Richard, E.

Maffly-Kipp, Laurie F.

Stacks, Don.

Teck Hui, Loi.

Austin, Jennie.

Rogers, Chris.

Robinson, Viviane M J.

Harvey, Clare G.

Fowler, Jeff.

Knodel, Jens.

Pihlstrom, Sami.

Kizelbach, Urszula.

Rescher, Nicholas.

Koopman, Colin.

Ibrahim, Ahmed Fekry.

Rescher, Nicholas.

Taylor, Michael.

Beattie, Andrew.

Germain, Sylvie.
    Prague Noir.
    Cambs : Dedalus, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Condran, Jeffrey.

Dekle, Sr., George R.

Richardson, Arleta.
    Prairie Homestead.
    Colorado Springs, CO : David C. Cook, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Marcy, Randolph B.

Cartagena Portalatin, Aída.

Makowski, Piotr.

Dummies, Consumer.

Vicars, Mark.

Wiersbe, Warren W.
    Prayer 101.
    Colorado Springs, CO : David C. Cook, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Nicodem, James L.

Lucas, Craig.
    Prayer for My Enemy.
    New York : Theatre Communications Group, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Ibn 'Arabi, Muhyiddin.

Gubi, Peter Madsen.

Ryken, Philip Graham.

Floyd, Bryan Alec.

Aitken, Jonathan.

Black, Ian.

Cheuse, Alan.

Minor, Kyle.
    Praying Drunk.
    Louisville : Sarabande Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Byun, Eddie.

Idleman, Kyle.

Nelson, Mary J.

Packer, J. I.

Gogo, Elisha Otieno.

Group, Advanced Life Support.

Crone, Patricia.

Sizeranne, Robert de la.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Sizeranne, Robert de la.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Brereton, Avril.

Trevino, Regina.

Meyer, Jason C.

Arthurs, Jeffrey D.

Pastro, Vincent J.

Brinton, Jacquelene G.

Barton, Casey C.

Dever, Mark.

Brown, David O.

Khosravi, Shahram.

Groot, Shiloh.

Rachwał, Tadeusz.

Heidkamp, Birte.

Cooper, James Fenimore.
    Wellington : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hatter, Sky.
    Newburyport : Gibbs Smith, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Phillips, Richard D.

Hickson, Ella.

Flatley, Michelle.
    Precious Metal.
    : Salt Publishing Limited, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Guru Rinpoche, Padmasambhava.

Nelson, Claudia.

Sillah, Dilys.

Jacobs, David Steve.

Gray, R Garland.
    St. Charles : Medallion Media Group, 2005.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Roybal, Beth Ann Petro.

Berlin, Mark.

Kroiss, Manuel.

Wagner, Christian.

Petereit, Anna Christine.

Bari, Anasse.

Fontama, Valentine.

Fontama, Valentine.

Karim, Md. Rezaul.

Finlay, S.

Koones , Sheri.

Rollins, Henry.

Dummies, Consumer.

Moore, Michele C.

Gradenwitz-Koehler, Erika.

Summers, A. K.

Chevillard, Eric.
    Prehistoric Times.
    New York : Archipelago Books, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kuzmina, E E.

El-Toukhy, Tarek.

César, Edgley A.

Davis, Jon.
    Preliminary Report.
    Port Townsend : Copper Canyon Press, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Dini, Pietro U.

Harrison, Richard W.

Jones, Saeed.
    Prelude to Bruise.
    Minneapolis : Coffee House Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lucas, Craig.

Cathcart, James.

Pugh, Gillian.

Lish, Atticus.

McElroy, Joseph.

Kendall, R. T.

Flippo, Rona F.

Aronoff, C.

Gist, C.

Aronoff, C.

Davis, Julia.

McGowan, Lee.

Robinson-Easley, C.

Swee Yong, Ku.

Cobb, Jim.

Cobb, Jim.

Cobb, Jim.

Nash, David.

Cobb, Jim.

Ellis, Cat.

Rowinski, Kate.

Carr, Bernie.

Cobb, Jim.

Williams, Scott B.

Ellis, Cat.

Beers, V. Gilbert.
    Preschooler's Bible.
    Colorado Springs, CO : David C. Cook, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Pica, Rae.

Wright, Professor David John.

Greene, Jeremy A.

Estren, Mark James.

Seppala, Marvin D.

Kinderman, P.

Sokolowski, Robert.

Atkins, Sally.

Power, Cormac.

Sheldrake, Rupert.

Payne, John.

Erskine, Richard G.

Kagan, Robert.

Oludhe Macgoye, Marjorie.
    Present Moment.
    New York : The Feminist Press at CUNY, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Huber, Irmtraud.

Bell, Upton.

O'Connor, Neil.

Kogon, Kory.

Weiss, Michael.

Wallwork, Adrian.

Tzintzún, Cristina.

Simpson, Neil.

Stibbe, Mark.

Schwartz, Heather L.

Kramon, Justin.

Lewis, Andrea D.

Gregory, David.

U.S. Department of the Interior,.

Foresti, Sara.

(U.S.), The Merit Systems Protection Board.

Trachtenberg, Stephen Joel.

Genovese, M.

Genovese, M.

Jones, Charles O.

Zelizer, Julian E.

Picone, Louis L.

Hamilton, Richard F.

Ferrara, Peter.

Cutler, Leonard.

Wallace, Duke Q.

Rose, Mark H.

Preston, Thomas.

Cox, Alex.

Whalen, Tom.

Schmitt, Edward R.

Burnham, Sophy.
    President's Angel.
    New York : Open Road Distribution, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Laurain, Antoine.
    President's Hat.
    London : Gallic Books, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Beres, Michael.

Sinclair, Upton.

Boertlein, John.

Schroeder, Alan.

Ginsberg, Benjamin.

Nye, Joseph S., Jr.

Genovese, Michael.

Sinclair, Upton.

Starr-Deelen, D.

Hudak, John.

Shapiro, Robert Y.

Whitford, Andrew B.

Pallitto, Robert M.

Passarelli, Gianluca.

Bohn, Michael K.

Skidmore, Max J.

Slee, Nicola.

Kenny, David.

Barnhisel, Greg.

Haig, David.

Stewart, Daniel.

Pérez Castaño, Arnaldo.

Beckingham, C.F.

Lamothe, Lee.

Lehto, Steve.

Warr, Simon.

Baez, Jose.

Moore, Stephen.
    Presumed Lost.
    Annapolis : Naval Institute Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Domaneschi, Filippo.

Hoyle, Alice.

Gold, Alan.

Willey, Liane Holliday.

Fox, Dan.

Galt, Rosalind.

Blandford, Richard.
    Pretty Boy Tigh.
    : Galley Beggar Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Berry, Daleen.

O'Meara, David.
    Pretty Sight.
    Toronto : Coach House Books, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Levine, Josh.

Warner, Ahren.
    Tyne and Wear : Bloodaxe Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Pearce, Jeff.

Publishing, OECD.

Brestoff, Nelson E.

Algozzine, Bob.

Henry, N.

Heery, Gerry.

Sundaram, V.

Lewis, Jenny.

Jenkins, Moira.

Robinson, Sally.

Bosworth, Kris.

Aapro, Matti.

Löwy, Ilana.

Plank, Philipp.

Morena, Edouard.

Unger, David.
    Price of Escape.
    Brooklyn : Akashic Books, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Roberts, Russell.

Ward, Giles.

Dangl, Benjamin.

Mehlman, Maxwell J.

Sassower, R.

Greer, Gaylon.

Czerkawska, Catherine.

Constantine, Lloyd.

Bouziane, Markus.

Heron, Michal.

Smith, Jeff.

Schmidt, Mathias.

Viglia, G.

McCann, Henry.

Coover, Robert.

Wajdowicz, Jurek.

Campbell, Alexi Kaye.

Kavanagh, Pamela.

Murphy, Colin.

Joensuu, Matti.
    Priest of Evil.
    London : Arcadia Books Limited, 2008.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Green, Ali.

Tay, Edwin E. M.


Paul, Barbara.
    Prima Donna at Large.
    New York, NY : Road, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Sisson, Mark.

McGuff, Doug.

Iliffe, Steve.

Rocco, Matteo Vincenzo.

McCombe, Kate.

Laar, Bill.

Tiley-Nunn, Nick.

Kamarck, Elaine C.

Holland, Nancy J.

Kramer, Deborah.
    Primary Well-Being.
    Cham : Springer International Publishing, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

de Waal, Frans.

Stewart, John.

Dale, Iain.

Brack, Duncan.

Beckett, Francis.

Koyama, Sachiko.

Atkins, Ed.

Rocha, Samuel D.

Arbia, G.

Patterson, K.

Hartvigsen, Gregg.

Kheyfits, Alexander.

Running, Mark.

De Ryck, Philippe.

Chen, Jean.

de Kluyver, Cornelis A.

de Kluyver, Cornelis A.

Alabiso, Carlo.

Beveridge, Thomas.

Beveridge, Thomas.

Naghshpour, Shahdad.

Naghshpour, Shahdad.

Ferreira, Diogo R.

James, Nicholas.

Roy, Kunal.

Barenghi, Carlo F.

Whitfield, Ronald.

Gondro, Cedric.

Harrington, Janice N.

Jamison, Linda.

Leunens, Christine.


Yolen, Jane.

Moore, Erin.

Tov, Basia.

Cawthorne, Nigel.

Junor, Penny.

Machiavelli, Niccolò.

Riedel, Bruce.

Siegel, Fred.

Hunter, Dr. Allan.

Polak, Monique.

Greene, Richard.

Samples, Heath.

Moseley, Jane.

James, Scilla.

Jones, Lloyd.

Tonatiuh, Duncan.

Alsenas, Linas.

Schartz, Vijaya.

Burroughs, Edgar Rice.
    Princess of Mars.
    New York : Open Road Media Sci-Fi & Fantasy, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Weingartner, Carl J.

Ontario Principals' Council,.

Ayers, Michael B.

Turnbaugh, Anne.

Lockwood, Anne Turnbaugh.

Sanders, Mavis G.

Sheldon, Steven B.

Waltman, Jerold.

Emery, George.

Owen, David.

Bhattacharya, T.K.

Foulkes, James.

Finucane, Brendan T.

Ball, Stefan.

House, James E.

Hicks, John.

Hicks, Angela.

Jenness, Robert.

Millward, Paul.

Komlos, John.

Marshall, A.

Peiffer, Vera.

La Tourelle, Maggie.

Somashekaraiah, N.T.

O'Connor, Joseph.

Hall, Nicola.

Borang, Kajsa Krishni.

Dass, N.D. Hari.

Bradley, Tamdin Sither.

Bernstein, Philip A.

Chance, Jeremy.

Webb, Karen.

Code, Study Group on a European Civil.

Gomez, Jeff.

Jolliffe, Joy.

White, Lucy Mueller.

Stiftung, Bertelsmann.

Seshimo, Hiroyuki.

Barnett, Clive.

Bow, Patricia.

Martin, Joel W.

Dagan, David.

MacShane, Denis.
    Prison Diaries.
    London : Biteback Publishing, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Guin, Sayantani.

Berkman, Alexander.

Kehrwald, Kevin.

Oates, Joyce Carol.
    Prison Noir.
    New York : Akashic Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Herivel, Tara.

Herold, N.

Shoham, Efrat.

Broadhead, Julian.

Evans, Linda.

Matusiak, John.

MacDonell, Allan.

Carrier, Scott.

Nemzer, Anna.
    TILBURG : Glagoslav Publications Limited, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bilton, Esther.

Gustafson, Sid.

Pryce, Vicky.

Lessing, Doris.

Kohn, Livia.

Cristofaro, Emiliano De.

Wright, David.

Preneel, Bart.

Rotenberg, Marc.

Stalla-Bourdillon, Sophie.

Garnaut, Ross.

Leeds, R.

Meyer, T.

Frey, Gaby.

McCulloch, Tom.
    Private Haunting.
    La Vergne : Sandstone Press Ltd, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Cohen, Josh.

Chen, Ran.
    Private Life.
    New York : Columbia University Press, 2005.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hogg, James.

Pitt-Kethley, Fiona.
    Private Parts.
    : Arcadia Books Limited, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Song, Pengcheng.

el-Gazzar, Hamdy.

Koinzer, Thomas.

Bank, Asian Development.

Reynolds, Maureen.
    Private Sorrow.
    Edinburgh : Black & White Publishing, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Sarnitz, August.

Goodwin, Godfrey.

Ostrouch-Kamińska, Joanna.

Kert, Faye M.

Demirel, Denise.

Roland, Gérard.

Khan, Shamus Rahman.

Leavy, Patricia.

Maher, Ted.

Bialosky, Jill.
    Prize : A Novel.
    La Vergne : Counterpoint, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Condon, Richard.
    Prizzi's Family.
    New York : Road, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Freeman, Adam.

Mabbutt, Dan.

Freeman, Adam.


Freeman, Adam.

Freeman, Adam.

Nayyeri, Keyvan.

Uurlu, Ali.

MacLean , Dave.
    Pro Android 5.
    Berkeley, CA : Apress, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Nardone, Massimo.

Jackson, Wallace.

Jackson, Wallace.
    Pro Android UI.
    Berkeley, CA : Apress, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Jackson, Wallace.

Freeman, Adam.
    Pro Angular.
    Berkeley, CA : Apress, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Freeman, Adam.
    Pro AngularJS.
    Berkeley, CA : Apress, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Venner, Jason.

Matam, Sai.

Akhtar, Shakil.

Blewett, Richard.

Johnson, Chris.

Hampton-Smith, Sam.

Pathania, Nikhil.

Ostrovsky, David.

Ostrovsky, David.

Barker, Tom.

Freeman, Adam.

Alchin, Marty.
    Pro Django.
    Berkeley, CA : Apress, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Vohra, Deepak.
    Pro Docker.
    Berkeley, CA : Apress, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kurtz, Jamie.

de Rooij, Michel.

Wesselius, Jaap.

Mardan, Azat.

Cuison, Dan.

Whitt, Phillip.

Aley, Rob.

Chacon, Scott.
    Pro Git.
    Berkeley, CA : Apress, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Cryer, James.
    Pro Grunt.js.
    Berkeley, CA : Apress, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Shankar, Aditya Ravi.

Collins, Mark J.

Collins, Mark.

Koitzsch, Kerry.

Leonard, Anghel.

Keith, Mike.
    Pro JPA 2.
    Berkeley, CA : Apress, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Wadia, Zubin.

Brett Spell, Terrill.

Acetozi, Jorge.

Weaver, James.

Odell, Den.

Paxton, John.

Matotek, Dennis.

Elrom, Elad.

Subramanian, Vasan.

Sarkar, Debarchan.

Vohra, Deepak.

Ihrig, Colin J.

Balliauw, Maarten.
    Pro NuGet.
    Berkeley, CA : Apress, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lee, Keith.
    Pro Objective-C.
    Berkeley, CA : Apress, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Mayberry, Michael.

Hart-Davis, Guy.

Kuhn, Darl.

Thakker, Tushar.

Curtis, Bobby.

Ramey, Kenneth.

Morton, Karen.
    Pro Oracle SQL.
    Berkeley, CA : Apress, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Wald, Keith.

Whitt, Phillip.

Aspin, Adam.

Beach, Brian.

Cafferky, Bryan P.

Talaat, Sherif.

Chung, Bryan WC.

Krum, Spencer.

Rother, Kristian.

Sileika, Rytis.

Alchin, Marty.
    Pro Python.
    Berkeley, CA : Apress, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Doglio, Fernando.

Patni, Sanjay.

de Sousa Antonio, Cassio.
    Pro React.
    Berkeley, CA : Apress, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Carter, Peter.

Parui, Uttam.

Korotkevitch, Dmitri.

Korotkevitch, Dmitri.

Davidson, Louis.

van de Laar, Enrico.

Mazumdar, Pranab.

Smith, William.

Wright, Steve.

Medina, Oscar.

Singh, Manpreet.

Cummins, Stephen.

Fink, Gil.

Nabi, Zubair.

Cosmina, Iuliana.

Gutierrez, Felipe.
    Pro Spring Boot.
    Berkeley, CA : Apress, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Ho, Clarence.
    Pro Spring.
    Berkeley, CA : Apress, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Natarajan, Jay.

Acharya, Seema.

Olausson , Mathias.

Fenton, Steve.

Thorn, Alan.

Gajda, Wlodzimierz.
    Pro Vagrant.
    Berkeley, CA : Apress, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

McDonnell, Mark.
    Pro Vim.
    Berkeley, CA : Apress, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Liberty, Jesse.

Software, Falafel.

Onishi, Adam.

Johnson, Steven.

James, Buddy.

Pouclet, Romain.

Privat , Michael.

Duckett, Tim.

Zammetti, Frank.

Freeman, Adam.
    Pro jQuery 2.0.
    Berkeley, CA : Apress, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Wesley, Scott.

Sollberger, Silja.

Fuller, S.

Araújo, L.

Dahan, Haim.

De Cremer, David.

Detinko, Alla.

Linde, Werner.

Zörnig, Peter.

de Alencar, Marcelo Sampaio.

Rotar, Vladimir I.

McNeill, Fergus.

Fitzgibbon, W.

H. A. Abdelrahman, Wael.

Boden, Angelena.

Buckley, Michael.

Buckley, Michael.

Krulik, Stephen.

Steinberger, Peter.

Louridas, Sotirios E.

Kultgen, John.

Sharma, Jade.
    New York, NY : Coffee House Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Mazerolle, Lorraine.

Protection, International Association for Food.

Hill, George J.

Warmbein, Barbara.

Civilization, Muhamad bin Hamad Center for Muslim Contribution to.

Stucky, Rolf A.

Mattok, C.

Kaldeich-Schurmann, Brigitte.

Bank, Asian Development.

Ahsan, Irum.

Ahsan, Irum.

McIntosh, Malcolm.

Gorrieri, Roberto.

Beheshti, Seyed-Mehdi-Reza.

Amatayakul, Margret.

Conger, Sue.

van der Aalst, Wil M. P.

Mans, Ronny S.

Hutchison, David.

Bradley, Arthur T.

Sennewald, Charles A.

Stiehl, Volker.

Plattfaut, Ralf.

Yadav, Vinit.

Hall, Carl W.

Rios, Julian.

Clinton, Lee.
    London : Robert Hale, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Javitch, Daniel.

Dever, Mark.

Keen, Sam.

Clouston, J. Storer.
    Prodigal Father.
    Auckland : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gorodischer, Angélica.

Cox, Virginia.

Mandy, David.

Fridell, Lorie A.

Stage, Kelly J.

Riddle, Stewart.

Beek, Jan.

Maroto Camino, Mercedes.

Pottgiesser, Uta.


Khojasteh, Yacob.

Bly, Mark.

Frank, Charles Raphael.

Roggero, Gigi.

Shah, Hemant.

Phakathi, Sizwe Timothy.

Swann, Howard.

Neumann, Anna.

Kross, Katie.

Kross, Katie.

Cooper, Frank.

Jacobs, Lou.

Jacobs, Lou.

Gregoriadis, Athanasios.

Lemon, Bill.

Turkel, Stan.

Wuttke, Eveline.

Chen, Mark.

Zuber-Skerritt, O.

Henderson, R.

Wilhelm, Thomas.

Wolff, Nancy E.

Perkins, Michelle.

Jacobs, Lou.

Perkins, Michelle.

Phillips, Norman.

Higgs, Joy.

Pranzler, Tim.

Carson, David.

Wicklund, Phil.

Lawrence, R.J.

Schreyögg, Astrid.

Fitch, Kate.

Jones, Anthony.

Bassiouney, Reem.
    Professor Hanaa.
    Reading : Garnet Publishing (UK) Ltd, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Moore, Bill.
    Professor Hayes.
    London : Robert Hale, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hess, Stephen.

Horowitz, David.

Braxton, John M.

Gross, Neil.

Marzano, Robert J.

Gourdin, Kent N.

Smitka, Mike.

Lee, Velma.

Gaylin, David H.

Warrian, Peter.

Parrish, Erin D.

Byrne, Christopher.

Petherick, Wayne.

Mitchell, Adrian.

Williams, Steve.

Danner, George.

Bais, Karolien.


Ganesan, Ramnath.

Zeithaml, Valarie A.

Aubrey, T.

Roush, Chris.

Sinclair, Upton.

green, debbie tucker.

Craven, Paul.

Kiely, R.


Bakir, Ahmed.

Morgado, Flavio.

Scott, Michael L.

Rauber Du Bois, Andre.

Fernández, Maribel.

Brummel, Mark.

Dastani, Mehdi.

Bertamini, Marco.

Krause, Jörg.

McBride, P. K.

Buck, Jim.

Levy, Santiago.

Bank, Asian Development.

Ibáñez, Santiago.

Publishing, OECD.

Porter, G.

Borooah, Vani Kant.

Wallace, Isabella.
    La Vergne : Crown House Publishing, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Twombly, J.

Sainsbury, David.

Minassian, Berge A.

Horowitz, David.

Domes, Scott.

Craig, Douglas B.

(U.S.), The Merit Systems Protection Board.

Behr, Edward.

McCauley, Terrence.
    : Polis Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bead&Button Magazine, Editors of.

Pike, Joe.

McBride, Melanie.

Athayde, William P.

Wells, Kathryn.

Kerzner, Harold R.

Pries-Heje, Jan.

Posner, Keith.

Badiru, Adedeji B.

Kogon, Kory.

Salesky, Mark E.

Harpham, Bruce.

Nalewaik, Alexia.

Enoch, Clive.

Rajegopal, S.

Moustafaev, Jamal.

Battrick, B.

Bissonette, Michael M.

Johnson, William H.A.

Anantatmula, Vittal S.

Cheshire, Simon.
    Project Venom.
    London : Stripes Publishing, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Muir, Nancy C.

Corrigan, Mickey J.
    Project XX.
    La Vergne : Salt Publishing Limited, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Robbe-Grillet, Alain.

Alam, M. Daud.

Charbonneau, Stephen.

Uppal, Priscila.

Gébler, Carlo.

Techt, Uwe.

Matthaei , Sondra Higgins.

Coates, D.

Kerr, James.
    Prometheus Bound.
    London : Oberon Books Ltd, 2005.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Suryadinata, Leo.

Al-Harbi, Dalal Mukhlid.

Avishai, Bernard.

Weisgarber, Ann.

Bennett, Matt.

Connor, Claire.

Awoonor, Kofi.

Mayerfeld, Jamie.

Taylor, Ula Yvette.

Paine, Lauran.

Casey, Karen.

Park, Abraham.

Bennett, T J.
    Tulsa : Medallion Media Group, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Dailey, Patricia.

Klier, Freya.

Fleishman, Jeffrey.

Sproul, R. C.

Benner, Susan M.

Vitek, William.
    Philadelphia : Temple University Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Whiteside, Mary.

Brownlee, Fiona.

Sutton, Carole.

Bell, Margaret.


Magen, A.

Beaumont, Claire.


Bank, Asian Development.

Young, Paul G.

Edwards, Melinda.

Mackereth, Catherine J.

Cefai, Carmel.

Caldwell, Phoebe.

Moyad, Mark A.

Bank, Asian Development.

Mainstone-Cotton, Sonia.

Luft, Pamela,

Lewis, Ellie.

Old, Helen.

Carothers, Thomas.

Placey, Evan.

Friedman, Rosemary.

Zephaniah, Benjamin.
    Propa Propaganda.
    Tyne and Wear : Bloodaxe Books, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Chomsky, Noam.

Miller, Charlie.

Latiolais, Michelle.
    Proper Knowledge.
    New York : Bellevue Literary Press, 2008.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Chambers, Frank M.

Paradise, Christopher J.

Solway, David.

Wong, Vincent.

Proudhon, Pierre-Joseph.

Peñalver, Eduardo M.

Benson, B.

Paul, Ellen Frankel.

Bovenberg, J. A.

Wilce, Ysabeau S.

Motyer, J. Alec.

Stievermann, Jan.

Moon, Farzana.

Arms, Nancy.

Ladipo, Andrew.

Griffith, Colleen M.

McCarthy, Timothy Patrick.

Fry, Patricia.

Randles, Jennifer M.

Carrara, Massimiliano.

Franks, Suzanne.

Franks, Suzanne.

Labriola, Anthony.

Haider, Otared.

Dunn, Michelle.

Abbey, Duane C.

Chadee, Doren.

Schantz, Richard.

Martenson, Chris.

Hare, John.

Nunez, Elizabeth.

Garnick, Marc B.

Heberer, Eva-Maria.

Norma, Caroline.

Di Nicola, Andrea.

Shaffer, J.

Newerla, Barbara.

Information, Central Office of.

Roinestad, Debra.

Zych, Izabela.

Wright, Paul.

Bongino, Daniel.

Stanley, William.

Busse, Mark.

Graham, Frank Dunstone.
    Protective Tariffs.
    Princeton : Princeton University Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bindloss, Harold.

Mathes, Johannes.

Gromiha, M. Michael.

Lattman, Eaton E.

Dwevedi, Alka.

Fabian, Heinz.

Xu, Jinbo.

Kumar, Raj.

Neurath, Hans.

Neurath, Hans.

Neurath, Hans.

Agarwal, Ashok.

Jasper, James M.

Fitoussi, Jean-Paul.

Newark, Tim.

Gautney, H.

Gautney, Heather.

Pestana, Carla Gardina.

Deslippe, Dennis.

Shlapentokh, Dmitry.

Kanas, Nick.

Heck, Frank H.

Kelly, Mary Pat.

Larkin, Aine.

Tribout-Joseph, Sarah.

Shattuck, Roger.

Gallo, Rubén.

Wilson, Lindsay.

Bannister, Garry.
    Proverbs in Irish.
    La Vergne : New Island Books, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Ernest, Lucas c.
    Grand Rapids : Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Robinson, Gregor.

Hood, Ann.
    Providence Noir.
    New York : Akashic Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Schnapper, Dominique.

Channer, Colin.
    La Vergne : Akashic Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kerr, Diana.

Edwards, Denise.

Saldanha, Cedric.

Chakrabarty, Dipesh.

Wagstaff, Emma.

Ipsen, Gesche.

Birch, David.

Hollander, Jaap.

Martin, James.

Naimpally, Somashekhar.

Lloyd, Carrie.

Fuchita, Yasuyuki.

Tarnopolsky, Christina H.

Kis, Danilo.
    Psalm 44.
    Normal, IL : Columbia University Press, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Smith, Janet K.

O'Driscoll, Herbert.

Wenham, Gordon.

Abels, Helmut.

May, Andrew.

Mechenov, Alexander S.

Symington, Neville.

Ellgen, Pamela.

Menter, Alan.
    London : CRC Press, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Arp, Robert.

Dyck, Erika.

Student, Committee on Mental Health.

McCabe, Paul C.

Vanderpot, Lynne.

Slavney, Phillip R.

Foucault, M.

Pratt, Carlos W.

Burstow, Bonnie.

Whitaker, R.

Baron, David.

Burstow, B.

Wilson, Simon.

Douglas, Molly.

Edward, Mark.

Rannachan, Tom.
    Psychic Scotland.
    : Black & White Publishing, 2007.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Porche, Jean.

Faustus Buck, Craig.
    Psycho Logic.
    : Stark Raving Group, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Rickels, Laurence.
    Psycho Records.
    La Vergne : Columbia University Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Farrell, Yvonne R.

Freeth, Rachel.

Hadar, U.

Althusser, Louis.

Kellerman, Henry.

Samuels, Robert.

Lozza, Niclà.

Nierop, Ada.

Djuric, Zoran.

Cabaniss, Deborah L.

Bracken, Bruce A.

Coverley, Merlin.
    Harpenden, Herts : Oldcastle Books, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Scharloo, Aafke.

Theorell, Töres.

Dobmeyer, Anne C.

Dornelas, Ellen A.

Thomas, Justin.

Burkert, Nathalie Tatjana.

Nuttall, Jeremy.

Martin, G. Neil.

Garcia, Jay.

Jung, C. G.

Boyko, C. P.

Hackett, Paul M.W.

Calcagno, Cheri.

Rose, Anne C.

Holzkamp, Klaus.

Stuart-Hamilton, Ian.

DePaulo, Bella.

Abramson, Lauren.

Kovera, Margaret Bull.
    Psychology of Juries.
    Washington DC : American Psychological Association, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Levant, Ronald F.

Klöckner, Christian A.

Culliford, Larry.

Price, Alison.

Gerrig, Richard J.

Frederick, David A.

Upton, Dominic.

McDonald-Smith, Lynne.

Jones, Stephen.

Walther, Andreas.

von Krafft-Ebing, Richard.

Galbally, Megan.

Bosankic, N.

Frosh, Stephen.

Zaers, Stefanie.

Alarcón, Renato D.

Throop, E.

Segaert, Barbara.

Coover, Robert.

McMahon, Christopher.

Mixon, Jr., Franklin G.

Lemieux, P.

Sekera, June A.

Katz, Michael B.

Panagopoulos, Costas.

Cohen, Neal L.

Eilender, Elizabeth.

Bloom, Nicholas Dagen.

Makris, M.

Katsikas, Sokratis.

De Capitani di Vimercati, Sabrina.

Wachter, Susan M.

Rudder, Catherine E.

Geeraerts, Jef.
    Public Prosecutor.
    New York : Bitter Lemon Press, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Martin, Dick.

Smith, Stacey.

Morris, Trevor.

Capozzi, Louis.

Wolf, D.

Edwards, Meredith.

Ande€ner, René.

Klingebiel, Stephan.

Linquiti, P.

Corsellis, Ann.

Bundred, Steve.

Salvatore, A.

Iosifidis, P.

Sumaedi, Sik.

Detter, D.

Parmley, Robert O.

Fairfield, John D.

Surma, A.

Westall, C.

Bank, Asian Development.

Gardiner, Ann.

Bank, Asian Development.

Ketcham, Ralph.

Fry, Patricia.

Yates, Susan.

Colligan, Colette.

Rietveld, L.

Maber, Richard G.

Smith, Stephen.

Vazquez-Hernandez, Victor.

Marquez, Roberto.

Carvalho, E.

Hussey, Will.

Matthews, Mimi.

Butchart, Pamela.

Butchart, Pamela.
    Pugly On Ice.
    La Vergne : Nosy Crow, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Butchart, Pamela.

Harris, Roy J.

Paul, Julie.
    Pull of the Moon.
    Victoria : Brindle & Glass Publishing, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Waltman, Kevin.
    New York, NY : Cinco Puntos Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Altalag, Ali.

Hunchback, Mike.

Williams, Scott B.

Round, Jeffrey.

Biggar, John.
    Puna de Atacama.
    Brussels : Primento Digital Publishing, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Heide, Lars.

McGoldrick, Sean.

Jaybee, Kay.
    London : Sweetmeats Press, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Harris, Dawn.

Ruggiero, Vincenzo.

de Vega, Lope.

Foucault, Michel.

MacDonell, Allan.

Moore, Caroline.

Beer, D.
    Punk Sociology.
    London : Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Prested, Kevin.

Greene, Shane.

Nadler, Ben.

Pollitt, Andy.
    Punk in the Gym.
    La Vergne : Vertebrate Publishing, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Carroll, Ward.

Bernhard, Jim.

Frank, Felix.

Alfke, Martin.

Marshall, Karrie.

Currell, David.

Scheunemann, Frauke.

MacDonald, Alan.
    Puppy Love!.
    London : Stripes Publishing, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Williams, Jay.
    Puppy Pie.
    New York : Dover Publications, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Webb, Holly.

Grace-Smith, Briar.
    Wellington : Huia (NZ) Ltd, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Whiteside, Heather.

Doyle, Christopher.
    New York : Blank Slate Press, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Schuh, Christian.

Kobrin, Rebecca.

Naison, Mark.
    Pure Bronx.
    New York : Augustus Publishing, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Wynters, Sharyn.

Farrell, Mary Cronk.

Doyle, Brian.
    Pure Spring.
    : Groundwood Books, 2006.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Mondry, Henrietta.

    Cambridge : Hackett Publishing Company, Inc., 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lefcourt, Peter.

Russell, Henry.

Gyatso, Jampa Geshe.

Gienger, Michael.

Ulbricht, T. L. V.

Brownback, Lydia.

Epstein, Steven A.

Moody, Rick.

Philpot, Robert.
    Purple Book.
    London : Biteback Publishing, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Harlick, R.J.

Harrad, Kate.

Farage, Nigel.

McDonald, Fleur.
    Purple Roads.
    Sydney : Allen & Unwin, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Leane, Jeanine.
    Purple Threads.
    St Lucia : University of Queensland Press, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Correy, Ryan.
    Purpose Ridden.
    Victoria : RMB Rocky Mountain Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Russett, B.

Erisman, Albert.

Rydin, Yvonne.

Afflerbach, Holger.

Barak, Aharon.

Islam, M. Saiful.

Lebergott, Stanley.

Anderson, Lisa.

Bunici, Diana.

Goldin, Ian.

Publishing, OECD.

Graham, Carol.

Giorgino, Vincenzo.

López, E.

Saint-Amand, Pierre.

Piereson, James.

Sinclair, Ian.

Dallan, Arsen.

America, Council.

Wentworth, Patricia.
    Pursuit of a Parcel.
    New York : Open Road Media Mystery & Thriller, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Eakman, B. K.

Featherstone, John.

Bartel, Heike.

Craven, Christa.

Dovlatov, Sergei.
    Pushkin Hills.
    Washington : Counterpoint, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Morris, Monique W.

Macdonald, Catherine.

Arutunyan, Anna.

Shevtsova, Lilia.
    Putin's Russia.
    Washington : Brookings Institution Press, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Dalzell, Ruth.

Dalzell, Ruth.

Hart, Di.

Bolderman, Karen M.

Jutel, Annemarie Goldstein.

Rollin, Bernard E.

Waibel, Piera.

Youngs, Richard.

Niederman, Derrick.
    Puzzler's Dilemma.
    London : Gerald Duckworth & Co, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Rasler, K.

Robinson, Phillip T.

Bullock, Philip Ross.
    Pyotr Tchaikovsky.
    London : Reaktion Books, Limited, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kadare, Ismail.
    Pyramid : A Novel.
    La Vergne : Arcade Publishing, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Mankell, Henning.

Pomeroy, Sarah B.

Phillips, Dusty.

Hetland, Magnus Lie.

Nelli, Fabio.

Bakker, Indra den.

Zimmerman, Jacob.

Miller, Preston.

Raschka, Sebastian.

Yamanoor, Sai.

Walters, Gregory.

Bernard, Joey.

Pajankar, Ashwin.

Yan, Yuxing.

Kelly, Sloan.

Feynman, Richard Phillips.

Amihud Kramer,.

Kramer, Amihud.

Madan, Sanjay.

Zhou, Qingjie.

Silva, Louisa.

Bock-Mobius, Imke.

Davis, Ronald H.

Mills, Nigel.

Rath, Stephen.

Zhang, Yilei.

(U.S.), Joint History Office.
    Quadrant Conference.
    Washington, D. C. : United States Government Printing Office, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Glynn, Stephen.
    London : Columbia University Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Block, Francesca Lia.
    San Francisco : Manic D Press, Inc., 2008.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Klotz, A.

Heigham, J.

Frommberger, Lutz.

Reid, Dennis H.

Lie, Koo Yew.

Bernhard, Andrea.

Barker, Thomas B.

Cano, Emilio L.

Mannon, Melissa.

Stein, Mike.

Masterson, Patrick.

Jordan, Thomas E.

Brook, Peter.

Xu, Chen.

Oplinger, Jon.

Hausken, Kjell.

Mayes, Robert.

Georgakopoulos, Harry.

Kumar, Manjit.

Calmet, Xavier.
    Quantum Black Holes.
    Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gisin, Nicolas.

Fujii, Keisuke.

Streltsov, Alexander.

Zhu, Jun-Jie.

Bandrauk, Andre D.

Zee, A.

Lincoln, Don.

Das, Kunal K.

Cramer, John G.

Kolobov, Mikhail I.
    Quantum Imaging.
    New York, NY : Springer New York, 2007.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Tomamichel, Marco.

Rajasekar, S.

Werschnik, Jan.

Salasnich, Luca.

Pykacz, Jarosław.

Licata, Ignazio.

Wilcox, Walter.

Furusawa, Akira.

Stapp, Henry P.

Malinowska, Agnieszka B.

d'Espagnat, Bernard.

Johnson, Peter.

Bradshaw, Mel.

Magnusson, Anna.

Magnusson, Anna.

Webb, Peter.
    Claygate : Grosvenor House Publishing, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Oaks, Ned.

Fraser, George MacDonald.

Marr, David.

Tingle, Laura.

White, Hugh.

Kremp, Tristan.

Epstein, Clarence.

Seward, Ingrid.

Edmunson, Helen.

MacDonald, Alan.
    Queen Bee!.
    London : Stripes Publishing, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Preston, Jennifer.

Andriacco, Dan.
    Queen City Corpse.
    Luton, Bedfordshire : Andrews UK, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Powell, Andrew.

Willis-Crowley, Kate.

Hubbard, Kate.

Bell, Lynne.

Bell, Lynne.

Tidridge, Nathan.

Brooks, Martha.

Silverberg, Robert.

Conway, J. North.

Aimard, Gustave.

Echenoz, Jean.

Hall, Traci E.

Hall, Traci E.

Hall, Traci.

    Queens Noir.
    New York : Akashic Books, 2008.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Curzon, Catherine.

Harris, Carolyn.

Edwards, Matthew J.

Campbell, K.

Stewart-Winter, Timothy.

Davidson, G.

Packard, C.

Cook, M.

Campbell, Alyson.

Whisnant, Clayton J.

Cruz-Malavé, Arnaldo.

Peele, T.

Day, James.

Harris, A.

Schanke, R.

Barker, Meg-John.
    London : Icon Books Ltd, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Shannon, Deric.

Roman, Christopher M.

Rohrer, J.

Stern, Keith.

Gatiss, Mark.
    London : Nick Hern Books, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Goldie, Terry.

Lochhead, Liz.

Taylor, Alice.
    Quench the Lamp.
    Dublin : The O'Brien Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Dickens, Charles.

Greene, Richard.

Bodio, Stephen.
    New York, NY : Skyhorse Publishing, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Melton, Jim.

Hartig, O.

Strang, Heather.

Brand, Max.

Lachman, Gary.

Rasmussen, Seth C.

Fekete, Andrew.
    Quest for Gold.
    Oxford : Liverpool University Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

van den Dool, Leon.

Jaffe, Richard S.

Alcock, Marie.

Burnison, Gary.

Kurtz, Katherine.

Stiglitz, Joseph E.

Visser, Wayne.

Dobre, Claudia-Florentina.

Mijnssen, Ivo.

Lassila, Jussi.

Dzon, Mary.

Morgan, Winter.

Pearl, Joel.

Gross, Aaron S.

Gunn, Eileen.

Sims, Bennett.

van Hooft, Stan.

Selby, Jennifer.

Campbell, John.

Marzano, Robert J.

Pope, Gorden.

Barr, Donald A.

Aquinas, Thomas.

Dombrowski, Theo.

Nelson, Jon.

Smith, Eileen Keavy.

McDonnell, Mark.

Boffetta, Paolo.

Mandelstam, Michael.

Musselman, Lytton John.

Lurie, Lynn.
    Quick Kills.
    Silver Spring : Etruscan Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Clayton, Mike.

Ponichtera, Brenda.

Barlow, Yvonne.

Morgan, Nicola S.

Fisher, Deborah.

Sail, Lawrence.
    Tyne and Wear : Bloodaxe Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Griggs, Terry.
    Emeryville : Biblioasis, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Whitney, Phyllis A.
    Quicksilver Pool.
    Newburyport : Open Road Media Romance, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Jones, Peter.

Chau, Angie.

Hay, Davie.

Lefevre, Carol.

Noll, João Gilberto.

Sehic, Faruk.

Gruenewald, Peter.

Bainbridge, Beryl.

Cook, David C.

Matsumoto, Seicho.
    Quiet Place.
    New York, NY : Bitter Lemon Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Troy, Judy.

Gordon, S. D.

Gordon, S. D.

Gordon, S. D.

Gordon, S. D.

Ashdown, Isabel.

Coplan, Robert J.

    London : Hot Key Books, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Brocket, Jane.

Malone, Chris.

Oberholtzer, Beth.

Brunstetter, Wanda E.
    Quilter's Daughter.
    Uhrichsville : Barbour Publishing, Inc., 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Dackson, Elizabeth.

Rubin, Susan Goldman.

Clanton, Jay.
    Quincy's Quest.
    La Vergne : Robert Hale, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Quinn, Feargal.

Bickhoff, Nils.

Hase, Stefan.

Kotler, Philip.

Rinpoche, Tulku Urgyen.

Page, Edwin.

Sze, Arthur.
    Port Townsend : Copper Canyon Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bahr, Benjamin.

McCarthy, Patrick.

Rutter, Sandra.

Rezek, Cheryl.

Schlosberg, Suzanne.

Kochalka, James.

Trail, Jesse Vernon.

Charlesworth, James H.

Kostenberger, Andreas J.

DiMarco, Damon.

Hadden, Peggy.

Price, Steven D.

Jacobs, Ben.

Marshall, Frank.

Lyons, Nick.
    Quotable Fisherman.
    New York, NY : Skyhorse Publishing, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lyons, Tony.
    Quotable Lawyer.
    New York, NY : Skyhorse Publishing, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Dubie, Norman.
    Quotations of Bone.
    Port Townsend : Copper Canyon Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Ferstl, Paul.

Novetzke, Christian Lee.

Esack, Farid.

Cragg, Kenneth.
    Qur'an and the West.
    Washington : Georgetown University Press, 2006.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Siddiqui, Abdur Rashid.

Yim Bridges, Shirin.

De Gezelle, Jillian.

Ganguly, Kuntal.

Tollefson, Margot.

Pace, Larry.

Papakonstantinidis, Stavros.

Bianchini, Terry.

de Vries, Andrie.
    R for Dummies.
    New York : John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Chapman, Chris.

Cornillon, Pierre-Andre.
    R for Statistics.
    Philadelphia, PA : CRC Press, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Morgan, Paul.

Finch, David.

Laclair, Rebecca.
    Minneapolis : Mill City Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Caine, Philip D.

Jacobs, Peter.

Tylee, Patrick.
    Minneapolis : Camel Needle & Associates, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Cristea, Ioana Alina.

McFarland, Brian.

Shah, Aram.

Rumrill, Jr., Phillip, Bellini, James L.


Loguen, J. w.

Lucas, Bill.

Kuhn, Darl.

Hind, Andrew.

Amidon Lusted, Marcia.

Cozzi, Bob.

Mellard, Daryl F.

Banani, Amin.

Jago, Michael.

Raine, Nina.

Lindsay-Abaire, David.

Ockert, Jason.

Lumpkin, Susan.

Bhattacharya, Kumkum.

McGuane, James.

Anderson-Dargatz, Gail.

McIlwain, Charlton D.

Jacobs, Bruce A.

Carroll, Fred.

Browne, Jeremy.

Aries, Elizabeth.

Saunders, Gail.

Outka, P.

McGruder, Kevin.

Kennedy, Brandy A.

Kahn, Jonathan.

Duvall, J.

Yarbrough, Fay A.

Krimsky, Sheldon.

McKee, Alexander.

Burton, J.

Mauer, Marc.

Hunter, Douglas.

Bart, Sheldon.

Koh, Sin Yee.

Auerbach, S.

Spear, Jennifer M.

Mamet, David.
    New York : Theatre Communications Group, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Innes, Brett Michael.
    Rachel Weeping.
    : Jonathan Ball Publishers, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Harris, Marian S.

Santa Ana, Jeffrey.

Kim, Thomas P.

Newberry, Jay L.

Locke, Brian.

Fabbri, Robert.

Willis, Bryan.

Williford, Glen M.

Tinley, Scott.

Lentin, Alana.

Cole, Mike.

Smith, Andrew.

Hall, Ronald E.

Ransome, Arthur.

Schwarcz, Joe.

Embree, Michael.

Larson, Katherine.
    Radial Symmetry.
    New Haven : Yale University Press, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Jones, Louis B.

Sumner-Smith, Karina.

O'Faolain, Nuala.

Volodine, Antoine.

Hoffman, Lynn.


Leszczynski, Dariusz.

Johnston, Hugh.

Reynolds, K.

Ingram, James D.

Hruška, D.

McClory, Robert.

Mackay, F.

Rockhill, Gabriel.

Tinson, Christopher M.

Green, Michael.

Katsourides, Yiannos.

Hathaway, William T.

Bracher, Mark.

McCarthy, Timothy Patrick.

Robson, J.

Rivers, Daniel Winunwe.

Minkenberg, Michael.

Minkenberg, Michael.

Spellers, Stephanie.

Smethurst, J.

Horowitz, David.

Lucas, B.

Robertson, Peter.

Rawlence, Ben.

Kinney, Anne-Marie.
    Radio Iris.
    Granville : Two Dollar Radio, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lloyd, David.
    Radio Moments.
    La Vergne : Biteback Publishing, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Emery, Chris.
    Radio Nostalgia.
    : Salt Publishing Limited, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Castro, J. Justin.

Grupen, Claus.

Attrep, Moses.

Forbes, Brandon W.

Coenen, H.H.

Borg, Philip.

Singh, Harjit.

Nanni, Cristina.

Moir, Louise.

Denehy, Bill.

Lewis, Ronald.

Pilkey, Brent.

Sloterdijk, Peter.

Ford, J. Keller.

Bizzio, Sergio.
    New York : Bitter Lemon Press, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hartley, Ray.

Tressell, Robert.

McCloskey, William B.
    Raiders : A Novel.
    New York, NY : Skyhorse Publishing, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Grey, Zane.

Mitchell, G.
    London : Robert Hale, 2006.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Rails-to-Trails Conservancy,.

Rails-to-Trails Conservancy,.

Rails-to-Trails Conservancy,.

Rails-to-Trails Conservancy,.

Rails-to-Trails Conservancy,.

Rails-to-Trails Conservancy,.

Rails-to-Trails Conservancy,.

Rails-to-Trails Conservancy,.

Rails-to-Trails Conservancy,.

Rails-to-Trails Conservancy,.

Rails-to-Trails Conservancy,.

Dactyl, Aaron.

Marrs, Aaron W.

Bradburne, Alan.

Brown, Ron.

Brown, Ron.

Nesbitt, E.

Vaughan, Adrian.

Thomson, Gordon.

Field, W. H. W.

Blumenthal, Ryan.
    Rain Beetle.
    : G2 Rights Ltd, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Latham, Donna.
    Rain Forests.
    Vermont : Nomad Press, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Barba, Andrés.

Turgeon, Carolyn.
    Rain Village.
    Lakewood, CO : Unbridled Books, 2006.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Francione, Gary L.

Wetzel, Donald.

Jacobs, Linda.
    Rain of Fire.
    Tulsa : Medallion Media Group, 2006.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Villaseñor, Victor.
    Rain of Gold.
    Houston : Arte Público Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

El Badry, Hala.

Le Vann, Kate.
    Dorking : Piccadilly Press, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Leland, Kurt.

Hopps, Stuart.

Minich, Deanna M.

Rinpoche, Tulku Urgyen.
    Rainbow Painting.
    Hong Kong : Rangjung Yeshe Publications, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Jimmerson, Ellin Sterne.

Peters, Ellis.
    Rainbow's End.
    New York : Road, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lawrence, D.H.
    Newburyport : Dover Publications, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Teele, Sue.

Sinha, Lalita.

Robson, Peter A.

Dobbs-Higginson, Michael.

Redford, Ian.

Rainer, Peter.

Suter, Ruedi.

Coyote, Peter.

Catton, Theodore.

Moody, Kareem.

Finnegan, Richard P.

Milburn, Michael A.

Warnock, Adrian.

Chesterman, Simon.
    Raising Arcadia.
    SG : Marshall Cavendish International, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Uchimura, Hiroko.

Katrovas, Richard.

Muggleton, Joshua.

Harris, Carolyn.

Buchalter, Susan.

Fowler, Larry.

Sengupta, Kamalini.
    New York : The Feminist Press at CUNY, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Phillips, Scott.
    Rake : A Novel.
    Berkeley : Counterpoint, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Mackie, Erin.

Clinton, Lee.
    Raking Hell.
    La Vergne : Robert Hale, 2007.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Langley, Eric.
    Raking Light.
    La Vergne : Carcanet, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Norton, Andre.
    Ralestone Luck.
    Newburyport : Open Road Media, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Shulman, Max.

Shand-Tucci, Douglass.

Parrish, Timothy.

Fiennes, Ralph.

Emerson, Ralph Waldo.

Khan, Ausma Zehanat.

Grieg, David.

Bhattacharjee, Tanmoy.
    Raman Spectroscopy.
    Bellingham : Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE), 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Peterson, Eric.

Peterson, Eric.

Peterson, Eric.

Wu, Sophie.

Mellor, Lee.

Wills, Julia.

Gray, Stephen.

Marsh, B.

Bindloss, Harold.

Gibbs, Jonathan.

Furst, L.

Brézin, Edouard.

Couso, Inés.

Kumagai, Takashi.

Grimmett, Geoffrey R.
    Random-Cluster Model.
    Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2006.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Mitchell, G.
    Range Rustlers.
    La Vergne : Robert Hale, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hurter, Bill.

Gray, Lisa.

Fischler, Stan.

Strock, Ian Randal.

Pinto da Costa, Joaquim.

Hazelkorn, Ellen.

Prinz, Manfred.

Paz, Octavio.

Leo, Jana.
    Rape New York.
    New York : The Feminist Press at CUNY, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kimball, Roger.

Müntz, Eugène.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kumar, Hemanth.

Medicine, Institute of.

Sharma, Sanjay.

Azeem, Tariq.

Vassallo, Michael.

Hofmann, Markus.

Parks, Tim.
    : Arcade Publishing, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Wittstock, Alfred.

James, Terry.

Lambert, Linda.

Roberts, David.
    London : Pavilion Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Siddons, Annie.
    London : Oberon Books Ltd, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Sireau, Nicolas.

Rademaker, Katja.

Peque, Dennis.

Branch, Lucy.

Schweizer, Harold.

Pollock, Sheldon.

Mason, Andrew.

Webb, Holly.

Webb, Holly.
    Rascal the Star.
    London : Stripes Publishing, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Webb, Holly.

Webb, Holly.

Webb, Holly.

Akutagawa, Ryunosuke.

Newmarch, Jan.

Pajankar, Ashwin.

Shovic, John C.

Pajankar, Ashwin.

Gay, Warren.

Upton, Eben.

Schulman, Sarah.
    Rat Bohemia.
    Vancouver : Arsenal Pulp Press, 2008.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Smith, Wesley J.

Alter, Stephen.

Bradbury, Malcolm.

Langlois, Hugues.

David, Oana A.

Chwe, Michael Suk-Young.

Kelemen, J.

Ren, Lin.

Wintgens, Luc J.

Cato, Susumu.

Chasseaud, Peter.

Laporte, Mat.
    Rats Nest.
    Toronto : BookThug, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Roberts, Ed.

Townsend, Chris.

Boast, Richard.

Anderson, Tammy.

Echenoz, Jean.
    Ravel : A Novel.
    New York : The New Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Vickers, Roy Henry.

Humphrey, Kris.
    Raven's Call.
    London : Stripes Publishing, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

    Ravenna Tank.
    Chicago : Annie's, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Durbin, Kate.

Cassim, Rookmin.

Hope, Amélie.

Rørth, Pernille.

Ho, Fred.

Aziz, Erica Palmcrantz.

Shelton, Penni.

Ladra, Anya.

Boyer, J. Patrick.

Sillitoe, Alan.

Anderson, Pamela.
    La Vergne : BenBella Books, Inc., 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hayes, Ralph.
    Rawhide Justice.
    London : Robert Hale, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Voice, Paul.

Bailey, Tom.
    Rawls and Religion.
    New York : Columbia University Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Brooks, Thom.

Graham, Paul.
    Oxford : Oneworld Publications, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Cartland, Doug.

Hunt, Laird.
    Ray of the Star.
    : Coffee House Press, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Luque, Jaime.

Bailey, Budd.

Buckeye, Robert.
    Re : Quin.
    Normal, IL : Columbia University Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hadfield, D.A.

Albrecht, Yoeri.

Hebden, Keith.

Deetjen, Claudia.

Bank, Asian Development.

Sostrin, J.

Eckstein, Lars.

Lau, L.

Gupta, Suman.

Tilley-Lubbs, Gresilda A.

Haydon Laurelut, Mark.

Bemong, Nele.

Hernández-Romero, Lili.

Ward, Keith.

Braedel-Kühner, Cordula.

Anderson, Pamela Sue.

Denecke, Mathias.

Cody, Matthew.

Küpers, Wendelin.

Riva, Peter.

News, The State.

Kyle, Diane W.

Globally, Forum on Investing in Young Children.

Bishop, Penny A.

MacKenzie, Heather.

Rymaszewska, Janie.

Martinez, Emilio Rodriguez.

Kho, Richard.

Paul, Akshat.

Fedosejev, Artemij.
    React.js Essentials.
    Olton Birmingham : Packt Publishing Ltd, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Subonis, Tadas.

Maglie, Andrea.

Jog, Tejaswini Mandar.

Farhi, Oren.

Doglio, Fernando.

Modrzyk, Nicolas.

Angart, Leo.

Park, Ed.
    Read Harder.
    San Francisco : McSweeney's, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Walsh, Len.

Jean, Raymond.
    Reader for Hire.
    London : Peirene Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hafez, Sabry.

Goldingay, John.

Banaji, S.

Tucker, J. Brian.

Ben-Zaken, Avner.

Krohn, Nitza.

Procter, J.

McClellan, William.

Crain, Patricia.

MacFarlane, Elizabeth.
    Reading Coetzee..
    New York : Editions Rodopi, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Nanos, Mark D.

Jacobus, Mary.

Friesen, Courtney J. P.

Eberwein, Jane Donahue.

Frei, Hans W.

Frei, Hans W.

Machor, James L.

Ramakrishnan, Niranjan.

Hescher, Achim.

Scheuermann, M.

Sternbach, Claudia.

Lamarche, Pierre.

Kloppenberg, James T.

Sherman, C.

Stachurski, Christina.

Pawley, Christine.

Guillain, Adam and Charlotte.

Guillain, Adam and Charlotte.

Guillain, Adam and Charlotte.

Guillain, Adam and Charlotte.

Guillain, Adam and Charlotte.

Guillain, Adam and Charlotte.

Guillain, Adam and Charlotte.

Guillain, Adam and Charlotte.

Guillain, Adam and Charlotte.

Guillain, Adam and Charlotte.

Guillain, Adam and Charlotte.

Guillain, Adam and Charlotte.

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Guillain, Adam and Charlotte.

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Guillain, Adam and Charlotte.

Guillain, Adam and Charlotte.

Guillain, Adam and Charlotte.

Guillain, Adam and Charlotte.

Guillain, Adam and Charlotte.

Guillain, Adam and Charlotte.

Guillain, Adam and Charlotte.

Magnuson, Paul.

Weinstock, Jeffrey Andrew.

Stott, John.

Westerholm, Stephen.

Atkins, G.

Harper, Thomas.

Blair, Amy.

Danaher, David S.

Hawkins, T.

Jansen, S.

Baraitser, Marion.

Sejnost, Roberta L.

McNaughton, William.

Ardizzone, Maria Luisa.

Pieper, Kenny.

Pietersen, Lloyd.

Perrin, Andrew B.

McMurchy-Barber, Gina.

Weiss, Elizabeth.

Torgerson, B.

Nienhuis, David.

Stone, Ken.

Scheible, Kristin.

Knight, Peter.

Allen, Ronald J.

Burman, Thomas E.

Kniffel, Leonard.

Chamberlain, Kathleen.

Erickson, Paul A.

Kohn, Livia.

Moyal-Sharrock, D.

Ronning, Anne Holden.

Collins, Steven.

Adeyemo, David.

Renwick, Robin.

Guillamón, Agustín.

Batt, Marissa N.

Harding, Nick.

Schueller, Heidi.

Meese III, Edwin.

Rossinow, Doug.

Wills, Garry.

Steiger, Brad.

Bendelow, Kate.

Robbins, James S.

Williams, Rod.
    Real Deal.
    Waynesboro : Authentic Media, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Campbell, Lady Colin.
    Real Diana.
    : Arcadia Books Limited, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Chernov, Tanya.

Steiger, Brad.

Herman, Kathy.

Maloof, John.

Thomsett, Michael C.

Bammer, Otto.

Steiger, Brad.

Holland, Nick.
    Real Guy Fawkes.
    Havertown : Pen & Sword Books Limited, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Brown, Les.

Leslie, Mark.

Stevenson, J.

Magness, Milton S.

Shephard, Gillian.

Winkler, Peter.

Birmingham, Stephen.

Tobak, Steve.

Salacuse, Jeswald W.

Fezzani, Nadia.

Pinkhasov, M.

Horninger, Mark.

Weston-Davies, Wynne.

Steiger, Brad.

Steiger, Brad.

Steiger, Brad.

Steiger, Brad.

Steiger, Brad.

Steiger, Brad.

Steiger, Brad.

Peters, Linda.

Stefansson, Elin.

Farmer, Andy.

Ralston, Andrew G.

Blitvich, Pilar Garces-Conejos.

Farrar, Steve.

Thompson, R.

Steiger, Brad.

Shepard, Geoff.

Shushkewich, Val.

Moyer, Bryon.

Moemeka, Edward.

Moemeka, Edward.

Basu, Samidip.

Steiger, Brad.

Nunes Kehl, Thiago.

Sohn-Rethel, Marten.

Kormanyos, Christopher.

Spalding, Julian.

Brock, Stuart.

Scott, Michael.

Nagib, L.

Robinette, N.

Matthews, R.

Aitken, Ian.

Eno, Will.
    Realistic Joneses.
    : Theatre Communications Group, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bever, E.

Clegg, Brian.

Finley, Karen.
    Reality Shows.
    New York : The Feminist Press at CUNY, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Paul, Battista.

Hanna, Patricia.

Castillo, Heather.

Weigand, Markus.

Boyle, Richard P.

Bhabha, Jacqueline.
    Realizing Roma Rights.
    Philadelphia : University of Pennsylvania Press, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Palmer, Ann.

Miller, Philip.

Fox, Catherine.

Clinton, Lee.
    London : Robert Hale, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Fagan, Kate.

Canfield, Arthur Graves.

Laurent, Stéphane.

Barry, Michael S.

Anderson, O.

Anderson, O.

Elster, Jon.

Rescher, Nicholas.

Priest, Eric.

Barry, Michael S.

Carofiglio, Gianrico.
    Reasonable Doubts.
    New York : Bitter Lemon Press, 2007.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Craig, William Lane.

Barnes, Mike.

Osborne, Evan.

Rudolph, Sebastian.

Davies, Deborah Kay.

Busenitz, Nathan.

Geisler, Norman L.

Frankfurt, Harry G.
    Reasons of Love.
    Princeton : Princeton University Press, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Curtis, Simon.

Moss, J.

Harkin, Michael E.

Dühring, Lisa.

Bennett, M.

Mckay, Huw.

Heilman, Samuel.

Hall, Rebecca.

Ringquist, Rebecca.

Carey, Anna.
    Rebecca Rocks.
    Dublin : The O'Brien Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Carey, Anna.

Aimard, Gustave.

Norton, Andre.
    Rebel Spurs.
    Newburyport : Open Road Media, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

May, Peter.

Clwyd, Ann.

Landesman, Jay.

Sharp, Evelyn.
    Rebel Women.
    Wellington : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Mutambara, Agrippah.

McGee, James.

Plank, Geoffrey.

Dunne, Tom.

Dietrich, David R.

Ellis, Iain.

O'Neill, Joe.

Bell, John.

Cossa, Mario.

Mawhiney, Anne-Marie.

Pritchett, Lant.

Null, Gary.

Spoonley, Paul.

Underwood, Ed.

Sharpe, Kevin.

Reardon, Ken.

Olin, Dirk.

Abrahams, Hilary.

Hickson, Kevin.

Birch, Eugenie L.

Fessler, Clyde.

Anderson, C. W.

Harlow, Bill.

Fiol, Stefan.

Perry, Samuel.

Vail, Mark I.

Segal, Howard P.

Vermaak, Justin.

Anderson, Karen Leona.
    Receipt : Poems.
    New York, NY : Milkweed Editions, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Binétruy, P.

Johnson, C.D.

Johnson, Colin.

Johann, Andreas.

Grocke, Denise Erdonmez.

Abdulla, Parosh Aziz.

Böttcher, Jörg.

Bergmans, Bernhard.

Richardson, Jill.

Moultrie Turner, Anita.

Kinsella, Warren.

Neshama, Rivvy.

Queisser de Stockalper, Derek.

Bae, Suah.
    La Vergne : Deep Vellum Publishing, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Patterson, Robert.

Lucas, Craig.

Norman, Cheryl.
    Reclaim My Life.
    New York : Medallion Media Group, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Nakken, Craig.

Fay, Christy.

Depelchin, Jacques.

Platt, Rutherford H.

Williams, Susan S.

Hendry, J.

Phoenix, Nicola.

Guthrie, Kathy L.

Amin, ElSayed.

Gourdine, Michelle A.

DiEugenio, James.

Medina, C.

Minutella, Vincenza.

Shaler, Laurel.

Mears, C.

Thiboldeaux, Kim.

Anastasio, Jon Martin.

Menzies, Heather.

Thompson, Mary Reynolds.

Honneth, Axel.

Gaddis, William.
    Normal, IL : Columbia University Press, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Weddle, Peter.

Daniel, Brigid.

Cooper, James Fenimore.

Rotherham, Ian D.

Symeonidis, Panagiotis.

Hediger, Irene.

Whitehead, Philip.

Brummett, Nancy Parker.

Castle, Brian.

Penikett, Tony.

Najibullah, Heela.

Al-Shatibi, Ibrahim Ibn.

Al-Shatibi, Ibrahim.

Ware, Guy.
    La Vergne : Salt Publishing Limited, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lovat, Terence.

Levine, Marc V.

Bunster-Ossa, Ignacio.

Coile, Courtney C.

Miller, Gale.

Kuortti, Joel,.

Rihuoha, Samson Maeniuta.

Holkeskamp, Karl-J.

Ling, Rich.

Johnson, Lindy L.

Gu, Yanwu.

Shirane, Haruo.

Pritchard, Jacki.

Lawford, Christopher Kennedy.

Lawrence, Keith.

Piper, John.

Reddy, G. Vishwanatha.

Matesa, Jennifer.

Kiely, Jan.

Thornbury, Gregory Alan.

Conyers, Beverly.

Emery, Jacqueline.

Taylor, Mark C.

Seldon, Anthony.

Mathieu, Ingrid.

LaDuke, Winona.

Abdullahi, Abdurahman.

Couser, Tom.


Ridge, Damien.

Earley, Paul H.

Patel, M.F.

Farquhar, George.

Rebore, Ronald W., Sr.

Wilson, Thomas H.

Roeper, Tom.

Corballis, Michael C.

Collis, Stephen.
    Red Album.
    Toronto : BookThug, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Wildcat, Daniel.

Crane, Stephen.

Al-Ghani, K.I.

Neveu, Brett.

Walter, Carl E.

Bingham, Sallie.
    Red Car : Stories.
    Louisville : Sarabande Books, 2008.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Thorne, Jack.

Ellis, Richard.
    Red City.
    Exeter : Impress Books, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Francis, Clare.
    Red Crystal.
    Newburyport : Open Road Media Mystery & Thriller, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Seidov, Igor.

Leinster, Murray.
    Red Dust.
    Auckland : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

McDonald, Fleur.
    Red Dust.
    Sydney : Allen & Unwin, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Clough, Caroline.

Högselius, P.

Flood, Cynthia.

Yang, Guobin.

Heald, Tim.

Branscum, John.

Crossland, R. L.

Harlick, R.J.

Mayhew, Julie.
    Red Ink.
    London : Hot Key Books, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Mordecai, Pamela.
    Red Jacket.
    Toronto : Dundurn, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Newsome, Alan.

Beals, Timothy J.

Pitt-Kethley, Fiona.

Pritchett, Laura.

Thiem, Brian.

Thiem, Brian.

Snell, Roy J.
    Red Lure.
    Auckland : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Goldstein, Lisa.
    Red Magician.
    New York : Open Road Media Sci-Fi & Fantasy, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Greig, Pete.

Harrison, Paula.

Laurain, Antoine.
    Red Notebook.
    London : Gallic Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Tremblay, Michel.
    Red Notebook.
    Vancouver : Talonbooks, 2008.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Boyd, Douglas.

Monteath, Peter.

Barnett, William P.

Phillips, Louise.
    Red Ribbons.
    La Vergne : Polis Books, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lewis, Courtland.

Bayle, B.J.

Mitchell, G.

McGann, Kunak.

Mahon, Derek.
    Red Sails.
    Oldcastle : The Gallery Press, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Wentworth, Patricia.
    Red Shadow.
    New York : Open Road Media Mystery & Thriller, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Oickle, Vernon.

Laird, Elizabeth.

Anderson, Dave.

Walsh, Christopher.

Macomber, Michael.

Nowlin, Bill.

Radosh, Ronald.

Nye, Naomi Shihab.
    Red Suitcase.
    Rochester : BOA Editions Ltd., 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Jefferson, Alexander.

Kaufman, Herbert.

Murphy, Susan.

Freeman, R. Austin.
    Red Thumb Mark.
    Wellington : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Morrison, Arthur.

Brand, Max.

Dance, Jennifer.
    Red Wolf.
    Toronto : Dundurn, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Telfer, Dickson.

Teixeira, Ruy A.

Esperanza, Charles George.

Weekes, Don.

Feltoe, Richard.

West, E.A.
    Redeeming Honor.
    Chicago : Pelican Book Group, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Berger, Peter L.

Poythress, Vern Sheridan.

Danylak, Barry.

Neubauer, Deane E.

Alexander, Michelle.

Drew, Joseph.

Lamm, Steven.

Evans, Joanne.

Lyng Jensen, Jesper.

Schmid, Mariana.

Berube, Alan.

Berube, Alan.

Stanage, Niall.

Hood, Daniel.

Lord, Karen.

Davies, Carys.

Rawle, Matt.

Rawle, Matt.

McKee, Vince.

Dewey, Laurel.
    : Story Plant, The, 2008.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Montgomery, Leslie.

Aidi, H.

Pascut, Beniamin.

Crawford, Barry S.

Barnett, Jonathan.

Roseman, James M.

Rochester, C.

Chen, Guying.

Woodward, Sharon.

L'Hoeste, Hector Fernandez.

Daly, K.

Richman, Michael.

Schubert, Katrin.

Moser, Caroline O.N.

Webster, Daniel W.

Feinstein, Leon.

Bonner, Chris.

Best, Fred.

Gleeson, James.

Rae, Alastair.

Kandel, Eric R.

Healy, Dermot.
    Reed Bed.
    : The Gallery Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

McCoy, Michael.

Wintner, Robert.
    Reefdog : A Novel.
    La Vergne : Yucca Publishing, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Halperin, Shirley.

Greenwald, Lisa.

Crouse, Richard.

Crouse, Richard.

Ison, Tara.

Cooper, T.

Massy, William F.

Biti, Vladimir.

Williamson, John.

Qvortrup, Matt.

Bresnahan, James C.

Gómez Cruz, Edgar.

St. John, Edward P.

Choudhury, Balamati.

Derrick, John.

Weiss, Thomas.

Collins, Suzan.

Berger, Michael A.

Hennessy, Peter.

Phinnemore, D.

Dervis, Kemal.

Whorton, Bob.

Jorgenson, Olaf.

Osterman, Karen F.

Godin, Paul.

Lawrence-Wilkes, L.

Brooks-McNamara, Vicki.

Vanden Bossche, Chris R.

Atwood, Blake.

Kubota, K.

Ehteshami, Anoushiravan.

Pearson, Chad.

Nichols, Stephen J.

Berthoud, Pierre.

Collins, The Rev. Chuck.

Stark, Rodney.

Krey, Philip D. W.

Pilkington, Philip.

Eire, Carlos M. N.

Waldron, Jennifer.

Cronin, J.

Aaron, Henry.

Publishing, OECD.

Panday, Pranab Kumar.

Maeroff, G.

Johnson, Gary L. W.

Secrest, Craig.

Springer, Melanie J.

Mullarkey, John.

Bridges, Holly.

Dierksmeier, Claus.

Yoos, G.

Brian, Kristi.

Telfer, Dickson.

Williams, Scott B.

O'Dochartaigh, Pol.

Seabrook, J.

Broek, Michael.
    Farmington : Alice James Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Drew, Benjamin.

Krummel, Sharon.

Annamalai, Aniyizhai.

Aguirre, Carmen.
    Refugee Hotel.
    Vancouver : Talonbooks, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Chantavanich, Supang.

Doyle, Arthur Conan.

Møller, B.

Bender, Karen E.

Martí-Arnándiz, Otilia.

Alibhai-Brown, Yasmin.

Kaufman-Lacusta, Maxine.

Quercia, Roberto G.

Semmes, C.

Haustein, Katja.

Emerson, Catherine.

Oloruntoba, Samuel.

Boduszyński, Mieczysław P.

Berger, Thomas.

Mowat, Farley.
    Toronto : Dundurn, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Green, A.

Newman, Vivien.

Levine, Daniel H.

Lu, Dadao.

Torre, André.

Oswald Spring, Úrsula.

Olutayo, O.

Ouyyanont, Porphant.

Otsuka, Akihiro.

Ocampo, José Antonio.

Percoco, Marco.

Garner, Helen.

Freund, Rudolf J.

Naghshpour, Shahdad.

Gomes, Diogo A.

Mytnik, Leonid.

Bhatt, Jignesh.

Bayefsky, M.

Saleuddin, R.

Wheeler-Reed, David.

Chari, Raj.

Getty, Paul.

Abeyratne, Ruwantissa.

O'Faircheallaigh, Ciaran.

Trzupek, Rich.

Degenhard, William.
    New York : The Permanent Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Coglianese, Cary.

Bank, Asian Development.

Laing, Adrian.

Raynor, P.

Aster, Misha.

Aster, Misha.

Garrett, Ginger.

Stavi, Boaz.

Ewing, Jim PathFinder.

Viola, Frank.

Rendina, Diana.

Sarat, Austin.

Gubrium, Jaber F.

Kearney, Richard.

Kim, Grace Ji-Sun.

Moreno Tuohy, BSW, NCAC II, Cynthia.

Blake M.Sc (Lond), Stephen.

Webb, Holly.
    Reindeer Girl.
    London : Stripes Publishing, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Clarke, David, IV.

Berger, Thomas.

Conyers, John C.

Clinton, Lee.
    Reins of Satan.
    London : Robert Hale, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Blumi, I.

Marsden, Sarah V.

Ricci, Liana.

Orlov, Dmitry.

Wann, David.

Persaud, Avinash.

Smith, Aaron C. T.

Mendoza, Dovelyn Rannveig.

Oppy, G.

Zane, Chris.

Ryan, Liz.

Earle, T.F.

Nombo, Porer.

McIntosh, Alastair.

Knowles, Robert.

Fox, Su.

Herring, Jonathan.

Harrington, Jan L.

Ardeleanu, Stefan.

Ridley, Hugh.

Pazienza, Pasquale.

Weiss, Jeffrey.

Malhotra, Naresh K.

Nadkarni, Swen.

Humphreys, Tony.

Russell, Kathleen.

Cooper, Andrew.

Trottier, Pat.

Thomson, Jeremy.

Kottler, Jeffrey A.

Jenkins, Clare.

Nordqvist, Petra.

Browde, Daniel.

Fischer, Kurt.

McCarthy, Patrick.

Price, Keith.

Busch, Bradley.

, itSMF UK.

Scholz, Nadine.

Spencer, Lawrence D.

Hutchison, David.

Hutchison, David.

Nakano, Makoto.

Anthony, Evelyn.
    Newburyport : Open Road Distribution, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Schubert, Katrin.

Röst, Cecile.

Forward, Martin.

Medley, Bill.

Veddeler, Angelika.

Pieper, Joseph.

Haynes, J.

Bauman, Whitney A.

Zweig, Michael.

Gräb, Wilhelm.

Snyder, Jack.

Brown, Sarah.

Djupe, Paul.

Beit-Hallahmi, Benjamin.

Engel, Katherine Carte.

Küpper, Joachim.

Alpert, Rebecca T.

Brown, L. Carl.

Arcamone, Dominic.

Aslan, Ednan.

Witte, Jr., John.

Rozell, Mark J.

Rozell, M.

Mercer, C.

Clark, Kelly James.

Tacey, David.

Schader, Miriam.

Lambert, Frank.

Quadri, Y.A.

Lewis, Jayne Elizabeth.

Lelwica, Michelle M.

Zeller, Benjamin E.

Poirier, Lisa J. M.

Dawes, Gregory W.

Cohen, Jean L.

Corrigan, John.

Rieger, J.

Cady, Linell E.

Weintraub, David A.

Foltz, Richard.

Michel, Patrick.

Yoshizawa, Katsuhiro.

Gay-Crosier, Raymond.

Hearn, Mark Chung.

Rieger, Joerg.

Gans, D.

Murray, Bruce T.

Alzate, Elissa B.

Cox, R. David.

Safstrom, Mark.

Hibbard, Scott W.

Raja, Masood Ashraf.

de Oliveira, Christian Dennys Monteiro.

Villanueva, R. A.
    Lincoln : UNP - Nebraska, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Corporaal, Marguérite.

Grace, Daphne.

Raj, K.

Jarausch, Konrad H.

Claydon, Sheila.
    Reluctant Date.
    CALGARY : Books We Love Publishing Partners, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Moss, John.

Shepard, Martin.

Riggs, Gungerd.

Benfante, Michael.

Afzal, Sagheer.

Braithwaite, E. R.

Osborne, Thomas.

Mackay, Janis.

Graham, Dale.

McKay, Carla.

Lovesey, Peter.
    : Road, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Chopp, Rebecca.

Ash, Christopher.

Humphreys, D.

Neumann, Tracy.

Vorderobermeier, Gisella M.

Cohen-Cruz, Jan.

Follos, Alison.

Levison, Brian.

Johnson, Kenneth P.

Cox, Dinah.
    New York, NY : BOA Editions Ltd., 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Carl, Klaus.

Mulcahy, Joanne B.

Vernick, Shirley Reva.
    Remember Dippy.
    : Cinco Puntos Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Cantor, Edward H.

Walters, Ryan S.

Newton, Jan.

Wilson, Waziyatawin Angela.

Shayne, Vic.

Heatley, Michael.

Goldemberg, Isaac.

Cutts, Lisa.

Zhenyun, Liu.

Berry, Wendell.

Williams, Joan.

Hall, Jacquelyn Dowd.

Ghamari, Behrooz.

Glynn, Ruth.

Goodwin, Richard N.

Goodwin, Richard N.

March, Aleida.

Garde-Hansen, J.

Chaudhury, Habib.

Donleavy, J.P.

Meyers, J.

Chafe, William H.

Chafe, William Henry.

Helton, Sarah.

Trigo, Benigno.

Berlin, Ira.

Schweitzer, Pam.

Karacan, Elifcan.

Orchard, Treena.

Paul, Nicholas.

Sauriol, Charles.

Gildert, Rob.

Shyovitz, David I.

Schweitzer, Pam.

Gibson, Faith.

Madzirov, Nikola.

Yantzi, Don.

Murphy, Peter.

Nichols, Tom.

Charles, Victoria.
    Renaissance Art.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gorton, T.J.
    Renaissance Emir.
    Massachusetts : Interlink Publishing, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Carthy, ItaMac.

O'Callaghan, Christopher.

Fetzer, James H.

Shaffer, Marguerite S.

Geraghty, Tony.

Hanna, David.

Anthony, Evelyn.
    New York : Open Road Media Mystery & Thriller, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lamas, Lorenzo.

Hakala-Ausperk, Catherine.

Hakala-Ausperk, Catherine.

Pick, James B.
    Renewable Energy.
    Cham : Springer International Publishing, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Sayigh, Ali.

Paul, Barbara.
    Renewable Virgin.
    New York : Road, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Publishing, OECD.

Easwaran, Eknath.

Hendershott, Anne.

Mitov, Kosto V.
    Renewal Processes.
    Cham : Springer International Publishing, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Smith, Paul.

Higgins, Michael D.

Eichengreen, Barry.

de la Roche, Mazo.

Brodskaya, Nathalia.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Brodskaya, Nathalia.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kraus, Terri.

Hyde, Mark.

Logan, Kirsty.

Yaffe, M.

Jacobs, Martin.

McEwan, Andrew.

Rinpoche, Tulku Urgyen.

Ulven, Tor.
    Normal, IL : Columbia University Press, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Nathanson, Paul.

Patrick, Darrin.

Levine, Karen.

Gietschier, Steven.

Heard, H. F.
    Reply Paid.
    Newburyport : Road, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Henighan, Stephen.

Fitoussi, J.

Cottle, Simon.

Wainewright, Will.

Antinoff, Steve.

Gordon-Chipembere, N.

Baktir, Hasan.

Greven, David.

Chare, N.

Anizor, Uche.

Gevirtz, Karen Bloom.

Dickens, Charles.
    Reprinted Pieces.
    Wellington : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gandrud, Christopher.

Locke, Michael.

Campbell, A. Malcolm.

Hayssen, Virginia.

Ásgeirsson, Hrafn.

Knowles, Lori P.

McLean, Robin.
    Reptile House.
    Rochester : BOA Editions Ltd., 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Michael, Damian.

Cost, Jay.

Cost, Jay.

Loughran, Trish.

Waterman, Bryan.

Shields, Carol.

Kelly, Catherine E.

Yan, Mo.

Lindfield, Michael.

Buchanan, Patrick J.

Cole, David.

Gandini, Alessandro.

Bonime-Blanc, Andrea.

Botsford Fraser, Marian.

Makine, Andreï.

Pavlov, Oleg.

Dick, Jeremy.

Institute, Project Management.

Koelsch, George.

Kaye, Elizabeth A.

Fields, Kenny Wayne.

Sedgwick, Anne Douglas.
    Auckland : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Webb, Holly.
    Rescued Puppy.
    London : Stripes Publishing, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Harvey, Dave.

Wettestad, Jørgen.

Clavier, Mark.

Howard, Michelle.

Egan, M.

Bozeman, Barry.

Gschwend, T.

Mann, S.

Hooper, Nic.

Kuespert, Daniel Reid.

Greenfield, Tony.

Holmes, Janet.

Borcsa, Maria.

Chaudhuri, U.

Rohe, William M.

Earnshaw, Rae.

Earnshaw, Rae.

Batsleer, Janet.

Gilliland, Anne J.

Herrlitz, Wolfgang.

Placencia, Maria Elena.

Ferguson, A.

King, Caroline.

Gabb, J.

Cramer, Christopher.

Schmitt, N.

Elliott, David R.

Adams, Catherine.

Evans, Rob.

Gravelle, J.

Montague, Martin.
    Droxford : Splendid Books Limited, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Zervaki, Antonia.

Harkins, Benjamin.

Cooper, James Fenimore.

Bingham, Hiram.

Pfeifer, Günter.

Johnson, J.

Barclay, Aileen.

Lersch, Philipp M.

Wener, Susan.

Citrin, Richard S.

Waldman, Janine.

Deppa, Karen F.

Lavretsky, Helen.

Liu, Amy.

Cork, Steven.

Maddi, Salvatore R.

Kehayan, V. Alex.

Furnham, A.

Allain-Chapman, Justine.

Salamon, Lester M.

Al-Kofahi, Osameh.

Tadros, Mariz.

Salvetti, Massimo.

Peddie, Ian.
    Resisting Muse.
    Florence : Taylor and Francis, 2006.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Fleming, Peter.

Scharlatt, Harold.

Michael, M.

Michael, Michális Stavrou.

Young, Garry.

Geru, Ion.

Kiernan, Celine.
    Dublin : The O'Brien Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Franklin, M.I.

Agboraw, Efundem.

Lacroix, Zoé.

Delicato, Flávia C.

Feldman, Anna.

Kurian, Mathew.

Engel, Ulf.


Wilson, Theodore A.

Spiro, Stephen G.

Larsen, J.

Coogan, Declan.

Aggarwal, Vinod K.

Burton, Paul.

Boulden, J.

Goodey, Joanna.

Peters, Alicia W.

Holland, John.

Hadley, L.

Altbach, Philip G.

Walker, Steven.

Beaudoin, Marie-Nathalie.

Graham, Benjamin.

Ramirez, Fernando.

Bunker, Kerry A.

Thomas, Günter.

Arnaldi, Simone.

Murphy, Susan P.

Evans, Gareth.

Chouinard, Yvon.

Stiftung, Bertelsmann.

Cockburn, Tom.

McIntosh, Malcolm.

Sullivan, Rory.

Croft, Thomas.

Moody-Stuart, Mark.

Ennals, Richard.

Iatridis, Konstantinos.

Andersen, Torben Juul.

Frain, Ben.

Clewell, Andre F.

Clewell, Andre F.

Zabawa, Mark Allen.

Vladislavic, Ivan.
    Restless Supermarket.
    High Wycombe : And Other Stories Publishing, 2008.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Nair, Sreenath.

Senior, John.

Moritsugu, Kim.

Moritsugu, Kim.

Trafford, Steve.

Brunstetter, Wanda E.
    New York : Barbour Publishing, Inc., 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Liebmann, Marian.

Thorsborne, Margaret.

Burnett, Nick.

Hopkins, Belinda.

Norberg, Ulrica.

Norman, Cheryl.
    Restore My Heart.
    Barrington : Medallion Media Group, 2008.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gross, Ondine.

Rivlin, Alice M.

Rivlin, Alice M.

Haass, Richard N.

Adsit-Morris, Chessa.

Scardovi, Claudio.

Adams, Carolyn Teich.

Smart, Jamie.

Howell, Marvin T.

Levitsky, Steven.

Idema, Wilt L.

Reno, R. R.

Williams, Rowan.

Madsen, Daniel.

Lindsay, Douglas.

Fletcher, Patrick J.

McLeod-Harrison, Mark S.

Stratton, Allan.

Grey, Mary.

Pond, Keith.
    Retail Banking.
    Reading : Gosbrook Professional Publishing Ltd, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Media, The Staff of Entrepreneur.

Bond, Ronald L.
    Retail in Detail.
    New York : Entrepreneur Press, 2008.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bond, Ronald L.
    Retail in Detail.
    Irvine : Entrepreneur Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Exum, J. Cheryl.

Cohen, Michael.

Huemann, Martina.

Chomsky, Noam.

Ratcliffe, M.

Chun, Edna.

Fix, Blair.

Birks, Stuart.

Morgan, D.

Costa Pinto, António.

Alford, C.

Wenham, Gordon J.

Maksimović, Čedo.

Tavares-Lehmann, Ana Teresa.

Douglas, Neil.

Naughton, M.

Bhambra, G.

Miller, F. Bart.

Törnquist, O.

Amian, Katrin.

May, S.

Bank, Inter-American Development.

Gilderbloom, John.

Piper, John.

Mazarr, Michael J.

Basok, Tanya.

Bertrand, J. Mark.

Resh, William G.

Chao, Shun-Liang.

Mitroff, I.

de Woot, Philippe.

Grossman, J.

Reese, W.

Costa Pinto, António.

Van Gosse,.

Bloch, R. Howard.

Davis, E.

Franks, J.

Toussaint, Jean-Philippe.
    Normal, IL : Columbia University Press, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kiyosaki, Robert T.

Weller, Christian E.

Hyde, Mark.

Sunman, Corba.
    London : Robert Hale, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Manning, Russell Re.

Guex, Jean.

Blake, Glenn.
    Return Fire.
    Baltimore : Johns Hopkins University Press, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Brown, David.
    Return Journey.
    Guildford : Grosvenor House Publishing, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Achenbach, Ruth.

Spencer, William Browning.

Abbey, Ruth.

Duffy, Eve M.

Sinclair, Upton.

Baumbach, Jonathan.

Narlikar, Jayant V.

Oulton, Harry.

Sheinkop, Eric.

Hardy, Thomas.

Morgan, Winter.

Halliday, Brett.

Lebow, Richard Ned.

Yip, Jeffrey.

de la Roche, Mazo.

Chalandon, Sorj.

Delany, Samuel R.

DuRey, Will.

Waldie, Scott.

Beauprez, Bob.

Schoen, Douglas E.

Bedford, Paul.

Mobberley, Martin.

Pargeter, Alison.

Anthony, Evelyn.
    New York : Open Road Media Mystery & Thriller, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

L. Armentrout, Jennifer.
    New York : Spencer Hill Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

LaFerriÃr̈e, Dany.
    Vancouver : D & M Publishers, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Ross, Dorien.
    Returning to A.
    : City Lights Publishers, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Naraniecki, Alexander.

Good, Merle.

Good, Merle.

Good, Merle.

Hofmann, Corinne.

Biehal, Nina.

Taylor, J.

Aguilar, Paloma.

Howley, Marie.

Bradley, Christine.

Beale, G. K.

Kroll, Woodrow.

Duncan, S.L.

Napier, Bill.
    London : Canelo Digital Publishing Ltd, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Silliman, Ron.
    Toronto : BookThug, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

McDermott, Rachel Fell.

Burgess, Catrina.
    New York : Full Fathom Five Digital, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gardner, John.

Gardner, John.

Martin, Benjamin.

McCall, Alex.

Mitchell, Austin.

Miller, Tom.

Cochran, Bruce.

Nasrin, Taslima.
    New York : The Feminist Press at CUNY, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Huefner, Ronald.

Publishing, OECD.

Quinn, John R.

Odhiambo, David N.

Whitton, David.
    Reverse Cowgirl.
    Calgary : Freehand Books, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book


Gehl, Robert W.

Neukart, Florian.

Sinha, I.


Dueck, Gerhard W.

Maskin, Steven L.

Gawel, Antonia.

Programs, Committee on NIST Technical.

Packages, Committee to Review WIC Food.

Climate, Board on Atmospheric Sciences and.

Climate, Board on Atmospheric Sciences and.

Lansana, Quraysh Ali.

Davis, Geffrey.

Hyman, David.

Malburne-Wade, M.

Gottfried, Paul E.

Aoki, Jodi Lee.

Vieten, U.

Tucker, David.

Payne, Deborah C.

Lund, Darren E.

Bithas, Kostas.

DePalma, Renée.

Bainbridge, William Sims.

Bank, Asian Development.

Siegel, Fred.

Allen, Roger.

Shahraz, Qaisra.
    London : Arcadia Books Limited, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Wilkens, Matthew.

Spencer, Robyn C.

Serge, Victor.

Cheheltan, Amir.

McWilliams, James E.

Aslund, Anders.

Brake, M.

Fleche, Andre M.

Israel, Jonathan.

Powell Smith, Brendan.

Baer, Josette.

Macron, Emmanuel.
    Brunswick, Victoria : Scribe Publications, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Cardenas, Mauro Javier.

Knight, Kelvin.

Zagarri, Rosemarie.

Wang, Peijie.

Brivic, Sheldon.

Clark, A.C.

Callinicos, Alex.

Garcelon, Marc.

Nery, John.

Kowalski, Gary.

Gudavarthy, Ajay.

Coulter, K.

Good, Alex.

Ramrattan, Lall.

Bell, Jeff.

Wynne-Jones, Tim.

Wynne-Jones, Tim.

Wynne-Jones, Tim.

Bowman, Paul.
    Rey Chow Reader.
    New York : Columbia University Press, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Reynolds, Jerry.

Northrup, Jim.

Spencer, William Browning.

Tucholsky, Kurt.

Eirich, Frederick.

Eirich, Frederick.

Banks, Adam J.

Del Gandio, Jason.

Crawford Camiciottoli, Belinda.

Lu, Xing.

Mack, Peter.

Bonham-Carter, Charlotte.

Zarefsky, David.

Mikuls, Ted R.

Benenson, Efim.

Peterson, Norma.

MacMillan, Margaret.

Myracle, Lauren.

Thomas, Jeremy.

Faulkner, Simon.

Cosper, Mike.

Osborne, Nigel.

Ward, Hannah.

Randall, Ian.

Davis, Elizabeth.

Moore, Sarah E.H.

Long, Sophie.

Curti, Roberto.

Gawthrop, Daniel.

Kiyosaki, Robert T.

Kiyosaki, Robert T.

Kiyosaki, Robert T.

Kiyosaki, Robert T.

Kiyosaki, Robert.

Kiyosaki, Robert T.

Kiyosaki, Robert T.

Kiyosaki, Robert T.

Kiyosaki, Robert T.

Kiyosaki, Robert T.

Kiyosaki, Robert T.

McChesney, Robert W.

Wren, Jacob.
    Rich and Poor.
    Toronto : BookThug, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Scorgie, Lesley-Anne.

Garcia, Irene.

Munn, Michael.

Shakespeare, William.

Carson, Annette.

Bailey, Jason.

Mö€ner, Nicola.

Cole, Matt.

Fraile, Ana Maria.

Fowler, James.

Belloc, Hilaire.
    Norfolk : IHS Press, 2005.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Blossom, Andrew.
    Richmond Noir.
    Brooklyn : Akashic Books, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Fonda, Nick.

Drummond, Maldwin.

Banyard, Jen.

Thomas MBE, Taffy.

Turnbull, Ronald.

Snell, Roy J.

Wolosky, Shira.

Roberts, Adam.
    Riddles of Hobbit.
    Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Norton, Andre.

Burnaby, Fred.

Wellings, Mark.

Warson, James.

Holmes, L. P.

Tillman, Vance.

Glosten, Beth.

Tremblay, Pierre-Yves.

L'Amour, Louis.

Carlon, Mick.

Pelletier-Milet, Claudine.

Bessant, John.

Kets de Vries, Manfred F.R.

DuRey, Will.
    Riding the Line.
    La Vergne : Robert Hale, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Anderson, Tom.

Martin, Jack.

Kennedy, William.

Karapanou, Margarita.
    Rien ne va Plus.
    : Interlink Publishing, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Ducie, Joe.
    London : Hot Key Books, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Smith, Krista.

Rice, Craig.
    Right Murder.
    Newburyport : Road, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Toupin, Catherine-Anne.
    Right Now.
    London : Oberon Books Ltd, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Olmsted, Kathryn S.

Birmingham, Stephen.

Meehan, Cricket.

Murie, Alan.

Çinar, Ö.

Forst, Rainer.

Samar, Vincent Joseph.

Aure, Andreas Harald.

Hill, D.

Ames, Christine Caldwell.

Ben Shitrit, Lihi.

Trollinger, Susan L.

Goldstone, Lawrence.
    Rights : A Novel.
    Newburyport : The Permanent Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Aarsland, Dag.

Gatenio Gabel, Shirley.

Ivison, Duncan.
    Montreal : MQUP, 2007.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Ruggiero, Matteo.

Fox, Lisa.
    Rigorous Training.
    La Vergne : Sweetmeats Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Oaks, Ned.

Briggs, Stephen.
    Rince Cycle.
    London : Oberon Books Ltd, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Dowell, Roseanne.

Arthur, Robert Andrew.

Hamsun, Knut.
    Ring is Closed.
    London : Souvenir Press, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Moody, Rick.

Myler, Patrick.

Perkins, Clinton.
    Ring of Time.
    Minneapolis : Mill City Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Horem, Elisabeth.
    Normal, IL : Columbia University Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

de la Roche, Mazo.

Bland, Paul E.

Halliday, Brett.
    Rio Kid Justice.
    New York : Open Road Media, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bellotto, Tony.
    Rio Noir.
    New York : Akashic Books, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Tharoor, Shashi.

Jackson, James.

Jones, Jones.
    Cambridge : Salt Publishing Limited, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Moran, Matthew.

Horse, Kandia Crazy.

Snyder, Gary.

Hale-Seubert, Barbara.

Merkner, Christopher.

Buckley, Lex.

Lantelme, Maximilian.

Kiely, Ray.

Jwa, Sung-Hee.

Bryder, Linda.

Ghaemi, S. Nassir.

Giles, Kevin.

Beaufrand, M. J.

Spinks, Bryan D.

Weir, Arabella.

Shojai, Pedram.

Chatterjee, Sankar.

Schmitt, Gary.

Suryadinata, Leo.

Freeman, Bill.

Heydarian, Richard Javad.

Eberly, Don.

Kramer, Ronald.

Berta, Annalisa.

Wadkins, Timothy H.

Kerr, Rosalind.

Sinclair, Rob.
    Rise of the Enemy.
    London : Clink Street Publishing, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Thomson, Peninah.

Simpfendorfer, B.

Freedman, Lew.

Jones, Gareth P.

Srinivasan, K.

Golley, Jane.

De Ville, Ferdi.

Alexandroff, Alan S.

Taylor-Jones, Kate E.

Schultz, James Willard.

Hayes, Rosemary.

Morrissy, Mary.

Ninsiima, Simon.

Spears, Carol L.

Bain, Alan.

Mathews, Temple.
    Dallas : BenBella Books, Inc., 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Mohun, Arwen P.

Chorafas, Dimitris N.

Broder, James F.

Tucker, Eugene.

Shapiro, David L.

Clarke, Charlotte L.

Greenburger, Francis J.

Piper, John.

Haslett, Walter V. "Bud", Jr.

Graham, Julia.

Broad, James.

Henschel, Thomas.

Reamer, Frederic G.

Even Zahav, Anat.

Jones, Bruce D.

Montanari, Francesco.

Rosa, Eugene.

Deelstra, Griselda.

Clapton, W.

Measham, Thomas.

Board, J.

Calder, Martin C.

Hahn, Sophie.

Madfis, E.

Neofotistos, Vasiliki P.

Braga, Maria Debora.

Smart, A.

Oeser, Gerald.

Ingram, Heather E.

Parikh, Alka.

Gordon, J.

Jones, Tom.

Hall, Lindsey.

Heimbichner, Craig.

Kelly, Dennis.

Androne, Helane.

Grainger, Roger.

Murphy, Joanne M.

Quantz, R.

Zamhari, Arif.

Konte, Joe.

Darnton, Christopher.

Vasey, Paul.

Everard, Mark.

Keith, Sally.

Lewis, Walter.
    River Palace.
    Toronto : Dundurn, 2008.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lee, Kathy.
    River Rapids.
    Bucks : Scripture Union England and Wales, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Dalton, Anthony.

Harlick, R.J.

Sumii, Sue.

Wilson, Edward.
    River in May.
    London : Arcadia Books Limited, 2007.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Buckley, Jonathan.

Pye, Virginia.

Aitken, Robert.

Christensen, Thomas.

Bergren, Lisa T.

Richards, David Adams.

Clarke, Jane.
    Tyne and Wear : Bloodaxe Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Souter, Gerry.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Muir, Elizabeth Gillan.

Leach, Reggie.

Cabell, James Branch.

Batten, Jack.

Boggs, Johnny D.

Leverett, Flynt.

McCarron, Leon.

Archer, Neil.

Publishing, OECD.

Cowley, Sue.

McLean, David.
    Road Taken.
    Vancouver : Greystone Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Snyder Belousek, Darrin W.

Schiller, Dawn.

Richards, Jass.

Hanley, Mary Stone.
    Road Trip.
    Brownsville : Anaphora Literary Press, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Tax, Meredith.

Laurinaitis, Joe "Animal".

Laurinaitis, Joe Animal.

Anderson, Poul.

Oliphint, Clayton.

Casad, Mary Brooke.

Price, Stanley.

Keller, E.

Smith, Mike.

Tshering, Gyonpo.

Stanley, Elizabeth.

Barry, Quintin.

Halliday, Brett.
    Road to Laramie.
    New York : Open Road Media, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Altman, Marsha.

Gutfreund, Hanoch.

Baxter, Wayne.

Gardner, Laurie.

Gardner, Lloyd C.

Chollet, D.

Klaehn, Jeffery.

McGinn, Matt.

Meichenbaum, Donald.

Ganser, Alexandra.

Fonda, Nick.

Peart, Neil.

Higgins, M.G.
    Roadside Attraction.
    Costa Mesa : Saddleback Educational Publishing, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Epting, Chris.

Chandler, Brian E.

Treglown, Jeremy.

Dahl, Roald.

Miller, Lee.

Quinn, DavidBeers.

Cook, Judith.

Revill, David.

Jacobs, Michael.

Grey, Zane.

Matsuura, Thersa.

Prien, Bernd.

Wanderer, Jeremy.

Scott Wilkie, George.

Vanderhaeghe, Stephane.

Berger, Thomas.
    Robert Crews.
    : Dzanc Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Falk, Ben.

Arnold, Al.

Alonso, Harriet Hyman.

Curtiss, Ron.

Hilty, James.

MacNeil, Kevin.

Reid, J.

Sharma, Patrick Allan.

Linz, Juan.

Achenbaum, Andy.

Mallory, Enid.

French, John.

Pogrund, Benjamin.

Flanagan, Richard M.

Bell, Graham.

Jennings, C. Alan.

Brands, Robert.

Andrews, Chris.

Markusen, Bruce.

Maes, Nicholas.

Jago, Michael.

Brunnström, à se.

Bignardi, Giuseppe Enrico.

He, Ran.

Timoney, Nuala Patricia.

Hansen, Lars Peter.
    Princeton : Princeton University Press, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Magson, Adrian.

Gallagher, Cailean.

Haddad, Hubert.

Brothers, Marilee.

Linstrum, Cory M.

Knecht, Caroline.

Michael, Jan.
    Rock Boy.
    Dublin : The O'Brien Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Priest, Alicia.

Di Maria, JoZie.

Shumway, David R.

Fishof, David.

Cole, Sonia.

Mueller, Andrew.

Boyle, Tom.

Forbes, Graham.

Goldsmith, Lynn.

Barr, Robert.

Menakem, MSW, LICSW, Resmaa.

Hoch, Jodi.
    Rock the Room Games.
    Colorado Springs, CO : David C. Cook, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Evans, Mike.

Aidt, Naja Marie.

Welsh, Liz.

Ison, Tara.

Wickman, Gino.

Keeling, Dave.

Scarsbrook, Richard.

Don, Lari.

Garfias, Lea Ann.

Broccardo, Marco.

Levy, Abraham.

Korhonen, Pekka.

Charles, Victoria.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Laver, Rod.

Cody, H. A.

Leason, Barney.
    Rodeo Drive.
    New York : Open Road Distribution, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Rilke, Rainer Maria.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Rilke, Rainer Maria.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Doyle, Arthur Conan.

Castlemon, Harry.

Nelson, Richard.
    Rodney's Wife.
    New York : Theatre Communications Group, 2006.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Mitchell, Angus.

Ò Sìoch?in, Séamas.

Dahl, Roger.

Stauffer, René.

Stauffer, Rene.

van Loggerenberg, Johann.

Hollow, M.

Morse, Garry Thomas.

Grey, Zane.

Chomsky, Noam.

Rider, George S. K.

Yolen, Jane.
    New York : Open Road Media, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gomez, Rolando.

Sleyman, Blagovesta Maneva-.

Formica, P.

Behr, John.

Liebig, Nadja.

Gasa, Nomboniso.

Schartmann, Bernd.

Nicoli, Serena Maria.

Ajwani-Ramchandani, Raji.

Bonito, Sheila.

Brueggemann, Walter.

Dewing, Ian.

Safety, Forum on Public-Private Partnerships for Global Health and.

Gerlach, Julia.

Michelini, Enrico.

Davis, Mark S.

Coyne, J.

Duncan, Ronald.

Theobald, Anne.

Sokolov, Boris.

Seton, Ernest Thompson.

Manson, Ainslie.

Bennett, Arnold.
    Auckland : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Mabe, Catherine.

Dick, Luke.

Simmons, William.

Grabenstein, Chris.

Abbott, Jacob.

Carretero, Monica.
    Madrid : Cuento de Luz, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Del Bucchia, Dina.
    Rom Com.
    New York, NY : Talonbooks, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bolduc, Mario.

Ishikawa, Takuboku.

Hen, Y.

Talar, C.

Matyszak, Philip.
    Roman Empire.
    London : Oneworld Publications, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Mayer, Thomas F.

Perna, Robbi.

Taylor, Don.

Flower, Harriet I.
    Roman Republics.
    Princeton : Princeton University Press, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Mastrangelo, Marc.

Halter, Roman.

Caldwell, Taylor.

Cholmondeley, Mary.

Corelli, Marie.

Dellenbaugh, Frederick S.

Kuan-Chung, Lo.

Kuan-Chung, Lo.

Gentles-Peart, Kamille.

Clements, Paul.

Herrin, Lamar.

Hopkins, Jerry.

Charles, Victoria.
    Romanesque Art.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Stowe, Debbie.

Geissbühler, Simon.

Miroiu, Andrei.

Wilson, Jared C.

Hughes, R. Kent.

Gonzalez Sanchez, Sergio.

Sproul, R. C.
    Wheaton : Crossway, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Wolfson, Susan J.

Carlson, Julia S.

Wiley, M.

Miles, R.
    Romantic Misfits.
    London : Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2008.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Rajan, Tilottama.

Keats, John.
    Romantic Poets.
    San Diego : Thunder Bay Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Wang, Orrin N. C.

Hayes, S.

Chai, Leon.

Crisafulli, Lilla Maria.

Rosenthal, Léon.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Corman, Catherine.
    Brownsville : Anaphora Literary Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Konen, Leah.
    New York : Abrams, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lanoue, Guy.

Burns, Thomas S.

Lee, Kathy.

Lee, Kathy.

Salisbury, Joyce E.

Shakespeare, William.

Fawcett, Ron.

Malfi, Ronald.

Davis, Brian Joseph.

Caioli, Luca.

Caioli, Luca.

Caioli, Luca.

Caioli, Luca.

Caioli, Luca.

Jennings, William Dale.
    North Clarendon : Tuttle Publishing, 2007.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Chalupa, Tanya.

Ainsworth, William Harrison.
    Wellington : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Maso, Carole.

Caldwell, June.

Lindsay, Douglas.

Maier, Andreas.
    : Frisch & Co. Electronic Books Inc., 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Rollins, Henry.
    Los Angeles : 2.13.61, 2008.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Mourby, Adrian.

Mourby, Adrian.

Sirr, Peter.
    Oldcastle : The Gallery Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

TEAM, The.
    London : Oberon Books Ltd, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bryan, Ali.
    Calgary : Freehand Books, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gifford, Barry.

Edson, Russell.
    Rooster's Wife.
    Rochester : BOA Editions Ltd., 2005.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Harker, Ryan Dallas.

Lloyd, C.

York, Stacey.

Lyman-Barner, Kirk.


Piper, John.

Perret, Daniel Gilbert.

Wood, Elizabeth A.

Sheets-Johnstone, Maxine.
    Roots of Thinking.
    Philadelphia : Temple University Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Pringle, Mia Kellmer.

Rand, Dafna Hochman.

Fury, Jason.

Russo, Vince.

Snell, Roy J.

Drewe, Seneca.
    Rope’s End.
    Kent : Unicorn Publishing Group, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Clark, Alan.
    Rory's Boys.
    London : Arcadia Books Limited, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Doyle, Justin.
    Rory's Glory.
    Gravesend : G2 Rights Ltd, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

O'Connor, Rory.

Furguson, Barbara.
    Guildford : Grosvenor House Publishing, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gardner, Lyn.

Gardner, Lyn.

Salenius, S.

Brennan, Maeve.

Lofts, Norah.
    Rose for Virtue.
    Stroud : The History Press, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Friedman, Rosemary.
    Rose of Jericho.
    London : Arcadia Books Limited, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Nunn, Kayte.
    Rose's Vintage.
    Melbourne, VIC : Schwartz Publishing Pty. Ltd, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lee, Li-Young.
    : BOA Editions Ltd., 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Howard, A. G.
    New York : Abrams, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

George, Mary Carolyn Hollers.

Mannering, Rose.

Blechta, Rick.

Mannering, Rose.
    : Sky Pony Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Beaty, Andrea.

Naish, Sarah.

Naish, Sarah.

Fritz, James.

Rattigan, Terence.

Harper, Ross.

Steen, Michael.

Snow, P.L.

Durrell, Gerald.

Spezzano, Silvia.

Koerber, Monika.

Bently, Peter.
    Rotten Luck!.
    London : Stripes Publishing, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Butler, Eamonn.

Farrell, Joseph P.

Ewens, David R.
    Claygate : Grosvenor House Publishing, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Skoog, Ed.
    Rough Day.
    Port Townsend : Copper Canyon Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Steele, Robert.

Purpura, Lia.

Key, David.

Twain, Mark.
    Roughing It.
    New York, NY : Skyhorse Publishing, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Morton, Brett.

Chilton, Steve.

Doyle, Arthur Conan.

Cameron, David.
    Rousseau Moon.
    Glasgow : Neil Wilson Publishing, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Mostefai, Ourida.

Hulliung, Mark.

Cassirer, Ernst.

Gray, Marcus.

Knowles, Drew.

Lynch, Kevin.

Antonson, Rick.

Okas, John.
    Newburyport : The Permanent Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Malenfant, Nicole.

Chamson, André.

Behn, Aphra.

Gould, Mike.

Evans, Richard.

Augustave, Elsie.
    Roving Tree.
    New York : Akashic Books, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Pfeifer, Günter.

Mayglothling, Rosie.

Saville, Kathleen.

König, Ralf.
    Roy & Al.
    Vancouver : Arsenal Pulp Press, 2006.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Garwood, W R.

Scott, David.

Littler, William.

McCracken, Timothy.

Bullen, Annie.

Aston, E.

O'Connell, Tyne.
    Royal Match.
    Dorking : Piccadilly Press, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Beem, Charles.

Cumming, Anthony J.

Sritharan, Kaji.

Pigott, Peter.

Pigott, Peter.

Bousfield, Arthur.

Tibballs, Geoff.

Tibballs, Geoff.

Ahmed, Shahab.

Hopping, Lucy.

Calosse, Jp. A.
    Rubens : 鲁本斯.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Walton, Todd.
    Ruby & Spear.
    La Vergne : Pharos Editions, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bow, Patricia.

Ezra, Elizabeth.
    Ruby McCracken.
    La Vergne : Floris Books, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Atherton, Isabel.

Clements, Matt.

Mandal, Malay.

Millar, Martin.

Keyser, Ronald H.
    Ruby's Prayer.
    Minneapolis : Defiance Press & Publishing LLC, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Herbst, Susan.

Pareene, Alex.

Hopkins, Katie.
    La Vergne : Biteback Publishing, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Dahlin, Bo.

Teppo, Mark.

Reid Sexton, Sue.

Roper, K. Sue.

Kennedy, Joseph.

Hogan, Eamonn.

Siggins, Gerard.

Evans, Will.

Siggins, Gerard.

Siggins, Gerard.

Johnson, Peter.

Johnson, Peter.

Siggins, Gerard.

Benson, Richard.
    Rugby Wit.
    Chicago : Summersdale, 2007.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Robertson, Ian.

Griffiths, John.

Emery, Anne.

Nottage, Lynn.
    New York : Theatre Communications Group, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Obejas, Achy.
    Brooklyn : Akashic Books, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lenska, Rula.

Blasek, Katrin.

Silvas, Anna M.

Roger, Brother.

Roger, Brother.

Tufail, John.

Holcroft, Sam.

Beadle, Phil.

Figueroa, Adolfo.

Stajno, Yana.

Faber, Wolfgang.

Willis, Bryan.

Koenig, Karen R.

Kuhn, Jeffrey S.

Sutton, Garrett.

Cook, Steven A.

Motley, Bob.

Jones, Claire Taylor.

McPherson, Conor.

Foster, T.R.
    Rumble Seat.
    : PublishingWorks, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lewis, Franklin D.

Dhondy, Farrukh.

Lewis, Franklin Dean.

Lemay, Shawna.

Agosta, L.

Gervais, Marty.

Scarborough, Rowan.

Olsen, Gregg.

Lucia, Anna Louise.
    Run Among Thorns.
    Tulsa : Medallion Media Group, 2008.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

McKaiser, Eusebius.

Beach, Edward L.

Waitz, Grete.

Waitz, Grete.

Sutton, Garrett.

Wallack, Roy M.

McCaughren, Tom.

Braddon, Mary Elizabeth.

Jones, Robert F.

Surdam, David George.

Schreiner, Thomas R.

McCaughren, Tom.

Kotzè, Joyce.

Lewis, Anne Margaret.

Lewis, Anne Margaret.

Nolan, Tina.
    Runaway Rabbit.
    La Vergne : Stripes Publishing, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Shandley, Robert R.

O'Dwyer, Conor.

Lee, Kathy.
    Runaway Train.
    Bucks : Scripture Union England and Wales, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Burack, Emilie Christie.
    Runaway's Gold.
    New York : Abrams, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Alexander, John.

Szymkowski, Beth.
    Runaways : Guilty.
    New York : DreamWorks Animation Publishing, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Tarkanian, Jerry.

Chalfen, David.

Echenoz, Jean.

Maillard, Keith.

Byler, Linda.

Fetherling, George.

Ross, David.

Gregor, Elmer Russell.
    Running Fox.
    Wellington : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Chilton, Steve.

Perkins, Alisha.

Jackson, Lisa.

Barrett, Kenneth.

Rantzen, Esther.

Ivens, Kathy.

Welch, Edward T.

Norman, Cheryl.
    Running Scared.
    Tulsa : Medallion Media Group, 2008.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Dobbs, Kildare.

Dobbs, Kildare.

Zechen, Xu.

Legault, Stephen.

Butts, Edward.

Bates, Sonya Spreen.
    Running on Empty.
    Victoria : Orca Book Publishers, 2018.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Fenner, Felicity.

Spragg, Ian.

Cowell, Ben.

Bank, Asian Development.

Chen, Guifu.

Tian, Qing.

Bolchover, Joshua.

Apps, Jerry.

Robert, Nguyen Binh T Vogel.

Arendt, Randall.

Adriaanse, Bette.

Berti, Jim.

Tasmin, Omond.

Arthurs, Jane.

Candlish, S.

King, Anna.

Ascher, Abraham.

Aslund, Anders.

Lo, Bobo.

Sergunin, Alexander.

Cadier, D.

Trenin, Dmitri V.

Schoen, Douglas E.

Kovtun, Evgueny.

Wilson Rowe, Elana.

Sollohub, Edith.

Sollohub, Edith.

Lock, Kate.

Darkin, Sergey.

Commercio, Michele E.

Poe, Marshall T.

Laruelle, Marlene.

Garrard, John.

Ascher, Abraham.

Daly, Jonathan.

Dostoevsky, Fyodor.

Radin, Andrew, Andrew.

Balbaert, Ivo.

Ogden, George W.

Young, Virginia Heyer.

Kroll, Woodrow.

Begg with Elizabeth McQuoid, Alistair.
    La Vergne : SPCK, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

McKeown, James.
    Grand Rapids : Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Housley, Dave.

Concannon, Dale.

Chester, Adam.

Nanopoulos, Alexandros.

Estupinyà, Pere.

Leipziger, Deborah.

Kielty, Martin.

Markandeya, Sushil.

DuttaRoy, Sudipa.

Okungbowa, Andrew.

Daithankar, Jayant.

Mukherjee, Suman.

Kalaimani, Jayaraman.

Davies, Barry.

Davies, Barry.

Davies, Barry.

Holland, Philip R.

Davies, Barry.

Wiseman, John "Lofty".

Kolby, Jeff.

Poole, Ben.
    New York : Columbia University Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Board on Science, Technology, and Economic Policy.

Buchner, Dirk.

Inuzuka, Hiroyuki.

Solanas, Valerie.
    SCUM Manifesto.
    Edinburgh : AK Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Williams, Gary.

Snowden, Colette.

Waddock, Sandra.

Flavin, Teresa.
    Surrey : Templar Publishing, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hovestadt, Ludger.

Hitchcock, Fleur.

Hitchcock, Fleur.
    London : Hot Key Books, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Dragoo, Steve "Doc".

Cappiello, Katie.


Bijaoui, Ilan.

Ekine, Sokari.

James, Heidi.
    La Vergne : Bluemoose Books Ltd, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

K.V. Krishnamurthy,.

Cosgrove, Stephen.

Kiely, Kevin.
    SOS Lusitania.
    Dublin : The O'Brien Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Morgan, Densil.

Vardy, Peter.

Stark, Douglas.

Horovitz, Ellen G.

McCormick, Keith.

Davis, Cole.

Cleophas, Ton J.
    SPSS for Starters.
    Dordrecht : Springer Netherlands, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Fritchey, Grant.

Cote, Christian.

Carter, Peter A.

Carter, Peter.

Mitchell, Tim.

Fritchey, Grant.

Dye, David.

Pal, Sumit.

Murphy, George.

Barrett, Sophia.

Drew, David E.

Rustamova, Leonora.

Board on Science, Technology, and Economic Policy.
    Washington, D.C. : National Academies Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

De Schepper, Steven.

Korine, Harry.

Hitchcock, Fleur.

    Surrey : Templar Publishing, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

    Surrey : Templar Publishing, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book


Mudde, Cas.

Katouzian, Homa.

Fendley, Alison.

Falco, Ed.

Earle, Alice Morse.

Uppal, Priscila.
    Tyne and Wear : Bloodaxe Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Nikiforuk, Andrew.

Hiller, Mischa.
    Sabra Zoo.
    London : Saqi, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Werrell, Kenneth P.

    London : Hot Key Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Roop, Peter.

Lejeune, Lee.

Jay, Jonathan.

Sweeney, Conor.

Dinan, Stephen.

Robinson, David.

Suzuki, David.

Spring, Michael.

Stegers, Rudolf.

Gilpin, Dave.

Appignanesi, Lisa.
    Sacred Ends.
    London : Arcadia Books Limited, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Riddell, Mike.

MacCurdy, Marian Mesrobian.

Richards, William A.

Ellis, Deborah.
    Sacred Leaf.
    : Groundwood Books, 2006.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Laderman, Gary.

Elber, Mark.

Thomas, Gary.

Mullin, Glenn H.

Stanny, Barbara.

Boardman, Peter.
    Sacred Summits.
    Sheffield : Vertebrate Publishing, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Brand, Max.

Juster, Susan.

Vikan, Gary.

McCann, Gillian.

Wiley, Henrietta L.

Nersesian, Arthur.

Dugdall, Ruth.

Sampson, Mark.
    Sad Peninsula.
    Toronto : Dundurn, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Barker, Tracy.

Collins, Savina.
    Chicago, IL : Britannica Digital Learning, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Donleavy, J.P.

Peterson, Shelley.

    Saddler's Run.
    La Vergne : Robert Hale, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Durà -Vilà , Glòria.

Rybeck, Benjamin.
    : The Unnamed Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Rhoades, J.D.
    Safe And Sound.
    Ashland : Polis Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Amuke, Isaac Otidi.

Allfrey, Ellah Wakatama.

Leong, Annabeth.

Chara, Kathleen A.

Sulley, Paul.

Çetinkaya, Lokman B.

Lukash, Frederick N.

Doster, Richard.

Kollak, Ingrid.

Gullette, Margaret Marganroth.

Geye, Peter.

Huertas, T.

Collins, Suzan.

Mandelstam, Michael.

Lawson, Jane.

Ward, Harriet.

Bernard, Claudia.

Davies, Carolyn.

Bentovim, Arnon.

Baginsky, William.

Crawley, Heaven.

Barlow, Jane.

Cantrell, Jane.

Mandelstam, Michael.

Hope, Jessamyn.

Luc, Debieuvre.
    Safer World.
    Reading : Garnet Publishing (UK) Ltd, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gurnari, Giovanni.

Willey, Liane Holliday.

Agrawal, Abha.

Martinez, J. Michael.

Smith, Connie Jo.
    Saint Paul : Redleaf Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Wiles, Ellen.

Burns, Walter Noble.

Howard, Helen Addison.

Jones, Terry.

Berest, Anne.

Kelly, Jane E.

Yang, Yang.

Ferster, Bill.

Pendley, William Perry.

Murakami, Katsumi.

Rodrigues, Nicola.

Chisnell, Mark.

Pelling, Sue.

Davison, Tim.
    Sailing for Kids.
    Havertown : Fernhurst Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Silverberg, Robert.

Harding, John.

Harding, John.

Cunliffe, Tom.

Cross, Robert F.

Bilham, Chris.

Turnbull, Michael TRB.

Kurtz, Katherine.
    Saint Camber.
    New York : Open Road Media Sci-Fi & Fantasy, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Falco, Ed.

Mauriac, François.

O'Loughlin, Thomas.

Perutz, Leo.

Cadnum, Michael.

Anderson, Murray.
    Saint Praftu.
    Claygate : Grosvenor House Publishing, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bell, David N.

Parot, Jean-François.

Field, Frank.

Duffy, Eamon.

Cuddihy, Paul.
    Saints and Sinners.
    Edinburgh : Black & White Publishing, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Duffy, Eamon.

Conforti, Joseph A.

Gauntner, John.

Vorster, Theo.

Thapar, Romila.

Maher, Shiraz.

Tafdrup, Pia.

Steinberg, Paul.

de Meneses, Filipe.

Whistman, Johnathan.

Singer, Blair.

Aleo, Alberto.

Forsyth, Patrick.

Harris, JK.

Monty, David A.

Kensett, Helen.

Ogden-Barnes, Steve.

Keel, Jonathan.

Schou, Nils.

Hill-Tout, Charles.

Hill-Tout, Charles.

Hill-Tout, Charles.

Hill-Tout, Charles.

Chase-Riboud, Barbara.

Loomis, Craig.

Suzuki, David.
    Salmon Forest.
    Vancouver : Greystone Books, 2006.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Simpson, Caroll.
    Salmon Twins.
    Nanoose Bay : Heritage House, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Owen, Nick.

Torrance, David.

Ginsberg, Alan Robert.

Clanton, Jay.
    Saloon Justice.
    La Vergne : Robert Hale, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Irons, Owen G.
    London : Robert Hale, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hutchinson, Sydney.

Treloar, Lucy.
    Salt Creek.
    La Vergne : Gallic Books, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Defrain, Darren.
    Salt Palace.
    : Dzanc Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Ashfeldt, Lane.
    Dublin : Liberties Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Helwig, David.
    Emeryville : Biblioasis, 2006.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Furlong, Dayle.

DelaBarre, Eric.

Tingle, Tim.

Maher, Stephen.
    Toronto : Dundurn, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Duncan, S.L.

Bolz-Weber, Nadia.

Woolley, Bryan.
    Sam Bass.
    La Vergne : Dzanc Books, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Allan, Joe.

S. Leach, Norman.

Webb, Holly.

Shultz, Susan.
    Darien : Full Fathom Five Digital, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Figusch, Zoltan.

Bruce, Deborah.

Martín, Luisgé.
    Same City.
    La Vergne : Hispabooks, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Goshen-Gottstein, Alon.

Norton, V.J.

Gutkind, Lee.

Baughman, James L.

Webb, Holly.

Sozu, Takashi.

Wywiał, Janusz L.

Wootton, Cliff.


Hughes, Bill.

Gookin, Dan.

Byron, Mark S.

Farjeon, Benjamin.

Gillott, David.

Meyers, Jeffrey.

DeMaria, Jr., Robert.

Christie, W.

Hillsborough, Romulus.

Easton, Don.

Hellman, Christopher.

Hillsborough, Romulus.

De Mente, Boye Lafayette.

Yumoto, John M.

Hillsborough, Romulus.

Cleary, Thomas.

Cummins, Anthony.

Antonio, San.

Hart, Maryelizabeth.
    San Diego Noir.
    Brooklyn : Akashic Books, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lang, Alison.
    San Duthaich Uir.
    Dingwall : Sandstone Press Ltd, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Maiocco, Matt.

Tevis, Paula.

Johanson, Matt.

Maravelis, Peter.

Maravelis, Peter.

Habal, Estella.

Santos-Febres, Mayra.
    San Juan Noir.
    La Vergne : Akashic Books, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Howe, Maud.
    San Rosario Ranch.
    Wellington : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bagelman, J.

Dawson, Katie Z.

Doody, J. Patrick.

Doran, Bryony.
    Sand Eggs.
    London : Bookline & Thinker, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Metres, Philip.
    Sand Opera.
    Farmington : Alice James Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hirshberg, Ben.

Gunesekera, Romesh.
    : The New Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Sandison, Bruce.
    Sandison's Scotland.
    Edinburgh : Black & White Publishing, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Austen, Jane.

Thornton, Rosy.
    Dingwall : Sandstone Press Ltd, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hodges, David.
    London : Robert Hale, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Homeyer, Linda E.

Miller, Tom.

Puc', Sandy.

Hornbacher, Marya.

Hill, James D.

Prilepin, Zakhar.
    : Dzanc Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Mitchell, Patrick.

Cronin, Ali.
    Santa Baby.
    London : Hot Key Books, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Davenport, William H.

Lindsay, Douglas.

Follon, Cheryl.
    Tyne and Wear : Bloodaxe Books, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Collignon, Rick.

Nicleòid, Màiri E.

Conlon, Catherine.
    Cork : The Collins Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

McDonald, Fleur.
    Sapphire Falls.
    Sydney : Allen & Unwin, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Denysenko, Larysa.

Rennie-Pattison, Caroline.

Brekus, Catherine A.

Sherrard, Valerie.
    Sarah's Legacy.
    Toronto : Dundurn, 2006.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

McDonough, Vickie.
    Sarah's Surrender.
    Uhrichsville : Barbour Publishing, Inc., 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Paul, Jacob.
    New York : Ig Publishing, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Waterman, Rory.
    Sarajevo Roses.
    La Vergne : Carcanet, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Maček, Ivana.

Sugawara no, Takasue no Musume.

Lawless, Jim.
    La Vergne : Robert Hale, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Holt, Michael F.

Lahti, Christian B.

Singer Sargent, John Singer.

Wigal, Donald.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Arnopoulos, Sheila McLeod.

Carlyle, Thomas.

Detmer, David.

Rolls, Alistair.

Dougherty, Sean Thomas.

Riess, Kelly-Anne.

Black, D. Grant.

Cosgrove, Stephen.
    : Heritage Builders, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Conti, Gene.

Hightower, Lynn S.
    Satan's Lambs.
    Newburyport : Open Road Media Mystery & Thriller, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Vehlmann, Fabien.
    Chicago : NBM Publishing, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Fanthorpe, Lionel and Patricia.

Cooper, James Fenimore.

wind, chris.

    Satires of Horace.
    Philadelphia : University of Pennsylvania Press, 2008.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Berry, Jonathan.

Sillitoe, Alan.

Banks, Ray.

Fox Mazer, Norma.

Saeidnia, Soodabeh.
    Cham : Springer International Publishing, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Catling, Jo.

Chapman, Justin.

Ray, Satyajit.

Reynders, Cindy Keen.

Reynders, Cindy Keen.
    Saucy Lucy Series.
    Wauconda : Medallion Media Group, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Stern, S.

James, Christina.
    Sausage Hall.
    Cambridge : Salt Publishing Limited, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Tasker, Joe.
    Savage Arena.
    Sheffield : Vertebrate Publishing, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Delpech, Therese.

Vinet, Lynette.
    Savage Deception.
    New York : Open Road Media Romance, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Boyanowsky, Ehor.

Griffiths, Jay.

Starr, Jason.
    Savage Lane.
    La Vergne : Polis Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Smelcer, John.

Berry, Daleen.

Rothfels, Nigel.

Whyman, Matt.
    London : Hot Key Books, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Latham, Donna.

Latham, Donna.

Fox, Robert.

Pascal, Francine.

Dunlap, Jan.

Sproul, R. C.

Hill, Harold.

Metrustery, Denis.

Ravel, Edeet.
    : Groundwood Books, 2008.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Ellicott, Claire.

Satterfield, John R.

Schexnider, Alvin J.

Buckley, James L.

Hood-Caddy, Karen.
    Saving Crazy.
    Toronto : Dundurn, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Preston, Christopher J.

Bastasin, Carlo.

Hynes, Jim.

Chambers, Nathalie.

Sharp, Janis.

Reeves, Richard V.

McCaffrey, Kate.
    Saving Jazz.
    Chicago : Fremantle Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Price, Bruce Deitrick.

Sandford, Robert William.

Doe, Michael.

Duberman, Martin.

Davies, Andrea Rees.

Stammers, Trevor.

Diamond, Peter A.

Hitchcock, Fleur.
    Saving Sophia.
    London : Nosy Crow, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Nadelson, Scott.

Folbre, Nancy.

Biro, Jason.

Bryant, Fred B.

Holmes, Linda Janet.

Feess, James.

Gaffney, David.
    Sawn-Off Tales.
    Cambridge : Salt Publishing Limited, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Adams, Richard DeLong.

Dawson, James.
    Say Her Name.
    London : Hot Key Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Ellis, Catherine.

Ellis, Catherine.

Shannon, Jake.

Baumann, Ken.
    Say, Cut, Map.
    : Dzanc Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Clark-Coates, Zoe.

Gambaro, Griselda.

Hirahara, Naomi.
    Sayonara Slam.
    Pasadena : Prospect Park Books, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Puri, Jatin.

Nicolas, Patrick R.

Azarmi, Bahaaldine.

Buckley, Keith.
    Scale : A Novel.
    California : Rare Bird Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Wong, Lisa.

Scalia, Antonin.

Peterson, Paul E.

Bloom, P.

Harnish, Verne.

Harnish, Verne.

Bloom, P.

Park, Seung Ho.

Kayser, O.

Stockley, Peter.

Black, Rory.

Allan, Ted.

Scott, Gini Graham.

Mandell, Hinda.

Jeffers, Regina.

Gilder, George.

Carson, D. A.

Engels, E.

Gillis, Alan.
    Oldcastle : The Gallery Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Pierce, Gillian B.

Pritchard, Matthew.
    Cambridge : Salt Publishing Limited, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Collins, Savina.
    Chicago, IL : Britannica Digital Learning, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

MacFarlane, Hannah.
    Scarlet Cord.
    Bucks : Scripture Union England and Wales, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

McCarthy, Mary T.

McCarthy, Mary T.

McCarthy, Mary T.

Hawthorne, Nathaniel.
    Scarlet Letter.
    San Diego : Thunder Bay Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hawthorne, Nathaniel.
    Scarlet Letter.
    New York, NY : Clydesdale Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Anthony, Evelyn.
    Scarlet Thread.
    New York : Open Road Media Romance, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Johnson, Maureen.
    Scarlett Fever.
    London : Hot Key Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

McCusker, Kim.

Harper, A. Breeze.

Saer, Juan José.
    Rochester : Open Letter, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kerouac, Jack.
    Scattered Poems.
    New York : Open Road Media, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Budde, Michael L.

Bullimore, Mathew Richard.

Henn, Johannes M.

Lax, Peter D.

Friedrich, Harald.
    Scattering Theory.
    Berlin/Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lindgren, Mats.

Wright, G.

Cairns, George.

Krys, Christian.

Herzog, Werner.

Shinder, Debra Littlejohn.

Jannaway, R.L.

Brown, Chris.

Motyer, Alec.

McRae, Jacquie.
    Scent of Apples.
    Wellington : Huia (NZ) Ltd, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Quinlan, Ginger.

Turtledove, Harry.
    Scepter's Return.
    New York : Open Road Media Sci-Fi & Fantasy, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Williams, Peter S.

Reiss, Robert.

Dorfman, Lawrence.

Edgar, William.

Fisher, Harwood.

Zwingenberger, Jeanette.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Schimmelpfennig, Roland.

Gaillet, Lynée Lewis.

Levin, Carole.

Wehlburg, Catherine M.

Allen, Kelly-Ann.

Freedman, Mike.
    School Board.
    : Chin Music Press Inc., 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Almeida, Ricardo M.S.F.

Summers, Alex.
    School Bus.
    Chicago, IL : Britannica Digital Learning, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lund, S.

Luxmoore, Nick.

Trolley, Barbara C.

Auger, Rick.

Dongjiao, Zhang.

McNeal, William R.

Alfirević, Nikša.

Spears, Andy.

Baxter, Jacqueline.

West, Martin R.

Brock, Barbara L.

Moore, Edward H.

Luyten, Hans.

De Molière, Jean Baptiste Poquelin.

Summaries, Bright.

Megahey, A.

Howes, Lewis.

Hannah, Roger.

Hudson, Briony.

Najjar, Alexandre.
    School of War.
    London : Saqi, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hulme, Jenny.

Carey, Brainard.

Olender, Rosemary A.

Heitzeg, Nancy A.

Chan, Cheri.

Bronstein, Laura R.

Currin, Jen.
    Toronto : Coach House Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hefner, Robert W.

Means, A.

Zuberi, Dan.

Smith, Lew.

Dudek, Mark.

Connell, R. W.

Dorn, S.

Publishing, OECD.

Burde, Dana.

Walden, Rotraut.

Pollock, Mica.

Clauset, Karl H.

Coval, Kevin.
    Portland : Haymarket Books, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Donleavy, J. P.
    : The Lilliput Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Foucher, Michel.

Dineen, Sean.
    Schwarz Lemma.
    Mineola : Dover Publications, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Milton, Kimball A.

Barsanti, Chris.

Masood, Ehsan.

Zhang, Xinshi.

Kohl, MaryAnn F.

Wilcox, Christie.

Keeley, Page D.

Terzian, S.

Blackford, Russell.

Chan, Amy Kit-sze.

Moeed, Azra.

Berkowitz, Carin.

Deehan, James.

Tate, Marcia L.

Kirk, John T. O.

Sugimoto, Masayoshi.

Nicolaidis, Efthymios.

Morris, Tim.

Masood, Ehsan.

Hendry, J.

McClellan, III, James E.

Kohn, Livia.

Sylos Labini, Francesco.

Lewis, David L.

Morris, P.

Jaroszynski, Piotr,.

Ashbrook, Peggy.

Hammerstrom, Erik J.

Franklin, James.

Fisher, Len.

Komisaruk, Barry R.
    Science of Orgasm.
    Baltimore : Johns Hopkins University Press, 2008.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Platt, Geoffrey GK.

Marinof, Alexander.

Till, Kevin.

Brake, Mark.

Reid, Alex.

Diener, Ed.

Forbes, D.

Chittick, William C.

Traphagan, John W.

Starr, Chauncey.

Hollings, Christopher D.

Heister, Timo.

Raynaud, Dominique.

Fisher, Len.

Weber, Erik.

Russell, Elbert.

Koepsell, David.

Krings, Bettina-Johanna.

Gerlee, Philip.

Starck, J. Matthias.

Spyns, Peter.

De Silva, Pali U. K.

Carrier, Richard.

Lucier, Paul.

Garreta, Raul.
    Birmingham : Packt Publishing, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Krentzman, Rachel.

Butler, Blake.
    Scorch Atlas.
    New York : Featherproof Books, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Rosen, Sue.

Armentrout, Jennifer L.
    New York : Spencer Hill Contemporary, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kim, Donguk.

Blutrich, Michael D.

Callaway, Kutter.

Parris, Matthew.

Nance, John J.
    Scorpion Strike.
    New York : Open Road Media Mystery & Thriller, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bouvier, Nicolas.
    London : Eland Publishing, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gardner, John.
    La Vergne : Ian Fleming Publications, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Janowitz, Brenda.

Gordon, Richard.

Scotney, John.

Moffat, Alistair.

MacKay, Donald.

Watkins, Bill.


Black, Ian.

Hubbard, Tom.

Black, Ian.

Jeffrey, Robert.

Moffat, Alistair.

Kirk, John M.

Neil, J. Murray.

Neil, J. Murray.

Neil, J. Murray.

Buchan, John.

Hamilton, Ian.

Stevenson, R. L.

MacDonald , George.

Love, Dane.

Sebastiani, Silvia.

Hogg, James.

Ferrier , Susan.

Seafield, Lily.
    Scottish Ghosts.
    Lanark : Waverley Books, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hogg, James.

Potter, Patricia.

Buchan, John.

Grassic Gibbon, Lewis.

Coyer, Megan J.

Green, Jonathan.

Whittington-Egan, Molly.

Hamilton, Judy.

Glass, B.

Mitchell, James.

Campey, Lucille H.

Scott, Maggie.

Mackay, George.

Hogg, James.


Bell, Eleano.

Steven, William.

Hogg, James.

Brown, Ian.

Alan Mackintosh , Ewart.

Robinson, Chris.
    Scottish Weather.
    Edinburgh : Black & White Publishing, 2008.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Robinson, Chris.
    Scottish Wildlife.
    Edinburgh : Black & White Publishing, 2008.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Brunton (née Balfour) , Mary.

Cam, Scott.

Russell, Edward Frederick Langley.

Rapley, Belinda.

Tsouras, Peter G.

Padfield, Les.

Davies, Huw.
    Cardiff : Firefly Press Limited, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kane, Alan.

Harris, Kristy.

Markotic, Nicole.

Vlieg, Eduardo A.

Himmer, Steve.
    La Vergne : Curbside Splendor Publishing, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Rendall, Jonathan.

Churcher, Mel.

Pepperell, Robert.

Cunningham, Stuart.

Sargeant, A.

Lilly, Lynn.

Henshaw, Carol.

Garfinkel, Asher.

MacDonald, I.

Millard, Kathryn.

Sprinkle, Timothy.

Sprinkle, Timothy.

Sprinkle, Timothy.

Sprinkle, Timothy.

Sprinkle, Timothy.

Sprinkle, Timothy.

Sprinkle, Timothy.

O'Reilly, Kathryn.

Nicol, Eric.

Muller, Al.

Sharan, Kishori.

Allen, Roger P.

Hudson, Lynda.

Kerouac, Jack.

Carson, D. A.

Levy, David M.

Webb, Holly.
    Scruffy Puppy.
    London : Stripes Publishing, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Cobb, Amelia.

Karcich, Grant.

Thompson, Paul.

Earnest, Allison.

Charles, Victoria.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Munro, Rona.

Nadler, Ben.

Holland, Cecelia.

Arditti, Michael.
    Sea Change.
    London : Arcadia Books Limited, 2006.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Furber, Lindsay.

Whitney, Phyllis A.
    Sea Jade.
    Newburyport : Open Road Media Romance, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Dowd, John.

Dowd, John.

Lull, John.

Cooper, James Fenimore.

Harris, Lynn.

Potter, E.B.

Lu, Yi.
    Sea Summit : Poems.
    New York, NY : Milkweed Editions, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Beaulieu, Marie-Claire.

Hicks, Brian.

Renner, Elmer.

Durstewitz, Michael.

Domini, John.

London, Jack.
    New York : Open Road Media, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gardner, John.
    New York : Ian Fleming Publications, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Barnard, Mary Ann.

McPherson, Conor.

Chekhov, Anton.

Chekhov, Anton.
    London : Oberon Books Ltd, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Pariat, Janice.
    Seahorse : A Novel.
    New York, NY : The Unnamed Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Chissick, Michael.

Lamont, Ronni.

Couch, Dick.
    Seal Team One.
    Annapolis : Naval Institute Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Eggerz, Solveig.
    Seal Woman.
    Lakewood, CO : Unbridled Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Groenewald, Adriaan.

Alamo-Pastrana, Carlos.

O'Brien, Eugene.

Delonas, Sean.

Gibney, John.

Ryan, Mark.

Casagrande, Marco.


Trueblood, Valerie.

Birmingham, George A.
    Search Party.
    Auckland : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Savchenko, Andrey V.

Riedel, Bruce.

Riedel, Bruce.

Drayton, Joanne.

Foss, Michael.

Leib, E.

Komba, Neema.

Dick, Anne R.

Light, Paul C.

Ladizinsky, Gideon.

Treacy, Ann.

Nugent, Rory.

Pandolfi, Francesco.

Leary, Timothy.

Walters, J. L.

Blitz, Marc Jonathan.

Lim, Gerrie.

Skidmore, Colleen.

Lee-Loy, Anne-Marie.

Regal, B.

Brahm, Laurence J.

Sherrard, Valerie.

Sherrard, Valerie.

Shepard, Judith.
    Seascapes : Poems.
    New York : The Permanent Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Cremona, Julian.

Webb, Holly.
    Seaside Puppy.
    London : Stripes Publishing, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Dombrowski, Theo.

Shah, Bina.

Cavanaugh, Jack.

Zimpel, Lloyd.

Warsh, Sylvia Maultash.

Manasso, John.

Ross, Sarah M.

Becker, Stephen.

Setzer, Lynn.

Parks, Tim.

Lyons, Nick.

Lewis, Roger.

Shonchoy, Abu S.

Ros, Manon Steffan.
    Aberystwyth : Honno Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

McCready, James R.

Williams, Henry.

Bartleman, James.

Shenoda, Matthew.

Donegan, Kathleen.

Dale, Iain.

Quarta, Cynthia W.

Colbert, Curt.
    Seattle Noir.
    Brooklyn : Akashic Books, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Czajak, Paul.

Olson, Toby.

Feeney, Brian.

Jacobs, Carol.
    Sebald's Vision.
    La Vergne : Columbia University Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Naylor, Thomas H.

Pato, Chus.

MacKinnon, Douglas.

Matthews, Alison.

Matthews, Alison.

Sato, Eriko.

Adams, Les.

Silver, Anya Krugovoy.

Hildyard, Daisy.
    Second Body.
    La Vergne : Fitzcarraldo Editions, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kiyosaki, Robert T.

Lane, Karly.

McHugh, Erin.

Chapman, Brenda.
    Second Chances.
    Toronto : Dundurn, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hodos, Jerome I.

Laidlaw, Matt.

MacArthur, John.

Phillips, Jonathan.

Grobman, Steve.

Hofmann, Richie.
    Second Empire.
    Farmington : Alice James Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Reinhart, Carmen M.

Gutiérrez, Ángel.

Pritchard, John.

Mowbray, Peter.
    Second Jezebel.
    Claygate : Grosvenor House Publishing, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Priest, Robert.

Song, Sooho.

Seifrid, Mark A.

Griner, Paul.

Brite, Poppy Z.

Gopalan, Radha.

Kennedy, Jemma.

Kulas, Jim.
    Second Revolution.
    New York : Motivational Press, Incorporated, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Wiebe, Catherine M.A.

Blackman, Andy.
    Second Son.
    La Vergne : Clink Street Publishing, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Weinfurter, D.

Cooper, Cheryl.

Maranto, R.

Friedman, Rosemary.
    Second Wife.
    London : Arcadia Books Limited, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Atwood, Margaret.

Kettelhack, Guy.

Gibbon, Perceval.

Fortier, John C.

Stevie, Fred.

Green, Catrin.
    Secondary Science.
    Carmarthen : Crown House Publishing, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Fenwick, Eliza.

Spence, Richard B.

Simmons, Allan H.

Raphael, Lev.

Morris, Vince.

Dar, Azma.
    Secret Arts.
    Salisbury : Dean Street Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Myers, Jeff.

Myers, Jeff.

Brill, E. C.

Emshwiller, Carol.

Donaldson, Gary A.

Telep, Peter.

Robertson, Sarah.

Maxwell, Robin.

Korman, Keith.

Kozodoy, Maud.

Simpson (What Delilah Did), Sophie.

Burnett, Frances Hodgson.
    Secret Garden.
    La Vergne : Waverley Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Burnett, Frances Hodgson.
    Secret Garden.
    Berkeley : Thunder Bay Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Baigent, Michael.

Somers, Ian.
    Secret Gift.
    Dublin : The O'Brien Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Wyatt, David.

Redfern, Nick.

Cortés, Ricardo.

Isakhan, Benjamin.

McKeon, Michael.

Pitzer, Andrea.

Yang, Jeff.

Inness, S.

Farjeon, Benjamin.

Bankier, David.

Moynihan, Michael.

Webb, Holly.
    Secret Kitten.
    London : Stripes Publishing, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Mursch, Kathy.

Stillman, William.

Hickman, Timothy A.

Lachman, Charles.

Fredericks, Anthony D.

Clarkson, Michael.

Waters, Steve.

Barton, Blanche.

Choe, Jae.
    Secret Lives of Ants.
    Baltimore : Johns Hopkins University Press, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Waywell, David.

Simmie, Lois.

Amoss, Berthe.
    Secret Lives.
    Brooklyn : Ig Publishing, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Browder, Catherine.
    Secret Lives.
    Dallas : Dzanc Books, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Delderfield, Victoria.
    Secret Mother.
    La Vergne : Bookline & Thinker, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Burgess, Tom.

Corelli, Marie.
    Secret Power.
    Wellington : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Calvin, John.

Webb, Holly.
    Secret Puppy.
    London : Stripes Publishing, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Harrison, Paula.

Michaelis, Antonia.
    Secret Room.
    New York : Sky Pony Press, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Ford, Kevin Graham.

Rushton, Rosie.

Brady, Cyrus Townsend.

Reynolds, John Lawrence.

D'Aoust, Maja.

D'Aoust, Maja.

Fleming, Charles.

Fleming, Charles.

Tabata, Kazumi.

Prouty, L. Fletcher.

Morgan, Winter.

Fleming, Charles.

Aboul-Enein, Youssef H.,.

Coleman, Kate.

Cunningham, Don.

Summers, Anthony.

Keith, Jim.

Parfrey, Adam.

Bertschinger, Richard.

Tanous, Peter J.
    Secret of Fatima.
    New York : Liberty Island, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Que Mai , Nguyen Phan.
    Secret of Hoa Sen.
    Rochester : BOA Editions Ltd., 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Didau, David.


H Rogers, Graham.

Wildavsky, Rachel.

Dion, Lise.

Bramah, Ernest.

Cheshire, Simon.

McLellan, Alec.

Becker Holstein, Barbara.

Burgess, Christopher.

Loughead, Deb.

Weetman, Nova.
    Secrets We Keep.
    Saint Lucia : University of Queensland Press, 2006.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Elliot Wright, Susan.

Bhattacharya, Sanjiv.

Charman, Katrina.

Kottler, Ellen.

Kaplan, Melvin.

Landis, Don.

Wiley, Mark V.

Satter, Ellyn.

Blyth, Lois.

Watanabe, Jiichi.

Schwerdt, Bernadette.

Jacobs, Lynn F.

Everly, George S.

Dearman, Louise.

Smith, Michael.

Conway, Allan.

Brinkworth, Brian.

Villarreal, Phil.

Schely, Sara.

Withington, John.

Beaty , Andrea.

Owen, James A.

American Society of Golf Course Architects, The.

Haas, Eve.

Ratti, Oscar.

Thurston, Harry.

Compestine, Ying Chang.

Fanthorpe, Lionel and Patricia.

Gerland, Gunilla.

Costa, Victoria Brookhart.

Cannon, Katy.

Wagner, Deron.

Hrafnhildur, Bragadóttir.

Joskowicz, Ari.

Jonker, Willem.

von Faber, Eberhard.

Seagren, Eric.

Sun, Yunchuan.

National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.

Hope-West, Allison.

Azad, Tariq.

Sachs, Marcus.

Edmunds, Ben.

Blair, C.

Carter, Peter A.

Tiensivu, Aaron.

Clapp, Priscilla A.

Baker, Jennifer J.

Van Atta, John R.

Thomas, Michael Durant.

Hooke, Jeffrey C.

Sadeghinia, Mahboubeh.

Du, Suguo.

Gouin, Brian.

Roper, Carl.

Babbin, Jacob.

McCrie, Robert.


Pérez Martín, Miguel Ángel.

Kleinig, John.

Chbeir, Richard.

Tunsjø, Øystein.

Heininen, L.

Accorsi, Rafael.

Brainard, Lael.

Mahmoud, Mohamed M. E. A.

Harrington, Cameron.

Dubrawsky, Ido.

Lewis, A.

Gierlichs, Benedikt.

Foucault, M.

Zhang, Aiqing.

Zhang, Ning.

Davies, James.

Hessinger, Rodney.

Ciotta, Beth.
    St. Charles : Medallion Media Group, 2005.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kierkegaard, Søren.
    Seducer's Diary.
    Princeton : Princeton University Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kjaerstad, Jan.
    London : Arcadia Books Limited, 2005.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Shepard, Martin.
    New York : The Permanent Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Schartz, Vijaya.

Vernay, Jean-François.

Rollins, Henry.

Pollak, Joel.

Banks, E.

Case, Mairead.

Hopgood, Sally.

Renberg, Tore.
    See You Tomorrow.
    London : Arcadia Books Limited, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Porfilio, Brad.

Davis, Lynn.

Cobb, Vicki.

Stone, Beth.

Ramsey, Joanna.

Thomas, Scarlett.

Skujenieks, Knuts.
    Seed in Snow.
    New York : BOA Editions Ltd., 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Akhtar, Salman.

Ross, Arra Lynn.

Wijsen, Frans.

Jay, Caroline.

Braza, Jerry.

Nobel, Sylvia.

Crocker, Nancy.
    Seeing America.
    Barrington : Medallion Media Group, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Monroy, Liza.

Piper, John.

Amin, Ash.

Scott, James C.

Averill, Thomas.

Schuler, Romana Karla.

Perez II, Rene S.

Eyres, Harry.

    Seeing Place.
    La Vergne : CASSAVA REPUBLIC PRESS, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Simmonds, Jennifer.

Charnley, Chic.

Atkins, Jill.
    Seeing Red.
    Watlington : Ransom Publishing, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Meruane, Lina.
    Seeing Red.
    New York, NY : Deep Vellum Publishing, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Piper, John.

Schuman, Samuel.

Dobson, Ed.

Stevens, Amanda G.

Chesterton, R. B.

Fish, Susan.

Kakar, Sudhir.
    La Vergne : Dzanc Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Schmidt Fishbaugh, Angela.

Wilks, Sarah.

Kawczynski, Daniel.

Marable, M.

Adam, Heribert.

Shehadeh, Raja.

Loewen, Royden.

Cassels, Alan.

Campey, Lucille H.

Lenfestey, James P.

Wu, Zhongxian.

Blake, William.

Croom, Alexandra.

Kishi, Akinobu.

Read, Mike.
    Seize the Day.
    London : Biteback Publishing, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

LaPlante, Eve.

Singh, Naunihal.

Selby, Todd.

Blaise, Clark.
    Selected Essays.
    Emeryville : Biblioasis, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Palter, Robert.
    Selected Essays.
    : Easton Studio Press, LLC, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Snyder, Gary.

Hecht, Anthony.

Sirr, Peter.

Vallejo, Cà ©sar.

Kaplinski, Jaan.

Tsvetaeva, Marina.

Millar, Paul.

Chien, Tao.

Berry, Wendell.

Groarke, Vona.
    Selected Poems.
    Oldcastle : The Gallery Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Dawe, Gerald.
    Selected Poems.
    Oldcastle : The Gallery Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lysaght, Seán.
    Selected Poems.
    Oldcastle : The Gallery Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Dawe, Gerald.
    Selected Poems.
    Oldcastle : The Gallery Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hardy, Thomas.
    Selected Poems.
    Mineola : Dover Publications, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hill, Geoffrey.
    Selected Poems.
    New Haven : Yale University Press, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Mahon, Derek.
    Selected Prose.
    Oldcastle : The Gallery Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Tolstoy, Leo.

Rodoreda, Mercè.

Hutchison, David.

Smith, A.J.M.

Day, Elaine.

Butler, Samuel.

Forrester, Cheryl.

Zhan, Zhimin.

Aiken, Catherine EM.

Lewis, Wyndham.
    Self Condemned.
    Toronto : Dundurn, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Illsley Clarke, Jean.

Bährer-Kohler, Sabine.

McQueen, Alan.

Johnston, Adrian.

Kremer, Alexander.

Marraffa, Massimo.

Hess, Tamar.

Heise, D.

Ballenger, Jesse F.

Tropina, Tatiana.

Ashear, Victor.

Samples, Pat.

Malinowski, Alfred J.

Lumsden, Simon.

Brukner, Lauren.

Wolf, Michael, P.

al-Azm, Prof. Sadik.

Bliss, E. Veronica.

Bown, Chad P.

Plummer, Deborah.

Waines, Alison.

Hall, Lindsey.

MacKinnon, Neil J.

Malpas, Margaret.

Knightsmith, Pooky.

Simon, R. M.

Winton, Alais.

Peña, Victor H.

Jacob, M.

Toussaint, Jean-Philippe.

Hiemstra, Jessica.

NDiaye, Marie.

McDougall, Len.

Kitchen, Julian.

Williams, Heather Andrea.

Ajana, Btihaj.

Marshman, Megan.

Kuntsman, Adi.
    Selfie Citizenship.
    Cham : Springer International Publishing, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

DuPont, Robert L.

Dawkins, Richard.

Pimm, Freddie.

Barnes, Denise.

Stevens, Drew.

Grant, Daniel.

Martin, Morag.

Winkleman, Edward.

Sparkman, Donald.

Calder, Alan.

Baikie, Tammy.

Wakefield, Dan.

Allais, Stephanie.

Kastor, John A.

Weisgrau, Richard.

Heller, D.

Belmonte, Laura A.

Trollinger, Susan L.

Clark, Jodie.

Gödert, Winfried.

Färber, M.

Schulte, Marion.

Jiang, Yufei.

Biffen, John.
    London : Biteback Publishing, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Ifeacho, Pascal.

Caple, Natalee.

Mugnolo, Delio.

Bion, Wilfred R.

Sáenz-Ludlow, Adalira.

Guenoun, Denis.

Carroll, Christine.
    Senator's Daughter.
    Wauconda : Medallion Media Group, 2008.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Phillips, Gary.

Flagg, Ethan.

Bardi, Ugo.

Durrett, Charles.

Bramlett, Brittany H.

Media, The Staff of Entrepreneur.

Francescato, Simone.

Sachsman, David B.

Austen, Jane.

Ezer, Hanna.

McCullough, James.

Gonnerman, Mark.

Brown, Sharon Garlough.

Schwanhäu€er, Anja.

Beale-Ellis, Sandra.

Froehlich, Karlfried.

Akan, Ozgur.

Glazener, Laurie.

Longhorn, Flo.

Heffernan, Diarmuid.

Peace Rhind, Jennifer.

Hultén, B.
    Sensory Marketing.
    London : Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hilbig, Reinhard.

Bogdashina, Olga.

Mielnick, Matt.

Fowler, Susan.

Grace, JoAnna.

Kleinberg, Aviad M.

Broadhurst, Susan.

Equi, Elaine.

Biagioni, Raoul.

Derry , David.

Festa, Lynn.

Skibsrud, Johanna.

L. Armentrout, Jennifer.

Konvitz, Jeffrey.
    New York : Open Road Media, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Duke, Orok Otu.
    Claygate : Grosvenor House Publishing, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Baumbach, Jonathan.

Goldsmith, William W.

Rattigan, Terence.

Peacock, Shane.

Molloy, Richard.
    London : Oberon Books Ltd, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Prendergast, Christopher.
    Cromer : Salt Publishing Limited, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Davidsen, Leif.
    Serbian Dane.
    London : Arcadia Books Limited, 2007.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kotur, Krstivoj.

Casey, Karen.

Bergan, Ronald.

Petherick, Wayne.

Petherick, Wayne.

Mayer, Ruth.

Watson, Andi.

Daniszewska, Agnieszka.

Berry-Dee, Christopher.

Cawthorne, Nigel.

Soukup, Jiri.

North, Carolyn.

North, Carolyn.

Stebbins, Robert A.

Plass, Adrian.

Plass, Adrian.

Pidgley, Richard.

Mansbach, Adam.

Mansbach, Adam.

FitzSimons, Peter.

Hughes, R. Kent.

Mowbray, Peter.

Harris, James F.

Poulsen, David A.

Oliveira, Pedro F.

Shoro, Kano.

Karjanen, David J.

van Dierendonck, Dirk.

Hill, Craig C.

Goldoni, Carlo.

Williams, L.

Rosenbaum, Sasha.

Kurokawa, Toshiaki.

Barros, Oscar.

Menschner, Philipp.

Bolton, Ruth N.

Gustafsson, Anders.
    Service Innovation.
    New York : Business Expert Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Berman, Sally.

Berman, Sally.

Duncan, Joyce.

Sansbury, John.

, itSMF UK.

Davis, Joseph G.

Choi, Tsan-Ming.

Cardoso, Jorge.

Brafield, Helen.

Chiapparini, Emanuela.

Baron, Steve.

Teboul, J.

Enos, Sandra L.

Butin, D.

Bell, Michael.

Lau, Kung-Kiu.

Gupta, Sagar.

Cates, James A.

Irwin, Kevin W.

Cunningham, Ed. Richard.

Airhart, P.

Sacerdoti, Daniela.

Méndez, Miguel A.

Santomauro, Josie.

Dorr, Tracy.

Eagle, Raymond.

Lloyd-Jones, Martyn.

Kappenberg, Bernd.

Thian, Helene.

Campbell, Julieann.

Norton, Kingsley.

Finch, Sue.

Ashmore, Wendy.

Birch, Ann.
    Toronto : Dundurn, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Banks, Sarah.

Veracini, L.

Veracini, L.

Crooks, Pete.

Cousturier, Lucie.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Dudley Edwards, Ruth.

Baer, Josette.

Morris, Gouverneur.
    Seven Darlings.
    Auckland : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Morris, Kate.

Levy, Francis.

Ibn 'Arabi, Muhyiddin.

Soames, Ruby.

Kraus, Rob.

Prowell, Stacy.

Anderson, Brian.

Shema, Mike.

Grace, K. D.

Grace, K. D.

Tilby, Angela.

Richardson, Laurel.

Holberg, Ludvig.

Young, Dean.

Gallusz, Laszlo.

Harris, Murray J.

Behn, Noel.

Richards, D.

Baer, Josette.

Jones, Stephen Graham.

McEwan-Adkins, Elaine K.

Khumalo, Fred.

Hussain, Musharraf.

Advic, Selvedin.
    Seven Terrors.
    Bristol : Istros Books, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Ritter, Christopher Miles.

Campbell, James Calum.

Al-Koni, Ibrahim.

Redgate, Riley.

France, Anatole.

Van Vleet, Carmella.

Caveney, Philip.

Rhys, Hedley Howell.

Kaminsky, Howard.
    Seventh Child.
    La Vergne : Polis Books, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Stamatis, Alexis.
    Seventh Elephant.
    London : Arcadia Books Limited, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Nešetril, Jaroslav.

Hill, Grace Livingston.
    Seventh Hour.
    Uhrichsville : Barbour Publishing, Inc., 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Duggan, William.

Hinkson, Pamela.

Ellis, Sarah.

Davidson, Jared.

Hicok, Bob.
    Sex & Love &.
    Port Townsend : Copper Canyon Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Cayman, Sadie.

Spurr, Pam.

Ackerman, Alissa.

Thornton, Margaret.

Carbone, Alice.

Parks, Tim.

Donaghue, Chris.

Hemmings, Jo.

Hollan Publishing, Editors of.


Lee, Jason.

Conant, Kim.

Diamond, Joe.

Nichols, Andrea J.

Dewey, Susan.

Roszler, Janis.

Sánchez-Conejero, Cristina.

Forshaw, B.

Smuts, Barbara B.

Tripp, Paul David.

Berkowitz, Eric.

Andreas-Salome, Lou.

Potts, Malcolm.

De Mente, Boye Lafayette.

Hauskeller, M.

Piper, John.

Dhuill, Caitriona.

Matesa, Jennifer.

Döpp, HansJürgen.

Golaszewski, Stefan.

Jackson, Luke.

Stebbins, M.

Oakley, Ann.

Heath, Rupert.

Richie, Nik.

Cowley, Philip.

Moynihan, Ray.


Kets de Vries, Manfred F.R.

Smaal, Yorick.

Tittle, Peg.

Bauer, Heike.

(U.S.), Joint History Office.

Panych, Morris.
    Vancouver : Talonbooks, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Le Tellier, Hervé.
    Sextine Chapel.
    Normal, IL : Columbia University Press, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Davidson, Judith.

Owton, Helen.

Carnes, Patrick J.

Lenskyj, H.

Ali, Kecia.

Ali, Kecia.

Valovirta, Elina.

Keesling, Barbara.

Sonnex, Christopher.

Aboud, Andrew M.

(U.S.), The Merit Systems Protection Board.

Keesling, Barbara.

Rumens, Nick.

Millett, Kate.
    Sexual Politics.
    New York, NY : Columbia University Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Diamond, Rare.
    Sexual Reminisces.
    Claygate : Grosvenor House Publishing, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Phelan, Shane.

Grosz, Elizabeth.

Boesten, J.

Heineman, Elizabeth D.

Balen, Adam.

Bibard, L.

Hartman, Davida.

Chapman, Rohhss.

Reynolds, Kate E.

Wolf, Sherry.

Shifren, Jan Leslie.

Khalaf, Samir.

King, Francis.

Mulligan, Christy A.

McMillan, Alexander.

Warnock, Tammy.

Boof, Kola.

Barrett, Ellen.

Schleber Lowry, Elizabeth.

Hutton, Robin.

Constable, John.

Walsh, Ann.
    Toronto : Dundurn, 2008.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Newman, Tracy.
    Shabbat Hiccups.
    New York : Albert Whitman & Company, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Macbeth, Madge.
    Halifax/Picton : Invisible Publishing, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Smith, Michael.

Dunnett, Harding McGregor.

McOrist, Wilson.

Goodell, Jessica.

Leslie, Colin.

Birmingham, Stephen.

Habib, Rafey.

dyer, kc.

Johnson, Maureen.

Cockrell, Marian.

Guardia, Mike.

Castle, J.R.
    Shadow Dragon.
    Dorking : Piccadilly Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Smith, Martin J.
    Shadow Image.
    : Argo-Navis, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Shafquat, Sofia.

Haller, John S.

Cole, Matt.
    Shadow Peak.
    London : Robert Hale, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Currell, David.

Bayle, B.J.
    Shadow Riders.
    Toronto : Dundurn, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

White, Alan.

Burgin, Richard.
    Shadow Traffic.
    Baltimore : Johns Hopkins University Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Halpern, Jake.

Baker, Chris.
    Shadow Waters.
    Wellington : Huia (NZ) Ltd, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lambert, Craig.

Thompson, Kim.

Quinn, Parris.

Quinn, Parris.

Jones, Harry.

Sedgwick, Anne Douglas.
    Shadow of Life.
    Auckland : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Comment, Bernard.
    Shadow of Memory.
    Normal, IL : Columbia University Press, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Holden, Katherine.

DuPont, James.

Fugard, Athol.

Taibo II, Paco Ignacio.

Overholser, Wayne D.

Preus, Margi.

Aycliffe, Jonathan.

Joyce, Mere.
    Victoria : Orca Book Publishers, 2018.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Behn, Noel.
    Newburyport : Open Road Media Mystery & Thriller, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lock, Norman.
    : Dzanc Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Corcoran, Mell.
    Shadows May Fall.
    Minneapolis : Mill City Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Reppetto, Thomas A.

Wayman, Tom.

Ludlow, Colin.

Ramprasad, Gayathri.

Swedlund, Alan.

Keyes, Greg.
    Shadows of God.
    New York : Open Road Media Sci-Fi & Fantasy, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

MacKenzie, Ross.
    La Vergne : Floris Books, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Atiya, Nayra.

Timmerman, Kenneth R.

Opyr, Joan.

King, Ros.

Diehn, Andi.

Wearing, J P.

Dixon, Luke.

Dixon, Luke.

Parvini, N.

Belliotti, Raymond Angelo.

Hulbert, J.

Paul, J. Gavin.

Shapiro, James.

Sheen, Erica.

Brennan, Stephen.

Curry, Julian.

Curry, Julian.

Crystal, Ben.

Ryken, Leland.

Shellard, Dominic.

Bell, R.

Segal, Lore.

Urkowitz, Steven.

Enterline, Lynn.

Thomas, Julia.

Spragg, Ian.

Herder, Johann Gottfried.
    Princeton : Princeton University Press, 2008.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hartley, A.

Burns, T.

Keene, David A.

Chapman, Brenda.

Francis, Andrew.

David, Esther.

Campos, Don Jose.

Alaniz, Richard L.

Brahm, Laurence J.

Monroe, Debra.

Morrow, James.

Becker, Devin.
    Shame / Shame.
    Rochester : BOA Editions Ltd., 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Stearns, Peter N.

Garrett, Greg.
    Shame : A Novel.
    Colorado Springs, CO : David C. Cook, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Relaño Pastor, Ana Maria.

Merwick, Donna.

Spotts, Frederic.

Millar, Peter.

Malfi, Ronald Damien.
    Shamrock Alley.
    New York : Medallion Media Group, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Harmsen, Peter.

Li, Jie.

Ruby, Lois.
    Shanghai Shadows.
    New York : Open Road Media Teen & Tween, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Ng, Amy.

Jippensha, Ikku.

Smith, Aaron.

Khim, P'ng Chye.

Zhou, Qingjie.

Chim, Wai.
    Sydney : Allen & Unwin, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Leyton, Michael.

Curtis, Scott.

Okawa, Ryuho.

Cohen-Tanugi, Laurent.

Don, Lari.

Canals, Jordi.

Stiftung, Bertelsmann.

Rand, Glenn.

Deal, Terrence E,.

Davids, Ren.

Haviland, Don.

Sidhu, Waheguru Pal Singh.

Kochan, Thomas A.

Smith, Anthony.

Smith, Tony.

Roine, Jussi.

Honey, M.

Hale, Dawn.

Kamali, Mohammad Hashim.

Lansley, Stewart.

Levy, Natan.

Greenwood, Robin.

Jones, Paul Hedley.

Frost, Rob.

Reynolds, J.

Kenyon-Rouvinez, D.

Buczynski , Beth.

Brake, David R.

Spanos, Alex.

Jennings, Peter.

Bantin, John.

Scofield, Chris.
    Shark Curtain.
    New York : Akashic Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Prager, Ellen.
    Shark Rider.
    MN : Mighty Media, Inc., 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Prager, Ellen.
    Shark Whisperer.
    MN : Mighty Media, Inc., 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Aitchison, John.

Bright, Michael.

Hutchison, Barry.

Helfman, Gene.

Limón, Ada.

Harding, Paul W. J.

Fox, Rodney.

Miller, John.

Bryan, Sharon.
    Sharp Stars.
    Rochester : BOA Editions Ltd., 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lane, Gary.

West, Jay.
    Sharper's Quest.
    London : Robert Hale, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Piereson, James.

Napier, Bill.

Phair, Marian.

Batmanghelidjh, Camila.

Chase, Victor D.

Uzan, Bernard.
    Shattered Sky.
    New York : Enigma Books, 2008.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kalytiak Davis, Olena.

Yarborough, Thomas.

Bayhom-Daou, Tamima.
    Shaykh Mufid.
    London : Oneworld Publications, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Tjia, M.J.

Randall, Margaret.
    She Becomes Time.
    San Antonio : Wings Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Rainford, Lydia.

Hauka, Donald J.

Savage, Scarlett.

Allin, Lou.

Batchelor, Rhonda.
    She Loves You.
    Toronto : Dundurn, 2008.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Ross, Michael Elsohn.

Walton, Evangeline.

Johnson, Elizabeth A.

Robert, Na'ima B.

Shraya, Vivek.

Dawes, Kwame.
    She's Gone.
    Brooklyn : Akashic Books, 2007.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Sams, Lauren.

Hart, Tom.

Anzilotti, Cara.

Shearer, Duncan.

Peters, Helen.

Bowman, Marcus.

Tonder, Gerry van.

Cowell, Philip.

Millard, Lorraine.

Greener, Mark.

Cantopher, Tim.

Greener, Mark.

Greener, Mark.

Greener, Mark.

Baxendale, Sallie.

Gournay, Kevin.

Greener, Mark.

Tallis, Frank.

Stead, C. K.

Stewart, Michelle.

Johnson, Chris.

Kaes, Anton.

Omer, Mohammed.

de Hart, Scott D.

Ruston, S.

McCarry, Charles.
    Shelley's Heart.
    London : Gerald Duckworth & Co, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Stone, Michael E.

Tripp, Paul David.

Salerno, Carey.
    New York : Alice James Books, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Augier, Serge.

Harris, Eirik Lang.

Grey, Zane.

Carter, Anne Laurel.

Sebbar, Leila.
    Massachusetts : Interlink Publishing, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Delbanco, Nicholas.

Couch, Dick.

Halliday, Brett.

Shaw, F.C.
    Sherlock Academy.
    Chicago : Future House Publishing, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gilbert, Paul D.

Redmond, Christopher.

Sequeira, Christopher.

Steiff, Josef.

Ruffle, David.
    Sherlock Holmes.
    Luton, Bedfordshire : Andrews UK, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Scales, John R.

Carr, Matthew.

Davis, Burke.
    Sherman's March.
    New York : Open Road Media, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Whelchel, L.

Parzybok, Benjamin.

Taylor, Anne.
    Shetland Eagle.
    Claygate : Grosvenor House Publishing, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lederman, Sylvia.

Momen, Moojan.

Moussawi, Ibrahim.

Beresford-Cooke, Carola.

Bentley, CJ.
    La Vergne : Clink Street Publishing, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Mitchell, R. J.

Einhorn, Lena.

Kurashige, Scott.

Zoe, Duncan.
    Shifting Pools.
    La Vergne : Eye Books, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Migdal, Joel S.

Bassett, Sara Ware.
    Shifting Sands.
    Wellington : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lowenthal, Abraham F.

Cawthon, Stephanie W.

Yan, Mo.

Grimsley, Mark.

Barnes, Eric.
    Lakewood, CO : Unbridled Books, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Millet, Lydia.

Kruze, U.

DenBesten, Kris.
    Shine Factor.
    Elmwood Park : HigherLife Publishing, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Myracle, Lauren.
    New York : Abrams, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Pathak, Aneeta.
    New York : Motivational Press, Incorporated, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

McPherson, Conor.

Boardman, Peter.
    Shining Mountain.
    Sheffield : Vertebrate Publishing, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Machen, Arthur.
    Shining Pyramid.
    Cardigan : Parthian Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hillsborough, Romulus.

Ono, Sokyo.

Miura, Ayako.
    Shiokari Pass.
    North Clarendon : Tuttle Publishing, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Allen, Thomas B.

Davis, Robert C.

Johansson, Tafsir.

Kenney, Gerard.

Gold, Ann Grodzins.

Nouraie-Simone, Fereshteh.

Balkan, Evan L.

Margulies, Donald.

Peel, Mark.

Scott, Doug.

Tittle, Peg.

Tregenza, Sharon.
    Shiver Stone.
    Cardiff : Firefly Press Limited, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

McManus, Darragh.

Nye, Alex.
    Edinburgh : Floris Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Vitale, Serena.

Groah, Jeffrey.

Orange, Cynthia.

Holloway, Adrian.

Horstkotte, Silke.

Sato, Shozo.

Carl, Klaus.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Leggett, Trevor.

Sadler, A. L.

Wernicke, Thomas.

O'Brien, Paul.

Golob, Julie.

Spaner, David.

Sholik, Stan.

Cole, Steve.
    Shoot To Kill.
    London : Ian Fleming Publications, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bilal, Wafaa.

Mowbray, Michael.

Rosenman, Mark.

Cheng, Chris.

Eckstine, Roger.

Johnson Howe, Melodie.

Colegate, Isabel.

Felbab-Brown, Vanda.

Cohen, Stephen P.

Palmer, Chris.

Loizeaux, William.

Loizeaux, William.

Boice, James.
    La Vergne : The Unnamed Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lawless, Jim.

Weekes, Don.

Best, Samuel.
    Shop Front.
    Edinburgh : Fledgling Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Panych, Morris.
    Vancouver : Talonbooks, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Barnett, Paul.

Bamfield, J.

Greenwald, Jeff.

Mahaney, Carolyn.

Delacourt, Susan.

Novakovich, Josip.

Fournier, Suzanne.

Geering, Andrew.

Flanagan, Richard.

Conway, Dr Ashley.

Conway, Dr Ashley.

Conway, Dr Ashley.

Conway, Dr Ashley.

Conway, Dr Ashley.

Donovan, Rita.
    Short Candles.
    Toronto : Dundurn, 2007.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gerrard, David Burr.

Edelsbrunner, Herbert.

Waldorf, Marek.
    Short Fall.
    Chappaqua : Turtle Point Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

O'Brien, Flann.

Nash, Patrick.

Collins, Helen.

Krosinsky, Cary.

Cioran, E. M.

O'Donnell, Ruán.

Jeffares, A. Norman.

Ó hEithir, Breandán.

Ó hAllmhuráin, Gearóid.

Sheffield, Gary.

Feeney, Brian.

Pearce, Colby.

Pearce, Colby.

Fitzpatrick, Carol.

Pearce, Colby.

Lask, Bryan.

Kumar, Amit.

Young, Patricia.

Igov, Angel.

Gupte, Satish.

Reid, Michael A.

Ruf, Alessia.

Solana, Teresa.

Hahn, Anna Katharina.
    Shorter Days.
    : Frisch & Co. Electronic Books Inc., 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Delany, Samuel R.

Hawes, James.

Thaler, Engelbert.

Regan, Tessie.

Abbott, Patricia.
    Shot In Detroit.
    La Vergne : Polis Books, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Peter, Zack.

Bainbridge, Colin.

Hale, Jamie.

de Woot, Philippe.

Smith, Patricia.

Ramachandran, Kala.

Boehmer, Elleke.

Trelford, Donald.

Barrell, Alan.

Allbeury, Ted.
    Show Me a Hero.
    Newburyport : Dover Publications, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Scott, Jeremy.
    Show Me a Hero.
    London : Biteback Publishing, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Haskins, Ron.

McCormack, Derek.
    Show That Smells.
    Brooklyn : Akashic Books, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Brinckmann, Hans.

Babbin, Jed L.

Dakota, Jack.

Webb, Simon.

McNeill, Robert B.

Van Onselen, Charles.

Gunn, Shorty.

Zachary, G. Pascal.

Rees, Arthur J.
    Shrieking Pit.
    Auckland : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Jones, Audrey.

Scheft, Bill.

Baggini, Julian.

Adhya, Anirban.

Hara, Toshihiko.

Cryer, Geoff.

Ferris, Gloria.

Wise, Robert.

Cox, Daniel Allen.
    Vancouver : Arsenal Pulp Press, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

al-Hamad, Turki.
    London : Saqi, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Murphy, Elaine.

Ingraham, Laura.

Metcalf, John.


Van Roy, Edward.

Milevsky, Avidan.

Strohm, Kate.

Van Rensselaer, Anne.

Caramagno, Thomas C.


Dumas, Alexandre.

Iannuzzi, John Nicholas.
    Sicilian Defense.
    Newburyport : MADCAN Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Farrell, Joseph.

Holtzman, Ben.

Leveen, Tom.
    New York : Abrams, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Howard, Jo.

Knudsen, Toke Lindegaard.

Calonita, Jen.

Ferraiolo, Jack D.
    New York : Abrams, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Luiselli, Valeria.
    Minneapolis : Coffee House Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bauca, Miquel.

Stanley, K S.

Andrae, Thomas.

Minato, Amy.

Sail, Lawrence.
    Exeter : Impress Books, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kaschak, Ellyn.

Lowrie, Joyce O.

Skues, R.

Paul, John S.

Napier, Jemina.

Hannah, James.
    Sign Languages.
    La Vergne : Dzanc Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

van Leeuwen, Boeli.
    Sign of Jonah.
    Newburyport : The Permanent Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lingard, Joan.

Anderson, Poul.
    Sign of the Raven.
    New York : Open Road Media Sci-Fi & Fantasy, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Dennis, Kirsten.

Dickens, Charles.

Malmgren, Dr Philippa.

Bridge, Gillian.

Lecoutre, Bruno.

Walters, Gordon B.

Savinio, Alberto.

Martin, Charles.
    Signs & Wonders.
    Baltimore : Johns Hopkins University Press, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Herrera, Yuri.

Armour, Ellen.

Danesi, Marcel.

Castrovilla, Selene.

Storms, Sam.

Peters, Benjamin John.

Ross, Maggie.

Fujimura, Makoto.

Aycliffe, Jonathan.

Forshaw, Barry.

Garner, Hugh.

Tweedie, Linda.
    Edinburgh : Fledgling Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Packham, Simon.
    Dorking : Piccadilly Press, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Plass, Adrian.

Shivji, Issa G.

Chaix, Marie.

Olsen, Tillie.
    New York : The Feminist Press at CUNY, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Powers, Kirsten.

Biltereyst, D.

Smith, Carrie.

Segura, Alex.
    Silent City.
    New York : Polis Books, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Maraini, Dacia.
    Silent Duchess.
    London : Arcadia Books Limited, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Graham, Thomas.

Farr, Don.

Smith, Tommie.

Lukas, Christopher.

Chesbro, George C.
    Silent Killer.
    Newburyport : Road, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Charalambous, John.
    Silent Parts.
    Santa Monica : University of Queensland Press, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Leigh, Eve.
    Silent Planet.
    London : Oberon Books Ltd, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Merchant, Ameen.
    Silent Raga.
    Vancouver : D & M Publishers, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bunz, M.

Lewin, Michael Z.
    Silent Salesman.
    New York : Open Road Media Mystery & Thriller, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Newton, George W.

Tallis, Michael.

Sicking, Anja.
    Silent Sin.
    London : Marion Boyars, 2006.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Abbasova, Peter.
    Silent Sinners.
    Claygate : Grosvenor House Publishing, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lewis, Sara.

Bengtson, John.

Zgustova, Monika.
    Silent Woman.
    New York : The Feminist Press at CUNY, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Griffiths, Jane.

Griffin, Molly Beth.

De La Rocha, Christina.
    Silica Stories.
    Cham : Springer International Publishing, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Amiri, Sahar.

Roberts, Joanna.

Baluja, Shumeet.

Steiber, Annika.

Ross, Aaron.

Rosental, Paul-André.

Sze, Arthur.

Ceceri, Kathryn.

Porter, Bill.

Khan, Minal.

Reid, Rob.

Narsimhan, Mahtab.

Baum, Kathryn.

McDonald, Fleur.
    Silver Clouds.
    Sydney : Allen & Unwin, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Anthony, Evelyn.
    Silver Falcon.
    New York : Open Road Media Mystery & Thriller, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Spottiswoode, Amanda.
    Silver Lining.
    Victoria : Heritage House, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gray, Millie.
    Silver Linings.
    Edinburgh : Black & White Publishing, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Naka, Kansuke.

Ferrell, Miralee.
    Silver Spurs.
    Colorado Springs, CO : David C. Cook, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Clough, Caroline.
    Silver Storm.
    La Vergne : Floris Books, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Harlick, R.J.

Brand, Max.

    La Vergne : Ian Fleming Publications, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Whitney, Phyllis A.
    Newburyport : Open Road Media Romance, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Maitland, Barry.

Maitland, Barry.

Hill, Brian.

Ridley, Sandra.
    Toronto : BookThug, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Sommer, Elyse.

Conant-Park, Jessica.
    Simmer Down.
    New York : Open Road Media Mystery & Thriller, 2007.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Leigh, Spencer.

Butts, Edward.

Cobden, Michael.

Tofield, Simon.

Clouston, J. Storer.
    Auckland : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lynch, John.

McCulloch, Lee.

Gleiser, Marcelo.

Sladcik Wilson, Suzanne.

Manley, Pat.

Silva, K.E.
    Simple Distance.
    New York : Akashic Books, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

de Thierry, Betsy.

Franglen, Nora.

Al-Toma, Batool.

de Thierry, Betsy.

Hennah, Jeni.

Crandall, Chauncey.

Gatica, Gabriel N.

Knight, Erika.

Kurtz, Lisa A.

Mackey, Michael C.

West, Joanie.

Bowman, Katy.

Simpkins , C. Alexander.

Murray, Carol Garboden.

Jacobs, George Martin.

Buijssen, Huub.

Kossak, Roman.
    Cham : Springer International Publishing, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Allred, Stevan.

Johnson, Neil.

Devine, Dan.

Sanlon, Peter.

Griggs Lawrence, Robyn.

Schlie, E.

Sturm, Terry.

Kyssa, Natasha.

Payne-James, Jason.

Barone Adesi, Giovanni.

Daud, Suzairi.

Renken, Maggie.

Roterman-Konieczna, Irena.

Mosher, Lucinda.

Pomfret, Scott.

Shally, Celeste.

Payne, Mary Jennifer.

Storms, Sam.

Countess of Frederiksborg, Alexandra Christina.

Ferguson, Julie H.

Taylor, Barbara J.

Inglis, Kim.

Powell, Robert.
    Singapore Houses.
    North Clarendon : Tuttle Publishing, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Mutalib, Hussin.

Tan, Cheryl Lu-Lien.
    Singapore Noir.
    New York : Akashic Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Editions, Periplus.

Woo, J. J.

Doshi, Tilak.

St. John Mandel, Emily.
    Singer's Gun.
    : Unbridled Books, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Adshead, Kay.
    Singing Stones.
    London : Oberon Books Ltd, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Holmes, L. P.

Schaffert, Timothy.

Melton, Joan.

Glasser, Perry.

Zieman, Katherine.

Dubb, Sukhpreet.

Dunlap, Susan.

Pogrebin, Letty Cottin.

Ekin, Des.
    Single Obsession.
    Dublin : The O'Brien Press, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Taylor, A.

Chilian, Bruno.

Donleavy, J.P.

Evans, Mihail.

Levenda, Peter.

Levenda, Peter.

Levenda, Peter.

Richards, Kel.

Johnson, Jason.
    Dublin : Liberties Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hammesfahr, Petra.
    New York : Bitter Lemon Press, 2008.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Pugliese, Giulio.

Liu, Yi.

Sonmez, Burhan.
    Sins & Innocents.
    Reading : Garnet Publishing (UK) Ltd, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Chandler, Glenn.

Otto, Shawn Lawrence.

Marokvia, Mireille.

Weiner, Brian A.

Franks, Alan.

Hermkens, Anna-Karina.

Learmonth, Scott.

Platz, Leinad.

Platz, Leinad.

Boyko, John.

Knowles, Richard D.
    Sir Peter Hall.
    Cham : Springer International Publishing, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Post, Andrew.
    Siren House.
    Barrington : Medallion Media Group, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Williams, John A.
    Sissie : A Novel.
    New York : Open Road Media, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Thomas, Harry.

Yolen, Jane.

Parish Bartlett, Apple.

Alexander, Lynne.
    Dingwall : Sandstone Press Ltd, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Morgan, Robin.

O'Toole, Jennifer Cook.

Parkinson, Siobhán.

levine, June.

deWitt, Patrick.

Buckley , Michael.

LaTour, J.

Wergland, Glendyne R.

Parker, Paula K.

Green, Anna L.

Lozerec'h, Brigitte.
    Normal, IL : Columbia University Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

North, Grace May.
    Wellington : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Larco, Nico.

Ascari, Maurizio.

Licata, Ignazio.

Petro, Pamela.

Shulman, Audrey.

Kohn, Livia.

Chissick, Michael.

Von Oy, Jenna.

Sasser, Charles W.

Smith, Michael.

Böck, Ingrid.

Pirandello, Luigi.

Shumway, Sterling T.

Leebron, Fred.
    Six Figures.
    : Dzanc Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Spillane, Lisa.

Sleigh, Charlotte.

Mackay Brown, George.

Doctor, Farzana.

Bird, Isabella.

Adams, Ben.

O'Reilly, Peter.

Bennett, Alan.

Doerhoff, Bert.

Panton, Alastair.

Erickson, Andrew S.

Ewing, Juliana Horatia.


Reichenbach, William.

Babones, Salvatore J.

freeston, d leonard.

Palaeologu, M.Athena.

Nadeau, Jean-Benoit.

Wilson, John.

Brook, Jeremy.

Saer, Juan José.

Ng, Wan-Fai.

Hughes, Graham.

Maroh, Julie.
    Skandalon [Nook].
    Vancouver : Arsenal Pulp Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Werner, Doug.

Alma, Ann.

Robertson, Gary.

Huskey, Steve.

    Skeleton Woman.
    North Melbourne : Huia (NZ) Ltd, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Morgan, Winter.

Kirby, Michael.
    Skellig Sunset.
    Dublin : The Lilliput Press, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kirby, Michael.
    : The Lilliput Press, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

O'Hanlon, Michael E.

More, Paul Elmer.

Dickens, Charles.

Snyder, Timothy.

Pettit, Eber.

Crocker, William H.

Rosanes, Kerby.

Scott, Chic.

With, Cathleen.
    Vancouver : Arsenal Pulp Press, 2007.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Benton, Kathleen.

Schwarz, Roger M.

Rinpoche, Adeu.
    Skillful Grace.
    Berkeley, CA : Rangjung Yeshe Publications, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Tate, S.

Arndt, Kenneth A.

Maharaja, Siva Ganesh.

Robinson, Máire T.
    Skin Paper Stone.
    Dublin : New Island Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Allen, Richard.
    Salisbury : Dean Street Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Champniss, Kim Clarke.

Ward, Patricia.
    Skinner Luce.
    New York : Talos, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Huser, Glen.

Karpovich, Todd.

Crooks, Richard.

Duncan, Isabelle.

Churchill, Caryl.

Foon, Dennis.
    : Groundwood Books, 2005.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hewitson, Jim.

Brand, Max.

Pritchett, Laura.

Hardie, Kerry.
    Sky Didn't Fall.
    Oldcastle : The Gallery Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Campbell, Neil.
    Sky Hooks.
    : Salt Publishing Limited, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Baker, Barclay.

Bárcena, Juan Gómez.
    Sky Over Lima.
    New York : Oneworld Publications, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Shearer, Alex.
    Sky Run.
    London : Hot Key Books, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Shearer, Alex.
    Sky Run.
    : Sky Pony Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hill, Darren.
    Sky Will Fall.
    Milton Keynes : Scripture Union England and Wales, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Mapes, Creston.
    Sky Zone : A Novel.
    Colorado Springs : David C. Cook, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bosarge, Eric M.
    Sky is Over.
    Barrington : Medallion Media Group, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gibbs, Camille.

Webb, Holly.

Kerr, Kevin.
    Vancouver : Talonbooks, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Whitney, Phyllis A.
    Skye Cameron.
    Newburyport : Open Road Media Romance, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Nance, John J.
    New York : Open Road Media Mystery & Thriller, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Mildenhall, Kate.
    Collingwood : Schwartz Publishing Pty. Ltd, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Buchanon, Phillip.
    Minneapolis : OCTOCANON, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Seki, Shinichiro.

Cadnum, Michael.
    Skyscape : A Novel.
    New York : Open Road Distribution, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lemire, Elise.

Worth Popham, Melinda.
    New York : Open Road Distribution, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Saterstrom, Selah.
    : Coffee House Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Jones, Robert F.

Whittaker, M. Sheelagh.

Blackmore, R. D.

Fisher, Roy.

Oliver, Greg.

Bonanno, Kathleen Sheeder.

Drake, Susanna.

Belieu, Erin.
    Slant Six.
    : Copper Canyon Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Williams, Laura E.
    Minneapolis : Milkweed Editions, 2008.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Ramey, L.

Horton, James Oliver.

Cacho, Lydia.

Bales, Kevin.
    Slavery Today.
    : Groundwood Books, 2006.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gillmer, Jason A.

Zdanowski, Jerzy.

Riley, Padraig.

Beckert, Sven.

Guasco, Michael.

Anstatt, Tanja.

Wall, Tony.

American Academy of Pediatrics, The.

Glaskin, K.

Law and Shane Pascoe, Graham.

Smith, Peter.

Aitken, Kenneth.

Tallis, F. R.
    Sleep Room.
    : Pegasus Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Henderson, C. J.

Aitken, Kenneth.

Boivin, Diane B.

Handley, Sasha.

Hilbig, Wolfgang.

Shulman, Max.

Coston, John.

Fennell, J.D.
    La Vergne : The Dome Press, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Roberts, David.

McGowan, Maureen.

Vanderwarker, Tony.

McElroy, Ken.

LaSalle, Peter.

Read, Patricia.
    Sleeping Partner.
    La Vergne : Grosvenor House Publishing, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Som, Rana.

Coyote, Peter.

Dumont, Julia.

Stainer, Pauline.

Morgan, Lou.
    London : Stripes Publishing, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Horne, Jim.

Wickham, Chris.

Martinez, Cyrille.
    Toronto : Coach House Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Wright, Danielle.

Deen, Natasha.
    Sleight of Hand.
    Victoria : Orca Book Publishers, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Alexander, Nick.
    Sleight of Hand.
    London : Atlantic Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kaschock, Kirsten.
    : Coffee House Press, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Morrow, Bradford.

McCaffrey, Vincent.

Post, Melville Davisson.

McClintock, Norah.
    Victoria : Orca Book Publishers, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Daniels, Geoffrey.

Bourguignon, Stephane.

Aarons, Slim.
    Slim Aarons.
    New York : Abrams, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Aarons, Slim.
    Slim Aarons.
    New York : Abrams, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Miller, Tom.

Hicks, Sander.

Sampson, Mark.
    Toronto : Dundurn, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Merritt, Giles.

Howard, Elizabeth Jane.
    Newburyport : Open Road Media, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Caveney, Philip.

carter, pamela.

Kutchins, Laurie.

Averill, Thomas.

Ng, Kim Chew.

Reynolds, Alastair.
    Slow Bullets.
    : Tachyon Publications, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

McCauley, Terrence.
    Slow Burn.
    : Polis Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Smith, C. Christopher.

Smith, Rick.

Joiner, Reggie.

Coyote, Ivan.
    Slow Fix.
    Vancouver : Arsenal Pulp Press, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Annan, Kent.

Jaffe, Ira.

Berg, Maggie.

Forrest, C.B.

Reynolds, David.

Wellesley-Smith, Claire.

Millar, Peter.

Hertwig, Benjamin.
    Slow War.
    Montreal : MQUP, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Andrews, Cecile.

Smith, Mark.

Waltman, Kevin.
    : Cinco Puntos Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Mendes, K.

Schneider, Eric C.

Haines, Lise.

Mahoney, Jenna.

Schroeder, Matthew.

Crozier, Lorna.

Duncan, Kevin.

Curtis, Veechi.

Piercy, Marge.

Fallada, Hans.

Hannerz, Ulf.

Aiken, Brad.

Wade, Julie Marie.

Millard, Glenda.

Rixson, Denis.

Chen, Jay.

Michon, Pierre.
    Small Lives.
    New York : Archipelago Books, 2008.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hall, Phil.

Berry, Wendell.

Ross, Caroline.
    Small Scale Tour.
    Ceredigion : Honno Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Conchas, Gilberto Q.

Couperus, Louis.
    Small Souls.
    Auckland : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Newman, Sarah.

Ríos, Alberto.

Walsh, Enda.

Knox, Paul.

Klusáková, Luďa et al.

McGovern, Pauline.

Sanderson, James G.

Hoffman, Allen.
    Small Worlds.
    New York : Abbeville Publishing Group, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Estill, Lyle.

Barton, Janet Lee.

Ali, A.

Fenning, Christopher.

Ríos, Alberto.

Harbaugh, Isabel.

Gwyn, Richard.

Francillon, Aurélien.

Tokoro, Nobuyuki.

Martin, Thomas N.

Strengers, Y.

Aston, John.

Goel, Sanjay.

Zeng, Daniel.

Irwig, Les.

Kelly III, John E.

Akber, Ahmed Al.

Granata, Mattia.

Burba, Jim.

Salins, Peter D.

Hamer, Eleanor.

Francis, Austin M.

Morris, Max.

Morris, Max.

Feng, Yujun.

Lipker, Kim.

Iannaccone, Giuliana.

Woyke, Elizabeth.

Chen, Mark.

Walton, Caroline.

Stanley, Jo.
    Smashing It!!.
    Melbourne : Bonnier Publishing Australia, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

James, Simon.

Duff, Bruce.
    Smell of Death.
    : Rare Bird Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Shaw, Barney.

Martinez, Claudia Guadalupe.

Kneubuhl, Lemanatele M.

Atherton, Isabel.
    Smelly Ghost.
    New York : Sky Pony Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Birstein, Vadim.

Spiteri, Geoff.

Boatwright, Sam.

Austing, P.

Danczuk, Simon.

Effendi, Irmansyah.

Rollins, Henry.

Poulsen, Else.

Spillane, Lisa.

Dillon, Wilton S.

Bird, Nigel.

Burnham, Clint.
    Smoke Show.
    Vancouver : Arsenal Pulp Press, 2006.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Poling, Sr., Jim.

Finch, Jennie.
    Smoke and Adders.
    La Vergne : Impress Books, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Sibum, Norm.

Rao, Mahesh.
    Smoke is Rising.
    London : Daunt Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Burns, Eric.

Broadbent, Tony.
    Douglas : MP Publishing, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Laux, Dorianne.
    : BOA Editions Ltd., 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Sabbag, Robert.


Halliday, Brett.
    Smoking Iron.
    New York : Open Road Media, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Emerson, Willis George.

Kimbrell, James.
    Louisville : Sarabande Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Webb, Holly.

Aimard, Gustave.

Stratton, Richard.

Jorgensen, Norman.
    Smuggler's Curse.
    Chicago : Fremantle Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Debeljak, Ales.
    Rochester : BOA Editions Ltd., 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

McCalla, Brandon.
    Smut Central.
    New York : Augustus Publishing, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Williams, Liz.
    Snake Agent.
    : Open Road Media Sci-Fi & Fantasy, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Dietz, William C.
    Snake Eye.
    Newburyport : Open Road Media Mystery & Thriller, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Greenwald, Jeff.
    Snake Lake.
    New York : Counterpoint, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Sadler, Fenton.
    Snake Oil.
    London : Robert Hale, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Snakepit, Ben.

Snakepit, Ben.

Breisch, Alvin R.

Dickinson, Matt.
    London : SPCK, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Anthony, Leslie.

Stevens, Austin.

Smith, Shaun.

Smith, Shaun.

Fowler, Lisa.

Achille, Gabriele.

Swan, Michael.

Chadwick, John.

Kretzmer, Herbert.

Yin, Zhao.

Sezen, Beldan.

O'Higgins, Michael.
    Dublin : New Island Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Sigurdardóttir, Lilja.
    Chicago : Orenda Books, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Charles, Kate.

Dorfman, Lawrence.

Dorfman, Lawrence.

Dorfman, Lawrence.

Dorfman, Lawrence.

Dorfman, Lawrence.

Dorfman, Lawrence.

Cosgrove, Stephen.
    : Heritage Builders, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hardacker, Vaughn C.

Leuci, Bob.
    New York : Road, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Egholm, Frank.

McCann, Liam.

Everton, Clive.

Schulz, Charles M.

Schulz, Charles M.

Schulz, Charles M.

Schulz, Charles M.

Schulz, Charles M.

Schulz, Charles M.

Myers, Ben.
    Snorri & Frosti.
    : Galley Beggar Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Caswell, Brian.

Davies, Tod.

Razzell, Mary.
    Snow Apples.
    : Groundwood Books, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Armstrong, Lori G.
    Snow Blind.
    Tulsa : Medallion Media Group, 2008.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Webb, Holly.
    Snow Cat.
    London : Stripes Publishing, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Nash, Bobby.
    Snow Falls.
    : Stark Raving Group, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Vachedin, Dmitry.
    Snow Germans.
    Moscow : GLAS New Russian Writing, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Killeen, Kevin.

Lovekin, Carol.
    Snow Sisters.
    La Vergne : Honno Press, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

wind, chris.

Tilman, H.W.

Tilman, H.W.

Ross, Stuart.

Arnold, Daniel.

Wakeham, Dan.

Kroll, Virginia.
    Snowbound Secrets.
    Pozuelo de Alarcon : Cuento de Luz, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Fitzgerald, Kieran.

Fauser, Jörg.
    London : Bitter Lemon Press, 2005.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Stalker, Aileen.

Sillitoe, Alan.
    Newburyport : Open Road Media, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Shaw, Martin.

Anderson, Davey.

Benitez, Carolina Guzman.

Ward, Helen.
    Snutt the Ift.
    New York, NY : Little Pickle Press, Inc., 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Wright, June.
    So Bad a Death.
    : Verse Chorus Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Iweka, Chidubem.

Penny, Josie.

Lumsden, Roddy.
    So Glad I'm Me.
    La Vergne : Bloodaxe Books, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Norris, Luke.

Levy, Alan.
    So Many Heroes.
    Newburyport : The Permanent Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Atkinson, Tiffany.

Shaughnessy, Brenda.
    So Much Synth.
    Port Townsend : Copper Canyon Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Dawes, Kwame.

Brenner, Barbara.

Eller, John F.

Bottomer, Phyllis Ferguson.

Ploeg, Joshua.

Edelman, Peter.

Edelman, Peter.

Burnett, Iris.

Wallace, Tom.

Fountain, Tim.

Wolfe, Kathryn.

Pavelka, Michael.

Unwin, Stephen.

West, Timothy.

Kestenbaum, Harold.

Freeman, Helen.

Elkin, Susan.

Greer, Shane.

Piercy, Marge.

Mihesuah, Devon Abbott.

Gunn, Sheila.

Seabright, James.

Haskins, Mike.
    So You're 40!.
    Chicago : Summersdale, 2007.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Haskins, Mike.
    So You're 50!.
    Chicago : Summersdale, 2007.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Haskins, Mike.
    So You're 60!.
    Chicago : Summersdale, 2007.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Mouncey, Andy.

Searle, Elizabeth.

F., Dan.

O'Connor, Rosemary.

Pulitzer, Joseph.

Herrmann, Fabio.

Maurer, Daniel D.

Doe, Father John.

Wetherell, W. D.

Smith, David.

Zohn, Ethan.

Zohn, Ethan.

Zohn, Ethan.

Zohn, Ethan.

Zohn, Ethan.

Richards, Ted.

Wangerin, David.

Rowan, Jamin Creed.

Yale, Elizabeth.

Riley, Dave.

Rosa, Hartmut.

Retolaza, José Luis.

Wilcox, Clifford.

Dagg, Anne Innis.

Vilarroya, Oscar.

Dadabaev, Timur.

Lasinska, Katarzyna.

Dilworth, Richardson.

Lee, Robert.

Thomä, Dieter.

Lannon, Josh.

Hafford-Letchfield, Trish.

Ben-Ami, Aharon.

Dragolov, Georgi.

Varughese, Tarin.

McNamee, Sheila.

Barry, James M.

Jensen, Richard J.

Zachariadis, Theodoros.

Grant, Heath.

Carson, Bronwyn.

Murray, G.

Ungar, Michael.

Carter, C.

Van Lear, William.

Podgorecki, Adam.

Merges, John.

MacMillan, Ian C.

Stenn, Tamara L.

Frederickson, H George.

He, Huaihong.

Kee, Youngwha.

Alon, I.

Gong, Xiaowen.

Chiappini, Helen.

Belfiore, E.

Nadamoto, Akiyo.

Lo, Lucia.

Bufacchi, V.

Schmitt, Julia.

Gunnell, John G.

Sampson, Stephen.

Rahim, M. Afzalur.

Rahim, M. Afzalur.

Grayson, David.

Novak, Michael.

Mooney, Gerry.

Delgado, Melvin.

Niedt, Christopher.

Morrison, John.

Green, C.

Zuckerman, Alan S.

Hendler, James.

Schaffer, Neal.

Barnes, Joseph W.

Hallam, Jed.

Moriuchi, Emi.

Katz, J.

Cross, Michael.

Jiang, Ying.

Sweeney, Susan.

Arthurson, Kathy.

Hertel, Florian R.

Milan, Stefania.

Groves, Tamar.

Nielsen, Kenneth Bo.

Smith, Jackie.

Petras, J.

Zirakzadeh, Cyrus Ernesto.

Brett, Mark G.

Morris, Sonia.

Lamy, M.

Manuti, Amelia.

Boddy, Janet.

Padwa, Howard.

McKinley, Terry.

Drolet, Julie L.

Barrientos, A.

Hook, D.

Dovidio, John F.

Quarter, Jack.

Moloney, G.

Kaltenborn, Markus.

Wojtyczek, Krzysztof.

Dinerstein, Ana Cecilia.

Altman, Nancy.

Beechey, Susanne N.

Shanks, Jamie.

Plummer, Deborah M.

Painter, Kim Kiker.

Patrick, Nancy J.

Chasen, Lee R.

Murray, Garold.

Twohig, Peter L.

Roose, Jochen.

Baker, S.

Maclean, K.

Hall, Starr.

Bisman, Cynthia.

Barr, Hugh.

Payne, Malcom.

Kadushin, Goldie.

Kadushin, Alfred.

Clayton, Charlie.

Shaw, Ian.
    Social Work Science.
    New York, NY : Columbia University Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Nash, Mary.

Healy, Karen.

Van Heugten, Kate.

Burke, Peter.

Reichert, Elisabeth.

Parrott, Lester.

Butler, Ian.

Holmes, David.

Greene, Roberta R.

Walker, Steven.

Davis, Lynn.

Ungar, Michael.
    Social Worker.
    East Lawrencetown : Pottersfield Press, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lupton, D.

Smith, Connie Jo.

Barber, Karra M.

Ministers, Nordic Council of.

Böhnisch, Lothar.

Parrott, Lester.

Garmestani, Ahjond S.

Meissner, Fran.

Katch, Danny.

Battini, Michele.

Maslin, Jamie.

Maslin, Jamie.

Auerbach, Paul.

Orlow, Dietrich.

Dimitrova, Maria.

Fidelman, Mark.

Walker, Melanie.

Gudi?, Milenko.

Mezan, Renato.

Waddell, Steve.

Waddell, Steve.

Abbas, Raouf.

Watson, Alan.

Cahill, Matt.

Dalton, Joe.

Jones, Gareth P.

Orabueze, Onyebuchi.

Kordonsky, Simon.

Mizrahi, Andrée.

Daly, Angela.

Ip, Alex Hon Ho.

Kirschner, Suzanne.

Kellermann, Peter Felix.

Howard, II, James P.

Mărcuț, Mirela.

Hernández-Campoy, Juan Manuel.

Salö, Linus.

Gilfillan, Paul.

Milà, Natàlia Cantó.

Vanderstraeten, Raf.

Masson, P.

Fanning, B.

Bucholc, Marta.

Titarenko, Larissa.

Sooryamoorthy, R.

Larsson, Anna.

Skovajsa, Marek.

Stewart, S.

Daloz, J.

Bristow, Jennie.

Gumport, Patricia J.

Morawska, E.

Keskin, Tugrul.

Connor, James.

Johnson, Robert J.

Kerr, Robert L.

Hood, Jeff.

Foster, James C.

Sebell, Dustin.

Aspinall, Edward.

Wilson, Land.
    Sofia's Dream.
    New York, NY : Little Pickle Press, Inc., 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Diederich, Phillippe.
    El Paso : Cinco Puntos Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bell, E.

Sachs, Albie.

Dantzig, Stephen.

Berger, Edward.

Pillai, Anand Balachandran.

Herzwurm, Georg.

Goransson, Paul.

Zhu, Hong.

Foster, Elvis.

Schmidt, Richard F.

Otero, Carlos.

Gorbenko, Anatoliy.

Carver, Jeffrey C.

Kittlaus, Hans-Bernd.

Winkler, Dietmar.

Winkler, Dietmar.

Zhu, Yang‐Ming.

Ågerfalk, Pär J.

Lewis, William E.

Wood, A.

Coker, Oswald.

Rock, A. W.
    Soho Honey.
    La Vergne : Clink Street Publishing, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Maddela, Naga Raju.

Franzmeier, D.P.

Kwang-su, Yi.
    Normal, IL : Columbia University Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Krivak, Andrew.
    New York : Bellevue Literary Press, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

St. John, Walter.

Blauner, Laurie.

Ibragimbekov, Rustam.

Zandi, Jordan.
    Louisville : Sarabande Books, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Silvera, Joe.

Rhodes, Danny.
    Soldier Boy.
    London : Arcadia Books Limited, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Vaughan, Hilda.

Davies, Barry.

Brown, Robert K.

Jones, Kaylie.

Williams, David.
    Soldier's Love.
    Guildford : Grosvenor House Publishing, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bragg, Melvyn.
    Soldier's Return.
    New York : Arcade Publishing, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Moss, Marissa.

Parke, Simon.

Mirra, C.

Wiley, Richard.

Wise, Jr, James E.

Pritchard, Melissa.

Goodheart, Lawrence B.

Aslett, Derek.

Thorne, Jack.

Matsui, Noriatsu.

Hancock, A.

wind, chris.
    Sundridge : Magenta, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Baumann, Ken.
    Yarmouth : Tyrant Books, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Rollins, Henry.
    Los Angeles : 2.13.61, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Eskridge, Kelley.

Liu, Aimee.
    Newburyport : Open Road Distribution, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Reid, Bill.
    Solitary Raven.
    Vancouver : D & M Publishers, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Thrasher, Travis.

Brottman, Mikita.

Muñoz, Heraldo.

Waite, Terry.

Maldon, Dee.

Staff, Asian Development Bank.

Jennings, J. Dalton.

Hodapp, Christopher.

Kalivoda, Adela.

Quick, Ellen K.

Winbolt, Barry.

Ostrowski, A. M.

Saff, Edward Barry.

Leonard, I. E.

Kolluri, Bharat.

Barton, Jeffrey T.

Davis, Talbot.

Loewer, Peter.

Cheal, Joe.

Liedtka, Jeanne.

Yeh, Stuart S.

Stigter, M.

Baxter, Peter.

Farah, A.

Al-Bili, Uthman Sayyid Ahmad.

Mager, Dan.

Jones, James.

Zarhin, Shemi.
    Some Day.
    New York : New Vessel Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

McCloy, Kristin.
    Some Girls.
    : Dzanc Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Redmond, J. Patrick.

Enright, John.

O'Keeffe, Paul.

Woolley, Bryan.
    Some Sweet Day.
    La Vergne : Dzanc Books, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Pym, Barbara.

Mohr, Joshua.

Stern, Kurt.

Crocker, Robert.

Hutchison, Kirsten.

Lane, Carla.

Tillman, Lynne.

Feld, Nina Wolff.

Layland, Alison.

MacDougall, Carl.

Taylor, Nelianne.
    Someone to Care.
    Guildford : Grosvenor House Publishing, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Rose, Deborah Lee.

McPhee, Kathleen.

Stonehouse, Cathy.

Nelson, Maggie.

Staub, Wendy Corsi.

Evans, Kirsti.

Masters, Sarah.

Aguirre, Carmen.

Wharton, James.

Beresford, Lucy.
    Something I'm Not.
    London : Gerald Duckworth & Co, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Sharp, Margery.

Santur, Hassan Ghedi.

Balmain, Colette.

Sutherland, Suzanne.
    Something Wiki.
    Toronto : Dundurn, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lee, Michael Jeffrey.

Kenny, Mary.

Klin, Richard.

Denham, J C.
    Sometime Like Apes.
    Claygate : Grosvenor House Publishing, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Coelho, Angela.

Roesch, Mattox.

Campbell, Will.

Ashworth, A.J.

Barry, Quintin.

Robertshaw, Andrew.
    Somme 1916.
    Toronto : Dundurn, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gristwood, A. D.

Kerr, M.E.

Guthrie, Nancy.

Klavan, Andrew.
    Son of Man.
    Newburyport : The Permanent Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bragg, Melvyn.

Bragg, Melvyn.
    Son of War.
    New York : Arcade Publishing, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Brand, Max.

Gorlee, Dinda L.

Rose, Rachel.

Abani, Chris.
    Song for Night.
    New York : Akashic Books, 2007.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Sarno, Louis.

Peace, Julie Maria.
    Song in the Night.
    Claygate : Grosvenor House Publishing, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Caron, Maia.
    Song of Batoche.
    Vancouver : Ronsdale Press, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Irani, Anosh.
    Song of Kahunsha.
    Minneapolis : Milkweed Editions, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hass, Robert.

Balfour, Kenneth.
    Song of Santa.
    Guildford : Grosvenor House Publishing, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Watson, Graeme.

Doubinsky, Seb.
    Song of Synth.
    La Vergne : Talos, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Maheu, Layne.
    Song of the Crow.
    Lakewood, CO : Unbridled Books, 2006.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Amory, Richard.
    Song of the Loon.
    Vancouver : Arsenal Pulp Press, 2005.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Berhane, Helen.

Wendt, Albert.

Sands, Tommy.
    Dublin : The Lilliput Press, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Altun, Selcuk.

Philip, William.

Farhi, Moris.

Nadelberg, Amanda.

Kidman, Fiona.

Morris, Mary McGarry.

Lee, Young Jean.

Weiner, James F.

Corrigan, Mickey J.

Doyle, Arthur Conan.
    Songs of the Road.
    Wellington : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Daffern, Megan.

Davies, Emma.

Jorritsma, Marie R.

Helgerson, Richard.

Tobolowsky, Andrew.

Tassi, Paul.

Dills, Todd.

Riley, Elliot.
    Sonya's Family.
    Chicago, IL : Britannica Digital Learning, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Speerstra, Karen.

Boissery, Beverley.

Auxier, Jonathan.

McDonough, Frank.

Newborn, Jud.

Naish, Sarah.

Dixon, Amy.

Boissery, Beverley.

Boissery, Beverley.

Boissery, Beverley.

Boissery, Beverley.

Boissery, Beverley.

Michaels, Jesse.

Nappi, Frank.

Apostolides, Marianne.
    Toronto : BookThug, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Greene, Richard.



    Soraya's Runes.
    New Lanark : Waverley Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

    Soraya's Tarot.
    New Lanark : Waverley Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book



Shah, Tahir.

Johnson, Charles.

Stoller, Paul.

Yim Bridges, Shirin.

Drager, Lindsey.
    Sorrow Proper.
    : Dzanc Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Schieffelin, E.

Crystal, Ben.

Temple, Philip.

Rowe, Jeremy.

Alexander, Nick.
    London : Atlantic Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Chariandy, David.
    Vancouver : Arsenal Pulp Press, 2007.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Perker, Asli.
    London : Saqi, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

W., Geno.

Farrell, John T.

Sexton, Cara.

West-Bulford, Simon.
    Soul Consortium.
    Saint Charles : Medallion Media Group, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

West-Bulford, Simon.
    Soul Continuum.
    Barrington : Medallion Media Group, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lund, Dr Arthur F.S.
    Soul Doctor.
    Claygate : Grosvenor House Publishing, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Sha, Zhi Gang.

Waterhouse, Lynda.
    Soul Love.
    Dorking : Piccadilly Press, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Sha, Zhi Gang.

Allen, Candace.

Sha, Zhi Gang.

Griffith, Cindy.

Kee, Samuel.

Brown, T.

Lukacs, Georg.
    Soul and Form.
    New York : Columbia University Press, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hayes, Jill.

Trimble, Michael R.

Kirst, Sean.

Peteet, John R.

Lappin, Linda.

Fitzgerald, S.J., Robert.

Zenoff, David B.

Bulkeley, K.

Stamm, Michael.

Parks, Kurtis.

Jamieson, Bobby.

Street, Seán.

Suisman, David.

Maslon, Laurence.

Gudgeon, Christopher.

Song, Geng.

Gillett, Charlie.

Hammond, Cally.

Peterson, Marina.

Unger, Matthew P.

Drummond, Sarah.
    Chicago : Fremantle Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Mulholland, James.

Huntington, Julie Anne.

Smeijsters, Henk.

Beer, Anna.

Wallrabenstein, Deborah.

Kohn, Livia.

Mukherjee, Sudipta.

Campbell, A. Malcolm.

Zhang, Y.

McDermott, Rachel Fell.

Sweet-McNamara, Amee K.

Shackleton, Ernest.

Shackleton, Ernest Henry.

Images, Gallo.

Couzens, Timothy.

Cohen, Stephen P.

Bank, Asian Development.

Hayton, Bill.

Truong, Thanh-Dam.

Brill, E. C.

Sawhney, Hirsh.
    South Haven.
    New York, NY : Akashic Books, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Dake, Mark.

Rems, Alan.

Crenshaw Jr., Russell.

Anderson, Brian C.

Hanley, Richard.

Hart, Rob.
    South Village.
    La Vergne : Polis Books, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Rendall, P D.

Hinton, Bob.

Rodriguez, Abraham.

Murphy, Dervla.

Alden, C.

Porter, Bill.

Claypool, Les.

Porter, Bill.

Raitzer, David A.

Singh, Daljit.

Singh, Daljit.

Conti, Haroldo.
    High Wycombe : And Other Stories Publishing, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Dockery, David S.

Wragg, David.

Ding, Picus Sizhi.

Biggar, John.
    Southern Peru.
    Brussels : Primento Digital Publishing, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Scott-Morgan, John.

Glover, Lorri.

Revoyr, Nina.
    New York : Akashic Books, 2008.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Davis, Thadious.

Bird, Nigel.
    : Blasted Heath Ltd, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Carl, Klaus H.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Negrón-Muntaner, Frances.

Tennant, D.

Moody, D. L.
    Sovereign Grace.
    Crownhill : Authentic Media, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Huber, Joseph.

Dowell, Kristin L.

Grimm, Dieter.

Barker, Joanne.

Fonte, John.

Alekseyeva, Julia.

Hardy, Henry.

Kellough, Janet.

Zeller, Manfred.

Childs, Rob.
    Space Ark.
    LONDON : SPCK, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Christakos, Margaret.

Pirzad, Zoya.
    Space Between Us.
    London : Oneworld Publications, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Rodriguez, JP.
    Space Between.
    Toronto : Dundurn, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Courtenay, Lucy.

Courtenay, Lucy.

Courtenay, Lucy.

Courtenay, Lucy.

Gerrold, David.

Wilson, Colin.
    Space Vampires.
    Rhinebeck, NY : Monkfish Book Publishing, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Cecire, Maria Sachiko.

West-Pavlov, Russell.

Kasischke, Laura.
    Space, In Chains.
    Port Townsend : Copper Canyon Press, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Clegg, Stewart.

Wille, Christian.

Tagsold, Christian.

Jones, Elizabeth H.

Legg, Stephen.

Clark, Alison.

Carmichael, Jodi.

Zohn, Ethan.

Townson, N.

Pearson, Mark.


Covington, Stephanie S.

Alcock, Deborah.

Crailsheim, Eberhard.

Sheehy, Bill.

Schaeffer D.Min, M.A.L.P., C.A.S., Brenda.

Miranda-Barreiro, David.

Placencia, M.

García-Cintado, Alejandro.


Lorenzo-Dus, Nuria.

Neering, Rosemary.

Setton, Guy.

Coover, Robert.

Merchant, Carolyn.

Mauk, Courtney Elizabeth.
    Spark : a novel.
    Indianapolis : Engine Books, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Roehlkepartain, Jolene.

Turkel, William J.

Keown, Daniel.

Abramsky, Kolya.

Hill, Selima.

Berman, Tosh.

Gilmour, David.

    Sparrow Tree.
    Tyne and Wear : Bloodaxe Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Crane, Ben.

Matyszak, Philip.

Sodnik, Jaka.

Sadahiro, Yukio.

Amoo-Adare, E.

Oliver, Dev.

Kuhn, Michael.

Galić, Zdravko.

Yin, Hongzhi.

Chen, Xiaoqiu.

Curran, Tim.

Kamiya, Taeko.

McKenzie, Grant.
    Speak The Dead.
    La Vergne : Polis Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Herzberg, Larry.

Swink, Linda D.

Brady, Lois Jean.

Hastert, Dennis.

Braun, Almut.

Lizotte, Ken.

Bernstein, Robert L.

Armitage, S.

Niethammer, Dietrich.

Baxter, J.

Bull, A.

Yuskaev, Timur R.

Rausch, Colette.

Abdul-Raheem, Tajudeen.

Hamilton, Adam.

McCarthy, Dennis.

Baxter, Judith.

El Fadl, Khaled Abou.

Albuquerque, Ulysses Paulino.

Bovell, Andrew.

Heyse-Moore, Louis.

Schaenen, Inda.

Bartels, Emily C.

Cooke, Stuart.

Block, Giles.

Hamed, Adham.

Shosky, John.

Altieri , James J.

Santomauro, Josie.

Wilson, Ray.

McCaffrey, Brendan.

Julliand, Anne-Dauphine.

Pierangelo, Roger.

Malacrida, Claudia.

Moe, Terry M.

Helton, Sarah.

Friel, John.

Nettleton, Melinda.

De Lisle, Mark.

Hunzai, Izhar.

Cohen, Dara Kay.

Tipson, Frederick S.

Samad, Omar.

Coburn, Noah.

Khan, Amil.

Savage, D. James.

Taylor, Maureen.

Deng, David K.

Wing, Susanna D.

Perito, Robert M.

Sayne, Aaron.

Paden, John.

Leicester, Mal.

Wheeler, Richard.

Hudson, Diana.

Rabl, Tilmann.

Wasserman, Jerry.

Piper, John.

Cermak, Michael.

Matytsin, Anton M.

Dunning, Benjamin H.

Obata, Nobuaki.

Harte, Robin.

Gheorghiu, Călin-Ioan.

Calbi, M.

Mills, Eric.

Hutchison, Barry.

Gamble, Andrew.

Broadbent, Tony.

Tompkins, Harland G.

Bierens, Francesca.

Jacobson, Alan.
    Newburyport : Open Road Media Mystery & Thriller, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Scheinkman, José A.

Dolven, Jeff.

Younge, Gary.

Gass, Susan.

Tatham, Mark.

Beer, Jenay M.

Beals, Katharine.

America, X Gonzalez.

Mason, Victoria.

Dickens, Charles.

Sherrard, Valerie.
    Toronto : Dundurn, 2007.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Wright, David.

Pashman, Susan.
    Speed of Light.
    Newburyport : The Permanent Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Owen, Tom.

Farren, Mick.

Staunton, Ted.
    Victoria : Orca Book Publishers, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Shorr, Catherine O'Sullivan.

Mowbray, Michael.

Priest, Robert.

Priest, Robert.

Don, Lari.

Heaney, Seamus.
    Spelling It Out.
    Oldcastle : The Gallery Press, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bann, Jennifer.

Wedde, Ian.

Shinohara, Koichi.

Crane, Antonia.

Palaian, Sally.

Trueblood, Kathryn.

Norman, J.C.

Norman, J.C.

Norman, J. C.

Hubbert, Simon.

Garréta, Anne.
    Dallas : Deep Vellum Publishing, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Woolf, Kalpna.

Carson, Jo.

Stinson, Susan.
    Spider in a Tree.
    Northampton : Small Beer Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bass, Guy.
    Spider's Lair.
    London : Stripes Publishing, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Nadin, Joanna.

Scudamore, Pauline.

Symes, Ruth.

Gkanoutas-Leventis, Angelos.

Mitchell, Kirk.

Freddoso, David.

MacKenzie, Jill.
    Spin the Sky.
    La Vergne : Sky Pony Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Axinn, Donald Everett.
    New York : Arcade Publishing, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lisle, Rebecca.
    London : Hot Key Books, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Reason, Peter.

Groarke, Vona.
    : The Gallery Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Stallard, Avan Judd.

Kinahan, Deirdre.

Kahlout, Gabriele.

Negri, Antonio.

Popkin, Richard.
    London : Oneworld Publications, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Singular, Stephen.

Griffin, Matt.

Israel, Nico.

Buckland, Raymond.

Apowida, Paul.
    Spirit Boy.
    London : Silvertail Books, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Silvey, Diane.
    Spirit Quest.
    Toronto : Dundurn, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Duke, Renee.
    Spirit Rose.
    CALGARY : Books We Love Ltd., 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Wilson, Mark.

Benvenuti, Anne.

Treiber, Jay.
    Spirit Walk.
    Berkeley : Torrey House Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lawrence, Peter H.

Lowther, Roland J.

Deloria, Jr., Vine.

Farrer-Halls, Gill.

Raphael, Ray.

Mock, Melanie Springer.

Kummli, Heidi.

Bell, Daniel A.

Gutmann, Amy.

Medcalf, Stephen.

Le Fevre, Dale.

Sproul, R. C.

van Schaik, Sam.

Moss, Nichola.

Hay, David.

Hamwee, John.

Steffen, Kathy.

Sacerdoti, Daniela.
    Edinburgh : Black & White Publishing, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Almeida, Alexander Moreira.

Acri, Andrea.

Kenyon, Susan M.

Burns, Eric.

Diemberger, Kurt.

Fjelstad, K.

Kinmond, Kathy.

McIntosh, Alastair.

Bottoms, Greg.

Hodge, David R.

Antinoff, Steve.

Nolan, Steve.

Hilsman, Gordon J.

Bull, Alister W.

Nash, Sally.

MacKinlay, Elizabeth.

Adams, Kate.

Houston, Paul D.

Ballard, Paul.

Spretnak, C.

Vaughan-Lee, Llewellyn.

MacKinlay, Elizabeth.

Dallmayr, Fred.

Woodward, Bob.

John-Roger, DSS.

Hunter, Allan.

Okawa, Ryuho.

Harvey, Angela Lou.

Twerski, Abraham J.

Marx-Wolf, Heidi.

John-Roger, DSS.

Lou, Vivian W. Q.

Shea, John.

Okawa, Ryuho.

Boersema, David.

Atchley, Robert C.

Callahan, Ann M.

Swinton, John.

Wallace, Daphne R. D.

Peltonen, Tuomo.

Finn, Nathan A.

Brown, Raymond.

Marques, Dr. Joan.

Robinson, Simon.

Aris, Sarajane.

Gonzales, Michelle.

Merzel, Dennis Genpo.

Wolf, Rachel Rubin.

Hill, Selima.

Mangold, Tom.

Caldwell, Sara.

Simpson, Christopher.

Shuibhlaigh, Maire Nic.

Hendrix, John Shannon.

Lobo Antunes, António.

van der Merwe, Chris N.

Jones, Nick.

Treadwell, Theodore.

Stone, Emmett.

Feffer, John.
    Chicago : Haymarket Books, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kooser, Ted.

Hayward, Joel.

Klecker, Cornelia.

Glauser, Friedrich.

Hughes, Rebecca.

Foy, Joseph J.

Allison, Ross.

Leslie, Mark.

Greer, Robert.
    Spoon : A Novel.
    Golden : Fulcrum Publishing, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Fraser, Stephen.

Martens, Amelia.

Schulkin, Jay.

Bosanko, Dave.

Lönnell, Cecilia.

Shropshire, Kenneth L.

Thibault, Lucie.

Levermore, Roger.

Kobayashi, Kiyoshi.
    Sport of Judo.
    North Clarendon : Tuttle Publishing, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Fuller, L.

Benson, Richard.
    Sporting Wit.
    Chicago : Summersdale, 2005.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Alamar, Benjamin C.

Burton, Rick.

Navin, Anita.

Koning, Ruud H.

Babington, Bruce.

Tramontana, Joseph.

Maharaja, Siva Ganesh.

Budgett, Richard.

Cassidy, William P.

Minton, Roland B.

Metzl, Jordan D.

Nobre, Eduardo Alberto Cusce.

Woodruff, Kary.
    Sports Nutrition.
    New York : Momentum Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Skinner, Peter.

Currie, Alan.

Rein, Irving.

Kastner, Charles.

Gregor, Elmer Russell.
    Spotted Deer.
    Wellington : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hobbs, Jared.

Mannering, Rose.

Chick, Stevie.

Sfodera, Fabiola.

Wu, Jiang.

Deinum, Marten.

Wedekind, Frank.

Sater, Steven.
    Spring Awakening.
    US : Theatre Communications Group, 2007.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Reiss, Anya.
    Spring Awakening.
    London : Oberon Books Ltd, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gutierrez, Felipe.

McCarthy, Andrew C.

Kadare, Ismail.

Natsume, Soseki.

Fisher, Paul.

Varanasi, Balaji.
    Spring REST.
    Berkeley, CA : Apress, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Rubio, Daniel.

Börjlind, Cilla.
    Spring Tide.
    London : Hesperus Press Ltd., 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Carlson, Melody.

Griffiths, Edward.

Atherton, Isabel.
    Springy Chicken.
    New York, NY : Sky Pony Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Entwisle, Timothy.

Husbands, Chris.

Doyle, Brian.
    Spud in Winter.
    : Groundwood Books, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Reiss, Anya.

Tuomi, Kaarlo.

Landau, Henry.

Monsell, Mary Elise.

Butchart, Pamela.

Clouston, J. Storer.
    Spy in Black.
    Wellington : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Peterson, Linda Lee.

Boghosian, Heidi.

Bagley, Tennent H.

Bagley, Tennent H.

Bass, Guy.

David, Janina.

Buchdahl, Joseph.

Campbell, Elsie M.

Hirst, Peter.

Cosgrove, Stephen.
    : Heritage Builders, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

McKenney, Kenneth.
    Claygate : Grosvenor House Publishing, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Wurge, B.B.
    New York : Leapfrog Press, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hocking, Silas.
    Squire's Daughter.
    Wellington : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Thorington, Jr., Richard W.

Thorington, Jr., Richard W.

Daswatte, Channa.

McCombie, Karen.

McCombie, Karen.

Sinclair, Walter.

Sinclair, Walter.

McPherson, Conor.

Sinclair, W.

Lipkin, E.

Lipkin, E.

Galluccio, Steve.

Rains, Rob.

O'Neill, Dan.

Phillips, Scott.
    St. Louis Noir.
    New York : Akashic Books, 2006.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Troubetzkoy, Alexis S.

Smirnova, Natalia.

Fitzpatrick, Marida.

Betz, Frederick.

Cho, Yeol Je.

Breda, Dimitri.

Pipiras, Vladas.

Di Cataldo, Giuseppe.

Davies, James.
    Manchester : Carcanet, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Thorne, Jack.

Turner, Krista.

Bridges, Dan.

Bliss, Dominic.

Boughn, Jenn.

Bartlett, Roger.
    Stage Combat.
    London : Nick Hern Books, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Thorne, Gary.

Essin, E.

Berry, Mick.

Fraser, Neil.

Pallin, Gail.

Roth, Emily.

Kincman, Laurie.

Brand, Max.

Peterson, Shelley.

Chen, Xiaomei.

Willis, Martin.

Steenbrugge, Charlotte.

Bakalinsky, Adah.

Bakalinsky, Adah.

Bakalinsky, Adah.

Moore, Bill.
    Staked Plains.
    London : Robert Hale, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Boutilier, Robert.

Bonnafous-Boucher, Maria.

Worsley, Louise M.

Hall, Parnell.
    : Pegasus Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Naimark, Norman M.
    Stalin's Genocides.
    Princeton : Princeton University Press, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Ellis, Mark.

Levy, David.

Roberts, Geoffrey.

Gogun, Alexander.

Gordon, Peter L.

Hlinka, Michael.

Freely, John.

Dicati, Renato.

Anderson, Stan.

James, David E.

Douglas, Stan.

Hayde, Frank R.

Piper, John.

Franklin, Ian.
    Stand By To Surface.
    Guildford : Grosvenor House Publishing, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lloyd, Peter.

Winne, Mark.

Derbyshire, Georgina J.

Seele, Pernessa C.

Seele, Pernessa C.

Womack, David.

Digest, Sports Collector's.

Fisher, Roy.

Strang, Elisa.

Lane, Pia.

Prince, Rosa.

Prince, Rosa.

Rafters, Frank.

Plaugher, Noel.

Bernstein, J.

MacArthur, Jr.

Goyette, Linda.

Berry, Wendell.

Seddon, Mark.

Pokornik, Debbie.

Grant, Sue.

Howard Hamilton, Mary F.

Fox, Renee.

Tcherkasski, Sergei.

Rudrum, David.

Bradley, Amanda.

Rogoll, Carolina.

Mörling, Malena.

Anderson, Poul.
    Star Fox.
    New York : Open Road Media Sci-Fi & Fantasy, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Harrison, Harry.

Ourvan, Jeffrey.

McDonald, Paul.

Kaplan, A.L.
    Star Touched.
    Chicago : Intrigue Publishing LLC, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Decker, Kevin S.

McDonald, Paul F.

Decker, Kevin S.

Brin, David.

Harrison, Paula.
    Star Wolf.
    La Vergne : Nosy Crow, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Ainsworth, William Harrison.

Hopkins, G.

Wiel, Chris Ver.

Lear, Patricia.

Anderson, Poul.
    New York : Open Road Media Sci-Fi & Fantasy, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gedge, Pauline.
    Madison : Chicago Review Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gerrold, David.

Lindler, Cat.

Waggoner, Susan.
    Starlight's Edge.
    Dorking : Piccadilly Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Tranter, John.
    St Lucia : University of Queensland Press, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Woolley, Lynelle.

Brand, Christianna.
    Newburyport : Road, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Mac a'Bháird, Natasha.

Anderson, Poul.
    Stars Are Also Fire.
    New York : Open Road Media Sci-Fi & Fantasy, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Pritchett, Laura.

MacDonald, Alan.
    La Vergne : Stripes Publishing, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hopkins, Cathy.
    Dorking : Piccadilly Press, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Wolpert, Ellen.

Pennell, Jay W.

Press, Entrepreneur.

Rich, Jason R.

Press, Entrepreneur.

Media, The Staff of Entrepreneur.

Press, Entrepreneur.

Media, The Staff of Entrepreneur.

Media, The Staff of Entrepreneur.

Press, Entrepreneur.

Press, Entrepreneur.

Figure Sandlin, Eileen.

magazine, Entrepreneur.

Press, Entrepreneur.

Sutton, Garrett.

Press, Entrepreneur.

Press, Entrepreneur.

Media, The Staff of Entrepreneur.

Press, Entrepreneur.

Press, Entrepreneur.

Press, Entrepreneur.

Press, Entrepreneur.

Lynn, Jacquelyn.

Press, Entrepreneur.

Press, Entrepreneur.

Press, Entrepreneur.

Press, Entrepreneur.

magazine, Entrepreneur.

magazine, Entrepreneur.

Skrob, Robert.

Press, Entrepreneur.

Press, Entrepreneur.

Press, Entrepreneur.

Press, Entrepreneur.

Press, Entrepreneur.

Kimball, Cheryl.

Press, Entrepreneur.

Mintzer, Rich.

Press, Entrepreneur.

Press, Entrepreneur.

Media, The Staff of Entrepreneur.

Press, Entrepreneur.

Press, Entrepreneur.

Media, The Staff of Entrepreneur.

Press, Entrepreneur.

Press, Entrepreneur.

Press, Entrepreneur.

Press, Entrepreneur.

Press, Entrepreneur.

Media, The Staff of Entrepreneur.

magazine, Entrepreneur.

Media, The Staff of Entrepreneur.

Press, Entrepreneur.

Press, Entrepreneur.

Press, Entrepreneur.

Press, Entrepreneur.

Press, Entrepreneur.

McCrea, Bridget.

Press, Entrepreneur.

Press, Entrepreneur.

magazine, Entrepreneur.

Media, The Staff of Entrepreneur.

Media, The Staff of Entrepreneur.

Media, The Staff of Entrepreneur.

Media, The Staff of Entrepreneur.

Media, The Staff of Entrepreneur.

Media, The Staff of Entrepreneur.

Media, The Staff of Entrepreneur.

Smith, Jon.

Majurin, Eva.

Sillitoe, Alan.
    Start in Life.
    New York : Open Road Media, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Koenig, Karen R.

Burkett, Larry.

Gannon, Mary Lee.

Wakefield, Dan.

Fishlow, Albert.

Hopkins, Cathy.
    Starting Over.
    Dorking : Piccadilly Press, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Nelson, Kristen J.

Bradbury, Alan.

Fatu, Claudiu.

Embree, Mary.

Crawford, Tad.

Tortorella, Neil.

Allen, Moira Anderson.

Fleishman, Michael.

Tortorella, Neil.

Bodnar, Jacqueline.

Wojak, Angie.

Hale, Robert K.

Hale, Robert K.

Schneider, Chris.

Beeson, Talon.

Vactor, Karen Levitz.

Barrow, Colin.

Davies, Alan.

Davies, Alan.

Waggoner, Cathy.

Rose, David S.

Levinson, Jay.

Bargu, Banu.

Carney, Jason.

Collins-Donnelly, Kate.

Collins-Donnelly, Kate.

Collins-Donnelly, Kate.

Collins-Donnelly, Kate.

Collins-Donnelly, Kate.

Collins-Donnelly, Kate.

Boyer, Lisa.

Shaw, Kathleen M.

Kolin, A.

Gupta, Atiha Sen.
    State Red.
    London : Oberon Books Ltd, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Serakos, Demetrios.

Koch, Bettina.

Davis, C.

Smith, M.

Meacher, Michael.

Lenin, V. I.

Martino, Maria Grazia.

State, The.

Bassett, Michael.

de Jong, Jorrit.

Mellow, Nicole.

Clyde, Joseph.

Bordoni, Carlo.

Moran, Sandra.
    State of Grace.
    La Vergne : Bywater Books, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

    State of Grace.
    Dublin : The Lilliput Press, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Mutu, Margaret.

Pandita, Sayadaw U.

Casey, Kevin.
    State of Mind.
    Dublin : The Lilliput Press, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Palmeri, Frank.

Goodheart, Eugene.

Petrov, Nikolay.
    State of Russia.
    London : Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Darwish, Mahmoud.
    State of Siege.
    Syracuse : Syracuse University Press, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Spoehr, John.

Roberts, David Thomas.
    State of Treason.
    Minneapolis : Defiance Press & Publishing, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Musick, Janet.
    State of Treason.
    New York : Defiance Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Nicholson, Michael.

Earnshaw, Rae.

Institute, Worldwatch.

Joffe, Joel.

Joffe, Joel.

Moazami, B.

Millington, R.

Belton, Kristy A.

Douglas, Ed.

Smith, Patricia.

Lange, M.

Stasavage, David.

Frankel, Oz.

Myles, John.

Alvis, J.

Estren, Mark James.

Evans, David.

Durrell, Gerald.
    Stationary Ark.
    Newburyport : Open Road Media, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lindgren, Georg.

Green, R.

Kolaczyk, Eric D.

Sun, Jianguo.

Manfredini, Daniele.

Camara, Oscar.

Duncan, George T.

Akahira, Masafumi.

Migon, Helio S.

Taniguchi, Masanobu.

Mustafee, Sourajit.

Wilson, Alyson.

Aitkin, Murray.

von Davier, Alina.

Abramovich, Felix.

Boland, Philip J.

Draghici, Sorin.

Anderson, Alan.

Naghshpour, Shahdad.

Lindström, Erik.

Gries, Stefan Th.

Cho, MoonJung.

Sheckley, Robert.

Brukner, Lauren.

Nundy, Shantanu.

Alsop, Stewart.

Cowie, Jefferson R.

Roberts, Kat.


Stegelmann, Katharina.

Mathias, Dietger.

Sharpe, Sydney.

Sharpe, Sydney.

Brubaker, Dale L.

Andersen, Hans Christian.

Wright, C.D.

Coulton, Richard.

Heitmann, John A.

Rubin, Marina.
    Stealing Cherries.
    San Francisco : Manic D Press, Inc., 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Fund, John.

Smelcer, John.
    Stealing Indians.
    Wellfleet : Leapfrog Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Porter, Phil.

Dublin, Anne.

Ciabattari, Jane.

Conant-Park, Jessica.
    New York : Open Road Media Mystery & Thriller, 2007.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Furillo, Andy.

VanderMeer, Ann.

VanderMeer, Ann.

VanderMeer, Jeff.

Coats, Lucy.

Smith, Magdalen.

Fraser, George MacDonald.

Brand, Max.

Norton, Andre.
    Steel Magic.
    New York : Open Road Media Teen & Tween, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Viet, Ha Mai.

Dietz, William C.
    Newburyport : Open Road Media Sci-Fi & Fantasy, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Winters, Cat.

Petruck, Rebecca.

Llop, José Carlos.
    Stein Report.
    Madrid : Hispabooks, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Prouty, Olive Higgins.
    Stella Dallas.
    La Vergne : The Feminist Press at CUNY, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Duffett-Smith, James.

Krimsky, Sheldon.

Furcht, Leo.

Henderson, C.J.



B., Mel.








Laver-Bradbury, Cathy.

Rao, Naresh C.

Woiwode, Larry.

Søndergaard, Morten.

Hilsen, Lindsay.

Smith, Jeff.

Smith, Jeff.

Tucci, Damon.

Hilsen, Lindsay.

Smith, Jeff.

Rossolinski, Grzegorz.

Ferry, Elsa.

Allan, G.

Schiller, Aaron Allen.

Tucker, Spencer C.

Stevenson, Scotty.

Habash, Gabe.
    Stephen Florida.
    La Vergne : Coffee House Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Burch, Aaron.

Mainprize, Daphne.

Hunter, Stephen.

Harris, Helen.

Coutts, Margaret.

Rogerson, Cynthia.
    Stepping Out.
    La Vergne : Salt Publishing Limited, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book



C., Katie.

Tweedie, Linda.

Brubacher, Lorrie L.


Silver, Gail.

Wedel, Andreas.

Toseland, Martin.

Downing, David.
    Stettin Station.
    London : Old Street Publishing, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Walker, Steve.

Klein, Shawn E.

Eliot, Marc.

Waters, Steve.

Williams, Steve.

Anthony, Dan.

Anthony, Dan.

Halliday, Mark.

Lewis, Ronald.

O'Malley, Padraig.

Shelton, Donna.
    Sticks and Stones.
    Costa Mesa : Saddleback Educational Publishing, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Miller, Jeremy.

Johnson, Greg.
    Sticky Kisses.
    : Dzanc Books, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Maloney, Shane.

King, Clive.
    Stig of the Dump.
    Newburyport : Open Road Media Teen & Tween, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Stiglitz, Joseph E.

Klein, Zachary.

Donnelly, Anthony.

Stewart, Dorothy M.

Nielsen, Ian.

Myers, Margaret.

Kiteley, Brian.

Lowry, Brigid.

Charles, Victoria.
    Still Life.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Tittle, Peg.

Pelfrey, Robert C.

Jones, Bruce D.

Miller, Fredric.

Steinberg, Michael.

Sackville, Amy.

Nolan, E. Martin.
    Still Point.
    Halifax/Picton : Invisible Publishing, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hegland, Jean.

Moody, Ron.

Moss, John.

King, Desmond S.

Ross, James.

Bilbao, Jon.

Davis, Deborah.

McCulloch, Tom.
    Dingwall : Sandstone Press Ltd, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

HIll, Sarah Patricia.

Specktor, Matthew.
    New York : Soft Skull Press, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Prager, Ellen.
    Stingray City.
    New York : Mighty Media, Inc., 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Joo-Young, Kim.
    Normal, IL : Columbia University Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

McKinley, Shepherd W.

James, Rosie.

Bass, Guy.
    Stitch Head.
    London : Stripes Publishing, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Holmes, Cas.

Simpson (What Delilah Did), Sophie.

Hamilton, Sophie.
    Surrey : Templar Publishing, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hewamanne, Sandya.

Jensen, Virginia.

Melnikova, Irina V.

Möhl, Dieter.

Föllmer, Hans.

Föllmer, Hans.

Hübl, Alexander.

Meleard, Sylvie.

Aven, Terje.

Greenwood, Priscilla E.

Guo, Yuanxiong.

Azcue, Pablo.

Chekroun, Mickaël D.

Lei, Lei.

Allen, Linda J. S.

Lumey, John L.

Georgii, Hans-Otto.

Georgii, Hans-Otto.

Tanner, Andy.

Dorodnykh, E.

Arshad, Shaista.

Hirsch, Jeffrey A.

Whittington-Egan, Molly.

Larson, Nathan.
    Stockholm Noir.
    New York, NY : Akashic Books, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Carmichael (Kwame Ture), Stokely.

Dinsdale, Christopher.
    Stolen Away.
    Toronto : Dundurn, 2006.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gough, Laurie.

O'Brien, Geoffrey.

Polisar, Barry Louis.

Berriault, Gina.

Wilkinson, Lisa M.
    Stolen Promise.
    Tulsa : Medallion Media Group, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Horowitz, Daniel E.

Terekhov, Alexander.
    Stone Bridge.
    London : Glagoslav Publications Limited, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Leigh, Eve.
    Stone Face.
    London : Oberon Books Ltd, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Blake, Mark.

Stevenson, Anne.
    Stone Milk.
    Tyne and Wear : Bloodaxe Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bryan, Liz.

Barbal, Maria.

Robertson, David Alexander.
    Winnipeg : Portage & Main Press, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Chapman, Brenda.

Chapman, Brenda.

Chapman, Brenda.

Karlinsky, Harry.

Jones, Marie.

Hillstrom, Laurie Collier.
    Stonewall Riots.
    Detroit : Omnigraphics, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Chesters Thompson, Simon.
    Stoneywell Cottage.
    Swindon : National Trust (Enterprises) Ltd, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Sahebjam, Freidoune.

Dower, Tricia.
    Stony River.
    Wellfleet : Leapfrog Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hamilton Finlay, Ian.


Beattie, Melody.

Daniel, Teresa A.

David, Laurie.

Donaldson, Charlie.

Dakota, Jack.
    Stop Ollinger.
    La Vergne : Robert Hale, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Scheinbaum, Sandra.

Magness, Milton S.

Marcel Verheyen, Dr.

Wasmund, Shaa.

Rimanoczy, Isabel.

Tighe, Allen A.

Smith, Stephen.

Card, Liam.
    Toronto : Dundurn, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Ebster, Claus.

Giles, Colum.

Brunstetter, Wanda E.

Hemphill, R.F.

Andersen, Arnold.

Lyons, Jeffrey.

Loy, Mina.

Buescu, Helena Carvalhao.

Wild, Dick.

Martin, Gregory.

Sollohub, Edith.

Hungerford, Thomas.

Chikamatsu, Shigenori.

Leopold, Estella B.

Formica, P.

Davis, Ian.

Carter, Robert Terence.

Figart, Deborah M.

Graf, Herman.

Rubenstein, Jeffrey L.

Reason, Peter.

Barsony, Piotr.

Cowley, Joy.

Cowley, Joy.

Cowley, Joy.

Cowley, Joy.

Cowley, Joy.

Bargh, Brian.

Noren, Allen.

Garner, Hugh.
    Storm Below.
    Toronto : Dundurn, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lamberson, Gregory.
    Storm Demon.
    Saint Charles : Medallion Media Group, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Webb, Holly.
    Storm Dog.
    La Vergne : Stripes Publishing, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Don, Lari.

Piercy, Marge.

Black, Malachi.

Griffin, Matt.

DuRey, Will.

Minkin, Helene.

Muller Stuart, Mark.

Broadfoot, Neil.
    Glasgow : Saraband, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Rapley, Belinda.

Gallagher, Brian.

Trueman, Mike.

Harris, Carol Ann.

Wackerfuss, Andrew.

Holmes, Jeremy.

McElrath, Damian.

Perich Carleton, Jessica.

Jackson, Bruce.

Gonzalez, Justo L.

O'Neill, Tony.

Stewart, Michael.

Austin, Sarah.

Wind, Herbert Warren.

Busetto, Penny.

Gristwood, Sarah.

Compestine, Ying Chang.

Peacock, John.

Bjornstad, Ketil.

Cousins, Mark.
    Story of Film.
    London : Pavilion Books, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Irwin, Ben.
    Story of King Jesus.
    Colorado Springs, CO : David C. Cook, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Compestine, Ying Chang.

Woodman, Deborah.

Jefferies, Richard.

Luiselli, Valeria.
    Story of My Teeth.
    La Vergne : Coffee House Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Compestine, Ying Chang.

Nowell, David.

Tranter, Nigel.
    Story of Scotland.
    Glasgow : Neil Wilson Publishing, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lisieux, Therese.

Copley, Terence.

Paz, Abel.

Ludwig, Sabine.

Washington, Booker T.
    Story of the Negro.
    Philadelphia : University of Pennsylvania Press, 2005.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Church, Alfred John.

Nesbit, E.

LaFosse, Michael G.

Wilhelm, Kate.

Larson, Doug.

Tamari, Salim.

Redfern, Margaret.

Michaelis, Antonia.
    New York : Abrams, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Wilson, Jared C.

Jones, Roger E.

Leinaweaver, Jeff.

Langellier, Kristin.

Harris, Robin P.

Bullen, Annie.
    Swindon : National Trust (Enterprises) Ltd, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Giles, Colum.

Kite, Ben.

Hough, Robert.
    Stowaway : A Novel.
    New York, NY : Arcade Publishing, 2005.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Barker, Hannah.
    London : Oberon Books Ltd, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

LMFT, Peggy Cryden.

Ala, Salvatore.

Shepherd, Gregory.

Black, Claudia.

Berry, Steve.

Milton, Robert A.

Nixon, Fraser.

Mills, Scott A.

Wilson, Colin.

Jacobs, Chip.

Satriani, Joe.

Methven, Jon.
    Strange Boat.
    New York : Rare Bird Books, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Seward, Jack.

Stevenson, Robert Louis.

Blumenfeld-Kosinski, Renate.

Sorrentino, Gilbert.

Maugenest, Thierry.

Goldstein, Lisa.

Dowding, Philippa.

Bywater, Hector C.

Dunsany, Lord.

Benhaim, Andre.

Prain, Leanne.

Bell, Michael.

Caracciolo, Marco.

Bowden, Brett.

Songling, Pu.

Wild, Elle.

Mozaffari, Nahid.

Dixon, Carl.

Pancake, Ann.

Colombo, John Robert.

Clay, Adam.
    Stranger : Poems.
    New York, NY : Milkweed Editions, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Sanders, George.

Hunter, Mollie.

Hinnefeld, Joyce.

Radcliffe, Mark A.

Higgs, John.

Birmingham, John.

Sugarman, Tracy.

Samatar, Sofia.

Taylor, Valerie.
    Stranger on Lesbos.
    New York : The Feminist Press at CUNY, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Maran, Linda.
    Chicago : Pelican Book Group, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Alba, Richard.

Jacob, Margaret C.

Hunter, Evan.

Knowles, Valerie.

Knowles, Valerie.

Christensen, Paul.

Russell Hochschild, Arlie.

Lansdown, Richard.

Edathumparambil, Binu.

King, William.

Sunman, Corba.
    London : Robert Hale, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Rutherford, Matthew W.

Marcus, A.

Hearle, Deb.

Smit, Han T. J.

Singh, Harbir.

Kriger, Mark.

de Kluyver, Cornelius A.

Stein Smith, Sean.

Anderson, David.

Iwamoto, Kevin.

Crosby, Chris.

Schober, Madrean.

Edwards, George C.

Vellani, Karim.

Keith, Bonnie.

Sroufe, Robert.

Sarkis, Joseph.

McKay, Alexandra.

Rozman, G.

Hamdan, A. L.

Hensmans, M.

Deplano, Rossana.

Board, Polar Research.

Singh, P K.

Beer, Lawrence A.

Harvey, Stephanie.

Algozzine, Bob.


Rooney, Karen J.

Freedman, Des.

Bjorgo, T.

Mendler, Brian D.

Demas, Martha.

Lufkin, Sophie.

Martin, Lucy C.

Munoz, J. Mark.

Munoz, J. Mark.

Box, Laura Chakravarty.

Agarwal, Ashok.

Parker, Frederick.

Booth, David.

Merchant, Kenneth.

Rosenberg, Mike.

Carlopio, J.

Fitzer, Anna M.

Scurlock, Ralph G.

Hirahara, Naomi.

Ruh, B.

Joseph, Leo.

Drury, Annmarie.

Hesse, Monica.
    London : Hot Key Books, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Dalton, Amanda.
    Tyne and Wear : Bloodaxe Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kassab, Justin.

Matthews, William J.

Hedge Coke, Allison Adelle.
    MN : Coffee House Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Whyte, Anthony.
    Street Chic.
    New York : Augustus Publishing, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Aptekar, Lewis.

Baddeley, Gavin.

Graaff, Kristina.

Kociejowski, Marius.

Goodfellow, Evan.

Mathews, Joe.

Mathews, Joe.

Mangraviti, James.

Kassabova, Kapka.

Adams, Gerry.

Énard, Mathias.

Hamer, Eleanor.

Gray, Erick S.

Anthony, Mark.

Gray, Erick S.

Depasquale, Mich.

Bruijn, Mirjam de.

Blagrove, Richard.

Burns, Andy.

Bean, Jonathan.

Easwaran, Eknath.

Easwaran, Eknath.

Wilk, Lucie.

Mulcair, Tom.

Valentine, Douglas.

Sartain, J. Peter.

Bank, Asian Development.

Bank, Asian Development.

National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.

Ungar, Michael.

Babbar, Anshu.

Lyle, D P.
    Stress Fracture.
    St. Charles : Medallion Media Group, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Maharaja, Siva Ganesh.

Benson, Herbert.

Cotterill, David.

Weinberg, A.

Claridge, B.

Napora, Joseph P.

Friel, Todd.

Willyerd, Karie.

Stuart, Kimberly.

Knopf, Karl.

Melly, Diana.

Schreiner, Mike.

King, Martin Luther.

Clearly, Mick.

Burns, Joe.

Cole, Steve.
    Strike Lightning.
    London : Ian Fleming Publications, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Allen, Barry.

Doyle, Michael W.

Post-Gazette, Pittsburgh.

Metzgar, Jack.

Rossano, Geoffrey L.

Campbell, Elsie M.

Graña, Mariana.

Binks, Andrew.
    La Vergne : Harbour Publishing, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Watson, Brent.

Duffy, Eamon.

Kistler, J. Philip.

McCann, Andy.

Mann, Jessica.
    Stroke of Death.
    London : Robert Hale, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Micallef, Shawn.

Meeker, Meg.

Jerabek, Angela.

Fahrman , Sofi.

Kruse, Raphael.

Fallon, Peter.
    Strong, My Love.
    Oldcastle : The Gallery Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kostick, Conor.

Kettenbach, Hans Werner.
    Stronger Sex.
    London : Bitter Lemon Press, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Aimard, Gustave.

Arun Shyam,.

Koča, Jaroslav.

Dave, Chetan.


Jespers, Eric.

di Tommaso, Andrea.

Farrin, Raymond.

Chazal, Frédéric.

Corio, P. L.

Day, Adrian.

Schmidt, Oliver.

Hutchison, David.

Attwood, Bain.

Kuc, Kamila.

Renahan, Thomas M.

Dahn, Felix.

Rance, Philip.

O Hara , Vincent P.

Wakim, Jamal.

Archambeau, Gerald A.

Dahl, Hanne Marlene.

Riggan, Jennifer.

Simpson, Louis.
    Struggling Times.
    New York : BOA Editions Ltd., 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Harris, Stella.

Leggat, David.

Skovron, Jon.
    Struts & Frets.
    New York : Abrams, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hoffmann, Heinrich.

Brunstetter, Wanda E.

Estache, Antonio.

Freeman, Hilary.
    Stuck on Me.
    Dorking : Piccadilly Press, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Mills, Alice.

Brown, Stewart.

Brown, Stewart.

Brown, Stewart.

Brown, Stewart.

Baum, Sandy.

Brownlie, Faye.

Rowan, Leonie.

Brooks, R.

Salkin, Erica.

Douglas, A.

Cooper, Karyn.

Bell, Nancy.

Datta, Poulomee.

Niaz, Mansoor.

Runia, David T.

Runia, David T.

Suriyong, Sangtiwa.

Rescher, Nicholas.

Cargo, Robert T.

Davidson, Clifford.

Rescher, Nicholas.


Kalecki, Michal.

Sugar, WIlliam.

Lehnhausen, Ann-Kathrin.

Wibowo, Condro.

Jerrold, Ianthe.

Farace, Joe.

Deutschmann, Rod.

Hough, Christian.

Architecture, IoA Institute of.

Jacobson, Brian R.

Terkel, Studs.

Terkel, Studs.

Pekar, Harvey.

Tal, Mikhail.

McIvor, Ronan.

Martine, Louise.

Čaušević, Fikret.

Ng, Patrick Chin Leong.

Olsen, Carmen.

Stokoe, William C.

Liu, Jiayi.

Li, Zhihong.

Soltis, Andrew.

Muir, Stephanie.
    Studying City of God.
    New York, NY : Columbia University Press, 2008.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Withall, Keith.

Ramey, Mark.
    Studying Fight Club.
    New York : Columbia University Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Vanderschelden, Isabelle.

Archer, Neil.
    Studying Hot Fuzz.
    New York : Columbia University Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Ahmed, Omar.

Avraamidou, Lucy.

Hughes, Emily.
    Studying Talk to Her.
    New York, NY : Columbia University Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

McAloon, Patrick.

Elliott, Paul.

Ehrlich, Brenna.

Danukarjanto, Luki.

Murphy, Colin.

Bruns, Don.

Stanton, Tyler.

Mohamed, Stefan.
    Cromer : Salt Publishing Limited, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Sancken, Joni S.

Richman, Helen.

Laidlaw, Brian.
    Stuntman : Poems.
    Minneapolis : Milkweed Editions, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Merwick, Donna.

Thompson, Naomi.

Harris, Keeley.

Tregenza, Liz.

Forge, Anthony.

Auer, Peter.

Russo, Elena.

magazine, BeadStyle.

Jairaj, Kevin.

Hoover, David L.

Jeffries, Lesley.

Caioli, Luca.

Alsop, Stewart.

Dawn, Amber.
    Sub Rosa.
    Vancouver : Arsenal Pulp Press, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Wagner, Ulrich Hilmar.

Rifford, Ludovic.

Baracca, Angelo.

Chen, Shanyong.

Rinkel, Gabriel J. E.

Pitter, Jay.

Shimoda, Todd.
    Seattle : Chin Music Press Inc., 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Vandever, Kevin.

Garnett, Steve.

Vanheule, S.

Neroni, Hilary.

Rodin, Renee.

Oberprantacher, Andreas.

Parish, S.

Foucault, Michel.

Bezabeh, Samson A.

Pulsipher, Jenny Hale.

Epstein, Josh.

Gilby, Emma.

Yager, Edwin.

Barrie, C.B.
    La Vergne : Robert Hale, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Wang, Dan.

Mendenhall, Corwin.

Ledgard, J. M.
    Minneapolis : Coffee House Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Byron, M.

Abels, Gabriele.

Shiller, Robert J.

Black, Margaret.

Baitz, Jon Robin.

Wang, Constanze.

Helman, Cecil.

Olsson, Jan.

Saller, Carol Fisher.

Bruner, Michael.

Dubbelboer, Marieke.

Martin, Craig.

Easton, Don.

Di Prisco, Joseph.

Oslund, Christy.

English, Peter.

Richardson, Marti T.

Cohen, Judith H.

Harpur, John.

Kadare, Ismail.
    Succesor : A Novel.
    New York, NY : Arcade Publishing, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Edmondson, Michael.

Czichos, Reiner.

Sackmann, Sonja A.

Klubeck, Martin.

Shook, Robert L.

Meyerson, Mitch.

Meyerson, Mitch.

Hughes, D. Laurie.

Pawlik, Timothy M.

Dimick, Justin B.

Harper, Frederic.

Bethencourt, P.

Trower, Cathy Ann.

Brau, Eduard.

Dumas, Jamie.

Haghirian, Parissa.

Alexander-Passe, Neil.

Flecha (Ed.), Ramon.

Miller, Tony.

Curlee, Wanda.

Spolander, Gary.

Jensen, D.

Lawrence, Clare.

Szolnoki, Gergely.

Timmins, Siobhan.

Timmins, Siobhan.

Uppal, Priscila.

Higley, John.

Koop, Reinder.

Todrin, Donald.

Feld, Leonard.
    Succinct Pediatrics.
    Elk Grove Village : American Academy of Pediatrics, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Banks, Ray.

Strange, Marc.

Brown, Jeremy.

Jok, Jok Madut.

Culp, Leesa.

Quadruppani, Serge.

McDonald, Fleur.

Everett, Percival.
    : Dzanc Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kühl, Stefan.

Heron, Andrew.

Zambon, Giulio.

Lasswell, Mary.
    Suds in Your Eye.
    Newburyport : Open Road Distribution, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Allen, Richard.
    Salisbury : Dean Street Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Levinson, Jerrold.

Morgan, Christopher W.

Piper, John.

Warren, Bernie,.

Riley, James.

Petherick, Tom.

Tanner, Michael.
    Suffragette Derby.
    London : Biteback Publishing, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bashir, Shahzad.

Lobel, Diana.

Chittick, William C.


Stuart, Kimberly.
    Sugar : A Novel.
    La Vergne : Skyhorse Publishing, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Harris, Alan.

Scalzo, Kevin.
    Sugar Booger #2.
    Gainesville : Alternative Comics, 2007.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Robertson, David Alexander.

Schiefelbein, Lars.

Jameson, Jenna.
    : Skyhorse Publishing, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hill, Holly.

Jones Jr., Stanleigh H.

Beattie, Derek.

Cross, Kim.
    Suicide Bomber.
    Claygate : Grosvenor House Publishing, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Mishara, B.

Teulé, Jean.
    Suicide Shop.
    London : Gallic Books, 2008.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

O'Neill, Richard.

Jongsma, Arthur E., Jr.

Lester, David.

Banasky, Carmiel.

Burnham, James.

Levé, Edouard.
    Normal, IL : Columbia University Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Warner, Norman.

Boudreau, Laura.

Dovlatov, Sergei.

Watson, Sterling.
    Suitcase City.
    New York : Akashic Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Moynot, Emmanuel.

Johnson, Maureen.
    Suite Scarlett.
    London : Hot Key Books, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Zheng, Danqing.

Marom, Malka.
    Montreal : ECW Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Marom, Malka.
    Toronto : ECW Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hossain, Rokeya Sakhawat.

Eskridge, Kay.

Wells, Zachariah.
    Windsor : Biblioasis, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Sato, Shozo.

Chesterton, G. K.

Aquinas, Thomas.

Aquinas, Thomas.

Aquinas, Thomas.

Books, Worth.

Books, Worth.

Books, Worth.

Books, Worth.

Books, Worth.

Books, Worth.

Books, Worth.

Abdullah, Jafri Malin.

Fisher, David E.

Merwin, W. S.

Haggarty, Holly.
    Summer Dragons.
    Toronto : Dundurn, 2007.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bellamy, Edward.

Fraser, Caro.

Goldstein, Lisa.

Mount, Harry.

Piercy, Marge.

Black, Kojo.

Black, Kojo.

Gay, Marie-Louise.

Dickinson, Peter.

Ashdown, Isabel.
    Summer of '76.
    Brighton : Myriad Editions, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Balsari, Saumya.
    Summer of Blue.
    Cambridge : Arcadia Books Limited, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Jacobs, Linda.
    Summer of Fire.
    St. Charles : Medallion Media Group, 2005.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Rushton, Rosie.

Knight, Jonathan.

Summers, Laura.

Chaix, Marie.

Freedman, Lew.

Jackson, Vina.
    Newburyport : Open Road Media Romance, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Tallis, Raymond.

McQueen, Alan.

Cormier, Michael.
    Sumner Island.
    Exeter : PublishingWorks, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Benjamin, David.

Zapruder, Matthew.
    Sun Bear.
    Port Townsend : Copper Canyon Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Rubin, Jay.
    Sun Gods.
    Seattle : Chin Music Press Inc., 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Jégo, Yves.

O'Callaghan, Conor.
    Sun King.
    Oldcastle : The Gallery Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hanh, Thich Nhat.
    Sun My Heart.
    Berkeley : Parallax Press, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Black, Kojo.

Black, Kojo.

Floru, JP.

Brand, Max.

Slevin, Terry.

Cerio, Steven.

Shermer, Elizabeth Tandy.

Pack, Janet Rothenberg.

Nichols, Therese.
    Sunburst's Citadel.
    St. Charles : Medallion Media Group, 2006.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Peterson, Shelley.

Rice, Craig.

Benjamin, Larry.

Morris, William.
    Sundering Flood.
    Newburyport : Dover Publications, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gardiner, Marie.

Loewen, James W.

Savile, Steven.
    New York : Akashic Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Becker, Sally.

Conrad, David.
    Cambridge : Hackett Publishing Company, Inc., 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Willis, Lucy.

Lloyd-Jones, Robin.

Bengio, O.

Gonzalez, Nathan.

Poldre, Peeter A.

Simic, Goran.

Mullin, Mike.
    Terre Haute, IN : Tanglewood Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hill, Grace Livingston.
    Uhrichsville : Barbour Publishing, Inc., 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Grey, Zane.

Black, J.

Howard, Deborah.

Wegner, Josef.

Wakefield, Stacy.

Fischer, David.

Hutchinson, Barry.

Stallings Stumm, Deborah.

Locher, Mira.

Urey, Gary.

Urey, Gary.

Urey, Gary.

Weakland, Mark.

Lalumiere, Claude.

Bahrami, Homa.

Kopitzke, Becky.

Helle, Heinz.
    London : Profile Books, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Heinecke, Alexander.

Agin, Brent.

Madrid, Mike.

Misiroglu, Gina.

Johnston, Gloria L.

Letts, Tracy.

Yee, Paul.
    Superior Man.
    Vancouver : Arsenal Pulp Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Morrison, Jean.

Rossen, Jake.

Listemann, Phil H.

Hancock, Graham.

Rennison, Nick.

Svenonius, Ian F.

Ross, Catrien.

Bristow, Paul.

Redwood, J.

Moorcraft, Paul.

Vogelaar, R.

Highberger, Craig B.

MacDonald, Alan.
    London : Stripes Publishing, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Beenakker, Wim.

Oblivion, King.

Oblivion, King.

Dyer, Ben.

McPherson, Lynne.

Vanstone, Maurice.

Adamson, Fiona.

Easton, Stephen.

Rose, Christoph.

Kirst, Phillip.

Hofmann, Erik.

Krichen, Saoussen.

Pirim, Harun.

Protopappa-Sieke, Margarita.

Parniangtong, Sathit.

Wiedenmann, Susanne.

Baurmann, Henning.

Cooper, Vanessa.

Murty, M.N.

Justice, Committee on Law and.

Kowalczyk, Martin.

Bowpitt, Graham.

Holland, John.

Oslund, Christy.

Bell, Brian.

Owens, Tuppy.

Publishing, OECD.

Haskett, Mary E.

Wilson, John.

Parks, Mandy.

Collins, Suzan.

Collins, Suzan.

Nordin, M.

Publishing, OECD.

Dyregrov, Atle.

Chahal, Kusminder.

Abrahams, Hilary.

Chase, Elaine.

LoboPrabhu, Sheila M.

Brown, Erica.

Bonfield, Siobain.

Ni, Xin-Long.

Piper, John.

Sturgess, Stephen.

Kautz, Steven.

Unah, I.

Wörsdörfer, Anna Isabell.

Torrence, Dean.

Lopez, Gerry.

Nathanson, Andrew.

Alderson, Alf.

Oliveira, Leiva Casemiro.

Hardy, Melissa.
    Surface Rights.
    Toronto : Dundurn, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Carr, Julie.
    Surface Tension.
    Normal, IL : Columbia University Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bringe, Katja.

James, Cormac.
    New York : Bellevue Literary Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Dempsey, Kristy.
    Surfer Chick.
    New York : Abrams, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Alderson, Alf.

Nelson, Chris.

Lueras, Leonard.

Lueras, Leonard.

Wynn-Williams, M.

Kagan, Kimberly.

McGuinness, Frank.

McGaugh, Scott.

de Virgilio, Christian.

Wright, Frances C.

Kelz, Rachel R.

Parens, Erik.

Hancock, Larry.

Magnini, Vincent P.

Tchividjian, Tullian.

Comfort, Nicholas.

Friedman, Bonnie.

Taylor, E.

Ministers, Nordic Council of.

Nevelsteen, Kim J.L.

Kos, Jaroslav.

Smith, David Horton.

Clements, B.

Zhao, Liming.

McCarthy, Tom.

Mansouri, Fethi.

De Mente, Boyé Lafayette.

De Mente, Boye Lafayette.

Donnellan, Helen.

Galpin, Diane.

Donnellan, Helen.

Narain, Sunita Mathur.

Davidsen, Katherine.

De Mente, Boyé Lafayette.

De Mente, Boyé Lafayette.

Perera, S.

Black, David.

Fleisher, Marc.

Lamosse, Thomas.

Tran, Bac Hoai.

Lewis, Matthew.

Hout, S.
    Survival to Growth.
    New York : Palgrave Macmillan US, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Stahlberg, Rainer.

Dodd, Jimmy.

Elliott, Sue.
    Surviving Aberfan.
    Guildford : Grosvenor House Publishing, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Jackson, Felicity.

Beddoe, Rachel.

Thorsness, Leo.

Witt, Sharon.

Vaizey, H.

Ulloa Bornemann, Alberto.

May, Dinah.

Bundschuh, Rick.

Rawling, Bill.

Hume, K.

Hume, K.

Cribb, Julian.

Kor, Eva Mozes.

Deutch, Roni.

Kathrein, Jonathan.

Crawford, Christina.

Keneally, Thomas.

Murphy, Laura.

Cassileth, Barrie.

McShane, John.

Cimon, Anne.

Caunitz, William J.
    New York : Road, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Berger, Thomas.
    : Dzanc Books, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Punshon, E.R.

Leung, Kenneth.

Bloom, Lisa.

Willard, Bob.

Musikanski, Laura.

Hind, Patricia.

White, Gwendolen B.

Cohen, Elaine.

Edwards, Andres R.

Orsato, R.

El-Haggar, Salah M.

Ehrenfeld, John R.

Monaghan, Philip.

Scott, Jonathan T.

Scott, Jonathan T.

Xie, Jin.

Waswa, F.

Genus, Audley.

Godschalk, David R.

Wolfe, Philip.

Kristjánsdóttir, Helga.

Staff, Asian Development Bank.

Wong, Kaufui V.

McIntosh, Malcolm.

Wirtenberg, Jeana.

Bolton, Brian.

Goldie, Jenny.

Stiftung, Bertelsmann.

Stiftung, Bertelsmann.

Bank, Asian Development.

Sempels, C.

Frodeman, R.

Meliczek, Hans.

Sati, Vishwambhar Prasad.

Gardetti, Miguel Angel.

Gardetti, Miguel Angel.

Gardetti, Miguel Angel.

Wulfhorst, Gebhard.

Longoni, Annachiara.

Souza, Gilvan C.

Holley, Simon.

Wolfson, Adi.

Isler, Rudolf.

Witham, Barry B.

Martin, James.

Laszlo, Chris.

Bank, Asian Development.

Coyle, Stephen J.

Langston, Nancy.

Blankstein, Alan M.

Wohl, Ellen.

Poe, Aaron J.

Wassell, Elizabeth.
    Dublin : Liberties Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bodhi, Bhikkhu.

Stern, Tom.



Cappello, Mary.

Flynn, Laura M.

Ransome, Arthur.

Moore, DC.

Sheehan, Nikki.
    Swan Boy.
    London : Oneworld Publications, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Reynolds, David.

Lehmann, Rosamond.

Lehmann, Rosamond.

Shields, Carol.

Carter, Lauren.
    Victoria : Brindle & Glass Publishing, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Heller, Steven.

Cohen, Sheldon.

Redhound for, Dogs.

Srinivasan, Priya.

Lundqvist, Lennart J.

Perutz, Leo.

Lundberg, Helene S.

Ribowsky, Mark.

Palin, Sarah.

    Sweet Legacy.
    Surrey : Templar Publishing, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Schloss, Rebecca Hartkopf.

Mallo, Ernesto.

Gale, Patrick.

Gemin, G. R.
    Sweet Pizza.
    La Vergne : Nosy Crow, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Starr Hull, Janet.

Bower, Tom.

McClatchy, J.D.

Pennington, Michael.

Piper, John.

Smyth, Richard.

Church, Kyoko.

Felthouse, Lucy.

Bennett, Gary.

Bennett, Gary.

Moon, Keith.

Arnold, Bruce.

Egges, Arjan.

Wang, Wallace.

Campbell, Matthew.

Rogers, Mike.

Bennett, Gary.

Atkins, G.

Meyers, Bruce.

Moore, Sean D.

Newsome, Paul.

Calame, Don.
    Swim the Fly.
    Surrey : Templar Publishing, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Apostolides, Marianne.
    Toronto : BookThug, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Pérez Azaústre, Joaquín.
    : Frisch & Co. Electronic Books Inc., 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lynn, Alan.

Hanson, Sandra.

Holmes, Samantha.

Gray, Spalding.

    Swimming up Stream 2.
    Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Chaffey, Will.

Seidelmann, Sarah Bamford.

Goudge, Eileen.
    Swimsuit Body.
    New York, NY : Open Road Media, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Fournier, Michael T.

Nersesian, Arthur.

Gibson, Robert.

    New York : Akashic Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

McDonald, Henry.

Lowry, Malcolm.

Dana, William S B.

Linder, W.

Cormon, Pierre.

Pollack, Kenneth M.

McKenzie, Grant.
    New York : Polis Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Pitchford, Jessica.

Gechev, Minko.

Hunter, Kendall.

Diener, Roger.

Hutchison, Barry.

Cook, Graham.

Howard, Robert E.

Litfin, Bryan M.

Jamilla, Nick.

Sparks, Allister.

Mathews, Temple.

Malchow, Hal.
    Sword of Darrow.
    Dallas : BenBella Books, Inc., 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Aaland, Mikkel.

Tekin, Latife.
    Swords of Ice.
    London : Marion Boyars, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Tanzer, Molly.

Dones, Elvira.
    Sworn Virgin.
    High Wycombe : And Other Stories Publishing, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Boland, Brendan.

Palacios, Julian.

Duffy, Michael.

Whitington, Teresa.

McCray, Stan.
    Sylvana’s Blues.
    Brownsville : Anaphora Literary Press, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Harris, Helen.

Badia, Janet.

Namy, Laura.

Flisfeder, M.

Brodskaya, Nathalia.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hovestadt, Ludger.

Sengupta, Anita.

Marica, Aurora.

Conway , John H.

Richter, Martin.

Greiner, Rae.

McCauley, Terrence.

Holmes, Brooke.

Tobias, James S.

Jung, Carl Gustav.

Frederiksen, Morten.








Kapoor, Nuour.

Graham, Robert.

Ulualp, Seckin.

Reddy, C.R. Ram.

MaLaughlin, Mairi.

Bard, Alexander.

Münzel, Martin.

Chen, Sihuai.

Müllar, Stefan.

Wang, Huaying.

Yadav, Munendra.

Brückl, Tobias.

Engelhard, Margret.

Kind, Stefanie.

S. Travis, Anthony.

McHugo, John.

Halasa, Malu.

Abboud, Samer.

Briggs, E. Donald.

Charyk, John C.

Hutchison, David.

Baraka, Amiri.

Inui, Nobuyuki.

Fear, Rhona M.

Evans, Neus.

Rivlin, Alice M.

Kayrooz, Carole.

Christidis, Les.

Mortati, Marzia.

Roth, G.

Maas, Gideon.

Gordon, Caroline.

Amadei, Bernard.

Nguyen, David H.

Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly.

Ison, Ray.

Cunningham, C.

Godard, Thibault.

Yan, Da.

Tzafestas, Spyros G.

Fleischmann, T.

, Shaun.

Man-Ch'ing, Cheng.

Kobayashi, Petra.

Tucker-Jones, Anthony.

Atkins, G.

Atkins, G.

Atkins, G.

Atkins, G.

Atkins, G.

Liu, Qizhang.

Chilvers, Anna.
    Hebden Bridge : Bluemoose Books Ltd, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Peno, Kathleen.
    TASC for Dummies.
    New York : John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

William F. Talburt,.

Pratt, D. M.

John, J.

P-Orridge, Genesis Breyer.

    Claygate : Grosvenor House Publishing, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Seedhouse, Erik.

Peterson, Cynthia.

Wittekind, Christian.

Schwab, Margaret.

Lord, Susan E.
    TRAC : Volume 3.
    Amsterdam : Elsevier Science, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Brinkman, U A Th.
    TRAC : Volume 9.
    Saint Louis : Elsevier Science, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Burke, Damien.

McPhillips, Fiona.

Piper, John.

Dong, Hang.
    Tabby-cat's Tale.
    : Frisch & Co. Electronic Books Inc., 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lesser, Wendy.

Ronder, Tanya.
    London : Nick Hern Books, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Milligan, Joshua N.

Thurlbeck, Neville.

Cabell, James Branch.

Thompson, Hannah.

Nantsou, Stefo.
    Sydney : Currency Press, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Best, David.

Barlow, Jane.

Probst, Gilbert.

English, Peter.

Tyson, Jemma.

Thomas, Alan.

Jemmett, Miriam.

Trebeck, Katherine.

Nickerson, Jackson.

Steele, T. Sean.
    Tacky Goblin.
    New York : Curbside Splendor Publishing, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Briones, Candy.
    Taco El Gato #1.
    Chicago : Rosarium Publishing, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bender, Yvonne.

Patel, Suresh.

Park, Yeon Hee.

Hogan, Jim.

Skelton, Douglas.

Barrios, Joi.

Lim, Edwin.

Bedford, Paul.

Dasgupta, Sanjukta.

Powell, Michelle.
    Tags & Toppers.
    Tunbridge Wells : Search Press, 2008.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Horwood, Graham.

Mellish, Martin.

Al Huang, Chungliang.

Drewe, James.

Zhou, Qingjie.

Gawron, Gregor Aleksander.

Schwehn, Kaethe.

Zajac, Matthew.

Kammel, Robert.

Pennie, Ross.

Gilmore, Leigh.

Macleòid, Iain Fionnlagh.

Hong, G.

Kagan, Richard.

Mikkelsen , Anne Cutter.

Elwood, Cornelia Pelzer.

Perdew, Kelly.

Forsythe, James W.

Plevin, Rob.

Novak, Adam.

Stoian, Maria.

Sacerdoti, Daniela.

Schwab, Christine.

Swartz, Larry.

Horowitz, David.

Stevens, Amanda G.

Church, Rhonda.

Wilson, Lorraine.

Milligan, Bryce.

Dodds, Graham G.

Mudd, Philip.

Lacey, James G.

Pinnock, Winsome.

Johns, Rob.

Buffum, Austin.

Davis, Diane Rae.

Ryan, Kevin.

Pihlström, S.

DeYoung, Kevin.

Packer, J. I.

Harvey, Barry.

Harvey, Barry.

Pendry, Tom.

Hart, Addison H.

Tagg, Caroline.

Bravo, Ellen.

Rota, Michael.

Spriggs, David.

Stafford-Clark, Max.
    Taking Stock.
    London : Nick Hern Books, 2006.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Fox Mazer, Norma.

Riva, Renee.

Finch, Lynne.

Boardman, Elizabeth F.

Dumas, Alexandre.

Katz, Bruce.

Welsapar, Ak.
    Tale of Aypi.
    London : Glagoslav Publications Limited, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Emmerich, Michael.

Shikibu, Murasaki.
    Tale of Genji.
    North Clarendon : Tuttle Publishing, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Shikibu, Murasaki.
    Tale of Genji.
    New York : Tuttle Publishing, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Mackenzie, Uentabo.

Dickens, Charkes.

Dickens, Charles.
    Tale of Two Cities.
    Luton, Bedfordshire : Andrews UK, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Wakerman, Elyce.

Dunn, Richard S.

Arthur, Christopher.

Russell, William Clark.

O'Donohue, Tony.

de Vries, Maggie.

Cross, Andy.

Thunnissen, Marian.

Kaminsky, Howard.
    La Vergne : Polis Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Furnham, A.

Wexell, Jim.

Griffiths, Doug.

Wood, Gerry.

Scott, Richard.

Shultz, Susan.

Jessop, John.

Hren, Stephen.

Winner, Michael.

Trantner, Nigel.

Cooper, James Fenimore.

Sodargye, Khenpo.

Townsend, Steven.

Berkoff, Steven.

Hartman, Robert.

Ditter, Alexei.

Murphy, Dervla.

Muldowney, Shirley.

McCollister, John.

Rivera, Steve.

McCartney, Cory.

Winkeljohn, Matt.

Rock, Brad.

Berney, Louis.

Matte, Tom.

Ward, Steve.

Keene, Kerry.

Burke, Tom.

Oslin, Reid.

DeLamielleure, Joe.

Wittenberg, Harvey.

Wennington, Bill.

Kittle, Ron.

Perry, Michael.

Grossi, Tony.

Gordon, Roger.

Wendorf, Dr. Bob.

Filiatreault, DeeDee.

Harris, Cliff.

Harris, Cliff.

Aron, Jaime.

Mason, Andrew.

Farrell, Perry A.

Erskine, Carl.

Garlits, Don.

Gordon, Richard.

Sumner, Jim.

Hamill, Janet.

Bowden, Bobby.

King, Kim.

Boling, Dave.

Carlson, Chuck.

Carlson, Chuck.

Washburn, Jeff.

Laskowski, John.

Arute, Jack.

Richards, Phil.

Maly, Ron.

Gretz, Bob.

Matthews, Denny.

Feinswog, Lee.

Monday, Rick.

Miller, Bob.

Ungrady, Dave.

Yepremian, Garo.

Martz, Jim.

Christensen, Ray.

Hrbek, Kent.

Williamson, Bill.

Goforth, Alan.

Lefebvre, Robert S.

Felger, Mike.

Resch, Glenn Chico.

Kerwick, Mike.

Duncan, Jeff.

Schwartz, Paul.

Cannizzaro, Mark.

Cannizzaro, Mark.

Markusen, Bruce.

Villemure, Gilles.

Flores, Tom.

Switzer, Barry.

Libby, Brian.

Jones, Gordon.

Forbes, Gordon.

Westcott, Rich.

Starkey, Joe.

Grdnic, Dale.

Reynolds, Jerry.

Brooks, Sid.

Craig, Roger.

Peters, Nick.

Peters, Nick.

Arnold, Kirby.

Raible, Steve.

Plager, Bob.

Forsch, Bob.

Anderson, Margaret.

Dykes, Spike.

Prime, Jim.

Shoalts, David.

Price, Tom.

Lee, Chris.

Pinckney, Ed.

Collins, Dan.

Walden, Jim.

Nehlen, Don.

Doherty, Justin.

Harris, H. Jay.

Swanwick, Michael.

Mitford, A. B.
    Tales of Old Japan.
    North Clarendon : Tuttle Publishing, 2005.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bukowski, Charles.

Bryden, H. A.

Conlin, Jonathan.

Carrick, Valery.

Carpenter, Frances.

Carpenter, Frances.

Salwey, Kenny.

Mathiesen, Peter B.

Winter, Jack.

Bennett, Arnold.

Green, Simon R.

Fitzgerald, F. Scott.

Congdon, Constance.

Coovadia, Imraan.

Baraka, Amiri.

Jones (Amiri Baraka), LeRoi.
    New York, NY : Akashic Books, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Aggarwal, Neil K.

Meddeb, Abdelwahab.
    Normal, IL : Columbia University Press, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Keithley, Joey.

Lomer, Kathryn.
    Talk Under Water.
    Chicago : University of Queensland Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Fabian, Johannes.

Nitsche, Pearl.

Jones, Heather.

Bardige, Betty.

Wallace, Isabella.

Sojourner, Mary.
    Talker : Stories.
    La Vergne : Torrey House Press, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Henry, Natasha L.

Del Rosso, Jared.

Corner, Adam.

Heaton, J.

Domini, John.

Findeisen, Raoul David.

Coleman, Ken.

Lane, Erin.

Boushey, Ann.

Eyre, Richard.

Hendrickson, Robert.

Ryan, Mary.

Chadwick, Ann.

Humphreys, Cathy.

White, Gillian.

Goulston, Mark.

Humphreys, Cathy.

Fitz-Gibbon, Andrew.

Mattinson, Deborah.

Grove, Bonnie.

Graves, Dodie.

Turner, Mary.

Truog, Robert D.

Gerassi, John.

Laikko, Teresa.

Gregg, Jess.

McDowell, Nigel.

F. McManus, Patrick.

Book, Matthias.

Selby, Martha Ann.

Stiglitz, J.

Ben-Atar, Doron S.

Whitman , Christy.

Pennie, Ross.

Whitman, Ruth.

Morgan, Alex.
    London : Bookline & Thinker, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Burgis, Stephanie.

Martin, Marianne K.
    Tangled Roots.
    Ann Arbor : Bywater Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Craig, Mary W.

Weedmark, David.

Gray, Millie.
    Tangling of the Web.
    Edinburgh : Black & White Publishing, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Rathband, PC David.

Bond, Justin Vivian.

Chavarría, Daniel.

Pautner, Norbert.

Lyon, James.
    Tangrams Book.
    San Diego : Thunder Bay Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bessonov, Evgeni.

Sedgwick, Anne Douglas.
    Auckland : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book


Muir, Caroline.

Stevens, John.

Daffner, Diana.

Schulte, Christa.

Watts, Alan.

Hinton, David.
    Tao Te Ching.
    Berkeley : Counterpoint, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Austin, S.

DePoy, Phillip.

Upton, Lee.

Little, John.

Herman, Jonathan.
    Taoism for Dummies.
    New York : John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Singer-Nourie, Sarah.

Motaref, Nooshie.

Soroka, Joanne.

Kalitzkus, Vera.

Lingpa, Chokgyur.

Audouin-Mamikonian, Princess Sophie.

Clinton, Catherine.

Cooper, Diana.

Cooper, Diana.

Cooper, Diana.

Sherrod, Robert.

Okaie, Yutaka.

Duffy, James P.

Wilcox, Robert K.

Cheshire, Simon.

Piglia, Ricardo.

Komarova, Natalia L.

De, Arnab.

Chu, Cong-Qiu.

Noensie, Pamela.

Tafdrup, Pia.

Outram, Mary Frances.
    Tarnished Silver.
    Auckland : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Ritari, Jacob.
    Taroko Gorge.
    Lakewood, CO : Unbridled Books, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Sharman-Burke, Juliet.

McCormack, Kathleen.

Greenaway, Leanna.

Weber, Courtney.

Keay, John.


Summaries, Bright.

Archibald, Malcolm.

Burroughs, Edgar Rice.

Niemeier, Susanne.

Burns, Monica.

Samuda, Virginia.

Frost, Adam.

Heard, H. F.
    Taste for Honey.
    Newburyport : Road, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Fresquez, Diane.

Vester, Katharina.

Clifton, Jacob.

Beer, Michael.

Stowell, Charlotte.

Dunne, Nathan.

Rizzi, Juliette.

Candela, Iria.

Straine, Stephanie.

Boynton, Suki.

Keogh, Theodora.

Osterud, Amelia Klem.

Estulin, Daniel.

Kaplan, Gisela.
    Tawny Frogmouth.
    Victoria : CSIRO PUBLISHING, 2007.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Publishing, OECD.

Seago, W. Eugene.

Murdock, M. Casey.

Murdock, M. Casey.

Murdock, M. Casey.

Deutch, Roni Lynn.

Fox, Russell.

Kohler, Mark J.

Wheelwright, Tom.

Malke, Christiane.

Hodges, Graham Russell Gao.

Lee, Bonnie.

Spencer, Liv.

Spencer, Liv.

Tullson, Diane.
    Taz's Recipe.
    Victoria : Orca Book Publishers, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Siddiqui, Abdur Rashid.

Flynt, Clif.

Pool, Ian.

Martin, Laura C.

Souter, Keith.

Maltsev, Yuri.

Bullock, Steven C.

Meadows, Mark Stephen.

Lemov, Doug.

McFedries, Paul.

Grant, Carl A.

Albarelli, Gerry.
    : Dzanc Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kafele, Baruti K.

Luschei, Thomas F.

Bruno-Jofre, Rosa.

Jones, Rachel.

Wilmore, Elaine L.

Portner, Hal.

Gregory, Gayle H.

Cade, Harriet.

Delavan, Garrett.

Waller, Raymond J.

Stivers, Jan L.

Bateman, David F.

Marshall, Nicola.

Knoster, Timothy.

Burke, Lisa Maria.

Singer, Jack N.

Churches, Richard.

Blase, Jo.

Moulthrop, Daniel.

Hayes, Debra.

Peterson, Paul E.

Spragg, Iain.

Gerich, Mara.

Glanz, Jeffrey.

Shaw, Katy.

Kidd, Debra.

Roth, J.

Cartmell, D.

Deshler, Don.

Kaweski, Walter.

Shakir, Evelyn.

Rogers, Katie.

Constable, Dot.

Clanton Harpine, Elaine.

Griffith, Andy.
    Teaching Backwards.
    Williston : Crown House Publishing, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Rodriguez, Vanessa.

Galea, Chris.

Ashton, G.
    Teaching Chaucer.
    London : Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2007.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Magnusen, Christy.

Kulman, Linda.

Lucas, Bill.

Khalsa, SiriNam S.

Garrard, G.

Lewkowicz, Adina Bloom.

Jesness, Jerry.

Grimm, Nancy.
    Teaching English.
    Tübingen : Narr Francke Attempto, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hursh, David W.

Ogunyemi, Kemi.

Ogunyemi, Kemi.

French, Amanda.

Publishing, OECD.

Gómez, Leila.

Ferrebe, A.
    Teaching Gender.
    London : Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Grant, Tim.

Belcher, C.

Eaglestone, R.

Arisman, Marshall.

Spreyer, Leon.

Griffin-Weisner, Jennifer, Med.

Burnes, Theodore.

Egan, Kieran.

Knights, Ben.

Lum, Chee-Hoo.

Ferster, Bill.

Falk, Beverly.

Marsh, N.

Dooley, Michael.

Maunder, A.

Major, Claire Howell.

Honig, Bill.

Zirschky, Andrew.

Phinn, Gervase.

Gormley-Heenan, C.

Lara, Joanne.

Reis Monteiro, A.

Farrell, Thomas S. C.

Hecker, Laurel.

Moomaw, Sally.

Sawyer, A.

Hiscock, A.

Howie, Dorothy.

Wilson, Donna.

Algozzine, Bob.

Knights, C.B.
    Teaching Theory.
    London : Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Keating, A.

Falasco, Deborah.

Draisma, Kim.

Hafler, Max.
    Teaching Voice.
    London : Nick Hern Books, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lougy, Richard A.

Marzano, Robert J.

Kravetz, Katharine.

Pandian, Ambigapathy.

Halai, Anjum.

Jensen, D.

Epstein, Debbie.

Holland, Olga.

Klopper, Christopher.

McCain, Ted.

Sternberg, Robert J.

Pierangelo, Roger.

Jory, Jon.

Ordetx, Kirstina.

Conroy, D.

Powell, A.

Confalonieri, Sara.

Cox, A.

Zacarian, Debbie.

Rivera, F. D.

Hollis, Heather.

Hanrahan, Michael.

Brunsson, Karin.

Wendi, Adamek L.

O'Connell, David.

Smith, Patricia.

Mackin, Deborah.

Singer, Blair.

Caw, Jeanette.

Atkins, Chris.

Needham, Robert.

Orme, Jamal.

Carruyo, Uniit.

Tizzard, Paul.

Fleming, Ian.

Jordan, Nick.

Young, Jonathon.

Coote, Tom.

Archer, Lynda A.

Addiego, John.

Weissbourd, Burt.

Carlaftes, Peter.

Ponsi, Ed.

Burke, Peter Y.

Thorne, Gary.

Towner, Emil B.

Harrington, H. James.

Anandharamakrishnan, C.

Conn, P. Michael.

Work, E.

Wiles, Jack.

Suarez-Villa, Luis.

Keenan, Thomas P.

Johnston, Jessica.

Grady, Wayne.

Diehn, Andi.

Meda, Lawrence.

Bank, Asian Development.

Rodríguez-Pose, Andrés.

Allen, Jonathan P.

Meckl, Reinhard.


Denton, Peter.

Cohen, E.

Jackson, Tony E.

Halal, William E.

Lansiquot, Reneta D.

Kö, Andrea.

Kaufman, Henry.

Poling, Sr., Jim.

Fayle, Thelma.

Budd, Robert.

Wormald, M.

Lohmann, Raychelle Cassada.

Hopkins, Cathy.
    Teen Queens.
    Dorking : Piccadilly Press, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

McKee, Jonathan.

Threlfall-Homes, Miranda.

Barrett, Dawson.

Williams, Terry.

Stenström, A.

Bainbridge, David.

Harris, Michael A.

Hirst, Catherine.

Leblanc, Maurice.

Dickinson, Peter.

Basmenji, Kaveh.

Abdoh, Salar.
    Tehran Noir.
    New York : Akashic Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Abdoh, Salar.

Keret, Etgar.
    Tel Aviv Noir.
    New York : Akashic Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Oudshoorn, N.

Board, Computer Science and Telecommunications.

Board, Computer Science and Telecommunications.

Wootton, Richard.
    London : Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2005.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Wallwork, Adrian.

Campbell, Linda F.

Buckley, Jonathan.
    London : Sort Of Books, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

May, Andrew.

Littleton, Cynthia.

Hoskins, A.

jagodzinski, jan.

Falk, Quentin.

(U.S.), The Merit Systems Protection Board.
    Washington, D. C. : United States Government Printing Office, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Cooper, Sally.

Cooper, Sally.

Behar, Eliott.

Luiselli, Valeria.

Forsyth, Moira.

Johnson, Dennis.

Addonizio, Kim.
    Tell Me.
    Rochester : BOA Editions Ltd., 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Ross, Jacob.

Long, Elliot.

Unerman, Sue.

Reinhardt, Dana.

Josipovici, Gabriel.

Kerrigan, Cheryl.

Kets de Vries, Manfred F.R.

Yeadon, Jane.

Sale, Jonathan.

Bayliss, Brian.

Robinson, Lorna.

Jeffrey, Craig.

Apps, Jerry.

Polisar, Barry Louis.

Tagle, Luis Antonio.

Zolbrod, Zoe.
    New York : Curbside Splendor Publishing, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Sui, Gwee Li.

Fossel, Michael.

Stephenson, Rosemary.

Hatton, Erin Elisabeth.

Royes, Pamela.

Grabchak, Michael.

Reading, Mario.

Reading, Mario.
    Templar Legacy.
    London : Atlantic Books, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Frale, Barbara.

Waters, Steve.

Kennerk, Barry.

Hilty, James W.

Boles Levy, Anne.
    Temple of Doubt.
    La Vergne : Sky Pony Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Piazza, Daniela.

Comber, Leon.

Corelli, Marie.

Gillis, Steven.

Carofiglio, Gianrico.

Chalamwong, Yongyuth.

Consiglio, Stefano.

Klein, Peter.

Cioran, E. M.

Jackson, R.

Sawyer, Meryl.
    Tempting Fate.
    New York : Open Road Media Romance, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Billinghurst, Jane.

Nagra, Daljit.
    Ten : new poets.
    Tyne and Wear : Bloodaxe Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

McCarthy Woolf, Karen.

Teitler, Nathalie.

Prager, Dennis.

Prager, Dennis.

Block, Susan.

Lindenmayer, David.

Bly, Nellie.

Rose, Larry D.

Sadler, A.L.

Diehl, Eric.

Sommer, Alfred.

Sheaffer, Robert.

Overholser, Wayne D.

Denny, Isabel.

Punshon, E.R.

Dryden, Windy.

Zal, H. Michael.

Barnes, Luke.

Kuligin, Victor.

Fogarty, Robin J.

Golson, Jack.

McEwan-Adkins, Elaine K.

Hornby, Nick.

Beech, M.

Bronte, Anne.

Ryder, Pamela.

Meno, Joe.

Woods, Jeremy.

Gunterman, Kelly.

Bercow, John.

Seddon, Peter.

Seddon, Peter.

Potter, John.

de Saussure, Louis.

Roze, Gatis N.

Brown, Malcolm.

Bush, Roderick.

Bischoff, Marcel.

Ibragimov, Nail H.

Kennan, George.

Irvine, Margaret.

Niko, D J.
    Tenth Saint.
    St. Charles : Medallion Media Group, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Fenn, George Manville.

Endres, Christian.

Tao, Meng.

Russell, Sharman Apt.

Kristeva, Julia.

(U.S.), Joint History Office.
    Terminal Conference.
    Washington, D. C. : United States Government Printing Office, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

O'Rowe, Mark.

Neily III, Clark M.

Robinson, Cedric J.

Lyle, Ben.
    La Vergne : Bookline & Thinker, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Fox, William.

Sanderson, Eric W.

Berry, Wendell.

Ashe FitzGerald, Mairéad.

Brown, Rebecca.
    Terrible Girls.
    Monroe, OR : City Lights Publishers, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Fleming, May Agnes.
    Terrible Secret.
    Auckland : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Zuehlke, Mark.

Lumsden, Roddy.

Billias, Nancy.

Govett, Sarah.

Vigneswaran, D.

Govett, Sarah.
    Cardiff : Firefly Press Limited, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Murray, S.

Zephaniah, Benjamin.
    Terror Kid.
    London : Hot Key Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hamilton, Dwight.

Ray, G.

White, Randy Wayne.
    Terror in D.C..
    New York : Open Road Media Mystery & Thriller, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bedford, Paul.

Pardoe, Blaine.

Jackson, Richard.

Ronczkowski, Michael R.

Cole, David.

McConaghy, Kieran.

Weimann, Gabriel.

de Graaf, Beatrice.

Sampaio, Anna.

Colombo, John Robert.

Chung, Jennifer K.
    Vancouver : Arsenal Pulp Press, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Boyle, Terry.

Funk, Terry.

Butler, Andrew.

Salmi, Jamil.

Hardy, Thomas.

Le Vann, Kate.
    Tessa In Love.
    Dorking : Piccadilly Press, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Paranj, Bala.

Swansbrough, R.

Van Keulen, Geert.

Hauser, Dr. Dominik.

Gendreau, Vickie.
    Toronto : BookThug, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Waldrep, G.C.
    Rochester : BOA Editions Ltd., 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Sherrard, Valerie.
    Toronto : Dundurn, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Ginsberg, Allen.

Komunyakaa, Yusef.

Charbonneau, Joelle.

Lapp, John.

Rajagopalan, Kavitha.

Appel, Frank.
    Testing with JUnit.
    Olton Birmingham : Packt Publishing Ltd, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Charbonneau, Joelle.
    Surrey : Templar Publishing, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Preciado, Paul B.

Veanes, Margus.

Rutkowski, Thaddeus.

Michaux, Bernard.

Mulford, Clarence E.

Boullosa, Carmen.

Rose, James.

Varhola, Michael.

Wyly, Sam.

Fackler, Elizabeth.
    Texas Lily.
    New York : Open Road Distribution, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lenski, Lois.
    Texas Tomboy.
    Newburyport : Open Road Media Teen & Tween, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Vorhaus, John.

Sarkar, Dipanjan.

Göpferich, Susanne.

Wiedemann, Gregor.

Bellika, Johan.

Cole, Robert L.

Prieto, Raul Sánchez.

Patel, Deven M.

Zaveri, Vikas.

Zaveri, Vikas.

Hosoe, Nobuhiro.

Vasudevan, Shriram K.

Stromgaard, Kristian.

Devgan, Kusam.

M.T., Maruthesha Reddy.

C., Nagesh P.

Krishna, A. P.

Jangra, Ashwani K.

Adamson, Arthur.

Lahiri, Jyotirmay.

Hatcher, Julian S.

Kojc, Martin.

Pattullo, Mandy.

Karner, Gerhard.

Klein, Tobias Robert.

Joudah, Fady.
    Port Townsend : Copper Canyon Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Flaherty, Michael G.

Gevisser, Mark.

Kellough, Janet.

Kellough, Janet.

Jacobsen, Nephyr.

Roylance, David.

Maguire, Peter.

Jones, Roger.

Davies, Derek.

Pacific, ILO Regional Office for Asia and the.

Staff, Asian Development Bank.

Hopkins, Jerry.

Editions, Periplus.

Belle, Carl Vadivella.

Orsi, Robert A.

Live, BBC Radio 4 Saturday.
    Thank You.
    London : Pavilion Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Webb, Liggy.
    Thank You.
    Claygate : Grosvenor House Publishing, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kirkpatrick, Melanie.

Lenkiewicz, Rebecca.

Syson, Lydia.

Boyer, Lisa.

Moore, David L.

Browne, Ronnie.

Shenher, Lori.

Clavin, Tom.

Shields, David.

White, Frank.

Ross, Donna Satterlee.

Mogk, Matt.

Black, Tara.

Sycamore, Mattilda Bernstein.

Lett, Cynthia W.

Charlesworth, Jonathan.

Barnes, Mike.
    Thaw Foretold.
    Emeryville : Biblioasis, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Linge, Egil.
    The Answer.
    : Stockholm Text, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bird, Caroline.

Boettcher, Jack.
    Theater State.
    : Dzanc Books, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

McCann, John J.

Welch, Ellen R.

Steffen, Kathy.

RÃ Â os, Alberto.
    Theater of Night.
    Port Townsend : Copper Canyon Press, 2007.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Schmidt, Kerstin.

Berman, Karen.

Prest, J.

Home-Cook, George.

Grace, Sherrill.

Shepherd-Barr, Kirsten E.

McMillan, Joyce.

Gritzner, Karoline.

Muller-Wood, Anja.

Gordon, Mel.

Snyder-Young, D.

Sepinuck, Teya.

Boal, Augusto.

Tannahill, Jordan.

Tompkins, J.

Morley, Sheridan.

Meyer-Dinkgräfe, Daniel.

Radosavljevic, D.

Hargrave, Matt.

Leep, J.


Randall, Margaret.

eckhoff, keven mcpherson.

Kottler, Jeffrey.

Corelli, Marie.

Smith, James Ward.
    Theme for Reason.
    Princeton : Princeton University Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Troup, Melissa.

Sorrells, Amy K.

Jones, Lynne.

Riske, Al.

Haysom, Simone.

McConnell, Craig.

Ko, Grace.

Parini, Jay.

Thompson, J. Lee.

Roosevelt, Theodore.

Hendrix , Henry J.

Garner, Phillip Michael.

Edmonds, Matt.

Isasi-Diaz, A.

Cheah, Joseph.

Jacobsen, David Schnasa.

Davis, Creston.

Shults, F.

Halverson, J.

Bergmann, Sigurd.

Zaspel, Fred G.

Franke, William.

Krokus, Christian.

de Gaál, Emery.

Garner, Phillip Michael.

Vahanian, Gabriel.

Martinot, M.

Peters, Gareth William.

Fisher, M. F. K.
    Theoretical Foot.
    New York, NY : Counterpoint, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kuzio, Taras.

Okem, Andrew Emmanuel.

Kuhn, Michael.

Alznauer, Mark.

Garhart Mooney, Carol.

Sørensen, E.

Filomeno, Felipe Amin.

Garhart Mooney, Carol.

Williams, Jenny.

Susam-Sarajeva, Sebnem.

Lucas, Samuel Roundfield.

Puri, Shalini.

Jørgensen, Knud Erik.

Tobin, Emma.

Scharmer, C. Otto.

Black, Elizabeth.

Lebow, R.

Chernoff, F.

Haigh, Rex.

Tamada, Dai.

Gendlin, Gene.

Perry, M.

Duddy, Keith.

Dediu, Adrian-Horia.

Zaibert, Leo.

Yanzhe, Zhang.

Austin, Diane.

Amin, Samir.

Gordji, Madjid Eshaghi.

Dompere, Kofi.

Wiener, Antje.

Johnson, J. J.

Palmer, Glenn.

Dygai, A.M.

Laruelle, François.

Patnaik, Utsa.

Casson, Mark.

Pagan, N.

Bogdashina, Olga.

von Mises, Ludwig.

Altman, Rick.
    Theory of Narrative.
    New York : Columbia University Press, 2008.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Katz, Richard S.

Dompere, Kofi.

Jevons, W.

Tisdell, Clement Allen.

Bacon, Dave.

Maran, Meredith.

Ahlberg, J. H.

Gikhman, Iosif I.

Zijderveld, Anton.

Saichev, Alexander I.

Fattorello, Francesco.

Patai, Daphne.

Hutchison, David.

Hackett, Paul G.

Goodbrand, Grant.

Loue, Sana.

Sugarman, Laurence.

Wester III, William.

Aiyegbusi, Anne.

Thompson, Kate.

Cowen, Virginia S.

Adshead, Gwen.

Barton, Susan.

Grietens, Hans.

Baker, F.

Treisman, Karen.

Adelman, Anne.

Solof, Barry.

Witkiewitz, Katie A.

Magyar-Moe, Jeana L.

Feasey, Don.

Knopf, Karl.

Edelstein, Michael R.

Parsons, Julie.
    Therapy House.
    La Vergne : New Island Books, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Anthony, Kate.

Fitzgerald, P.

Umpierrez, Guillermo E.

Association, American Diabetes.

Nussbaum, Martha C.

Standish, P.

Rosoman, Clare.

Rosoman, Clare.

Gafner, George.

Fouque, Antoinette.

Graham, Heather.
    There Be Dragons.
    Wauconda : Medallion Media Group, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Dash, Stacey.

Freeman, Lance.

Strom, Max.

English, Lars Q.

Twister, Mick.

Twister, Mick.

Stanza, Ronald.

Harmon, Katherine E.

Anderson, Poul.
    There Will Be Time.
    New York : Open Road Media Sci-Fi & Fantasy, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Searle, Lorna.

Brack, Ted.

Houston, Margaret Pritchard.

Basden, Tom.

Birkinshaw, Steve.

Aboulenein, Nora.

Defreyne, Emilie.

Norton, Alex.

Morris, Harry.

Clark, Elaine A.

Sander, Jennifer Basye.

Schabas, Ezra.

Rivera, R.

Baron, Alexander.
    There's No Home.
    London : Sort Of Books, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lentz, Jacob.

Brack, Ted.

Suzuki, David.

Teig, Michael.

Nicoll, Tom.

Nicoll, Tom.

Nicoll, Tom.

Nicoll, Tom.

Gonzales Bertrand, Diane.

Butchart, Pamela.

Blackburn, Virginia.

Prince, Rosa.

Krarti, Moncef.

Tiquia-Arashiro, Sonia M.

Singleton, George.

Kramer, Richard.

Bennett, Arnold.
    These Twain.
    Auckland : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Nichol, B. P.

Kenna, Rudolph.

Davis, Burke.

Sellars, Bev.

Williamson, James.

Finnigan, Michael.

Bibbins, Mark.

Buckmaster, Maurice.

Ventura, Jesse.

Wilson, D.
    They Live.
    London : Columbia University Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lethem, Jonathan.
    They Live.
    New York : Soft Skull Press, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Miller, Alexander McVeigh.

Hazo, Samuel.
    They Rule the World.
    Syracuse : Syracuse University Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Vias-Mahou, Berta.

Bánffy, Miklós.
    They Were Counted.
    London : Arcadia Books Limited, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bánffy, Miklós.
    They Were Divided.
    London : Arcadia Books Limited, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bánffy, Miklós.

Devaney, David.

Armstrong, Michael.

Neuwirth, Allan.

Zola, Émile.

Leduc, Violette.

Darwin, Bethan.

Reid, Rebecca.
    Thickets Wood.
    Dublin : Liberties Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Williams, Phillip B.

Blake, Jon.

Kennedy, Robert F.

Nazarpour, Soroush.

Wilkshire, Nick.

Praamsma, Wanda.

Choyce, Lesley.
    Thin Places.
    Toronto : Dundurn, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Estevez, Abilio.

Aeliogeris, Arvydas.

Leach, Maria.

Conolly, Jez.
    New York : Columbia University Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Go, Kathleen.

Go, Kathleen.

Reynolds, Kate E.

Cottrell, Stephen.

Rohr, Richard.

Le Vann, Kate.

Bovell, Andrew.

Ballantine, Poe.

Worick, Jennifer.

Worick, Jennifer.

Aboulela, Leila.

Marlowe, Lara.

Chamberlain, Basil Hall.

Bornoff, Nicholas.

Dansilp, Tanistha.

Henderson, C.J.

Reynolds, Kate E.

Sandis, C.

Neuman, Andrés.

Pirzad, Zoya.

Waldrop, Howard.

Gil, Carmen.

Roy, Arundhati.

Piper, John.

Illingworth, Martin.

Hayzlett, Jeffrey W.

Bazalgette, Christopher.
    Think Cricket.
    Chelmsford : G2 Rights Ltd, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bollier, David.

Kotov, A A.

Gompertz, Will.

Gimbert, X.

Pirie, Madsen.

Salas-Porras, Alejandra.

Norris, Rick.

D'Angelo, Charles.

Helbing, Dirk.

Maher, Susan Naramore.

Olstein, Diego.

Bull, M.

Conroy, Helen.

Bos, Arie.

Traub, Valerie.

Lowe, Amanda.

Greetham, B.

Berman, Sally.

Quinlan, Oliver.
    Thinking Teacher.
    London : Crown House Publishing, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Glaveanu, Vlad Petre.

Hudson, D.

Knappett, Carl.

Gardner, Susan T.

Hanson, Craig.

Parsons, Richard D.

Parsons, Richard D.

Pellegrinelli, S.

Barreiro, José.

Mukherjee , Sudipta.

Wurgaft, Benjamin Aldes.

Daston, Lorraine.

Bertoloni Meli, Domenico.

(PCG), Public Consulting Group.

Mulqueeny, Kala.

    Third Bear.
    San Francisco : Tachyon Publications, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Thompson, Robert.

Arnold, Oliver.

O'Mara Walsh, Eileen.

Narsimhan, Mahtab.

Narsimhan, Mahtab.

Green, David Jay.

Newark, Tim.

Kumar, V. Sanjay.
    Third Squad.
    New York : Akashic Books, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Ikeda, Daisaku.

Lane, Karly.

Dolgin, Kevin.

Börjlind, Cilla & Rolf.
    Third Voice.
    London : Hesperus Press Ltd., 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gillis, S.

Lumsden, Roddy.
    Third Wish Wasted.
    Tyne and Wear : Bloodaxe Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Alcock, GG.

Kettelhack, Guy.

Biondi, Ray.

Kalfus, Ken.
    New York : Milkweed Editions, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Aguero, Kathleen.

Argall, Liz.

Guangde, Zhang.

Heilig, Markus.

Long, Stephen.

Rosenthal, A. M.

Winter, Michael.

Wiegers, Michael.

Dawson, James.

Horwood, Joel.

Berry, Wendell.

Startare, Brian.

Startare, Brian.

Ryan, Terre.

Bealby-Wright, Edmund.

Portier, Bruno.

Johnson, J. J.

Gault, Cinda.

Steinmetz, Andrew.

Parker, James S M.

Carter, Steve.

Pelaud, Isabelle Thuy.

Narveson, Jan.

Abrahams, Marc.

Robinson, Roxana.

Vilson, José.

Friedman, Alan.

Villano, Veronica.

Horrocks, Caitlin.

Schwartz, Lynne Sharon.

Flint, Anthony.

Osborne, Linda Barrett.

Greig, Andrew.

McPherson, Conor.

Briggs, Kate.
    This Little Art.
    La Vergne : Fitzcarraldo Editions, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Feehily, Stella.

Becker, Daniel.

Piper, John.

Tomsett, John.

McOmber, Adam.

Allan, David.

Dabral, Mangalesh.

Will Wissinger, Tamera.
    This Old Band.
    New York : Sky Pony Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gerber, Merrill Joan.

Hussein, Aamer.

Takeda, Taijun.

Stark, David.

Sparling, Ken.

Karasick, Adeena.
    This Poem.
    Vancouver : Talonbooks, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Snyder, Gary.

McLean, Janet.

McLean, Janet.

Brown, James.

Irvine, Alison.
    This Road is Red.
    Elmwood Park : Luath Press Ltd, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Saikaku, lhara.

Seabrook, William.

Lehmann, Anthony.

Helle, Helle.

Bristow, Gwen.

Fitzgerald, F. Scott.

Harper, Rachel M.

Storey, David.

McCallum, Shara.
    This Strange Land.
    New York, NY : Alice James Books, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Powers, J.L.

Fradkin, Barbara.

Preston, Caroline.
    This Tumult.
    Dublin : The Lilliput Press, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Patterson, Victoria.

Hopkins, Cathy.

Le Guin, Ursula K.

Moss, Chloë.

Hayes, Rob.

Felts, Susannah.

Miniter, Frank.

Richards, Jass.

Macker, Teddy.
    This World.
    Ashland : White Cloud Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Fox, Charlie.
    This Young Monster.
    La Vergne : Fitzcarraldo Editions, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Furman, Julian.

Abrahams, Marc.

Markson, David.

Jordan, Jesse.

Hendrikse, Jeroen.
    This is Our Brain.
    Singapore : Springer Singapore, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Barrett, Alexander.

Barrett, Alexander.

Rakow, Mary.

Churchill, Caryl.

Gerber, Merrill Joan.

Tomsett, John.

Groves, Anna.
    Thomas Hardy's Homes.
    Swindon : National Trust (Enterprises) Ltd, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Baron, Robert C.

Curwood, James Oliver.

Ryan, Meda.

Kenna, Shane.

Zitová, Olga.

Higgins, Michael W.

Grayston, Donald.

Paul, Joanne.
    Thomas More.
    Oxford : Polity Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Thomas, Alan.
    Thomas Nagel.
    Montreal : MQUP, 2008.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Burgess, H.

Paine, Thomas.

Starling, Nicolas.

Lochhead, Liz.

Mullen, Timothy "Thor".

Copley, Sue.

Thoreau, Henry David.

Thoreau, Henry David.

MacPhail, David.

MacPhail, David.

MacPhail, David.

MacPhail, David.

MacPhail, David.

MacPhail, David.

Stubbs, Jane.
    Thornfield Hall.
    London : Atlantic Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Crislip, Andrew.

Villate, Henry.

Clifford, Geraldine J.

Wilson, Richard.

Schrijvers, Peter.

Tibbetts, John C.

Gibbon, Perceval.

Dunster, Matthew.

Radvilaviciute, Giedra.

Johnsgard, Paul A.

John, Aisha Sasha.
    Toronto : BookThug, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hart, Geoff.

Leblanc, Suzanne.

Moody, Trey.

Griggs, Terry.

Kolko, Jon.

Leopardi, Giacomo.
    London : Alma Books, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Roorda, Julie.

Campbell, Larry.

Miles, Valerie.

Pilch, Jerzy.

Le Tellier, Hervé.

Alexander, T. M.

Ramsay, William M.

Muir, John.

Steward, Mandy.

Ladydrawers, The.

Rehman, Sabeeha.

Defreyne, Emilie.

McMan, Ann.

Friedman, Bruce Jay.

Grey, S.L.

Echenoz, Jean.

Keneally, Thomas.

Yorkston, James.
    Three Craws.
    Glasgow : Freight Books, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bank, Asian Development.

Papanikolaou, Antonis.

Roy, Louis.

Meades, Christopher.

Silverglate, Harvey.

Anderson, Poul.

Baitz, Jon Robin.

Coleman, J. Winston, Jr.

Hanick, Riley.

Guanzhong, Luo.

Guanzhong, Luo.

Guanzhong, Luo.

Gardner, Lloyd C.

Cavagnaro, Elena.

Kennon, Ella.

Janes, Hilly.

Mayo, Eduardo Jiménez.

Sherrard, Valerie.

Dumas, Alexandre.
    Three Musketeers.
    New York : Open Road Media, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Dumas, Alexandre.
    Three Musketeers.
    Boulder : Thunder Bay Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Post, Chad W.

Berriault, Gina.

Wailoo, Keith.

Blake, Trevor G.

Durrell, Gerald.

Gregor, Elmer Russell.

Bax, Timothy.

Chekhov, Anton.

Rothkamm, Jan.

Holman, Mike.
    Three Steps to Hell.
    Claygate : Grosvenor House Publishing, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Machuga, Ric.

Boullata, Issa J.

Findlay, Donald.
    Three Verdicts.
    Glasgow : Neil Wilson Publishing, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Stewart, Chris.

Ellis, Deborah.

O'Neal, Charles.

Cooper, Helen.

Goodspeed, Michael J.

Kadare, Ismail.

Land, Ray.

Boettger, Till.

Johannessen, Lene.

Shire, Laurel Clark.

Thiem, Brian.

Whittington, Amanda.

Weaver-Zercher, Valerie.

Wake, Bev.

Osborne, Larry.

Coon, Anne C.

Jones, Graham.

Holbrook, Susan.
    Throaty Wipes.
    Toronto : Coach House Books, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kroeker, Jeremy.

Albers, Paul C. H.

Brown, Janice.

Barrs, Jerram.

Munayer, Salim J.

Hackney, Steve.

Hess, Stephen.

Murtha, Mike.

Yamashita, Karen Tei.

Roosevelt, Theodore.

Murphy, Dervla.

Peterik, Jim.

Fezzani, Nadia.

Licitra, Jimena.

Lukacs, John.

Challis, Jack.

Carroll, Lewis.

Saeterbakken, Stig.
    Through the Night.
    Normal, IL : Columbia University Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Furguson, Barbara.

Reeder, William.

Brennan, Herbie.

Simmons, Edwin Howard.

Chabrier, Francesca.

Scarrow, Kristine.
    Throwaway Girl.
    Toronto : Dundurn, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hernández, Jo Ann Yolanda.
    Throwaway Piece.
    Houston : Arte Público Press, 2006.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Culverhouse, Gay.

Ridley, Elizabeth.

Ruskov, Milen.

Howley, Kerry.
    Louisville : Sarabande Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Dewald, Carolyn.

Eldridge, Jim.

Roberts, Ken.

Roberts, Ken.

Roberts, Ken.

Reiman, Joey.

Whitney, Phyllis A.
    Thunder Heights.
    Newburyport : Open Road Media Romance, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Sawyer, Meryl.
    Thunder Island.
    New York : Open Road Media Romance, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Grey, Zane.

Humphreys, Alastair.

Hart, Gary.

Schranck, David.

Ruffo, Armand Garnet.

Miller, Jane.
    Port Townsend : Copper Canyon Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Newbigging, Sandy C.

Piñeiro, Claudia.

Rice, Craig.

wind, chris.
    Thus Saith Eve.
    Sundridge : Magenta, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Wu, Charles Q.

Helin, Don.
    Thy Kingdom Come.
    Tulsa : Medallion Media Group, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lake, Augean.

Colby, Gerard.

    London : Nick Hern Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Garber, Jeffrey R.

Link, Perry.

Kong, Belinda.

Murphy, Dervla.
    Tibetan Foothold.
    London : Eland Publishing, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Chowdhury, Uttom.

Fletcher-Wood, Harry.

Budnick, Dean.

Drummond, Roger.

Carnahan, Senator Jean.

Zha, Jianying.

Feltoe, Richard.

Sacerdoti, Daniela.
    Edinburgh : Black & White Publishing, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Tway, Linda E.

Pollard, C. William.

King, Lizzie.

Jones, Robert F.

Schulman, Sarah.

Klein, Zachary.

Hartigan-O'Connor, Ellen.

Deveney, Catherine.
    Ties that Bind.
    London : Old Street Publishing, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

de Kay, Charles.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Narsimhan, Mahtab.
    London : Hot Key Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Fino, Steven A.

Raine, Nina.

Stainer, Pauline.

Williams, Jim.

Fenn, George Manville.
    Tiger Lily.
    Auckland : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Clarke, Michaela.
    Tiger Thief.
    London : Nosy Crow, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Walters, Eric.
    Tiger Town.
    Toronto : Dundurn, 2006.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Walters, Eric.
    Tiger Trap.
    Toronto : Dundurn, 2007.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hardwich, Mike.

Walters, Eric.

Walters, Eric.

Leggett, Trevor.

Pate, Rob.

Fragoso, Margaux.

Broom, Sarah.
    Tigers at Awhitu.
    Auckland : Auckland University Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

So-un, Kim.

Lawson, Diane.

Marsh, Selina Tusitala.
    Chicago : Auckland University Press, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Pennington, Lisa.

Urrea, Luis Alberto.

Mead, Hirini.

Mead, Hirini Moko.

Tiller, Joe.

Skurka, Steven.

Syrovy, Daniel.

Lankaster, Frank.

Pigott-Smith, Tim.

Bukoski, Anthony.

Gay, William.

Jacobs, Fay.

James, Tad.

Nahin, Paul J.

Shukla, Nikesh.
    Time Machine.
    : Galley Beggar Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Tracy, Brian.

Caldwell, Taylor.

Out, The Editors of Time.

Out, Editors of Time.

Out, The Editors of Time.

Out, Editors of Time.

Out, The Editors of Time.

Out, Editors of Time.

Out, Editors of Time.

Out, Editors of Time.

Out, Editors of Time.

Out, Editors of Time.

Out, Editors of Time.

Out, Editors of Time.

Out, Editors of Time.

Out, Editors of Time.

Out, Editors of Time.

Out, Editors of Time.

Out, Editors of Time.
    Time Out Paris.
    London : Time Out, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Out, Editors of Time.
    Time Out Rome.
    London : Time Out, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Out, Editors of Time.
    Time Out Rome.
    London : Time Out, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Out, Editors of Time.

Reisch, Lucia A.

Margulies, Donald.

Bowker, Alan.

Dorsey, Angela.
    Time Thief.
    Toronto : Dundurn, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bosarge, Eric M.
    Time Train.
    Barrington : Medallion Media Group, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Nahin, Paul J.

Douglas, Althea.

Swigart, Rob.
    Time Trip.
    Newburyport : Open Road Distribution, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Perillo, Lucia.

Gardiner, Michael.

Simak, Clifford D.
    Time and Again.
    New York : Open Road Media Sci-Fi & Fantasy, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

McInerney, Peter K.
    Time and Experience.
    Philadelphia : Temple University Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Aubin, Jean-Pierre.

Popova-Zeugmann, Louchka.
    Time and Petri Nets.
    Berlin/Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

McCumber, John.

Dainton, Barry Francis.

Dickinson, Peter.

Fabian, Johannes.

Burrows, David L.

Radner, Ephraim.

Ponomareff, Constantin V.

Cruz, Rafael.

NA, T.

Knausgaard, Karl.

Levin, Yuval.

Brack, Ted.

Simon, William E.

Board, Douglas.
    Time of Lies.
    La Vergne : Eye Books, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Woolley, Bryan.
    Time of My Life.
    La Vergne : Dzanc Books, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Silverman, Al.

Habermas, Jürgen.

Yarbro, Chelsea Quinn.

Silvey, Diane.

Wilde, James.

Wilde, James.

Buster, William R.

McQuerry, Maureen Doyle.

McQuerry, Maureen Doyle.

Lombardi, Joan.

Evans, Tony.

Dixon, Stephen.
    Time to Go.
    : Dzanc Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Finn, Clodagh.

Browning, Marie.

Ormsby, Eric.

Lothe, Jakob.
    Time's Witnesses.
    La Vergne : Fledgling Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Delfino, Gianluca.

Delfino, Gianluca.

Franses, Philip.

Auxier, Randall E.

Beer, Joe.

Higgins, Mark.

Jafarpour, Saber.

Christner, Dianne.

Viardot, Eric.

Barth, Lisa.

Easwaran, Eknath.

Savage, D.

Webb, Holly.
    Timmy in Trouble.
    London : Stripes Publishing, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Staff, Asian Development Bank.

Bailey, Anne Geddes.

Calhoun, Charles R.

Pastor, Ben.
    Tin Sky.
    London : Bitter Lemon Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kirkwood, Lucy.

Dunn, Megan.
    La Vergne : Galley Beggar Press, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Harding, Paul.
    New York : Bellevue Literary Press, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lawrie, Lucy.
    Tiny Acts of Love.
    Edinburgh : Black & White Publishing, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Beauchamp-Parke, Saundra.

Klein, Adam.
    Tiny Ladies.
    : Dzanc Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Culleton, Jim.

Kenison, Misti.

Kenison, Misti.

Needle, Charles.

Cruise, Jorge.

Coakley, Mark.

Finlayson, Christine.
    Tip of a Bone.
    : Adventure Publications, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Brook, Peter.

The Staff Of The Old Coun,.

Paquette, Ammi-Joan.

Ramlakhan, Nerina.

Ford, John.

Bray, Phyllis.


Stagg, Richard.
    Titanic Greaser.
    Guildford : Grosvenor House Publishing, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Mayo, Jonathan.
    London : Short Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Boudreaux, Armond.

Leonetti, Mike.

McDonnell, Vincent.
    Titantic Tragedy.
    Cork : The Collins Press, 2007.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Phillips, Sir Claude.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bennett, Arnold.

Eno, Will.

Barnett, Neil.
    London : Haus Publishing, 2006.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Grinev, Andrei Val'terovich.

McDonnell, Mark.
    Tmux Taster.
    Berkeley, CA : Apress, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Conford, Ellen.

Koester, Craig.

Hartwig, David S.

Davis, Burke.

Keneally, Thomas.

Salvatore, Joseph.

McGrath, Gerry.
    To B.
    Manchester : Carcanet, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Irigaray, Luce.

Ramadan, Tariq.

Fanucci, Laura Kelly.

Taubes, Jacob.

Thamm, Marianne.

Garner, Sandra L.

O Hara , Vincent P.

Maynard, Joyce.

Gibler, John.

Hoffer, Williamjames Hull.

von Bohlen, Claus.
    To Greet the Sun.
    London : Old Street Publishing, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Rolfe, Mel.

O'Callaghan, Sean.

Woodruff, Elvira.

Clark, David K.

Chandler, Matt.

Friedman, Rosemary.

Hobhouse Balme, Jennifer.

McClure, Nikki.

Walsh, Timothy B.

Dundon, Susan.

Craggs, Charlie.
    To My Trans Sisters.
    London : Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

West-Bulford, Simon.

Ogden, Schubert M.

Kastenberg, Joshua E.

Symons, Leslie.

Taylor, Alice.

Patterson, Bradley H.

Braithwaite, E.R.

Braithwaite, E. R.
    To Sir, With Love.
    Newburyport : Open Road Media, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Pitt, Steve.

Joensuu, Matti.
    To Steal Her Love.
    London : Arcadia Books Limited, 2008.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Antonson, Rick.

Butchart, Pamela.

Husni, Ronak.

Woolf, Emma.

Collis, Stephen.

Foulkes, Julia L.

Wallach, Philip A.

Jones, James.

Haykin, Michael A. G.

Weinstein, Bonnie.

DuRey, Will.

Stiftung, Bertelsmann.

Storms, Sam.

Lufkin, Elise.

Matthews, Carolyn.

Matthews, Carolyn.

Natsume, Soseki.

Bean, Richard.
    London : Oberon Books Ltd, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Benson, Peter.

Caldwell, Erskine.

Burnell, John.

Herr, Richard.

Curry, Gwen.


Lee, Gregory W.


Saunders, Todd.

Hopkins-Best, Mary.

Schmidt, Christina.

Pica, Rae.

Clearman, Deborah.
    Todos Santos.
    : Dzanc Books, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Ambroggio, Luis Alberto.

Tsiang, Sarah Yi-Mei.
    Toesy Toes.
    Victoria : Orca Book Publishers, 2018.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Horsfield, Margaret.

Bank, Asian Development.

Bank, Asian Development.

Farjeon, Benjamin.

Fleming, Eve.

Nouveau, Beatrice.

Silva, Arturo.
    Tokio Whip.
    La Vergne : Stone Bridge Press, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Martin, John H.

Brown, Steven T.

Keet, Philomena.

Douglas, Jim.
    Tokyo Nights.
    Edinburgh : Fledgling Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Clemens, Steven Langhirne.
    Tokyo Pink Guide.
    North Clarendon : Tuttle Publishing, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kami, Ryosuke.

Editors, Periplus.

Hutton, Wendy.

Seidensticker, Edward.

Mansfield, Stephen.
    La Vergne : Tuttle Publishing, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Goss, Rob.
    New York, NY : Tuttle Publishing, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Day, David.

Day, David.
    Tolkien's Ring.
    London : Pavilion Books, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Wright, K Michael.
    Wauconda : Medallion Media Group, 2006.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Smith, Michael.

Scott, Michael.
    Tom Cringle's Log.
    Wellington : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Herrick, Steven.

Reynolds, Kate E.

Marsh, Richard.

McCarthy, Stephanie.

Larsen, Wayne.

Murray, Joan.

Dickens, Charles.

Davidson, Sandra Calder.

Maher, Paul.

Weir, Tom.

Bouchard, Michel Marc.
    Tom at the Farm.
    Vancouver : Talonbooks, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Welton, Jude.

Big Idea Entertainment, LLC.

Isaev, Aleksei.

Abate, Michelle Ann.

Birungi, Medad.

Leslie, Mark.

Smith, Mike.

Potter, David.

Velásquez, Gloria.
    Tommy Stands Tall.
    Houston : Arte Público Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Sadler, John.

Thompson, Holly.

Bristow, Gwen.

Bristow, Gwen.

Van Mersbergen, Jan.

Tierney, Scott.

Henderson, Davie.
    Tomorrow's World.
    Wauconda : Medallion Media Group, 2008.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bates, Joseph.
    : Curbside Splendor Publishing, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

McKinley, Barry.

Rivers, Olivia.
    Tone Deaf.
    New York, NY : Sky Pony Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Higgins, Rita Ann.
    Tyne and Wear : Bloodaxe Books, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Wagner-Martin, L.

McKenna, Virginia.

Adams, Jad.

DiPardo, Tony.

Lawton, Geoff.

Dombret, Andreas.

Zephaniah, Benjamin.

Thomas, R. S.

Tekcan, Rana.

Rue, Nancy.

Walker-Barnes, Chanequa.

Maffini, Mary Jane.

Embree, Michael.

Guzman, Martin.

Baines, Elizabeth.
    Too Many Magpies.
    Cambridge : Salt Publishing Limited, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Angus, Ian.

Bebergal, Peter.

Simms, Richard C.

Lindon, Jennie.

Bank, Asian Development.

Hunt, Juliet.

Harman, Graham.

Riedl, Christoph.

Sand, Ilse.

Andler, Nicolai.

Gammond, J J.
    Toon Up.
    La Vergne : G2 Rights Ltd, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lasswell, Mary.
    Tooner Schooner.
    Newburyport : Open Road Distribution, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Yount, John.

Adams, Don.

Vard, Mary.

Carl, Klaus H.

Carl, Klaus H.

Ferguson, Karen.

Cronin, Mary J.
    Top Down Innovation.
    Cham : Springer International Publishing, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Rittereiser, Cathleen M.

Raes, Annaloes M.L.

von Lang, Jochen.

Sheridan, S.K.

Hayes, Stephen.

Roth, Martin.

Finzel, Hans.

Finzel, Hans.

Martin, Rosemary.

P. Schaffer, Jeffrey.

Molloy, Johnny.

White, Mike.

White, Mike.

Schad, Jerry.

Benson, Sara.

Weintraub, David.

Milne, Brian.

Evans, Steve.

Arthur, Jean.

White, Mike.

Lorain, Douglas.

White, Mike.

Dean Nystrom, Andrew.

Humphries, Patrick.

MacPhail, David.

Wekker, Fenneke.

Hu, Mingxiu.

Leatherbarrow, David.

Fisher, Rose-Lynn.

Cockerill, Dave.

Scaletta, Kurtis.

Scaletta, Kurtis.

Scaletta, Kurtis.

Scaletta, Kurtis.

Scaletta, Kurtis.

Scaletta, Kurtis.

Lohr, Joel N.

O'Hara, Vincent.

Flynn, Jim.

Tregidgo, Jan.

Brown, Jake.

Ridge-Newman, Anthony.

Rickard, Judy.

Rickard, Judy.

Nanz, Stefan.

Filey, Mike.

Hendley, Nate.

Bunch, Adam.

Turner, Glenn.

Kennedy, Scott.

Zweig, Eric.

Armin, Janine.
    Toronto Noir.
    New York : Akashic Books, 2008.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

McFetridge, John.

McFetridge, John.

Filey, Mike.

Filey, Mike.

Filey, Mike.

Taylor, Doug.

Ruprecht, Tony.

MacLeod, Joan.

Hickam Jr., Homer.

Bergren, Lisa T.
    Torrent : A Novel.
    Colorado Springs, CO : David C. Cook, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Harris, Brian.

Driggs, Warren.

Cole, David.

Siems, Larry.

Lamberson, Gregory.

Wurmbrand, Richard.

Glave, Thomas.
    Torturer's Wife.
    Monroe, OR : City Lights Publishers, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Shanta Retelny, Vicki.

Chester, Tim.

Friel, Joe.

Brugioni, Daniel J.

Mungo, Raymond.

Crampton, Caroline.

Waddock, Sandra.

Knopf, Karl.

Li, Jie Jack.

Pearcey, Nancy.

Liber, George.

Redner, Harry.

Murariu, Mihai.

Crusie, Jennifer.

Cross, Simon.

Stanley, Jo.
    Totally Epic!.
    Melbourne : Bonnier Publishing Australia, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Reynolds, Simon.

Dove, Richard.

Harold, Hughina.

Maruno, Jennifer.
    Toronto : Dundurn, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Cohen, Balthazar.

Baylis, M.H.
    Tottenham Outrage.
    London : Old Street Publishing, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Parsipur, Shahrnush.

Wintner, Robert.

Jones, Vicky.

Fulbright, Yvonne K.

Terkel, Studs.

Wells, Joe.

Nodine, Thad.
    Touch and Go.
    Lakewood : Unbridled Books, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Campbell, P.E.
    Touch of Templeton.
    La Vergne : Grosvenor House Publishing, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Conn, Stewart.

Hamilton, QC, Ian.
    Touch of Treason.
    Glasgow : Neil Wilson Publishing, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hamilton, Ian.
    Touch of Treason.
    Glasgow : Neil Wilson Publishing, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Simon, R.

Shibli, Adania.
    Massachusetts : Interlink Publishing, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Josipovici, Gabriel.
    London : Yale University Press, 2008.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Horspool, Nigel.

Mount Shoop, Marcia W.

Cristofovici, Anca.

Hutto, Joe.


Huckvale, David.

Bainbridge, Colin.
    Tough Justice.
    London : Robert Hale, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kahlenberg, Richard D.

Starr, Jason.
    Tough Luck.
    La Vergne : Polis Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Corbett, Steve.

Storms, Sam.

Reed, Claire.

O'Hanlon, Michael E.

Falco, Ed.
    Lakewood, CO : Unbridled Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Brodskaya, Nathalia.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Irving, Washington.

Mundt, Jörn W.

Schillat, Monika.

Zinnes, Clifford F.

Clavin, Matthew J.

Westin, Boel.

Cotrina, Anibal.

Rudolph, Thomas.

Kloppenberg, James T.

Watkins, M.

Lutterbie, J.

Dholakia, N.

Seib, Philip.

Rieder, Travis N.

Webb, Marcia.

Turman, Eboni Marshall.

Chung, Duck-Koo.

Baumol, William J.

Associés, Richter - Dahl Rocha &.

Irr, Caren.

Ashley, Mike.

Banyard, Victoria L.

Eschweiler, Jennifer.

Frame, Janet.

Hedges, Paul.

Moothart, Ryan C.
    Towards Cascadia.
    Minneapolis : Publish Green, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Taylor, Donald M.

Katsikas, Epameinondas.

Würl, Matthias.

Mawdudi, Sayyid Abul A'la.

Stiglitz, Joseph E.

Karacharovskiy, Vladimir V.

Griffiths, E.

Mio, C.

Windbergs, Maike.

Gauthier, Yvon.

Reilly, Michael.

Zwicker, Barrie.

Tiwari, P.

Lemelin, Roger.
    Town Below.
    Toronto : Dundurn, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Levy, Barry.

Williams, Thomas.
    Town Burning.
    La Vergne : Dzanc Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Webb, Simon.

Lofts, Norah.
    Town House.
    Stroud : The History Press, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

McMahon, Phillip.
    Town Is Dead.
    London : Oberon Books Ltd, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Robinson, Donald L.

Bird, Michael.

Nweke, Felix.

Kerouac, Jack.

Griffin, Patrick.

Epstein, Samuel S.

Sutton, Garrett.

Cantopher, Tim.

Yan, Zhenguang.

Baker, David J.

Haynes, Alison.

Galimberti, Gabriele.

Obara, Samuel.

Chapman, Tracy.

Savoy, Lauret.

Wang, Xinyuan.

Scanlan, Margaret.

Landon Jr., Michael.

Mariani, Lucio.
    Traces of Time.
    New York : Open Letter, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Moore, Susan T.

Raymond, Stuart A.

Starmans, Barbara J.

Joseph, Maia.

Dwivedi, Om Prakash.

Beer, Lawrence A.

Beer, Lawrence A.

Wells, Zachariah.
    Track & Trace.
    Emeryville : Biblioasis, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Withers, Pam.

Ferguson, Andy.

McDougall, Len.

Richie, Donald.

Wickman, Gino.

Jain, Hansa.

Mahrenbach, Laura.

Cellich, Claude.


Srivastava, Pradeep.

Sakurai, Kojiro.

Richter, Daniel K.

Bourquin, Tim.

Gibbon, Peter.

Amen, S.

Hauriou, Maurice.

Bruton, Jim.

Sagi, Avi.

Luong, Hy Van.

Yunupingu, Galarrwuy.

Hull, Brent.

Ma, Huidi.

McGrath, Henry.

Locher, Mira.

Pesterfield, Heidi.

Walker, Charlie.

Dainotti, Alberto.

Keeler, Ward.

Beres, Michael.
    Tulsa : Medallion Media Group, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Buckley, Matthew S.

Hamlin, W.

Sultan, Cathy.

Brame, Charlotte M.

Scheideman, Charles.

Kottman, Paul A.

Smith, Page.

Streeter, Caroline A.

Bushnell, Rebecca.

Forman, Valerie.

Allen, Jay Winthrop.

Grey, Zane.

Alberg, Lucas.

Halliday, Brett.

Rowell, Sarah.

Evans, Wanda.

Shah, Tahir.

Chapman, Brenda.

Frost, Adam.

Muravchik, Joshua.

Wilson, Hap.

Robinson, John W.

Brown, Ron.

Johnson-Weiner, Karen M.

Carswell, Sean.

Puzzler Media,.

Coleman, Nick.

Maraini, Dacia.
    Train to Budapest.
    London : Arcadia Books Limited, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Brand, Max.

Townsend, John.

Orlando, Marc.

Donovan, Paul.

Varenhorst, Barbara B.

Davies, Paul.

Biech, Elaine.

Briggs, Marc.

Thompson, Paul.

House, Steve.

Bartow, Arthur.

National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.

Passfield, Louis.

Hingley, David.
    La Vergne : Allison & Busby, 2018.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Thiranagama, Sharika.

Gnuse, Robert Karl.

Edwards Jr., D. Brent.

Mwanza Mujila, Fiston.
    Tram 83.
    La Vergne : Deep Vellum Publishing, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Green, Jo.

Henry, Declan.

McClellan, Joseph.

Gombrowicz, Witold.

Serano, Julia.

Ette, Ottmar.

Bhushan, Nalini.

Chiba, Shigeru.

Nguyen, Ngoc Thanh.

Hutchison, David.

Gavrilova, Marina L.

Hutchison, David.

Shi, Yun Q.

Hameurlain, Abdelkader.

Hutchison, David.

Norman, Will.

Nolte, Paul.

Vincent, Bernard.

Pohl, Robin.

Kurzweil, Ray.

O'Hara, Hunter.

Duchrow, U.

Kaplan, M.

Childs, John Brown.

Coulter, T.

West-Pavlov, Russell.

Gilsenan Nordin, Irene.

Hernandez, Felipe.

Filipovi?, J.

Landström, Catharina.

Scott, Jill.

Betts, Chris.
    Transdyne Awakening.
    Claygate : Grosvenor House Publishing, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Enke, Anne.

Vuletic, Ljiljana.

Schuster, Peter.

Townsend, John.

Nye, Naomi Shihab.
    Rochester : BOA Editions Ltd., 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Jonas, Wolfgang.

Stiftung, Bertelsmann.

Stiftung, Bertelsmann.

Stiftung, Bertelsmann.

Stiftung, Bertelsmann.

Stiftung, Bertelsmann.

Stiftung, Bertelsmann.

Stiftung, Bertelsmann.

Stiftung, Bertelsmann.

Stiftung, Bertelsmann.

Stiftung, Bertelsmann.

Wood, Jane.

Gvindadze, Dimitri.

McInnes, C.

Richmond, O.

Primeri, Emilia.

Dilley, Patrick.

Ramseyer, Valerie.

Ziaja, Wiesław.

Dyck, Harvey L.

Brower, Robert E.

Umble, Ronald N.

Kotler, Philip.

Nadesalingam, Nimalan.

Gildenhard, Ingo.

Avila, Maria.

Harris, J.

Cantwell, Michael F.

Tribble, J.

Tidball, Derek.

Shook, John R.

Dallalfar, A.

Briody, E.

Scott-Jackson, William.

Podobnik, Bruce.

Hayward, Fred.

Fujimura-Fanselow, Kumiko.

O'Neill, Patrick.

Prakash, Edmond C.

Waxler, Robert P.

Bern-Klug, Mercedes E.

Heywood, David.

Lord, Andy.

Johansson, Charity.

Parkinson, Rob.

Van den Bergh, Joachim.

Brainard, Lael.

Craig, Claire.

Hillyer, Christopher D.

Kermode, Jennie.

Phillips, J.

Cohen, Irun R.

Oldfield, Elizabeth F.

Gwynne, Joel.

Däwes, Birgit.

Freedman, Eric.

Shupak, Jamie.
    Transit Girl.
    New York : Polis Books, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Evans, Julian.

Metcalfe, Rowan.
    Transit of Venus.
    Wellington : Huia (NZ) Ltd, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hopkins, Robert.

Wu, Xiao-Feng.

Neumann, Eva.

Chamberlain, Shaun.

Quek, Karen Mui-Teng.

Inggs, Judith.

Terhalle, M.

Hardy, Julia.

Preysing, Domenica.

Ellis, Antonio L.

Lawson, Wenn B.

Foundation, Committee on Transition Toward Sustainability After 15 Years: Where Do We Stand in Advancing the Scientific.

Gardner, Scott.

Heffernan, Valerie.

Wolpert, Howard A.

Sarvi, Jouko.

Milevsky, Avidan.

Lehmann, Claudia.

Garcia, O.

Waters, Claire M.

Tyupa, Sergiy.

Estraikh, Gennady.

Cox, Victoria.

Collins, C. John.

Salama-Carr, Myriam.

Salinas, Mar�a-Jos� Varela.

Scott, Clive.

House, J.

Chantler, Ashley.

Ji, Meng.

Desjardins, Renée.

Quah, Chiew Kin, Dr.

Rudiger, Petra.

Tymoczko, Maria.

Kennedy, Leslie W.

Schuyler, Nina.

Canagarajah, Suresh.

Sukovic, Suzana.

Scolari, C.

Herrera, Yuri.

Maes, Nicholas.
    Toronto : Dundurn, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Dick, Jennifer.

Guidolin, Massimo.

Maud, Ralph.

Fernandes, Raoul.

Grace, N.

Marable, M.

Marciniak, K.

Jobs, R.

Decker, Christof.

Pickles, K.

Collet, Christian.

Sunier, Thijl.

Salim, Delmus Puneri.

Parker, Adele.

Wang, Chih-ming.

So, Richard Jean.

Bosworth, Barry P.

Ucko, David.

Geroulanos, Stefanos.

Sniegoski, Stephen J.

Meyer, Jens.

Whipple, Natalie.
    London : Hot Key Books, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Soltis, Andrew.

Nagnibeda, Ekaterina A.

Nagnibeda, Ekaterina A.

Gilbert, Richard.

Puglisi, Andrea.

Media, The Staff of Entrepreneur.

National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.

Hancock, Peter.

Hecht, S.

Fong, Rowena.

Russell, Gale.

Reynolds, B.

Reynolds, B.

Murphy, Dervla.

Velde, Rink van der.
    New York : The Permanent Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bower Young, Stephen.

Whitcroft, Isla.
    Dorking : Piccadilly Press, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Yount, John.

Miller, James R.

Davies, Jon.

Keeler, Greg.

Scheunemann, Pam.

Haines, Steve.

Van Dernoot Lipsky, Laura.

Hutchings, Sam D.

Alford, C. Fred.

Etherington, Kim.

Levine, Stephen K.

Härle, Dagmar.

Wanja Gitau, Lydia.

Healy, Joseph B.

Nye, Naomi Shihab.
    Travel Alarm.
    TX : Wings Press, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Agard, John.

Ng, Cindy.

Heine, Heinrich.
    Travel Pictures.
    New York : Archipelago Books, 2008.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Biase, Carmine G.Di.

Manguel, Alberto.

Sherwonit, Bill.

O'Reilly, James.

Liebersohn, Harry.

Jhabvala, Ruth Prawer.
    New York : Counterpoint, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Barich, Bill.

Mayfield, Todd.

Shilleto, Carl.

Cole, Robert.

Goldstein, Lisa.

Rankin, Ian.
    Travelling Companion.
    New York : Road, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gilbert, Virginia.

Grene, Nicolas.

Dabaghian, Karen.

Laxer, James.

Muir, John.

Muir, John.
    Travels in Alaska.
    Newburyport : Dover Publications, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

MacIntosh, Donald.

Sillitoe, Alan.

Wilkinson, Isambard.

Zuskina-Perelman, Alla.

Healy, Dermot.
    Travels of Sorrow.
    Oldcastle : The Gallery Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Shand, Mark.

Martin, Paul.

Carlon, Mick.

O'Hara, Mary.

Dooley, Aidan.

Perrin, Jim.

Waldie, Scott.

Waldie, Scott.

Harrington, Lee.

Williams, Liam.

Sibum, Norm.

Fasching-Varner, Kenneth J.

Duong, Lan P.

Sheehy, Bill.

Forsyth, Moira.
    Treacle Well.
    Dingwall : Sandstone Press Ltd, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Archer, Jules.

van Nierop, Henk.

Pryce-Jones, David.

Morgan, Winter.

Stevenson, Robert Louis.
    Treasure Island.
    La Vergne : Waverley Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Stevenson, Robert Louis.

Calle, Ramiro.

Corelli, Marie.

Phillips, Carla Rahn.

Lagerlof, Selma.
    Auckland : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Guru Rinpoche, Padmasambhava.

Furman, Gloria.

Ibn Daqiq al-'Id, Shaykh al-Islam.

Yasuda, Yuri.

Hochschuler, Stephen.

Davies, Julia.

Hills, Margaret.

DeBono, Jo.

Phillips, Chris.

Holman, C. T.

Gingrich, Heather Davediuk.

Postema, Gerald J.

Miller Jr., Fred D.

Luther, Martin.

Crimp, Martin.

Reece, Robert M.

Madden, Brendan.

Andrews, Gavin.

Soyer, Richard.

Buckley, Peter F.

Phinnemore, D.

Webb, Chris.

Suzuki, David.

Teskey, Benjamin J.E.

Springbett, Harriet.
    Tree Magic.
    La Vergne : Impress Books, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gale, Patrick.

Caudill, Rebecca.
    Tree of Freedom.
    New York : Open Road Media Teen & Tween, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Ronchi, Claudio.

Merrill, Christopher.

Sillitoe, Alan.

Martin, Roger.

Russo, Monica.

Sullivan, Michael.

Cuneo, Anne.

Akiyama, Jin.

Teicher, Craig Morgan.
    Trembling Answers.
    Rochester : BOA Editions Ltd., 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Whitney, Phyllis A.
    Trembling Hills.
    Newburyport : Open Road Media Romance, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kjaer, A.

Rego, R.

Kerns, C.

Olivares-Tirado, Pedro.

McCarthy, Jay.

Panych, Morris.
    Vancouver : Talonbooks, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

    La Vergne : Floris Books, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bank, Asian Development.

Ostrom, Brian J.

McClintock, Norah.

Burg, Mike.

Gawthrop, Daniel.

Lewis, Janet.

Messer-Kruse, T.

Grigoriadis, I.

Souhami, Diana.

Greenwald, Richard.

Holman, John.
    Triangle Ray.
    Westland : Dzanc Books, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hoggard, James.

Murphy, T. J.

Trew, Steve.

McRae, Mike.

Pappas, George Christian.

Mandell, Daniel R.

Raine, Nina.

Bang, Peter Fibiger.

Lederer, Richard.

Renner, Ellen.
    London : Hot Key Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Collins, Sophie.

Dembicki, Matt.

Fradkin, Barbara.

Korotov, K.

(U.S.), Joint History Office.
    Trident Conference.
    Washington, D. C. : United States Government Printing Office, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Poole, Steven.
    Trigger Happy.
    : Arcade Publishing, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Knopf, Karl.

Maor, Eli.

Filey, Mike.

Allen-Agostini, Lisa.
    Trinidad Noir.
    New York : Akashic Books, 2008.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

White, Mike.

McGuinness, Katy.

Balfour, Sebastian.

Anizor, Uche.

Layden, Sarah.

Dixon, Glenn.

    Tristan's Quest.
    La Vergne : G2 Rights Ltd, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Griffiths, Jay.

Wilson, Diana.

Redner, Harry.

Tilman, H.W.

Bjarnason, Dan.

Degen, Robert.

Reitan, Eric.

Bonansinga, Jay.

Barr, Robert.

Robinson, Martin.

Robinson, Martin.

Cather, Willa.

Howard, Tony.

del Toro, Guillermo.
    London : Hot Key Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Reisman, Nancy.

Tielkes, Eric.

Korhonen, Kuisma.

Greenbaum, Andrea.

Cunningham, Ted.

Warren, William.

Strange, Morten.

Inglis, Kim.

Inglis, Kim.

Reyes, Elizabeth.

Whitten, Jane.

Dickie, Madelaine.
    Chicago : Fremantle Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Trosley, George.

Day, Peter.

Keen, Will.

Sheriff, Jack.

Dowell, Roseanne.

Burke, Declan.

Groves, Harold Martin.

Charman, Katrina.

MacKinnon, Dean F.

Cheverton, Mark.

Pyle, Don.

Tromly, Stephanie.

Barton, Bob.

Austin, Derrick.
    Trouble the Water.
    New York, NY : BOA Editions Ltd., 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Glazebrook, Olivia.

Micallef, Shawn.

Philpott, Lachlan.

Segal, Julia.

Hitchcock, Fleur.

Baker, Houston A.

Gerrold, David.

Walter, Mildred Pitts.
    Trouble's Child.
    New York : Open Road Media Teen & Tween, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lansky, Vicki.

Finnane, Kieran.
    Chicago : University of Queensland Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Wailoo, Keith.

Ramirez-Ferrero, Eric.

Edy, Jill A.

Lee, Chae-Jin.

Missbach, Antje.

Ostermueller, Erik.

Antognini, Christian.

Stanford, Ashley.

Egerton, Peter.

Schauland, Derek.

Urbano, Magno.

McFedries, Paul.

Vasey, Paul.

Dawson, Peter.

Vila, Pablo.

Purdon, Leslie.

Raymaker, Darryl.

Pires, Jacinto Lucas.
    True Actor.
    La Vergne : Dzanc Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Mahaney, Carolyn.
    True Beauty.
    Wheaton, IL : Crossway, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Fisher, Sydney George.

Weiss, Dick.

Brouwer, Sigmund.
    True Blue.
    Victoria : Orca Book Publishers, 2018.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Cellucci, Lucy Lemay.
    True Colours.
    Toronto : Dundurn, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Brooks, Martha.

Iraola, Antton Egiguren.

Farrar, Steve.

Gutkind, Lee.

Venstra, Elizabeth.

Ford, Peter.

Chrisman, Sarah A.

Holdforth, Lucinda.

Defoe, Daniel.

Dolan, Frances E.



Johnston, J. Phillips L.

Backderf, Derf.
    True Stories #1.
    New York, NY : Alternative Comics, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Matthews, Carolyn.

Gutkind, Lee.

Custalow, Dr. Linwood "Little Bear".

Faiz, Faiz Ahmed.

Mansouri, Lotfi.

David, Anna.

Roberts, Vaughan.
    True Worship.
    Crownhill : Authentic Media, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Morrison, Dane A.

Dangar, Adrian.

Maddox, Marjorie.

Russell, Alexei Maxim.

Brown, Heloise.

Lomas, David.

Simpson, Catherine.
    Dingwall : Sandstone Press Ltd, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Wilcott, Becca.

Wainstock, Dennis D.

Kivisto, Peter.

Wilson, John K.

O'Brien, Timothy.

Gessie, Dean.
    Brownsville : Anaphora Literary Press, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Strassle, Thomas.

Brownback, Lydia.

Mäkelä, Pekka.

Seldon, Anthony.

Jensen, Keld.

Wulfsohn, Michael.

Leek, Gordon G.

Hammond, Dr Phil.

Sawyer, Meryl.
    Trust No One.
    New York : Open Road Media Romance, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Trček, Denis.

Huth, Michael.

Hutchison, David.

Kjaernes, U.

Furnell, Steven.

Monty, David A.

Clare, A.

Palamidessi, Catuscia.

Becker Holstein, Barbara.

Hood-Caddy, Karen.

Kopel, David B.

Owen, RJ.

Curran, Robert.

Von der Lippe, Angela.

Reid, Iain.

Gillies, Donald John.

Johnson, Charles C.

Bakiner, Onur.

Mudaly, Neerosh.

Bunn, Geoffrey C.

Anderson, Ryan T.

Miller, Frances A.
    Truth Trap.
    New York : Open Road Distribution, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lee, P.

Eischeid, Susan.

Stenebo, Johan.

Chaddick, Tim.

Toussaint, Jean-Philippe.
    Truth about Marie.
    Normal, IL : Columbia University Press, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Smith, R. Scott.

Settle, Mark.

Okawa, Ryuho.

Follis, Bryan A.

Burgess, Alexis.
    Princeton : Princeton University Press, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Butcher, Kristin.

Butcher, Kristin.

Owen, James P.

Deppman, Jed.

de Noya, Belkisyolé.

Pagano, Emmanuelle.
    La Vergne : Two Lines Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Fogtdal, Peter H.
    Tsar's Dwarf.
    New York : Hawthorne Books, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Fugard, Athol.

Williams, Thomas.

Macwhirter, Iain.

Myracle, Lauren.

Myracle, Lauren.

Grace, Patricia.
    Wellington : Huia (NZ) Ltd, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

MacIntyre, Martin.

Tucci, Damon.

Hunt, A.

Urbina, Cecilia.

Minkus, Kim.
    Toronto : BookThug, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Villacorta, Wilmer G.

Pritchard, Sarah.

Li, Jiangshan.

Leinders, Jeroen.

Loizeaux, William.
    Tumble Inn.
    Syracuse : Syracuse University Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Chapman, Brenda.

Dasher, Courtney.

Wiens, Alex.

Wülbern, Jan Hendrik.

Jones, Stan.
    Tundra Kill.
    Chicago : Bowhead Press, LLC, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Latham, Donna.
    Vermont : Nomad Press, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Goldmark, Daniel.

Pinnell, Ian.
    Tuning to Win.
    Havertown : Fernhurst Books, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Abadi, Jacob.

Garelli, Glenda.

Richards, Jass.

Nance, John J.
    New York : Open Road Media Mystery & Thriller, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Greenberg, Edward S.
    New Haven : Yale University Press, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

McIntosh, Ronald.

Giddens, Anthony.

Agar, Jon.

Nachmani, Amikam.

Ahmad, Feroz.

Başkan, Birol.

Yildirim, Binali.

Kalaycioglu, E.

Csató, Éva Á.

Conant-Park, Jessica.
    Turn Up the Heat.
    New York : Open Road Media Mystery & Thriller, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Martin, James.

Hibbs, Jack.

Murray, Alan.
    Glasgow : Freight Books, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Shanes, Eric.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Compston, H.

Galef, David.
    Turning Japanese.
    Newburyport : The Permanent Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Price, Lee.

Chace, Daniella.

Frederick, Sarah.

Rigler, Michelle.

Davis, S.

Jeremiah, David.

Jeremiah, David.
    Turning Toward Joy.
    Colorado Springs : David C. Cook, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gaddis, Mike.

Hornbaker, Tim.

Hamilton-Honey, Emily.

Chomsky, Noam.

Sageman, Marc.

Brumbaugh, Julia.

Lal, Brij V.

Turpinn, Jim.

Hussein, Aamer.
    London : Saqi, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Watt-Evans, Lawrence.

Chin, Tiffani.

Shadeg, Norbert.

Publishing, Tuttle.

Publishing, Tuttle.

Dong, Li.

Dong, Li.

Davidsen, Katherine.

Samuel, Martin E.

Giuong, Phan Van.

Sutjaja, I Gusti Made.

Dong, Li.

Kramer,Sr., A.L.N.

Martin, Samuel E.

Giuong, Phan Van.

Dong, Li.

Hoa , Nguyen Dinh.

Hibbs, Linda.

De Mente, Boye Lafayette.

Stout, Timothy G.

Armitage, Laura.

Dong, Li.

Park, Kyubyong.

Matthews, Alison.

Lee, Philip Yungkin.

Davidsen, Katherine.

Shimada, Yuki.

Goh, Nancy.

Barmé, Scot.

Giuong, Phan Van.

Publishing, Tuttle.

Publishing, Tuttle.

Hibbs, Linda.

Stout, Timothy G.

Armitage, Laura.

Gasmen, Imelda Fines.

Dong, Li.

Davidsen, Katherine.

Martin, Samuel E.

Park, Kyubyong.

Giuong, Phan Van.

Gasmen, Imelda Fines.

Greenway, Paul.

Ostheimer, Simon.

Hoffman, Linda.

Goss, Rob.

Algie, Jim.

Perkins, Kevin John.
    Guildford : Grosvenor House Publishing, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Levy, Scott.

Van Young, Sayre.

Idle, Nadia.

Shakespeare, William.

Donaldson_Yarmey, Joan.

Maldon, Dee.

Gienger, Michael.

Sasportas, Howard.

Selby, Saul.

Nowinski, Joseph.

B., Hamilton.

Hamilton, Tim.

L., Elisabeth.


Hirschfield, Jerry.

Segal, Gabriel M. A.

Northup, Solomon.

Northup, Solomon.



Zweig, Eric.

Kwun, Aileen.

Verne, Jules.

Dumas, Alexandre.

Carr, E.H.

Grant-Thomas, Andrew.

Tsuboi, Sakae.
    Twenty-Four Eyes.
    North Clarendon : Tuttle Publishing, 2007.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Saucier, Jocelyne.

Paul, Greg.

O'Reilly, Andrea.

Pyne, Daniel.

Mathews, Jolly J.
    Twice Upon a Life.
    New Delhi : Vij Books India Private Limited, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Thomson-Swift, Joe.

Lindsay, Sarah.

Elyot, Kevin.

Peebles, Curtis.

Rubin, Steven Jay.

Archibald, David.

Zerzan, John.

Couperus, Louis.

Schaper, Julie.

Bannister, Roger.

Bakker, Gerbrand.
    New York : Archipelago Books, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Piontelli, A.

Starr, Jason.
    Twisted City.
    La Vergne : Polis Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Walford, Frank.
    Twisted Clay.
    Cromer : Salt Publishing Limited, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Jolliff, William.

Wei€, Christian.

Cramer, John.
    New York : Dover Publications, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kumar, Shamanth.

Zhu, Ying.

Lemle, Elise.

Ferrari, Giuseppe Franco.

Palmer, William J.
    Two Cities.
    Brownsville : Anaphora Literary Press, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Musser, Elizabeth.

Musser, Elizabeth.

Segal, Hugh.

Le Vann, Kate.

Köhlmeier, Michael.

Gaudet, Elisa.

Gaudet, Elisa.

Yang Ke, Yang.

Halliday, Fred.

Trudeau, Pierre Elliot.

Lucas, Caroline.

Ferreiro-Esteban, Carmen Ferreiro-Esteban.

Brooks, Martha.

Tilman, H.W.

Griffin, Daniel.
    Two Roads Home.
    Calgary : Freehand Books, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Cullen, Carmen.

Cruz, Nilo.

Simpson, Matthew J.

Richter-Ushanas, Egbert.

Musser, Elizabeth.

Leigh Vaughan, Sandra.

Stipe, Michael.

Darwin, Bethan.
    Two Times Twenty.
    Ceredigion : Honno Press, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Baker, Alan.

Reekes, Andrew.

Klein, Zachary.
    Two Way Toll.
    New York : Polis Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kinzel, Lesley.

El Saadawi, Nawal.

Dana, Richard Henry.

Hoffman, Allen.
    Two for the Devil.
    New York : Abbeville Publishing Group, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Page, Kathy.
    Two of Us.
    La Vergne : Biblioasis, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Guttridge, Peter.

Halliday, Brett.
    Two-Gun Rio Kid.
    New York : Open Road Media, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bough, B. Bonin.

Messer-Kruse, T.

Association, American Diabetes.

Barrier, Phyllis.

Novak, Marko.

Hasegawa, Masahito.

Pitt, Christopher.

Shahraz, Qaisra.
    London : Arcadia Books Limited, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Silverman, David.

DeNiro, Alan.

Bruckner, Pascal.

Sommers, Evelyn.

Waldfogel, Joel.

Bishin, Benjamin G.

Wright, Eddie.

Wright, Eddie.

Chessex, Jacques.
    London : Bitter Lemon Press, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Rumsey, Deborah J.
    U Can.
    : Wiley, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Sterling, Mary Jane.
    U Can.
    : Wiley, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Vause, Jordan.

Air Force, United States.



Mooney, Carla.

Arnheim, Michael.

Founding Fathers, The American.

Brennan, Stephen.

Chew, Donald H.

Stein-Smith, Kathleen.

Shupe, Scott.

Cutler, Thomas J.

O'Hara, Vincent.

Deuster, Patricia A.

Deuster, Patricia A.

Fox, Gerald T.

Inoguchi, T.

Wrathall, Mark A.

McKay, Everett N.

Gee, Paul.

Cooper, Philip Lynch, Paul Fairclough and Toby.

Todd, John.

Akonor, Kwame.

Kaz, Donna.

Pandey, Amita.

Razeq, Z.

Sievert, Jane.

Pogue, Chris.

Williams, Ian.

Rinfret, S.

Bennett, Anthony J.

Pant, H.

Lugg, C.

Fletcher, Marjorie.
    Farmington : Alice James Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Temple, Johnny.

Guy, USA Soccer.

Michno, Gregory F.

Robier, Johannes.

Ritter, Marli.
    UX for the Web.
    Birmingham : Packt Publishing, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Schneider, Henrique.

Andrews, Peter.

Atzmueller, Martin.

Jarry, Alfred.

Seelig, Adam.

Jarry, Alfred.

Miller, Brian.

Campisi, Stephanie.
    Ugly Dumpling.
    New York : Mighty Media, Inc., 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Ferrentino, Lindsey.

Shogaito, Masahiro.

Klevenhaus, Michael.

Murphy, Dervla.

Pelly, David F.

Dragneva-Lewers, R.

Kuzio, Taras.

Beck, Ulrich.

Pruitt, George.

Braun, Pam.

Ricker, Audrey.

Buffington, James.

Press, Entrepreneur.

Press, Entrepreneur.

Nagai, Gordon Hideaki.

Kramer, Anne.

Philpott, Lindsey.

Minkoff, David.

Sugar, Bert Randolph.

Pease, Allan.

Kenemore, Scott.

Grand, Tamara.

Ferrell, Mike.

Buchanan, Eugene.

Carter, Belinda.

Moon, Shawn D.

Detz, Jeanine.

Arnstein, Zack.

Crowfoot, Jane.

Silverman, Eric J.

Stovall, Jim.

Stovall, Jim.

Tanabe, Gen.

Tanabe, Gen.

Tanabe, Gen.

Tanabe, Gen.

Marshall, Perry.

Marshall, Perry.

Spadaccini, Michael.

Marshall, Perry.

Marshall, Perry.

Spadacini, Michael.

Woodard, Eric.

Ward, Eric.

Prodromou, Ted.

Prodromou, Ted.

Marshall, Perry.

Books, Triumph.

Books, Triumph.

Rognerud, Jon.

Stokes, Richard.

Stokes, Richard.

Gentry, Mike.

Leland, Karen.

Keller, Wendy.

Beuke, Mary Beth.

Rognerud, Jon.

Ferrara, Guillermo.

Sapp, Rick.

Robillard, Jason.

McCullough, Jay.

McPherson, John.

Rich, Jason R.

Driscoll, Jeff.

Randolph, Dave.

Brown, Collins &.

Brant, Sharon.

Spadaccini, Michael.

Miniter, Frank.

Rigden, Scott.

Root, Wayne Allyn.

Randolph, Dave.

LaFosse, Michael G.

Cassell, Jay.

Clayton, Marie.

Einstein, Albert.

Waldron, Lamar.

Kendall, Miles.

Tanabe, Gen.


Tanabe, Gen.

Tanabe, Gen.

Tanabe, Gen.

Stephenson, James.

Irwin, William.

Holmlund, Chris.

Alton, Joseph.

Miller, Megan.,.

Yuen, Wayne.

Campbell, John W.
    Ultimate Weapon.
    Auckland : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Valsecchi , Patrizia.

Rohmer, Richard.
    Ultimatum 2.
    Toronto : Dundurn, 2007.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Ashokkumar, Muthupandian.

Hershenson, Herbert.

Von Denffer, Ahmad.

Mouritsen, Ole G.

Jufresa, Laia.
    North Clarendon : Oneworld Publications, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Fischer Guy, Christine.
    Umbrella Mender.
    Toronto : Wolsak and Wynn Publishers Ltd, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Stanley, Mary.
    Umbrella Tree.
    Dublin : New Island Books, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lessing, Hanns.

Mullen, Bill V.

Lowery, Charles.
    Un-American Acts.
    Rotterdam : SensePublishers, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Nielsen, Desiree.

Kamusella, Tomasz.

wind, chris.
    Sundridge : Magenta, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Brittz, Hettie.

Hill, Sandra.

Dever, Mark.

Longhurst, C.A.

Palmer, Sean.

Nunn, Kem.

Driver, Ciaran.

Shin, Sun Yung.

Bird, Isabella L.

Coker, Cheo Hodari.

Brierley, Justin.

Singh, Kathleen Dowling.

Bartel, Heike.
    Unbinding Medea.
    London : Taylor and Francis, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Melancon, Trimiko.

Currier, Richard L.

Fennell, Lee Anne.

Regupathy, Rajaram.

Baehler, James R.

Guerin, Dava.

Ortega, Tony.

Smith, Dale.

White, Stephanie.

Osbaldeston, Mark.

Osbaldeston, Mark.

Osbaldeston, Mark.

Mindenhall, Dorothy.

Weschler, Lawrence.

Jordan, William Chester.

Osborn, Carolyn.
    Uncertain Ground.
    San Antonio, TX : Wings Press, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Tate, June.
    Uncertain Heart.
    London : Allison & Busby, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Youngs, Richard.

Benito, Jesus.

Goldstein, Lisa.
    Uncertain Places.
    San Francisco : Tachyon Publications, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Boer, Inge E.

Barthalon, Eric.

Packer, Andrew.

Norton, Andre.
    Uncharted Stars.
    New York : Open Road Media Sci-Fi & Fantasy, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bush, Richard C.

Apfel, Kenneth S.

Schwarz Jr., Frederick A.O.

Verdeja, Ernesto.

Salaita, Steven.

Milne, Gustav.

Post, Melville Davisson.

Institute, Bathroom Readers'.

Institute, Bathroom Readers'.

Society, Bathroom Readers' Hysterical.

Institute, Bathroom Readers'.

Institute, Bathroom Readers'.

Institute, Bathroom Readers'.

Institute, Bathroom Readers'.

Institute, Bathroom Readers'.

Institute, Bathroom Readers'.

Society, Bathroom Readers' Hysterical.

Institute, Bathroom Readers'.

Institute, Bathroom Readers'.

Institute, Bathroom Readers'.

Institute, Bathroom Readers'.

Institute, Bathroom Readers'.

Institute, Bathroom Readers'.

Institute, Bathroom Readers'.

Institute, Bathroom Readers'.

Institute, Bathroom Readers'.

Institute, Bathroom Readers'.

Institute, Bathroom Readers'.

Institute, Bathroom Readers'.

Institute, Bathroom Readers'.

Institute, Bathroom Readers'.

Institute, Bathroom Readers'.

Institute, Bathroom Readers'.

Institute, Bathroom Readers'.

Institute, Bathroom Readers'.

Institute, Bathroom Readers'.

Institute, Bathroom Readers'.

Institute, Bathroom Readers'.

Institute, Bathroom Readers'.

Institute, Bathroom Readers'.

Institute, Bathroom Readers'.

Institute, Bathroom Readers'.

Institute, Bathroom Readers'.

Institute, Bathroom Readers'.

Institute, Bathroom Readers'.

Institute, Bathroom Readers'.

Institute, Bathroom Readers'.

Institute, Bathroom Readers'.

Institute, Bathroom Readers'.

Institute, Bathroom Readers'.

Institute, Bathroom Readers'.

Institute, Bathroom Readers'.

Institute, Bathroom Readers'.

Institute, Bathroom Readers'.

Scalzi, John Michael.

Institute, Bathroom Readers'.

Institute, Bathroom Readers'.

Institute, Bathroom Readers'.

Institute, Bathroom Readers'.

Institute, Bathroom Readers'.

Institute, Bathroom Readers'.

Institute, Bathroom Readers'.

Institute, Bathroom Readers'.

Institute, Bathroom Readers'.

Elliott, Douglas J.

Prashad, Vijay.

Frick, John W.

Stowe, Harriet Beecher.
    Uncle Tom's Cabin.
    Berkeley : Thunder Bay Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Henson, Josiah.

Chekhov, Anton.

Reiss, Anya.
    Uncle Vanya.
    London : Oberon Books Ltd, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Nutting, Alissa.

Salvato, Nick.

Goodchild, Christopher.

Thomas, R.S.
    Uncollected Poems.
    Tyne and Wear : Bloodaxe Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Marcos, Subcomandante.

Dickens, Charles.

Majavu, Mandisi.

Rinpoche, Dzigar Kongtrul.
    Uncommon Happiness.
    Hong Kong : Rangjung Yeshe Publications, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

DeKornfeld, Thomas J.
    Uncommon Life.
    Budapest : Corvina, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Plekon, Michael.

Nicholson, Catherine.

Levin, Marvin E.

Chaddock, Katherine Reynolds.

Rand, Ayn.

Mauri, Giancarlo.

Markovits, Andrei S.

Fairhurst, Rosy.

Tobey, Cheryl Rose.

Estraikh, Gennady.

Young, Jes.
    Douglas : MP Publishing, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Steidel, Dave.

Whyte, Kenneth.

Bolin, Ylva Sjögren.

Hunt, Marsha.
    : Greystone Books, a division of D&M, 2006.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bankes, Liz.
    Dorking : Piccadilly Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Doloughan, Neil.

Tarantino, Bob.

Tarantino, Bob.

Beaver, William.

Anderson, Steve.

Gaiman, Neil.

Dawson, James.
    Under My Skin.
    London : Hot Key Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Christie, Sean.

Martin, Randy.


Cody, H. A.

Khalidi, Rashid.

Groys, Boris.

Stack, Allyson.

Ewens, David R.
    Under The Radar.
    Claygate : Grosvenor House Publishing, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Busqued, Carlos.

Paul, Bart.

Souder, William.

Wakefield, Dan.

Fredrickson, Caroline.

Pétel, Gilles.

Sutherland, Suzanne.

Gerrold, David.

Conlon-McKenna, Marita.

Mi, Ai.

Oxenham, Gwendolyn.

Kingsley, Kate.

Gill, Nav K.

Silvis, Randall.

Ben Hamada, Kamal.

Rule, Andrew.

O'Hare, William P.

Brennan, Gerard.

Volker, Leslie.

Wong , Rita.
    : Harbour Publishing, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lewin, Michael Z.
    New York : Open Road Media Mystery & Thriller, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Prell, Michael.

Felten, Peter.

Robinson, James W.

Makagon, Daniel.

Orner, Peter.

Meyers, Robin.

Forbes, Anne.
    Underground City.
    Edinburgh : Floris Books, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

de Tarde, Gabriel.
    Underground Man.
    New York : Dover Publications, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Stalter-Pace, Sunny.

Shadd, Adrienne.

Still, William.

Kernot, Sharon.

Peet, Preston.

O'Brien, Gayle.
    London : Bookline & Thinker, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Conlogue, Bill.

Lippard, Lucy R.

Madden, Finbar.

Richer, Margaret.

Thompson, Mel.

Thompson, Mel.

Ward, Glenn.

Jones, Carole Bryan.

Ross, Stewart.

Bergese, Rebecca.

Maroni, Lesley.

Aves, Corinne.

Youell, Biddy.

Burton, John.

Westfall, Peter.

Walker, S.

Draper, Brian.

Kearney, Albert J.

Pierangelo, Roger.

Prior, Vivien.

Foster, Clarissa.

James, Ian Andrew.

James, Ian Andrew.

Kunjufu, Jawanza.

Whalley, Lawrence J.

Baum, Daniel J.

Baum, Daniel J.

Coleman, C. Norman.

Brown-Wilson, Christine.

Hall, Brian.

Nilsson, Fredrik.

Lesieur, Ph.D., Harry L.

Prozorov, S.

Kuperberg, Scott B.

Kurtz, Lisa A.

Loughran, Hilda.

Miller, Michael Craig.

Meeking, Daryl.

Savage, Tim.

Berry, D.

Shemmings, David.

Emmett, David.

Emerson, Jane.

Boon, Maureen.

Sengupta, Jati.

Jackson, Shelly L.

Ryken, Leland.

Nolan, Virginia.

Cohen, Steven.

Mindick, Nancy L.

Pinkerton, John.

Catterick, Maria.

Carvajal, Isabel Fernández.

Field, Julaine E.

Mihut, Georgiana.

Williams, Connie Hamner.

Aziz, Shahid.

Mihut, Georgiana.

Cooke, Jo.

Noftsinger, J.

Jacobsen, Paula.

Murphy, P. Karen.

Adler, Alfred.

Platt, Lucinda.

Adams, Carol.

Firth, Graham.

Spangler, Eve.

Haghirian, Parissa.

Williams, Peter S.

Coiacetto, Eddo.

Nicholas, Libby.

Kerr, Diana.

Carr, Brian I.

Guishard-Pine, Jeune.

Buckingham, Robert W.

Kilgore, James.

Love, Steve.

Thero, Daniel, P.

Menache, Alberto.

Ballmann, Bastian.

Greene, John.

Shearar, Cheryl.

Lack, Caleb.

Sciore, Edward.

Howell, Andrew J.

Christie, Phil.

Dente, Bruno.

Kelly, Stewart E.

Piotrowski, Przemysaw.

Melissen, Jan.

Reebye, Pratibha.

Partridge, Martyn R.

Bosetti, Lynn.

Emmons, Polly Godwin.

Kanat-Alexander, Max.

Emmett, David.

Fincham, B.

Grand, Stephen R.

Kristeva, Julia.

Hunt, Nigel.

Stephens Griffin, Nathan.

Fagan, Livingstone.

Ryan, Mary.

Savage, Tim.

Burns, Jim.

Bartram, Pamela.

Siskin, John.

El-Salhy, Magdy.

Miller, Jeffrey A.

Chown, Nick.

Arterburn, Stephen.

Arterburn, Stephen.

Datta, S.

Sicherer, Scott H.

Graycar, A.

Zaleski, Kristen.

Bauman, Margaret L.

Babiker, Gloria.

Nicholson, Lawrence A.

Fusari, Angelo.

Tobocman, Seth.

Mitsopoulos, M.

Myers, Jeff.

Weidenfeld, Werner.

Myers, Jeff.

Bebbington, Anne.

De La Torre, Manuel.

Lindsey, Brink.

Gieve, S.

Brännback, Malin.

American Academy of Pediatrics, The.

Ritvo, Edward R.

Hussein, Mahmoud.

Scotland, Thomas.

Myers, Jeff.

Greenaway, R.M.

Bukiet, Melvin Jules.
    New York : Abrams, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lauer, Chris.

McKinnon, Jennifer F.

Gates, Larry.

Munn, Maria.

Robertson-Brown, Nick.

Monsell, Mary Elise.
    Newburyport : Albert Whitman & Company, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Chong, Ping.

Cammaert, Jessica.

Emigh, Rebecca Jean.

Graff, Harvey J.

King, Brian.
    Undiscovered Dundee.
    Edinburgh : Black & White Publishing, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

de la Roche, Mazo.

Cornish, Carol W.

Silliman, Jael.

Longazel, Jamie.

Steyn, Mark.

Walia, Harsha.

Colapinto, John.
    Undone : A Novel.
    New York, NY : Soft Skull Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gitlin, Todd.

Shaughnessy, Edward L.

Smith, Magdalen.

Zonderman, David A.

Fingar, Thomas.

Watson, M.

Taylor, Scott.

Musick, Janet.

Roberts, David Thomas.
    Minneapolis : Defiance Press & Publishing LLC, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Carley, Michael John.

Levine-Clark, M.

Chacon, Daniel.

Ormiston, Lara S.

Bowles, Samuel.

Lindert, Peter H.

Jaumont, Fabrice.

Hayes, Jerry.

Wise, Carol.

Curtis, Abi.

Munroe, David.

Munroe, David.

Clark, Jerome.

Gait, Paul.
    Unexploded Love.
    La Vergne : Grosvenor House Publishing, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kriegel, Jessica.

McDowell, Lesley.

Pollack, Kenneth M.

Bayoumi, Tamim.

Bentz, Rob.

Le Blanc, Paul.

Anderson, Douglas.

Frank, Miriam.

Morris, Kenneth E.

Fraihat, Ibrahim.

Blackwell, Elise.
    Unfinished Score.
    Lakewood, CO : Unbridled Books, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hill, Nancy.

Hofsess, Brooke A.

Stewart, Phillip.
    Unfolding Islam.
    Yarmouth : Garnet Publishing (UK) Ltd, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Stewart, P.J.
    Unfolding Islam.
    Reading : Garnet Publishing, 2008.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Eastwood, Michael.

Sawyer, Meryl.
    New York : Open Road Media Romance, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Francis, Clare.
    Newburyport : Open Road Media Mystery & Thriller, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Obradovic, Julie.

Choudry, Aziz.

McArthur, Shallee.

Chancer, Lynn.

Stoecker, Randy.

Malkin, Michelle.

Findorff, E J.
    St. Charles : Medallion Media Group, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kaye, Darby.
    Unholy Blue.
    Elmwood Park : Spence City, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Ronco, Dan.
    Unholy Domain.
    Orangeville : Kunati Inc., 2008.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Cato, Joyce.
    Unholy Shame.
    London : Robert Hale, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

John, Alan.

Creasy, Mark.

Shapiro, Susan.

Hartlep, Nicholas D.

Breen, Steve.

Lawrie, Ian D.

Miller, Andrew.

Loy, Tim.

Degen, John.
    Uninvited Guest.
    La Vergne : Harbour Publishing, 2006.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Macardle, Dorothy.
    La Vergne : Tramp Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bräutigam, Michael.

Chaison, Gary.

Rabbih, Ibn 'Abd.

Brabazon, Tara.

Rafters, Frank.

Duncan, Christopher.

Law, Denis.

Meagher, Kevin.

Staff, UMPH Methodist Publication.

MacQueen, Norrie.

Baehr, P.


Perkins, Christopher.

Administration, Records.

Marolda, Edward J.

Kimball, Warren F.

Strohm, Christiane.

Wright, Steven.

Biggers, Jeff.

Engelhardt, Tom.

Canty, Daniel.

Kerr, Kevin.
    Unity (1918).
    Vancouver : Talonbooks, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Palacios, Jorge.

Blackman, Sue.

Arditti, Michael.
    London : Arcadia Books Limited, 2005.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Laverdure, Bertrand.

Gibney, Mark.

Chapman, David L.

Ibn 'Arabi, Muhyiddin.

Gennawey, Sam.

Clegg, Brian.

Mainzer, Klaus.

Somerville, Patrick.

Falk, Dan.

Campbell, James.

Diner, Steven J.

Rudy, Alan P.

Backhaus, Jürgen Georg.

Ghazvinei, Pezhman Taherei.

Babyesiza, Akiiki.

Tiede, Hans-Joerg.

Stagars, Manuel.

Rodin, Judith.

Deem, Rosemary.

Hoxie, Frederick E.

Wallace, Tom.

Wallace, Tom.

Goldenbach, Alan.

Levy, David W.

Lenzen, Dieter.

Collins, Christopher S.

Colvin, Ian.

Monk Daschke, Adam.

Hoyle, Arthur.

Hoyle, Arthur.

Tanitch, Robert.
    Unknown James Dean.
    : Pavilion Books Company Limited, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Leonard, Peter.

Cody, H. A.
    Unknown Wrestler.
    Auckland : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Pirner, Hans J.

Lukianoff, Greg.

Kelman, Steven.

Hicks, Donald L.

Vossen, Gottfried.

Irwin, John T.

Klein, Edward.

McCardell, Mike.

Butcher, Alan D.

Mackay, Janis.

Levin, Susan.

Cooper, Catherine.

Howard, Paul.

Guy, Laurence.

McLaughlin, Gregory C.

Walsh, Taylor.

Goldsmith, Stephen.

Finzel, Hans.

Franks, Alan.
    Unmade Roads.
    London : Muswell Press, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Shelden, Ashley T.

Buckley Jr., William F.

Gregory, D.

Moraveck, C.

Loewenstein, Laurie.
    Brooklyn : Akashic Books, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Blackwell, Elise.

Card, Claudia.

Roeder, Mark.

Reynolds, Henry.
    Unnecessary Wars.
    Sydney, NSW : University of New South Wales Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gelman, Judy.

Sehlinger, Bob.

Donovan, Sally.

Mackin, Bob.

Banks, Kerry.

Sehlinger, Bob.

Sehlinger, Bob.

Sehlinger, Bob.

Sehlinger, Bob.

Sehlinger, Bob.

Sehlinger, Bob.

Sehlinger, Bob.

Blair, Beth.

Kubersky, Seth.

Sehlinger, Bob.

Sehlinger, Bob.

Sehlinger, Bob.

Sehlinger, Bob.

Sehlinger, Bob.

Sehlinger, Bob.

Sehlinger, Bob.

Zibart, Eve.

Zibart, Eve.

Testa, Len.

Testa, Len.

Testa, Len.

Sehlinger, Bob.
    Unofficial Guide.
    La Vergne : Unofficial Guides, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gelman, Judy.

Van Young, Sayre.

Buczynsky, Natalie.

Miko, Christopher.

Aperlo, Peter.

Krantz, Les.

Cobb, Mo Duffy.

Brauns, Chris.

Jiménez Barca, Antonio.
    Unpaid Debts.
    Madrid : Hispabooks, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Williams, Jeanne.

B, Guvna.

Bitecofer, Rachel.

Park, Abraham.

Bahr, D.

Tsou, Elda E.

McCoy, Jennifer L.

Zinn, Howard.

Beahm, George.

Beahm, George.

Duncan, Cynthia.

Kennedy, Fin.

Moore, Thorne.

Martini, Clem.

Kaplan, Hester.
    Brooklyn : Ig Publishing, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Chester, Tim.

PV, Satheesh.

Le Guin, Ursula K.

Le Guin, Ursula K.

Helff, Sissy.

Nagel, Robert.

Peabody, R.

Slater, Tom.

Owen, Luke.

Robinson, G.

Wiebe, Joanna.

Briggs, Stephen.

Maynard, Jeff.

Benjamin Lambeth, Benjamin S.

Adams, Kate.

Tang, Eric.

Rock, Peter.

Gibson, Allen.

Hoshowsky, Robert J.

McLellan, Betty.

Sacco, Lynn.

Maeder, Thomas.

Guynn, William.

Whitaker, Brian.

Rose, Dilys.
    La Vergne : Freight Books, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Stembridge, Gerard.
    London : Old Street Publishing, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Luther, Jessica.

Fiorina, Morris P.

Fitzgerald, Michael.

McManus, Erwin Raphael.

Campey, Lucille H.

Campey, Lucille H.

Bankes, Liz.
    Dorking : Piccadilly Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Sanders, Barry.

Monroe, D.

Cooper RN PhD, Carolyn.

Lockridge, Frances.
    Untidy Murder.
    New York, NY : Road, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Strozier, Charles B.

Holland, Cecelia.

Duncan, Elizabeth J.

Moore, S.J.

Kahn, Tamam.

Campbell, Lady Colin.

Leong, Annabeth.

Campbell, Micca.

Bush, Richard C.

Buckley, Michael.

Candler, Edmund.

Naurin, D.

Nolan, Tina.
    Unwanted Puppy.
    London : Stripes Publishing, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Woititz, Lisa Sue.

Rollins, Henry.

Gurney, Gerald.

Bow, James.

Bow, James.

Cousineau, Thomas.


Wegerif, Gay.
    Up Close.
    New York : Abrams, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Dixon, Kerry.

Kaye, Beverly.

Morris, Harry.

Booker, Julie.
    Up Up Up.
    : House of Anansi Press, 2008.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Scott, Doug.

Austin, Sam M.

Meyers, Ann Marie.
    Up in the Air.
    Claremont : Jolly Fish Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gee, Tony.

Patton, Robert.

Easwaran, Eknath.
    Tomales : Nilgiri Press, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Setty, Rajesh.

MacAlindin, Paul.

Divilly, Pat.

McHugh, Heather.

Kurniawan, Budi.

Skinner, Claiborne A.

Romero, Juliet Gilkes.
    Upper Cut.
    London : Oberon Books Ltd, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Fexeus, Henrik.

James, Oliver.

Colomer, Álvaro.
    Uppsala Woods.
    Madrid : Hispabooks, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Michel, Lincoln.
    Upright Beasts.
    La Vergne : Coffee House Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bland, Douglas L.

Kivel, Paul.

Opie, Frederick Douglass.

Louise, Kate.
    Upside-Down Fish.
    New York, NY : Sky Pony Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Jouet, Jacques.
    Normal, IL : Columbia University Press, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Falk, Andrew J.

Palmer, Sue.

Benson, Arthur Christopher.
    Upton Letters.
    Wellington : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Subacius, Giedrius.

Kelly, Anthony J.

Authors, Multiple.

Stacey, Wendy.

Silcoff, Mireille.

Natl Assoc of City Transportation O, ..

Isoke, Z.

Dellenbaugh, Mary.

Beermann, Jan.

Rubin, James.

Zhang, Qian.

Amirahmadi, Hooshang.

Rury, J.

Beagle, Peter S.

Kennedy, Fin.

Kaplan, Rachel.

Tiwari, Alok.

Rowe, Peter G.

Sargolini, Massimo.

Doucet, Clive.

Bank, Asian Development.

Weiss-Sussex, Godela.

Shojai, Pedram.

Freestone, Robert.

Bartetzky, Arnold.

Bank, Asian Development.

Deppisch, Sonja.

Shanken, Andrew M.

Bahr, Emilie.

Bower, Stephanie.

Sluglett, Peter.

Hollander, Justin B.

Fuente, MariteUsozdela.

Melia, Steve.

Wial, Howard.

Pindus, Nancy.

Pindus, Nancy.

Publishing, OECD.

Szabo, Sylvia.

Bodenschatz, Harald.

Millington, Gareth.

Jenkins, P.

Al-Mamari, Said Abdallah.

Waxman, Jonathan.

Tréhin, Gilles.
    London : Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2006.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Illingworth, P.

Wijs, Carly.

Barnum, Carol M.

Rueschemeyer, Dietrich.

Tillmann, George.

Ortega, Lourdes.

Rowbottom, Mike.

Cobb, Paul M.

Gottschalk, Marion.

Leblond, C.

Deveny, Catherine.

Mooney, Carol Garhart.

Rentschler, Eric.

Yengoh, Genesis T.

Sherman, William H.

Beaufrand, M. J.
    Useless Bay.
    Cork : Abrams, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lund, Arnie.

Malcher, Michelle.

Wallwork, Adrian.

Hoffmann, Esther.

Richter, Michael.

Lamprecht, Anna-Lena.

Luke, Douglas.

Lanz, Franz.
    User’s Guide.
    Berlin/Boston : De Gruyter, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Dow, Gillian.

Landau, Deborah.

Evans, R.

Anderson, Frances E.

Hew, Khe Foon.

Winkler, Maike.

Preston, Stuart.

Marzano, Robert J.

Campbell, A. Malcolm.

Singh, Neeraj Kumar.

Bank, Asian Development.

Globally, Forum on Investing in Young Children.

Pearson, Mark.

Karch, Marziah.

Firth, Graham.

Caldwell, Phoebe.

Kasschau, Anne.

Wilson, Kevin.

Wilson, Kevin.

Stratmann, H. G.

Luszczak, Andreas.

Luszczak, Andreas.

Pease, Ken.

Wilson, Kevin.

Wilson, Kevin.

Knightsmith, Pooky.

Verzani, John.

Baldock, Sarah.

Beckner, Mark.

Chanchaichujit, Janya.

Hertel, John Paul.

Milner, Judith.

Bateh, Justin.

McConville, Julia.

Aaron, Henry.

Collier, Ann Futterman.

Thombs, Margaret M.

Wilson, Kevin.

Gravett, Linda.

Knight, Isobel.

Horton, Ivor.

Nessel, Denise D.

Kaplan, Sandra N.

Urbanski, Cynthia D.

Adkison, Ron.

McCranie, Kevin D.

Alexander, Joseph H.

Hinde, Dominic.

Pavsek, Christopher.

More, Thomas.
    London : Alma Books, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gordin, Michael D.

Lowe, Charlotte.

Dweck, Alyssa.

Cannon, Katy.

Allen, Ian.

Jackson, Wallace.

Ramamurthy, S.

Castor, H.M.
    Surrey : Templar Publishing, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Fedeli, Paolo.

Hogan, Harlan.

Hogan, Harlan.

Elder, Kevin.

G., Srinivasa.

Studer, Hans-Peter.

Largent, Mark A.

Rohde, Wayne.

Habakus, Louise Kuo.

Conte, Lou.

Blaxill, Mark.

Swanwick, Michael.
    Vacuum Flowers.
    Newburyport : Open Road Media Sci-Fi & Fantasy, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Neufeld, Josh.
    Vagabonds #1.
    Gainesville : Alternative Comics, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

De Vries, Peter.

Sarabianov, Dmitri V.
    Valentin Serov.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Anthony, Evelyn.
    Newburyport : Open Road Distribution, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

McCullagh, David.

Fahs, Breanne.

Bakich, Olga.

Lockhart, John Gibson.

Bowers, Terrell.
    Valeron Code.
    London : Robert Hale, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bowers, Terrell L.

Bowers, Terrell L.
    Valeron's Range.
    London : Robert Hale, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bowers, Terrell L.

Murphy, Paul.

Billerbeck, Kristin.

Williams, Jeanne.
    Valiant Women.
    Newburyport : Open Road Media, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Wei, Lindsey.

Denny, Glen.

Manners, Steven.
    Valley of Fire.
    Toronto : Dundurn, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Brand, Max.

Clancy, Sam.

MacLeod, Joan.
    Vancouver : Talonbooks, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Mootoo, Shani.

Jodidio, Philip.

Merriman, Kimberly K.

Massari, Mario.

Grant, Gerald G.

Rescher, Nicholas.

Schroedler, Tobias.

Patnaik, Prabhat.
    Value of Money.
    New York : Columbia University Press, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Linde, Bennie.

Higgins, Rawinia.

Kelly, Simon.

Mayo, Ed.

Stiftung, Bertelsmann.

Sullivan, Rory.

Martínez, Daniel M.

Harvey, Jeremy.

McDaniel, Tim.

Andrus, Bruce W.

Poole, W. Scott.

Melton, J Gordon.

Fischer, Rusty.

Jeffers, Regina.

Ballion, Luc Richard.

Doyle, Arthur Conan.
    Vampire Stories.
    New York, NY : Skyhorse Publishing, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bowen, Scott.

Meehan, Paul.

Chessex, Jacques.

Cooney, Caroline B.

Day, Peter.

Fischer, Rusty.
    Barrington : Medallion Media Group, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Taylor, G.P.
    Vampyre Quartet.
    La Vergne : Grosvenor House Publishing, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gritsai, Natalia.
    Van Dyck.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Traynor, Shaun.

Fell, Derek.

Calosse, Jp. A.
    Van Gogh.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

van Gogh, Vincent.
    Van Gogh.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Cope, Wayne.

Amara, Samantha.

Grant, Peter.

Grant, Peter.

Demers, Charles.
    Vancouver Special.
    Vancouver : Arsenal Pulp Press, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Russwurm, Lani.

Osborne, Graham.

Bechard, Deni Ellis.

Clouston, J. Storer.

Morris, Mary McGarry.

Summerhayes, Martha.

Grainger, Jennifer.

Balkan, Evan L.

Conaway, James.

Maly, Michael.

Leggott, Michele.
    Vanishing Points.
    Chicago : Auckland University Press, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lawrence, Candida.
    Lakewood, CO : Unbridled Books, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Mazzulo, Michelle.

Tarr, Hope.
    St. Charles : Medallion Media Group, 2006.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Vira, Henry.

Tercek, Robert.

De Castro, Juan E.

de la Roche, Mazo.

Painer, Sven.

Tristram, Anna.

Paradise, Christopher J.

Cañada, Antonio.

Lavrent'ev, M. A.

Montegranario, Hebert.

Bhatia, Vijay K.

Schönig, Barbara.

Dansereau, Diane M.

Hamada, Alaa.

Carr, David.

O'Brien, Flann.

Shields, Carol.

Moon, Jung Young.
    Vaseline Buddha.
    La Vergne : Deep Vellum Publishing, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Botz-Bornstein, Thorsten.

Murray, Stuart.

Carpenter, Amanda B.

Colberg, Kristin M.

Whittle, Sean.

Fleming, Brian.

Alldritt, Keith.

Anderson, Poul.
    Vault of the Ages.
    New York : Open Road Media Sci-Fi & Fantasy, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Rose, David.
    Cambridge : Salt Publishing Limited, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hewlett, Sylvia Ann.

Gbadamosi, Gabriel.
    London : Saqi, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Booker, Henry G.

Mason, Andrew.

Battrick, B.

White, Randy Wayne.
    Vegas Vengeance.
    New York : Open Road Media Mystery & Thriller, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kraft, James P.

Sundqvist, Inga-Britta.

Maurer, Donna.

Big Idea Entertainment, LLC.
    Veggies in Space.
    Nashville : B&H Publishing Group, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Deland, Margaret.
    Vehement Flame.
    Wellington : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Meyer, Manuel.

Thornbush, Mary J.

McPherson, Conor.

Abdullah-Khan, N.

Moller, Jorgen Orstrøm.

Schalesky, Marlo.

Harrigan, Michael.

Pietron, Barbara.
    Veiled Existence.
    New York : Scribe Publishing Company, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Byrne, Patricia.


Justi, Carl.

Street, Emily June.
    Velocipede Races.
    New York, NY : Microcosm Publishing, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

McCloy, Kristin.
    : Dzanc Books, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Piper, John.

Corelli, Marie.

Ferris, Paul.

Nosnitsin, Denis.

Dursteler, Eric R.

Biggar, John.

Grundy, Milton.

Jakubowski, Maxim.
    Venice Noir.
    Brooklyn : Akashic Books, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bardsley, Sandy.

Klonowski, Darek.

Agmon, Tamir.

Scheela, William.

Chapman, David L.

Martinez, Michael J.

Barbera, Mary Lynch.

Curtis, Michael.

Maitland, Barry.

Förster, David.

Faenza, Elisabetta.
    New York : True North Publishing, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Fudeman, Kirsten A.

Bostenaru Dan, Maria.

Ford, Tom.
    Verne Legacy.
    Minneapolis : Mill City Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Pierre, DBC.

Xue, Can.
    Vertical Motion.
    Rochester : Open Letter, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Fowler, Mick.

Barnard, Peter A.
    Vertical Tutoring.
    Claygate : Grosvenor House Publishing, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

    La Vergne : Pushkin Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kenney, Henry.

King, Stephen.

Elliott, Kate.

Williams, Tad.

Wilson, Edward.

Bell, Martin.

Dronfield, Jeremy.

Campey, Lucille H.

Campey, Lucille H.

Miller, Josh.

Wylie, Philip.

Lee, Charlotte.

Frost, James Bernard.

Kennedy, William.

Purcell, Hugh.

Tolstoy, Lev.

Hill, Sean.

Hickey, David.

Montasser, Thomas.
    Very Special Year.
    New York : Oneworld Publications, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Teitelbaum, Michael.

Murphy, Haughton.
    Very Venetian Murder.
    New York : Road, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Pavon, Mar.

Fabbri, Robert.

Jones, Parneshia.
    Vessel : Poems.
    Minneapolis : Milkweed Editions, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Thomas, Laurence.

Vitasek, Kate.

Vitasek, K.

Clarke, Andrew H.

Reimringer, John.
    Minneapolis : Milkweed Editions, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

(U.S.), The Merit Systems Protection Board.

Tussing, Justin.

Yudin, Florence L.

Quirk, Percy.

Wald, E.

Lansky, Vicki.

Williams, Diane.

Jacobs, Chip.

Rabone, Graham.

Bradshaw, Mel.
    Victim Impact.
    Toronto : Dundurn, 2008.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Ward, Kat.

Ballem, John.

Cohen, Stephen F.

Williams, Brian.

Lieten, G.K.

Cherny, Robert W.

Pitman, Walter.

Mollo, Victor.

Walton, Bryce.
    Auckland : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Oldfield, Paul.

Fyfe, Paul.

Bloom, C.

Sutherland, J.

Willis, Martin.

Sumpter, C.

Chrisman, Sarah A.

Chrisman, Sarah A.

Pearson, Lynn.

Gange, David.
    New York, NY : Oneworld Publications, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Seegal, David.

Ikeda, Daisaku.

Harrison, K. R.

Orme, Jamal.
    Victory Boys.
    London : Kube Publishing Ltd, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gilchrist, Ellen.

Andress, Carter.

Urwin, Gregory J. W.

Nabers, Deak.

Calloway, Colin G.

Ashley, Joseph.

Gough, Michael.

Archer, Emily.

Thabet, T.

Ceceri, Kathy.

Barrow, Wilma.

Newman, Michael Z.

Stibbards, Shawn Curtis.
    Video Watcher.
    Windsor : Biblioasis, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Mukherjee, Souvik.

Banda, Chidoba.
    Cape Town : Langaa RPCIG, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Skousen, Mark.

Webster, Brenda.
    Vienna Triangle.
    San Antonio, TX : Wings Press, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Frank, David W.
    Vienna in Violet.
    Elmwood Park : Blank Slate Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Charles, Victoria.
    Viennese Secession.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bank, Asian Development.

Allen, Joe.

Falabella, J. Robert.

Editions, Periplus.

C. Westmoreland, General William.

Willbanks, James H.

Huynh, Kim.

Hunt, David.

Nguyen Cron, Trami.

Chan, Sucheng.

Tran, Phuoc Thi Minh.

Giuong, Phan Van.

Orland, Ted.

Filkins, Peter.
    View We're Granted.
    Baltimore : Johns Hopkins University Press, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

De Lille, Patricia.

Berkeley, Sara.
    View from Here.
    Oldcastle : The Gallery Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Wright, Patrick.
    View from the Top.
    Alexadria, VA : Society for Human Resource Management, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Karp, Larry.
    View from the Vue.
    New York : Open Road Distribution, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Richie, Donald.

Gogichadze, Giorgi.

Lomová, Olga.

Slager, Daniel.

Panych, Morris.
    Vancouver : Talonbooks, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Sheehy, Bill.

Sadler, Fenton.
    Vigilance Man.
    London : Robert Hale, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Spargo, R. Clifton.

Dimsdale, Thomas J.

Whittock, Martyn.

Campbell, V.
    Viking Gold.
    Edinburgh : Fledgling Press, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Warr, Tracey.
    Viking Hostage.
    Exeter : Impress Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Henighan, Tom.
    Viking Terror.
    Toronto : Dundurn, 2006.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Henighan, Tom.
    Viking Terror.
    Toronto : Dundurn, 2006.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Wilkins, Kelli A.
    Viking's Witch.
    St. Charles : Medallion Media Group, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Cobbald, Jane.

Henighan, Tom.

Brebel, Sebastien.
    Villa Bunker.
    Normal, IL : Columbia University Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Ritchie, Malcolm.

Fox, Paula.
    Village by the Sea.
    Newburyport : Open Road Media Teen & Tween, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Ferguson, Ian.

Ball, Jesse.

Taylor, Alice.
    Dublin : The O'Brien Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Wolff, SamuelR.

Gavelis, Ricardas.
    Vilnius Poker.
    Rochester : Open Letter, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Glines, Abbi.
    Vincent Boys.
    London : Hot Key Books, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Glines, Abbi.

Wright, Nicholas.

van Gogh, Vincent.
    Vincent van Gogh.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Charles, Victoria.
    Vincent van Gogh.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Charles, Victoria.
    Vincent van Gogh.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Steffans, Karrine.

Larssen, Brent.
    La Vergne : Robert Hale, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Shepperson, Janet.

Blackstone, Charles.

Blackstone, Charles.

Lidström, Clara.

Gibb, Bill.

Chachula, Robyn.

Gillespie, Elgy.

Hansson, Linda.

Schweder, Brenda.
    Vintage Redux.
    : Kalmbach Books, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Perera, Kishani.

Eighteen-Bisang, Robert.

Friedman, Rosemary.
    : Arcadia Books Limited, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Elborough, Travis.

Please, Vinyl Me.

Ward, Kathleen.

Levin, Tobe.

Solga, Kim.

Bag, Alice.

Boyle, Michael J.

Macaulay, Rowena.

Sizgorich, Thomas.

Balibar, Étienne.

Bufacchi, V.

Body-Gendrot, Sophie.

Day, James.

Richter, Dirk.

Bain-Selbo, Eric.

Giroux, Henry A.

Herlinghaus, H.

Stiftung, Bertelsmann.

Boustan, Ra'anan S.

Daiya, Kavita.

Sheridan, Michael.
    Violent Child.
    New York : The Permanent Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bloom, C.

Paymar, Michael.

Lorenzi, Jean-Hervé.

Mason, Mike.

Del Molino, Sergio.
    Violet Hour.
    Madrid : Hispabooks, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Myracle, Lauren.

Maza, Sarah.

Oliver, Christian.

Whitcroft, Isla.
    Viper's Nest.
    Dorking : Piccadilly Press, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Petrescu, Maria.

Van Sickle, John.

Reed, J. D.

Ledeen, Michael A.

Shenk, Richard.

Rigoglioso, M.

Carl, Klaus.
    Virgin Portraits.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bridge, Krista.

Norris, M.

Arentzen, Thomas.

Bell, Steve.

Halliday, Brett.
    Virgin's Holiday.
    New York : Open Road Media Romance, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Berkes, Anna.

Forrester, Viviane.

O'Hara, Daniel T.

Lefere, Philippe.

Ducker, Chris C.

Constantine, Alex.

Schweighardt, Joan.
    Virtual Silence.
    New York : The Permanent Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Honda, Naofumi.

Dowker, David.

Hoang, Nguyen Tuan.

Portnoy, Matthew.

Barrett, Diane.

Hoopes, John.

Jones, Andy.

Tholen, Berry.

Burns, Eric.

Harris, Paul.

Baganz, Susan M.
    Virtuous Viscount.
    Chicago : Pelican Book Group, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Häusler, T.

Bakratcheva, Albena.

Hammer-Tugendhat, Daniela.

Malik, Sahil.

Sharma, Shashi B.

Changizi, Mark.

Bird, Robert.

Dove, Richard.

Lal, Brij V.

Sweetman, Brendan.

Schaffer, G.

Kumar, Satish.

Glenn, Kathleen M.

Parker, Ross.

Kinkley, Jeffrey C.

Knox, Lezlie S.

Casey, Michael G.
    Brownsville : Anaphora Literary Press, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Jones, Stephen.

Pavlic, Ed.

Kinsella, Bridget.
    Visiting Life.
    : MP Publishing, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Harmer, Ann Marie.


Simpson, Chris.
    La Vergne : McNidder and Grace Limited, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Brennan, Maeve.
    Washington : Counterpoint, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Burns, Catherine.
    Chicago : Legend Times Group, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Norris, Barney.
    London : Oberon Books Ltd, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Snidow, Neal.

Natali, Lorenzo.

jagodzinski, jan.

Morris, Stephen.

Lai, Fanny.

Fahmy, S.

Ribeiro, Aileen.

Gangwer, Timothy Patrick.

Stanbury, Sarah.

Kurtz, Lisa A.

Desjardins, Patrick.

Leung, Tim.

Leung, Tim.

Rogers, Lisa.

Hyerle, David N.

Payandeh, Shahram.

Winter, John F.

Bering, Kunibert.

Bleeker, M.

Frantiska, Jr., Joseph.

Kucuk, S. Umit.

Segerman, Henry.

Steinebach, Gerhard.

Ciuccarelli, Paolo.

Mori, Ogai.

Wu, Zhongxian.

Rosen, Dennis.

Micozzi, Marc S.

Sakhnovsky, Igor.

Dulio, David A.

Metcalf, John.

Ornstein, Norman J.

Schneider, Wolfgang.

Stiftung, Bertelsmann.

Valdez, Natasha Janina.

Valdez, Natasha Janina.

Harris, Robert S.

Curtin, Judi.
    Viva Alice!.
    Dublin : The O'Brien Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Stork, Christina.

Brownlee, Nick.

Hartt-Snowbell, Sarah.

Coyle, Katie.

Coyle, Katie.

Deck, Julia.

Madrid, Mike.

Wilson, Anna.

Fuentes, Carlos.
    Normal, IL : Columbia University Press, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Levy, Alan.

McNabb, DavidE.

Carleton, Lindsay.

Israel, Susan E.

Marzano, Robert J.

Alba, Lois.

Clark, Brian.

Twemlow, Mick.

Hebblethwaite, Benjamin.

Michel, C.

Sinclair, Charlotte.

Beyfus, Drusilla.

Baird-Murray, Kathleen.

Fraser-Cavassoni, Natasha.

Damian, Scott.

Mills, Matthew.

Nelson, Jeannette.

Okun, Rob A.

Welch, Denton.

Inchley, M.

Robinson, Mary.

Bloom, Gina.

Apps, Judy.

Ives, Keith A.

Eggers, Dave.

Pelman, Cynthia.

James F. Ransome, PhD.

Higginson, Richard.

Waldman, Anne.

Deland, Margaret.
    Wellington : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Reidy, Dave.
    Voiceover Artist.
    New York : Curbside Splendor Publishing, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Wilcox, Janet.

Wilcox, Janet.

Ajodhia-Andrew, Amanda.

Karanika, Andromache.

Lewis, Jon E.

Pelman, Cynthia.

Ariel, Cindy N.

Tibballs, Geoff.

Diamand, Emily.
    Voices in Stone.
    Surrey : Templar Publishing, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Marazzi, Martino.

Noland, Carrie.

Zionts Fox, Judy.

Droge, David.

Cadera, Susanne M.

Platt, Corinne.

al-Saleh, Asaad.

Clements-Cortes, A.

Thomas, Etan.

Rains, Olga.

Rosen, Kenneth.

Renshaw, Sheila A.

Anthony, Evelyn.
    Voices on the Wind.
    New York : Open Road Media Mystery & Thriller, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Chong, Hyun Ju.

Duke, Renee.

Saverio, Salomone Di.

Bartels, Elizabeth C.

Rochester, C.

Gordon, Mel.

Apostolides, Marianne.

Zhadan, Serhiy.
    New York, NY : Deep Vellum Publishing, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Cardini, William.
    OR : Alternative Comics, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kincaid, S. J.
    London : Hot Key Books, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Pumarlo, Jim.

Borooah, Vani Kant.

Mansfield, Edward D.

Brandon, Guy.

Judge, Erin.

Bennett, David.

Waite, Terry.

Beamish, Christian.

Nye, Robert.

Smith, Kevin.

Smith, Kirby.

Dulley, Hugh.

Finch, Simon.

Quinn, DavidBeers.

Knight, David.

Filipova, Olga.

Zakheim, Dov S.

Michie, Elsie B.

Redbeard, Odin.

Redbeard, Odin.

Redbeard, Odin.

Butler, Judith.

Verhezen, Peter.

Beddoe, Christine.

Kubheka, Miles.

Blum, Edward J.

Levy, Alan.

Abert, Hermann.
    W.A. Mozart.
    Cumberland : Yale University Press, 2007.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Boden, Jeanne.

Roy, M.K. Ghosh.

Weddle, Peter.

Weddle, Peter.

Johnson, Sheena.

West, Joma.

Evans, R. Paul.

Ridley, Steve Clarke, Chris Owens, Joy White, Ed Pawson, Amanda.

Oakes, Simon.

Oakes, Simon.

James, Heidi.
    Hebden Bridge : Bluemoose Books Ltd, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Adams, Barney.

Federal Writers' Project,.

Federal Writers' Project,.

Federal Writers' Project,.

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Federal Writers' Project,.

Federal Writers' Project,.

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Federal Writers' Project,.

Federal Writers' Project,.

Federal Writers' Project,.

Federal Writers' Project,.

Federal Writers' Project,.

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Federal Writers' Project,.

Federal Writers' Project,.

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Federal Writers' Project,.

Federal Writers' Project,.

Federal Writers' Project,.

Federal Writers' Project,.

Corbett, Pie.

Estrada, Fidel Prieto.

Goodyer, Martin.

Fulton, R.

Juniper, Andrew.

McPhail, David.
    New York : Abrams, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Számvéber, Norbert.

Johnson-Lans, Shirley.

Glenn, Joshua.

Bobo, Kim.

Thornton, Bruce S.

Nyikos, Stacy.
    New York, NY : Sky Pony Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Dawson-Bowling, Paul.

Reynolds, George W.M.

Garrard, Lewis H.

Phillips, Caroline.

Beal, Scott.

Kreiser, John.

MacEnulty, Pat.

Pope, Wendy.

Pope, Wendy.

Lasswell, Mary.
    Wait for the Wagon.
    Newburyport : Open Road Distribution, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hornbacher, Marya.

Kyomuhendo, Goretti.

Tsepeneag, Dumitru.
    Waiting : stories.
    Normal, IL : Columbia University Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

O'Neill, Tony.
    Waiting For CJ.
    : Galley Beggar Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Preston, Alex.

Bugler, Sheila.

Zilm, Jennifer.
    Waiting Room.
    Toronto : BookThug, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Shrayer, Maxim.

Ivory, Helen.

Summaries, Bright.

Forsyth, Moira.

Janigian, Aris.

Honig, Lucy.

Lewis, Jules.

Burrows, Miles.

Higgins, Joanna.

Duberman, Martin.

Fagan, David.
    Wake Up.
    Chicago : University of Queensland Press, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

de la Roche, Mazo.

Pacey, Desmond.

Poling, Sr., Jim.

Bennett, Howard J.

Bennett, Howard J.

Thompson, Evan.

Lichtenstein, Nelson.

Orelli, Giovanni.
    Walaschek's Dream.
    Normal, IL : Columbia University Press, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Thoreau, Henry David.

Thoreau, Henry David.

Murphy, Peter.

Bandel, Betty.

Everett, Percival.

Alt, Jeff.
    Walk for Sunshine.
    : Beaufort Books, Incorporated, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

B., Mel.
    Walk in Dry Places.
    Minneapolis : Hazelden Publishing, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Carofiglio, Gianrico.
    Walk in the Dark.
    New York : Bitter Lemon Press, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Casselman, Grace.

K., Gary.

deBuys, William.
    New York, NY : Trinity University Press, 2008.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Courtney, Tom.

Hughes, Robert.

Ehin, Kristiina.

Ausherman, Stephen.

Frutkin, Mark.

Cottrell, Stephen.

Todd Felton, Robert.

Todd Felton, Robert.

Onofri, Adrienne.

Humphrey, Keith.
    Walking Calcutta.
    Claygate : Grosvenor House Publishing, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Ver Berkmoes, Ryan.

Dickinson, Peter.

Sink, Mindy.

Hlavsa, David.

Eulate, Ana.

Gevisser, Mark.

LaFaye, A.

Mahoney Harris, Erin.

Dunn, Stephen.

Levitt, Ellen.

Bronston, Barri.

Onofri, Adrienne.

Downs, Tom.

Humphrey, Clark.

Heffernan, Robert.
    Walking Tall.
    Cork : The Collins Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Groothuis, Douglas.

Bracken, George Byrne.

Day, Holly.

Day, Holly.

Lee, John.

Collins, Nancy A.

Reed, Paul.
    Walking Ypres.
    Havertown : Pen & Sword Books Limited, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Caron, Marnie.

Brown, Evrick.

Belcourt, Herb.

Weintraub, David.

Brown, Deborah.

Swados, Elizabeth.
    Walking the Dog.
    New York : The Feminist Press at CUNY, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Andrews, Deborah.

Butler, Alexandra.

Bick, Barbara.

Northrup, Jim.

Brown, Hamish.
    Walking the Song.
    Dingwall : Sandstone Press Ltd, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hill, Chris.

Hayden, Gary.
    Walking with Plato.
    New York : Oneworld Publications, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Foster, Laura O.

Stone, Derrick I.

Becker, Jurek.

Bassett, Sara Ware.
    Wall Between.
    Wellington : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Tournavitou, Iphiyenia.

Spiegelman, Peter.
    Wall Street Noir.
    New York : Akashic Books, 2007.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Spence, Richard B.

Carpenter, John R.

Wilson, Alexander.
    Wallace at Bay.
    London : Allison & Busby, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Mortimer, G.

Di Cintio, Marcello.

Jackson, Kathy Merlock.

Perlman, Jim.

Gillis, Steven.
    Walter Falls.
    : Dzanc Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Goodwin, Craufurd D.

Smith, Joshua Byron.

Burns, Scott.

Trabal, Francesc.
    Normal, IL : Columbia University Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Walsh, Enda.

Repeti, Giorgio.

Deppe, Theodore.
    Wanderer King.
    New York, NY : Alice James Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Davenport, Roger.
    : Sky Pony Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lawton, Alan.

Ormand, Kate.
    New York, NY : Sky Pony Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Malloy, Mary.
    Wandering Heart.
    New York : Leapfrog Press, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Clements, Paul.

Sue, Eugène.
    Wandering Jew.
    New York, NY : Skyhorse Publishing, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Imtiaz, S.M. Atif.

Corballis, Michael C.

Sigwart, Hans-Jörg.

Plusnin, Juri.

Higdon, David Leon.

Leong, Annabeth.

Tabak, Faruk.

Khan, Rukhsana.
    Wanting Mor.
    : Groundwood Books, 2008.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kenny, Paula Marie.
    Wanton Tale.
    Claygate : Grosvenor House Publishing, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

McPartlin, Moira.

Komarnicki, Todd.
    War : A Novel.
    New York : Arcade Publishing, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bukhari, Safiya.

Ross, Caroline.
    War Before Mine.
    Ceredigion : Honno Press, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hval, Cindy.

Jarratt, Melynda.

Tremblay, Larry.

Hill, Porter.
    War Chest.
    London : Souvenir Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Monash, John.
    War Classics.
    Melbourne : Schwartz Publishing Pty. Ltd, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Grey, Zane.

Scott, Peter Dale.

Marsh, Susan.
    War Creek.
    Douglas : MP Publishing, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Davidson, Mark.

Crowe, D.

Butler, Smedley Darlington.

Fiss, Owen.

Brecher, Gary.
    War Nerd.
    Washington : Soft Skull Press, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Sutherland, John.
    War On The Old.
    London : Biteback Publishing, 2007.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Eberl, Markus.

Genovese, Michael A.

Kinsella, Warren.

Hafrey, Leigh.

Baum, Matthew A.

Gregor, Elmer Russell.
    War Trail.
    Wellington : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Daniels, Robert.

Quadri, Habeeb.

Thayer, Thomas C.

Calhoun, L.

Yamagishi, Takakazu.

Tolstoy, Leo.

Khadiagala, Gilbert M.

Bashier, Zakaria.

Jabri, V.

Wells, H. G.
    War in the Air.
    Newburyport : Open Road Media Sci-Fi & Fantasy, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Pawlick, Thomas F.

Everest, Allan.

Siken, Richard.
    War of the Foxes.
    Port Townsend : Copper Canyon Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Crawford, Peter.

Withers, Jeremy.

Plass, Adrian.

Mac Donald, Heather.

Mallea, Paula.

Kramer, Martin.

Flynn, Daniel J.

Lott, John R.

Gardner, Lloyd C.

Otto, Shawn Lawrence.

Fairbanks, Robert B.

Chappell, Marisa.

Hornbaker, Tim.

Summers, Eleanor.

Charles, J. Daryl.

Weber, Theodore R.

Rodoreda, Mercè.

Blackburn, Kevin.

Wilson, Andrew R.

Maruno, Jennifer.
    Toronto : Dundurn, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Mitchell, G.
    Warbonnet Creek.
    La Vergne : Robert Hale, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lorinc, John.

Holcroft, Sam.

Chant, Christopher.

Mersey, Daniel.

Fog, Agner.

Tsouras, Peter G.

Trotzig, Eva.

McFadden, Bernice L.
    Warmest December.
    Brooklyn : Akashic Books, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Schoorel, Edmond.

Humphrey, Kris.
    Warning Cry.
    London : Stripes Publishing, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Delaney, Edward J.
    Warp & Weft.
    Newburyport : The Permanent Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lange, IV, Ted.
    Warp Zone #1.
    Chicago : Rosarium Publishing, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Blank, Ronald.

Compo, Susan A.

Donoghue, Denis.
    Normal, IL : Columbia University Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kozma, Alex.

Pritchard, Jim D.

Stoner, Timothy J.

Sandberg, Brian.

Tabata, Kazumi.

Mattis, Jim.

Lahti, Janne.

Lennon, Michael.

Rosinski, Jan.

Mann, R.

Brown, Mike.

Sutherland, Graham.

Ryman, Geoff.
    Was : a novel.
    Northampton : Small Beer Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Cuevas-Sosa, Alejandro.

Linsbichler, Alexander.

Brenton, Tony.

Bleifuss, Joel.

Kometani, Foumiko.

Svenson, Peter.

Deane, Ruth.

Brafman, Michelle.
    Washing the Dead.
    Pasadena : Prospect Park Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Chomsky, Noam.

Ybarra, Michael J.

Jones, Brian Jay.

Swanson, David A.

Washington, George.

Peck, James L.

Finkelstein, David.

Panchyk, Richard.

Lane, Patrick.

Packard, Vance.
    Waste Makers.
    Brooklyn : Ig Publishing, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Cahill, Susan.

Lacy, Peter.

Sullivan, Andrew F.
    La Vergne : Dzanc Books, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Pond, Michael.

Wharton, Ken.

Barbera, Marcella.

Wheeler, Winslow T.

Haidegger, Ingrid.

Sacerdoti, Daniela.

Corbett, Claire.
    Watch Over Me.
    Sydney : Allen & Unwin, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book


Cote, Nancy.
    Watch the Cookie!.
    New York, NY : Sky Pony Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Starkman, Dean.

Baker, Tihema.
    Wellington : Huia (NZ) Ltd, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Jephcott Thomas, Monika.
    La Vergne : Clink Street Publishing, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Sherrard, Valerie.
    Toronto : Dundurn, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Caveney, Philip.
    Edinburgh : Fledgling Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book


Slade, Christina.

Richardson, Kay.

Myers, Kevin.

Myers, Kevin.

Rider, Andy.

Boyle, T. Coraghessan.

Sidhwa, Bapsi.
    Water : A Novel.
    Minneapolis : Milkweed Editions, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kingsley, Charles.
    Water Babies.
    La Vergne : Waverley Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Ryan, Tracy.
    Water Bearer.
    Chicago : Fremantle Press, 2018.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Wang, Xiaochang C.

Butler, Ellis Parker.

Mutondo, Joao.

Snyder, Mariza.

Marks, Laurie J.

Guerrini, Andrea.

Naian, Shi.

Hamilton, Ian.

Gogarty, Paul.

Gross, Philip.
    Water Table.
    Tyne and Wear : Bloodaxe Books, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Karthe, Daniel.

Pawar, M.

Benjamin, Mark M.
    Water chamistry.
    Dehli : Scientific International, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Schiffler, Manuel.

Ioris, A.

Sanford, Robert.

Herbst, Susanne.

Villar, Domingo.
    Water-Blue Eyes.
    London : Arcadia Books Limited, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Cooper, James Fenimore.

Mazza, Cris.

Bergren, Lisa T.
    Waterfall : A Novel.
    Colorado Springs, CO : David C. Cook, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Henderson, Davie.
    Waterfall Glen.
    Wauconda : Medallion Media Group, 2006.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Crayford, Lisa.

Molloy, Johnny.

Archer, Jules.

Waldron, Lamar.

Merritt, Robert.

Genovese, M.

Fremont-Barnes, Gregory.
    Waterloo 1815.
    Toronto : Dundurn, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Fremont-Barnes, Gregory.
    Waterloo 1815.
    Toronto : Dundurn, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Field, Andrew W.

Hussey, John.

Donnell, David.

Delingpole, James.

Pilgrim, David.

Faulkner, Steven.
    Elmwood Park : Beaufort Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bainbridge, Beryl.

Herzfeld, Chris.

Ludwig, Gunter.

Gopalakrishnan, Srinivasan.

Rao, K. N.

Maloney, Iain.

Quinn, Justin.
    Waves and Trees.
    Oldcastle : The Gallery Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Fernandes, Eugenie.

McCrone, Guy.
    Wax Fruit Trilogy.
    Edinburgh : Black & White Publishing, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Buckley, F. H.

Burt, John.
    Way Down.
    Princeton : Princeton University Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

King, James.

Little, James.

O'Leary, Paddy.

Winnubst, Shannon.

Lewin, Michael Z.
    Way We Die Now.
    New York : Open Road Media Mystery & Thriller, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Talbot, Jill.
    Way We Weren't.
    Berkeley : Soft Skull Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Beth, Rae.
    Way into Faerie.
    La Vergne : Robert Hale, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Suzuki, Tadashi.

Miller, James.

Berry, Wendell.

Porterfield, Nolan.

Fleischner, Thomas Lowe.

Wright, Donald Richard.

Meyers, Jeffrey D.

Campbell, Jennifer.

George, Don.

Niall, Ian.
    Way of a Countryman.
    Shropshire : Merlin Unwin Books Limited, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Pate, Rob.

Briessen, Fritz van.

McCaffrey, James.

Savage, Sam.
    Way of the Dog.
    MN : Coffee House Press, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kirkwood, John.

Kirkwood, John.

Aguilar, Mario I.

McCormac, Philip.

Paine, Lauran.

Buchbinder, Amnon.

Chinwuba, Mike Ike.

Hendon, Donald.

Deland, Margaret.
    Way to Peace.
    Wellington : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Murad, Khurram.
    Way to the Qur'an.
    London : Kube Publishing Ltd, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Ditchfield, Christin.

Davis, Wade.

Wiebe, Sean.

Dower, John W.

Hall, David D.

McPartlin, Moira.

Diamand, Emily.

Painter, Pamela.

Friedman, Rosemary.

Young, Natalie.

Rome, Paul.

Lévi-Strauss, Claude.

Gregory, Daryl.

Landauer, Bill.
    We Are All Crew.
    New York : Akashic Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Dündar, Can.

Lustiger, Gila.
    We Are Not Afraid.
    London : Notting Hill Editions, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bhatt, Ela R.

Matthews, Michael.

Garcia, Gonzalo.
    We Are The End.
    La Vergne : Galley Beggar Press, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lindsay, Douglas.

Walker, Alice.

Nicholson, John.

Waters, Billye Sankofa.

Davidson, Neil.

Cobb, Vicki.

Cobb, Vicki.

Best, Brin.

Graham, Robert.

Kunin, Madeleine M.


Donelly, Joe.

Dunn, Mark.
    We Five.
    Westland : Dzanc Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Servaty-Seib, Heather L.

Grant, Jules.

Shapiro, Nancy Shapiro.

Stubbs, Imogen.
    We Happy Few.
    London : Nick Hern Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Woodward, Paula.

Reynolds, Natalie.

Harrold, Debbie.

Watson, Ellen Doré.
    We Live in Bodies.
    New York : Alice James Books, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kaplan, Elaine Bell.

Markus, Peter.
    We Make Mud.
    : Dzanc Books, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hazzard, Shirley.

Shriver, Lionel.

Rogers, Vanessa.

Lawton, Clive.

Peppiatt, Tracy.
    We Never Let Go.
    London : Clink Street Publishing, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Matheson, Andy.
    We Not Me.
    Crownhill : Authentic Media, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lipton, Briony.

Sinker, Daniel.

Connors, Michael.

Fitzpatrick, Michael.

Howard, Walter T.

Spener, David.

Greenwood, Juliet.
    We That are Left.
    Ceredigion : Honno Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Iyer, Deepa.

Aldrich, Ann.
    We Walk Alone.
    New York : The Feminist Press at CUNY, 2006.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Olsen, Eric.

Clouther, Kevin.

Lockhart, E.
    We Were Liars.
    London : Hot Key Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Schultz, Robert.

Childs, Allen.

Kaisergruber, Fernand.

Mason, Theodore C.

Moore, Louis.

Ewing, Juliana Horatia.

Klous, Sander.

Malala, Justice.

Walker, George F.
    We the Family.
    Vancouver : Talonbooks, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Eastham, Claire.

Lee, Young Jean.
    We're Gonna Die.
    New York : Theatre Communications Group, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Isensee, Rik.
    We're Not Alone.
    New York : Open Road Distribution, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Munshey, Sana.

Amram, Fred.

Mandrekar, Vidyadhar S.

Howell, James C.

Csermely, Peter.

Packer, J. I.

Force, Pierre.

Gilder, George.

Greer, John Michael.

Crowley, Adam.

Auerbach, Jonathan.

Gatto, John Taylor.

Mishra, Sanjay M.

Hathout, Dean.

Saso, Emily.
    Weather Inside.
    Calgary : Freehand Books, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Everett, Percival.

Lehmann, Rosamond.

Lehmann, Rosamond.

LeGras, Christopher.

Yong, Ku Swee.

Villar Burke, Javier.

Villar Burke, Javier.

Ellis, Catharine.

Kaska, Firor.

Foster, Rebecca.

Heiderich, Mario.

Palmer, Steven.

Heinze, Ute.

Varghese, Shiju.

D'mello, Bruno Joseph.

November, Alan C.

Belchin, Moises.

Faber, Wolfgang.

Tuosto, Emilio.

Hutchison, David.

Sikos, Leslie.

Lynch, Patrick J.

Pfoser, Dieter.

Frost, Adam.
    Web of Lies.
    London : Stripes Publishing, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Akhtar, Salman.

Cullen, Elaine.


Nahai, Nathalie.

Nadon, Jason.

Conway, Gerry.

Kirkpatrick, Betty.

Kirkpatrick, Betty.

Moody, Sue.

Kirkpatrick, Betty.

Kirkpatrick, Betty.

Kirkpatrick, Betty.

Dooner, Morven.

Kirkpatrick, Betty.

Francis, David.

Powell, Michelle.

Hurter, Bill.

Hewlett, Terry.

Van Hoy, Paul D.

Cannon, Katy.
    Wedding Tails.
    London : Stripes Publishing, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Phillips, Norman.

Blum, Marcy.

Olsen, Penny.

Egerton, George.
    : Galley Beggar Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

McCann, Sean.

Black, Ian.

Brennan, Gerard.

Brennan, Gerard.
    Wee Rockets.
    : Blasted Heath Ltd, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Braun, Hanna.

Blackstone, Charles.

Landor, Barth.
    Week in Winter.
    Newburyport : The Permanent Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

MacDonald, Cecily Glowik.

Bainbridge, Beryl.

Hamilton, Jane Eaton.
    New York : Arsenal Pulp Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book



Organization, World Health.

Organization, World Health.

Organization, World Health.

Organization, World Health.

Hall, Jeremy.

Mulholland, Malcolm.

Valdes, Zoe.

Scrimger, Richard.

Kunze, Conrad.

Fisher, Len.

Calcagno, Cheri.

Winston Paolicelli, Courtney.

Gillis, Steven.

Forrest, C.B.

Parker, Eileen.

McBride, Gregg.

Trevelyan, Anthony.
    Weightless World.
    Norwich : Galley Beggar Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Knopf, Karl.

Barrett, Ellen.

Stiefel, Steve.

Williams, J.

Weitz, Eric D.

Koch, Eric.

McPherson, Conor.
    London : Nick Hern Books, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Rawlik, Pete.

Dowding, Philippa.

Dowding, Philippa.

Howlett, Mike.

Mellon, Gray.

Lyons, Tony.

Weir, David.

Illes, Judika.

Chandler, Susan.

Greenwald , Lisa.

Pickering, Bev.

Davies, Murray.

Duswalt, Craig.

Mpe, Phaswane.

Maier, Father Joe.

Douglas, Rhonda.

Yeary, Clifford M.

Gelder, Gordon Van.

Howker, Ed.

Galbraith, James K.

Weiss, John Henry.

Nappi, Frank.

Zirin, Dave.

Coriell, Shelley.

James, Arleta.

Schram, Sanford F.

Seeleib-Kaiser, M.

Bartholomew, James.

Perkins, Adam.

Gunn, Mary.

Harris, Stella.

Mackinnon, A. J.

Mackinnon, A. J.

Steven, Kenneth.

Ashcroft, Michael.

Haworth, J.

Ford, Jeffrey.

Scorgie, Lesley-Anne.

Sicherman, Barbara.

Ingham, Penny.

Wilt, Dan.

Robertson, Ivan.

Kron, Lisa.
    New York : Theatre Communications Group, 2005.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Muir, Rory.

Kirschenbaum, Daniel S.

Lewis, Ronald L.

Rehm, Georg.

Hickson, Ella.

Rees, Jasper.

Cooper, James Fenimore.

Geoghegan, Thomas.

Geoghegan, Thomas.

Steiger, Brad.

Sargenti, Angela.

Gill, Roy.

Pritchard, Matthew.
    Cromer : Salt Publishing Limited, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Smith, James.

Kroninger, Wes.

Danker, Ryan Nicholas.

Wilson, Julian.
    Milton Keynes : Authentic Media, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lopes, R.

Friend, Jack.

Nayyar, Bobby.
    West of No East.
    London : Limehouse Books Limited, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Preus, Margi.

Heisner, Eric H.

Blankely, Tony.

Eggen, O.

Ariès, Philippe.

Watson, T.

Pitts, Michael R.

Adkin, Mark.

Adkin, Mark.

Tobyn, Graeme.

Fox, Paula.
    Western Wind.
    Newburyport : Open Road Media Teen & Tween, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kamphoefner, Walter D.

Barber, Stephen.

Lisle, Laurie.

Brannon, Tom.

Dallett, Cassandra.
    Wet Reckless.
    San Francisco : Manic D Press, Inc., 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Shirley, John.

Carroll, Paul.

Brodie, Allan.

Newstok, S.

Keeling, R.

Robinson, Chris.
    Wha's Like Us?.
    Edinburgh : Black & White Publishing, 2008.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hunter, Samuel D.

Walker, Madeleine.

Mowat, Farley.

Cacucci, Pino.

Otteson, James R.

Lawford, Christopher Kennedy.

Pierce, Jennifer Burek.

Sadler, Katharine.

Lewis, Anne Margaret.

Lewis, Anne Margaret.

Lord, Jeffrey.

Riche, Robert.

Bickerton, Thomas J.

Isern, Susanna.

Wallis, Pete.

Takikawa, Debby.

Jones, Amy.

Sarnikar, Supriya.

Hutton, Deborah.

Valgardson, W.D.

Hamilton, Masha.

Percy, Emma.

Cariello, Carrie.

Goss, Phil.

Thompson, Andrew.

Tripp, Paul David.

Tracy, Ann.

Geil, Patti.

Eyre, Richard.

Hess, Stephen.

Harris-Gershon, David.

Wight, Al.

Ratcliffe, Mary.

Tobin, Bob.

Wallis, Pete.

i ek, Slavoj.

Dever, Mark.

Aloni, Udi.

Staff, Between the Lions.

Gregg, Brian Han.

Everything, Eva.

Williamson, Kevin D.


Scorse, J.

Burgan, Mary.

Snyder, R. Bradley.

Snyder, R. Bradley.

Maqsood, Ruqaiyyah Waris.

Taylor, Robert B.

Reist, Michael.

Bauer, Justin L.

Sand, George.

Withrow, Sarah.

Barber, Elke.

McSherry, Peter.

Holton, G.

Rogers, Michael Allen.

Charter, David.

Pinn, A.

Wallis, Pete.

MacKenzie, Kelvin.

Sedaka, Marc.

Baucham Jr., Voddie.

Mnookin, Wendy.
    What He Took.
    Rochester : BOA Editions Ltd., 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Richards, Barry.

Fowler, Karen Joy.

Chandler, Susan.

Lucas, Craig.

Rader, Matt.

Gorman, Greg.

Gorman, Julie.

Moore, Susie.

Ratcliffe, Mary.

Hulsroj, Peter.

Minton, Leslie G.

Gutman, Bill.

Groover, Jen.

Gilligan, Peter A.
    What Is 'Tai Chi'?.
    London : Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Johnson, Helen L.

Hamilton Jr., James M.

(U.S.), The Merit Systems Protection Board.

Hultquist, Alan M.

Day, Pamela.

Rodriguez, Eleanor Renee.

Klemenc, Alenka.

Agamben, Giorgio.
    What Is Philosophy?.
    Redwood City : Stanford University Press, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Deleuze, Gilles.
    What Is Philosophy?.
    New York : Columbia University Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Müller, Jan-Werner.
    What Is Populism?.
    Philadelphia : University of Pennsylvania Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Morse, Eric.

Bennett, Jeffrey.

Prewitt, Kenneth.

Booth, David.

Anyabwile, Thabiti M.

Dever, Mark.

Badiou, Alain.
    What Is a People?.
    New York, NY : Columbia University Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gilbert, Greg.

Marlantes, Karl.

Bourke, Joanna.

Soltis, Andrew.

Piper, John.

Arvast, Anita.

Cole, Sheila.

Martin, William.

Thompson, CM.

Macphee, Kona.
    What Long Miles.
    Tyne and Wear : Bloodaxe Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lindenmayer, David B.

Berry, Wendell.

Bender, Courtney.

Low, Albert.

Gostick, Adrian.

Lomer, Kathryn.
    What Now, Tilda B?.
    St Lucia : University of Queensland Press, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kaye, Sharon M.

Shaffer, Michael J.

Joscelyn, Thomas.

Knowles, Rachel.

Franklin, James.

Hannan, Chris.

Woram, Catherine.

Choi-Fitzpatrick, Austin.

Jones, Catherine Ann.

Glasgow, Neal A.

Wall, Edward S.

Glasgow, Neal A.

Glasgow, Neal A.

McNary, Sarah J.

Erbes, Stella.

Davis, Stephen.

Salutin, Rick.

Craigie, Emma.

Neufeld, Alfred.

Laux, Dorianne.
    What We Carry.
    : BOA Editions Ltd., 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Irwin, Kevin W.

Pence, Gregory E.

Cook, David C.

Riedel, Bruce.

Bailey, Eileen.

Tyler, George R.

Alldridge, Peter.

Gurcan, Metin.

Marcus, Richard.

Zehr, Howard.

Corn, Tori.

Cohen, Jessica.

Sperling, Gene B.

Ugwudike, Pamela.

Clough, Roger.

Brown, J.

Beckmann, Dirk.

Blair, Tom.

Metcalf, Franz.

Tillman, Lynne.

Kincheloe, J.

Hooper, Martyn.

Aston, Maxine.

Huber, Cheri.

Hassali, Mohamed Azmi Ahmad.

Conrad, Jessamyn.

Schwarz, Kathryn.

Kohler, Mark J.

Jacobs, Donald.

Etheridge, Martin.

Glick, Thomas F.

Jaffe, Noemi.

Delfino, Robert A.

Holland, Noy.

H�fner, Klaus.

Howell, Mark.

Hodgson, David.

Kim, Arlene.

Didau, David.

Williams, Rowan.

Laszlo, Ervin.

Riches, John.


Fan, Si.

Pugh, J.

Laszlo, Ervin.

Griffiths, John.

Devenish, David.

Brown, Daniel A.

Grillaert, Nel.

Swaffer, Kate.

Knut, Ute.

Clinton, Kate.
    What the L?.
    Ann Arbor : Bywater Books, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Christmas, Jane.

Macleod, Muriel Mharie.

Conrad, John.

Stevens, Steven S.

Seidelmann, Sarah.

Petit, Pascale.

Joas, Hans.

van den Berg, Laura.

Coates, Ken S.

Coates, Ken S.

Betancourt, Marian.

Gray, Rachel.

Price, Steven D.

Black, David.

Black, David.

Reynolds, Kate E.

Goldstein, Martin B.

Last, Jonathan V.

American Diabetes Associa,.

American Diabetes Associa,.

Patten, Sarah.

LeClair, Tom.

Kerr, Hillary.

O'Leary, Michael P.

Catchpole, Giles.

Norris, Bett.

Mercer, Gerald.

Reynolds, Kate E.

Reynolds, Kate E.

Milne, Ralph.

Dillow, Linda.

Zirin, Dave.

Whitaker, Brian.

Fournier, Lou.

D'Souza, Dinesh.

Waters, Jo.

Cave, Peter.

Stove, David.

Guggenheim, Martin.

de-Wit, Lee.

Anderson, James N.

Wells, George Albert.

Cobb, Vicki.

Brannon, Tom.

Claxton, Guy.

Lee, Joseph.

Lucas, Ceil.

Kearney, Mark.

Kearney, Mark.

Goddard, Steve.

Coover, Robert.

Okotie, Simon.

Pettit, Mary.

Boice, James Montgomery.

Kostenberger, Andreas J.

Aylon, Helene.

Hayworth, J. D.

Szanto, George.
    Whatever Lola Wants.
    Victoria : Brindle & Glass Publishing, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Ruston, Rosie.
    Whatever Love Is.
    Dorking : Piccadilly Press, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Ferrerrs, Earl.

Ferrers, Earl.

Burt, R.

Clubb, Angela.

Stanescu, Nichita.

Juette, Melvin.

Murphy, Dervla.

Markotic, Nicole.
    Toronto : Coach House Books, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Petherbridge, Laura.

Jung-il, Jang.

Edwards, Jennifer.

Koscik, Terian.

Chandler, Richy K.

Ali, Asif.

Jensen, Audra.

Healy, Joseph B.

Phillips, Rowan Ricardo.

Jaffe, Michael Grant.

Boswell, Joan.

Grinnell, George Bird.

Ramsbotham, Oliver.

Stark, Ulf.

Levy, Barrie.

Hays, Charlotte.

Kwok, Ka-hok.


Reid, Raziel.

Harris, Brian.

Carlock, R.

Palmer, Dorothy Ellen.

Subramaniam, Arundhathi.

Snaden, Andrew.

Smith, Tich.

Gerrold, David.

Blechta, Rick.

Bergenstreiml, Herscue.

Rilke, Rainer Maria.

Chen, Chen.

Munce, Alayna.

Lerner, Barron H.

Mead, Peter.

Ward, Martin.

Shepard, Aaron.
    When Is a Man.
    Calgary : Brindle & Glass Publishing, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Horst, Jorn Lier.

Ammar, Jamil.

Heffernan, William.

Burns, Donna M.

Lettmann, Vicky.

Greenburg, Bradley.

Burns, Peter.


Doyle, Sharron.

Courpasson, David.

Viteritti, Joseph P.

Sivanandan, A.
    When Memory Dies.
    London : Arcadia Books Limited, 2007.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Tilman, H.W.

Katherine, Anne.

Paul, William.

Bullock, David.

Miller, Jules.

Fagan, Terence Paul.

Cantor, Diane Michael.

Kaplan, Samuel.

Crocker, Ernest F.
    When Oceans Roar.
    Milton Keynes : Authentic Media, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Sissons, Peter.

White, Dave.

Parker, Holly.

Sesardic, Neven.

Merriman, Scott A., Sr.

Purvis, Stewart.

Robertson, Charles L.

Hightower, Lynn S.
    When Secrets Die.
    Newburyport : Open Road Media Mystery & Thriller, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Palmer, Jane.

Topel, Brett.

Andrews, June.

Heineman, Mary.

Elliot-Wright, Susan.

Baker, Barbara.

Sheff, Elisabeth.

Elliot-Wright, Susan.

Gray, Millie.

Gaillard, Norbert.

Agarin, Timofey.

Della Coletta, Cristina.

Byler, Linda.

Molyneux, Derek.

Korenman, Adam L.

Doyle, Gerard S.

Koren, Ziv.

Davey, Frank.

Friedemann, A.J.

Peppiatt, Frank.

Sniderman, Paul M.

Jobin-Leeds, Greg.

Covich, Suzanne.

Popoola, Olumide.

Stoker, Robert P.

Thorne, Jack.

Robertson, Rachel.

McCarthy, Maureen.

Hirschland, Deborah.

Riter, Bob.

Kelly, Jill.

Wolfelt, Alan.

Dix, Paul.

Braham, Trevor.

Schlossberg, Dan.

MacBeth, Hilliard.

Maruno, Jennifer.

Ozsvath, Zsuzsanna.

Piper, John.

Wishnia, Steven.

O'Connell, Lori.

Poole, Janet.

Warner, Patricia C.

Kelly, Thomas M.

Yahia, Mona.

Pearson, Thomas W.

Scharff Smith, Peter.

Kelly, Victoria Lynn.

C. Maloney, David.

Bovell, Andrew.

Lauer, Vaughn.

Pertschuk, Michael.

Dee, Anna.

Becker, Stephen.

Orr, Linda M.

Redmond, Eric C.

Brannon, Tom.

Thompson, Ken.

Shinn, Christopher.

Kluba, William.

Fredette, Karen.

Wichert, Ines.

Khan, Aga.

Subramaniam, Arundhathi.
    Where I Live.
    Tyne and Wear : Bloodaxe Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Shivji, Issa G.

St.Ours, Kathryn.

Figg, Royall W.

Figg, Royall W.

Welch, Denton.

Willmott, Chris.

Inc., Black.

Davis, William B.

Kerrigan, Michael.

Samarov, Dmitry.

Stuckey-French, Elizabeth.

Bennett, Larry.

Fraser, John.

Underwood, Peter.

Carver, Tom.

Harding, Matt.

Murphy, Dervla.

Wadden, Marie.

Durst, Will.

Dietz, William C.
    Where the Ships Die.
    Newburyport : Open Road Media Sci-Fi & Fantasy, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Grady, Wayne.

Klein, Laurie.

Bridger, Bobby.

Dawn, Amber.

Rodell, Besha.

Kelly, Gill.

Musso, Guillaume.

Volkman, Karen.
    New York, NY : BOA Editions Ltd., 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Minter, Kelly.

Dornschneider, Stephanie.

Dyson, K.

Lyon, George Ella.

Byler, Linda.

Boles, Nicholas.

Frost, Adam.
    Whiff of Mystery.
    London : Stripes Publishing, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Runyan, W. R.

Fenske, Theodore.

Bryant, Louella.

Agus, Milena.

Schnell, Melanie.

Williams, Thomas.

Sadler, Fenton.
    London : Robert Hale, 2006.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Boggs, Johnny D.

Axelrod, Alan.

Crookshank, Rebecca.

Andrews, Allen.
    Whisky Barons.
    Glasgow : Neil Wilson Publishing, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Archibald, Malcolm.

Humphrey, Kris.

Michaels, Jesse.

Tamasese Ta'isi Tupuola Tufuga Efi, Tui Atua Tupua.

Richardson, Arleta.
    Whistle-Stop West.
    Colorado Springs, CO : David C. Cook, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Jones, James.
    Newburyport : Open Road Media, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Jones, James.
    : Open Road Media, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Rashke, Richard.

Clonan, Tom.

    Exeter : Impress Books, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Ash, Angie.

Apaza, Carmen R.

Christie, Jack.

Christie, Jack.

Calosse, Jp. A.
    New York : Parkstone International, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Roberts, Peter.

Didion, Joan.

von Werthern, Tamara.

Lincoln, Kenneth.
    White Boyz Blues.
    Williston : Fulcrum Publishing, 2007.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Greenwood, Juliet.
    White Camellia.
    La Vergne : Honno Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Tearne, Roma.
    White City.
    La Vergne : Gallic Books, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Mancia, Giuseppe.

Taylor, Robert B.

Halloran, Bob.

Idemitsu, Mako.
    White Elephant.
    La Vergne : Chin Music Press Inc., 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Haegele, Katie.

London, Jack.
    White Fang.
    New York : Open Road Media, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Dance, Jennifer.

Lanigan, Susan.
    White Feathers.
    Dublin : The O'Brien Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gray, R Garland.
    White Fells.
    St. Charles : Medallion Media Group, 2007.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bartholomeusz, James.

Bartholomeusz, James.
    White Fox.
    St. Charles : Medallion Media Group, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Als, Hilton.
    White Girls.
    San Francisco : McSweeney's, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gough, Simon.

Hunt, Stephen.

Conners, Peter.

Ge, Yan.
    White Horse.
    London : HopeRoad, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Beetner, Eric.

Stanford, Phil.

Coleman, JaQuavis.
    White House.
    New York : Akashic Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Ollikainen, Aki.
    White Hunger.
    London : Peirene Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Brand, Max.

Lawson, Julie.

Yolen, Jane.
    White Jenna.
    New York : Open Road Media Sci-Fi & Fantasy, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hopkins, Cathy.
    White Lies.
    Dorking : Piccadilly Press, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Wise, Tim.

Mankell, Henning.

Hofmann, Corinne.
    White Masai.
    London : Arcadia Books Limited, 2006.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Sternburg, Janet.

Reay, D.

Lundström, C.

Forbes, Robert.

Gregor, Elmer Russell.
    White Otter.
    Wellington : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Clune, Michael W.

Barton, Jon.

Machen, Arthur.
    White People.
    Cardigan : Parthian Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Grace, Maria.
    White Petals.
    Cardiff : Firefly Press Limited, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hershman, Tania.

Falkner, William Clark.

Delany, Vicki.

Hughey, Matthew.

Louis, Edward S.

Coleman, Evelyn.
    White Socks Only.
    New York : Albert Whitman & Company, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Robertson-Hickling, Hilary.

Wilson, Edward.

Goddard, John.

Harvey, J.

Hughes, D.

de la Roche, Mazo.

de la Roche, Mazo.

de la Roche, Mazo.

de la Roche, Mazo.

Tripp, Paul David.

Gill, Sandra K.

Lepore, Jill.

Rue, Leonard Lee.

Keon, Joseph.

Weisberg, Harold.

Weisberg, Harold.

Weisberg, Harold.

Weisberg, Harold.

Kolodko, G.

Kolodko, G.

Bego, Mark.

Biddle, Flora Miller.

Branch of the NPC, Cork West.

Powless, Irving, Jr.

Pessin-Whedbee, Brook.

Kavan, Anna.
    Who Are You?.
    Washington : Peter Owen Publishers, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hagan, John.

Landers, Rachel.

Ghigna, Charles.
    Who Can?.
    Victoria : Orca Book Publishers, 2018.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Brannon, Tom.

Newman, Katherine S.

Page, Raissa.

Sarat, Austin.

Root, Michael.

Schenwar, Maya.

Taylor, Derek J.

Wang, Jiazhuo G.

Spence, Alan J.

Furman, Jason.

Rampling, Charlotte.
    Who I Am.
    London : Icon Books Ltd, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Redfern, Christine.

Sutherland, John.

Gaponenko, Marjana.
    Who Is Martha?.
    New York : New Vessel Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hammett, Dashiell.

Haynes, Annie.

Starkins, Ed.

Redford, Matthew.

Gager, John G.

Lemieux, P.

Grenz, Stanley J.

Tamny, John.

Dell, Katharine.

Maguire, Robert.

Byers, Michael.

Pardue, Mary Jane.

Wentworth, Patricia.
    Who Pays the Piper?.
    New York : Open Road Media Mystery & Thriller, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Skidelsky, Robert.

Holtzman, Elizabeth.

Griffiths, Rudyard.

May, Elizabeth.

Kupecky, Regina M.

Verjee, Iman.

Bryden, Christine.

Malmo, Katherine.

von Bohlen, Claus.

Humphries, Thomas L., Jr.

Murad, Khurram.
    Who is Muhammad?.
    London : Kube Publishing Ltd, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Rattigan, Terence.

Berger, Thomas.

Wells, George Albert.

Bilgrami, Akeel.

Davidson, Paul.

Siedell, Daniel A.

Silverman, Steve.

Silverman, Steve.

Silverman, Steve.

Silverman, Steve.

Murphy, Colin.

Mechem, Charles S.

Nunn, Kenneth P.

Bynoe, Yvonne.

Krassner, Paul.

Kuipers, Melissa.

Tuck, Max.

Schmidt, Siegfried.

Gale, Patrick.

Hofmannsthal, Hugo von.

Hargreaves, Sam.

Lizée, P.

Hutchinson, Tom A.

Drew, Emma.

Smith, Jim.

Sahn, Seung.

Laederach, Jürg.
    Whole of Life.
    Normal, IL : Columbia University Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Rennie-Pattison, Caroline.

Epstein, Irving.

Leighton, Taigen Dan.

Media, The Staff of Entrepreneur.

magazine, Entrepreneur.

Tekiela, Stan.
    Whose Butt?.
    : Adventure Publications, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Forbes, James.

Pugh, M.

Glave, Thomas.

Straker, Bethany.

Budd, Martin.

Pillar, Paul.

Hannan, Daniel.

Greene, Jay P.

Hajnal, Zoltan L.

Ladd, Jonathan M.

Bernstein Sycamore, Mattilda.

Cohen, Shaye J. D.

Orloff, Alvin.

Danowski, Debbie.

Janzon, Lars-Åke.

Speck, Marsha.

Wolpert, Lewis.

Kiel-Hinrichsen, Monika.

Um, Stephen T.

Kramer, Lawrence.

Eastaway, Rob.

Goldwyn, Matrin M.

Leventhal-Belfer, Laurie.

Garon, Ilana.

Vermeule, Blakey.

Chowdhury, Uttom.

Brunning, Andy.

Gill, Robin.

White, T. C. R.

Matthews, Robert.

Bird, John.

Reckhaus, Hans-Dietrich.

Codding, Brian F.

Routledge, Helen.

Andrews, Nin.

Farber, Katy.

Stanley, Kenneth O.

Colwell, John E.

Knight, Michael Muhammad.
    Why I Am a Salafi.
    La Vergne : Soft Skull Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Michalopoulou, Amanda.

Harris, Tom.

Wright, John.

Morton, Clay.

Soltis, Andrew.

Mearsheimer, John.
    Why Leaders Lie.
    London : Gerald Duckworth & Co, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Tobias, Michael Charles.

Keiningham, Timothy.

Darroch, J.

Keen, Shellie.

Mandel-Campbell, Andrea.

Bicknell, J.

Limbeck, Martin.

Chirot, Daniel.

Cohen, G. A.
    Why Not Socialism?.
    Princeton : Princeton University Press, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Robertson, Ray.

Gratzer, David.

Gray, James P.

Chakravarti, A.

Cheskin, Louis.

McClay, Wilfred M.

Kamarck, Elaine C.

Zeller, Andreas.

Epstein, Richard A.

Durant, R.

Davison, Andrew.

Rose, Mike.

Rose, Mike.

Paulson, Tony.

Skinner, Dave.

Williams, Rowan.

Hanas, Jim.
    Why They Cried.
    Toronto : ECW Press, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Levine, Mark.

Phillips III, Rufus C.

Herbert, Nick.

Ali, Shahrar.

Jarvis, Dan.

Browne, Jeremy.

Evans, Suzanne.

Chute, Anthony L.

LaMothe, Kimerer L.

Singer, Andy.

Bonn, Scott.

Cannatella, Howard.

Drakeman, Donald.

Pera, Marcello.

Garvey, Thomas.

Trump, Donald J.

Stein, Harry.

Pryce, Vicky.

Lackner, Helen.

Bonfiglio, T.

Cohen, David J.

Rabins, Peter V.

Elder, D. Rose.

Stricherz, Mark.

Perryman, Mark.

Michie, Jonathan.

Ross, Tim.

Glencross, Andrew.

Cesari, J.

Warraq, Ibn.

Dirckx, Sharon.

Cooper, Catherine.

Graham, Dale.

Wiebe, Joanna.

Arend, Richard J.

Flynn, Kevin.

Hone, Joseph.

Morgan, Winter.

Warnicke, R.

White, Deborah.
    Surrey : Templar Publishing, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Steadman, Helen.
    Exeter : Impress Books, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bond, Georgi.

Dalton, Trinie.
    Wide Eyed.
    New York : Akashic Books, 2005.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Sinclair, Upton.
    Wide Is the Gate.
    New York : Open Road Media, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Spencer, Randy.

Silva, Patricio.


Latiolais, Michelle.
    Widow : Stories.
    New York : Bellevue Literary Press, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Keneally, Thomas.
    Widow and Her Hero.
    Newburyport : Open Road Distribution, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Waldorf, Marek.
    Widow's Dozen.
    Chappaqua : Turtle Point Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Evans, Sheila.
    Widow's Husband.
    Newburyport : The Permanent Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Sillitoe, Alan.

Schaefer, G. J.

Lawrence, D.H.

Arditti, Michael.
    Widows & Orphans.
    London : Arcadia Books Limited, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Newerkla, Stefan Michael.

Wiersbe, Warren W.

Wiersbe, Warren W.

Wiersbe, Warren W.

Wiersbe, Warren W.

Wiersbe, Warren W.

Wiersbe, Warren W.

Wiersbe, Warren W.

Wiersbe, Warren W.

Wiersbe, Warren W.

Wiersbe, Warren W.

Wiersbe, Warren W.

Wiersbe, Warren W.

Wiersbe, Warren W.

Wiersbe, Warren W.

Wiersbe, Warren W.

Wiersbe, Warren W.

Wiersbe, Warren W.

Wiersbe, Warren W.

Wiersbe, Warren W.

Wiersbe, Warren W.

Wiersbe, Warren W.

Wiersbe, Warren W.

Wiersbe, Warren W.

Wiersbe, Warren W.

Wiersbe, Warren W.

Wiersbe, Warren W.

Wiersbe, Warren W.

Wiersbe, Warren W.

Wiersbe, Warren W.

Wiersbe, Warren W.

Wiersbe, Warren W.

Wiersbe, Warren W.

Wiersbe, Warren W.

Wiersbe, Warren W.

Wiersbe, Warren W.

Wiersbe, Warren W.

Le Donne, Anthony.

Lewis, Janet.

Wilson, Julian.

Canty, Daniel.
    Berkeley : Talonbooks, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Noveck, Beth Simone.

Leitch, Thomas.

Bartlett, Mike.

Hamilton, Ian.

Collins, Nancy A.

Reed, Philip.

Gamer, Ron.

Vallance, Mark.

Ransom, Jason I.

Eastoe, Jane.

Mori, Ogai.
    Wild Geese.
    New York : Tuttle Publishing, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Le Guin, Ursula K.
    Wild Girls.
    Oakland : PM Press, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Byler, Linda.

McCormac, Philip.
    Wild Justice.
    La Vergne : Robert Hale, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Ta-chun, Chang.

Cullinan, Cormac.

Stetson, Lee.

Addonizio, Kim.

Dembicki, Matt.

Hood-Caddy, Karen.

Vizgirdas, Ray S.

Page, James R.

O'Donnell, Roisín.
    Wild Quiet.
    Dublin : New Island Books, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

King, Gabriel.
    Wild Road.
    London : Head of Zeus, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Churchill, Ginger.

Zimmer, Michael.

Mackay, Janis.
    Wild Song.
    Dorking : Piccadilly Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Krause, Bernie.
    Wild Soundscapes.
    New Haven : Yale University Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Jordan, Rosa.
    Wild Spirits.
    Toronto : Dundurn, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Copeland, Lori.

Cody, William F.

Wallis, Michael.
    Wild West.
    New York : Abrams, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Wegmann, Ute.

Yates, Simon.
    Wild Within.
    Sheffield : Vertebrate Publishing, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Jacobs, Jay S.

Neider, Susan M.

Leu, Laura.

Smalley, Andrea L.

Crozier, Lorna.

Bové, Jennifer.

Moncrief, Charles.

Lobenthal, Joel.

Cawthorne, Mike.
    Wilderness Dreams.
    Glasgow : Neil Wilson Publishing, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lipman, Grant S.

Hendee, John C.

Jackson, A.B.
    Wilderness Party.
    La Vergne : Bloodaxe Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Arney, Jo.

Conlon-McKenna, Marita.
    Wildflower Girl.
    Dublin : The O'Brien Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Roensch, Rob.

Adkins, Leonard.

Wenk, Elizabeth.

Killough, Lee.
    Wilding Nights.
    CALGARY : Books We Love Publishing Partners, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Garner, Jackie.

Bradbury, Kate.

Kellie, Ed.

Classen, Joseph F.

Tzaros, Chris.

Vallabhaneni, S. Rao.






Headrick, Paul.

Winter, David A.

Block, The Tax Institute at H&R.

Cuthbertson, Guy.
    Wilfred Owen.
    London : Yale University Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Shepherd, Naomi.

Damar, Duygu.

Gulledge, Laura Lee.
    Will & Whit.
    New York : Abrams, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Blanchard, Laurence Malcolm.

Levitz, Paul.
    Will Eisner.
    New York : Abrams, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Cole, Sonia Nassery.

Isberg, Art.

Chappell, Paul K.

Spillane, John.

Willimon, William H.

Lunch, Lydia.

Maggi, Eva-Maria.

Harland, Kelly.

Terkel, Studs.

Jamail, Dahr.

Shuttle, Penelope.

Cather, Willa.

Mccarthy, Andrew C.

Mccarthy, Andrew C.

Weisberg, Herbert I.

Seward, Ingrid.

Bee, William.

Beer, J.

Bentley, G. E.

Knowles, Valerie.

Mariani, Paul.

Diggory, Terence.

McCorristine, S.

Simpson, Christopher Ben.

Skaggs, David Curtis.

Churnin, Nancy.

Wilhide, Elizabeth.

Dunn, Mary Maples.

Knight, Michael Muhammad.

Herr, Joelle.

Bragg, Melvyn.

Naish, Sarah.

Naish, Sarah.

McLean, Scott A.

Hamilton, Virginia.

Miller, Willie.

Ní Ghairbhí, Róisín.

Hammond, Jo.

Ward, Kirwan.

Holliday, SJI.

Taylor, James Peter.

Larsen, Jeanne.

Kennedy, Scott.

Baldwin, Joshua.
    Wilshire Sun.
    Chappaqua : Turtle Point Press, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Knowles, Mike.

Wood, Sidney.

Gardner, John.
    Win, Lose or Die.
    La Vergne : Ian Fleming Publications, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Corris, Peter.

Bluestein, Jane E.

Murray, Chris.
    Edinburgh : Fledgling Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Kendal, Henry.

Grahame, Kenneth.

Houghton, David.
    Wind Strategy.
    Havertown : Fernhurst Books, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Evenson, Brian.
    : Coffee House Press, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

David, Laurence.
    Window Song.
    Eugene : Wipf and Stock Publishers, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Whitney, Phyllis A.

Halsey, Mike.

Kumar, Senthil.

Halsey, Mike.

Jangla, Kinnary.

Halsey, Mike.

Rathbone, Andy.

Stokes, Jeff.

Bell, Charles.

Dawes, Adam.

Bettany, Andrew.

Carvey, Harlan.

Carvey, Harlan.

Arya, Kapil.

Rhodes, Chris.

Lalonde, Lori.

Chaganti, Ravikanth.

Halsey, Mike.

Lee, Thomas.

Bettany, Andrew.

Ballew, Joli.

Bettany, Andrew.

Holm, Bill.

Aageson, James W.

Crone, Alla.

Walsh, Ann.

Moir, Rita.

Taylor, D. J.

Taylor, D. J.

Hart, Peter.
    Ramsbury : Crowood, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Resnick, E.

Ramšak, Mojca.

Aminrazavi, Mehdi.

Rawcliffe, Shaun.

Rawcliffe, Shaun.

Smith, Joseph Wayne.

Gébler, Carlo.

Cooper, James Fenimore.

Srinivas, Tulasi.

Samatar, Sofia.

Forbes, Anne.
    Wings of Ruksh.
    Edinburgh : Floris Books, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Tracy, Louis.

Cooper, Tom.

Gaul, Liam.

Revoyr, Nina.
    Brooklyn : Akashic Books, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Eclair-Powell, Phoebe.

Archer, Jules.

Youssef, Marcus.

Dias, Elsa Oliveira.

Brackett, Gary.

Mollo, Victor.

Chernev, Irving.

Bozulich, Richard.

Coffin, Charles Carleton.
    Winning His Way.
    Wellington : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lancaster, Simon.

Mullin, Chris.

Denslow, W.W.

Denstaedt, Linda G.

Stiftung, Bertelsmann.

Gordon, Philip H.

Osgood, Kenneth.

Kirwan, Gary.

Aggarwal, Vinod K.

Roosevelt, Theodore.

Bunn, Michael.

Frieden, Rob.

Rankin, David M.

McMahon, K.

Kopec, Danny.

Makuck, Peter.

Rattigan, Terence.
    Winslow Boy.
    London : Nick Hern Books, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Reardon, Terry.

Angus, Chris.

Russell, David.

Al-Ghani, Kay.

Gopnik, Adam.

Gamer, Ron.

Maggi, Nicole.
    Winter Falls.
    Barrington : Medallion Media Group, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bainbridge, Beryl.

Haddad, Salim Khalil.
    Winter Jasmine.
    La Vergne : Clink Street Publishing, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book


Butcher, Kristin.
    Winter Road.
    Victoria : Orca Book Publishers, 2018.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Clifton, Harry.

War, Iraq Veterans Against the.

Keene, Donald.

Isern, Susanna.
    Winter Train.
    Pozuelo de Alarcon : Cuento de Luz, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Wilde, James.

Webb, Holly.
    Winter Wolf.
    London : Stripes Publishing, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Authors, Various.

Latham, Delia.
    Winter Wonders.
    Chicago : Pelican Book Group, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

McDermott, Steven J.

Parkin, Cassandra.
    Winter's Child.
    Chicago : Legend Times Group, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

L'Engle, Madeleine.

Arbuthnott, Gill.
    Edinburgh : Floris Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Butterworth, Jez.

Winterton, Sarah.

Bzdak, David.

Erardi, John.

Kennedy, Dan.

Hutchison, David.

Wang, Honggang.
    Wireless Health.
    Cham : Springer International Publishing, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Briere, Danny.

Akan, Ozgur.

Yang, Yuanyuan.

Hutchison, David.

Chen, Cailian.

Mà ¼ller, Simone.

Bauer, Mary M.

Conant, James K.

Weidmann, Jim.

Littlejohn, Robert.

Milward, Peter.

Ikeda, Daisaku.

Ikeda, Daisaku.

Adesan, Ruphina Folayemi Ojo.

Kunst, Jennifer.

McGann, Oisín.
    Wisdom of Dead Men.
    New York : Open Road Media Teen & Tween, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Merrifield, Andy.

Rowthorn, Anne.

Anderson, Maxine K.

Birch, David.

Schelske, Marc Alan.

Bruna, John.

McGinnis, Mark W.


Schwass, Joachim.

Tolstoy, Leo.

Soltis, Andrew.

Lemon, Alex.
    Wish Book : Poems.
    Minneapolis : Milkweed Editions, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Thomas, Penny.

Soper, Katherine.

Wade, Julie Marie.

Kellough, Janet.

Summaries, Bright.

Ferrell, Miralee.

Harris, Amber.
    Wisteria Jane.
    New York, NY : Redleaf Press, 2008.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Sullivan, Dan.

Riley, Chris.

Allen, Jon.

Forbes, Anne.
    Witch Silver.
    Edinburgh : Floris Books, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Broderick, Marian.
    Witch in a Fix.
    Dublin : The O'Brien Press, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Don, Lari.

Rowlands, Alison.

Berger, Helen A.

Mitchell, Stephen A.

Snell, Roy J.

Carretero, Monica.

Howard, Martin.

Howard, Martin.

Howard, Martin.

Sandoval, John.

Wilborn, Bruce K.

Nichols, Mike.
    Witches' Sabbats.
    Oak Park : Acorn Guild Press, 2005.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Ehrenreich, Barbara.

Jong, Erica.
    Newburyport : Open Road Media, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gould, Joyce.

Cooper, Ian.
    Witchfinder General.
    New York : Columbia University Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Johnston, Arnold.

Fischel, Emma.
    La Vergne : Nosy Crow, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Fischel, Emma.
    La Vergne : Nosy Crow, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Fischel, Emma.
    London : Nosy Crow, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Antonetti, Claudia.

Campey, Lucille H.

McNeff, Richard.

MacDonald, Bryden.

Slade, Suzanne.

Piper, John.

Ranzan, David A.

Cadigan, Neil.

Milnes, Arthur.

Byers, Samuel H. M.

Oake, Robin.

Killilea, Marie.

Forbes, Elena.
    With Me.
    : House of Anansi Press, 2007.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Logusz, Michael O.

King, Francis.

McGeeney, Andy.

Huber, Carol and Stephen.

Bringle, Robert G.

Hall, Mike.

Lacorne, D.

Bockris, Victor.

Cortiel, Jeanne.

Sanders, Lauren.

Revaz, Noelle.
    With the Animals.
    Normal, IL : Columbia University Press, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

MacDonald, Jake.

Hinze, Rolf.

Al Attar, Mohammad.

Malla, Pasha.

Marai, Sandor.

Dubinsky, Karen.

Knitter, Paul F.

Ferguson, Cyrus.
    Without Motive.
    Guildford : Grosvenor House Publishing, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Boyle, Dan.

Hayes, Anna R.

Ohanian, Alexis.

Twerski, Abraham J.

Franzmann, Vivienne.

White, Dave.

Sonnenfeldt, Richard W.

Serge, Victor.

Scofield, Gregory.
    Witness, I Am.
    La Vergne : Harbour Publishing, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Chambers, Whittaker.
    Washington : Regnery Publishing, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book


Stover, Eric.

Deigloriam, A. M.

Mawdudi, Sayyid Abul A'la.

Byler, Linda.
    : Good Books, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Butler, Kelly Jean.

Boncompagni, Anna.

Temelini, Michael.

Szabados, Béla.

Gay, William.

Engelmann, M.

Stroll, Avrum.
    Oxford : Oneworld Publications, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

    Normal, IL : Columbia University Press, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Popoff, Alexandra.

Hazelwood, Robert R.

Nussbaum, Ben.

Walker, Clinton.

Auxier, Randall E.

Baum, L. Frank.
    Wizard of Oz.
    Berkeley : Thunder Bay Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

George, Michael D.

Bevell, Brett.

McKy, Katie.
    Wolf Camp.
    Terre Haute, IN : Tanglewood Press, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Muench, Simone.
    Wolf Centos.
    Louisville : Sarabande Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Woods, Russ.
    Wolf Doctors.
    : Curbside Splendor Publishing, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lungin, Tatiana.

Llamazares, Julio.

Pedrick, Jean.
    Wolf Moon.
    New York : Alice James Books, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Don, Lari.

Falco, Ed.
    Wolf Point.
    Lakewood, CO : Unbridled Books, 2006.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Pflüger, Gudrun.

Banks, Ray.
    Wolf Tickets.
    : Blasted Heath Ltd, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Maweeney, Barry.

Roland, Consuelo.
    Wolf Trap.
    Johannesburg : Jacana Media, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Francis, Clare.
    Wolf Winter.
    New York : Open Road Media Mystery & Thriller, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

McDonald, Avril.

Yount, John.

McDonald, Avril.

Paul, Anthony.

McDonald, Avril.

La Rocque, Barbara Wall.

Lewis, Brian.

De Bruyn, Ben.

Richards, Justin.
    Wolfstone Curse.
    Surrey : Templar Publishing, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Botting, Eileen Hunt.

Chadwick, Douglas H.
    Wolverine Way.
    Ventura : Patagonia, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Horwood, Joel.

Simpson, Andrew.

Tunney, Russ.

Zeischegg, Christopher.

Griffith, Cary J.
    : Adventure Publications, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Dugdall, Ruth.

Williams, Jeanne.

Brevard, Aleshia.

Tripp, Velvet.

Slavin, Julia.

Donelly, Beau.

Mulley, Clare.

Herwig, Malte.

Makine, Andreï.

Wexler, Alice.

Davidsen, Leif.

Velazquez, Janeta.

Martín, Luisgé.

Daugherty, Tracy.

Simons, J David.

Brestin, Dee.
    Woman of Love.
    Colorado Springs : David C. Cook, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Leblanc, Maurice.

Williams, Jeanne.

Chamberlain, Kim.

Novák, Lucie.

Martir, Vanessa.

Chrisler, Joan C.

Soule, Deb.

Marcus M.D., Dawn A.

Dugan, A.

Davies, Margery W.

Wanjala, Barbara.

Casey, Karen.
    Woman's Spirit.
    Minneapolis : Hazelden Publishing, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Townes, Emilie M.

Iliff, Brenda.

Hamerstone, J.

Thomson, P.

Triggs, Barbara.
    Victoria : CSIRO PUBLISHING, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Pande, Amrita.

Longo, Lawrence D.

Zagano, P.

Kalmann, Menno.

Dinnerstein, Myra.

Patterson, Michelle.

Dilworth, Sharon.

Durst, A.

Mahar, Karen Ward.

Bellebuono, Holly.

Atwood, Kathryn J.

Johnson, Greg.

Danneberg, Julie.

Baxter, Judith.

Hyman, Jane.

Morojele, Naleli.


Jones, Ann.
    Women Who Kill.
    New York : The Feminist Press at CUNY, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Sorel, Nancy Caldwell.

Parsipur, Shahrnush.

Hilger, Stephanie M.

Looser, Devoney.

Kolocotroni, Vassiliki.

Kassam, Zayn R.

Miskolcze, Robin.

Prose, Francine.

Steady, Filomina Chioma.

Gee, J.

Hendrickx, Sarah.

Tremblay, M.

Tremblay, Manon.

Porter, Fran.

Daileader, C.

Griffith, R. Marie.

Okech, Awino.

Maglin, Nan Bauer.

Scutt, Jocelynne.

Rossetti, Linda.

Alam, M.

Fabre-Serris, Jacqueline.

Huang, Catherine.

Thomson, P.

Midgley, Jane.

Frangou, Sophia.

Despeux, Catherine.
    Women in Daoism.
    St Petersburg : Three Pines Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Wemple, Suzanne Fonay.

Sihra, M.

Husain, Zakir.

Sanders, J.

English de Alminana, Margaret.

Holman, Mirya R.

Okin, Susan Moller.

(U.S.), The Merit Systems Protection Board.

Haghighat-Sordellini, E.

Katz, Marion.

Lamrabet, Asma.

Bank, Asian Development.

Walters, Evelyn.

Zinn, Maxine Baca.

McInnis, Verity.

Llewellyn, Carole.
    Women of Straw.
    London : Robert Hale, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Jones, M.

Taylor, Marion Ann.

Moffat, Jodie.

David, Emmanuel.

von Burden, Zora.

Newbell, Trillia.
    Women on Life.
    Minneapolis : Leland House Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Williams, Joanna.

Traustadbottir, Rannveig.

Disney, Jennifer Leigh.

Thistlethwaite, Susan Brooks.

Renn, Kristen A.

Publishing, OECD.

Nash, M.

Tengler, Nancy.

Robb-Nicholson, Celested.
    Women's Health 50 +.
    Boston : Harvard Health Publications, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Maharaja, Siva Ganesh.

Turshen, M.

Meleis, Afaf Ibrahim.

Ross, Susan Deller.

Ukockis, Gail.

Duncan, J. Ligon.

Bryant, Marsha.

MacDowell Santos, Cecilia.

Stewart, James.

Wieringa, S.

Stewart, Barbara.

Matera, Marc.

Dowd, Michelle.

Rutherford, Sarah.

Cox, Virginia.

Snook, Edith.

Hawkesworth, Mary.

Vigen, A.

Taylor, B.

Winter, Bronwyn.

Peetz, David.

Coates, J.

Crompton, R.

Wilkinson, Joy.

Jones, Marie.

Sagaria, M.

Naguib, Nefissa.

Solati, Fariba.

Rasmussen, Anne K.

Taylor, Alice.
    Dublin : The O'Brien Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Malloy, Mary.
    Wonder Chamber.
    Teaticket : Leapfrog Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Rabasa, George.
    Wonder Singer.
    Lakewood, CO : Unbridled Books, 2008.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Wall, Keith.

Stratton-Porter, Gene.

Beachy-Quick, Dan.

Woolley, Bryan.

Uhl, Robertta A.

Purkis, Jeanette.

Koopmans, Rachel.

McKillip, Patricia A.

Kimbrough, R. Keller.

Morgan, Page.

Ellenwood, Everett.
    Philadelphia : Biblio Publishing Services, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Sears , George W.
    New York, NY : Skyhorse Publishing, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Williams, Eric.

Robertson, Ian.
    Wooden Spoon.
    La Vergne : G2 Rights Ltd, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Brown, Nick.

Frith, Clifford.

Myers, William Starr.

McMillan, Amber.

Brown, Jeremy.

Wayman, Tom.

O'Neill, Hugh.

Calhoun, Ward.

Conard, Mark T.

    La Vergne : Crown House Publishing, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Latimer, Alex.
    La Vergne : Pavilion Books, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Nowra, Louis.

Ducornet, Rikki.
    Word "Desire".
    Normal, IL : Columbia University Press, 2005.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gookin, Dan.

Murdoch, Iris.

Recinos, Harold J.
    Word Simple.
    Eugene : Wipf and Stock Publishers, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lodato, Suzanne M.

Youmans, Greg.

Ward, Keith.

Guthrie, Nancy.

Guinness, Abby.

Leary, Stephanie.

Jones, Alison.

Bernhard, Jim.

Stavreva, Kirilka.

Pole, Nicholas.

Perone, James E.

Borghi, Anna M.

Woiwode, Larry.

Folkart, Barbara.

Gebbie, Vanessa.

Jarski, Rosemarie.

O'Keefe Aptowicz, Cristin.

Ha'am, Ahad.

Ards, Angela A.

Chion, Michel.
    Words on Screen.
    New York : Columbia University Press, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Easwaran, Eknath.

St. Germain, Sheryl.

McElhinny, Bonnie S.

Morgan, Alex.

Potkay, Adam.
    Wordsworth's Ethics.
    Baltimore : Johns Hopkins University Press, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Stromberg, Lisen.

Faucette, Joey.

Weddle, Peter.

Hunnicutt, Benjamin.

Nohl, Arnd-Michael.

Jackson, Michael.

Gerber, Alison.

Suarez, Harrod J.

Dowling, Simon.

Kay, Andrea.

Ralph, D.

Oliver, David.
    Crownhill : Authentic Media, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Morrow, David R.

Hirsch, Robert P.

Tanner, J.

Tucker, Kenneth H.

Terkel, Studs.


Richards, Gill.

Haacke, Hans.

Neal, Margaret B.

Asher, Anthony.

Rowson, Richard.

Fisk, Catherine L.

Munnell, Alicia H.

Hill, Kimberly.

Taylor, J.

Ysseldyke, James E.

Bohlinger, Sandra.

Bohlinger, Sandra.

Edwards, Grace.

Jones, Tom.

Eckrich, C.

Larsen, A.D.

Oade, A.

Stewart, P.

Wurm, Julianne.

Butterwick, Shauna.

Bourdillon, Michael.

Hagland, Carol.

Luxmoore, Nick.

Ansell, Gill D.

Milner, Judith.

Gleeson, Patrick.

Sewell, Hári.

Arnold, Elaine.

Heru, Alison M.

Feinstein, Jessie.

Hasluck, Paul N.

de Méneval, Baron Claude-François.

Moss, Greg.
    Working with Odoo.
    Olton Birmingham : Packt Publishing Ltd, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Rodger, Sylvia.

White, Tony.

Baylin, Jonathan.

Milner, Judith.

Robinson, Phil.

Rogers, Vanessa.

Rogers, Vanessa.

Glenn, Ezra Haber.

Daniels, Sue J.

Bean, Jonathan.

Gee, I.

Rassia, Stamatina Th.

Baron, Stefan.

Pireddu, N.

Weinstock, J.

Morwick, J.

Marshall, Chris.

Grissom, Coleen.

Schreiner, Samuel A.

Katovsky, Bill.

Robin, Marie-Monique.

Farrant, M.A.C.

Liardet, Tim.
    World Before Snow.
    Manchester : Carcanet Press Ltd., 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Syson, Lydia.

Altbach, Philip G.

Baheti, Dwarkadas K.

Howe, Geoffrey.

Svendsen, Zoë.
    World Factory.
    La Vergne : Nick Hern Books, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Visser, Wayne.

Walker, Alice.

Grove, Tara.

Tevis, Joni.

Berry, Wendell.

Edson, Evelyn.

Rouaud, Jean.

Ceceri, Kathy.

Ceceri, Kathryn.

Brooks, Stephen G.

Tuttle, Will.

Casey, Patrick.


Sosnicki , Dariusz.
    World Shared.
    Rochester : BOA Editions Ltd., 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Sen, Jai.

Goldberger, Paul.

Collins, David.

Bohne, E.

Phillips, Melanie.

Carolan, Victoria.

Hodges, Adam J.

Catherwood, Christopher.

Murray, Stuart A. P.

Gossage, Carolyn.

Deloria Jr., Vine.

Walker, Alice.

Marquez, Roberto.

Chang, David A.

Stephanou, Irene.

McIvor, Chris.


Cannings, Richard.

Mazzotti, Massimo.

Hellman, Judith Adler.

Otulaja, Femi S.

Gerrold, David.

Herrou, Adeline.

Rutkowski, Chris A.
    World of UFOs.
    Toronto : Dundurn, 2008.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Saddiki, Said.

Cuddy, Luke.

Mauro, Paulo.

Sinclair, Upton.
    World to Win.
    New York : Open Road Media, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Simpson, Jane.
    World without maps.
    Brisbane : IP (Interactive Publications), 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Sinclair, Upton.
    World's End.
    Newburyport : Open Road Media, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Bushrui, Suheil.

Petram, Lodewijk.

Price, Steven D.

Hutchison, Barry.

Quinn, Tom.

Fanthorpe, Lionel and Patricia.

Doyle, Arthur Conan.

Hurter, Bill.

Mahaney, C. J.

Petersen, Alice.
    Worldly Goods.
    New York, NY : Biblioasis, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Tucker, Mary Evelyn.

Costlow, Jane Tussey.

Walsh, Joanna.

Staines, David.

Haldeman, Joe.
    New York : Open Road Media Sci-Fi & Fantasy, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Harland, Richard.
    Surrey : Templar Publishing, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Johnson, M.

McBride, Joe R.

Smith, Anthony Neil.
    : Blasted Heath Ltd, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Jacobson, Jeff.
    St. Charles : Medallion Media Group, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Sutton, William.

Czerkawska, Catherine.

Sherwood, Margaret.
    Worn Doorstep.
    Wellington : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Cole, Arnie.

McNiff, Dawn.
    Worry Magic.
    London : Hot Key Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hornak, Francesca.

Potter, Beverly A.

Ryan, Joseph "Skip".

Spinks, Bryan.

Kauflin, Bob.

Millar, Sandra.

Mawdudi, Sayyid Abul A'la.

Hutchison, Barry.

Kline, Daniel B.

Lydon, Alexandra.

Bardhan-Quallen, Sudipta.

Straw, Leigh.

Le Vann, Kate.
    Worst of Me.
    Dorking : Piccadilly Press, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Rotberg, Robert I.

Marshall, Tim.

Fanning, Rory.

Birnbaum, Lisa.

Casey, Karen.

Williams, Rowan.

Liebert, John.

Nickerson, Mark I.

Crane, Stephen.

Kearley, Sharon.

Büchner, Georg.

Büchner, Georg.

Norton, Andre.
    Wraiths of Time.
    New York : Open Road Media Sci-Fi & Fantasy, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Yamada, Etsuko.

Mort, Terry.

O'Neill, Joe.
    Wrath of the Caid.
    New York : Black Ship Publishing, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

McKee, Alexander.

Vroom, Hendrik M.

McNulty, Tracy.

Harrison, Jamie.

Pathy, Sam.

Pathy, Sam.

Braun, Peter.

Braun, Peter.

Robinson, Harry.

Hannan, Judith.

Media, The Staff of Entrepreneur.

Corbett, Pie.

Corbett, Pie.

Bolton, Gillie.

Johnson, W.

Friedman, Rosemary.

Caldas-Coulthard, Carmen Rosa.

Sword, Helen.

Price, Lynn.

Ballman, Donna.

Crawford, Tad.

Simon, Rachel.

Vetere, Richard.

Burke, David.

Fuchs, Daniel.

Brown, Julie.

Bouchetoux, F.

Wiseman, Carter.

Engel-Pearson, Kim.

Winnett, Susan.

Packer, Clifford D.

Monty, Randall W.

Witt, Graham.

Gullion, Jessica Smartt.

Mizrahi, Janet.

Friedman, Rosemary.
    Writing Game.
    : Arcadia Books Limited, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Ellis, David.

Mora-Flores, Eugenia R.

Gleeson, Jim.

Gleeson, Jim.

Gleeson, Jim.

Cohen, A.

Staunton, Irene.

Jenkin, Nina.

Kettenbach, Ginge.

Sansom, Peter.
    Writing Poems.
    Tyne and Wear : Bloodaxe Books, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Beidler, P.

Brueck, Laura R.

Labbe, J.

Bolton, Gillie.

Foster, James C.

Collins, Stella.

Gorsevski, Ellen W.

Friedland, Andrew J.

Files, Meg.

Sutton, Garrett.

Brusasco, Paolo.

Turner-Vesselago, Barbara.

Bolton, Gillie.

Ziegler, Alan.

Baldwin, Scott.

Blair, Lorrie.

Costello, John.

Lunenburg, Fred C.

Woodrow, L.

Bainbrigge, Susan.

Eidt, Laura M.Sager.

Novrup Redvall, Eva.

Zobel, Justin.

Lior, Linda Newman.

Caulfield, Annie.

Mizrahi, Janet.

Webber, Stephen Lloyd.

Harris, Maggie.

Wetherell, W. D.

Abu Jamal, Mumia.

Staalesen, Gunnar.

McGuinness, Julia.

Adler-Kassner, Linda.

Lanigan, Catherine.

Berger, Stefan.

Driesen, Cynthia Vanden.

Bowering, George.

Faulkner, Sandra L.

Kaiser, W.

Alexopoulos, G.

Harvey, Gordon.

Harvey, Gordon.

Vanderwarker, Tony.

Ette, Ottmar.

Browne, Ivor.

Binfield, Kevin.

Copperman, E. J.

Oliver, Greg.

Switek, Brian.

Chiasson, Paul.

Duncan, Lois.

Electrie Lindsay, Helen.

Osbourne, Lloyd.
    Wrong Box.
    New York : Road, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Liebman, James S.

Birmingham, Stephen.

Rich, John A.

Huff, C. Ronald.

Svenson, Peter.

Haining, Peter.

Salter, Kwame S.

Cooper, James Fenimore.

Gifford, Barry.

Jay Thorn, Harry.

Hewlett, Sylvia Ann.

Epstein, Eve.

Panichello, Joseph J.

Danesi, Marcel.

Taves, Julia.
    X-perience It!.
    Colorado Springs, CO : David C. Cook, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Groarke, Vona.
    Oldcastle : The Gallery Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Nolan, Deborah.

Fogie, Seth.

Lu, Dongsheng.

Lublin, Nancy.

Versluis, Gerald.

Hermes, Dan.

Panigrahy, Nilanchala.

Heslop, Richard.

Andoni, Alan.

Elloway, Dan.

Tafira, Hashi Kenneth.

Wu, Zhongxian.

Simpson, Amelia.

Taylor, G. P.

Calvert, Kathy.

Bar-Zohar, Michael.

Cunliffe, Tom.

Pickthall, Barry.
    Havertown : Fernhurst Books, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Leder, Steven B.

Drewe, James.

Pepe, Phil.

Woods, Bob.

Solares, Ignacio.

Simon, Mark.

Gutman, Bill.

Gutman, Bill.

Crocker, III, H. W.

Duras, Marguerite.

Parkes, Clara.

Zacke, Susanna.

    La Vergne : Bloodaxe Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Souaid, Carolyn Marie.

Amir, Eli.
    London : Halban, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Morrison, Allan.

Chomsky, Noam.

Barter, Dave.

Vettese, Maria Alexandra.

Neustatter, Angela.

Kelly, Kerry.
    Year She Left.
    Toronto : Dundurn, 2008.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Koral, Mary.

Lewes, Diana.

Tekiela, Stan.

Denham, Joe.

Lynn, David.
    Year of Fire.
    : Dzanc Books, 2006.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Dalton, Ryan.

Scanlan, Lawrence.

Jordan, Teresa.

Smith, Patricia A.

Lebedev, Sergei.

Chin, Oliver.

Buti, Roland.

Sher, Antony.

Nickson, Chris.
    Year of the Gun.
    Chicago : The History Press, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Chin, Oliver.

Chin, Oliver.

Chin, Oliver.

Timperlake, Edward.

DeMarinis, Rick.

Jones, E.

Seven, John.

Mei-en, Lo Kwa.
    Farmington : Alice James Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Pillai, Patrick.

Ordubadi, Mammad Said.

Ordubadi, Mammad Said.

Pakradouni, Karim.

Silva-McNeill, Patricia.

Cahan, Abraham.

Jensen, Oskar.
    Yelling Stones.
    London : Hot Key Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book


Slater, Patrick.

Basu, Kunal.

Hwang, David Henry.

Mitchell, Damo.

Porter, Bill.

Rodger, Shelan.
    Yellow Room.
    La Vergne : The Dome Press, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gilman, Charlotte Perkins.
    Yellow Wallpaper.
    New York : Open Road Media, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Jacobs, Linda.
    Yellowstone Series.
    Wauconda : Medallion Media Group, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lackner, Helen.

Mahdi, Kamil.

Jordan, Anna.

Morris, Harry.

Lorca, Federico García.

Moody, Rick.

Shinabarger, Jeff.

Taylor, G. P.

Howell, Gerald Andrew.

    Yesterday's Kin.
    Berkeley : Tachyon Publications, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Rice, Craig.
    Yesterday's Murder.
    Newburyport : Road, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Ingemarsson, Kajsa.

Simic, Goran.

Longyear, Barry.

Kaminsky, Joel S.

Deluxe, Jean-Emmanuel.

Cohen, Santiago.
    Yiddish Fish.
    New York, NY : Sky Pony Press, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lasky, David.

Shapira, Anita.

Norberg, Ulrica.

Grilley, Paul.

Barker, Nicola.
    Yips : A Novel.
    Newburyport : Open Road Media, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Barker, Nicola.
    Yips : A Novel.
    : Open Road Media, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Wilde, Lisa.

Hirschi, Gertrud.

Purperhart, Helen.

Purperhart, Helen.

Bryant, Tiffani.

Lowitz, Leza.

Lowitz, Leza.

Williams, Nancy.

Danford, Jean.

Hauser, Beatrix.

Wright, Katherine.

Rosen, Richard.

Betts, Dion E.

Helbert, Karla.

Longtin, Susan E.

Björkegren, Karin.

Paisley, Michelle.

Krentzman, Rachel.

Calle, Ramiro.
    Yoga in the Jungle.
    Pozuelo de Alarcon : Cuento de Luz, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Desai, Yogi Amrit.

Westen, Robin.

Hitchcock, Fleur.
    Yoghurt Plot.
    London : Hot Key Books, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Quintman, Andrew.

Yoda, Hiroko.

Beram, Nell.

Tawada, Yoko.

Lisick, Beth.

Helm, Leslie.

Myracle, Lauren.
    New York : Abrams, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Shrayer, Maxim D.


Wilder, Cherry.
    Yorath the Wolf.
    New York : Open Road Distribution, 2016.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Rotherham, Ian D.

Nickerson, Janice.

Levitt, Paul C.

Rustamova, Leonora.

Muir, John.

Kaiser, James.

Denny, Glenn.

Longstreet, Stephen.

Manu, Richie.

Sikelianos, Eleni.

Yaw, Sarah.

Sumner, Ged.

Neugeboren, Jay.

Mack, Peter.
    You Are Not Alone.
    SG : Marshall Cavendish International, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Nisker, Wes "Scoop".

Santomauro, Josie.

Campbell, Robert W.

Smith, Hyrum W.

Flieger, Jon.

Morton, John.

Hutegger, Thomas.

Suzuki, David.

Elkins, J.

Hatter, Sky.

Adams, H. Clark.

Bradley, Jane.
    You Believers.
    Lakewood, CO : Unbridled Books, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Chester, Tim.

Benedetti, Paul.

Nachsin, Robert J.

Herzog, Amy.

Cormack, Robert Bruce.

Cutler, Sam.

Lynas, Em.

Black, Jack.
    You Can't Win.
    Port Townsend : Feral House, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Reich, David.

Schuchardt, Read Mercer.

Blatnik, Andrej.
    You Do Understand.
    Normal, IL : Columbia University Press, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Allison, Susan.

Tatelbaum, Judy.

Vaswani, Neela.

Rickert, Mary.

Paul, Barbara.

Mansbach, Adam.

Rosenblum-Lowden, Renee.

Gray Smith, Monique.
    You Hold Me Up.
    Victoria : Orca Book Publishers, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Hayden, Gary.

Lardner, Ring.

Fraser, Ben.

Fraser, Ben.

Gauge, Steven.

Meyers Drysdale, Ann.

Chandler, Richy K.

Crane, Elizabeth.

Bodewits, Karin.

Bazzett, Michael.

Mancini, Donato.

Komrad, Mark S.

Vitug, Jason.

Hoolboom, Mike.

Hallas, Richard.

Gustine, Amy.

Alexander, Prioleau.

Blumenfeld, Jeff.

Schroeder, Kevin.

Riva, Maria.

Bitton, Erez.

Erickson, Erick.

Kets de Vries, Manfred F.R.

Nye, Naomi Shihab.
    You and Yours.
    Rochester : BOA Editions Ltd., 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Taylor, Steven S.

Horowitz, David.

Marsh, Charis.

Hall, Roger.

Stewart, Wayne.

Stewart, Wayne.

Townsend, Sue.

Bainbridge, Beryl.

Cart, Michael.

Cart, Michael.

Cole, Steve.
    Young Bond.
    London : Ian Fleming Publications, 2017.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Lane, Jane.

Cutter-Mackenzie, Amy.

Alderson, Priscilla.

Truesdale, David.

Foundation, The Citizenship.

Bow, James.

Helm, Judy Harris.

Möller, Christine.

Gonzalez, Virginia M.

Langdale, Tom.

Hope, Anthony.
    Young Man's Year.
    Auckland : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Frank, Ze.

Spike, John T.

Luxmoore, Nick.

Taylor, Claire.

Harvey, Joel.

Luxmoore, Nick.

Anghel, Roxana.

McCarthy, Jane Ribbens.

Maggini, Nicola.

de la Roche, Mazo.
    Young Renny.
    Toronto : Dundurn, 2009.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Fenn, George Manville.
    Young Robin Hood.
    Wellington : The Floating Press, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Blizzard, Christina.

Bourus, T.

Marshall, Shelly.

Farhi, Moris.

Ashford, Daisy.
    Young Visiters.
    Chicago : Chicago Review Press, 2005.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Sherman, Delia.

Wosskow, Jilly.

Khosravi, Shahram.

Cunningham, Ted.

Rule, Jane.

Hanvold, T.N.

George, David.

Hansen, Collin.

Bula, Ania.

Russell, Mark James.

Bridgstock, Robert.

Young, Alan.

Danielsdottir, Sigrun.

Danielsdottir, Sigrun.

Levy, David B.

Beer, Steven C.

Satter, Ellyn.

Johns, Beverley H.

Stevens, Mark.

Nelson, Matthew J.

Taylor, James.

Steinhart, E.

Walsh, Anne.

Paul, Barbara.

Strohmer, Gary.

Deak, JoAnn.

Gallaher, John.

Déon, Michel.

Garnero, Theresa.

Garnero, Theresa.

Strozier, Charles B.

Michaelis, Dr R.

Scholtens, Martina.

Weidmann, Jim.

Meeker, Meg.

Soltis, Andrew.

Platt, Harvey J.

Romero, Philip J.

Schache, Ruediger.

Clift, Jon.

Tondeur, Keith.

Cavallucci, Danielle.

Hall, Rebecca.

Steffens, Barbara.

Caldwell, Taylor.

Santomauro, Josie.

Santomauro, Josie.

Carter, Margaret-Anne.

Walsh, Ann.

Hutchison, David.

Binnewies, Robert O.

Reiter, David P.

Bass, Eleanor.

Staalesen, Gunnar.
    Yours Until Death.
    London : Arcadia Books Limited, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

de Kloet, Jeroen.

Pastore, Francesco.

Franzese, Robert J.

Chaskin, Robert.

White, R.

Hill, Malcolm.

Nash, Sally.

Armitage, James.

Black, J.

France, Alan.

Duffy, P.

Cather, Willa.

Baum, Daniel J.

Carpenter, Sara.

Giroux, H.

Albæk, Karsten.

Bastien, Sheri.

Woollcombe, David.

Voelz, Richard W.

Váradi, Luca.

Pimlott, Jo.

Aspinall, Edward.

Obradovic, Dragana.

Langdon, Margaret.
    Yuman Texts.
    Chicago : University of Chicago Press Journals, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Davisson, Zack.

Kenemore, Scott.

LaBonte, Suzy.

Srsen, Ivan.
    Zagreb Noir.
    New York : Akashic Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Pavon, Mar.

Rahman, Mushfiqur.

Ryan, Ramor.

Miles, Barry.

Badía, E.

Veselka, Vanessa.
    New York : Cursor, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Simon, Christoph.
    Zbinden's Progress.
    High Wycombe : And Other Stories Publishing, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Vandermerwe, Meg.
    Zebra Crossing.
    London : Oneworld Publications, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Shulman, Max.

Sanders, Prentice Earl.

Hardie, Kerry.

McClung, Elizabeth.
    Vancouver : Arsenal Pulp Press, 2006.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

J. Wood, Graham.

J. Wood, Graham.

El Saadawi, Nawal.
    London : Saqi, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Cline, Sally.

Pine, Red.

Grigg, Ray.
    Zen Brushpoems.
    North Clarendon : Tuttle Publishing, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book


Barragato, Stefano Mui.

McNeill, Suzanne.
    Zen Mandalas.
    Philadelphia : Biblio Publishing Services, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

McDaniel, Richard Bryan.

Low, Albert.

Aviman, Galit.

Ferguson, Pat.

Callaway, Tucker N.

Luck, Susan L.

Blackmore, Susan.

Winkler, Ira.

Parr, Peter.

Kenemore, Scott.

Coop-Phane, Oscar.
    Zenith Hotel.
    London : Arcadia Books Limited, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Fink, Joanne.

McNeill, Suzanne.

McNeill, Suzanne.

McNeill, Suzanne.

McNeill, Suzanne.

McNeill, Suzanne.

McNeill, Suzanne.

McNeill, Suzanne.

McNeill, Suzanne.

Young, Francis.

Hamwee, John.

Terry, Chris L.
    Zero Fade.
    : Curbside Splendor Publishing, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Chatterjee, Keya.

Norman, Richard.
    Zero Kelvin.
    Emeryville : Biblioasis, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Benson, Raymond.
    Zero Minus Ten.
    East Rutherford : Ian Fleming Publications, 2012.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Pearson, Wendy Gay.

Young, Francis.

Norton, Andre.
    Zero Stone.
    New York : Open Road Media Sci-Fi & Fantasy, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Godrey Cook, Martin.

Shai, A.

Mancosu, Paolo.

Sweet, Mark.
    Zhu Mao.
    Wellington : Huia (NZ) Ltd, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Zhu, Rongji.

Zhu, Rongji.

Kohn, Livia.

Wang, Bo.

Booth, Nicholas.

Webb, Alexander.

Díaz-Menéndez, Marta.

Mwanaka, R.

Mbongeni, Z.Malaba.

Boghardt, Thomas.

Weeks, Laurie.
    Zipper Mouth.
    New York : The Feminist Press at CUNY, 2011.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Cosgrove, Stephen.
    Zippity Zoom.
    : Heritage Builders, 2014.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Corelli, Marie.

Flisfeder, M.

Cobb, Amelia.

Cobb, Amelia.

Cobb, Amelia.

Cobb, Amelia.

Cobb, Amelia.

Cobb, Amelia.

Cobb, Amelia.

Cobb, Amelia.

Harrow, Susan.

Redfern, Nick.

Quiggin, John.

Sacchetto, Rob.

Browning, John Edgar.

Miller, Josh.

Kenemore, Scott.

Kenemore, Scott.

Fischer, Rusty.

Fischer, Rusty.

Fischer, Rusty.

Kenemore, Scott.

Jones, Stephen.

Greene, Richard.

Sacchetto, Rob.

Dovlatov, Sergei.

Lav, Brian.
    Zone System.
    New York, NY : Amherst Media, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Stewart, Paul.

Énard, Mathias.
    Rochester : Open Letter, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Tyler, J.A.
    Zoo, a Going.
    Westland : Dzanc Books, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Mollart, Jamie.
    Dingwall : Sandstone Press Ltd, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Johnson, William S.

Patterson, Tiffany Ruby.

Kociejowski, Marius.

Rastogi, Veer Bala.

Rastogi, Veer Bala.

Jennison, Ruth.

Beerbohm, Max.
    Zuleika Dobson.
    New York : Open Road Media, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Yorke, Edmund.

Greaves, Adrian.

Werner, Markus.
    Zundel's Exit.
    Normal, IL : Columbia University Press, 2013.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Gunther, Max.
    Zurich Axioms.
    London : Souvenir Press, 2010.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Vincent, Matthew.

Rostock, Melanie.

Gottlieb, Julie V.

Price, Eoin.

Clarke, Austin.
    Toronto : Dundurn, 2015.
    GA: UNIV Electronic Book
    Electronic Book

Szlezák, Klara Stephanie.

Bell, Lenore.

Joseph, Paul.

Schmutz, John.

Baisnée, Valérie.

Shenk, G.

Wheeler, M.