WRLC has established an automated procedure for transmitting data to Iron Mountain for new boxes being sent for storage. This process utlizes the data already entered in the Voyager database for the items. Each item to be transferred to Iron Mountain should have an item record attached to a bibliographic record in the Voyager database. The steps for creating a data file to be sent to Iron Mountain are outlined below.
For each box that will be transferred to Iron Mountain for storage, there should be an item record in the Voygaer database. Each item record should contain the following elements:
When all item records have been updated, a file of the Voyager item barcodes should be created and stored on your workstation (the Voyager item barcode is the 14 digit barcode beginning with a "3"). The simplest way to do this is by scanning the barcodes. The file should be in plain text format (.txt) and contain one barcode per line, and only the item barcodes should be included. (See the following example)
32882018933369 |
32882018933377 |
32882018933385 |
32882018723067 |
32882018933393 |
32882018933401 |
The data sent to Iron Mountain must be in a specific format. A web form is available on the WRLC Library Staff Intranet that accepts the file of barcodes created in the last step as input and creates an appropriate data file. The file is in a delimited text format, and needs to be imported into an Excel spreadsheet for Iron Mountain.
The steps required to create the Excel spreadsheet are:
Once the Excel spreadsheet with the data has been created it should be sent to:
Box pickups can be arranged using the IMConnect website. For IMConnect accounts and training, contact Bruce Hulse at WRLC (hulse@wrlc.org).