Journal of criminal justice 0047 2352 44 2016 58 65 MU 2016-10-27 10:13:56 2955282 !JOURNAL TITLE ISSN PUBLISHER PUBLISH PLACE VOLUME ISSUE YEAR START PAGE END PAGE BORROW LIB LENDING LIB REQUEST DATE CLS # Medicine and science in sports and exercise. 0195-9131 Lippincott Williams and Wilkins [etc.] [Baltimore, et cetera] Cardiorespiratory responses to ballet exercise and the VO2max of elite ballet dancers. / Pages: 212-217 MU WR 2016-10-02 13:28:00 2942200 Pediatrics in review 10057538 Otitis media. / Pages: 102-116 MU 2016-03-04 13:40:58 2861888